HomeMy WebLinkAboutUAC Special Meeting Agenda 09102024 SEPTEMBER 10, 2024 City of Port Angeles UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL Agenda AMENDED This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Council members, and City staff have the option to attend the meeting in person, in Council chambers at City Hall th located at 321 East 5 Street, Port Angeles, or remotely via telephone or video link. The Chair may determine the order of business for a particular UAC meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the UAC and the public. The Chair will determine time of break. Hearing devices are available for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular UAC meetings may include the following: A. Call to Order – Special Meeting from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The agenda of the special meeting has been amended to include includes the following: Minutes July 09, 2024 | Approve Cost of Service Study Water and Wastewater | Presentation by Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director. Action may follow. End of Distribution Line Voltage Meters | Committee and staff siscussion with Ken Haman, Deputy Director of Light Operations and Mike Healy, Director of Public Works and Utilities B.Public Comment The Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly and timely manner. Visit https://www.cityofpa.us/Live- Virtual-Meetings to learn how to participate during public comment and or watch the meeting live. Written public comments can be submitted to: gking@cityofpa.us, comments will not be read aloud but will be made part of the record. Comments should be received by 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 10, 2024. For audio only please call: 1-844-992-4726 Use access code: 2551 908 8452 Password: KNsCcHDf268 (56722433 when dialing from a phone or video system) Once connected, press *3 to raise your virtual hand if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the SEPTEMBER 10, 2024 meeting only. If you are joining in through the WebExlink: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m9fb47161ea7876bc37aef7d7db280b1f and wish to make a comment or public testimony, please use the “raise your hand” feature in WebEx. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. September 10, 2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 1 Members of the public may address the UAC at the beginning of any Regular Meeting under "Public Comment." The UAC desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At any time, the presiding officer, in the presiding officer's sole discretion, may set such reasonable limits as are necessary to prevent disruption of other necessary business. At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the Public Comment period. Individuals may speak for three (3) minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. If more than 20 people are signed up to speak each speaker may be allocated two (2) minutes. Individuals who are residents of the City or own businesses within the City will be called to speak first, with preference given to those who wish to speak to an item on the meeting’s agenda. If time remains, the presiding officer will call other individuals wishing to speak, generally in the order in which they have signed in. If time is available, the presiding officer may call for additional unsigned speakers. Persons speaking shall state their name, whether they reside within the City limits, whether they have any other pertinent connection to the City, and whether they are appearing as the representative of an organization. Excerpts: Council Rules of Procedure Section 12 C. Late Items To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting. D. Minutes July 09, 2024 | Approve E. Cost of Service Study Water and Wastewater |Presentation bySarina Carrizosa, Finance Director F. End of DistributionLine Voltage Meters | Discussion