HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-23RESOLUTIONNO. 05.25
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, amending Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Policies by
adding Lodging Tax Funding Program goals and priorities to the
WHEREAS, policy direction by Council is indispensable for the establishment of good
government; and
WHEREAS, on August 18,2021, Council adopted Resolution No. 11-21 setting forth
guided policies for the allocation and administration of lodging tax funds; and
WHEREAS, City staff proposes changes to the existing policies to improve the processes
for execution of tourism-related contracts and to achieve a better balance in the City's approach
to promoting our local tourism economy; and
WHEREAS, the Council finds that the revised policies as attached in Exhibit A enable
the City to achieve a balanced and sustainable approach to promoting our local tourism
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles that:
l. The 2021lodging Tax Advisory Committee Guided Policies is hereby repealed and
replaced with the 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Guided Policies, which is attached as
Exhibit A.
2. Exhibit A is hereby approved and adopted.
PASSED by the City Cpuncil of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
councir herd on ne lfiauy "r ftff*s{ zozt.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
Kari Martin ez-B ailey, City
William E. Bloor, City
L, F!:-
Vision, Goals, and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs
To best utilize lodging tax funds to create a welcoming and inviting community with facilities and
activities that increase tourism-related revenue through a sustainable visitor experience.
L Foster and maintain a healthy and diverse tourism sector that thrives.
2. Fully utilize and promote creative uses of existing facilities.
3. lmprove the quality of experience and relationships for tourists and residents while
diminishing any negative impacts from tourism-related activities and traffic.
4. Promote partnerships and increase tourism by concentrating on priorities identified by
residents and the tourism industry.
5. Focus on our unique Port Angeles assets, making us a premier destination for
environmentally and fiscally sustainable recreation and tourism.
6. Encourage collaboration recognizing that Olympic Peninsula-based tourism supports and
benefits all communities.
Annual Funding Disbursement:
The expected outcome of the funded activities is to increase economic activity in Port Angeles
through the overnight lodging of tourists, tourism-related expenditures, and construction of
to u rism-re lated faci I ities per RCW 67 .28.1816
Funding categories and their percentage of annual expenditure should approximate:
o Tourism-related capitalfacilities -20% plus 5% reserved. Reserves are to be taken from
the initial annual projected available revenues before LTAC considers expenditure
allocation and budget for the annum. Capital Facility expenditures are to be used for the
o New Construction
o lmprovement and renovation
r Tourism-related marketing -25%e Tourism-related non-profit business operations -33%. Events and festivals designed to attract tourists - I2%o
o LTAC Priorities - 5%
Funding Priorities - Non-events:
o Lend support to diverse and sustainable tourism activities to encourage visitors to enjoy
longer stays and return often.
. Support the increase of tourism capacity, where capacity is defined as the broad number
of activities within the community a visitor can attend, visit, or take part in when staying
o Assist the maintenance establishment tourism-related capital facilities, including:
o Wayfinding and lnterpretative Signage,
o Public Restrooms
o Transportation facilities, and
Exhibit A at 1
o Passive recreational park facilities (benches, walkways, and lighting).
. Support efforts to improve information on attractions and facilities.
o Fund proposals that encourage and enhance tourism during the off-peak time as stated
r Promote tourism highlighting Port Angeles assets - its natural beauty, geology, outdoor
activities, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportunities, history,
culture, and the arts.
r Develop critical community assets that function as destinations or venues for
multipurpose events basis year-round.
o Create partnerships and synergies with existing organizations to develop and promote
attractions and events for visitors.
o Develop innovative opportunities that improve the tourist/resident relationship
o lmprove the effectiveness of coordinated transportation and trail linkages.
. Support promote organizations and projects promoting coordination and cooperation in
tourism activities.
Funding Priorities -Events:r Event Funding is capped at S10,000 per year per event for new events (events in operation
for five years or less).
r Event funding is capped at 55,000 per year per event for legacy events (events in
operation six years or more).
e Review events also based upon intangible benefits for the community, including arts and
culture, local economic development, and regionaUstatewide/national/international
r Lend support to a diverse range of tourism-sustainable activities to encourage visitors to
enjoy longer stays and return often.
r Encourage events to become self-sufficient.
o Encourage the creation of new events and off-peak that drive an increase in Lodging Tax'
o Encourage the potential growth of existing events. Support organizations and projects
that promote coordination and cooperation in tourism activities.
o Develop innovative opportunities that improve the tourist/resident relationship.
. Support events demonstrating regional marketing and marketing partnerships with other
loca l/regiona I ma rketing organizations.
. Support Projects that demonstrate a clear marketing strategy and business goals.
Scoring Criteria for New Event Grant proposals - 100 possible points:
t. The project or event plan is clear, and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively
determine the potential to result in overnight tourist stays in lodging establishments
within the City. (25 pts.)
2. This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays. (Room nights: 20 pts. -
over 200, 15 pts. - 1OO-200, 10 pts. - 50-100,5 pts. - less than 50)
3. The proposal demonstrates that the organization is working in partnership with fellow
organizations and businesses. (20 pts.)
Exhibit Aat2
4. The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan. (10 pts.)
5. This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts)
5. The project lends itself to complement other events in the community and helps create a
diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historical significance)
(10 pts.)
7. The event proposal defines additional revenue benefits beyond overnight stays (likely
diners, shoppers, paid parking, etc.) (5 pts.)
Scoring Criteria for Legacy Event Grant proposals - 100 possible points:
1. Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging
establishments within the City. (25 pts.)
2. Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging
establishments within the City. (25 pts.)
3. This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts)
4. The project lends itself to complement other events in the community and helps create a
diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historical significance)'
(20 pts.)
5. The event proposal defines additional revenue benefits beyond overnight stays (likely
diners, shoppers, paid parking, etc.). (10 pts.)
Criteria for Non-Event Proposals (Capital Facilities/Projects) - 30 possible points:
t. There is evidence that this project will help increase opportunities for sustainable tourism
2. There is evidence provided that the project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays
and return.
3. The project plan is clear, with a timeline for action defined, and the proposal reflects
enough detail the success to determine the potential for success effectively.
4. The budget provided reflects a clear understanding of the costs associated with this
project, and there is evidence that this budget is based on market research, structured
estimates, or estimates provided by contractors.
5. The project supports LTAC priorities to increase transportation, quality of city
infrastructure, and wayfinding, or enhances the city's natural assets to improve the
overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles.
6. The project will support our local economy through local contracts, retail purchases, or
Criteria for Non-Event Proposals (Operations & Marketing) - 25 possible points:
L. There is evidence provided that the organization or project will help increase or sustain
opportun ities for tou rism-related activities.
2. There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to
enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.
3. The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw
tou rists.
Exhibit A at 3
4. This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city
infrastructure, or wayfinding or enhances the city's natural assets to improve the overall
look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles.
5. This project reflects how the funds will help sustain a tourism-related business.
Scoring for Non-Event Proposal Criteria
Each criterion will be evaluated on the following spectrum:
r Strongly Agree - 5 pts
o Agree -4 pts.
. Neutral-3pts.
o Disagree-2pts.
r Strongly Disagree - 1 pt.
o Did not answer - 0 pts.
Exhibit A at 4