HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-23\- \- PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said RES.LUTT.N No bt3 A RESOLUTION ofthe City Council ofthe City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending portions of the City of Port Angeles' Utility Rate Schedule. WHEREAS, Port Angeles Municipal Code section 1.25.010 states that except when otherwise stated, any fee or charge due or referenced in the PAMC will be set forth in the City's fee and rate schedule; and WHEREAS, a cost of services analysis (COSA) serves as a guide for budgeting and controlling the financial parameters of the various City programs and services funded in said budget; and WHEREAS, a COSA was performed for the utility rates by the City's Cost and Capital Accountant; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of City govemment to periodically update and revise its Utility Rate Schedule to ensure the financial resources to support effective and efficient delivery of utility services; and WHEREAS, the attached amendments to the City's Utility Rate Schedule are comparable to the fees charged by similar corlmunities and are appropriate to ensure continuing delivery of utility services, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, WashinBton, that the City of Port Angeles Utility Rate Schedule adopted September 5, 2023, is hereby amended in its entirety and superseded, effective January 1,2024,by the City of Port Angeles Utility Rate Schedule shown on the attached Exhibit A.; and That the City Clerk and Finance Director, and their designees, are authorized and directed to make such organizational, structuring, and formatting changes to the City of Port Angeles Utility Rate Schedule as are appropriate to improve the consistency and ease-of-use of the Utility Rate Schedule. \- Council held on the lTth day of October 2023. T: Dexter, Mayor t n Kari Martinez- APPRO AS TO FORM:, a City --r'\ a> Attachment A CITY OF PORT ANGELES UTILITY RATE SCHEDULE AND OTHER RELATED FEES Effective Janua ry 1 _, 2024 Resolution No. /O -d Contents Electric Schedule R-O3-Residential service. Schedule GS-03-General service ................ Schedule GD-03-General service demand... Schedule GD-04-General service demand-Primary metered Schedule PS-03-Primary service-Customer owned Schedule PS-04-Primary service-City owned Sched ule lT-1 1 -l ndustrial transmission.......... Sched ule L-03-Lighting Schedule Mw-O3-Municipal water pumping Residential Discount rate....... Commercial Temporary service and fire hydrant water use Municipal Sched ule NP-O3-Nonprofit 1. 1 L 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 Non-taxable Federal lndustrial usage rate-Within City Water service rate for user outside City limits lrrigation rate Resale rate Solid Waste Schedule R-01-Residential weekly service Schedule R-02-Residential every other week service,............. ......... 10 .......L2 10 11. 1L TI 12 13 14 L5 15 17 18 18 19 Schedule R-O3-Residential yard waste service Schedule R-O4-Residential temporary service. Schedule C-0 1 -Commercial 90-gallon service.................. Schedule C-02-Commercial, Municipal and Federal 300-gallon service......... Schedule C-O3-Commercial recycling service ., Schedule C-O4-Commercial temporary service Schedule l-03-l ndustrial temporary service... i \- \- Other recycling , yard waste, and cardboard recycling requirements ........... 19 Solid Waste Processing Facility Rates .................20 Collection entities ..................20 Self-haulers 20 Class A compost at the transfer station............. ..................23 Stormwater Utility Rates..... .........24 Stormwater rebates........... .......24 Single residential unit monthly rate......... ..............25 Commercial and industrial 26 Non-taxable Federal 27 Commercial and industrial equivalent plumbing fixture rate 28 Rate for customers outside City 1imits............. ..................28 Ambulance Service and Medic I Public Utility.. .....29 Base Rates and Fees ...........29 Medicaid adjustment............ ................30 il \- Electric * Please note that rates adopted on September 5,2023 inadvertently contained rates from previously approved years. This document shows the most current rates approved by City Council. An * symbolizes that the rate has been corrected. Schedu le R-03-Residentia I service non-discounted base 34.41lmonth non-discounted energy 0.06130/kwh 25o/o discount base 25.79lmonth 25o/o discount energy 0.04599tkwh 35o/o discount base 22.35lmonth 350/0 discount energy 0.03986/kwh charge $29,17* charge $0,06595* charge $21,87* charge $0,0 I9 I8* charge $18,95* charge $0.0 1288* Schedule GS-03-Genera I service Base chorge per month: Single phase 42.51 Three phase 94.09 Municipal traffic signal.... ............$326€e 350.52 Municipal street light....... ............$Z3A-8AF*- 252.42 Municipal emergency management system.. .....$49,55* 53.27 $3645* $83,31* a 1 1 \- \. City's unmetered security camera system ..$5,15* 5.54 &5.54 Municipal single phase.... .............$35,02* 40.1 0 Municipal three phase.... ..............$80,19* 88.79 Federal single phase.... ...$36€7* 42.34 Federal three phase.... ....$82, 13* 91.75 Energy usoge chorge per kWh, per the list below: Single phase.... ............$0,06095*' 0.0s782 Th ree phase.... .............$0,063 13* 0.05934 singleMunicipal phase....AAA o*0.06229 Municipal three phase.... ...........$9077 !8* 0.07055 Municipal street light and traffic signals... .............$Oi0537S 0.06179 Federal single phase.... ..............$0,060 l0* 0.05706 Federal three phase.... $03623;E 0.05838 Schedule GD-03-General service demand Bose charge per month: Single phase.... ..$75,56* 87.94 2 \- 1 Three phase.... $151,93* 161.41 Municipal single phase.... $80,62* 95.10 Municipal three phase.... .............$151,07* 160.05 Federal single phase.... ....$7 1,78* 70.71 Federal three phase.... ..$150,3 !* 161.89 Energy usoge chorge per kWh per the list below: Single phase.... $0'05257* 0.05198 Th ree phase.... .............$0,05212* 0.0s166 Municipal phase Municipal phase Federal phase Federal phase Billing demond per kVA: Demand usage charge...$4.462 Schedule N P-03-Nonprofit single ......... $0,05536* 0.05467 three .......... $0s5+8G 0.05 1 37 single .$0,05227* 0.05186 three ..$0,051 t0* 0.05098 Bose charge per month: Single phase.... .$3A2#- 39.59 3 \- \-" Three phase.... ..$75,99* 83.97 Energy usoge chorge per kWh: Single phase.... ..$0,05 186* 0.05370 Th ree phase.... $0,05589* 0.05417 Schedule GD-04-General service demand-Primary metered Base chorge per month: Single phase.... .$91,02* 109.22 Three phase.... $24354t- 292.21 Energt usoge chorge per kwh....... $0,0 195* 0.04802 Billing demond per kVA: Demand usage charge... .. $4.462 Schedule PS-03-Primary service-Customer owned Base chorge per month............ $518.75* s83.59 Energt usage chorge per kWh: All billings between June 1 and August 31 0.03475 All billings between September 1 and May 31 .......... 0.0s683 Billing demand per kYA of billing demand $0,0351* 4 \- $0,057 l* 1 Demand usage charge... $4.462 Federol rotes: Base charge per month........... . $SgZ:+ 565.19 Energy usage charge per kwh....... .. $0,0 1912* 0.04765 Billing demand ... $4.462 Schedule PS-04-Primary service-City owned Bose chorge per month.... $518.75* s83.s9 Energt usoge charge per kWh: All billings between June 1 and August 31 0.03475 $0,0351* A!! billings between September 1 and May 31 $0,057 l* 0.0s683 Billing demond per kVA: Demand usage charge... $4.462 Federol rates: 1 Base charge per month........... . $502,39* 565.19 Energy usage charge per kwh....... $0,0 1912* 0.04765 Schedule lT-1 1 -lndustrial transmission Customer Charge .....per PAMC 13.12.025(HX5Xc) Demand charges for service........... .....per PAMC 13.12.025(HX5Xd) Load shaping charges and credits........... ...........per PAMC 13.12.O25(HX5Xe) Basic charge... ...$4,700/month 5 1 \-lT network services charge............. ..........$300.00/monthl Transmission charges. ............month1y wholesale cost to the City2 Other fees and taxes ............ ...........per PAMC 13.12.025(HX5X0-(S) Schedule L-03-Lighti ng3 Lighting owned by the Public Works and Utilities Deportment: Forty watts/4,100 lumens or !ess........ ... $12.43 More than 40 watts 14,100lumens, but 70 watts/7,500 lumens or !ess........ $17.94 More than 70 watts 17 ,500 lumens, but 1 1 0 watts 112,500 lumens or less... $1 9.96 More than 1 10 wattsl12,500lumens.. .. $23.16 Existing lighting which remoins owned by the customer: Forty watts/4,100 lumens or |ess........ ..... $9.94 More than 40 watts14,100lumens, but 70 watts/7,500 lumens or less. ....... $1 4.37 More than 70 watts 17,5O0lumens, but 1 10 watts 112,500lumens or less... $15.95 More than 1 10 watts/12,500 lumens.. ... $18.50 Schedule MW-03-Municipal water pumping Basic charge per month........... $A,24* 87.67 Energy usage charge per kWh between June 1 and August 31 High load hours..... $0,03 12* 0.03386 Low load hours..... $O'OlAn- 0.01792 Energy usage charge per kWh between September 1 and May 31 High load hours..... $0,0578 0.05722 1 lncluding telecommunications tax. 2 Based on the metered energy and demand associated with providing service 3 Monthly charges. 5 \- \- Low load hours..... $0,8277 0.02742 Billing demand: Hearry load hours..... . based on the maximum hour of kVA All other months and hours.... $ 1,02* 4.02tkvA Water * Please note that rates adopted on September 5,2023 inadvertently contained rates from previously approved years. This document shows the most current rates approved by City Council. An * symbolizes that the rate has been corrected. Reside ntia I Monthly residential flat rate........ $105.25* Monthly non-discounted residentia! metered rate-Within City $40.86* Metered consumption for up to 1,000 cubic feet........ $2.521*/100 cubic feet consumed Additional consumption up to 1,500 cubic feet........ $3.186*/100 cubic feet con su med Additional consumption beyond 1,500 cubic feet........ consumed a 7 with 5/8-inch meter $40.86* with 3/4-inch meter $40.86* 1-inch meter $40.86* 1-1 /2-inch meter $40.86* 2-inch meter $3.841*/100 cubic feet Service Size Base rate 250/o Discount $30.64* 350/o Discount $26.56* \-Discount rate 250/0 discount metered consumption per cubic feet.................$t .522/100 cubic feet consumed 350/o discount metered consumption per cubic feet............. ..$1 .3191100 cubic feet consumed Commercial \- Metered consumption charge $2.596*/100 cubic feet consumed 8 with 5/8-inch meter $45.46* with 3/4-inch meter $45.46* 1-inch meter $77.99* $132.21*1-1 /2-inch meter 2-inch meter $197.27* 3-inch meter $370.76* $565.94*4-inch meter 6-inch meter $1,108.09* 8-inch or 10-inch meter $1,758.68* \- Discount amount Monthly Rate Service Size Monthly Rate $41.91with 5/8-inch meter with 314-inch meter $41 .91 $72.841-inch meter $124.401-1 l2-tnch meter $186.272-inch meter 3-inch meter $3s1.26 $s36.884-inch meter $1,052.476-inch meter $1,671.188-inch or 1O-inch meter Temporary service and fire hydrant water use Metered consumption charge M u nicipal .$2.0350/100 cubic feet consumed 9 $43.41*with S/S-inch meter with 3/4-inch meter $43.41* 1-inch meter $74.48* 1-1 /2-inch meter $126.25* 2-inch meter $188.38* Service Size Monthly Rate Service Size Monthly Rate \- \- 3-inch meter $354.05* 4-inch meter $540.43* Metered consumption charge Non-taxable Federa I Metered consumption charge consumed lndustrial usage rate-Within City Metered consumption........ consumed $2.479* / 100 cubic feet consumed $2.409*1100 cubic feet with 5/8-inch meter $42.19* with 3/4-inch meter $42.19* 1-inch meter $72.37* $122.68* 2-inch meter $183.05* 3-inch meter $344.04* $525.15*4-inch meter 6-inch meter $1,028.24* 8-inch meter $1,631 .94* \-. 10 $2.364*/100 cubic feet Service Size Monthly rate 1-1 /2-tnch meter Water service rate for user outside City limits 1 50 percent of the schedule for rates and charges lrrigation rate with 5/8-inch meter 1-inch meter 2-inch meter 4-inch meter Metered consumption $2.479* 11 00 cubic feet consumed Resa le ratea Monthly and usage metered rates... ........see applicable rates above Water consumption surcharge..... $0.0052/gallon in excess of 100,000 gallons o Any fees charged by the customer to the subsequent purchaser are subject to the approval of the Director. $37.08* with 314-inch meter service $37.08* $68.15* 1-1 l2-inch meter $119.92* $182.05* 3-inch meter $347.72* $534.10* 11 Seruice Size Rate \- \- Solid Waste * Please note that rates adopted on September 5,2023 inadvertently contained rates from previously approved years. This document shows the most current rates approved by City Council. An * symbolizes that the rate has been corrected. 