HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC 03272024 Agenda Packet REGULAR MEETING AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION March 27, 2024 6:00-8:00 PM Notice is hereby given that the Port Angeles Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, starting at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers in City Hall located at 321 E. th Street, Port Angeles, WA. This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid 5 meetings, members of the public, Committee members, and City staff have the option to attend the meeting in person at CityHall or remotely through the Webex virtual meeting platform. For those planning to attend remotely, learn how to watch the meeting live and participate during the public comment period by visiting: https://www.cityofpa.us/Live-Virtual-Meetings. For audio only please call: 1-844-992-4726 Use access code: 2554 470 9731 Webinar password: JPqVmqpS737 (57786777 from phones and video systems) Once connected press *3 to raise your virtual hand, if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code will only workfor the March 27, 2024 meeting. If you are joining the meetingthrough the Webex link and wish to make a comment or provide public testimony, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Virtual Webex Meeting Link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m6eee2bcfd2b63432f8b73e978fc42a0a The meeting is open to the public. I.CALL TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.PLANNING COMMISSIONER OATH OF OFFICE IV.PUBLIC COMMENT V.PLANNING COMMISSIONER INTRODUCTIONS VI.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the February 28, 2024 RegularMeeting VII.ACTION ITEMS/DISCUSSION ITEMS/PUBLIC HEARING 1. Action Item: Nomination and Election of 2024-2025 Chair and Vice Chair to the Planning Commission Nomination of elective officers shall be made from the floor at the annual election meeting which shall be held at the last regular meeting of March of each year. The election shall follow immediately thereafter. 2. Action Item: Appointment of Planning Commission Liaison to the Housing Solutions Committee Appoint a member of the Commission to attend the monthly Housing Solutions Committee meeting the first Friday of the month at 9:00 AM at the Clallam County Courthouse and report back to the Commissioners. 3. Action Item: Nomination and Appointment of Comprehensive Plan subcommittee member to fill vacant seat and selection of Subcommittee Chair The Chair of the Planning Commission shall appoint the members of each standing or special committee and shall name the chair of each committee. The members of each standing committee shall be appointed at the first regular meeting in July for a term of one year. 4. Discussion Item: Comprehensive Planning and the Washington State Growth Management Act Basics and Introduction Staff presentation and Commissioner discussion of Comprehensive Planning history in Port Angeles and an Introduction to the Growth Management Act in anticipation of the upcoming 2025 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update. 5. Action Item: Utility Advisory Committee Joint Meeting The Utility Advisory Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month from 3:00- 5:00 p.m. In response tothe request by the Commission to meet jointly, the Committee has requested for items to discuss with the Planning Commission prior to scheduling a joint meeting. VIII. STAFF UPDATES 1. Department of Commerce Short Course on Local Planning 2. Email and Communication Procedures th Street Paving Project 3. 8 4. Environmental Plans for the Welcoming Vista and Websters Woods 5. Short-term Lodging Ordinance Update 6. Monthly Building Report 7. Monthly Housing Report 8. Builders Round Table Update IX. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS X. ADJOURNMENT Approval of Minutes February 28, 2024 Regular Meeting March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 1 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION HybridMeeting–In-PersonandVirtual th CityCouncilChambers:321E5Street,PortAngeles,Washington98362 February28,2024,at6:00P.M. REGULARMEETING CALL TO ORDER Chair Stanley opened the meeting at 6:02 P.M. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present:Benjamin Stanley (Chair) Richie Ahuja Marolee Smith Colin Young Tammy Dziadek James Taylor Commissioners Absent: Vacant seat. City Staff Present: Ben Braudrick (Planning Supervisor) Pat Bartholick (Senior Development Services Specialist) Shannen Cartmel (Deputy Director of Community Services) Ethan Walker (Housing Administrator) Will Habel (Natural ResourcesAssociate Planner) Jade Anderson (Community Development Technician) Chris Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney) Kari Martinez-Bailey (City Clerk) Public Present: John Ralston, Steven Pelayo, Brian Heberling, Johanna Bartee, Joyce Underwood Virtual: Kelly Johnson, Jim Haguewood PUBLIC COMMENT Chair Stanley opened the meeting to general public comment. The following individual provided comment: John Ralston, city resident, spoke to the handout presented to Planning Commissionthat had also been shared with Council, spoke to short term rentals and a façade matter on the agenda that evening. Pelayo, business owner in Port Angeles, spoke to short term rentals. Mentioned someone had a heart attack, that was a different city. March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 2 Brian Heberling, spoke to his attendance at the last city council meeting relative to the topic of short-termrentals and a Peninsula Daily News poll. After confirming there was no one onlineor in the room wishing to speak, Chair Stanley closed the meeting to general public comment. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Dziadekbrought up four points, no second. Chair Stanley said the Commission would discuss the matterbeginning with Commissioner Smith. Commissioner Smith discussed the five choices, ChairStanley reminded CommissionerSmith the discussion was directed to the minutes...Smith continued. Commissioner Smith made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Taylor to: Revisit the action taken on and during the January 24, 2024 Planning Commission meetingtodiscuss the matter in moredetail at a future meeting. This motion would include amending the motion passed to: Amend the existing ordinance in such a manner that supports enforcement of the 2017 Port Angeles Municipal Code and provides a time-limited exception option for existing nonconforming short-term rentals; and Pursue platform-based enforcement; and Pursue a comprehensive assessment of an ideal short-term rental process in the City of Port Angeles. Though the motion was made and seconded, the Commissionersmoved on with their discussion. Commissioner Ahuja made the motion to approve the minutes as read, but withdrew his motion. It was moved by Chair Stanley to approve the minutes with the following changes: Commissioner Taylor- Tohave minutesinclude more detailed comments by Taylor regarding fee structures related to short-term rentals. Commissioner Dziadek- To include more details about the conversation between staff, and two other points. The motion was seconded by Ahuja. Motion passed 5-1, with Smith voting no. It was moved by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Taylor to: Add to the agenda, to include a discussion and presentation on a cost analysis presented by audience member, relative to the short-termmatter. Amend the motion to include “and include the document in the February 28, 2024 Planning Commission meeting minutes”.Didnot receive a second at the time of discussion. Though the motion was made and seconded, the Commissioners moved on with their March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 3 discussion. ACTION ITEM(S)/DISCUSSION ITEM(S)/PUBLIC HEARING 1.Façade and Sign Improvement Program Grant Application No. 24-01 Planner Bartholick spoke to the application by sharing slides on the façade grant request details. Including improvements that would improve the safety and aesthetics of the building. The applicant, Johanna Bartee, provided clarification on her application. She spoke to a portion of the request specifically that she may come back to at a future time. Commission discussion followed. Commissioner Smith asked about the conditionsof skylights and stated she was familiar with the building being a former tenant. Commissioner Taylor had questions about the costs presented in the application and had a question about signage costs. Commissioner Smith and CommissionerDziadek moved to approve FSG Application No. 24-01 as proposed by the applicant. Hearing no objection, the motion passed 6-0. 2.Appointment of Planning Commission Liaison to the Housing Solutions Committee Discussion between Commissioner Taylor and Planner Braudrick about scheduled meetings. It was moved by Taylor and seconded by Young to: th Table action itemuntil the March 27meeting. Motion carried 6-0 through roll call vote. 3.Election of Vice Chair to the Planning Commission Chair Stanley spoke to the matter and provided some background. Commissioner discussion followed. It was moved by Taylor and seconded by Young: th Table the matter until the March 27meeting. Commission discussion followed. Noted that there is a link to the outdated agenda on the website. Motion to table passed, 3-1 withDziadek and Smith abstaining from the vote. 4.2025 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update Scope of Work Planner Braudrick, spoke to the matter, said the City’sComprehensive Planis due in 2025 and provided an update: March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 4 The immensity of the project, element of financial support and provided background. One grant received and waiting to hear on another. Will go before Council and then an official kick off in April. Housing goals, transportation, transportation and multimodaltransportation, and (add) utilities. Neighborhoods, and particular areas that are in the scope of work, and for future consideration in the plan and how the Planning Commissionwould be involved in the future work. A LandUse Map created for zoning, created in 1970, and will dictate future use of certain zones, future land use programming. A future open house relative to the comprehensive plan. Comments started at 7:30. Chair Stanley wants the Planning Commissionto be involved. Commissioner Taylor spoke about the short-term rentalmatter and spoke to some improvements that could be made relative to workflow. Commissioner Smith asked about the Comprehensive Plan andspoke about a specific section in the current Comprehensive Plan that speaks to tourism andsaid that if the City doesn’t follow the plan, then money shouldn’t be directed to it. Commissioner Ahuja spoke to workflow, stating that it will help see the big picture. Break from 7:39pm and 7:44pm. Commissioner Dziadek left the meeting during the breakdue to a prescheduled paratransit public transportation appointment. She was later excused by the remaining commissioners inattendance. It was moved by Smith and seconded by Taylor to: Add to the agendaa late item, to include a discussion and presentation on a cost analysis document that was previously presented by an audience member, relative to the short-term matter. Motion failed 2-3 with Smith and Taylor voting in favor. It was moved by Smith and seconded by Taylor to: Ask Council to conduct a survey which identifies which City Council members live in the 2017 zoningarea, that identifies the RMD and RHD zones, and may be benefiting from their action. Commission discussion followed. Motion failed 2-3 with Smith and Taylor voting in favor. Smith made a motion and seconded by Taylorto: Make a recommendation to the City Council from the Planning Commission to approve option B from the City Council meeting on February 20, 2024. March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 5 Motion carried 3-2 with Ahuja and Stanley opposed. STAFF UPDATES City staff provided the following updates to the Commission: 1.New Planner Introduction Planner Braudrick introduced staff sitting at the desk area. 2.Lincoln School Update Planner Walker shared a brief update. 