HomeMy WebLinkAbout3719ORDINANCE NO. 3 1 l 01
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
portions of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to fees, rates, and
other charges.
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles charges various fees for services, permits, licenses,
and other costs; and
WHEREAS, City fees and rates are currently scattered throughout the Port Angeles
Municipal Code ("PAMC"), making review and update of such fees and rates cumbersome; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to transition to adoption of separate fee and rate schedules
outlining each fee and rate charged by the City, to be adopted by resolution and updated annually,
as necessary; and
WHEREAS, adoption of separate fee and rate schedule resolutions necessitates
amendments throughout the PAMC;
Section 1. Sections of the Port Angeles Municipal Code related to fees, rates, and other
charges are hereby amended as follows:
1.25.030 — Waiver of fees.
Fees may be waived by the City Manager if necessary to support the poor or infirm.
A. Temporary waiver of permit fees
1. All fees not mandated by the state, are hereby suspended until September 1, 2024 for
all construction that meets the following criteria:
a Accessory dwelling units (ADUs), duplexes, triplexes, townhouses, cottage
developments, and multifamily developments;
b. Used for long-term residential housing; and
C. Reserved for families at or below 80% area median income (AMI) until
September 2028.
d. The owner or developer has submitted an application that demonstrates the
construction is eligible for the waiver.
2. The Department of Community and Economic Development is authorized and
directed to administer this program and to design and make available to applicants the
process, procedures, and forms that will be used to determine the applicant's efi ig bility for
this waiver no later than August 1, 2022.
2.18.075 - Appeal fees.
filing appeals to be heard by the HeffiRg EMMIninef. PeeS L-Stablkhed b�'the Gity Manager- shall not
be^^me aff etiVe U Rtil n0ti6e Of the f *� the City !`ow '. Filing fees for appeals to the
Hearing Examiner are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
2.20.030 - Charge for services.
As appr-oved by resolution of the City Couneil, the Poke DepaFtment may establish reasonable fee-s
foF speeifieally enumerated seR,iees and the issuame of pennits. All fees eolleeted shall be deposited
in the general fund of the Fees for services and permits issued by the Police Department are set
forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
2.48.015 — Fees
Fees for cemetery services, merchandise, and lots, graves, crypts niches plots tracts or parcels of
land in the platted portion of the cemetery property are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter
1.25 PANIC. Payment for burial, inurement, or entombment must be received 24 hours prior to any
service being, provided. The cemetery sexton will only accept payment from the legal deed owner or
2.48.030 —Lots P flees: Resale of lots.
the amount previeusly paid b the purehaser-. Third -party resales of lots, graves, crypts, or
niches are prohibited, except for resales of property, merchandise and/or services from the legal
deed owner to the City at the original sale price or for the amount previously paid by the purchaser.
2.48.110 - Graves Openingandelosing Charge Pr-eeedure. Graves —Opening and
All gFm,es shall be opened and elosed by City Pafks & ReeFeation empieyees..,k ehar-ge, Payable in
adr'anee, ;"a" be made for- o eh opening and elesi -. Grave opening and closing will be completed
by Ci!y Parks & Recreation employees.
2.48.120 - Graves —Liner, wall requirements.
No interment will be permitted in the cemetery without the cemetery sexton's approval of the outer
burial container. Outer burial containers delivered by third parties will be charged a placement fee.
The charge must be paid in advance by the rep-esent.ative of the derae oa deceased's representative
and will not be accepted from the delivery company or other funeral homes and cemeteries.
2.74.065 - Costs of providing copies of public records.
A. No fees for locating records. No fee shall be charged for locating public documents and making
them available for copying or inspection.
B. Charges for copying. The City Council has founded and declared that it would be unduly
burdensome for the City to calculate its actual costs for providing copies of public records. Tore
than ec nn na fee shall be ,.h.,rged ^ ^lieeted-
_ s
Therefore the fees for providing public records are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter
1.25 PAMC.
C. Deposit. Before-begioning4e-nwAEe-mgking copies, the Public Records Officer may require the
req_uestor to pay a deposit of up to ten percent of the estimated costs of copying or scanning all the
oeords selera-e by the requester requested records. The Public Records Officer may also require the
requestor pay the remainder of the copying/scanning costs before providing all the
records, or the payment-4-pay the costs of copying/scanning an installment before providing that
installment. The Public Records Officer will not charge sales tax for
for copies or public records scanned in house. The City shA may charge fees for customized
services pursuant to RCW 42.56.120(3).
payable to the City.
ED. Other copying charges. The Dublie Records Aet o e 11gov o eh o f pi
Where applicable, the City will charge the amount authorized pursuant to such other statutes
than as provided under the ^ et governing copying charges for specific typos of public records.
-FE. Use of outside vendor. The City is not required to copy/scan records at its own facilities. The
City -ea* -may send the project to a commercial copying/scanning center and bill the requestor for the
amount charged by the vendor or arrange with the requestor to pa the vendor directly. The City 6
afFange with the r-equester to pay the vender- direetiy. The City eannot ehar-ge the Ele4iult per page
eapying/seanning..barge ..,heiq its east at vender- is loses
CHAPTER 3.70 — FEES, is repealed in its entirety.
3.72.030 - Special assessment.
The businesses in the P131.4 -shall Wa";w
assessments, businesses stm4ing operatien in the PBIA after September 15, 1985, shall pay a ane
time s al assessment 4 e 1 nn nn
The rate for the annual assessment for businesses in the PBIA is set forth in a resolution authorized
by Chapter 1.25 PANIC and will be billed in quarterly. For the purpose of assessment, "business
area" is defined as gross business and business support space. Businesses which provide up to 50
percent of their off-street oarkine needs (per City Darkinz requirements) will have their annual
assessment reduced by one assessment level.
3.64.030 - Creation of accounts authorized —Alternative.
B. Prior to authorizing an account receivable, completion and approval of a credit application and
payment of a credit check fee is required in the amount set forth in Chapter- 3.70 n ^ MCC a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC
5.04.080 - Fee.
fee shad be s set f i4h in Chapter- 3.70 n A nay. Unless otherwise provided by this Title, the business
licensiny, fees are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
5.04.090 - Term.
B. Any applicant who intends to conduct a business temporarily may apply for a temporary business
license for a period of one to three months., for whieh thefe shall -oset ` thin Chaptef 7-0
C. Upon receipt of an affidavit attesting to the loss, theft, or destruction of an otherwise valid license
not caused by the willful misconduct of the licensee, the Clerk will reissue a license for the duration
of the license period_ •
5.04.130 - Multiple businesses at one location.
Any person engaged in two or more businesses at the same location shall is -only -be required to obtain
one license for the combined businesses and, unless et'.:_.....,_ eei fi ally ^r-a ,idea '_he license fe
5.04.140 - Same business —Multiple locations.
Any person conducting the same type of business at two or more permanent locations
FeEjuir-ed to must obtain a separate license for each place of business. The roe r^F rsh additional
Section 5.04.250 — Fees, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 5.20.040 — Number of dances authorized — Fee, is repealed in its entirety.
5.36.040 - For -hire vehicle business license required.
D. The annual for -hire business license fee is set forth in Chapte.. 3.70 PAW W and shall be paid in
f.„ at the time of s..b. it4ing all initial and rvfiewal appheations. a resolution authorized by Chapter
1.25 PAMC.
5.37.125 - License and other related fees.
The fee for a vehicle license issued under PAMC 5.37.030 and for a driver's license issued under
PAMC 5.37.100 is set forth in PAMC 7n n, n a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC. The
fee is not subject to proration.
5.50.030 - License application.
In addition to all other information required for a business license application, an applicant for an
adult entertainment business license must pay a license fee as set forth in a
resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 and provide the following information:...
5.52.050 - License —Fee.
sueh festival, and sha4l be as set fei4h in Chapter 3.70 A. The fee for- any outdoor- musie festival shall he based upon the r-easonably expeeted altendaHee
which the fee amount was based, the applieant shall immediately remit to the City the amount
required 4;3r- a lieense for- the �astiyal, based upen that aC4" B. if-, after- the festival, the aet" aaendanee exeeeded the reasonably e)ipeeted aRendanee upon
The fee for any outdoor music festival is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
7.01.035 - . Costs and fees — Waivers -
Responsibility of owners.
it is the r-esponsibiiity of the Owner- Of eveFy animal tfeated, impounded, an"r- destroyed under- this
sueh animal. Abandonment of the animal does not relieve the oN"er- of sueh rvsponsibilit�,.
it is wilawful fer- the owner- 4aRimajs treated, impounded, and�or adopted pursuant to the pr-ovision
of this Title to fail t or refusepay ht, to impound fees, t r t poratior., boarding, «tn v
resti"ion or- other required fees or- eosts as set foi4h in
eadoption, e
this title. Violations shall be a misdemeanor, Any pFevideF, other thm the City of Pai4ikngeles, a
> medieal boardiRg>
or- euthaRasia, shall seek payFAL-Rt difvetly ffE)Fa the ~w of the cffiimal and shall ROt seek
or- be eRtitIL-El tO payment f:ForA the City Of POAARgeles, e*eept that the PF8'ViEIL-r- may seek payfneR
fr-afn the Cit�'4POAARgejes when the animal is r-efer-FeEl to the pr-evider- by the City and the o"ffie
is unkno-Affi. in eases whefe the animal is r6arfed to the provider- by the City and the aRimal is no
e wRer-e
may be PrAited by the City to providing ing humane euthanasia efthe animal.
A. All fees required by this Title are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
B. Reasonable costs —Determination. The Chief of Police is authorized to determine the
reasonable costs for transportation, boarding, euthanasia, disposal, and veterinarian services
provided to the City by the Animal Control Authority.
C. Waiver or pro -ration of fees and costs. The Chief of Police is authorized to waive or pro -rate
doh and cat licensing fees, registration fees, and impound fees and costs, in whole or in part, when
doing so would further the goals of the Animal Control Authority and be in the public interest, taking
the following into account:
1. Requests to waive license fees pursuant to RCW 49.60.380 for a guide or service dog will be
2. Requests to waive license fees for a current or retired law enforcement K-9 dog will be granted;
3. The effect on the owner, the animal's welfare, and the animal control authority, if the fees or
costs are not waived and no payment is received;
4. In the case of an impound, the reason for the impound;
5. The reason or basis for the violation, the nature of the violation, the duration of the violation,
and the likelihood the violation will recur; and
6. The total amount of the fees charged as compared to the gravity of the situation.
D. It is unlawful for the owner of animals treated, impounded, and/or adopted pursuant to the
provisions of this Title to fail to or refuse to pay the impound fees, transportation, boarding,
veterinary care, licensing adoption, euthanasia costs, fines, restitution or other required fees or costs.
Violations are a misdemeanor. Abandonment of the animal does not relieve the owner of such
responsibility. Any provider, other than the City of Port Angeles of services under this Title
including but not limited to transportation medical veterinary services boarding or euthanasia must
seek payment directly from the owner of the animal and may not seek and is not entitled to payment
from the City of Port Angeles, except that the provider may seek payment from the City when the
animal is referred to the provider by the City and the owner is unknown. In such cases and where the
animal is not wearing a license tag, scanning for microchip is unsuccessful, and no owner is known
medical care may be limited by the City to providing humane euthanasia of the animal.
7.01.040 - Animal shelter.
D. Shelter Officers employed by the shelter-akkhave the authority to collect license and impound
7.02.010 - Dog and cat licensing —Regulations.
E. All lieense fees,
We penalties, and seFyiee ehar-ges eelleeted under the provisions of this seetien,
ether -than civil -penalties -and erirtlinal Ares, are set feflh in Chapter- 2.70 P N11G. The animal control
authority may, at its discretion, temporarily reduce license or other fees at special events or clinics
held to encourage compliance with this ordinance.
