HomeMy WebLinkAboutLTAC 02022024 Agenda Packet MEETING AGENDA LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Special Meeting February 2, 2024 8:30-10:00 a.m. Notice is hereby given that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) will meet on Friday, February 2, 2024, starting at 8:30 AM virtually on the Webex platform andin the City Council Chambers in City th Hall located at 321 E. 5Street, Port Angeles, WA. This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Committee members, and City staff have the option to attend the meeting in person, at City Hall or remotely via telephone or video link. For audio only please call: 1-844-992-4726 Use access code: 2552 254 9505 Webinar password: peJnV84X2mc (73568849 from phones and video systems) Once connected press *3 to raise your virtual hand ifyou wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the February 2, 2024meeting only. If you are joining in through the Webex link and wish to make a comment or public testimony, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Virtual Webex Meeting Link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m9364a9c7e515998c0464de7c7b19cb1d The meeting is open to the public. I.CALL TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.APROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the November 15, 2023 LTAC meeting IV.PUBLIC COMMENT The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee desires to allow the opportunity for public comment. However, the business of the Committee must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes. V.DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS 1.Discussion/Action Item: City PierObservation Tower Funding Request February 2, 2024Page 1 Review the City of Port Angeles Public Works & UtilitiesDepartment’srequest for funding of the City Pier Observation Tower repair project through surplus reserve funds. Consider motion to recommend approval of funding for this project to the City Council. 2. Discussion/Action Item: Dream Playground Funding Request Review the Dream Playground Foundation’s request for funding of the Port Angeles Dream Playground repair project through surplus reserve funds. Consider motion to recommend approval of funding for this project to the City Council. VI.STAFF UPDATES VII.COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDATES VIII.ADJOURNMENT February 2, 2024Page 2 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington November 15, 2023 9:30 a.m. This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER ChairCarrcalled the meeting to order at9:31 a.m. ROLL CALL Voting Members Present:Navarra Carr, Christine Loewe, Donya Alward, Sydney Rubin, Victoria Jones(attending virtually). Member at Large Non-Voting Members:RosylenMangohig. Members Absent:None. Staff Present:Ben Braudrick, Melody Schnider, Hailey Jones, and Aubrianna Howell. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Alward andseconded by Loweto: Approve the November 3, 2022minutes. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC COMMENT Tommy Farris,residing outside the city, spoke on behalfofOlympic Hiking Co and the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foundationapplication. Details includedthe Hurricane Ridge winter shuttle, partnerships,and the importance of LTAC funding to their organization. Jerry Oaks, city resident, spoke on behalf of Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foundationand wanted to make a clarification on the application. Jeff Bohman, city resident, thankedthe committeefor the work they do and spoke to the benefits that the Olympic Discovery Trail and Peninsula Trails Collation has received in the past. Lorrie Mittmann, city resident, spoke to short term rentaloperationsand their positivecontributions tothe LTAC funding. MarySue French,city resident, spoke in support of thePacific Northwest Fibers Arts Expoapplication. Kate Robbins, city resident, spoke in support of the Port Angeles City Balletapplication. Jess Grello, city resident, representing SquatchCon Comic & Arts Convention spoke on behalf of the organization and thanked the committeefor past funding. Marsha Massey, part timecityresident, spoke in support of the application for the Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureauand Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission. ACTION ITEMS 1.Review and Recommend Annual 2024 Lodging Tax Fund Budget Review Management AccountantMelody Schnider presented the initial approved 2024 budget for the LTAC committee and the available funding for applicants.Planning Supervisor Ben Braudrick discussed the application scoring process and results. Specifically, how applications were scored differently based on if the applicant were new or legacy and non-event applicants. Chair Carr suggested that the committee discuss application scoring in sections,capital, marketing, operation and events. Committee discussion followed. February 2, 2024Page 3 The Committee began reviewing the applications for the capital facilitiesbudget and the use of funding. The applicants requested a total of $265,806. Chair Carr opened the floor for discussion. The Committee directed a question to the City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation, but a representative was unable to speak on behalf of the application due to technical difficulties. A representative was able to answer the Committees questions later in the meeting. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Rubin to: Fully fund the requested amount to Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts, Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, and Lincoln Park BMX Association for the capital budget. Motion carried 5-0. The Committee moved on to discuss the applications for the marketingbudget and the funding available. The applicants requested a total of $47,000. It was moved by Jones and seconded by Alward to: Fully fund both the marketing requests from the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission and Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission -Co-op Ads at their full amount. Motion carried 5-0. The Committee moved on to discuss the applications for the eventsbudgetand the funding available. The applicants requested a total of $116,375. Port Angeles City Ballet application representative Kate Robbins answered a few clarifying questions regarding their application. Sea to Sound application representative Tina Woodward answered clarifying questions on funding. Committee discussion followed. It was moved byCarrand seconded by Lowe to: Fully fund all the applicants, with the exception of Sea to Soundfunded at$3,000, Port Angeles RamsBasketballfunded at $3,000, and the Port Angeles City BalletPresents: The Nutcracker funded at$2,000. Motion carried 3-2 with Alward and Jonesopposed. The City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation representative Tim Tucker answered several questions relating to how the funding would impact the restoration of the Locomotive #4. Committee discussion followed. It was moved by Alward and seconded by Carr to: Fund the City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreationat $60,000. Motion carried 4-1 with Rubin opposed. Chair Carr opened the floor to discuss the application for the operations budget and the funding available. The applicants requested a total of $547,150. Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce representative MarySue French answered question regarding their application. It was moved by Carr and seconded byAlward: Fund all applicantsin operation to their full request amounts with the exception of FieldArts and EventsHall funded at $100,000 and Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce - Elevate PA atfunded at $32,000. Motion was carried 5-0. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Rubin to: Recommend the 2024 total Lodging Taxbudget in the amount of $1,028,0000 to the Port Angeles City Council. Motion was carried 5-0. 2.Discussion/Action Item: 2024 Regular Meeting Scheduling Planning Supervisor Braudrick spoke to the 2024 Calendar for the regular LTAC Committee meetings. It was suggested by th Thursday of the month for regular meetings. The Committee agreed by consensus to Planning Supervisor Braudrickthe 4 thththth meet on March 28, June 20, September 26, November 7from 11am to 1pm. STAFF UPDATES Planning Supervisor Braudrick gave a brief update on the strategic marketing plan. Management Accountment Schnider introduced Budget Officer Hailey Jones who will attending future LTAC meetings. February 2, 2024Page 4 COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDATES None. Chair Carr adjournment the meeting at 11:44am. _____________________________________________________ Navarra Carr, ChairAubrianna Howell, Acting Clerk February 2, 2024Page 5 LODGING TAX ADVISORY Date: February 2, 2024 To: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee From: Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Mike Healy,Public Works and Utilities Director Corey Delikat,Parks and Recreation Director Subject: Lodging Tax Fund Reserve Budget Recommendation Background / Analysis: The Dream Playground and the City Pier have recently been identified for significant and emergent repairs. Both facilities are City owned and provide services to the Port Angeles community. Additionally, each of the facilities have been featured in tourism promotion materials and are considered community focal points. As a result,Staff is recommending the use of lodging tax funds for these needed repairs and construction. A brief description ofeach ofthe projects is listed below with additional information attached to this memo. The Lodging Tax fund has continued to see an increase in total tax collection year over year including in the 2023 year which has surpassed budgetary estimates and to-date has reached record collection levels. Revenue and expenses for the 2023 year are still being processed, however, initial estimates show a surplus reserve of approximately $1.1M in the Lodging Tax (LTAX) fund. This estimation retains the required 25% fund balance estimated at $278,425.Additionally, there is a separate capital reserve balance of $126,878 that would also be eligible for use for the proposed projects at the direction of the Lodging Tax Committee. The available reserve and funding requests are summarized below: Estimated LTAX operating reserve$1,385,939 Less City Pier Project funds($688,000) Less Dream Playground funding($250,000) Estimated ending LTAX reserve balance$447,939* *$278,425 of the estimated fund balance would be held in reserves in compliance with the 25% fund balance threshold requirement. Funding for City Pier Observation Tower Repair Project – $688,000 The City Council issued a declaration of emergency onNovember 21, 2023 following findings from an inspection conducted by Sargent Engineers that concluded the observation toweron the City Pieris experiencing structural failuresand poses a safety risk. The City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works & Utilitiesworked with Sargent Engineers, Inc. to prepare a technical memorandum detailing the necessary repairs to ensure safety. Contractor estimates were provided and are attached as Attachment B. Based on the provided quotes, the Department of Public Works & Utilitiesisrequesting Port Angeles provide $688,000 in funding for completion of work for the City Pier Observation Tower Repair Project. In addition to the contractor estimates, the application submitted by the Department of Public Works & Utilitiesis included as Attachment A, the Structural Observation Reportdemonstrating the need for repairs is included as Attachment C, and the Structural Observation Technical Memorandumis included as Attachment D. February 2, 2024Page 6 Funding for Dream Playground Repair Project – $250,000 The Dream Playground at Erickson Playfield was constructed in September of 2022 and was mostly destroyed by fire on December 20, 2023. The Dream Playground Foundation has prepared a cost estimate for required repairs based on the cost of materials and the estimated value of donations received when the playground was originally built. The Dream Playground Foundation estimates the materials cost of rebuilding to be $531,000. The Foundation intends to utilize volunteer labor for the reconstruction of the damaged playground. Based on the estimated cost of repairing the playground, the Dream Playground Foundation is requesting Port Angeles provide $250,000 in funding for completion of work for the Dream Playground Repair Project. In addition, the City has submitted an insurance claim to help with the rebuild of this park, however, due to timing of planned reconstruction funds are needed as soon as possible to ensure the rebuild can occur on schedule. Should insurance funding be received for this project the LTAX funds will be returned. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee forward the recommended Lodging Tax Reserve Budget requests totaling $938,000 for the City Pier Observation Tower Repair Project and Dream Playground Repair to City Council for inclusion into the 2024 LTAX Fund Budget. Attachments: Attachment A: 2024 Port Angeles Lodging Tax Non-event Application - City Pier Observation Tower Attachment B: City Pier Observation Tower Contractor Quotes Attachment C: Sargent Engineers, Inc. Structural Observation Report Attachment D: Sargent Engineers, Inc. Structural Observation Technical Memorandum Attachment E: 2024 Port Angeles Lodging Tax Non-event Application - Dream Playground Foundation February 2, 2024Page 7 2024Lodging Tax FundNon-Event Application This application isfor non-event related proposals only. Application and Funding Guidelines Please review the LTAC Vision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs to assist answering your application questionnaire.Click here for more general information about the Lodging Tax Program. If you have any questions regarding this application process or the grant opportunity itself, please contact PlanningSupervisor Ben Braudrick at 360-406-0654, or emailced@cityofpa.us. All applications be sent to ced@cityofpa.usby 5:00 PM, October 16, 2023. Funding Priorities – Non-events: Lend support to a diverse range of sustainable tourism activities to encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often. Support the increase of tourism capacity, where capacity is defined as the broad number activities within the community a visitor can attend, visit, or take part in when staying overnight. Assist the maintenance establishment tourism related capital facilities including: o Wayfinding and Interpretative Signage, o Public Restrooms o Transportation facilities, and o Passive recreational park facilities (benches, walkways, and lighting). Support efforts to improve information on attractions and facilities. Fund proposals that encourage and enhance tourism during the off-peak time as stated below. Promote tourism that highlights Port Angeles assets – its natural beauty, geology, outdoor activities, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportunities, history, culture, and the arts. Develop key community assets that function as destinations or venues for multipurpose events on a year-round basis. Create partnerships and synergies with existing organizations to develop and promote attractions and events for visitors. Develop innovative opportunities that improve the tourist/resident relationship Improve effectiveness of coordinated transportation and trail linkages. Support of organizations and projects that promote coordination and cooperation in tourism activities. Scoring Criteria for Non-Event Proposals (Capital Facilities/Projects) – 30 possible points: 1.There is evidence provided that this project will help increase opportunities for tourism sustainable activities. 2.There is evidence provided that the project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return. 3.The project plan is clear with a timeline for action defined and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine potential for success. 4.The budget provided reflects a clear understanding of the costs associated with this project and there is evidence that this budget is based on market research, structured estimates, or estimates provided by contractors. 5.The project supports LTAC priorities to increase transportation, quality of city infrastructure, wayfinding, or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. 6.The project will support our local economy through local contracts, retail purchases, or partnerships. Scoring Criteria for Non-Event Proposals (Operations & Marketing) – 25 possible points: 1.There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities. 2.There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits. February 2, 2024Page 8 3.The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists. 4.This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure, or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. 5.This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business. Scoring for Non-Event Proposal Criteria Each criterion will be evaluated on the following spectrum: Strongly Agree – 5 pts Agree – 4 pts. Neutral – 3 pts. Disagree – 2 pts. Strongly Disagree – 1 pt. Did not answer – 0 pts. Applicant Information Organization/Agency Name: City of Port Angeles Amount Requesting: A NOT-TO-EXCEED AMOUNT OF $688,000.00 with any unused funds returned to the Lodging Tax Fund. Federal Tax ID Number: Facility Name or Operation (if applicable): City Pier Observation Tower Contact Name and Title: Mike Healy, Director, Public Works & Utilities th Mailing Address: 321 East 5 Street City: Port Angeles State: WA Zip:98362 Phone: 360-417-4801 Email Address: mhealy@cityofpa.us Check all service categories that apply to this application: Operation of a Tourism Promotion/Destination Marketing Agency Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by a non-profit organization Operation and/or Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality Check which one of the following applies to your agency: Non-Profit () Public Agency Complete Application Includes (check all that apply): Application Questionnaire Itemized budget for your non-event related operation or capital facility (income and expenses) Description of, and a budget showing, how you intend to use the amount requested from the City of Port Angeles. A copy of your agency’s current registration with the Washington Secretary of State. February 2, 2024Page 9 (Optional) Brochures or other information about your facility or items showing recent tourism promotion efforts – Limited to 8 pages February 2, 2024Page 10 Applicant Questionnaire General Questions 1.Briefly describe your tourism-related operation/facilityand