3.Housing Website Planner Walker identified updates on the website. 4.2023 Building Report Planner Bartholick spoke to the building report in the packet and spoke to a change in the report format stating thatadding unit counts to each housing type and spoke to specific numbers on permits making their way through the process to improve the housing stock. 5.Mandatory March 13th Board and Commissioner Training Reminded Planning Commission members of the upcoming training. 6.Consolidated Application Review Policy and Procedures Planner Cartmel spoke to the CARPP development team and plans to expand document management and retention processes, and continued improvement in accessibility to improve customer service. 7.Builders Roundtable Planner Cartmel,spoke to the matter, giving the Planning Commissionupdates on the City’s efforts to improve the permit process, etc. 8. Department of Commerce Short Course on Local Planning Planner Braudrick spoke about a short course available, March 28, 6pm-9pm. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Ahuja noted that a Planning Commissionmember had left and due to that matter, it may have caused a different outcome. Commissioner Taylor spoke to the STR process and spoke to his late application. Commissioner Smith spoke to the application process. Chair Stanley spoke to the participation of Ahuja and Taylor. Spoke about his experience, roles that govern the Planning Commissionunder state law, and spoke about roles discussion that will be coming up in the future. Watching if the role will change in the future, said the role of Planning Commission needs to be clarified. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Taylor moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously (5-0) through a consent vote. March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 6 The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM. Jade Anderson, Secretary Benjamin Stanley, Chair MINUTES PREPARED BY: Jade Anderson, Secretary March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 7 Action Item Nomination and Election of 2024-2025 Chair and Vice Chair to the Planning Commission March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 8 BYLAWS of THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON PLANNING COMMISSION (Amended) ARTICLE I – NAME Section 1. Name The official name of the organization shall be “The City of Port Angeles, Washington, Planning Commission.” ARTICLE II – RESPONSIBILITIES Section 1. Duties of the commission shall include: A.Make building regulation action recommendations to City Council in accordance with Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) Section 2.36.100. B.Make City districting recommendations to City Council in accordance with Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) Section 2.36.110. C.Periodically reviews and awards façade and sign improvement grants in accordance with Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 2.80. D.The Planning Commission shall elect its own chairman from among its members and create and fill such other offices as it determines its needs require. E.It shall adopt rules for the transaction of the business and keep a written record of its meetings, resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations, which record shall be a public record. F.Other duties as assigned by the City Council relating to subjects regarding land use policy. ARTICLE III - OFFICIAL SEAT Section 1. Official Seat The official seat of the Planning Commission shall be in the City Hall of Port Angeles, Washington, 321 East Fifth Street, and meetings shall be held there as outlined in Article V Section 1 regular meetings and at such times as the Commission may, by a majority vote of those present at any regular, recessed, or special meeting, otherwise direct. ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS Section 1. Officers The elective officers of the Planning Commission shall consist of a Chair and Vice-Chair. March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 9 Section 2. Nomination and Election of Officers Nomination of elective officers shall be made from the floor at the annual election meeting which shall be held at the last regular meeting of March of each year. The election shall follow immediately thereafter. A nominee receiving a majority vote of those present at the election meeting shall be declared elected. If meetings cannot occur because of an unforeseen circumstance, nominations and elections shall take place at the next available meeting. Section 3. Terms of Officers The term of office for elective officersshall begin in April and shall continue for a term of one year, or until nominations or elections have taken place at the next available meeting date. Elective officers shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Section 4. Vacancies in Offices Vacancies in elective offices shall be filled immediately by regular election procedure for the unexpired portion of the term. Section 5. Duties of Officers, Commissioners, and Staff (a)Chair The Chair shall preside at all meetings and public hearings of the Planning Commission