90-gallon refuse container - Standard rate $39S7 43.375lmonth 90-gallon refuse containe r - 25% Discount $30-235 32.81lmonth 9O-gallon refuse container -350/o Discount $26JOS 28.435lmonth $1 5/occurrence upon requestAdditiona! refuse container collection 96-ga llon recycling container/bi- weekly collection No charge $30/per occurrenceChange from Schedule R-01- Residential Weekly Service to Schedule R-02-Residential Every- Other-Week Service by same person at the same location Requests a recycling container where the recycling service has been voluntarily discontinued or $30/per occurrence I\-' L2 Service Rate/Fee Schedule R-01 -Residential weekly service terminated in accordance with PAMC 13.54.050.H by same person at the same location No chargeResume recycling service if the same person at the same service location voluntari ly term inates water, wastewater, ga rbage collection, and recycling services, but electric service is maintained $26J4 31 .17llmonth90-gallon refuse container - Standard rate 90-gallon refuse container -25% Discount $2OS5 23.39/month $17,38 20.27lmonth90-gallon refuse container -35o/o Discount Additional refuse container collection $1 S/occurrence upon request 96-gallon recycling containe r lbi- weekly collection No charge Change from Schedule R-02- Residentia! Every Other Week Service to Schedule R-01 -Residential $30/per occurrence s Minimum rates for any single dwelling or multiple dwelling, except as allowed by PAMC 13.20 13 Service Rate/Fee Schedule R-02-Residential every other week services \, \- 6 Does not apply to any changes or requests made during the two weeks after the effective date of any amendments to the rates under Schedule R-01 or Schedule R-02 7 Does not apply to any changes or requests made during the two weeks after the effective date of any amendments to the rates under Schedule R-01 or Schedule R-02 8 one collection of yard waste every other week during the months of March through November and once per month during the months of December through February Weekly Service by same person at the same location Requests a recycling container where the recycling service has been voluntarily discontinued or terminated in accordance with PAMC 13.54.050.H by same person at the same locations $30/per occurrence Resume recycling service if the same person at the same service location voluntari ly term i nates water, wastewater, garbage collection, and recycling services, but electric service is maintainedT No charge 96-gallon yard waste container8 $8,875 1 0.1 65/month/container Requests by same customer at the same service location for yard waste service where the yard waste service has been terminated $30/occurrence \-t4 Schedule R-O3-Residential yard waste service Service Rate/Fee $30/occurrenceEach additional yard waste container if the additiona! container is discontinued by the same customer at the same service location within a period of 120 days No chargeResume yard waste service if the same person at the same service location volunta rily terminates water, wastewater, garbage collection, and yard waste services, but where electric service is maintained $30/occurrence90-gallon or 300-gallon temporary refuse container delivery $8.00/occurrence90-gallon tempo rary refuse container collection $23.25loccurrence300-gallon tempo rary refuse container collection Commercial service classification: 90- gallon refuse container per week and $37€8' 40.81/month e Requests to deliver, remove and collect a temporary refuse container must be made at least 24 hours in advance 15 Schedule R-O4-Residential temporary servicee Schedule C-01 -Commercial 90-gallon service Service Rate/Fee \- l- semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container Commercial service classification: Additional 90-gallon refuse container per week and additional weekly collection refuse container $37€8 40.81lmonth Municipal service classification: 90- gallon refuse container per week and semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container fiAJA 38.205/month M un icipa! service classification: Additional 90-gallon refuse conta iner per week and additional weekly collection refuse container fiAJa 38.205/month Federal government classification: 90- gallon refuse container per week and semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container $3+37 37 .l29lmonth Federa! government classification: Additional 90-gallon refuse conta iner per week and additional weekly collection refuse container $3 37 37 .029/month 16 Service Rate/Fee 'o May be shared by up to five persons upon City approval. Rates for each person will be determined by the City based on each person's waste volume and/or weight and Schedule C-O2-Commercial 300- gallon service, but will be no less than the rate for Schedule C-01-Commercial 90-gallon service. The rate for restricted use containers required by the City will be assigned based on each commercial dwelling's waste volume and/or weight and Schedule C-O2-Commercial 300-gallon service, but will be no less than the rate for Schedule C-01-Commercial 90-gallon service. L7 $97,61 111.605lmonthCommercial service classification: 300-gallon refuse container per week and semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container $97.61 111 .605lmonthCommercial service classification: Additiona! 300-gallon refuse container per week and additional weekly collection refuse container $92,775 1 05.63/monthMunicipal service classification: 300- gallon refuse container per wbek and semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container M u nicipal service classification: Additiona! 300-gallon refuse container per week and additional weekly collection refuse container $92,775 1 05.63/month $9.x.-69 107.5g5lmonthFederal government classification: 300-gallon refuse container per week Service Rate/Fee Schedule C-02-Commercial, Municipal and Federal 300-gallon servicel o \- and semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container Federal government classification: Additional 300-gallon refuse container per week and additional weekly collection refuse container $9{s9 107.sgslmonth Commercial recycling service in addition to semi-weekly collection of cardboard - one recycling container per week $15,705 40.49/month Commercial recycling seruice in addition to semi-weekly collection of cardboard - each additional recycling container per week $15,705 40.49lmonth 90-gallon refuse container $6,00 8J00/collection 300-gallon refuse container $21 .00lcollection Temporary 90- or 300-gallon refuse container delivery $30.00 \- 18 Service Rate/Fee Schedule C-O3-Commercial recycling service Schedule C-04-Commercial temporary service $6-o0 8.00/collection90-gallon refuse container $21 .00lcollection300-gallon refuse container $30.00Temporary 90- or 300-gallon refuse container delivery Semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container for a commercial building or industrial facility that does not receive solid waste collection service 19 Service Rate/Fee Schedule l-03-lndustrial temporary service Other recycling, yard waste, and cardboard recycling requirements \- Solid Waste Processing Facility Rates 11 Does not include Washington State solid waste collection tax 12 Rate may be waived or reduced by up to 50% per Chapter 13.57 PAMC. 13 $10.00 minimum fee 14 $10.00 minimum fee 1s $5.00 minimum fee. Municipal solid waste (ton) $1 19- 18 169.91 $2s.s1 $1 I 1,99 195.42 Clean yard waste (ton) $3rs 196.06 $196.06 Biosolids (ton)$rJ9S9 169.91 $169.91 ${sS&r 203.64 $29.62 $185, t3 233.26 Non-taxable Federal agencies - Municipal solid waste (ton)13 ${93S8 2M.03 ${62S9 213.04 $30.99 All others (non- Federal agencies) - Municipal solid waste (ton)14 $4893 242.34$4893 242.34 Non-taxable Federal agencies - Clean yard waste (ton)1s \- 20 Type Rate 11 Surcharge, if appliable Total Collection entities Self-haulersl2 All others (non- Federal agencies) - Clean yard waste (ton)16 $s+19 253.52 $5{# 253.52 Unsecured load $ 1 0.00 Recyclable materials deposited into recycling drop-off facility No Charge Acceptable household hazardous waste received at the transfer station No Charge Acceptable moderate-risk waste received at the moderate-risk waste facility from residents covered under ILA No Charge Tires (per ton)$18 l, 18 2M.03 $18 t, t8 2M.03 Asbestos (per ton)$41 1,02 449.89 $411 ,02 449.89 Metal & White Goods (per ton) $78, l0 117.40 $78. t0 117.40 Environmental Fee (per unit)$ruw $2s€+39.41 16 $5.00 minimum fee. 2L II - I l I \- \- Self Haul- Contaminated Soils (per ton) Non-taxable Federal agencies - Tires (per ton) Non-taxable Federal agencies-- Asbestos (per ton) Non-taxable Federal agencies -Metal & White Goods (per ton) Non-taxable Federa! agencies - Environmental Fee (per unit) Non-taxable Federal agencies - Contaminated Soils (per ton) Charity municipal solid waste (ton)17 Municipal solid waste (ton) - Blue Mountain Drop-Box Non-taxable Federal agencies - Municipal solid waste (ton) - Blue Mountain Drop-Box $2r&s2 492.93 $2J€s2 492.93 $176,35 233.27 $176,35 233.27 $392SO 430.05 $392SO 430.0s $7 1,9 I 112.22 $7 l.o I 112.22 $w!