7.03.040 - Potentially dangerous dog —Registration, requirements, annual fee.
A. The &Aiier- of a dog Eleelar-ed potentially Elanger-ous shall r-egiSteF Said dog and pay the initial
in seetion 7.03.030, provided that if the owner- requests ahear-ingwithin the ten a ownef
that said deg is potei4ially dangerous. In addition to any other dog license fees, the owner of a dog
declared potentially dangerous must register the dog and pay the initial registration fee within ten
days of notification as provided in PANIC 7.03.030. If the owner requests a hearing within the ten-
daypgriod the owner will not be required to pay such registration fee unless and until the hearing
officer determines the dog is potentially dangerous.
C. The owner of a dog declared potentially dangerousmust renew the registration annually and
pay the renewal fee theyear- s set fei4h in seetio" 3.70. 120 n n N4G. The renewal fee includes the
dog licensing fee.
D. A deg Neense We already paid by the awnef,
applied to-Aer-d the ees4 of the initial r-egist+a&)n; hewever-, in the seeend and subsequent year-s, the
est of r-enewal shall inel de licensing. Any person who brings a dog or animal into the City of Port
Angeles that has been declared dangerous or potentially dangerous by another jurisdiction is required
to register such dog or animal with the Animal Control Authority within 24 hours, or on the first
business day following the bringing of the animal into the City limits, and further to comply with all
requirements as set forth by the Animal Control Authority and this Chapter.
7.03.050 - Dangerous dog —Certificate of registration, requirements.
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registration shall include licensing. The owner of a dangerous dog must pay an initial registration fee
and a renewal fee for each subsequent year. A dog license fee is not applied toward the cost of the
initial registration; however, licensing is included in the cost of registration renewal.
7.03.100 - List of potentially dangerous and dangerous dogs.
A list of potentially dangerous and dangerous dogs shall be maintained by the Animal Control
Authority. The list shall be made available to the public for normal copying costs., er.section
3.70.01 O.D. The list shall include the general description of the dog and the address at which the dog
is normally kept.
7.05.030 - Quarantine at the shelter —Procedures. PARTIAL
C. Any animal impounded and/or quarantined at the shelter shall not be released until the owner or
other authorized person pays impound fees and costs as set f th in etion 37n 120 PAW. The
owner or other authorized person redeeming an unlicensed dog over the age of six months shigmust
also pay the license fee, and late penalty fee, if applicable, as set f i4" in see4ion 2 7n 1 2n PAW.
D. Any animal surrendered by its owner may be humanely destroyed by euthanasia after the end of
the quarantine period and after examination by a licensed veterinarian. The owner smust pay
impound fees and costs as set f i4h in seetion 3.70.120 PAW.
7.06.040 - Redemption of impounded animals.
In addition to other fees required by this chapter, persons redeeming animals must pay fees as
required for impound, transportation, boarding, vaccination, veterinary care, licensing, and adoption.
A. Any dog or cat impounded may be redeemed by the
owner or other authorized person upon payment of the impound fees and costs as set f l4" in seed,..
2 70 "n PAW. The owner or other authorized person redeeming an unlicensed dog over the age
of six months must pay i two times the license fee, ^"), late penally fee if applieabl-e
any applicable late penalty fee, and a $100.0 deposit for animals for- ...high rabies vaeeiiiatie��
not euFFen without current rabies vaccinations. The deposit will be refunded when the animal is
vaccinated and proof of vaccination is presented to the Shelter Officer.
Section 7.06.060 — Fees and payment, is repealed in its entirety.
9.20.030 - Display fireworks permits.
Any person, firm or corporation intending to sell, possess, or discharge display fireworks within the
City, , to seetire 4E)m the City
Gled must obtain a „ef!fn:t f F sueh ac4ivities and pay the fee set forth in a resolution authorized by
Chapter 1.25 PAMC. The City Clerk is directed to issue such permits only if the application is
approved by the City Fire Marshal, and the applicant is in compliance with the terms of this chapter
and with Chapter 70.77 RC W. of the Revised Gode 4 Washington upon plie 4ian and paym
Of the peffflit fee Of $500.W.
9.50.050 - Fees —Corrective actions Disconnection.
Poliee Chief or- the Fire Chief (aS apffOpr-iate), ewitled te feeovef: fees ffom the oN"er- as fellow For
City response to any false emergency alarms, the City may assess a fee, as set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC, to the owner as follows:
A. For- a r-espens atwhieh ne other- false alafm has oeetirred within the pr-eeeeding 180
day period, r-refeFred-to-as-a "fifst response," nofee shall be ehafNo fee will be
assessed for a response to premises at which no other false alarm has occurred within the proceeding
180-day_period (the "first response").
B. ,
entitled to assess ., $50 nn A fee may be assessed upon a second response to the premises within
180 days after a first response. The owner of the alarmed premises must report to the Police Chief or
Fire Chief, as appropriate, in writing:
Angeles shall be entitled to assess ., roe f$1 nn nn A fee may be assessed for a third response to the
premises within 180 days after a second response. If said third false alarm or any succeeding false
alarm occurs as a result of failure to take necessary corrective action, the Police Chief or the Fire
Chief may order the owner to disconnect such alarm until such time as verification of corrective
action is provided to the Police Chief or Fire Chief, provided, however, that no disconnect will be
ordered for any premise required by law or regulation to have an alarm system in operation.
11.08.040 - Permit —Application.
11.08.060 - Permit —Fee.
A pen:nit fee shall be eharged by the Gily fer- the issuanee of a pen:nit fef work in a right of way;
whieh fee shall be in addition to all othef fees fOF PeFfflitS or ehar-ges r-elative te any proposed wor-k
and shall inelude the eost of restofation. The ametint of sueh fee shall be established by the City
Couneil by resolution, and may be ehanged by fuFther- resolution fr-ofn time to time as may be
new A fee as set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC, is required for a
permit for work in a right-of-way, in addition to all other fees for permits or charges relative to any
proposed work.
11.08.065 - Inspection—Fec`Deposit required.
After approval of the plans and specifications, the City Engineer will provide the applicant with an
estimate of the construction inspection fee which shall be sepaFate 4om and in addition to any Pe
fee. A permit for eenstFuetion will be issued only after the permit fee has been paid and deposit of
the inspeetion fee has been Fflade with the City Treasur-e in an amount as set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC which is in addition to any Wrmit fee and must be paid as a
deposit prior to permit issuance. If the City Engineer determines that the remaining funds on deposit
are not adequate to pay for the inspections required to project completion, the applicant will be so
notified and provided with an estimate of the amount of additional fee deposit required. This
additional fee will be deposited with the City Treasurer prior to depletion of the funds on deposit.
Any monies unexpended from the deposit will be refunded to the depositor upon completion and
acceptance of the project.
11.12.120 - Fee.
A. ,
shall be aeeefflpaRied by the HeeessaF�L
appliieat;e„ fee, as sc4 f Ah in Chapter 2 Application and renewal fees are set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
11.14.110 - Fees and compensation.
B. Right-of-way license, master permit or facilities lease Application and review fee. The
application must be accompanied by the necessary fee deposit as set forth in Chapte 3.70 D ^ W= a
resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC. The Public Works and Utilities Director or designee
may require the applicant to deposit additional sums if it appears that the initial deposit or subsequent
deposits will be exhausted prior to the final action by the City on an application for issuance renewal
transfer or modification of a master permit, right-of-way license or facilities lease The applicant
will not be entitled to further consideration by the City of its requested action until the required
additional deposit has been deposited with the Ci The applicant may be refunded the unexpended
deposit balance, less a nonrefundable filing charge upon written request within 60 days of the
application being withdrawn, abandoned, or denied.
C. Use permit fee. Prior to actual construction, every applicant for a right-of-way license or master
permit must obtain a right-of-way use permit and pay the fees pursuant to Chapter 1.25 PANIC. ...
11.14.160 - Television cable franchise required.
G. Application fee.
2. The initial deposit for the consideration of an application for issuance, renewal, transfer, or
modification of a franchise shall be in the ametmt 4 $5 000 00, which ich deposit sha4l he b itt d
with the appl".,,+ on is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC. The City 9€ pa
Angeles may, as costs are incurred, draw upon the deposit to recover its administrative costs,
including, but not limited to, the reasonable cost of outside consultants retained by the City related
to the City's consideration and processing of a franchise. The City, at any time, may require the
applicant to deposit additional sums prior to further consideration if it appears that the initial deposit
or subsequent deposits will be exhausted prior to the final action on the application. In the event the
amount of the deposit of an applicant is in excess of the amount needed for City review, the applicant
will be refunded any such excess amount. In addition, upon franchise or license approval the
applicant must reimburse the City for its publication expenses incurred in connection with the
granting of a franchise or license within 30 days after the City furnishes a statement of such expenses.
12.04.015 — Fees.
A Fees for recreation and Ci!y facility rentals are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter
1.25 PAMC When the following terms are used in the Fee Schedule the definitions below apply:
1 "Category I" means any City -sponsored co -sponsored or City -supported activity. A City -
supported activity is one that the City either plans conducts controls or in which the City actively
2 "Category II" means any non-profit group or organization or community function, except
political or religious organizations.
3 "Catekory III" means all activities that are not Category I or Category 11.
4 "Resident" means persons whose primary residence is in the City, and businesses and
organizations that have their rincipal place of business or operations within the City.
5 "Non-resident" means all persons businesses and organizations that are not a resident.
B. The City_Manager is authorized to establish fees for Parks and Recreation special events and
activities not otherwise included pursuant to Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
12.04.140 - Metal Detecting —Coin Recovery.
A. Permit required.
2. An annual fee in the amount set feFth in Ghaptei! 3.70 PAW will be eharged fef the issuanee of
eFffli* r^F i� ,o ..,o �. An annual fee set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC
will be charged for a coin recovery permit.
12.08.060 — Fee Sehe ule Fees.
Ubjeet tO adOptiOR b. ' ,,,.a:., o f-the City Gatmeil. Fees for the use of the Vern Burton Memorial
Community Center and the Port Angeles Senior and Community Center are set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC. When the following terms are used in the Fee Schedule the
definitions below apply:
A. "Cate —gory I" means any City -sponsored co -sponsored or City -supported activity. A City_
supported activity is one that the City either plans conducts controls or in which the City actively
B. "Cate�ory II" means any non-profit group or organization or community function except
political or religious organizations.
C. "Catemou III" means all activities that are not Category I or Cate og ry 11.
D. "Resident" means persons whose primary residence is in the City, and businesses and
organizations that have their principal place of business or operations within the City_
E. "Non-resident" means all persons, businesses, and organizations that are not a resident
12.10.070 — Fee schedule Fees.
. Fees for the use
of the City Hall Council Chambers and lobby area are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter
1.25 PAMC. When the following terms are used in the Fee Schedule, the definitions below apply:
A. "CateQory I" means any City -sponsored, co -sponsored, or City -supported activit A City-
supported activity is one that the City either plans, conducts, controls, or in which the City actively
B. "Category II" means any non-profit group or organization or community function, except
political or religious_ organizations.
C. "Category III" means all activities that are not Category I or Category 11.
D. "Resident" means persons whose primary residence is in the City, and businesses and
organizations that have their principal place of business or operations within the City.
E. "Non-resident" means all persons, businesses. and organizations that are not a resident.
12.12.110 - Regulation of City Pier boat moorage.
