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1936 W 18th St - Building
0 ELECTRICAL PERMIT 4 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES -Z 360- 417 -4735 Application Number 10- 00001417 Date 12/03/10 Application pin number 035125 REPORT STATE SALES TAX Property Address 1936 W 18TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06- 30- 00 -1 -1- 1900 -1000- on your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY to the City of Port Angeles Subdivision Name Property Use (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation 0 Application desc 1 circuit for gate control. Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES KITSAP ELECTRIC PO BOX 1350 164 JUNE LANE PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 POULSBO WA 98370 (360) 620 -2917 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL cjki Additional desc Permit pin number 178442 Permit Fee 73.50 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 12/03/10 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 6/01/11 E Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 73.5000 ECH EL- BRANCH CIRCUIT WO /FEEDER 73.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 73.50 73.50 .00 .00 cam Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 73.50 73.50 .00 .00 0 E INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH a- l e/to -lee SERVICE l ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: /0`Z hi P) 1 tif6 PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: 0 r• 1- CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION ELECTRICAL -J Building Division/Electrical Inspections INSPECTIONS 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150/ Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417-4735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 Date: 1 2 Single Family Dwelling Multi-Family or Commercial* Commercial Addition 1 Alteration Remodel Repair* *Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Address c L. i Building Square Foe. Deqcription of above WN,r fc a- ...e r f.' "e. -Ocovv-, ne,...)e.r Coo,' \..Ark■tv.vu2,7 Owner a on Contractor information Name: L. k I.& IIP 0- Name: __A Mali Address: VralWalinita. Main* Address: essinww-d..tilm... L! City: el` Al State: .11 Zip: 4r, City: C-> State:. Zip: gar Phone:S(4,5 3' 0 I Fax: Phone: Fax; License Exp. License Exp. i VS6t. e 2 4 4 1 7 c-- Item Unit Charge gti Total (Qty Multiplied by Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp, 119.90 Service/Feeder 201400 Amp. 145.50 Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp 204.60 Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp, 262.20 Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. 372.50 Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder 2.60 Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $.7,..4 1 C73 0 Each Additional Branch Circuit 2.60 Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. 92.70 Temp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. 110.30 Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. 148.70 Temp. Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. 0167.90 Portal to Portal Hourly 95.90 Sign/Outline Lighting 88.20 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy First 1500 sf -Commercial 95.90 Note: S5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy 1 2 Family Dwelling 63,90 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Multi-Family Dwelling 63.90 Manufactured Home Connection 119.90 Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less $102.30 Thermostat 56.00 NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY: First 1300 Square Ft 110.30 Each Additional 500 Square FL or Portion of 35,20 Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage 73.50 Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub 110.30 $73'5( Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that 1 am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. 1 am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW, Chapter 19.28, WAC, Chapter 296469, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator 0 Cash 0 Check C Credit Card X ZZA: itiPA. C•IN, Dated: l a J 3/ IQ Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc 5 circuits kitchen Owner PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number 182709 Permit Fee 83 90 Issue Date 3/17/11 Expiration Date 9/13/11 Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total WA 983620251 ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Charged 83 90 00 83 90 INSPECTION TYPE DATE. DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X G. \EXCHANGEB U I LDIN G ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 417 -4735 11 00000237 468666 1936 W 18TH ST 06 30 00 1 1 1900 ELECTRICAL ONLY INDUSTRIAL HEAVY 0 Contractor APS ELECTRIC 546 BENSON RD PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES (360) 452 6753 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 73 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO /FEEDER 4 00 2 6000 ECH EL ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT Paid Credited 83 90 00 83 90 Plan Check Fee Valuation Date 3/17/11 REPORT SALES TAX 1000 on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) 00 00 00 RESULTS )24 111 WA 98363 00 00 00 00 0 Extension 73 50 10 40 Due INSPECTOR. NPP' s45- Date: FROM A.P S. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FAX NO 360 452 6753 Phone' License Exp NEW CONSTRUCTION ONLY: First 1300 Square Ft 110.30 Each Additional 500 Square Ft or Portion of 35.20 Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage 5 7350 Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub 110.30 rax; ECEJVED MAR 1 u 2011 Mar 16 2011 08 54AM P2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Building Dir'ision/Electracal Inspections ELECTRICAL 321 East. Fifth Street P.O. Sox 1150 Port Angeles WashisLgtlrIt, 9836 SPECTIONS Ph (360) 417.4735 F.. (36 0) 411 4711 Date: —l6 2t1)1 1 2 Single Family Dwelling 4_ Mufti-Family or Commercial* Commercial Addition Alteration Remodel Repair* *Plan Review a Be Required, Please complete Electrical Plan eview Information Sheet Jab Address: /ii) 1 Q A Building Square Dotage: Description of above -y �4 r ti P r -o, "233 NOTotal 114 Owner Info ation Contractor Inform on Name: r a. .Jb,� ,a Name fh' i G. e C 1 e a 7 t .o r al h csr Mailing Address: j.?S2. ?Meilin A,ctZess. 3 City' —ii: State: Zip: o/$gr.,„ co. state: 7.1p: Phone: Fax: 1 I License /Exp Item Unit Charge ,r Total (Qtv Multiolled by Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. 119.90 Service/Feeder 201.400 Amp 145,50 Service/Feeder 401 -600 Amp 204.60 Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. 5 262.20 5 Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. 372.50 Branch Circuit W! Service Feeder 2.60 Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder 5 73.50 I 1 3- SQ Each Additional Branch Circuit 2.60 __a O, LI C Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. 5 92.70 Temp. Service/Feeder 201 Amp. 110.30 Temp. Service /Feeder 401 -600 Amp. 148.70 Temp. Service/Feeder 601 1000 Ar.p 5 167 90 Portal to Portal Hourly 95,90 Stgn/Outline Lighting 88.20 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy First 1500 sf Commercial 95.90 Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Signal Circuit) Umted Energy 1& 2 Family Dwelling 63.90 Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Multi- Family Dwelling 63.90 Manufactured Home Connection 5 119.90 Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less 102.30 Thermostat 56,00 Owner as defined by RCW 19,28.261 (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease, Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, l hereby certify that 1 am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. l ern making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.5.0 RCW Chapter 19.28, WAC Chapter 296-468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator Cash check I n Credit Card 0 B4k r1/ DATE 6 OWNER /CONTRACTOR 70-V_ 21> ADDRESS 193 w t8 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 417 -4735 PERMIT INSPECTOR APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN /COVER SERVICE FINAL CORRECTIONS NEEDED 70 LA `9r412.'b *'ASS S 6 L.Y f.) 1,114 l et. 2'-1 y 2P3 2`(6 71 rz 2 9 re_ "rrZ.V.. F? 1zY--1 2 lj It LA-7) ■4 L c n"pr £.TG i t�FF� T2 �gnls r� 1%./t1 COK 'Tr) USE ��t� NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (360) 452 -1381 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc 200 amp service for trailor storage Owner PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number 143859 Permit Fee 113 75 Issue Date 4/06/09 Expiration Date 10/03/09 Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total INSPECTION TYPE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS WA 983620251 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 417 -4735 Date 4/06/09 09 00000296 779160 1936 W 18TH ST 06 30 00 1 1 1900 1000 ELECTRICAL ONLY INDUSTRIAL HEAVY 0 Contradtor ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Plan Check Fee Valuation Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 113 7500 ECH EL 201 400 SRV FEEDER BOTERO SON ELECTRICAL 940 TAMARACK WAY PORT ANGELES Charged Paid Credited 113 75 113 75 00 00 00 00 113 75 113 75 00 WA 98362 DATE RESULTS AM I IP,g PO 00 0 Extension 113 75 Due 00 00 00 w Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date INSPECTOR. -447 City of Port Angeles Permit Application Building DivisionlElectrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 Date: L!- 6 c2? 1 2 Single Family Dwelling Multi Family or Commercial* Commercial Addition Alteration Remodel Repair* *Plan Review May Be Required, Please CoTplete Elcaln Review Information Sheet Job Address: /9 (4 JL Building Square Footage. Description of above Pr r r -PA f_, p. c 73 f cie i .R Owner Information Contractor Information Name. P C >„A Name. 6 ii_) Mailing Address: Mailing Address: 9 yn A 124 4 City. 7',i State.v1.44, Zip City ?r(, State. L Zip' 9R 2_- Phone. Fax: Phone. yh j 9',i Fax: S' z 2- 4/7'i i License Exp License Exp c /P 2-5 c° Q �O/'D Unit Charge 93.75 $113.75 $160.00 $205.00 $291.25 2.00 57.50 2.00 72.50 86.25 $116.25 $131.25 75.00 69 00 75.00 50 00 50.00 93.75 80.00 86.25 27.50 57.50 86.25 43.75 Qty Owner as defined by RCW 19.28.261 (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C. RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications. Signature of owner electrical contractor or electrical administrator Date: RECEIVED APR 6 2009 f 1100 LIGHT DEPT it Iv Total (Qtv Multiplied by Unit Charoe) Service /Feeder 200 Amp. Service /Feeder 201 -400 Amp. Service /Feeder 401 -600 Amp. Service /Feeder 601 1000 Amp. Service /Feeder over 1000 Amp Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. Temp. Service /Feeder 201 -400 Amp. Temp. Service /Feeder 401 -600 Amp. Temp. Service /Feeder 601 1000 Amp. Portal to Portal Hourly Sign /Outline Lighting Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Commercial Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy 1 2 Family Dwelling Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Multi Family Dwelling S Manufactured Home Connection Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less First 1300 Square Ft. Each Additional 500 Square Ft. or Portion of Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub Thermostat Total Cash Check Credit Card h l r► DA IQ /09 PERMIT -o rt o OWNER/COFJTRACTOR ADDRESS poi «J i t ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 417 -4735 INSPECTOR /9 2 )(.3. LAN F S APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN /COVER 0. SERVICE FINAL CORRECTIONS NEEDED: jj2 Jr. o"C V Sm ...vte L T/6K4 OP') isiztE)1/41 Lte gatrSYZ5N 5 f1. _6 980.1D BO i•PD lF Ai—l5 ?ID 12- -4 "PA t 4T" '5KoQ NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 417 -4735 DATE PERMIT INSPECTOR 3/ JCcJ b )q0 OW ER/dONTFiACTOR ADDRESS cc,) APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN /COVER SERVICE FINAL itELN CORRECTIONS NEEDED ALL, S iItGI 4 "1 F' jAls 'TLg C 4124-0-»iD 36441> 1M Aalt). AJ211L 6 F `14 S ys /6 9 DlE_ i '"o 7/8 P D-fQ5 OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (360) 452 -1381 NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc 1200 AMP SERVICE WITH 7 FEEDERS Owner PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total INSPECTION TYPE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS WA 983620251 ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 142349 1047 50 2/26/09 8/25/09 1047 50 00 1047 50 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 09 00000190 329990 1936 W 18TH ST 06 30 00 1 1 1900 1000 ELECTRICAL ONLY INDUSTRIAL HEAVY 0 Contractor BOTERO SON ELECTRICAL 940 TAMARACK WAY PORT ANGELES Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 291 2500 ECH EL OVER 1000 SRV FEEDER 2 00 93 7500 ECH EL 0 200 SRV FEEDER 5 00 113 7500 ECH EL 201 400 SRV FEEDER Paid Credited 1047 50 00 00 00 1047 50 00 DATE RESULTS Plan Check Fee Valuation Date 2/26/09 WA 98362 Due 00 00 00 00 0 Extension 291 25 187 50 568 75 M 5e-2o MD 49Pli__ v\iO1 E- Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date INSPECTOR. t4 City of Pgrt Angeles Permit Application ...