_44 $24eW $208^88 471.19 $208^88 471.19 $92J61 1 6.90$ru101.40 $1s.s0 $30.99 $2s6€9 322.90$22sSO 291.91 $30.8s $zssJ?325.92$w 2,19541 \- 17 $10.00 minimum fee. 22 Recyclable materials - Blue Mountain Drop-Box Acceptable household hazardous waste - Blue Mountain Drop-Box Class A compost at the transfer station Any Customer 4-49 Any Customer 50-99 Any Customer 100-299 Any Customer 300 or more 18 Washington State sales tax will be added to the prices listed above. No Charge No Charge Any Customer 1-3 $20.00 $17.00 $16.00 $ 1 4.00 $1s.00 23 1 Category Quantity Cubic Yards Price Per Cubic Yard18 $1s.00 Schools, Non-profit, or Government Agencies four or more \-- \- stormwater utility Ratesle * Please note that rates adopted on September 5,2023 inadvertently contained rates from previously approved years. This document shows the most current rates approved by City Council. An * symbolizes that the rate has been corrected. Annual Rates Single-family and duplex residential property (non-discounted)............. $204d0e' 229.59 Single-family and duplex residential property (25o/o discount) 172.19 $153,05* Single-family and duplex residential property (35o/o discount).............. .. $132,5 [* 149.23 Commercial/multiple property ..... $203;O3t' 228.67x (total impervious area / 3,000 s0'o Non-taxable federal property ....... $193,55* 224.10x (tota! impervious area / 3,000 s02', Stormwater rebates Permeable pavement......... .....$1 .00/sf towards materials, up to $1,000.00 max rebate per household/business Compost amended soils. ......voucher for 10 cubic yards of Garden Glory compost Rain gardens .. rebate for materials, up to $1,000.00 max per household/business 1e city streets, state highways, private streets with storm and surface facilities in place meeting City standards, and other public or private owned properties or portions thereof having their own NpDES permitted storm and surface water runofffacilities which do not discharge to Cityfacilities are exempt from the monthly charges set forth above. 20 Minimum annual fee $228,67* 228.67: maximum annual fee not more than 25* 50x min. rate. 21 Minimum annual fee $224,10* 224.10: maximum annual fee not more than 25't 50x min. rate. \-24 Wastewater rate s22 * Please note that rates adopted on September 5,2023 inadvertently contained rates from previously approved years. This document shows the most current rates approved by City Council. An * symbolizes that the rate has been corrected. Single residential unit monthly rate 22 Does not apply when exempt by Chapter 13.61 PAMC or to a connection to City water system for agricultural and irrigation purposes in accordance with Chapter 13.44 PAMC. 25 Base Rate CSO Rate Total With 5/8-inch meter $34.96*$13.92 $48.88* With 3/4-inch meter $43.98*$13.92 $57.90* With 1-inch meter $62.02*$13.92 $75.94* With 1-1/2-inch meter $107.12*$13.92 $121.04* Base Rate CSO Rate Total 250/o Discount $26.22*$10.26 $36.48* 350/o Discount $22.72*$8.89 $31.61* Wastewater usage CSO usage Total usage Residentia I non-discou nt $4.910*$1.540*$6.450* Resi d ential 250/o d i scou nt $3.685*$1 .140*$4.825* Resi dential 350/o d i sco u nt $3.195*$0.990*$4.185* Non-Discounted Rate Discounted Rate Metered Consumption/l00 cubic foot, regardless of meter size \-- \-, Commercial and industrial Municipal Base Rate CSO Rate Total With 5/8-inch meter $34.96*$13.68 $48.64* With 3/4-inch meter $43.98*$13.68 $57.66* With 1-inch meter $62.02*$13.68 $75.70* With 1 1/2-inch meter $107.13*$13.68 $120.81* With 2-inch meter $161 .25*$13.68 $174.93* With 3-inch meter $305.59*$13.68 $319.26* With 4-inch meter $467.96*$ 1 3.68 $481 .64* With 6-inch meter $919.00*$13.68 $932.68* With 8-inch meter $1,460.25*$13.68 $1,473.93* Base Rate CSO Rate Total $4.910*$1.s20 $6.430*Consumption rate per 100 cubic feet Base Rate CSO Rate Total \-. 