HomeMy WebLinkAboutLTAC Agenda Packet 06082023 MEETING AGENDA LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEEMEETING June 8, 2023 2:00 4:00 p.m. Notice is hereby given that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, June 8, th 2023, starting at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambersin City Hall located at 321 E. 5Street, Port Angeles, WA. This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Committee members, and City staff have the option to attend the meeting in person, at City Hall or remotely via telephone or video link. For audio only please call:1-844-992-4726 Use access code: 2552 525 3785 Once connected press *3 to raise your virtual hand, if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the June 8, 2023meeting only. If you are joining in through the Webex link: ŷƷƷƦƭʹΉΉĭźƷǤƚŅƦğ͵ǞĻĬĻǣ͵ĭƚƒΉĭźƷǤƚŅƦğΉƆ͵ƦŷƦͪaL5ўƒЍğĻĬЎАВЌĭБЉЊЌЊĭБŅЍЌВЏЌЏЋЉЎĬВЏЎАВ will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Virtual Meeting Link: ŷƷƷƦƭʹΉΉĭźƷǤƚŅƦğ͵ǞĻĬĻǣ͵ĭƚƒΉĭźƷǤƚŅƦğΉƆ͵ƦŷƦͪaL5ўƒЍğĻĬЎАВЌĭБЉЊЌЊĭБŅЍЌВЏЌЏЋЉЎĬВЏЎАВ The meeting is open to the public. I.CALL TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.APROVAL OF MINUTES IV.PUBLIC COMMENT The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee desires to allow the opportunity for public comment. However, the business of the Committee must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes. V.ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS/OTHER BUSINESS 1.Action: Department of Natural Resources Community Forestry Assistance Grant Award Match Review request by staff to allocate Lodging Tax Funds from reserves to provide match to a grant improving the Front Street entryway from the Overlook to Lincoln Street and improvements to Websters Woods. 2. Discussion/Action Item: Review Vision, Goals and Priorities and Request for Proposal ApplicationDocument Continued discussion of revisions that provide better guidance and an improved application process and evaluative approach for both Committeebudgeting decisions and lodging tax fund applicants. L͵ INFORMATION ONLY 1. May OPVB LTAX Revenue Report VII. STAFF UPDATES VIII. COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDATES IX. ADJOURNMENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 30, 2023 th 321 East 5 Street Port Angeles, Washington This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m. ROLL CALL Voting Members Present: Navarra Carr, Christine Loewe, Donya Alward, Sydney Rubin, Victoria Jones Member at Large Non-Voting Members: Roselyn Mangohig and Darlene Clemmons. Members Absent: Staff Present: Ben Braudrick, Sarina Carrizosa, Melody Schneider, and Kari Martinez-Bailey. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Loewe and seconded by Alward to: Approve the minutes as presented in the packet. Motion carried 5-0 PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was received. ACTION ITEMS 1. Open Public Meetings Act Training Assistant City Attorney Chris Cowgill presented the Committee with the Open Public Meetings Act training. Committee discussion followed. 2. Finance Presentation of Annual Budgeting Process. Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa and Accounting Manager Melody Schneider shared a presentation of annual budget forecasting methodology for the Lodging Tax Budget. Committee discussion followed. 3. Review Vision, Goals and Priorities Document Senior Planner Ben Braudrick shared slides that spoke to the Council approved Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Vision, Goals, and Priorities document - Resolution 11-18, and provided background. He shared staff’s recommendations for revisions that provide better guidance and an improved application process and evaluative approach for both Committee budgeting decisions and lodging tax fund applicants. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Rubin to: Direct Staff to revise the Vision, Goals and Prioritized for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee based on the feedback from the committee, and bring back options for scoring criteria and application updates at the June meeting. Chair Carr asked if there was opposition to the motion, hearing none, the motion carried 5-0. 4. Peninsula Adventure Sports Transfer of Award Review request by event maker Peninsula Adventure Sports transfer of funds from canceled Extreme CX cyclocross events to a new running event, the Salt Creek 24, to be held on October 28-29, 2023. It was moved by Loewe and seconded by Carr to: Approve the transfer of the 2023 $2,000 award from the peninsula Adventure Sports Extreme CX event to the Salt Creek 24 event. Motion carried 5-0. Next meeting in June 8, 2023. June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 1 LTAC Minutes March 30, 2023 Page 2 STAFF UPDATES None. COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDATES None. ADJOURNMENT ChairCarradjourned the meeting attime4:10p.m. _____________________________________________________ Navarra Carr, ChairKari Martinez-Bailey, Acting Clerk June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 2 Date: June 8, 2023 To: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee From: Ben Braudrick, Principal Planner Subject: 2023 Budget Increase – Washington State Department of Natural Resources Community Forestry Assistance Grant Match Background / Analysis: In November 2022 the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) recommended a 2023 budget that was adopted by the City Council. Since that budget adoption, an opportunity through the Department of Natural Resources Community Forestry Assistance grant was pursued successfully by the City of Port Angeles, in partnership with the Red Lion Hotel, Elevate PAand Port Angeles Fine Arts Center. The grant seeksthree tasks: 1.Pilot Project: Improve the “gateway” viewshedinto downtown to the north of Front Street between Peabody and Lincoln Street, 2.Pilot Project: Provide environmental guidanceand invasive species removalin Webster’s Woods. 3.Port Angeles Urban Forest Assessment and Management Tool: Creation ofa forest management manualfor use by community members seeking viewshed enhancements along the city’s marine bluff. The total projectcost is $53,000. The grant award is $26,500with a 50% match requirement of expenditures and in-kind funding. Staff and partners have identified $13,400in in-kind services and $13,100in expenditures to fulfill the matchrequirement. Staff is requesting the expenditure match be provided from excess lodging tax fundrevenuefrom 2022 be added to the 2023 budget. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommend the increaseof the 2023 budget using 2022 excess revenuein order to provide match toWashington State Department of Natural Resources Community Forestry Assistance grant for improvements to the downtown gateway, Webster’s Woods, and encourage proper urban forestmanagement practices along the City’s marine bluff. Attachments: Attachment A - Port Angeles Forest Renewal Pilots Grant Application Attachment B - Port Angeles Forest Renewal Pilots Budget Worksheet June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 3 Attachment A EXHIBIT A – PROJECT PROPOSAL FORM 2023 Washington Community Forestry Assistance Grant Grant funds are provided by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Urban & Community Forestry Program. Section I — PROPOSAL SUMMARY Complete all fields and provide a signature. Scanned copies in PDF format are acceptable for electronic submissions. Name of Proposed Project (not to exceed 5 words): Port Angeles Forest Renewal Pilots Location (City) Port Angeles Tree City USA Y N Project GIS Coordinates (reference point): 48.117, - -123.425 Address and Contact Information for the Organization Applying for the Grant Applicant/Organization Name: City of Port Angeles Applicant/Organization Phone: (360) 417-4750 Employer Identification Number: 91-1863989 321 E 5th Street Mailing Address City Port Angeles State WA Zip Code 98362 Applicant Contact Person Zachary Trevino E-mail Address ztrevino@cityofpa.us Title/Role with Organization Assistant Planner Phone number (360) 417-4750 Score of project location according to the Washington Environmental Heath Disparities Map (see section 3.3A of the RFA for details, map link: https://fortress.wa.gov/doh/wtn/WTNIBL/): 5 Brief Summary of the project (not to exceed 3 lines of text): Improving citywide urban forest management by piloting two forest renewal projects and culminate in the creation of a standardized Port Angeles Urban Forest Assessment and Management Manual. The two project sites (Welcoming Vista and Webster’s Woods) were chosen in response to community processes and represent diverse management issues within the City. Budget Summary (Summarize total amounts from the budget worksheet. Round to the nearest dollar.) Grant funds requested $ 26,500 Matching funds provided $ 26,537 Total project funds $ 53,027 By signing this project proposal form, the undersigned agrees that all information is accurate to the best of their knowledge. ___________________________________________________________________________ Name and Title of Authorized Representative Date ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative Date June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 4 Attachment A Section II — PROPOSAL NARRATIVE Applicants must address each item within the space provided. Text must be Arial, size 9, and single spaced. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (not to exceed 2 pages in length) Describe the purpose, scope, and timeline of your project as well as the location and community setting. Include details on how the project addresses urban and community forest management and identify the benefits of the project for promoting equity and environmental justice within the community: The City of Port Angeles, in partnership with Elevate PA, Red Lion Hotel: Port Angeles Harbor, and the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, requests $26,500 of support from the DNR Community Forestry Assistance Grant Program. This proposal will support the City’s effort to improve citywide urban forest management by piloting two urban forest renewal projects and culminate in the creation of a standardized Port Angeles Urban Forest Assessment and Management Manual for residents and professionals. The two pilot projects address some of the diverse forest management issues within the City. 1. Welcoming Vista will improve the health of an urban forest stand in an environmentally sensitive area while enhancing the view the downtown waterfront district and harbor as visitors arrive from the east on Hwy 101, 2. Webster’s Woods will enhance forest health in a 5-acre City Park home to the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center and its Open Air Sculpture Park. According to the Department of Health’s environmental health disparities data, Port Angeles has an overall ranking of 5. While some factors that contribute to this ranking are low in Port Angeles, other factors are extremely high. Port Angeles is a City with numerous environmental exposures and socioeconomic determinants of health with rankings of: 9 for % of the population living in poverty (62.5% of the school district population is identified as low income), 10 for % of population with no access to a private vehicle, 10 for the % of the population over 65 living alone, 10 for the % of the population living with a disability, 8 for the % of the population between 19 and 64 with no health insurance, 8 for % of population unemployed, 9 for the level of unaffordable housing, 10 for diesel exhaust PM2.5 emissions, and 9 for PM 2.5 concentration. With this data in mind, we recognize that many in our community have limited ability to access extra-curricular enrichment or healthy outdoor activities beyond their neighborhood. In addition, with unparalleled natural beauty including Olympic National Park and with direct ferry service to Victoria, British Columbia, Port Angeles relies on a healthy tourism economy. Building this industry purposefully in a manner that builds local ecological, economic, and cultural health is vital to this community’s future. Welcoming Vista From 2020 - 2022, a group of active community members united under the leadership of the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce to form Elevate PA with a 5-year Strategic Action Plan with key goals, strategies, and actions to help our downtown/waterfront district thrive. Through Elevate PA, community members now coordinate to implement these actions. Within the goal of “Welcoming Design,” the initial actions seek to immediately improve visitors’ experience by ensuring the entrances, seascape, and signage in the district reflect the ‘brand’ as a distinguished area and create a well-defined identity that provides an attractive, comfortable, and positive overall visitor experience reflective of our local lifestyle. Key is the enhancement of definable visual entrances and exits. This specific proposal will support action 2B-2 on the Strategic Action Plan: the Front Street/Highway 101 entrance will be enhanced to provide an expansive view of the district and harbor by unblocking the view on the north side of the street from Peabody to Lincoln. Currently as visitors drop into downtown Port Angeles from the east on Highway 101 their potentially impressive welcoming view of the downtown/waterfront district and harbor is obscured by a 600-foot stretch dense unmanaged red alder riddled with English Ivy and wall of invasive species. This vegetation, mostly in the City right of way, partially on land owned by the Red Lion Hotel, is on a steep marine bluff slope that drops away from the highway. English Ivy weighs down alders approaching the end of their lifespans and threaten Red Lion buildings at the foot of the slope. In addition, the leaf litter from the existing alder are providing a significant maintenance burden to the Red Lion Hotel. June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 5 Attachment A After initial consultation with an arborist, a preliminary concept was developed to replace the hardwood dominant stands and invasive understory with well-limbed conifers and a low-lying native understory. This will be accomplished by first removing the invasive understory, then establishing appropriate conifers in the shade of the alders and planting low-lying native shrubs. With appropriate management of the understory coupled with thinning and pruning of the alders, over several years the conifers will eventually replace the alders completely. Funding from this proposal will allow the City to hire a contractor to complete a stand assessment and develop a planting and 10-year maintenance plan by September of 2023. With a combination of volunteers and contractors, invasive species will be removed, conifers planted, alder’s thinned by an ISA Certified Arborist, and native shrubs installed. By May 31, 2024 these actions will be completed with many of the planting activities happening in the fall of 2023. Through the remainder of the grant period and in the years to come, the City, Red Lion Hotel, and Elevate PA will continue to implement the maintenance plan building stand health and enhancing views at this critical entrance point to the downtown district. Webster’s Woods Webster’s Woods is a 5-acre park owned by the City of Port Angeles consisting of second-growth forest with associated wetlands and a small trail system holding more than 100 works of outdoor art for the enjoyment of the public. Nestled between surrounding neighborhoods, the park annually receives more than 25,000 visits. Many visitors rely on the park for their daily health and recreation needs. The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center is a park tenant. They maintain a gallery and program space on the property while acting as stewards to help maintain the trails, support the maintenance of the physical property, install, and maintain the artwork throughout the park, and provide year-round arts, culture, and environmental education within the park through free outdoor festivals, nature-based workshops, free school field trips, park tours, and student camps. In 2022, to address the high level of invasive species, inadequate trail design, and overall visitor experience, a group of community stakeholders generated a 3-year vision and roadmap for the long-term health of Webster’s Woods Sculpture Park, including a GIS map envisioning a realigned and accessible trail system, and an invasive species assessment and management plan provided pro-bono from staff at Peninsula Environmental Group. With funding from this proposal, the City, in partnership with the Fine Arts Center and its team of stakeholders, will build upon this initial work and hire a contractor to complete a forest and wetland health assessment and develop a 10-year forest management and maintenance plan. Through the assessment, the contractor will identify forest health issues and property conditions that negatively impact forest health and decrease biodiversity. The plan will outline the anticipated management practices needed and define the estimated dates for these actions. The management and maintenance plan will outline the means for improving the health of wetlands on the property, the steps needed to protect, maintain, or enhance the aesthetic, recreational, and educational value of the property and restore the health and productivity of this park to ensure its use for public enjoyment over the long-term. These assessments will also allow the team to refine the existing property strategic plan and ensure ongoing resources are available for carrying out the management plan and its recommended practices. Within six months of receiving funds from this grant, the team will have begun addressing those management practices identified as first year action items. Immediate issues that we are aware will come out of the assessment include invasive removal, tree pruning, and improving trail integrity to support soil health. The partners see these efforts to improve and sustain the long-term health of Webster’s Woods as vitally important to supporting the health and social well-being of our community. Because Webster’s Woods Sculpture Park is within walking distance of three public schools, the Boys and Girls Club, our local library and our largest public housing complex in the city, a non-motorized trail, and sustained outdoor programming is offered by local non-profits here, this park serves as a key space for community cohesion and equitable access to outdoor recreation, arts enrichment, and therapeutic activities. Ultimately Webster’s Woods Sculpture Park is longstanding part of our community’s cultural identity offering a unique outdoor enrichment space for all those who visit. Port Angeles Urban Forest Assessment and Management Manual Our city has never engaged in such assessments of our forested parks or right of ways. The partners would like to use this opportunity to continue the contractor’s work, take the recommendations from the assessments and plans for the Welcoming Vista and Webster’s Woods, and create a standardized Port Angeles Urban Forest Assessment and Management Manual for residents and professionals. This will help the City not only assess these specific locations but build a how-to toolkit for forest health assessments and document best practices that can be used throughout our city park system, road right of ways, and in permit evaluation. In particular, there is an emergent need to provide clear and consistent guidance to property owners along the Olympic Discovery Trail and other waterfront bluffs and stream ravines on how to best manage their slopes. This manual would be key to improving the management of these bluffs to support ecosystem services, biodiversity, viewscape, and aesthetics. This citywide Urban