HomeMy WebLinkAbout3717-1- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the City's 2023 budget for the second time. WHEREAS, the Annual Budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 2023, was adopted, approved and confirmed on December 6, 2022, in Ordinance No. 3705; and WHEREAS on April 18, 2023, the first 2023 budget amendment was adopted, approved and confirmed by Ordinance No. 3712; and WHEREAS, now there exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been foreseen when the 2023 budget or the first amendment to it were adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The Council finds and declares: A. There exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been foreseen when the 2023 budget or the first amendment to it were adopted. The facts constituting the emergency include, but are not limited to: 1. Unanticipated additional revenue; and 2. Unanticipated reduced revenue; and. 3. Unanticipated additional and reduced expenditures primarily for changes in planned capital expenditures as previously authorized by Council. B. These facts require amendments to the adopted budget in order to meet the expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. Section 2. On the basis of the foregoing findings, pursuant to RCW 35A.33.090, the City Council declares that an emergency exists. -2- Section 3. To respond to the budget emergency, the 2023 budget appropriation for each separate fund as set forth in Ordinance No.3686, is amended as shown in the attached Exhibit A. Section 4. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to correct scrivener's errors, references, ordinance numbering, section and subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days after publication according to law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than the majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the 15`h day of August, 2023. Kate Dexter, Mayor ATTEST: APPR VED AS TO FOR l Kari Martinez-Bai y C Jerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary CITY of PORT ANGELES 2023 Budget Ordinance - Amendment #2 Exhibit A Funds 2023 Budget Amendment#1 2023 Bud et Amendment#2 Fund Div. Name/Description Beginning Revenue Expenditures Ending Beginning Revenue Expenditures Ending Balance - Est. Balance - Est. I Balance I Balance- Est. GENERAL FUND (Nate: Divisional totals for reference only/ 'Fund Balance: City Council _ City Manager Customer CommRment Human Resources _ City Clerk Finance -Revenue Fit -.Administration Accounting I Customer Service Reprographics City Attorney Jail Contributions Planning �- Building Economic Development Police Administration PmCom/Capita) Transfers Police lmestigction Police Patrol Police Reserves & Volunteers Police Records Police Facilities Maintenance Fire Administration Pm[om/Medic I Support Fire Suppression Fire Preveatow Fire Training Fire Facilities Maintenance 1 Public Works Administration 001. 1160 001. 1210 001. 1211 001. 1220 001. 1230 001. 2001 001. 2020 001. 2023 001. 12a25 001. 2070 001. 3030 001. 3012 001. 4060 001. 4050 001. 4071 001. 5010 001. 5012 001. 5021 001. 5022 001. 5026 001. 5029 001. 5050 001. 6010 001. 6012 001 6020 001. 6030 001. 5045 001. 6050 001. 17010 001. 7012 Public Works Cl -- 001. 7032 Public Works Telecommunications 001. 8010 Forks Administration Senior Center Ocmn View Cemetery Park Facilities Senior Center Facilities Central Services Facilities 001. 