HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 04232024 Work Session Agenda Packet APRIL 23, 2024 Special Meeting City of Port Angeles Council Meeting Agenda This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Council members, and City staff th have the option to attend the meeting in person, in Council chambers at City Hall located at 321 East 5 Street, Port Angeles, or remotely via telephone or video link. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The Mayor will determine time of break. Hearing devices are available for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: Audio only: 1-844-992-4726 Access code: 2555 355 4997 Webinar password: G2WsRqRRu37 (42977777 from phones and video systems) Webex link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=me1e08cdfd4385ee44e583826c2935698 These access codes are good for the April 23, 2024 meeting only. I. Call to Order Special Meeting at 5:00 p.m. II. Port Angeles Municipal Code Re-envisioning Boards and Commissions Code Conduct a work session on the Port Angeles Municipal Code Re-envisioning Boards and Commissions Code III. Adjournment 7:00 p.m. The City Council encourages citizen participation. An opportunity for public comment will be available during regular meetings. Upcoming meeting information can be found on the City website: www.cityofpa.us/583/Meetings-Agendas. Community members th may also contact City Council by email at council@cityofpa.us, or written letter mailed to 321 East 5 Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 or by dropping it by City Hall. Learn more by visiting: www.cityofpa.us/137/City-Council Port Angeles City Hall is accessible for persons with disabilities. Requests for special accommodations can be made by contacting the -Bailey by phone at 360- 417-4634, or by email at cityclerk@cityofpa.us, to request accommodations or receive instructions for closed captioning. April 23, 2024 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1 CHAPTER 2.22 - CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM AND COMMISSION 2.22.010- Establishment. There is hereby established a Civil Service Commission and a Civil Service System of employmentforcertainmembers of the Police and Fire Departments, which will govern appointments, promotions, layoffs, retention, classifications, terminations and discipline. TheCommission will hold monthly regular meetings and special other meetings as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission. Regular meetings of the Commission will beheld at 10:00 A.M. on thethird Thursday of each monthas needed;provided that the Appointing Authority isauthorized to cancel a regularmeeting in the event there is no substantiveagenda items to consider 2.22.020- Purpose and scope. This chapter sets forth the policies and provisionsthat govern which is intended to operate on a uniform,equitable basis so that the affected employees and the residentsof Port Angeles may derive the benefitsand advantages which can be expected to result from a competent staff ofuniformed personnel. This chapter applies to all members of the Classified Civil Service as specified in PAMC 2.22.040. Theprovisions of this chapter will prevail except where its provisions conflict with the terms of anapplicable collective bargaining agreement. TheClassified Civil Service includes all regular, full-time, sworn safety employees of the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Port Angeles, excluding the Police Chiefand the Fire Chief. All appointments to and promotions in said departmentswill be madesolely on merit, efficiency and fitness, whichwill be ascertained by competitive examination (open, promotional or, lateral, or through a transfer process from within the City of Port Angeles) and impartial investigation. No personwill be reinstated in or transferred, suspended or terminated from any such place, position or employment contrary to the provisions of this chapter. 2.22.030- Definitions. As used in this chapter, the words and terms set forth in this sectionwill be given the following definitions: A."Appointing Authority"means the City Manager or his designee. B."Appointment"includes all means of selecting, appointing or employing any person to hold any office, place, position or employment subject to civil service. C."Board"means the Interview Board created in this chapter. D."Certify"means to verifyto the Appointing Authoritythat a list of names and candidates for employment has been selected from the list of persons tested and found eligible for employment. E."Chief Examiner"means the Human Resources Manager or his or her designee. Њ F. "Class"means a group of positions designated by the Commission as having similarity in duties and responsibilities, by reason of which the same examination may be used for each position in the group. G. "Commission"means the Civil Service Commission created in this chapter, and "Commissioner" means any one of the three Commissioners appointed to that Commission. H. "Demotion"means removal of an employee from a higher to a lower class of employment, for cause. I. "Discipline"includes personnel actions by the Appointing Authoritythat directly affect the employee's compensation, including demotion, suspension without pay, reduction in rank, reduction in compensation, termination, or other terms and conditions of employment. Discipline does not include oral or written reprimands. J. "Layoff"means involuntary separation of an employee from a position because of lack of work, nonavailability of funds, or reorganization. J. "Reinstatement"means reappointment of an employee to a position in a class in which the employee was employed. K. "Suspension"means temporary withdrawal of an employee from employment with or without pay, for cause, or pending determination of charges against the employee which could result in termination. L. "Termination"means separation from employment for cause. 2.22.040 Civil Service System. The Civil Service System will be overseen bythe Appointing Authority, the Civil Service Commission, the Chief Examiner, and the Interview Board, which have the following respective powers andduties: A. Civil Service Commission. 1.The Commission consists of three members appointed by the City Council pursuant to PAMC 2.25.050. 2. In addition to meeting the criteria set forth in PAMC 2.25.040, each memberof the Commission must be a citizen of the United States, a resident of the City of Port Angeles for longer than one year immediately preceding theirappointment, and registered to vote in Clallam County. 3. The Commission is responsible foradoptingCivil Service Rules necessary to carry out and enforce the purpose of this chapter. 4. The Commission willmake investigations concerning and report upon all matters touching the enforcement and effect of the provisions of this chapter, and the rules prescribed hereunder. In the course of such investigation, the Commission or its designated Commissioner willhave the power to administer oaths, subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production by them of documents Ћ pertaining to the investigation and also to cause the deposition of witnesses residing within or without the State to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for like depositions in civil actions in the Superior Court. The oaths administered hereunder andthe subpoenas issued hereunder willhave the same force and effect as the oaths administered by a Superior Court Judge in his judicial capacity. The failure upon the part of any person so subpoenaed to comply with the provisions of this chapter will be deemed a violation of this chapter and punishable as such. 5. The Commission willhear and determine appeals or complaints respecting the administrative work of the Chief Examiner and such other matters governed by this chapter as may be referred to the Commission. 6. All hearings and investigations before the Commission or its designated Commissioner willbe governed by this chapter and by the rules promulgated pursuant thereto. Neither the Commission nor a designated Commissioner willbe bound by the technical rules of evidence. No informality in any proceedings or hearing, or in the manner of taking testimony before the Commission or designated Commissioner, willinvalidate any order, decision, rule or regulation made, approved or conformed by the Commission: provided that no order, decision, rule or regulation made by any designated Commissioner conducting any hearing or investigation alone willbe of any force or effect whatsoever unless and until concurred in by at least one of the other two Commissioners. C. The Appointing Authority.The Appointing Authoritywillfix and establish the number of employees in the Police and Fire Departments and determine their duties and compensation in accordance with the salary ordinance or compensation plan adopted by the City Council. D. Chief Examiner. 1. The Chief Examiner willkeep the records for the Commission, preserve all reports made to it, keep a record of all examinations, and perform other duties prescribed by the Commission. 2. The Chief Examiner will prepare and administer examinationsto determine the relative qualifications of persons who seek employment in any class or position. Such examinations must be: a.Opento all who meet appropriate job-related qualifications; b.Practicable and consist of subjects which will fairly determine the capacity of the candidate to perform the duties of the position for which the examination is held; and c.May include tests of physicaland mentalfitness and/or manual skill. 3.All applicants for appointment who have served in the armed forces of the United States and have been honorably discharged from any branch of the military, willbe allowed a credit of 10 percent on the entrance examination grade, provided that such credit willapply to a final score on entrance examinations only. 4.Based on the results of such examinations, the Chief Examiner will establish eligible lists for the various classes of positions and will certify to the Appointing Authority Ќ the necessary applicants from the established eligible list; provided, that personnel laid off because of curtailment of expenditures, reduction in force, and for like causes, will be placed at the top of the eligible list for their class in the order of their seniority so that they will be the first to be re-employed. 5. The Chief Examiner willadminister the Classification Plan for the classes covered under the Civil Service System. E. The Interview Board. 1. The Interview Boardwillconduct any oral examination given as part of the determination of qualifications of persons seeking employment to the Classified Civil Service. The Interview Board. The Interview Board for new hires willbe composed of three people. One member will be the Chief Examiner or theirdesignee. The Chief Examiner willappoint the other two members from the respective operating department. One mustbe a management representative (excluding the chief of the department)or designeeand the other must be a supervisory representative within the department. For promotional examinations,the Interview Board will consist ofthree uniformed professional personnel in a supervisory capacity from outside the local area. The Chief Examiner or theirdesignee will administer the selection process but will not be a rater. 2.22.050-Classified Civil Service. The Classified Civil Service includesall regular, full-timeemployees of the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Port Angeles, excluding the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. All appointments to and promotions in said departments willbe made solely on merit, efficiency and fitness, to be ascertained by competitive examination (open, promotional or, lateral, or through a transfer process from within the City of Port Angeles) and impartial investigation. No person willbe reinstated in or transferred, suspended or terminatedfrom any such place, position or employment contrary to the provisions of this chapter. 2.22.060-Qualifications of applicants. An applicant for a position in the Classified Civil Servicemust be a citizen of the United States of America or a lawful permanent resident who can read and write the English language. In addition, an applicant for a position of any kind under Civil Service must meet the necessary qualifications as provided for in the job description for the classification, maintained in the City of Port Angeles Personnel Office. Such qualifications include being of good moral character and of temperate and industrious habits; such qualifications and facts to be ascertained in such manner as the Chief Examiner may deem advisable and consistent with the Civil Service Rules promulgated pursuant to this chapter. Ѝ An application for a position with the Police Departmentmay be rejected if the Department deems that it does not have the resources to conduct the background investigation required pursuant to chapter 43.101 RCW. Resources means materials, funding, and staff time. Further qualifications for each position in the Classified Civil Service willbe developed by the Chief Examiner in cooperation with the Appointing Authority. 2.22.070-Discrimination prohibited. No person applying for or holding an office, place, position, or employment under the provisions of this chapter or the Civil Service Rules promulgated pursuant thereto willbe required to reside within the limits of the City of Port Angeles as a condition of employment nor willany such person be discriminated against by the City in any manner because of his or her residence outside of the City limits; provided,that reasonable response time to the City may be considered as a necessary position prerequisite. 2.22.070Layoff. A. Whenever a layoff occurs by reason of insufficient funds, insufficient work or reorganization, employees in any given class willbe laid off in the following order: 1.Temporary; 2.Provisional; 3. Probationary. B. The names of regular and probationary employees who have been laid off willbe placed upon a reinstatement register for the same class and department from which laid off for a period of l year from the date of layoff. C. Notice of layoff willbe given tothe employee at least14 days before the effective date thereof. D.Layoffs are not subject to the provisions of PAMC 2.22.080 or PAMC 2.22.090. 2.22.080-Grounds for discipline. The tenure of everyone holding an office, place, position or employment under the provisions of this chapter willbe only during good behavior, and any such person may be disciplinedfor any of the following reasons: A. Incompetency, inefficiency or inattention to or dereliction of duty; B. Dishonesty, intemperance, immoral conduct, insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public, or a fellow employee, or any other act of omission or commission tending to injure the public service; or any other willfulfailure on the part of the employee to properly conduct themself; or any willfulviolation of the provisions of this chapter or the Civil Service Rules to be adopted hereunder; C. Mental or physical unfitness for the position which the employee holds; Ў D. Dishonest, disgraceful, immoral, or prejudicial conduct; E. Drunkenness or use of intoxicating liquors, narcotics, or any other habit-forming drug, liquid or preparation to such extent that the use thereof interferes with the efficiency or mental or physical fitness of the employee, or which precludes the employee from properly performing the function and duties of their position; F. Conviction of any felony or misdemeanor, directly or indirectly related to the employee's employment with the City; or G. Any other act or failure to act which, in the judgment of the Appointing Authority, is sufficient to show cause for disciplinary action. 