HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-22\- \- City RESOLUTION NO.0l.- Je- A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the Ciry of Port Angeles, Washington, affirming and ratifying the Declaration of Emergency issued by the City Manager on December 22 2021. WHEREAS, a Declaration of Emergency was issued by the City Manager on December 22,2021, a complete copy of which is attached; and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the facts and circumstances that prompted the Declaration of Emergency; and WHEREAS, the Council hereby finds that the facts recited in the Declaration are true and correct. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles: l. The Council finds and declares that the water main leak on the 20-inch concrete cylinder water transmission main east of Whites Creek near Golf Course Road, constituted an emergency in the City of Port Angeles; and 2. The City Council affirms and ratifies (l) the Declaration of Emergency issued by the City Manager on December 22,2021, and (2) all actions authorized by that Declaration. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the lt Ouy of Janu ary,2022. Kate Dexter, Mayor A T A a. ,ci APP AS TO ^ Docu Sign Envelope I D : F BBCAF U -BDl 7 -4807-9706-34CAF0D E6 1 46 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY Nathan West, the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles, finds that the following facts exist: I . On Saturday, October l, 2022, City Crews discovered a water main leak on the 20- inch concrete cylinder water transmission main just west of White Creek between Golf Course Road and Porter Road. At this location the water main is approximately 8-10 feet below grade and at the bottom of a steep embankment. The City does not have the necessary crews or equipment to complete the repair. Water from the main was shooting into the air and City crews shut down the main on Saturday October I ,2022, for health, safety and environmental reasons. 2. The failed segment of main is a critical component of the City's water distribution system. This main was installed in the 1960s and serves as the primary water source for the Clallam County PUD Round Tree Reservoir. In addition to PUD water customers who receive water from Round Tree Reservoir an additional 170 City customers on Golf Course Road plus two assisted living facilities and I Mental Care facility off Golf Course Road are out of water. The break also caused low pressure to 3 l8 homes and 8 apartment complexes in the Mt Angeles area which are now under boil water notices. Repairing this main is critical to water quality and public health for the following reasons: First, lack of access to water for an extended period of time creates a public health emergency and puts proper sanitation at risk. Second, reenergizing the water main rvithout fixing the leak could lead to contamination of the waterline, bacteria in the water supply as well as soil erosion and nrrbidity in White Creek. It is imperative the repair is implemented immediately. 3. The water main failure location poses a significant barrier to City personnel who need to make repairs. Currently, the City lacks the proper equipment to excavate the area and lacks the personnel necessary to make repairs to the water main. Repair work will require the use of heavy equipment, such as excavators. and the services of a contractor who is skilled in such repair. 4. Due to the severity of the main break, its location, its impact on the City's water supply. and the need for immediate repair, an emergency is present which may necessitate utilization of emergency powers granted pursuant to RCW 35.33.081 and RCW 38.52.070(2). Now, therefore, by the authority granted to me under State law and by the City Council, I hereby declare that an emergency exists in Pon Angeles due to a water main break and that the City is authorized to do the following: l. Enter into contracts and incur obligations necessary to combat such emergency situation to protect the health and safety of persons and the preserv'ation of property; and 2. Each City Department is authorized to exercise the powers vested under this resolution in light of the emergency situation without regard to time-consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by law (excepting mandatory constitutional requirements). ?w>DATED this l" duy of October 2022. Nathan West, City Manager RESoLUTToN No. 0fl-d& A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washingon, approving the City's 2022 Clean Energy Implementation Plan. WHEREAS, the City strives to ensure that the City develops a plan to meet the requirements of the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA); and