26 Rate by meter size Metered Consumptionll00 cubic foot, regardless of meter size Rate by meter size - With 5/8-inch meter With 3/4-inch meter With 1-inch meter Wath 1 112-inch meter With 2-inch meter With 3-inch meter With 4-inch meter Consumption rate per 100 cubic feet Non-taxable Federa I With 5/8-inch meter With 3/4-inch meter With 1-inch meter With 1-1|2-inch meter With 2-inch meter $47.52*$33.84*$13.68 $13.68 $56.25*$42.57* $60.03*$13.68 s73.71* $117.36*$103.69*$13.68 $13.68 $169.75*$156.07* $13.68 $309.45*$295.77* $13.68 $466.61*$452.93* CSO Rate Tota!Base Rate $6.770*$4.750*$1.520* Base Rate CSO Rate Tota I $M.69*$31.69*$13.00 $13.00 $52.87*$39.87* $56.22* $97.11*$13.00 $1 10.1 1* $146.17*$13.00 $159.17* $277.00*$13.00 $290.00*With 3-inch meter 27 Metered Consumption/100 cubic foot, regardless of meter size Rate by meter size $13.00 $69.22* With 4-inch meter $424.19*$13.00 $437.19* With 6-inch meter $833.04*$13.00 $846.04* With 8-inch meter $1,323.66*$13.00 $1,336.66* Base Rate CSO Rate Total Consumption rate per 100 cubic feet $4.455*1.420*$5.875* \-. \- Commercial and industrial equivalent plumbing fixture rate23 Rate for customers outside City limits2s 1 50 percent of the schedule for the above rates and charges 23 Applies only to customers whose application to be charged as provided in this section was granted on or before December 31,2019. 2a Based on equivalent plumbing fixture unit table, adopted from the United States of America Standards lnstitute National Plumbing Code, USASI, A40.8-1955. 2s Does not apply to wholesale contracts to serve customers outside the City limits and customers in the unincorporated EUGA. 28 Charge per fixture2a $8.25*$7.60* CSO $2.61*$2.48* Total Rate per fixture $10.87*$10.08* ,\- Metered Consumption/l00 cubic foot, regardless of meter size Taxable Rate Non-Taxable Rate Ambulance Service and Medic I Public Utility * Please note that rates adopted on September 5,2023 inadvertently contained rates from previously approved years. This document shows the most current rates approved by City Council. An * symbolizes that the rate has been corrected. Base Rates and Fees Assisted living facilities* * Rates for individual facilities do not include allowable exemptions and vary based upon their percentage of use within that classification. For individual facility rates, with allowable exemptions, see table under Medicaid Adjustment section. $'148.45* per year, per unitResidential $51,243.79* per year, per classification $5,725.65* per year, per classification24-Hour nu rsing facil ities* $678.24* per year, per classificationGroup homes* $4,390.80* per year, per unit Schools*$11,241.60* per year, per classification $150.16* per year, per unitCommercial/Business $22,139.04* per year, per classification Apartments/Housing Authority $94,038.1 6 per year, per classification City public areas/Municipal 29 User Classification Rate Jail facilities* \- \- Medicaid adjustment 24-Hour Nursing Crestwood $ 4,627.31* Group Homes Serenity House $ 258.27* $ 129.93*Clallam Hostelries 2 nd Street House $ 134.50* $11,071.87*Assisted Living Laurel Place St. Andrews Place $5,133.65* $24,006.25*Park View Villa $ 177.38*LincolnSchools $ 392.41*Franklin $ 704.22*Hamilton $ 81 1 .75*Jefferson $ 3,680.78*Peninsula College $ 2,748.91*PAHS $ 693.51*Queen of Angels $ 1,985.51*Stevens 30 User Classification Facility Proposed Annual Fee Jail Facilities Adult and juvenile $ 4,390.80* * High demand user classifications that do not qualiflT for an exemption cannot have a per- unit fee less than that of the commercial/business classification. Tempest Bayview Apartments Morning Glory Uptown 1 1 12 North Albert $ 1,279.04* Gerald Austin Apa rtments 1305 East 1st $ 2,488.12* 306 West 1st $ 1,1 82.47* 8 th Street Apartments 615 West 8th $ 840.48* 529 East 1 't $ 859.73* Rozelle 212West 3rd $ 964.41* Jean Tyson 405 East Front $ 371 .21* 120 South Laurel $ 588.24* Housing Authority 1 323 East 2nd $ 6,681 .03* Housing Authority 2 401 East 5th $ 3,81 8.12* Maloney Heights 2311 West 8th $ 2,867.04* 31 Apartment Address Annual Fee i !