A. Transient moorage facilities:
1. Ne becA or other- vessel, OtheF than reeFeational be4s, shall use the transient moeFage f4eilitimes-at
meeFage fee as set f Ah in Chaptef 3.70 n ^_'.` W. The transient moorage facilities at the City Pier is
limited to use by recreational boats only. All operators of vessels mooring overnight are required to
self -register andpay a moorage fee as set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
B. North Pier moorage area:
1. Commercial ships, boats and vessels, cruise ships or recreational craft over 30 feet in length, may
be permitted to moor on the north side of the permanent City Pier dock. The fees for such moorage
;fie as set fefth in Chapter-3.70 PAW. Moorage fees are set forth in a resolution authorized
by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
13.06.190 - Pretreatment charges and fees.
D. Fees for- filing appea4s-,
These fees r-elate solely to the maRer-s eever-ed by this ehapter- te ffom all athef
fees, fines, and penalties ehar-geable by the Cit�,.-
Charges a µmfees ., shall b sot f Chapter- rth in 3 PAMG. n MG. Pretreatment charges and fees are set
forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
13.12.010 - General provisions applicable to all services.
B. When a request for residential service requires an extension or re -arrangement of distribution
facilities to serve new loads or residential customers, or when a request for non-residential service
requires a new transformer and/or an extension of distribution facilities to serve new loads or non-
residential customers, the Public Works and Utilities Department will detennine the amount of
service extension costs, if any, and all applicable taxes to be paid by the customer prior to actual
construction. Non-residential service extension costs shA include all design and construction labor,
material, overhead, taxes, and transformer costs. Residential service extension costs do not include
transformer material costs which are charged at the time of home construction aeeer-danee
w *"
D. If a request for residential service is canceled in writing after the service extension costs
determined in paragraph B. above have been paid , a
refund may be issued to the original payer, less any actual construction costs incurred plus
cancellation fees in a th D A MG 3.70. , 05 ,
K. All fees required by this Chapter are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chanter 1.25.
13.12.015 - Time of use electric rate.
For customers requesting an optional time of use electric rate schedule, the monthly rates for
electricity consumed shall be in aeeerdanee with see -tie, .12.03 l , 13.12.9401 ' 3.' 2.0411
, ,
, , 042, , , 044 and , 3 , 2 061 are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25. The
monthly rate includes all applicable taxes. Heavy load hours are all hours from 6:00:00 a.m. to
1:59:59 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Medium load hours are all hours from 2:00:00 p.m. to
9:59:59 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Light load hours are all other hours Monday through
Saturday, all day Sunday and all day on North American Electric Reliability Corporation specified
holidays. Pacific Prevailing Time applies (Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, as
13.12.020 - Uniform electric rate.
The monthly rate for electricity consumed sM1 be in aeewdaneeA44 6 , 2 , 03n 1 , nnn
�o«T��. «ono, ���o o,
, , 04 , , , nn 2, , , nn 3, , , 060 and , , 20:73 are set forth in a resolution authorized by
Chapter 1.25. The monthly rate includes all applicable taxes. Heavy load hours are all hours from
6:00:00 a.m. to 9:59:59 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Light load hours are all other hours Monday
through Saturday, all day Sunday and all day on North American Electric Reliability Corporation
specified holidays. Pacific Prevailing Time applies (Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time,
as applicable).
13.12.025 - Rate class assignment.
The Director of Public Works and Utilities will assign each customer to the electric rate class that
most appropriately reflects the service provided to that customer as follows:
A. Schedule R-03—Residential service.
1. Applicability. This schedule applies throughout the City for domestic uses in single-family
residences, individual apartments or farms. Separately metered services incidental to single-family
residential and farm service may be served under this schedule.
2. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current, 120/240 volts nominal, single phase
service will be furnished under this schedule, supplied through a single meter and one point of
delive .
B. Schedule GS-03--General service.
1 Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules with the
following types of service:
a 120/208 or 120/240 volts single or three phase, service panel of 400 amps or smaller.
b 240/480 or 277/480 volts three phase, service panel of 200 amps or smaller.
c Municipal traffic signal and street lights. The base charges for municipal traffic signals
and street lights includes maintenance of existing luminaries and controls by the Public
Works and Utilities Department.
d Municipal emergency management systems. The municipal emergency management
system and City's security cameras base charge shall apply to systems with a normal
gating load of 150 watts or less which shall not be required to be metered.
e Cable television system and other communications systems, single phase power
supplies in accordance with Section 10.2 of Ordinance No. 3116.
f Pole attachment fees City -owned unmetered security camera system and wireless
access points are exempt from PAMC 13.14.040.
2 Character of service Sixty -cycle alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City may
have available will be furnished under this schedule applied through a single meter and one point of
delive .
C. Schedule GD-03--General service demand.
1 Applicability This schedule applies to all not covered by other rate schedules with the following
types of service:
a 120/208 or 120/240 volts single or three phase service panel larger than 400 amps.
b 240/280 or 277/480 volts three phase service panel larger than 200 amps.
2 Character of service Sixty cycle alternating_ current at such phase and voltage as the City may
have available will be furnished under this schedule applied through a single meter and one point of
D. Schedule NP-03—Nonprofit.
1. Applicability. This schedule applies to all nonprofit tax-deductible organizations.
2. Character ofservice. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City may
have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied throughgle meter and one point of
E. Schedule GD-04—General service demand —Primary metered.
1. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules with the
followingttypes of service:
a. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 400 amps.
b. 240/480 or 277/480 volts, three phase service panel larger than 200 amps.
c. When electric current is measured at primary voltage and delivery to the customer is at
secondary voltage.
2. Character ofservice. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City may
have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied throughgle meter and one point of
F. Schedule PS-03—Primary service —Customer owned.
1. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts which own and operate a primaa voltage
distribution system.
2. Character ofservice. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three phase 60
cycle, alternating current at LnmM voltage, 12.5 KV nominal. Service under this schedule shall be
provided and metered at the points) of interconnection of the distribution facilities of the customer
and the City.
3. In addition to the rates under this schedule customer payment to the City is required for any
and all maintenance and repair work performed on City equipment on the load side of the meter,
including, but not limited to, repair and/or replacement of all City owned facilities These include
but are not limited to cables, terminations, and transformers
G. Schedule PS-04—Primary service --City owned.
1. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts where the City owns and operates a primary
voltage distribution system when electric current is measured at primM voltage and delivery to the
customer is at secondary voltage.
2. Character ofservice. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three phase, 60
cycle, alternating current at primalZ voltage, 12.5 KV nominal.
H. Schedule IT-11—Industrial transmission.
1 Applicability This schedule applies to all accounts where power is taken at transmission
2 Character ofservice. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three-phase 60
cycle alternating current at transmission voltage, 69 KV nominal.
3 Point o delivery Service under this schedule is provided and measured where the customer's
facilities interconnect with the facilities of the City and the Bonneville Power Administration.
4 Service policy Service under this schedule is subject to the customer service policies of the
5 Rate and charges. The monthly rates and charges for service hereunder is the sum of the
amounts determined in accordance with this subsection and as set for in Chapter 1.25 PAMC. Such
charges also include all costs charges surcharges,adjustment charges and penalties, and conditions
incurred by the Cijy and attributable to customer, including but not limited to, those applicable under
the BPA agreement, the TRM BPA rate schedules and general rate schedule provisions, network
agreement, tariffs and general rate schedule provisions.
a. Definitions: Initially capitalized words used herein have the meaning set forth in the
BPA agreement the Tiered Rate Methodology, or as defined below:
TPA "means the Bonneville Power Administration.
"BPA Agreement"means the agreement between the City and BPA, dated December 1, 2008,
Contract No. 09PB-13093, as amended from time to time.
"CHWM" means the UY's Contract High Water Mark.
"Customer" means the person or entity that purchases power from the City, using the service
governed by this section "Customer" may hereafter be abbreviated as "Cu."
"Customer facilLty"means facilities or premises owned by the customer and served by power
purchased pursuant to this section.
"Demand" means the amount of energy delivered to the customer at the point of delivery (as
measured in whole kilowatts) integrated over the 60-minute period during the City's CSP.
For pUNses of such calculation the 60-minute periods shall begin at the beginning of each
whole hour and run for 60 consecutive minutes until the end of such whole hour.
Network agreement "means the agreement between the City and the BPA dated September
20, 2006, Contract No. OTX-124433, as amended from time to time.
"RHWM" means the City's Rate Period High Water Mark.
"Tiered Rate Methodology" means BPA's policy for calculating wholesale power rates
adopted in the Administrator's Final Record of Decision issued in September, 2009 and as
amended from time to time.
b. Elements for calculating rates and charges:
i. Cu CHWM. Customer will have a CHWM amount ("Cu CHWM") of 53.351
ii. Cu CDO. Customer will have the following monthly CDQs ("Cu CDQ")• as
14,760 kW
14,238 kW
11,974 kW
15,113 kW
14,913 kW
14,913 kW
13,541 kW
19,262 kW
14,423 kW
7,366 kW
22,190 k W
13,546 kW
c. Customer charge.
The customer charge (Cu CO) is the portion of the City's customer charges for a month to be
paid by customer.
The Cu CC each month is calculated by the following formula:
Cu CHWM is the amount set out in section b.I. above.
CHWM is 86.755 aMW.
CMCC is the City's customer charge for the month
No credit on the Cu CC will be given or paid for using electricitNr in amounts less than the
d. Demand charges for service
The customer demand charge (Cu DC) is the demand charges for a month to be paid by
The Cu DC each month is calculated by the following formula:
Cu DC =1(Cu CSP — Cu AHLH) — Cu CDO] x DR
Cu CSP is the demand of the customer facility (in kilowatts) during the CSP in each
Cu CDO is the amount set out in section b. above
Cu AHLH is the average of the customer facility's actual hourly Tier 1 loads during, the HLH
in each month in kilowatts.
DR is the demand rate charged to the City.
No credit will be given or paid for using demand in amounts less than the Cu CDQ
e. Load shaping charges and credits.
The customer load shaping charge (Cu LSC) is the load shaping charges for a month to be
paid by customer.
The Cu LSC each month is calculated by the following formula:
Cu LSC = (Cu AL - Cu SSL) x LSR
Cu LSC is the net of the load shaping charges and credits for a month apportioned to
customer, with customer paving net load shaping charges to the City, and the City paving net
load shaping credits to customer, less an amount calculated b the using the load shaping
adjustment true -up rate.
Cu AL is customer's monthly HLH and LLH loads.
Cu SSL is customer's shaped system load as set out below.
LSR is the load shaping rate applicable to HLH and LLH periods
f. Taxes: An amount calculated to recover the actual tax obligation of the electric utility
and City for State public utilities tax and City public utility tax and any other applicable taxes
In addition, customer must pay each month any and all Federal State local and City taxes as
May be levied, imposed or due, which arise from, or in connection with the provision of
electric service to customer pursuant to this ordinance.
g. Calculation of utility taxes: The customer shall pay to the City each month the amount
necessary to fully satisfy the City's obligation for State and local utility taxes For utility tax
purposes the gross income from the customer is the sum of fees and charges required by this
subsection, plus the amount necessary to satisfy the City's obligation for State and local utility
h Rates and charges for service: The City has no obligation to provide service to the
customer facility in excess of Cu CHWM and its Cu CDQ. If the customer facility takes
service in excess of its Cu CHWM and/or its Cu CDQ customer will pay the City all costs,
charges surcharges and penalties attributable to such service.
i If the Cijy pays or receives a load shaping charge true -up adjustment charge or credit in
any fiscal year, then a pro-rata portion of such charge or credit will be apportioned to
customer as determined by the City, plus an amount calculated by the City using the load
shading adjustment true -up rate.
I. Schedule L-03—Lighting.
1 Applicability. This schedule applies to all approved unmetered yard and area lights.
2 Installation Yard or area lights are available upon request Upon approval by the Public Works
and Utilities Department, lights will be installed only on existing utility -owned poles for the use and
convenience of customers A one-year contract for service will be required before the light will be
installed Customer ownership of lighting is limited to existing lights only.
