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AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington relating to the
fees for services provided by the various departments of the City
amending section I .25.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
pertaining to the fee schedule amending the City's Master Fee Schedule;
authorizing and directing City departments to issue reports to the Council
regarding certain permitting and fee items; providing for severability;
and establishing an effective date.
WHEREAS, Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) section 1.25.010 states that except
when otherwise stated, any fee or charge due or referenced in the PAMC will be set fonh in the
City's fee schedule; and
WHEREAS, a cost of services analysis (COSA) serves as a guide for budgeting and
controlling the financial parameters of the various City programs and services funded in said
budget; and
WHEREAS, a COSA was performed for the City's development related permit fees by an
independent financial consulting firm; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of City govemment to periodically update and revise
its permitting fee structure to ensure the financial resources to support effective and efficient
permitting system; and
WHEREAS, the attached fee schedule, Exhibit A, amends some current fees and adds new
fees; and
WHEREAS, the attached amendments to the City's Master Fee Schedule are comparable
to the fees charged by similar corlmunities and are appropriate to support key services and sustain
an efficient and effective permitting system; and
WHEREAS, to additionally encourage development of infill, multi-household, and
affordable housing, in alignment with the policies and goals of City Council, the City in this
ordinance provides fee waivers for certain housing projects; and
WHEREAS, the Council prioritized the need for enhanced transparency and greater
efficiencies in the permit review and approval process with the additional staff capacity funded
under the fee ordinance and, therefore, desires for City departments to provide reports to Council
regarding certain permit and fee issues; and
WHEREAS, on Septernber 5, 2023 the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, adopted the City of Port Angeles Master Fee Schedule (the Master Fee Schedule);
Section 1. Section 1.25.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, is hereby amended as follows:
1.25.010 Fee schedule.
Except when otherwise stated all fees and ch to be collected bv the Citv wi ll be defined and
e set forth in the City's fee schedule. Such
fees are nonrefundable and include all taxes, unless explicitly noted.
Section 2. The new fees, which are shown in the attached Exhibit A underlined with no
strikeout, set forth in the attached amendment to Master Fee Schedule are hereby authorized,
adopted, and approved and will be effective on January 1,2024.
Section 3. Attached as Exhibit B is a description of the proposed Reporting Requirements for
various departments of City. These department directors are hereby authorized and directed to issue
such reports to the Council as detailed in the exhibit.
Section 4. - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized
to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, formatting,
the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references to other local, state, or federal laws,
codes, rules or regulations, or ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references
Section 5. - Severability. If any provisions ofthis Ordinance, or its application to any percon or
circumstances, €lre held invali4 the remainder ofthe Orrdinance, or application oftheprovisions of the
Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 6. - No Referendum. This Orrdinance, being an exercise of a power specffically delegated
to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum.
Cor"urcil ofthe City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council
held on 2023.
Dexter, Mayor
William loor,A
Kari Martinez-
T ,
\-Exhibit A- Fee Schedule (All Fees Effective 11112024)
Business License Fees
Ocean View Gemetery Feesl
Site a uisition
o enrn and closin
Memorial marker setti
emorial Foundation:
Cremation niches:2
I 15o/o discount to fees for residents of the City of Port Angeles.
2 Sold out - prices are for niches that have been resold to the City and available for resale.
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Adult Lot $1S.'0O $1.700.00
Urn garden $350$0 $600.00
Memorial Garden $300ss $s00.00
Description:Gurrent Fee:Fee Effective on 1l,112024:
Adult Lot $650Ss $1.300.00
lnfant Lot $300ss $600.00
Cremation $300$s $600.00
Entombment $550Ss $1.100.00
Description:Gurrent Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
lndividual $200=og $400.00
Companion $300€s $600.00
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
lndividual NA $600.00
Compadon NA $700.00
Description:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Adult NA $400.00
Adult Liner Placement NA $400.00
NA $400.00
lnfant Liner Placement NA $300.00
Cremation NA $240.00
Cremation Liner Placement NA $350.00
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 1l1l2o24z
Bronze Niches:
a !ndividua!$450Ss $900.00
a lndividua! & Companion $65e€O $1.300.00
Granite Niches:
a Eye Leve! and Below $750,00 $1.500.00
a Above Eye Leve!$650.00 $1.300.00
Fir€WerkS S3l€S P€!'rrit,r,rr,r,,r,,r,r,,,.,.,rr.r,rr,r,r,rrrr.,rr,,rrr.rr,-r,.rr,.,r.,rrr,rrrrr,,r,,.,r,.rr,$1 00,00 e[ $500r00
Current Fee:
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Columbarium Niches NA $5.000.00
Witheut Vase $445O-gO NA
With Vase $2SOO^og NA
Flewer Vase lnstalled $50ss NA
Columbarium niches sold as a cka
oth F
Fee Waivers for Permittinq of Gertain NEW Housinq
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Gravesite of Chapel Service $200so $400.00
Saturday Service $€osoo 1
O Body $ffioso $3.s00.00
Cremated Remainso $500^00 $1.000.00
Merchandise3 pricing
2x Wholesale Cost by
Paid by the City 2x Wholesale Cost by Paid by the City
1. Fees will onlv be waived for d within the Citv Limit of Port Anoeles.2. Tvpes of housins eliqible for this waiver:a. Develooed oursuant Port Anqeles Municioal Code (PAMC) Tabl e 17.20.020: Dwellinq
Units and Suooortive Housino in Com mercial zones. 17.21 Residential lnfill Desion
Standards.17.22 Commercial and Multifamilv Desion Standards (Multifamilv residentia!
allowed uses onlv). or 17.46 Prooertv Tax Exemptions for Multi-familv housino: ANDb. Are one of the followins:
t.Accessorv llino Unitii. Duplex
iii. Triolex
iv. Fourolexv. Cottase Housins
vi. Caretaker Unit
vii. Apartment Complex
Multifamilv Housino
Group Home
Permanent Supportive Housinq
Transitional Housinq
Emerqencv Housinq.