8012 001. 8050 001. 8080 001. 001. 8112 18131 001. 18155 Futility Rmtols Sports Programs Generol Unspec,fied 001. _ 18221 001. �', 9029 001 TOTAL General Fund 6, 703,665 5,699,165 40,700 71,800 343,300 674,800 2,500 104,300 304,300 131,500 294,800 _ 15,180,800 155,100 971,400 _ 802,000 1,101,000 1,329,100 1,283,200 46,600 37,900 217,200 ''. 595,300 1,041,100 430,800,_ _ 792,600 .. 269,500 71,900 _ 1,000 653,600 703,800 1,196,300 370,100 2,700 _. 835,400 4,309,300 - 10,100 IZ200 - 484,400 - 36300 4 _. 8,600 246,300 372,400 _64,200- - - 1,546,600 _ 9,600 _ 115,500 3,000 119,600 _.... 61,100 1,1a1,400 - 2,545,100 15,000 _.. _. 32,800 32,800 295,900- _. _ 29,500 168,500 _.. 135,000 194,800 21239,200 60,400 470,200 4%,600 72,000 125,300 I32,300 395,500 494,000 6,703,665 23,137,800 24,147,300 5,694,165 6,703,665 5,340,565 40,700 71,800 674,800 343,300 _ 2,500 104,300 304,300 131,500 294,800 15,180,800 155,100 971,400 802,000 1,101,a00 1,329,100 1,283,200 37,900 46,600 217,200 595,300 1,041,100 430,800 792,600 674,200 268,500 50,000.00 121,900 1,000 653,600 370,100 703,800 2,700 1,196,300 837,100 4,311,000 10,100 IZ200 484,400 16,300 8,600 64,200 246,300 378,900 1,546,600 9,600 115,500 3,000 119,600 61,100 1,241,400 2,545,100 161,000 32,800 32,800 - _- 295,900 19,5W 168,500 135,000 194,200 2,440,300 60,400 470,200 496,600 - 72,000 - 395,500 125,300 _ '32,300 4W,000 6,723,372 23,189,500 24,552,600 5,340,565 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 102 waa ....,.,� Street Fund 105 Real Estate Excise Tax-1 fREET-1) Fund 107 1 PenCom Fund 160 Real Estate Excise Tax-2 (REET-2) Fund 165 Business Improvement Area vz Port Angeles Nousing Rehab. Fund 175 Code COm lance Fund i � I nc opecrar revenue runs CITY of PORT ANGELES 2023 Budget Ordinance - Amendment #2 Exhibit A 845,639 764, 100 879, 100 730,639 483,748 1,928,600 2,039,500 372,80 999,051 321,800 567,600 753,251 1,627,522 4,314200 4,937200 1,004,522 679,527 320:100 556:300 443,327 76,355 _ 35,000 111,355 1,500,240 _ 1,155,700 612,600 2,043,340 39,421 261,900 261,900 39,421 6,251,503: 9,101,400 9,854,200 5,498,703 1,307,750 1 764,100 897,200 1,174,750 566,386 1,929,600 2,101,500 393,496 1,082,076 321,800 900,600 503,276 2,070,242 3,744,200 4,367,200 1,447,242 773,723 320,100 1,076,300 17,523 64,671 35,000 99,671 1,842,620 1,155,700 662,600 2,335,720 56,285 261,900 261,900 56,285 7,763,751 8,531,400 10,267,200 6,027,951 Funds 2023 Budget Amendment #1 2023 Budget Amendment #2 Fund Div. Name /Description Beginning Revenue Expenditures I Ending Beginning Revenue I Expenditures r Ending Balance - Est. Balance- Est. Balance Balance . Est. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 216 2014 LTGO Bond (Landfill Bluff Stabilization) Fund 182,963 604,300 600,800 _ _ 1.11 411 116,692 604,300 _600,800 160,192 217 2015 LTGO Bond- Refunding(W.U.G.A.) 15,153 232, 900 232,200 1s,85i� 14,775 232,900 232,200 15,475 TOTAL Debt Service Funds M116 $37.200 833,000 202,316 171,467 837,200 933,000 175,667 ENTERPRISE / UTILITY FUNDS 401 Electric Utility Fund 402 _ Water Utility Fund 403 Wastewater Utility Fund 404 Solid Waste Utility Fund 406 Stormwater Utl By Fund 409 Medic 1 Utility Fund . 