3 Maintenance The Public Works and Utilities Department retains ownership of the area lighting.
Maintenance of City owned lights is the reMnsibilityof the Public Works and Utilities Department.
Maintenance of customer owned lights is the responsibility of the customer.
J. Schedule MW-03—Municipal water pumping.
1 Applicability. This schedule applies to municipal water pumping facilities where the connected
load is greater than 500 kVA.
2 Restrictions Timers approved by the Public Works and Utilities Department shall be installed
to prevent pumping during restricted hours as detenmined by the Department.
3 Character of service Service to be furnished under this schedule is three phase, 60 cycle,
alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City may have available will be furnished under
this schedule applied through a single meter and one point of delivery.
Section 13.12.030 - Schedule R-03--Residential service, is repealed in its entirety
Section 13.12.031 — Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.040 - Schedule GS-03--General service, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.0401 - Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.041 - Schedule GD-03--General service demand, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.0411— Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.042 - Schedule NP-03—Nonprofit, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.0421— Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.043 - Schedule GD-04—General service demand —Primary metered, is repealed
in its entirety.
Section 13.12.044 — Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.060 - Schedule PS-03—Primary service —Customer owned is repealed in its
Section 13.12.061— Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.065 - Schedule PS-04—Primary service —City owned, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.066 — Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.071- Schedule IT-11—Industrial transmission, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.072 - Schedule L-03—Lighting, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.073 - Schedule MW-03—Municipal water pumping, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.12.075 — Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
13.12.110 - Electrical work permits and fees.
The fees for- ejeetFieal inspeetions Pefzfefmed by the Git), pursuant te state stattAe and City erdinanee
shall beinaeeer-danee with Chapter- 3.70 PANG, which rr���Tendea 4-- - The
fees for electrical inspections performed by the City are set forth in a resolution authorized by
Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
13.12.120 - Contract and administration charge.
jW ..
contract and administration charge will be charged to any person or entity proposing a power
generating 12roiect that would be integrated with the City's electrical distribution system for the
purpose of compensating the City for the costs of negotiating and_prenarina contracts and
accomplishing the necessary engineering.
13.14.010 - General provisions.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure the safe and efficient use of overhead lines on City -owned
poles within the City's rights -of -way or public utility easements and to compensate the City for the
use of the poles. This chapter establishes provisions necessary to ensure compliance with: Chapter
11.14 Telecommunications, Chapter 1 25 Fees Rates and Charges Chapter- 3.7' Reye= ues c ='
Fees, Chapter 5.04 Licensing, Chapter 5.80 Taxation, Chapter 11.08 Construction or Excavation
Work Within Rights -of -Way, Chapter 11.12 Right -of -Way Use, and Chapter 17.52 Wireless
Telecommunications Towers and Facilities, Chapter 296-45 Washington Administrative Code
(WAC) and the City's standard construction practices and specifications.
This chapter applies to all current or future electric and telecommunication system entities that
attach lines, equipment, or other devices to City -owned poles, also referred to as "grantees" or
"joint pole users".
This chapter does not apply to joint pole users who have agreements with the city for existing
line, equipment or device attachments, which agreements precede the effective date of this
ordinance and are not terminated by the parties. This chapter does apply, however, to new line,
equipment or device attachments proposed after the effective date of this ordinance.
13.14.040 - Pole attachment fees.
On or about July 1 st of each year, the City acting in cooperation with joint pole users will determine
the total number of grantee's pole contacts on City -owned poles as of the preceding day.
The grantee shall7must pay the City an annual rental fee covering the calendar year in which the
count is made within 30 days after the bill has been submitted. The grantee may receive credit against
the annual rental fee pale to the-Eity for the total number of City pole contacts on grantee -owned
poles as of the preceding day. The annual rental rate for each pole attachment shall be eakulated
* f fth in Chapter- - 2.70 o n n C is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC. 4:he
fee shall be paid within30daysafter- the bill has been submitted and shall Gover- the ealendaFyeaf in
which the ,.oust is Fnade. Applicable taxes of other jurisdictions are not included in the City's bill.
13.16.010 - Utility accounts Authorized offleers designated Fees.
A. The City Manager, OF his deSign0e, S will keep an account for electric current, water, sewer
and solid waste service used by any person, business, or other entity within the City, and for the
monthly Medic I Program charge to be paid by every utility account within the City.
B. , shall plaee against these aeeeLmts all chaFges for- elect
euFFent, water-, aREI sewer- and solid waste seR,iee ased by that per-sen, business or- other- entity and
for the menthly Medie 1 Pregfafn ehar-ge to be paid by evef�, utility aceount. Sueh ehafges shall be -
made in aceer-danee with the ten:ns of these or-dinanees of the City establishing the fates and fees fe
these se ,ie All rates, charges and fees for electric current water and sewer and solid waste
service, monthly Medic I Program or other provision of utility service are set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
G The City Manager-, or- his designee, shall also plaee against these aeeeuRts any SeFViee ehar-ges E)
other- ehafges eenneeted with the provision of utility sef:viee, in aeeefdanee with the �en:ns of these
er,dinanees of the Cil , establishing the re es for- these types f
13.16.015 - Creation of account —Deposits.
shall r-eqUiFe thO per -son Fequesting set=viees to either- make a Eleposit with the Gity of P014 Angeles 0
present a eepy of a verifiable prior t4ilily oredit Fating deemed suitable to assur-e with eet4ainly th
the aeeouflt with the Gily of Pef4 Angeles Will ROt beeOffle deliRqUeRt. A deff)Sit, if FeqUiFed, Will
neR:nally be based an 60 Elays of aveFage residential/utility elia-r-ges for- the unit type fer- whieh
For- the purpose of this section, single family uniis afe d&Pned as stmetures designed for oeeupaney
by a single family only, eontainiRg a eomplete kitehen unit. Sli7uetur-es whieh are not single family
Nothing in this ehapter- shall pFeeveRt the City r-equiFiag additional or- new deposits when eonditions-
such as chrome delinquen ies ..,, FFant At the time an account is requested and before it is authorized
the person requesting services must either make a deposit with the City or present a copy of a
verifiable prior utility credit rating deemed suitable to assure with certainty that the account with the
City of Port Angeles will not become delinquent.
For the purpose of this section sinjzle-familyunits are defined as structures designed for occupancy
by a single housekeeping unit only, containing a complete kitchen unit and does not include
duplexes fourplexes apartments condominiums and other multi -family structures. Nothing in this
chapter prevents the City from requiring additional or new deposits when conditions such as chronic
delinquencies warrant.
13.16.040 - Bills —Notice of delinquent account.
E. An account which has become delinquent and for which a notice of delinquency is issued, may
be assessed a penalty fee iR aeeeFdaneewith City l defining ehreRie delinqueneies the
amount set rnermzrrChapter 3. , ..........,.
For the purposes of this subsection, when an account receives a third penalty during any consecutive
12-month period, the City Manager or his designee may €w4herrequest a deposit or additional
deposit be submitted in accordance with seetion ' 3. 1 6.n"' PAMC 13.16.050, along with payment
for, or arrangements thereof fe to pay, the delinquent charges due.
13.16.050 - Disconnection or field collection of utility services.
13.18.020 - Billing procedure.
E. Notice of a supplemental billing shall will be sent to the recipient of unauthorized or unmetered
utility services. The supplemental bill shal4-will be added to the next regular utility bill and shall -will
be collected under the normal collection procedures. The notice of supplemental billing shall, -will
consist of the following:
3. Penalty fee, pursuant to seetion 12 1 Q 040 in the amount sat fet4, in Chapter- 3.70 n n MG urp suant
to PAMC 13.18.040.
13.18.040 - Penalty fee.
For each single instance of receipt of unauthorized or unmetered utility services, a penalty fee shall
be assessed in the . .mot sot f fth in Chapter- 3.70 RAW— will be assessed.
13.32.040 - New residential service connection fee.
A. ,
shall be as set fei4
Chaptef 3.70 o n MG A fee will be charged for new residential water service connections, including
the meter.
13.32.050 - New commercial or industrial service connection fee.
A. For all commercial and/or industrial services, and for all residential services larger than two-inch
diameter irrespective of meter size, prior to commencement of any work by the City the owner or
applicant sha4-must pay a deposit in an amount of the City estimate of cost for the construction work
and the work shall will be thereafter billed on the basis of actual cost of installations plus
administrative overhead. The applicant ska+l-will be refunded any underrun or billed any overrun of
the actual cost difference in the estimated cost including administrative overhead except when the
actual cost is within $50.00 of the estimate.
B. In no event shall the charge be less than the charge for a two-inch service.
13.36.030 - Special or emergency turnon or turnoff fees.
u"eneye . a je ofthe Tlo..a.-tment for an A fee will be charged for emergency turnoff/
er-turnon or temporary water service -discontinuance; provided that for of wa*r- sem,iee to any
tom --(✓emergency turnof-�Jumon €ee-during regular hours - the fee ameunt shall be as set f Fth in
Chapter 3.70 PAN4C with the City will refund 50 percent of the fee to be Feftinded upon satisfactory
proof that the resident/home owner has installed an appropriate shutoff„ eet"o�.,,:-o fill roe is eh rge&,
eept that t The fee may be waived by the Director if the tumon-/turnoff can be accomplished
during the normal course of business and schedules of the crews,;
B. Emer-geney tumeff; tur-nen fee outside of Fegular-weriking hours the fee shall be the amount s
13.36.080 - Water quality test.
The Department will conduct a water quality test of a customer's water at the request of the customer.
if as a result of the test, the Depam:nent deteFmines th4 there is a problem within the City water
system that needs to be eeFfeeted by the City, the eest of the ws4 shall be,.N,aived by the DepeAFAePA.
if as a result 4 the test the DepaftmepA EleteR:nines that there is me pr-eblem within the Gity wate
system that needs to be eeir-eeted by the Givy, the eustemer shall be ehafged the amount set feFth in
Chapter �.70 . The test fee will be waived if the Department determines that there is a problem
within the City water system that needs to be corrected by the City, otherwise, the customer will be
charged a test fee.
13.40.060 - Water meter test deposit.
A fee will be charged and a deposit required for water meter testing
13.44.010 - Monthly residential flat rate.
The- menthly residential Aat rate for eaoh seR,iee shall be $105.25 staFting januwy 1, 2023. The flat
rate shall The monthly residential flat rate will be charged to each single-family residence served by
a separate meter and to each residence served by a common meter. If requested by a customer served
by a separate meter, the customer may be transferred to the metered rate specified in seetion PANIC
13.44.020, provided that first an amendment to any existing easement that specifies a flat rate is
granted by the easement property owner and approved by the Public Works and Utilities Director.
13.44.020 - Monthly non -discounted residential metered rate —Within City.
A monthly customer rate will be charged for water service to single-family residences within the
corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles. For the purposes of this section, "single-family
residences" are defined as structures designed for occupancy by a single €ate housekeeping unit
only, containing a complete kitchen unit Qtruetares 0 ieh afe not "single 4imily r sidenees" inelude,
but are Hot limited to duplexes, fo Tlo o .,4ments and reamiRg houses., and does not include
duplexes, fourplexes, apartments, rooming houses, or other multi -family structures. The base Fate
G. 0
13.44.025 - Commercial and all other monthly metered rates.
monthlv customer rate based upon meter size will be charged to commercial water service customers
within the City of Port Angeles.
oaeh 100 ,.. bie feet ensumed f " 20 1 2 A monthly customer rate based upon meter size will be
charged to municipal water service customers within the Citv of Port Anizeles.
E.L., o s based , „ e o ftha ore The ate a ..L...rges � 1 4' It
"5 'r" s 'r � ���oo.s A monthly
customer rate based upon meter size will be charged to non-taxable federal water service customers
within the City of Port Angeles.
13.44.030 - Industrial usage rate —Within City.