Forest Assessment and Management Manual will be completed by April 2024. June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 6 Attachment A 2. ACTIVITIES (not to exceed 2 pages in length) Project activities are the work for which the applicant is requesting funding. Tasks are the major steps required to complete the activity. Deliverables are the results of the tasks or activities and are provided to DNR as evidence of completion. Provide a bulleted list of project tasks and break out each one into associated deliverables. Activity 1: Pilot Project: Welcoming Vista Task 1.1.: In July of 2023, the City of Port Angeles will work with the Elevate PA Welcoming Design Committee to hire a contractor to create a planting plan and 10-year management plan for the forest stand in the City of Port Angeles right of way north of Hwy 101/Front Street between Peabody and Race. o Deliverable 1.1: Planting plan and 10-year management plan for project area to be completed by September of 2023. Task 1.2: City of Port Angeles will work with the Elevate PA Welcoming Design Committee to hire a crew and mobilize volunteers and City Parks staff to remove invasive species in the project area. During this process, Red Lion Hotel will work with Elevate PA’s Welcoming Design Committee to control invasive species on their adjoining property. o Deliverable 1.2: Initial effort to eradicate invasives in the project area completed by September of 2023. Follow up efforts will need to occur regularly as a part of the project maintenance plan. Task 1.3: A tree planting by a contractor, City Park staff and volunteer crew resulting from task 1.1 will be conducted in the City right of way. It is assumed this will be site appropriate confers to grow in the shade of the existing alder. o Deliverable 1.3: Trees planted in accordance with the planting plan in the fall of 2023. Task 1.4: Native shrubs and ground cover will be planted in the fall of 2023 in the project area as defined through task 1.1. This will be completed by a combination of a crew hired by the City, City Park staff, and volunteers organized by the Elevate PA Welcoming Design Committee. o Deliverable 1.4: Native shrubs and ground cover planted in accordance with the planting plan in the fall of 2023. Task 1.5: Ongoing maintenance of the site will continue with the leadership of the City of Port Angeles, Elevate PA Welcoming Design Committee, and Red Lion Hotel. o Clear evidence of an ongoing property management partnership in place and succeeding by May of 2024. Activity 2: Pilot Project: Webster’s Woods Task 2.1: City of Port Angeles will work with the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center to hire a contractor to conduct a Forest and Wetland Health Assessment and 10-year management plan for Webster’s Woods in July 2023. o Deliverable 2.1: Forest and Wetland Health Assessment and 10-year management plan for Webster’s Wood Task 2.2: The City of Port Angeles will hire crew to begin removing invasive species, prune trees, and improve trail stability as defined by task 2.1. This crew will be supplemented by volunteers and City Parks staff. o Deliverable 2.2: First year of 10-year management plan implemented by May of 2024. Activity 3: Port Angeles Urban Forest Assessment and Management Manual Task 3.1: Based on the experience gained by the creation of the plans outlined in tasks 1.1 and 2.1, the City will hire a contractor to create a Port Angeles Urban Forest Assessment and Maintenance Manual for use at other City parks, rights of way, and by the permitting office to assist the City, its residents, and land management professionals utilize best practices and assessing and managing urban forests. This how-to toolkit will be applicable across the City with a section that focuses particularly on tree management on the bluffs along the Port Angeles waterfront and behind the downtown district. o Deliverable 3.1: Port Angeles Urban Forest Assessment and Management Manual. To be completed and adopted by all appropriate City departments by May of 2024. Task 3.2: City will acquire tools needed to support invasive species removal, pruning, trail repair and other maintenance. o Deliverable 3.2: Eligible tools are acquired, including but not limited to: weed wrenches, loppers, hand clippers, shovels, picks, rakes, wheelbarrows, pulaskis, and McLeods by August of 2023. June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 7 Attachment A 3. OTHER OUTCOMES / PROJECT CONTEXT (not to exceed 1 page in length) Describe other project outcomes or components unique to the project that may add value or context. Examples could be, but are not limited to: innovative methods such as new technology or techniques; partnerships or cooperative ventures important to the success of the project; addressing environmental justice and health disparity issues; history of involvement with community; description of how residents are part of the project’s decision- making process; community involvement in stewardship or advocacy activities. The City of Port Angeles is particularly excited about this proposal because it not only allows the City to increase its use of best practices in urban forest management but does this in response/partnership with community-based planning efforts: Elevate PA and the Webster’s Woods Advisory Committee. These two citizen groups are deeply rooted in the issues of Port Angeles and understand the potential positive community impact of well-managed urban forests and forest stands. Additionally, our intent is for these demonstration projects to generate community awareness and buy-in for a strong urban forest management strategy citywide. The creation of the Urban Forest Assessment and Management Manual will foster inter-departmental discussion that can lead to a more unified vision on urban forest management. The City and partners recognize that trees, green spaces, and urban forests are critical community infrastructure and that through key partnerships, as exemplified in these two projects, we can establish a comprehensive community-wide plan to steward and maintain this infrastructure over the long term. Ultimately, with greater community support, staff capacity, and funding streams we can devise a plan that includes a citywide tree inventory, canopy assessment, maintenance program for streets and parks, maintenance for natural areas, planting program, and tree protection policy. With success on these pilot projects and the creation of the Urban Forest Assessment and Management Manual we are confident momentum will continue toward a needed citywide canopy assessment and overarching urban forest maintenance and management plan. More immediately, the creation of this manual will be crucial to instituting standards for marine bluff management. The entire water-facing length of Port Angeles has associated bluffs between 30 and 200 feet high that are 0 and 400 feet back from high-tide lines. These bluffs are predominantly treed with invasive species and alder, often with English ivy climbing throughout the alders. For 3.6 miles east of the downtown waterfront district, a former railway line runs along the Strait that has been converted to be a part of the North Olympic Peninsula spanning Olympic Discovery Trail, used by thousands of locals and tourists each year. For this entire stretch, the trail features the Strait of Juan de Fuca to the north and poorly managed bluffs to the south. It is especially appealing that this proposal will promote a different management technique that we hope can act as a case study for all bluff properties throughout the City. The property at Webster’s Woods represents a second-growth forested City park home not only to about a mile of trail, but public gathering space, over 100 public art pieces, and the galleries of the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center. This public space has long-standing issues with invasive plants and trails inappropriately place in environmentally sensitive areas. Port Angeles is surrounded by amazing natural wonders. Unfortunately, socio-economic factors mean that many local residents are unable to enjoy the benefits of outdoor spaces unless these spaces are located in their immediate neighborhood. Support for this grant will help the City of Port Angeles, its community-led planning groups, and thousands of residents reap greater benefits from our urban forests and forest stands. June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 8 Attachment B Section III - Proposal Budget Worksheet City of Port Angeles: Port Angeles Forest Renewal Pilots Non- TOTAL Grant Applicant In-Kind Applicant EXPENSEPER FundsMatchMatchCash EXPENSE Match Activity 1: Pilot Project: Welcoming Vista Task 1.1 Planting plan and 10 year management plan - Deliverable 1.1 - completed plans Contractor (est. 40hrs at $100/hr)4,000 4,000 City Staff (8hrs at composite rate of $46.88/hr) 375 375 Red Lion Hotel staff 500 500 Elevate PA volunteers (planning volunteers 24hrs at $34.87/hr) 837 837 Task 1.2 Invasive Species Removal - Deliverable 1.2 - invasive species removed from site Contractor crew ($1,500/day for 2 days) 3,000 3,000 City Staff (4hrs at composite rate of $46.88/hr and 36hrs at $27/hr) 1,160 1,160 Volunteer Crew (80hrs at $34.87/hr) 2,790 2,790 Dump Fees 1,000 1,000 Task 1.3: Tree Planting - Deliverable 1.3 - trees planted per planting plan Contractor crew ($1,500/day for 1 day) 1,500 1,500 City Staff (4hrs at composite rate of $46.88/hr and 36 hrs at $27/hr) 1,160 1,160 Volunteer Crew (40hrs at $34.87/hr) 1,395 1,395 Trees (conifers, perhaps shore pine est. 100 saplings at $5/tree) 500 500 Year 1 Alder thinning and limbing 3,000 3,000 Dump Fees 1,000 1,000 Task 1.4: Native shrub and ground cover planting - Deliverable 1.4 - shurbs and ground cover planted per planting plan Contractor crew ($1,500/day for 1 day) 1,500 1,500 City Staff (4hrs at composite rate of $46.88/hr and 36 hrs at $27/hr) 1,160 1,160 Volunteer