and shall call special meetings when he/she deems it necessary or is required to do so. They shall appoint all committees, shall be an ex-officio member of each, without the power to vote. They shall sign the minutes of Planning Commission meetings and all official papers and plans involving the authority of the Planning Commission which are then transmitted to the City Council. The Chair shall have the privilege of discussing all matters before the Planning Commission and voting thereon. They shall have all the duties normally conferred by parliamentary usage on such officers and shall perform such other duties as may be ordered by the Planning Commission except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, in other Planning Commission regulations, or in City Ordinances. (b)Vice-Chair The Vice-Chair shall assume the duties and powers of the Chair in his or her absence. If the Chair and Vice-Chair are both absent, the Planning Commission members may elect a temporary chair by a majority vote of those present at a regular, recessed, or special meeting, who shall assume the duties and powers of the Chair or Vice-Chair during their absence. (c)Commissioners The Commissioners shall: A.Arrange for adequate time to fulfill the responsibilities of a commissioner, B.Prepare for meetings by reading the agenda packet, C.Listen to other Commission members and staff and communicate respectfully and courteously to fellow commissioners, staff, and city residents, and D.Participate in discussions and decision-making. March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 10 (d) Executive Secretary The Executive Secretary is a staff appointed position. The Executive Secretary shall keep the minutes of all regular, recessed, and special meetings of the Planning Commission; such minutes shall be approved by the Planning Commission. Theyshall also keep the minutes of Planning Commission committee meetings when requested to do so. They shall give notice of all regular and special meetings to Planning Commission members, shall prepare with the Chair the agenda of regular and special meetings, shall serve proper and legal notice of all public hearings, and shall draft and sign the routine correspondence of the Planning Commission. The Executive Secretary shall maintain a file of all studies, plans, reports, recommendations, and official records of the Planning Commission and perform such other duties as are normally carried out by a secretary and as the Planning Commission may determine. ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meetings: Time and Place The Planning Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting in each month for not less than nine months in each year. Regular monthly meetings shall be held on the second and/or fourth Wednesdays of each month beginning at 6:00 P.M. in City Hall except as otherwise designated by the Planning Commission unless a meeting has been noticed as taking place virtually. If a stay at home order or other disruptive event has occurred that affects Port Angeles and precludes the Planning Commission from meeting in City Hall, meetings shall be noticed and the alternative physical or virtual location shall be specified in the notice. Any change in the hour, date, and place of regular meetings shall be given wide publicity for the convenience of persons having business before the Commission. When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, the replacement date will be designated by the Planning Commission with notice posted to the public per the Open Public Meetings Act. Section 2. Recessed Meetings Any regular meeting may be recessed to a definite time, place, and date by a majority vote of the Planning Commission members present at the meeting. Section 3. Special Meetings Special meetings may be called by the Chair or Planning staff with approval of the Chair. Section 4. Cancellation of Regular Meetings In the event it is necessary to cancel a meeting due to lack of agenda issues, Planning staff will contact the Chair and each Commission member prior to the meeting and will provide notice to the public per the Open Public Meetings Act. Section 5. Notice of Meetings Notice of all regular and special meetings shall be given by the Executive Secretary to the members of the Planning Commission in accordance with current RCWs. Notice to members of March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 11 the Planning Commission and to members of the public of all special meetings shall be provided at least 2 days (48 hours) prior to the specialmeeting. In addition to the provision of the notice of all special meetings to the members of the Planning Commission, notice shall be provided to each local newspaper of general circulation in the City of Port Angeles and on the Newsflash located on the official City of Port Angeles Webpage. Said notice shall be transmitted electronically or mailed at least 24 hours before the time of the meeting specified in the notice. The notice shall state the time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted by the Commission. The meeting agenda for the next r egular meetings shall be closed on Friday at the close of business five (5)days prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission except that urgent matters may be inserted on the agenda later at the discretion of the Chair. Petitions and communications from the audience and matters brought to the meeting by the Planning Staff and Commission members, which are not on the agenda for the meeting, may be received and discussed at the meeting. However, no official action may be taken on any matter at a Planning Commission meeting which is not included on the agenda for that meeting or which has been added to the agenda after it has been received