HomeMy WebLinkAboutLTAC 04112024 Agenda Packet MEETING AGENDA LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE April 11, 2024 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Notice is hereby given that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) will meet on Thursday, April 11 2024, starting at 12:00 PM virtually on the Webex platform and in the City Council Chambers in City th Hall located at 321 E. 5 Street, Port Angeles, WA. This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Committee members, and City staff have the option to attend the meeting in person, at City Hall or remotely via telephone or video link. For audio only please call: 1-844-992-4726 Use access code: 2552 909 2073 Webinar password: c3sKms5uXE2 (23756758 from phones and video systems) Once connected press *3 to raise your virtual hand if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the February 2, 2024 meeting only. If you are joining in through the Webex link and wish to make a comment or public testimony, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Virtual Webex Meeting Link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m73cddbd82367a746d76488a981bd23d1 The meeting is open to the public. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL COMMITTEE MEMBER INTRODUCTIONS APROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the February 2, 2024 LTAC meeting PUBLIC COMMENT The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee desires to allow the opportunity for public comment. However, the business of the Committee must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Discussion Item: Olympic Peninsula Tourism Masterplan 2024-2029 Overview of the year-long effort and introduction of the Masterplan provided by Marsha Massey, Executive Director of the Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau and Debbie Wardrop, the 2.Action Item: 2024 Funding Request: Lulish Local Marketing Classes and Grants Staff request to update the 2024 LTAX budget to utilize the remaining $25,000.00 dedicated to the 2023-24 biennium for a marketing class and grants for website development for local Port Angeles businesses and event makers. 3.Action Item: Round Two of 2024 Request for Proposals Staff to provide a review the budget remainder for 2024 left by the November 2023 recommendation to City Council and several potential proposals that have been requested. The LTAC to make a motion on whether or not to place proposal awards on the June 2024 agenda. 4.Action Item: Annual Review of the LTAC Vision, Goals and Priorities Guidance Document Review and discussion of the current document as approved by City Council in 2023 and motion for any changes to be made by staff for approval at the June 2024 meeting. VII.STAFF UPDATES 1.Short Term Lodging FAQ’s 2.Port Angeles Bike Map 3.Dream Playground 4.Public Pier Tower 5.Olympic Peninsula Tourism Summit 6.March 2024 Lodging Tax Report VIII.COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDATES IX.ADJOURNMENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington February 2, 2024 8:30 a.m. This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER ChairCarrcalled the meeting to order at 8:34a.m. ROLL CALL Voting Members Present:Navarra Carr, Christine Loewe, Donya Alward, Sydney Rubin, and Victoria Jones. Member-at-Large Non-Voting Members:RosylenMangohig. Members Absent:None. Staff Present:Sarina Carrizosa, Corey Delikat, Tim Tucker, Mike Healy,and Aubrianna Howell. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Alward andseconded by Jones to: Approve the November15, 2023 minutes. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC COMMENT Cherie Kidd, city resident, thanked the Committee for serving and discussed the history of the waterfront and the importance of upgrades on the waterfront. Sean Coleman, residing outside the city, expressed his support forfunding the Dream Playground and spoke to issues that led to the fire that burneddown the playground. Marsha Massy, part-time city resident, spoke to the importance of tourism and how Lodging Tax funds should be used with caution. ACTION ITEMS 1.City Pier Observation Tower Funding Request Finance Director Sarina Carrizosaprovided background on financial reserves, spoke to both the City Pier Observation Tower and Dream Playground projectsand provided an updated quote. She statedstaff received the new quote for repair and maintenance of the City Pier Observation Towerthat lowered the funding request from $688,000 to $574,000, approximately $114,000 less than the original ask. Director Carrizosa briefly spoke to the Dream Playground Foundation funding request of $250,000. Director of Public Works and Utilities Mike Healy shareda presentation alongside Sargent Engineering Principal Engineer Scott Olson that provided historyon the structure and spoke tothe inspection and emergency actions that closed the tower. Principal Engineer Olson spoke to the deterioration of the observation tower and the necessaryrepairs to make it safe again for public use. Chair Carr opened the floor to questions. 2.Dream Playground Funding Request Parks and Recreation Director Corey Delikat introduced Dream Playground Foundation President Steve Methnerwho began a PowerPointpresentation on the Dream Playground. Dream Playground Foundation President Methner spoke to the fire that caused the destruction of the playground, the estimated rebuild cost, and the requested funding amount of $250,000. Director Delikat spoke to the partnership between the City of Port Angeles and the Dream Playground Foundation and to the work done by the City’s Legal and Human Resources team relative to insurancematters. At the time of the meeting, Director Delikat statedit was unclear whether the City would receive insurance money from the fire. Director Delikat clarified that if the City does receive insurance funds, the Dream Playground Foundation would return theLodging Taxfunds. April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 1 Chair Carr opened the floor to questions and discussion. Committee discussion followed. It was moved