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924 W 9th St - Building
Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc 5 circuits lighting retrofit Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 NORTHWEST EDISON INC 216 E 4TH ST 21106 86TH AVE S E PORT ANGELES WA 983623200 SNOHOMISH (360) 668 9200 gig L Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 173146 Permit Fee 83 90 Issue Date 9/10/10 Expiration Date 3/09/11 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 73 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO /FEEDER 4 00 2 6000 ECH EL ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total Charged 83 90 00 83 90 Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 417 -4735 10 00001000 134000 924 W 9TH ST 06 30 00 0 3 0000 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY Paid 0 Contractor 83 90 00 83 90 Plan Check Fee Valuation INSPECTION TYPE DATE. DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Credited IUD 9/ ILI o 00 00 00 Date 9/10/10 RESULTS p1/4v WA 98296 00 0 Extension 73 50 10 40 Due 00 00 00 REPORT STATE SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTOR. Date N Sep 09 2010 10 49AM HP LASERJET FAX g E }W SEP 9 2009 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION ELECTRICAL Building Division/Electrical Inspections INSPECTIONS 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box ,11501 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 Date: ?_)t 1 2 Single Family Dwelling Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Job Aaidress: 24 1n1. Tit 4 QOri-r A PI tXS Building Square Footage: wt 1 R Description of above Po it..T Ft-nr S L.0 LAr p m:A FrC 4.t *.l.rs r oc. 1.3P 6 12 Owner Information Name: P52TS U►.l[ALN *S. Meiling Address: 124 vv. `tttl 9Tt2Ft r' City itta:rAfitirLe.• Slate: to Tip: q 933 Phone: 3/o0 45'z 95BZFax: sl. 41'7 icor License A Exp, Item Service/Feeder 200 Amp. Service/Feeder 201400 Amp. Service/Feeder 401.600 Amp Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder A Branch Circuit W/D Service Feeder A Each Additional Branch Circuit Temp. Service! Feeder 200 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 201 -400 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp Portal to Portal Hourly Sign/DI/Me lighting Signal Circuit! Limited Energy -1 First 1500 st Commercial Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 at Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy 11 2 Family Dwelling Signal Circuit/ united Energy Multi Family Dweling Manufactured Nome Connection Renewable Electrical Energy MA System or Less Thennoetat NEW CON$TRN ONLY. Fust 1300 Square Ft. Each Aditional 500 Square Ft or Portion of Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: Unit Charge $119.90 $145.50 204.60 26220 372.50 2.60 73.50 2.60 92.70 $110.30 148.70 $167.90 95.90 88.20 95.90 63.90 63.90 $119.90 $102.30 56.00 $110.30 35.20 73.50 $110.30 DA: 9/9/7-4/c) Review Information Sheet .wfl Q13 (03 .4 73.5o ID. 40 P 2 Multi-Family or Commercial' X. Commercial Addition Alteration Remodel Repair' 61+ s t14-h o pN k=KLG 4 t=om r c kEp..sT Contractor Information Name: iv Part if v.r ept5o i.r Mailing Address: Ztle b 9sor'4 AVP SE sag, City: StveNewttsu State:..rA Lp: 9A .4(e Phone :fit- redo i 42noFax: 31.6 le Co R 21 t License 6 Exp. r)OrLT 4 E 1 9 3 P--T3 l77 Zcr. Total (ty M uttiolied br UnIt Charge S j3 3 9.0_ Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261 (1) 'Ownerwill occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that lam the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C. RCW 'Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-460, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. cob 0 cheek CtedllCardlt��Se UF LI.- 13 t 40- r[05 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc Phone data Owner SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 216 E 4TH ST PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty Unit Charge 1 00 75 0000 Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total INSPECTION TYPE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS WA 983623200 108 00 00 108 00 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 417 -4735 Date 3/31/09 09 00000285 329400 924 W 9TH ST 06 30 00 0 3 0000 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY 0 Per BASE FEE ECH EL LIMITED 1ST Paid 108 00 00 108 00 DATE Contractor ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC 102 ROSS LN PORT ANGELES WA PORT ANGELES (360) 457 4375 ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL SQFT FEE OVER 1500 143727 108 00 Plan Check Fee 3/31/09 Valuation 9/27/09 00 00 00 WA 98362 RESULTS 00 00 00 00 0 Extension 33 00 1500 SQ FT 75 00 Credited Due 4 7 1 l1/09 Chr IC L t' Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date INSPECTOR. City of Port Angeles Permit Application Building DlvlsionlElectrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street -P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington, 96362 Ph: (360) 417 4735 Fax: (360) 4174711 Date: -31 1 2 Single Family Dwelling Multi- Family or Commercial' X Commercial Addition Alteration Remodel I Repair` Plan Review klay Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address: t he )1., Building Square Footage. „ms's) It 000 scription of above Owner Information Name: Mailing Address: City' Phone: License Exp Unit Charge 93 75 $113.75 $160.00 $205.00 5291.25 2.00 57.50 2.00 7250 86,25 $116.25 $131.25 75.00 5 69.00 7500 50.00 50.00 93.75 80.00 86.25 27.50 57.50 85.25 S 43 75 State' Zip: Fax; Total (IN Multiplied by Unit CharaJ Service/Feeder 200 Amp. ServicelFeeder 201 -400 Amp Service/Feeder 401 -600 Amp. Service /Feeder 601 1000 Amp, Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder Branch Circuit WIO Service Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. Temp, Service /Feeder 201 -400 Amp. Temp. ServiCe!Feeder 401 -600 Amp Temp: Service /Feeder 601 -1000 Amp Portal to Portal Hourly Sign/Outline Lighting Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Commercial Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy 1 2 Family Dwelling Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Multi- Family Dwelling Manufactured Home Connection Renewable Electncal Energy 5KVA System or Less First 1300 Square Ft. Each Addition& 500 Square Ft, or Portion of Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage Each Swimming Pool or Hol Tub Thermostat 6a 42 Total Signature of owner electrical contractor or electrical administrator Date;,. &9- RECEIvev MAR 3 0 2009 LIGHT DEPT Contrac •r Information Name: Mailin Addle 140AS- City State: u A Zip: R Phone. 451 Fax: (DA O Cash Check t2r Card t License Owner as defined by RCW.19.29.261 (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is fmalized, (21 Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor If above said property is for sale, rent or lease, After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor I am making the electrical Installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N,E.C., RCA'. Chapter 19.28, WAC, Chapter 296.46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications. REVIEWER: DATE. 5 3 -9.5 DEPT REVIEW DATE. COMMENT DRAWING SHT NO. and/or SPEC. PARA. REVIEW COMMENTS CONCEPT REVIEW 0 PRELIM. REVIEW 0 FINAL REVIEW 0 REVISION 0 PROJECT e_i/O/G e 3 2 /4/(902. COMMENTS 1 s .4 ©q I "dU /A 7)6 t ,r ix/1S' NS {7 ,4 i —0 4 ,4Lv /r ?L c .f2e Z5 1 V-1 li ),L T s /1. 1-) 6 1 (9 i 1 a 14- fs /A /s 7s° c6 s' /rr 4/4711 aellik (4 4790 Pig V/ to exp C-ro_ (2) PPC VOre? Roo 1D ,e- Ic7, W SHEET ACTION TAKEN ON COMMENT list DWG arp.mgrray,6 number where correction made COMMENT STATUS A=Comment accepted Correction made LOCATION: 9z V A) 90 PERMIT if BACK CHECK BY/DATE: CERTIFICATE OF 'OCCUPANCY City of Port Angeles Building Division This CerticatiOn pursuant to the requirements of Section.109 of the UniformlBtillding-todecertifying that at the ume this structure was in A, compliance various ordinances-of the Cit3iregulatingBuilding construction Or use.:For thef011owing Use Classification: Dav Care-1 Building PennitNO. 