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120 E 5th St - Building
� VA 1 1 CERTIFI:CATPE, DF OCC:UPANCY City of 'Port Angeles - °Building,_ Division This certificate is issued puYsuant!to .the requirements of Section 111 of the 2009International Building Code certifying that at the timeq'of issuance..this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction-,oruse for the folloyving g u Xr n Business name Haroid:,s Take Out., (Own'er-• J'oe,,Abbott), w r Business address' 12O �E" 5th St. Property owner Vernon DPefers Property owner s address PO Box 24b61,P,ort{Argeles,�1NA,98362=.03`15 Automatic•fire sprihklersystem. Not Required Use & occupancy classif cation. Business. Building permit number:r �.�_ r Occupant load. Per209 IBCTable10:0411 :s` Type of construction. V Br .t01F,xa/ 09-30-11 r. Sue: Robe c . ;Plataizng Manager Date Post on the premises in a conspicuous place. Thiscertificate`sha`ll not be removed except by the Building Official. 1 1 � VA CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICATION Permit # zGfIFJ, _ CITY OF PORT ANGELES FEES Certificate /Inspection Attn Permit Technician �~ 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles WA '98362 00 Parking Business Improvement Area (PBIA) (360) 417-4815 fax (360) 417-4711 fee charged for Downtown locations PLEASE PRINT Al INK Check one: New business in P.A.?kChan,ge of ownership only? .W;)oving location from within P.A.? ❑ Zoning CSD BUSINESS NAME /T�rb (CJ S k -e aLi-I'— Business address 12v 4 5 T-n� sT— Mailing address___5A-,,,A �- Phone number r3cj�7gs 2. -y 17/ Opening date 4- R- // Days & hours of operation MC>AU Business owner's name e AtzIL,-t- r- Contact phone Business owner's address 1'72-3 W io--�2k_ 4,rf A> ,jale_5 C. A 4g3�,3 Brief description of business Grp 6ras4- -.� PA Lex"L Property owner's name V6_'2-tJ _ e Contact phone J3&o 4 -11 — (OS -2, Property owner's address/contact BUILDING DEPARTMENT phone 417-4815 I Bldg approval by on Is the business a restaurant or bar that will seat 50 or more people? Yes ❑ No X Construction changes planned (moving walls adding/enlarging windows or doors roofing siding foundation work, adding/altering stairways, ramps bathrooms electrical heating/cooling/ventilation systems etc) Work planned tlJ O'";c FIRE DEPARTMENT phone 417-4653 Fire approval by on Changes to a fire sprinkler system or fire alarm system? Yes ❑ No Work planned PBIA (Parking Business Improvement Area Downtown) phone 417-4623 Square footage of business? IPBIA notified on Is business moving within the PBIA? Yes ❑ No ❑ CITY CLERK phone 417-4634 City Clerk approval byon Second-hand dealer/pawnbroker business? Yes ❑ No Will there be dancing at this business? Yes ❑ No A City of Port Angeles Business License is required for Taxi, Peddlers, Second -Hand Dealer Pawnbroker Dance, Hotel -Motel, Fireworks, Ambulance, and Tattoo Businesses. Page 1 of 2 COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT phone 417-4750 CED approval by on Number of off-street parking spaces available for employees and customers? (A parking plan may be required.) Signs? (wall -mounted freestanding projecting awning A -frame etc?) Signs planned• PLEASE NOTE: NO flashing intermittent, or chasing signs are permitted in the City of Port Angeles. PWE approval by on PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING phone 417-4812 Is site work planned (new or re -located sewer or water service excavation grading or filling work in City right-of-way new driveway openings site drainage parking lots, downspouts irrigation system backflow devices, etc.) Yes ❑ No Work planned PUBLIC WORKS WASTEWATER phone 417-4845 I PWWapprovalby on Will waste, other than domestic household waste be discharged into the sewer system? Yes N No ❑ If yes what will be discharged 6z re As e TrA P DIA c--e-- Call for Certificate of Occupancy inspections BEFORE openinq business. Building Department Inspection 417-4815 Fire Department Inspection 417-4653 Please sign up for utility services at the cashiers' counter hereby apply for la Certificate of Occupancy / acknowledge that / have read this