byLoewe andseconded byCarrto: Fund the Dream Playground inthe amount requested, as identified in the February 2, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee packet. Motion carried 4-1 withRubin opposed. Chair Carr opened thefloor fordiscussion on funding of theCity Pier Observation Tower. It was moved by Rubinand seconded by Carr to: After the motion was made and amended the final motion passed: Fundthe pier observation towerrepairsusing the $170,000 of capital reserve and the remaining $170,000from operation funds. Motion carried 3-2 with Alward and Jones opposed. STAFF UPDATES None. COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDATES Committee member Rubin spoke to Lodging Tax funding sources and possible changes in the future. Chair Carr adjournment the meeting at 10:46am. __________________________ ___________________________ Navarra Carr, Chair Aubrianna Howell, Acting Clerk April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 2 Date: April 11, 2024 To: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee From: Ben Braudrick, Planning Supervisor Subject: Lodging Tax Fund Reserve Budget Recommendation Background / Analysis: At the previous September 15, 2022 meeting staff made the Committee aware of a surplus reserve of approximately $633,400 in the Lodging Tax (LTAX) fund due to better than perceived lodging outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff recommending the expenditure of 75 percent, or approximately $475,000 of this reserve over the next biennium on capital projects based upon priority and need. The Committee unanimously approved a motion to provide $425,000 towards capital projects and $50,000 towards destination marketing. Staff is recommending the use of the remaining $25,000 of the destination marketing funding for: FreeMarketing Workshop for Tourism-Based Businesses in Port Angeles A dynamic 2.5 hour tourism marketing workshop, hosted by Visit Port Angeles, to help local tourism- based businesses with local marketing strategies, tips and tricks that work for getting more visitors to their business. The training will also include (4) $2,500 marketing grants to be given away to help our tourism-based businesses with specific marketing projects or consulting needs. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee forward the recommended Lodging Tax Reserve Budget request of $25,000 for the administration of local marketing workshop and grants by destination marketing consultant Lulish Design for inclusion into the 2024 LTAX Fund Budget. April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 3 Vision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax FundingPrograms Vision: To best utilize lodging tax funds to create a welcoming and inviting community with facilities and activities that increase tourism-related revenue through a sustainable visitor experience. Goals: 1.Foster and maintain a healthy and diverse tourism sector that continues to thrive. 2.Fully utilize and promote creative uses of existing facilities. 3.Improve the quality of experience and relationships for tourist and residents while diminishing any negative impacts from tourism-related activities and traffic. 4. Promote partnerships and increase tourism by concentrating on priorities identified by both residents and the tourism industry. 5. Focus on our unique Port Angeles assets that make us a premier destination for environmentally and fiscally sustainable recreation and tourism. 6.Encourage collaboration recognizing that Olympic Peninsula-based tourism supports and benefits all communities. Annual Funding Disbursement: The expected outcome of the funded activities is to increase economic activity in PortAngeles through the overnight lodging of tourists, through tourism-related expenditures, and construction of tourism-related facilities in accordance with RCW 67.28.1816 Funding categories and their percentage of annual expenditure should approximate: Tourism-related capital facilities – 20% plus 5% reserved. Reserves are to be taken from the initial annual projected available revenues prior to LTAC consideration of expenditure allocation and budget for the annum. Capital Facility expenditures are to be used for: o New construction o Improvement and renovation Tourism-related marketing – 25% Tourism-related non-profit business operations – 33% Events and festivals designed to attract tourists – 12% LTAC Priorities – 5% Funding Priorities – Non-events: Lend support to a diverse range of sustainable tourism activities to encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often. Support the increase of tourism capacity, where capacity is defined as the broad number activities within the community a visitor can attend, visit, or take part in when staying overnight. Assist the maintenance establishment tourism related capital facilities including: o Wayfinding and Interpretative Signage, o Public Restrooms o Transportation facilities, and o Passive recreational park facilities (benches, walkways, and lighting). April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 4 Support efforts to improve information on attractions and facilities. Fund proposals that encourage and enhance tourism during the off-peak time as stated below. Promote tourism that highlights Port Angeles assets – its natural beauty, geology, outdoor activities, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportunities, history, culture, and the arts. Develop key community assets that function as destinations orvenues for multipurpose events on a year-round basis. Createpartnerships and synergies with existing organizations to develop andpromote attractions and events for visitors. Develop innovative opportunities that improve the tourist/resident relationship Improve effectiveness of coordinated transportation and trail linkages. Support of organizations and projects that promote coordination and cooperation in tourism activities. Funding Priorities –Events: Event Funding is capped at $10,000 per year per event for new events (events in operation for 5 years or less). Event funding is capped at $5,000 