HomeMy WebLinkAbout08202024 CC Agenda Packet August 20, 2024 City of Port Angeles Council Meeting Agenda This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Council members, and City staff th have the option to attend the meeting in person, in Council chambers at City Hall located at 321 East 5 Street, Port Angeles, or remotely via telephone or video link. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The Mayor will determine time of break. Hearing devices are available for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. Call to Order – Special Meeting at 5:30 p.m. – A closed session under authority of RCW 42.30.140(4), to discuss collective bargaining with an employee organization. Call to Order – Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. B. Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance Ceremonial Matters, Proclamations & Employee Recognitions 1. Chief Star Award presented to PenCom Systems Coordinator Jeff Christopher C. Public Comment The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly and timely manner. Visit https://www.cityofpa.us/984/Live-Virtual-Meetings to learn how to participate during public comment and or watch the meeting live. Written public comments can be submitted to: council@cityofpa.us, comments will not be read aloud. Audio only: 1-844-992-4726 Access code: 2551 294 0240 Webinar password: 4285hmTtt9J (42854688 when dialing from a phone or video system) Once connected, press *3 to raise your virtual hand if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the August 20, 2024 meeting only. Webex link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m882359019dad5ba44811d082d2276f57 Tomake a public comment, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Members of the public may address the City Council at the beginning and end of any Regular Meeting under "Public Comment." During the "Public Comment" portion of the meeting, individuals may speak to agenda items, except those scheduled for a Public Hearing. The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At any time, the presiding officer, in the presiding officer's sole discretion, may set such reasonable limits as are necessary to prevent disruption of other necessary business. At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Public Comment period. Individuals may speak for three (3) minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. If more than 20 people are signed up to speak each speaker may be allocated two (2) minutes. Individuals who are residents of the City or own businesses within the City will be called to speak first, with preference given to those who wish to speak to an item on the meeting’s agenda. If time remains, the presiding officer will call other individuals wishing to speak, generally in the order in which they have signed in. If time is available, the presiding officer may call for additional unsigned speakers. Persons speaking shall state their name, whether they reside within the City limits, whether they have any other pertinent connection to the City, and whether they are appearing as the representative of an organization. Excerpts: Council Rules of Procedure Section 12. August 20, 2024 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1 D. Late Items To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting. E.Consent Agenda | Approve 1. City Council Minutes of July 16, 2024 / Approve ........................................................................................................... E- 1 2. Expenditure Report: From July 6, 2024 to August 2, 2024 in the amount of $6,528,931.10/ Approve ........................... E- 6 3. Police Range Cover Construction, Project No. CON-2023-31 Final Acceptance / Accept the Police Range Cover Construction Project No. CON-2023-31 as complete, and authorize staff to proceed with project closeout, and release the retainage upon receipt of all required clearances. .......................................................................................................... E- 40 4. Public Assistance Grant Agreement 4775-DR-WA COPA contract and supp and Resolution / Approve the Public Assistance Grant Agreement and the Washington State Military Department Supplemental Contract for the 1/5/24 – 1/29/24 extreme weather event, and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to sign as necessary, Adopt the Designation of Applicant’s Agent Resolution. ....................................................................................................................................................................... E- 41 5. East City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit Project #TR1215 – Amendment No. 02 to grant agreement #WQC-2023-PoPanPW- 00153 / Approve the anticipated Amendment No. 02 to grant agreement #WQC-2023-PoPanPW-00153 with the WA Dept. of Ecology for the acceptance of an additional $33,721.24 and authorize the City Manager to execute the Amendment and to make minor modifications as necessary. ......................................................................................................................... E- 78 6. Interlocal Agreement 2024-07 Rock Chip Purchasing Amendment / Approve the amendment to the Rock Chip Purchase to increase the purchase price to a new not to exceed amount of $63,000.00 and authorize the City Manager to sign all documents necessary to complete the purchase and to make minor modifications to the purchase, as necessary. ........ E- 80 7. Electrical Service Area Agreement Extension / Approve an amendment to the Electrical Service Area Agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute all agreement-related documents, and to administer the agreement, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, as necessary. ................................................................................................................. E- 81 8. Vehicle Purchase – Replacement of Water Division Vehicle #6701 / 1) Approve the purchase of a new Water Division vehicle that is the functional equivalent of existing vehicle #6701 from Bud Clary Ford, for an amount not to exceed $65,595.86, including tax and accessories. 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve and execute the final purchase documents, to complete the purchase, and to make minor modifications as necessary. 3) Authorize the City Manager to surplus vehicle #4600, and to dispose of that vehicle in a commercially reasonable manner, upon addition of the new vehicle to the City Fleet. .............................................................................................................................................................. E- 84 9. Small, Rural and Tribal Body Worn Body Camera Grant Acceptance / Accept the grant award of funding from US DOJ, Bureau of Justice Assistance. Authorize the City Manager to sign all documents necessary to receive the grant funds, to make minor modifications thereto, and to execute and administer the grant agreement with the US DOJ, Bureau of Justice Assistance. ....................................................................................................................................................................... E- 85 10. Port Angeles Police Department K-9 Donation Acceptance / Authorize the City Manager to accept the gift from the Beckwith estate should be it be awarded post probate and place the funds into the PAPD K-9 account. Authorize the City Manager and Police Department to expend the funds in any manner that supports acquiring, training and maintaining the PAPD K-9 units and program. ................................................................................................................................................................... E- 86 11. CON-2023-15 College Substation LTC Replacement – Final Acceptance / Accept the College Substation LTC Replacement Project No. CON-2023-15 as complete, and authorize staff to proceed with project closeout, and release the retainage funds upon receipt of all required clearances. .......................................................................................................................... E- 88 12. Downtown Camera Project Purchase / 1) Approve the purchase of nine Verkada cameras to replace the existing cameras in the downtown corridor from Security Solutions Northwest not to exceed $48,326, including tax, and 2) authorize the City Manager to approve and sign all documents necessary to complete the purchase and make minor modifications if necessary. ......................................................................................................................................................................................... E- 90 13. VMWare Licensing Renewal / 1) Approve the renewal of VMWare software license through SHI International in an amount not to exceed $37,855.38 including tax, and 2) authorize the City Manager to approve and execute all documents necessary to complete the purchase and make minor modifications if necessary. ........................................................................... E- 93 14. OPEN Housing Letter of Support / Authorize Mayor Dexter to sign a letter of support for OPEN Housing’s grant application for the Washington State Housing Trust Fund. ............................................................................................................... E- 96 August 20, 2024 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2 15. 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Capital Request Consideration / Approve and adopt the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee’s recommendation adding an additional $100,000.00 for the City Pier Observation Tower Project for a total project cost not to exceed $674,464.00. ........................................................................................................................... E- 98 16. Liquid Anti-Ice Storage Tanks/Plumbing / 1) Approve the purchase of Liquid Anti-Ice storage tanks from NorStar Industries in the amount of $33,904.11, including taxes and shipping, and 2) authorize the City Manager to sign the sign documents necessary to complete the purchase, to make minor modifications to the documents as necessary, and to administer the Purchase. ......................................................................................................................................................................... E- 102 F. Public Hearings | 6:30 p.m. or Soon Thereafter 1. Electric Utility 2024 Power Resource Plan / Open Public Hearing/ Close Public Hearing/ Adopt Plan ....................... F- 1 G. Ordinances Not Requiring Council Public Hearings st 1. Compost Procurement Ordinance / Conduct 1Reading / Continue to September 3 ...................................................... G- 1 2. An Ordinance Eliminating the Ownership, Building, and Parcel Limitations for Short-Term Rentals that Were Compliant st with Ordinance 3577 / Conduct 1 Reading / Waive Second Reading / Adopt Ordinance .............................................. G- 5 nd 3. 2nd Amendment to the 2024 Budget / Conduct 2 Reading / Adopt Ordinance ............................................................ G- 9 H. Resolutions Not RequiringCouncil Public Hearings ........................................................................None I.Other Considerations ................................................................................................................................................... None J. Contracts & Purchasing 1. Puget Sound to Pacific FY23 RAISE Grant Acceptance / Accept and Authorize ........................................................... J- 1 K. Council Reports L.Information City Manager Reports: 1. Past Due Utility Report July 2024 / Information Only ................................................................................................... L- 1 2. July Building Report / Information Only ......................................................................................................................... L- 2 3. Stage II Water Shortage Declaration – Voluntary Conservation / Information Only ...................................................... L- 3 M. Second Public Comment Follow the instructions from the first public comment period. Adjournment PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens. Certain matters may be controversial and City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. August 20, 2024 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL July 16, 2024 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER SPECIALMEETING Mayor Dextercalled the specialmeeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00p.m. Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members Meyer, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin(attending virtually), Schwab, and Suggs. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey. EXECUTIVE SESSION Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members Meyer, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin(attending virtually), Schwab, and Suggs. Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey. Based on input from City Attorney William Bloor, Mayor Dexter announced the need for an Executive Sessionheld under authority of RCW 42. 30. 110 (1)(b), consideration of site selection or acquisition of real estate purchase or lease if likelihood that disclosure would increase price. City Attorney William Bloor stated the meeting would be heldunder RCW until4:55p.m.and no action to follow.The Executive Session convened at 4:30 p.m.Council moved to the Jack Pittis conference room. WORK SESSION NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members Meyer, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin (attending virtually), Schwab, and Suggs. Staff Present: City Manager West, City Manager Goings, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat, B. Smith, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, M. Healy, A. Fountain, and B. Braudrick. A presentation on neighborhood associations was provided and there was Council consensus to bring the matter back to the City Council for further consideration. Members of the Council appointed sub-committee,including Council members Meyer, Miller and Schwaband City Manager Nathan West spoke about the matter. Council discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexteradjourned the Special Meeting at 5:48p.m. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dextercalled the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin(attending virtually), Schwab, and Suggs. Members Absent: Council member Meyer. Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members Meyer, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin(attending virtually), Schwab, and Suggs. August 20, 2024E - 1 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING July 16,2024 Staff Present: City Manager West,Deputy City Manager Goings, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat, B. Smith, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, M. Healy, A. Fountain, and B. Braudrick. It was moved by Schwaband seconded by Millerto: Excuse Council member Meyerfrom the meeting. Motion carried 6-0. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexterled the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS Manager West added aClean Energy Grant, on theConsent Agenda as item E-10. Council received clarificationfrom City Attorney William Blooron the Olympic Medical Center presentation, stating that Council should limit their action to receive the presentationonly. Additionally, Attorney Bloor recommendedthat due to the two Senior Center issued trespasses, one being considered by the Hearing Examiner, Council should notreceive public comments that either urge the Council to support or revoke the trespasses. Attorney Bloor urged Council not to involve themselves in any action that would interfere with the Hearings Examinerwork. Council member Schromen-Wawrin clarification. Council member Schromen-Wawrinprovided an opinion that differed from the City Attorneyrelative to receiving public comment on the trespass matters.Mayor Kate stated the point wasnot well taken. PUBLIC COMMENT Leslie Crate, city resident and Senior Center volunteer, spoke well ofCenter Manager Carmen Geyer and herpositive interactions with patrons of the Center. Jane Van Atta, city resident, spoke well of Center Manager Carmen Geyer and her positive interactions with patrons of the Center. Sydney Rubin, city resident, spoke on behalf of Maitland Manor and 5 Seasons Bed and Breakfasts and spoke to the potential action Council may considerin the form of a proposed ordinance relative to Bed and Breakfasts. Penny Sanders, city resident and speaking as a member of the Senior Center Board of Directors, she spoke about the mission of theSeniorCenter andto policies related to outside food and drink. Marla Garr, spoke well of Center Manager Carmen Geyer and her positive interactions with patrons of the Center. Donna Peterson, city resident, spoke about trespassesthat were issued to Senior Center members. Ileana Murphy, city resident, spoke about events that took place at the Senior Center. Ron Richards, residing outside the city limits, spoke about events that took place at the Senior Center. Caitlin Sullivan, residing outside the city limits, spoke to the potential action Council may considerin form of a proposed ordinance relative to Bed and Breakfasts. Victoria Jones, residing outside the city limits, spoke well of Center Manager Carmen Geyer and her positive interactions with patrons of the Center. CONSENT AGENDA Atthe request of Councilmember Schwab,and after hearing no objection,MayorDexteradded Late Item Clean nd Energy Grant,2Amendment of the 2024 Budgetand 2024 Street Repairs Project to the Consent Agenda. It was moved by Millerand seconded by Carrto approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1.City Council Minutes of July 2, 2024 / Approve. 2.Expenditure Report: From June 22, 2024 to July 5, 2024 in the amount of $3,824,265.69 / Approve. Page2of 5 August 20, 2024E - 2 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING July 16,2024 3.Pedestrian Light Fixtures for City Hall Parking Lot -Purchase MEC-2024-30 / 1)Award a purchase order to Olympic Electric, of Port Angeles, WA for Pedestrian Light Fixtures, MEC-2024-30, in an amount of $49,331.70 including taxes, and 2) authorize the City Manager to sign the Purchase Order contract and make minor modifications as necessary. 4.2024 Landfill Beach Nourishment Project CON-2024-29 / 1) Award a construction contract with Raptor Excavating and Contracting LLC of Onalaska, WA, for the 2024 Landfill Beach Nourishment Project, CON- 2024-29, in an amount not to exceed $81,322.16; and 2) authorize the City Manager to sign all documents necessary to execute the construction contract for the project and to make minor modifications to the contract, as necessary. 5.CON-2024-17 WWTP Odor Scrubber Media Replacement Award / 1) Award a contract to Pacific Coast Carbon, LLC, of Ridgefield, WA for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Odor Scrubber Media Replacement Project CON-2024-17 in the amount of $66,555.11, including applicable taxes, and 2) authorize the City Manager to sign and to make minor modifications to the contract if necessary. 6.Vehicle Purchase Replacement of Engineering Division Vehicle #4300 / Approve the purchase of a new Engineering Division vehicle that is the functional equivalent of existing vehicle #4300 from Bud Clary Ford, for an amount not to exceed $65,595.86, including tax and accessories. 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve and execute the final purchase documents, to complete the purchase, and to make minor modifications as necessary, and 3) Authorize the City Manager to surplus vehicle #4300, and to dispose of that vehicle in a commercially reasonable manner, upon addition of the new vehicle to the City fleet. 7.Peninsula Area Public Access Amendment No. 2 / Approve the agreement extension and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement between City of Port Angeles and the Peninsula Area Public Access. 8.Letter of Support OMC Foundation / Authorize Mayor Dexter to sign a letter of support for Olympic Medical Center Foundation application to the 2024 Benjamin N. Phillips Memorial Fund Seattle Foundation. 9.Opioid Settlement Participation Approval / 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute and submit all forms and agreements necessary for the City to participate in the additional Kroger Opioid Settlements, and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute and submit all forms and agreements necessary forthe City to participate in any future additional Opioid Settlements. 10.Electric Utility 2024 Power Resource Plan / Pass Resolution Setting a Public Hearing. 11.AMEDNED TO INCLUDE Clean Energy Grant Acceptance/ 1) Authorize the City Manager to finalize the grant agreement with the Department of Commerce, 2) to sign the grant agreement for Washington Families Clean Energy Credits funding from the Department of Commerce in the amount of $439,890.80 and to make minor modifications as necessary. ndst 12.MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA G-2 2Amendment ofthe 2024 Budget / Conduct 1Reading / Continue to August 20 13.MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA 2024 Street Repairs Project/1) Award a construction contract to Lakeside Industries of Port Angeles, WA for CON 2024-22, Street Repairs Project in the amount of $430,919, including applicable taxes, and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all documents and make minor modifications as necessary. Motion carried 6-0. CONSENT AGENDA#2 Moved to Consent Agenda from Other Considerations 2024 LTAC- Council member Carr disclosed a potential conflict of interest and left the Council Chambers. Council received clarification on funding distribution from Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa. It was moved by Schwab and seconded by Miller to approve the Consent Agenda to include: of $144,900 and authorize the City Manager to implement the LTAC recommendations and make any minor modifications, as necessary. Motion carried 5-0 with Carr recused. Deputy Mayor Carr returned to the Council Chambers. CONSENT AGENDA #3 MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA J-2Harbor Cleanup Process Page3of 5 August 20, 2024E - 3 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING July 16,2024 Council member Suggs disclosed a potential conflict of interest and stated she has continued to recuse herself from the matter as her employer is a potentially liable party. It was moved by Schwaband seconded by Millerto approve the Consent Agenda to include: To approve and execute on behalf of the City a Cost-Sharing and Cooperation Agreement that will obligate the City, and other PLPs, to share equally the costs of implementing the cleanup of the WPAH Site under the CD; to make minor modifications and amendments to the Agreement as needed over time; and to administer the Agreement throughout its duration. Motion carried 5-0 with Suggs recused. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.An Ordinance Substituting City Fire-Life Safety Inspection Requirements for Bed-and-Breakfast Operations for Inspections Conducted by the State of Washington and Clallam County DeputyCity Manager Calvin Goingsprovided background informationand shared that if approvedby the State and County, no additional City inspections would be required. He stated thatinspection and licensing documents would be uploaded by the bed-and- Deputy Manager Goings added that the proposed costs of the City business license for bed-and-breakfasts would be reduced accordingly.Council comments followed. It was moved by Suggsand seconded by Schwabto: Conduct the first reading of the Ordinance Substituting City Fire-Life Safety Inspection Requirements for Bed-and- Breakfast Operations, waive the second reading of the Ordinance, adopt the Ordinance inclusive of Exhibits A and B, and authorize the City Clerk to make grammar and formatting revisions to ensure internal consistency. After the motion was made and seconded, Mayor Dexterconducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3730 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington removing the City conducted inspection requirements for Bed and Breakfasts found in Chapters 17.24.050 and 17.24.110 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code; and updating the d and Breakfast Business License and Inspection Fees. Motion to waive the second reading and adopt the ordinance as read carried 4-1 with Miller opposed. Council comments followed. The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 7:08 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:15 p.m. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1.Olympic Medical Center Levy Lid Lift Presentation Chief Executive Officer Darryl Wolf shared a presentation and took questions from City Council. Council shared comments on the presentation. 2.Street Tree Presentation Deputy City Manager Goings provided background on the agenda item and turned the meeting over to Natural who shared a presentation and took questions from City Council. Council shared comments on the presentation. The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 8:01 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:07 p.m. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Miller spoke to constituent communicationsreceivedrelative to the Grants Pass ruling. Deputy Mayor Carr spoke to a Clallam Transit System meeting, spoke to attendance at aVictoria, B.C. Pride event, and attendance at a meeting that covered a discussion on collaborative discussion relative to the recent closure of the McKinley Mill. Page4of 5 August 20, 2024E - 4 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING July 16,2024 Council member Schwab spoke to ameeting, aBoard, Committee and Commissions sub-committee, Neighborhood Association Research Committee meetings, and spoke to his one- on-one meeting with Annie of Clarity Consulting. He spoke to aWashington Collaborative elected leaders institute meeting, and spoke to his meeting with members of the Senior Center relative to challenges at the Senior Center. Council member Suggs spoke to Marine Resources Committeedetailswhich included information on events taking place at the Field Arts and Events Hall, a meeting with Annie Seversonof Clarity Consulting one-on-one meeting. Mayor Dexterspoke to aClallam Transit System meeting, Association of Washington Cities conference and attendance at a meeting that covered a discussion on collaborative discussion relative to the recent closure of the th McKinley Mill, andspoke about attendance at the4of July celebration. No other reports were given. INFORMATION Manager Westshared the Council created Board, Committee, and Commission sub-committee meeting would be th rescheduled, shared the August 20City Council packet deadline, and reminded Council of the upcoming Lefties baseball event celebrating the Employee Association. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT Steven Pelayo, residing outside the city, spoke to multiple licenses afforded to individuals owning multiple short-term lodgings. Kim Davey, residing outside the city, spoke to short-term rental units and expressed interest in applying for multiple licenses as they had been running their short-term units in compliant zones, that would align with the potential ordinance changes that had been discussed that evening. Caitlin Sullivan, residing outside the city, spoke to conforming short-term rentals previously legally operating, and how a proposed ordinance that was discussed that would align with the potential ordinance changes that had been discussed that evening. Donna Peterson, spoke about the political roundtable discussion group,spoke positively about the Senior Center and tocurrent challengesoccurring at the Center. Ileana Murphy, city resident, spoke about the political roundtable discussion group and spoke positively about the Senior Center and current challenges. Glenn Barbiari, spoke to the street tree presentation on the agenda and spoke to recent challenges at the Senior Center. Laurel Cripe, city resident, spoke to the ordinance removing the City conducted inspection requirements for Bed and Breakfasts found in Chapters 17.24.050 and 17.24.110 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code Lily, city resident, spoke to her Bed and Breakfast businessand spoke to legally operating short-term rentals. Melanie Pilgrim, residing outside the city limits, spoke to her legally operating short-term rentals and the new code that limited her ability to run her business. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 8:47p.m. ____________________________________________________________________ KateDexter,MayorKari Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk Page5of 5 August 20, 2024E - 5 Djuz!pg!Qpsu!Bohfmft Djuz!Dpvodjm!Fyqfoejuvsf!Sfqpsu Cfuxffo!Kvm!7-!3135!boe!Bvh!3-!3135 WfoepsEftdsjqujpoBddpvou!OvncfsBnpvou EFQBSUNFOU!PG!SFWFOVF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FYDJTF!UBY!SFUVSOT.KVOF!!112.1111.348/11.11:7/76 FYDJTF!UBY!SFUVSOT.KVOF!!112.1111.348/41.11245/93 FYDJTF!UBY!SFUVSOT.KVOF!!112.1111.348/61.1125-572/4: HSBGGJUJ!TPMVUJPOT-!JOD!!!!!!!!!!!!TVQQMJFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112.1111.348/11.11)65/13* OBUJPOBM!TBGFUZ!TVQQMZ!JOD!!!!!!!!!QPMJDF!FRVJQNFOU!'!TVQQMZ112.1111.348/11.11)2:3/2:* VT!CBOL!DPSQPSBUF!QBZNFOU!DJUZ!DSFEJU!DBSE!QNU!!!!!112.1111.324/21.:638-24:/:8 TZTUFN!!! 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Bddpvoujoh!Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%32-694/14 EBUBCBS!JODPSQPSBUFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NJTD!QSPGFTTJPOBM!TFSWJDF112.3136.625/52.613-433/82 Qbhf!2!pg!45Bvh!6-!3135!!!!:;37;63!BN August 20, 2024E - 6 Djuz!pg!Qpsu!Bohfmft Djuz!Dpvodjm!Fyqfoejuvsf!Sfqpsu Cfuxffo!Kvm!7-!3135!boe!Bvh!3-!3135 WfoepsEftdsjqujpoBddpvou!OvncfsBnpvou EBUBCBS!JODPSQPSBUFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NJTD!QSPGFTTJPOBM!TFSWJDF112.3136.625/52.613-747/8: NJTD!QSPGFTTJPOBM!TFSWJDF112.3136.625/52.613-825/19 NJTD!QSPGFTTJPOBM!TFSWJDF112.3136.625/52.613-979/17 FMBWPO-!JOD.XJSF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!USBOTBDUJPO!GFFT!!!!!!!!!112.3136.625/52.614-139/7: FRVJGBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GJOBODJBM!TFSWJDFT!!!!!!!112.3136.625/52.6195/:5 QBDJGJD!PGGJDF!FRVJQNFOU!JOD!!!!!!!PGGJDF!TVQQMJFT-!HFOFSBM!112.3136.625/42.1234/9: PGGJDF!TVQQMJFT-!HFOFSBM!112.3136.625/42.122:8/:4 QBZNFOUVT!HSPVQ!JOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!USBOTBDUJPO!GFFT!!!!!!!!!112.3136.625/52.613-212/44 USBOTBDUJPO!GFFT!!!!!!!!!112.3136.625/52.6125-268/15 TXBJO(T!HFOFSBM!TUPSF!JOD!!!!!!!!!!GJSTU!BJE!'!TBGFUZ!FRVJQ/112.3136.625/42.22265/46 GJSTU!BJE!'!TBGFUZ!FRVJQ/112.3136.625/42.22411/11 Dvtupnfs!Tfswjdf!Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%41-69:/92 PMZNQJD!TUBUJPOFST!JOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBQFS!)PGGJDF-QSJOU!TIPQ*112.3181.629/42.125-989/83 Sfqsphsbqijdt!Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%5-989/83 Gjobodf!Efqbsunfou!Upubm;%68-162/67 MFYJTOFYJT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TVQQMJFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112.4141.626/5:.12546/71 Djuz!Buupsofz!Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%546/71 Djuz!Buupsofz!Efqbsunfou!Upubm;%546/71 HPWPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DPOTVMUJOH!TFSWJDFT!!!!!!112.5171.669/52.6135-8::/26 QBDJGJD!PGGJDF!FRVJQNFOU!JOD!!!!!!!TVQQMJFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112.5171.669/42.1246/32 TPVOE!QVCMJTIJOH!JOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DPNNVOJDBUJPOT0NFEJB!TFSW112.5171.669/52.26294/76 Qmboojoh!Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%36-129/12 NJTD!USBWFM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K!TUSBJUT.TUM!QSPHSBN!SPM112.5182.669/54.21888/11 PMZNQJD!QSJOUFST!JOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QSJOUJOH-TJML!TDS-UZQTFU!112.5182.669/42.12353/96 QSJOUJOH-TJML!TDS-UZQTFU!112.5182.669/42.1233:/89 PMZNQJD!TUBUJPOFST!JOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!CBEHFT!'!PUIFS!JE!FRVJQ/!112.5182.669/42.125:/44 CBEHFT!'!PUIFS!JE!FRVJQ/!112.5182.669/42.125:/44 QBDJGJD!PGGJDF!FRVJQNFOU!JOD!!!!!!!WFOFUJBO!CMJOET!FUD!!!!!!112.5182.669/42.12717/14 FRVJQ!NBJOU!'!SFQBJS!TFSW112.5182.669/42.122-963/4: FRVJQ!NBJOU!'!SFQBJS!TFSW112.5182.669/42.12:41/12 WFOFUJBO!CMJOET!FUD!!!!!!112.5182.669/42.12266/11 TVQQMJFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112.5182.669/42.1296/81 TXBJO(T!HFOFSBM!TUPSF!JOD!!!!!!!!!!TIPFT!BOE!CPPUT!!!!!!!!!!112.5182.669/42.12277/37 DMPUIJOH!'!BQQBSFM!!!!!!!112.5182.669/42.12385/:9 Fdpopnjd!Efwfmpqnfou!Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%6-529/77 Qbhf!3!pg!45Bvh!6-!3135!!!!:;37;63!BN August 20, 2024E - 7 Djuz!pg!Qpsu!Bohfmft Djuz!Dpvodjm!Fyqfoejuvsf!Sfqpsu Cfuxffo!Kvm!7-!3135!boe!Bvh!3-!3135 WfoepsEftdsjqujpoBddpvou!OvncfsBnpvou Dpnnvojuz!Efwfmpqnfou!Efqbsunfou!Upubm;%41-547/78 MFYJTOFYJT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MJCSBSZ!TFSWJDFT)FYDM!:19112.6121.632/5:.1265/56 QVCMJD!TBGFUZ!UFTUJOH!JOD!!!!!!!!!!IVNBO!TFSWJDFT!!!!!!!!!!!112.6121.632/52.61567/11 XB!BTTO!PG!TIFSJGGT!'!QPMJDF!!!!!!!NFNCFSTIJQT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112.6121.632/54.21911/11 Qpmjdf!Benjojtusbujpo!Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%2-421/56 MJODPMO!TUSFFU!TUBUJPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!TIJQQJOH!BOE!IBOEMJOH!!!!112.6132.632/53.2127/:2 NJTD!USBWFM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K!IPPQFS.TSP!USBJOJOH!!!!112.6132.632/54.21376/61 L!NBMPOF.DSJNFT!BHBJOTU!D112.6132.632/54.21:23/:6 L!DPPQFS.XIJB!DPOG!!!!!!!112.6132.632/54.21214/36 UIPNTPO!SFVUFST.XFTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TFDVSJUZ-GJSF-TBGFUZ!TFSW112.6132.632/5:.122:7/21 XB!BTTO!PG!TIFSJGGT!'!QPMJDF!!!!!!!NFNCFSTIJQT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112.6132.632/54.21611/11 Jowftujhbujpo!Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%2-::5/82 DSJNJOBM!KVTUJDF!USBJOJOH!IVNBO!TFSWJDFT!!!!!!!!!!!112.6133.632/54.21261/11 DPNN!!!!! 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FNQPXFS.Q0S!XJSF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/63.21886/11 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/63.3159-699/95 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/63.2177:/51 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/63.3137-4::/89 GFEFSBM!QBZSPMM!UBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.21)4:/:2* QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.2127/26 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.2123:-962/21 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.212-254/27 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.21:5-754/:3 QFOTJPOFS(T!Q0S!UBY!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.21211/11 GJDB0NFEJDBSF!QBZSPMM!UBY!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.31)6/61* QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.313/23 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.31243-754/77 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.313/95 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.31:/53 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.3128/63 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.312:/65 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.31269/87 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/61.31233-:58/17 GJSFGJHIUFS(T!MPDBM!767!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/65.413-:93/26 ISB!WFCB!QMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/63.714-411/11 ITB!CBOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/64.2261/11 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/64.23368/84 FNQMPZFF!EFEVDUJPOT!!!!!!:31.1111.342/63.515-754/84 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/64.2261/11 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/64.23368/84 FNQMPZFF!DPOUSJCVUJPOT!!!:31.1111.342/63.515-654/84 JCFX!MPDBM!::8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/65.313-3:4/8: KPIO!IBODPDL!MJGF!JOTVSBODF!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/63.362-766/65 DP!!!!! 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QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/67.312-255/64 QFST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.21829/:2 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.2228-:92/72 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.23::-778/84 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.21755/:8 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.2228-:17/:8 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.23:8-331/43 QPMJDF!BTTPDJBUJPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/66.214:4/11 UFBNTUFST!MPDBM!69:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/65.213-593/61 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/65.213-538/61 VOJUFE!XBZ!)QBZSPMM*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/67.21289/:: QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/67.21289/:: XTDDDF!!BGTDNF!!BGM.DJP!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/65.518-354/74 XTDGG0FNQMPZFF!CFOFGJU!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/64.316-911/11 USVTU!!!!!!! !Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%2-184-113/45 !Efqbsunfou!Upubm;%2-184-113/45 Qbzspmm!Dmfbsjoh!Gvoe!Upubm;%2-184-113/45 Upubm!gps!Difdlt!EbufeCfuxffo!Kvm!7-!3135!boe!Bvh!3-!3135%7-639-:42/21 Qbhf!45!pg!45Bvh!6-!3135!!!!:;37;63!BN August 20, 2024E - 39 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Mike Healy, Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Police Range Cover Construction, Project No. CON-2023-31 Final Acceptance Summary:Thismemoseeksto obtain City Council final acceptance for the work performed on the Police Range Cover Construction project by N&N Construction of Port Ludlow, WA. The work was inspected and accepted as complete with the final project costs amounting to $47,695.04, including taxes. Retainage of 5% has been withheld. Funding: This project is included in the approved 2024-2029 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). Funding for this project is available in budget 310-595-594-6510 in the amount of $59,900.00, including applicable taxes. Recommendation:Accept the Police Range Cover Construction Project No. CON-2023-31 as complete, and authorize staff to proceed with project closeout, and release the retainage upon receipt of all required clearances. Background / Analysis: The Police Regional Training and Gun Range Facility was built in the early 1990’s and is utilized by not only the City, but also the County, Coast Guard, Tribe, and Border Patrol. Since initial construction, few upgrades have been accomplished toprotectand improvethis City asset. Prior to project completion, a 10 ft x 12 ft tin roof carport was utilized for protection from inclementweather. This project scope constructed a 64 ft x 15 ft pole building with metal roofing at the Port Angeles Police Department’s training facility which provides a safer training environment and the ability to use this facility more effectively year-round. On November 9, 2023, twelve (12) bids were received with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder being N&N Construction of Port Ludlow, WA, in the amount of $46,516.35, including all applicable taxes. The project was inspected by City Staff and determined to be complete on February 12, 2024. Funding Overview: Project Cost Summary Original Contract Change Unit QuantityFinal CostProject Cost Variance AmountOrdersVariations $46,516.35$2,195.50-$1,016.81$47,695.04$1,178.69 City staff recommendsCity Council accept the Police Range Cover Construction ProjectNo. CON-2023- 31 as complete, and authorize staff to proceed with project close out, and release the retainage upon receipt of required clearances. August 20, 2024E - 40 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Derrell Sharp, Fire Chief Mike Healy, Director of Public Works Corey Delikat, Director of Parks & Recreation Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Subject: Public Assistance Grant Agreement Summary: The Public Assistance Grant Agreement would authorize State and City personnel to begin the assessment process and complete the financial reimbursement process for Presidential Disaster Declaration th # FEMA-4775-DR-WA Severe Winter Storm damage suffered by the City between January 5, 2024, and th January 29, 2024. Funding: FEMA funds are available for; snow removal, sheltering operations, emergency response operations and post-storm damage recovery. Generally, the cost is shared on a 75:25 basis with FEMA paying the majority share. Additional funds, on a 75:25 basis, may be available for Damage Mitigation to prevent or minimize future damage for damage prone areas. The first step in initiating the damage claims is for the city and the State to enter into a Public Assistance Grant Agreement. Recommendation: 1)Approve the Public Assistance Grant Agreement and the Washington State Military Department Supplemental Contractfor the 1/5/24 – 1/29/24 extreme weather event, andauthorize the Mayor or City Manager to sign as necessary. 2)Adopt the Designation of Applicant’s Agent Resolution. Background / Analysis: During the period of January 5, 2024, and January 29, 2024, extreme low temperatures, exceptionally high tides and winter storm events coincided that resulted in activation of the city Emergency Operations Center, emergency sheltering operations, debris removal from Ediz Hook, damage to boat docks on Ediz Hook, prolonged snow clearing operations; water main breaks; erosion damage to the North Olympic Discovery Trail and unanticipated overtime and materials expenses. th A Presidential Declaration was signed on April 28, 2024, designating the storm as FEMA – 4775 – DR Severe Winter Storms, Straight-line Winds, Flooding, Landslides, and Mudslides. The cityhas filed a Preliminary Damage Assessment citing damages in excess of 2,000,000. The final cost of damages is likely to be higher as further damage is made known and more precise estimates are prepared. In addition, the city is required to specify authorized representatives to execute project documents and support the processing of claims. The completed agreement and August 20, 2024E - 41 Applicant’s Agent Resolution will authorize State and City personnel to begin damage assessments and complete the financial reimbursement process. It is recommended that the City Council approve the Public Assistance Grant Agreement and the Washington Military Supplemental Contract and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to sign as necessary. Funding Overview: FEMA funds are available for; snow removal, sheltering operations, emergency response operations and post-storm damage recovery. Generally, the cost is shared on a 75:25 basis with FEMA paying the majority share. Additional funds, on a 75:25 basis, may be available for Damage Mitigation to prevent or minimize future damage for damage prone areas. The first step in initiating the damage claims is for the city and the State to enter into a Public Assistance Grant Agreement. Attachment A: Washington Military Department Public Assistance Grant Agreement Attachment B: Washington Military Department Supplemental Agreement August 20, 2024E - 42 August 20, 2024E - 43 August 20, 2024E - 44 August 20, 2024E - 45 August 20, 2024E - 46 August 20, 2024E - 47 August 20, 2024E - 48 August 20, 2024E - 49 August 20, 2024E - 50 August 20, 2024E - 51 August 20, 2024E - 52 August 20, 2024E - 53 August 20, 2024E - 54 August 20, 2024E - 55 August 20, 2024E - 56 August 20, 2024E - 57 August 20, 2024E - 58 August 20, 2024E - 59 August 20, 2024E - 60 August 20, 2024E - 61 August 20, 2024E - 62 August 20, 2024E - 63 August 20, 2024E - 64 August 20, 2024E - 65 August 20, 2024E - 66 August 20, 2024E - 67 August 20, 2024E - 68 August 20, 2024E - 69 August 20, 2024E - 70 August 20, 2024E - 71 August 20, 2024E - 72 August 20, 2024E - 73 August 20, 2024E - 74 August 20, 2024E - 75 August 20, 2024E - 76 August 20, 2024E - 77 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Mike Healy,Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: East City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit Project #TR1215 – Amendment No. 02 to grant agreement #WQC-2023-PoPanPW-00153 Summary: Multiple factors were discovered during constructionof the East City Hall Parking Lot Low Impact Development(LID) Retrofit Project that fell outside of the original contract and budget but were necessary to complete the work. These expenses were assembled in contract Change Order 02. Ecology reviewed Change Order 02 and has offered the City additional funding via Grant Amendment 02. Funding: This project is funded by agrant agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology and 15% match from the City. Ecology has offered the City an additional $33,721.24 to meet the needs of Change Order 02, with no additional match required from the City. Recommendation: Approve the anticipated Amendment No. 02 to grant agreement #WQC-2023- PoPanPW-00153 with the WA Dept. of Ecology for the acceptance of an additional $33,721.24 and authorize the City Manager to execute the Amendment and to make minor modifications as necessary. Background / Analysis: On February 20, 2024, City Council awarded a construction bid to Bruch & Bruch Construction, Inc., from Port Angeles, WA for a total contract value of $1,498,367.30 to complete project TR1215 – East