what you are requesting lodging tax for. Answer: The City of Port Angeles operates many tourism related facilities throughout the community. The City Pier Observation Tower is one of those extremely popular features central to the enjoyment of the visitors to our community as it offers views of our magnificent waterfront to the north but of the surrounding majestic mountains that surround this tourist centric community. The Observation Tower has been the subject of countless photographs and artwork and is a central iconic figure of the depiction of our Waterfront District. Earlier this year during an inspection activity it was discovered that the mounting brackets that span and secure the Observation Deck to the in water pilons below have suffered deterioration due to the saltwater environment in which they reside. This funding request is to replace all the structural brackets by lifting the deck structure and securing the connecting members. This project will also require extensive environmental tenting and safeguards, engineering and inspectional services. This project, as proposed, will also include a complete removal of existing paint and replacement of the protective decorative coatings; if completed in conjunction with the structural work will save money as the environmental safeguards will already be in place. 2.If you have received Lodging Tax Funds in prior years, are you doinganything significant or differently this year? Answer: It is my understanding that Lodging Tax Funds have been used to maintain infrastructure elements in tourist center areas in the past. Facilities 3.Are you applying for Lodging Tax funds from another jurisdiction? Yes No If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s) and amount(s) requested. Answer: 4.Does your Organization/Agency have paid employees? If so, what is the annual payroll for all employees? Answer: Yes, the City has paid employees with an estimated total payroll of $37.3M 5.Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, interestsetc.) Answer: This Observation Tower is one of the must-see elements at the center of the Port Angeles Tourism Industry. 4his attraction is a free of charge element of the overall positive tourism experience of visitors to Port Angeles. 6.Describehow your operation/facility lends support to a diverse range of tourism activities, which will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often. Answer: The loss of this iconic attraction would be devastating to the community as this has become a must- see by tourists and residents alike. LTAXGoalsandPrioritiesforLodgingTaxFundingPrograms 7.Does your operation/facility promote tourism that highlights Port Angeles assets – its natural beauty, geology, outdoor activities, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportunities, history, culture, and the arts? X Yes No If yes, please describe. Answer: The observation Deck at City Pier allows for visitors and residents alike to view the Waterfront District and the surrounding mountains. In short, this is one of the best views to experience “Where the Mountains meet the Sea” and to take in all the natural beauty that Port Angeles has to offer. February 2, 2024Page 11 8.Does your operation/facility support efforts to improve information on existing City of Port Angeles tourist attractions and facilities? Yes No If yes, please describe. Answer: As an attraction located in the Waterfront District, this structure is critical to the tourist experience of the district, the central business district, the Marine center, the Warfe the Field Arts Center and many local business centered attractions. The location of the City Pier Observation Deck is but a short stroll to the Visitors Center and as such they work toward attracting tourists to each other. 9.Describe how your request will promote existing lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Port Angeles. Please be specific. Answer: This iconic structure is an elemental draw to the Central Business District as well as the Waterfront District. All the tourism related businesses benefit through the presence of this free attraction. Describe how your request will create partnerships and synergies with existing City of Port Angeles organizations to develop and promote attractions and events for visitors. Answer: For many years this structural attraction has been photographed and used in countless Port Angeles Tourism related advertising and as such can best be described as the glue that creates partnerships between local business and community organizations. It is a central gathering point to view community events held in the Waterfront District. BudgetandRCWrelatedQuestions 11.What is the overall budget for your operation/facility? What percent of the budget are you requesting from Port Angeles Lodging Tax Fund? What percentage of your budget is related to tourism and marketing activities? (may reference attached budget). Answer: The operational budget for this facility is paid entirely from municipal funds. This application is solely for this structural project to ensure that this iconic structure is present for generations to come both to be enjoyed by visitors and residents alike but also as a tourism attraction to our community 12.How does this proposal demonstrate use of Lodging Tax Funds in accordance with RCW 67.28.1816?Please be specific and cite code directly. Answer: This structure directly benefits the tourism industry as a free attraction and as a critical attraction to the City’s majestic waterfront. This proposal meets the requirements of RCW 67.28.1816 (1) (a) Tourism Marketing as this structure is a central figure in many tourism and business marketing materials. (b)The marketing and operations of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; this structure was a very attractive feature of the Port Angeles Crab Fest and described as the “Best Seat in the House” for the Big Hurt and other athletic events held along the waterfront. (c) Supporting the operations and capital expenditures of tourism related facilities owned and operated by a municipality or a public facilities district created under chapters 35.57 and 36.100 RCW; This facility is part of the municipal infrastructure, as is the entire City