HomeMy WebLinkAboutLTAC Minutes 11152023LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington November 15, 2023 9:30 a.m. This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER Chair Carr called the meeting to order at9:31 a.m ROLL CALL Voting Members Present: Navarra Carr, Christine Loewe, Donya Alward, Sydney Rubin, Victoria Jones (attending virtually). Member at Large Non-Voting Members: Rosylen Mangohig. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Ben Braudrick, Melody Schnider, Hailey Jones, and Aubrianna Howell. APPROVAL F MINUTES It was moved by Alward and seconded by Lowe to: Approve the November 3, 2022 minutes. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC COMMENT Tommy Farris, rcsiding outside the city, spoke on behalf of Olympic Hiking Co and the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foundation application. Details included the Hurricane Ridge winter shuttle, parlnerships, snd the importance of LTAC funding to their organization. Jerry Oaks, city resident, spoke on behalfofHurricane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foun&tion and wanted to make a clarification on tlle application. Jeff Bohrnan, city resident, thanked the committee for the work they do and spoke to the b€oefits that the Olympic Discovery Trail and Peninsula Trails Collation has received in the past. Lorrie MitlIlam, city resident, spoke to short term rental operations and their positive conEibutions to the LTAC funding. MarySue French, city resident, spoke in support ofthe Pacifrc Northwest Fibers Arts Expo application. Kate Robbins, city resident, spoke in support ofthe Port Angeles City Ballet application' Jess Grello, city resident, r€presenting SquatchCon Comic & Arts Convention spoke on behalfofthe organization and thanked the committee for past funding. Marsha Massey, part time city resident, spoke in support ofthe application for the Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau and Olympic Peninsula Tourism Coomission. ACTION ITEMS 1. Review and Recommend Annual2024 Lodging Tax Fund Budget Review Management Accountant Melody Schnider presented the initial approved 2024 budget for the LTAC committee and the availJble funding for applicants. Planning Supervisor Ben Braudrick discussed the application scoring process and results. Specifrcally, how ap,plications were scored different$ based on if the applicant were new or legacy and non-event applicants. Chair Carr suggested that the committee discuss application scoring in sections, capital, marketing, oPeration and events. Committee discussion followed. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes November 15r2023 Page2 The Committee began reviewing the applications for the capital facilities budget and the use of firnding. The applicants requested a total of 5265,806. Chair Can opened the floor for discussion. The Committee dirccted a question !o th€ City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation, but a representative was unable to speak on behalfofthe application due to technical diffrculties. A representative was able to answer the Committees questions later in the meeting. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Rubin to: Fully fund the requested amount to Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts, Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, and Lincoln Park BMX Association for the capital budget. Motion carried 5-0. The Committee moved on to discuss the applications for the marketing budget and the funding available. The applicants requested a total of $47,000. It wrs moved by Jone6 and seconded by dward to: Fully fund both the marketing requests from the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission and Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission -Co-op Ads at their full amount. Motion carried 5-0. The Committee moved on to discuss the applications for the events budget and the funding available. The applicants requested a total of $116,375. Port Angeles City Ballet application representative Kate Robbins answercd a few clarifting questions regarding their application. Sea to Sound application representative Tina Woodward answered clarifying questions on funding. Committee discussion followed. It wss moved by Carr and seconded by Low€ to: Fully fund all the applicants, with the exception of Sea to Sound funded at $3,000, Port Angeles Rams Basketball funded at $3,000, and the Port Angeles City Ballet Presents: The Nutcracker funded at $2,000. Motion carried 3-2 with Alwrrd and Jones opposed. The City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation representative Tim Tucker answered several questions relating to how the funding would impact the restoration of the Locomotive #4. Committee discussion followed. It was moved by Alward and seconded by Carr to: Fund the City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation at $60,000. Motion carried 4-1 with Rubin opposed. Chair Carr opened the floor to discuss the application for the operations budget and the funding available. The applicants requested a total of $547,150. Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce representative MarySue French answered question regarding their application. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Alward: Fund all applicants in operation to their full request amounts with the exception of Field Arts and Events Hall funded at S100,000 and Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce - Elevate PA at funded at $32,000. Motion was carried 5-0. It was moyed by Carr and seconded by Rubin to: Recommend the 2024 total Lodging Tax budget in the amount of S 1,028,0000 to the Port Angeles City Council. Motion was carried 5-0. 2. Discussion/Actiotr ltem: 2024 Regular Meeting Scheduling Planning Supervisor Braudrick spoke to the 2024 Calendar for the regular LTAC Commiftee meetings. It was suggested by Plarming Supervisor Braudrick the 46 Thursday ofthe month for regular meetings. The Committee agreed by consensus to meet on March 28m, June 206, September 26t, November 76 from I I am to 1pm. STAFF UPDATES Planning Supervisor Braudrick gave a brief update on the strategic marketing plan. Management Accountrnent Schnider introduced Budget Officer Hailey Jones who will affending future LTAC meetings. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Minutes November 15,2023 Page 3 COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDATES None. Chair Carr adjournment the meeting at I l:44am. Carr, Chair Acting Clerk €