$u ildiri'bivision /Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 Date. 1 2 Single Family Dwelling Multi Family or Commercial* Commercial Addition Alteration Remodel *Plan Review May Be Required, Please Compl Job Address: 9 3 to IA D 1 Building Square Footage. Description of above p. 6 1 Owner Information Name Mailing Address: State C4,, Zip Phone. Fax: License Exp Unit Charae 93.75 $113.75 $160.00 $205.00 $291.25 2.00 57.50 2.00 72.50 86.25 $116.25 $131.25 75.00 69.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 93.75 80.00 86.25 27.50 57.50 86.25 43.75 Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261 (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C. RCW Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296 -46B, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications. Signature of owner electrical contractor or electrical administrator �e S 6 /,9.cJ Date: r -c7 C�'IVED 'ALE B VictiP 76 uorr DEPT Repair* §e EI ptrical Plan Review Information Sheet /e"), f7 P AA_ L. Contractor Infouption Name. 536 1P,P c <?PO Mailing Address: 9 y, City i .�r.n p /as State (In( Zip: r'Xf Phone�'� 9/Z Fax: v� 4 mil License Exp w: y 0 Total (Qty Multiplied by Unit Charae) Service /Feeder 200 Amp. Service /Feeder 201 -400 Amp. Service /Feeder 401 -600 Amp. Service /Feeder 601 1000 Amp. Service /Feeder over 1000 Amp Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp Temp. Service /Feeder 201 -400 Amp. Temp. Service /Feeder 401 -600 Amp. Temp. Service /Feeder 601 1000 Amp Portal tol Portal Hourly Sign /Outline Lighting Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Commercial Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy 1 2 Family Dwelling Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Multi Family Dwelling Manufactured Home Connection Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less First 1300 Square Ft. Each Additional 500 Square Ft. or Portion of Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub Thermostat Total Cash 0 Check /Credit Card l /t 1 ED322 O hcA 3 j 225A z9 51 7T ED3225 9 I 225A 1 1 zsa qua 1 Device Modifications: AO* Notes The information on this document is created by Eaton Corporation. It is disclosed In confidence and it Is only to be used for the purpose in which It Is supplied. NEGALT NUMBER J0230211H901 =0000 7 Blank Cover Bus Cover 15X ED3225 225A 3_ ED3225 5� 7• Main Lugs Only 1200A 314)45 D 225A Neutral Description ED3225 225A 17 ga PREPARED eV J029 APPROVED BY REVISION VERSION 6.7 CaiT General Information Service Voltage: Bus Rating Type: Ground Bar S.C. Rating: Main Device Type: Main Terminals: Neutral Terminals: Box Catalog No. Trim: Box Dimensions: Min. Gutter Size: R ht 6' [152 4 j ED3225 2 Panel ID Nameplate: (,1) PANEL MDP 225A 6 v -1.' Type: Plastic, adhesive backed (2) 208Y/120V 3Ph bW 9 4 Color White with Black Letters {3) ett caD 8 :t462D 1 1 b UL Service Entrance Label Copper Neutral Circuit Directory•Plastic Sleeve with Card Branch Devices Qty 6 TYPE PRL4 DWG SIZE G.O. A Poles Trip 3 225 DATE 02/11108 Eaton Corporation DATE JOS NAME 02/11/09 DESIGNATION L40K I(.0 (Section 1 of 1) 4W Enclosure: Type 1 1200A Copper Neutral Rating: 1200A Std. Bolted Aluminum, Al or Cu cable 65k A,LC.Fuliy Rated Main Lugs Only Bottom Cable Entry (4) #2 -500 kcmil (Cu /AI) Mechanical (4) #2 -500 kcmil (Cu /AI) 6X3673 Standard Covers Surface Mounted trir is 73' (1854.2mm]H x 36" (914.4mm]W x 10.4' (264.2mm)D Top, '10.625" [269.9mm) Bottom 10.625' [269.9mm] Left 6' (152.4mm) ig mm Frame ED PUD PANEL MDP /WA Amps KAIC 225 65 DRAWING TYPE Customer Approval ITEM SHEET 1 OF 2 Tg1,u 51.1 MT ,T,SRi( (1; OTS6 L5b 09E X"q 9C 60 6007./TT /Z0 P U D facilities building electrical service calculation. General Lighting Office General Purpose Outlets Door Openers Hydrolic Lift Exhaust Removal X2 Lathe Air Compressor Oil Reclaimer Drill Press Welder x 2 Parking Shed Pole Machine Heat Heat Heat Total Kva Total Amps 1120sgftx 5VAx125% 2250 sq ft x 4 5VA 75 x 180 VA (10Kva (3500 x 5VA) 8 Units x750VA 272715 (240 x 1 73) 7032 VA 10125 VA 11750 VA 6000 VA 9100 VA 22000 VA 10380 VA 7200 VA 4800 VA 1500 VA 24000 VA 12000 VA 74750 VA 31140 VA 21798 VA 31140 VA 272715 VA 656 6 Amps d'~'~ a~ ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION ~21 EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 9R~62 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Issued: 8/27/98 Permit No: 6415 OWNER/APPLICANT------------------------PROPERTY LOCATION------------------------ CLALLAM COUNTY PUD 1936 18TH ST W 1936 W. 18TH STREET Lot: Port Angeles, WA 98363 Block: Long Legal: . 360/452-9771 Sub: PORTION SUB LOT 119 T: .S: parc No: CONTRACTOR-----------------------------DESIGNER--------------------------------- SECURITY SVC NW, INC P.O. BOX 660 Port Townsend, WA 98368 800/859-3463 , 000/000-0000 PROJECT INFO-------------------------------------------------------------------- prj Type: COML. MISC. prj Value: $0.00 Occ Type: Cnstr Type: BURGLAR ALARM Occ Grp: Occ Load: Land Use: PBP Electrical Heat Baseboard KW: Furnace KW: Heat Pump KW: Fan/Wall KW: o o o o Service Type Riser Overhead Service Underground Service Temp Service Voltage: Diameter: Service Size: Feeder Size: -1 o -3 o AMPS o AMPS PROJECT NOTES------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT-------~------------------------------------------------- service: $0.00 Additional Feeders: $0.00 Circuit Wiring: $0.00 Temp Service: $0.00 Misc ALARM SYS. $37.25 TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $37.25 $37.25 --------------------------------- ------------~-------------------- TOTAL FEE: $37.25 Balance Due: $0.00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 4174735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PU.NS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENrS YES I NO Ull~n KUUUti-IN I .- , Iq(1- 1.J()f(T7i~ . GENERAL COMMENTS: PW-II02.UI4'96) '~'~ .~ ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION :121 EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES, WA 98:162 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Issued: 12/17/97 Permit No: 6160 OWNER/APPLICANT------------------------PROPERTY LOCATION------------------------ CLALLAM COUNTY PUD I 1936 18TH ST W 1936 W. 18TH STREET Lot: Port Angeles, WA 98363 Block: Long Legal:' 360/452-9771 Sub: PORTION SUBLOT 119 T: S: I Pare No: CONTRACTOR-----------------------------DESIGNER--------------------------------- STRAITS ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 2914 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 360/452-9104 , I 000/000-0000 I PROJECT INFO-------------------------------------------------------------------- Prj Type: COML.REMODEL prj Value: $0.00 Occ Type: Cnstr Type: ADD CIRCUITS Occ Grp: Occ Load: Land Use: PBP Electrical Heat Baseboard KW: Furnace KW: Heat Pump KW: Fan/Wall KW: Service Type o Riser o Overhead Service o Underground Service o Temp Service Voltage: Diameter: Service Size: Feeder Size: -1 o -3 o AMPS o AMPS PROJECT NOTES------------------------------------------------------------------- WIRE NEW SECTION REPLACING AREA COLLAPSED BY SNOW PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT------~-------------------------------------------------- Service: $0.00 Additional Feeders: $0.00 Circuit Wiring: $52.00 Temp Service: $0.00 $0.00 Mise TOTAL FEE: Amount Paid: $52.00 $52.00 --------------------------------- ---------------------~----------- TOTAL FEE: $52.00 Balance Due: $0.00 COMMENTS/ACTION NEEDED \ ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INsrECTION TYPE DATE T ACCEPTED COMMENTS r YES I NO UUUi , r KUUlJt1-1N I r /2..1 ('11'17 . I I I GENERAL COMMENTS: PW.I 102.1' 1.u96J . Site Address: Installed By: Owner/Business: Owner/Business Address: o Residential Heat KW o Baseboard 0 Furnace/Boiler o Heatpump 0 Other o Commercial/Industrial load Total Connected load (attach breakdown) Total Motor load (attach breakdown) Detai Is/Description: CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT o New Construction ~Remodel o Service update/alter/repair M Add/alter circuits o Auxiliary power (list below) o Special equipment (list below) PeRMIT NO. CK 9& / o<.llz/9/ . , DATE o READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Phone: i:.~ Sq. Ft. o Overhead o Underground Voltage 01003.0 Service size o Temporary Amps ~A-II df%r_ A rAYf. . llu.,( / 4tlr r c; f W.S. No. Service Capacity: 0 O.K. 0 Not O.K. o Ditch inspection O.K. U Rough.in/cover O.K. o O.K. to connect service ~ Final O.K. Site Address: w. Installer: Size Comments Date Hold for: D Easement D Letter D Signed up for service/meter D Meter Department notified for Installation o Fire Department notified of inspection D Plan Review approved/pending If EM ~ .-- Notify the Depart ent of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready lor inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Insp~ Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT. 158 or EXT. 224. I ~ NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT .;;:?c:J !!!:!!.... Inspector Amount paid WHITE - file by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall . OLYMPIC PRINTERS. INC. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Tenant nbr, name Application description Subdivision Name Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 03-00000724 Date 9/15/03 1936 W 18TH ST 06-30-00-1-1-1900-1000- CALLAM COUNTY PUD COMM NEW CONST 22000 Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 HIGH RIDGE CONSTRUCTION 224 DICKEY LANE FORKS, WA FORKS (360) 374-6512 1800SF POLE BUILDING TYPE V NON-RATED GARAGES, CARPORTS. SHEDS WA 98331 Structure Information Construction Type . . . . Occupancy Type . . . . . Permit Additional desc Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL 1800 SF POLE BUILDING 372.75 Plan Check Fee 9/15/03 Valuation 3/14/04 242.29 22000 _. Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 92.75 280.00 -0 ~ BASE FEE 20.00 14.0000 THOU BL-2001-25K (14 PER K) Special Notes and Comments ~ - Electrical permit required from City of Port Angeles ___ please provide distance from propane fill valve to new proposed bldg. c Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 372.75 372.75 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 242.29 242.29 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 619.54 619.54 .00 .00 - ~ ~ ~ " Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied With whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. or or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T.\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS I YES I NO FOUNDATION: . FOOTINGS -PO$t I.fD'e~ e 121Jl>~ EW:3 I bera.ld Sc~,i Ie.. WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPl) SEPARATE PERMIT # ROUGH-IN I PLUMBING - UNDER FLOOR I SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW I WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING I FRAMING JOISTS I GIRDERS SHEAR WALL . WALLS I ROOF I CEILING J 2/~1 O~ .JLL . DRYWALL . T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL I FLOOR I CEILING MECHANICAL . . HEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE I PELLET I CHIMNEY HOOD I DUCTS PW UTILITIES / SITE WORK (Engmeenng DIvisIOn) SEPARATE PERMIT #'5' WATERLINE I METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'5 SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCYIUSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R. W I PWI CONSTRUCTION - R W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW I ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 J PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 t?.J>/D3 7LL BUILDING , . T.\PLANNING\FORMS\I 102.15 [412002] Of VORT ~Q ~... ''''~..