Pier, which is a very popular tourism attraction when visiting Port Angeles. The Observation Deck feature is always extraordinarily popular but especially when special events are present be they large such as the Crab Fest, concerts, or other offerings at the Pier. This focal point structural feature of the waterfront district has been a favorite for visitors of all segments of tourism. This iconic structure attracts tourists visiting Port Angeles for day February 2, 2024Page 12 February 2, 2024Page 13 February 2, 2024Page 14 February 2, 2024Page 15 February 2, 2024Page 16 VIEW TOWER -CITY MUNICIPAL PIER STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONREPORT City of Port Angeles Public Works Port Angeles, WA December 2023 Sargent Engineers, Inc. 320 Ronlee Ln NW Olympia--9318 February 2, 2024Page 17 December 2023 Page ii VIEW TOWER -CITY MUNICIPAL PIER STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT City of Port Angeles Public Works Port Angeles, WA December 2023 12/11/23 Sargent Engineers, Inc. 320 Ronlee Ln NW --9318 February 2, 2024Page 18 December 2023 Page iii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................ 1 SITE DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................................................... 1 OBSERVATIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 BELOW DECK FRAMING ..................................................................................................................... 1 ABOVE DECK FRAMING ...................................................................................................................... 3 ROOF FRAMINING ............................................................................................................................... 5 STAIRWAY AND RAILING .................................................................................................................... 5 REPAIR RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 5 URGENT REPAIRS: .............................................................................................................................. 5 PRIORITY REPAIRS: ............................................................................................................................ 6 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS ............................................................................................................. 8 Sargent Engineers, Inc. 320 Ronlee Ln NW --9318 February 2, 2024Page 19 December 2023 Page 1 INTRODUCTION thth Sargent Engineers conducted a structural observation of the existing ViewTower on November 8and 9at the City Municipal Pier in Port Angeles,Washington. The original design drawingsfor the Municipal Pier were provided to us prior to the observation and wereused to evaluate the View Tower in coordination with our field observation to evaluate the existing structure. Our observations, repair recommendations and repair details are provided within this report. 1976 edition. (UBC- 1977 edition. Because the structure met the current codes of the era, and historically performed well, our repair recommendations will take into consideration the original design assumptions and design strategy. However, all the recommend work shouldbe completed per the current edition of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. SITE DESCRIPTION The View Tower is - overlooks the Ediz Hook and Salish Sea. Near the tower, locals and tourists routinely gather for viewing, fishing, and crabbing throughout all seasons. Mooring docks are seasonally present adjacent tothe southern side of the tower. On the northern side, the pierprovides short-term moorage to cruise ships. The View Tower is comprised ofpainted steel vertical columns, painted steel horizontal beams, timber decking, timber trusses and painted steel stair and railing elements. The towerwas designed such that the tower legs would attachtovertical and batteredtimber pilesupports below the pier deckto resist overturning during extreme events. OBSERVATIONS th On November 8Sargent Engineers observedallthestructural View Tower elements above the pier deck. Elements th below the pier deck were observed on November 9during high tide using a City provided boat and captain. We organized our observations into the following sections: Below DeckFraming, Above DeckFraming, Roof Framing, and Stairwayand Railing. The following are a summary of our observations. BELOW DECKFRAMING TIMBER SUPPORT PILES The timber piles below the pier deck were sounded using a geologist hammer from a boat duringhightide. This limited pile exposure to approximately 8-ft above the water and below the deck. Soundings are performed to locatethe presence of decay todetermine if more in-depth measurements were needed using our PD-Series 400 resistograph. However, the exposed sections of the piles showed no signs of decay or damageabove the water line. The creosote protection appears to be sound. Tower Support PilesAnchorage TOWER ANCHORAGE The steel anchorage elements at thesupport pilesconsist of steel Angles with Horizontal Thru-BVertical Tie-Down-Bolts and steel Base and Shim plates. All anchorage elements were moderately to severely corroded. Figure 1 February 2, 2024Page 20 December 2023 Page 2 Figure 2Below Deck Framing The Angles haveseverelaminar rust with up toloss. Seeattached images01 through04. The Horizontal Thru-Bolts havesevere surface rust with un-measurable section loss. The corresponding nuts havesevere laminar rusting with un-measurable section loss.Seeattached images 01through04. The Vertical Tie-Down-Bolts havemoderate corrosion along most of their length, but corrosion is most severe near the column base plates. Most tie-down-bolts arecorroded away completely above the base plate. The corresponding nuts areall missing, and assumed to have disintegrateddue to corrosion. See attached images 05, 06, 08 & 09. The column Base and Shim plates areseverely corroded with laminar rust, and areswollen so significantly, that it wasnot possible to determine remaining section depths at some locations. See attached images 07& 08. The Columnsectionsbelow the deck and above the base plate ranged from moderate to severe corrosion. The North column specifically has East column has similar section