per year per event for legacy events (events in operation 6 years or more). Review events also based upon intangible benefits for the community, including arts and culture, local economic development, and regional/statewide/national/international exposure. Lend support to a diverse range of tourism sustainable activities to encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often. Encourage events to become self-sufficient. Encourage the creation of new events and off-peak that drive an increase in Lodging Tax. Encourage the potential growth of existing events. Support of organizations and projects that promote coordination and cooperation in tourism activities. Develop innovative opportunities that improve the tourist/resident relationship. Support events that demonstrate regional marketing and marketing partnerships with other local/regional marketing organizations. Support Projects that demonstrate a clear marketing strategy and business goals. Scoring Criteria for New Event Grant proposals – 100 possible points: 1. The project or event plan is clear, and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) 2. This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays. (Room nights: 20 pts. – over 200, 15 pts. – 100-200, 10 pts. – 50-100, 5 pts. – less than 50) 3. The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) 4. The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan. (10 pts.) April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 5 5.This project occurs in non-demand periods(10 pts) 6. The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) 7. The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) Scoring Criteria for Legacy Event Grant proposals – 100 possible points: 1.Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) 2.Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) 3.This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) 4. The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) 5. The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Scoring Criteria for Non-Event Proposals (Capital Facilities/Projects) – 30 possible points: 1.There is evidence provided that this project will help increase opportunities for tourism sustainable activities. 2.There is evidence provided that the project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return. 3.The project plan is clear with a timeline for action defined and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine potential for success. 4.The budget provided reflects a clear understanding of the costs associated with this project and there is evidence that this budget is based on market research, structured estimates, or estimates provided by contractors. 5.The project supports LTAC priorities to increase transportation, quality of city infrastructure, wayfinding, or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. 6.The project will support our local economy through local contracts, retail purchases, or partnerships. Scoring Criteria for Non-Event Proposals (Operations & Marketing) – 25 possible points: 1.There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities. 2. There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits. 3.The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists. April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 6 4.This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure, or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. 5.This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business. Scoring for Non-Event Proposal Criteria Each criterion will be evaluated on the following spectrum: Strongly Agree – 5 pts Agree – 4 pts. Neutral – 3 pts. Disagree – 2 pts. Strongly Disagree – 1 pt. Did not answer – 0 pts. April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 7 Section 1: General Questions 1. What is a Short-Term Rental? The approved ordinance defines a short-term rental as the following: “Short-term rental. A dwelling unit used as temporary lodging for a charge or fee for a rental period of less than thirty (30) continuous days. Short-term rentals are classified as either Type I or Type II.” “Type I short-term rental” is defined as a short-term rental at a dwelling that is the owner or designated lessee’s principal residence, where rooms are rented, and the owner or designated lessee is personally present at the dwelling during the rental period. Room rentals are limited to numbers below those of congregate housing as defined by the International Code Council (ICC), which requires substantial commercial upgrades to the residence for fire, life, and building safety. “Type II short-term rental” is defined as a short-term rental at a dwelling unit that is not the owner’s or designated lessee’s principal residence. 2. Why are short-term rental business licenses needed? Licensing aids in the effective regulation of short-term lodging properties. Licenses ensure basic safety precautions are met, protect the public, and help manage the impacts of short-term lodging operations on our neighborhoods. 3. When does the new ordinance go into effect? July 1, 2024. 4. Oh no! I have not applied for a short-term rental business license yet. Please know the approved ordinance contains a phased transition period, allowing short-term rental operators time to become licensed and inspected. The licensing portal will be available beginning July 1, 2024. Enforcement activities will not begin until November 1, 2024. 