2.22.090-Procedure for removal. A.No person in the Classified Civil Service who is a regular, full-time employee and who has completed his/her probationary period under provisions of this Chapter, willbe disciplined except for cause, and only afterservice upon the employee of awritten statement from the Appointing Authorityoutlining the reasons for discipline. Aduplicate of this statement mustbe filed with the Commission. B. Within 10 days of service of such statement, the employee may file a written request for a hearing with the Commission. C.Following receipt of a request for a hearing, the Commission will schedule a public hearing and reasonable notice of the time and place of such hearingwill be provided to the employee. D.At the hearing, the employee, or their legal counsel, willbe afforded the opportunity to present their defense. E.The hearing willbe confined to the determination of the question of whether the disciplinewas issued consistent with the provisions of this chapter. F.Following the hearing, the Commission may affirm the action of the Appointing Authority,modify the discipline issued by the Appointing Authority,or if it findsthat the action was not made in good faith for cause, mayorder reversal of the discipline. G.In the event the Commission orders reinstatement or reemployment of an employee, the Commission may, in its discretion, provide that such reinstatement or reemployment be retroactive, entitling the employeebackpay. H.By submitting a grievance under a collective bargaining agreement, the employee waives their right to demand a hearing under this section. 2.22.100 -Filling of vacancies. A.Whenever a position in the Classified Civil Service becomes vacant, the Appointing Authority, if it desires to fill thevacancy, will requestthe names and addresses of the persons eligible for appointment from the Chief Examiner. The Chief Examiner willcertify the names of Џ the five persons highest on the eligible list for entry level positions and the three persons highest on the eligible list for promotional positions. If noteligible list for the class, the Chief Examiner willfirst either establish such list as provided in this chapter, or otherwise determine what list is appropriate for theclass. If more than one vacancy is to be filled, an additional name willbe certified for each additional vacancy. B.The Appointing Authoritywill, after review of the persons so certified, appoint one person to each vacant position. If any person certified by the Chief Examiner is removed from the list or otherwise requests to not be considered for appointment, the Chief Examiner will certify the next highest person on the list to replace those removed. The Civil Service Rules will establish a procedure for removal of names from the eligibility list either prior to or subsequent to certification to the Appointing Authority. C.If theeligible list for entry level positionsin a class contains fewer than ten names, the Appointing Authoritymayelect to fill the vacancy using those on the eligible list, or fill the vacancy by temporary appointment until the eligible list contains at least ten names. D.The Civil Service Rules may provide for expiration of an eligible list when the number of names on such list has been reduced to less than tenfor entry level positions or less than three for promotional positions, or may provide for a method of supplementing the list with additional eligibles who have been tested in the same manner as those on the list. 2.22.110 -Probationary period. No appointment, employment or promotion in this system willbe deemed complete until after the expiration of a one-yearprobationary period, excluding any paid or unpaid leave periods greater than 15 working daysBefore the expiration of the period of probation, the Appointing Authority may terminate or, in the case of a promotion, demote an appointee upon filing in writing the reasons therefor with the Commission. If an appointee is not terminated or demoted prior to the expiration of the period of probationary service, theirappointment willbe deemed complete. An appointee willnot have a right to review by or a hearing before theCommission for termination, demotion, suspension or other disciplinary actionsimposed during the probationary period. The Civil Service Commission may establish other procedures that would, under certain conditions, increase the probationary period beyond 12 months or reduce the probationary periodtosix months, when otherwise consistentwith this chapter. 2.22.120 -Powers not infringed. All offices, places, positions and employments coming within the purview of this Chapter, will be created by the City Council, and nothing herein contained willinfringe upon the power and authority of the City Council to fix the salaries and compensation of all employees employed hereunder. 2.22.130 -Leaves of absence. Leave of absence, with or without pay, may be granted by the Appointing Authorityto any person under Civil Service; provided, that the Appointing Authoritywillgive notice of such А leave to the Chief Examiner. All temporary employment caused by leaves of absence willbe made from the eligible list of the Classified Civil Service. 2.22.140 -Enforcement by civil action. It isthe duty of the Commission to begin and conduct all civil suits which may be necessary for the proper enforcement of this chapter and of the Civil Service Rules. The Commission willbe represented in such suits by the City Attorney or special counsel upon approval by the City Council. 2.22.150 -Deceptive practices prohibited. No person(s) willdefeat, deceive, or obstruct any person in respect of his right of examination or registration according to the rules and regulations of this chapter, or falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined, registered or certified pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or aid in so doing, or make any false representation concerning the same, or concerning the person examined, or furnish any person any special or secret information forthe purpose of improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any person so examined, registered or certified, or to be examined, registered or certified, or persuade any other person, or permit or aid in any manner any other person, to personate him, in connection with any examination or registration of application or request to be examined or registered. 2.22.160 -Political contributions and services. No member of the Classified Civil Service is under any obligation to contribute to any political fund or to render any political service to any person or party whatsoever, and no person willbe removed, reduced in grade or salary, or otherwise prejudiced for refusing so to do. 2.22.170Penaltyfor violation. Any person who willfully violatesany of the provisions of this chapter isguilty of a misdemeanor. CHAPTER 2.25 -GENERAL PROVISIONS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 2.25.010 Purposeand application. In this Chapter, the City's standing boards, commissions and committees,collectively, may be referred to as "permanent committees."The purpose of this chapter is to eliminate separate rules, bylaws,and procedures for different permanent committees and to provide uniform policies and procedures for them. The provisions of this chapter apply to all permanent boards, committees, and commissions, except the Civil Service Commission; provided, that in the event of a conflict between the provisions of this chapter and those relating to a specific permanent committee, the more specific provision willgovern. This chapter does not apply to Chapter 2.22 PAMC, or to ad hoc or temporary boards, commissions or committees established by the City Council. Б 2.25.020 -Authorization. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to establish such rules and procedures as are necessary andappropriate to implement the provisions of this chapter. 2.25.030 -Terms. A.The term of office for any high school member ofapermanent committee willbeone schoolyear, commencing no earlier than the first day of school in the fall of each year and ending on the last day of school the following year. B. All otherappointments, except forappointments to fillvacancies, willbe for four years terms. Each term will beginon March 1st of the year in which the appointment is made and expire on the last day of February of the year in which the appointment will expire. C.Termswillbe staggered so that no more than two members' terms expire in the same year. D.An appointment to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of a regular term willbe for the remainder of that term only. E.No person willbe allowed to serve on a permanent committeefor more than two full terms; provided that any person now serving on a permanent committee on the effective date of this chapter willbe entitled to complete the term that he or she has been appointed to serve. F.For any permanent committee that at the time of enactment of this chapterhas more appointed members than are authorized by the modifications to this Code, all current members will continue to serve until the expiration of their terms. Upon the expiration of their terms, the permanentcommittee membership will be reduced to reflect the limitations of this Code. 2.25.040Appointments Criteria. A.Permanent committee members will be selected to represent a broad spectrum of the communityand will be appointed without regard to political affiliation. Members willbe selected in accordance with the equal opportunity guidelines. B.Criteria used in selecting members includesbut will not be limited to the following: 1. Members have displayed an interest in the work of the permanent committee to which they have applied. 2. Members willnot be City employees,provided that elected officials willnot be deemed City employees for purposes of this limitation. 3. Members willbe familiar with the rules of procedure and conduct applicable to permanent committee members. В 2.25.050 -Process for appointment. The process for selection and appointment of members of permanent committees, other than City Council members,willbe uniform for all permanent committees, except in instances where the process for selection of a member of the permanent committee is directed by state law. If state law directs the process and procedure for selecting members of a permanent committee, theCity willfollow that process and procedure. In all other instances, the process andprocedure for selecting members of permanent committees willbe as follows: A. Prior to the expiration of a term of a committee member, the staff to the committee, will notify the committee member(s) and the City Clerk that the term(s) is expiring. B. The committee staff willprepare a set of written questions to be directed to all applicants who apply to become members of the committee. The questions willbe written to assess the applicant's aptitude and suitability to carry out the work performed by the committee. C. Prior to the expiration of the member's term, or when a position is vacated, the City Clerk willposton the City's website and advertise in the City's legal newspaper an invitation for applicants. Applications will be accepted for at least one month, but the City Clerk is authorized to reduce or expand that time period for good cause where the appointment process will be benefited by changing the application timeframe. D. All applicants willbe provided with the questions. The applicants willbe asked to return the questionsto the City Clerk. E. The review and selection process shall be as follows: 1.Upon vacancy or prior to the expiration of one or more terms, theCouncilshall appoint an ad hoc committee to review applications for each permanent committee. The members of thead hoc committee shall consist of one (1) Council member, one(1)member from the permanent committee, and one(1) staff member from the city department that staffs the permanent committee.All members shall be voting members. 2.The ad hoc committee shall review the applications for membership on the permanent committee. The ad hoc committee willmeet and review answers submitted by applicants, and schedule interviews if desired. The members of the committee willmake a recommendation about the best qualified candidate. The recommendation willbe forwarded to the City Council. 3.The City Council shall review the recommendations from the ad hoc committee. If the Council deems it beneficial, it may conduct interviews. The Council will make appointments to the permanent committees. F. The CityCouncil, at a regularly scheduled meeting, willappoint committee members to the expiring or vacated term. G. Except as provided in this section, the process for the selection and appointment of committee members stated in this section willsupersede and control over any currently existing ordinance that states any contrary or differing process and procedure for selection and appointment of permanent committee members. ЊЉ H. As to boards, committees, and commissions, the membership of which includes a City Council member,the Mayor shall appoint the City Council member. 2.25.060Removalof Permanent Committee Members. A.The City Council willremove a member of a permanent committee prior to the expiry of for one or more of the following reasons: 1. Incompetency,inefficiency,or inattention to or dereliction of dutywith regard to the work on the committee. 2. Dishonesty, discourteous treatment of staff, public,or other committee members, or any other act oromission that is prejudicialto the committee, the City, or City staff. 3. Other good cause, as determined by the City Council,in its sole discretion,sufficient to show cause for removal of the member. 4. Failure toattend three consecutive regular meetings. B.A request to remove a permanent committee member may be submitted totheCity Council byany member of the permanent committeeor by the staff member from the city department that staffs the permanent committee. Such a request must cite applicable subsections from section A above. C.After receiving the request, the City Council, at its next regular meetingor as soon thereafter as practicable, mayreceive and consider the request and basis in open session or in executive session. 1. If the request is first received in executive sessionno action will be taken, and the Council in open session, may then determine whatfurther actions it will take. It may: a. Enter into the minutes of the meeting a statement that the request to remove was considered; and that the City Council will not take further action on the request; or b Vote to remove the member; or c. Initiate such further steps as it deems necessary and appropriate to evaluate the request to remove the member and then make a decision on the request. 2.25.070Rules of Procedures. A. The Port Angeles City Council Rules of Procedure willbethe rules of procedure for all permanent committees. B. Each permanent committee willelect its own chairand vice-chairin March of each yearfrom among its members and create and fill such other offices as it deems necessary for efficient operation. ЊЊ C. For purposes of conducting the business, exercising its powers and for all other purposes, a quorum of the permanent committeeconsistsof a simple majority of the filled positions. Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum, willbe deemed and taken as the action and decision of the permanent committee. D. The permanent committee will setatime and place formeetings. All meetings of the permanent committeeswillbe noticed and held in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, chapter42.30 RCW. E. To the extent possible, all meetings of all permanent committees willbe held in the City Council chambers. F.An agenda willbe prepared in advance for each meeting of a permanent committeeusing the same process and procedures used to set the agenda for City Council meetings as set out in the Port Angeles City Council Rules of Procedure. G.Except with regard to matters that are quasi-judicial, all regular meetings of permanent committees willallow at least one public comment opportunity at the meeting. The process for public comment at permanent committees willbe the same rules that apply during City Council meetings. H.Thestaff of thepermanent committeewillkeep minutes of all meetings held and all business transacted. The format for minutes will be action minutes. All records of thepermanent committeewillbe open for public inspection, except those that may be exempt from public disclosure under State law. I.Quorum for City permanent committeeswillbe a majority of filled voting positions. 2.25.080Staff Liaison Support. The City Manager maydesignate City staff to provide administrative support for each permanent committee, including being responsible for written action minutes of the committee's meetings, publication of meeting notices, and other administrative and clerical functions for the committee. Such staff will work under the direction of the City Manager. The permanent committee is not authorized to direct staff. 