'Business Name: YMCA Child Care Center Group: E-3 Type of Cousnuction: Owner of Business: Clallarn County YMCA Address:. 924 West 9 Street, Port iikneles, WA 98362 Building Address: 924 We4,9 Street, Use Zone: pi-W,PkTrin.Teln dN Port An2eles. WA 98363 Iiist'27. 2004 4:bate 4 4 Po he premises tiinconspicuous place smor 14swatye- Shall not be remove' except by Official 44• Washington State II DEPARTMENT OF 7c I SOCIAL &HEALTH SERVICES TO: BUILDING INSPECTOR CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 FROM: DCCEL, REGION 5 (MARTHA STANDLEY) 201 WEST FIRST ST STE #2 (360) 565 -2272 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 SUBJECT RECEIPT OF APPLICATION TO PROVIDE CHILD CARE This is to inform your office that we have received from. CLALLAM COUNTY YMCA COICE SCHOOL SITE NAME 924 WEST 9TH ST STREET OR BOX NO. PORT ANGELES CITY an application to establish a CLALLAM COUNTY YMCA CHILDCARE CENTER TYPE OF FACILITY at See above STREET See above CITY We will be acting on this application within 90 days of receipt. PHONE NUMBER (360) 452 -9244 98363 ZIP CODE for 15 children ZIP CODE JUL 2 2 2004 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept. of Community Development While this department does not assume any responsibility for the enforcement of local ordinances, including those pertaining to zoning, land use permits, etc. we have advised the applicant to contact your agency regarding your requirements. If your office is not responsible for zoning, land use permits, building codes, etc. please forward this notice to Othe appropriate agency Washington State 7C 7 SOCIAL &H A OF SOCIA SERVICES OF SERVICES TO: BUILDING INSPECTOR CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 FROM: DCCEL, REGION 5 (MARTHA STANDLEY) 201 WEST FIRST ST, STE #2 (360) 565-2272 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 SUBJECT: RECEIPT OF APPLICATION TO PROVIDE CHILD CARE This is to inform your office that we have received from: CLALLAM COUNTY YMCA COICE SCHOOL SITE NAME 924 WEST 9TH ST STREET OR BOX NO. PORT ANGELES CITY an application to establish a 98363 ZIP CODE CLALLAM COUNTY YMCA CHILDCARE CENTER for 15 children TYPE OF FACILITY at See above STREET See above CITY ZIP CODE TIECEIVE 1 L JUL 27 2004 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept. of Community Development We will be acting on this application within 90 days of receipt. While this department does not assume any responsibility for the enforcement of local ordinances, including those pertaining to zoning, land use permits, etc., we have advised the applicant to contact your agency regarding your requirements. If your office is not responsible for zoning, land use permits, building codes, etc., please forward this notice to Othe appropriate agency. PHONE NUMBER (360) 452 -9244 Use Classification: Group: E -3 Owner of Business: Building Address: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Port Angeles Building Division This Certification issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the Unifornm'Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating Building construction or use. For the following: Building Permit No. Business Name: YMCA Child Care Center Dav Care -15 Clallatn County YMCA 924 West 9 Street. Type of Construction: V -N Use Zone: CN Address: 924 West 9 Street. Port Angeles. WA 98362 Port Angeles_ WP, 98363 Po Shall not be r2 rngye �I,4 i 19x114 ttist' 2004 Date cuous place. ptby°tuilding Official. 0 ELECTRICAL PERMIT OWNER /APPLICANT P.A.S.D. 216 E 4TH Port Angeles, WA 98362 360/457 -8575 T: CONTRACTOR FEDERAL FIRE SAFETY 2032 SO. 0 ST. PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 360/457 -3308 PROJECT INFO Prj Type: SCHOOL DISTRICT Occ Type: Occ Grp: Occ Load: Electrical Heat Baseboard KW: Furnace KW: Heat Pump KW: Fan /Wall KW: PROJECT NOTES PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT Service: Additional Feeders: Circuit Wiring: Temp Service: Misc FIRE ALARM TOTAL FEE: COMMENTS /ACTION NEEDED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 S: Service Type O Riser O Overhead Service O Underground Service O Temp Service 4- ZONES, ADDRESSABLE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IN TWO PORTABLES AT CHOICE SCHOOL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $29.00 $29.00 Issued: 8/19/97 PROPERTY LOCATION 924 9TH ST W Lot: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Block: 300 Long Legal: Sub: TPA Parc No: DESIGNER 000 /000 -0000 Prj Value: $0.00 Cnstr Type: FIRE ALARM Land Use: RS7 Voltage: 0 Diameter: -1 -3 Service Size: 0 AMPS Feeder Size: 0 AMPS TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: Balance Due: Permit No: 6018 $29.00 $29.00 $0.00 CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND A CCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS lll'1'CH ROUGH -IN COVEl I SERVICE GENERAL COMMENTS: ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD FINAL I2/ 5(741 l ldati YES NO PW 1103 I,. ELECTRICAL PERMIT OWNER /APPLICANT P.A.S.D. 216 E 4TH Port Angeles, WA 98362 360/457 -8575 T: CONTRACTOR BOB'S ELECTRIC 1227 DEER PARK RD. PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 360/457 -6887 PROJECT INFO Prj Type: SCHOOL DISTRICT Occ Type: Occ Grp: Occ Load: Electrical Heat Baseboard KW: X Furnace KW: Heat Pump KW: Fan /Wall KW: PROJECT NOTES TWO PORTABLE CLASS ROOMS 20KW FURNACE IN EACH UNIT PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT Misc Service: Additional Feeders: Circuit Wiring: Temp Service: TOTAL FEE: COMMENTS /ACTION NEEDED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 S $156.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $156.00 Issued: 7/15/97 PROPERTY LOCATION 924 Lot: Block: Sub: Parc No: DESIGNER 000 /000 -0 000 9TH ST W 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 300 Long Legal: TPA Permit No: 5984 Prj Value: $0.00 Cnstr Type: SERVICE INSTALL Land Use: RS7 Service Type O X Riser Voltage: 120,240 20 Overhead Service Diameter: X -1 -3 O Underground Service Service Size: 320 AMPS O Temp Service Feeder Size: 0 AMPS TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: Balance Due: $156.00 $156.00 $0.00 CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER. INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT 3013 SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS DITC ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD YES 1 NO ROUGH -IN COVgR I I I SERVICE 1 7 1 1 1 1 4 7 1 -nyv- FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: PW -I 102.15 141961 Site Address: Installed By: Owner /Business: Owner /Business Address: ELECTRIC HEAT BASEBOARD KW FURNACE KW HEAT PUMP KW FAN /WALL KW Details/ Description: Ditch Inspection O.K. Rough -in /cover O.K. ty. O.K. to connect service Final O.K CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457 -0411 U./. 9 ELECTRICAL PERMIT RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION REMODEL ADD /ALTER CIRCUITS SERVICE UPGRADE /REPAIR /V" 1' /TEMPORARY SERVICE r W.S. No, CAPACITY: O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: CHANGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL SERVICE POLE SERVICE SIZE DATE DATE READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: PERMIT NO. A WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. RISER C.OVERHEAD SERVICE UNDERGROUW S VICE VOLTAGE: nZ 1 0 3 SERVICE SIZE FEEDER SIZE ENGR. OVERHEAD SERVICE APPROVED CHANGE SERVICE WIRE OTHER AMPS AMPS Site Address: 1/ Permit /Receipt Na. a I r Cs`� J L Installer p New Meters D, Li� S X 7 p si Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Buildingermit. PHONE 457 -0411, EXT. 224. NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT Electrical Inspector Permit Fee WHITE File by address PINK Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN Top: Meter Dept., Bottom. City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC Installed By: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Site Address: Owner /Business: n Owner /Business Address: ELECTRIC HEAT BASEBOARD KW FURNACE KW HEAT PUMP KW FAN /WALL KW Details/Description: q.224/ a/. cr natal W.S. No. CAPACITY: O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: CHANGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL SERVICE POLE Ditch Inspection O.K. Rough -in /cover O.K. O.K. to connect service Final O.K. WHITE File by address OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC. CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457 -0411 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION ;REMODEL ADD /ALTER CIRCUITS SERVICE UPGRADE /REPAIR TEMPORARY SERVICE 77Zetn.v SERVICE SIZE DATE READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: PERMIT NO. 679 7 DATE eh /GS RISER OVERHEAD SERVICE UNDERGROUND SERVICE VOLTAGE: 1 0 3 0 SERVICE SIZE FEEDER SIZE 1-1.41 c�l�!'