City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit. The awarded bid exceeded the funding from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). Due to construction funding shortfall, Ecology offered the City additional funding in the amount of $426,664.00 through Amendment No. 01 to the grant agreement, which was approved by City Council on May 7, 2024. During construction, multiple factors were revealed that fall outside the original contract and budget that required Change Order 02 to accommodate: Soils around the perimeter had to be fully excavated in preparation for concrete forming and thereby eliminating the option of amending soils; th An unmarked CenturyLink communication bank was discovered in 4 Street requiring the connection into the City storm main to be revised; The Vern Burton roof drain had to be intercepted and routed through the bioretentioncell th and out to the 4Street stormwater tie-in due the new pipe from the Cisterns; 44 linear feet of Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe 6-inchdiameterneeded to be added to the base bid to accommodate an emergency overflow; and Streambed Cobble needed to be added to the bid tab to accommodate a splash pad included in the design. Change Order 02 was submitted to Ecology for review along with a request for additional funds to help cover the necessary expenses. Ecology approved the change order and through Amendment No. 02 to the August 20, 2024E - 78 grant agreement, increased construction funding by $33,721.24. This increase in funding will add additional funds needed to complete the work described above that is not already accounted for in the existing contract. Staff and the Contractor have worked together to accurately negotiate, track, and verify the costs to perform this work while also keeping the project on track and on schedule. Unlike the original grant amount, the additional funds do not require a 15% match from the City. Funding Overview: The City applied for and was awarded a Water Quality Stormwater Facility grant (WQC-2023-PoAnPW-00153) for construction of this project from the Department of Ecology in November 2022 in the amount of $1,182,854.12. The grant requires a 15% match from the City which has been set aside in the 2024 Capital Budget for this project. After bid opening, the City accepted an additional $426,664.00 from Ecology for construction of the full project bid and to accommodate an aggregate shortfall via Change Order 01, with no additional match required. An additional $33,721.24 is being offered to the City herein via Grant Amendment 02, with no additional match required from the City, for a total amount for construction being increased to $1,567,239.36 and a total grant amount of $1,643,239.36. If Amendment 02 to the grant agreement is not awarded, the City will be required to pay for Change Order 02 in full using the Capital Budget. August 20, 2024E - 79 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From:Mike Healy, Public Works & Utilities Director Subject: ILA 2024-07 Rock Chip Purchasing Amendment Summary: The purpose of this memo is to obtain City Council Approval to amend the purchase for chip rock in an amount not-to-exceed $63,000.00 to complete a chip sealing project in the summer of 2024. Funding: The approved 2025-2030 Capital Facilities Plan includes funding from Budget 312-7930-595- th 6510 for chip seal work on 8 Street in the amount of $251,884.32 as part of the TR03-16 2021 project, and TR0518 I Street Chip Seal in the amount of $143,260.32. Recommendation: Approve the amendment to the Rock Chip Purchase to increase the purchase price toa newnot to exceed amount of $63,000.00 and authorize the City Manager to sign all documents necessary to complete the purchase and to make minor modifications to the purchase, as necessary. Background / Analysis: On February 6, 2024, City Council approved an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Clallam County which enables the City of Port Angeles to acquire goods through contracts entered into by Clallam County. On May 7, 2024, City Council approved the purchase of chip rock in the not-to-exceed amount of $60,000.00. This amount accounted forthe chip rock at a cost of $57,344.09 but did not account for the applicable sales tax of 8.6%, in the amount of $4,931.59. The City has been invoiced by Clallam County for all chip rock produced and stockpiled for the City in the amount of $62,275.68, including sales tax. Staff is seeking City Council approval to amend and increase the not-to-exceed amount to $63,000.00. Funding Overview: The approved 2025-2030 Capital Facilities Plan includes funding from Budget th 312-7930-595-6510 for chip seal work on 8 Street in the amount of $251,884.32 as part of the TR03-16 2021 project, and TR0518 I Street Chip Seal in the amount of $143,260.32. August 20, 2024E - 80 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Mike Healy,Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Electrical Service Area Agreement Extension Summary: The purpose of this memo is to receive City Council approval to extend the term of the Electrical Service Area Agreementbetween ClallamPublic Utility District (PUD) and The City of Port Angeles. The proposed agreement extends the term to December 31, 2025, oruntila newagreement is reached. The extension provides additional timeforthe City tonegotiateanewelectrical service area agreementwith Clallam PUD. Funding: The extension for this agreement is consistent with 2024 and 2025 budget expenses. Recommendation: Approve an amendment to the Electrical Service Area Agreement and authorize the CityManager to execute all agreement-related documents, and toadministerthe agreement,and to make minor modifications to the agreement, as necessary. Background / Analysis: The Cityentered into anagreementwith Clallam PUD on December 30, 1992, and expired onDecember 31, 2017. In 2018, an amendment was signed extending the terms of the original agreement to December 31, 2018. Prior to 2017, the City and Clallam PUD started a series of negotiations with the goal of agreeing to new service territories, rates, interconnections, and wheeling, for both water and electric utilities concurrently. No agreement was reached. In 2023, negotiations resumed and have continued, but no resolution has been achieved. During these years both parties have continued to operate as if all agreements were in full force and effect. The intent of both parties is to continue to operate under the same terms and conditions until an agreement can be reached for both electric and water utilities. Both parties have reviewed and are in support of this extension. Funding Overview: The extension for this agreement is consistent with 2024 and 2025 budget expenses. August 20, 2024E - 81 AME NDMENT TO ELECTRICAL SERVICE AREA AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY TH IS AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of the date of the last signature affixed below by and between the City of Port Angeles, a non-charter code city and municipal corporation of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the “CITY”) and Public Utility District No.1 of Clallam County (hereinafter called the “District”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth in the original AGREEMENT and this AMENDMENT, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1 The CITY entered into the existing AGREEMENT with the District on December 30, 1992, (the AGREEMENT). The City and District agree the intent of both parties was to extend the term of the AGREEMENT prior to expiration date of December 31, 2017, however they were not able to execute an extension Agreement before that date. Even so, both parties performed as if the AGREEMENT were in full force and effect.The parties intend that, but for the expiration date, the AGREEMENT should continue on the same terms and conditions. SECTION 2 II TIME OF PERFORMANCE Term of the Agreement: The parties continue negotiations to update the AGREEMENT but require additional time. For that reason, the parties have agreed to amend the AGREEMENT to extend its term and allow for continued negotiations. Paragraph 2 of the AGREEMENT is amended to read in its entirety as 2.Term of the Agreement: August 20, 2024E - 82 This Agreement shall be effective from midnight December 31, 1992 until midnight December 31, 2025 or until a new service agreement is signed, whichever is later. SECTION 3 – RATIFICATION Except as modified herein, the original AGREEMENT is confirmed and ratified, In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment to the AGREEMENT as of the date of the last signature affixed below. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY By:__________________________ By:______________________________ Nathan West, City Manager Sean Worthington, General Manager Date:_________________________ Date:____________________________ ATTEST: ______________________________ Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________ William E. Bloor, City Attorney August 20, 2024E - 83 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Mike Healy,Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Vehicle Purchase – Replacement of Water DivisionVehicle #6701 Summary: The Water Division vehicle #6701is a 2006GMC Canyontruck. It is recommended for replacement in 2024, as it has reached the end of its useful service life. Through the City’s membership in the Washington State Purchasing Cooperative, participating vendor Bud Clary Ford of Longview, WA was selected from the cooperative vendors list, Contract No. 05916. Funding: This vehicle replacement is identified in the 2024 budget (501-7630-594-6410) through the approved 2025-2030 Equipment Services Capital Facilities Planin the amount of $53,400.00. A budget amendment in the amount of $12,195.86 will be required to complete this purchase. Recommendation: 1.Approve the purchase of a new Water Divisionvehicle that is the functional equivalent of existing vehicle #6701 from Bud Clary Ford, for an amount not to exceed $65,595.86, including tax and accessories. 2.Authorize the City Manager to approve and execute the final purchase documents, to complete the purchase, and to make minor modifications as necessary. 3.Authorize the City Manager to surplus vehicle #4600, and to dispose of that vehicle in a commercially reasonable manner, upon addition of the new vehicle to the City Fleet. Background / Analysis: The Water Divisionvehicle #6701 is 18 years old with over 91,000 miles. It is necessary to replace #6701, as it has reached the end of its useful and economically dependable service life. The new vehicle will be a 2024 Ford F150 4x4 Crew Cab truck, with a 3.5L PowerBoost Full Hybrid V6 engine. This purchase furthers Equipment Services efforts to consolidate and streamline the fleetwhile adhering to green fleet requirements and the City’s Climate Resiliency Plan. Funding Overview: This vehicle replacement is identified in the 2024 budget (501-7630-594-6410) through the approved 2025-2030 Equipment Services Capital Facilities Plan. A budget amendment in the amount of $12,195.86 will be required to complete this purchase. Funds are available in the Equipment Services Equipment Replacement Fund (501-7630-594-6410) in the amount of $65,595.86, including tax and accessories. Pricing from the Washington State Purchasing Cooperative contract is summarized below: New Vehicle TypeVehicle BudgetWSPCBidAccessoriesReplacing Vehicle 2024 Ford F150 4x4$53,400.00$62,095.86$3,500.00#6701, 2004 GMC Canyon Full HybridTruckTruck Total Cost$65,595.86 August 20, 2024E - 84 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Brian S. Smith, Police Chief Subject: Small, Rural and Tribal Body Worn Body CameraGrant Acceptance Summary:The Police Department has received a preliminary grant award as a part of a the Small, Rural and Tribal Body Worn Camera (SRT-BWC) grant program from theUS Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance. The DOJ has announced that it will award $6 million to 170 agencies. This award will allow the Police Department to add grant funded revenue to the Body Worn Camera program in the Capital Facilities Plan. The Police Department applied for the funds through a competitive process. Both items will have the potential to improve outcomes during vehicular pursuits and during fugitive apprehension by improving the information available to responding officers. Funding: These grant funds will replace an identical amountof General Fund revenue in the Police Department Body Worn Camera Capital Facilities Plan. Recommendation: 1.Accept the grant award of funding from US DOJ, Bureau of Justice Assistance. 2.Authorize the City Manager to sign all documents necessary to receive the grant funds, to make minor modifications thereto, and to execute and administer the grant agreement with the US DOJ, Bureau of Justice Assistance. Background / Analysis: The Police Department has an active Body Worn Camera program that is funded in the 2024-2029 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). The Police Department has in the past received several state and federal grants that have offset what would otherwise be a 100 percent General Fund program. This grant, when received will be used to replace revenue what would have been used for General Fund spending in the Body Worn Camera program in the 2025 Police Department CFP budget. Funding:Once the grant is approved and executed the Police Department will submit the required paperwork for the City to receive the revenue August 20, 2024E - 85 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Brian S. Smith, Police Chief Subject: PAPD K-9 Donation Acceptance Summary:The Police Department has received notice that in the matter of the estate of Evelyn U. Beckwith the Police Department K-9 program has been identified as a beneficiary in her last will and testament.The document dated March 6, 2024 states in part “upon my death, I give and bequeath $100,000 to the City of Port Angeles Police Department K9 Units, located in Port Angeles Washington, or its successor in interest, to be used for the purpose of acquiring, training and maintaining K9 units for the Police Department.”The Port Angeles Police Department (PAPD) has been advised that the will is currently in probate. PAPD has active and long-standing police K-9 program.PAPD deploys two fully equipped police K-9 vehicles and has two K-9 teams (Sergeant Kevin Miller and K-9 Bodie and Officer Whitney Fairbanks and K-9 Copper). Funding: The “gift”, should it be awarded will be placed in the Port Angeles Police Department K9 account. Recommendation: 1.Authorize the City Manager to accept the gift from the Beckwith estate should be it be awarded post probate and place the funds into the PAPD K-9 account. 2.Authorize the City Manager and Police Department to expend the funds in any manner that supports acquiring, training and maintaining the PAPD K-9 units and program. Background / Analysis: The PAPDhasdeployed K-9 trained police officers and dogs since 1996. After receiving a donation from the Atlantic Richfield Corporation and attending specialized training, K-9 Arco and then PAPD Corporal Kevin Miller became the first PAPD K-9 team. Whilehis career K-9 Arco recorded 362 felony apprehensions as well as locating evidence that led to both felony and misdemeanor convictions. PAPD has since acquired five additional dogs over the last 28 years. Our current K-9 teams are certified through the WA Criminal Justice Training Commission and accredited through the WA State Police Canine Association. The PAPD K-9 program requires regular and specialized training, specialized equipmentand specially modified police vehicles. Dogs are retired approximately every10 years and replacement dogs have historically been funded through donations. The PAPD K-9 program receives an annual donation from the Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club and the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office. Sgt. Kevin Miller and K-9 Bodie and Officer Whitney Fairbanks and K-9 Copper are part of an interagency K-9 collective that train together and respond to calls for assistance in a five-county area.Sgt. Miller is a certified master K-9 trainer and certified master K-9 handler. Officer Fairbanksis a certified master K-9 handler. In 2025 K-9 Bodie will retire and be replaced with a new dog. August 20, 2024E - 86 Funding: The donation from the will support the PAPD K-9 program for many years into the future and this will include replacement dogs, training for new K-9 teams, specialized equipment and specialized vehicle modifications. August 20, 2024E - 87 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Mike Healy, Director ofPublic Works & Utilities, Subject: CON-2023-15 College Substation LTC Replacement – Final Acceptance Summary: The purpose of this memo is to receive City Council final acceptancefor the work performed by contractorKVA-Electric, Inc. of Arlington, WA to replace the College Substation Load Tap Changer (LTC). The work was inspected and accepted as complete with the final project cost amounting to $206,260.76 including taxes, a 5% retainage is being held. Funding: Sufficient funding to complete this project is available in the Electric Utility Capital fund (451-7188-594.65-10) for project CL0420 A Street Substation Switchgear Replacement as approved in the 2023 Capital Facilities Plan. Recommendation: Accept the College SubstationLTC ReplacementProject No. CON-2023-15 as complete, and authorize staff to proceed with project closeout, and release the retainage funds upon receipt of all required clearances. Background / Analysis: Seven substations distribute power throughout the City, some of which have equipment nearing or at the end of its useful life. Based on age, electrical reliability, criticality and periodic inspection results, College Substation LTC was identified as the next in priority for repairs or upgrades. The College Substation LTC is the third in the series of four substations that were identified in 2019 as having an over forty-year-old switch gear that was at or near the end of life. Both Laurel and F Street substations switch gear were replaced in 2021 and I street is scheduled for completionlater in 2024. The new switch gear not only has new control enhancements but enhanced safety features. The City solicited bids for the College Substation LTC Replacement. Twobids were received and opened th on July 14, 2023. KVA Electric Inc of Arlington, WA wasdetermined the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, providing a proposed equivalent to achieve the project goals and construction schedule, at a bid price of $189,988.74, including taxes. A change order in the amount of $16,272.02 was executed during the performance of the contract for two reasons: The contract was developed and signed in 2023 when the sales tax was 8.8%. On January 1st, 2024, sales tax increased to 8.9%. All expenses on this contract occurred in 2024. While performing the scope of work in the contract, additional LTC repairs outside of the quoted scope were necessary to complete the job, resulting in costs for additional time, material, crew, equipment, and a local machine shop’s service. August 20, 2024E - 88 The total cost, including taxes, is tabulated in the following table: Project Cost Summary Original Contract Change Unit Quantity Final Cost Project Cost Variance AmountOrders Variations $189,988.74 $16,272.02 0 $206,260.76$16,272.02 Funding Overview: Funding was identified for replacement of the College Substation LTC in the Electric Utility Capital budget (451-7188-594-6510), project CL0420. Recommendation: City staff recommends City Council accept the College Substation LTC Replacement Project No. CON-2023-15 as complete and authorize staff to proceed with project close out and release the retainage bond upon receipt of required clearances. August 20, 2024E - 89 Date:August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Calvin W. Goings, DeputyCity Manager Eric Waterkotte, Information Technology Manager Subject:Downtown Camera Project Purchase Summary: The City has been operating and maintaining a network of public safetycameras at multiple locations throughout the City including downtown. The cameras in the downtown area are past their end of life and many no longer function. CFP project IT0423 – Building Access Control and Cameras addressesthe replacement of the downtown cameraswith funding available starting in 2025. Staff is recommending proceeding with this CFP project early toreplace the cameras downtown and restore functionality to this critical network used for public safety. Funding: Thecostofthis proposal is $48,326 including taxes. IT0423 – Building Access Control and Cameras includes $60,000 in 2025 toaddressthe downtown camerareplacementproject. A budget amendmenttomovethis funding intothe 2024 Budget would be requiredtocompletethis project. Recommendation: 1) Approve the purchase ofnineVerkadacamerastoreplacetheexisting camerasin the downtown corridor fromSecurity Solutions Northwestnottoexceed $48,326, including tax, and2)authorize the CityManagerto approve and sign all documents necessaryto complete the purchase and make minormodificationsifnecessary. The aging public safetycameras in the downtown corridor are past their “end Background / Analysis: of life”and in need of immediate replacement. Multiple cameras have failed and are no longer able to assist with public safety efforts in the downtown area. The IT Department has conducted an analysis of options for reducing costs, with the goal of adding longevity and maintainability to the camera network. Staff reviewed multiple vendors and as a result, recommends using the Verkada camera platform due to their inclusion on the state Department of Enterprise Services vendor listand their industry leading hardware dependability, licensing, support, and managed software platform. Replacing the disjointed downtown cameras with a unified camera system that can be warrantied and licensed for 10 years will help ensure longer term sustainability for the downtown cameraswhile providing a platform that will make managing access for users of the camera networkeasier. As a part of this work, the network connections for each camera will be refreshed so that the cameras are completely separated from the City’s network and instead aligned with the public safety network. The networking change will reduce costs long term by removing individual direct internet circuit costs at each camera site. Funding: The cost of this proposal is $48,326 includingtaxes. IT0423 – BuildingAccess Control and Cameras includes $60,000 in 2025 to address the downtown camerareplacements. A budget amendment to move thisfundingintothe 2024 Budget wouldberequiredtocompletethisproject. Attachment: Verkada Camera equipment and labor quote from Security Solutions Northwest August 20, 2024E - 90 August 20, 2024E - 91 August 20, 2024E - 92 