2.25.090-Compensation. Permanent committee memberswillserve without compensation. CHAPTER 2.26 -PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD 2.26.010 -Board established. There is hereby established a Public Safety Advisory Board. ЊЋ 2.26.020 Composition and criteria. The Board is composedof sevenmembersmeeting the following criteria,in addition to that found in PAMC 2.25.040: A.All members musteither be City residents or work or attend school within the City; B. A majority of members mustbe City residents; C. At least onemember mustbe an owner or manager of a business located within the City; D. Onemember of the BoardmustbeaPort Angeles School District #121 High School studentrecommended by school administration; E. One member mustbe affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates in the City of Port Angeles; F. Other memberswillbe selected, to the extent feasible, to represent diverse segments of the community; G. Eligibility willnot extend to defendants in any pending criminal matter before the courts nor to those individuals under active supervision by the Department of Corrections. 2.26.030 -Duties. A. The duty of the Board is to advise and make recommendations to, and as requested by,the City Council,City Manager, Chief of Police, and Fire Chief concerning the provision of public safety services within the City. The Board may: 1. When requested by the City, make recommendations on ways to enhance Police Department and Fire Department-community relations; 2. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations concerning Police and Fire Department policies, procedures, programs, accreditation standards, and budgetary implications; 3. When requested by the City, make recommendations on ways topromote public awareness of the City's Police and Fire services and programs; 4. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting public safety services in Port Angeles. B. Notwithstanding the broad duties of the Board under subsection A of this section, the Board willhave no power or authority to investigate, review, or otherwise participate in matters involving specific public safety personnel or specific public safety related incidents unless specifically requested by the Police Chief, Fire Chief or City Manager. 2.26.040 -Meetings. The Boardwill hold nine regular meetings annually and other special meetings as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission. Regular meetings of the Boardwill be held ЊЌ at 6:00 P.M. on the third Wednesday of each month, provided that the Chair of the Board is authorized to cancel a regular meeting in the event there is no substantive agenda items to consider. CHAPTER 2.32 -PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIESCOMMISSION 2.32.010 Commission established. There is hereby established a Parks, Recreation and FacilitiesCommission. 2.32.020 Composition and criteria. The Commission is composedof sevenmembersmeeting the following criteria, in addition to that found in PAMC 2.25.040: A.All members musteither be City residents or work or attend school within the City. B.A majority of members mustbe City residents. C.Onemember of the BoardmustbeaPort Angeles School District #121 High School student recommended by school administration. 2.32.030 -Duties. A. The duty of the Commission is to advise and make recommendations to, and as requested by, the City Council,City Manager, and Director of Parks and Recreation on all matters relating to park, recreation, facilities, and all other matters as the City Council may deem appropriate. The Commission may: 1. When requested by the City, make recommendations on waysto enhance Parksand Recreation Department-community relations; 2. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations concerning Parksand Recreation Department policies, procedures, programs, and standards; 3. When requested by the City, make recommendations on how topromote public awareness of the Parks 4. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting Parksand Recreation Department services in Port Angeles. 2.32.040 -Meetings. The Commission will hold nine regular meetings annually and other special meetings as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission. Regular meetings of the Commission will be held at 6:00 P.M. on the third Thursday of each month except June, July, and August, provided that the Chair of the Commissionis authorized to cancel a regular meeting in the event there is no substantive agenda items to consider. ЊЍ CHAPTER 2.36 -PLANNING COMMISSION 2.36.010 Commission established. There is hereby establisheda City Planning Commission. 2.36.020 Composition and criteria. A.The Commission willconsist of seven members. B.In addition to the general criteria set forth in PAMC 2.25.040, members of the Planning Commission must: 1.Have an understanding of: (1) the benefits to the community of zoning and planning; and (2) the scope and purpose of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and 2.Reside in the City. 2.36.030 Duties. A.The duty of the Commission is to advise and make recommendations to, and as requested by,the City Council,City Manager, and Director of Community and Economic Development on all matters relating to land use planning and comprehensive planning, and all other matters as the City Council may deem appropriate. Upon request, the Commission mayPerformother duties assigned by the City Manager or City Council, pursuant to RCW35A.63.020; and the commission may: 1. When requested by the City, make recommendations on ways to enhance Community and Economic Development Department -community relations; 2. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations concerning Community and Economic Development Department policies, procedures, programs, and standards; 3. When requested by the City, make recommendations on how to promote public awareness of the Community and Economic Development Department services and programs; 4. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting Community and Economic Development Department services in Port Angeles. B.Upon request, the Commission may perform other duties as set forth in the PAMC. 2.36.040 Meetings. ЊЎ The Commission will hold nine regular meetings annually and other special meetings as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission. Regular meetings of the Commission will be held at 6:00 P.M. on the fourthWednesdayof each month provided that the Chair of the Commissionis authorized to cancel a regular meeting in the event there is no substantive agenda items to consider. 2.36.060 -Preparation of Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission may recommend to the City Council a Comprehensive Plan designed for the benefit of the City as provided by law and prepared as a whole, or may recommend parts or any amendment, extension or addition thereto. Before such recommendations are made to the City, the Planning Commission willhold a public hearing thereon. CHAPTER 2.40 -PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE Chapter 2.40 PAMC is repealed in its entirety. CHAPTER 2.68 -UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2.68.010 -Committee established. There is hereby establisheda Utility Advisory Committee. 2.68.020 Composition and criteria. The Committee willconsist of sevenmembersmeeting the following criteria in addition to that found in PAMC 2.25.040: A.Threemembers of the Committee will be current City Council members. B. One member must representthe industrial customers of the City's utilities. For purposes of this section, "industrial customers" means those customers who are served under the City's industrial transmission electric rate classification. C. One member must represent thelicensed care facilities in the City. For purposes of this section, "licensed care facilities" includes adult family homes, boarding homes/assisted living facilities, and nursing homes. D.Twomembers representing thecommunity at large. E.In addition to meeting the criteria set forth above and in PAMC 2.25.040, all members of the Committee must be residents of the City, except the member representing the licensed care facilities need not be a City resident but must own or manage a licensed care facility in the City, and the member representing industrial customers is not required to be a resident of the City.The industrial customers may make a corporate recommendation for such member, but, final appointment is under the purview of Council. ЊЏ 2.68.030 Duties. A. The duty of the Committee is to advise and make recommendations to, and as requested by, the City Council,City Manager, Director of Public Works and Utilities, and Director of Finance onall matters relating utilities, as the City Council may deem appropriate. The Committee may: 1. When requested by the City, make recommendationsto enhance Department of Public Works and Utilities community relations; 2. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations concerning the Department of Public Works and Utilities policies, procedures, programs, standards, and budgetary implications; 3. When requested by the City, make recommendations on ways to promote public awareness of Department of Public Works and Utilities services and programs; 4. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting Department of Public Works and Utilities services in Port Angeles. 2.68.040 -Meetings. The Committee willhold nine regular meetings annually and other special meetings may be held as necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission. Regular meetings of the Committee will be held at36:00 P.M. on the second Tuesday of each month.provided that the Chair of the Board is authorized to cancel a regular meeting in the event there is no substantive agenda items to consider. CHAPTER 2.70 -LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2.70.010 -Committee established. There is hereby created the Port Angeles Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 2.70.020 Compositionand criteria. A. Composition.The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee iscomposed of the following seven members: 1. One City Council member. 2. Two members who are representatives of businesses required to collect the lodging excise tax. ЊА 3. Two members who are persons involved in activities authorized to be funded by lodging excise tax revenue. 4. Twocitizen-at-large members who neither represent businesses required to collect the lodging excise tax nor are persons involved in activities authorized to be funded by the lodging excise tax. The twocitizen-at-large members willbe non-voting members. In the event that the City Council does not receive a sufficient number of applications for vacant citizen-at-large positions that meet this criteria, the Council may appoint citizen-at-large positions without the restrictions, so long as the number of members who are representatives of businesses required to collect tax under this chapter willbe equal to the number of members who are involved in activities authorized to be funded by revenue received under this chapter. B. Additionalcriteria.Members mustmeet the following criteria, in addition to that found in PAMC 2.25.040: 1. Members mustbe residents of the City or representatives of businesses within the City. 2. Members musthave displayed an interest in the work of the Committee. 3. Members musthave declared in their applications which category of membership they are applying for, so that members willbe eligible for only one of the categories set forth in PAMC 2.70.030.A. 2.70.030 -Duties. A. The duties of the Committee include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Pursuant to RCW67.28.1816, make recommendations to City Council for the expenditure of lodging tax funds. 2.Advise and make recommendations to, and as requested by, the City Counciland City Manager on matters relating to collection and expenditure of lodging tax funds in Port Angeles. 3. As requested, to encourage individuals and community groups to participate in lodging tax sponsored programs and services. 4. As requested, to review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting the collection and expenditure of lodging tax in Port Angeles. 2.70.040 Meetings. The Committee willhold meetings as the Chair deemsnecessary to carry out its duties. As required by the State statute, the chairperson of the Committee willbe the City Council member. ЊБ ЊВ CHAPTER 2.22 -CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEMAND COMMISSION 2.22.010 -Establishment. There is hereby established a Civil Service Commission and a Civil Service System of employment in for certain members ofthe Police and Fire Departments. , which will govern appointments, promotions, layoffs, retention, classifications, terminations and discipline. The Civil Service Commissionand will hold monthlyregular meetings and special other meetings as may be necessary to carry out the Civil Service System shall operate in compliance with this chapter. duties of the Commission. Regular meetings of the Commissionwill be held at 10:00 A.M. on the thirdThursdayof each month as needed; provided that the Appointing Authorityisauthorized to cancel a regular meeting in the event there is no substantive agenda items to consider. 2.22.020 -Purpose and scope. This chapter sets forth the policies and provisions that shall governthe system of employment of Police and Fire Department personnel in the City of Port Angeles. ThisCivil Service System, whichisintended to operate on a uniform, equitable basis so that the affected employees and the citizensresidentsof Port Angeles may derive the benefits and advantages which can be expected to result from a competent staff of uniformed personnel. This chapter shall applyapplies to all members of the Classified Civil Service as specified in PAMC 2.22.070. This040.The provisions of thischapter shallwillprevail except where its provisions conflict with the terms of aan applicablecollective bargaining agreement. The Classified Civil Service includesall regular, full-time, sworn safety employees of the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Port Angeles, excluding the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. All appointments to and promotions in said departments willbe made solely on merit, efficiency and fitness, which willbe ascertained by competitive examination (open, promotional or, lateral, or through a transfer process from within the City of Port Angeles) and impartial investigation. No person willbe reinstated in or transferred, suspended or terminatedfrom any suchplace, position or employment contrary to the provisions of this chapter. 2.22.030 -Definitions. As used in this chapter, the words and terms set forth in this section shallwillbe given the following definitions: A.""Appointing authority or powerAuthority"means the City Manager or his designee. B.""Appointment"includes all means of selecting, appointing or employing any person to hold any office, place, position or employment subject to civil service. C.""Board"means the Interview Board created in this chapter. Њ D."D. "Certify"means to verifyto the Appointing Authoritythat a list of names and candidates for employment has been selected from the list of persons tested and found eligible for employment. E. "Chief Examiner"means the Human Resources Manager or his or her designee. E."F. "Class"means a group of positions designated by the Commission as having similarity in duties and responsibilities, by reason of which the same examination may be used for each position in the group. G. "Commission"means the Civil Service Commission created in this chapter, and "Commissioner" means any one of the three Commissioners appointed to that Commission. F."H. "Demotion"means removal of an employee from a higher to a lower class of employment, for cause. I. "Discipline"includes personnel actions by the appointing powerAppointing Authority that directly affect the employee's compensation, including demotion, suspension without pay, reduction in rank, reduction in compensation, dischargetermination, or other terms and conditions of employmentand shall. Discipline doesnot includesuch personnel actions asoral or written reprimands. J. "Layoff"means involuntary separation of an employee from a position because of lack of work, nonavailability of funds, or reorganization. J. "Reinstatement"means reappointment of an employee to a position in a class in which the employee was employed. K. "Suspension"means temporary withdrawal of an employee from employment with or without pay, for cause, or pending determination of charges against the employee which could result in termination. L. "Termination"means separation from employment for cause. 2.22.040 Organization.Civil Service System. The Civil Service System shall consist of the City Council, the appointing powerwill be overseen bythe Appointing Authority, the Civil Service Commission, the Chief Examiner, and the Interview Board, which shall have the following respectivepowers andduties: A.City Council.The City Council shall appoint the Civil Service Commission. B.Civil Service Commission. 