application and state that the information / have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge Incorrect information may result in revocation of permit. Date q –S" 11 Print Name Signature �— L 1 7AFonns\Bui1ding DivisionlCer ificate of Occupancy Application (2010).doc Page 2 of 2 o PC)�Qy- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICATION Permit # ' FEES CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn Permit Technician $ Certificate / Inspection 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 00 Parking Business Improvement Area (PBIA) (360) 417-4815 fax (360) 417-4711 fee charged for Downtown locations PLEASE PRINT N INK Check one: New businessinP.A.?Change of ownership only? WAving location from within P.A.? ❑ 5 Zoning Cp BUSINESS NAME /T ri Ild C U -t - Business address /2v 5� �` s� Mailing address _SAS Phone number r3cao7q_ 2 -q 17/ Opening date 4- 4-- // Days & hours of operation ruoti -.! 4-T gyp^ g Business owner's name s A L,>Io ,-t- -r- Contact phone Business owner's address 1723 W In t� Pyr% /a>.�ydl'�s L)A- 993(,T Brief description of business7fA-e— t3e_s4- v.� P,} Le>_-k- ��-�-- Property owner's name V&:;2_ir\1 S Contact phone 13W) 1411 — ((7S -21 Property owner's address/contact BUILDING DEPARTMENT phone 417-4815 I Bldg approval by on Is the business a restaurant or bar that will seat 50 or more people? Yes ❑ No X Construction changes planned (moving walls adding/enlarging windows or doors roofing siding foundation work, adding/altering stairways ramps bathrooms electrical heating/cooling/ventilation systems etc) Work planned tlJ O'�+c FIRE DEPARTMENT phone 417-4653 Fire approval by Changes to a fire sprinkler system or fire alarm system? Yes ❑ No Work planned PBIA (Parking Business Improvement Area - Downtown) phone 417-4623 Square footage of business? PBIA notified Is business moving within the PBIA? Yes ❑ No ❑ CITY CLERK phone 417-4634 City Clerk approval by Second-hand dealer/pawnbroker business? Yes ❑ No Will there be dancing at this business? Yes ❑ No K A City of Port Angeles Business License is required for Taxi, Peddlers, Second -Hand Dealer Pawnbroker Dance, Hotel -Motel, Fireworks, Ambulance, and Tattoo Businesses. Page 1 of 2 m on on P, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT phone 417-4750 CED approval by on r Number of off-street parking spaces available for employees and customers? S (A parking plan may be required.) Signs? (wall -mounted freestanding projecting awning A -frame etc?) Signs planned - PLEASE NOTE: NO flashing intermittent, or chasing signs are permitted in the City of Port Angeles. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING phone 417-4812 Is site work planned (new or re -located sewer or water service, excavation grading or filling work in City right-of-way new driveway openings, site drainage parking lots, downspouts irrigation system backflow devices etc.) Yes ❑ No Work planned PUBLIC WORKS WASTEWATER phone 417-4845 P./WE approval by R I/ on NO r►'1 44,0✓ty" PWW approval by on Will waste, other than domestic household waste be discharged into the sewer system? Yes P� No ❑ If yes what will be discharged. Cz re As e_ -Fro P ,",.) DIA c� Call for Certificate of Occupancy inspections BEFORE openin.q business. Building Department Inspection 417-4815 Fire Department Inspection 417-4653 Please sign up for utility services at the cashiers' counter I hereby apply for a Certificate of Occupancy I acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge. Incorrect information may result in revocation of permit. Date Print Name '4bL, o t<"t Signature "_— 1 T %FonnslBuilding Division%Cer ificate of Occupancy Application (2010).doc Page 2 of 2 C,;soaT.q,yG�(� CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICATION Permit# CITY OF PORT ANGELES FEES �-"�► Attn Permit Technician Certificate /Inspection ~ 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 00 Parking Business Improvement Area (PBIA) (360) 417-4815 fax (360) 417-4711 fee charged for Downtown locations ;L5ASFA�QINTN INK Check one: New business in P.AAChange of ownership only? Wj�oving location