-.r"" &r--Gii ~ 'lL~ ~ ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DNISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Application description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 03-00001224 Date 1/06/04 1936 W 18TH ST 06-30-00-1-1-1900-1000- ELECTRICAL ONLY INDUSTRIAL HEAVY o Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1350 PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 BOB'S ELECTRIC INC 2293 DEER PARK RD. PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Permit Additional desc Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL SEPTIC SYSTEM BOB'S ELECTRIC INC 76.30 Plan Check Fee 1/06/04 Valuation 7/04/04 .00 o "- ~ ~ Qty Unit Charge Per 1.00 76.3000 ECH EL-COM ALT 0-200 SRV FDR Extension 76.30 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 76.30 76.30 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 -Grand.Total 76.30 76.30 .00 .00 t ~ ,~ l/1 :1 -,~:.: : H_;::'~' C:-.oc (:'~:l""'r ....r, - - Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All prOVisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Date Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T \PLANN1NG\FORMS\1102.15 [11/14/2003] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE I ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE/DOWN SPOUTS ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT # ROUGH-IN PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR 1 SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW 1 WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING I FRAMING JOISTS 1 GIRDERS SHEAR W ALLlHOLD DOWNS WALLS 1 ROOF 1 CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL 1 FLOOR 1 CEILING I I MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP GAS LINE WOOD STOVE 1 PELLET 1 CIDMNEY HOOD 1 DUCTS PW UTILITIES 1 SITE WORK (Engmeenng DIVISIOn) SEPARATE PERMIT #'5' WATERLINE 1 METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'5 SEP A- PARKINGILIGHTING ESA- LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/uSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL tJ-bJ !o Jco LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R. W. 1 PWI CONSTRUCTION - R. W. I I ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW 1 ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T'\PLANNING\FORMS\1102 15 [11/14/2003] PREPARED 12/03/03, 12 09 33 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTION TICKET INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY PAGE DATE 3 12/03/03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDRESS TENANT, NBR CONTRACTOR OWNER PARCEL APPL NUMBER 1936 W 18TH ST CALLAM COUNTY PUD HIGH RIDGE CONSTRUCTION PORT OF PORT ANGELES 06-30-00-1-1-1900-1000- 03-00000724 COMM NEW CONST SUBDIV PHONE PHONE (360) 374-6512 ---------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------- PERMIT: BPC 00 BUILDING PERMIT - COMMERCIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BL3 12/03/03 ~ BUILDING FRAMING Er1ck day 374-6512 ------------------------- ------------ COMMENTS AND 01 NOTES ----------------------________________ DEC-03-03 06:04 AM SCHLIE. 360 327 3380 JERRY SCHUE DESIGN, INC. Box 25, Beaver, Washington 98305 360-327-3380 2 Decem ber 2003 Jim L1erly, Building Inspector City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development 321 East Rfth Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 \~ Subject: Pole Building for Clal/am County PUD 1936 West 18th Street Port Angeles, Washington Dear Mr. Uerly; The excavated holes for the burled wood columns for the subject project were inspected on or about 27 August 2003. The holes measured 24 inches In diameter and 48 Inches deep minimum, as shown on the plans. Please call If you have any questions. ,;} /.,~ ~' c:..-,;- ( / c...-/' raid Schl e, Jerry Schlie Design, Inc. Cc: Erlc Day, High Ridge Construction RfC3Ti-:,:U:D ~~If!9n ' /6L6J...-<< A~ 0 ridi/rJ SCHur:l sr1\:~ r)." (,{tit 1..~lll~\'i --.".............. P.01 " FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Rec$O PermIt # z..' Date Approved Date Issued' BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions, call (360) 417-4815 Phone: ~O/?14~"?)1a- ~.s> Phone: %O-J';3? tJ ,..05/ d- City: . U..) a . Zip: q '8??J I Architect/Engineer: Phone: 3Id'J ,~ 1 (/-&/ S I :l- Contractor/.1 'tl(,.. f?t 'd.cr~ Stale License #:~ Exp:_ 6j~ Phone: ~ Address: U ~ ~I City: ~ fJ./~()r;;- Zip: 9Y;;:'5s,l 1-:0. i?>tt)( ~ I, l-J .to J"'~ C'...l () /}""/,,pJb PROJECT ADDRESS:l~ ~"!:XP ~~:>1 t5 !,.;- .:>1. ) r'-+- ","'o-r-'"' S ZONING: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOt:~ Block:' Subdivision: CLALLAMCOUNTYPAR~JL~ER~ ote'?:OOO It I{[of) lODO. Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: Credit CardType VISA TYPE OF WORK: o Residential Pt New Constr. 0 Re-roof 0 Stove o Multi-fanuly 0 AdditIon 0 Move 0 Garage ts( Commercial 0 Remodel .. 0 Demohtion 0 Deck o RepaIr o. Sign 0 Other . BP1~ DESCRIPTIO~ OF T~ PROJECT: <.0 / V ft;7 0/ /00-:/1 ~r' ~4",^, ./ .... . ---... COMMERCiAL SIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: No. of Stories' L Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. & Proposed Sq. Ft. Existing lot coverage _ % & Proposed lot coverage _% = Total lot coverage City: MC # Exp. Date: SIZEN ALUATION: I $tJ 0 SF. @ $ /SF. = $ &1,;{ ?i:la Cl~ / , SF. @ $ /SF. = $ . SF. @ $ /SF. = $ .TOTAL VAl-UAJION $ .3 ~de;.~~{< $~~ S-...s h:? fir'. Po&. '"' ./ ConstructIon Type~f:dr/l = TOTAL Sq.Ft. % APPROVALS: PLAN: BLDG: DPWU: FIRE: OTHER:_ PLANNING USE ONLY: ESAlWetland(s): 0 Yes 0 No SEPA Checklist required? 0 Yes 0 No Other: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The Building Division can provide you with informatIon on the application and plan subrmttal requirements if you have questions. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be revIewed and may be reVised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: IF a plan check fee is due It must be submitted at the time the building perrmt application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time ofperrmt issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: Ifno permit is Issued Within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the apphcant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. T \FORM~\APPS\BU11dmgperrmt.wpd _ --.-\ }ltl-W Wl1b!flb&1U% ~, I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authonzed to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. Date:9u4r~ IJ~ ~ I,C': ().5 iJ:v.- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, BUILDING DIVISION APPLICANT: W- ~ PHONE:3-?q~ ~-:r/~ PROJECT/DEVELOPMENT ADDRESS: See Page 4 for instructions on completing the site plan. For more information, call 417-4815. ,; I , I , ',' ,. ~ BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Date Rec' ,,? /0 ~ /0 ") , , p=it#, 7~ Date Approved: Date Issued: Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions, call (360) 417-4815 Phone: ?kG./? 14 ~f.n '51a... Phone: %o~ '31 <.J ~0 5{ d-- . U.)O . Zip: q'8?~J I ArchitectJEngineer: Phone: ~ ,:!!:::, 1 (1-& S I :L- Contraclor~ (i!I'd.cr...('~ StateLicenSe#:~ExP:_~ Phone: ~ Address: ~~~( City: ~ g../~~ Zip: 9<?:3s1 r:O. i?>t>)( , . , I l- J. J~...J,. C'...L () IJ AI./,,p}., PR;OJECT ADDRESS: ,~. L-t..C:-51 lJ t.=- .:>1.) ~q.- ".....~0Ir S ZONING: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot:~ Block:' Subdivision: , 'CLALLAM COUNTY ~ARcIlL 1rLMB~R~ 04 ~oO I t I q 0 () 10 DO . 't_ City: ~<; Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: City: Credit Card Type VISA MC # Exp. Date: I TYPE OF WORK: . SIZENALUATION:.f!!} ..,. 76" o Residential 9( New C~nstr. 0 Re-roof 0 Stove I ftJO SF. @ $ ISF. = $ ~ t:t.la '- . / o Multi-family 0 Ad~ition 0 Move 0 Garage ' SF. @ $ ISF. = $ Pi( Commercial 0 Remodel 0 'Demolition 0 Deck ~ . SF. @$ ISF. = $ , ~ Rep'aix: . ' ", . 0, Sign ?O Other. ,,1:0TAL,VA)..UA1ION $ ~~ ~~SC~PTI~~ O.F. T~~~~~~T~ :.. c.~ / Y tb O~. _=3. ~~~.:; ~~~. S- ...s h? /' LS-. P~-e.--- IotVr/1 r ~rr" , COMMERCiAL . SinENT~: Occupancy Group: o'ccupant Load: Construction Type~M.r/l ' No. of Stories: -'- Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. & Proposed Sq. Ft. = TOTAL Sq.Ft. Existing lot coverage _ % & Proposed lot coverage _% = Total lot coverage % APPROVALS: PLAN: BLDG: DPWU: FIRE: OTHER:_ PLANNING USE ONLY: ESNWetIand(s): 0 Yes 0 No SEPA Checklist required? 0 Yes 0 No Other: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The Building Division can provide you with information on the application and plan subnuttal requirements if you have questions. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the BuIlding Divlsion to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for asslstance. PLAN CHECK FEE: IF a p~an check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building pemnt application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of pemnt issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: Ifno permit is lssued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the apphcant (see Section 107.4 of the Uniform Building Code, current editIon). No apphcation can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. T IFORMSlAPPSlBmldi""",",t,wpd Apphcant YAf:!!:i Date:~ ~ !)2; ell'll~ ~..; 1..4'0 OU ~\ 12w.. ,~ .t-v ~ ~1f))J/b) (F-- LV~~ Cct...vL ~~~~ ID' 't\.l fr\ l1' TI Ii" Jt;} .i!~1 ~ vi JJ ~ & ASSOCIATES CML ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING INCORPORATED 519 South Peabody Street, Suite 22 Port Angeles,Washmgton 98362 (360) 417-0501 Fax (360) 417-0514 E-mail.zenovlc@olympus.net August 4, 2003 Mr. Brad Collins, Director City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles. VVA 98362 SUBJE.CT: Pole Building for Clallam County P.U.D. -1936 West 18th Street, Port Angeles - First Structural Plan Review Dear Mr. Collins: I have examined the plans for the proposed po:e building for Clallam County P.U.D. located at 1936 West 18th Street for conformanGe with the following: 1997 Uniform Building Code -- Structural Provisions Based on this review additional structural calculations and revised complete plans should be provided for review prior to issuance of the building permit for the proposed str:.Jcture (see attached pian review comments). Please note that this plan review was for structural provision of the Uniform BUilding Code only. Please call me if you have any further questions on this matter. Fc: IN 03098 P.U.D. POLE BUILDING -1936 WEST 18TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA FIRST STRUCTURAL PLANCHECK - August 4, 2003 1. Provide floor plan showing spacing and size of posts per UBC Section 106.3.3 2. Provide structural calculations conforming to the 1997 Uniform Building Code based on a rational analysis in accordance with well established principles of mechanics as required per UBC Section 1605.2. Calculations reference the 1994 Uniform Building Code. 3. Chapter 23 of 1997 Uniform Building Code references the National Oesign Specification (NOS) for design of wood framing members and connections. The NOS has base values that differ from the calculations for Bending, Horizontal Shear, etc. Please revise the calculations to comply with the NOS. It should be noted that base design values for members 5" x 5" and larger differ from the values for normal dimensional lumber (Le. Fb for O.F. #2 post is 750 and Fv is 85). Please revise calculations as necessary to comply. 4. Provide complete calculations for purlins. Based on calculations it appears that the purlins fail in bending with a span of 11 '-3 W'. Provide calculations for purlin attachment. Please verify whether wind or gravity loads govern the design and note that elements and connections shall be designed for loads in UBC Table 16-H for a partially enclosed structure; include calculations for areas of discontinuity. 5. Provide complete calculations for wall girts based on post spacing to conform to 1997 Uniform Building Code and the NOS. Please note that if the girts and sheathing are part of the lateral force resistive system then the girts shall be laid on edge to create shear panels. Note that elements and connections shall be designed for loads in UBC Table 16-H for a partially enclosed structure; include calculations for areas of discontinuity. 6. Please clarify whether the roof and wall sheathing is used as part of the lateral force resistive system. If the sheathing is used for this, then complete lateral calculations shall be provided for the roof and wall diaphragms. The plans shall be sufficiently detailed to provide a complete load transfer from the roof to the foundation. Include calculations for overturning effects and their resistance. 7. Provide calculations for the posts with the wind load perpendicular to the ridge unless the sheathing as noted in item #6 above resists lateral load. If the posts provide the lateral resistance they shall be designed with a point load from the trusses at the top and a uniformly distributed wall load on the posts. The posts and footings shall be designed to resist these forces. 8. Please clarify how load is transferred between the six posts used in calculation item #5 at the open end since there is no wall framing to transfer the load. Based on established principles of mechanics there would be a load transfer at the top of the posts and not at a height of 8 W as shown on the plans. Please revise calculations for actual load case. 9. Provide uplift calculations for partially enclosed structure as defined in USC Chapter 16. Per Table 16-H the value of CY is 1.2 for a partially enclosed structure. Please revise plans as necessary for correct calculations 10. Provide calculations for post footings to comply with 1997 USC. If the posts are used as the lateral force resistive system provide calculations to determine required post embedment depth. Also provide calculations for bearing capacity on the post footings. Provide adequately sized punch pad at bottom of post footings. Clarify whether building is to have a concrete stab. 11. Provide documentation conforming to current codes to show that 5/8" diameter bolts have an allowable load of 1870 pounds per bolt in double shear or revise the calculations for published design values. Per the NDS a 5/8" diameter bolt in double shear with 1 W' D.F. side members and a 5 W' main member has a base value of 1040 pounds perpendicular to the grain of the side member. The detail in the calculations appears to show loading perpendicular to the grain and loading parallel to the grain at the truss/post connection. . TiansmlSSlon Repoit Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo 8-20-03, 7'52AM 3604174711 CITY PORT ANGELES Th document was (ieduced samp I e Document Size f :;~~ i <',"" ','.",'>>::--:':::: ":"::',:~:.;:~; ),~,:: :':-:~'.:.::.,,:.,:..':;'..: '.,,:. "~"":~D;.su~~'~">G . ....