1.1.The Civil ServiceThe Commission consists of three members appointed by the City Council pursuant to PAMC 2.25.050. 2. In addition to meeting the criteria set forth in PAMC 2.25.040, each memberof the Commission shall promulgatemust be a citizen of the United States, a resident of the City of Port Angeles for longer than one year immediately preceding their appointment, and registered to vote in Clallam County. Ћ 3. The Commission is responsible foradoptingCivil Service Rules necessary to carry out and enforce the purpose of this chapter. Such rules shall be subject to adoption by resolution of the City Council. 2.4. The Commission shallwillmake investigations concerning and report upon all matters touching the enforcement and effect of the provisions of this chapter, and the rules prescribed hereunder. In the course of such investigation, the Commission or its designated Commissioner shallwillhave the power to administer oaths, subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production by them of documents pertaining to the investigation and also to cause the deposition of witnesses residing within orwithout the State to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for like depositions in civil actions in the Superior Court. The oaths administered hereunder and the subpoenas issued hereunder shallwillhave the same force and effect as the oaths administered by a Superior Court Judge in his judicial capacity. The failure upon the part of any person so subpoenaed to comply with the provisions of this chapter shallwillbe deemed a violation of this chapter and punishable as such. 3.5. The Commission shallwillhear and determine appeals or complaints respecting the administrative work of the Chief Examiner and such other matters governed by this chapter as may be referred to the Commission. 4.6. All hearings and investigations before the Commission or its designated Commissioner shallwillbe governed by this chapter and by the rules promulgated pursuant thereto. Neither the Commission nor a designated Commissioner shallwill be bound by the technical rules of evidence. No informality in any proceedings or hearing, or in the manner of taking testimony before the Commission or designated Commissioner, shallwillinvalidate any order, decision, rule or regulation made, approved or conformed by the Commission: PROVIDED, however,providedthat no order, decision, rule or regulation made by any designated Commissioner conducting any hearing or investigation alone shallwillbe of any force or effect whatsoever unless and until concurred in by at least one of the other two Commissioners. C.The appointing power.Appointing Authority.The appointing power shallAppointing Authoritywillfix and establish the number of employees in the Police and Fire Departments and determine their duties and compensation in accordance with the salary ordinance or compensation plan adopted by the City Council. D.Chief Examiner. 1.The Chief Examiner shallwillkeep the records for the Commission, preserve all reports made to it, superintend and keep a record of all examinations, and perform such other duties asprescribed bythe Commissionmay prescribe.. 2.The Chief Examiner shall provide for, formulate and hold competitive testswill prepare and administer examinationsto determine the relative qualifications of persons who seek employment in any class or position.Such examinations must be: a.Opento all who meet appropriate job-related qualifications; b.Practicable and consist of subjects which will fairly determine the capacity of the candidate to perform the duties of the position for which the examination is held;andas a result thereof Ќ c.May include tests of physicaland mentalfitness and/or manual skill. 3.All applicants for appointment who have served in the armed forces of the United States and have been honorably discharged from any branch of the military, willbe allowed a credit of 10 percent on the entrance examination grade, provided that such credit willapply to a final score on entrance examinations only. 4.Based on the results of such examinations, the Chief Examiner willestablish eligible lists for the various classes of positions and will certify to the appointing authorityAppointing Authoritythe necessary applicants from the established eligible list; PROVIDEDprovided, that personnel laid off because of curtailment of expenditures, reduction in force, and for like causes, shall headwill be placed atthe top of the eligible list for their class in the order of their seniority, to the endsothat they shallwillbe the first to be re-employed. 3.All tests shall be practical, designed to reasonably assess the applicant's qualifications, and shall consist only of subjects which will fairly determine the capacity of persons examined to perform duties of a position to which appointment is to be made, and may include tests of physical and mental fitness and/or manual skill; PROVIDED that a credit of ten percent in favor of all applicants for appointment under Civil Service, who, in time of war, or in any expedition of the Armed Forces of the United States, have served in and been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States, including the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps and the American Red Cross; PROVIDED FURTHER that such credit shall apply to a final score on entrance examinations only. 4.5. The Chief Examiner shallwilladminister the Classification Plan for the classes covered under the Civil Service System. 5.The Chief Examiner shall draft Civil Service Rules for consideration by the Commission and adoption by the City Council and shall from time to time draft amendments to said rules as necessary. E.E. The Interview Board. 1. The Interview Board.The Interview Boardshallwillconduct any oral examination given as part of the determination of qualifications of persons seeking employment to the Classified Civil Service. 2.22.050 Civil Service Commission. There shall be three members on the Civil Service Commission, who shall be appointed by the City Council. The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. No person shall be appointed a member of such Commission who is not a citizen of the United States, a resident of the City of Port Angeles for longer than one year immediately preceding such appointment, and an elector of the County wherein he or she resides. A full term of office on the Civil Service Commission shall be four years and shall start on March 1st of the year in which the appointment is made, PROVIDED that appointments to an Ѝ expired term shall start as designated in the appointment, and PROVIDED FURTHER that the appointment to the current vacant position shall expire on the last day of February, 1988, after which a re-appointment may be made. No person shall be allowed to serve on the Civil Service Commission for more than two consecutive four-year terms. Any member of the Commission may be removed from office for incompetency, incompatibility or dereliction of duty, or malfeasance in office, or other good cause, as determined by the City Council: PROVIDED, however, that no member of the Commission shall beremoved until charges have been preferred, in writing, due notice and a full hearing held before the City Council. The members of such Commission shall devote due time and attention to the performance of the duties specified and imposed upon them by this chapter. 2.22.060 Interview Board. The Interview Board. The Interview Board shallfor new hires willbe composed of three personspeople. One member shallwillbe the Chief Examiner or his/hertheirdesignee. The Chief Examiner shallwillappoint the other two members who shall be from the respective operating department. One shallmustbe a management representative (excluding the chief of the department)or designeeand the other shallmustbe a supervisory representative within the departmentor a department member with ten years or more service in the same position being tested. . For promotional examinations,the Interview Board shall bewill consist ofthree uniformed professional personnel in a supervisory capacity from outside the local area. The Chief Examiner or his or hertheirdesignee will administer the selection process but will not be a rater. 2.22.070050-Classified Civil Service. The Classified Civil Service and provisions of this chapter shall includeincludesall regular, full- paid, sworn safetytimeemployees of the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Port Angeles, excluding the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. All appointments to and promotions in said departments shallwillbe made solely on merit, efficiency and fitness, which shalltobe ascertained by competitive examination (open, promotional or, lateral, or through a transfer process from within the City of Port Angeles) and impartial investigation. No person shallwillbe reinstated in or transferred, suspended or dischargedterminatedfromany such place, position or employment contrary to the provisions of this chapter. 2.22.080060-Qualifications of applicants. Ў An applicant for a position of any kind underin the ClassifiedCivil Servicemust be a citizen of the United States of America or a lawful permanent resident who can read and write the English language. AnIn addition, anapplicant for a position of any kind under Civil Service must meet the necessary qualifications as provided for in the job description for the classification, maintained in the City of Port Angeles Personnel Office. Such qualifications include being of good moral character and of temperate and industrious habits; such qualifications and facts to be ascertained in such manner as the Chief Examiner may deem advisable and consistent with the Civil Service Rules promulgated pursuant to this chapter. An application for a position with the Police Departmentmay be rejected if the Department deems that it does not have the resources to conduct the background investigation required pursuant to chapter 43.101 RCW. Resources means materials, funding, and staff time. Further qualifications for each position in the Classified Civil Service shallwillbe developed by the Chief Examiner in cooperation with the appointing power.Appointing Authority. 2.22.090070-Discrimination prohibited. No person applying for or holding an office, place, position, or employment under the provisions of this chapter or the Civil Service Rules promulgated pursuant thereto shallwillbe required to reside within the limits of the City of Port Angeles as a condition of employment nor shallwill any such person be discriminated against by the City in any manner because of his or her residence outside of the City limits; PROVIDEDprovided,that reasonable response timeto the Citymay be considered as a necessary position prerequisite. 2.22.070Layoff. A. Whenever a layoff occurs by reason of insufficient funds, insufficient work or reorganization, employees in any given class willbe laid off in the following order: 1.Temporary; 2.Provisional; 3. Probationary. B. The names of regular and probationary employees who have been laid off willbe placed upon a reinstatement register for the same class and department from which laid off for a period of l year from the date of layoff. C. Notice of layoff willbe given tothe employee at least14 days before the effective date thereof. D.100Layoffs are not subject to the provisions of PAMC 2.22.080 or PAMC 2.22.090. 2.22.080-Grounds for discipline. Џ The tenure of everyone holding an office, place, position or employment under the provisions of this chapter shallwillbe only during good behavior, and any such person may be removed or discharged, suspended without pay, demoted, or reduced in rank, or deprived of vacation privileges or other special privilegesdisciplinedfor any of the following reasons: A.Incompetency, inefficiency or inattention to or dereliction of duty; B.Dishonesty, intemperance, immoral conduct, insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public, or a fellow employee, or any other act of omission or commission tending to injure the public service; or any other wilfulwillfulfailure on the part of the employee to properly conduct himselfthemself; or any wilfulwillfulviolation of the provisions of this chapter or the Civil Service Rules to be adopted hereunder; C.Mental or physical unfitness for the position which the employee holds; D.Dishonest, disgraceful, immoral, or prejudicial conduct; E.Drunkenness or use of intoxicating liquors, narcotics, or any other habit-forming drug, liquid or preparation to such extent that the use thereof interferes with the efficiency or mental or physical fitness of the employee, or which precludes the employee from properly performing the function and duties of anytheirpositionunder Civil Service; F.Conviction of any felony or misdemeanor, directly or indirectly related to the employee's employment with the Cityof Port Angeles; ; or G.Any other act or failure to act which, in the judgment of the appointing powerAppointing Authority, is sufficient to show cause for disciplinary action. 2.22.110090-Procedure for removal. A.No person in the Classified Civil Service who is a regular, full-time employee and who has completed his/her probationary period under provisions of this Chapter, shallwillbe removed, suspended, demoted, or dischargeddisciplinedexcept for cause, and only afterservice upon written accusation of the appointing power, or any citizen or taxpayer; employee of a written statement of which accusation, in general terms, shall be served upon the accused, and afrom the Appointing Authorityoutlining the reasons for discipline. Aduplicate of this statement mustbe filed with the Commissionand the Chief Examiner. Any person so removed, suspended, demoted or discharged may within ten. B. Within 10days from the time of his removal, suspension, demotion or discharge, of service of such statement, the employee may file a written request for ahearing with the Commission. C.Following receipt ofa written demandrequestfor an investigation, whereupona hearing, the Commission shall conduct such investigation. will schedule a public hearing and reasonable notice of the time and place of such hearingwill be provided to the employee. D.At the hearing, the employee, or their legal counsel, willbe afforded the opportunity to present their defense. А E.The investigation shallhearing willbe confined to the determination of the question of whether such removal, suspension, demotion or dischargethe disciplinewas or was not made for political or religious reasons and was orissued consistent with the provisions of this chapter. F.Following the hearing, the Commission may affirm the action of the Appointing Authority,modify the discipline issued by the Appointing Authority,or if it findsthat the action was not made in good faith for cause. After such investigation, the Commission may affirm the removal, or if it shall find that the removal, suspension, or demotion was made for political or religious reasons, or was not made in good faith for cause, shall , mayorder the immediate reinstatement of or re-employment of such person in the office, place, position or employment from which such person was removed, suspended, demoted or discharged, which reinstatement shall, ifreversal of the discipline. G.In the eventthe Commission so providesorders reinstatement or reemployment of an employee, the Commission may,in its discretion, provide that such reinstatement or reemployment be retroactive, and entitle such person to pay or compensation from the time of such removal, suspension, demotion or discharge. The Commission, upon such investigation, in lieu of affirming the removal, suspension, demotion or discharge may modify the order of removal, suspension, demotion or discharge by directing a suspension, without pay, for a given period, and subsequent restoration to duty, or demotion in classification, grade, or pay; the findings of the Commission shall be certified, in writing to the appointing power and shall be forthwith enforced by such officer. entitling the employeebackpay. All investigations made by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be had by public hearing, after reasonable notice to the accused of the time and place of such hearing, at which hearing the accused shall be afforded an opportunityof appearing in person and by counsel, and presenting his/her defense. The findings of the Commission may be appealed to the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of Clallam. Such appeal shall be taken within 30 days after the entry of the Commission's findings, which appeal shall be based on a certified transcript of the record and of all papers on file in the office of the Commission affecting or relating to such judgment or order. H.By submitting a grievance under a collective bargaining agreement, the employee waives their right to demand a hearing under this section. 