A monthly customer rate will be charged industrial customers within the City of Port Angeles. For
the purposes of this section, "industrial customers" are defined as customers whose average monthly
potable water consumption is in excess of 350,000 cubic feet per month, where such average is
computed by dividing total annual month period by 12; provided, that this rate does not apply to
public wholesale customers of the City, whose rate shall be established by contract as set forth in
PAMC 13.44.060.
13.44.040 - Rate for user outside City limits. FULL SECTION
All water service furnished to a user outside the City limits shall will be charged at the rate of 150
percent of the schedule for rates and charges as set rnt,h herein or as amendea This section shall
does not apply to the resale rate and wholesale contract sales.
13.44.050 - Irrigation rate.
The f llowing maRthly e stemer eharges are appPeable A monthly customer rate based on meter
size will be charged to agriculture and residential and commercial landscaping irrigation service
within the corporate limits of the City of Port Angeles. For the purposes of this section, the irrigation
rate is available for separately metered services used exclusively for agricultural and irrigation
purposes. The ehar-ge is based HPOR SiZe Of the Meter a speeified below:
r I:TTif7l� lT.TTrT"-wmTITi7e1
13.44.055 - Resale rate.
A. The regulw menthly and usage ffletefvd rates for the water- ser-viee at whieh the wateF is obtained
shall ,.minki to apply.
B. A sur-ehafge shall be paid for- , ,..tf 100,000 gallons at the rate o
tfmsfer- as well as the fiwt that such ifr-egular- pur-ehases of City water- are not required to pay -
eenneetion or lateeemer- system development ehar-ges as do other- new eustofner-s of the water- ufi4imly
and the faet that single, large purehases of water- ean have a negative impact on the $0.00670 per gallen for 2023. This sur-4 the eommadity value of water for- resale or-
s water- utility
and sour-ee of supply.
G. Said sur-ehafge may be used for- speeial ate utility pufpeso eh Ito System Ew water
the o�
and employ Gity malkes no representations as to the q"ity of the water and indemnib,ing the City and its offleials
the .. .-,.L ase 4,,,.,tor f em the Cit., f PeF Angeles
The Director may approve the resale or transfer of City water by a customer to a subsequent
purchaser outside of Port Anveles pursuant to PAMC 13.32.020(F), subiect to the following
A. In addition to payment of a surcharge the regular monthly and usage metered rates for the
water service at which the water is obtained continue to apply. The surcharge may be used forspecial
water utility purposes such as water system or water quality improvement projects Any fees charged
by the customer to the subsequent purchaser are subject to the Director's approval
B. The purchaser is required to execute a hold harmless agreement acknowledging that the City
makes no representations as to the quality of the water and indemnifying the City and its officials
and employees against any claims lawsuits or damages that may result directly or indirectly from
the purchase of water from the City of Port Angeles.
13.44.060 - Wholesale contract sales.
The amount to be paid by wholesale customers swill be established by contract. Wholesale
contracts in force and effect prior to January 1, 2009 shall have all consumption charges based on
the rate speeified in subse--- 1 ^ ^ 020 n as set forth in a resolution authorized b CChha_pter 1.25
13.44.070 - Rates —Temporary service and fire hydrant water use.
B. The use of water for construction purposes shall will be allowed, where available, to construct or
reconstruct any building or structure or settle trenches or fills upon approval of an application and
payment of a temporary service fee as set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC
A monthly customer charge based on meter size will be charged .Bef � o eh usage,
apPli6atiOR ther-efer- shall be made to the ElepaAment and a temporal=y sem,iee fee shall be paid in
ae6efdaflc-e With subseetion PAN4G. ME)Hthl�' ekiStOffieF ehaFges shall be paid at a fate
13.44.090 - Service charge.
Whenever the department responds to a request outside of regular working hours for assistance to
investigate a deficiency in water service to any premises and it is determined that the deficiency is
the result of improper operation or maintenance of the customer's plumbing, a charge will be made
is required to defray a portion of the • Crty's
cost of responding_as set forth in Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
13.48.040 - Inspection —Fee —Deposit required.
After approval of the plans and specifications, the Department shall -will provide the petitioner with
an estimate of the construction inspection fee. A permit for construction will be issued after the
inspection fees and estimated main connection charges as set forth in a resolution authorized by
Chapter 1.25 PAMC have been deposited with the City Treasurer. At such time as the Director
determines the remaining funds are not adequate to provide necessary inspection for project
completion, the City will notify the petitioner with an
estimate of additional inspection fee required will -be -provided. The additional fees shall -must be
deposited with the City Treasurer prior to depletion of the funds on deposit. Any moneys unexpended
from the inspection deposit upon completion of the project shall -will be returned to the petitioner.
13.54.035 - General provisions applicable to all services.
B. A utility service fee, in aeeardanee with PAW 3 7n 01 n R 3 for- eaeh aFeuFFanFe, sh will be
charged when a vehicle must return to collect a refuse container where: the person has not placed the
container in the appropriate place of collection; the person has not set out the container in accordance
with the scheduled date and time; the person set out an overloaded container; or where the container
was blocked by a parked vehicle; provided, no fee shall -will be assessed until the responsible person
is notified that a fee will be charged in such instances.
C. It is unlawful for any person in possession, charge or control of any premises in the City, knowing
that refuse has been deposited on the premises by the elements, animals, or other causes, to fail to
clean up such refuse so deposited in a period of 24 hours. If the refuse is not cleaned up within 24
hours, the City may clean up the refuse and assess the person for the costs of cleanup and
administration. Suet bill shall be a f $10O nn
13.54.040 - Solid waste rates collections.
afld G 01 thFOUgh G 04 shall apply to each per-seR that r-eeeives selid wasw sem,iees. The rates,
charges, and schedules for solid waste collection recycling and yard waste services are set forth in
a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC
Section 13.54.050 - Schedule R-01—Residential weekly service, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.54.060 - Schedule R-02—Residential every other week service, is repealed in its
Section 13.54.070- Schedule R-03—Residential yard waste service, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.54.095 — Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.54.100 - Schedule C-02—Commercial, Municipal and Federal 300-gallon service, is
repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.54.105 — Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.54.110 - Schedule C-03—Commercial recycling service, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.54.120 - Schedule C-OS—Commercial temporary service, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.54.125 - Schedule I-03—Industrial temporary service, is repealed in its entirety.
13.54.130 - Lien for unpaid garbage collection services. FULL SECTION
in this ehapter, the amount thereof shall beeame a lien against the prepei:ty for- whieh the garbage
eellee ion sen,iee is en `'. Said lien shail be There will be a lien against the property for the
delinquent charges for garbage, recycling and yard waste collection services subject to foreclosure
as provided in RCW 35.21.140 and 35.21.150, by filing with the County Auditor a notice of the
City's lien, specifying the charges, the period covered by the charges, and giving the legal description
of the premises sought to be charged.
13.54.150 - Recycling, yard waste, and cardboard recycling requirements. PARTIAL
rNmrrm. ME
. The Port
Angeles School District, and other commercial buildings not otherwise receiving_recycling service
and when approved by the Director, may participate in the commercial recycling service for their
facilities located within the City limits of Port Angeles.
Section 13.57.020 — Rates, is repealed in its entirety and replaced as follows:
13.57.020 — Rates — Contracts - Director's authority.
A The solid waste processing facility rates are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25
PAMC subject to the following conditions.
1. Collection entities.
a. The City will pay the collection entity charges for municipal solid waste
received at the transfer station from the contractor for the Blue Mountain Drop Box
operation under the service agreement The City will pay the collection entity charges
for yard waste received at the transfer station from the contractor for curbside
collection of yard waste under the service agreement.
b Collection entities that do not provide the City an exemption certificate in
accordance with WAC 458-20-250(7) are deemed self -haulers for purposes of
2 The self hauler rate may be waived or reduced by up to 50 percent subject to the
following Muirements:
The person requesting a waiver or reduction must submit a written application to the Director
at least 30 days before disposal of refuse at the transfer station. The Director will accept or
deny the application before refuse is disposed at the transfer station.
A waiver may be available for disposal of refuse which is collected as part of a beautification
or cleanup program such as the annual Transfer Station Benefit Dump Day, Clallam County
Chain Gang and Washington State Department of Transportation Adopt a Highway
Program which must dispose of litter.
A reduction may be available for disposal of refuse which is collected as part of the annual
City of Sequim Benefit Dump Day.
A reduction may be available to charitable, nonprofit organizations, such as the Salvation
Army, St. Vincent DePaul, and Serenity House, the primM purpose of which is provide
necessary support for the poor or infirm and which must dispose of unusable donated items.
Pursuant to Chapter 35.83 RCW, a reduction may be applied to the Housing Authority of
Clallam County for self -haul of materials left by tenants who vacate housing authority
premises and for disposal of demolition debris.
All waivers or reductions approved by the Director shall be valid for 30 days and shall be
limited to projects that further the public health, safety, or welfare, enhances the environment,
or is otherwise in the public interest for parties of the interlocal agreement.
Applications approved by the Director must be presented to the scale house attendant at the
time of disposal.
B. The City may enter into contracts with rates other than as set forth in a resolution authorized
by Chapter 1.25 PANIC, provided that such rates cover the cost of providing the service and the
contract provides a benefit to the City not otherwise obtained.
C. The Director is authorized to:
1. Establish a different sales price for Class A Compost in response to operating conditions:.
provided that such price recovers the compost cost ; the price provides a benefit to the City
not otherwise obtained; the Cijy Manager, Mayor and Council members of the Utility
Advisory Committee are notified; and that the alternate price expires 90 days after adoption
by the Director, unless formally ratified by the City Council, in which event the price shall
remain in effect to the end of the calendar year.
2. Enter into payment plans and voluntary lien agreements with property owners
participating in: (1) a local government voluntary compliance agreement; or (2) a voluntary
property clean up, in lieu of nuisance abatement, assisted by a nonprofit organization, such
as the Clallam County Hoarding Task Force.
13.57.030 - Disposal regulations.
C. The Director may issue transfer station scale house reader cards, and collection entities and self -
haulers shaJ4 must use reader cards in accordance with the waste acceptance policy. GoWe6e**
the The City will determine collection entity vehicle tare weight. Collection entities must
use the reader card only for the vehicle for which it was issued and must use the outer -inbound scale
unless otherwise specified by the Director. Self -haulers sha44-must always use the reader card at the
inner -inbound and inner -outbound scales, unless otherwise specified by the Director. Self
eaeh replaeement fer a eard that has been lost, or- mispiaeed, or- damaged not due to neFmal �A,ear an
teff-. In the event a reader card is lost or misplaced by a collection entity or self -hauler, the person
responsible for reader card shall -be is required to pay for all transactions at the transfer station scale
house until the Director is notified in writing *hat the reader ^afd has been lost eF ., isp! and a
replacement card is obtained.
D. It is unlawful for any person to enter the disposal area Of any solid waste processing facility
disposal area except when an attendant is present during the designated hours of operation. Self -
haulers must place saeh refuse where directed by the attendant and shall pay these fees as set fet4h
by Gity G . nei1.
13.61.010 - Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish fees for sen,iee by, and general rules and regulations for
the service and extension of service from, the sewer system of the City of Port Angeles, and to
promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the users of the sewer system, in accordance
with standards established by the City, County, State and Federal governments.
13.61.110 - Permit application and issuance.
C. The permit application the fee shall be aceempanied by the fee r-equifed by this ehapter
is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
13.61.160 - Fees.
The fee for s .^h po... it shall be as sc4 4:6 t4h in r-hapte.. 3.70 PA rr All sewer fees, including but
not limited to, permit, connection/reconnection, alteration/repair, and capping fees, are set forth in a
resolution authorized by Chpter 1.25 PAMC.