5. What is my platform doing to comply with the new regulations? The City of Port Angeles will notify platforms such as Airbnb and VRBO once the regulations, as approved on March 6, 2024, have been implemented into the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 6. I still have questions. Who should I contact for more information? We are here to help. Please contact the Department of Community & Economic Development at ced@cityofpa.us or call (360) 417-4750. April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 8 Section 2: Regulations for Short-Term Lodging Operations 1. What was the City Council action on March 6, 2024? On March 6, 2024, a motion was made and approved to: Adopt the ordinance staff recommend Option B (-) with no restrictions on location or number of Type I short-term rentals with the definition revised to strike the requirement for “common entrance.” To include a city-wide cap of 200 or 2%, whichever is higher on Type 2 short-term rental, no restrictions on location. Ensure preference/priority STR license applications for those currently running compliant STRs. Add “and a lottery for all completed STR license applications submitted by August 1.” One unit per license; one license per person, one license per parcel. Remove option of getting Type 1 license on unit that is not primary residence. Add “SB 5334 Implementation” to section 16 (p G-7) as written in suggestion 5 in the revised Attachment 1. Allow inspection frequency to be determined by CED staff in 1-, 3-, or 5-year increments (p G 10). Include staff suggestions 7-13 from the “revised attachment 1.” Add to the Good Neighbor Policy a new subsection 17.23.090(J) that states “The City will revoke an STR license upon the third violation “within a 36-month period” of this section by the licensee and their guests. STR licenses revoked for violation of this section may not be renewed, and the Owner may not apply for an STR license on any other property in the city for two years.” Effective date July 1, 2024. 2. Does Ordinance 3577, passed in 2017, remain in effect until July 1, 2024? Yes. In 2017, Ordinance 3577 was passed amending Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. This ordinance prohibits short-term rentals in Residential Mixed Density R7 Zone, and the Residential Low Density R9 and R11 Zones. It allows short-term rentals in the Residential Medium Density (RMD) Zone, Residential High Density (RHD) Zone, and in all of the City’s Commercial Zones, except for the Commercial Office (CO), where short-term rentals require a Conditional Use Permit. This zoning-based location approach remains in effect until July 1, 2024. 3. After the effective date of the Ordinance, in what zones are there restrictions on short-term rental operations? Type I Short-Term Rentals: There are no restrictions on the location or number of short-term rentals. Type II Short-Term Rentals: There are no location-based restrictions. However, there is a citywide cap of 200 or 2%, whichever is higher, on Type 2 Short-Term Rentals. April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 9 4. After July 1st, what do I need to do to legally operate a short-term lodging property? To legally operate a short-term lodging property, you must obtain a short-term rental business license and inspection from the City of Port Angeles. 5. Are short-term rental business licenses and inspections the same thing? Business licenses and inspections will be the same. They are grouped under the same fee and occur together. 6. How many short-term rental business licenses can I have? When the new ordinance goes into effect: One unit will be permitted per license. One business license will be issued per owner. One business license will be issued per parcel. 7. How often will I need to renew my short-term rental business license and inspection? Community and Economic Development staff will issue varied-term business licenses and inspections to avoid a bottleneck. Further information will be provided before July 1, 2024. 8. Does the approved ordinance allow my short-term rental to be “grandfathered in?” All short-term rental applications will be treated as “new” short-term rentals. As approved by the City Council on March 6, 2024, preference and priority for short-term business licenses will be given to those current legally operating compliant short-term rentals. 9. Can I use my recreational vehicle, camper, or a temporary structure on my property as a short-term rental? No, short-term rentals must be located in a permitted dwelling unit on the parcel. Section 3: Short-Term Lodging Application Process 1. When can I apply for a short-term rental business license and inspection? The online licensing portal will be available beginning July 1, 2024. 2. How do I apply for a short-term rental business license and inspection? The online licensing portal will allow applicants to easily apply for a new or renewal business license and inspection online. This portal will be available beginning July 1, 2024. Training sessions for using the portal will be offered to community members in the future. April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 10 3. What is the fee for a new or renewal business license and inspection? License and Inspection Type Annual Fee Type 1 Short-Term Rental Business License and Inspection$285.30 Type II Short-Term Rental Business License and Inspection$475.50 Bed and Breakfast Business License and Inspection $475.50 4. After July 1st, what information do I need to apply? A complete application includes: a. A complete application for the City’s short-term rental business license. b. A site plan to scale, of the property, showing the entire dwelling unit used for the short-term rental, all other structures, parking, entrance and exit locations, and other relevant information as required by the Director. A consultant is not required. This item may be hand-drawn to scale; there is no requirement for a computer-generated site plan unless the owner or authorized representative prefers this method. c. Scaled floor plan that includes structure dimensions throughout the entire dwelling unit and the square footage. The floor plan must also show all smoke and carbon monoxide alarm locations, fire extinguisher locations, and all ingress or egress areas with dimensions. All rooms must be labeled. All sleeping accommodations should be clearly marked, including any accommodation outside the bedroom. The City has the right to deny sleeping accommodation outside of a designated bedroom for fire, health, and life safety. If an area is prohibited from sleeping, the license must clearly state the condition. A consultant is not required. This item may be hand-drawn to scale; there is no requirement for a computer-generated