Adult Familv Homes.
Low-lncome Homeownership Proqrams (LIHP). defined as sinole household
dwellinqs constructed throuqh a recoonized nonprofit. loca!. state. or federal
self-help or sweat equitv prooram wherebv labor oarticipation is required. and
whose income at eliqibilitv is 80% or below of Area Median lncome (AMl) for
Clallam Countv as published bv the orooram reoulatorv bodv. LIHP oroiects
shall be exemot from the Notice-to-Title (NTT) orovisions.
3. To qualifu for the fee waiver. the Developer must:
a. Submit and attend a pre-aoplication conference with the Citv of Port Anqeles. The
applicant will pav the pre-apolication fee. lf the proiect is deemed applicable and
3 Memorial markers, marker setting, bases, urns, etc
\-aooroved for the fee waiver. the aoolicant !l be reimbursed the ore-aoolication fee at
the time of buildins permit aooroval.
b Submit to Communitu and Economic Develooment (CED) a com Permit Fee Waiver
Application on a form orovided bv CED.c. Enter into a contract with the Citv of Port Anoeles. aoreeino the unit(s) wi!! not be
d. Execute a Notice{o-Title (NTT) to be filed with the Clallam Countv Auditor's Office at the
exoense of the r/aoolicant. The NTT will be id for 10 vears.e. At a minimum. the contract provisions will include:i. A detailed oroiect descriotion for the elisible development which will be bindino
via the contract. Chanqes to the prooosal mav result in permit fees if the use is
no lonoer elioible. lf the use chanoes to a different elioible development a
revised contract is required.
ii. An exhibit to inclu the preliminary detailed site olan. T contract mav be
reouired to be amended if the site plan chanoes. lf the prooosed site olan
chanoes to a inelioible develooment.the contract is void and the aoolicant
must pay any waived permit fees.iii. ln the event the owner/aoplicant reouests the restriction to be removed. the
aoplicant will pav 1.5x the permit fee and work with the Citv to remove the NTT
at the owner/applicant's expense.
iv. The restriction and NTT will onlv be re moved if the orooosed use is consistent
with current permitted uses. development. and other applicable requlations.
Re-insoection fees for failed/premature inspections mav be assessed as
additional inspection fees. if continued cost bv the Citv occurs for multiple
failed inspections.
vi. Failure to abide bv the contract reo uirements will result in the owner oavino 2x
the waived oermit fee and fines while in violation4. For elioible new develooment within the Port es Citv Limits listed above under 2a and 2b.
the followinq fees are waived:
a. Buildinq Permit Fees
b. Buildino Plan Review Fees. Fire Plan Review Fees. Plannino Plan Review Fees. Public
Works Sitinq Plan Review Fees
c. Additional hourlv rate fees
d. Fire Development Fees
e. Hearinq Examiner Fees for zoninq reclassifications. elioible residential and duplex
variances. bindinq site plan improvement plans. multifamilv variances. oreliminarv
subdivisions. overlav zones onlv as thev rel to eliqible development listed above. and
amlolhettlqurly hearinqs as it relates to eligible development subiect to Communitv and
Economic Develooment Director Determination.
Archeoloqical review fees
Boundarv line adiustment fees
Conditional use permits fees
SEPA Environmental Checklist Review
Adoption of orevious NEPA/SEPA Documents
Land Use Verification
Locate Notice Review
Lot Confirmation
Overlav Zones
Parkinq Variance
Short Plats. Plats. Bindino Site Plans
Temoorarv Use Permit
Zoninq Lot Covenant
Electric Utilitv Service Charoes: Electrical residential work permits and fees. includins
insoections and apolicable taxes.
Residential new water service connection charoes and svstem development charoes*
Sewer Connection Permits/charges for elioible development*
Storm Sewer/Drain Connection aroes for eliqible develooment*
Sewer Svstem Develooment roes for elioible develooment*
Electrical Permits for elioible development*Applicants will still be responsible for utilitv extensions where applicable
Community and Economic Develo pment Fees
Total Val uation:
$ 1.00 to $ 500.00
$ 501.00 to $ 2.000.00
$ 2.001.00 to $ 25.000.00
$ 25.001.00 to $ 50.000.00
$ 50.000.01 to $ 100.000.00
$ 100.001.00 to $
$ 500.001.00 to $
$ to $
F ee Etf ective 1 I 1 12024:
$ 87.50
$ 87.50 for the first $ 500.00 olus $5.34 for each additional $ 100.00 or
fraction thereof
$ 731.10 for the first $ 25.000.00 olus $ 17.68 for each additional
$ 1.000.00 or fraction thereof
i$ 1.173.10 for the first $ 50.000.00 plus $ 9.80 for each additional
i$ 1.000.00 or fraction thereof
$ 1.663.10 for the first $ 100.000.00 plus $ 9.80 for each additiona!
$ 1.000.00 or fraction thereof
$ 5.583.10 for the first $ 500.000.00 plus $ 8.31 for each additiona!
$1.000.00 or fraction thereof
$9.738.10 for the first $ plus $ 6.38 for each additional
$1.000.00 or fraction thereof
Development Fees and Charoes - Buildino
1. The applicant must orovide the buildino department with the actual value of construction
for all new structures. additions. remodels. alterations. or reoairs. (Valuation for
construction bv the owner must include fair market value for both materials and labor).2. Buildino permit fees are based on the total proiect valuation of the work included in the
3. #tv of Port Anoetes will not acceot a valuation lower than the minimum valuation as
determined bv the current lnternational Code Council (lCC) Buildino Valuation Data Table.4. All applications for alterations. remodels. and repairs are required to orovide an actual
valuation and cannot use tne tCC Oata taUte to calculate valuation.5. el"r rdoptr the rort
current publication to determine buildinq valuations.6. All applications must include proposed occupancv and construction tvoe.7. lf the value orovided does not include both labor and material or is orovided at a low
estimate. the Citv mav increase the valuation to current market value for the ourpose of
calculatinq permit fees.