�Gr ipilrA', ENGR. OVERHEAD SERVICE APPROVED CHANGE SERVICE WIRE OTHER WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. AMPS AMPS Site Address: Permit /Receipt No. y /1 9/4 579 Installer: :#4%42AftoS I New Meters Date: 1 lt Notify PortAngeles City LightbyStreet AddressandPer Numberwhenreadyforinspection .Workmustnotbecovered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Building Permit PHONE 457 -0411, EXT. 224. NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT an Electrical Insllector Permit Fee PINK Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall Site Address: Installed By: Owner /Business: Owner /Business Address: ELECTRIC HEAT BASEBOARD KW FURNACE KW (1O) HEAT PUMP KW S� FAN /WALL KW Ditch Inspection O.K. Rough -in /cover O.K. w nQ fi1,O.K. to connect service gli1Final O.K. Details /Description: W.S. No. CAPACITY: O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: CHANGE TRANSFORMER INSTALL SERVICE POLE Site Address: Installer OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC Electrical Inspector ELECTRICAL PERMIT gag uJ 7 E '&gic -cam $c.t t, t-;.r I t. (c M A) CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457 -0411 /0 /i. 0_ a „r 44 .rst-gL0) 1 SERVICE SIZE DATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION REMODEL ADD /ALTER CIRCUITS SERVICE UPGRADE /REPAIR TEMPORARY SERVICE 924' u), 9' S AAfreir J J WHITE File by address PINK Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: 8 sK ,c� New M Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector or on the Building Per 1. PHONE 457 -0411, EXT. 224. NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT PERMIT NO. DATF 7A 877s RISER OVERHEAD SERVICE UNDERGROUND SERVICE VOLTAGE: /a0 /z0 10 X 3 0 SERVICE SIZE 8 AMPS FEEDER SIZE AMPS ENGR. OVERHEAD SERVICE APPROVED CHANGE SERVICE WIRE OTHER Permit /Receipt No. 57 75' WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: Sq. Ft. eters Date� 7/a8 7.� inspection. Work must not be covered in writing on either the Wiring Report 'cQ 00 Permit Fee GREEN Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall 06 -29 -1995 09 04AM DIRECTOR, WILLIAM WHITE, R.S. BUILDING DIVISION FIRE MARENAL. ENvatONM TAL HBAI.TIi DIVISION PLANNING DIVISION WATER QUALITY Sincerely, 4 Tania M. Busch -Weak REHS Environmental Health Specialist I1 cc: Lindberg Architects FROM CC Comm Deue1 417 244 MEMORANDUM June 29, 1995 TO City of Port Angeles Building Department FROM. Tapia M. Busch -Weak, Clallam County Environmental Health RE Choice School Remodel If I can be of further assistance please feel free to contact me at 417 -2328. Post-it. Fax Note To Co./Dept Phone a Fax TO 94520353 P 01 TO 94520353 P 01 CLALLAM COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CLALLAM COUNTY COURTHOUSE 223 EAST FOURTH Sir PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 -3098 (360) 417-2000, FAx; (360) 417 -2443 Pursuant to WAC 246 366 040 Plan Review and Inspection of Schools part (1) Shall obtain written approval from the health officer, to the effect that such plans and specifications comply with these rules and regulations" I have reviewed and commented on the Choice School remodel plans. Unfortunately, 1 am unable to approve the plans in their present state. Enclosed is a memo sent to the Architects detailing my questions and concerns. I have not received a response as of June 29, 1995 7671 1Date a (p a ges► Fro (ii Ch. e k 1 Phone Fax TOTAL P 01 Envelope Summary Climate Zone 1 ENV -SUM 1994 Wct ington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Info 'Project Description Compliance Option Space Heat Type 'Project Address Glazing Area Calculation Note: Below grade walls may be included in the Gross Exterior Wall Area if they are insulated to the level required for opaque walls. Concrete/Masonry Option Envelope Requirements (enter values as applicable) Fully heated/cooled space Roofs Over Attic All Other Roofs Opaque Walls Below Grade Walls Floors Over Unconditioned Space Slabs -on -Grade Radiant Floors Vertical /Overhead Glazing Semi- heated space* THE CHOICE SCHOOL 924 W 9th Port Angeles WA 98362 Applicant Name: PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST NO 121 Applicant Address: Applicant Phone: CLAY OARS (360) 457 0949 216 EAST 4TH PORT ANGELES New Building Addition oP Prescriptive Component Performance (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications) Electric Resistance All other Total Glazing Area (rough opening) (vertical overhd) Minimum Insulation R- values IR I R I R 30 21 11 I N /A IN /A 'Existing R 10 NEW I N /A Maximum U- factors Opaque Doors Iu. 60 Vertical Glazing loe 90 Overhead Glazing IN /A Maximum SHGC (or SC) 11 0 392 0 Minimum Insulation R- values Roofs Over Semi Heated Spaces* IN /A *Refer to Section 1310 for qualifications and requirements Notes 10 971 SQ FT 468 LF PERIMETER divided by WA 98362 ■jr Alteration Change of Use Gross Exterior Wall Area 4474 0 'Date 6/28/95 For Building Department Use ENVSTD (see over for definitions) times 100 equals Glazing X 100 Check here if using this option and if project meets all requirements for the Concrete/Masonry Option. See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications. Enter requirements for each qualifying assembly in the table beigim Opaque Concrete /Masonry Wall Requirements Insulation on interior maximum U- factor is 0.19 Insulation on exterior or integral maximum U- factor is 0.25 If project qualifies for Concrete /Masonry Option list walls with HC 9.0 Btu /ft'•°F below (other walls must meet Opaque Wall requirements). Use descriptions and values from Table 20 -5b in the Code. Wall Description U- factor (including insulation R -value position) To the best of my knowledge and ability, these plans show compliance with the requirements of the 1994 yVS as initialed below- iivelope Mechanical Lighting 170594023 SPE Signature Ref.# Date Systems Analysis 8 8% July 1994 Envelope Summary (back) Climate Zone 1 ENV -SUM 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Form Electronic Beta Version 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Decision Flowchart for Prescriptive Option 1302 Space Heat Type: For the purpose of determining building envelope requirements, the following two categories comprise all space heating types: Other All other space heating systems including gas, solid fuel, oil, and propane space heating systems and those systems listed in the exception to electric resistance. (continued at right) All Insulation Installed? Opaque Walls -11 Below grade walls (ext) -10 Below grade walls (othr) -11 Roofs over attics 30 All other roofs -21 Floors over uncond.sp. -19 Slabs -on -grade R 10 Radiant floors R 10 Opaque doors U 60 Glazing Criteria Met? Glazing Vert. OH Area °I° U U SHGC 00 -15% 0 90 1 45 1.00 15 -20% 0 75 1 40 1.00 20 -30% 0.60 1.30 0.65 30 -40% 0.50 1.25 0.45 no yes 4, Lr f.rr. r V Concrete/Masonry Option* Assembly Description Ii Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for the optional Prescriptive Option. If not, either the Component Performance or Systems Analysis Options must be used. 1.3 1 r Assy Tag Electric Resistance Heat? All insulation installed Opaque Walls R -11 Masonry walls (int) U -0 19 Masonry walls (other) U -0.25 Below grade walls (ext) R 10 Below grade walls (othr) Roofs over attics R-30 All other roofs R -21 Floors over uncond.sp. R 19 Slabs -on -grade R 10 Radiant floors 10 Opaque doors U10 RR .60 Glazing Criteria Met? Glazing Vert. OH Area U U SHGC 00 -15% 0.90 145 1.00 15 -20% 0.75 140 11.00 20 -30% 0.60 130 d .65 30 -40% 0.50 1.25 0.45 no yes r r t i "f Iii T il. t et -4 9 5 0 Prescriptive Path Allowe !Component Performan or V Systems Analysis Req o y Totals' Electric Resistance: Space heating systems which use electric resistance elements as the primary heating system including baseboard, radiant, and forced air units where the total electnc resistance heat capacity exceeds 1 0 W /ft' of the gross conditioned floor area Exception: Heat pumps and terminal electric resistance heating in variable air volume distribution systems. <20 °o Glazin yes r no r All Insulation Installed? Opaque Walls 19 Masonry walls (int) U 0.19 Masonry walls (other) U 0.25 Below grade walls (ext) R 10 Below grade walls t 19 Roofs over attics R 38 All other roofs Floors over uncond. R -30 Slabs -on -grade IR 10 Radiant floors h 10 Opaque doors U -0.60 Glazing Criteria Met? Glazing Vert. OH Area U U SHGC 00 -20% 0.40 0.80 1.00 yes no Wall Heat Capacity (HC) HC* I Area (sf) Mason all Criteria (below All walls R -19 nsulatio <20° Glazin yes no V HC x Area no All Insulation Installed? Opaque Walls Below grade walls (ext) R Below grade walls (othr) R Roofs over attics R All other roofs Floors over uncond. R Slabs -on -grade R Radiant floors Opaque doors U40 Glazing Criteria Met? Glazing Vert. OH Area U U S 00 -20% 0 40 0.80 1. yes no no yes July 1994 *If the area weighted heat capacity (HC) of the total above grade wall is a minimum of 9 0 the Concrete Masonry Option may be used. *For framed walls, assume HC =1 0 unless calculations are provided; for all other walls, use Section 2009 Building Permit Plans Checklist ENV -CHK 1994 VK .1shington State Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Address N/A YES N/A YES YES YES N/A YES N/A YES YES YES YES YES N/A N/A YES YES YES 1414.3 THE CHOICE SCHOOL Date 6/28/95 The following information is necessary to check a building permit application for compliance with the building envelope requirements in the Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability Code (show with X) Section Component Information Required GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Sections 1301 1314) 13u1 'scope 14uz (space neat type it lectrlc resistance I utner 1310.2 Ibemi- heal2a spaces 1.311 I insulation I Uiazing and actors YES 1312.2 SHGC ts< SU 1 313 'Moisture control 1 313.1 I vapor retaraers 1313.2 Irtooviceiling vap.ret. 1313.3 iwaii vapor retarder 1313.4 ti -Ioor vapor retarder 1313.5 It. rawl space vap. ret. 1.514 Air leakage ag.envenUaing 1314.2 (Glazing /door sealing AssemD. as aucts unconamonea spaces laemmneo on plans it anowea lnaicate on plans mat eiectnc resistance neat is not anowea S emi- neafea spaces identified on plans it allowea 1,511 1 (Instil. installation inmate aensities anti clearances 1311.2 R oo /ceiling insul. n Ica e -value on root sections tor attics ana ofner roots; Indicate clearances for attic insulation; Indicate baffles if eave vents installed; Indicate face stapling of faced batts 1311.3 Wall insulation Indicate R -value on wall sections; Indicate face stapling of faced batts; Indicate above grade exterior insulation is protected; Indicate loose -fill core insulation for masonry walls as necess; Indicate heat capacity of masonry walls if masonry option is used or if credit taken in ENVSTD 1311 4 floor insulation Indicate R-vaiue on floor sections; Indicate substantial contact with surface; Indicate supports not more than 24' o.c. Indicate that insulation does not block airflow through foundation vents 1311.5 b- on- gradeThoor Indicate R -value on wall section or foundation detail; Indicate slab insulation extends down vertically 24' from top; Indicate above grade exterior insulation is protected 1311 .6 a Ian Ioor Indicate R -value on wall section or foundation detail; SHEET A -10 R -30 SHEET A 9 ti 10 R -19 EXISTING/ NEW R 10 Indicate slab insulation extends down vertically 36' from the top; Indicate above grade exterior insulation is protected; Indicate insulation also under entire slab where req'd. by Official Provide calculation of glazing area (including both vertical SPEC. 08415 -4 vertical and overhead) as percent of gross wall area n Ica a glazing ana door U- tactors on giazing and door 0= 65 WINDOWS ADDENDUM schedule (provide area weighted calculations as necessary) SECTION 08520 Indicate if values are NFRC or default, if values are default Location Building Department on Plans Notes then specify frame type, glazing layers, gapwidth, low -e v= 50 DOORS SOLID CORE coatings, gas fillings SECTION 08211 Indicate giazing sof 1 eat gain coefficient or shaaing coefficient on glazing schedule (provide area weighted calculations as necessary) I imamate vapor retaraers on warm siae Imamate vapor retaraer on root section; l vap. retard. with sealed seams for non -wood struc. I lnaicate vapor retaraer on wan section inatcate vapor retarder on moor section IsPEC. Indicate six mil black polyethylene overiappeaT2" on grouno' I irate sealing, caulking, gasketing, and wed er stnpping Indicate weatherstripping (lnaicate sealing, caulking ana gasketing I l 'SPEC. 7210 (SPEC 7210 (SPEC 7210 7210 I I I SPEC 7900 ,SPEC 7900 1 1 PRESCRIPTIVE /COMPONENT PERFORMANCE (Sections 1320 -23 or 1330 -34) YES nveiope Sum. Form completed ana attacnea. Provide component performance worksheet if necessary Provide ENVSTD screen 1 output if necessary It "no" is circieci tor any question, provide explanation. This is an existing building upgrading The removal of galzing and added insulation far exceed the heatpump requirements July, 1994 1994 Washin on Sta e Nonresidential Ener• Code Com•liance Form Electronic Beta Version Building Permit Plans Checklist 1994 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms ENV -CHK July 1994 Envelope General Requirements 1311 Insulation 1311.1 Installation Requirements: All insulation materials shall be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions to achieve proper densities, maintain dearances, and maintain uniform R- values. To the maximum extent possible, insulation shall extend over the full =moment area to the intended R- value. 1311.2 Roof /Ceiling Insulation: Open-blown or poured loose -fill insulation may be used in attic spaces where the slope of the ceiling is not more than 3/12 and there is at least thirty inches of dear distance from the top of the bottom chord of the truss or ceiling joist to the underside of the sheathing at the roof ridge. When eave vents are installed, baffling of the vent openings shall be provided so as to deflect the incoming air above the surface of the insulation. Where lighting fixtures are recessed into a suspended a exposed grid ceiling, the roof /ceiling assembly shall be insulated in a location other than directly an the suspended ceiling. Exception: Type IC rated recessed lighting fixtures. Where installed in wood framing, fazed batt insulation shall be face stapled. 1311.3 Wail Insulation: Exterior wall cavities isolated during framing shall be fully insulated to the levels of the surrounding wills. When installed in wood frarning, faced batt insulation shall be face stapled. Above grade exterior insulation shall be protected. 1311.4 Floor Insulation: Floes insulation shall be installed in a permanent manner in substantial contact with the surface being insulated. Insulation supports shall be installed so spacing is not more than twenty four inches on center Installed insulation shall not block the airflow through foundation vents. 1311.5 Slab -On -Grade Floor Slab-en -grade insulation installed inside the foundation wall shall extend downward from the tcp of the slab a minimum distance of twenty -four inches or to the top of the footing, whichever is less. Insulation installed outsidethefoundaticn shall Extend downward a minimum of twenty -four inches a to the frostiine, whichever is greater Above grade insulation shall be protected. Exception: For monolithic slabs, the insulation shall edend downward fm the top of the slab to the bottom of the fooling. 