Date:August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Calvin W. Goings, DeputyCity Manager Eric Waterkotte, Information Technology Manager Subject:VMWare Licensing Renewal Summary: The City utilizes a software product known as VMWare to host over 70 virtualized server environments used for multiple, critical systemsthe City relies on. VMWare’s software licensing model requires periodic renewal,and the time has come to renew the licensing. Staff recommends renewal of the VMWare licensing to ensure continuation of this critical server environment. Funding: Thetotalcost ofthe VMWarelicensingrenewalis $37,855.38. Funding for the VMWare licensing is included in the 2024 ITDepartment budget. Recommendation:1) Approve the renewal of VMWare software license through SHI International in an amount not to exceed $37,855.38 including tax, and 2) authorizethe City Manager to approve and execute all documents necessary to complete the purchase and make minor modifications if necessary. Background / Analysis: The City heavily relies on virtualization technology to dramatically reduce the cost of physical hardware, power consumption,and space requirements for over 70 critical server environments. In 2024, VMWare, the company who makes the virtualization software used by the City, was acquired by Broadcom Inc. bringing a change to the licensing model and annual costs. After a thorough review of our utilization and a thoughtful reduction in our usage, we have obtained our updated licensing renewal quote from SHI International, the vendor used for our VMWare software licensing. In order for the City to retain support and software updates for our VMWare systems, staff is recommending renewal of our licensing. Funding: The total cost of the licensing renewalis $37,855.38. Funding for theVMWare licensing is included in the 2024 IT Department budget. Attachment: VMWare annual licensing renewal quote from SHI International August 20, 2024E - 93 August 20, 2024E - 94 August 20, 2024E - 95 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Nathan A. West, City Manager Subject: Letter of Support – Olympic Peninsula Extended Needs (OPEN) Housing Summary: Olympic Peninsula Extended Needs (OPEN) Housing has requested a letter of support from the City of Port Angeles for grant application to Washington State Housing Trust Fund applicationwith the Department of Commerce. Funding: N/A Recommendation: Authorize Mayor Dexter to sign a letter of support for OPEN Housing’s grant application for the Washington State Housing Trust Fund. The City has received a request from Olympic Peninsula Extended Needs (OPEN) Housing for aletter ofsupport for the grant application to Washington State Housing Trust Fund application with the Department ofCommerce.The grant application will be seeking funding to enableOPEN Housing to provide sustainable housing for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) who are residents of Clallam County. A letter detailing themerits of the grant hasbeen attached tothismemorandum. Staff recommends that City Council authorize Mayor Dexter to sign a letter of support for OPEN Housing for a letter of support for the grant applicationto Washington State Housing Trust Fund application with the Department of Commerce. Attachment: DraftLetter in support of OPEN Housing August 20, 2024E - 96 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA98362 August 2, 2024 Washington State Department of Commerce P.O. Box 42525 Olympia, WA 98504-2525 Re:Housing Trust Fund Application To Whom It May Concern: th On Tuesday, August 20the Port Angeles City Council unanimously voted in support of Olympic Peninsula Extended Needs (OPEN) Housing’s Washington State Housing Trust Fund application. With your support, OPEN Housing will fill acritical gap insafe, secure, sustainable housing for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) who are residents of Clallam County. The City of Port Angeles is dedicated to pursing housing for all it’s residents. While Clallam County has made improvements in permanent supportive housing capacity, notably through Peninsula Behavioral Health’s renovation of the All-ViewMotel in Port Angeles, there is still a significant need for more permanent supportive housing units to meet local needs. OPEN Housing’s missionis to create life-long person-centered, low-income and inclusive housing for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. On behalf of the City Council, we are confident the OPEN Housingwill fulfill its obligations and exceed the community’s expectations. It is with great pleasure to recommend OPEN Housing be considered to receive capital fundingfromthe Washington State Housing Trust Fund. Sincerely, Kate Dexter, Mayor City of Port Angeles August 20, 2024E - 97 Date: August 20. 2024 To: City Council From:Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Mike Healy,Public Works and Utilities Director Subject: 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Capital Request Consideration Summary: The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC)held a meeting on Thursday August 1, 2024, to consider additional funding forthe City Pier Observation Tower LTAC provided a favorable recommendation to the City Council that Lodging Tax Funds in the amount of $100,000.00 be added to project funding in order to complete the construction of this project. LTAC previously met on February 2, 2024, and recommended an initial funding allocation of $574,464.00 toward this project which was also th meeting. Incorporating the additional LTAC recommendation, approved by City Council at the February 6 the total project cost would be $674,464.00. Funding: Funding in the amount of $885,912 is available for these requests in excess reserves inthe Lodging Tax fund due to higher than anticipated tax collection in the 2022 and 2023 years. Recommendation:Approve and adopt the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee’s recommendation adding an additional $100,000.00 for the City Pier Observation Tower Project for a total project cost not to exceed $674,464.00. Background / Analysis: At the February 6, 2024, City Council meeting the Council approved a funding request to appropriate Lodging Tax Funds in the amount of $574,464.00 toward the rehabilitation of the City Pier Observation Tower Project as recommended by theLodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC). This funding level was set at the exact amount of the lowest responsive bid received without any funding for project contingencies or additional expenditures beyond the base bid. During the construction phase additional deterioration was identified in areas that were not able to be seen without the removal of elements. These repairs along with required engineering, inspection, and construction total just under $100,000.00 in additional costs to complete the project. Staff presented a request to the LTAC at their August 1, 2024, meeting seeking additional funding to allow for the additional work beyond that covered in the base bid. LTAC voted, 3-2, to recommend funding this project in the amount of $100,000.00 in accordance with RCW 67.28.1816 that allows the use of lodging tax funds for capital infrastructure needs of City owned properties that are used to support tourism, performing arts, or to accommodate tourist activities. The memo detailing this request to the LTAC has been attached to this memo. This memo can also be found in the LTAC packet at this link: https://www.cityofpa.us/DocumentCenter/View/14108/LTAC-PACKET- 02022024. August 20, 2024E - 98 Additionally, the updated funding table reflected the recommended increase to the City Pier Tower is included below: Starting Fund balance$985,912 Less City Pier Project funds ($100,000) Estimated ending available LTAX reserve balance $885,912* *$279,375 is held in reserves in compliance with the 25% fund balance threshold requirement and is not demonstrated the amount available above. Funding: Funding in the amount of $885,912 is available for these requests in the excess and capital reserves of the Lodging Tax fund due to higher than anticipated tax collection in the 2022 and 2023 fiscal years. Attachment: LTAC Memo: Lodging Tax Fund Reserve Budget Recommendation – February 2, 2024 August 20, 2024E - 99 Date: February 6, 2024 To: City Council From:Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Mike Healy,Public Works and Utilities Director Corey Delikat, Parks and Recreation Director Subject: UPDATED MEMO: 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Capital Request Consideration th Summary: City staff held a placeholder on the February 6Council Agenda for this matter due to the fact timely action would be taken by our Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) the day after theCouncilpacket was complete, butbefore the first City Council in February. Staff have updated the original memo to include the dollar amounts that were recommended during that meeting. Originally the fund funding request for the City Pier Observation Tower was in the amount of $688,000, however the amount was amended to $574,464. The ask for the Dream Playground remained the same, in the amount of $250,000. Staff requested the use of tax funds for these capital items in accordance with RCW 67.28.1816 that allows the use of lodging tax funds for capital infrastructure needs of City owned properties. The LTAC approved the use of funding, Funding: Funding in the amount of $824,464 is available for these requests in the excess and capital reserves of the Lodging Tax fund due to higher than anticipated tax collection in the 2022 and 2023 years. Recommendation:Approve and adopt the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee’s recommendation for use of excess and capital reserves in the lodging tax fund for the City Pier Observation Tower and Dream Playground re-build in the amount of $824,464. Background / Analysis: LTAC held a meeting on Friday February 2, 2024. Staff held a place th holder on the February 6Council Agenda in case action was taken to approve and adopt their recommendation in order to keep these projects on schedule for community use beginning in Summer 2024. This updated memo serves to provide the new information relative to the Committee’s action. Citystaff had requested the LTAC meet to consider funding two projects that have significant impacts to the Port Angeles community. The first project will fund needed repairs to the City Pier Observation Tower in the amount of $574,464 and the second project will fund the re-build of the Dream Playground in the amount of $250,000. These projects are recommended from excess capital and operating reserves in the City’s Lodging Tax fund. nd The LTAC met on February 2to discuss these requests and forwardeda favorable recommendation to City Council to utilize the full capital reserve of $126,878, including the amount earmarked for the capital reserve in 2024 in the amount of $43,700, as well as excess operating reserves to fund these projects. In an effort to ensure Council was well informed of this item staff included this item in the packet in advance of this meeting. Because the LTAC forwardeda favorable recommendation, staff are requesting Council take action August 20, 2024E - 100 th to approve this request on February 6 to keep these projects on schedule for a completion date early in the Summer of 2024. The memo detailing this request to the LTAC has been attached to this memo. This memo can also be found in the LTAC packet at this link: https://www.cityofpa.us/DocumentCenter/View/14108/LTAC-PACKET-02022024. Additionally, the updated funding table is included below: Estimated combined LTAXoperating and capital reserve$1,556,817 Less City Pier Project funds ($574,464) Less Dream Playground funding ($250,000) Estimated ending available LTAX reserve balance$732,353* *$278,425 of the estimated fund balance would be held in reserves in compliance with the 25% fund balance threshold requirement. Funding: Funding in the amount of $824,464 is available for these requests in the excess and capital reserves of the Lodging Tax fund due to higher than anticipated tax collection in the 2022 and 2023 fiscal years. Any unused or reimbursed amounts for these projects will be returned the lodging tax fund. Attachment: LTAC Memo: Lodging Tax Fund Reserve Budget Recommendation – February 2, 2024 August 20, 2024E - 101 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Mike Healy, Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Liquid Anti-Ice Storage Tanks/Plumbing Summary: The purpose of this memo is to receive City Council Approval for the purchase of replacement storage tanks/plumbing for our liquid Anti-Ice product. This purchasewas advertised for bid in May 2024, but no bids were received. Staffsolicited a quote from NorStar Industries and received a quote in the amount of $33,904.11, including shipping and tax. In reviewing the quote from NorStar Industries staff has determined that the quote received is fair and reasonable. Funding: Sufficient funding is available in the approved 2024 Street Budget (102-7230-542-3120) in the amount of $33,904.11, including taxes and shipping cost. Recommendation: 1) Approve the purchase of Liquid Anti-Ice storage tanks from NorStar Industries in the amount of $33,904.11, including taxes and shipping, and2)authorize the City Manager to sign the sign documents necessary to complete the purchase, to make minor modifications to the documents as necessary, and to administer the Purchase. Background / Analysis: The Liquid Anti-IceStorage tanks arevital to the winter operations for the City of Port Angeles. During our winter Snow/Ice operations, liquid de-icer is our first layer of defense against slippery and icy roads. Applying this product before snowstorms occur can help immensely when the snowplows are deployed by prohibiting the first trace of snow to bond to the surface. The current tanks that are being used have an expired manufactures length of use recommendation due to deterioration caused by UV. Tanks of this age are more prone to failure causing the loss of our Anti-Ice products. This purchase was advertised for bid on May 23, 2024, and closed on June 6, 2024, and no bids were received. On July 7, 2024, staff solicited a quote from NorStar Industries which was the supplier for the previous purchase 12 years ago. NorStar Industries quote was returned in the amount of $33,904.11, including shipping and tax. Funding Overview: Funds are available in the approved 2024 Street Budget (102-7230-542-3120) in the amount of $33,904.11, including taxes and shipping cost. August 20, 2024E - 102 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Mike Healy,Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: 2024 Power Resource Plan Summary: The City’s electric utility is required by statute to provide a biennial update to its Power Resource Plan. Past updates to the Plan were submitted to, and approved by, Council biennially beginning in 2008. The process to update the plan requires public notice and hearing prior to approval for the 2024 Plan. Funding: There are no funding requirements for this plan. Recommendation: 1) Open the public hearing on the proposed Electric Utility 2024 Power Resource Plan, 2) Close the Public Hearing and 3) Adopt the 2024 Power Resource Plan for filing with the Washington State Department of Commerce and direct staff to file the plan in accordance with State requirements. Background / Analysis: The electric utility is required, by Chapter 19.280 RCW, to prepare an updated Resource Plan (Plan) and submit it to the Washington Department of Commerce by September 1, 2024. While the Plan does not need to be an elaborate document, at a minimum the Plan is required to include: Current City electric power usage Future City electric power usage projections for five- and ten-year usage Plans for providing customers with power for the next ten years Where the power is purchased or generated Explain how the City will comply with the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA). This Plan is required to be updated every two years and has been approved by the City Council starting in 2008 and last approved in 2022. It is intended to ensure that electric utilities have arranged for adequate resources to meet the needs of their customer base. The City will amend this plan as needed when future needs change. For example, if alternative power resource opportunities are identified or if the City changes the source of power generation (provided the change is within the scope of Port Angeles' power agreement with BPA). The City is a contractually bound full-requirements customer of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) through 2028; the Plan was generated by BPA using typical growth rates and the City’s current and anticipated future resource mix. BPA can provide allpower required to the end of the current purchase power agreement in 2028. Contract discussions and calculations show that BPA can continue to provide all power required in a combination of Tier 1 and Tier 2 power in the next power purchase period. August 20, 2024F - 1 The Utility Advisory Committee has reviewed the Power Resource Plan and provided to the City Council a favorable recommendation to approve the plan as submitted. Funding: There are no funding requirements for this plan. August 20, 2024F - 2 Resource Plan Cover Sheet Legend Enter your information into these shaded fields Utility Information Report Year2024 UtilityCity of Port Angeles Prepared by Gregg King Emailgking@cityofpa.us Date of Board/Commission Approval Market Purchases - Port Angeles wheels power through Notes: Explain resource choices other than Clallam County PUD territory to reach some City conservation/use of renewable energy creditscustomers. Washington State Utility Resource Plan Year 2024 Estimate intervalBase Year5-year Forecast10-year Forecast Estimated Period202320282033 SeasonAnnualAnnualAnnual UnitsaMWaMWaMW Loads45.4047.681148.4392 Exports Resources: Energy Conservation Measures0.65111.3192 BTM Solar Demand Response BPA Tier 1 or Base45.3146.9443.25 BPA Tier 23.78 Cogeneration Hydro Wind Utility-Scale Solar FTM Distributed Solar Biomass Landfill Gas Geothermal Nuclear Other Distributed Renewables Thermal Natural Gas Thermal Coal Market Purchases0.090.090.09 Other Imports Undecided Total Resources45.4047.6848.44 Load Resource Balance0.000.000.00 August 20, 2024F - 3 4 - F Gregg King Power Resources ManagerDepartment of Public Works & Utilities 2024 20, August Proposed Electric Utility 2024 Resource Plan City of Port Angeles City Council MeetingAugust 20, 2024 2 5 - F 2024 20, Plan has been updated in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016,2018, 2020, and 2022 August State law requires a biennial “Resource Plan”City completed first Resource Plan in 2008Purpose is to assure that future resources areadequate to meet projected load demandsMcKinley plant electric usage Background 3 6 - F ember 1, 2024 2024 Sept Notice to be published by City Clerk in Peninsula Daily News 20, Consider all power sources including conservation Describe current power loads and resourcesEstimate power loads and resources for 2028 and 2033Be approved by the City after public notice and hearingBe submitted to Washington Department of Commerceby Update again in 2026 The 2024 Plan must: August Resource Plan Components 4 7 - F year forecast. - 2024 year and 10 20, - August Remain a BPA customer.For this 2 year projection McKinley plant electric usageis projected to be flat, consistent with current usage forthis 5City loads remain relatively flat.Future Tier 2 load served by BPA after 2028.A new forecast will be conducted in 2026 (2 years). Port Angeles Electric Utility Forecast 5 8 - F 2024 20, August 6 9 - F st 2024 20, August City Council to open proposed Resource Planpublic hearing Staff will seek approval of proposed ResourcePlan by City Council passing a resolutionSubmit proposed Resource Plan to Department ofCommerce by September 1 What’s Next?“Recommend that City Council conduct the public hearing and approve the proposed Electric Utility 2024 Power Resource Plan.” 7 10 - F Gregg King gking@cityofpa.us Comments/Questions http://www.cityofpa.us 2024 Power Resource Manager 20, August Public Works & Utilities Department Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Mike Healy,Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Compost Procurement Ordinance Summary: RCW43.19A.150 mandates that Washington cities offering curbside recycling services to adopt a Compost Procurement ordinance. The ordinance must encourage the use of compost materials for city use and projects. In an effort to substantially increase the procurement of recycled content products and modify purchasing practices, all local and state governmental agencies, including public schools, are working to provide a model to encourage a comparable commitment from Washington State citizens and businesses. Funding: No additional fundingis requiredto achieve compliance. Recommendation: Conduct the first reading of the ordinance adopting compost procurement requirements, waive the second reading and adopt the ordinance. Background / Analysis: Adoption of a Compost Procurement ordinance is a requirement of RCW43.19A.150 which was established to encourage the reuse of recycled products, including compost and woods debris, and is in line with the Goals and Objectives of the City’s Environmental Stewardship Policies. This ordinance is intended to increase the procurement of recycled content products and modify purchasing practices. There is also a reporting task associated with this requirement which can easily be handled along with the City’s Transfer Station Annual Recycling Reporting requirements. Staff views this ordinance as a positive step in our continued environmental stewardship through our encouragement of reuse of recycled materials and products. Funding Overview: There are no financial impacts to this item. August 20, 2024G - 1 ORDINANCE NO.__________ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending portions of Chapter 3.05 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Purchasing Policies and Procedures. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.Ordinance 3603 as amended, and Chapter 3.05 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amendinga section of Chapter3.05as follows: 3.05.080 - Compost Procurement Policy 1.Definition. A “Finished Compost Product” means a product created with “composted material” as defined in RCW 70A.205.015(3). Finished Compost Products include, but are not limited to, 100% finished compost or blends that include compost as a primary ingredient. Mulch is considered a Finished Compost Product if it contains a minimum of sixty percent composted material. Bark is not a Finished Compost Product. 