8. Actual Cost = Cost of consultant. 3d party review. other outside review9. All apolication base rates are based on minimum hours necessarv for review. at the rate of
$95.10 per hour. Anv hours over the pre-determined base rate will be billed at an hourlv
rate of $95.10 per hour.
10. 3d incomplete permit or revision submittal results in 1.5 times the hourlv review rate of
$142.65 per hour.
Buildino Permit Fees
$ 167.60 for the first $ 2.000.00 plus $ 24.50 for each additional
$ 1.000.00 or fraction thereof
fraetien thereef
fraetien thereef
fraetien thereef
er fraetien thereef
$3;260,25 fer the first $500;000,00 plus $4,-5 fer eaeh additienat $1,000,00ffi
$5;635,25 fer the first$1,000,000,00 plus $3,65 fer eaeh additienal
$1;000,00 er fraetien thereef
Building Inspections, Building Plan Review, and Other Feesa
Fee Effective 1 11 12024:
$ and uo
Tetal Valuatien
Residential ( in-house)
Com mercial/l ndustrial (i n-house)
Commercial/lndustri al and 3d Partv Plan
lnspections outside of normal business hours
(minimum charge - two hours @ 1.5x hourlv
1"t Reinspection fee (minimum charqe - one
2nd+ reinspection fee@
(minimum charge - one hour)
$ 35.258.10 for the first $ plus $ 4.70 for each additional
$ 1.000.00 or thereof
650/o of the bui inq oermit fee
65% of the buildins permit fee
650/o of buildinq permit fee +
$285.30 + ($ 1 .65/hour after 2
$ 95.10/hour
$ 142.65/hour each
lnspections for which no fee is specifically
indicated (minimum charge - one hour)
a Hourly costs are as listed or the total hourly cost to the City, whichever is the greater. This cost shall include
supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. Actual costs
include administrative and overhead costs.
Description:Current Fee:
\-Additional plan review for reviews exceeding
the allotted hourly fee provided for general
plan check review or required by changes,
additions, or revisions to approved plans
(minimum charge - one hour)
For the use of outside consultants for plan Aetual-Cests
review, inspections, or both ($95.1O/hour staff
time. min. 2 hours)$190 .20 Staff Time +Costs
$ 6.50 for each residential buildino
permit. plus $ 2.00 for each
additional residential unit
$25.00 for each commercial
buildinq permit
1s: $ 95.10
2nd: $ 95.10
3d+: $190.20 each
State surcharges per RCW 19.27.085
Manufactured Home Permit - includes permit
review. olannino rev iew. reouired insoections.
and water suoo line insoection
Anv failed inspections mav result in
reinspection fees.
Construction Code Appeal
Demolition Permit
Certificate of ncv - Residential
Ce rtificate of Occuoancv -
Com mercial/l ndustrial
Temporarv Certificate of Occupancv (30
davs) - Residential
Extension of Certificate of Occuoancv (add.
30 davs)
$2,00 fer eaeh
NATemperary Certificate of Occupancv (30
davs) - Commercial/lndustrial
NA 1$: $190.20
2nd: $380.40
3d+: $475.50 each
Extension of Certificate of Occupancv (add.
30 davs)
Permit issuance
Each supplemental permit for
which the origina! permit has not
Stand AIone - Plumbino and Mechanical Permits. lnspections, and other
related fees.
*For all new residential construction. Plunlbino and Mechanicalfees are included in the Buildino Permit Fee.
Description: Current Fee: Fee Etlective 11112024:
explred, been canceled, or
lnspections outside of normal $€+O0lhr
business hours (minimum charge
- two hours @ 1.5 hourlv rate)
Reinspection fees (minimum
charge - one hour)
3+ reinspection fees
$285.30 + ($t 42.65lhour afler 2
$ 95.10/hour
Plan Review Fee (if required)
lnspections for which no fee is
specifically ind icated (m inimu m
charge - one hour)
Additional plan review required
by changes, additions, or
revisions to approved plans
(minimum charge - one hour)
Unit Fees;
Description:Fee Effective on 11112024
Plumbing Trap $7 00 $14.00
Water Heater $7SO $14.00
Water Line $7=00 $14.00
Sewer Line ${+00 $30.00
Private Sewage Disposal
$40so $80.00
Cesspool (where permitted)$25SO $s0.00
I ndustrial Waste Pretreatment
$7SO $14.00
Gray Water System $40-00 $80.00
Reclaimed Water System $30so $60.00
Annual Cross-Connection
Testing of a Reclaimed Water
$7Ss $14.00
$7SO $14.00Rainwater Systems - per Drain
(lnside Building)
Vent Piping $7Ss $14.00
Fuel Gas Piping (1-5 outlets)${€s5 $21.30
Fuel Gas Piping, each five
add itional outlets €verJi\re
$5SO $10.00
$100.00Medical Gas Piping, 1-5 outlets $50.00
Medical Gas Piping, each five
add itional outlets €v€r-+ive
Lawn Sprinkler System Backflow
Protection Device
$7SO $14.00
Atmospheric-type Vacuum
Breakers, 1 to 5
Atm ospheric-type vacuu m
breakers, each five additional
vacuum breakers
Backflow Protection Device s 2-$7Se $14.00
Gurrent Fee:
BacHlow protection device > 2-
w $30.00
PtumOinq Plan Chec NA E5=_1_Omout
Mechanical Unit Fees:
