HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Agenda Packet 05302024 Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission MeetingAgenda May 30, 2024 6:00 p.m. –Special Meeting This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting;open to the public with virtual attendance available. For audio only please call: 1-844-992-4726 Use access code: 2568 415 9200 Webinar password: Q3hMQwAAY35(73467922 f rom phones and video systems) Visit: https://www.cityofpa.us/984/Live-Virtual-Meetingsto learn how to participate during public comment or watch the meeting live. Once connected, press *3 to raise your virtual hand if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the May 30, 2024, meeting only. Join using the Webex link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m794ce012ec095841c1a9b62daaaf1084 If you wish to make a comment or public testimony, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. 1| Page AGENDA A. Call to Order – Special Meeting at 6:00 p.m. B. Roll Call C. Approval of Minutes – April 18, 2024 and March 13, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes D. Public Comment E.Finance/Packet Items: February 2024 Budget Revenue and Expenditures Report 1. Changed Parks Maintenance line item to Parks Facilities. More accurate fiscal data since other accounts were already included in the Parks Maintenance budget. F. Guest Speaker 1. Tim Tucker, Parks & Recreation Manager: Parks Projects G. Director’s Report – Information Only 1. Generation III Dream Playground Update 2. Certified Playground Safety Inspector Training (CPSI), Jessica Adams 3. Senior Center HVAC Project Update 4. City Pier Floats/Ramps 5. City Pier Tower/VB Parking Lot Project 6. Elks Pickleball Courts 7. Park Host Program 8. Cemsites Cloud Software for OVC 9. Rob Merritt, Facility Rental Coordinator’s Retirement 10. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Summer Hiatus H. Discussion I. Adjournment 2| Page PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSISON MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS Port Angeles, Washington April 18, 2024 CALL TO ORDER –REGULAR MEETING:Chairperson Hodgson ROLL CALL: Commissioner Fischbein, and Commissioner Forrest APPROVAL OF MINUTES: , LATE ITEMS: oncode changes to Boards and Commissions for,from 5 PUBLIC COMMENT: FINANCE & PACKET ITEMS: - LEGISLATION: GUEST SPEAKER: ncil toto DIRECTOR’S REPORT: 1. 2. 00 3. highlighted- , 4.started on 04/15/2024 andhoping 5.a pending project has collaborated 6. ‘2025- Year Plan 7.highlighted DISCUSSION: that ADJOURNMENT: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICTION COMMISSION SPECIALMEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 13, 2024 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER -SPECIAL MEETING:A specialParks, Recreation, and Beautification Commission meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present:Commissioner Hodgson, Commissioner Fischbein, Commission McGuire, and Commissioner Forrest Members Absent: Commissioner Collins, Commissioner Hilory, and Commissioner Kiedrowski DISCUSSION:The Parks, Recreation, and Beautification Commission received a presentation on the Open Public Meetings Act, Public Records Act, Roles and Responsibilities, and Ethics for Elected and Appointed Officials. ADJOURNMENT:The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. ____________________________________________________________________ Mark Hodgson, ChairpersonShanee Wimberly, Board Clerk ΑΏΑΓ0 ±ª²lj2¤¢±¤ ³¨®­$¤¯ ±³¬¤­³&¨­ ­¢¨ «2¤¯®±³ - ±¢§ΑΏΑΓ ΑΔ υ 9¤ ± , ¯²¤£ 2%6%.5%3 AccountBudgetedGoalYeartoDatePercentageofGoal 8012SeniorCenterMembership$5,62738% $15,000 8050Cemetery$27,37911% $250,000 8155EdizHookBoatLaunch$29012% $2,500 8155VernBurtonRentals$9,56019% $50,000 8155CityPierUsage$0% $24,500.00 Total342,00$0$42,856 13% %80%.$)452%3 AccountYearlyBudgetSpenttoDatePercentageSpent 8010Administrative$345,300$138,91240% 8012SeniorCenterOperating$164,800$40,46525% 8050CemeteryMaintenance$206,700$49,52824% 8080ParksFacilities$2,106,700$460,18922% 8112SeniorCenterMaintenance$57,300$3,9327% 8131FacilityMaintenance$668,400$129,42819% 8155FacilityRentals$118,300$28,88824% Total3,667,50$0$851,342 23% ΑΏΑΓ 0 ±ª² lj 2¤¢±¤ ³¨®­ $¤¯ ±³¬¤­³ &¨­ ­¢¨ « 2¤¯®±³ &¤¡±´ ±¸ ΑΏΑΓ 17% Year Lapsed REVENUES AccountBudgeted GoalYear to DatePercentage of Goal 8012 - Senior Center Membership$ 3,89426% $ 15,000 8050 - Cemetery $ 20,8398% $ 250,000 8155 - Ediz Hook Boat Launch$ 29012% $ 2,500 8155 - Vern Burton Rentals$ 2,0954% $ 50,000 8155- City Pier Usage$ -0% $ 24,500.00 Total$ 342,000 $ 27,118 8% EXPENDITURES AccountYearly BudgetSpent to DatePercentage Spent 8010 - Administrative$ 345,300$ 97,36128% 8012 - Senior Center Operating$ 164,800$ 26,10316% 8050 - Cemetery Maintenance$ 206,700$ 31,05415% 8080 - Parks Facilities $ 2,106,700$ 278,97613% 8112 - Senior Center Maintenance$ 57,300$ 2390% 8131 - Facility Maintenance$ 668,400$ 83,94013% 8155 - Facility Rentals$ 118,300$ 20,43317% Total$ 3,667,500$ 538,106 15% ΑΏΑΓ 0 ±ª² lj 2¤¢±¤ ³¨®­ $¤¯ ±³¬¤­³ &¨­ ­¢¨ « 2¤¯®±³ * ­´ ±¸ ΑΏΑΓ 8% Year Lapsed REVENUES AccountBudgeted GoalYear to DatePercentage of Goal 8012 - Senior Center Membership$ 15,000$ 1,870 12% 8050 - Cemetery $ 250,000$ 10,374 4% 8155 - Ediz Hook Boat Launch$ 2,500 $ 2900% 8155 - Vern Burton Rentals$ 50,000$ 1,2452% 8155- City Pier Usage$ 24,500.00 $ -0% Total$ 342,000 $ 13,779 4% EXPENDITURES AccountYearly BudgetSpent to DatePercentage Spent 8010 - Administrative$ 345,300$ 53,698 16% 8012 - Senior Center Operating$ 164,800$ 14,513 9% 8050 - Cemetery Maintenance$ 206,700$ 9,7585% 8080 - Parks Facilities$ 2,106,700$ 148,7017% 8112 - Senior Center Maintenance$ 57,300$ 500% 8131 - Facility Maintenance$ 668,400$ 46,347 7% 8155 - Facility Rentals$ 118,300$ 12,504 11% Total$ 3,667,500 $ 285,571 6% PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION PARKS & RECREATION