HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-24RESOLUTIONNO. fi-Aq A RESOLUTION ofthe City Councilofthe City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the City's Capital Facilities Plan for 2025 - 2030, which includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2025 -2030. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is required to annually update its Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and its Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, being the legislative body of said City, on the 4th day of June 2024 and the l8th day of June 2024, did hold public hearings on the proposed CFP and TIP for 2025 -2030; and WHEREAS, the proposed CFP and TIP for 2025-2030 are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and declares that the CFP, including the TIP, is appropriate to address the capital and transportation planning needs of the City for 2025-2030. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, that the City's 2025 -2030 CFP, which includes the City's TIP for the years 2025 -2030, as published May 7, 2024 in a document filed with the City Clerk titled the "Preliminary Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan for the City" and as it is illustrated by the project listing attached to this Resolution, is hereby adopted. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the l8th day of lune 2024 Kate Dexter, Mayor T: I ^t Kari Martinez-Bailey, C APP ED AS TO illiam E. B t Attorney R6oldlotrExhlbh 2oE-bloOphl frcllhlgrdTnBFd.nonhP6Em.nidlnPnJ.dllnln! Revolving Design Plannlng Falr Fair Fair Fair 30,000 1,200,000 Iacllity Securily Projeds Houslng Pipeline Pilot Prolect senior center Fire D€tection System City Hall Tire Det€ction System Brmdband lmprovement Feasibility study Ennis Creek fish &rrier Removal cG1113 ccot23 cc0516 R 3 4 2 I 10,000 50,000 14300 r6,000 20,000 60,000 10,000 50,000 €,000 9,000 450,000 50,000 32,000 14000 20,000 60,000 r0,000 50,000 37,000 Fire Hoses SellConbined areathing Apparatus PencomCapihl Police Regional Training & Cuo Rang€ Facility Moblle Dab Terminal Replacem€nb Police Radio Replacement Police BodyWorn Caneras Mobile Dab Terminal Replacem€nts PND Porhble kdio Replaftments Police Taser Replacemenb EOC/91 1 Dispalch (PenCon cenrer) Emergency Managemenl Pods Fire Sbtion Carage Door Replacement Westside Flr€ Statlon Flre SEtion Front DrivewayReFI F reTrainingFaclllty Senior C€nter Eoc Generator (SecondaryCity EOC) Radio Transmiftor Cenerator (l & 10lh StreeB) Flre Revolving Revolving Revolving Revolving Revolving Revolving Revolving Revolv'ng Revolving Revolving Plannlng Planning Untund€d Untunded Unfund€d Untunded Uf,funded Cood cood cood Exc€llent cood Cood Cood cood cood 15,000 150,000 11,000 10,000 R R R R UF UF UF UF UF UF Deslgn R€volving Revolving Revolving RevolvinC Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Unfunded Untund€d cood Fair cood Fair 80,000 11000 403,000 11,000 10,000 PKO7t9 PKo5t9 PK03 16 PKo320 Prc324 PKO122 PK0222 PK0123 PK0323 PK0319 PKOS6 PK0420 PK0802 PKOt24 Re*room R€placem€nl Program civic Field Upgrades Alu mlnum Bleacher Upgrad€s Parks Maintenance Buildlng City Pler Eroslon sbbil iation & Sidewa lk Repa ir Locomotive f 4 Returblshment HVAC Upgradesat city Facilties City PierTower