5 Gas aooliances mav reouire a $95.10 second inspection fee and a $15.98 qas line fee.
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
$7SO $14.00
Furnace or heat pump or forced
$7,00 $14.00
Heater (suspended, recessed
wall , floor-mounted)
$7SO $14.00
Boiler, compressor, absorption system:
s 3 hp, 100,000 Btu/hO $40-00 $80.00
a > 3-15 hp, > 100,000-
500,000 Btu/h
$25SO $s0.00
o > 1f30 hp, > 500,000-
1,000,000 Btu/h
$z.oo $14.00
a > 30-50 hp, ,
1 ,000,000-1 ,750,000
$4+OO $80.00
o > 50 hp, 1,750,000 $30so $60.00
Air handler s 10,000 cfm
Air handler > 10,000 cfm $7SO $14.00
Evaporative cooler (attached,
not portable)
$7SO $14.00
Heating or cooling appliance
repair or alteration
$1€€5 $21.30
Ventilation fan connected to a
single duct
$s $10.00
Ventilation system (not part of a
heating or air conditioning
$50so $100.00
Appliance vent $5SO $10.00
Hood and ducts served by
mechanical exhaust
$7,00 $14.00
Fuel gas piping, 1 to 5 outlets $m $10.00
Fuel gas piping, each additional
five outlets €Y€r-\fiYe
${.og $2.00
process piping system, 1 to 4
$7€O $14.00
process piping system, each 4
additional outlets e\rer-4
$t5so $30.00
Pellet stove, wood-burning
, and
other misc. appliance vent or
$10$5 $190.20
Gas/Propane fireplace. heatinq NA $190.20
Furnace or heat pump or forced
\-stove. cookino , and other
misc. oas/orooa apoliances or
equipment (not otherwise listed)
Mechanical Plan Check Fee NA $95.1 O/hour
1. All base fees are based on the minimum hours. at $95.1O/hour. necessarv to review permit
aoolication. Anv hours spent on oermit review bevond the base hours included will be charoed
Base application fees do not include consultant costs. revision costs. noticino costs. or public
hearino costs. lf required for oermit review. these will be charqed in addition to the base permit
Actual Cost = Cost of consultant. 3d partv review. other outside review
All aoolicat base rates are based on minimum hours for review. at the of $95.10
ho ined
5. 3rd incomolete permit or revision submittal results in 1.5 times the hourlv review rate at $142.65
per hour.
Planninq/Land Use Buildino Plan Review:
Plannino/Land Use Build inq Plan Review... 2Oo/"of the buildino oermit fee.
Plannino Review of Publi c Works Permits.2Oo/o of the buildino oermit fee.
Miscellaneou s Permit Fees:
Hearing Examiner:
Description:Current Fee:
Notice of Apolication NA $158.2s
Notice of Hearino NA $158.25
Multi-family property tax
${#.00 $0.00
Multi-family property tax
exemption extension
${@ $0.00
Pre-Appl ication Meetinq NA $960.00
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Sinqle-fam ilv residential and
Duplex Variances
NA $ 1.750.00
Zoninq Reclassifications NA $ 1.750.00
Multifamilv Variances and
Conditional Use Permits
Zon i nq Reclassifications
NA $ 3.000.00
An nexation U ncontested NA $ 3.000.00
Bindinq Site lmprovement
Plans Zoninq Reclassifications
NA $ 3.000.00
Non-Residential Variances NA $ 3.000.00\-
Development Fees and Charoes - Land Use
1. Fees charoed at cost per the hearinq examiner (HE) fee rates + staff time.
2. The Hearino Examiner Hourlv Fee is $225.00.3. The Staff Hourlv Fee is $95.10. This will aoplv to all hearinos and be calculated and oaid prior to
the permittinq decision.
4. Any additional time spent on prorated hearinos and billed bv the Hearino Examiner will be billed
Fee Effective on 11112024:
\-and Conditional Use Permits
Zoning Reclassifications
Prel iminarv Subdivisions NA $ 3.000.00
Shoreline Substantial
Development Permits
NA $ 3.000.00
Street Vacations NA $ 3.000.00
Unclassified Use Permits NA $ 3.000.00
Consolidated Hearinqs on
Permit Applications. not
Includino anv appe*
NA $ 3.850.00
Overlav Zones NA $ 3.850.00
Shoreline Variances and
Conditional Uses Zonino
NA $ 3.850.00
Annexations Contested NA $ 3.850.00
Appeals of Adm inistrative
NA $ 225.00/Hour (HE) + $ 95.1O/Hour
NA $ 225.00/Hour (HE) + $ 95.10/Hour
All other permit aoplications
and hearings
NA $ 225.00/Hour (HE) + $ 95.10/Hour
Land Use Permit
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Annexation under ten acres $500$0 $2.187.30
Annexation over ten acres s700,00 $3.613.80
Annexation per acre
additional fee after 10
o NA $95.10
Appeals $40+os $951.00
Archaeological review $50ss $28s.30
Archaeolog ica I su rvey/s pecial
NA $95.10/hour
Boundary line adiustment $200€s $1.426.s0
Comprehensive Plan or map
$750Ss $5.040.30
Conditional Use Permits - Zoning:
o Conditional Use
$200.00 $1.806.90
O Conditional Use
$500$0 $4.279.50
a Conditional Use
$t€o€o $760.80
Envi ronmental Reviews :
Adootion of Previous
o NA $285.30
NEPAO NA $1.426.50
o SEPA Appeals under
PAMC 15.04.280
$400€0 $1.426.50
SEPA EnvironmentalO W $895.10
Code Enforcement Hearinos
Checklist fer ether
than aCministrative
eUPs Review
O SEPA Environmenta!