from within P.A.? ❑ Zoning c5D BUSINESS NAME c,,J t Business address I2v 1^ ST L' sem' Mailing address_,,5AM Phone number17/ Opening date 9- 4- // Days & hours of operation rpt©,v-.S*T' /a - Business owner's name s A(off 5fi-r- Contact phone Business owner's address 172.3 Lj Io !r' 4,-rf- L)A- 4S�3(p 3 Brief description of business o,,+' Gr�-) 13es4- -� P4 Property owner's name Contact phone _ C o q -n — lOS -2, Property owner's address/contact BUILDING DEPARTMENT phone 417-4815 I Bldg approval by on Is the business a restaurant or bar that will seat 50 or more people? Yes ❑ No X Construction changes planned (moving walls adding/enlarging windows or doors roofing siding foundation work, adding/altering stairways ramps bathrooms electrical heating/cooling/ventilation systems, etc) Work planned N:3 C) FIRE DEPARTMENT phone 417-4653 Fire approval by �'��7 on Changes to a fire sprinkler system or fire alarm system? Yes ❑ No Work planned PBIA (Parking Business Improvement Area -Downtown) phone 417-4623 Square footage of business? PBIA notified on Is business moving within the PBIA? Yes ❑ No ❑ CITY CLERK phone 417-4634 City Clerk approval by on Second-hand dealer/pawnbroker business? Yes ❑ No )� Will there be dancing at this business? Yes ❑ No K A City of Port Angeles Business License is required for Taxi, Peddlers, Second -Hand Dealer Pawnbroker Dance, Hotel -Motel, Fireworks, Ambulance, and Tattoo Businesses. Page 1 of 2 COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT phone 417-4750 CED approval by on Number of off-street parking spaces available for employees and customers? .S7 (A parking plan may be required.) Signs? (wall -mounted freestanding projecting awning A -frame etc?) Signs planned- ��� rs i NGS Sc G,1JS . PLEASE NOTE: NO flashing intermittent, or chasing signs are permitted in the City of Port Angeles. PWE approval by PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING phone 417-4812 Is site work planned (new or re -located sewer or water service excavation grading or filling work in City right-of-way new driveway openings, site drainage parking lots downspouts irrigation system backflow devices etc.) Yes ❑ NoZ Work planned PUBLIC WORKS WASTEWATER phone 417-4845 I PWW approval by on on Will waste, other than domestic household waste be discharged into the sewer system? Yes 9 No ❑ If yes what will be discharged 67 rp- �s e- Tr,* P ; _,) 01A Call for Certificate of Occupancy inspections BEFORE openinq business. Building Department Inspection 417-4815 Fire Department Inspection 417-4653 Please sign up for utility services at the cashiers' counter / hereby apply for a Certificate of Occupancy I acknowledge that / have read this application and state that the information / have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge Incorrect information may result in revocation of permit. Date q –S"^ ( ( Print Name JZ� l+N�b o f't Signaxure �—' l 1 ` T1Fortnsl8uilding DivisionZer ificate of Occupancy Application (2010).doc Page 2 of 2 ot.�oer.q,. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICATION Permit# it— 9M CITY OF PORT ANGELES FEES - $ Certificate / Inspection Attn. Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St. Port Angeles WA 98362 00 Parking Business Improvement Area (PBIA) (360) 417-4815 fax (360) 417-4711 fee charged for Downtown locations PLEASE PRINT N INK Check one: New business in P.A.? Change of ownership only? oving location from within P.A.? ❑ Zoning C�Q BUSINESS NAME oLj-t— Business address 112-,o G" 5 fi h Mailing address__.,5A,,&.A --- Phone numberr3c T)gtT2. -q / -7/ Opening date R- c?- // Days & hours of operation Ma•� -P4-r Business owner's name Vie- AL,>L,ofi -r- Contact phone Business owner's address 1?0-3 Cj /o 1"� pe r -f /��y�f!