13.62.200 - Extensions —Inspection —Fee —Deposit required. FULL SECTION
After approval of the plans and specifications, the dDepartment will provide the petitioner with an
estimate of the construction inspection fee. A pen:nit for eenst etion construction permit will be
issued after the inspection fees and estimated main connection charges as set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC have been deposited with the City Treasurer. If the Director
determines that the remaining funds are not adequate to provide necessary inspection for project
completion, the City will notify the petitioner with an estimate of additional inspection fee required.
The additional fees must be deposited with the City Treasurer prior to depletion of the funds on
deposit. Any monies unexpended from the inspection deposit upon completion of the project will be
returned to the petitioner.
13.63.090 - Annual charge.
A. The owners of all real property in the City containing impervious surfaces shall be assessed an
annual sto e4e tilily eharge at the fate as set f Ah iR this eet ^^ must pay a monthly stormwater
utility charge at the rate set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
B. Single family and duplex fesideRtial fe�.
_ ..._
.. for 35-,,� diseount eligible.
City streets State hig_hways private streets with storm and surface facilities in place meeting City
standards and other public or private owned properties or portions thereof having their own NPDES
permitted storm and surface water runoff facilities which do not discharge to City facilities are
exempt from the monthly charges.
13.63.100 —Rebates and rate adjustments.
A. Stormwater rebates may be issued for retrofit, new development or redevelopment projects that
meet the following conditions:
1. Overall project with less than 5,000 square feet of new or replaced hard surfaces, and
implements two or more of the following:
a. Permeable pavement;
b. Compost amended soils per BMP T5.13 in all disturbed area not covered by new
c. Rain gardens designed and maintained in accordance with the Department of
Ecology's SWMMWW (2014).
2. LID facilities and best management practices (BMPs) listed in subsection A.1 above, must
be designed and maintained in accordance with the Department of Ecology's SWMMWW
business,a. Pefmeabie pavement: $ 1.00 per- squaFe foot tawm;ds materials, up to a maximum reba* a
$ 1,000.00 per household or
1,000.00, per household or- busifiess,
Overall proiect is less than the minimum requirement #5 threshold (see Chapter 5 of the City
of Port Angeles Urban Service Standards and Guidelines) or is a retrofit project that
implements a rain garden.
_ ,,,, LIMAIMMOIll
a A..
A property owner may request a rate adjustment to the monthly charge, only if the property contains
no hard surfaces or if the property owner disagrees with the City's rate calculations. A request for an
adjustment must be submitted in writing to the Director of Public Works and Utilities. If the property
contains no hard surfaces, the rate will be adjusted to zero. If the City's calculations are incorrect, the
rate will be adjusted accordingly. Approved adjustments will be applied prospectively except that
the City will reimburse the property owner for overcharges paid for the year during which the
adjustment is requested and for the prior
Director- of Publie WOFIEs and Utilities. if the prop no hard rate, under PAMC 13.63.100.C. A request fer an adjustment shall be submiaed in NNqiting to the
adjusted to zero. W the City's ealeulations or amount of haFEI sur-faees under- PAW 13.63. 1 00.C= is
the rate shail be
e*eept that rvimbuf:sement 4;ar- ever-ehar-ges paid by the pr-epeFt�, awner-will be made by the City fe
Any Nrson aggrieved by a
decision of the Director of Public Works and Utilities relating to a request for a rate adjustment
authorized by PAMC 13 63 110 mayqppeal the Director's decision to the City Manager within 30
days of the date of the Director's decision. The City Manager's decision is final.
the City Manager- within 30 days E)f the Elate of the Dir-eeter-'s deeision. The City Managees deeisio
shall be final.
13.63.350 - Extensions —Inspection —Fee —Deposit required.
After approval of the plans and specifications, the dDepartment will provide the petitioner with an
estimate of the construction inspection fee. A permit for eenstfuetion construction permit will be
issued after the inspection fees and estimated main connection charges set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC have been deposited with the City Treasurer. If the Director
determines that the remaining funds are not adequate to provide necessary inspection for project
completion, the petitioner- shall be notified of such and an estimate the City with notify the petitioner
with an estimate of additional inspection fee required. The additional fees shall must be deposited
with the City Treasurer prior to depletion of the funds on deposit. Any monies unexpended from the
inspection deposit upon completion of the project shaI4-will be returned to the petitioner.
13.63.410 - Inspection.
D. The Couneil shall establish fees for- stEm:nwater- related inspeetions. inspeetion fees sha4l
detailed in PAMC 3.70.1-10. Stormwater related inspection fees are set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
13.64.060 - Fees.
septage ` a lee- centf "' is made, no annual fee shall be ^"^"^ea Each discharger must pay an annual
fee in addition to a monthly fee for the volume that is discharged at the sewage treatment plant as set
forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC; provided that no annual fee is required for
a long-term septage hauler under contract with the City_. Such contract must be for a term of at least
one year. For purposes of determining the rate underP4N4G 3.70.''�z, fresh waste is waste that
has not begun to decompose or waste chemically treated to reduce BOD and suspended solid
loading. Fresh waste has a BOD5 loading less than 400 mg/l and a suspended solids loading less
than 400 mg/l. All other waste is deemed septic discharge.
13.65.005 — Wastewater rate.
appliea le twies. The monthly rates for wastewater service are set forth in a resolution authorized by
Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
13.65.006 - Rate class assignment.
The Director of Public Works and Utilities will assign each customer to a rate class.
Section 13.65.010 - Single residential unit monthly rate, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.65.020 - Commercial and industrial rate, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.65.025 - Municipal and Federal rates, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.65.030 - Commercial and industrial equivalent plumbing fixture rate, is repealed in
its entirety.
Section 13.65.035 - Reserved, is repealed in its entirety.
Section 13.65.040 - Rate for customers outside City limits, is repealed in its entirety.
13.66.020 - Lincoln Street storm sewer connection charge —Amount.
The Lineoln Street stefm sewer- eenneefien eharge shall be $7,096.00 for- eaeh platted lat that.
eentains 500 square f � MOFe of impe ,ions suf:faee.1he Lincoln Street storm sewer connection
charge is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
13.67.020 - Milwaukee Drive trunk sewer connection charge —Amount.
AAter meterfaEter-ate defined i P ^�13.69.050. The Milwaukee Drive trunk sewer connection
charize is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
13.68.030 - Application for developer reimbursement agreement.
B. The application must be on a form prescribed by the City Engineer and must be aceom„anied by
a bl „,ieation fee . set 4:6 i4h in Chapter- 3.70 nn nnG- include the fee as set forth in a
resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
13.68.130 - Administration costs.
T4ie City shall add Ave Per-Cefit, but Rot less than $20.00 nor- FAere than $500.00, to eaeh deveiepe
rei ement edge- as r- sement for- the City's administfation tiosts. Each developer
reimbursement charge will include a fee for reimbursement for the City's administration costs as set
forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
13.69.030 - Water system development charge.
A The Cit„ C it by eb finds and deteR:ninesthat the natal est of the Cit.,'s ato system
system will be tAilized by newly eonnee4ing pr-epeFties, it iS apff0priate to establish a reasenabie
eenneetion ehar-ge in order- that sueh prep", ewnefs beaf their equitable shafe of the eapital eost o
the Systeffl.
applieable taxes, per- equivalent water- meter- r-epFeseats a r-easefiabie basis 44- a fair ;,N,a4er- system
development eha-r-ge that prapeFty awners newly eenneeting to the Gity's wa4er- system ShEMAE1 be —BF
as their equitable Sliffe Of thO eap4a! eost of -the system. Beginning januai=), 1, 2011, the City GetiReil
>whieh ineludes all applieable taxes,
imposed, per- equivalent water mete
fepr,esents a Feasonable basis for- a fair -water- system development eharge that pr-apef:ty owners newly
eORReetiflg tO the eit�"S'Water- S)'Steffl should bear- as their- equitable share of the eapital eest E)f the
The City Council hereby finds and determines that the capital cost of the City's water system
including pumps, well, distribution and transmission lines, reservoirs, rights of ways and easements,
has been borne by the City and its water system users. Pursuant to RCW 35.92.025, the City has
established a reasonable connection charge as set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25
PAMC in order that newly connecting properties bear their equitable share of the capital cost of the
system. Such charge is in addition to other fees imposed by ordinance or agreements.
13.69.040 - Sewer system development charge.
A. The City Council hereby finds and detef:Fnines that the eapital eest of the City's sewer- system
ineluding the treatment plant, eolleetion lines, pump stAens, rights of ways and easements, has been
bome by the City and its sewer- system user-s. PUFSuant to ROAL 35.92.025, sinee sueh sewer- system
will be utilized by newly eenneeting pr-opefties, it is appFopr-iate to establish a reasonable eonneetion.
ehaFgL- iR OFEIer- tha4 sueh pr-opeAy owner-s bear- their- equitable share of the eapital eost of the system.
B. The City G6cinG}l de eFmiRes th4 beginni-ng jun 2010, $1,980.00, whiieh i eludes all
applieable taxes, per- equivalent water- Fnetef fepr-esents a reasonable basis far- a 4:44 sewer- system
development ehar-ge that prepeFt�, awner-s newly eonneeting to the City's sewer- system should be-ar-
as their- equitable share of the eapital raost of the system. The City Couneil fiwther- deten:nines that
beginning januai=), 1, 2011, $2,260.00, whieh ineludes all applieable taxes, per- equivalent water -
of the system,
Q in addition to other fees impased by ofdinafiee or- pur-suant to agreeffients upon the owner-s e
the), shall pay to the Cil�, a sewer- system development ehafge detef:Fnined by rAultiplying the total
numbef of equiN,ajent water- meteF faOtOr-S fof the water- sefnviee, whieh eontfibutes to sewer system
leadings, to be instailed by the amount speeified in pafagr-aph B. above.
The City Council hereby finds and determines that the capital cost of the City's sewer system
including the treatment plant collection lines, pump stations, rights of ways and easements, has been
borne by the City and its sewer system users. Pursuant to RCW 35.92.025, the City has established
a reasonable connection charge as set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC in
order that newly connecting properties bear their equitable share of the capital cost of the system.
Such charge is in addition to other fees imposed by ordinance or agreements.
13.70.030 - Ediz Hook sewer connection charge —Amount.
The Ediz Wook sewer eonneetion charge- shall be $9,574.62, multiplied by the equivalentwaste water-
sei=�,iee-faeter-as-e-aleulatedbythe Piresterof Rablie War- s and Utilities. The Ediz Hook sewer
connection charge is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chqpter 1.25 PANIC.
13.72.030 - Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge —Amount.
The Upper- o GE)W `E)urse Road sewer eenneetion ,.1,. Fge shall be $1 964 2npef:. The Upper
Golf Course Road sewer connection charge is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25
13.73.300 - Utility rate setting.
A. Fee f4mul . A monthly service fee for the operation of the utility shall be is established fFeffl
time to time by ordi.,anee of the City Couneil in conformity with RCW 35.21.766. The afneUPA 4
transpeft eharges and the genefal fund eentfibution, shall be divided ameng PeFtAngeles residents
The rate att.ibutable to eE)StS f F a ailabilit., of the ..dirt shall be . nif ,mly applied aer-ass use
be estAlished and billed to each utijit�, user- elassifieation based an eaeh user- elassi4eation's bwden
on the utility. The fee ehar-ged by the utility shall refleet a eembination of the availability eest and
the demand eest. The r-esulting fee shall be assessed to identifiable use elassifiecRions.
Fees will not eyeeed the . . rements to eovef the easts of the utility, as authefized by the
City Couneil by adoption of an ann" budget and subsequent amendments.
B. Classifications. The monthly service fee sly will be collected from each of the following
utility user classifications:
1. Residential.
2. Adult family homes.
3. Assisted living facilities.
4. 24-hour nursing facilities.
