HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 09222021 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION 6¨±³´ « -¤¤³¨­¦ 0®±³ !­¦¤«¤²Ǿ 7 ²§¨­¦³®­ ΘΗΒΕΑ 3¤¯³¤¬¡¤± ΑΑ, 2021 6:00 p.m. 2%'5,!2 -%%4).' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Andrew Schwab (Chair), Benjamin Stanley (Vice-Chair), Riche Ahuja, Steve Luxton, Marolee Smith, Steven Switzer, Colin Young City Staff Present: Allyson Brekke (Director) Emma Bolin (Manager) Ben Braudrick (Associate Planner) Chris Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney) Bob Bengford (MAKERS Architecture) Scott Bonjukian (MAKERS Architecture) Public Present: Virtual Meeting PUBLIC COMMENT: John Ralston, City Resident Commended the work that the City and consultant MAKERS Architecture had produced. He appreciated the visuals that MAKERS had produced to demonstrate the draft code requirements Chair Schwab closed public comments APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Stanley moved to accept the minutes from the July 28, 2020 meeting. Commissioner Switzer seconded, all were in approval ACTION ITEMS 1. Work Session: Building Residential Capacity Presentation Consultants Bob Bengford and Scott Bonjukian presented an overview of the draft code changes related to building residential capacity to the Planning Commission. Chair Schwab opened up the work session to comments and questions from the Commission. He commented that the charts and zoning colors were difficult to differentiate and asked if they could be changed to provide more distinction. He asked if existing accessory dwelling units (ADU’s) could be subdivided to become a primary home on a separate lot. Director Brekke responded that stand alone ADU’s are currently not allowed but that there may be direction in the non-conforming chapter of Title 17. There may be an opportunity to clarify ADU standards for existing or remodeled ADU’s in the draft code update. Consultant Bengford added that splitting a lot with one street Planning Commission Minutes November 13, 2019 Page 2 access would continue t not be allowed by this draft code update. The possibility was discussed by staff. It could be something that is looked at down the road during another code update. Commissioner Stanley stated that he was overall impressed by the draft proposal and felt it balanced the community’s needs. He provided an example of increased residential density and encouraging affordable housing without too many standards that may stifle development. He asked if eliminated lot coverage requirements would allow development all the way to the property line or 100% of the lot. Consultant Bonjukian clarified the difference between lot and site coverage. Lot coverage would only be for structures, not hard surfaces. Setbacks and landscape standards will regulate the distance a structure can be located in relation to the property line. Commissioner Stanley asked if a property owner could subdivide into a 3,500 sf lot with an existing home and create a duplex. He wondered if a property owner could create 4 units on 7,000 sf with a subdivision. Director Brekke responded that duplexes are currently allowed as a primary use in all but the R11, Residential Lower Density zone. Commissioner Stanley asked if an ADU would be allowed as an accessory use to a duplex. Director Brekke responded that an ADU is defined as an accessory use to a single-family residence, so at this time it could not be located on the same lot. Commissioner Stanley commented that the height restriction on the east side of Lincoln Street would disrupt the potential development at a greater density of several large vacant lots in that area. He supported changing all the mixed designations to storefront in the downtown area to promote a more pedestrian friendly environment. Commissioner Luxton commented that the 25-foot lot frontage width should be available in all of the City’s R7 zoning districts, not just the core townsite. He felt that the number of design standards increased the complexity for developers and would make it more difficult for staff to evaluate a building permit application. Commissioner Smith had comments but was unable to overcome audio issues. Commissioner Ahuja stated that he had come into the meeting late and had no comments. Planner Braudrick let the Commissioners know that the meeting was being recorded and could be watched at a later date. Commissioner Switzer echoed what Commissioner Stanley had said about the height requirements on the east side of Lincoln Street. Commissioner Young agreed with eliminating the Lincoln Street height requirement. He asked about subdividing lots that were slightly less than 7,000 sf. Director Brekke answered that the code allowed for a de minimis variance on lots that were no more than 5 percent less than the required lot area for just such situations. Planner Braudrick commented that there likely wasn’t a single 7,000 sf lot in Port Angeles, they are all slightly less or more than that area. Commissioner Young commented that the 10 percent open space requirement for small lots may be difficult on steep slopes, which are prevalent in Port Angeles. Consultant Bonjukian responded that it could be a covered or hardscaped area, and it didn’t need to be a flat space, just open space. Commissioner Young commented that the height restriction should be higher near the hospital to allow for growth upwards. He also felt that one-story structures should be allowed in the downtown area and didn’t feel like multifamily living should have a common open space requirement because he didn’t feel like those spaces are ever used. He asked about parking requirements and if they can be reduced if you are in a more walkable area of the City. Consultant Bonjukian responded that the existing parking requirements were located in Chapter 14.40 of the Municipal Code and that there were additions proposed to make that section more flexible. Commissioner Young asked if landscape standards would apply to existing uses or if they would be grandfathered in, even if the business changed. Director Brekke responded that the regulations would only be required for new development or an addition to an existing use. The Commissioner commented that although he didn’t particularly like big box stores, that he didn’t like seeing them constructed in unannexed areas outside of the City. The Director responded that those uses need large or accumulated lots. Planning Commission Minutes November 13, 2019 Page 3 There are fewer options in the City. Manager Bolin r ead a question from Commissioner Smith asking if there were any allowances being made for portable living units such as tiny homes in the draft code. Director Brekke stated that the inclusion of permanent living in those types of structures was outside the scope of the current code update. Commissioner Luxton wondered about the conflicts that might arise from the proposed code and the existing Urban Service Standards and Guidelines. STAFF UPDATES Manager Bolin relayed to the Commission that the City was losing its Assistant Planner. She stated that the Climate Action Planning Group was meeting with consultant Cascadia to discuss the completed Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Public Participation effort next Monday. She let the Commission know that they would be getting an update on the Inventory at their next meeting. November may provide an opportunity for the Commission to review the Council Strategic Plan and start to plan the Commission’s business in 2022. The Commissions would continue to hold meetings virtually and would follow the lead of the City Council when to go back in person. Director Brekke updated the Commission on the Envision Port Angeles Code update and the success of the community survey. She stated that staff would provide the website for the code update. She reminded the Commission of the schedule for the code update they were briefed on th . today, with a Public Hearing being held on October 13 Planner Braudrick noted that the Façade Grant program had been reopened and that they would th be reviewing an application on the 13 as well. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Chair Schwab asked about the recycling containers behind his business. Director Brekke directed the Commissioners to read the press release that was recently published by the City on the matter. Commissioner Stanley commented on the opportunity to create a McMenamins at the old Lincoln School. Commissioner Young supported looking at the Council’s Strategic Plan. He also supported staff walking the Commissioners through a typical development from beginning to end to better understand the process. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m. Ben Braudrick, Secretary Andrew Schwab, Chair PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick, Secretary