HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 01162024 MinutesCITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL Port Angeles, Washington January 16, 2024 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER -REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members Meyer, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin, Schwab, and Suggs. Members Absent: None Staff Present: City Manager West, Assistant City Manager Goings, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez -Bailey, C. Delikat, B. Smith, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, and M. Healy. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS PROCLAMATIONS &EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Martin Luther King Jr. Recognition Mayor Dexter read a proclamation in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day which highlighted the many contributions to equality and justice made by Dr. King and promoted Port Angeles citizens to strive for the same ideals. PUBLIC COMMENT Laurel Cripe, city resident, suggested best practices relative to short-term rentals to include limitations and restrictions. Jim McEntire, residing outside City limits, suggested the Council hold back on enforcement until more can be learned about short-term rentals. Bruce Swenson, city resident, spoke about the public outreach and listening event put on by the City related to short- term rentals offered by staff at the Senior and Community Center, his experience as a short-term rental owner, and suggested steps for the Council to take relative to the process, hoping to find a collaborative approach. Dan Anderson, city resident, spoke about short-term rentals. Paul Cunningham, city resident and business owner, spoke about his experience as a long-term and short-term rental experiences and thanked staff for their listening event at the Senior and Community Center. Otto, city resident, spoke about his challenge locating housing related to short-term rental. Gayle, city resident, spoke about local housing challenges for residents due to short-term rentals. Marolee Smith, city resident, spoke about tax increases and short-term rentals. Council received two public comments on matters not related to the evening's agenda. James Taylor, city resident, spoke about building codes as it relates to building affordable housing. Stephen Pelayo, resident of Port Angeles, spoke about the public outreach and listening event put on by the City related to short-term rentals offered by staff at the Senior and Community Center. PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — January 16, 2024 Joyce Underwood, residing outside the city limits and manager of an LLC located within the city, spoke in favor of short-term rentals and the service they are to the community. Susie Blake, city resident, expressed concern over the current stay of the Public Safety Advisory Board. Leslie Forsberg, residing outside the city limits, spoke in favor of short-term rentals, spoke about concerns relative to public input gathering. Ashlynn Emilianni, city resident, spoke about the public outreach and listening event put on by the City related to short-term rentals offered by staff at the Senior and Community Center and spoke about her takeaways. Jim Halburg, city resident and business owner, spoke about the City's proposals, including proposed fees and provided his recommendations on short-term rental operations within the city. Brian Heberling, residing outside the city limits, spoke about the proposal to end enforcement of short-term rentals and suggested Council consider other options that would address the housing challenges in Port Angeles. Caitlin no last name provided, residing outside the city limits, spoke about short-term rental return on investments and spoke about the City's survey as it relates to both short-term rental operations and affordable housing. Carolyn no last name provided, city resident, spoke about affordable housing. Brendan no last name provided, city resident, spoke about his experience moving to Port Angeles and living in a short- term rental and his concerns over the cost. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS Council member Schromen-Wawrin asked the Mayor to consider adding a Council discussion on a joint meeting between the Utility Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission, hearing no objection, the Mayor added the item to the agenda. CONSENT AGENDA At the request of Council member Suggs, Mayor Dexter pulled item E-4 Harbor Clean-up Agreement Amendment #2 to Work Order #4 from the Consent Agenda due to her place of employment. At the request of Council member Schwab and after hearing no opposition the Mayor added item G-1 Grant Authority to the Director of Public Works and Utilities for Cardboard Disposal, H-1 Body Worn Camera Fee Change Resolution, and J-1 Vehicle Purchase — Replacement of Fire Department Medic Unit #7201 to the Consent Agenda as items E-10, E-I I and E-12. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes of November 21 and December 5, 2023 / Approve 2. Expenditure Report: From December 5, 2023 to January 5, 2024 in the amount of $1,652,389.68 / Approve 3. Berg Benefits Professional Services Agreement and RedQuote HRA Adoption Agreement /Authorize the City Manager to sign 1.) the Berg Benefits Professional Services Agreement in an amount not to exceed $53,400; and 2.) the RedQuote Adoption Agreement. 