HomeMy WebLinkAbout06182024 CC MinutesCITY OF PORT ANGELES
June 18, 2024
This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting.
Deputy Mayor Carr called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. and stated the
Mayor had joined the meeting remotely while attending the Association of Washington Cities conference. Deputy
Mayor Carr stated she would conduct the meeting due to the Mayor's remote attendance.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter (attending virtually), Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members Meyer, Miller
(attending virtually), Schromen-Wawrin, Schwab, and Suggs (attending virtually).
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager West, Deputy City Manager Goings, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez -Bailey, C. Delikat,
B. Smith, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, M. Healy, A. Fountain, J. Boehme, and K. Hatton.
Council member Meyer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Proclamation in Recognition of Juneteenth
Deputy Mayor Carr read a proclamation in recognition of Juneteenth 2024. Deputy Mayor Carr read from the
proclamation and stated the City of Port Angeles has established a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee that
embraces and celebrates diversity amongst staff and noted the value it brings to serving the citizens of Port Angeles.
Manager West spoke to Consent Agenda item E-5 Peninsula Area Public Access Extension and removed the matter
from the Consent Agenda. There was no objection.
Council member Meyer spoke to an upcoming scheduled work session on Neighborhood Associations, and stated the
subcommittee needs more time to prepare for the work session and asked that the extension be added to the Consent
Agenda for Council approval.
Gayle Brauner, city resident, spoke about record retention and a police incident report involving a dog.
At the request of Council member Schwab, and after hearing no objection, the Deputy Mayor added J-1 Association
of Washington Cities Alternative Response Grant Extension to the Consent Agenda.
It was moved by Schwab and seconded by Dexter to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes of June 4, 2024 / Approve
2. Expenditure Report: From May 25, 2024 to June 7, 2024 in the amount of $2, 060, 739.031 Approve
3. 2024 Pole Testing, Contract Award (CON-2024-19) / 1) Approve the contract to Pacific Pole Inspection of
Kelso, WA, for the 2024 Pole Testing, Contract CON-2024-19, in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00,
including taxes, 2) authorize the City Manager to sign the contract and make minor modifications as necessary
4. International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local #656 Collective Bargaining Agreement / 1) Approve the
terms of the IAFF Local 656 collective bargaining agreement as outlined in the memo and 2) authorize the City
Manager to make minor modifications to the agreement as necessary.
REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA / Peninsula Area Public Access Extension / 1) Approve Amendment
No. 2 to the agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the Peninsula Area Public Access (PAPA) extending
the contract for an additional four (4) years; 2) authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the
Agreement and make minor modifications as necessary.
5. MOVED TO THE CONSENT AGENDA / Association of Washington Cities Alternative Response Grant
Extension /Accept the grant offered by AWC in the amount of $234, 000 for enhancement of the Alternative
Response Team and authorize the City Manager to sign the grant funding contract, to implement and approve
all actions necessary to accomplish the purposes of the grant, and to make minor modifications to the contract
if necessary.
6. Neighborhood Subcommittee Extension / Move the meeting from June 25 to July 16 /Approve
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Joint Public Safety Facility
Manager West provided background, spoke about a letter sent from the Board of County Commissioners that asked
the City to consider removing the west side fire station from the joint project. Manager West spoke about challenges
with the fire station, recommend the removal of the fire station from the plan, and provided reasons why this would
be feasible, noting reasons, including mention of positive working relationships with Fire District 2 and the 4-minute
response time that is currently available to residents. He spoke about infrastructure needs at the location. Before the
Council considered the motion on the table, Clallam County Executive Director Todd Mielke and Commissioner Mike
French were invited to the lectern to speak to the agenda item.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Suggs to:
Authorize the City Manager to remove the West Side Fire Station from the Site Planning work for the JPSF
contingent that Clallam County commit to jointly fund wastewater utility infrastructure to the site prior to
transitioning to the construction phase of the project.
In consideration of the need to move to the public hearing, Deputy Mayor Carr moved to the next item of business,
stating the intention was to return to the matter after the public hearing was held. There was no objection from the
Council to move to the next item.
1. 2025-2030 Capital Facilities and Transportation Improvement Plan
At 6:42 p.m. the Deputy Mayor continued the Public Hearing. Hearing no one in the Council Chambers or individuals
attending virtually wished to speak to the public hearing, the Deputy Mayor closed the public hearing.
Deputy Mayor Carr conducted the second reading of the resolution by title, entitled,
A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the City's Capital Facilities
Plan for 2025 — 2030, which includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2025 -2030.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Schwab to:
Pass a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the City's Capital Facilities
Plan for 2025 — 2030, which includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2025 -2030.
Motion carried 7-0.
The Deputy Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6:56 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:03 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Carr returned to the Joint Public Safety Facility matter. Commissioner French spoke to the matter
including approaching deadlines. Public Works and Utilities Director Mike Healy spoke to the Joint Public Safety
Facility, clarified his opinion on the matter and supported the Council's motion. Commissioner French spoke to the
site needs, project needs, and a separate meeting about infrastructure.
Council returned to the original motion:
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Authorize the City Manager to remove the West Side Fire Station from the Site Planning work for the JPSF,
contingent that Clallam County commit to jointly fund wastewater utility infrastructure to the site prior to
transitioning to the construction phase of the project.
Motion carried 4-3 with Council member Dexter, Miller, and Schwab opposed.
Council member Schwab spoke about attendance at an Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission workshop, a Board,
Committee, Commission subcommittee meeting, and a City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Kick off meeting
with local stakeholders.
Council member Schromen-Wawrin spoke about an upcoming Peninsula Regional Transportation Peninsula
Organization, and thanked Deputy Mayor Carr for filling in his seat for an upcoming Clallam Transit System meeting.
Council member Meyer spoke about a facility tour provided by Director Healy, spoke about the work done by
Peninsula Area Public Access and spoke about a name change to North Olympic Community Media, reminded Council
about the upcoming Chamber of Commerce Fourth of July community event, and spoke about work being done by
the Neighborhood Association subcommittee.
Council member Miller spoke about the Habitat for Humanity ribbon cutting, Utility Advisory Board meeting
cancellation, shared she has been voted as vice -chair for the Homeless Taskforce committee, spoke to attending the
upcoming Clallam Transit System meeting.
Council member Suggs spoke to attending an Aqua Culture subcommittee meeting of the Marine Resources
Committee meeting, and the Council excused absence from the June 4 City Council meeting in order to attend a
cultural event.
Mayor Dexter spoke about the Dream Playground ribbon cutting event.
Deputy Mayor Carr Dream Playground opening, a reading event, North Olympic Development Council meeting,
shared a congratulations for graduates of 2024, invitation to Port Angeles Pride on the Pier festival.
No other reports were given.
Manager West spoke about the Dream Playground and the volunteers, City departments, and announced there would
be no June work session and spoke to an addition of a Strategic Planning meeting in July.
Karl Hatton, residing outside the city and a City employee, spoke to the Joint Public Safety Facility discussion.
Gayle Brauner, city resident, spoke about police record retention and spoke about a submission into the City Council
record that evening.
Glen Barbiari, city resident, spoke about his time in the Navy, nuclear reactors, and political discussions.
Ileana Murphy, city resident, spoke about challenges at the Senior Center.
Jack Carlson, city resident, spoke about Westport, salmon, and fishing.
Gary Martin, spoke about challenges at the Senior Center and presented the Council with talking points.
Lynn Ilon, city resident, spoke about challenges at the Senior Center.
David Brewer, city resident, spoke about challenges at the Senior Center.
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Abigail Martin, spoke about a package being delivered at the wrong location.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
Ka e Dexter, Mayor
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