1311.6 Radiant Floors (on or below grade): Slab -on -grade insulation shall extend downward from the tcp of the slab a minimum distance of thirty -six inches a downward to the tcp of the footing and horizontal for an aggregate of not less than thirty -six inches. If required by the building official where sal conditions warrant such insulation, the entire area of a radiant floor shall be thermally isolated from the sal. Where a soil gas control system is provided belavthe radiant floor which results in increased convective flow below the radiant floc the radiant floor shall be thermally isolated from the sub -floor gravel layer 1312 Glazing and Doors 1312.1 Standard Procedure for Determination of Glazing and Door U- Factors: U- factors for glazing and doors shall be determined, certified and labeled in accordance Mth Standard RS-31 by a certified independent agency licensed by the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC). Corrpliance shall be based on Model Size AA a BB. Product samples used for U-fador determinations shall be production line units or representative of units as purchased by the consumer or contractor Unlabeled glazing and doors shall be assigned the default U- factor in Section 2006. 1312.2 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and Shading Coefficient: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), shall be determined, certified and labeled in accordance with the National Fenestration Rating Counal (NFRC) Standard by a certified, independent agency, licensed by the NFRC. Exception: Shading coefficients (SC) shall be an acceptable altemate for compliance with solar heat gain coeffnaent requirements. Shading coefficients far glazing shall be taken from Chapter 27 of Standard RS-27 or from the manufacturer's test data 1313 Moisture Control 1313.1 Vapor Retarders: Vapor retarders shall be installed on the warm side (in winter) of insulation as required by this section. Exception: Vapor retarder installed with not more than 1/3 of the nominal R -value between it and the conditioned space. 1313.2 Roof /Ceiling Assemblies: Roof /ceiling assemblies where the ventilation space above the insulation is less than an average of twelve inches shall be provided with a vapor retarder Roof /ceiling assemblies without a vented airspace, Mere neither the roof deck nor the roof structure are made of wood, shall provide a continuous vapor retarder with taped sears. Exception: Vapor retarders need not be provided where all of the insulation is installed between the roof rnemt cane and the structural roof deck 1313.3 Walls: Walls separating conditioned space from unconditioned space shall be provided with a vapor retarder 1313.4 Floors: Floors separating conditioned space from unconditioned space shall be provided with a vapor retarder 1313.5 Crawl Spaces: A ground cover of six mil (0.006 inch thick) black polyethylene or approved equal shall be laid over the ground within crawl spaces. The ground cover shall be overlapped twelve inches minimum at the joints and shall edend to the foundation wall. Exception: The ground cover may be omitted in craM spaces if the crawl space has a concrete slab floor with a minimum thickness of three and one -half inches. 1314 Air Leakage 1314.1 Building Envelope: The requirements of this section shall apply to building elements separating conditioned from unconditioned spaces. Exterior joints around windows and door frarues, openings between walls and foundation, between walls and roof and wall panels; openings at penetrations of utility services through walls, floors, and roofs; and all other openings in the building envelope shall be sealed, caulked, gasketed, or w atherstripped to limit air leakage. 1314.2 Glazing and Doors: Doors and operable glazing separating conditioned from unconditioned space shall be weatherstripped. Fixed windays shall be tight fitting with glass retained by stops with sealant or caulking all around. Exception: Openings that are required to be fire resistant. 1314.3 Building Assemblies Used as Ducts or Plenums: Building assemblies used as ducts or plenums shall be sealed, caulked, and gasketed to limit air leakage. Mechanical Summary MECH -SUM '1994 Vlashington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms July, 1994 Project Info Project Address Applicant Name: Applicant Address: Applicant Phone: THE CHOICE SCHOOL 924 W 9th Port Angeles WA 98362 PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST NO 121 216 EAST 4TH. PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 CLAY OAKS (360) 457 -0949 1Date For Building Dept. Use 6/22/95 Project Description I Two separated buildings with a total of two 3 ton and eight 2 5 ton heatpumps Because of the building separation the maximum total size is 186 000 Btu /h. Economizers will not be Briefly describe mechanical system required. type and features. Compliance Option Equipment Schedules ►Z� Simple System Complex System Systems Analysis (See Decision Flowchart (over) for qualifications) The following information is required to be incorporated with the mechanical equipment schedules on the plans. For projects without plans, fill in the required information below. Cooling Equipment Schedule Equip. OSA CFM SEER ID Brand Name' Model No. Capacity2 Total CFM Econo or EER IPLV3 Location HP 1 3 CARRIER 150HS030 -3 29000 0 1000 0150 10 0 ROOF 5 7 10 1 I I 1 HP 4 6 CARRIER 150HS036 -3 35600 0 1270 0150 10 1 Heating Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Name' Model No.1 Input Btuh I N/A 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I OSA cfm Capacity2 Total CFM Econo HP 1 3 CARRIER (50HS030 -3 1 15000 01 1000 0150 5 7 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 I HP 4 6 CARRIER 150HS036 -3 1 17400 0 1270 0150 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fan Equipment Schedule Equip. ID Brand Name' Model No. Flow Control I I I I AirP11 VED o the best of my tcno edge an s ity these CFM Spl HP /BHP 1 If available. 2 As tested according to Table 14 -1 14 -2 or 14 -3. 3 Itivoul!4 VSECIAVihifttiki applicable. s Flow control types: VAV constant volume, or variable- ;peed. Envelope Mechanical Lighting ,AY./..r21 1 7 0 5 9/ 0 7 3 Output Btuh ROOF iciency or AFUE, as Efficiency' HSPF 6 8 HSPF 6 8 Location of Service 1994 Washin ton State Nonresidential Ener• Code Com•liance Form Electronic Beta Version Mechanical Summary (back) MECH-SUM System Description See Section 1421 for full description of Simple System qualifications. Decision Flowchart Use this flowchart to determine if project qualifies for Simple System Option. If not, either the Complex System or Systems Analysis Options must be used. Start J System Type eating /Cooling r cooling Only If Heating /Cooling or Cooling Only If Heating Only Reference Sec. 1421 Includes Econo?j no yes F i V Constant vol? Air cooled? Packaged sys? <54 000 Btuh? Split system? Economizer included? <5000 cfm? <70% outside air? 54 000 B r 1900 cf N /yes V Reference Sec. 1423 Simple Syste Allowed Reference Sec. 1420 yes Split ystemy 54 000 B r 1900 cf yes` Use Complex Reference System Sec. 1430i Refer to MECH -COMP Mechanical Complex Systems for assistance in determining which Complex Mechan Com lex Systems- —qtr P Y r t S ystems requirements are. this project. .ei 4 ,w V, P t 4 3 a: e., r o' �3 i -4' .tf- is 4• ti r..:!x,. i 'r: '1" Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH -CHK 1994 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Fortes I Date The following information is necessary to check a mechanical permit application for compliance with the mechanical requirements in the Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Project Address Applicability Code (show with X) Section HVAC REQUIREME 1 1411 I YES I YES YES YES N/A YES YES YES N/A YES N/A NO N/A N/A N/A YES YES YES YES YES �1 1412 1412.1 1412.2 1412.3 1412.4 1412.4 1 1412.5 1412.6 THE CHOICE SCHOOL Component ections 1'61 1424) tgpmtpenormance 1411 4 1411 1 Pkg. elec. htg.