by the Planning Commission members except that this requirement may be suspended at any meeting by the unanimous vote of the members present at the meeting.Section 6. Order of Business - Regular Meeting for Administrative, Routine, and Hearing-Type Matters (a)Call to order by Chair (b)Roll call (c)Approval of minutes of preceding meeting (d)Public hearings/Other business (e)Communications from the Public (f)Staff Updates (g)Reports of Commission Members (h)Adjournment Section 7. Order of Business - Regular Meeting for Discussion of Matters Related to Comprehensive Planning (a)Call to order by Chair (b)Roll call (c)Approval of minutes of preceding meeting(s) (d)Staff Updates for current business (e)Reports from Planning Commission members and committees (f)Communications from audience (related to comprehensive planning only) (g)Communications from Planning Commission members (h)Adjourn Section 8. Operational Guidelines (a)The Planning Commission is authorized and empowered to act as a research and fact- finding agency of the City. To that end, it may make such surveys, analyses, researches, March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 12 and reports as are generally directed or requested by the City Council. The Planning Commission, upon such direction or request, is further empowered and authorized a. To make inquiries, investigations, and surveys concerning the resources of the City; b. To assemble and analyze the data thus obtained and to formulate plans for the conservation of resources and the systematic utilization and development thereof; c. To make recommendations from time to time as to the best methods of such conservation, utilization, and development; d. To cooperate with other public agencies in such planning; and e. To make surveys and recommendations for the adoption by the City Council of coordinated plans for development of the City. The research and fact-finding powers granted to the Commission shall be exercised by the Commission acting as a body. Individual commissioners, separately or independently, are not authorized to exercise such powers (b) All requests and applications for comprehensive plan amendment, façade and sign improvement grant applications, development regulation amendments will be tabled if the applicant or an authorized representative is not present at the hearing on the request or application. (c) All requests and applications will be tabled if all essential information is not provided to the Planning Department staff by Friday, five days prior to the regular Wednesday meetings of the Planning Commission for timely analysis and inclusion into the Commissioners information packets. (d) All requests and applications requiring legal opinion or interpretation will be tabled until the Planning Commission has received an opinion or interpretation from the City Attorney. (e) The Commission shall act as a body in making its decisions and in announcing them. (f) Willful misrepresentation of information pertaining to a request or application will void that request or application upon discovery of the misrepresentation. (g) The Planning Commission will not commence a new hearing after 10 P.M. unless agreed upon by the Planning Commission. Section 9. Public Hearing Procedure (a) Chair introduces the discussion item orally and outlines the public hearing procedures to be followed during the public hearing process. The Chair then reads qualifying questions to the Commissioners regarding the Appearance of Fairness and Conflict of Interest Doctrines and opens the public hearing. (b) Planning Staff presents a staff report and provides a recommendation. Commissioners are permitted to ask the Chair or staff any relevant questions about the application. The public hearing will be opened with a brief explanation of the procedures to be followed (c) The spokesperson for proponents in the audience shall be given an opportunity to speak in favor of the application. Information submitted should be factual, relevant, and not March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 13 merely duplication of previous presentation(s). A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Each person speaking shall give their name, location of residence, and nature of the interest in the matter. The Chair may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Any data presented shall be retained by staff and marked as an exhibit. (d) The spokesperson for opponents in the audience shall be given an opportunity to speak against the application. Information submitted should be factual, relevant, and not merely a duplication of a previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Each person speaking shall give his or her name, location of residence, and nature of the interest in the matter. The Chair may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Any data presented shall be retained by staff and marked as an exhibit. (e) Other interested parties shall be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes) or make inquiries. (f) There can be a brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents each heard separately and consecutively, with presentation limited to their spokesperson. The rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. The Chair may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. (g) The public hearing is closed. Commissioners voice their considerations and pose any relevant questions through the Chair. Specific questions may be posed through the Chair to a particular speaker to clarify testimony previously presented. (h) Motion for disposition is presented and an action taken. Section 10. Quorum Four members of the Planning Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the taking of official action. If there are vacancies on