site plan unless the owner or authorized representative prefers this method. d. Proof of short-term rental liability insurance pursuant to RCW 64.37.050. e. Copy of the owner’s State of Washington Master Business License. f. Payment of all fees as determined by the City’s Master Fee Schedule upon the application being deemed complete. g. Any other information the Director deems reasonably necessary to administer this Chapter. h. If applicable, building permits for any proposed remodels, required building improvements, or other changes requiring a permit. i. A signed copy of the good neighbor policy. This policy shall be posted at the site after City review and approval. j. If the application is to renew an existing short-term rental business license, the following is also required: April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 11 i. A copy of the operating year’s rental log, including the price per night per rental in the City, charged per guest, and the total price charged for each guest’s stay. ii. Documentation showing the lodging tax paid to the State of Washington for the previous year of operation. 5. What is the expected review time for a new business license and inspection? After July 1, applications will be considered complete upon the submittal of all necessary documentation. Review time will follow the typical permitting process. Community & Economic Development staff estimate that there will be many submittals following the launch of the online licensing portal and predict this will add extra review time for the first submittal year. It is important to note that the approved ordinance contains a phased transition period, allowing short-term lodging operators enough time to become licensed and inspected before enforcement activities begin on November 1, 2024. Section 4: Inspections 1. Do I need an inspection for my short-term lodging operation? Yes, all short-term lodging owners or authorized agents must obtain a fire life-safety inspection for each new or renewed license and inspection application. This inspection is conducted by the City of Port Angeles. 2. When do I get an inspection? An inspection can be scheduled after July 1st, and after your application submittal is determined to be complete, and will be based on the number of available short-term rental licenses. Section 5: Enforcement 1. How will enforcement of short-term lodging work after November 1, 2024? Platforms, owners, authorized agents, and/or operators in violation of Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapters 17.23 and 17.24 may be issued a citation, notice of violation and order to cease, and/or any notice of daily fines. Violations and penalties are as follows: Violations $500.00 1 st Violation of PAMC 17.23 and .24 $1,000.00 2 nd Violation of PAMC 17.23and .24 $3,000.00 3 rd + Subsequent Violations of PAMC 17.23 and .24 April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 12 Daily Fines – once notice of violation and order to cease issued: $500.00 per day Daily Fee for the first 14 days $1,000.00 per day Daily Fee for each day after 14 days Under the approved regulatory measures, all communications with the property owner will take place through the licensing portal. Property owners will be able to apply for a license, view potential violations, and pay any applicable fees online. The portal will be available on July 1, 2024. 2. What if I operate my short-term rental and do not have a business license and inspection by November 1, 2024? The City of Port Angeles will contact any platforms on which the unlicensed/uninspected listing is provided with directions to remove the listing. If renting of the unlicensed/uninspected STR continues to occur, platforms, owners, authorized agents, and/or operators may be issued a citation, notice of violation and order to cease, and/or any notice of daily fines. 3. What will happen to non-compliant short-term lodging operations? The City will revoke a short-term rental license upon the third violation in a 36-month period. Licenses revoked for violation may not be renewed, and the Owner may not apply for an STR license on any other property in the city for two years. Section 6: Reporting Short-Term Lodging Violations 1.Where can I report a potential violation? Those wishing to submit a complaint or report a potential violation may do so online using the online portal, which will be available beginning July 1, 2024. Complaints will be forwarded to the Portal for review and to be matched with the corresponding property. Following this, the portal will email the information to the City of Port Angeles, and the City will respond to the complaint. 2. How should I report a noise issue related to short-term lodging? The Good Neighbor Policy, as outlined in the Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 17.23.090, contains the standards for which a short-term rental must operate. The City of Port Angeles is developing a streamlined process for complaint submission, which will occur through the portal. April 11, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Pg. 13 ЍΉЋΉЋЉЋЍ 6.43%6.71%4.95% 65.40%40.50%40.93%27.85%32.42%50.24%33.71%19.24%52.33%18.47%74.50%32.89%40.21%32.39% -27.15% 141.18%111.34%115.40%199.69%157.89%100.74% 2019 % Change% Change% Change% Change% Change YTD-over-YTD % change from 9.46%0.48%7.98%6.91%8.79%9.61%1.07%5.34%7.54%0.12%0.29%7.71%3.97%8.81%3.03% -1.88%-2.89%-0.31%-1.44%-5.22%-2.49% 14.12%30.22%51.12%10.23%20.13%20.03%12.36%12.13%16.21%28.47%31.78%33.79%13.85%31.31%39.80%26.15%44.06% YTD -11.86%-32.11%-19.40%-29.93% % Change% Change% Change% Change% Change over prior % Change YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD $92,156.05$93,505.40$86,591.95$72,142.18$67,480.92$58,305.14$66,149.94$58,871.80$52,501.44$48,260.53$44,029.14$43,561.06$41,351.20$69,993.58$60,230.69$46,883.62$35,575.99$26,590.46$23,355.12$21,717.3 0$21,692.18$93,393.58$93,119.56$86,455.06$88,658.68$89,415.22$87,942.90$61,045.29$87,118.58$83,792.65$77,005.18$74,737.58 $244,431.15$214,188.30$218,296.40$167,631.78$110,929.20$101,346.49$104,363.56$103,863.24$121,661.92$122,036.77$110,706.93$110,320.83$162,495.18$123,750.84$130,562.89$110,936.78 $58,305.14$69,993.58$89,415.22 $244,431.15$788,557.16$991,608.14$918,071.37$788,430.32$121,661.92$997,793.06$507,993.71$799,025.21$768,853.05$731,842.10$559,707.18$533,464.16$484,555.20$283,859.71$399,831.91$378,083.76$349,573.94$ 528,455.23$427,688.13$368,328.92$198,109.54$253,729.43$211,510.72$192,894.66$110,320.83$902,606.39$793,215.36$779,200.64$481,213.12$568,587.21$533,888.16$496,205.82$640,736.08$602,166.89$525,078.71$3 39,546.56$564,313.57$534,185.39$508,503.00 Full YearFull YearFull YearFull YearFull YearFull Year $1,736,837.37$1,651,662.42$1,484,829.07$1,320,198.96$1,140,386.73 $95,934.87$66,996.65$63,596.63$44,337.19$45,556.24$69,717.38$79,898.40$87,518.66$47,848.92$52,463.96$43,459.70$50,434.30$25,668.78$27,614.08$27,574.44$25,872.15$34,093.55$26,663.96$22,808.58$34,059.8 4$35,089.42$25,839.09$21,251.12$16,484.04$13,359.95$12,806.26$49,318.21$59,924.17$53,062.58$54,415.58$41,780.75$45,163.84$32,423.26$47,710.72$68,201.07$41,675.55$32,941.20$43,381.46$42,396.64$39,687. 46 $100,920.77$110,337.43 DecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberDecember $78,632.65$71,138.54$94,453.64$93,364.80$97,199.10$57,735.28$77,956.25$45,675.45$38,134.39$42,190.78$20,197.47$42,810.06$59,562.27$50,155.28$42,069.36$30,870.12$30,125.36$26,305.63$27,283.60$79,199.3 2$87,442.65$75,232.02$64,163.76$62,351.70$68,607.38$74,081.59$64,468.02$58,652.34$56,031.27$61,722.25$65,074.84$61,921.74 14 $203,092.91$182,578.41$169,412.80$124,311.26$131,121.09$173,853.16$114,945.08$179,946.56$136,124.80$102,436.87 NovemberNovemberNovemberNovemberNovemberNovember Pg. $82,704.66$70,343.96$96,659.96$36,833.06$63,544.40$83,245.17$59,745.86$69,883.08$60,177.42$57,454.61$42,082.24$42,993.27$31,991.26$30,043.92$93,073.23$46,239.34$67,898.24$78,437.33$59,893.26$64,462.1 3$58,058.42$92,652.96$81,453.56$45,121.84$89,017.30$79,021.22$72,230.96 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctoberOctoberOctober Meeting $230,245.41$212,620.30$198,433.27$132,469.30$152,906.83$169,643.01$102,560.50$212,086.03$188,341.61$180,458.08$100,138.89$144,375.36$142,047.88$137,473.32$128,765.18 $85,301.46$99,044.34$85,749.60$50,049.48$58,171.52$68,994.24$66,161.67$58,883.36$87,112.29$57,910.36$51,139.37$33,530.16$41,329.82$37,428.29$29,879.18$98,727.44$90,607.51$75,131.03$87,495.61$68,130.0 1$56,181.88$83,971.10$54,139.79$77,672.97$40,203.86$82,013.38$75,133.29$76,065.76 Committee $265,256.38$224,118.46$192,217.99$160,075.87$156,745.60$115,085.98$105,764.40$231,241.01$202,015.13$194,139.64$142,359.68$144,298.29$135,072.98$113,177.85 SeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptember Advisory tğŭĻ Њ ƚŅ Ћ $98,096.40$37,748.92$96,293.39$94,107.25$89,816.42$86,134.08$69,937.34$60,732.77$24,528.28$45,097.27$41,486.18$37,489.36$66,612.64$54,601.76$49,920.41$17,587.44$33,349.29$26,460.48$23,388.14$91,609.4 7$99,377.25$85,104.28$41,591.37$69,624.83$64,217.70$64,460.32$67,147.87$49,784.62$64,751.90$32,855.52$60,561.56$55,747.64$54,029.42 AugustAugustAugustAugustAugustAugust $234,491.47$198,802.60$193,691.88$102,444.89$135,017.28$113,039.12$160,665.60$130,873.85$123,597.72 Tax Lodging $7,845.14 JulyJulyJulyJulyJulyJuly $43,110.81$93,931.88$73,573.25$78,136.72$81,724.74$21,148.05$72,624.87$71,125.43$59,074.38$48,902.96$55,423.76$53,995.58$16,176.22$38,439.35$35,058.87$30,288.04$51,502.75$40,135.51$35,278.02$26,893.6 4$19,384.22$18,080.80$68,684.39$82,763.16$70,727.44$22,715.37$47,889.57$43,754.88$38,074.08$51,449.27$50,459.79$44,684.07$10,074.67$47,394.37$43,446.89$40,149.94 $180,516.76$153,765.97$151,555.38$123,124.35$102,061.88 2024 11, $648.59$533.76 $2,198.56$5,387.68$4,877.35 JuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJune $65,055.68$45,182.11$78,751.14$88,799.83$73,265.10$68,735.54$48,157.01$47,586.77$41,111.18$40,697.46$29,776.90$41,323.43$15,904.01$25,005.68$25,626.37$23,241.58$35,609.87$30,800.76$29,628.50$16,154.9 1$11,590.67$11,614.02$60,370.02$64,213.58$69,432.85$42,349.77$35,892.03$31,161.52$44,754.59$31,409.19$35,371.78$40,498.09$35,658.03$35,699.90 April $134,698.33$126,841.89$130,026.22 $6,289.26$4,791.47$8,756.91 MayMayMayMayMayMay $63,079.64$49,322.91$39,746.00$73,588.70$67,040.22$55,570.09$14,023.82$39,640.08$36,654.61$30,060.44$28,138.20$30,515.01$28,950.88$24,683.51$19,538.77$18,402.28$35,900.21$27,189.49$27,560.75$11,925.5 6$13,887.94$10,891.28$56,232.42$60,886.96$65,961.50$11,196.91$40,545.40$40,396.57$37,946.58$37,679.22$37,389.56$38,131.79$12,145.41$34,548.20$31,927.59$30,209.64 $110,307.80$121,982.73$114,540.40 $8,947.36$9,384.98$7,215.28 AprilAprilAprilAprilAprilApril $63,119.24$71,384.48$39,731.36$28,807.02$29,671.08$21,010.60$58,992.73$50,058.81$35,259.89$31,752.03$22,065.27$24,066.14$24,119.06$24,531.48$27,275.46$27,091.77$15,188.08$13,753.99$16,544.24$14,553.6 2$27,981.59$24,744.51$13,862.82$11,118.42$55,439.56$43,406.48$28,566.17$21,724.70$23,064.24$20,633.70$30,351.98$29,606.77$21,639.46$18,176.86$21,384.31$28,774.07$23,770.60 $102,318.23$142,896.71 $8,996.30$8,335.22$6,511.72$8,455.22 March$99,500.62$94,697.66$73,732.76$40,679.21$37,244.32$25,978.70$26,236.56March$39,212.16$46,591.47$41,282.90$34,779.78$28,744.11$26,222.34$22,886.34$19,321.88March$21,146.78$22,585.68$20,211.44$20, 862.28$17,118.28$13,513.48$14,275.72$11,956.78March$31,577.98$26,494.31$20,071.35$13,837.32March$33,816.10$71,172.47$40,797.64$46,407.13$28,921.38$24,277.10$18,799.70$16,661.22March$24,463.86$23,460. 18$20,884.09$19,399.19$25,007.02$26,895.65$21,658.80$18,613.82 $112,927.33 $9,868.20$7,984.88$6,178.36$7,290.66$6,271.14 $70,762.03$55,738.41$61,942.93$52,664.55$37,693.92$43,046.43$58,345.54$57,889.40$50,223.27$35,798.37$31,718.02$27,669.61$30,426.63$31,261.66$30,612.54$26,565.78$16,028.74$19,449.48$18,715.99$15,096.6 2$16,706.72$14,533.37$14,306.04$14,273.08$20,830.21$14,673.91$11,634.90$38,180.22$52,737.59$43,484.52$45,229.94$33,263.68$40,024.49$45,060.38$52,819.70$31,625.90$31,062.76$34,042.91$20,252.85$29,943. 