& clg. List heat pumps on scti the Minimum efficiency it quipment schedule with type, capacityTticlency NVAt.. controls 1 emperature zones Ueadband control Information Required ate locations on plans !inmate 5 aegree deadbana minimum mummy control inalcate numlalstat Automatic setback Indicate tnermostat with night setback and ditt. day types Dampers n Ica a aamper IOGation ana a atic controls Heat pump contro n male microprocessor on tnermostat schedule Combustion hug. indicate moan or staged control 1412./ balancing indicate oalancing features on plans nermostat Interlock Indicate tnermosta in a ock on pans I 1423 Itconomizers 'equipment scneauie 1413 Air economizers t)peratlon 101 n egra 1414 uucnng systems 1414 1 uuct sealing uc insu ation 1413.1 Iriping insulation 1444 Separate air sys. ecn. bum. corm e tat ro capaoility on scnel3Cile n (Cate controls contiaT7617to evalua a outsloe air ea operation Indicate capabi l for partia Ming inalcate sealing necessary Indicate R -value of insulation on duct inmate rc -value or insulation on piping inmate separate systems on plans t. ompieted and attached. equipment schedule with types, input/output, efficiency cfm, hp, economizer A ED POOLS (Sections 1440 -1454 SERVICE TER HE TING AND HE 1440-1454) 144U Service water ntg. 1 N/A 1441 ti e c. water eater 'Indicate R -10 insulation unaer ank N/A 1442 I bnut -on controls I inalcate automatic snut -ott 143u irieatea pools N/A 1402 tool water Heaters inaicate not electric resistance N/A 1453 Pool heater controls Indicate switch and 65 aegree control N/A 1434 'root covers 'inaicate vapor retardant cover N/A 1434 I1 Uu+ aegrees Imamate K 12 pool cover it "no" is circled tor any question, provide explanation. Unite under 54 000 Btu /h with separate buildings not exceeding the 240 000 total Btu /h limit 6/22/95 Location Building Department on Plans Notes I I IMECN SUMMARY I I M -01 SECTION 15900 SECTION 15900 SECTION 15900 SECTION 15900 SPEC 15891 -4 I 1 `SPEC 15291 -4 IM -01 R 5 Interior ISPEC 15290 'ROOFTOP PACKAGE UNIT July 1994 A- 1 I t •1 k •I 1 1' •11• -.1 •111 •1 •1 Mechanical Permit Plans Checklist MECH-CHK 1994 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms Jury 1994 Mechanical General Requirements 1412 Controls 1412.1 Temperature Controls: Each system shall be provided with at least one temperature control device. Each zone shall be controlled by individual thermostatic controls responding to temperature within the zone. At a minimum, each floor of a building shall be considered as a separate zone. 1412.2 Deadband Controls: When used to control bath comfort healing and coding, zone thermostatic controls shall be capable of a deadband of at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and coding energy to the zone is shut off or reduced to a minimum. Exceptions: 1 Special occupancy, special usage, or code requirements where deadband controls are not appropriate. 2. Buildings complying with Section 1141 4, if in the proposed building energy analysis, heating and coding themnostat setpoints are set to the same temperature between 70 degrees F and 75 degrees F inclusive, and assumed to be constant throughout the year 3. Thermostats that require manual changeover between heating and coding modes. 1412.3 Humidly Controls: If a system is equipped with a mans for adding moisture, a humidistat shall be provided. 1412.4 Setback and Shut -Off: HVAC systems shall be equipped with automatic canfrds capable of accomplishing a reduction of energy use through coned setback or equipment shutdown during periods of non -use or alternate use of the spaces saved by the system. The automatic controls shall have a minimum seven-day dock and be capable of being set fa seven dl f&mt day types per week. Exceptions: 1 Systems serving areas which require continuous operation at the same temperature setpdnt. 2. Equipment with full bad demands of 2 kW (6,826 Btulh) or less may be controlled by readily accessible manual off- hour controls. 14124.1 Dampers: Outside air intakes, ehaust outlets and relief outlets serving conditioned spaces shall be equipped with dampers which dose automatically when the system is off or upon power failure. Stair shaft and aerator shaft smoke relief openings shall be equipped with normally open dampers. These dampers shall remain dosed in normal operation until activated by the fire alarm system or other approved smoke detection system Exceptions: 1 Systems serving areas Mich require continuous operation. 2. Combustion air intakes. 1412.5 Heat Pump Controls: Unitary air coded heat pumps shail include microprocessor contrds that minimize supplemental heat usage during start-up, set -up, and defrost conditions. These contrds shall anticipate need for heat and use compression heating as the first stage of heat. Controls shall indicate when supplemental heating is being used through visual means (e.g. LED indicates). 1412.6 Combustion Heating Equipment Controls: Combustion heating equipment with a capacity over 225,000 Btulh shall have modulating or staged combustion control. Exaoeptions: 1 Boilers. 2. Radiant Heaters. 1412.7 Balancing: Earn air supply outlet or air or water terninal device shall have a means for balancing, including but not limited to, damps s, temperature and pressure test cone cticns and balancing valves. 1413 Air Economizers 1413.1 Operation: Air economizers shall be of automatically modulating outside and return air dampers to provide 100 percent of the design supply air as outside air to reduce or eliminate the need fa mechanical coding. 1413.2 Control: Air economizers shall be controlled by a control system capable of determining if outside air can meet pal or all of the building's holing loads. 1413.3 Integrated Ope ration: Building Heating Energy Air economizers shail be capable of providing partial coding even when additional mechanical coding is required to meet the remainder of the coding load. Controls shall not prelude the economizer operation when mechanical coding is required simultaneously. Exception: Economizers on individual, direct expansion, coding systems with capacities not greater than 75,000 Btu/h may indude controls that limit simultaneous operation of the economizer and mechanical coding for the purpose of preventing ice formation on coding coils. 1414 Ducting Systems 1414.1 Sealing: Duct work which is designed to operate at pressures above 1/2 inch water cdumn static pressure shall be sealed in accordance with Standard RS-18. Extent of sealing required is as follows: 1 Static pressure: 1/2 inch to 2 inches; seal transverse joints. 2. Static pressure: 2 inures to 3 inches; seal all transverse joints and longitudinal seams. 3. Static pressure: above 3 inches; seal all transverse joints, longitudinal seams and duct wall penetrations. 1414.2 Insulation: Ducts and plenums that are constructed as pat of the building envelope shall meet the requirements of Chapter 13. Other ducts and plenums shall be thermally insulated per Table 14-5. Exceptions: 1 Within the I-1VAC equipment. 2. Exhaust air ducts not subject to condensation. 3. Exposed ductwork within a space that saves that space only. 1415 Piping Systems 1415.1 Insulation: Piping shall be thermally insulated in accordance with Table 14-6. Exception: Piping installed within unitary HVAC equipment. Water pipes outside the conditioned space shall be insulated in accordance with Washington State Plumbing Code (WAC 51 -26) 1420 SIMPLE SYSTEMS (PACKAGED UNITARY EQUIPMENT) 1421 System Type: To qualify as a simple system, systems shall be one o the following: a. Air coded, constant volume packaged equipment, which provide heating, coding or both, and require oNy exdenal connection to dud work and energy services. b. Air coded, constant volume split systems, which provide heating, coding or both, with coding capacity of 54,000 Btu/h or less. c. Heating only systems with have a rapacity of less than 5,000 cfm or which have a minimum outside air supply of Tess than 70 percent of the total air circulation. All other systems shall comply with Sections 1430 through 1438. 1422 Controls: In addition to the control requirements in Section 1412, where separate heating and coding equipment save the same temperature zone, thermostats shall be interiodced to prevent simultaneous heating and coding. 