WHEREAS, the City must submit a Clean Energy Implementation Plan to the Washington Department of Commerce by January l, 2022 and every four years thereafter as required by RCW 19.405.060; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles Washington, being the governing body of the consumer-owned electric utility did, after public notice, held a public hearing on the 4th of January 2022 to provide the public the opportunity to comment on the2022 Clean Energy Resource Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles Washington that the2022 Clean Energy Implementation Plan as prepared by the Director of Public Works and Utilities and attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2022 Clean Energy Implementation Plan, together with this Resolution, shall be filed with the Department of Commerce of the State of Washington no laterthan the 7th of January 2022 and also be published and made available to the public through the City of Port Angeles website. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of January 2022. Kate Dexter, Mayor ATTES By: Martinez-B al ity APPRO AS TO FORM: By: t ( B , City e / Exhibit A Utility name: Report date: Contact name/Dept: Phone: Email: Web address published CEIP: Small utility: A small utility is a utility that is not required by RCW 19.280.030(1) to prepare an integrated resource plan. Exhibit A City of Port Angeles lnterim target: Percentage of retail load to be served using renewable and nonemitting resources (WAC L94-4O-200(2)) 2022 2023 2024 2025 4-year Period Renewable o%o%o%o%o% Nonemitting o%o%0%0%a% Total o%o%o%0%9L% [Smoll utilities moy enter o single value in cellG6 and leqve the remoining cells blonk.] Describe how the target demonstrates progress toward meeting the 2030 and 2045 CETA standards (WAC 194-40-200(2)). This section is not required if the volue in cell G6 is 80% or greater t Specific targets (WAC L94-4O-200(31) : Resource Amount Energy Efficiency 5726 Renewable energy L226024 Demand response 0 MWh to be acquired over the interim performance period (measured in first-year savings) MWh to be used during the interim performance period MW to be acquired over the interim performance period N/AI ldentlfy and describe the specific actions the utility will take over the next Interlm performance period to demonstrate protress toward meetlnt the utilltv's lnterim targets and the 2030 GHG neutral and 2045 clean electrlclty standard (WAC l9tHo-200(1)l: Specific action proposed Description of how the action demonstrates progress toward meeting interim targets and the standards Continue utilizing BPA load following contract. As a BPA load following customer, the City receives the benefit of BPA's hydroelectrlc system. Fuel mix runs between 91%- 98% carbon free which is a key component of meeting 2030 and 2045 GHG nuetralfree targets. Work with the region to procure a new load following contract with BPA, Work with BPA and others in the region to develop load following, carbon free power supply in the next rate period. Explore use of RECs to close gap for 2030 carbon neutral target. Port Angeles currently authorizes BPA to sell it's RECS. Will explore letting RECS expire to close fuel mix gap and meet 2030 targets. Resource Exhibit A communities each Highly lmpacted Community Census Tract (enter 11 digit FIPS code)County Name lrr,or, Lands (Yes/No) Environmental Health Disparities Topic Rank City of Port Angeles ly im 53009990100 Clallam Yes 1 53009000700 Clallam Yes 3 53009001000 Clallam Yes 3 Exhibit A City of Port Angeles Vulnerable pop ulations (WAC L94-4O-200(4)) Please list all indicators developed through a public process an d used to identify vulnerable Populations based on the definition in RCW 19.405.020(a0): (40) ',Vutneroble populotions,' meons communities that experience o disptoportionote cumulotive risk from environmentol burdens due to: (o) Adverse socioeconomic foc.tors, including unemptoyment, high housing ond trcnsportotion costs rclotive to income, occess to food and health are, ond linguistic isolotion; ond (b) Sensitivity foctors, such os low bitth weight ond higher rotes of hospitolizdtion lndicator Details Source Date Last Updated Approximate number of households in service territory (if applicablel Low lncome Households meeting or exceeding the 20}o/o federal poverty rate City of Port Angeles rec 202L TBD Energy burden algyq i,%_LEADS tool 202t TBD Remote Customers City of Port Angeles rec 202L TBD Households with No lnternet Households without internet access City of Port Angeles rec 202L TBD Describe and in any cha to the indicator from the utility's previous CEIP, if any: Since Port Angeles and