HomeMy WebLinkAbout131 W 12th St - Building W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
May 25, 2001
TO: Roger Vess, Permit Technician
RE: 131 West 12~h Street
COMMUNITY The attached letter was received regarding the property located at 131 West 12th Street
DEVELOPMENT owned by Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hochhalter. I spoke to the Hochhalters regarding
some of the concerns expressed in the letter during a site visit conducted on May 25,
Brad Collins,
Director 2001.
The site is obviously in a state of construction which is stressful to the neighbors.
Sue Roberds, Completion of a rear parking area is the final planned property change. The site has
Planning Specialist been approved to be a residential bed and breakfast use which the owners hope to have
operational by the end of this month. The appearance of the residence is important
Debra Barnes, to that opening and they have assured me that they are working toward putting
Associate Planner everything in order.
The storage/parking of a power boat on a trailer in the front side yard is prohibited
Lou Haehnlen under 17.94.150 PAMC in residential zones. The trailer/boat was moved to the front ,---'
Building Official
417-4816 location recently to facilitate completion of the parking area at the rear of the site. The
owner will remove the trailer/boat as soon as the paving has been done or no later than
Roger Vess June 15t~,, whichever occurs first.
Permit Technician ~'-
CSW Coordinator Al1 old storage shed located at the rear of the site was disassembled and much of the
wood from that demolition as well as debris from significant interior remodel work
Ed Eastwood can be found at the rear of the site. Some of the old wood will be used to reconstruct I J
Building Intern a storage shed, and some will be hauled off once the remodel is complete. The
417-4815 residents are aware of the debris concern.
An old access area located mid property offofLincoln Street has been filled in. The
area was originally a driveway to a basement. Mr. Parks' letter refers to sections of
the City's clearing and grading provisions (Section 17.28 PAMC) that relate to
clearing, grading and filling activities. The noted filling is exempt from permitting
under Section 17.28.040(F) as the site contains less than one acre in area.
Please review the attached letter and perform a site visit with the concerns in mind.
relating to nuisance provisions. It would be appreciated if you would forward your
comments no later than Friday, June 1, 2001, so that I can so inform Mr. Parks of the
City's review of his concerns.
,~hank you.
City of Port Angeles
321 East FiRh St.
Port Angeles WA 98362
FROM: David S. Parks
125 East 12th Street
RE: Notice of complaint for violation ofPAMC Titlel 7.94.150 (A) Storage of Merchandise, Vehicles
in Yards and Rights of Way, and violation of PAMC Title 8.0 Health and Sanitation by Jeanine
and Dermis Hochhalter, DBA Foxglove Bed and Breakfast, BBP 00-03, 131 East 12* Street, Port
Angeles, Washington, 98362.
Dear Mr. Collins,
This letter serves notice to you that the above named business is violating as of 5-14-01 Port Angeles
Municipal Code (PAMC) Title 17.94.150 (A) Storage of Merchandise, Vehicles in Yards and Rights of
Way, subsection A. which reads:
"In Residential and Commercial zones, the storage of merchandise, appliances or vehicles in front or side
yards shall be prohibited; provided that car dealerships, boat sales, lumber yards, nurseries, and car rental
services shall be exempt fi.om this requirement."
As of 5-14-01 the owners ofthe propertff at 131 East 12 Street, Port Angeles, are parking their boat in
their front side yard adjacent to East 12'" street. I request that you immediately inspect the subject property
and enforce the Port Angeles Municipal Code and cause the owners oftbe property to remove this vehicle
from their side yard area immediately.
In addition, this letter also serves notice to you that the above named business is violating as of 5-14-01
PAMC Title 8.0, Section 8.04.040 and 8.04.030, specifically subsection A.3., B, and C, as follows:
Section A.3. Violation: "The growing maintaining, permitting or allowing of any weed, vegetable or
horticultural growth which either:.
"3. Is so overgrown upon any premises owned, occupied or in control of the responsible person or parsons,
as to cause the degradation of the character of the neighborhood, and for which a general role of thumb
shall be an average length of 12" or more."
The Hochhalters rear and side yards harbor weeds and grass in excess of 12" high which is inconsistent
with the character of the surrounding neighborhood.
Subsection B Violation: "The existence ofanyjank, litter, or refuse within the City when written complaint
fi.om one or more City residents who are impacted by the present or potential effect of the condition on
them or their property, has been received by the City unless such materials are kept or stored in an orderly
and sightly manner and so as not to create fire, safety, health or sanitary hazard."
The Hochhalters continue since 1998 to stockpile equipment, old lumber, old wood, and construction debris
in an unsightly and unsafe manner on their property. Directly adjacent to the alley between East I 1a and
East 12~ street, a large pile of flammable wood debris is in direct contact with the neighbor's wood fence.
This pile of wood debris is a prime Cue hazard and a likely refuge for rat infestetion. This pile has been in
place in excess of 30 days as of 5-14-01. Directly adjacent to Lincoln Street, the Hochbelters have been
Mr. Brad Collins
City of Port Angeles
May 15, 2001
stockpiling construction debris in the form of fill material which does not comply with the requirements of
Title 15, Chapter 15.28.030, Chapter 15.29.040 and Chapters 15.28.060.
Subsection C Violation:" The depositing, leaving or throwing away of any junk, litter, or r~fuse within the
City for an unreasonable length of time beyond what is necessary for proper disposal, which length of time
shall be not less than thirty days (30), except at the City Landfill or in covered containers or receptacles
acceptable to the enforeement officer of the City."
The Hochhalter's continue since 1998 to store waste material, refuse and junk on their property outside of
proper covered containers or receptacles as of 5-14-01.
I believe that these violations of the PAMC represent a public nuisance by threatening the public health,
safety and welfare, and are reducing the value of adjacent property, in addition to causing fire, health and
safety hazards.
I am requesting that you immed'mtely conduct an inspection of the above listed property and enforce all
applicable sections of the P AMC. 1 also request that 1 be notified in writing of the outcome of any
inspect/on by City personnel of the above referenced property, incinding production of any notes,
photographs, video or sound recordings obtained during the inspection visit and any notices of violation or
other related correspondence.
O;~vid S. Parks
125 East 12~ Street
port Angeles WA 98362
360-417-1405 ext. 225
. . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . . . . . .
Received by
(phone. person)
Location of Work to be inspected
Name of person requesting inspection
Address of person requesting inspection
Type of Inspection (circle appropriate onel:
Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing
I 3 I "'1/ I ') n
Phone No.
Permit No.
Final Sewer Excav. Other
Cj : 0(\ AVh By
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~Uti1ity Pole
6X6 45.
<(--6X6 22.
131 W 12th
H/12 alley
6" Clay Main -7
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. . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . . . . . .
Received by
(phone. person)
Location of Work to be inspected
Name of person requesting inspection
Address of person requesting inspection
Type of Inspection (circle appropriate onel:
Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing
I 3 I \,1/, d- ~
Phone No.
Permit No.
Final' Sewer Excav. Other
Cj:Ot\Att1 By T4 [)1t/e1~t;r
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4' feet deep
6X6 F1U'JI.Co
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6X6 45.
k-6X6 22.
131 W 12th
HI12 alley
6" Clay Main ~
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