�S C.JA- 493(4? Brief description of business Se -s4- P4 Lcx,k- rs,7t Property owner's name V6—a� `�cT�'(Z.S Property owner's address/contact BUILDING DEPARTMENT phone 417-4815 Is the business a restaurant or bar that will seat 50 or more people? Contact phone On 1.1 — [0S A Bldg approval by on Yes ❑ No X Construction changes planned (moving walls, adding/enlarging windows or doors roofing siding foundation work, adding/altering stairways ramps, bathrooms electrical heating/cooling/ventilation systems etc) Work planned _ �-D C) r - c FIRE DEPARTMENT phone 417-4653 Fire approval by '„ on i Changes to a fire sprinkler system or fire alarm system? Yes ❑ No Work planned f PBIA (Parking Business Improvement Area Downtown) phone 417-4623 Square footage of business? PBIA notified o Is business moving within the PBIA? Yes ❑ No ❑ CITY CLERK phone 4174634 City Clerk approval by_ —�'Hon Second-hand dealer/pawnbroker business? Yes ❑ No Will there be dancing at this business? Yes ❑ No K A City of Port Angeles Business License is required for- Taxi, orTaxi, Peddlers, Second -Hand Dealer Pawnbroker Dance, Hotel -Motel, Fireworks, Ambulance, and Tattoo Businesses. Page 1 of 2 COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT phone 417-4750 Number of off-street parking spaces available for employees and customers? S (A parking plan may be required.) Signs? (wall -mounted freestanding projecting awning A -frame etc?) Signs planned- '4�e TS S is �) NCS St G JuC CED approval by 3k PLEASE NOTE: NO flashing intermittent, or chasing signs are permitted in the City of Port Angeles. PWE approval by 1`V PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING phone 417-4812 Is site work planned (new or re -located sewer or water service, excavation, gr6ding or filling work in City right-of-way new driveway openings, site°drainage parking lots downspouts, irrigation system backflow devices etc.) Yes ❑ No Work planned on '1-u— on L—I(—I( PUBLIC WORKS WASTEWATER phone 417-4845 I PWW approval by Will waste other than domestic household waste be discharged into the sewer system? Yes No ❑ If yes what will be discharged- Cq re.as e- -Fr-* iJ 1.o Dl�a tee_ Call for Certificate of Occupancv inspections BEFORE opening business. Building Department Inspection 417-4815 Fire Department Inspection 417-4653 Please sign up for utility services at the cashiers' counter I hereby apply for a Certificate of Occupancy I acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information I have supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge Incorrect information may result in revocation of permit. Date Q —S- 0 Print Name �1d� 6;t�b o Si nacre T1Forms\Buildmg DivisioMCertificate of Occupancy Application (2010).doc Page 2 of 2 i n 162 418 -IN f rp!""f v ISO n .11 5° 504, V, 113 zk w 601 yam` 3 y Al-tt 509 711 �Qir. 520 513 a212 114 ,- X-111-Mmk 11 n U Site Address: / L Installed By: .r ` / Q� TX L Owner/Business: L19vGrc I Owner/Business Address: CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT PERMIT NO U ELECTRICAL PERMIT DATE /'0 6--Tt\ ❑READY FOR IIWILL CALL FOR INSPECTION / INSPECTION License Number. Phone: S� L I Phone: Sq. Ft. ❑ Residential Heat KW ❑ Baseboard ❑ Furnace/Boiler ❑ Heatpump ❑ Other Commerc ialll ndustrial load Total Connected load (attach breakdown) Total Motor load (attach breakdown) Details/Description: �CAd S 7X1 LL S/ 6r(/ ❑ New C struction ❑ Ove rhe ❑ R odel ❑ Unde round ervice update/alter/repair Volta ❑ ❑ 3 >� Add/alter circuits S vice size ❑ Auxiliary power Temporary (list below) ❑ Special equipment (list below) N,O+l 06#7— fe54 Zloao2 s7t!x, - W.S r Service SI7P pacity: ❑ O.K. ❑ Not O.K. Comment ❑ Ditch inspection O.K. ❑ Rough-in/cover O.K. ❑ O.K. to connect service Final O.K. Amps F)afp Hold for: ❑ Easement ❑ Letter ❑ Signed up for service/meter ❑ Meter Department notified for installation ❑ Fire Department notified of inspection ❑ Plan Review approved/pending Site Address: Permit/Receipt No. /3/6's Installer: �7 New Meters Date: l bf t CFC lC (P` i"tQ /p/Z 3117 Notify the Department of City Light by Street A dress and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Inspector/tI Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT. 158 or EXT. 224. NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT Anspector Amount paid WHITE —file by address YELLOW —file by number PINK —Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN —Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall