HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 02062024 MinutesCITY OF PORT ANGELES
Port Angeles, Washington
February 6,2024
This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting.
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council members Meyer, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin (attending
virtually from Association of Washington Cities conference), Schwab (attending virtually attending virhrally from
Association of Washington Cities conference), and Suggs.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager West, Deputy City Manager Goings, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat,
B. Smith, S. Carrizosa, M. Sanders, and M. Healy.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Susie Blake, city resident, spoke to the Ad Hoc Committee on Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointments
and asked the Council to prioritize filling vacant seats.
Steven Pelayo, business owner in the city, spoke the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee matter on the agenda for
John Ralston, city resident, spoke to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee matter on the agenda for consideration.
James Taylor, city resident, spoke to Council engagement.
Marolee Smith, city resident, spoke about the City Council's public comment period.
Ron Richards, residing outside city limits, spoke to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee matter on the agenda for
It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Miller to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1 .City Council Minutes of December 19 , 2023 and January 2, 2024 I Approve
2. Expenditure Report: From January 6, 2024 to January 26, 2024 in the (lmount of $3,950,973.21 / Approve
3. Washington Department of Commerce Grant Acceptance I t) Approve a grqnt agreement with the Washington
Department of Commercefor the purchese and deployment of the equipment and expenditure of $50,000.00, and 2)
Authorize the City Manager to sign and execute the grant agreement and approve and execute the final purchase
documents to complete the purchase of the equipment speciJied in the grant and to make minor modffications as
4. Vehicle Purchase I l) Approve the purchase of a 2023 Ford Interceptor Police Department Vehicle that is the
functional equivalent of existing vehicle #1512 from The Arizona State Contrutct in qn amount not to exceed
$60,442.10, including tax; qnd the contract equipment, ouffitting, and delivery transportation cost not to exceed
$25,000. 2) Authorize the City Manager to qpprove and execute the final purchase documents and to complete the
purchase. 3) Authorize the City Manager to surplus vehicle #I 5 I2, and to dispose of that vehicle in a commercially
reasonable manneL upon addition of the new vehicle to the City fleet.
5. REdisCOVERY Julotta Software Purchase I Authorize the City Manager to sign a renewal contract with Julota
and to make minor modi/ications as necessary.
6. Acceptance on Signal Grant I I) Award a contract to TITAN Earthwork, LLC for the Signal Controller Upgrades
Project TR0120 in the amount of $4,197,795.00 including applicable taxes and authorize the City Manager to sign a
construction contract for this project and to make minor modifications if necessary.2) Approve Amendment #3 to the
Signal Controller Upgrades Professional Service Agreement with Parametrix, Inc. in the amount of $250,929.73
with a new not to exceed amount of 5930,592.55 and approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the
Amendment and make minor modificqtions as necessary.
7. Wastewater Treatment Plant Airgap Final Acceptance I Accept the Wqstewater Air-Gap System project CON-
2020-04 as
complete and authorize staff to proceed with project closeout, and releqse the 5% retainage upon receipt of all
required cleerances.
8. Everbridge Contract / Authorize the City Manager to sign an interlocal agreement wilh Clallam County for the
purchase and deployment of an emergency notification system that serves all of Clallam County with an annual
expenditure of up to $9,000.00for the system and to make minor modi/iccttions as necessary.
9. Emergency Declaration / Ratify Resolution Pass the attached resolution, ffirming and ratifying the Declaration
of Emergency issued by the City Manager on January 24, 2024.
10. CLIHP Grant Letter of Support I Staff requests that Council authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of support
endorsing Clallam County's application for CLIHP funding.
11. Light Operations Rental Facility Lease I Approve a l2-month lease extension with ALK Properties, LLC, for a
total amount of $90,000; and authorize the City Manager to sign and execute a lease extension and make minor
modifications to the lease if necessary.
12. Interlocal Agreement - Clallam County, Washington I Approve the attqched ILA with Clallam County,
llashington, and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement and make minor modffications to the
A gre ement, if neces s ary.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Capital Request Consideration
Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa introduced the item, provided some background, and introduced Director of Public
Works & Utilities Mike Healy and Parks and Recreation Director Corey Delikat to introduce the projects. Director
Healy discussed the project that required the City to declare a state of emergency, provided a number of considerations
of the project to consider from process to the color of paint for the tower. Council discussion followed. Director
Delikat spoke to the matter, spoke to the destruction and included repair costs, provided timeframes, and an update on
donations received through the Dream Playground Foundation. He provided information on community support
received and shared an update on insurance status. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Carr and seconded by Meyer to:
After the motion was made and secondedo the Council approved the following motion:
Approve and adopt the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's recommendation for use of excess and capital reseryes
in the lodging tax fund for the City Pier Observation Tower and Dream Playground re-build in the amount of
Motion carried 7-0.
3. Ad Hoc Committee on Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointments
Manager West provided background on the matter, shared draft code changes are being considered by Madrona Law,
and explained the process was meant to be an interim approach until the final code would be adopted. Explained the
background, spoke to the time frame to include interviews, and appoint members in time prior to the new appointees
the opportunity to attend their first meetings in March. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Appoint a temporary ad hoc of up to 3 Council members to review applications and recommend appointments to the
Planning Commission.
Motion failed 2-5 with Carr and Schromen-Wawrin in favor.
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Council discussion followed. Manager West clarified the process, stating the process would exclude the Public Safety
Advisory Board, Utility Advisory Committee, and Parks, Recreation, and Beautification Commission as these groups
have a separate recommendation process.
It was moved by Miller and seconded by Meyer to:
Appoint an ad hoc committee consisting of three Council members and two staff members to review applications,
interview as necessary, and make recommendations to the full Council on various appointments as needed no later
than March 19,2024.
Motion carried 6-1 with Schromen-Wawrin opposed.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Appoint Carr, Miller, and Schwab to the ad hoc committee.
Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Carr and seconded by Miller to:
After the motion was made and amended the final motion was considered by Council:
Open the application period for all open positions on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, to include dates
determined by the ad hoc committee, and have the ad hoc committee consider the applications and return to the
Council with a recommendation for appointment on March 19.
Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Carr and seconded by Schromen-Wawrin to:
Excuse Council member Meyer from the meeting.
Motion carried 6-0.
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at7:28 p.m. The meeting reconvened at1:33 p.m.
1. Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship Presentation
Project Manager Rick Dickinson shared a presentation.
1. Downtown Tree and Sidewalk Replacement Phase 3 Project, TR09-18, Award Construction Contract
Director Healy spoke to the agenda item, provided funding information and stated the project area includes work on
Front Street, Oak Street, Laurel Street and Railroad Avenue.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Miller to:
Award a contract for the full project bid amount to Interwest Construction, Inc. for the Downtown Tree and
Sidewalk Replacement Phase III Project TR09- 18 in the amount of $396,890.00 including applicable taxes and
authorize the City Manager to sign a construction contract for this project and to make minor modifications if
Motion carried 6-0.
Council member Schwab reported on an Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission meeting and stated he was attending
the Association of Washington Cities, Cities Action Days Conference along with Council member Schromen-Wawrin'
Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke to a meeting Strait Ecosystem Recovery meeting, thanked representatives
for the meetings with City representatives, and shared a Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization
Council member Miller spoke to an upcoming MRSC training.
Deputy Mayor Carr spoke to attendance at Sequim Aquatic Center and North Olympic Development Council
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Council member Suggs spoke about a recent William Shore Memorial Pool Board meeting that included an
opportunity for a planning grant that would address expansion to address child care needs and attendance at a Marine
Resources Center subcommittee meeting, and spoke upcoming community events.
Mayor Dexter spoke to the Chamber of Commerce Community Awards event, County Stability Board member
recruitment, Lauridsen Trust background, Feiro's Making Waves fundraiser, and spoke about public visibility.
No other reports were given.
Manager West spoke to a letter addressed to Clallam County Commissioner's Chair relative to a request to protect the
Power Plant Cut signed by both himself and Mayor Dexter and spoke about a report conkined in the packet, saying
things are moving forward to move grants forward.
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 8:26 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:3 I p.m.
David Squires, business owner, spoke about his experience owning a short-term rental and made suggestions to
address short-term rentals in Port Angeles.
Ashlynn Emiliani, city resident, spoke about GovOS data.
Brian Heberling, stating he was one of the founders of Olympic Peninsula Lodging Alliance, presented Council with
information, and spoke about the City's process to address short-term rentals in Port Angeles.
Steven Pelayo, business owner in the city, spoke about GovOS data release, spoke about past comments made by
Council, and made short-term rental registration suggestions for Port Angeles.
Marolee Smith, spoke about Planning Commission discussions, GovOS data, City actions, spoke to an alleged ethical
matter, and offered suggestions to address short-term rentals in Port Angeles.
City Attomey William Bloor spoke to public comment, that the Mayor as the chair has the ability to limit speech of
public comment during the City Council's public comment period.
Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke to the matter that was brought up during public comment.
Leslie Forsburg, resident of the County and a member of the Olympic Peninsula Lodging Alliance, spoke about short-
term rentals.
Holden Feming, city resident, spoke about community
Carolyn Wilcox, city resident, spoke about short-term rentals, the need for affordable housing, and made suggestions
to address short-term rentals in Port Angeles.
Colin Young, city resident, renter, and stated he is a member of the Planning Commission. He spoke about the
recommendations made by the committee on January 24 and made a suggestion that Planning Commission have the
first opportunity to review proposed code changes
Bruce Swenson, city resident and business owner, presentation information to Council and made suggestions to
address short-term rentals in Port Angeles.
Kelly Johnson, city resident and local realtor, spoke about short-term rentals and made suggestions to address short-
term rentals.
Skip Hutchinson, city resident, spoke about his experience owning a short-term rental.
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Ron Richards, county resident, spoke about the proposed code and made suggestions to Council to include Planning
Commission review of proposed codes.
Norma Tumer, county resident, provided observations made during the January 24Planning Commission meeting.
James Taylor, spoke to Planning Commission meetings, the City released survey on short-term rentals, and spoke
about the need for data points.
Laurel Cripe, city resident, spoke about public comments shared during public meetings and in opposition of short-
term rentals.
Dustin Linson, spoke about the need for affordable housing made taxation suggestions.
Chris O'Connel, city resident, spoke about the need for affordable housing and his negative experience living near
short-term rentals in his neighborhood.
Sean Washburn, residing outside city limits, Port Angeles business owner, made suggestions to address short-term
rentals in Port Angeles.
John Ralston, city resident, spoke to short-term rentals and spoke about GovOS data.
Mayor Dexter adjoumed the meeting at 9:39 p.m.
Dexter, Mayor
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