Crew (40hrs at $34.87/hr) 1,395 1,395 Shrubs and Groundcover (likely mahonia, salal, snowberry etc.) 500 500 Task 1.5: Ongoing maintenance organized - Deliverable 1.5 - vegetation maintained per year-one of management plan City Staff (4hrs at composite rate of $46.88/hr and 40hrs at $27/hr) 1,268 1,268 Elevate PA volunteers (16hrs of maitenance later in grant year at $34.87/hr) 558 558 Red Lion Hotel staff 500 500 Activity 2: Webster's Woods Task 2.1: Forest and Wetland Health Assessment and 10-yr management plan - Deliverable 2.1 - plans completed Contractor (est. 40 hours at $100/hr) 4,000 4,000 City Staff (8hrs at composite rate of $46.88/hr) 375 375 Port Angeles Fine Arts Center staff 500 500 Webster's Wood Advisory Committee (24hrs of volunteer planning and review at $34.87/hr) 837 837 Task 2.2: Webster's Woods Year 1 Forest Mgmt - Deliverable 2.2 - First year of management completed per plan Contractor crew ($1,500/day for 2 days) 3,000 3,000 City Staff (4hrs at composite rate of $46.88/hr and 44hrs at $27/hr) 1,376 1,376 Port Angeles Fine Arts Center staff 500 500 Volunteer Crew (80hrs at $34.87/hr) 2,790 2,790 Activity 3: Port Angeles Urban Forest Assessment and Management Manual Task 3.1: Creation of standardized manual - Deliverable 3.1 - manual completed and adopted Contractor (est. 50 hrs at $100/hr) 5,000 5,000 City Staff (40hrs at composite rate of $46.88/hr & 40hrs at composite rate of $58.83/hr) 4,228 4,228 Community Volunteer input (24 hrs at $34.87/hr) 837 837 Task 3.2: Equipment to support maintenance (pulaskis, shovels, weed wrenches, etc) 500 500 Total Per Fund Category 13,10026,500 13,437 - 53,037 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 9 Date:June 8, 2023 To:Lodging Tax Advisory Committee From:Ben Braudrick,Principal Planner Subject:Proposed Lodging Tax FundingGuidance Document Applications Revisions Background / Analysis: In March the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee began its review of the budget application process and the Committees Vision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs. After review of the Goals and Priorities, the discussion was continued to the Comm- depth review of the scoring criteria and application questions to ensure thecriteria and applications do three things: Ask questions that are directly related to scoring criteria. It is important that applicants know what they are providing in their proposal has a direct nexus to. Help the Committee make decisions based upon scoring. The scoring should be the guide to decision-making because it is democratic,and consensus based. Ensure the application provides all the necessary information to speak for itself. No information -making. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 1) review the attached track change applications and Committee member suggestionsfor changes to the applications and scoring criteria 2) direct staff through motion to make changes to the applications and scoring criteria 3) Recommend the City Council approve through resolution the drafted changes to the Lodging Tax Advisory CommitteeVision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs. Attachments: Attachment ALine In/Line Out Vision, Goals and Priorities for Lodging Tax Funding Programs Attachment BLine In/Line Out Event Grant Application Attachment CLine In/Line Out Non-Event Fund Application Attachment D Lodging Tax Advisory Committee submitted suggestion for changes to the Applications and Criteria June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 10 Attachment A Vision,GoalsandPrioritiesforLodgingTaxFundingPrograms Vision: Tobestutilizelodgingtaxfundstocreateawelcomingandinvitingcommunitywithfacilitiesand activitiesthatincreasetourismrelatedrevenuethroughasustainablevisitorexperience. Goals: 1.Fosterandmaintainahealthyanddiversetourismsectorthatcontinuestothrive. 2.Fullyutilizeandpromotecreativeusesofexistingfacilities. 3.Improvethequalityofexperienceandrelationshipsfortouristandresidentswhile diminishinganynegativeimpactsfromtourismrelatedactivitiesandtraffic. 4.Promotepartnershipsandincreasetourismbyconcentratingonprioritiesidentifiedby bothresidentsandthetourismindustry. 5.FocusonouruniquePortAngelesassetsthatmakeusapremierdestinationfor environmentallyandfiscallysustainablerecreationandtourism. 6.EncouragecollaborationrecognizingthatOlympicPeninsulabasedtourismsupportsand benefitsallcommunities. AnnualFundingDisbursement: Commented \[BB1\]: Committeedecidedtoleavethe percentagesasaninitialbenchmarkfortheannualbudget. TheexpectedoutcomeofthefundedactivitiesistoincreaseeconomicactivityinPortAngeles throughtheovernightlodgingoftourists,throughtourismrelatedexpenditures,andconstruction oftourismrelatedfacilitiesinaccordancewithRCW67.28.1816 Fundingcategoriesandtheirpercentageofannualexpenditureshouldapproximate: TourismrelatedcapitalfacilitiesΑ20%plus5%reserved.Reservesaretobetakenfrom theinitialannualprojectedavailablerevenuespriortoLTACconsiderationofexpenditure allocationandbudgetfortheannum.CapitalFacilityexpendituresaretobeusedfor: o Newconstruction o Improvementandrenovation TourismrelatedmarketingΑ25% TourismrelatednonprofitbusinessoperationsΑ33% EventsandfestivalsdesignedtoattracttouristsΑ12% LTACPrioritiesΑ5% FundingPrioritiesΑNonevents: Lendsupporttoadiverserangeofsustainabletourismactivitiestoencouragevisitorsto enjoylongerstaysandreturnoften. Supporttheincreaseoftourismcapacity,wherecapacityisdefinedasthebroadnumber activitieswithinthecommunityavisitorcouldattend,visit,ortakepartin. Commented \[BB2\]: Committeeaskedstafftodefine ͻĭğƦğĭźƷǤͼ͵CapacitycouldbeakintoͻǝźĬƩğƓĭǤͼͲwherea Assistthemaintenanceestablishmenttourismrelatedcapitalfacilitiesincluding: criticalmassoffacilities,activities,andotherdestinations o WayfindingandInterpretativeSignage, withinthecommunitycouldenliventheexperiencefor o PublicRestrooms travelersandkeepthemcomingbackthetocommunity. o Transportationfacilities,and o Passiverecreationalparkfacilities(benches,walkways,andlighting). Supporteffortstoimproveinformationonattractionsandfacilities. June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 11 Attachment A Fundproposalsthatencourageandenhancetourismduringtheoffpeaktimeasstated below. PromotetourismthathighlightsPortAngelesassetsΑitsnaturalbeauty,geology,outdoor activities,anthropology,communityevents,lifelonglearningopportunities,history, culture,andthearts. Developkeycommunityassetsthatfunctionasdestinationsorvenuesformultipurpose eventsonayearroundbasis. Createpartnershipsandsynergieswithexistingorganizationstodevelopandpromote attractionsandeventsforvisitors. Developinnovativeopportunitiesthatimprovethetourist/residentrelationship Improveeffectivenessofcoordinatedtransportationandtraillinkages. Supportoforganizationsandprojectsthatpromotecoordinationandcooperationin tourismactivities. FundingPrioritiesΑEvents: EventFundingiscappedat$10,000peryearperevent. Fundprojectsforuptofiveyears,afterwhichfundingiscappedat$1,000. 5,000withan Startingin2022,allestablishedeventsolderthan5yearswillhaveacapof$ annualreductionto$1,000in2026. Revieweventsalsobaseduponintangiblebenefitsforthecommunity,includingartsand culture,localeconomicdevelopment,andregional/statewide/national/international exposure. Lendsupporttoadiverserangeoftourismsustainableactivitiestoencouragevisitorsto enjoylongerstaysandreturnoften. Encourageeventstobecomeselfsufficient. Commented \[BB3\]: Relatebacktoscoringcriteriaand application EncouragethecreationofneweventsandoffpeakthatdriveanincreaseinLodgingTax. Encouragethepotentialgrowthofexistingevents. Supportoforganizationsandprojects Commented \[BB4\]: Donyamentionedthatthisisin conflictwiththereductioninfundingforolderevents. thatpromotecoordinationandcooperationintourismactivities. Developinnovativeopportunitiesthatimprovethetourist/residentrelationship. Supporteventsthatdemonstratecountywidebenefit. Supporteventsthatdemonstrateregionalmarketingandmarketingpartnershipswith otherlocal/regionalmarketingorganizations. SupportProjectsthatdemonstrateaclearmarketingstrategyandbusinessgoals. ScoringCriteriaforEventGrantproposals: 1. Demonstratesahighpotential,oraproventrackrecord,toresultinovernightstaysby touristsinlodgingestablishmentswithintheCity.(25pts.) 2. Occurswithinnondemandperiodsoftheyear.(25pts.) 3. OveralltourismimpacttotheCity/Region.(15pts.) 4. Demonstrateshighvaluetocommunityand/orsignificantlocalrevenueandtax generation.(15pts.) 5. AchievestheLTACpriorities.(10pts.) 6. AgeofĻǝĻƓƷΑЊyear=5pts,12years=4pts,etc.(10pts.) June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 12 Attachment A ScoringCriteriaforNonEventproposals: 1. OveralltourismimpacttotheCity/Region.(30pts.) 2. Demonstratesahighpotential,oraproventrackrecord,toresultinovernightstaysby touristsinlodgingestablishmentswithintheCity.(25pts) 3. AchievestheLTACpriorities.(10pts.) 4. Demonstrateshighvaluetocommunityand/orsignificantlocalrevenueandtax generation.(20pts.) 5. Demonstratesstrongrelationshiptosupportingactivitywithinnondemandperiodsofthe year.(15pts.) June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 13 Attachment B 2024 Lodging Tax Fund Event Application This application is for Event related proposals only. Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $ EventGrantCoverSheet PleasereviewtheLTACVision,GoalsandPrioritiesforLodgingTaxFundingProgramstoassist answeringyourapplicationquestionnaire. Clickhereformoregeneralinformationaboutthe LodgingTaxProgram. Startingin2023:Eventfundingwillbecappedat$10,000perevent.Allestablishedeventsolder than5yearswillhaveacapof$4,000,withasubsequentannualreductionto$1,000until2026. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthisapplicationprocessorthegrantopportunityitself, pleasecontactBenBraudrickat3604060654,oremailced@cityofpa.us. Allapplications must besenttoced@cityofpa.usby\[InsertDate\]. Pleasefillinallrequestedinformationandcheckallrelevantboxes: EventName: Date/sofEvent:EventAge: AmountRequesting: GrantApplicationContact BusinessorIndividualOperatingEvent: ThisshouldbethenameintendedtoreceivethecontractandconsistentwiththeW9 PrimaryContact:TypeofBusiness Phone#: LLCSoleProprietorPartnership ContactEmail: CCorpSCorp501C() Other: WillyoureventrequireCitytrafficcontrolorincurutilityexpenses? YesNo(Ifyes,acoordinationmeetingwithCityStaffisrequiredtooccuratleast30days priortotheevent) CompleteApplicationIncludes(checkallthatapply): ApplicationQuestionnaire FullEventBudget(Includinghighlighteditemsapplicabletograntrequest) W9*(withorganizationnameandaddresswherereimbursementcheckwillbesent) *ThisshouldbethenameintendedtoreceivethecontractandconsistentwiththeW9 DocumentationofStateTaxIDNumber June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 14 Attachment B ApplicationQuestionnaire BasicEventInformation 1. Describeyoureventinabrief23sentencenarrative.Providetheeventname,date(s),projectedoverall attendance,andifthisisaneventthathasbeenawardedLTAXeventgrantfundinginthepast,what,ifanything, ischangingabouttheevent.Commented \[BB1\]: Per Victoria Answer: 2. Isthisanewevent?Ifnot,whatistheageoftheevent?Ifthiseventhasbeenawardedlodgingtaxeventgrant Commented \[BB2\]: Per Victoria, with some staff edits. fundinginthepast,aretherechangestotheeventnextyear? Answer: 3. Isthereahosthotelforyourevent?Ifyesforreturningevents,listthehosthotelandanestimateofhowmany Commented \[BB3\]: Per Sydney. roomswerebookedlastyear.Howdidyouobtainthisdata? Answer: 4. Howmanypeoplehaveattendedyoureventinthepast?Howdidyouobtainthesefigures?Commented \[BB4\]: Per Victoria Answer: 5.4. Willtheeventnecessitatetheobstructionoruseofthepublicrightofway,publicutilityhookupsand/orPolice orFireassistance? YesNoIfyes,pleasedescribeindetail. Answer: 6.5. WhatistheamountyouarerequestingfromtheCityforsuchpublicrightofwaypermitsorassistanceandwhat willitbeusedfor?Pleasebeasaccurateaspossible.Youcanemailpublicworksinbox@cityofpa.usforan estimate.TheLTACwillcreateaROWreimbursementbudgetbaseduponthisamountasamaximum. Answer:$_______________ GeneralBudgetQuestions 7.6. Pleaseprovidethedetailsonthisevent͸sannualbudget.Anitemizedeventbudgetisarequiredattachmenttothis application,inadditiontothetableonthefollowingpage. Answer: City of Port Angeles 2023 Lodging Tax Fund Event Grant Application Page 1 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 15 Attachment B BudgetedCostbyTypeTotalEstimatedBudgetRequestedLTAXPortion Commented \[BB5\]: Per Sydney. Local Marketing not funded by 1. MarketingΑLocal$NotFundedByLTAX$ LTAX. 2. MarketingΑBeyond50miles$$ 3. MarketingΑWebsite$$ 4. EventSWAG$$ 5. BusinessOperation(OfficeandPersonnel)$$ 6. EventOperation(NonROWandUtility)$$ 7. ROWandUtilityRequirements$$ 8. Other(Describe):$$ TotalEventCost$$ 8.7. HowmuchofthatbudgetwillbespentonadvertisingoutsideClallamCounty?Whatkindofadvertisingis proposed?Describeyourmarketingstrategyfortheevent. Answer: 9.8. Doyouhaveothereventsponsors?Ifso,howmuchincomedoyouplantoreceiveintotalfromothersponsors? Answer: 10. Whatwillyoucutfromyourproposalordodifferentlyiffullfundingforyourrequestisnotavailableor Commented \[BB6\]: Per Sydney. recommended? Answer: LTACFundingPrioritiesQuestions 11.9. Describethedesiredandanticipatedaudienceoftheevent.Istheeventfocusedonlocalresidentsorpeople outsideClallamCounty? Answer: 12.10. DescribehowtheeventencouragesvisitorstoenjoylongerstaysandreturnoftentotheCityofPortAngeles. Answer: 13.11. Doestheeventprovideanyopportunitiesthatimprovethetourist/residentrelationship? YesNoIfyes,pleasedescribe. Answer: City of Port Angeles 2023 Lodging Tax Fund Event Grant Application Page 2 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 16 Attachment B 14.12. TheCitydesirestoprioritizeencourageseventsthatprovideintangiblebenefitsforthecommunity,including Commented \[BB7\]: Per Sydney. artsandculture,localeconomicdevelopment,andregional/statewide/national/internationalexposure. Describehowthiseventfulfillsthispriority? Answer: 15.13. IstheeventheldincoordinationorwiththecooperationofothereventsortourismactivitiesintheCityof PortAngeles? YesNoIfyes,pleasedescribe. Answer: 16.14. HowdoesthiseventsupportorinvolveCityofPortAngelesbusinessesororganizations? Answer: 17.15. DoesthiseventbenefittheentireClallamCountyand/orOlympicPeninsula? YesNoIfyes,pleaseexplainhow. Answer: 18.16. Ifyoureventhasoccurredinthepast,whatwillyouoryourorganizationdodifferentlythisyearthatwill improveuponlastyear͸sevent? Answer: JLARCReportingQuestion 19.17. BasedonStatemandatedreporting,pleasecompleteitemsAthruFbelow.Ifthisisaneweventorthe eventdidnotoccurin2022,putn/ainthe2022column.Arequirementoftheawardreimbursementisthe trackingoftheselodgingstatistics. ProposedMethodologyusedto Commented \[BB8\]: Per Sydney. StateMandatedLodgingReportingQuestions20222023report a. Overallattendanceatyourproposedevent/activity/facility. b. Numberofpeoplewhowilltravelmorethan50milesforyour event/activity. c. Ofthepeoplewhotravelmorethan50miles,thenumberof peoplewhowilltravelfromanothercountryorstate. d. Ofthepeoplewhotravelmorethan50miles,thenumberof peoplewhowillstayovernightinPortAngelesorthePort Angelesarea. City of Port Angeles 2023 Lodging Tax Fund Event Grant Application Page 3 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 17 Attachment B e. Ofthepeoplestayingovernight,thenumberofpeoplewhowill stayinPAIDaccommodations(hotel/motel/bedbreakfast/short termrental)inPortAngelesorPortAngelesarea. f. Numberofpaidlodgingroomnightsresultingfromyour proposedevent. (example:25paidroomsonFridayand50paidroomsonSaturday=75paidlodging roomnights) City of Port Angeles 2023 Lodging Tax Fund Event Grant Application Page 4 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 18 Attachment B SignatureandCertification Iamanauthorizedagentoftheorganization/agencyapplyingforfunding.Ihavereadtheapplicationinstructions andunderstandthat: Iamproposingatourismrelatedservicefor2023.Ifawarded,myorganizationintendstoenterintoaMunicipal ServicesContractwiththeCity;provideliabilityinsuranceforthedurationofthecontractnamingtheCityas additionalinsuredandinanamountdeterminedbytheCity;andfileforapermittouseCityproperty,if applicable. TheCityofPortAngeleswillonlyreimbursethosecostsactuallyincurredbymyorganization/agencyandonly aftertheserviceisrendered,paidforifprovidedbyathirdparty,andasignedRequestforReimbursementform (orotherformacceptabletotheCity)hasbeensubmittedtotheCity,includingcopiesofinvoicesandpayment documentation. Myagencywillberequiredtosubmitareportdocumentingeconomicimpactresultsinaformatdeterminedby theCity.Accesstheformhere: AsaconditionofthisapplicationforfundingifanyfundingisprovidedbytheCityofPortAngelesusinglodgingtaxfunds,I agreetoprovideallwrittenreportsrequiredbytheCityinaccordancewiththereportingdeadlinesestablishedbytheCity. AnyfundingthatisreceivedthroughthisprogramrequiresawardeestocitetheCityofPortAngelesasafundingpartneron Commented \[BB9\]: Per Sydney. anywebsiteorpromotionalmaterials. Thissignatureisalsoacknowledgmentofreadingandunderstanding,initsentirety,theapplicationanditscoverletter,and yourresponsibilitiesasagrantapplicantandrecipient. PleasesavethisapplicationasaPDFdocumentandsigndigitallyinAdobeReaderorAcrobat.LearnMoreHere. PrintNameofApplicantSignatureDate Tobeeligibleforconsideration,yourcompleteproposalmustbereceivedbythedeadline.TheCommitteewill reviewproposalsinapublicmeetinganddeterminefundingrecipientsandlevelsoffunding. Submitonedigitalcopyoftheproposalcoversheet,completedquestionnaire,andanyattachmentinONEpdf documentto:ced@cityofpa.us Ifyouhaveanyquestionsonhowtosubmit,pleasecontacttheaboveemail. Youmustcompleteandsigntheapplication.Youcanpdfthedocumentandsigndigitallyusingadobereader. TheproposalandalldocumentsfiledwiththeCityarepublicrecords.TheCitymaychoosetopostonitswebsite copiesoftheproposalsandattacheddocuments. City of Port Angeles 2023 Lodging Tax Fund Event Grant Application Page 5 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 19 Attachment C 2024 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application This application is for non-event related proposals only. Amount of Lodging Tax Requested: $ PleasereviewtheLTACVision,GoalsandPrioritiesforLodgingTaxFundingProgramstoassistanswering yourapplicationquestionnaire.ClickhereformoregeneralinformationabouttheLodgingTaxProgram. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingthisapplicationprocessorthegrantopportunityitself,please contactBenBraudrickat3604060654,oremailced@cityofpa.us. Allapplications must besenttoced@cityofpa.usby\[InsertDate\]. Organization/AgencyName: FederalTaxIDNumber: FacilityNameorOperation(ifapplicable): ContactNameandTitle: MailingAddress:City:State:Zip: Phone:EmailAddress: Checkallservicecategoriesthatapplytothisapplication: OperationofaTourismPromotion/DestinationMarketingAgency OperationofaTourismRelatedFacilityownedoroperatedbyanonprofitorganization Operationand/orCapitalCostsofaTourismRelatedFacilityownedbyamunicipality Checkwhichoneofthefollowingappliestoyouragency: NonProfit(AttachcopyofcurrentnonprofitcorporateregistrationwithWashingtonSecretaryofState) PublicAgency CompleteApplicationIncludes(checkallthatapply): ApplicationQuestionnaire Itemizedbudgetforyournoneventrelatedoperationorcapitalfacility(incomeandexpenses) Descriptionof,andabudgetshowing,howyouintendtousetheamountrequestedfromtheCityofPort Angeles. AcopyofyourğŭĻƓĭǤ͸ƭcurrentregistrationwiththeWashingtonSecretaryofState. (Optional)Brochuresorotherinformationaboutyourfacilityoritemsshowingrecenttourismpromotion effortsΑLimitedto8pages June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 20 Attachment C ApplicationQuestionnaire GeneralQuestions 1. DBrieflydescribeyourtourismrelatedoperation/facilityandwhatyouarerequestinglodgingtaxfor.Thisis bestprovidedasaWho/What/Why/Where/When/Howoftheoperation/facility. Commented \[BB1\]: Per Sydney Answer: 2. IfyouhavereceivedLodgingTaxFundsinprioryears,areyoudoinganythingsignificantordifferentlythisyear? Ifthisisyourfirsttimerequestingfunding,whatisyourreasonfortherequest? Answer: 