2.22.120100-Filling of vacancies. A.Whenever a position in the Classified Civil Service becomes vacant, the appointing powerAppointing Authority, if it desires to fill athevacancy, shall make requisition to the Chief Examiner forwill requestthe names and addresses of the persons eligible for appointment thereto.from the Chief Examiner.The Chief Examiner shallwillcertify the names of the five persons highest on the eligible list for entry level positions and the three persons highest on the eligible list for promotional positions, who are willing to accept employment and who have the appropriate psychological examination and background investigation..If there is no appropriatenoteligible list for the class, the Chief Examiner shallwillfirsteither establish such a list as provided in this chapter, or otherwise determine what list shall be deemedisappropriate for suchtheclass. The Chief Examiner shall then certify the names of the five persons standing Б highest on the list for entry level positions and the three persons standing highest on the list for promotional positions. If more than one vacancy is to be filled, an additional name shallwillbe certified for each additional vacancy. B.The appointing power shallAppointing Authoritywill, after review of the persons so certified, appoint one person to each such vacant position. If any person certified by the Chief Examiner is removed from the list or otherwise requests to not be considered for appointment, the Chief Examiner shallwillcertify the next highest person on the list to replace those removed. The Civil Service Rules shallwillestablish a procedure for removal of names from the eligibility list either prior to or subsequent tocertification to the appointing authorityAppointing Authority. C.If there is antheeligible list for the class which contains the names of less than five eligibles for entry level positions, the appointing authorityin a class contains fewer than ten names, the Appointing Authoritymay, upon being notified of such fact,elect to fill the vacancy using those on the eligible list, or fill the vacancy by temporary appointment until the eligible list contains the names of at least ten names. D.three eligibles. The Civil Service Rules may provide for expiration of an eligible list when the number of names on such list has been reduced to less than fivetenfor entry level positions or less than three for promotional positions, or may provide for a method of supplementing the list with additional eligibles who have been tested in the same manner as those on the list. 2.22.130110 -Probationary period. To enable the appointing power to exercise a choice in the filling of positions, noNo appointment, employment or promotion in any position in the Classified Service shallthis system willbe deemed complete until after the expiration of a period of one-yearprobationary serviceperiod, excluding any paid or unpaid leave periods greater than 15 working days, as shall be provided in the Civil Service Rules, during which the appointing powerBefore the expiration of the period of probation, the Appointing Authoritymay terminate the employment of the person certified to him/her. If, during the probation period thus afforded, upon observation or consideration of the performance of duty, the appointing power deems him/her unfit or unsatisfactory for service in the Department, the appointing power shall designate one of the persons certified as standing within the nextthree persons highest on any such list. Such persons shall likewise enter upon the duties until some person is found who is deemed fit for appointment, employment or , in the case of a promotionfor the probationary period provided, demote an appointee upon filing in writing the reasonstherefor, whereuponwiththe Commission. If an appointee is not terminated or demoted prior to the expiration of the period of probationary service, theirappointment, employment or promotion shallwillbe deemed to be complete. An appointee willnot have a right to review by or a hearing before theCommission for termination, demotion, suspension or other disciplinary actions imposed during the probationary period. The Civil Service Commission may establish other procedures forthat would, under certain conditions, increase theprobationary periods that may exceedperiod beyond 12 months and that areor reduce theprobationary periodtosix months, when otherwise consistentwith this chapter. 2.22.140120 -Powers not infringed. В All offices, places, positions and employments coming within the purview of this Chapter, shallwillbe created by the City Counciland the appointing power, and nothing herein contained shallwillinfringe upon the power and authority of the City Council to fix the salaries and compensation of all employees employed hereunder. 2.22.160130 -Leaves of absence. Leave of absence, with or without pay, may be granted by the appointing powerAppointing Authorityto any person under Civil Service; PROVIDEDprovided, that the appointing power shallAppointing Authoritywillgive notice of such leave to the Chief Examiner. All temporary employment caused by leaves of absence shallwillbe made from the eligible list of the Classified Civil Service. 2.22.170140 -Enforcement by civil action. It shall beisthe duty of the Commission to begin and conduct all civil suits which may be necessary for the proper enforcement of this chapter and of the Civil Service Rules. The Commission shallwillbe represented in such suits by the chief legal officer of the City, but said Commission may in any case be represented byAttorney orspecial counselappointed by itupon approval by the City Council. 2.22.180150 -Deceptive practices prohibited. No Commissioner or Chief Examiner or any other person, shall, by himself or in cooperation with one or more persons,No person(s) willdefeat, deceive, or obstruct any person in respect of his right of examination or registration according to the rules and regulations of this chapter, or falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined, registered or certified pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or aid in so doing, or make any false representation concerning the same, or concerning the person examined, or furnish any person any special or secret information for the purpose of improving or insuringinjuringthe prospects or chances of any person so examined, registered or certified, or to be examined, registered or certified, or persuade any other person, or permit or aid in any manner any other person,to impersonatepersonatehim, in connection with any examination or registration of application or request to be examined or registered. 2.22.190160 -Political contributions and services. No person holding any office, place, position or employment subject tomember of the Classified Civil Service,is under any obligation to contribute to any political fund or to render any political service to any person or party whatsoever, and no person shallwillbe removed, reduced in grade or salary, or otherwise prejudiced for refusing so to do. No public officer, whether elected or appointed, shall discharge, promote, demote, or in any manner change the official rank, employment or compensation of any person under Civil Service, or promise or threaten so to do, for giving or withholding, or neglecting to make any contribution of money, or services, or any other valuable thing, for any political purposes. 2.22.200170Penalty.for violation. ЊЉ Any person who shall wilfully violatewillfully violatesany of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed isguilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.00 and by imprisonment in the County Jail for not longer than 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 2.22.205 Transfer of employees from other law enforcement agencies. A.When the City of Port Angeles contracts to provide law enforcement services to other jurisdictions, any employee of such jurisdiction may be eligible to transfer his or her employment to the Port Angeles Police Department, provided that such employee was at the time such contract was entered into employed exclusively or principally in performing the powers, duties, and functions which are to be performed by the Port Angeles Police Department under such contract, and provided further that such employee meets the minimum standards and qualifications of the Port Angeles Police Department. B.An employee eligible under PAMC 2.22.205(A) for transfer from another law enforcement agency to the Port Angeles Police Department may initiate such transfer by filing a written request with the City of Port Angeles and by giving written notice thereof to the Chief Examiner. Upon receipt of such request and approval by the appointing power, the Chief Examiner shall make the transfer of employment. C.The employee transferring employment under PAMC 2.22.205(B) from another law enforcement agency to the Port Angeles Police Department will 1.Receive a salary equal to that of comparable employees of the Police Department, and 2.Be on probation for the same period as are new employees of the Police Department, provided that such probationary period may be waived at the discretion of the appointing power, and 3.After successful completion of the probationary period be eligible for promotion and seniority rights, benefits, and privileges to which he or she would have been entitled had he or she been a Police Department employee from the beginning of his or her employment with the other law enforcement agency. D.The appointing power may appoint the transferring employee to whatever duties it feels are in the best interest of the Police Department and the individual. CHAPTER 2.25 -GENERAL PROVISIONS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 2.25.010 Purpose.and application. The purpose of this chapter is to provide uniform procedures for In this Chapter, the City's standing boards, commissions and committees. ЊЊ 2.25.020 Application. The uniform procedures set out in this chapter apply to all City boards, commissions and committees that are created by ordinance or required by state law. Collectively, those boards, commissions, and committees,collectively,may be referred to as "permanent committees".."The purpose of this chapter is to eliminate separate rules, bylaws,and procedures for different permanent committees and to provide uniform policies and procedures for them. The provisions of this chapter apply to all permanent boards, committees, and commissions, except the Civil Service Commission; provided, that in the event of a conflict between the provisions of this chapter and those relating to a specific permanent committee, the more specific provision will govern.This chapter does not apply to Chapter 2.22 PAMC, or to ad hoc or temporary boards, commissions or committees. established by the City Council. 2.25.030020 -Authorization. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to establish such rules and procedures as are necessary andappropriate to implement the provisions of this chapter. 2.25.040030 -Terms. A.The term of office for everyany high schoolmember ofall permanent committees, shall startapermanent committee willbeoneschoolyear, commencing no earlier than the first day of school in the fall of each year and ending on the last day of school the following year. B. All otherappointments, except forappointments to fillvacancies, willbe for four years terms. Each term will beginon March 1st of the year in which the appointment is made, and expire on the last day of February of the year in which the appointment will expire, provided that appointments to an unexpired term shall start as designated in the appointment,andexpire on the last day of February of the year in which the appointment will expire. C.Termswillbe staggered so that no more than two members' terms expire in the same year. D.An appointment to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of a regular term willbe for the remainder of that term only. E.No person willbe allowed to serve on a permanent committeefor more than two full terms; provided that any person now serving on a permanent committee on the effective date of this chapter willbe entitled to complete the term that he or she has been appointed to serve. F.For any permanent committee that at the time of enactment of this chapterhas more appointed members than are authorized by the modifications to this Code, all current members will continue to serve until the expiration of their terms. Upon the expiration of their terms, the permanentcommittee membership will be reduced to reflect the limitations of this Code. 2.25.040Appointments Criteria. ЊЋ A.Permanent committee members will be selected to represent a broad spectrum of the communityand will be appointed without regard to political affiliation. Members willbe selected in accordance with the equal opportunity guidelines. B.Criteria used in selecting members includesbut will not be limited to the following: 1. Members have displayed an interest in the work of the permanent committee to which they have applied. 2. Members willnot be City employees,provided that elected officials willnot be deemed City employees for purposes of this limitation. 3. Members willbe familiar with the rules of procedure and conduct applicable to permanent committee members. 2.25.050 -Process for appointment. The process for selection and appointment of members of permanent committeesshall, other than City Council members,willbe uniform for all permanent committees, except in instances where the process for selection of a member of the permanent committee is directed by state law. If state law directs the process and procedure for selecting members of a permanent committee, theCity shallwillfollow that process and procedure. In all other instances, the process inand procedure for selecting members of permanent committees shallwillbe as follows: A.Prior to the expiration of a term of a committee member, the staff to the committee, shallwillnotify the committee member(s) and the City Clerk that the term(s) is expiring. B.The committee members or committee staff shallwillprepare a set of written questions to be directed to all applicants who apply to become members of the committee. The questions shallwillbe written to assess the applicant's aptitude and suitability to carry out the work performed by the particular committee. C.Prior to the expiration of the member's term, or when a position is vacated, the City Clerk shallwillposton the City's website and advertise in the City's legal newspaper an invitation for applicants. Applications will be accepted for at least one month, but the City Clerk is authorized to reduce or expand that time period for good cause where the appointment process will be benefited by changing the application timeframe. D.All applicants shallwillbe provided with the questions. The applicants shallwillbe asked to return the questionsto the City Clerk. E.PriorThe review and selection process shall be as follows: 1.Upon vacancy or priorto the expiration of the termone or more terms, the members of the Councilshall appoint an ad hoc committee to review applications for each permanent committee. The members of thead hoc committeeshallconsist of one (1)Council member, one(1)member from the ЊЌ permanent committee, and one(1)staff member from the city department that staffs the permanent committee.All members shall be voting members. 2.The ad hoc committee shall review the applications for membership on the permanent committee. The ad hoc committee willmeet and review answers submitted by applicants, and schedule interviews if desired. The members of the committee shallwillmake a recommendation about the best qualified candidate. The recommendation shallwillbe forwarded to the City Council. 