~j ~. _:::. - V t\ ~ '~. . , _ 0.-" M :";, J~ n 'I'rllt 1. -; , UI.I., ""Lt.... "";~/' '~& 'Ao.sN:.s'o',fC:'€'l:,:r'FS'" '0<, .". .." ,. .".".::.:" ..:'..' .-/J '1 )1) o;,p.dl hll.xh \Ut:.. ':;"'l~ 11 Ib, jI.J,,):Ia..:r-;J:\IL'l~tl>n J!l~\~ , r; \ 0 , 'l) K ~ I I) conf S imed. and deta Lettei-S Is be low) 1~,1,14 'JI"JI August 4.2003 l_ll'~ 1-:l11~ J:.mul -",,,~a.(,I'm-l~~cr Mr Brad Collins, Director City of Port Angelos Department of Community Development 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles WA 98362 SUBJECT; Pole BUIlding for Clallom County P,U.D. -1936 We.llB" Street, Port Angeles - l':lrst Structural Plan Review Dear Mr Collins I have ell:amlned the plar'ls for the proposed pole building for ClaUam County P U 0 located at 1936 V'/est1S" Street for conformance With the follOWing 1997 Uniform BUilding Code - Structural PrOVIsions Based on thIS revIew addlllonal structural calculations and revised comple1e plans should be provided for review pnor to Issuance of the bUlldlng permit for the proposed structure (see attached plan review comme'lts) Please note that thtS plan review was for structural proVIsion of the UnIform Bul'dlns Code only Please call me If yuu have any further questions on thiS matter ::;~YJ..1 T~C/~, P E Fe IN 03098 Total Pages Scanned 3' Total Pages Confirmed 3' NO. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 984 836037465123236702 8-20-03, 7 48AM 3' 16" 3/ 3 G3 CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC. Error Correct BC' Broadcast Send CPo Completed LS Local Scan RE; MP: RM: LP: Resend Mu I t 1 -Po I I Receive to Memory Local Print PD. PG: DR; FO: Po I I ed by Remote Po I I I ng a Remote Document Removed Forced Output MB; Receive to MailbOX PI; Power Inter rupt Ion TM Terminated by user WT. Waiting Transfer flMS Sel^+ ~ 2-Q.LAO vv'c:, +6v R~vv\ew ( - 2:;--03' ~" " III III .11 Ii! LL_ i~~O? I pl~ ~~. e 11JD ,/ [ffi IE t IE ~ \VI IE ~ - JUl 1 G 2003 . __ GITYOfPQRT ANGELES Dept. of Comm~nity Development .- . ---. . - ... --. ..:.- '~'F ~a~ .--- . --. .. . -.-----. -, H__.U_. ~_~_.~~./ ~~{-e _G - .. - .~- --._~-- - -- -. --- -- '-~.~- --. - --.-..~ - . ~._~. -- -",,,. 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IE> 1Q<ll; ~ =. 2J49>1\' { ~s -It- ,'. :(Q~ - - - ~ - - ---- -- -~-- -~ ._~-._-- - -- - -- -- - _.-- ----- -- ---... -, <- - . - -- ----- I - -- I II I III " o () -- oJ:::, \1 ~- I ~ f; ....J' + -- _J t, : I J I .-. I . i~ , . --~------ \:J -,<: 0 ~- ~) ~ /0)0 .-- ---- .-- --- - / _:_- ..-- 0' _ c. "~'0-~ ~ ~~; ~: .~<\-~~~- ..~"'._' - . ---- --~tJ . ~~ -~ ~ ~L ijj ~ '" ~ . ,~ ~1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NAME PERMIT ACCOUNT NUMBER NUMBER 001-0000-2291000 001-0000-2392000 001-6030-3229014 001-6030-3422015 001-6030-3422016 001-4020-3221017 001-4020-3221018 001-4020-3221019 001-4020-3221020 001-7010-3221021 001-7010-3221033 001-7010-3224011 001-7010-3415000 001-7010-3432000 001-7010-3458300 001-7010-3489500 001-4020-3699000 62 Surcharge . 0 63 D.R.A. Fees Plus Interest 64 Burning Permit Fee 65 Fire Inspect/Permit Fee 66 Fire S rinkler Plan Review Fee 67 Construction 68 Plumbing 69 Mechanical 70 Sign 71 Clear/Grade Permit 72 House Moving 73 SidewalklOrivewa ICurb Permit/Right of Way Permit 74 Publications 75 Blue rints- Aerial 76 Plan Check Fee 71 Engineering ServIce Fees 78 Miscellaneous Revenues 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 87 91 RECEIPT # FILL-IN COMPLETELY - TOTAL EACH FUND AND GRAND TOTAL tLl ~n-{..~ 11'3 ~ Yo Ie. EU-.~ \d,~ '^-~ P -e.. (' /IV\, \\+ G.\~lAccI\Farms\RI!Y.Ret:IPul>-Wks Lasl RI!Y1S8" Dec. 1999 .;, t :~ -~ -~ ~f1 ~ ~; rt: . I "- ! ~, ~~<:6 - ~.~- --..-. - ? ~r"O X"...... .' ~ ..-'~ -.:.,.- .'?_.:. ~_ ._.. -c:-- ~-~~~. ce ~ VA-' Ln. __./- }: - - --- - - .. - - -- -- ;;;c?-- .._..~ (-7. _<0 a 7<. CJ t Q9)(($.1 f'1~(V .-.-----------_..-- - . ' '. I I" . ". . I r I : 1 . ' . ' ..-~~---...... c--. -- t -T , I I I I I ~ I __v r-- IJ~(U -- D o " I' ,. f.. ~ l I: [ ( I t Iv t, 0'" .. . ., , ~ORTANGELES I' I I' I, -C1TY-- O-F- WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT '. , Eric Day P.O. Box 584 Forks, W A 98331 August 26, 2003 f; Re: PUD Pole Building .. ; , , -, "" ; Dear Mr. Day: Per our conversations on August 22 and today, I would like to document the status of your building permit application for the PUD Pole Building on W. 18th St The plans that you submitted have been reviewed and noted that revised structural calculations must be resubmitted and approved by the City before a building permit can be issued. Because you will not be able to obtain a corrected set of calculations within the timeframe that you wished to proceed with construction, you will not be able to receive City inspection services for any work that is started before the permit can be issued. If you and your client Clallam County Public Utility District believe you cannot wait for a building permit to be issued, I can only caution you that any work performed prior to the issuance of the building permit would be done at your own risk. To protect yourself, you are advised to hire a competent engineer to perform inspections that are necessary under the City's building permit and to prepare the proper inspection reports which the City could accept once a building permit has been approved. Obviously, if the building permit plans that are approved by the City require construction different from what has been done, then the work will need to be redone per the approved plans at your and/or your client's expense. Before you begin any work requiring a building permit, please advise the City in writing of the timeframe for resubmitting your corrected plans. The City does not condone building without a permit and accepts no risk associated with illegal building activities. The City's enforcement activities include working with a licensed and bonded contractor to gain compliance with the City's Building Code and issuing stop work orders. i. I,' '. sinE rely, , ~~ Br Collins, Community Development Director cc: vi'im Lierly, Building Inspector Larry Morris, PUD Operations Superintendent, Port Angeles Office T:\pudpoleb.ldg.wpd 321 EAST FI FTH STREET · PO BOX 1 150 · PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-3206 PHONE 360-417-4750. FAX 360-417-4711 · TTY 360-417-4645 E-MAIL PLANNING@CI PORT-ANGELES WA US OR PERMITS@CI PORT-ANGELES WA US ,. " ~ f WEST EIGHTEENTH STREET _ - al If II .. nil.. II II II " FUEL 5UND~ NEW POLE BUILDING OPTION A 30' X 60' OpnON B 30' X 40' PROPANE TANK 11 -' 60' ~ L30.-1 LEDGE PAVDJENr (TYP.) L \ ROAD R/W & If. _ 1II1I1IfnnNII........II.."..~ - -~i ..~ \. DRYWEU"b F"~f )11~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES - Construction Plane The Issuance of this permIt based upon these plans, speclf,- cations and other data shall not prever-! the bUilding officIal from thereafter requiring the correctIOn of errors In said plans, specificatIOns a,!d, other data, or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when In vlolahon of all codes- and ordInances of thiS Junsdr n. (SECTION 303(c) .~n\o~~:t:~_ Coda) Approval Date ~y STORM SEWER & l,ljDR~EU PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY DWG: ENGR: DATE: 4-24-03 REV: I 50 ~ 25 0 SCALE I 50 IN FEET POLE BUILDING 1936 WEST 18TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 SHEET 1 OF 1 (H:\FLOORPLN\PA\POLEBARN) ,~ ! , i ~ I' I, I: L ; : i' , i i. i; i, i' J' I . 1 --~ ~~ .., ~ "'....- , . '~...-,.~.... 11 , :)'0 fI fr r: (tll~ Hd 'XC; ~ / " / "'-...'-.. " . ~ "13'tJi71 JY::l nrlVvY AFJ f'19J->"3a ><;n~ , . 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(i 1....1'1'711 0.:111' idYX,Of. ::to IVFJ 'JNC Higfi Ridge Constnution Eric Dw; 224 DIckey'La1tf. fCrRsJ WA 98331 J, 06 4= 1 eN . > ("'J ~ C'1\ "'J"'\ ~s; 1\ {'q \-\ ~r- -.\ r- <;: H ::2 w 0.... X tf' o ... -~ 0' ~ I~ ~~ ~ "OJ() >~ iLC~ v' <:.- -n ~ ~ ------- ~.....,._.... ....-- ..-,.".,............~ ,--- ...,- '- ,. ~ -...",," - ----- ..........-- '- -r~' :"~'=---''''-'-'-'f-" --. I I (J) :\-\ !~ l/' I , ! j l...._"'.~_""""........~__ ~ ..",,- ---:.-=~ """ -I ---::;;;;:;.:::.:.:..... l : ~ i- i ! \ II ' " I : i . -\ i I' C ! I :: "\,p I ~IH'\\')1 : ~ 4X. ! 1 r,,, .J'"_ I . I . i : ,71(,') ":> ! I I' -"-:::. <;;. i ':: .:l'>j I " ,'\ "'1 j' I ~~ ~ I ~ ~ J -~- ~'i 1 (;;; 0(:::) i",~ G)() H~ I .?tl! I ! &",,4 J , I I ~ IN 00. I: .. ~.. I ;0 I -;-i '~1\) .7 . I ..t:,_ ! 1)(. , , _ I 1 li I ;: r\ II ! "~ I I, I (\....... ' \ j i I; \ I ~! ! III ! i! i : ! l -- -,~,_.__._~-;-----_. =-- L. I... ". --- ______ L.--.-.- -.-- I ! , I 1 1 I I i 1 ! I _ ~ ---.--..----- ! 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IBI(~)< 41 x \CStl~~~ lo'='o+ ~8~~",O~ __ I I I , , i I I i I I I I, 11 II 'I !, I, ill Ii _ ~ . :pe:ff 1rlW? Ofb~ C'o<w.. ,I ,i I' II Ii 1/ II i' I , ! Ii fi II ~~ ~G, 11-- --- 'I II - II III I, II II i (-:2.') Sk," I~ k~ K \&10*"", = ~740*:< 5Q:">Sio ;. <?Ol... i , i :i \ 0 I I . ~~ · 4SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC (360) 452-3023 · Fax (360) 452-3047 619 S. Chase Street. Port Angeles, WA 98362 I DESIGN OF POLE BUILDING STRUCTURE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WEST 18TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA SEPTEMBER, 2003 HIGH RIDGE CONSTRUCTION ERIC DAY FORKS, WA ~ Q\>-> - >, ~ _;.~......".."., .,,'~ <'t, I ~_~: c7\ () S by: 4 SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC. 619 SOUTH CHASE STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WEST 18TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA DESIGN CRITERIA DESIGN STRESSES SITE ELEVATION = < 500 FT DOUGLAS.FIR #2 2X 4X Fa = 900 PSI Fe = 1350 PSI F,.= 575 PSI Fv = 95 PSI E = 1.6 (10)8 PSI HEM-FIR POSTS P.T. Fa = 675 PSI Fe = 500 PSI Fv = 70 PSI E = 1.1 (10)8 PSI SNOW LOAD = 25 PSF WIND SPEED = 80 MPH EXPOSURE C SEISMIC ZONE 3 SOIL BEARING = 1500 PSF REFERENCES 1. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1997 2. TIMBER CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 3RD ED by AITC 3. CONNECTORS FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION by SIMPSON STRONG-TIE 4. WESTERN WOODS USE BOOK by WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION MAY 1996 5. NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION 1997 EDITION 6. WOODFRAM, TIMBER DESIGN, STRUCT.ETC VERSION 2.5 FOR WINDOWS 95, by RESEARCH ENGINEERS,INC 1998 2- Wood Framing Notes 1. Minimum nailing requirements: Unless otherwise noted, minimum nailing shall be in accordance with Table 23-II-B-1 of the Uniform Building Code. 2. Notations on drawing relating to framing clips, Joist hangers and other connecting devices refer to catalog numbers of connectors manufactured by the Simpson Strong-Tie Company, San Leandro, CA. Equivalent devices by other manufacturers may be substituted, provided they have ICBO approval for equal load capacities. 3. All wood framing details not shown otherwise shall be constructed within or better than the standards of the U.B.C. General Structural Notes (The Following apply unless shown on the plans) 1. All materials and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of the drawings, specifications, and the Uniform Building Code. 2. Concrete shall attain a 28 day strength of Fc= 2500 psi. 3. Contractor shall provide temporary bracing and shoring for the structure and structural components until all final connections have, been completed in accordance with the plans. 4. Contractor shall be responsible for all the required safety precautions and methods, techniques, sequences or procedures required to perform his work. '5. Contractor initiated changes shall be submitted in writing to the structural engineer for approval prior to fabrication or construction. 6. Written dimensions shall take precedence over scaled dimensions on the drawing. 7. Contractor shall verify all notes, dimensions and conditions prior to start of construction and be responsible for the same. 8. Drawings indicate general and typical details of construction, where conditions are not specifically indicated but are of similar character to details shown, similar details of construction shall be used. 9. Footings shall bear on solid unyielding earth. General Notes 1. All structural framing lumber to be Douglas Fir No.2 Grade kiln dried, or Hem Fir No.2. Do not Substitute Hem Fir for Douglas Fir if specified on drawing. 2. All posts to be pressure treated rough cut Hem Fir No 2 Grade, as specified on drawing. 3. Roof snow load = 25 PSF 4. Maximum soil bearing capacity = 1500 PSF S. Seismic Zone 3 6. Wind, 80 MPH, Exposure "C" ~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WEST 18TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA iWIND CALCULA TlONS EXPOSURE C: A~"""""""'~"M,"",~".",. ""~=M_~~_~>>_~=__A"'_"'~ ""^N~.^"""^'"",,,,,,,,.~. !SUILDING DESCRIPTION - ~ ~M_ __ ~~_~~~ _~_~ , SAY WIDTH LENGTH ROOF ~ =~"'~A"M~ -~~~~ . ~ _ ~~~ M "_~~_~=~__ ~ _. d~_ ~ __~ A_ FT FT FT SLOPE 12 30 60 41<12 , , 4~~A1~Y'~N~~~__~__~ rHEIGHT'Oj:=-I3'UILDING ----'---'--'-'19. ,I i l ~ ~ 1 , .__.....L~._ I I rPE~ T~B~(~,?-~ US.C .. .. _... __. 0-.15' '~5:~1.~'.L._. '" ....._..___ I. '" I .. ..... ..._n____~~~_. ~~~.L~.~~~6.;.._..... .J__ ...._ _____ 1__...1 WIND PRESSURE, P=CqCeOslw Cq Ce Os Iw PRESSURE Ce Os Iw PRESSURE METHOD 1 PSF PSF PSF PSF WINDWARD WALL 0.8 1.06 16.4 1 13.91 1.116 16.4 1 14.64 LEEWARD WALL 0.5 1.06 164 1 8.69 1.116 16.4 1 9.15 METHOD 2 VERTICAL AREA 1.3 1.06 16.4 1 22.60 1.116 16.4 1 23.79 HORIZONTAL AREA 1.2 1.06 16.4 1 20.86 1.116 16.4 1 21.96 WALL ELEMENTS 1.6 1.06 16.4 1 27.81 1.116 16.4 1 29.28 ROOF ELEMENTS 1.6 1.06 16.4 1 27.81 1.116 16.4 1 29.28 SNOW LOAD 25 +- pc:::~:,.r~- \'A-AJ41- 't~LS , f;)( (~-,,~ GKB FULL- Sl-i!:::E- -- Fb= S1-$ t='~L ~ ==- [, Co ~I ~ ,- b =- 92.-0 pS'- 1-1- - F- .#--2- s)(~ =:;:. t>~ 2- __ 0(5')2- &:, - ~ =- fo 4-1"1\ ~ ~ _ b),2- _ g /0 ,2- ~~~ - -;:: - - ~ ~:: .1-6 1"11\3 _:-,+~f1'<: 4-~WA-Bl-E MOf\J\5^J1::S ,,' I'--J\.)l a.. II. =- F b -'r ~ >< == '1.2DL M Ivt ~:) -*,) 1~11Yt. MXctl/. ==- +CJO 1- /-it:.- N\~OLI('::: P ~ +- ~~ =. 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Chase St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHEET DATE SCALE DRAWN BV CHECKED OF :r2.eep DIA+'tt-gA-~~ ANAL'-(~t5: - t'9P- l2., ..6-- 4- 4---1Z-0# ~ 4- .pt'~ 13 24- '1:t:: ~' '3 ;r4-~ Z4-9.tt 15*~ (00' /20# ~ .cd-- ~ 4!!r- 4~7:S ~ p--- 2L(5) + 2-(51-!~)+~) +-2(241-#) i-5t-4-#--z[(ZOtt=)- 8~):O 12- 1:::- ~ ICJ.it=- ~(D:[;;; ~IS 3~ --? l t-' t)((~llfVC7 6,y8 l*~ F:# Z- 72-l ::::- 0 lOj #:= W\ I =- +* '0 1- .l::l::. M~\\. :=- 4 1CP\ t - i:f:.- 91L 0)( f:, (+- F4 2-- 0l?- D l A-+' H-l: ~ M 'SHE::. A- ~ VMA-I{:::- 4-C 3/~ ~ ') / ceo '.=. 21 P L-F- =?-/Ib ~(CJ'SD UJ/~J.. ~ 01(O~ ~- ~~ ?CLE ~. 4SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC (360) 452-3023 619 S. Chase St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHEET DATE SCALE DRAWN BY CHECkED OF T?-A-~lfE.~~E L-A-'7'1;;;.P A-1- AN A '-V 5l S " <n ~\) 1- - '{. ~l~1t~ t.a~'6 T'j2U~SE~ L-ESllv'A-~j).p~ .:fJ I ---.-- - k:Ne-E- BPA-ciO. ~. ~ .[ A.-s,I])E;"O+-POST .. --.... ~ C)'V-s.."-.J (b v0 FLIt;-, -------~ O~ S l'Dc.. 9(+- . g ( I ~^ ,;:::~ 'V l"", h , -Pf2-.A-f\J\:f;-. <s e. 1/ _ ::1.. t:P..o-.. j:f:. 12--' c.../ L ~I - f <:.r I 'Pl :;. 9-~ EY{~II~ P;z...,f z(r-~) 0)<: S FOG ~- Ce =- I, 00 ~ ~ I (3 ~~~ lb, 4-~7 7:z..~2Z-3'2..~ ,.--..?> ~~ 1A..J I=- /2- I { (.0C:, ')C1. ~)L I b, 4-) =- z+. I, z. 1> L-- t- . ~ 4''b he, FLAT 'SJj'1"" p~<--=- 'B_(t)~ 4S,'v\3 ~~ pI :;... 51-5 ?-sf *- I, ~ =- 920 PSI:: C)11- b I ~ Ai\. L:;;" M~l\, =- 3" Bo -..:!:t.- . ~I:::" 13 1-2- +:;=- '?-4I--=- Z4.SS-~ E.~ ==-0 (1~,vOg..Eb/ cOr--J:~:>1DE-I2." (AtJ'-lU;vt~ - '. ,. @Jot>') Ez..~ ~ ~4-55)~Ll =- 34-72::t:l=-- (0 v f3 H - PJt.. Z- 0 1L..... 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Chase St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHEET DATE SCALE DRAWN BY OF E.Ub WA-LL- ~ A-S "5tt-EA-~ WA-L-L--~ F ==- 0 ~ co:tt=:- J&-:f~ 1lv~~~ V =-:.- 6D)cXytt:~'/30~ =-.23-oPL-F ?-/10l(~:?1;,)/~ ,^( '\Q ~ I .~ r- \ '-" - _ _ _L __. ,,___ " ._...__. 1/1[' ( At! "5it-t=A--~ WI\- u- -- v~. Z'3.DPL- t-- // 1< u :=- ~t:J(~o') /4- - ~US:) 'P 30 I - ~If;: tlzo~ I l~ -.:>. ~ ~ ~ --.......... T. -'., / " " 1 WI\I+L-L--=/' / ,,' b (OL~XJ4-) I =-4-zaJl:t=:- / <, J . " I <0 "! ~ I V r-v'f I tR.~ , , /.. ( ~\ 1 o~ L tt€>~b st+f=A- '2:-. v- Z-~'Pl- 1- ""-- ~ '"'--- ..:...-- --7 7 12-[ 9- I Co ?- 1- \ L -r. f\J ~E --r--tjJS'(O~ ~7- .:::- 0 12-, =-. t7-2 S-~' A--PlPL-\ E]:) ~ BA-SE oF- 'Po~T 4SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC (360) 452-3023 619 S. Chase St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHEET DATE ~~~ ~. SCALE DRAWN BY CHECkED Of EMBE-bb:e:-D ~ roOr-/~ - ~~(~T1NC:tZ.4-"(jJ X+bsa? vf:, ~ll,:':-: 4qol '- :ti=-(~'LI'Si1 tVG., ~ ~~ (IJ )(-bl~1100 I u8e.... {e,c:to, lb. 2" l I-A T"'E-72-A- L B'EA-}2' l ~7 - UfJ C-OAJ"S ~11VSb I<S I ~ /00(4 ()(2.0 ') :::: l2-0e)!f'~F ( b;::: 2- I I [> ==- JtAall. / 4- f~ =- 1051 ,0, ~ \t\~- 4'~ It =-, 2_,~4 ~ .--- ( OZ~F1Z J"EGl:: -;-5. b -; ., \ ' . fi-/z.- [I ~ )' l-t ~~~ "'- ) =- 2r~'+ fT L+"p1 C)~ ~ U'PL-I'FT VOL.tLot-J'-=-l~- ~:;) 4/.= t1,z~ Fr3 - LOU~"'MOJ-JS W c.ot..J C. -;...... I/C()IJC- *- (SO :p,,::r-.:;; I'=:,e,t:;" 4F- Rc::cJF- BJ12..LI/-....JS e Z I ci L U?L/Fr- Ce c.~ 't-~ 1: C.0 ')CZ-') Ce =- l, 110 ~:: (/~ DUT ~.:::.lro.4~T :2, t::::-I ..L.l-:_ u...; -::.. 2- ~ , ~ ~ \ UPL-IP-r'=:- ~ -.-.J M-. L-A-'P (0 z~ '8 13L-D~ wi [~)-l0; EA-GHSIl;E & LA-"P if) "T7Z U~ I"J / c ~ ) - {b"'" E- A . I foJ.. 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A-'tLS ~ = f\-~ ~ ') ~~, O~M. 4-- "= 2..,oz..tt A- - / \ 2-LI~'Z-S ') b MO~E^-fr Of=-ltVE:enA AeouvD ~.A, :c =- ~ + A-~~ -yf}~ C L 'j-H--r {Btzs(z'oL..3)~'Y~- ') + ( Zo/co-+- ~,zs(~4--2..02-t)= 4O.oh\A- ~~ ~. 4SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC (360) 452-3023 619 S. Chase St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHEET DATE SCALE DRAWN BY CHECKED OF D r-S~lBUnO~ or- l-DA-D W Arl-L- ~ ( 12-TS W (l-t-. TA~- l-O~ IIV Dt 'e.E:c...-T PJ2-.0Po~:no-J TO TH-E'-I12.. MOM'E-/\rr OF /r0E12-nA- ~ ZO). ~?SF +- 4':= 111-.2... Pl-F 2-~0FLA--T k)::. LcJr * ,Ls-+=t- =- : 4,4-'PL:r Cl ,5+=t--t- '4-(10) Z-)Cb u/ 2.~4- 5nFF€N~ <..u - Lv *- . 4-0 - l \2 'D - ,.... lll'5'"4--::r t-f-o') - ..::> T L-r- S;. X-j _ fOtOtl\4- " 2- / rl/-z.- -- -:- Z"? !~'< .==- (4-. S3 , It 2... ~Co f=. LA- T 4J::::- {l 1:- 'P L-F ""jP A-^J .=- [{ I_+- M ==- W..t/6:: T I 1_ 1:f::- ' Vb =- M /~ ~:::. 4-1 I P-6 L.. Ft,:::- Bs-O'AS L C 'D :::- I, c:::> C~~=- lllS L, ~ l. IS- c.p =. I, ~ FIb=- z ~3~ ?t>\.- > (':f?-4- P"bi:.- oft- Zy(o <:::z l~-:C___~{~T~~_c,~~E:~ w=- II~'PL-r- t I' - +- ~'P..+N M~ ev~7'~=, IBI4-'-:tf- -P 6 =- ^^/-s;::. , 4-0) to p~ -L.. F h OlL- or- ?u 1:> ?O!..-E BUt Lbl1L-t.-7 4SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC (360) 452-3023 619 S. Chase St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 DATE ~ 1/7 ./7)"<. , SCALE DRAWN BY... I r:: ~ CHECKED - SHEET I ~ OF E ^-.) b V-l.4- L-L 6:::z l f2.- T::::> _ > '7~SPA~ ;z' elL kJ::=- Z q , ~ p-::,t- 12, :::. iZz.::.. U-o~ M'M+ 'f- -=- 4 12. I -- ..t:t:- 2- -,c 4-~ (fi) 2--/Jr It 0 e c.... CcN\,1'\It C-.-fZCtA-L .:s~ I.-E. .:t=:t:-A-'~ , ~fVI:=--E :g~ -4 C- :::- ~4-9-:2- :a=- (2-') - 'Z-y. B rzAc..E- 51 (0L~ LE- -S l-H::::;:A-?: - T-O (2 ') -. '"2 'E T12--ue:.-::, ~4't~ 2= JI :::. I ~O # 2:- M J-. ~ ~ 2() ;#:.- ? :::, t:;OL 1'S ~Q./.D P2(;,o ==- /32o:tt:- L~~) l)5Efl)-;2)G tD TO Fir 8C>~'2'__ ~~ futLJ) 11\l6j 4SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC (360) 452.3023 619 S. Chase St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHEET DATE SCALE DRAWN BY -J CHECkED OF ll>' . V E:T2-NC.A-L- AfVl\-L- 't. ~ t ~ ~O\N L-oAD =- 2-S-~F WA-bL-.o.A-D.:=- ID P's~ TDtkL- L-ClAD ==- <3&5 ?SF- 12-DOF- P U'j2 L--l "-..6 ~. 2-' 0, c.. . t f 'i2., , L0::=- 2-( S5=Psr= ') ==- -::;"O? L-F- ~ ~ t 12- (-SPA-N t 12-2- E- ! =- 12. '2... = 4- z...O.#:- 2-'f- 0 I::, @. Z4'~( 1+t;:.M p l ~~2- ~6~S "~-_._-_.~ ~~~~.J~~~=J';__^-::_~~_'~_l~'_~'_~-_~ lA) =- ~ I ?WF- r"?-15 .~, 210 =P Lt=- ~ .J?I=- e.z= SISDif:: 1(1 ' '"30 p' , , ~. t r"Z- 6y B COl.-U~Ns ' ~ F ::::: 2 ('3/SO# ').::. ~ ~o-1t=- It' fo y~ H-E t'A F- J~ ~ z.. y 'F6e>l\ t--J~ I - .. r~' (o-3bO if=- &.B '::.. !t:)co (\ -r 4(,CD)::;;, 2 rOO~:P' 1-tJ?EQ'D:;:' "(.:Y~B ~'2,3~fT'2. 2!.;.'p ~ I ~D f'BLE ~C:::v. 4SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC (360) 452-3023 619 S. Chase St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHEET DATE SCALE DRAWN BY CHECKED DF 'iI1J.Jt". . . . . ,?\i11t1 ". " END WALL CENTER POST-END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 1 16:49:32 09/11/03 Designed by. John Partch Checked by: Input Data Span Actual Length Axial Unbraced Length X ft 0' Axial Unbraced Length Y ft 0' Horizontal Vertical Span Span Length Length ft ft ft "~-~ J -- -- -" -"_" _ _ ________ __.9~_______!_~: _ __ _ __ __ __ J~'- _ Overall Length 0' I 9' 19' Notes' Lengths are to center line of bearing. Elevation Angle is 90 deg. Bottom is considered to be fixed. Top is considered to be a cantilever. User Defined Loads Load Case Load Type Component Descnption Wind In Pos X WIND LOAD Umform Shear - In Plane Dlstance(s) to Load Load at Load at Offiet Offiet Start Length Start End X Y ft ft lb lb ft ft plf plf 0' 19' 104 0' 0' 15' 4' 55 0' 0' 19' -753 0' 0' Descnpl10n Wind InPOS X WIND LOAD 2 Umfonn Shear - In Plane DescnptlOn Wind In Pos X REACTION 2 Concentrated Shear - In Plane Notes: Positive loads act down. Distances are measured along length of member. Live loads are patterned to 100%. Weight of members is not included in the calculations. Summary of Member Forces - Load Combinations Span AXial Shear Major AXIS Ib Ib - -~- --- - --- ------ - --- - -----~--- 1250.7 Shear Mmor AXIS Ib Bendmg Bendmg TorSion Mcyor AXIS Mmor AXIS ft.:!P-____"__ __ _ft.-j~ _______ _ IHP.._ -4893 2 Deflection DeflectIOn Major AXIS Mmor AXIS in m -- --- - "- :T"713 -""-"- ""-"- --"- --" Reactions Support Load Comb HOrizontal Major AXIS lb HOrizontal Mmor AXIS lb Vertical lb Moment Mcyor AXIS ft-lb Moment Mmor AXIS ft-lb 1"1-- END WALL CENTER POST-END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 2 16:49:32 09/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Support Load Comb Dead+Wind in Pos X HOrizontal Major AXIs Ib -12507 HOrizontal Mmor AXIs Ib Verl/cal 00 Ib Moment Major AXIs ft-Ib 4893.2 Moment Mmor AXIs J.!.-Ib 00 00 l8 END WALL CENTER POST-END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Page 3 Project: 003-162 16:49:3209/11/03 Job: ERIC DAY Designed by: John Partch Client: ERIC DAY Checked by: Arbitrary Desian 1 - Option 1 Member 1 - 6X8FS Arbitrary Design Criteria Member 1 - 6X8FS Matenal is TImber Modulus, Bending X = I 1e+06 Dsi Wldth=6 m 1,.= 18432 m^4 Modulus, Bendmg Y = I I e+06 psi Depth = 8 m Area = 48 m^2 Modulus, Shear X = l.1e+06 PSI Ix = 256 m^4 J = I in^4 Modulus, Axial - I 1 e+06 PSI SC 64 m^3 SF,-I Densltv == 35 Dcf I. '-- 144 m^4 SF. = I Coefficient of Thermal ExpanSIOn = 1.94444e-06 Sy == 48 m^3 C,,= I m^6 IF Critical Stress Details Reaction AXIal Bending - X Bending - Y Shear LL Deft TL Deft lb Dsi PSI Dsi Dsi In In Span I Max Value 12507 0 -91747 0 26.06 -1 7135 -1 7135 LocatIOn 0' 0' 0' IS' 0' 19' 19' Maximum connector forces: 1250.71b (Left) and 753 Ib (Right). Program Version 82- 1121/2003 1<='\ END WALL CENTER POST - LEEWARD-END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Chent: ERIC DAY Page 1 16:49:5609/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Input Data Span Horizontal Actual Left Right Span Length Support Support Length Width Width ft ft in in 19' 19' 19' 19' Member I Span 1 Overall Length Notes: Lengths are to center line of bearing. Spacing or tributary width is I' . User Defined Loads Load Case Load Type Distance(s) to Load Load at Load at Offset Start Length Start End ft ft lb lb ft plf plf 0' 19' -65.2 0' IS' 4' -3.4 0' 19' 374 0' Description: Wind in Pos X Description: Wind in Pos X Description: Wind in Pos X WIND LOAD Uniform WIND LOAD 2 Uniform REACTION 2 Concentrated Notes' Positive loads act down. Distances are measured along horizontal axis. Live loads are patterned to 100%. Weight of members is not included in the calculations. Summary of Member Forces - Load Combinations Member Span Shear Max lb _ ~ __~M_~ -878.40 Bending Max. Torsion Deflection .. _. .ft:lb ___. . _. n.ft:!'?. ____ ____ ___ ir!., _ _ ____ 4893.80 20.085 u ___ ~~_ ___~_~_ ~ __ I Reactions Support Load Comb. Horizontal lb Vertical lb Moment ft-lb 2.:D END WALL CENTER POST - LEEWARD-END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 2 16:49:5609/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Support 1 2 3 Load Comb. Dead+Wind in Pos X Dead+Wind in Pos X Dead+Wind in Pos X Horizontal lb 878.40 0.00 0.00 Vertical lb 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moment ft-lb -4893.80 0.00 0.00 :z..t END WALL CENTER POST - LEEWARD-END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 3 16:49:5609/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Arbitrary Desian 1 - Option 1 Member 1 - 6X8FS Arbitrary Design Criteria Member 1 - 6X8FS Material IS Timber Modulus, Bendmg X = 1.Ie+06 Dsi Width = 6 m I.v= 184.]2 in^4 Modulus, Bendmg Y - I 1e+06 DSI DeDth - 8 in Area = 48 m^2 Modulus, Shear X - 1.Ie+06 PSI I. - 256 m^4 J - I in^4 Modulus, Al{lal = I le+06 Dsi Sx- 64 in^] SFx= I DenSity ~ 35 pcf Iv ~ 144 m^4 SFv-1 Coefficient of Thermal ExpanSIOn = I 94444e-06 Sy = 48 m^] Cw= I m^6 IF Critical Stress Details ReactIon AXial Bending - X Bending - Y Shear LL Deft TL Deft Ib pSI DSI DSI PSI In In Span I Max Value -878.4 0 91759 0 -183 20 085 20 085 Location 0' 19' 0' IS' 0' 19' 19' Maximum connector forces: -878.4 Ib (Left) and -374 Ib (Right). Program Version 82- 1/21/2003 zZ- END WALL INTERMEDIATE POST-END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 1 16:51:3409/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Input Data Span Horizontal Vertical Actual Axial Axial Span Span Length Unbraced Unbraced Length Length Length X Length Y ft ft ft ft ft 0' 16'6" 16'6" 0' 0' 0' 16'6" 16'6" Span 1 Overall Length Notes: Lengths are to center line of bearing. Elevation Angle is 90 deg. Bottom is considered to be fixed. Top is considered to be a cantilever. User Defined Loads Load Case Load Type Component Descriptton' Wind m Pos X WIND LOAD Umform Shear - In Plane DIS/ance(s) to Load Load at Load at Offset Offset Start Length Start End X y ft ft lb lb ft ft plf plf 0' 16'6" 104 0' 0' IS' 1'6" 55 0' 0' 16'6" -571 0' 0' Descnption: Wmd m Pos X WIND LOAD 2 Uniform Shear - In Plane Descnption, Wmd m Pos X REACTION 2 Concentrated Shear - In Plane Notes' Positive loads act down. Distances are measured along length of member. Live loads are patterned to 100%. Weight of members is not included in the calculations. Summary of Member Forces - Load Combinations Span Axial Shear Shear Bending Bending TorSIon DeflectIon Major AXIS Minor AXIS Major AXIS Minor AXIS Major AXIS ---- - ---~---- HL ________ JL __ _____--.f!