18$25,832.94$27,142.20$26,849.56 FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruary $9,609.28$8,841.54$7,914.92$6,965.82 $60,741.79$58,949.27$61,655.81$41,234.47$32,556.07$21,055.74$20,039.32$19,737.28$32,226.49$39,646.93$37,706.01$29,706.66$34,334.66$29,107.95$18,643.30$21,593.26$21,129.62$24,114.78$19,944.37$16,542.5 4$14,435.53$15,982.29$14,979.30$15,121.34$17,585.39$19,062.47$15,177.37$11,870.47$38,324.51$38,585.12$39,468.68$38,925.82$31,208.52$28,817.97$22,594.98$19,177.76$33,325.46$56,413.84$33,015.90$21,393. 25$32,168.38$31,064.06$28,204.18$29,274.20 JanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuary March 2024 Room Tax Report Clal. Co20242023202220212020201920182017P.A.20242023202220212020201920182017Sequim 20242023202220212020201920182017Forks20242023202220212020201920182017Jeff. Co20242023202220212020201920182017Port T.20242023202220212020201920182017 CźŭǒƩĻƭ ğƩĻ ğĭƨǒźƩĻķ ŅƩƚƒ ƷŷĻ 5ĻƦƷ͵ ƚŅ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ ΛǞǞǞ͵ķƚƩ͵Ǟğ͵ŭƚǝΜ ğƓķ ğƩĻ ƷǞƚ ƒƚƓƷŷƭ ĬĻŷźƓķ͵ CźŭǒƩĻƭ ğƩĻ ƷŷĻ ƷƚƷğƌ ƚŅ ĬƚƷŷ δ{ƦĻĭźğƌ IƚƷĻƌΉaƚƷĻƌδ ğƓķ δƩğƓƭźĻƓƷ wĻƓƷğƌδ ƷğǣĻƭ ĭƚƒĬźƓĻķ͵ tĻƩĭĻƓƷğŭĻ źƭ ƷŷĻ ğƒƚǒƓƷ ĭŷğƓŭĻķ ŅƩƚƒ ƚƓĻ ǤĻğƩ ΛƒƚƓƷŷ Ʒƚ ķğƷĻΜ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ ƓĻǣƷ ΛƒƚƓƷŷ Ʒƚ ķğƷĻΜ͵ /ƌğƌƌğƒͲ WĻŅŅĻƩƭƚƓͲ DƩğǤƭ IğƩĬƚƩͲ ğƓķ ağƭƚƓ /ƚǒƓƷǤ ŅźŭǒƩĻƭ ƩĻŅĻƩ Ʒƚ ğƌƌ ƌƚķŭźƓŭƭ ǞźƷŷźƓ ĭƚǒƓƷǤ ĬƚƩķĻƩƭ ĻǣĭƌǒķźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ƒğƆƚƩ ƷƚǞƓƭ ğƌƩĻğķǤ ƌźƭƷĻķ͵ 5ğƷğƭƚǒƩĭĻʹ ‘ğƭŷźƓŭƷƚƓ 5ĻƦƷ ƚŅ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ/ƚƒƦźƌĻķ ĬǤ ht. ЍΉЋΉЋЉЋЍ -2.91% 36.75%31.15%71.45%53.03%90.93%66.30%58.15%17.44%34.43%17.54%28.48% % Change% Change% Change 4.27%1.33%1.44%5.15%8.24% -6.96%-8.51%-3.12% 12.04%51.01%12.61%14.81%34.66%26.23%17.36%10.11%14.36%32.33%47.20% -23.51%-10.30% % Change% Change% Change $9,334.80$7,069.14$7,297.00 YTD YTD YTD $94,255.72$86,323.90$78,397.86$13,988.52$12,231.76$13,370.12$10,103.78$10,406.12 $429,623.04$412,030.17$538,647.36$480,770.50$318,361.22$314,175.26$278,989.78$275,033.95$193,421.65$168,469.79$160,215.05$118,975.71$101,307.01 $13,988.52$65,556.11$65,113.07$56,449.74$40,344.20$50,859.39$44,498.89$50,146.18 $429,623.04$193,421.65$869,732.63$520,003.16$562,002.35$475,671.28$391,344.54 Full YearFull YearFull Year $2,920,839.29$3,123,295.57$3,160,258.11$1,981,372.55$2,049,120.45$1,804,402.70$1,725,459.11$1,066,219.08$1,018,942.83 $6,318.16$6,805.74$3,782.20$4,195.34$4,091.58$3,866.84$3,007.16 $82,665.22$61,082.79$75,248.06$59,267.21$48,699.22$35,411.70$29,646.15$21,414.84 $177,392.53$204,428.00$203,581.18$192,631.07$113,788.10$108,503.98 DecemberDecemberDecember $6,327.32$5,814.64$5,485.90$4,310.88$5,100.66$4,660.20$4,890.66 $96,301.09$98,607.16$80,629.03$65,498.51$50,981.86$68,876.48$46,572.74 15 $294,176.40$284,227.52$329,354.11$291,095.32$203,314.40$202,243.41$209,366.60 NovemberNovemberNovember Pg. $6,932.92$7,041.18$6,465.02$5,695.20$5,682.24$6,109.92$5,984.72 $88,480.56$83,452.47$64,961.27$53,916.36 OctoberOctoberOctober Meeting $475,226.71$470,056.72$459,824.68$322,585.87$352,375.57$310,206.72$283,083.61$143,465.68$133,572.06$111,013.69 $8,485.20$7,699.56$6,847.04$4,361.12$5,584.00$5,025.72$6,950.62 $82,275.33$82,197.42$61,325.21$54,988.44 Committee $485,569.86$449,459.48$437,552.54$334,312.32$321,894.62$276,957.80$247,909.84$154,040.34$140,312.32$105,649.79 SeptemberSeptemberSeptember Advisory $7,200.20$6,411.76$6,067.50$4,007.32$4,940.31$4,156.45$4,934.98 tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ћ $98,683.49$61,326.82$61,277.03$50,591.09$41,386.28 AugustAugustAugust $322,990.57$309,597.61$345,427.97$206,945.35$220,231.99$197,123.24$171,347.46$125,383.85$103,214.15 Tax Lodging $5,975.88$5,220.18$4,995.16$3,446.58$4,313.81$3,807.18$4,707.54 JulyJulyJuly $76,419.32$85,175.91$30,770.14$47,304.43$35,749.74$27,315.00 $221,593.04$222,216.35$258,628.56$152,778.09$153,527.59$128,984.49$120,308.75$100,482.93 2024 11, $4,516.34$4,153.86$5,342.04$4,787.16$3,115.18$5,113.21$3,401.39$4,085.90 JuneJuneJune $21,656.17$83,681.92$81,911.30$83,727.89$38,702.51$29,951.42$24,647.22 April $225,295.09$251,676.25$259,836.06$156,435.02$137,838.11$137,343.53 $4,255.14$4,329.87$4,748.30$1,877.78$2,158.72$3,971.49$4,727.04 MayMayMay $40,635.18$93,415.31$79,767.71$82,481.51$75,985.97$12,187.26$36,924.43$29,843.96$22,837.26 $169,158.39$194,435.68$227,172.49$126,354.51$109,534.12 NA $3,675.67$3,077.98$3,167.68$3,468.74$2,430.56$3,560.56 AprilAprilApril $87,023.39$79,859.81$79,146.08$53,542.98$66,961.90$50,623.94$31,993.26$24,443.49$18,402.06$19,868.54 $137,406.53$198,550.60$158,110.02$100,371.96 NA $4,678.94$3,152.28$4,086.44$3,617.06$2,817.24$3,680.30$2,095.86 March$98,994.00$96,832.56$86,566.46$79,383.47March$66,164.28$66,073.45$54,848.06$41,657.39$30,791.06$24,616.02$16,998.28$15,385.16March $123,929.58$139,986.97$173,344.13$165,857.08 $3,774.92$4,311.46$3,981.96$2,979.00$2,937.72$3,176.13$2,526.80$3,699.68 $69,407.08$52,715.40$52,740.94$42,724.13$32,150.44$46,595.52$50,294.72$47,592.24 $157,499.57$132,216.53$165,251.74$151,458.09$111,676.01$114,433.41$110,148.38$112,472.81 FebruaryFebruaryFebruary $5,534.66$4,768.02$5,301.72$3,507.72$3,579.84$3,549.69$2,446.48$3,597.32 $82,274.94$83,177.67$57,850.29$49,680.94$52,626.05$34,594.19$31,314.22$30,095.47$19,030.90$15,420.46 JanuaryJanuaryJanuary $148,193.89$139,826.67$200,051.49$163,455.33$107,691.21$102,909.29 GHC20242023202220212020201920182017M. Co20242023202220212020201920182017Shelton20242023202220212020201920182017 CźŭǒƩĻƭ ğƩĻ ğĭƨǒźƩĻķ ŅƩƚƒ ƷŷĻ 5ĻƦƷ͵ ƚŅ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ ΛǞǞǞ͵ķƚƩ͵Ǟğ͵ŭƚǝΜ ğƓķ ğƩĻ ƷǞƚ ƒƚƓƷŷƭ ĬĻŷźƓķ͵ CźŭǒƩĻƭ ğƩĻ ƷŷĻ ƷƚƷğƌ ƚŅ ĬƚƷŷ δ{ƦĻĭźğƌ IƚƷĻƌΉaƚƷĻƌδ ğƓķ δƩğƓƭźĻƓƷ wĻƓƷğƌδ ƷğǣĻƭ ĭƚƒĬźƓĻķ͵ tĻƩĭĻƓƷğŭĻ źƭ ƷŷĻ ğƒƚǒƓƷ ĭŷğƓŭĻķ ŅƩƚƒ ƚƓĻ ǤĻğƩ ΛƒƚƓƷŷ Ʒƚ ķğƷĻΜ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ ƓĻǣƷ ΛƒƚƓƷŷ Ʒƚ ķğƷĻΜ͵ /ƌğƌƌğƒͲ WĻŅŅĻƩƭƚƓͲ DƩğǤƭ IğƩĬƚƩͲ ğƓķ ağƭƚƓ /ƚǒƓƷǤ ŅźŭǒƩĻƭ ƩĻŅĻƩ Ʒƚ ğƌƌ ƌƚķŭźƓŭƭ ǞźƷŷźƓ ĭƚǒƓƷǤ ĬƚƩķĻƩƭ ĻǣĭƌǒķźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ƒğƆƚƩ ƷƚǞƓƭ ğƌƩĻğķǤ ƌźƭƷĻķ͵ 5ğƷğƭƚǒƩĭĻʹ ‘ğƭŷźƓŭƷƚƓ 5ĻƦƷ ƚŅ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ/ƚƒƦźƌĻķ ĬǤ ht. Budget Proposal Worksheet September 28, 2024 LTAC Recommended Initial Budget 2024 Lodging Tax Available Funds Total 2024 projected