3. AreyouapplyingforLodgingTaxfundsfromanotherjurisdiction? YesNo Ifyes,listtheotherjurisdiction(s)andamount(s)requested. Answer: 4. DoesyourOrganization/Agencyhavepaidemployees?Ifso,whatistheannualpayrollforallemployees? Commented \[BB2\]: Per Victoria Answer: 4.5. Describeyoutargettouristaudience(location,demographics,interestsetc.) Answer: 5.6. Describehowyouroperation/facilitylendssupporttoadiverserangeoftourismactivities,whichwill encouragevisitorstoenjoylongerstaysandreturnoften. Answer: 6. Describethepriorsuccessofyouroperation/facilityinattractingtourists.Howdoyoudefinesuccess? Commented \[BB3\]: Per Sydney. Staff made the decision to remove as the question could be considered difficult to Answer: define success without bias. LTAXGoalsandPrioritiesforLodgingTaxFundingPrograms 7. Doesyouroperation/facilitypromotetourismthathighlightsPortAngelesassetsΑitsnaturalbeauty,geology, outdooractivities,anthropology,communityevents,lifelonglearningopportunities,history,culture,andthe arts?YesNoIfyes,pleasedescribe. Answer: City of Port Angeles 2023 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 2 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 21 Attachment C 8. Doesyouroperation/facilitysupporteffortstoimproveinformationonexistingCityofPortAngelestourist attractionsandfacilities? YesNoIfyes,pleasedescribe. Answer: 9. Describehowyourrequestwillpromoteexistinglodgingestablishments,restaurants,andbusinesseslocatedin theCityofPortAngeles.Pleasebespecific. Commented \[BB4\]: Per Sydney. Answer: 10. DescribehowyourrequestwillcreatepartnershipsandsynergieswithexistingCityofPortAngeles organizationstodevelopandpromoteattractionsandeventsforvisitors. Answer: BudgetandRCWrelatedQuestions 11. Whatistheoverallbudgetforyouroperation/facility?Whatpercentofthebudgetareyourequestingfrom PortAngelesLodgingTaxFund?Whatpercentageofyourbudgetisrelatedtotourismandmarketingactivities? (mayreferenceattachedbudget). Answer: 12. Whatwillyoucutfromyourproposalordodifferentlyiffullfundingforyourrequestisnotavailableor recommended?HowisLodgingTaxfundingessentialtothesuccessofyourproposal? Answer: Commented \[BB5\]: Per Sydney. 13.12. HowdoesthisproposaldemonstrateuseofLodgingTaxFundsinaccordancewithRCW67.28.1816? Pleasebespecificandcitecodedirectly. Answer: City of Port Angeles 2023 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 3 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 22 Attachment C SignatureandCertification: Iamanauthorizedagentoftheorganization/agencyapplyingforfunding.Ihavereadtheapplication instructionsandunderstandthat: Iamproposingatourismrelatedservicefor2023.Ifawarded,myorganizationintendstoenterintoa MunicipalServicesContractwiththeCity;provideliabilityinsuranceforthedurationofthecontract namingtheCityasadditionalinsuredandinanamountdeterminedbytheCity;andfileforapermitto useCityproperty,ifapplicable. TheCityofPortAngeleswillonlyreimbursethosecostsactuallyincurredbymyorganization/agency andonlyaftertheserviceisrendered,paidforifprovidedbyathirdparty,andasignedRequestfor Reimbursementform(orotherformacceptabletotheCity)hasbeensubmittedtotheCity,including copiesofinvoicesandpaymentdocumentation. Myagencywillberequiredtosubmitareportdocumentingeconomicimpactresultsinaformat determinedbytheCity. AsaconditionofthisapplicationforfundingifanyfundingisprovidedbytheCityofPortAngelesusing lodgingtaxfunds,IagreetoprovideallwrittenreportsrequiredbytheCityinaccordancewiththereporting deadlinesestablishedbytheCity. AnyfundingthatisreceivedthroughthisprogramrequiresawardeestocitetheCityofPortAngelesasa fundingpartneronanywebsiteorpromotionalmaterials. Commented \[BB6\]: Per Sydney Thissignatureisalsoacknowledgmentofreadingandunderstanding,initsentirety,theapplicationandits coverletter,andyourresponsibilitiesasagrantapplicantandrecipient. PleasesavethisapplicationasaPDFdocumentandsigndigitallyinAdobeReaderorAcrobat.LearnMoreHere. PrintNameofApplicantSignatureDate Tobeeligibleforconsideration,yourcompleteproposalmustbereceivedbythedeadline.TheCommitteewill reviewproposalsinapublicmeetinganddeterminefundingrecipientsandlevelsoffunding. Submitonedigitalcopyoftheproposalcoversheet,completedquestionnaire,andanyattachmentinONEpdf documentto:ced@cityofpa.us Ifyouhaveanyquestionsonhowtosubmit,pleasecontacttheaboveemail. Youmustcompleteandsigntheapplication. TheproposalandalldocumentsfiledwiththeCityareconsideredpublicrecords.TheCitymaychoosetopost onitswebsitecopiesoftheproposalsandattacheddocuments. City of Port Angeles 2023 Lodging Tax Fund Non-Event Application Page 4 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 23 Attachment D Thoughts on Current Scoring Criteria for Event Grant proposals: 1.Demonstrates a high potential, or a proven track record, to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) (This is always difficult to answer as the question is- Am I scoring on the merit of this individual proposal or in comparision to the other proposals) 2.Occurs within non-demand periods of the year. (25 pts.) 3.Overall tourism impact to the City/Region. (15 pts.) (According to what criteria?-This is a guess each time) 4.Demonstrates high value to community and/or significant local revenue and tax generation. (15 pts.) (Again, according to what criteria, this is too wide open and lends to individual opinion) 5.Achieves the LTAC priorities. (10 pts.) 6.Age of event–1 year = 5 pts, 1-2 years = 4 pts, etc. (10 pts.) Suggested Criteria for Events: •The proposal reflects that the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses •The project or event plan is clear and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine potential for success. •The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists. •The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan. •This project will result in overnight stays: I would prefer this to be a ranking based on the estimated number of room nights (IE- 25 pts – over 1,000 nights, 15pts- 500 etc) though I don’t have a recommendation for what the right point spread should be. •This project occurs in non-demand periods •The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) •This project proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) •Age of the event Thoughts on Scoring Criteria for Non-event proposals: Most of this criteria does not make sense for capital projects 1.Overall tourism impact to the City/Region. (30 pts.) 2.Demonstrates a high potential, or a proven track record, to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts) 3.Achieves the LTAC priorities. (10 pts.) 4.Demonstrates high value to community and/or significant local revenue and tax generation. (20 pts.) 5.Demonstrates strong relationship to supporting activity within non-demand periods of the year. (15 pts.) June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 24 Attachment D Suggested Non-event Scoring Criteria (Capital Facilities) • There is evidence provided that this project will help increase opportunities for tourism sustainable activities. • There is evidence provided that this project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return. • The project plan is clear with a timeline for action defined and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine potential for success. • The budget provided reflects a clear understanding of the costs associated with this project and there is evidence that this budget is based on market research, structured estimates, or estimates provided by contractors. • This project supports LTAC priorities to increase transportation, quality of city infrastructure, wayfinding, or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. • This project will support our local economy through local contracts, retail purchases, or partnerships. Operations: (Question on this- Was the purpose of operations to sustain the operations of tourism related facilities or was it also meant to include sustaining tourism related businesses?) • There is evidence provided that this project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities. • There is evidence provided that this project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits. • The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists. • This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure, or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. • This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism related business or facility. Scoring Method Options: Could be as simple as strongly agree -5, agree-4, neutral-3, disagree- 2, strongly disagree-0 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 25 Attachment D LTAX Application and Scoring Criteria Questionnaire Event Applications 1.In your review, are longer or shorter answers more helpful in evaluating an application? Response: Definitely shorter. Applicants need to stick to the specifics being asked without adding too much “editorial commentary.” Background is helpful, along with supporting information, but anything that strays into “blue sky projections” should be avoided. 2.What types of metrics are most helpful in evaluating event applications? Can the application request specific information that would be more helpful beyond budget, and the JLARC attendance/room night info? Response: If there have been hotel sponsors for them in the past, seeing actual occupancy numbers associated with the event would be an amazing advantage. Realizing that might be a big ask for most events, attendance information that’s backed by actual tracking of zip codes would be extremely helpful. Especially if this is a repeat event, seeing something that showed what percentage of attendees came from the 50 mile + zone, by zip code would be great. 3.Are there any questions that are not directly represented by the scoring criteria? If so, is there a way to ensure the criteria can be used to evaluate? Response: There’s nothing that relates directly to events that occur in high demand periods. A question added that asks why, if an event or non-event ask is to occur in a high demand period, what is the most compelling reason the committee should grant funding to that event anyway. 