loss, but only in location of the column.See attached images 09& 10. Figure 3 February 2, 2024Page 21 December 2023 Page 3 ABOVE DECKFRAMING The Above deck framing consists of steel Columns, Diagonal Bracing, Horizontal Supports, & Platform. Assuming the pier deck is arbitrarily defined as Level 1, then the Horizontal Supports and Stair platforms will be defined as Levels 2, 3, and 4. This would result in the observation Platform defined as Level 5. Generally, the steel tower framing is in good condition with only isolated areas of significant corrosion. Figure 4-Above Deck Framing TOWER COLUMNS The above deck steel Tower Columns are in generally good condition with isolated areas of paint failures and minor surface rusting. See attached images 12 thru 14. The North Tower Column: One Diagonal Bracingconnection plate. See attached images 11thru14. Nearthe eastern Diagonal Bracing, The West Tower Column: At Level 5, surface rusting of connecting plate between the northwest Horizontal Support beam and Tower C The East Tower Column: active corrosion around the lower connection plate. DIAGONAL BRACING The steel Diagonal Bracing is generally in good condition with only isolated defects that consist of chalking paint with areas where surface rust is developing.See attached image14. February 2, 2024Page 22 December 2023 Page 4 HORIZONTAL SUPPORTS The Horizonal Supports are generally in good condition with isolated areas of defects ranging from minor to major. The most significant defects were observed adjacent to the Stairway stringers and near Tower Column Connections. between the Level 2 to 3 left stair stringer. The southeast Level 3 Horizontal Support at the east end has some knife edge section loss in the bottom flange near the east Tower Column connection. See attached image 21. The southeast Level 3 Horizontal Support at the sound end has up to 1/16 the east side of the east Stairway stringer connection. See attached image 23. bottom flange. See attached image 22. The northeast Level 4 Horizontal Support beam: Uthick laminar rust revealed a 100% section loss hole approximately 1/2 ee attached images 15 through 17. Near midspan around the Stairway flange. As- See attached image 18. The southwest Level 5 Horizontal Support beam has moderate surface rusting with light pitting in web and around the connection to the west Tower Column. See attached image 19. The southeast Level 5 Horizontal Support beam has one loose bolt near the bottom of the connection to the west Tower Column. See attached image 20. The northwest Level 5 Horizontal Support beam (Platform girder): Along the bottom flange, moderate surface rust with u. connection plate and lower bolts. The northwest Level 5 Horizontal Support beam (Platform floor beam): the Diagonal Bracing attachment. See attached image 24. The bottom bolt in the floor beam/column connection is rusting with up the 1/8 1/16n the corresponding nut. See attached image 25. The northwest Level 5 Horizontal Support beam (Platform stringer) connection at the east Tower Column has paint failures, rusting and (1) missing bolt. February 2, 2024Page 23 December 2023 Page 5 ROOF FRAMINING The Roof Framing is comprised of trusses made up of timber elements with steel gusset plates. The trusses are attached to the steel tower columns with steel connection plates. The roof sheathing is made up of tongue and groove cedar. The aluminum standing seam roofing appears to be sound with very little indication of water staining on the roof sheathing. The following are our structural observations: The Timber Trusses were sounded using a geologist hammer to locate the presence of decay to determine if more in depth measurements were needed using our PD-Series 400 resistograph. However, no indications of decay were observed at this time. As such the structural trusses were observed to be in good condition. See attached image 26. The Steel Gussets and steel Truss to Column connections are structurally sound. However, the presence of failing paint and surface rusting exists on most steel surfaces. See attached images 27 through 30. STAIRWAY AND RAILING The Stairways are comprised of painted steel plate treads and risers supported by steel stringers. The stair platforms are decked with treated timber supported by timber ledgers. The Railings are comprised of (4) painted steel pipe rails and (1) painted toe-kick plate. Generally, the paint failures are leading to isolated areas of significant corrosion. Stairway Risers and Treads: Generally, the risers and treads are in good to fair condition. Most defects are relatively minor with paint failures and active surface rust on the bottom faces. See attached images 31& 32. Stairway Stringers: Generally, the steel Stairway stringers and associated platform stringers are in good to fair condition. Most defects are Isolated paint failures with corresponding moderate corrosion and section loss is in the Stairway Stringer to Horizontal Beam connection points. Stairway & Platform Decking and Ledgers: Generally, the platform deck in is in good to fair condition with only minor splits and checks scattered throughout. However, the decking ledgers range from fair to critical. Most ledgers are split around the connection bolts, and one has failed leaving this platform area to move See attached images 33 & 34. Steel Railing: The railing is in fair to poor condonation due to paint failures, rusting, and section loss. Most significant defects are isolated to the connection points between the railing and stairway stringers. However, there are some scattered rail-to-rail connections with significant corrosion as well. See attached images 35 & 36. REPAIR RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our findings, we recommend the following repairs. The repair recommendations are split in to two sections, Urgent and Priority. The Urgent recommendations provide options to address the anchorage issues. The Priority recommendations are for planning if funding is not currently available for a larger scale project. URGENT REPAIRS: At all View Tower penetrations through the pier deck, the steel Columns and Anchorages are severely corroded and require immediate repair to restore the View Tower stability in the case of an extreme event such as extreme