by Ken Haman, Deputy Director of Light Operations and Mike Healy, Director of Public Works and Utilities G. Calendar of Action and Meeting Topics Adjournment September 10, 2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 2 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEEMEETING Hybrid Meeting Port Angeles, WA 98362 July9, 2024 3:00 p.m. I.A. Call to Order Chair Mattias Järvegren called the meeting to order at 3:10 pm. B.Roll Call UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present:Mayor Kate Dexter, Councilmember Amy Miller, and Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin UAC Members Present:Richard French, Chair Mattias Järvegren, and Laura Dodd UAC Members Absent: Terry Nishimoto and Robert Kajfasz Staff Present: Public Works and Utilities Director Mike Healy, Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa, City Engineer Jonathan Boehme, Power Resources Manager Gregg King, City Attorney William Bloor and Utility Engineer Lucio Baack. II.Public Comment The public is invited to provide written comments via e-mail prior to the meeting, call-in and via WebEx. There was no public comment. III.Late Items A discussion on a joint UAC/Planning Commission meeting was added. IV.Approval of Minutes Member Richard French moved to approve the May 14, 2024, minutes. Mayor Dexter seconded the motion. Chair Järvegren asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. V.A Street Basin Wastewater Capacity Improvements Lucio Baack, Utility Engineer III, presented plans for improving the A Street Basin area which includes the Western Urban Growth Area (WUGA) and other City areas in the western part of the City. The purpose of the project is to expand capacity for future growth improve resiliency in an area that contains 25% of the City’s customers. The project is anticipated to last two years and is seeking further funding for grant construction. Discussion followed. September 10,2024Port Angeles UAC MeetingPage 3 VI. Electric Utility 2024 Power Resource Plan Gregg King, Power Resource Manager, went over the 2024 Resource Plan. The plan is required every other year and is required by the state to ensure future resources are available to meet projected loads. The current plan assumes the City will remain a load following Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) customer for wholesale power purchases and that loads remain relatively flat with a small amount of increase in residential loads. As a BPA load following customer, any future loads that exceed the City’s Tier 1 amounts are projected to be served by BPA as a Tier 2 load. Richard French moved the UAC to provide a favorable recommendation to the City Council to provide the necessary public hearing to approve the proposed Electric Utility 2024 Power Resource Plan. Amy Miller and Mayor Dextor made simultaneous seconds. Chair Järvegren asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. VII. Late Item: Joint UAC/Planning Committee Meeting Mike Healy, Director of Public Works and Utilities, discussed the request from the Planning Committee to hold a joint meeting. A proposal to hold the meeting in September was proposed. The UAC asked for an agenda from the PC and possible dates. VIII. Future UAC Topics Reviewed possible future UAC topics. Electric storage and community storage were noted. IX. Next Meeting Date: August 13, 2024 X. Adjournment: 4:23 p.m. ______________________________________ ________________________________________ Chair Mattias Järvegren Jessica Toth, Public Works Management Assistant September 10, 2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 4 E. Cost of Service Studies Presentation by Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director September 10, 2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 5 VUJMJUZ!BEWJTPSZ! DPNNJUUFF Date: September 10, 2024 To: Utility Advisory Committee From: Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Subject: Proposed Adjustments to the 2025 Utility Rates Summary: In 2019, the Utility Advisory Committee, Council and Staff reviewed and City Council ultimately approved Cost of Service Methodologies for each utility with the intent that these methodologies would be used for setting future utility rates. Presented in this memo are the proposed 2025-26 rates for theWater and Wastewaterutilitiesfor theUtility Advisory Committee’s(UAC) consideration. These rates were calculated using the approved Cost of Service (COSA) methodologies. Funding: The approval of the proposal presented will not increase expenditures, rather rate changes will generate the required revenue to meet budgeted expenditures and fund debt requirements. Rate changes differ by utility and are explained further in this memo and the corresponding attachments. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Utility Advisory Committee forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council for the approval of the 2025-2026 rate adjustments in the Water and Wastewater utilities. Background / Analysis: The Water and Wastewater utility rates will expire December 31, 2024. In 2019, the Utility Advisory Committee (UAC), Council and Staff reviewed, and City Council ultimately approved the Cost of Service (COSA) methodologies for each utility with the intent that these methodologies would be used for setting future utility rates. Principles used when creating the COSA methodologies include the following: rates must be cost based, meet revenue requirements of the utility, be easy to administer, be just, reasonable, fair and equitable and be affordable. The rates that are being presented utilize the principles and methodologies to determine true and fair costs associated with each utility and the associated customer classes. Rising costs caused by inflation and personnel bargaining agreements as well as increased capacity needs have caused the rates in these utilities to increase.Staffremainscommitted to keeping rates as low as possible and has heavily scrutinized the budget to ensure only essential funds to continue safe and efficient practices are included in the COSA. The attachments to this memo detail the proposed changes for each customer class and include an example of customer usage ranges and the effect these proposed utility rate changes would have on each. Proposed rates in the Water and Wastewater utilities are for two years, ending December 31, 2026. Rates have been averaged over theirrespective two-year cycle for ease of administration and predictability to City customers. Funding Overview: The approval of the proposal presented will not increase expenditures, rather rate changes will generate the required revenue to meet budgeted expenditures and fund debt requirements. Rate changes differ by utility and are explained further in this memo and the corresponding attachments. Attachments: 2025-2026 Recommended Utility Rates for Water and Wastewater. Examples of rate changes by customer class. Water Rates – 2025 Budget WATER UTILITY One Residential Rate-w disc 2025/26 vs 2023/24 Residential2020 Rate2023/24 Avg2025/26 AvgDifferencePercent Billing VolumesBase 5/8" 7,306 38.50 40.86 46.88 6.02 14.7% 25% Discount7228.88 30.64 35.16 4.52 14.8% 35% Discount13225.03 26.56 30.47 3.91 14.7% Usage Block 1 (0-1,000 cf) 36,680,121 0.01976 0.02521 0.02590 0.000692.7% Block 2 (1,001-1,500 cf) 5,798,844 0.02498 0.03186 0.03273 0.000872.7% Block 3 (1,501+) 4,165,452 0.03012 0.03841 0.03946 0.001052.7% 25% Discount 340,091 0.01522 0.01941 0.02162 0.0022111.4% 35% Discount 540,367 0.01319 0.01682 0.01874 0.0019211.4% Commercial2020 Rate2023/24 Avg2025/26 AvgDifferencePercent Base 5/8"55941.91 45.46 51.60 6.14 13.5% 3/4"11741.91 45.46 51.60 6.14 13.5% 1"19372.84 77.99 89.35 11.3614.6% 1.5"103124.40 132.21 152.26 20.0615.2% 2"108186.27 197.27 227.75 30.4915.5% 3"24351.26 370.76 429.07 58.3115.7% 4"9 536.88 