Clallam PUD share service territories,Port Angeles is relying on Clallam PUD's information from its public process. Clallam PUD has given the OK for this Metric TBD who have difficulty accessing City services Exhibit A City of Port Angeles Distribution of energy and non-energy costs and benefits (wAC 194-40-200(4)l Please report one or more indicators, developed through a benefits for the utility's portfolio of specific actions, includi public process, and used to identify the forecasted distribution of energy and non-energy costs and ng impacts resulting from achievement of the specific targets established under WAC 194-40-200(3) tndicators must be associated with one olthe following cate8ories: enerSy benefits, non-enerSy benefits, reduction of burdent public health, envtonment, reduction in cost, eneryy security, or resiliencY. Category lndicator Details Source Date Last Updated Energy Benefits Distribution of program program dollars. Distribution pf program dollars among population groups Utility data 202L Program Participation Rate Number of program participants Program participantion among population Broups Utility data 2021 Please report the forecasted distribution of energy and non-energy costs an d benefits on identified highly impacted communities and vulnerable populations for the utitity,s portlotio of spe.ific actions, including impacts resulting from a.hievement ofthe specitic targets established under WAC 194-40-200(3), You must do a teparate row for each adion and tor each population affected, tdentifo theexpe.ted effect ofspecili. actions on highly impa.ted communities and vulnerable populationt and the tenerallocation, ifapplicable, timing, and estimated cost oteach specificaction. lfapplicable, identity whetherany resourcewill be located in highly impacted communities or willbe governed by, serve, or otherwise benefit hiShly impacted communities or vulnerable populations in part or in whole' Utility Specific Action (e.9. name of resource) Population affected? (select one per row)lndicator Detail (describe distribution of energy and non-energy benefits on named population) Location of Resource (if applicable) Ex. Reploce substotion resiliency substotion address Continue BPA Energy Conservation Program Allcustomers Distribution of program participation and program dollars. While all Port Angeles customers benefit from the aquisiiton of energy efficiency as a low cost resource, Port Angeles has a low-income energy efficiency program to reduce energy burden on vulnerable comminites. N/A Direct Assistance Both HIC and VP Distribution of program dollars Port Angeles has a direct assistance program for qualifying low-income households. N/A Continue with load-following BPA contract Allcustomers BPA Contract and reports All customers benefit the low cost and primarily carbon' free nature of BPA power. N/A Environment Fuel Mix BPA Contract and reports Use Fuel Mix reports N/A Exhibit A resource plan nce Clean action plan com nce AC L CEIP is consistent with the most recent i ntegrated resource plan or resource plan, as the utility under RCW 19.280.030. Select yes or no.prepared by The cElP is consistent with the utility's clean energy action 19.280.030(1) or other ten-year plan developed under RCW 19.280.030(5). Select yes or no. plan developed under RCW Yes ) Exhibit A Lon m plans Ac 1e4-40-200(aXcX iii) ) Describe how the specific actions in the CEIP are consistent with, and i nformed by, the utility's longer-term strategies based on the analysis in RCW 19.280.030 (1)(k) and clean energy action plan in RCW 19.280.030 (1)(l) from its most recent integrated resource plan, if applicable The City ofPort Angeles (COpA) is a load following customer of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), COPA purchases the full amount I power possible from BPA. Additional power supp This is the stated plan of the 2020 Resource Plan. ly contract will be in compliance of this law as and when they are needed in the to purchasing power from BPA, the City is already compliant with the Clean Energy Transformation Act requlrements' Tier Exhibit A City of Port Angeles Risk (W AC 1e4-40-200(4x Describe how the utility intends to reduce ris ks to highly impacted communities and vulnerable populations associated with the transition to clean energy. The City of port Angeles will reduce risks to highly impacted communities and vulnerable populations by continueing to provide energy efficiency program to low income houeholds, provide direct energy asslstance via LIHEAP or other programs, and provide bill payment options such as levelized payments. COPA will expand outreach to groups to encourage participation in its programs.