2.General Policy. The City of Port Angeles, WA will purchase finished compost products for use in public projects in which compost is an appropriate material in city projects or on city land. Pursuant to RCW 43.19A.130, the City will strive to purchase an amount of finished compost products that is equal or greater than fifty percent of the amount of organic materials delivered to the compost processor. 3.Local Purchasing. The City of Port Angeles will purchase finished compost products from companies producing compost locally, are certified by a nationally recognized organization, such as the United States Composting Council, and produce finished compost products that are derived from municipal solid waste compost programs while meeting quality standards adopted by the Department of Transportation or adopted by rule by the Department of Ecology. 4.Planning. In order to meet the general policy, the City will plan for compost use in the following categories: August 20, 2024G - 2 a.Landscaping projects; b.Construction and postconstruction soil amendments; c.Applications to prevent erosion, filter stormwater runoff, promote vegetative growth, or improve the stability and longevity of roadways; and d.Low-impact development of green infrastructure to filter pollutants to keep water onsite or both. st This plan will be re-assessed by December 31, 2025, and each December 31 of even-numbered years thereafter as part of its reporting obligations in Section 6. 5.Education. The City of Port Angeles willconduct educational outreach to inform residents about the value of compost and how the City uses compost in its operations each year. st 6.Reporting. By December 31, 2024, and each December 31 of even-numbered years thereafter, the City of Port Angeles will report the following information to the Department of Ecology: a.The total tons of organic material diverted each year; b.The volume and cost of composted material purchased each year; and c.The source(s) of the finished compost product purchased Section 2. - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener’s/clerical errors, references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules or regulations, or ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3. - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to anyperson or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of theprovisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4. - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specificallydelegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. August 20, 2024G - 3 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _____ day of ___________, 2024. _______________________ Kate Dexter, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: _____________________________ Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk August 20, 2024G - 4 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Calvin W. Goings, Deputy City Manager Shannen Cartmel, Community and Economic Development Manager Subject: UPDATED – An Ordinance Eliminating the Ownership and Parcel Limitations for Existing Short-Term Rental Owners that were Compliant with Ordinance 3577 and the City’s 2023 Moratorium Summary: On March 21, 2017, the City Council passed Ordinance 3577 which created zoning-based location criteria for short-term rentals. On March 6, 2024, the City Council adopted Ordinance 3728 implementing detailed regulations for short-term rental operations, including a limit of one short-term rental license per owner, per marital community, and per parcel. This proposed legislation would remove those limitations for those existing owners who were fully in compliance with Ordinance 3577 and the City’s 2023 Moratorium. The cap of 200 Type II licenses would remain unchanged. Funding: Revenue from short-term rental fees is expected to recover the costs of licensing and compliance services. Recommendation: 1) Conduct the first reading of the Ordinance Eliminating the Ownership and Parcel Limitations for existing Short-Term Rental owners that were Fully Compliant with Ordinance 3577 and the City’s 2023 Moratorium, 2) waive the second reading of the Ordinance, 3) adopt the Ordinance, and 4) authorize the City Clerk and Code Reviser to make grammatical and formatting revisions to ensure internal consistency. Background / Analysis: On March 21, 2017, the City Council passed Ordinance 3577, which created zoning-based location criteria for short-term rentals. The legislation did not include limitations on the number of rental units per owner, per marital community, or per parcel. After Ordinance 3577 was adopted, some owners operated two or more short-term rental units that fully complied with that ordinance. On March 6, 2024, the City Council adopted Ordinance 3728, implementing detailed regulations for short- term rental operations, including a fee structure, licensing requirements, a platform-based enforcement mechanism, and a City-provided fire life-safety inspection program. Ordinance 3728 also included a limit of one short-term rental license per owner, per marital community, and per parcel. As requested by members of the Council, this new proposed legislation would remove the limitation of one short-term rental license per owner, per marital community, and per parcel and it would instead allow those existing owners who were (1) in operation prior to July 1, 2024, (2) were fully compliant with Ordinance 3577 and the City’s 2023 Moratorium, and (3) still under the same ownership as on July 1, 2024 to apply for licensing. If approved and licensed, those owners and rental units will continue to be subject to all other requirements of Ordinance 3728. The cap of 200 Type II licenses within the Code would also remain unchanged. If this new legislation is approved by the Council, the Director under the authority of 17.23.030 (C) PAMC will open a limited application window from August 26, 2024, to September 6, 2024, for only those made eligible under this new legislation to submit application(s) for licensing review. August 20, 2024 Updated G - 5 As of the August 1, 2024, application deadline, there are currently 165 eligible Type II applicants. As a result, no lottery is necessary, and staff have already begun processing all eligible applications under the cap. It is estimated that there are approximately 25 additional applications that this legislation would now allow to proceed. If this new legislation is approved and after this special licensing period closes, per Code any remaining license capacity will be issued on a first-come first-served basis to those applicants on the waitlist until the cap of 200 Type II licenses is reached. Funding: Revenue from short-term rental fees is expected to recover the costs of licensing and compliance services. Attachment: Ordinance August 20, 2024 Updated G - 6 UPDATED – ORDINANCE NO.__________ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington eliminating the ownership and parcel limitations on Short-Term Rentals for those owners compliant with Ordinance 3577 and the City’s 2023 Moratorium as found in Chapter 17.23.070 (C) and (D) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. WHEREAS, in 2017 the City Council passed Ordinance 3577 which created zoning-based location criteria for Short-Term Rentals; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes that a limited number of Short-Term Rental owners were in full with compliance with Ordinance 3577 and the City’s 2023 Moratorium; and WHEREAS, in 2024 the City Council passed Ordinance 3728 which implemented detailed regulations for Short-Term Rental operations, including a fee structure, licensing requirements, a platform-based enforcement mechanism, a City provided fire life-safety inspection program, and a limit of one Short-Term Rental license per owner, per marital community, and per parcel; and WHEREAS, the City Council supports allowing such owners of Short-Term Rental properties who were operating Short-Term Rental units in compliance with Ordinance 3577 and the City’s 2023 Moratorium the opportunity to apply for licensing, Now, Therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: August 20, 2024 Updated G - 7 Section 1. Subsections (C) and (D) of Section 17.23.070 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended as follows: C. Only one short-term rental license will be issued per parcel, provided, however, that owners of short-term rental units are exempt from this limitation if they were (1) in operation prior to July 1, 2024, (2) fully compliant with Ordinance 3577 and the City’s 2023 Moratorium, and (3) still under the same ownership as on July 1, 2024. D. Only one short-term rental license will be issued per Owner, provided, however, that owners of short-term rental units are exempt from this limitation if they were (1) in operation prior to July 1, 2024, (2) fully compliant with Ordinance 3577 and the City’s 2023 Moratorium, and (3) still under the same ownership as on July 1, 2024. Section 2. - Corrections The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener’s/clerical errors, references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules or regulations, or ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3. - Severability If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4. – Effective Date This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect on August 26, 2024, after publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _____ day of ___________, 2024. _______________________ Kate Dexter, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: _____________________________ Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk August 20, 2024 Updated G - 8 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Calvin W. Goings, DeputyCity Manager Shannen Cartmel,Community and Economic Development Manager Subject: An Ordinance Eliminating the Ownership, Building, and ParcelLimitations forShort-Term Rentalsthat Were Compliant withOrdinance 3577 Summary:On March 21, 2017,the City Council passed Ordinance 3577 which created zoning-based location criteria for short-term rentals.On March 6, 2024, the City Council adopted Ordinance 3728 implementing detailed regulations for short-term rental operations, including a limit of one short-term rental license per owner, per family,per building, and per parcel. This proposed legislation would remove those limitations forthose owners who were fully in compliance with Ordinance 3577. The cap of 200 Type II licenses would remain unchanged. Funding: Revenue from short-term rental fees isexpected to recover the costs of licensingand compliance services. Recommendation:1) Conduct the first reading of the OrdinanceEliminating the Ownership, Building, and Parcel Limitations on Short-Term Rentals that were Compliant with Ordinance 3577, 2) waive the second reading of the Ordinance, 3) adopt the Ordinance, and 4) authorize the City Clerkand Code Reviser to make grammatical and formatting revisions to ensure internal consistency. Background / Analysis: On March 21, 2017,the City Council passed Ordinance 3577, which created zoning-based location criteria for short-term rentals.The legislation did not include limitationson the number of rental units per owner, per family, per building, orper parcel. Additionally, some owners operated two or more short-termrental units that fully compliedwith that ordinance. On March 6, 2024, the City Council adopted Ordinance3728, implementing detailed regulations for short- term rental operations, including a fee structure, licensing requirements, a platform-based enforcement mechanism, and a City-provided fire life-safety inspection program. Ordinance3728 also included a limit of one short-term rental license per owner, per family, per building, andper parcel. As requested by members of the Council, this new proposed legislation would remove the limitation of one short-term rental license per owner, per family, per building, and per parceland it would instead allow those owners who compliedwith Ordinance 3577 to apply for licensing. If approved and licensed, those owners and rental units will continue to be subject to all other requirements of Ordinance 3728. The cap of 200 Type II licenses within the Code would also remain unchanged. If this new legislation is approved by the Council, the Director under the authorityof 17.23.030 (C)PAMC willopen a limited application window from August 26, 2024, to September 6, 2024, for only those made eligibleunder this new legislation to submit application(s) for licensingreview. As of the August 1, 2024, application deadline, there are currently 165eligibleType II applicants. As a result, no lottery is necessary,and staff have already begun processing all eligible applications under the cap.It is August 20, 2024G - 5 estimated that there are approximately 25 additional applications that this legislation would now allow to proceed. If this new legislation is approved, after this special licensing period closes, per Code any remaining licensecapacity will be issued on a first-come first-served basis to thoseapplicants on the waitlistuntilthe cap of 200 Type II licenses is reached. Funding: Revenue from short-term rental fees is expected to recover the costs of licensing and compliance services. Attachment: Ordinance August 20, 2024G - 6 ORDINANCE NO.__________ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington eliminating the ownership, building, and parcel limitations on Short-Term Rentals for those owners compliant with Ordinance 3577 as found in Chapter 17.23.070 (C) and (D) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. WHEREAS, in 2017 the City Council passed Ordinance 3577 which created zoning-based location criteria for Short-Term Rentals; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes that a limited number of Short-Term Rental owners were in full with compliance with Ordinance 3577 while operating multiple rentals per owner, per family, per building, or per parcel; and WHEREAS, in 2024 the City Council passed Ordinance 3728 which implemented detailed regulations for Short-Term Rental operations, including a fee structure, licensing requirements, a platform-based enforcement mechanism, a City provided fire life-safety inspection program, and a limit of one Short-Term Rental license per owner, per family, per building, and per parcel; and WHEREAS, the City Council supports allowing owners of Short-Term Rental properties who were operating Short-Term Rental units in compliance with Ordinance 3577 the opportunity to apply for licensing, Now, Therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: August 20, 2024G - 7 Section 1. Subsections (C) and (D) of Section 17.23.070 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended as follows: C. Only one short-term rental license will be issued per parcel, provided, however, that owners of short-term rental units in operation prior to July 1, 2024, that were fully compliant with Ordinance 3577 are exempt from this limitation. D. Only one short-term rental license will be issued per Owner, provided, however, that owners of short-term rental units in operation prior to July 1, 2024, that were fully compliant with Ordinance 3577 are exempt from this limitation. Section 2. - Corrections The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance areauthorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, thecorrection of the scrivener’s/clerical errors, references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules or regulations, orordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3. - Severability If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of theprovisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4.– Effective Date This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specificallydelegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect on August 26, 2024, after publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _____ day of ___________, 2024. _______________________ Kate Dexter, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________ William E. Bloor, City Attorney ATTEST: _____________________________ Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk August 20, 2024G - 8 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Nathan West, City Manager Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Subject: Second Amendment to the 2024 Budget Summary: The 2024Budget is being amended for the second time to reflect changes in revenues and expenditures that have occurred during the second quarter of 2024. This budget amendment primarily includes capital adjustments resulting from the adoption of the 2025-2030 Capital Facilities Plan to ensure consistency with the Budget. This is the second reading and adoption of the ordinance. As this budget amendment includes new revenues as well as an authorization to use funds from reserves, the ordinance must be approved by a super-majority of the entire Council, or at least five (5) affirmative votes. Funding: Please see the detailed summary attached tothismemo. Recommendation: The requested action for this issue is as follows: 1.Conduct the second reading of the 2024 Budget Amendment #2 ordinance; and 2.Adopt the Ordinance. Background / Analysis: The 2024 Budget is being amended for the second time, primarily to bring the budget into alignment with the recently adopted 2025-2030 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP), as well as, adjust revenues and expenditures that have been approved by Council at previous meetings in the first half of the year, or that require minor accounting corrections. Attached is a detailed list of proposed budget changes, the budget amendment ordinance, including the Exhibit A which lists total revenues and expenditures by fund for the 2024 Budget Amendment #1 and proposed Amendment #2 for comparison. Since many of the individual actions require funding to come from reserves (money unspent at the end of the fiscal year automatically rolls into reserves/fund balance), approval of the ordinance will require a super majority of the entire Council, or five (5) affirmative votes.Tonight’s meeting will include the second reading and adoption of the budget amendment ordinance. Funding Overview: Please see the “Detailed list of proposed budget changes” attachment to this memo for a full listing of all funding changes. Attached: Detailed list of proposed budget changes 2024 Budget Ordinance – Amendment #2 Exhibit A August 20, 2024G - 9 Detailed List of Proposed Budget Changes - 2024 Budget Amendment #2 BUDGET AMENDMENT ITEMRevenuesExpenditureAccount Notes - Association of WA Cities Grant- community oriented policing 94,800 001-5022-342.10-00 Approved by Council 2/6/2024 WA Dept of Commerce Grant- License plate reader equipment & Instal 001-5022-334.01-10 50,000 - Approved by Council 2/6/2024 WA Dept of Commerce Grant- License plate reader equipment 001-5022-521.35-01 - 41,000 Approved by Council 2/6/2024 WA Dept of Commerce Grant- License plate reader installation 001-5022-521.41-50 - 9,000 Computer Equipment for New Positions 001-4050-558.31-60 - 8,000 Office Furniture for New Positions 001-4050-558.31-01 - 10,000 EOC Back-up Generator emergency repairs 001-6050-522.48-10 - 4,500 Fire Prevention Specialist II 001-6030-522.10-01 - 35,800 Fire Prevention Specialist uniforms and equipment 001-6030-522.31-01 - 9,400 Fire Prevention Specialist IT needs 001-6030-522.31-60 - 13,500 Fire Prevention Inspection Fees 001-6030-342.20-15 58,700 - Building Dept Uniforms 001-4050-558.35-01 - 3,200 Planning Dept Uniforms 001-4060-558.35-01 - 3,000 ARPA Revenue to Offset Expenses 001-9029-333.21-02 587,500 - Past Due Utility Relief - ARPA Funds 001-9029-518.41-50 - 250,000 Olympic Peninsula YMCA - ARPA Funds 001-9029-518.41-50 - 250,000 Housing - ARPA Funds 001-9029-518.41-50 - 87,500 Replace Broken Lighting Downtown - Transfer to Governmental Capita 001-8080-597.59-91 - 65,000 TR1215 - City Hall Parking Lot LID - Transfer to Transportation 001-7012-597.59-91 - 58,300 Reprioritized in the CFP CED vehicle - transfer to Equipment Services 001-4050-558.45-20 - 54,800 Strategic Planning 001-1160-511.41-50 4,000 Reprioritized in the CFP Police Body Worn Cameras 001-5012-597.59-91 11,000 Reprioritized in the CFP Ennis Street Pavement Repair 001-7012-597.59-91 90,000 Reprioritized in the CFP Elks Pickleball Court Improvements 001-8080-597.59-91 25,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 791,000 1,033,000 Reprioritized in the CFP Street Division Vehicle Replacements - Transfer Out - 50,000102-7230-542.45-20 TOTAL STREET FUND - 50,000 Reprioritized in the CFP TR0322 - intersection Control Study - (50,000) 105-7840-597.59-91 Reprioritized in the CFP TR0224 - Tumwater Bridge Repair - 25,000105-7840-597.59-91 TOTAL REET I FUND - (25,000) Reprioritized in the CFP TR0318 - 8th/10th Street Bike Lanes * - 30,000160-7841-597.59-91 Reprioritized in the CFP TR0322 - Intersection Control Study - (50,000) 160-7841-597.59-91 TOTAL REET II FUND - (20,000) AWC Lead Fire Program Admin 34,800 - 409-6027-334.06-90 AWC ART Grant - 47,500409-6027-526.41-50 AWC ART Grant 47,500 - 409-6027-334.06-90 Reprioritized in the CFP Fire Department Turn-Out Gear - 3,000409-6025-597.59-91 Nitronox system replacement - 4,100409-6025-526.35-01 Repairs to Combi-tool 409-6025-526.35-01 - 3,700 Fire Prevention Specialist II - 11,200409-6025-526.10-01 Fire Prevention Specialist Uniforms and Equipment - 3,100409-6025-526.31-01 Fire Prevention Specialist IT needs - 4,500409-6025-526.31-60 Fire Prevention Inspection Fees 18,800 - 409-6025-342.20-17 TOTAL MEDIC 1 FUND 101,100 77,100 August 20, 2024G - 10 BUDGET AMENDMENT ITEMRevenuesExpenditureAccount Notes CAPPC - Pencom Capital - 50,000107-5160-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP TOTAL PENCOM FUND - 50,000 Replace broken lighting downtown - transfer from General Fund 65,000 - 310-8985-397.10-91 FD0615 - Fire Hoses - 12,400310-5950-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PD0307 - Police Regional Training & Gun Range Facility - 51,600310-5950-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PD0116 - Mobile Data Terminal Replacements - 26,900310-5950-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PD0122 - Police Radio Replacement - (1,600)310-5950-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PD0223 - Police Body Worn Cameras - 38,000310-5950-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PD0120 - Police Taser Replacements - (2,000)310-5950-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP FD0318 - Emergency Management Pods - 129,100 310-5950-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP GG0303 - NICE Funds - 512,900 310-7910-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP GG0121 - Broadband Improvement Feasibility Study - 50,000310-7910-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP GG0119 - Ennis Creek Fish Barrier Removal - (255,000) 310-7910-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP GG1113 - Facility Security Projects - 400 