lmpact Statement
(ElS) Review
$500so $895.10 + Actual Cost
o Envirenmental
s#+os NA. see SEPA Environmental
Checklist Review
Envi ronmental lv Sensitive
o Conditional Use
Administrative -
Sensitive Area
NA $1,806.90
o Conditional Use -
Sensitive Area
NA $4.279.50
a Environmentally
Sensitive Area Permit
NA $1 .046.10
a Exemotion -
NA $570.60
a Geoloqicallv
Hazardous Area
NA $1.046.10
o Flood Develooment
NA $1.046.10
O Reasonable Use -
Sensitive Area
NA $1.902.00
o Variance -
Sensitive Area
NA $4.279.s0
o Wetland Permit $350SO $4.279.50
Land Use Verification NA $570.60
Locate Notice Review NA $95.1O/hour
Lot Confirmation NA $4ZO.sO
Overlay Zones (Planned Residential Development, lnfill Overlay, and Planned Low lmpact
a Preliminary ${#$2.853.00
a Final $1S,09 $1,426.50
o Modifications $4o0so $2.567.70
Open Space Exemption $50.00 $895.10
Parking Variance $300+0 $1.426.50
Short Plats (1-9 Lots)
o Preliminary Short
Plats F€lets) (1-9
$200so $2.187.30
O Final Short Platspr
$200+0 $1.902.00
o Amendment to Short $75€O $1.426.50
o Preliminary
Subdivision Plats
(10+ Lots6+tets)
${s€o $5.706.00
o Final Subdivision
$lpoo.oo $3.233.40
o Amendment to Plats NA $2.853.00
Binding Site Plans:
o Preliminary Binding
$500ss $5.706.00
o Final Binding Site
tmprevement Plan
$500so $3.613.80
o Amendment to
Bindino Site Plan
NA $2.853.00
Rezones and Zoning Code
$500€0 $4.279.50
o Shoreline Conditiona!
NA $2.187.30
o Shoreline Exemption NA $760.80
o Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit
$750Ss $3.613.80
o Shoreline Permit
NA $1.426.50
O Shoreline Variance NA $3.613.80
Street Vacation $32#$760.80
Temporary Use Permit:
o More than One Year w $1.426.50
o One Year or Less $75$O $760.80
O Extension of
Amendment of
Temporary Use
$75SO $760.80
Transportation Demand
Review - Parking
$350^09 $2.617.20
Zoning Variance $300,09 $4.279.50
Wi reless Tel ecom m u n ications Towers/Faci I ities
o NedRemodel,
$850SO $4.654.80
o Co-locating on
Existing Tower
$500=00 $2.377.50
Zoninq Lot Covenant NA $570.60
,,uu rvfiIilt;
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 111/,2024:
Building Permit Base Fee
o All Signs Less Than or
equal to 25 SQFT
$47€O $237.75
O Wall Signs &
Marquees Over 25
$85€O $285.30
a Freestanding Signs
Over 25 SQFT
$145€s $380.40
a Projecting Signs Over
W $380.40
Plan Check Review - All Signs NA $95.10/hour
Zoning Review - All Signs NA $9S.tO/hour
Penalty for Failure to Obtain
Fire Departmen t Fees
Fire Devel ment Fees
AutofF3tiG fir€ SPrirlkl€r aPPea|S,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.=,,,,,,,, $50=00
Inspeetiens (nen unifermed Bersennel eutside nermal business heurs) ,,-,,,,,,,,..,,,$35,00/hC
Reinspe€tions fer nen eeFnplianee with lnternatiena! Fire Cgde,,,,,,,,=.,,,,,,,,,,,=,,,.,,,,,,$35 00/hP
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Fire Department Bulldins Plan
Welding and Cutting lnspections for Activities of the following duration
o Up to 5 Days $50so $190.20
a 6 to 30 Days ${€o€o $285.30
O 31 to 90 Days $2s0so $380.40
O 91 to 180 Days $300,00 $475.50
a 181 to 365 Days $500=00 $665.70
Marine fueling operationsl 1
O lndividual Permit $2m $95.1 0
O Reinspection's ${s $e5.10
o Annual Permit ${€oso $s70.60
Place of assemblv inspections:
a 50-250 People NA $95.10
a 251-500 People NA $190.20
o 501+ People NA $380.40
iens $25€O NA
Liquid petroleum gas tank and
piping installation and
$35-00 $95.1 0
6 There is ne fire alarm
T There is ne fire alar
e Uinimum eharge ene
e nfter first twe insped
11 Subject to periodic spot inspections.
3x Permit Fee
25% of the Buildinq Permit Fee
Underground storage tank removal and installation inspection:
o Commercia!${€0-0o $190.20
o Residential $1+0s $9s.10
Fire Alarm plan review. inspection. and testinq:
o Residential NA $95.10
o Multi-Family NA $190.20
o Commercia!NA
Automatic Fire rinkler Plan Review , and Testing:12
o Residential NA $95.10
a Multi-Family $5soo $190.20
a Commercial ${€o€o $475.50
Hood and Duct Plan Review and Inspection
Hood/Duct System Plan
Review, lnspection-anC
w $142.65
TenUMembrane Structures *includes fire plan review and inspection: ** Add applicable
assen0bly-fee based on occupant load (see assemblv permit feesl:
o Commercial NA $380.40
o Residential NA $9s.10
Fireworks Display Permit
Fireworks av Permit -
Flat Charoe per PAMC
$+gg-er$Sgg $500.00
Plannins Permit Review:
o SEPA. Subdivision.
Shoreline. Boundary
Line Adi nts. and
other applicable land
use applications
NA $95.10/hour
o Additional review.
when requiredl3
NA $95.1O/hour
Fire/Development Perm it
NA $47s.s0
Fire lnspection Fees
Fire lns of Existin Structures:
12 There is no residential automatic fire sprinkler plan review. inspection. and testinq fee for a system installed voluntarilv
when installation is not required by ordinance or lntemational Fire Code.