-lb -__f!:l~_________f!..iL-____---.!-,,-___ 1 -833.9 4880.2 20782 Deflecllon Minor AXIS In Reactions 2..3 END WALL INTERMEDIATE POST-END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project 003-162 Job' ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 2 16:51 :3409/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Support Load Comb HOrizontal Major AXIs lb HorIzontal Minor AXIs lb Vertical lb Moment Major AXIs ft-lb -48802 Moment Minor AXIs ft-lb Dead+Wind In Pos X 8339 00 00 00 :2-4 END WALL INTERMEDIATE POST-END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job' ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 3 16:51:3409/11/03 Designed by. John Partch Checked by: Arbitrary Desian 1 - ODtion 1 Member 1 - 6X8FS Arbitrary Design Criteria Member 1 - 6X8FS Matenal is Timber Modulus, Bending X = 1 1e+06osi Width = 6 m Ixv = 184 32 in^4 Modulus, Bendmg Y - l.le+06 OSI Deoth - 8 in Area = 48 m^2 Modulus, Shear X = I le+06 PSI Ix = 256 in^4 J = I in^4 Modulus, Axial - I I e+06 psi S.- 64 m^3 SFx= 1 DenSIty = 35 ocf I. = 144 in^4 SFv= I CoefficIent of Thermal Expansion - I 94444e-06 Sy - 48 m^3 Cw= I m^6 IF Critical Stress Details Reaction AXial Bending - X Bending - Y Shear LL Deft TL Deft Ib OSI OSI OSI OSI In In Span I Max Value -833 9 0 91503 0 -17.37 20.7821 207821 Location 0' 0' 0' 15' 0' 16'6" 16'6" Maximum connector forces: -833.9 lb (Left) and -247 lb (Right). Program Version 82- 1/2112003 zs 6~ , , END WALL INTERMEDIATE POST - LEEWARD- END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 1 16:51:4709/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by' Input Data Span Member I Span I Span 2 Overall Length Notes: Lengths are to center line of bearing. Spacing or tributary width is I' . User Defined Loads Load Case Load Type Distance(s) to Load Load at Start Length Start ft ft lb -------------___ plf Load at Offset End lb fi pJ[ ---- ------ - WIND LOAD Uniform WIND LOAD 2 Uniform REACTION 2 Concentrated Description: Wind in Pos X Description: Wind in Pos X Description: Wind in Pos X 0' 16'6" -65.2 0' IS' 1'6" -3.4 0' 16'6" 247 0' Notes: Positive loads act down. Distances are measured along horizontal axis. Live loads are patterned to 100%. Weight of members is not included in the calculations. Summary of Member Forces - Load Combinations Member Span I 2 Shear Max Bending Max. -----I!.-lb 465.72 894.26 -346.27 894.26 Torsion f!.-lb Deflection in 0.066 -0.005 Reactions ~ t END WALL INTERMEDIATE POST - LEEWARD- END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. ProJect: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client. ERIC DAY Page 2 16:51 4709/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Support Load Horizontal Vertical Moment Comb. lb lb ft-lb 1 Dead+Wind in Pos X 0.00 -316.68 0.00 2 Dead+Wind in Pos X 0.00 -812.00 0.00 3 Dead+Wind in Pos X 0.00 294.77 0.00 2-1- ,\ END WALL INTERMEDIATE POST - LEEWARD- END WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 3 16:51 :4709/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Arbitrary Desian 1 - Option 1 Member 1 - 6X8FS Arbitrary Design Criteria Member 1 - 6X8FS Matenal is Timber Modulus, Bendmg X = I le+06osl Wldth=6m I, . = 184 32 m^4 Modulus, Bending Y = l.1e+06 psi Depth = 8 m Area = 48 m^2 Modulus, Shear X = I le+06osi I. - 256 m^4 j = I in^4 Modulus, Axial = I 1e+06 psi S,= 64 in^3 SF,= I Densltv - 35 ocf Iv - 144 in^4 SFv- I Coefficient of ThermaI ExpanSion = I 94444e-06 Sy = 48 m^3 Cw= I in^6 IF Critical Stress Details ReactIOn AXIal Bendmg - X Bendmg - Y Shear LL Deft TL Deft lb PSI OSI PSI PSI In In Span I Max Value -812 0 16767 -086 97 o 0662 o 0662 LocatIOn 0' 12' 12' 12' 12' 5'4-13/16" 5'4-13/16" Span 2 Max Value -812 0 16767 -086 -721 -0 0055 -0.0055 Location 0' 16'6" 12' 12' 12' 13'8-15/1 6" 13'8-15/16" Maximum connector forces: -316.678 Ib (Left) and 47.774 Ib (Right). Program Version 82- 1/21/2003 28 I' END WALL SIDE POST-Wall Column FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 1 16:52'0809/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Input Data Span Horizontal Vertical Actual Axial AXial Span Span Length Unbraced Unbraced Length Length Length X Length Y ft ft ft ft ft 0' 14'1 " 14'1 " 0' 0' 0' 14'1" 14'1 " Span 1_ ____ _ m__ Overall Length Notes. Lengths are to center line of bearing. Elevation Angle is 90 deg. Bottom is considered to be fixed. Top is considered to be a cantilever. User Defined Loads Load Case Load Type Component Descnption Wind In Pos X WIND LOAD Umform Shear - In Plane Dlstance(s) to Load Load at Load at Offset Offset Start Length Start End X y ft ft Ib Ib ft ft plf plf 0' 14' 52.2 0' 0' 14' -15 0' 0' DescnptlOn. Wmd In Pos X REACTION2 Concentrated Shear - In Plane Notes: Positive loads act down. Distances are measured along length of member. Live loads are patterned to 100%. Weight of members is not included in the calculations. Summary of Member Forces - Load Combinations 20\. \ ' END WALL SIDE POST-Wall Column FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project" 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 2 16:52:0809/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Arbitrary Desian 1 - Option 1 Member 1 - 6X8FS Arbitrary Design Criteria Member 1 - 6X8FS Material IS Timber Modulus, Bendmg X - I I e+06 psi Wldth-6m Ixv- 18432 m^4 Modulus, Bendmg Y - I 1e+06os1 Depth - 8 10 Area - 48 m^2 Modulus, Shear X - I 1 e+06 OSI I, - 256 m^4 j-Im^4 Modulus, Axial- I le+06 PSI S,- 64 m^3 SFx-1 DenSity ~ 35 pcf Iv - 144 m^4 SFv -I CoeffiCient of Thermal ExpanSion - I 94444e-06 Sy-48m^3 Cw-Im^6 IF Critical Stress Details ReactIon AXIal Bending - X Bending - Y Shear LL Deft TL Deft lb DSI DSI pSI pSI In In Span I Max Value 7158 0 -9198 0 1491 -205641 -20 5641 Location 0' 0' 0' 14' 0' 14'1" 14'1" Maximum connector forces: 715.8 Ib (Left) and 0 Ib (Right). Program Version 82- 1121/2003 &:> " END WALL SIDE POST - LEEWARD-Wall Column FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 1 16:52:1809/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Input Data Span Horizontal Span Length ft Actual Length Member 1 - - _____ _____ ~E.~ _~_ Overall Length ft Left Support Width in Right Support Width in 14'1 " -~- ------~-- - -- 14'1 " 14'1 " - y- --- ----- - ---- --------- --------------- ---- 14'1 " Notes: Lengths are to center line of bearing. Spacing or tributary width is l' . User Defined Loads Load Case Load Distance(s) to Load Load at Load at Offset Type Start Length Start End ft ft lb lb ft p/f p/f Description: WIND LOAD Wind in Pos X Uniform 0' 14' -32.6 0' Description: P2 Wind in Pos X Concentrated 14' -120 0' Notes: Positive loads act down. Distances are measured along horizontal axis. Live loads are patterned to 100%. Weight of members is not included in the calculations. Summary of Member Forces - Load Combinations Member Span Shear Max lb M____ _ _ __ __ _ ________ _ _ _ -576.40 Bending Max Torsion Deflection __ _ft-?~___ ________f!:.-lb _ _____ __ ____ _ ~!l.__ ___ _ 4874.80 23.122 Reactions Support 1 2 3 Load Comb. Dead+ Wind in Pos X Dead+Wind in Pos X Dead+Wind in Pos X Horizontal lb 576.40 0.00 0.00 Vertical lb 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moment ft-Ib -4874.80 0.00 0.00 61 " . END WALL SIDE POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY - LEEWARD-Wall Column Page 2 16:52'1809/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Arbitrary Desian 1 - Option 1 Member 1 - 6X8FS Arbitrary Design Criteria Member 1 - 6X8FS Matenal IS Timber Modulus, Bendmg X = I 1e+06 pSI Width - 6 m I~- 18432 m^4 Modulus, Bending Y - l.Ie+06 pSI Depth - 8 m Area - 48 m^2 Modulus, Shear X - I le+06 psi I, - 256 m^4 J - I in^4 Modulus, Axlal- I le+06 PSI S,- 64 m^3 SF, - 1 DensIty = 35 pcf Iv - 144 m^4 SFv ~ I CoefficIent of Thermal Expansion - I 94444e-06 Sy - 48 m^3 Cw-I m^6 IF Critical Stress Details ReactIOn AXial Bendmg - X Bendmg - Y Shear LL Deft TL Deft Ib PSI pSI PSI pSI m m Span I Max Value -576.4 0 91403 0 -1201 23 1225 23 1225 LocatIOn 0' 0' 0' 14' 0' 14'1" 14'1" Maximum connector forces: -576.4 Ib (Left) and 0 Ib (Right). Program VefSlon 8 2 - 1121/2003 3:2- " SIDE WALL POST-SIDE WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 1 16:52:41 09/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Input Data Span Horizontal Vertical Actual Axial Axial Span Span Length Unbraced Unbraced Length Length Length X Length Y ft ft ft ft ft 0' 14'1 " 14'1 " 0' 0' 0' 14'1 " 14'1" _.Span I.. .__ _ _ _ _ Overall Length Notes: Lengths are to center line of bearing. Elevation Angle is 90 deg. Bottom is considered to be fixed. Top is considered to be a cantilever. User Defined Loads Load Case Load Type Component Descri ptlOn Wmd m Pos X WIND LOAD Uniform Shear - In Plane Dlstance(s) to Load Load at Load at Offset Offset Start Length Start End X y ft ft lb lb ft ft p/f p/f 0' 14' 271 0' 0' 9'4" -2455 0' 0' Descnptlon WmdmPosX REACTION2 Concentrated Shear - In Plane Notes Positive loads act down. Distances are measured along length of member. Live loads are patterned to 100%. Weight of members is not included in the calculations. Summary of Member Forces - Load Combinations Span AXial Shear Major AXIs Ib Ib -789 0 Shear Minor AXIs Ib Bending Major AXIS ft-Ib 3682 0 Bending Minor AXIs ft-Ib Torsion ft-lb DeflectIOn Major AXIs In Deflection Minor AXIS In 2230 Reactions Support Load Comb. HOrizontal Major AXIS lb Horizontal Vertical Minor AXIS Ib Ib 00 00 Moment Major AXIS [t-Ib _ -3682.0 Moment Minor AXIS ft-Ib 00 Dead+Wmd m Pos X 7890 33 \ \ SIDE WALL POST-SIDE WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client. ERIC DAY Page 2 16:52"41 09/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Arbitrary Desian 1 - Option 1 Member 1 - 6X8FS Arbitrary Design Criteria Member 1 - 6X8FS Matenal IS Timber Modulus, Bending X - I le+06 pSI Width - 6 in Ix.- 18432 in^4 Modulus, Bendmg Y - I I e+06 PSI Depth - 8 m Area - 48 in^2 Modulus, Shear X - I 1e+06 psi Ix - 256 m^4 J-Im^4 Modulus, Axial- I le+06 psi S,- 64 in^3 SFx -I Density - 35 pcf I. - 144 m^4 SF. - I Coefficient of Thermal Expansion - I 94444e-06 Sy - 48 in^3 Cw- I m^6 IF Critical Stress Details ReactIOn AXIal Bending - X Bending - Y Shear LL Deft TL Deft lb pSI OSI pSI OSI In In Span I Max Value -789 0 690 38 0 -1644 2 2302 2 2302 Location 0' 0' 0' 14' 0' 14'1" 14'1" Maximum connector forces: -789 Ib (Left) and 0 Ib (Right). Program Version 82- 1/21/2003 34- \ ' , SIDE WALL POST - LEEWARD-SIDE WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 1 16:52.5409/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Input Data Span Horizontal Actual Left Right Span Length Support Support Length Width Width ft ft In in 14'1 " 14'1" -. 14'1 " 14'1 " Member 1 .. ~ea!1 1 Overall Length Notes: Lengths are to center line of bearing. Spacing or tributary width is l' . User Defined Loads Load Case Load Type Distance(s) to Load Load at Load at Offset Start Length Start End ft ft lb ..!b ___L._ 14' 789 0' 9'4" -1578 0' Description: Wind in Pos X Description: Wind in Pos X REACTION 3 Concentrated REACTION2 Concentrated Notes: Positive loads act down. Distances are measured along horizontal axis. Live loads are patterned to 100%. Weight of members is not included in the calculations. Summary of Member Forces - Load Combinations Member Span Shear Max lb -789.00 Bending Max [t-IJ? ...__ 3682.00 Torsion DeflectIOn ft-lb. . .___._. ... _. in 2.230 Reactions Support Load Horizontal Vertical Moment Comb. lb lb ft-lb 1 Dead+Wind in Pos X 789.00 0.00 -3682.00 2 Dead+Wind in Pos X 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Dead+Wind in Pos X 0.00 0.00 0.00 ~ " . -, SIDE WALL POST FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY LEEWARD-SIDE WALL POST Page 2 16:52:54 09/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Arbitrary Desian 1 - Option 1 Member 1 - 6X8FS Arbitrary Design Criteria Member 1 - 6X8FS Matenal is Timber Modulus, Bendmg X - 1.1 e+06 OSI Wldth-6m Ixv- 184.32 m^4 Modulus, Bendmg Y - I 1e+06 pSI Deoth - 8 10 Area - 48 m^2 Modulus, Shear X - I le+06osl Ix - 256 m^4 J-Im^4 Modulus, Axial- l.le+06 osi Sx- 64 in^3 SF,= I Densltv = 35 ocf Iv = 144 m^4 SF, = I Coefficient of Thermal Expansion - I 94444e-06 Sy - 48 m^3 Cw-Im^6 IF Critical Stress Details ReactIOn AXIal Bendmg - X Bendmg - Y Shear LL Deft TL Deft lb PSI DSI DSI PSI m m Span I Max Value -789 0 690 38 0 -1644 2 2302 2 2302 Location 0' 0' 0' 14' 0' 14'1" 14'1" Maximum connector forces: -789 Ib (Left) and 0 Ib (Right). Program Version 82- 1/21/2003 3c::> ,~ \ -, END WALL GIRTS-Quick Beam FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client: ERIC DAY Page 1 16:51 :2009/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: Input Data "llit"y,~<'-1"-mm..Ji"'1i!t'!M!!.""