565.94 655.55 89.6115.8% 6"4 1,052.47 1,108.09 1,284.66 176.56 15.9% 8"2 1,671.18 1,758.68 2,039.58 280.91 16.0% Usage All 27,388,524 0.020350 0.025960 0.028000 0.002047.9% Municipal2020 Rate2023/24 Avg2025/26 AvgDifferencePercent Base 5/8"2840.01 43.41 49.26 5.85 13.5% 3/4"6 40.01 43.41 49.26 5.85 13.5% 1"1269.53 74.48 85.29 10.8114.5% 1.5"2 118.76 126.25 145.34 19.0915.1% 2"17177.82 188.38 217.40 29.0215.4% 3"2 335.33 354.05 409.56 55.5115.7% 625.74 85.3115.8% 4"2 512.53 540.43 Usage All 1,134,156 0.019423 0.024785 0.026720 0.001947.8% Federal Non Taxable2020 Rate2023/24 Avg2025/26 AvgDifferencePercent Base 5/8"1 38.95 42.19 48.11 5.92 14.0% 3/4"3 38.95 42.19 48.11 5.92 14.0% 1"3 67.70 72.37 83.30 10.9315.1% 1.5"6 115.62 122.68 141.95 19.2715.7% 2"11173.12 183.05 212.34 29.2816.0% 3"0 326.46 344.04 400.02 55.9816.3% 4"0 498.97 525.15 611.17 86.0216.4% 6"2 978.16 1,028.24 1,197.69 169.45 16.5% 8"0 1,553.19 1,631.94 1,901.51 269.56 16.5% Usage All 1,507,668 0.018910 0.024090 0.026100 0.002018.3% Irrigation2020 Rate2023/24 Avg2025/26 AvgDifferencePercent Base 5/8" 45 35.26 37.08 42.73 5.64 15.2% 3/4" 11 35.26 37.08 42.73 5.64 15.2% 1" 23 64.80 68.15 78.76 10.6115.6% 1.5" 10 114.02 119.92 138.81 18.8915.8% 2" 23 173.09 182.05 210.87 28.8215.8% 3" 1 330.59 347.72 403.03 55.3115.9% 4" 2 507.78 534.10 619.21 85.1115.9% Usage All 5,150,585 0.019423 0.024785 0.026720 0.001947.8% *2021/2022 averages were never adopted. 2020 rates were in place for 3 years. Water Utility Rates Comparison - Residential 2023-20242025/2026 AveragedComparison % 2025/26 Total Total 2025/2026 CustomersBase/TieredUsageBase/TieredUsageAVG chg Residential - 5/8 lineUsageMonthlyMonthlyAvg vs per RateChargesRateChargesfrom ChargesCharges2023/24 Category2023/24 Low Usage 25025.4%$40.866.30 $47.16$46.886.47 53.35 6.1913.1% 50038.5%$40.8612.60 $53.46$46.8812.95 59.83 6.3711.9% 75022.2%$40.8618.90 $59.76$46.8819.42 66.30 6.5410.9% Medium Usage 1,1508.3%$40.8629.98 $70.84$46.8830.80 77.68 6.849.7% High Usage 7,5000.01%$40.861,246.42 $1,287.27$46.881,253.15 1,300.03 12.761.0% Average Cost Increase of highest usage categories (weighted) - 86% of Customers$ 6.36 Wastewater – 2025 Budget WASTEWATER UTILITY By Pipe Size Rate w Discounts 2025/26 vs 2023/24 Residential2020 Rate2023/24 Avg2025/26 AvgDifferencePercent Billing VolumesBase Regular (avg) 7,306 33.90 35.76 36.60 0.84 2.4% 5/8" 6,770 33.34 34.96 35.80 0.84 2.4% 3/4"49041.76 43.98 44.84 0.86 2.0% 1"4258.60 62.02 62.91 0.89 1.4% 1.5"4 100.71 107.12 108.10 0.98 0.9% CSO All pipe sizes 13.92 13.92 13.92 -0.0% 25% Discount7225.00 26.22 26.85 0.63 2.4% CSO 10.26 10.26 10.26 -0.0% 35% Discount13221.67 22.72 23.27 0.55 2.4% CSO 8.89 8.89 8.89 -0.0% Usage Regular 43,594,548 0.04243 0.04910 0.05180 0.002705.5% CSO 0.01543 0.01540 0.01540 -0.0% 25% Discount 472,791 0.03183 0.03685 0.03880 0.001955.3% CSO 0.01137 0.01140 0.01140 -0.0% 35% Discount 1,743,717 0.02759 0.03195 0.03365 0.001705.3% CSO 0.00985 0.00990 0.00990 -0.0% Commercial2020 Rate2023/24 Avg2025/26 AvgDifferencePercent Base Avg111973.72 74.40 75.31 0.91 1.2% 5/8"55933.34 34.96 35.80 0.84 2.4% 3/4"11741.76 43.98 44.84 0.86 2.0% 1"19358.61 62.02 62.91 0.89 1.4% 1.5"103100.72 107.13 108.10 0.97 0.9% 2"108151.25 161.25 162.32 1.07 0.7% 3"24286.01 305.59 306.92 1.33 0.4% 4"9 437.61 467.96 469.59 1.63 0.3% 6"4 858.72 919.00 921.45 2.45 0.3% 1,463.68 3.43 0.2% 8"2 1,364.06 1,460.25 - CSO 13.68 13.68 13.68 -0.0% Usage All 0.04243 0.04910 0.05180 0.002705.5% CSO 0.01520 0.01520 0.01520 -0.0% Municipal2020 Rate2023/24 Avg2025/26 AvgDifferencePercent Base Avg6986.85 91.03 92.07 1.04 1.1% 5/8"2832.46 33.84 34.70 0.86 2.5% 3/4"6 40.65 42.57 43.46 0.89 2.1% 1"1257.05 60.03 60.97 0.94 1.6% 1.5"2 98.05 103.69 104.77 1.08 1.0% 2"17147.24 156.07 157.32 1.25 0.8% 3"2 278.43 295.77 297.46 1.69 0.6% 4"2 426.02 452.93 455.11 2.18 0.5% CSO 13.68 13.68 13.68 -0.0% Usage All 0.04131 0.04750 0.05015 0.002655.6% CSO 0.01520 0.01520 0.01520 -0.0% Federal Non Taxable2020 Rate2023/24 Avg2025/26 AvgDifferencePercent Base 5/8"1 29.94 31.69 32.76 1.06 3.4% 3/4"3 37.50 39.87 41.03 1.15 2.9% 1"3 52.63 56.22 57.56 1.34 2.4% 1.5"6 90.44 97.11 98.90 1.80 1.8% 2"11135.82 146.17 148.51 2.33 1.6% 3"0 256.82 277.00 280.79 3.79 1.4% 4"0 392.96 424.19 429.61 5.42 1.3% 6"2 771.10 833.04 843.01 9.97 1.2% 8"0 1,224.87 1,323.66 1,339.08 15.421.2% CSO 13.00 13.00 13.00 -0.0% Usage All 0.03810 0.04455 0.04885 0.004309.7% CSO 0.01398 0.01420 0.01420 -0.0% *2021/2022 averages were never adopted. 