5. Group homes.
6. Jail facilities.
7. Schools.
8. Commercial/business.
9. City public areas.
The owner or occupant of each unit in such classifications shallbe is responsible for payment of this
utility fee for the availability and use of ambulance services.
C. Service fee exemptions/reductions.
I . All vacant, unoccupied parcels are exempt from the utility fee.
2. Utility customers may be eligible for the City's Senior and Disabled Low Income
Discount pursuant to PANIC Chapter 13.20.
3. Any change in use of a parcel or any other change in circumstance that eliminates
application of an exemption from the service fee swill immediately make the affected
property subject to applicable service fees. The service fee shall beeeme is due and payable
as of the date
went the exemption no longer applies.
4. Monthly rates will not be prorated. Initial and final charges may be prorated in
accordance with the City's standard utility proration practices.
5. Any customer seeking an exemption from payment of the service fee and/or conversion
from covered to exempt status, must file a written petition with the Winanee Pir-eeter seeking
in this seetion for an exemption with the Finance Director.
6. The combined rates charged shall reflect an exemption for persons who are mMedicaid
eligible and who reside in a nursing facility, boarding home, adult family home, or receive
in -home services.
7. The combined rates charged may reflect an exemption or reduction for designated
classes consistent with Article VI I I, Section 7 of the State Constitution.
8. The amounts of exemption or reduction shall will be a general expense of the utility,
and designated as an availability cost, to be spread uniformly across the utility user
9. Multiple residential units that are served by a single utility connection shall be giyen
have the option of (1) paying the utility fees for the units as a single combined amount or (2)
charging a monthly fee to each unit occupant. Those that select the first option shall -be -are
entitled to a rate adjustment based on average occupancy, and receive a 25 percent reduction
from the utility fees eaieulated pupsumto seetion ' 3.731'04.
10. Federal or state subsidized multi -family housing complexes that are served by a single
utility connection shall will receive a 30 percent reduction in the combined rates charged
from the utility fees ,.ale l ted pursuant to seetien ' 3.73.^M. For purposes of the pr-eeeding
ce�nee-this subsection, subsidized housing means housing provided to people who are
categorized (1) as low-income, and (2) are 65 years of age, or have mental or physical
disabilities or who without the subsidized housing, would be homeless.
D. Periodic service fee review. The City Manager or- �,%dcsiiee will periodically perform
financial review and analysis of the utility's revenues, expenses, indebtedness, fees and accounting,
and recommend budgets, fee adjustments and financial policy. , the City
Manager- or his designee shall r-eeefnmend ehanges, amendments EW additiOnS fer- adOpfieR by -the
City Gounei! amendments or additions for adoption by the City Council.
E. The total revenue generated by the rates and charges shall not exceed the total costs necessary
to regulate, operate, and maintain an ambulance utility.
13.73.310 - Payment.
The monthly utility charge will be collected in accordance with the n^n�^a' ^^"e^tien pFoeedufes as
pr-e ,.fer-imn Chapter 13.16 PANIC;1?provided that, customers who have multiple utility accounts
will be billed for one monthly charge for each service address.
13.73.330 - Billing for ambulance transports.
Each person who is transported by the City's Medic I Program shall be billed by the City at the rates
set in 3.70095 PAW AA('' forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC. However, each
person assessed a monthly utili charge under PANIC 13.73.300 and who is: (1) a City resident, or
(2) is an employee of a business within the City (and the PeFSOR OF bUSiReSS o ed ft „thll '
..tilil<' GhafgL- , RdeF SeCtiOR 1 7Z inn of this eh „teF -�kill not be billed beyond their insurance
coverage, and any co -payments and deductibles are deemed to be satisfied by payment of their
monthly utility charges, provided the ep rson: (1) supplies the City with all
requested information and documentation including, but not limited to, insurance information and
medical records relative to billing for the ambulance service; and (2) assigns to the City the patient's
right to receive payment from all applicable third -party payers.
For the purpose of this section, a City resident refers to a person who has ne fi*va or established
abode,plaee of Fesidenee autside the City, utiliziees the dwelling unit inside the City as a A*ed is
not a guest, visitor, or other temporary inhabitant and whose sole residence is in the City. A student
who is regularly enrolled in an educational institution outside the City, but who would normally and
regularly be a City resident but for attendance at such educational institution, shall ll be deemed to
r,eside within the City is deemed a resident.
Chapter 13.73 — Part D, which includes section 13.73.400 — Charges established, and section
13.73.410 — Medicaid adjustment, is repealed in its entirety.
13.75.030 - WUGA water connection charge Amount.
The WUGA water eonneetion eharge shall be the fellowing:
DGMIA system and conneewd to the City NXZater- System, the amount shall be equal te the euFrent
DCMIA Residential Member -ship shafe amount f6unded to the eustemer by DOXA, minus beth the
1 �L.
amount of the wale se- *-�66ilnec�iofi fee (per- PAN C 70.1 and the ate system
( )being
DGNAIA system and eefineeted to the City Nvater- system, the amount shall be eqtia4 te the eaffent
both the amount of the water sef-viee eefineetion fee (per PANZIG and the water system
development charge (per PAN4G 13.69,03%.
shaFe(s) aFO being Feftinded, the amount shall be e 00 lus the r-edaet of e
., PAMC 13.69.050.
The WUGA water connection charge is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
13.75.050 - WUGA wastewater charge connection charge Amount.
multiplied by the remainder- that results when 1.0 is dedueted &efn the equivalent water- meter- ,
—d ,-ce� D k H 4C 13 69 ncn
The WUGA wastewater connection charge is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25
13.75.090 - WUGA water and wastewater connection charges —When collected.
The 3AIUGA watef and wastewater- eonneetkm ehar-ges shall he paid upon applieation for a NNuteF OF
kvasWwater peFmit. Genneetion to the system shall not be made until the WUGA water- and
wasWwater eonneetion eharges, standard sef-viee eonneetion fees, the system development eharges,
and any other- ehaFges imposed by ar4inanee have been paid. For existing DCWA customers being
disconnected from DCWA and connected to the City water system, these fees must be paid to the
City within 14 days of the applicant's receipt of the refunded amount of applicable membership
share(s) from DCWA. For all other customers, fees must be paid pursuant to Chapter 1.25.020.
14.01.090 - Appeals.
D. Filing ofappeals. An appeal may be file's with the Bea to the Board may be filed by any person
having legal standing or a legal interest in the building or land involved in the appealable issue
appeal shall be Pled ,,.:t:,,g with the City rlo,.l by filing a written notice of appeal with the City
Clerk and paving the fee set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC within 30 days
from the date that notice of any appealable action is served by either personal delivery or by deposit
in the United States Mail, except where other service is specifically provided in the construction
codes. The filed appeal shall -must contain:
14.03.040 - Fees.
A. The 4:�es set fbi4h in Chapter 3.70 PAN4C shall apply in ail instmees e*eept as set fel4h in
subseetieti B. of this seetiei+.
B. if the wer-k autheiized under a sign peR:nit has not been eempleted within 180 ealendar- Elays a4l
r-enewal of the pe"it and payment of renewal fees, at ene half the original fee. All fees are
Any per -son, f4R:n, or eaFpofatien whe shall ereet, re er-eet, eE)R!4Faet, alter-, er- maintain a sigfi Withei
a pen:nit first having been obtained, emeept as pfavided by the Pef4 Angeles Munieipal Gode, shall
Alt. double th * d by th 't � 1, d .lo
co-crj�" �mi—amvrniRe�ca-vTern srb��-PcrirrF�ic��—
The building code fees are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
14.05.140 - Inspection and permit fees.
A. The fees for electrical work permits shail be as sot r^"t4 in !`hater 3.70 PA nnr are set forth in a
resolution authorized by Chapter PAMC.
B. Block permit. A firm, corporation, or other entity that has a regularly employed electrical
maintenance staff, which is exempted from the requirement to have an electrician certificate of
competency by RCW 19.28.610, may may ehoese to pur-ehase obtain an electrical block permit for
work done by in-house electrical personnel rather than a work permit for each installation or
alteration in accordance with this section. Work done by contractors shall be not included in
th�s-a block permit. The Inspector will track work requested under the block permit until an
equivalent worth of work is reached, after which additional fees will be charged.
C. A fee of two times the regular permit fee shall -will be charged for work that was start without
a permit. This pr-evision shall not apply t o,,. er-gen edE when at the satis4te4ion of the inspeete
s eh war-k was ufgently neeessan, except in the case of an emergency when such work was urgently
necessary as determined by the Inspector, making it impractical to obtain a permit prior to
commencing the work. A permit must be obtained within 48 hours after the start of such emergency
14.21.025 - Inspection fees.
Inspection fees shall be as are provided in the International Fire Code unless otherwise previded i-n
the Pof4 kngeles r, unie;^al !`ode set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
14.23.030 - Permits.
A permit shame is required prior to the installation of commercial fire alarm systems. The fire alarm
plan review, inspection, and testing fees are set forth in
a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
fees No fees apply to non -required systems.
14.26.050 - Appeals.
Eeune+k Appeals under this chapter may be heard by the Fire Chief, Building Official, and member
of the building industry appointed by the City Council upon filing of a written notice of appeal and
paving the fee set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC. Decisions of this body
are final and non -appealable.
14.32.060 - Fees.
is f the buildil:q
B f the bHijEiiR ..,
expense of reviewing and pr-eeessing plans, eendueting inspeetions, and Other- sef-Viees Eleteffflified
G. The Wild' an --nit fee shall be fien re4m"e.
The building moving permit fee is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC and is
in addition to all other fees for construction or relocation of the building on the new site.
14.32.080 - Permit issuance.
A. The st naaMs for- ; e ,.f a building , o. "it shall be as follows The City will issue a
building moving pgrmit only if the following are met:
1. ,
All requirements in this chapter have been complied with;
14.32.110 - Appeal.
Anyperson aggrieved by the denial or conditioning of a permit
under this chapter may appeal such action to the Director of Public Works by filing a notice of appeal
with the Building Official and payin the he appeal fee set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter
1.25 PAMC within ten calendar days following the date of the Building Official's decision.
14.36.040 - Permit.
B. Permit application. Each pen -nit application shall must be filed with the Building Division by the
property owner, lessee, contract purchaser, or other person entitled to possession of the property, or
by an authorized agent, on a form provided by the City, and shall eantain include the following:
5. Required fee The fee set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
C. P-ermkfee seheduke. A pef:Fnit fee in an amount as shall 4em time te time be set bythe City
r ;l by e elut;, shall he id t the Building Division.Permit expiration. If the work
authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within 180 calendar days after the permit
issuance the permit will expire and any subsequent work requires a permit renewal and payment of
renewal fees.
14.36.130 - Violation —Penalty.
A. Any person violating any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor.
B. In addition to any other fines or penalties, any person, firm, or corporation who erects, re -erects,
constructs, alters, or maintains a sign without a permit, except as provided by the PAMC, must pay
double the required permit fee as a penalty.
14.40.170 - Revocation of permit —Appeals.
B. Upon revocation, the permit holder shall have a right ^r may appeal to the Hearing Examiner
per seeti n 2.18. The holder- shall .,ithin ten days of the notiee of r-eve mot; „ e 3tiee to the
PAMC 2.18.065 by filing written notice to the City Clerk and paying the appeal fee set forth in a
resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC within ten days of the notice of revocation. The Clerk
shall -will place the pefmit holdeFis appeal on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Hearing
Examiner meeting, and f ..rhwith i4 s:n the PeR:nit hE,lrle., ; «sting, date, ate time and lee tion of
the Fneeting and provide written notice of the date, time, and location of the meeting to the permit
14.40.180 - Decisions of the Director of Department of Community and Economic
Development —Appeals.
A. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Director of Community and Economic Development
may appeal the decision to the Hearing Examiner per section 2.18.PANIC 2.18.065 by filing
written notice to the City Clerk and payin the he appeal fee set forth in a resolution authorized by
Chapter 1.25 PANIC within 14 days following the date of the Director's decision.
B. Appeals shall be submil4ed to the City Gler-k in Nwiting within 14 days fbilawing the date of th-e
EB. The Hearing Examiner sla4-will conduct an open record hearing on the appeal of the Pifee4e
ofCafn. unit, and Ecenorm^Development' r Director's decision. The Hearing Examiner's decision
shall final unless appealed to Clallam County Superior Court in accordance with
PANIC 18.02.130.
15.04.250 - Fees.
The fees for actions by the City in accordance with this Chapter are set forth in a resolution authorized
by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
A. Threshold determination. For o ontal assessment to be pow .:ned by the Cit., W- --
PAW, shall be w rod of the proponent of the al. A fee is required for every environmental
assessment to be performed by the City when the City is lead agency. This fee ska11-must be collected
prior to undertaking the threshold determination, and the time periods pFavided by this ehapter for
making a threshold determination sha44-do not begin to run until payment of the fee.
B. Environmental impact statements.
1. For all proposals requiring an EIS for which the City is the lead agency and for which the
responsible official determines that the EIS must be prepared by employees of the City, the
City may charge and 'duet^ a reasonable fee to cover costs incurred by the City in the
preparation of an EIS. , applieants shall be advis
of sll Applicants must post bond or otherwise insure payment of such costs.
2. The responsible official may determine that the City will contract directly with a consultant
for preparation of environmental documents for activities initiated by some persons or entity
other than the City and may bill such costs and expenses directly to the applicant. Such
consultants sha4I-will be selected by mutual agreement of the City and applicant after a call
for proposals. Applicants may be required to post bond or otherwise insure payment of such
3. If a proposal is modified so that an EIS is no longer required, the responsible official shakl
will refund any EIS costs collected tinder divisions 1. and 2.of this subseetien whieh Pere
collected for eests net ineuffed but not incurred.
C. No fee swill be collected by the City for performing its duties as a consulted agency.
D. The City may charge an), per -son for copies of any document prepared pursuant to *e
e this chapter, and f mailing the fee f : a maRRer- pfavided by Chapter- 42.17 Dr«,
E. The City may collect a reasonable fee from an applicant to cover the cost of meeting the public
notice requirements of this chapter relating to the applicant's proposal.
15.04.280 - Appeals.
The City of Port Angeles establishes the following administrative appeal procedures under RCW
43.21 C.075 and WAC 197-11-680:
A. Any agency or person aggrieved by an action of the City may appeal the City's procedural
compliance with Chapter 197-11 WAC for issuance of the following gMn paying the appeal fee set
forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC:
15.08.020 - City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program.
Administrative Provisions
D. Variances.
1. Variances - Generally.
The Shoreline Administrator or otherwise authorized designee shall have the authority to make
findings, conclusions and recommendations on shoreline variances. The
Qpointed reviewing body shall have the authority to hear and take action on applications for
variances as authorized by subsection A above. The application for a variance shall be made on
forms prescribed by the Shoreline Administrator and shall be processed and acted upon in the same
manner as is provided for conditional shoreline development permits. If a variance application is not
merged with a pending substantial development permit application, the applicant shall pay the City
the fee established in PAW 0-a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC. All variances
issued by the City must be submitted to the Department of Ecology for its approval or disapproval
in accordance with RCW 90.58.140(10).
Variances require a public hearing as outlined in subsection A.2 above.
E. Pen -nit Application.
Application Process. The Administrator shall provide the necessary application forms for
shoreline substantial development permits, conditional use permits and variance permits.
a. The applicant shall provide, at a minimum, the following information:
1. The most recently updated Joint Aquatics Resource Permit Application (DARPA) form when
2. The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist when dete ninea applieable by the
3. The filing fee in an amount as
set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
15.20.110 - Appeals.
B. Appeals shal4-must be submitted to the Planning Division in writing within 14 days following the
dare ofnotifi ation of the decision decision date and include the appeal fee set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
15.24.060 - Procedures for wetland permits.
C. Permit applications.
4. Filing fees: At the time of an application or request for delineation, the applicant sly must pay a
filing fee as set forth in a
resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC. These fees may by the - —E)
The City may use these fees to retain expert consultants to
provide services pertaining to wetland boundary determinations, functional assessments, and
evaluation of mitigation measures. As deemed neeessai=y by the Direeter of Community an-,
tThe Director of Community and Economic Development may assess
additional reasonable fees as needed to monitor and evaluate permit compliance and mitigation
15.28.130 - Permit fees.
The permit fees are set forth in a
resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC. Such fees shall apply only when plans or other
documentation are required to be submitted with permit applications for grading and filling or
clearing and drainage activity, and no building permit including such activities has been issued. 4:he
pennit fee shall be paid at the time of submiWng plans and other- deeamentation for- review. In
addition, �Aafter approval of the plans and specifications, the City Engineer swill provide the
applicant with an estimate of the construction inspection fee, based upon the inspections which will
be necessary as listed in ' 5.28.1 60 PAN4C PAMC 15.28.160. Such inspeetion 4:� e shall be separate
ff^m the above plan ,-eview roes ^ pen:nit for eenstF' etion A construction permit will be issued only
after the deposit of the inspection fee has been made with the City Treasurer. If the City Engineer
determines that the remaining funds on deposit are not adequate to pay for the inspections required
for project completion, the City will notify the applicant
with an estimate of the amount of additional Shall be ElOPOSited With the Cit)' TFeasufer- prior- to
depletion of the 4inds on depesi fee deposit required. This additional fee must be deposited with the
City Treasurer prior to depletion of the funds on deposit. Any monies unexpended from the deposit
will be refunded to the depositor upon final completion and acceptance of the project. The basis ef
15.28.210 - Appeals.
Any person or persons aggrieved by any action of the City Engineer pursuant to the ..revision ^�
this Chapter may file an appeal as set fat'" in see4ion 18.08. 130 PAW-- to the City Manager upon
payment of the appeal fee set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
16.04.050 - Application forms.
D.The short subdivision appliea4iefi f�ee shall be as established by ardinanee and set feFth in Chaptef
The short subdivision application fee is set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
16.04.120 - Appeals.
B ^ ppeals s"a" be submitted- Appeals must be submitted with payment of the appeal fee set forth
in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC to the Community and Economic Development
Department in writing within 14 days following the date of mailing the decision to the applicant.
16.08.050 - Procedure.
B. Preliminary approval. The developer or his -the developer's surveyor shall then must transmit six
(or more if required) copies of the preliminary plat, together with the filing fee set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC, to the Community and Economic Development Department.
The amount of the filing fee shall be as established by oFdinanee and si4 feFth in Ghaptff 3.70 PAW.
The Community and Economic Development Department will submit written recommendations to
the Planning Commission prior to the Commission's public hearing in which the preliminary plat is
on its agenda.
16.10.020 - Application.
The following items are required, in quantities specified by the Community and Economic
Development Department, for a complete binding site improvement plan (BSIP) application, unless
waived by the Planning Director as not being applicable:
A. Complete BSIP application form with fee as set forth in Chapter- .7-0 of the Pef4 Angeles
dde-a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
B. Complete State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist and fee set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
16.10.100 - Appeals.
B. Appeals shall must be submitted to the Community and Economic Development Department in
writing within 14 days following the date of mailing of the decision to the applicant .and shA be
accompanied by the Fequi ap e�al fee as set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 3-.A1.25
16.12.050 - Application.
Application for a boundary line adjustment sheAl-must be made to the Community and Economic
Development Department and include the fee set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25
Development Depaftme The application shal4-must include the signatures of all property owners
affected by the adjustment. In addition, an 18-inch by 22-inch drawing, drawn to scale, must be
provided with the following information:
16.12.080 - Appeals.
B. Appeals sha14-must be submitted to the Community and Economic Development Department in
writing within 14 days following the date of mailing the decision to the applicant and include the
appeal fee set forth in a resolution authorized by hapter 1.25 PANIC.
17.13.090 - Trailer parks.
B. D •t 4; es shall be s set f .ate in Ghaj er 3.70 PAMG permit fees are set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
17.26.065 - Right-of-way use fee.
In addition to the administrative conditional use permit fee, retail stand uses that are to be located
within City right-of-way shall also be ire required to pay to the Gity of PoFt ngeles an annual rental
fee as set forth in PAMC 3.70 nnn a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC which shall be
paid prior- to initial aecupaftey on a pro-rata basis for use beginning during the calendar year and
must be paid on January 1 of each calendar year thereafter.
17.46.050 - Application procedure.
C.At the time of submil4ing an applieation tinder this seetion,
initial .,„„read,n fee in the amount f e 1 000 00. The application fee is as set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC.
17.46.060 - Extension of conditional certificate.
The conditional certificate may be extended beyond its initial three-year term by the Director for a
period not to exceed 24 consecutive months. The applicant must submit a written request stating the
grounds for the extension, aeeempanied by an), preeessing- fee -in the u„* of $500 nn
accompanied by the fee as set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PAMC. No
conditional certificate shall e is eligible for more than one such extension. An extension may be
granted if the Director determines that:
17.96.080 - Variances.
B. Application requirements. A request for one or more variances must be made by filing an
application the required fees -as-aut-lined in Chapter 3.70 D�, with the Department of
Community and Economic Development at least 30 calendar days prior to the review authority's
consideration of the application. The application must be accompanied by the materials noted on the
application eheeklist as pr-eyided by the ; ;epaF'.,. en The Community and Economic Development
Staff may require the applicant and/or representative to furnish such additional written information
or supplemental materials as necessary to enable staff and the review authority to determine le
findiRgs for- the applieation about whether OF iiat the varianee(s) shall be granted process the
17.96.090 - Filing fees.
A fee fer the filing and Pfeeessiag of applieatiaRs for all peFmits required by this title shall be paid
at the time an applieation is submit4ed. The amount of the fee shall be as established bYerdinanee
and set r f4h in Chapter- 3.70 PAW. The fees for the filing and processing of applications for all
permits required by this Title are set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
17.96.150 - Appeals.
Any appeal of a final decision rendered by the Director of Community and Economic Development
pursuant to this title shall must be filed with the Hearing Examiner within 15 days of such final
decision and include payment of the appeal fee set forth in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25
PAMC or be barred.
17.96.170 - Zoning code amendment.
Application. Any person wishing to apply for an amendment to this Zoning Ordinance must submit
a completed application and a filing fee in the amountt forth in Chapter- 3.70 P n MC as set forth
in a resolution authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC to the Department of Community and Economic
Development, together with any information necessary to comply with the requirements of the State
Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Chapter 43.21 C RCW.
18.04.050 - Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals.
B. Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals shall must be accompanied by payment 4
a processing fee as set forth in a resolution
authorized by Chapter 1.25 PANIC.
Section 2. - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to,
the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes,
rules or regulations, or ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 3. - Severability. If any provisions ofthis Ordinance. or its application to any person or
circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder ofthe Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the
Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4. - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to
the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5)
days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED by the CiV Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council
held on the 7 "-day of 2023.
Kate Dexter, Mayor
/ Z
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
Kari Martinez-Baile ty Clerk
Summary of Ordinances Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on September 5, 2023
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending portions of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code relating to fees, rates, and other charges.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adjusting the corporate boundary of
the City of Port Angeles.
These Ordinances, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative
body, is not subject to referendum. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage
and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title.
The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the Clerk's office, on the City's website
at www.cityofpa.us or will be mailed upon request.
Kari Martinez -Bailey
City Clerk
Published by summary: Wednesday, September 13, 2023