winds, seismic events, and/or tsunamis. The following are a list of all elements requiring an emergency response: Replace the lower Column sections below the pier deck in-kind. February 2, 2024Page 24 December 2023 Page 6 Replace the column Base and Shim Plates in-kind. Replace the steel Angles in-kind. Replace the Horizontal Thru-bolts in-kind. Replace the Vertical Tie-Down-Bolts and Nuts in-kind. PRIORITY REPAIRS: Several above deck elements have localized deterioration, but do not warrant emergency action. As such, the following repairs are recommended as funding becomes available; however, the Priority repair recommendations should be completed within 5-year window. Replace steel Horizontal Supports in-kind (4 minimum). Replace the split and/or decayed timber ledger boards in-kind. (typical throughout platforms) Remove existing paint, sandblast corrosion to near white metal, and repaint all steal members and plates. DISCUSSION Generally, the View Tower is in good to fair condition above the pier deck with isolated areas of significant deterioration. However, below the pier deck the View Tower is in poor to critical condition. The designed anchorage between the pier foundations and the Tower Columns have corroded away. As such, anchorage points designed to prevent tower overturning during extreme winds, seismic events, and/or tsunamis are gone. Therefore, the observation tower presents a risk to the public in the case of an extreme event. In the Urgent (within 12-months), we recommend repairing the deteriorated tower components below the pier deck in- kind. This means that the original design plans can be referenced for repairs. This will restore the View Tower safety to the original design standards in the case of an extreme event. In the Priority (within 5-years), we recommend removing all existing corrosion, repairing all structural elements with the tower remains in service for a long time to come. Ideally, if funding and schedule permits, both the Urgnent and Priority repairs would be completed at the same time. This would reduce overall costs due to mobilization and limit the need to install complex shoring more than once while structural elements are being removed and replaced. February 2, 2024Page 25 APPENDICES February 2, 2024Page 26 APPENDIX A PHOTOGRAPHS IM01: Angleand BoltCondition at South Column IM02: Angle & Bolts Condition and North Column AnchorageAnchorage IM03: Angle and Bolt Condition at East ColumnIM04: Angle Condition at West Column Top of Tie-Down-Bolt. Note missing nut. IM05: Vertical Tied-Down-Bolts below Base PlateIM06: Vertical Tie-Down-Bolts above Base Plate February 2, 2024Page 27 Note the missingTie-Down-Bolts and Nuts IM07: Base & Shim Plate Condition at East ColumnIM08: Base & Shim Plate Condition at South Column Note the missingTie-Down-Bolts and NutsNote only one visible Tie-Down-Bolts and no Nuts IM09: Steel Condition above Base Plate at North ColumnIM10: Steel Condition above Base Plate at West Column IM11: Isolated Section Loss in North Tower ColumnIM12: Typical Paint Failures and Minor Surface Rust February 2, 2024Page 28 IM13: Typ.Tower Column Flanged Connection Near DeckIM14: General Steel Diagonal Condition IM15: LVL 4 NE Horizontal SupportLaminer RustIM16: LVL 4 NE Horizontal Support Residual Rust Hole IM17: LVL 4 NE Horizontal Support Residual Flange DepthIM18: LVL4 NE Horizontal Support Near Stair Stringers February 2, 2024Page 29 IM19: LVL54 SW Horizontal Support-Rusting & PittingIM20: LVL 5SE Horizontal Support -Loose Conn.Bolt IM21:LVL 2 SE Horizontal Support -Knife Edge Section IM22: LVL 2 SW Horizontal Support - Loss IM23: LVL 2 SE Horizontal Support -IM24: LVL 5 Horz. Support Floor Beam to DiagonalConn. February 2, 2024Page 30 IM25: LVL 5 Horz. Support Floor Beam to Column Conn.IM26: General Roof Truss Condition IM27: Typ. Tower Column to Truss Connection ConditionIM28: Typ. Truss Gusset Plate Condition IM29: Typ. Truss to Truss Bottom Connection ConditionIM30: Typ. Truss to Truss Top Connection Condition February 2, 2024Page 31 IM31: Typ. Risor Condition Bottom SideIM32: Typ. Tread Condition Bottom Side IM33: Broken Platform LedgerIM34: Split Platform Ledger IM35: Common Corrosion in Rail Connection PlatesIM36: General Railing Condition February 2, 2024Page 32 Sargent Engineers, Inc. 320 Ronlee Lane NW Olympia, Washington 98502-9241 Tel 360 867-9284 Fax 360 867-9318 www.sargentengineers.com December 15, 2023 Mr. Jonathan Boehme City of Port Angeles Public Works 321E. 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: View Tower Technical Memorandum Project No.: A23157.00 Mr. Boehme: TheView Tower is - overlooks the Ediz Hook and Salish Sea. The View Tower is comprised ofpainted steel columns, painted steel horizontal struts, timber decking, timbertrusses and painted steel stairwayand railing elements. Thetowerwas designed such that the tower legs would attachtovertical and batteredtimber pilesupports below the pier deck. thth Sargent Engineers conducted a structural observation of the View Tower on November 8and 9,2023.This technical memorandumprovides urgent and priorityrecommendations and construction documents necessary to complete the recommendationsbased on that observation.Per the International Existing Building Code (IEBC), therecommendations providedbeloware considered repairsonly.No alterations to the structure are being made.Furthermore,the deterioration is nota result of any form of loading; ratherthe damage is caused by prolonged exposure to the corrosive properties of the Salish Sea salt water and the failure of the paint system.As such, the structure shallbe restored in compliance with the original design codeestablished in the original design drawings.Additional IEBC details are provided in theCode ComplianceDiscussionsectionof this memorandum. REPAIR RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our observations, we recommend the below listedUrgent and Priority repairs. Figure 2 Lower Column & Anchorage Elements to be Replaced in-kind Figure 1General Tower Configuration February 2, 2024Page 33 Mr. Boehme 12/15/2023 Page 2 At all the Lower Columnpenetrations through the pier deck, the steelcolumnsand anchorages are severely corroded and require immediate repair to restore the View Tower stability in the