13A third or subsequent review of any aoolication or any part of any aoplication.
Description:F ee Elf ective 1 I 1 I 2024:
o B- Business $ 9s.10
Mercantilea $ 95.10
Storaqeo $ 95.10
a Utilitv $ 95.10
a R- Residential $ 142.65
o Assemblv $ 190.20
o Educational $ 190.20
o Factorv $ 237.75
o lnstitutional $ 380.40
o Hish Hazard $ 475.50
fi fire
o Carbon Dioxide $ 47.55
a Kitchen Hood and Duct $ 47.55
o Computer room/ clean aqent $ 47.55
o Fire Pump $ 47.s5
o Knox Box $ 0.00
o Fire Alarm $ 47.55
o 13 - Commerci I Fire Sorinkler $ 47.55
a 13D - Residential Fire Sprinkler $ 0.00
a 13R - Multi-Familv Fire Sprinkler $ 47.55
o Sorav Booth/ Room $ 47.55
Reinspection compliance fees:
a Reinspection - 1st reinspection
O Reinspection - 2nd reinspection $ 142.65
o Reinsoectio n - 3rd reinsoection $ 380.40
. Reinsoection -4+ reinsoection $ 475.50
Fire n Fees
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective 1/,112024:
Fire Enqine Standbv NA WA Assoc. of Fire Chiefs Rate
ALS Ambulance Standbtr NA WA Assoc. of Fire Chiefs Rate
BLS Ambulance Standbv NA WA Assoc. of Fire Chiefs Rate
Fire Personnel Standbv NA Actual Cost
Response to False Fire Alarms
1st ResponseO $5+Os $100.00
o 2nd Response within 180 days
of 1 $ response
${€oso $200.00
NA $300.00/occurrence3+ Resoonses within 180 davso
of each other
False Fire Alarm Due to
Failure to Notifu Fire
Deoartment Prior to Svstem
o $50-00 $100.OO/occurrence
Tampering or disabling fire protection systems or devices
o Tampering or disabling Fire
Protection Systems or Devices
$lpoo=oo $1 .000.0O/occurrence
Nuisance/False 91 1 calls
lntentional false reportingO $+oooss $1 .000.O0/occurrence
lncluded in the base fee
\-Abuse of 911 Service
o Misuse of the 911 system, 911
hang-up call, Emergency
request for non-emergent
$250=00 $250.00/occurrence
Ambulance Transportation and Mileage Fees*Medic I transports that involve advanced life support (ALS) services requiring either administration of at
least three different medications or the provision of at least one ALS procedure as identified as ALS-2 in
Medicare's current ambulance fee schedule:
Public Works and Utilitie s Department Fees
Description:Current Fee:
Medic I Transports that lnvolve Advanced Life Qqpport (ALS - 2)
a Base Charge $825SO $1.195.00
o Mileage, per mile ${5*5
Medic I Trans rts that lnvolve Advanced Life S llport (ALS) Services
o Base Charge $750.00 $1.070.00
o Mileage, per mile ffi
Medic I Transports that lnvolve Only Basic !!fe Support Services:
a Base Charge $600€s $800.00
O Mileage, per mile $+#$19.50
Electric Permits and lns ons:
14 Deposit equivalent to the estimated full amount of the fee required.
1s Deposit equivalent to the estimated full amount of the fee reouired.
16 Applies to all lots established after Januarv 1. 2005. and to lots established prior to Januarv 1. 2000. with
no orior historv of electric service.
lT Applies to all lots established afterJanuarv 1. 2005. an
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Electrical permit application plan
(Actual labor/materials costs)
plus 1 5o/o for administrative
(Actual labor/materials costs)
plus 15% for administrative
Transformer charge for a
previously unserved residential
lot with underground electrical
service, including all applicable
$770,00 $2.490.4316
Transformer Charge for
Previously unserved residential
lot with overhead electric
service, including applicable
$440SO $ 1.370.8917
lnstallation and Removal of a
Temporary Service
${45SO $220.03
Service Calls on Customer's
${45SO $220.03
no prior tt islory o[ electric service
Fee Effective 1 I 1 12024:
Public Works Sitino Buildino Plan Review .....................................25% of the buildino permit fee
Public Works Review of Plannino Permits... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...20% of the plannino permit
Service Calls on Customer's
Equipment after regular working
$250€s $396.05
Labor Billing Rate for Line Crew
$55,00/hr $75.00/hour18
Overtime $85€O/hr 1 19
Contract and Administration C harge:
O Projects less than 500
$405+s $600.20
o Projects 500 kw and
$@€o $1.809.30
Residential Service Cancellation
$250SO $396.05
Additional Review. when
NA $150.00/hour
Grading Permit and Plan Review Fees
Gradi and filli
Clearin and drain
rmw rP ti W iti De rtment Fees
18 Plus $27.00 billins charqe.
1s Plus $27.00 billinq charse.