1423 Economizers: Economizers meeting the requirements of Section 1413 shall be installed on packaged roof top fan coding units having a supply capacity of greater than 1,900 cfm or a total coding capacity greater than 54,000 Btulh. The total capacity of all units without economizers shall not exceed 240,000 Btu/h per building. 1424 Separate Air Distribution Systems: Zones with special process temperature requirements and/or humidity requirements shall be served by separate air distribution systems from those serving zones requiring only comfort conditions. Lighting Summary LTG -SUM 11.9 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Info Project Address 'Project Description Compliance Option Alteration Exceptions (check appropriate box) S CH OO L Location Covered Parking Open Parking Outdoor Areas Bldg. (by facade) Bldg. (by perim) Proposed Location EXTERIOR Applicant Name: Applicant Address: Applicant Phone: 1 1 1 From Table 15 -1 (over) 1(3)F032T8 EL. 1(2)F032T8 EL Envelope SPE Sinattare THE CHOICE SCHOOL 924 W 9th Port Angeles WA 98362 PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DIST NO 121 216 EAST 4TH. PORT ANGELES WA 98362 CLAY OAKS (360) 457 -0949 Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage (Interior) Location (floor /room no.) Occupancy Description o the best of my Ifortuvelesipaunaliability these rilinwatticaarrsompliance with the requirements or the 1994 WSbU; as inittaiea t,etow• Total Pr000sed„ tts may not PYr0Prt Total Mechanical New Building Addition ►Ii Alteration Prescriptive Lighting Power Allowance Systems Analysis (See Qualification Checklist (over). Indicate Prescriptive LPA spaces clearly on plans.) No changes are being made to the lighting Less than 60% of the fixtures are new, and installed lighting wattage is not being increased document all exceptions taken from footnotes 170594023 1 Date (May not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Interior) Number of Fixtures Proposed Lighting Wattage (Interior) Location (floor /room no.) Fixture Description RF 1 SAL TROFFERS SF 1 HAL SURFACE WRAPS Total Proposed Watts may not exceed Total Allowed Watts for Interior Maximum Allowed Lighting Wattage (Exterior) Allowed Watts Description per ft or per If 0.2 W /ft 0.2 W /ft 0.2 W /ft 0.25 W /ft 'PERIMETER I 7.5 W /If Note: for building exterior choose either the facade area or the perimeter method, but not both) P PR AL o Mimed Watts for Exterior) Number of Fixtures Allowed Watts per ft a 1Date For Building Department Use Area in ft 1 41 10971 01 1 1 1 1 1 Total Allowed Watts) 4 01 Watts/ Fixture 81 01 90 01 88 01 60 01 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 Total Proposed Watts) Area in ft (or If for perimeter) 466 01 T otal Allowed Watts) Watts/ Fixture 200 01 6/22/95 1 Total Proposed Watts) July, 1994 Allowed x Area 14810 85 Watts Proposed 14810 85 12570 Allowed Watts x ft (or x If) Watts Proposed 7290 52801 3495 3495 800 800 Lighting Summary (back) LTG -SUM 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code Compliance Forms Prescriptive Spaces Qualification Checklist Lighting Fixtures: Note: If occupancy type is 'Other" and fixture answer is checked, the number of fixtures in the space is not limited by Code. Clearly indicate these spaces on plans. If not qualified, do LPA Calculations. Use' Painting, welding, carpentry machine shops Barber shops, beauty shops Hotel banquet/conference /exhibition hall'° Laboratories Aircraft repair hangars Cafeterias, fast food establishments Factories, workshops, handling areas Gas stations, auto repair shops Institutions Libraries Nursing homes Wholesale stores (pallet rack shelving). Mall concourses Schools buildings, school classrooms, day care centers Laundries Office buildings, office/administrative areas in facilities of other use types (including but not limited to schools, hospitals, institutions, museums, banks, churches) 1994 Washin ton State Nonresidential Ener Code Com•liance Form Electronic Beta Version 'Occupancy Warehouses, storage areas or aircraft storage hangers Other Check here if at least 95% of fixtures in the space meet all four criteria: 1 Fixtures are fluorescent, non lensed, with only one or two lamps, and 2. Lamps are T 5, T -6 T -8 or PL, and 3. Lamps are 5 -50 Watts, and 4 Ballasts are electronic ballasts Table 15 -1 Unit Lighting Power Allowance (LPA) for Interior Lighting LPA (W/ft 2.3 2 2 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 14 1.35 1.3 1.2 Use+ Police and fire stations" Atria (atriums) Assembly spaces auditoriums, gymnasia theaters Process plants Restaurants/bars Retail A Retail B Retail banking Locker and/or shower facilities Warehouse& storage areas Aircraft storage hangars Parking garages Plans Submitted for Common Areas Only' Common area, corridors, lobbies (except mall concourse) Toilet facilities and washrooms 1 1 1 1.5 0.8 0.5 I 0.4 1 see section mJ[ July 1994 LPA (Wift 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 Footnotes for Table 15 -1 1 In cases in which a use is not mentioned specifically the Unit Power Allowance shall be determined by the building official. This determination shall be based upon the most comparable use specified in the table. See Section 1512 for exempt areas. The watts per square foot may be increased, by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twenty feet, unless specifically directed otherwise by subsequent footnotes. 3 Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above twelve feet. 4 For all other spaces, such as seating and common areas, use the Unit Light Power Allowance for assembly 5 Watts per square foot of room may be increased by two percent per foot of ceiling height above nine feet. 6. Includes pump area under canopy 7 In cases in which a lighting plan is submitted for only a portion of a floor a Unit Lighting Power Allowance of 1.35 may be used for usable office floor area and 0.80 watts per square foot shall be used for the common areas, which may include elevator space, lobby area and rest rooms. Common areas, as herein defined do not include mall concourses. 8. For the fire engine room, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance is 1 0 watts per square foot. 9 For indoor sport tournament courts with adjacent spectator seating, the Unit Lighting Power Allowance for the court area is 2.6 watts per square foot. w 10. For both Retail A and Retail B, light for free standing display' building showcase illumination and display window illumination installed within two feet of the window are exempt. Retail A allows a Unit Lighting Power Allowance of 1 0 watts per square foot. Ceiling mounted adjustable tungsten halogen and HID merchandise display illuminaries are exempt. Retail B allows a Unit Lighting Power Allowance of 1.5 watts per square foot, including all ceiling mounted merchandise display luminaries. 11 Provided that a floor plan, indicating rack location and height, is submitted, the square footage. a warehouse may, be defined, for computing the interior Unit Lighting Power Allowance, as the floor area not covered by racks plus the vertical face area (access side only) of the racks. The height allowance defined in footnote!2 applies only to the floor,area :not,covered by racks. Lighting Permit Plans Checklist LTG -CHK 19041Nastlington State Energy Code Compliance Forms Project Address i Date 5/22/95 The following information is necessary to check a lighting permit application for compliance with the lighting requirements in the 1994 Washington State Nonresidential Energy Code. Applicability Code show with XX Section Component Information Required ection 1513) YES I lbls.1 ILOCai control/access Iscneaule witn type, inmate locations (SHEET A -11 YES I 1b1J.2 (Area controls 'Maximum limit per swltcn ISHEET A 11 1 1513.3 Daylight zone control Schedule with type ana a Lures, inaica a ocations I I mix I 1 vertical glazing Ilndicate vertical glazing on plans I I N/A 1 1 overneaa glazing I Indicate overneaa glazing on plans I N/A I 1 0'id.4 'Exterior separate controls I 1 1513.5 Exterior snut -ott Schedule with type anaTeatures, tnatca a ocation 1 N/A j 1(a) timer w /oackup I lnalcate iocation I 1 YES I I(b) pnotoceil. (indicate location ISHEET A 11 j 1 al s.b I Inter auto snut -on I lnaicate location YES 101 (a) occup. sensors Iscnedule witn type ana locations SHEET A 11 N/A I au to. switches 'Schedule with type ana eatures (oack -up, ovemae capaol i I II II inaicate size ix zone on plans I 1 LIGHTING WATTAGd (Sections 1520 -22 or 1530 -32) YES I ILignting Sum. Form Ieompietea and attacnea. 