!':m'''''''''' ~"">,>r~-~",,*,,~"'''''~$'i?~'''l>'',~~,vw:w04m~ H.# h:f A'i:r~~ trtW'-"I,t,l't, 'pf"~""'~' ~ ~- .-;- ~"""'>'l\IW''',-~N'' ~";.^\i1j~^">...::r;<,""""'A?' ,,,me,,,-} ,j;'l!)tlsig- n~<)J?2xJ;;t401k~;;;ffiem;:'fEi~'!Dim- 'ensioh'aU" ~f '"%'~.'!RjJl~ ~t'~J;';ZfJ~.xtt >~_ ,::<,,,,,;ot:'i1I~:,''!\lif;?}fiS?'';fd:;.'f~Ji;4'{'' ~;:-:;;<,::;:"'i" ~<<<~- l<~~"~t",~.><~""_~-",,,,,,,,,,,,'~i!.....~,,w~ <=~_~....:w. .........:M""'. ~J~V>.1.tA ,~~n.....'l-; h'~ -' l<.^,~f~"'"\'};~""'{'"*"-:::dg-,<;,::~,~.._z:::.I~'~~""~':!l. lwl,~mA~..(Wl(.'h~:&' 'M-'t..* ^ '"^'-J Left Cantilever' None Main Span' 7'6" Right Cantilever' None Check for repetitive use? Yes Tributary Width. 0' Slope' 0 Dead Load' 0 psf Live Load' 0 psf Snow Load: 0 Allow LL Deflection: U120 Allow TL Deflection' U120 DOL' 1 600 (3 in Maximum) Eb 1300000 psi Fv. 75 pSI Fb. 850 psi User Defined Loads Wind In Pos X Uniform 0' 7'6" 58.6 Design Checks , ,I>tell" Max. Value Allowable % of Allow. Location ....net" ,~\~fB ,> ~~~,~ 21975 911 311 24~ 0' 1614.49' .._,~ 57 902 -0.5988 -0 5988 2346 120 075 0.75 69~ 48~ 79~ 79~ 3'9" 3-1/2" 3'9" 3'9" Reactions and Bearing , , Qii0,~ " .,.. .ctioi'i1:,:T~:~:.}~; r..w.\I:'{,~."y- ~~ b "';f-,' t~3"'~~v~,\:>}j" ,: 21975 21975 O' 7'6" 1 5 1 5 Self-weight of member IS not Included Member has an actual/allowable ratio in span 1 of 79 ~ %. DeSign IS governed by total deflection. Governing load combination IS Dead+Wlnd in Pos X. Maximum hanger forces: 219.75 Ib (Left) and 219 75 Ib (Right) Program Version 82- 1/21/2003 37- .~ :> ROOF PURLIN-Quick Beam FOUR SEASONS ENG. Project: 003-162 Job: ERIC DAY Client. ERIC DAY Page 1 16:52:30 09/11/03 Designed by: John Partch Checked by: , Input Data ;[,,~r:ifJmhG'''1r;::t:&~;;:^<~'04:! :-<.'i>:J;t"4w~ ~\.'::V,: Af"nl>w~'''>''~HV~x, - ?},;;rJ<;1 )r1:.......,.,.~..:#Sl:~ ~ ~ V,W ~0\1F W".~llii%~J~II:"'>t:'bIi~:~~j.>.p,1W~~f ~ ':t ,(\~:@if,...1t ~ ;.4",' ~"J f@l;\e!ll:jg nWof%!)yQfNo~~;.Hem~Cjf?o:a.mensional'. !>. "1?f0<~; ':"l!:~"';f'/<!:: ",1;}~}, /':~;;, ~ .N ';w~S.h' ['\; Q1fiH;l1W\i,,!'., "';1;:1 ; j.,:,J!!f~ ~l-i<"~~Y~''''''''"l-'''''''M''''''''_''''''''''''''''~~\.'''_'''''''''''''''""",-,~""_"",, r~^~W__'~!&:-%'>.~),illt~~ ,.;~g~ilif. " w::, ~W''ul&;~"....."..,,~1*.m~..,~.iW4<' Left Cantilever: None Main Span: 12' Right Cantilever: None Check for repetitive use? Yes Tributary Width: 0' Slope 0 Dead Load: 0 psf Live Load 0 psf Snow Load. 0 Allow. LL Deflection' U240 Allow TL Deflection: U180 DOL' 1.150 (3 In Maximum) Eb' 1300000 psi Fv: 75 pSI Fb: 850 psi User Defined Loads Snow Condition 1 Dead 12' 12' 50 20 Design Checks Max. Value Allowable % of Allow Location 420 911.311 46~ O' 1150 63 1348.95 85~ 6' 52 098 86.25 60~ 11 '4-3/4" -0.3767 0.6 62~ 6' -0.5274 08 65~ 6' Reactions and Bearing 0' 12' 1.5 1.5 Self-weight of member IS not included. Member has an actual/allowable ratio in span 1 of 85 tI % Design is governed by bending fb/Fb Governing load combination IS Dead+Snow Condition 1 Maximum hanger forces, 420 Ib (Left) and 420 Ib (Right) Program Version 8.2 - 1121/2003 3-6 " U 11 II .1 II I. " ., .. II " roa I~D~ NEW POLE BUILDING OPTION A 30' X 60' OPTION B 30' X 40' 6.0' 11 J 60' ~ L30,--! PROPANE TANK .. II II II II f1 J1 .. .. .. II .- ~ ~ EIGHTEENTH STREET _ II 11 '" ROAD R/W de If. _ --- ~-",- ~ -~---------::._-..::.::- --- --:':- ---='1 ....-~ .,- --~ \' 'j DRYWEU"b . .~ .....--- - II .. .. ~"e STORM SEWER de QjDR~EU II II If .1 II .. II II II , I .1 \ I I \ , , ~. II t I , \ ,,1 -- - - ..- - - ~~, FilE .. ill~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES - Construction Plans The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi. cations and other data shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requinng the correction of errors in said plans, specifications a!!d.. ~er data, 01 from preventing building operations being earned on thereunder when in ."",,, 01 ." "''''nrnl 'm,,,,,,, 01 "7. (SECTION 303(c) :~n\o:~.:~ Code.) _.. . ... Approval Date ~y PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF CLALlAM COUNTY DWG: ENGR: DATE: 4-24-03 REV: I 50 ~ 25 0 SCAlE IN I 50 FEET POLE BUILDING 1936 WEST 18TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 SHEET 1 OF 1 (H:\FLOORPLN\PA\POLEBARN) 11\:l(() ON3 ----=-t' ; t fJ:.u(70) l1id fr1 i, 01'/3 17't1 NO lh~9-L fixe:: l~ / J ~ II /~ :1 -r A ; t??J __n' ,--, '...-, _. -_. /'" . 'I' ,", .' ------~-- -,- ---..-, -. 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Addr..': ...a:t~ ,0..-" PAP/(" City: .Af- I4tlhJ.... to(! < lLJa INSTALLATION WIRED 6V; 0 OWN~R <<~LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR CredllCardHolderName: O'U~Af ~/.A~{ f Billing Address: 2:lf ~ '/)(;;!'?P &-< City: ART .I4tlJ<r<ll (; " PROJECT ADOResS: 14:~~ Cr/~ I @ TYPE OF WORK: Check all thal apply: 0 New o Alteralion/Addilion o Residental 0 Multi.family o Commercial 0 Mobile Home Sq. Ft. FOP. OmCI^L ~:~r.('''I.Y D..ttR".: Prn'l\ll': 0.., Al'f'm",lt: DJltl~d: ... !!(,o -<I!>::J. - C;Y'</3 45'.:1- 9?7 / Zip: PhOne: r./ 57 - t,Rq 7 Z;p: "7 f~~L Zip: lile. c;~~ VISA:-.LMC:_ o Remote Meter 0 Detached ga,age 0 HOI Tub 0 Swim Pool 0 Septic Pump 0 Low Voltage 0 Telecom. 0 Sigr Number 01 CI,cults added or altered: ~ ......-::--' DESCRtPTION OF THE ELECTRICAL PROJECT: ~_ -f/ u1...- . C:I7Nk(I"':c...-r'~ If-! ~ tJe..foJ~>-~~- ~? Electrical Heat Load Additions Service Information o Baseboard o Furnace o Heal Pump o Fan-Wall _KW _KW _KW _KW o Overhead Service D Temp Service o Underground Service Vollage; Phase; 0 1 0 3 Service Size: Feede,Slze' PAMC 14.05.060(B); For Industrial, commercial, & residential projects larger than a duplex. a one. line drawing 01 the Electrica' Service & Feeders, building size (sq. ft.), load calculations. and the Iype & 01 conductors andlo, raceway is required and shall accompany the Electrical Permit application, I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and kno lhis permil. I understand it is no/the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicants responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. 0\-/ ~) PW.9019 Credit Card Holder's Signature: O,..,t.Jl~ ~~~ ,J! Owner or Elec. Cont. Signature: tl./n,,1"; c;pt1/ I If-;: ~<Vd/l ~ ;4to nh'/o3 Date: I ~/ q~/tJ. oate:l1/~(1ld : :f rz~ ,"3 0 DCI D'AMATO CONVERSANO INC. Consulting Engineers Apo ft To FIST meS 5 61--1 (6), x4 s 12 2Ki2 I (4 S 0 25S 5 )01: 121 Ot N3 P63 ti-tb S ASS L 23'710 k5 237(0 STa L (tEi, Subject 3 56 61 443tot: 23,'16 USE 1 /2 s Lr 7 1) L.re,,1 c de-0 ift '1/2) Project CLA LLA I .2 FfiA-me .STyle-o e 160 3 8 oT 31 s S ST /I 1 Project No. Sheet No. 7 7 By Date Cfi— s -2717 Mire- 2 ST64 c- k, T4 1 0 4 3 5 froo 125 11 qo _il Nin to 17 9 q 0 2_74 IS 10. 0_ S f L x I r f D40 7 C. 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720 F kip D lb /ft M kip -ft E. ksi 152 900 kip ft 8( Input Data FRAME MAC file 97065 -frame 4 snow +DL +wind Last modified at 2 29 46 AM on Thu Mar 6 1997 All coord and distances are in ft There are 49 nodes and 48 elements There are 143 degrees of freedom, the half bandwidth is 9 Element characteristics From, To Length Section E Include Top is on Hinged at Nodes ft name ksi self wt top or left node(s) 1 3 5 500 S1 29000 000 Yes Yes 2 4 5 500 S1 29000 000 Yes Yes 3 5 0 750 S1A 29000 000 Yes Yes 4 6 0 750 SlA 29000 000 Yes Yes 5 7 0 750 S2 29000 000 Yes Yes 6 8 0 750 S2 29000 000 Yes Yes 7 9 1 000 S2A 29000 000 Yes Yes 8 10 1 000 S2A 29000 000 Yes Yes 9 11 2 000 S3 29000 000 Yes Yes 10 12 2 000 S3 29000 000 Yes Yes 11 13 2 000 S4 29000 000 Yes Yes 12 14 2 000 S4 29000 000 Yes Yes 13 15 2 000 S5 29000 000 Yes Yes 14 16 2 000 S5 29000 000 Yes Yes 15 17 2 000 S6 29000 000 Yes Yes 16 18 2 000 S6 29000 000 Yes Yes 17 19 0 500 S7 29000 000 Yes Yes 18 20 0 500 S7 29000 000 Yes Yes 19 21 3 010 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Citfir/A -ri 0 r (1) 18" .e7( �oL Pit Oi X 4 46 1 -i aC,fz 11\ I F a.' /2r` 6)06p0 lc fi U 2 frti /-L. (9 f 'rJc.,h\A._s y sovx130] DCI D AMATO CONVERSANO INC Consulting Engineers Project Project No Sheet No br at fig (IL criObs- Subject votcko L- 3 88 1SIs/i/ L x 9, 10 14- z q stile y (ir) A (I PI T 9 ToDs gH By Date DCI D AMATO CONVERSANO INC Consulting Engineers Subject Mo och 2(,, 5' Project a l l LLAl" 1 2, 1(L e p s✓ k r evl spat o F Project No Sheet No 97 NOS to By Date CAS s 27 7 T eg014 )-(P3 s 31I s,3 Cam OF 5 /4 6i 4 60t xl 3 S C�P AUri o (6) I A3Z.S r tbn -73 (9 Ic„s 6) 1,0 DSt (la) 1'6 02tisrJ a oL%,3 DCI D AMATO CONVERSANO INC Consulting Engineers Subject Project affnit 103 5 O fre 71 Or t S) 1;`A s i o e 0,6x30 )(3)(Z><2 14-00 1 /271-22 1 It ca 5195 of 1.)16 o.tox36 ►,-s s (z) 1'4) 1 (1'13 2) fifi�l�ess 9041 I If 3, -71 U5.e 1 I /4 Fn s; I' Pm N ot ,1 rivt ph N� 99 i2 T Ho -1 ,1, o k CARP T or Burs Project No Sheet No By Date Vl,0 Ip 31 D 1" d At -.-1Q 0 tL 1 /27(0 I/2 X (-k) 2, 13 ti 1 41.A.4 D 6y 3 (e) s gSlk 3 Re i e.,' (-06,, LOU HAEHNLAN Date CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING DIV Project No P 0 BOX 1150, PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 CLALLAM CO PUD #1 PORT ANGELES WAREHOUSE REPAIR 1936 West 18th Street, Port Angeles, WA. we are sending the following: For your ENCL. DRAWINGS CALCULATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL UPGRADE 3 COPIES REVISED STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS S1 THRU S4 2 COPIES SUPPLEMENTAL STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS MR. HAEHNLAN I Attached I ).X I information Enclosed are copies of the additional structural calculations and revised structural drawings for the upgrade of the existing structure of the P U.D warehouse, as we discussed on the phone. It is the intention of the P U D to increase the strength of the existing frames and purlins to meet current code requirements. The work will be done at the same time as the building repair Please review this information as a supplement to the permit that has already been issued for the building repair We understand that additional permit fees may apply The estimated valuation of this portion of work only is approximately $60,000 If you have any comments or questions about the enclosed information please contact me at (425) 451 -1220 When you have completed your review please notify Tom Treat at the Clallam County P U D #1 office in Sequim, 683 -4101 Thank you. By Doug Bertsch, Architect cc Tom Treat, Clallam Co P U D If enclosures are not as noted kindly notify us at once Under separate cover Review and Comment r As Requested LAWHEAD ARCHITECTS PS TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM FAX TRANSMITTAL 6/6/97 9701.00 808 106TH AVENUE N.E. SUITE 201 BELLEVUE, WA. 98004 (425)451 1220 Aug 04 2014 0ZD8PM Olympic Electric Co., Inc 3604523498 page 1 RE" C J AUG p � t 4J�77� Q% QCYlZ74,1 � CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION ELECIR�� Building Division /Electrical Inspections 321 East Fifth Street — P.O, Box 1150 1 Port Angeles Washingto0,98 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 Cate; c a Multi-Family or Commercial* I Plan Review May Be Required, Please, mplete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet Job Ail dress:__/ 4 Building Square Footage: Description of above Owner Informat€ n Contractor Information Name: Flame; OLYMPIC ELECTRIC Malli Ass'. _ ddre Mailing Address, 4230 -MWATFR Ci '$tats: Ip: Cj{y; PORTANGELES State. WA Zip: 9e363 Phone; Fax: Phone: 00.467.6363 Fax: 369 -152 -3498 License I Exp. License # i Exp. 1 !km UnIt Charsle Total (Qty Multiplied by Unit Charnel Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $132,00 $ Service/Feeder 201.400 Amp, $160.00 $ ServicelFeeder 401.6D0 Amp $ 225,00 $ Service/Feeder 601.1000 Amp. $ 288.00 $ ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $ 410.00 $ Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder $ 5,00 $ Branch Circuit WO Service Feeder $ 74.00 _� $ Each Additional Branch Clrcult $ 5100 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86,00 $ Temp. Service! Feeder 200 Amp, $102.00 $ Temp. ServicelFeeder 2014DO Amp. $121.00 $ Temp. SefvicelFeeder 401 -600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp, Sarvice)Feeder 601 -1 DOD Amp $185,00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ SignlOutline Lighting $ 88.00 $ SignalCrcuiULimitedEnergy - Multi- Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Chou'! Limited Energy I First 1500 sf — Commercial $ 96,04 $ Note: $5,0C for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy - 5KVA System or Less $113,00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional T -5tat LZ41—' otal Owneras defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owner wltl occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized, (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractorif above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in carnpliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296 -46B, The City of fort Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PANIC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applicatians, Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ cash ❑ Check ® Credit Card p ����oaWd: / 01101012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Application Number 14- 00000924 Date 8/05/14 Application pin number 345276 Property Address . , . . . 