20 See PAMC 13.12.010(D).
21A third or subsequent review of any application or any part of any application
22 Hourly cost includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:.
250 Cubic Yards or Less $40€o $2.8s3.00
251 to 1,000 Cubic Yards $75SO $3.804.00
1 ,001 - 10,000 Cubic Yards g140so $3.804.80
Plus, an additional
amount for each
additional 10,000 Cubic
o $15-00 $1.141.20
Additional Plan Review for
ee++ireO Changes, Additions, or
Revisions to Approved Plans
$90,00/hr $95.1O/hour
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Less than one acre $40s0 $2.853.00
One acre to five acres $7+O0 $3.613.80
Additional plan review for
changes, additions, or revisions
to approved plans, minimum one
hour) 22
$90$0/hr $95.10/hour
Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:Description:
Construction inspection :
o lnspections during
norma! business hours
$g0S0lheur $95.10/hour
lnspections outsidea $gg00/h€u+$285.50 ($ 1 42.50/hour)
normal business hours
(two-hour minimum)
Annual Private Property Stormwater:
O lnspections during
normal business hours
(the minimum charge
shal! be 2.5 hours)
$225SO $237.75 ($95.1O/hour)
Source Control Program I nspections:
o lnspections during
normal business hours
$+ro€s $95.1O/hour
Engineering review, if required:
a Stormwater $380.40 (+$95. 1 O/acre)
a Additional review, when
Ri ht-of-W Fees
R ht-of-W Use Permit Fees
23 Permit fees shall also include the cost of restoration, if applicable.
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024
Permit for Construction or Excavation Work in the City Right-of-Wayz3
O Curb and Gutter
${€oso $665.70
Driveway lnstallationo ${€0ss $665.70
o ${50ss $665.70
StreeUAlley Pavement Cut-With
Traffic Control
$15,oo/SQFT $1046.10 Base l/inimum
StreeUAlley Pavement Cut W/O
Traffic Control
$13 oo/SQFT $855.90 Base Minimum
lnspections $gsss $95.1O/hour
Building move permit fees:
Relocate building on
same loUparcel w/o use
of Risht-of-Way.
O $40ss $190.20
a Move the building from
one City lot to another
${4€+s $1.141.20
Move building from
Outside City Limits to
lnside City Limits
O $140SO $1.141.20
lnspection Feea $55SO $95.10/hour
Right-of-Way License, Master
Permit, or Facilities Lease -
nonrefundable fil ing charge
$50ss $95.10
Description:Gurrent Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Benches $40so $285.30
Litter Receptacles $40so $285.30
Bicycle Racks $40so $285.30
Private Planters $40so $285.30
Landscaping Higher than 30
$4s€s $28s.30
"A" Frame Signs $40,09 $285.30
All Other Work
Exhibitions (civic, charitable, or
4q!-profit organization)
$oss $570.60
All Other Exhibitions $75SO $475.50
Sidewalk Caf6s $75€O $570.60
Activities not specifically
$75SO $475.50
Ramps, Steps, or any Similar
$140Ss $s70.60
Fences $140SO q570.60
Retaining Walls $215so wqoa
Rockeries $2ffi $570.60
Temporary Street Use Permit $75,00 $s70.60
Obstruction of Unopened Streets $21+0s $570.60/vear
Utility Pole and Street Light
Standard Attachments
$75€s $570.60
Utility Service and Connection Fees
Electric Utility Service
residential work fees in faxes
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effective 1 11 12024:
Service/feeder 200 amp.$#0€s $190.20
Service/feeder 201 -400 am p $14m $190.20
Service/feeder 401 -600 amp $205€0 $285.30
Service/feeder 60 1 -1 000 amp.$zess $380.40
Service/feeder over 1000 amp $380=40 $475.s0
Branch Circuit with Service
$s $5.30
Branch Circuit without Service
$m $95.10
Each Additional Branch Circuit $#$47.55
Tem porary service/feeder 200
$93SO $9s.10
Temporary service/feeder 201 -
400 amp.
$110,00 $190.20
Temporary service/feeder 401 -
600 amp.
s+4s€s $28s.30
Temporary service/feeder 601 -
1000 amp.
$1€8=00 $380.40
Hourlv lnsoection Fee $96S0/heu+$gS.tO/hour
Sinqal circuiUlimited enerqv 1
and 2 familv dwellinqs
$64€0 $95.1 0
Siqnal circuiUlimited enerov
mu Iti-fa m ilv dwellinqs
$64S $95.10
Manufactured Home Connection $120SO $190.20
Renewable Electrical Enerov 5
K\4A€vgtem or less
${€2SO $190.20
Sinqle and Multi-Familv
Dwellinos - First 1300 Square
a Each Additional 500
Souare Feet
$40so $47.55
Each outbuildino or detached $74SO $95.10
Each swimminq oool or hot tub $11€+O $190.20
Low-voltaqe thermostat $ffi $e5.10
o Each Additional low-
voltaqe thermostat
$5SO $s.30
Citv Lockbox for access to
electric meter
Each Additional lnspection or
Site Visit required for
enforcement or safetv violation
Requests by property owners to
inspect existino installations
$11€€O $190.20
Addition of up to four circuits $75,00 $95.10
Electrical non-residential work permits and charoes. includino inspections and applicable
DescIlptrani Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112024:
Service/feeder 200 amp ${3+00 $2A t5
Service/feeder 201 -4OO am p $1€OSO $237.75
Service/feeder 401 -600 amp.$225Ss $332.85
Service/feeder 601 -1 000 amp.$288€s $427.95
Service/feeder over 1000 amp $4{0.09 $523.05
Branch Circuit with Service
$5.09 $5.60
Branch Circuit without Service
$740s $95.10
Each Additional Branch Circuit $5€s $47.55
Tem porary service/feeder 200
$1€2Ss $190.20
Tem porary service/feeder 201 -
400 amp.
$#s $237.75
Temporary service/feeder 401 -
600 amp.
$1€4+O $285.30
Temporary service/feeder 601 -
1000 amp.