3.The Planning Commission and Lodging Tax Advisory Committee are exemptCity Council shall review the recommendationsfrom this process.the ad hoc committee. If the Council deems it beneficial, it may conduct interviews. TheCouncil will receive applicant's answers to the supplemental questionnaires and make appointments to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and Planning Commission. If desired, Council may appoint an ad hoc committee to interview applicants for those bodies.permanent committees. F.The CityCouncil, at a regularly scheduled meeting, shallwillappoint committee members to the expiring or vacated term. G.Except as provided in this section, the process for the selection and appointment of committee members stated in this section shallwillsupersede and control over any currently existing ordinance that states any contrary or differing process and procedure for selection and appointment of permanent committee members. H.As an alternative to the process described in subsections Eboards, committees,and F above, in instances when no person applies to fillcommissions, the membership of which includes a City Council member,the position of a Mayor shall appoint the City Council member. 2.25.060Removalof Permanent Committee Members. A.The City Council willremove a member of a permanent committee board or commission member whosetermis expiring, and if the member whose term is expiring is willingfor one or more of the following reasons: 1. Incompetency,inefficiency,or inattentionto serve another term, the City Manager, in hisor dereliction of dutywith regard to the work on the committee. 2. Dishonesty, discourteous treatment of staff, public,or other committee members, or any other act oromission that is prejudicialto the committee, the City, or City staff. 3. Other good cause, as determined by the City Council,in itssole discretion,may extend the termsufficient to show cause for removalof the memberfor an additional term.. 2.25.060 Location of public4. Failure toattend three consecutive regularmeetings. B.A request to remove a permanent committee member may be submitted totheCity Council byany member of the permanent committeeor by the staff member from the city department ЊЍ that staffs the permanent committee. Such a request must cite applicable subsections from section A above. C.After receiving the request, the City Council, at its next regular meetingor as soon thereafter as practicable, mayreceive and consider the request and basis in open session or in executive session. 1. If the request is first received in executive sessionno action will be taken, and the Council in open session, may then determine whatfurther actions it will take. It may: a. Enter into the minutes of the meeting a statement that the request to remove was considered; and that the City Council will not take further action on the request; or b Vote to remove the member; or c. Initiate such further steps as it deems necessary and appropriate to evaluate the request to remove the member and then make a decision on the request. 2.25.070Rules of Procedures. A. The Port Angeles City Council Rules of Procedure willbethe rules of procedure for all permanent committees. B. Each permanent committee willelect its own chairand vice-chairin March of each yearfrom among its members and create and fill such other offices as it deems necessary for efficient operation. C. For purposes of conducting the business, exercising its powers and for all other purposes, a quorum of the permanent committeeconsistsof a simple majority of the filled positions. Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum, willbe deemed and taken as the action and decision of the permanent committee. D. The permanent committee will setatime and place formeetings. All meetings of the permanent committeeswillbe noticed and held in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, chapter42.30 RCW. E. To the extent possible, all meetings of all permanent committees shallwillbe held in the City Council chambers. 2.25.070 Public comment. F.An agenda willbe prepared in advance for each meeting of a permanent committeeusing the same process and procedures used to set the agenda for City Council meetings as set out in the Port Angeles City Council Rules of Procedure. ЊЎ G.Except with regard to matters that are quasi-judicial, all regular meetings of permanent committees shallwillallow at least one public comment opportunity at the meeting. The process for public comment at permanent committees shallwillbe the same rules that apply during City Council meetings. 2.25.080 Agendas. An agenda shall be prepared in advance for each meeting H.Thestaff of athepermanent committee. At least five calendar days prior to the willkeep minutes of all meetings held and all business transacted. The format for minutes will be action minutes. All records of the permanent committeemeeting, the agenda shallwillbe sent to all open for public inspection, except those that may be exempt from public disclosure under State law. I.Quorum for City permanent committeeswillbe a majority of filled voting positions. 2.25.080Staff Liaison Support. The City Manager maydesignate City staff to provide administrative support for each permanent committeemembers, members, including being responsible for written action minutesof the press, and it shall be published oncommittee's meetings, publication of meeting notices, and other administrative and clerical functions forthe City's webpage. committee. Such staff will work under the direction of the City Manager. The permanent committee is not authorized to direct staff. 2.25.090Utility rate review.-Compensation. Periodically the City performs a full cost of service study for each of its utilities. After each such survey, the survey shall be presented to, and reviewed by, the Utility Advisory Committee and City Council at a joint meeting. This is intended to enhance the efficiency and increase public awareness and input of pending or potential changes to utility rates. Permanent committee memberswillserve without compensation. CHAPTER 2.26 -PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD 2.26.010 -Board established. There is hereby established for the City of Port Angeles a citizens' advisory board to be known as the "a Public Safety Advisory Board." . 2.26.020 Composition of Board. ЊЏ The board shall consist of 12 members, who shall meet the following and criteria, provided that a majority of the members shall be City residents:. A.The Board is composedof sevenmembersmeeting the following criteria,in addition to that found in PAMC 2.25.040: A.All members shallmusteither be City residents or work or attend school within the City.; B.At least twoA majority ofmembers to the extent feasible, shallmustbe ownersCity residents; C. At least onemember mustbe an owneror managersmanagerof businessesa business located within the City.; C.D. Onemember toofthe extent feasible, shallBoardmustbearepresentative from the Port Angeles School District #121. D.At least one member to the extent feasible, shall be a high schoolHigh Schoolstudent recommended by school administration.; E.One member to the extent feasible, shallmustbe affiliated with an associated EMS agency that operates in the City of Port Angeles.; F.Two positions shallOther memberswillbe for enrolled tribal members. G.One positionselected, to the extent feasible, shall be for a resident who has experienced homelessness or a substance use disorder, or someone who has worked with people that have experienced homelessness or a substance use disorder. H.Other members tothe extent feasible, shallrepresent diverse segments of the community.; I.G. Eligibility shallwillnot extend to defendants in any pending criminal matter before the courts nor to those individuals under active supervision by the Department of Corrections. J.The Chief of Police and the Fire Chief shall serve as advisors to the board. 2.26.030 AppointmentTerms.-Duties. A.All board members, except the enrolled tribal members, shall be appointed by the City Council following the procedures established PAMC 2.25.050. B.Any enrolled member in good standingThe dutyof a legally recognized tribe may be appointed to the board. For seats to be filled by enrolled tribal members, City Council shall consult with the Lower Elwha Tribal Council. C.All appointments shall be deemed to have commenced on March 1st of the year of the appointment and to expire on the last day of February of the year in which the appointment will expire. ЊА D.All appointments, except for vacancies, shall be for four years terms, provided that members shall remain in office until their successors are appointed and confirmed; provided further that the high school member(s) shall serve a one-year term. E.Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of terms shall be filled for the remainder of the term of the member being replaced. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments. F.Members may be removed at will at any time prior to the end of the term by the City Council. In addition, members who fail to attend three consecutive regular meetings may be considered to have vacated their positions and may be replaced, as provided for herein. Any member who ceases to meet the criteria for his or her selection as provided in PAMC 2.26.020 shall be deemed to have forfeited his or her position. G.In addition to all other qualifications for members, no person shall be qualified to be a member for more than three consecutive four-year terms. H.Members shall not be employed by the City of Port Angeles. I.The terms of the members, except the high school member, shall be staggered, to be determined as follows: 1.To establish the staggered terms, the City Clerk, by drawing lots, shall divide the Board positions into three groups. Board position designated as group one shall have an initial term of one year. Board position designated as group two shall have an initial term of three years. Board position designated as group three shall have an initial term of five years. After the initial term, all Board positions shall be for four-year terms as provided in subsection C above. 2.Each Board member who is serving on the Board as of August 1, 2020, shall serve out the initial term identified for that member's group, as determined in accordance with the preceding paragraph. At the conclusion of the initial term, each Board position shall be vacant. The vacancy shall be filled as provided in subsection A above. 3.At the conclusion of his or her initial term, as determined in accordance with paragraph I.1 above, each currently serving Board member shall be deemed to have completed one term, for purposes of term limitation. 2.26.040 Compensation. No member of the Board shall receive compensation for services performed. 2.26.050 Duties of the Board. A.The duties of the Board shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1.Totoadvise and make recommendations tothe, and as requested by,the City Council,City Manager, Chief of Police, and Fire Chief concerning the provision of public safety services within the City;. The Board may: ЊБ 2.To1. When requested by the City, make recommendations on ways toenhance Police Department and Fire Department-community relations; 3.To2. When requested by the City,review and make recommendations concerning Police and Fire Department policies, procedures, programs, accreditation standards, and budgetary implications; 4.To review the qualifications and performance of licensees under Chapter 5.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code; 5.To3. When requested by the City, make recommendations on ways topromote public awareness of the City's Police and Fire services and programs; 6.To hold public meetings from time to time to solicit public input regarding public safety services and programs; 7.To serve as a liaison between the Police and Fire Departments and the community. 8.To apprise the City Council, City Manager, Chief of Police and Fire Chief of the community's need for public safety services; 9.To encourage individuals and community groups to assist in the police and fire programs and services, including the provision of funds, manpower and capital; 10.To review and make recommendations concerning such other and further matters as may be referred to the Board, from time to time, by the City Council, City Manager, Police Chief or Fire Chief; 11.To4. When requested by the City,review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting public safety services in Port Angeles. B.Notwithstanding the broad duties of the Board under subsection A of this section, the Board shallwillhave no power or authority to investigate, review, or otherwise participate in matters involving specific public safety personnel or specific public safety related incidents unless specifically requested by the Police Chief, Fire Chief or City Manager. 2.26.060040 -Meetingsand procedure.. A.The by-laws of the Law Enforcement Advisory Boardas they exist on the date this ordinance is adopted shall be the initial by-laws of the Public Safety Advisory Board. The Board may amend by-laws and rules of procedure consistent with this chapter. B.The Board shall have at least one regular meeting per month on such day of the month and at such time as may be established by the Board in its by-laws, except as modified by a majority vote of the Board. Special meetings may be held as often as the Board deems necessary. All will hold nine regular meetings annually and other special meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, except as otherwise provided in the Open Public Meetings Act, Ch. 42.30 RCW. All requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act shall be followed by the Boardas may be. C.For purposes of conducting the Board's business, exercising its powers and for all other purposes, a quorum of the Board shall consist of a simple majority of the filled positions. Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum at any ЊВ regular or special meeting of the Board, shall be deemed and taken as the action and decision of the Board. D.The Board shall elect such officers as it deems necessary in order to conduct its business. E.The Board shall keep minutes of all meetings held and all business transacted. All records of the Board shall be open for public inspection, except those that may be exempt from public disclosure under State law. CHAPTER 2.32 PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION 2.32.010 Created. There is hereby created a Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission, which shall consist of nine members. 2.32.020 Membership. A.Procedures. 1.Seven members of the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission shall be appointed by the City Council in accordance with the criteria set forth in PAMC 2.32.020.B. 2.Two members of the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission shall be appointed by majority vote of the seven members appointed by the City Council. These two members shall be Port Angeles High School students and residents of Port Angeles. 3.Members may be removed from office for reasons deemed appropriate by the appointing authority, including but not limited to, malfeasance in office or neglect of duties. B.Criteria. Criteria used in selecting members shall include but not be limited to the following: 1.Members shall be residents of the City. 2.Members shall have displayed an interest in the work of the Commission. 3.Members shall be selected in accordance with the equal opportunity guidelines. 4.The Commission shall represent a broad spectrum of the community. 5.Members shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation. 6.Members shall not be City employees or members of the City Council. C.Terms. 1.A full term of office shall be four years except that the term for the high school student members shall be one school year. 2.The term of office shall start on March 1st of the year in which the appointment is made, provided that appointments to an unexpired term shall start as designated in the appointment, and provided further that appointments to the high school student positions ЋЉ shall start on October 1st of the year in which the appointment is made and shall terminate on June 15th the following year. 3.Members of the Commission may be appointed to succeed themselves. 4.Appointments to fill an unexpired term shall be only for the remainder of that term, after which a re-appointment may be made. 5.Existing members shall fulfill the terms they were appointed to serve. 