4.Are the criteria appropriate to represent the intentions of the application questionnaire? What could be changed to help reflect your feelings about a specific application? Response: As noted in comments I left on both applications, I’d like applicants to include more information that can be sourced to hard data to support their request and less pulling numbers out of thin air. If this is a new event, ask them to provide information from similar events in other places. The business of getting grants should require research to back up the request. I’ve seen very little of that in the time I’ve spent on the committee. ADDITIONAL NOTE: Require inclusion of LTAC support in all marketing and websites for grantees as an obligation to receive the funds and provide proof of such. Ideally, any event/non-event that claims to increase overnight stays must have a direct link to the OPTC booking link (the company that administers that can provide, at no cost, a landing page, specifically for each event, which can be pre-filtered to only populate with Port Angeles lodging options. June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 26 Attachment D Non-Event Applications 1.In your review, are longer or shorter answers more helpful in evaluating an application? Response: Same as above. Shorter, with more specific substance. 2.What types of metrics are most helpful in evaluating non-event applications? Can the application request specific information that would be more helpful beyond budget, operations, strategy that would help measure your scoring? Response: Particularly with the non-event applications, there seems to be more reliance on “demonstrating value to the community.” If this is the primary justification, then I’d like to see metrics or research that points to WHY and HOW it demonstrates value to the community. 3.Are there any questions that are not directly represented by the scoring criteria? If so, is there a way to ensure the criteria can be used to evaluate? Response: There’s nothing that relates directly to events that occur in high demand periods. A question added that asks why, if an event or non-event ask is to occur in a high demand period, what is the most compelling reason the committee should grant funding to that event anyway. 4.Are the criteria appropriate to represent the intentions of the application questionnaire? What could be changed to help reflect your feelings about a specific application? Response: Same as event: As noted in comments I left on both applications, I’d like applicants to include more information that can be sourced to hard data to support their request and less pulling numbers out of thin air. If this is a new event, ask them to provide information from similar events in other places. The business of getting grants should require research to back up the request. I’ve seen very little of that in the time I’ve spent on the committee. Take all the room you need below to provide any other thoughts on the applications and scoring criteria. ADDITIONAL NOTE: Require inclusion of LTAC support in all marketing and websites for grantees as an obligation to receive the funds and provide proof of such. Ideally, any event/non-event that claims to increase overnight stays must have a direct link to the OPTC booking link (the company that administers that can provide, at no cost, a landing page, specifically for each event, which can be pre-filtered to only populate with Port Angeles lodging options. June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 27 Attachment D LTAX Application and Scoring Criteria Questionnaire Event Applications 1.In your review, are longer or shorter answers more helpful in evaluating an application? Response: Shorter, but factual 2.What types of metrics are most helpful in evaluating event applications? Can the application request specific information that would be more helpful beyond budget, and the JLARC attendance/room night info? Response: Attendance, measure for calculating 3.Are there any questions that are not directly represented by the scoring criteria? If so, is there a way to ensure the criteria can be used to evaluate? Response: 4.Are the criteria appropriate to represent the intentions of the application questionnaire? What could be changed to help reflect your feelings about a specific application? Response: Question 1 is repetitive and also very loaded. o I think Question #1 should just be…. Describe you event in a brief Narrative o Provide the Event Name and Dates (This is asked on first page). o Projected Overall attendance is on Question #19 o If this event has been awards LTAX event grant funding in the past, what if anything is changing about the event - I would add this to question #2. Question #2, reword to say…. Is this a new Event, if not, what is the age of this event? If this event has been awards LTAX event grant funding in the past, what if anything is changing about the event Question #4. This is also like question #19. How many years do you want people to go back with attending this event? Question #18…. This is like the end of current question #1 “If this event has been awards LTAX event grant funding in the past, what if anything is changing about the event “If would suggest removing the bold above and just keeping question #18. Non - Event Applications 1.In your review, are longer or shorter answers more helpful in evaluating an application? Response: Shorter, but factual 2.What types of metrics are most helpful in evaluating event applications? Can the application request specific information that would be more helpful beyond budget, operations, strategy that would help measure your scoring? Response: Does your Organization / Agency have paid employees? If so, what is the annual payroll for all employees? W2 and 1099 June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 28 Attachment D 3. Are there any questions that are not directly represented by the scoring criteria? If so, is there a way to ensure the criteria can be used to evaluate? Response: 4. Are the criteria appropriate to represent the intentions of the application questionnaire? What could be changed to help reflect your feelings about a specific application? Response: How the money is going to be used? Take all the room you need below to provide any other thoughts on the applications and scoring criteria. Should application have to be hand delivered by a set day and time? Does your Organization / Agency have paid employees? If so, what is the annual payroll for all employees? W2 and 1099 – More for non-event June 8, 2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Packet Pg. 29 82.97%71.69%53.61%23.39%44.08%41.47%31.62%65.95%54.50%54.41%28.09%10.89% -13.53% 100.59%129.05%167.49%112.97%132.72% ЏΉЋΉЋЉЋЌ % Change% Change% Change% Change% Change 2019 YTD-over-YTD % change from 5.39%9.21%1.85%7.48%3.54%7.18%3.13%9.10%0.06%3.65%1.82%2.87%1.47%6.98%2.38% -6.08%-4.54% 25.18%11.38%13.35%11.77%24.49%31.38%11.62%59.06%19.55%25.60%28.34%73.83%13.04%50.63%80.19%12.12%15.51%28.24% YTD -12.42%-18.78%-15.19%-17.25%-14.31%-15.95% 125.27% % Change% Change% Change% Change% Change over prior % Change YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD $68,240.08$82,466.64$79,644.07$74,307.10$62,158.02$98,817.62$76,999.56$44,294.73$46,399.10$44,990.22$39,798.74$36,478.12 $387,615.34$442,597.36$353,556.66$156,949.82$193,233.15$183,357.55$164,619.84$145,232.20$254,618.20$227,805.96$182,986.03$139,281.25$148,297.30$132,862.93$121,660.42$143,443.26$118,819.62$116,662.27$ 108,544.09$124,112.49$361,624.31$240,077.36$239,930.87$133,156.66$155,389.66$149,915.87$147,238.96$131,318.81$178,967.98$154,939.23$120,816.54$117,440.85$139,725.16$137,706.84$128,717.82$125,726.52 $387,615.34$788,557.16$991,608.14$918,071.37$788,430.32$627,540.18$254,618.20$997,793.06$507,993.71$799,025.21$768,853.05$731,842.10$705,773.00$118,819.62$533,464.16$484,555.20$283,859.71$399,831.91$ 378,083.76$349,573.94$312,525.34$124,112.49$427,688.13$368,328.92$198,109.54$253,729.43$211,510.72$192,894.66$169,587.60$361,624.31$793,215.36$779,200.64$481,213.12$568,587.21$533,888.16$496,205.82$4 47,197.25$178,967.98$602,166.89$525,078.71$339,546.56$564,313.57$534,185.39$508,503.00$474,938.38 Full YearFull YearFull YearFull YearFull YearFull Year $1,651,662.42$1,484,829.07$1,140,386.73 $95,934.87$66,996.65$63,596.63$44,337.19$45,556.24$32,063.98$79,898.40$87,518.66$47,848.92$52,463.96$43,459.70$50,434.30$39,689.48$27,614.08$27,574.44$25,872.15$34,093.55$26,663.96$22,808.58$19,486.1 4$35,089.42$25,839.09$21,251.12$16,484.04$13,359.95$12,806.26$17,082.96$59,924.17$53,062.58$54,415.58$41,780.75$45,163.84$32,423.26$25,904.24$68,201.07$41,675.55$32,941.20$43,381.46$42,396.64$39,687. 