$4€ffi $332.8s
Hourlv lnspection Fee $g6$O/heur $95-i0/hour
Sion/outline lishtinq $88€O $142.65
Siqnal circuiUlimited enerqv-
commercial first 1.500 square
$96S0 $190.20
o Each Additional 1.500
square fee or portion of
$m $5.60
Renewable electrical enerov 5
KVA svstem or less
$+{3€O $190.20
tub $#1S $231t5
Low-voltaoe thermostat $56$0 $95.10
a Each additional low-
voltaqe thermostat
$5€O $5.60
Each carnival ride and oenerator
28$O $95.10
Each remote distribution of $gSs $47.55
equioment. concerts. or qamino
First field inspection each vear
or a sinole ion or ride.
not part of a carnival
$ffi $237.75
o subseouent inspection
of a single concession or
ride not part of a carniva!
$81S $142.65
Berth at a Marina or Dock $81S $9s.10
O Each additional berth
inspected at the same
$ms $95.10
lndustrial Block Permit $2309=OO $3,328.50
Each additional i nsoection or site
visit reouired for enforcement or
safetv violation
$5630 $142.65
Citv lockbox for access to
electric meter
s185sg $285.30
Requests bv propertv owners to
insoect existinq installations
s+21.oo $190.20
Addition of up to four circuits $86=09 $95.10
Pole attachment rate $15,8S/eentraet $95.1O/contract
S Gonnects of Disconnects:
o Regular hours $80so
a After Alen-regular hours ${40$o $237.70
Water/Sewer/Storm service connection fees
Upon Request, Underground utility work performed by the Public Works
De artment
Descriptionl Current Fee:Fee Effective on 11112O24:
Linear feet (LF) oI water pipe $o:soltF $2.s!trE
Linear feet (LF) of sewer piPe $o:soltF $2.50/LF
Connection Permits
o Single-Family Houses $150SO $665.70
Repair to Side Sewer $40ss $152.00
Capping Side Sewers $300ss $850.00
Storm Drain Connections
a lnstallation of catch
basins or similar
$55-00 $66s.70
o Al! connections other
than for a catch basin
$ffi $665.70
Tapping sewer or storm drain
main lines to install a tee or wye s{€g^00
Description:Current Fee:Fee Effecttve on 11112024:
Hot Water Main:
o T 2" on 6" or 8" main $ssso
o 4" on 6" main $s70€s $1.711.80
O Tap 4" on 8"main $1p75€s $1.711.80
O Tap 6" on 6" main $1+2O-0O $1.711.80
a Tap 6" on 8" main $1+20.00 $2.092.20
O Tap 8" on 8" main $1+45so $2.092.20
o Tap 8" on 10" main @
Actua! Cost. Citv time/materials
Tapping sanitary or storm
$405€s $951.00
Miscellaneous Util Cha
Miscellaneous Fees and Charges
MUlti fSIIlilY PreP€rtY t3x €x€lllPtioll SPP|iG€ltiefl, =. =.=,,=,,,,,,,,,,,..,..r''.,,...=.===,=,===,====,=,===,,,$1 ;000=00
Multi family preperty tax exemptign extensien preGessing fee,- =.,,==,=,,,,,=,..,,,,..,,==,,,,,,==$500,00
Description Fee Effective on 11112024:
Restoration of any street, alley,
curb, sidewalk, utility, or other
City structure altered or
damaged by sewer or storm
drain connection construction
netuarciqre€st Actual Citv Cost
Developer rei mbursement
agreement application
processing fee
$1#oo€o $2.500.00
Current Fee
Exhibit B - Reporting Requirements
1. Enhanced Transparencv and Efficiencv for Permit Review and Approval
Four months after the Tyler Enterprise Resource Planning effort is fully implemented to upgrade
the City's permit software for the development review process, the Directors of Community and
Economic Development, Fire Department, and Public Works and Utilities will present a Key
Performance lndicators (KPl) dashboard to Council, and report regularly thereafter. The KPls will
be developed in collaboration with key community stakeholders (i.e., Port Angeles Association
of Realtors, North Peninsula Builders Association, Peninsula Housing Authority, etc.).
2. Hardship Assistance for the Remodel or Exoansion of Existine Sinele-Familv Units
By July L,2024, the Directors of Finance, Community and Economic Development, and Public
Works and Utilities will present to the Council a proposed hardship assistance program. This
limited initiative would be focused solely on assisting current residents earning less than SOYo of
Area Median lncome (AMl) with limited fee waivers, deferrals, or reimbursements for projects
related to the remodeling or expansion of existing single-family homes within the city.
3.Fee Reimbursement ram for the Construction of New Affordable Si nsle-Familv Units
By October 1, 2024, the Directors of Finance, Community and Economic Development, and
Public Works and Utilities will present to the Council a proposed permit fee reimbursement
program for the construction of new affordable single-family units within the city. This fee
reimbursement program will be directed at projects for residents earning less than 80% of Area
Median lncome (AMl) and that are eligible for funding under the Affordable Housing Sales Tax.
4. Annual Fee Adiustments
Upon full implementation of the fee schedule, the Directors of Finance and Community and
Economic Development wil! propose annual adjustments to the fee schedule based on labor,
benefit, and general cost inflation. The proposed adjustments will be considered concurrently
with the adoption of annual City budgets.
5. 1O-Year Review
The Directors of Finance, Community and Economic Development, Fire Department, and Public
Works and Utitities will jointly present a report to the Council on the effectiveness and financial
impacts of the fee waiver program at least every 10 years.
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the Port Angeles Cify Council on November 8.2023
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington relating to the fees for services provided by
the various departments of the City amending section 1.25.010 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
pertaining to the fee schedule amending the City's Master Fee Schedule; authorizing and directing City
departments to issue reports to the Council regarding certain permitting and fee items; providing for
severability; and establishing an effective date.
These Ordinances, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body,
are not subject to referendum. These Ordinances shall take effect on January 1,2024.
The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall inthe Clerk's office, onthe City's website
at ww'r,r,.cityofpa.us or will be mailed upon request.
Kari Martinez-Bailey
City Clerk
Published by swnmary: Tuesday, November I 4,2023