310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PK0216 - Facility Improvement Revolving Fund - 11,000310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PK0205 - Restroom Improvement Program - (253,000) 310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PK0418 - Civic Field Upgrades - 613,100 310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PK0223 - Aluminum Bleacher Upgrades - 13,500310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PK0519 - City Pier Erosion Stabilization & Sidewalk Repair (Peabody Cre - 343,200 310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PK0316 - Locomotive #4 Refurbishment - 2,000310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PK0320 - HVAC Upgrades at City Facilities - 128,000 310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PK0324 - City Pier Tower Repair - 575,500 310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PK0122 - Erickson Playfield Tennis Court Improvement - 150,000 310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP PK0123 - Elks Pickleball Court Improvements - 25,000310-8985-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP FD0615 - Fire Hoses 5,000 310-5950-331.97-04Reprioritized in CFP PD0223 - Police Body Worn Cameras 3,200 310-5950-331.97-04Reprioritized in CFP PD0223 - Police Body Worn Cameras 11,000 310-5950-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP FD0415 - Fire Department Turn-Out Gear 3,000 310-5950-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP PK0418 - Civic Field Upgrades 600,000310-8985-334.02-70Reprioritized in CFP PK0122 - Erickson Playfield Tennis Court Improvement 200,000310-8985-334.02-70Reprioritized in CFP PK0223 - Aluminum Bleacher Upgrades 3,500 310-8985-367.11-00Reprioritized in CFP PK0316 - Locomotive #4 Refurbishment 60,000 310-8985-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP PK0123 - Elks Pickleball Court Improvements 25,000 310-8985-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP PK0316 - Locomotive #4 Refurbishment 52,000 310-8985-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP PK0324 - City Pier Tower Repiars 574,500310-8985-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP TOTAL GOVERNMENT CAPITAL FUND 1,602,200 2,171,000 August 20, 2024G - 11 BUDGET AMENDMENT ITEMRevenuesExpenditureAccount Notes TR1215 - City Hall Parking Lot LID - Transfer from General Fund 58,300 - 312-7930-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP TR0322 - Intersection Control Study - transfer from REET II (50,000) - 312-7930-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP TR0322 - Intersection Control Study - transfer from REET I (50,000) - 312-7930-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP TR0224 - Tumwater Bridge Repair - transfer from REET I 25,000 - 312-7930-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP TR0909 - Wayfinding & ODT Signage - (159,400) 312-4160-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR1118 - Revolving Street Improvements - 30,000312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0518 - I Street Chip Seal (5th to 16th Streets) - 170,200 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0316 - 8th Street Chip Seal (A to I Streets) - 278,900 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0119 - 8th Street Paving (Lincoln to A Streets) * - 437,900 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR1799 - Truck Route at Hwy 101 Intersection * - (245,300) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0716 - ADA - Peabody Street * - (370,000) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0221 - Marine Dr Paving (Valley to Hill Street) * - 1,140,200 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0621 - Waterfront Trail Repairs - 36,100312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0209 - Race Street Complete Design & Construction Phase I * - 731,600 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0918 - Downtown Tree/Sidewalk Replacement Phase III - 5,000312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0101 - Laurel Street Stairs Replacement - (685,000) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0120 - Signal Controller Upgrades 1st/Front * - 4,844,300 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR1215 - City Hall East Parking Lot LID * - 460,300 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0222 - First/Front Pedestrian Enhancements * - 171,000 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0414 - Peabody Creek/Lincoln Street Culvert Repair * - (475,000) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR1399 - Traffic Signal Interconnect/Preemption - 314,200 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0224 - Tumwater Bridge Repair - 25,000312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0821 - Facility Assessment - 5,300312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0715 - 16th Street LID (C to L Streets) * - (53,400) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0318 - 8th/10th Street Bike Lanes * - 70,900312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0416 - 1st/2nd/Valley/Oak Green Alley * - (559,700) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0322 - Intersection Control Study - (50,000) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0619 - Race Street Complete Construction Phase II * - (650,000) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0919 - Traffic Safety Camera Program - (35,000) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0321 - Speed Feedback Sign program - (30,000) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0115 - N ST Chip Seal - (550,000) 312-7930-595.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TR1215- City Hall East Parking Lot LID - 58,300312-7930-595.65-10 TR0119 - 8th Street Paving (Lincoln to A Streets) * 230,000 - 312-7930-331.20-20Reprioritized in CFP TR1799 - Truck Route at Hwy 101 Intersection * (255,300) - 312-7930-331.20-20Reprioritized in CFP TR0221 - Marine Dr Paving (Valley to Hill Street) * 740,200 - 312-7930-331.20-20Reprioritized in CFP TR0209 - Race Street Complete Design & Construction Phase I * 731,600 - 312-7930-331.20-20Reprioritized in CFP TR0318 - 8th/10th Street Bike Lanes * 70,900 - 312-7930-331.20-20Reprioritized in CFP TR0619 - Race Street Complete Construction Phase II * (400,000) - 312-7930-331.20-20Reprioritized in CFP TR0716 - ADA - Peabody Street * (300,000) - 312-7930-331.20-20Reprioritized in CFP TR0120 - Signal Controller Upgrades 1st/Front * 586,000 - 312-7930-333.20-20Reprioritized in CFP TR1215 - City Hall East Parking Lot LID * 37,500 - 312-7930-334.03-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0222 - First/Front Pedestrian Enhancements * 321,000 - 312-7930-334.03-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0715 - 16th Street LID (C to L Streets) * 37,000 - 312-7930-334.03-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0416 - 1st/2nd/Valley/Oak Green Alley * (450,000) - 312-7930-334.03-10Reprioritized in CFP TR0221 - Marine Dr Paving (Valley to Hill Street) * 180,000 - 312-7930-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP TR0417 - Ennis Street Pavement Repair 90,000 - 312-7930-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP TR0715 - 16th Street LID (C to L Streets) * (48,000) - 312-7930-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP TR0416 - 1st/2nd/Valley/Oak Green Alley * (100,000) - 312-7930-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP TR0318 - 8th/10th Street Bike Lanes * 30,000 - 312-7930-397.10-91Reprioritized in CFP TOTAL TBD CAPITAL FUND 1,484,200 4,916,400 August 20, 2024G - 12 BUDGET AMENDMENT ITEMRevenuesExpenditureAccount Notes Light Operations Vehicle Replacements - Transfer Out 25,500401-7180-533.45-20Reprioritized in CFP ELECTRIC UTILITY FUND - 25,500 Water Rates - Transfer Out 60,000402-9998-597.58-81Reprioritized in CFP NPS Reserves for Industrial Facility - Transfer Out 499,000 402-9998-597.58-81Reprioritized in CFP CAPWT - General Water Equipment - 137,400 402-7380-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP WATER UTILITY FUND - 696,400 TR0221 - Marine Dr Paving (Valley to Hill Street) * 180,000 403-7480-597.59-91Reprioritized in CFP WASTEWATER UTILITY FUND - 180,000 TR0715 - 16th Street LID (C to L Streets) * (48,000) 406-7412-597.59-91Reprioritized in CFP TR0416 - 1st/2nd/Valley/Oak Green Alley * (100,000) 406-7412-597.59-91Reprioritized in CFP STORMWATER FUND - (148,000) CL0322 - Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 1,683,000451-7188-334.03-10Reprioritized in CFP CL0414 - Construct New Light Operations Building - 200,900 451-7188-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP CL0216 - City/PUD Service Area Capital Needs - 25,000451-7188-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP CL1124 - Decant Facility at Transfer Station - 200,000 451-7188-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP CL0322 - Electric Vehicle Charging Station - 2,104,000 451-7188-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP CL0624 - Traffic Signal LED Conversion - 100,000 451-7188-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP CL0420 - College St LTC Load Tap Changer Replacement - (175,000) 451-7188-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP CL0117 - Washington Street Substation Switchgear - (480,000) 451-7188-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP CL0217 - I Street Substation Switchgear Replacement - (345,000) 451-7188-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TOTAL ELECTRIC CAPITAL FUND 1,683,000 1,629,900 Water Rates - Transfer In 60,000 452-9998-397.10-81Reprioritized in CFP NPS Reserves for Industrial Facility - Transfer In 499,000452-9998-397.10-81Reprioritized in CFP WT0419 - Decant Facility at Transfer Station - Water Soils Decant Bays - 18,100452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0218 - Reservoir Instrumentation Upgrades - (56,000) 452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0321 - Facility Assessment - 5,300452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0221 - Race Street Water Main Replacement South - 205,900 452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0420 - Ennis Creek Water Main Relocate - (89,000) 452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0519 - Water Treatment Plant Repairs - 105,900452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0121 - White Creek & 3rd Street Main Crossing - (660,000) 452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0320 - Morse Creek Transmission Main Eval/Design - (140,000) 452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0619 - Peabody Reservoir Inlet Pipe Replacement - (441,400) 452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0421 - Race Street Water Main Replacement North - (200,000) 452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0219 - Peabody Heights Floating Cover Replacement - (253,000) 452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0319 - Ground Water Resiliency Program - (700,000) 452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0222 - Elwha - Effluent Distribution Structure Bypass - 150,000452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0424 - Elwha - River Ranney Reach Habitat Restoration - 250,000452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WT0422 - Elwha - Temporary Diversion Pumping Facility/Bulkhead Proj - (100,000) 452-7388-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WATER UTILITY CAPITAL FUND 559,000 (1,904,200) August 20, 2024G - 13 BUDGET AMENDMENT ITEMRevenuesExpenditureAccount Notes WW0319 - Wastewater Comprehensive Plan - 11,000453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0519 - Decant Facility at Transfer Station - Wastewater Soils Deca - 10,000453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0220 - West 4th Street Capacity Improvement - 42,300453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0121 - Facility Assessment - 5,300453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0520 - Sanitary Force Main Relocate (Lees Creek) - 60,000453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0122 - Anaerobic Digester Roof Improvements - (2,300)453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0523 - WWTP UST Tank Replacement - 250,000453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0419 - WWTP HVAC Replacement - (216,700) 453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0518 - Francis Street Sewer Trestle Repair - 30,000453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0124 - WWTP Gas Flare System Replacement - 30,000453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0320 - WWTP Septic Truck Pad Repair - (147,400) 453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0120 - Pump Station #3 Force Main Replacement - 1,775,400 453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP WW0316 - CSO 6 and 7 Reconstruction - 15,000453-7488-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP Excess transfer from Wastewater Operations 850,000 - 453-7488-397.10-81Reprioritized in CFP Excess transfer from CSO capital fund 500,000 - 453-7488-397.10-81Reprioritized in CFP WASTEWATER UTILITY CAPITAL FUND 1,350,000 1,862,600 SW0112 - Decant Facility at Transfer Station 81,400 - 454-7588-334.03-10Reprioritized in CFP SW0112 - Decant Facility at Transfer Station - 32,300454-7588-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP SW0221 - Facility Assessment - 5,300454-7588-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP SW0121 - Landfill Access Road Repair - (635,700) 454-7588-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP SW0122 - Landfill Automated Facility Gate - (110,000) 454-7588-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP SW0120 - Landfill Pump Station 17 Repair - (336,000) 454-7588-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP SOLID WASTE UTILITY CAPITAL FUND 81,400 (1,044,100) DR0123 - Land Acquisition Program for Water Quality 15, 000 - 456-7688-397.10-91correct transfer acct DR0123 - Land Acquisition Program for Water Quality (15,000) - 456-9998-397.10-81correct transfer acct DR0213 - H Street Stormwater Outfall - (802,000) 456-7688-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP DR0120 - Decant Facility at Transfer Station - Stormwater Soils Decant - 43,500456-7688-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP DR0804 - Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond Study - 83,600456-7688-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP DR0121 - Facility Assessment - 5,300456-7688-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP DR0322 - Park Ave. Outfall to Peabody Creek - (392,000) 456-7688-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP DR0215 - Francis Street Outfall Repair - (62,500) 456-7688-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP DR0404 - Stormater at Canyon Edge & Ahlvers - (322,100) 456-7688-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP STORMWATER UTILITY CAPITAL FUND - (1,446,200) WW0316 - CSO 6 and 7 Reconstruction - (15,000) 463-7489-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP Correct excess transfer from Wastewater Operations (850,000) - 463-7489-397.10-81Reprioritized in CFP Excess transfer to Wastewater Capital Fund - 500,000463-7489-597.58-81Reprioritized in CFP WASTEWATER UTILITY CSO CAPITAL FUND (850,000) 485,000 August 20, 2024G - 14 BUDGET AMENDMENT ITEMRevenuesExpenditureAccount Notes Light Operations Vehicle Replacements - Transfer In 4,200 - 501-7630-348.30-10Reprioritized in CFP Street Division Vehicle Replacements - Transfer In 50,000 - 501-7630-348.30-10Reprioritized in CFP CED vehicle - transfer 54,800 - 501-7630-348.30-10Reprioritized in CFP NEW CED vehicle - 54,800501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Engineering vehicle #4300 - GMC Sierra 1500 Pickup - 19,200501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Engineering vehicle #4301 - GMC Sierra 1500 Pickup - (44,300) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Street vehicle #1790 - International 5 yd Dump Truck - 68,000501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Street vehicle #6502 - Ford F550 Dump Truck - 110,600 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Equipment Services vehicle #15 - GMC S10 4x4 Pickup - (2,900)501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Equipment Services vehicle #1490 - Hyundai Sedan - 4,800501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Equipment Services vehicle #1569 - Catepillar Wheel Loader - (30,000) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Police vehicle #1310 - Ford Crown Victoria - (53,500) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Police vehicle #1311 - Chevrolet Caprice - (53,500) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Police vehicle #61001 - Chevrolet Colorado 4x4 Volunteer - (53,600) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Fire vehicle #3 - Pierce Pumper Truck - (86,000) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Fire Vehicle #2020 - 2001 Ford Explorer - (47,200) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Parks vehicle #4328 - GMC Sierra 3500 Flat Bed - 16,900501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Parks vehicle #1887 - Ford F450 Flatbed/Snow Plow - 35,200501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Parks vehicle #4700 - GMC Sierra 1500 Pickup - 16,200501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Light Operations vehicle #4900 - GMC Savanna Van - (50,400) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Light Operations vehicle #133 - Chevy Blazer - 14,100501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Light Operations vehicle #135 - Chevy Blazer - 14,100501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Light Operations vehicle #148 - Catepillar Forklift - 36,700501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Water vehicle #6702 - GMC Canyon Pickup - 11,900501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Water vehicle #1756 - John Deere Backhoe Loader - (131,400) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Water vehicle #6701 - GMC Canyon Pickup - (14,800) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Wastewater vehicle #1616 - Ford F350 Service Truck - 33,900501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Wastewater vehicle #4600 - GMC Sierra 1500 4x4 Pickup - 100 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Solid Waste vehicle #2184 Ecostack 503W Conveyor - (32,100) 501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Solid Waste vehicle #1080 - Garbage Truck - 18,900501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP Stormwater vehicle #1240 - Freightliner Air Sweeper - 18,400501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP New Stormwater vehicle Ford F150 4x4 Pickup - 6,200501-7630-594.64-10Reprioritized in CFP TOTAL EQUIPMENT SERVICES FUND 109,000 (119,700) Temporary Part-Time Media Service/Help Desk Technician - 37,000502-2081-518.10-01 PTAN test environment for Central Square Extension - 40,000502-2081-518.41-50 Upgrade North Vern Burton Meeting Room - 10,500502-2081-518.41-50One-time Equipment Expense Upgrade South Vern Burton Meeting Room - 10,500502-2081-518.41-50One-time Equipment Expense Council Chambers AV system 1-year maintenance agreement - 3,700502-2081-518.48-02 IT0618 - Virtual Server Replacements - 100 502-2082-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP IT0214 - Records Management System - 22,400502-2082-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP IT1018 - UPS Replacement - Disaster Recovery Data Center - 39,400502-2082-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP IT0124 - Primary Data Backup Systems Replacement - 150,000 502-2082-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP IT0119 - Wireless Bridge - 36,000502-2082-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP IT0716 - ERP Road Map & Replacement - 255,200 502-2082-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP IT0320 - ESRI Migration to Arc Pro - 74,400502-2082-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP IT0324 - Primary Data Backup Tape Storage Safe - 22,000502-2082-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP IT0224 - Primary Data Center Fiber Switch Replacement - 30,000502-2082-594.65-10Reprioritized in CFP TOTAL IT FUND - 731,200 August 20, 2024G - 15 ORDINANCE NO._____ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the City’s 2024 budget for the second time. WHEREAS, the Annual Budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 2024, was adopted, approved and confirmed on December 5, 2023, in Ordinance No. 3725; and WHEREAS on April 16, 2024, the first 2024 budget amendment was adopted, approved and confirmed by Ordinance No. 3729; and WHEREAS, now there exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been foreseen when the 2024 budget or the first amendment to it were adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The Council finds and declares: A. There exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been foreseen when the 2024 budget or the first amendment to it were adopted. The facts constituting the emergency include, but are not limited to: 1. Unanticipated additional revenue; and 2. Unanticipated reduced revenue; and. 3. Unanticipated additional and reduced expenditures primarily for changes in planned capital expenditures as previously authorized by Council. B. These facts require amendments to the adopted budget in order to meet the expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. Section 2. On the basis of the foregoing findings, pursuant to RCW 35A.33.090, the City Council declares that an emergency exists. August 20, 2024G - 16 Section 3. To respond to the budget emergency, the 2024 budget appropriation for each separate fund as set forth in Ordinance No.3729, is amended as shown in the attached Exhibit A. Section 4. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to correct scrivener’s errors, references, ordinance numbering, section and subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days after publication according to law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles by a vote of one more than the th majority of all members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the 20 day of August, 2024. _______________________________ Kate Dexter, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________ _______________________________ Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: ___________________ By Summary August 20, 2024G - 17 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2024 Budget Amendment #2 Ordinance - Exhibit A Funds2024 Budget Amendment #12024 Budget Amendment #2 FundDiv.Name / DescriptionBeginningRevenueExpendituresEndingBeginningRevenueExpendituresEnding Balance- Est.Balance - Est. Balance- Est.Balance - Est. GENERAL FUND (Note: Divisional totals for reference only) Fund Balance:6,059,6655,727,3657,053,8096,479,509 001.1160City Council69,300113,80069,300117,800 001.1210City Manager340,500711,000340,500711,000 001.1211Customer Commitment -2,500 -2,500 001.1220Human Resources139,700330,500139,700330,500 001.1230City Clerk71,100336,30071,100336,300 001.2001Finance - Revenue16,212,400 -16,212,400 - 001.2020Finance Administration223,5001,069,400223,5001,069,400 001.2023Accounting833,6001,141,700833,6001,141,700 001.2025Customer Service1,472,0001,412,6001,472,0001,412,600 001.2070Reprographics39,60046,60039,60046,600 001.3030City Attorney213,000622,000213,000622,000 001.3012Jail Contributions -1,087,900 -1,087,900 001.4060Planning734,8001,171,300734,8001,174,300 001.4050Building814,100383,200814,100459,200 001.4071Economic Development 50,000101,900 50,000101,900 001.5010Police Administration1,000690,2001,000690,200 001.5012PenCom/Capital Transfers431,300677,200431,300688,200 001.5021Police Investigation1,4001,269,1001,4001,269,100 001.5022Police Patrol736,0004,518,100880,8004,568,100 001.5026Police Reserves & Volunteers -10,100 -10,100 001.5029Police Records11,000510,10011,000510,100 001.5050Police Facilities Maintenance16,1009,20016,1009,200 001.6010Fire Administration67,700236,90067,700236,900 001.6012PenCom/Medic I Support -350,200 -350,200 001.6020Fire Suppression -1,585,700 -1,585,700 001.6030Fire Prevention103,500120,700162,200179,400 001.6045Fire Training3,000121,3003,000121,300 001.6050Fire Facilities Maintenance -78,600 -83,100 001.7010Public Works Administration1,570,4002,644,0001,570,4002,644,000 001.7012Public Works CIP -39,000 -187,300 001.7032Public Works Telecommunications32,80032,80032,80032,800 001.8010Parks Administration -345,300 -345,300 001.8012Senior Center34,000164,80034,000164,800 001.8050Ocean View Cemetery250,000206,700250,000206,700 001.8080Park Facilities -2,292,300 -2,382,300 001.8112Senior Center Facilities -57,300 -57,300 001.8131Central Services Facilities485,300492,800485,300492,800 001.8155Facility Rentals78,500118,30078,500118,300 001.8221Sports Programs - - - - 001.9029General Unspecified2,091,6002,358,1002,679,1002,945,600 001 TOTAL General Fund6,059,66527,127,20027,459,5005,727,3657,053,80927,918,20028,492,5006,479,509 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 101Lodging Excise Tax Fund 1,109,750876,2001,692,000293,9502,005,816876,2001,692,0001,190,016 102Street Fund 393,4862,168,7002,228,900333,286538,2412,168,7002,278,900428,041 105Real Estate Excise Tax-1 (REET-1) Fund 503,276313,200767,80048,676596,421313,200742,800166,821 107PenCom Fund 1,480,7423,570,7004,024,5001,026,9421,797,0333,570,7004,074,5001,293,233 160Real Estate Excise Tax-2 (REET-2) Fund 17,523313,800200,000131,32394,499313,800180,000228,299 165Business Improvement Area 81,67132,900 -114,57178,29432,900 -111,194 172Port Angeles Housing Rehab. Fund 2,335,720608,500254,7002,689,5202,389,042608,500254,7002,742,842 175Code Compliance Fund 56,285254,300254,30056,28556,416254,300254,30056,416 TOTAL Special Revenue Funds5,978,4518,138,3009,422,2004,694,5517,555,7628,138,3009,477,2006,216,862 August 20, 2024G - 18 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2024 Budget Amendment #2 Ordinance - Exhibit A Funds2024 Budget Amendment #12024 Budget Amendment #2 FundDiv.Name / DescriptionBeginningRevenueExpendituresEndingBeginningRevenueExpendituresEnding Balance- Est.Balance - Est.Balance- Est.Balance - Est. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 2162014 LTGO Bond (Landfill Bluff Stabilization) Fund 160,192603,200598,800164,592170,469603,200598,800174,869 2172015 LTGO Bond - Refunding (W.U.G.A.)15,475235,900233,70017,67516,888235,900233,70019,088 TOTAL Debt Service Funds175,667839,100832,500182,267187,357839,100832,500193,957 ENTERPRISE / UTILITY FUNDS 401Electric Utility Fund 13,153,08529,085,80033,055,7009,183,18516,715,72229,085,80033,081,20012,720,322 402Water Utility Fund 11,645,2117,499,40012,814,1006,330,51113,682,9587,499,40013,510,5007,671,858 403Wastewater Utility Fund 2,374,4077,678,7009,271,900781,2073,014,0267,678,7009,451,9001,240,826 404Solid Waste Utility Fund(710,738)17,520,50016,707,500102,262(2,524,456)17,520,50016,707,500(1,711,456) 406Stormwater Utility Fund 1,569,3493,724,4003,924,4001,369,3491,993,2613,724,4003,776,4001,941,261 409Medic 1 Utility Fund 1,163,9573,751,1004,043,900871,1571,272,4803,852,2004,121,0001,003,680 413Harbor Clean-up Fund(381,971)2,050,6002,050,600(381,971)(398,622)2,050,6002,050,600(398,622) 421Conservation Fund 273,786709,600714,600268,786306,325709,600714,600301,325 TOTAL Enterprise / Utility Funds29,087,08672,020,10082,582,70018,524,48634,061,69472,121,20083,413,70022,769,194 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 501Equipment Services 4,907,2583,054,1005,829,9002,131,4584,350,2933,163,1005,710,2001,803,193 502Information Technology 1,910,2652,576,0004,470,60015,6653,067,9822,576,0005,201,800442,182 503Self-Insurance 273,1667,885,6007,885,600273,1661,079,4477,885,6007,885,6001,079,447 TOTAL Internal Service Funds7,090,68913,515,70018,186,1002,420,2898,497,72213,624,70018,797,6003,324,822 FIDUCIARY FUNDS 602Firemen's Pension Fund 162,61119,20069,400112,411213,89219,20069,400163,692 TOTAL Fiduciary Funds162,61119,20069,400112,411213,89219,20069,400163,692 PERMANENT FUNDS 601Cemetery Endowment Fund 397,6964,200 -401,896307,7994,200 -311,999 TOTAL Permanent Funds397,6964,200 -401,896307,7994,200 -311,999 CAPITAL FUNDS 310Governmental Capital Improvement Fund 2,589,5263,336,5004,321,2001,604,8263,012,9344,938,7006,492,2001,459,434 312Transportation Capital 7,569,71411,196,80011,331,2007,435,3143,884,45812,681,00016,247,600317,858 316Governmental Park Improvement Fund 317,50611,300 -328,806329,04411,300 -340,344 451Electric Capital Fund 12,730,6834,500,0007,294,9009,935,78313,523,1816,183,0008,924,80010,781,381 452Water Capital Fund 4,476,2832,775,0005,175,5002,075,7835,048,5893,334,0003,271,3005,111,289 453Wastewater Capital Fund 2,526,2751,007,9002,775,600758,5752,570,2032,357,9004,638,200289,903 454Solid Waste Capital Fund 1,625,8311,991,2003,044,400572,6311,395,4342,072,6002,000,3001,467,734 456Stormwater Capital Fund 3,432,060667,0002,851,3001,247,7603,530,272667,0001,405,1002,792,172 463Combined Sewer Overflow Capital Fund 744,2303,287,0002,258,9001,772,3302,659,5362,437,0002,743,9002,352,636 TOTAL Capital Funds36,012,10728,772,70039,053,00025,731,80735,953,65134,682,50045,723,40024,912,751 SUB-TOTAL ALL FUNDS84,963,973150,436,500177,605,40057,795,07393,831,686157,347,400186,806,30064,372,786 Reserves - Designated 2,566,3001,534,400 Reserves Used 29,735,20030,993,300 TOTAL CITYWIDE ALL FUNDS84,963,973180,171,700180,171,70057,795,07393,831,686188,340,700188,340,70064,372,786 August 20, 2024G - 19 Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Mike Healy,Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Puget Sound to Pacific FY23 RAISE Grant Acceptanceand create two temporary positions for a minimum of four years Summary: On June 23, 2023, U.S Senator Patty Murray and U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer announced that the City of Port Angeles, as lead applicant, together with twelve (12) co-applicants,was awarded a $16.13 million RAISE Discretionary Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT)for the planning and design of thirty-three (33) components along the Puget Sound to Pacific (PS2P) corridor. This project will address approximately 100 miles of gaps, community connections and safety improvements for multi-use trails connecting Bainbridge Island on the Puget Sound to the Pacific Coast Ocean at La Push. An agreement with USDOT is required to obligate the funding. Funding: The RAISE Discretionary Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation funding in the amount of $16.13 million will be divided amongst the 33 components of the project, of which, the City has committed to four (4) components for funding in the amount of $3.4 million. Grant funding will cover the full cost of the additional engineering staff. No City match is required. Recommendation: 1) Accept the Washington State Department of Transportation RAISE grant in the amount of $16.13 million and authorize the City Manager to approve and execute all associated RAISE grant agreementsand documentsfrom the USDOT and WSDOT, sign all required grant documents, and make minor modificationsas necessary. 2) Authorize the addition of twonew temporary FTEs, a Civil/Utility Engineer and an Engineering Technician to support the planning and design of the RAISE projects. Background / Analysis: In February 2023, Jeff Bohman, as representative of the Peninsula Trails Coalition, presented the Puget Sound to Pacific (PS2P) RAISE project to CityCouncil and the potential challenges for this large multi- jurisdictional project. City Council agreed to identify the City as the lead applicant of the PS2P RAISE application. In June 2023, USDOT announced that the City and the twelve co-applicants were awarded $16.13 million RAISE grant funds for the planning and design for gaps, community connections, and safety improvement to help complete the multi-use trail network which consists of the Olympic Discovery Trail, the Sound to Olympics Trail, and Community Connections. Through extensive negotiations with City staff, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) agreed to assume the role as lead applicant at no expense to any of the co-applicants for management of thisproject. WSDOT as lead applicant will allow for each co-applicant to further utilize the administrative funds for each component identified within the PS2P RAISE grant application. Thirty-three (33) components were identified within the project including four (4) City design components (C110, C112, C120 and C130) along the Olympic Discovery Trailas follows: August 20, 2024J - 1 th Component C110 - study and design of the Race Street Complete Street-Phase II from 8 Street to Front Street in the amount of $1.2 million. Component C112 - study of the Race Street Complete Street-Phase III from Front Street to the Olympic Discovery Trail in the amount of $600,000. Component C120 - study of adding a connection within the Gales Addition area to the Olympic Discovery Trail in the amount of $600,000. Component C130 - study of the waterfront trail renovations and sustainability from Marine Drive to Morse Creek in the amount of $1 million. Each of these components will further the Puget Sound to Pacific project goal to create a remarkable experience that enhances safety, environmental sustainability, quality of life, mobility and community connectivity, economic competitiveness and opportunity, partnership and collaboration, and innovation in our communities. Work on the grant must be completed by 2032. To deliver the City’s portion of this project and achieve the goal of having the staff capacity to complete the majority of the design of the Port Angeles RAISE projects in house with minimal support from professional service specialists additional staff will be necessary. Two new temporary full-time employees (FTEs), a Civil/Utility Engineer and an Engineering Technician, will be required. The temporary positions will be reimbursed from the grant funds and are required to complete the 100% grant funded RAISE work over the next 4 years. In addition, Staff is considering an additional position that will be partially funded from the RAISE grant funding as well as other grants currently obtained and applied for and will bring details back to Council for consideration and approval once further information is available. This team will perform public outreach, grant management, prepare the design plans and specifications and perform contract management of required specialty consultant support such as survey, geotechnical and environmental documentation. Accomplishing the design in house will allow the City to develop quality projects that meet the goals and values of the City, is constructable and that minimizes costly changes during construction. In addition, this approach minimizes the use of costly out-of-town consultants and keeps the federal grant funds local. Staff will continue to apply for grant funding for future projects to continue to fully maximize the capacity of this design team in the future. Funding Overview: The RAISE Discretionary Grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation funding in the amount of $16.13 million will be divided amongst the 33 components of the project, of which, the City has committed to four (4) components for funding in the amount of $3.4 million. Grant funding will cover the full cost of the additional engineering staff. No City match is required. August 20, 2024J - 2 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT AGREEMENT UNDER THE FISCAL YEAR 2023 RAISE PROGRAM USDOT and the Washington State Department of TransportationRecipient This agreement reflects the selection of the Recipient to receive a RAISE Grant for the Puget Sound to Pacific Planning for Multi-use Trail. If schedule A to this agreement identifies a Designated Subrecipient, that Designated Subrecipient is also a party to this agreement, and the parties want the Designated Subrecipient The parties therefore agree to the following: ARTICLE 1 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 1.1General Terms and Conditions. (a)General Terms and Conditions https://www.transportation.gov/policy-initiatives/raise/raise-grant-agreements. The General Terms and Conditions reference the information contained in the schedules to this agreement. The General Terms and Conditions are part of this agreement. (b)The Recipient states that it has knowledge of the General Terms and Conditions. (c)The Recipient acknowledges that the General Terms andConditions impose obligations -compliance with the General Terms and Conditions may result in remedial action, terminating of the RAISE Grant, disallowing costs incurred for the Project, requiring the Recipientto refund to the USDOT the RAISE Grant, and reporting the non-compliance in the Federal-government-wide integrity and performance system. ARTICLE 2 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. There are no special terms for this award. 1of37 August 20, 2024J - 3 SCHEDULE A ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION 1.Application. Application Title:Puget Sound to Pacific planning and design for 34 multi-use trail components including gaps, community connections and safety improvements in rural Washington Application Date:2/28/2023 2. See section 28.3 of the General Terms and Conditions. 3.Recipient Contact(s). Stephanie Tax Program Manager WSDOT Local Programs PO Box 47390, Olympia WA 98504 360.480.1494 taxs@wsdot.wa.gov 4.Recipient Key Personnel. None. 5.USDOT Project Contact(s). Liana Liu Olympia Region Area Engineer FHWA Washington Division 711 Capitol Way S. Suite 501 Olympia, WA98501 (360)753-9553 Liana.Liu@dot.gov 6.Payment System. USDOT Payment System:FMIS 7.Office for Subaward and Contract Authorization. USDOT Office for Subaward and Contract Authorization:FHWA Division 8.Federal Award Identification Number. See section 28.2 of the General Terms and Conditions. 2of37 August 20, 2024J - 4 9.Designated Subrecipient. Designated Subrecipients: City of Port Angeles Jonathan Boehme City Engineer/Deputy Director of Engineering City of Port Angeles 321 E Fifth St.PortAngeles, WA 98362 360.417.4803 jboehme@cityofpa.us Bainbridge Island Peter Corelis City Engineer City of Bainbridge Island 280 Madison Ave. North Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (206) 780-3759 pcorelis@bainbridgewa.gov Forks RodFleck City Attorney/Planner City of Forks 500 East Division Street Forks, WA 98331 (360) 374-5412 rodf@forkswashington.org Port Townsend Steve King Public Works Director, P.E. City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 2 Port Townsend, WA 98378 (360) 379-5090 Sking@cityofpt.us Poulsbo Josh Ranes City Engineer City of Poulsbo 200 NE Moe Street Poulsbo, WA 98370 (360) 394-9736 jranes@cityofpoulsbo.com 3of37 August 20, 2024J - 5 Sequim Katheryn Cole Project Engineer City of Sequim 152 W Cedar Street Sequim, WA 98382 (360) 582-2478 kcole@sequimwa.gov Clallam County Steve Gray Deputy Director Clallam County Public Works 223 East Fourth Street, Suite 6 Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417-2290 steve.gray@clallamcountywa.gov Jefferson County Eric Kuzma Assistant Director/Engineering Services Manager Jefferson County Public Works 623 Sheridan Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-9167 EKuzma@co.jefferson.wa.us Kitsap County David Forte Transportation Planning Kitsap County Public Works 614 Division Street MS -26 Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 337-7210 dforte@kitsap.gov Roma Call Director, Natural Resources Department 31912 Little Boston RoadNE Kingston, WA 98346 (360) 297-6294 romac@pgst.nsn.us 4of37 August 20, 2024J - 6 Marla Powers Environmental Planner, Natural Resources Department 31912 Little Boston Road NE Kingston, WA 98346 (360) 689-7551 mpowers@pgst.nsn.us Port of Port Townsend Dave Nakagawara, P.E. Capital Projects Engineer Port of Port Townsend 2701 Jefferson Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 316-6469 dnakagawara@portofpt.com Quileute Tribe Annie Foster Grant and Special Projects Manager Quileute Tribe 90 Main Street La Push, WA 98350 (360) 374-6782 grant.writer@quileutenation.org 5of37 August 20, 2024J - 7 SCHEDULE C AWARD DATES AND PROJECT SCHEDULE 1.Award Dates. Budget Period End Date:8/31/2032 Period of Performance End Date:See section 28.5 of the General Terms and Conditions 2.Estimated Project Schedule. MilestoneSchedule Date Planned Project Completion Date:6/30/2032 3.Special Milestone Deadlines. None. 7of37 August 20, 2024J - 9 SCHEDULE D AWARD AND PROJECT FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1.Award Amount. RAISE Grant Amount:$16,130,000 2.Federal Obligation Information. Federal Obligation Type:Multiple Obligation Condition Table Portion of the Portion of the Obligation Condition ProjectRAISE Grant Component C110-$1,200,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Race Street Complete Washington Division Office. Street -Ph II: 8th St to Front St -Port Angeles (Planning Studies and Preliminary/Final Design) Component C112-$600,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Race Street Complete Washington Division Office. Street -Ph III: Front St to ODT -Port Angeles (PlanningStudies) Component C120-$600,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Gales Addition Washington Division Office. Connector -Port Angeles(Planning Studies) Component C130-$1,000,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Waterfront Trail Washington Division Office. Renovation and Sustainability Study - Marine Dr to Morse Creek -Port Angeles (PlanningStudies) Component KB410 - $500,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Sound to Olympics Washington Division Office. (STO): Agate Pass Bridge to Koura Rd Bainbridge Island (PlanningStudies) 8of37 August 20, 2024J - 10 Obligation Condition Table Portion of the Portion of the Obligation Condition ProjectRAISE Grant Component KB420 - $400,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Sound to Olympics Washington Division Office. (STO): Koura Rd to Sportsman Club Rd Bainbridge Island (Planning Studies) Component KB430 - $400,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Sound to Olympics Washington Division Office. (STO): Sakai Park to Madison Ave Bainbridge Island (Planning Studies) Component KB440 - $400,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Sound to Olympics Washington Division Office. (STO): Sportsman Club Road to Madison Ave Bainbridge Island (Planning Studies) Component C020City $200,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA of Forks Trail Segment Washington Division Office. Forks (PlanningStudies) Component J284 Port $300,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Townsend Waterfront Washington Division Office. Trail Segment: Port of Port Townsend Marina to FerryPort of Port Townsend (Planning Studies) Component J286 Port $250,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Townsend Trail Segment Washington Division Office. to FortWordenState ParkCity of Port Townsend (Planning Studies) Component K390 $500,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Poulsbo Sound to Washington Division Office. Olympics (STO) ConnectorsPoulsbo (Planning Studies) 9of37 August 20, 2024J - 11 Obligation Condition Table Portion of the Portion of the Obligation Condition ProjectRAISE Grant Component C210 East $750,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Fir St Trail Washington Division Office. RehabilitationSequim (Preliminary/Final Design) Component C220 $250,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Keeler Road Multi-Use Washington Division Office. PathSequim (Planning Studiesand Preliminary/Final Design) Component C230 $400,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Johnson Creek Bridge Washington Division Office. ReplacementSequim (Preliminary/Final Design) Component C010 $600,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Bogachiel River Washington Division Office. CrossingClallam County (Planning Studies) Component C030 $500,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Forks City Limit to Washington Division Office. Sappho Trail Segment US101Clallam County (Planning Studies) Component C034 $250,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Sappho to Camp Creek Washington Division Office. Trailhead Trail Segment (US101)Clallam County (Planning Studies) Component C040 $1,050,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA W aterline Rd Trail Washington Division Office. Segment Clallam County (Planning Studies and Preliminary/Final Design) 10of37 August 20, 2024J - 12 Obligation Condition Table Portion of the Portion of the Obligation Condition ProjectRAISE Grant Component C060 $500,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Gassett Rd to Washington Division Office. Thompson/Onella Rd Trail Segment (SR112) ClallamCounty (PlanningStudies) Component C080 $400,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Freshwater Bay Rd to Washington Division Office. Elwha River Trail Segment (SR305) Clallam County (Planning Studies) Component C2 00$450,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Bagley Creek Bridge Washington Division Office. Replacement Clallam County (Planning Studies) Component J250 $80,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Discovery Bay Trail Gap Washington Division Office. at Salmon Creek (US101)Jefferson County (Planning Studies) Component J270 $250,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Fairmount Road Trail Washington Division Office. Gap (SR20)Jefferson County (Planning Studies) Component J290 West $250,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Sound to Olympics Washington Division Office. (STO): Jefferson County Hood Canal Bridge to Olympic Discovery Trail (ODT)Jefferson County (Planning Studies) 11of37 August 20, 2024J - 13 Obligation Condition Table Portion of the Portion of the Obligation Condition ProjectRAISE Grant Component J280 $300,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Eaglemount Trail Gap Washington Division Office. (SR20)Jefferson County (Planning Studies) Component J240 Old $1,200,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Highway 9 Trail Washington Division Office. Segment (US101) Jefferson County (Planning Studiesand Preliminary/Final Design) Component K360 $400,000Approval of statementof work by FHWA Central Sound to Washington Division Office. Olympics (STO): Poulsbo to Port Gamble ForestKitsap County (PlanningStudies) Component K370 $500,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Suquamish to Kingston Washington Division Office. Non-Motorized Community Connector RouteKitsap County (Planning Studies) Component K380 $500,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA South Sound to Washington Division Office. Olympics (STO): Poulsbo to Agate Pass BridgeKitsap County (PlanningStudies) Component K330 $650,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Hansville Path from Washington Division Office. SR104 to the Casino Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe (Planning Studies) 12of37 August 20, 2024J - 14 Obligation Condition Table Portion of the Portion of the Obligation Condition ProjectRAISE Grant Component J282 Port $250,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA Townsend Connector: Washington Division Office. Larry Scott Trail to Park- n-RidePort of Port Townsend (Planning Studies) Component C005 $250,000Approval of statement of work by FHWA LaPush Tribal Trail Washington Division Office. Network Quileute Tribe (Planning Studies and Preliminary/Final Design) 3.Approved Project Budget. Eligible Project Costs Total RAISE Funds:$16,130,000 Other Federal Funds:$0 Non-Federal Funds:$0 Total:$16,130,000 4.Cost Classification Table Reserved. 