the Commission, quorum shall constitute a majority of the existing membership. Section 11. Motions Motions shall be restated by the Chair before a vote is taken. The names of the members making and seconding a motion shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Section 12. Voting Any action taken by a majority of those present, when those present constitute a quorum, at any regular, recessed, or special meeting of the Planning Commission shall be deemed and taken as the action of the Commission except that any proposed change of the Zoning Map must be approved by a majority of the total membership of the Planning Commission. Voting on amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Map, all matters requiring a public hearing before the Planning Commission, and all matters referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council shall be by the vote of each member and shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 14 Section 13. Staff Reports On all matters considered by the Planning Commission, the report and recommendations, if any, of the Planning staff shall be presented to the Commission and shall become part of the formal record of the action and recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Section 14. Conflict of Interest and Appearance of Fairness Any member of the Planning Commission who has an interest in any matter before the Commission that would or could tend to prejudice his or her actions thereon, shall so publicly indicate this fact and shall abstain from voting or participating in any way in the Commission's action on that matter. Section 15. Attendance Attendance at regular meetings and special meetings is expected of all Commission members. Any members anticipating being absent from a regular or special meeting shall notify the Chair and Executive Secretary with as much prior notice as possible but no later than noon the day before the meeting so the Commission may excuse the absence at the meeting. Exceptions will be made in the event of an emergency such as illness or death in the family or an unforeseen event. Commissioners who fail to give notice will be marked as unexcused in the minutes. For any member who is absent from three consecutive meetings without being excused or six meetings in a calendar year, whether excused or unexcused, the Commission shall recommend to City Council to consider the position forfeited and to advertise replacement for a new member to be appointed for the unexpired term. When a member misses three meetings within a six-month period, the Chair should discuss with the member the implications of their lack of attendance and options for improvement. If the circumstances are expected to continue unimproved, the member may be asked to consider resigning from the Commission before reaching the above-mentioned threshold of absences. Section 16. Parliamentary Procedure Parliamentary procedure in Planning Commission meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised unless it is specifically provided otherwise in these Bylaws, in other Planning Commission resolutions, in City Ordinances, or in the State of Washington Planning Enabling Act (Chapter 35.63 RCW). Section 17. Public Nature of Meetings and Records All regular, recessed, and special meetings, hearings, records, and accounts shall be open to the public provided, however, executive sessions may be held by the Commission as provided in RCW 42.30.110. ARTICLE VI - COMMITTEES Section 1. Establishment of Committees The Planning Commission may establish such standing or special committees as it deems advisable and assign each committee specific duties or functions. Each standing committee shall consist of 3 members. No standing or special committee shall have the power to commit the March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 15 Planning Commission to the endorsement of any plan or program without the plan or program submitted and approved by a quorum of the Commission. Section 2. Appointment and Terms of Committee Members The Chair of the Planning Commission shall appoint the members of each standing or special committee and shall name the chair of each committee. The members of each standing committee shall be appointed at the first regular meeting in July for a term of one year. Special committees may be appointed at such times and for such purposes and terms as the Planning Commission approves. Section 3. Committee Vacancies Vacancies on committees shall be filled immediately by the Chair of the Planning Commission for the unexpired portion of the term. Section 4. Meetings of Committees The committees shall meet at the call of the committee chairman; in addition the Chair of the Planning Commission shall also have the authority to call a special meeting of any committee at any time and upon such notice as They may specify. The Planning Staff shall issue notice of committee meetings at the request of a committee chair or the Planning Commission Chair. Section 5. Quorum and Voting The majority of the members appointed shall constitute a quorum of all committees. The affirmative vote of a majority of the committee membership shall be required for the adoption of a matter before the committee. ARTICLE VII - AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by the affirmative vote of five (5) members of the Planning Commission provided that the proposed amendments have been submitted in writing at a previous meeting. Amended April 27, 2022 As amended: 2/23/76; 8/23/78; 5/23/79; 1/19/88; 3/16/90; 4/25/90; 4/29/90; 6/23/93; 1/12/94; 3/24/2004; 5/08/13; 01/25/2017; 8/26/20; 4/14/21; 04/27/2022 March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 16 2024 January-February Building Report Staff Updates March 27, 2024 PC Agenda Packet pg. 17