413 Harbor Clean-up Fund 421 Conservation Fund TOTAL Enterprise / Utility Funds INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 501 Equipment Services - - 502 Information Technology 503 Self -Insurance TOTAL Internal Service Funds FIDUCIARY FUNDS 12,319,957 28,876,200 27,579,500 13,617,657 _ 14,020,671 7,447,300 9,408,500 12,059,471 3,029,913 7,685,900 8,421,200 2,294,613 1,137,072 12,449,600 12,880,700 705,972 2,181,687 2,763,400 3,224,400 1,735,687 961,954 3,785,500 3,828,200 919,254 ' 367) 2,050,600 2,050,600 (152,367) 583,852 348,000 347,500 584,352 11,855,395 28,876,200 27,578,500 1 13,153,095 13,606,411 7,447,300 9,408,500 11,645,211 3,109,707 7,685,900 8,421,200 2,374,407 (227,935) 12,449,600 12,880,700 (659,035) 2,013,649 2,768,400 3,212,700 1,569,349 1,209,657 3,810,500 3,856,200 1,163,957 L81,971) 2,050,600 2,050,600 (381,971) 273,286 348,000 347,500 273,786 34,082,739 65,411,500 67,729,600 31,764,639 31,458,189 65,436,500 67,755,900 29,138,789 2,790,602 2,413,600 2,458,900 2,745,302 929,458 2,336,700 2,412,400 853,758 706,778 6,346,500 6,346,500 706,778 4,426,838 11,096,800 11,217.300 4,305,638 4,958,35 2,413,600 4,942,700 2,429,758 879,36: 2, 2,336,700 4,816,$W 399,265 708,766 6346500 6,346,500 708,766 a,446,90 13,096,800 16,106,000 3,537,789 602 Firemen's Pension Fund 253,775 19,200 69400 203575 212,811 19200 69,400 162611 TOTAL Fiduciary Funds i53,775 19,200 69,400 203,575 212,811 19,200 69,IOD 162,611 PERMANENT FUNDS 601 Cemetery Endowment Fund 424.606 3,400 - _ 428006 397,696 3400 TOTAL Permanent Funds 424,606 3yoxi 1 428,006 1 397,696 1 3400 1 401.096 310 'Governmental Capital improvement Fund 312 Transportation Capital 316 Governmental Park Improvement Fund 451 Electric Capital Fund 452 453 Water Capital Fund Wastewater Capital Fund 454 _ _ waste Capital Fund 456 _ _Solid Stormweter Capital Fund 46 _ _ Combined Sewer Overflow Capitol Fund TOTAL Capital Funds SUB -TOTAL ALL FUNDS Reserves - Designated Reserves Used TOTAL CITYWIDE ALL FUNDS 3,090,844 4,239,300 2,326,644 3,600,652 7,001,900 3,644,052 327,128 9,600326,728 9,932,778 800,0000 4,612,878 4,883,911 765,0000 [M- 1,516,911 4,306,852 979,5000 1,868,052 1,809,060 1,677,6000 619,360 3,143,442 443,0000 997,942 97,858 4,866,614 10,620,900 12,913,500 2,573,914 307,906 9,600 317,506 13,022,083 800,000 2,940,000 10,882,083 5,346,683 765,000 4,132,000 1,979,683 4,376,875 978,500 3,461,800 1,993,575 1,262,431 1,677,600 1,424,200 1,515,931 3,089,060 443,000 480,000 3,052,060 1,761,958 4,039,300 5,703,400 3,117,33u 4,aD /,L9D,9W 32,746,625 19,954,000 36,690,200 16,010,425 38,332,707 26,222,000 40,285,000 24,269,707 85,087,867 129,561,300 1 150,541,500 64,107,667 1 93,606,983 1 135,336,000 1 159,869,100 1 69,054,176 _- 1,975,100 _ _' 2, 135,100 E_.. 22,955,3D0 �_ _. 26,668,200 85,087,867 152,S366W "&S1C6W 64,307667 93,606,983 162,D04,200 162,004,200 69,054,176 Summary of Ordinances Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on August 15, 2023 ORDINANCE NO.3717 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the City's 2023 budget for the second time. ORDINANCE NO.3718 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending portions of Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. These Ordinances, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the Clerk's office, on the City's website at www.cityofpa.us or will be mailed upon request. Kari Martinez -Bailey City Clerk Published by summary: Friday August 25, 2023