June 2, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.
This meeting was held virtually
Committee Chair French called the meeting to order at 2:07 p.m.
Voting Members Present: Mike French,Christine Loewe(joined at 2:15 p.m.),Donya Alward, Sydney Rubin and Marsha
Member at Large Non-Voting Members: Roselyn Mangohig
Members Absent: Allisa Imming and Darlene Clemens.
Staff Present: Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey,Ben Braudrick,Emma Bolin and Melody Schneider
Tommy Farris shared he would be able to speak to the Hurricane Shuttle on behalf of the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports
Club should anyone have questions.
1. Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission and Lulish Presentation and Updates
Marsh Massey shared information on 2021 State Tourism statistics and various ad campaign updates. Her overview provided
information on the values of local tourism and included estimated revenues.
Lynnette Braillard of Lulish Design,LLC provided presentations on destination marketing strategies and statistics and
provided current travel trends despite current challenges.
2. 2022 Lodging Tax Budget Amendment
Committee discussion followed on a budget amendment for Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club and the redistribution of
withdrawn event grant funding. Tommy Fan-is provided the Committee with ridership info.
It was moved by Rubin and seconded by Massey to:
Approve the grant amendment request by the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club in the amount of$13,800 to include
approval of an amendment to the 2022 budget to use Lodging Tax fund excess reserves to the City Council.
Chair French asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 5-0.
Beth Whitters spoke about the upcoming Pacific Northwest Fiber Exposition.
It was moved by French and seconded by Massey to:
After the original motion was amended,the final motion to redistribute the available$5,000 to events that were already
funded in 2022,but whose award was a reduction of their original request.
The Committee approved the awards in the following amounts:
• Adjust the award to Dungeness Crab and Seafood Festival from$4,000 to$4,900
• Adjust the award to North Olympic Discovery Marathon to$4,000 to$4,900
• Adjust the award to Pacific Northwest Fiber Exposition from$8,000 to$10,000
• Adjust the award to Olympic Trail Run from$1,000 to$2000
• Adjust the award to Juan de Fuca Festival for the Arts from$4,000 to$4,900
Chair French asked if there was unanimous consent,hearing no opposition,the motion carried 5-0.
Committee discussion followed.
Acting Community and Economic Development Director Emma Bolin provided an update on her departure to the City of
Port Townsend,Field Hall,Anian Shores and Lower Elwha Hotel updates.
LTAC Minutes
June 2,2022
Page 2
Associate Planner Braudrick spoke about bike mapping,marketing opportunities,and funding for City projects.
Chair rench adjourned the meeting at time 5:00 p.m.
Kari Martinez-Bailey,C1er
Meeting minutes were approved on September 15, 2022.