Repair Erickson Playft eld Tennts Coud Improvement OVC Columbarium &pansion EIks Pickleball Coud Improvemenb Senlor center Front Door Replac€ment City Pier lnspection Repairs Shane&Elk Field Lighting EdizHookBoat hunch ReFts Nelghborhood Patk Development OceanView Cemetery Bank Erosion Facility Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning 150,000 1900,000 150,000 1300,000 200,000 72,OO0 150,000 100,000 500,000 250,000 250,000 990,000 150,000 72,OOO 150,U00 250,000 250,000 350,000 500,000 82,000 200,000 250,000 82,000 300,000 250,000 150,000 92,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 14 15 16 t7 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 27 Fair cood Fair Fatr Fair Far Fair Falr Fair Fat Falr Fatr Fair fair Fair Fat Faf Fah Fat Fak Faf Fair Falr Fair tair 150,000 3,700,000 200,000 10,000 526,000 1,000,000 150,000 150,000 200,000 150,000 r00,000 200,000 2sp00 M€t€ring & OuEge Managedent Atrport Hangar Cable Replaceneni Strcet Transform€r Replacement street kad Tap Changer Replacement Civil Enslneeilne for subshtions Underground cabl€ Replacement - 2027 overhead R€condudoilng - 2028 Underground cable Replacement - 2028 fr erhead R€condudodng' 2029 Underground Cable Replacement - 2029 FeederTie Hry 101, Pofter to ColfCourse Rd Subshtion Seismic Bracinq Ediz Hook overhead to Underground Underground cable Replacement - 2030 Contribution Buildlng Needs - 2026 2026cableUnderground Recondudorina- 2024 Cabl€ Replacement' 2024 Facllity at Transler Shtion SolarStudy Vehicle CharyingShtion Slgnal LEDConversion Reconductorlng- 2025 Cable Replacement-2025 Conrainment lnshllation 2030&erhead R6oldlon Erhlb! 2OA - 2OSCaplt.l F.cllltl6.nd TruBPn.tlor lfrprowm.il qln Proj.d lbtln! 2W t02a 2029 t030 Uilru{YO8D:0lB 2q26 4,900,000 50,000 180,000 r,820,000 1,000,000 50,000 Planning Planning Planning Planning Design Planning Untund€d Unfunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untund€d Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Planning Design Planning Plannins Untund€d r@ cood Good Fair Fair Far Fan' Fair Fal- Fair Cood ffimffi Fair Fair Fatr 26,200 9,600 4JO0 r.078,900 15,700 &,100 50,000 136.000 60,000 1{,000 90,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 600,000 170,000 1,580,000 330,000 34300 1,400,000 50,000 210,000 100,000 5{,000 50,000 Facility at Transfer Station' Water Soils Decanl Bays Creek& 3rd Street Main crossi.g creek Transmission Main Eval/Design lfthStreetRoWTumwatercreekcrossing streetWater Main Replacement Nodh 1st/hurel Stre€t Fire Flow 10th/llthAlley Wat€r Main Replacement Poner StreetZone PRV lmprovemenb Utility lnka*ructure - tOC/911 Center Morse Creek fransmission Main Con*ruction Elwha'FishScreenFacilitylmprovemenb Elwha - River knney Reach Habirat Re*oration Elwha' FacilitySurplos Analysis ofthe Indus[ial Water Line Site Elwha - Temporary Diversion Pumping Facility/BuIkhead Elwha'surlace water lntake hprovemenb CAPWT t2 72 17 Street wrc221 l0thStreet WaterMain ROW tumwater Creek Crossing lnlet Pipe R€placement Wate r R€silie nry Progra m SystemSCADA Upgrade Drive Main Replacement Phase ll creekReservof tupansion Subzone Fire Flow (LlD) 8oo$erSbtion Upgrade Ea* Ff*Street Fire Flow Equipment ln$rumentation Upgrades kuridsen Blvd/ftmwater Fire Flow