6.The terms of office for members appointed to unexpired terms shall be designated in the appointment and shall be for the maximum length of terms, not to exceed four years, that result in no more than two members' terms expiring in the same year. 7.No person shall be allowed to serve on the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission for more than two consecutive four-year terms; provided that this prohibition shall not disqualify any person now serving on the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission from completing the term that he or she has been appointed to serve as of the effective date of this chapter; and provided further that no high school member shall be allowed to serve on the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission for more than two consecutive one-year school year terms. 8.Members shall serve without pay. 2.32.030 OrganizationBusiness. A.The Commission shall elect its own chairman and vice-chairman from among its members and create and fill such other offices as it deems necessary for efficient operation. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of the business and keep written record of its meetings, resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations, which record shall be a public record. B.The Commission shall hold at least nine meetings annually and other meetings as it may deemnecessary to carry out the duties of the Commission. There shall be a fixed time and place of meeting which shall be made known to the public and all regular and work sessions of the Commission shall be open to the public. Regular meetings of the Boardwill be held at 6:00 P.M. on the third Wednesday of each month, provided that the Chair of the Board is authorized to cancel a regular meeting in the event there is no substantive agenda items to consider. C.For purposes of conducting business, a quorum shall consist of any four members of the Commission. 2.32.040 Authority and duties. CHAPTER 2.32 -PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIESCOMMISSION 2.32.010 Commission established. There is hereby established a Parks, Recreation and FacilitiesCommission. ЋЊ 2.32.020 Composition and criteria. The Commission shall be responsible to the City Council for its duties and actions. The duties of the Commission shall include, but not be limited to,is composedof sevenmembersmeetingthe following:criteria, in addition to that found in PAMC 2.25.040: A.All members musteither be City residents or work or attend school within the City. B.A majority of members mustbe City residents. C.Onemember of the BoardmustbeaPort Angeles School District #121 High School student recommended by school administration. 2.32.030 To give advisory-Duties. A. The duty of the Commission is to advise and makerecommendations to, and as requested by, the City Council,City Manager, and Director of Parks and Recreationon all matters relating to park, recreation, beautification, and all other matters as the City Council may deem appropriate; B.To cooperate with and advise the Parks and Recreation Director on developing and implementing a comprehensive recreation program; C.To cooperate with and advise the Parks and Recreation Director on beautification programs and general appearance of the City; D.To cooperate with and advise the Parks and Recreation Director on a comprehensive park development program; the Commission shall have the power to accept for the City donations for park and recreational purposes and, with the consent of the City Council, to accept real property for park and recreational purposes; provided that title to any real property shall vest in the City; E.To review the annual budget with the Parks and Recreation Director that is submitted to the City Manager's office; F.To cooperate with the Parks and Recreation Director in resolving any problems or complaints that arise from the various departmental programs and facilities;, and all other matters as the City Council may deem appropriate. The Commission may: G.To adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations consistent with1. When requested bythe laws ofCity, make recommendations on waysto enhance Parksand Recreation Department- community relations; 2. When requested bythe State for conductingCity, review and make recommendations concerning Parksand Recreation Department policies, procedures, programs, and standards; 3. When requested bythe meetings City, make recommendations on how topromote public awareness of the Parks,andRecreation and Beautification programs; ЋЋ 4. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting Parksand Recreation Department services in Port Angeles. 2.32.040 -Meetings. TheCommission.will hold nine regular meetings annually and other special meetings as may be necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission. Regular meetings of the Commission will be held at 6:00 P.M. on the third Thursday of each month except June, July, and August, provided that the Chair of the Commissionis authorized to cancel a regular meeting in the event there is no substantive agenda items to consider. CHAPTER 2.36 -PLANNING COMMISSION 2.36.010 CreationComposition.Commission established. There is createdhereby establisheda City Planning Commissionto be composed. 2.36.020 Composition and criteria. A.The Commission willconsistof seven members. 2.36.020 Membership. A.Procedures. B.1.The sevenIn addition to the general criteria set forth in PAMC 2.25.040,members of the Planning Commission shall be appointed by the City Council. must: 2.Each member of the Planning Commission shall be required to take an oath of office. 3.Members may be removed from office for reasons deemed appropriate by the Council, including but not limited to malfeasance in office or neglect of duties. B.Criteria. Criteria used in selecting members shall include but not be limited to the following: 1.Members shall be residents of the City. 1.2.Members shall haveHavean understanding of: (1) the benefits to the community of zoning and planning; and (2) the scope and purpose of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and(3) the rules of procedure and conduct applicable to Planning Commission members. 3.Members shall be selectedResidein accordance with the equal opportunity guidelines. 4.The Commission shall represent a broad spectrum of the community. 5.Members shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation. 2.6.Members shall not be Cityemployees or members of the City Council. . ЋЌ 7.Members shall serve without pay. C.Terms. 1.A full term of office shall be four years. 2.The term of office shall start on March 1st of the year in which the appointment is made, provided that appointments to unexpired terms shall start as designated in the appointment. 3.Members of the Commission may be appointed to succeed themselves. 4.Appointments to fill an unexpired term shall be only for the remainder of that term. 5.The terms of office shall be staggered so that no more than two members' terms expire in the same year. 6.No person shall be allowed to serve on the Planning Commission for more than two consecutive four-year terms; provided that this prohibition shall not disqualify any person now serving on the Planning Commission from completing the term that he or she has been appointed to serve as of the effective date of this chapter. 2.36.030 Compensation.Duties. The members of the Planning Commission shall serve without compensation. A.2.The duty of the Commission is to advise and make recommendations to, and as requested by,the City Council,City Manager, and Director of Community and Economic Development on all matters relating to land use planning and comprehensive planning, and all other matters as the City Council may deem appropriate. Upon request, the Commission mayPerformother duties assigned by the City Manager or City Council, pursuant to RCW35A.63.020; and the commission may: 1. When requested by the City, make recommendations on ways to enhance Community and Economic Development Department -community relations; 2. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations concerning Community and Economic Development Department policies, procedures, programs, and standards; 3. When requested by the City, make recommendations on how to promote public awareness of the Community and Economic Development Department services and programs; 4. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting Community and Economic Development Department services in Port Angeles. B.Upon request, the Commission may perform other duties as set forth in the PAMC. 2.36.040 Meetings. ЋЍ The Planning Commission shallwillhold at least one regular meeting in each month for not less thannine months in each year. 2.36.050 OrganizationBusiness. The Planning Commission shall elect its own chairman from among its members and create and fill such other offices as it determines its needs require. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of the business and keep a written record of its regular meetings, resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which record shallannually and other special meetings as maybe a public record. 2.36.060 VacanciesRemovalnecessary to carry out the dutiesof members. Vacancies occurring on the Planning Commission otherwise than through the expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term. Members may be removed from the Commissionafter public hearing by the appointing official, with the approval. Regular meetingsof the City Planning Commission for inefficiency, neglectwill be held at 6:00 P.M. on the fourthWednesdayof each month provided that the Chair of duty or malfeasance in office. Written charges shall be filed against any member before such hearing, and he shall have two weeks' notice of the date of the hearing. 2.36.070 Expenditures. The expenditures of the Planning Commission shall be within the amount appropriated by the Planning Commission, and the Planning the Commissionis authorized to employ such employees and expert consultants as they deem necessary for its work. cancel a regular meeting in the event there is no substantive agenda items to consider. 2.36.080 Fact-finding powers. A.The Planning Commission is authorized and empowered to act as a research and fact-finding agency of the City. To that end, it may make such surveys, analyses, researches and reports as are generally directed or requested by the City Council. The Planning Commission, upon such direction or request, is further empowered and authorized: 1.To make inquiries, investigation and surveys concerning the resources of the City; 2.To assemble and analyze the data thus obtained and to formulate plans for the conservation of resources and the systematic utilization and development thereof; 3.To make recommendations from time to time as to the best methods of such conservation, utilization and development; 4.To cooperate with other public agencies in such planning; and 5.To make surveys and recommendations for the adoption by the City Council of coordinated plans for development of the City. ЋЎ B.Limitation. The research and fact-finding powers granted to the Commission shall be exercised by the Commission acting as a body. Individual commissioners, separately or independently, are not authorized to exercise such powers. 2.36.090060 -Preparation of Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission may recommend to the City Council a Comprehensive Plan designed for the benefit of the City as provided by law and prepared as a whole, or may recommend parts or any amendment, extension or addition thereto. Before such recommendations are made to the City, the Planning Commission shallwillhold a public hearing thereon, giving notice of the time and place by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. A copy of the City ordinance adopting or embodying any planor part thereof or any amendment thereto, properly certified, shall be filed with the County Auditor. Any ordinance referred to herein may be amended or changed by subsequent ordinances. 2.36.095 Long-range planning advisory committees. In order to assist the Planning Commission in long-range planning matters, long-range planning advisory committees may be established from time to time by the City Council in accordance with this section. A.Proposals. Either the City Council or the Planning Commission may propose the formation of a long-range planning advisory committee. Proposals shall specify the function or task to be accomplished. B.Authority. Long-range planning advisory committees shall have the authority to conduct public meetings and public hearings and to advise the Planning Commission with regard to the specific function or task that the committees are assigned. The Planning Commission shall consider such advice in making its own recommendations to the City Council after conducting additional public hearings as may be required by law. C.Establishment. Long-range planning advisory committees shall be established by resolution of the City Council. Any such resolution shall specify the committee's purpose, number of members, and duration. D.Membership. Long-range planning advisory committees shall consist of two or three members of the Planning Commission. These members shall be designated by the Planning Commission, which shall also designate one of the members as chairperson. The remaining members shall be City residents and shall be appointed by the City Council. Candidates may be suggested by the Planning Commission. E.Conduct of business. Long-range planning advisory committees shall conduct their business in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act and the by-laws of the Planning Commission. 2.36.100 Building regulations action. ЋЏ Upon the receipt of a recommendation of the Planning Commission, the City Council may, in the interest of health, safety, morals and general welfare, by City ordinance, regulate and restrict the location and use of buildings, structures and land for residence, trade, industry and other purposes; the height, number of stories, size, construction and design of buildings and other structures; the size of yards, courts and spaces on the lot or tract; the density of population; the setback of buildings along streets, parks or public water frontage; and, the subdivision and development of land. 2.36.110 City districting recommendations. The City Council on the recommendation of the Planning Commission, may, by ordinance, divide the City into districts of such size, shape and area or may establish such official maps or development plans for the whole or any portion of the City as they may consider best, and within such districts may regulate and restrict the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or use of buildings, structures or lands. All such regulations shall be prepared as part of the Comprehensive Plan designed for the benefit of the City as provided by law. 2.36.120 Reserved. Editor's note(s)Ord. 3574 , § 2, adopted Mar. 21, 2017, repealed § 2.36.120 which pertained to Board of Adjustment appointment recommendations. See also the Code Comparative Table and Disposition List. . CHAPTER 2.40 -PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE Chapter 2.40.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapterPAMCis to provide a mechanism for the City Council of Port Angeles to obtain the benefits of recommendations, advice, and opinions on those matters affecting community-wide planning for economic development from a committee which may devote the necessary study tocareful consideration of such matters and which will increase citizen participation and input to local government. 2.40.015 Goals. The Committee is dedicated to creating a strong, economically and culturally vibrant community that will enhance the lives of our citizens through the following goals: ЋА A.Foster private sector investmentrepealedin Port Angeles. B.Facilitate input from stakeholders to create a consensus, strategy, and vision for development and implementation of a Port Angeles Forward Master Plan. C.Provide communication between stakeholders. D.Recommend actions to encourage private investment and stimulate the economy and livability of the community. E.Identify and resolve barriers that adversely impact the ability to achieve committee goals. 2.40.020 Committee created. There is hereby created a Port Angeles Forward Committee which shall consist of 14 members. 2.40.030 Membership. A.Representation. 1.Two Council members and one alternate of the Port Angeles Forward Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor from the seven members of the City Council. 