2020 rates were in place for 3 years. Wastewater Utility Rates Comparison 2023-20242025/2026 AveragedComparison % Total Total 25/26 CustomersBase/TieredUsageBase/TieredUsageAVG vs Residential - 5/8 lineUsageMonthlyMonthlyAVG vs per RateChargesRateCharges2023/24 ChargesCharges23/24 Category Low Usage 250 25.4%$48.8816.13 $65.00$49.7216.80 66.52 1.522.3% 500 38.5%$48.8832.25 $81.13$49.7233.60 83.32 2.192.7% 750 22.2%$48.8848.38 $97.25$49.7250.40 100.12 2.872.9% Medium Usage 1,150 8.3%$48.8874.18 $123.05$49.7277.28 127.00 3.953.2% High Usage 7,500 0.01%$48.88483.75 $532.63$49.72504.00 553.72 21.094.0% Average Cost Increase of highest usage categories (weighted) - 86% of Customers$ 1.87 F. End of Distribution Line Voltage Meters Study By Ken Haman, Deputy Director of Light Operations and Mike Healy, Director Public Works & Utilities September 10, 2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 7 Date: September 10, 2024 To: Utility Advisory Committee From:Mike Healy,Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Pilot Program -End of distribution line voltage meters Summary: The purpose of this memo is to obtain a favorable recommendation from the Utility Advisory Committee to City Council for approval of an end of distribution line voltage meter reading pilot program. This program aims to provide an improved monitoring system to ensure residents and customers are supplied with satisfactory safe levels of voltage from the City electric utility. Funding:Information Only Recommendation: Staff requests that the Utility Advisory Committee provide a favorable recommendation to City Council for approval of an end of distribution line voltage metering pilot program to better serve the residents and customers of the City of Port Angeles. Background / Analysis: The City currently monitors the voltage output at the seven (7) substations that supply electricity to all customers serviced by the City electric utility. Load Tap Changers (LTC) are installed at each substation to monitor the supplied voltage provided to customers. The voltage supplied to our substations by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) can fluctuate and the LTCs adjust accordingly to provide continued service to customers. Staff is trying to evaluate and determine the voltage drop that occurs as you travel away from each substation. At this time, the only way to determine the voltage at the end of a distribution line is to send staff to the end of the line with a voltmeter. This pilot program will add meters at key areas to enable staff to supply quality voltage at the end of distribution lines and adjust voltage supply when necessary. The system will also alert staff to customer outages and will allow for implementation of an Outage Management System in the future. Funding Overview: Information Only September 10,2024Port Angeles UAC MeetingPage 8 G. Calendar of Actions and Meetings List of Proposed Topics BPA Provider of Choice Contract – updates Discussion on resent direction from the Federal Government on the greenhouse gas reduction fund and if there are opportunities that staff have seen to utilize that fund Discussion on community solar projects, Discussion on looking at how Port Angeles is utilizing Direct Pay and those new mechanisms for funding infrastructure projects. September 10, 2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 9