Metering Management $ructure Bypass w121 wm320 w123 w223 wm619 wm42t w219 w124 wrc111 w319 w412 4th SF€etWater Main 6th SBeetWater Main 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF I 2 3 UF UF 2ffiI@ 654flD 63i,500 {6'1500 tt6500 910,700 1,095.100 r'g15,01x' {,1.140{'0 €4?roo 6l,50t@ 14lN !8r5n00uzN {64tr00 181J@ ?75j0o 363J00 6'+r.3@ 111300 301500 677&0 3,000,000 r.5{t0.0q)t 00,000 80!00 . t300,m{ zroono!rmm 50,000 R6oldlon Exhlbit 2025-2o3oC.ph.lfr.illli6!dTEnrFnrtlon lmprov.h6ntPl.nPrcJodnnlng WE 2030 t uF([lDcD2maarz4.tqzt t0t8 358,800 2t6,700 200,000 320,000 r20,000 50,000 56,100 2.024,300 50,000 108,{0 2.024,390 50,000 r75,000 50,000 2,085,000 50,000 Wa*ewater Comprehensive Plan DecantFacilityatTransf€r Station- Wa*ewaterSoih Decant West 4th Street Capacjty lmprovement 9nitary Forc€ Majn Relocate (Lees creek] Anaerobic Dige*er Roof lmprovements W UflTankReplacement WPHVAC Replacemenl Francts Street Sewer Trestle Repa'r W Cas Flare system Replacement "A'Skeet lmprovements WP Boiler R€placement WP Septic TruckPad Repatr Pump Station #5 Rehabilihtion Pump Station s6 lmprovemenb Aemtion Blower Replacement Ennt creek Force Maih Removal Waste Activated sludge ft ickening Wn lsi& 2hd Skeets Alley Seiv€r Sepamtion Pine Hill sewer Sepamtion Biosolid Pyrolysis Gravity Thickener Rehabilihtion Headivorks lmprovements Pump Siation #15 & d16 lmprovements Pump Station #10 lmprovements Pump Station #8 lmprovemenb cEvityThicken€r Redundanry Aa€ss Road &Sepbge Rece'ving lmprovemenb NuFient Reduction Sid€stream Treatment Upgrades Fronr/G€orgiana capacity Improvemenr New Sewer washi ngton Street (Park to 8th) WTP Knife CateValve Inshllations 15 19 R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF Revolving Planning Planning Planning Design Pbnning Planning Planning Unfunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Unlunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Excellent Fair Fair Faf Fair Fak Fair Fal' 2.08sr(x} Irx)roo ttnknom 66SJO tnSdJ rrt5r00 145100 3321d) 40,r0r00 1282fi4 r79j{{ 80-1100 rr5str00 859,10{ 29L2,Fln 829,40{ d.26230{ r,000rrts 2r0m!0t ,5.{U 1J00rd 2,.gpu 750,000 750,000 20,000 20,000 750,000 700,000 700,000 750,000 1 2 3 + 5 6 UF Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning Fair Fair Fail cood 2025 Neighborhood sewer Rehabilitation 2026 Neighborhood Sewer Rehabilibtion Oak Stre€t Sewer SeFration hurel Street Sewer Separation 2027 Neighborhood Sewer Rehabilihtion 2030 Neighborhood Sewer R€habilitation franc'sStreet Pigging w0815 w1118 w0224 ncoldlonirhlbt zOE - 2OXOphl F.cllhl6rdTnEPd.tlon lmprcrm.nt H.n P@l.dll*ln! 105,000 390,000 186,000 20,000 730,000 200,000 60,000 830,000 10,000 FacililyAssessment West Stormwabr Pond Repair kndfi ll Access Road Repair hndfi ll Automated Facility Gaie hndnllhmpShtlon U Repair kndRll Cover system Repairs kndfi II Access Road Repair - Phase 2 bndfi ll Security Ienclng R€cycle Processing Center Sation 1 2 3 4 5 6 UF UT OF Planning Unfunded Design Plandlng Plannlng Planning Planning Planning Planning Unfunded Fair Fair Fair Deslgn DesiBn Plannlng Planning Plannlng Planning Pre-Planninl Planning Plannlry Unfunded DesiS Untunded L;727,OOO 161,000 nr,ooo 110,000 500,000 7U,000 272,000 28,000 161,000 2,705,000 770,OO0 293,000 21,000 100,000 {9,000 112,500 r09,100 500p00 70,000 26,OOO 69,000 Decant Facilllyat Transfer Station - Slormwater Soils Lincoln Park/Blg Boy Pond Study ParkAve.Outfall to Pdbody Cr€ek Francls Street Outfall Repair Stormter at Canyon Edge & Ahlvers l&h S! Culvefr& Outhll lmprovement chase Sr€et Stormwater Improvements Lrbety lo Georyiana Stre€ts Stormwdter lmprove. Peabody Stre€t Water Quallty Proled Stormwater at kurel Street &US 101 Valley cre€k stormwat€r Park Outfall to Creek lmprovementProsam Valley creek culveft & Outfall Lincoln Park- Blg 8oy Pond Phas€ ll bndAcqulsition DR0322 DROz15 DRO€4 DRO222 DRo115 DRo117 DRo304 DRo324 DRo219 DRo112 DRo124 R 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UF UF UF ils Fair Fair Falr Fair Falr Fah Fair Fair 56800 272,700 42,200 471400 60,000 109,800 145,200 70,200 4,500 56800 111,000 99,500 s4800 27A,frO 350,000 34,800 24,200 350,000 il,000 303,800 ,ro,noo 156,100 1 14,000 *r,roi 36300 289,500 39,900 58,600 15,000 472,aOO r5,000 3m,000 "r, onn 261,900 262,a00 10,o0 63,500 22590O 70,000 330,500 {7,000 330,300 267,OO0 212.000 n ,roi 356100 431.O0 107,700 375,000 -" nnn Flnanc€ Communlty Developm€n! Pollce flre& Medlc 1 Parks & Recr€atlon Englheedng UghtOp€nUons Equlpm€nts€nlces lnfomauon Tednolog Soltd was€ l4J0o 150,000 150,000 30,000 250,000 0,000 0,000 r50,000 280,000 150,000 30,000 0,000 100,000 280,000 60,000 25,000 150,000 {,000 100,000 150,000 30,000 r50,000 €,000 210,000 s,000 Revolving Revolving Revolvlng Revolvlng Revolvlng Plandng Untunded Untunded Plannlng Untunded Untunded Untunded Good Fak Fatr Dak Storage Array sy*ems Virual Sewer Replacem€nts Records Management System SCADA SeNer R€placements UPS Replacement- Dhaster Recovery Dab Center PrlmryData Bachp Systems Replacement c€metery$ftware Ureless Bridge EWRoad Map &Replacement ESRI Migrationb Arc Pro Prlmary Data BackpTape Stomge gfe Intrusion Det€ction and Prevention Prlmary Data Cent€r Fiber Swltch Replacement BuildingAccess Conhol and Cameras tTot24 Oplics tm119 Im716 1m320 1m324 ITO123 tT0224 tr0423 1T0523 R.soldlon Exhlbll 2025-20!oGpftll r.cllltl.srdfEBFn.tlon lnprcnmentfl.nProjodlbilnt t0l9 2rllo {,NrqrDJDfgof, tflrurl ---wmc t ral I w16 z@7 292a Revolving Revolvjng Design Planning Planning Planning Plannlng Planning Planning Planninq Planning Planning Planning Planning Planning 30,000 200,000 520,000 25,000 300,000 515,000 500,000 {0,000 3,000,000 30.000 30,00u 200,000 500,000 t,950.000 950rxx 95or{x 'ooflx2!@,0tx IroJd x000rq 685,00l 40ru 2?5.,0/. tt50,001almm Untunded Unaunded Untunded Utrtund€d Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded F3k Fair Fair Fair Fair Fatr Far Fair Fak Fair Fair Fair Fak FaI Fair Faf 300,000 15,000 300,000 250,000 329,400 r71,100 r r,700 30,800 355,300 370.000 36,000 220,OOO 900,000 1,029,000 {0,000 6&,000 700,000 30,000 200,000 2,050,000 2,700,000 1,500,000 65,000 585,000 390,000 560,000 30,000 Complete str€ets Revolving Fund Pavement Management Plan I StreetChip Seal (sth to 16th streets) 8th streetchip seal (Ato I str€ets) 8th Street Paving(Lincoln to A$reetsl' Truck Routeat Hry 101 lntersection' 2023 Pavement Presewation ADA Peabody Street' MarineDrPaving(Valleyto HillStreet)' EnnisSFeet Pavement Repair Marine Drive Eulkhead Repairs N SFeetConsFuction' 2026 Pavement