5.Approved Pre-award Costs None.The USDOT has not approved under this award any costs incurred under an advanced construction authorization (23 U.S.C. 115), any costs incurred prior to authorization (23 C.F.R. 1.9(b)), or any pre-award costs under 2 C.F.R. 200.458. 13of37 August 20, 2024J - 15 SCHEDULE E CHANGES FROM APPLICATION Scope:Clarification was made between Planning Studies and Preliminary/Final Designtodefine costs associated withthedeliverables of each component.The Washington State Department of Transportationdoes not authorize a 10% or 30% designphase. Authorizations are either at the Planning level or Final Design. component be deleted and funds moved to K330 componentas they are not able to proceed on this component at this time due to readiness issues. It is estimated that the K330 component cost will increase due to more extensive project development costs associated with this component. City of Sequim requests to remove Planning Studies from Component C210 obligation.Planning Studies were not part of the project description in the original grant application. Thisproject makes improvements to the already designated route of the Olympic Discovery Trail onE Fir St. City of Sequim requests to add Planning Studies to Component C220 obligation. This project would greatly benefit from a planning study to assess alignment alternatives and local preferences, and to facilitate right-of-way acquisition for a north to south ped-bike trail connection to the Olympic Discovery Trail. City of Bainbridge Island requests to remove Preliminary/Final Design and replace with Planning Studies for Components KB410,KB420, KB430, and KB440 as funding for final design is not available.The Sportsman Club Road to Madison Avenue portion of the project scope isadjusted to be exclusively part oftheKB-440planning studycomponent; and the Agate Pass Bridge to Koura Road portion ofthe scope is adjusted to be exclusively part of KB-410 planning study component. Schedule:The SF-424 and readiness document had two different completion dates.The readiness documenthad the correct date,and the project is expected to be completed earlier than shown in the SF-424. Budget:Nochanges. Other:N/A 14of37 August 20, 2024J - 16 SCHEDULE F RAISE PROGRAM DESIGNATIONS 1.Urban or Rural Designation. Urban-Rural Designation:Rural 2.Capital or Planning Designation. Capital-Planning Designation:Planning 3.Historically Disadvantaged Community or Area of Persistent Poverty Designation. HDC or APP Designation:Yes 4.Funding Act. Funding Act:FY 23 5.Security Risk Designation. Security Risk Designation:Low 15of37 August 20, 2024J - 17 SCHEDULE G RAISE PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Reserved. 16of37 August 20, 2024J - 18 SCHEDULE H CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IMPACTS 1.Consideration of Climate Change and Environmental Justice Impacts. accurate: The Project significantly reduces transportation-related pollution, like air X pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. (Describe the expected reductions and how they are achieved in the supporting narrative below.) The Project aligns with an applicable State, regional, or local carbon-reduction plan.(Identify the plan in the supporting narrative below.) The Project addresses the disproportionate negative environmental impacts of transportation, such as exposure to elevated levels of air, water, and noise pollution. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) The Project implements transportation-efficient land use and design, such as drawing on the features of historic towns and villages that had a mix of land uses, compact and walkable development patterns, accessible green space, and neighborhood centers.(Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) The Project shifts freight to lower-carbon travel modes to reduce emissions. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) The Project improves the resiliency of at-risk infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events and natural disasters caused by climate change, such as by using best-available climate data sets, information resources, and decision- support tools, and incorporating best practices identified by the USDOT. (Identify the at-risk infrastructure and describe how the project improves its resiliency in the supporting narrative below.) The Project incorporates energy efficient investments, such as electrificationor zero emission vehicle infrastructure. (Describe the energy efficient investments in the supporting narrative below.) The Project redevelops brownfield sites. (Identify the brownfield sites and describe the redevelopment in the supporting narrative below.) The Project removes, replaces, or restores culverts to improve passage of aquatic species. (Identify the affected culverts and describe how the changes will improve the passage of aquatic species in the supporting narrative below.) The Project avoids adverse impacts to air or water quality, wetlands, and endangered species. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) 17of37 August 20, 2024J - 19 The Project includes floodplain upgrades consistent with the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard in Executive Orders 14030 and 13690. (Describe those floodplain upgrades in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient has taken other actions to consider climate change and environmental justice impacts of the Project. (Describe those actions in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient has not yet taken actions to consider climate change and environmental justice impacts of the Project but, before beginning construction of the Project, will take relevant actions described in schedule B. (Identify the relevant actions from schedule B in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient has not taken actions to consider climate change and environmental justice impacts of the Project and will not take those actions under this award. 2.Supporting Narrative. Reduces TransportationRelated Pollution The completed Puget Sound to Pacific trail network will reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution by completing multi-use trail routes to service areas and points of interest. The switch from automobile use to walking or biking results in numerous positive environmental outcomes, including reduced pollution and greenhouse gas emissions (Washington State Active Transportation Plan: 2020 and Beyond).In 2017, motor vehicles, boats, planes and trains caused the biggest single share of the greenhouse gases in Washington state (44.6 percent), with personal cars and trucks making up over half of that.Every motor vehicle trip replaced with a walk or bicycle trip is a positive environmental outcome. Active transportation construction practices per State Environment Protection Act (SEPA) will avoid adverse environmental impacts to air and water quality, wetlands, endangered species and cultural resources. 18of37 August 20, 2024J - 20 SCHEDULE B PROJECT ACTIVITIES 1.General Project Description. This project will plan and design approximately 33active transportation components, addressing approximately 100 miles of gaps, community connections and safety improvements for multi-use trails connecting Bainbridge Island on Puget Sound to the Pacific Coast Ocean at La Push. 2.Statement of Work. Planning work under this grant application consists of the following scopes of work: PlanningStudies Planningstudies are required for many trail gaps to identify locally preferred alternatives that best address constraints and competing needs. Planningstudies assess alignment alternatives, develop trail routing, assess environmental assets and constraints, assess existing transportation systems, and determine land ownership. The desired outcome is the selection of a preferred alignment to facilitate funding for Preliminary Engineering, Right-of-Way Acquisition,and Construction. These studies will include a meaningful public engagement process to empower stakeholders and neighbors to participate in the development of a desired outcome.Work may include design documentation and plan development. Type, Size,and Location (TSL) Studies If necessary, Type, Size and Location (TSL) Studies per Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirements are for bridge structures that have been assessed as requiring replacement or are too narrow to accommodate a trail segment relative to existing vehicular traffic. Preliminary/FinalDesign Preliminary/Final Designis the 100% level of design for production of Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PSE) as well as the environmental clearance and permitting. 6of37 August 20, 2024J - 8 SCHEDULE I RACIAL EQUITY AND BARRIERS TO OPPORTUNITY 1.Efforts to Improve Racial Equity and Reduce Barriers to Opportunity. The Project increases affordable transportation choices. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) The Project expands active transportation usage. (Describe how in the X supporting narrative below.) The Project significantly reduces vehicle dependence. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) The Project reduces transportation and housing cost burdens by integrating mixed use development and a diversity of housing types (including affordable housing) with multimodal transportation infrastructure. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) The Project coordinates and integrates land use, affordable housing, and transportation planning to create more livable communities and expand travel choices. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) The Project reduces vehicle dependence and improves access to daily destinations, such as jobs, healthcare, grocery stores, schools, places of worship, recreation, or parks, such as by adding new facilities that promote walking or biking. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) The Project implements transit-oriented development that benefits existing residents and businesses. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below, including a specific description of the benefits to existingresidents and businesses.) The Project mitigates urban heat islands to protect the health of at-risk residents, outdoor workers, and others. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) The Project proactively addresses racial equity. (Describe how in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient has taken other actions relatedto the Project to improve racial equity and reduce barriers to opportunity. (Describe those actions in the supporting narrative below.) 19of37 August 20, 2024J - 21 The Recipient has not yet taken actions related to the Project to improve racial equity and reduce barriers to opportunity but, before beginning construction of the Project, will take relevant actions described in schedule B. (Identify the relevant actions from schedule B in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient has not taken actions related to the Project toimprove racial equity and reduce barriers to opportunity and will not take those actions under this award. 2.Supporting Narrative. Expands Active Transportation Usage The Puget Sound to Pacific (PS2P) trail network will provide non-motorized access routes to destinations including the Pacific Coast and Olympic National Park for more than 4 million people in the Seattle metropolitan area and visitors.The completed PS2P will provide more opportunities for the health of children, underserved populations, and the general public to have active lifestyles with safe and convenient active transportation infrastructure where few connected routes currently exist. The completed PS2P will improve public health and well-being by adding new facilities thatpromote walking, biking, and other forms of active transportation.The PS2P will increase affordable living by reducing reliance on automobiles.It will improve access to places of work, education, worship, business, agriculture, recreation, and transit. 20of37 August 20, 2024J - 22 SCHEDULE J LABOR AND WORK 1.Efforts to Support Good-Paying Jobs and Strong Labor Standards The Recipient or a project partner promotes robust job creation by supporting good-paying jobs directly related to the project with free and fair choice to join a union. (Describe robust job creation and identify the good-paying jobs in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient or a project partner will invest in high-quality workforce training programs such as registered apprenticeship programs to recruit, train, and retain skilled workers, and implement policies such as targeted hiring preferences. (Describe the training programs in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient or a project partner implements targeted hiring preferences that will promote the entry and retention of underrepresented populations into those jobs including women, people of color, and people with convictions. (Describe the use of targetedhiring preferences that will promote the entry and retention of underrepresented populations in jobs in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient or a project partner will partner with high-quality workforce development programs with supportive services to help train, place, and retain underrepresented communities in good-paying jobs or registered apprenticeships including through the use of local and economic hiring preferences, linkage agreements with workforce programs that serve underrepresentedgroups, and proactive plans to prevent harassment.(Describe the supportive services provided to trainees and employees, preferences, and policiesin the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient or a project partner will partner and engage with local unions or other worker-based organizations in the development and lifecycle of the project, including through evidence of project labor agreements and/or community benefit agreements.(Describe the partnership or engagement with unions and/or other worker-based organizations and agreements in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient or a project partner will partner with communities or community groups representative of historically underrepresented groups to develop workforce strategies. (Describe the partnership and workforce strategies in the supporting narrative below.) 21of37 August 20, 2024J - 23 The Recipient has taken other actions related to the Project to create good- X paying jobs with the free and fair choice to join a union and incorporate strong labor standards. (Describe those actions in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient has not yet taken actions related to the Project to create good- paying jobs with the free and fair choice to join a union and incorporate strong labor standards but, before beginning construction of the Project, will take relevant actions described in schedule B. (Identify the relevant actions from schedule B in the supporting narrative below.) The Recipient has not taken actions related to the Project to improve good- paying jobs and strong labor standards and will not take those actions under this award. 2.Supporting Narrative. Targeted Hiring Preferences Design and planning services that utilize consultants will include Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) goals.DBE goals will promote the entry and retention of underrepresented populations in the planning and design work of the trail segments. Furthermore, the WSDOT Office of Equity and Civil Rights will provide technical assistance on a range of business topics, provides training and support in creating business plans for DBE company growth.The primary objective of this program is to increase Minority, Small, Veteran and Women's Business Enterprises in contracting and procurement activities on transportation projects. 22of37 August 20, 2024J - 24 SCHEDULE K CIVIL RIGHTS AND TITLE VI 1.Recipient Type Designation. Recipient Type Designation:Existing Existing Award Program:20.205; Highway Planning and Construction 2.Title VI Assessment Information. 23of37 August 20, 2024J - 25 RECIPIENT SIGNATURE PAGE The Recipient, intending to be legally bound, is signing this agreement on the date stated signature. Washington State Department of Transportation By: Date Jay Drye, PE Name Local Programs Director Title 24of37 August 20, 2024J - 26 DESIGNATED SUBRECIPIENT SIGNATURE PAGE The Designated Subrecipient, intending to be legally bound, is signing this agreement on the date City of Port Angeles By: Date Representative Nathan West Name City Manager Title 25of37 August 20, 2024J - 27 City of Bainbridge Island By: Date Representative Blair King Name City Manager Title 26of37 August 20, 2024J - 28 City of Forks By: Date Representative Tim Fletcher Name Mayor Title 27of37 August 20, 2024J - 29 City of Port Townsend By: Date Representative John Mauro Name City Manager Title 28of37 August 20, 2024J - 30 City of Poulsbo By: Date Representative Becky Erickson Name Mayor Title 29of37 August 20, 2024J - 31 City of Sequim By: Date Representative Matthew Huish Name City Manager Title 30of37 August 20, 2024J - 32 Clallam County By: DateSignature of Designated Representative Mike French Name Chair, Clallam County Commissioners Title 31of37 August 20, 2024J - 33 Jefferson County By: Date Representative Kate Dean Name Chair, Jefferson County Commissioners Title 32of37 August 20, 2024J - 34 Kitsap County By: Date Representative Katie Walters Name Chair, Kitsap County Commissioners Title Date 33of37 August 20, 2024J - 35 Port of Port Townsend By: Date Representative Eron Berg Name Port of Port Townsend Executive Director Title 34of37 August 20, 2024J - 36 Quileute Tribe By: Date Representative Doug Woodruff Name Chairman, Quileute Tribal Council Title 35of37 August 20, 2024J - 37 _______________________By: DateSignature of Representative Amber Caldera Name Chairwoman Title 36of37 August 20, 2024J - 38 USDOT SIGNATURE PAGE The USDOT, intending to be legally bound, is signing this agreement on the date stated opposite UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: Date Ralph J. Rizzo Name FHWA WashingtonDivision Administrator Title 37of37 August 20, 2024J - 39 Date: August 20, 2024 To: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Councilmember Meyer, Councilmember Miller, Councilmember Schromen-Wawrin, Councilmember Schwab, Councilmember Suggs From: Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Subject: Monthly Update on Past Due Utility Accounts - July CITY OF PORT ANGELES MONTHLY REPORT ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS JUNE - JULY 2024 AMOUNT % CHANGE MAY 2024JUNE 2024JULY 2024 JUNE - JULY CHANGE Number of Customers Past Due 1,3671,5911,305(286)-17.98% Number of Disconnections for Non-payment 911 5(6)100.00% 60 days past due amount 189,579.30 265,305.20 127,551.76 (137,753.44)-51.92% 90 days past due amount 131,738.30 129,706.77 133,895.05 4,188.283.23% 120 days past due amount 804,638.70 811,419.03 904,058.67 92,639.6411.42% Total amount past due 1,125,956.30 1,206,431.00 1,165,505.48 (40,925.52)-3.39% Total Additional Payment Plan Agreements725630(26)-46.43% JUNE -JULY 2024 PAST DUE AMOUNTS 1,200,00050.0% 1,000,00040.0% 800,00030.0% 600,00020.0% 400,00010.0% 200,0000.0% --10.0% 60 days past due90 days past due120 days past dueTotal amount past due amountamountamount MAY 2024JUNE 2024JULY 2024% CHANGE JUNE - JULY August 20, 2024L - 1 2 - L Building Report 2024 January-July 2024 20, August Date: August 20, 2024 To: City Council From: Mike Healy,Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Stage II Water Shortage Declaration – Voluntary Conservation Summary: A hot summer and lack of precipitationespecially snowfall retentionover the last couple of months has caused the Elwha River stream flow to decrease to a concerning level. Therefore, the City Manager is implementing Stage II of the City’s Water Shortage Response Plan. Funding: N/A Recommendation: Information Only Background / Analysis: The Elwha River stream flow, which influences the amount of water available to the City’s water system, has only recently reached a flow stage that is serious but not critical. The City Manager hastherefore implemented a Stage II of the City’s Water Shortage Response Plan, voluntary conservation. This means that immediate voluntary reductions in water consumption are encouraged. City Council will be kept updated as to water conservation efforts. The City’s Water Shortage Response Ordinance as set out in PAMC 13.46 has five stages which are summarized below: StageWater Shortage ConditionActionDeclaration by IAnticipatedInternal PreparationsCity Manager IISeriousVoluntary ConservationCity Manager IIICriticalLimited Outdoor RestrictionsCity Council Mandatory Outdoor Restrictions and IVEmergency City Council Indoor Conservation Regional Disaster or Infrastructure V Water RationingCity Council Failure Waterconservation measures will be posted on the City website and Facebook. Funding Overview: N/A August 20, 2024L - 3