case of an extreme event such as extreme winds, seismic events, and/or tsunamis. The following are a list of all elements requiring an emergency response: Urgent Repairs: Replace the Lower Columns sections penetrating throughthe pier deck in-kind Replace the Lower Column Base and Shim Plates in-kind Replace the Steel Angles in-kind Replace the Horizontal Thru-bolts in-kind Replace the Vertical Tie-Down-Bolts and Nuts in-kind Provided below are the details and showing the relevant member sizes and dimensions for emergency repairs. In the original design drawings, the provided Lower Column and Base Plate details were originally referenced fromthedesign details associated with the pavilion.As such, thenon-relevant information is crossed out, and correct dimensions were provided. This detail provides the Lower Column sizes, Upper and Lower Base Plates dimensions and required welds.Prior to fabrication, all dimensions should be field verified. Figure 3 -Urgent Repair Details -Lower Column Sections The Lower Column and corresponding details for the anchoragetothe battered timber support pilefoundations are provided. These details show the dimensions for the Steel Angles, Vertical Tie-down-bolts, Shim Plates and Neoprene Pads. Note that the Neoprene Padsand Tie-down-bolt Nuts were observedas missing th during the Nov. 9site visit.Prior to fabrication, all dimensions should be field verified. Figure 4-Urgent Repair Details-Anchorage In addition to the Urgent Repairs, there areseveral above deck elements that have localized deterioration. As such, the following repairs are recommended ifthe availablefundsand scheduling permits. Priority Repairs: Replace steel Horizontal Supports in-listed below). Replace the split and/or decayed timber ledger boards in-kind. (typical throughout platforms) Remove existing paint, sandblast corrosion to near white metal, and repaint all steel members and plates (including the hand railing). February 2, 2024Page 34 Mr. Boehme 12/15/2023 Page 3 Provided below are the details showing the specific members to be replaced, and the relevant member sizes and dimensions for the Priority Repairs. Figure 5 -PriorityRepair PlanLevels 1 to 3 Framing Plan Figure 6 -Priority Repair Plan Levels 3 to 5 Framing Plan February 2, 2024Page 35 Mr. Boehme 12/15/2023 Page 4 The original design drawings provide a C12 Channel option in place of the W12 Horizontal Support Beams.This is shown is the following column to beam connection detail. As such, the C12 references were crossed out for clarity. Figure 7-Priority Repair Detail Tower Colum to Horizontal Support Beam Connection The above references are meant to assist with estimating. A more comprehensive set of all the relevant design details compiled from the original design plans are attached withthis technical memo. The original plans and details shall be usedto perform all recommended repairs. Included with the details are the current relevant WSDOT Standard Specificationsreferences that shall be followed priortoand during construction.Important details regarding specific element dimensions have been clouded for easy reference.One item of note:the W12 beams shown in the details above are not sized in the original plans. As such, they will need to be field measured to determine the appropriate size. CODECOMPLIANCE DISCUSSION As previously stated, therecommendationsprovided withtechnical memorandum are considered repairsper the International Existing Building Code (IEBC).The followingaretherelevantsections in the IEBC andthe steps neededto determine the codecompliancefortherecommended in-kindrepairs that conform to the requirements of the original design code. Per Section 401.2 in the IEBC, "The Work shall not make the building less complying than it was before the repair was undertaken". We are making all repairs in kind, thus restoring the condition per the original design, and not reducing its compliance withcurrent codes. Per section 405.2.1, "...for damage less than substantial structuraldamage, the damaged elements shall be permitted to be restored to their predamagecondition." Per Section 202 of the IEBC, Substantial Structural Damage is defined per the snippet below: February 2, 2024Page 36 Mr. Boehme 12/15/2023 Page 5 Bullet 1 also does not apply, since the vertical elements of the lateral force-system have not suffered damage that reduces the lateral load carrying capacity of any story by more than 33 percent. Bullet 2 does not apply since the capacity of the vertical components carrying vertical gravity load have not been reduced. Bullet 3 does not apply since the capacity of any structural component carrying snow load is not being reduced. Finally, the remainder of Chapter 4 speaks to requirements for repairing damage due to load. Damage due to load has not occurred, therefore these sections do not apply. Therefore, we have less than substantial structural damage and Section 405.2.1 applies. Even with the support of the code listed above, if we step back, this structure has had a service life of 50 years without incident due to load. If the anchor nuts were not corroded away, we would not be recommending this emergency repair. Instead, we would recommend that the maintenance items listed in the report be scheduled within the next 3 to 5 years. Thank you again for thisopportunity to be of service to you. Respectfully, Sargent Engineers, Inc. CraigMallow, PE Senior Project Engineer CAM/Attachments B:\\19Files\\A19161.00 City of Port Angeles -Structural Engineering Services\\Task 5 -Tower Structural Observation\\Structural Observation_Tech Memo.docx February 2, 2024Page 37 38 Page February 2, 2024 40 Page February 2, 2024 41 Page February 2, 2024 42 Page February 2, 2024 43 Page February 2, 2024 44 Page February 2, 2024 45 Page February 2, 2024 February 2, 2024Page 46 February 2, 2024Page 47 February 2, 2024Page 48 February 2, 2024Page 49 February 2, 2024Page 50 February 2, 2024Page 51 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee February 2, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET Are you a City of Port Angeles resident or Print Name Clearly business owner? Topic Yes or No tdd 1 � Yes or No u3e r k'f. e G l3 iNI CL(\" Yes or ( I�R- ��; E9 i 3 c'cc Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Page