PresePation ParkAvenue Pavingoveilay(kcetoLibetyStreetsl Hamilron school Walking Rout€s' Marine Drive PavingHill Street to Mill Eridge' kuridsen-TumwatertuckRoutetoLStreetChipkal Railroad Ave Overlay 5th StreetChip Seal ("A" to "M" Sreeb) lSthSreet ChipSeal Liberty Street Recon*ruction 2028 Pavement Preservation 2029 Pavement Preseruation 2030 Pavem€nt Preseryation ADA- CherryStreet Lincoln Streer Salety (8th to kuridsen)' kurel st/Ahlv€rs Road &erlay CherryStreetArea ch'pSeal ADA - Oak & hurel Sh€ets Lincoln, burel and k!.idsen Intersection 2nd &Valley Streets Pavement O Street lmprovements Hill Str€et htersection Reconstuction Chase Stre€t Vicinity Chip Seal Sidewalk for Ennts street Improvemenb Marine Drive - mR lnt lmprovemenb 15 \7 109 TRl120 TR0121 TR0518 TR0316 TRo119 TR1799 TRo420 TRo716 TRO?21 R R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 l1 72 13 14 15 76 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF 4,000 60,000 3,€5,000 100,000 1,200,000 800,000 3,249,0O0 100,000 500,000 r,500,000 1,500,000 4,920,O0O 200.000 1s0,;00 60,000 30,000 1,{0,000 3,000,000 200,000 250,000 60,000 200,000 600.;00 50,000 30,000 {0,000 60,000 Speed F€edbackSign Prosram kce StreetComplete Design & Con*ruction Phase I " Downtown Tree/Sidewalk Replacement Phase Ill hurel StreelSbtrs Replacement Signal Controller Upsrades 1st/Front' CityHall Ea* Parkinght LID + Fist/Front Pedestrian Enhancemenb' Peabody creek/Lincoln Street Culvert Repat' Tratfi c Sigml Interconnect/Preemption ftmwaler Bridee Repair l6thStreet LID [C to LSFeets)' 8th/l0thSreet Bike hnes' schoolArea speed signs (Near Franklin)' rst/2ndlVa lley/oak Green Alley ' LauridsenBlvdReconstudion(LSttoCityLimits)' Stevens Middle schoolwalking Routes' First/Front Paving tlincoln to Tumwater Skeet)' Interse€tion Control Study Trafnc circle Program' Wayfinding& ODT Sigmge Klallam knguage Signage Downtown Valley SFeet Culved crcssing' Race street complete construction Phse ll * Traffi c gfety Camera Program Sidewalks for MtAngeles Rd & PoderSt' Race Street Complete Design &Con*ruction Phase lll Cales Addition Con nector Pla nnins ' Wateftont Trail Renovation & Sustainabiliry Study' wat€rfront Redev€lopmenl Phase lll 18th Street Bike Accessibillty Caroline SkeetSlide Repair l*, Fronl& tuce StreetCrossings Nanry kne Pavement Valley creekTrail Loop Alternate CroslTown Roote study Trafficconrol Zig Zagat Oak Street Sfst & Front Sbeet Decoupling '1" to'M'Pavingand Sidewalk LID Iinberg Road Repavement RailroadAvenue OnewaySNdy Alley R R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l l2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF UF Revolving Revolvins Planning Planning Pbnning Planning Design Desis Planning Planning Planning Planning Design Planning Planning DesjF Planning Design Planning Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untunded Untund€d Fair Fair Fair Fat Fair Fair FaI FaI- Fatr Fatr Far Fatr Fair Fair Fal' taI' Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair {,600 700,000 600,000 4,520,200 22,200 10,000 93,800 30,000 939,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 t,777,300 1,688,100 220,OOO 14,000 r15,000 134000 50,000 200,000 159,{0 30,000 50,000 500,000 35,000 r00 273,100 4)OO t$,&o s,{0 532,100 t72,aoo 104300 45.800