1 1 1 1 bcneauie with tixture types, 1 1 lamps, masts, watts per fixture I I ELECTRIC OTORS }Section 1511) N/A I IElec motor efficiency IMEUH 1 or Equipment Schedule with np, rpm, errlciency 1 I It "no" is circled tor any question, provide explanation. Occupancy sensors to be provided for each class room and manual controles THE CHOICE SCHOOL July 1994 Location Building Department on Plans Notes 1994 Washin•ton State Nonresidential Ener Code Com Iiance Form Electroni Beta Version Lighting Permit Plans Checklist 1994 Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms LTG -CH_ July 1994 Lighting General Requirements 1513 Lighting Controls 1513.1 Local Control and Accessibility Each space, enclosed by walls or ceiling- height partitions, shall be provided with lighting controls located within that space. The lighting controls, whether one or more, shall be capable of turning off all lights within the space. The controls shall be readily accessible, at the point of entry/exit, to personnel occupying or using the space. Exceptions: The following lighting controls may be centralized in remote locations: 1 Lighting controls for spaces which must be used as a whole. 2. Automatic controls. 3. Controls requiring trained operators. 4. Controls for safety hazards and security 1513.2 Area Controls: The maximum lighting power that may be controlled from a single switch or automatic control shall not exceed that which is provided by a twenty ampere circuit loaded to not more than eighty percent. A master control may be installed provided the individual switches retain their capability to function independently. Circuit breakers may not be used as the sole means of switching. Exceptions: 1 Industrial or manufacturing process areas, as may be required for production. 2. Areas less than five percent of the building footprint for footprints over 100,000 ft 1513.3 Daylight Zone Control: All daylighted zones, as defined in Chapter 12, both under overhead glazing and adjacent to vertical glazing, shall be provided with individual controls, or daylight or occupant- sensing automatic controls, which control the lights independent of general area lighting. 1513.4 Display Exhibition, and Specialty Lighting Controls: All display exhibition, or specialty lighting shall be controlled independently of general area lighting. 1513.5 Automatic Shut -off Controls, Exterior Exterior lighting not intended for 24 -hour continuous use shall be automatically switched by timer photocell, or a combination of timer and photocell. Automatic time switches shall also have program back -up capabilities, which prevent the loss of program and time settings for at least 10 hours, if power is interrupted. 1513.6 Automatic Shut -Off Controls, Interior Office buildings greater than 25,000 ft and all school classrooms shall be equipped with separate automatic controls to shut off the lighting during unoccupied hours. Automatic controls may be an occupancy sensor time switch, or other device capable of automatically shutting off lighting. Exceptions: 1 Areas that must be continuously illuminated, or illuminated in a manner requiring manual operation of the lighting. 2. Emergency lighting systems. 3. Switching for industrial or manufacturing process facilities as may be required for production. 1513.6.1 Occupancy Sensors: Occupancy sensors shall be capable of automatically tuming off all the lights in an area, no more than 30 minutes after the area has been vacated. 1513.6.2 Automatic Time Switches: Automatic time switches shall have a minimum 7 day clock and be capable of being set for 7 different day types per week and incorporate an automatic holiday 'shut -off" feature, which tums off all loads for at least 24 hours and then resumes normally scheduled operations. Automatic time switches shall also have program back -up capabilities, which prevent the loss of program and time settings for at least 10 hours, if power is interrupted. Automatic time switches shall incorporate an over -ride switching device which: a. is readily accessible; b. is located so that a person using the device can see the lights or the areas controlled by the switch, or so that the area being illuminated is annunciated; c. is manually operated; d. allows the lighting to remain on for no more than two hours when an over -ride is initiated; and e. controls an area not exceeding 5,000 ft or 5 percent of footprint for footprints over 100,000 ft whichever is greater PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW Project Name Choice School Address Plan #95 -15 -8150 Com R -1 Date May 26, 1995 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances with the following exceptions 1 As required by WAC 51 -20 -3802, E -1 occupancies will be required to be provided with automatic sprinkler system Please submit sprinkler plans to the Port Angeles Fire Department for approval 2 As identified on the plans, a fire alarm system is required for this facility Please submit approved plans with cut sheets with regards to all devices to the Port Angeles Fire Department for approval 3 A security key box (Knox Box) will be required Please contact the Fire Department for application 4 Approved six -inch address numbers will be required on the building Address numbers will face 9th Street but be on the northwest corner to be visible from C Street 5 As shown on the site plan, the Fire Department will need to have a fire hydrant at C Street and 9th Street Currently, the closest fire hydrant is located on B Street and 9th Street on the east side but we cannot get to the building because of a curb which has been built up on the new driveway NOTE Prior to the Occupancy Permit being issued, compliance to the above conditions will be met Reviewed By 924 W 9th Street Building Department Fire Copy Date ��/93 FP 22 Page 1 of 1 LINDBERG ARCHITECTS Proiect. (AMC 5C.1100. Subject. chuoP'( Date 3l MAY 95 CHECK PLIN Tti 1 !4 5.r Lrb Dried Tv( LMOeoven P057 VI TIuN d 1. 53� 319 SOUTH PEABODY ST SUITE B PORT ANGELES. WASH. 98362 (206) 452 -6116 FAX (206) 452 -7064 4,25 P h 31:) 9 2 M d' 6 75( 31`t4►5l (14-11 Al i 35 i 2 (6 4 Proi. No.. 95631 00 Bv: R Ell Sheet. 2 of 5 5 M= 3,14 it It 5 b 1 (4, t2.,) 13 19f i6 h) (12 .9' 1+ Ph M b 3 3 d- I( 53 pt/ lt4 p$(;)5(/a LINDB ERG ARCHITECTS Proiect. CNoict ScH 001 Subject. cis. Ropy Date. 31 HQ'( 95 CNeGIC SMEItif P Giie0( PI -INTN TJttOIHG 319 SOUTH PEABOOY ST SUITE B PORT ANGELES. WASH. 98362 (206) 452 -6116 FAX (206) 452 -7064 3. 1 4 16-if lr 3 1 9 416 ti 22 it 9, 1 4 Proi. No.. 4 5(/)3. GO Bv: RTN Sheet. et of 3 114 g L 13 h Ib !t I2 t I 4 61= 4,9 11, Ib 0 „l' 0 0042 (o,orrid (`f°, 1 1� CO GO f 2)(1-voaa) 1" 0,5 `c5 (75G) ib3 A t 1 0 k LINDBERG ARCHITECTS Proiect. r,4olCC 5CHOV(_ Subject. GR7+viTY Date 2 MAY 6 15 CHECK EX15T416 IMF Jo15T5 PR NEW Cell-01G A DO Dulc.7 up ROOF 34 5ftAro 2f 14 D -F e I 0,C- 1 INSuL a 't 2 p- r e R/ o- C -346 fi-fs5-Teg I "2f A CCW5TIc4L TOOT(■C pcAr GQAb t1hti (GO•G7 'IN 2 5 v1,Is X 50etNDEO ACCoviricAC Cell. I AG r v t I( 1 z W= (45 5 P II, 441 6 o.67 T (5, S 10( 12 11) I Bol 93- t )(13 7%q Id 3 170 I1) (ii- 5A 319 SOUTH PEABOOY ST SUITE B PORT ANGELES. WASH. 98362 (206) 452 -6116 FAX (206) 452 7064 2,5 S 2.2 p°;( a f 5 2 t o 3 0 1' 5f 1 a p 51 1- p s i 11 5 51 Pro' No. '15037, 00 BV. Tli Sheet of Is �E 51 5 3 c/5 h ti 4 5Haw w 25 p5f I 150 0,, L o k, LINDBERG ARCHITECTS Protect r. cu �C SUbiect. (;QAVIV(' Loa:S Date a t14( 15 1 qo I� G In 9 v MECI1 ovI!°M Iv rOATtol TI+,"' 319. SOUTH PEABOOY ST SUITE 8 PORT ANGELES. WASH. 98362 (206) 452-6116 FAX (206) 452 7064 A 5 l (,0 G7 Ii l (?c or (I2.%) 3 pi i loa GQ I PH) 2 clrr 7 5 a(1571,0, Boar J'rST5 ARE AnEq(.RTt; To S057hIN 1 G( ICING LO pS CHMCK p01Ni Lop•D Or t1EC1* M(cp(. 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