Revenues876,200 Expenditures Per Allocation: 5% to Capital Reserves (Restricted; See Below)5%43,800 Capital20%175,200 Master Plan priorities5%43,800 Operations*33%289,100 Marketing**25%219,100 Events12% 105,200 Total100%876,200 *Fixed costs included in Operations: Utilties; Electric Car Chargers Downtown1,500 Memberships500 Debt Service (Expires in 2026)19,400 Administrative Costs for City Staff38,000 Right of Way Costs3,800 5-Year Contract with Chamber of Commerce (2022-2027)117,300 Total Fixed Costs180,500 Amount Available for Operations108,600 **Fixed cost included in Marketing: Destination Marketing Campaign 172,100 Amount Available for Marketing47,000 2024 Budget Available for Applications Capital (Includes $212,5000 use of reserves approved on 09/15/22)387,700 Operations (Includes $47,600 use of reserves approved 9/28/23)156,200 Marketing (Includes $25,000 use of reserves approved on 09/15/22)72,000 Events105,200 Master Plan Priorities (Committee Members Choice)43,800 Amount Available for 2024 Applications764,900 Total 2024 Budget (Includes Fixed Costs & Use of Reserves) 1,117,500 Total amount of Operating Reserves (estimated)1,219,100 Use of Reserves to Increase Operations Budget for 2024 (9/28/23) (47,600) Less use of Reserves to Balance 2023 Budget (153,200) Less use of Reserves for Capital ($212,500 - $40,000 for Art) (2023) (172,500) Less use of Reserves for Race Street Art Project (2023) (40,000) Less use of Reserves for Sustainable Tourism (2023) (25,000) Less use of Reserves for Capital $212,500 (2024) (212,500) Less use of Reserves for Marketing $25,000 for (2024) (25,000) Less 25% reserve balance for 2024 (219,100) Available Excess Reserves324,200 Restricted Capital Reserves88,700 Plus 5% of 2023 Designated Capital Reserves (accrued at yearend)38,200 Plus 5% of 2024 Designated Capital Reserves (From Above) 43,800 Total Capital Reserves170,700 Budget Proposal Worksheet September 28, 2024 LTAC Recommended Final Budget 2024 Lodging Tax Budget Summary Capital Contract Awards 225,800 Total 225,800 Operations Contract Awards 299,200 Utililties 1,500 Memberships 500 Debt Service 19,400 Right of Way Costs 3,800 Adminstrative Costs 38,000 Chamber of Commerce Contract 117,300 Total 479,700 Marketing Contract Awards 47,000 Destination Marketing Campaign 172,100 Total 219,100 Events Contract Awards 103,400 Total 103,400 Use of Captial Reserves Contract Awards - Total - 2024 Total Lodging Tax Budget 1,028,000 Original Budget (Includes Approved use of Reserves)1,117,500 Unused Budget Remaining 89,500 Budget Proposal Worksheet September 28, 2024 LTAC Recommended Final Budget 387,700 2024 Capital Budget Applicant Request 2024 LTAC % of Budget ApplicantScoreAmount Decision Category 6% Juan De Fuca Foundation for the Arts88%$ 25,000$ 25,000 26% Port Angeles Fine Arts Center87%$ 101,000$ 101,000 10% Lincoln Park BMX Association84%$ 39,800$ 39,800 15% City of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation Dept.62%$ 100,000$ 60,000 58% Total$ 265,800$ 225,800 Capital Balance Remaining$ 161,900 156,200 2024 Operations Budget Applicant Request 2024 LTAC % of Budget ApplicantScoreAmount Decision Category 7% Peninsula Trails Coalition92%$ 11,400$ 11,400 38% Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foundation86%$ 59,300$ 59,300 3% Lincoln Park BMX Association85%$ 5,000$ 5,000 8% Port Angeles Marathon Association81%$ 12,500$ 12,500 35% Port Angeles Youth Basketball79%$ 54,000$ 54,000 13% Port Angeles Fine Arts Center74%$ 20,000$ 20,000 64% Field Arts and Events Hall67%$ 300,000$ 100,000 3% Olympic Culinary Loop61%$ 5,000$ 5,000 20% Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce - Elevate PA55%$ 80,000$ 32,000 192% Total$ 547,200$ 299,200 Operations Balance Remaining$ (143,000) 72,000 2024 Marketing Budget Applicant Request 2024 LTAC % of Budget ApplicantScoreAmount Decision Category 44% Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission92%$ 32,000$ 32,000 21% Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission - Co-op Ads91%$ 15,000$ 15,000 65% Total$ 47,000 $ 47,000 Marketing Balance Remaining$ 25,000 Budget Proposal Worksheet September 28, 2024 LTAC Recommended Final Budget 105,200 2024 Events Budget Applicant Request 2024 LTAC % of Budget ApplicantScoreAmount Decision Category 10% Wintertide Celebration of Light 92 10,000$ 10,000 5% Northwest Cup Race Weekend 191 5,000$ 5,000 9% Pacific Northwest Fiber Exposition91 9,900$ 9,900 10% Raymond Carver and Tess Gallager Creative Writing Festival91 10,000$ 10,000 5% Run the Peninsula: Elwha Bridge Run90 5,000$ 5,000 SquatchCon Comics and Art Convention90 10,000 $ 10,000 10% Big Hurt/Little Hurt87 3,500 $ 3,500 3% North Olympic Discovery Marathon86 5,000 $ 5,000 5% Frosty Moss Relay81 3,500 $ 3,500 3% Juan De Fuca Festival for the Arts78 4,500 $ 4,500 4% Northwest Cup Race Weekend 278 5,000 $ 5,000 5% Port Angeles Coastal Rowing Series75 10,000 $ 10,000 10% Salt Creek 24 Race74 2,000 $ 2,000 2% Northwest Cup Race Weekend 372 5,000 $ 5,000 5% Concerts on the Pier70 7,000 $ 7,000 7% Sea to Sound62 5,000 $ 3,000 3% Port Angeles Rams Basketball58 10,000 $ 3,000 3% Port Angeles City Ballet Presents: The Nutcracker57 5,000 $ 2,000 2% Total $ 115,400 $ 103,400 98% $ 1,800 Events Balance Remaining 43,800 2024 Committee Priorities Budget Reallocati on Request 2024 LTAC % of Budget Applicant CategoryAmount Decision Category Total - $ - 0% $ 43,800 Committee Priorities Balance Remaining Budget Proposal Worksheet September 28, 2024 LTAC Recommended Final Budget 170,700 2024 Use of Capital Reserves (Not Included in Budget Total) Applicant Request 2024 LTAC % of UseScoreAmount Decision Available 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Total - $ - 0% $ 170,700 Capital Reserves Balance Remaining 2024 Budget Available 764,900 Total Requests 975,400 Variance ####### 2024 LTAC Decision Total 675,400 Variance from 2024 Budget Available 89,500 Excess Reserves Available 324,200 Use of Excess Reserves (from variance above) Remaining Excess Reserves 324,200 Capital Reserves Available 170,700 Use of Reserves in 2024 - Remaining Capital Reserves 170,700