1936 W 18TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-1-1- 1904 -1000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name , , . . . , Property Use , . , . . , Property Zoning , , . . , . . INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation ; , . . 0 Application desc Gate loop detector ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CQ INC PO BOX 1350 4230 TUMWATER PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 457 -5303 Permit , . , , . , ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc , . Permit Fee 74.00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 8/05/14 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 2/01/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74.0000 ECH EL -COMM BRANCH CIR WO/ S/F 74,00 --------------------------------------------------------- -- - -- - -- ---- - - - --- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 74.00 74,00 00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 ,00 .00 Grand Total 74.00 74.00 .00 .00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPEC'T'OR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGE\BU1LDING x ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Application Number . . . . . 15- 00001288 Date 10/13/15 Application pin number . . . 935984 Property Address . . . . 1936 W 18TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-1-1-1900-1000- Application type description ELECTRTCAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use Property Zoning , . . . . . . INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation . . . . 0 Application desc Portable office ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ---------------- -- - - - - -- ------------------ - - - - -- PORT OF PORT ANGELES APS ELECTRIC PO BOX 1350 546 BENSON RD, PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 PORT ANGELES WA 9x363 (360) 452 -6753 Permit , . . , . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee 132,00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 10/13/15 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 4/10/16 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 132.0000 ECH EL --COM 0 -200 SRV FEEDER 132.00 Fee :summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 132.00 132.00 .00 QO Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 ,00 Grand Total 132,00 132.00 .00 ,00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTIONTYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTI4S FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGE.IBUILDING - 10/12/2015 07:36AM 3604526753 A.P.S. ELECTRICAL PAGE 01/01 CITY OF PORT .ANGEUS PERMIT A ppucATION Buildiing Vivision/Electricai Inspectlans 321 East Fifth Street — F.O. Box 1150 / fort Angeles Wasbiington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417.4735 Fax: (360) 417 -4711 Date; .1 Q rl fly �L Multi - Family a ommeroial* Zt�kf It Plan Review Ma a Reg4i lease W Plectrical Ian Review Infomrallon Sheet Job Address: ! -lete W t` c. Building Square Footaga: Desc Vlon of above R LA TN nid yd 43,3 u t,vv , n -e r- Owner Information p U contra ar l rmatlo I Name: Name: YS MailingAddroas:1 3!e ^ t WingAddrms; CIO: State: AT City; -- Zip; Prime: fax; Phone: : �Fax v Uwe # I Exp. License # f Exp. hm Unit Charga Total y "Wd by Unit Charae Servlce/Faedar 200 Amp. S132.00 Servloe/Feeder 2014N Amp. $160.00 $ ServiwdFeeder401 -600 Amp $ 225.00 $ Sarvice/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. $286,00 $ ServicW aederaver 1000 Amp. $ 410,00 $ Branch Clrm- WlService Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74.00 -- $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.04 $ Sranch Clrcults 14 $ 86.00 Temp. Service/ Feador 200 Amp. $102.00 - $ Temp. Servim/Feeder 201.400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp, Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp, $164.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Partal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 6 _ SbnrOutiiria Lighting $ 0,00 -- Signal Circuit! limited Energy -Multi- Family $ 64.00 $ Signal C(rcuit/ Umited F'nergy / First 1500 sf - Commercial $ 96.00 $ Nate: $5,00 for each additional 15W sf Renewable Etecldcal Energy -5KVA System or Less $113.00 Themmlat $ 56.00 _ S biota: $5.00 for each additional TStat f 34'-C) Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.28,261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical pormit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent ar leaw. Permit expires after six months of last inspecgon. After reeding the above statement, t hereby Certify that I am the owner of the above normal property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making ft electrical installation or alteration in comptiance with the electrical laws, N.E,C., FtCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14,06.0660 mgandirtg Electrtcal Permit Applications. Signature of avmer, electrical cone actor or electrical administrator: ❑ Cash 0 C:44 �j �' A�CWRC4140 07t X G� �Sbtz)L_Daw: 10 ` [ a '( 01r011Y012 ELECTRICAL PERMIT''' Ask CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number . . . . . 18-00000159 Date 2/07/18 Application pin number . . . 863149 Property Address . . . . . . 1936 W 18TH ST REPORT STATE SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06 -30 -00 -1 -1 -1900 -1000 - tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY On your excise Subdivision Name . . . . . . to the City Of Port Angeles Property Use (Location Code 0542) Property Zoning INDUSTRIAL HEAVY Application valuation . . . . 0 Application desc Lighting and CresCom power ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor PORT OF PORT ANGELES APS ELECTRIC PO BOX 1350 546 BENSON RD. PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 452-6753 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc 1-4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee 86.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 2/07/18 valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 8/06/18 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 86.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------- Permit Fee Total 86.00 86.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 86.00 86.00 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN /}JR FINAI, COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: 02/0512018 05:53PM 3604526753 A.P.S. ELECTRICAL PAGE 02/02 vV, CITY OF PORE' ANGELES PERma APPLICA'T'ION Building Dit Won/Electricai Inspections 321. East Fift Street — P.O. Box. 1150 / Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417-4735 Fax: (360) 41.7-4711 Date:a_C3 •17- _ MNulti-Family Commercial'° * Plan Review Ma Be Required Please Complete E I Pian Review �f rr�I bon Sheet .rob Adams: P IAT Wcx► e- h cA SP, two W 1 Suil ft Square Footage:, Description of above r� t c t✓ tt I t -N — tt! >� it o r f r' b-tj, i' z o il!! m •t cT `C r S C1v i S Owner Infonlaetiotk Name: ii'' Nam, ci/A IIfo�rttadon Name: �{ N MaiTrng Adr % (� u) i `a �A Malling Address: • ► . � City: i''� State: Zip: Ctty Siete: C pl 1 Phone: Fax. Phone' Fax: , n License # 1 l xp Ucwa #, Fxp. Item Unit Chame Qty Total (OLY Multiolied by Unit Chamei! SeMce/Feeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $ Service/Feeder 201400 Amp. $160.00 $ ServiealFesder 401-600 Amp $ 225.00 $ Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $ 288.00 $ Servica/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $ 410.00 $ Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/0 Service Feeder $ 74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 14 $ 86.00 � $ Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. $10200 $ Temp. ServiceJPeeder 201400 Amp. $121"00 $ Temp. Servioaeeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp. SenrioWFeeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ Sign/Outiine Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy — Multi -Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Circuit/ Limiled Energy / First 1500 sf — Commercial S 96.00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy - 5KVA Systam or Less $113.00 R _. Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note: $5.00 for each additional T -SW $ $ Total Owner as defined by RCW.19,28.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an elecUical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease" Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that l am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making . the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Speaficalions and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: � T ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number 17-00001806 Date 12/07/17 Application pin number . . . 253574 Property Address . . . . . . 1936 W 18TH $T REPORT STATE SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06 -30 -00 -1 -1 -1900 -1000 - Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise tax form Subdivision Name . . . . . . to the City of Port Angeles Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . INDUSTRIAL HEAVY (Location Code 0502) Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Lighting retrofit XFMS shop ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Owner DATE: RESULTS: Contractor ------------------------ DITCH ------------------------ PORT OF PORT ANGELES APS ELECTRIC SERVICE PO BOX 1350 546 BENSON RD. i7/1 -7 - PORT ANGELES WA 983620251 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 CON[MENTS: (360) 452-6753 PMUP WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . 1-4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee . . . . 86.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 12/07/17 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 6/05/18 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 86.00 Fee summary ----------------- Charged. ---------- Paid Credited ----------- Due Permit Fee Total ---------- 86.00 ---------- 86.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 86.00 86.00 .00 .00, INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN i7/1 -7 - FINAL c CON[MENTS: PMUP WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION - Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: 12106/2017 12:55PM 3604526753 A.P.S. ELECTRICAL CM OF J?CW IOGUM PERMIT "PLICAMN 321 fiat Ift Stre —PO. Bog �lSQ/ Aag�s Wa�sl�gtoa, 98362 Pb: (360) 417 -MS Fa= (MO) 4I7-4711 rAUt 1711 eii Flm Ada M��p Rev lnf�ma5c Sheet SeaidowFeetiw=A". s, IW.0O0 XT u a4< $ se�vk eederso,-locoa„�. $288.00 Se ADWFeeder ager 9000 Amp. OWWWOMU%R Ve &amb Omd W! Service Feeder MA I. erffirds C Wb SwAoe Feeder Nam Lk AN $ 5OD tech cis tit AL a to w . k T!-.- 1Na7egAddress• A 90200 Plow _ #fes,► $121.00 phpw - - Fac-�--�"�i- Taatrp Setviaeeed®r6011000Aa>p., $986.00 PWW iu Falgl tioarly K ft T S S _ TOM Owaaer as defrted by RCW.19.28.281: (9) Owren vA oaxrargtr the strudm fw *m years aftr dais ab*W penrr0 is . {4 0w w is ciegtlted too We an eieehicsi oars Wabawe said pMeq is for sate, and or lease. Pard expeas amt six m mft of hd i Motion, Afar reading the abm $errtecrt, l hereby owft ttrat J am the ewer of do d xm manned propeny or a kwMd eiecb*W coraha*r, i am M&N d►a eiechicaf it>shaNa9an aE adera6on in ,:::, 'a v the ei tical here, NEC, RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapbr 298496, Thai Cky of Pat Angeles Mures Code, and My Sp dtcigM & and PAtY1C 14.05-050 regarding ©ecWO Pam* AppilWons. SC s of &MW, etardr;c:s! ooAhvetar or efsa ffi admkd*vftr © csdi ❑ 0 Cmffftda SeaidowFeetiw=A". s, IW.0O0 $ se�vk eederso,-locoa„�. $288.00 Se ADWFeeder ager 9000 Amp. $ 410A0 &amb Omd W! Service Feeder $ 5.00 erffirds C Wb SwAoe Feeder $ 74.00 Each Adamw t oro C $ 5OD tech cis tit $ 86.00 Temp, Ser+da Fwder200Amp. A 90200 Temp, S~eedar M400 Amp. $121.00 Twgx 8ervPwfwder4Ot.800 Amp. 31640 Taatrp Setviaeeed®r6011000Aa>p., $986.00 PWW iu Falgl tioarly s 86,00 SignPDu�ae li atitrg s 88A S Com/ LitniaQ — MWSFan* s " titgt CirGC limbedSY / FRbi 1SUQ—Caxaaat 5 96.0(1 Now $5.00 for each moo" 1500 of Rwwa bb Bechiod EMW - S KVA SjrsW or lees $ 413.00 Thm"O" $ 56.00 Plow $5.00 for each akOmW T-Stat ft T S S _ TOM Owaaer as defrted by RCW.19.28.281: (9) Owren vA oaxrargtr the strudm fw *m years aftr dais ab*W penrr0 is . {4 0w w is ciegtlted too We an eieehicsi oars Wabawe said pMeq is for sate, and or lease. Pard expeas amt six m mft of hd i Motion, Afar reading the abm $errtecrt, l hereby owft ttrat J am the ewer of do d xm manned propeny or a kwMd eiecb*W coraha*r, i am M&N d►a eiechicaf it>shaNa9an aE adera6on in ,:::, 'a v the ei tical here, NEC, RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapbr 298496, Thai Cky of Pat Angeles Mures Code, and My Sp dtcigM & and PAtY1C 14.05-050 regarding ©ecWO Pam* AppilWons. SC s of &MW, etardr;c:s! ooAhvetar or efsa ffi admkd*vftr © csdi ❑ 0 Cmffftda