4. PULLED FROM CONSENT Harbor Clean-up Agreement Amendment #2 to Work Order #4 5. Construction grant acceptance 16th Street LID / Accept the Washington State Department of Ecology (WSDOE) construction grant in the amount of $1, 667,250, authorize the City Manager to execute the WSDOE grant agreement WQC-2024- PoAnPW-00217, sign all required grant forms, and make minor modifications as necessary 6. Water System Plan Update— Professional Services Agreement (PSA-2023-42) /Award a Professional Services Agreement, for services to update the Water System Plan, Jacobs Engineering Group in the not to exceed amount of $96,055.00, and authorize the City Manager to sign and execute the Agreement and to make minor modifications to the Agreement as necessary. 7. Facility Use Agreement — Farmer's Market / 1) Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Facility Use Agreement with the Clallam County Gem and Mineral Association and; 2) Allow the City Manager to make any minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Page 2 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — January 16, 2024 8. Facility Use Agreement — Community Garden / 1) Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Facility Use Agreement with Contract with the Port Angeles Community Garden and; (2) Allow the City Manager to make any minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. 9. Facility Use Agreement — CCMAGA Rock Show / 1) Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Facility Use Agreement with the Clallam County Gem and Mineral Association and; 2) Allow the City Manager to make any minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. 10. ITEM MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA G-1 Grant Authority to the Director of Public Works and Utilities for Cardboard Disposal l A first reading of an Ordinance that amending Chapter 13.54 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code by adding a section relating to cardboard waste disposal. 11. ITEM MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA H-1Body Worn Camera Fee Change Resolution / Pass Resolution # 1-24 relating to fees for services; and establishing an effective date. 12. ITEM MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA J-1 Vehicle Purchase — Replacement of Fire Department Medic Unit #7201 / 1. Accept the bid from Braun NW of Chehalis, WA, to sell to the City a new 2024 Ford F450 4x4 chassis with a 6.7 diesel engine for a not to exceed amount of $257,392.30, including tax and accessories; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve and execute an agreement to purchase a new Fire Department Medic Unit using the bid supplied by Braun NW of Chehalis, WA, and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the purchase contract if necessary; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to surplus vehicle #7201, and to dispose of that vehicle in a commercially reasonable manner upon addition of the new vehicle to the City fleet. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 7-0. Council member Suggs spoke stated she would be recusing herself from the vote. 4. Harbor Clean-up Agreement Amendment #2 to Work Order #4 It was moved by Carr and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to: l 1.) Approve Change Order No. 2 to Work Order No. 4 expanding the work and budget of the Environmental Services Agreement; and 2.) Authorize payment of the City's share of Change Order No. 2 to Work Order No. 4; and 3.) Authorize the City Manager to execute documents necessary and appropriate to implement Change Order No. 2 to Work Order No. 4; and 4.) to make minor modifications to those documents as necessary. Motion carried 6-0 with Suggs abstaining from the vote. The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7:10 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:17 p.m. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Options for Amending Short-term Rental Enforcement Activity City Attorney William Bloor spoke to the agenda item and memo. Deputy City Manager Calvin Goings provided information to Council. Council discussion followed. 2. 2024 Legislative Priorities City Manager West spoke to the agenda item, provided background, and spoke to preliminary results presented in the draft document. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to: Adopt the 2024 Legislative Priorities as presented in the City Council packet. Motion carried 7-0. 3. Lincoln School Redevelopment Opportunities Manager West presented the agenda item, provided background, staff recommendation and spoke about potential opportunities for development. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Miller to: 1) Authorize the City Manager to submit a proposal to the North Olympic History Center for a formal due diligence review of multi -family redevelopment opportunities of the former Lincoln Elementary School building at 926 W. 8th Street and 2) authorize the City Manager to secure an independent consultant to evaluate redevelopment options. Motion carried 7-0. Page 3 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — January 16, 2024 4. Cost/Benefit Analysis of City Property Ownership Manager West presented the agenda item, provided background and turned the meeting over to Council member Suggs who had originally requested the matter be added to a future agenda. Council member Suggs provided an explanation and interest in pursuing this matter. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Miller and seconded by Meyer to: Direct staff to develop a plan and timeline to do a cost benefit analysis of City owned properties in which the City is the landlord or properties where the City is a tenant. Motion carried 7-0. 5. City Council Assignments for 2024-2025 Mayor Dexter presented the agenda item, discussed some minor changes. It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Carr to: Adopt the 2024-2025 assignments as amended, to include adding Dexter as the first alternate and Carr as second alternate to the Clallam Transit System Board and appoint Suggs as the Council Representative and Council member Schwab as the alternate to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Motion carried 7-0. 6. LATE ITEM Joint Meeting Discussion Council discussion followed. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Miller to: Direct staff to schedule a joint meeting between the Utility Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission. Motion carried 7-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Meyer spoke about interest in hearing reports on Clallam Transit System Zero Fare and an update on the Winter Ice Village from the Chamber, and shared he was looking forward to a future PAPA meeting. Council member Miller spoke about a recent UAC meeting, expressed her appreciation for the cold weather response from staff, attendance at a Board of Health meeting and spoke about an overdose stat. Deputy Mayor Carr spoke about the first public comment period, spoke about a positive experience during a Mutsu, Japan student visit, an opportunity during a public testimony using talking points in support of Police and Fire staffing and retainage challenges. Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about an article related to eviction and rent studies and spoke about vacant properties. Council member Schwab spoke about an upcoming meeting and a future report. Mayor Dexter spoke about a cold weather response from staff. No other reports were given. The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 8:19 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:25 p.m. INFORMATION Manager West spoke regarding an upcoming work session and city policy, the cold weather response by staff. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT James Taylor, city resident, spoke about building code needs, and spoke about the need for clear policy to provide to short-term renters. Page 4 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING —January 16, 2024 Jen, short-term rental owner, spoke to her experience, about the regulations presented by the City. John Ralston, city resident, spoke about short-term rentals, GovOS data, and the need for transparency. Kevin, residing outside city limits and short-term rental owner, spoke about short-term rentals and current code that regulates short-term rentals. Jake Purvis, residing outside city limits, thanked staff for the event put on by the City related to short-term rentals offered by staff at the Senior and Community Center, and encouraged the Council to find a compromise relative to short-term rentals. Steven Pelayo, city resident, spoke to Lodging Tax fees, proposed master fee inspection costs, and spoke about communications he had with City staff. Lorrie Mittman, city resident, made suggestions on code revisions, spoke about a need for compromise, shared her preference of the options and why, and spoke about the benefits of lodging tax dollars. Jim Halberg, city resident and business owner, spoke about the need for balance relative to short-term rentals, and spoke about vacant and derelict homes that could be developed. Chris O'Connell, city resident, spoke some negative experiences living in a neighborhood with short-term rentals. Laurel Cripe, city resident, spoke about her research relative to short-term rental regulations. Carolyn Wilcox, city resident, spoke about public comment and short-term rentals. Marolee Smith, city resident, spoke about her research relative to short-term rentals. Caitlin Sullivan, residing outside the city limits, spoke about Hawaii's short-term rental regulations and spoke about a tourism -based approach. Skip Hutchison, city resident, spoke about an event put on by the City related to short-term rentals offered by staff at the Senior and Community Center, and spoke about his experience operating a short-term rental. Justin, city resident, spoke about vacant properties and property ownership, and fiat currency. Cody Houston, city resident, spoke to short-term rentals. Rita Houston, city resident, spoke in favor of short-term rentals. David Squires, city business owner, spoke to affordable housing and short-term rentals. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 9:29 p.m. LIU. X14 Kate Dexter, Mayor Kari Martinez -Bailey, Page 5 of 5