46$30,911.64 $110,337.43 DecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberDecemberDecember 30 $78,632.65$71,138.54$94,453.64$93,364.80$97,199.10$93,031.74$77,956.25$45,675.45$38,134.39$42,190.78$20,197.47$42,810.06$37,840.56$50,155.28$42,069.36$30,870.12$30,125.36$26,305.63$27,283.60$16,871.1 6$87,442.65$75,232.02$64,163.76$62,351.70$68,607.38$57,837.62$64,468.02$58,652.34$56,031.27$61,722.25$65,074.84$61,921.74$62,230.28 $182,578.41$169,412.80$124,311.26$131,121.09$173,853.16$114,945.08$105,454.70$136,124.80$102,436.87 NovemberNovemberNovemberNovemberNovemberNovember Pg. Packet $89,289.74$70,343.96$96,659.96$36,833.06$63,544.40$83,245.17$59,745.86$54,962.02$60,177.42$57,454.61$42,082.24$42,993.27$31,991.26$30,043.92$30,176.72$46,239.34$67,898.24$78,437.33$59,893.26$64,462.1 3$58,058.42$59,800.36$81,453.56$45,121.84$89,017.30$79,021.22$72,230.96$64,688.96 OctoberOctoberOctoberOctoberOctoberOctober $212,620.30$198,433.27$132,469.30$152,906.83$169,643.01$102,560.50$188,341.61$180,458.08$100,138.89$144,375.36$142,047.88$137,473.32$124,232.32$128,765.18 Agenda $92,816.54$85,301.46$85,749.60$50,049.48$58,171.52$68,994.24$66,161.67$58,883.36$54,558.06$57,910.36$51,139.37$33,530.16$41,329.82$37,428.29$29,879.18$24,558.54$90,607.51$75,131.03$87,495.61$68,130.0 1$56,181.88$53,334.68$54,139.79$77,672.97$40,203.86$82,013.38$75,133.29$76,065.76$62,436.86 $224,118.46$192,217.99$160,075.87$156,745.60$115,085.98$105,764.40$202,015.13$194,139.64$142,359.68$144,298.29$135,072.98$124,299.26$113,177.85 SeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptember Committee $98,096.40$84,901.82$37,748.92$96,293.39$94,107.25$89,816.42$81,170.00$69,937.34$60,732.77$24,528.28$45,097.27$41,486.18$37,489.36$36,098.82$54,601.76$49,920.41$17,587.44$33,349.29$26,460.48$23,388.1 4$20,214.66$99,377.25$85,104.28$41,591.37$69,624.83$64,217.70$64,460.32$56,188.52$49,784.62$64,751.90$32,855.52$60,561.56$55,747.64$54,029.42$52,450.84 AugustAugustAugustAugustAugustAugust $198,802.60$193,691.88$102,444.89$135,017.28$113,039.12$130,873.85$123,597.72 tğŭĻ Њ ƚŅ Ћ Advisory Tax JulyJulyJulyJuly$7,845.14JulyJuly $43,110.81$93,931.88$73,573.25$78,136.72$45,697.55$81,724.74$21,148.05$72,624.87$71,125.43$59,074.38$58,782.14$55,423.76$53,995.58$16,176.22$38,439.35$35,058.87$30,288.04$26,855.20$40,135.51$35,278.0 2$26,893.64$19,384.22$18,080.80$13,559.28$82,763.16$70,727.44$22,715.37$47,889.57$43,754.88$38,074.08$33,479.14$50,459.79$44,684.07$10,074.67$47,394.37$43,446.89$40,149.94$41,061.44 $153,765.97$151,555.38$102,061.88 Lodging 2023 $648.59$533.76 $2,198.56$5,387.68$4,877.35 JuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJune 8, $65,055.68$45,182.11$78,751.14$32,083.65$73,265.10$68,735.54$48,157.01$47,586.77$41,111.18$41,124.80$29,776.90$41,323.43$15,904.01$25,005.68$25,626.37$23,241.58$20,566.52$30,800.76$29,628.50$16,154.9 1$11,590.67$11,614.02$10,646.16$64,213.58$69,432.85$42,349.77$35,892.03$31,161.52$29,333.88$31,409.19$35,371.78$40,498.09$35,658.03$35,699.90$35,431.84 $126,841.89$130,026.22 June May$6,289.26MayMay$4,791.47May$8,756.91MayMay $63,079.64$49,322.91$39,746.00$25,665.70$73,588.70$67,040.22$55,570.09$14,023.82$39,640.08$36,654.61$30,060.44$34,065.92$28,138.20$30,515.01$28,950.88$24,683.51$19,538.77$18,402.28$14,694.88$35,900.2 1$27,189.49$27,560.75$11,925.56$13,887.94$10,891.28$10,945.72$56,232.42$60,886.96$65,961.50$11,196.91$40,545.40$40,396.57$37,946.58$29,298.50$37,679.22$37,389.56$38,131.79$12,145.41$34,548.20$31,927. 59$30,209.64$33,626.90 $110,307.80$121,982.73$114,540.40 $8,947.36$9,384.98$7,215.28$8,351.92 AprilAprilAprilAprilAprilApril $63,119.24$71,384.48$39,731.36$28,807.02$29,671.08$21,010.60$23,695.61$58,992.73$50,058.81$35,259.89$31,752.03$22,065.27$24,066.14$24,119.06$21,386.50$24,531.48$27,275.46$27,091.77$15,188.08$13,753.9 9$16,544.24$14,553.62$13,785.16$27,981.59$24,744.51$13,862.82$11,118.42$55,439.56$43,406.48$28,566.17$21,724.70$23,064.24$20,633.70$18,348.78$30,351.98$29,606.77$21,639.46$18,176.86$21,384.31$28,774. 07$23,770.60$21,765.76 $102,318.23$142,896.71 $8,996.30$8,335.22$6,511.72$8,455.22$5,706.10 MarchMarchMarchMarchMarchMarch $99,500.62$94,697.66$73,732.76$40,679.21$37,244.32$25,978.70$26,236.56$17,598.01$46,591.47$41,282.90$34,779.78$28,744.11$26,222.34$22,886.34$19,321.88$40,770.18$22,585.68$20,211.44$20,862.28$17,118.2 8$13,513.48$14,275.72$11,956.78$10,295.50$26,494.31$20,071.35$13,837.32$71,172.47$40,797.64$46,407.13$28,921.38$24,277.10$18,799.70$16,661.22$14,393.60$23,460.18$20,884.09$19,399.19$25,007.02$26,895. 65$21,658.80$18,613.82$22,215.10 $9,868.20$7,984.88$6,178.36$7,290.66$6,271.14$4,898.52 $55,738.41$61,942.93$52,664.55$37,693.92$43,046.43$58,345.54$57,889.40$65,009.50$35,798.37$31,718.02$27,669.61$30,426.63$31,261.66$30,612.54$26,565.78$24,679.86$19,449.48$18,715.99$15,096.62$16,706.7 2$14,533.37$14,306.04$14,273.08$11,062.18$14,673.91$11,634.90$52,737.59$43,484.52$45,229.94$33,263.68$40,024.49$45,060.38$52,819.70$50,911.43$31,062.76$34,042.91$20,252.85$29,943.18$25,832.94$27,142. 20$26,849.56$26,262.20 FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruary $9,609.28$8,841.54$7,914.92$6,965.82$6,575.86 January$58,949.27$61,655.81$41,234.47$32,556.07$21,055.74$20,039.32$19,737.28$13,263.38January$39,646.93$37,706.01$29,706.66$34,334.66$29,107.95$18,643.30$21,593.26$22,540.80January$24,114.78$19,944. 37$16,542.54$14,435.53$15,982.29$14,979.30$15,121.34$12,320.30January$19,062.47$15,177.37$11,870.47January$38,585.12$39,468.68$38,925.82$31,208.52$28,817.97$22,594.98$19,177.76$18,366.50January$56,41 3.84$33,015.90$21,393.25$32,168.38$31,064.06$28,204.18$29,274.20$21,856.56 May 2023 Room Tax Report Clal. Co20232022202120202019201820172016P.A.20232022202120202019201820172016Sequim 20232022202120202019201820172016Forks20232022202120202019201820172016Jeff. Co20232022202120202019201820172016Port T.20232022202120202019201820172016 CźŭǒƩĻƭ ğƩĻ ğĭƨǒźƩĻķ ŅƩƚƒ ƷŷĻ 5ĻƦƷ͵ ƚŅ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ ΛǞǞǞ͵ķƚƩ͵Ǟğ͵ŭƚǝΜ ğƓķ ğƩĻ ƷǞƚ ƒƚƓƷŷƭ ĬĻŷźƓķ͵ CźŭǒƩĻƭ ğƩĻ ƷŷĻ ƷƚƷğƌ ƚŅ ĬƚƷŷ δ{ƦĻĭźğƌ IƚƷĻƌΉaƚƷĻƌδ ğƓķ δƩğƓƭźĻƓƷ wĻƓƷğƌδ ƷğǣĻƭ ĭƚƒĬźƓĻķ͵ tĻƩĭĻƓƷğŭĻ źƭ ƷŷĻ ğƒƚǒƓƷ ĭŷğƓŭĻķ ŅƩƚƒ ƚƓĻ ǤĻğƩ ΛƒƚƓƷŷ Ʒƚ ķğƷĻΜ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ ƓĻǣƷ ΛƒƚƓƷŷ Ʒƚ ķğƷĻΜ͵ /ƌğƌƌğƒͲ WĻŅŅĻƩƭƚƓͲ DƩğǤƭ IğƩĬƚƩͲ ğƓķ ağƭƚƓ /ƚǒƓƷǤ ŅźŭǒƩĻƭ ƩĻŅĻƩ Ʒƚ ğƌƌ ƌƚķŭźƓŭƭ ǞźƷŷźƓ ĭƚǒƓƷǤ ĬƚƩķĻƩƭ ĻǣĭƌǒķźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ƒğƆƚƩ ƷƚǞƓƭ ğƌƩĻğķǤ ƌźƭƷĻķ͵ 5ğƷğƭƚǒƩĭĻʹ ‘ğƭŷźƓŭƷƚƓ 5ĻƦƷ ƚŅ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ/ƚƒƦźƌĻķ ĬǤ ht. 36.21%76.60%64.16%85.51%90.35%50.97%25.75%29.59%12.39% ЏΉЋΉЋЉЋЌ % Change% Change% Change 7.57%4.64%5.06% -2.54%-1.38%-2.96% 88.53%12.63%26.09%77.40%20.89%11.12%15.31%60.71%19.02% -22.87%-12.92%-14.90%-30.07%-13.56%-11.70% % Change% Change% Change YTD YTD YTD $20,162.57$20,777.97$18,019.76$11,212.58$16,033.58$13,471.19$15,584.60$17,650.44 $718,595.09$931,633.64$866,053.01$459,368.36$527,553.16$468,383.71$447,595.34$426,056.76$301,780.48$309,658.46$245,585.62$138,436.24$162,674.93$134,569.92$121,103.66$122,799.19 $20,162.57$65,113.07$56,449.74$40,344.20$50,859.39$44,498.89$50,146.18$47,358.64 $718,595.09$301,780.48$869,732.63$520,003.16$562,002.35$475,671.28$391,344.54$373,099.69 Full YearFull YearFull Year $3,123,295.57$3,160,258.11$1,981,372.55$2,049,120.45$1,804,402.70$1,725,459.11$1,596,302.26$1,018,942.83 $6,805.74$3,782.20$4,195.34$4,091.58$3,866.84$3,007.16$4,195.54 $82,665.22$93,602.80$75,248.06$59,267.21$48,699.22$35,411.70$29,646.15$21,414.84$21,242.46 $204,428.00$203,581.18$192,631.07$113,788.10$108,503.98 DecemberDecemberDecember $5,814.64$5,485.90$4,310.88$5,100.66$4,660.20$4,890.66$5,824.88 31 $98,607.16$80,629.03$65,498.51$50,981.86$68,876.48$46,572.74$41,043.10 $284,227.52$329,354.11$291,095.32$203,314.40$202,243.41$209,366.60$190,312.09 NovemberNovemberNovember Pg. Packet $7,041.18$6,465.02$5,695.20$5,682.24$6,109.92$5,984.72$5,117.98 $88,480.56$83,452.47$64,961.27$53,916.36$49,750.48 OctoberOctoberOctober $470,056.72$459,824.68$322,585.87$352,375.57$310,206.72$283,083.61$251,072.05$133,572.06$111,013.69 Agenda $7,699.56$6,847.04$4,361.12$5,584.00$5,025.72$6,950.62$5,417.56 $82,275.33$82,197.42$61,325.21$54,988.44$48,172.94 $449,459.48$437,552.54$334,312.32$321,894.62$276,957.80$247,909.84$239,502.23$140,312.32$105,649.79 SeptemberSeptemberSeptember Committee $6,411.76$6,067.50$4,007.32$4,940.31$4,156.45$4,934.98$4,677.66 $98,683.49$61,326.82$61,277.03$50,591.09$41,386.28$42,973.50 AugustAugustAugust $309,597.61$345,427.97$206,945.35$220,231.99$197,123.24$171,347.46$170,159.26$103,214.15 tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ћ Advisory NA Tax JulyJulyJuly$5,220.18$4,995.16$3,446.58$4,313.81$3,807.18$4,707.54 $76,419.32$85,175.91$30,770.14$47,304.43$35,749.74$27,315.00$25,022.74 $222,216.35$258,628.56$152,778.09$153,527.59$128,984.49$120,308.75$109,066.15 Lodging 2023 $4,516.34$5,342.04$4,787.16$3,115.18$5,113.21$3,401.39$4,085.90$4,474.58 JuneJuneJune 8, $21,656.17$81,911.30$83,727.89$38,702.51$29,951.42$24,647.22$22,095.28 $251,676.25$259,836.06$156,435.02$137,838.11$137,343.53$116,530.92 June MayMayMay$4,255.14$4,329.87$4,748.30$1,877.78$2,158.72$3,971.49$4,727.04$3,834.14 $40,635.18$93,415.31$90,262.30$79,767.71$82,481.51$75,985.97$12,187.26$36,924.43$29,843.96$22,837.26$22,100.68 $169,158.39$194,435.68$227,172.49$126,354.51$109,534.12 NA $3,675.67$3,077.98$3,167.68$3,468.74$2,430.56$3,560.56$3,003.04 AprilAprilApril $87,023.39$79,859.81$79,146.08$73,975.67$53,542.98$66,961.90$50,623.94$31,993.26$24,443.49$18,402.06$19,868.54$16,701.38 $137,406.53$198,550.60$158,110.02$100,371.96 NA $3,152.28$4,086.44$3,617.06$2,817.24$3,680.30$2,095.86$2,804.10 MarchMarchMarch $98,994.00$96,832.56$86,566.46$79,383.47$79,971.70$66,073.45$54,848.06$41,657.39$30,791.06$24,616.02$16,998.28$15,385.16$13,115.38 $139,986.97$173,344.13$165,857.08 $4,311.46$3,981.96$2,979.00$2,937.72$3,176.13$2,526.80$3,699.68$4,555.12 $52,715.40$52,740.94$42,724.13$32,150.44$46,595.52$50,294.72$47,592.24$46,063.39 $132,216.53$165,251.74$151,458.09$111,676.01$114,433.41$110,148.38$112,472.81$109,146.10 FebruaryFebruaryFebruary $4,768.02$5,301.72$3,507.72$3,579.84$3,549.69$2,446.48$3,597.32$3,454.04 January$82,274.94$83,177.67$72,700.99January$49,680.94$52,626.05$34,594.19$31,314.22$30,095.47$19,030.90$15,420.46$24,818.36January $139,826.67$200,051.49$163,455.33$107,691.21$102,909.29 GHC20232022202120202019201820172016M. Co20232022202120202019201820172016Shelton20232022202120202019201820172016 CźŭǒƩĻƭ ğƩĻ ğĭƨǒźƩĻķ ŅƩƚƒ ƷŷĻ 5ĻƦƷ͵ ƚŅ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ ΛǞǞǞ͵ķƚƩ͵Ǟğ͵ŭƚǝΜ ğƓķ ğƩĻ ƷǞƚ ƒƚƓƷŷƭ ĬĻŷźƓķ͵ CźŭǒƩĻƭ ğƩĻ ƷŷĻ ƷƚƷğƌ ƚŅ ĬƚƷŷ δ{ƦĻĭźğƌ IƚƷĻƌΉaƚƷĻƌδ ğƓķ δƩğƓƭźĻƓƷ wĻƓƷğƌδ ƷğǣĻƭ ĭƚƒĬźƓĻķ͵ tĻƩĭĻƓƷğŭĻ źƭ ƷŷĻ ğƒƚǒƓƷ ĭŷğƓŭĻķ ŅƩƚƒ ƚƓĻ ǤĻğƩ ΛƒƚƓƷŷ Ʒƚ ķğƷĻΜ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ ƓĻǣƷ ΛƒƚƓƷŷ Ʒƚ ķğƷĻΜ͵ /ƌğƌƌğƒͲ WĻŅŅĻƩƭƚƓͲ DƩğǤƭ IğƩĬƚƩͲ ğƓķ ağƭƚƓ /ƚǒƓƷǤ ŅźŭǒƩĻƭ ƩĻŅĻƩ Ʒƚ ğƌƌ ƌƚķŭźƓŭƭ ǞźƷŷźƓ ĭƚǒƓƷǤ ĬƚƩķĻƩƭ ĻǣĭƌǒķźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ƒğƆƚƩ ƷƚǞƓƭ ğƌƩĻğķǤ ƌźƭƷĻķ͵ 5ğƷğƭƚǒƩĭĻʹ ‘ğƭŷźƓŭƷƚƓ 5ĻƦƷ ƚŅ wĻǝĻƓǒĻ/ƚƒƦźƌĻķ ĬǤ ht.