2.Twelve members of the Committee shall represent community organizations having interests in economic development in Port Angeles. These 12 members shall be appointed by the City Council in accordance with the City Council's Rules of Procedure. Examples of community organizations that might be included in this category of membership are, without limitation: the Port of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Clallam Transit Authority, Port Angeles Downtown Association, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Port AngelesBusiness Association, Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1, Clallam County Economic Development Council, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and others. Additional organizations for membership may be recommended by the Committee. 3.Three members of the Committee to be appointed by the City Council to serve as citizens-at-large. 4.Staff support for the Committee will be provided by the City of Port Angeles through designation and assignments by the City Manager. 5.Members may be removed from office for reasons deemed appropriate by the City Council, including, but not limited to, malfeasance in office or neglect of duties. ЋБ B.Criteria. Criteria used in selecting citizen members shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1.Members need not be residents of the City. 2.Members shall have displayed an interest in the work of the Committee. 3.Members shall be selected in accordance with all applicable statutes, including, but not limited to, non-discrimination, equal opportunity guidelines. 4.Members shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation. 5.Members shall not be City employees; provided that elected officials shall not be deemed City employees for purposes of this limitation. C.Terms. Terms for Council Members and citizens-at-large shall be as follows: 1.A full term of office shall be two years for City Council members. 2.A full term of office shall be three years for citizens at large. 3.The term of office shall start on March 1 of the year in which the appointment is made, provided that appointments to an unexpired term shall start as designated in the appointment. 4.Members of the Committee may be appointed to succeed themselves; provided that no person shall be allowed to serve more than three consecutive terms. 5.Appointments to fill an unexpired term shall be only for the remainder of that term, after which a reappointment may be made. 6.Members shall serve without compensation. 2.40.040 Organization. A.The chair of the Committee shall be designated by the City Council and shall be one of the City Council committee members. The vice-chair shall be elected from among its remaining community organization and citizen-at-large members; and create and fill such other offices as it deems necessary for efficient operation. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and keep written record of its meetings, resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which record shall be a public record.entirety. B.The Committee shall hold meetings once each calendar quarter, or as deemed necessary by the City Council to carry out its duties. The Committee shall fix a time and place of the quarterly meetings, which shall be made known to the public, and all regular sessions of the ЋВ Committee shall be open to the public. A quorum to conduct official business shall consist of not less than one-half of the total Committee. 2.40.050 Duties. The Committee shall be responsible to the City Council for its duties and actions. The duties of the Committee shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A.To give advisory recommendations to the City Council on matters relating to community growth and development, matters consistent with committee goals, and all other matters as the City Council may deem appropriate. B.To adopt bylaws, rules and regulations consistent with the laws of the State of Washington for conducting the meetings of the Port Angeles Forward Committee. C.To maintain and preserve the confidentiality of information discussed in executive session pursuant to Ch. 42.30 RCW and the City Council's Rules of Procedure. CHAPTER 2.68 -UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2.68.010 Purpose.-Committee established. The declared purpose of this chapter is to provide a mechanism for the City Council of Port Angeles to obtain the benefits of recommendations, advice, and opinions on those matters affecting City utility policy and operations from a committee which may devote the necessary study to careful consideration of such matters and which will increase citizen participation and input to local government. 2.68.020 Committee created. There is hereby createdestablisheda Utility Advisory Committeewhich shall consist of eight members. 2.68.030 Membership.020 Composition and criteria. A.Procedures. 1.Three Council members of the Utility AdvisoryTheCommittee shall be appointed by the Mayor from the willconsist of sevenmembersofmeetingthe City Council. 2.Five citizen members of the Committee shall be selected and appointedfollowing criteria in accordance with Chapteraddition to that found in PAMC2.25.040: A.Threemembers of the Committee will be current City Council members. ЌЉ B. One of these members shallmember mustrepresentthe industrial customers of the City's utilities; the second member shall represent the licensed care facilities in the City; and three members shall represent all other customers of the City's utilities..For purposes of this chaptersection, "industrial customers" means those customers who are served under the City's industrial transmission electric rate classification. C. One member must represent thelicensed care facilities in the City. For purposes of this chaptersection, "licensed care facilities" includes adult family homes, boarding homes/assisted living facilities, and nursing homes.The representative of the licensed care facilities shall vote only on issues concerning fees authorized by Part C of PAMC 13.73.300. 3.Citizen members may be removed from office for reasons deemed appropriate by the appointing authority, including, but not limited to, malfeasance in office or neglect of duties. B.Criteria. Criteria used in selecting citizen members shall include, but not be limited to, the following: D.1.Members shallTwomembers representing thecommunity at large. E.In addition to meeting the criteria set forth above and in PAMC 2.25.040, all members of the Committee mustbe residents of the City, except the member representing the licensed care facilities need not be a City resident but must own or manage a licensed care facility in the City, and the member representing industrial customers is not required to be a resident of the City.The industrial customers may make a corporate recommendation for such member, but, final appointment is under the purview of Council. 2.68.2.Members shall have displayed an interest in the work030 Duties. A. The dutyof the Committee. 3.Members shall be selected in accordance with the equal opportunity guidelines. 4.Members shall be appointed without regardisto political affiliation. 5.Members shall not be City employees. C.Terms. Terms for citizen members shall be as follows: 1.A full term of office shall be four years. 2.Members of the Committee may be selected to serve consecutive terms; provided that no person, except one appointed to represent industrial customers, shall be allowed to serve more than two consecutive four-year terms. 2.68.040 Organization. A.The Committee shall elect its own chairmanadviseand vice-chairman from among its membersmake recommendations to,and create and fill such other offices as it deems necessary for efficient operation. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and keep ЌЊ written record of its meetings, resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations, which record shall be a public record. B.The Committee shall hold meetings as deemed necessaryas requestedby,the City Councilto carry out its duties. There shall be a fixed time and place of meetings which shall be made known to the public, and ,City Manager, Director of Public Works and Utilities, and Director of Finance onall regular sessions of the Committee shall be open to the public. Four members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of official business. 2.68.050 Duties. The Committee shall be responsible to the City Council for its duties and actions. The duties of the Committee shall include, but not be limited to, the following: A.To give advisory recommendations to the City Council on matters relating to City utility policy and operation and all other mattersutilities,as the City Council may deem appropriate. The Committee may: B.To adopt bylaws, rules 1. When requested by the City, make recommendationsto enhance Department of Public Worksand regulations consistent with the laws of Utilities community relations; 2. When requested by the State of Washington for conductingCity, review and make recommendations concerningthe meetings of Department of Public Works and Utilities policies, procedures, programs, standards, and budgetary implications; 3. When requested by the Utility AdvisoryCity, make recommendations on ways to promote public awareness of Department of Public Works and Utilities services and programs; 4. When requested by the City, review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting Department of Public Works and Utilities services in Port Angeles. 2.68.040 -Meetings. TheCommittee. willhold nine regular meetings annually and other special meetings may be held as necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission. Regular meetings of the Committee will be held at36:00 P.M. on the second Tuesday of each month.provided that the Chair of the Board is authorized to cancel a regular meeting in the event there is no substantive agenda items to consider. C.To maintain and preserve the confidentiality of information discussed in executive session pursuant to Ch. 42.30 RCW and the City Council's Rules of Procedure. CHAPTER 2.70 -LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE ЌЋ 2.70.010 Purpose. The declared purpose of this chapter is to establish a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to be constituted and have the duties as required by the Washington State Legislature in Chapter 452, Laws of 1997. The Lodging Tax Advisory-Committee will make recommendations to the City Council on matters related to the lodging tax as required by the State Statute and as may be referred to the Committee by the City Councilestablished. 2.70.020 Committee created. There is hereby created the Port Angeles Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, which shall be constituted, organized, and have the duties as set forth in this chapter. 2.70.030 Membership. A.020 Composition.and criteria. A. Composition.The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee shall beiscomposed of the following ninesevenmembers: 1.One City Council member. 2.Two members who are representatives of businesses required to collect the lodging excise tax. 3.Two members who are persons involved in activities authorized to be funded by lodging excise tax revenue. 4.ThreeTwocitizen-at-large members who neither represent businesses required to collect the lodging excise tax nor are persons involved in activities authorized to be funded by the lodging excise tax. The threetwocitizen-at-large members shallwillbe non- voting members. In the event that the City Council does not receive a sufficient number of applications for vacant citizen-at-large positions that meet this criteria, the Council may appoint citizen-at-large positions without the restrictions, so long as the number of members who are representatives of businesses required to collect tax under this chapter shallwill be equal to the number of members who are involved in activities authorized to be funded by revenue received under this chapter. 5.One member who is a representative of the Port Angeles Forward Committee, who shall be a non-voting member. ЌЌ B.Procedures andAdditionalcriteria.The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the City Council consistent withMembers mustmeetthe following criteria:, in addition to that found in PAMC 2.25.040: 1.Members shallmustbe residents of the City or representatives of businesses within the City. 2.Members shallmusthave displayed an interest in the work of the Committee. 3.Members shallmusthave declared in their applications which category of membership they are applying for, so that members shallwillbe eligible for only one of the categories set forth in PAMC 2.70.030.A. C.Terms. 1. 2.70.030 -Duties. A. The termdutiesof office shallthe Committee include, but notbe two years, commencing on March 1st on the year in whichlimited to,the appointment is made.following: 2.Members may be appointed by the 1. Pursuant to RCW67.28.1816, make recommendations to City Council for successive terms. the expenditure of lodging tax funds. 3.Appointments to fill an unexpired term shall be only for the remainder of that term, after which a reappointment may be made. D.Creation of staggered terms2.Adviseand term limits. 1.For appointments to begin on March 1, 2020, one member who is a representative of businesses required to collect the lodging excise tax; one member who is a person involved in activities authorized to be funded by lodging excise tax revenue;make recommendations to,and two citizen-at-large members shall be appointed for one year. The remainder of the appointments will be for two years. The positions that received a one-year appointment in March of 2020 will thereafter be two-year appointments, creating staggered terms of the positions. 2.The decision as to which positions will receive one-year appointments and which positions will receive two-year appointments is within the sole discretion ofrequested by, the City Council. E.No person shall be allowed to serve on the Commission for more than four consecutive two-year terms or a one-year termand City Manager on matters relating to collectionand three consecutive two-year terms. expenditure of lodging tax funds in Port Angeles. F.A person who has served on the Commission for four consecutive terms is eligible for reappointment to the Commission when two years or more has passed from the completion of his or her fourth term in office, or a one-year term and three consecutive two-year terms. ЌЍ 3. As requested, to encourage individuals and community groups to participate in lodging tax sponsored programs and services. 4. As requested, to review and make recommendations regarding legislative changes affecting the collection and expenditure of lodging tax in Port Angeles. 2.70.040 Organization.Meetings. A.The Committee willhold meetings as the Chair deemsnecessary to carry out its duties. As required by the State lodging tax statute, the chairperson of the Committee shallwillbe the City Council member. Editor's note(s)Changed to conform with Ordinance 3321. Council members reduced to one. B.The City Manager shall designate City staff to provide administrative support for the Committee, including being responsible for written minutes of the Committee's meetings, publication of meeting notices, and other administrative and clerical functions for the Committee. C.The Committee shall hold meetings as deemed necessary by the Committee and the City Council to carry out its duties. All meetings shall be conducted in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 42.30 RCW. Six members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of official business. 2.70.050 Duties. The duties of the Committee shall include the following: A.Review, comment, and make recommendations to the City Council with regard to increasing the current two percent lodging excise tax by not more than an additional two percent or continuing the tax at the current rate. The Committee shall submit its comments and recommendations to the City Council with an analysis of the extent to which the recommended tax rate will accommodate activities for tourists or increase tourism and the extent to which the recommended tax rate will affect the long-term stability of the City's lodging excise tax fund. B.Review, comment, and make recommendations to the City Council on activities and/or facilities to be funded by lodging excise tax revenues. The Committee's comments shall indicate how its recommendations are related to the statutory purposes of paying for the cost of tourism promotion and/or acquisition or operation of tourism-related facilities. The Committee's recommendations shall be presented to the City Council in a timely fashion consistent with the City's budget cycle so that the tax revenue allocations can be included in the City's annual budget or in a later budget amendment as may by authorized by the City Council. ЌЎ ЌЏ