HomeMy WebLinkAbout04192023 PSAB Minutes
Hybrid Meeting
Port Angeles, Washington
April 19, 2023 6:00 pm
Chair Schwab called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Chair Schwab, Rochelle Blankenship, Gayle Brauner, Evan Brown, John Hauck, Mary
Margolis, Vice Chair Michael McGuire,
Members Absent: Kelsey Lane,
Staff Present: Derrell Sharp, Fire Chief; Brian Smith, Police Chief; Catherine Dewey, Secretary
Brown made a motion to accept the March 15th minutes, Brauner provided a second to the motion and the
motion passed unanimously.
1) Fire Department Report: Chief Sharp gave a department update on staffing, Cory Mintz graduates from
the fire academy tomorrow so Chief Sharp and Assistant Chief McKeen will be going to the graduation.
The department has 6 firefighters completing their probationary period so there will be a Badge Pinning
Ceremony on June 2nd.
There was department wide wildland training that consisted of 36 hours of interactive wildland fire
training and that training was followed up by an 8-hour field day and hands on training.
Organizing Training on the COHO in the event of a tanker fire.
There will be a training burn with CCFD2 this weekend on the West side of town, 6 of our firefighters
will be attending on Sunday. The Community Paramedic program was contacted by Peninsula College
inquiring if their nursing students could observe with mental health patients and observe safety measures.
Chief has been working on Medicare Ground Ambulance Reporting PCG – there are 9 full reports that
have taken a lot of time and attention. PAFD ran 505 calls in the past month, 16 behavioral, 11
Overdoses (5 resulted in death), and 10 suicidal calls.
2) Police Department Report: Chief Smith attended last weeks council and joint county meeting
regarding the joint EOC property at airport gardens of 3 acres, that program is coming along, and the next
step is a detailed design of the proposed property. Two incidents Chief Smith noted were the theft in the
removal of FD fittings at local business that Chief Sanders helped solve and end in a person of interest
and that of the graffiti around town and the criminal damage to property. There was a collision into a
building that resulted in a DUI and 3 officers were awarded for life saving measures. Year to Date there
have been 20 DUIs (3 this week). Chief Smith noted that Legislative session is wrapping up and the
department focus has been on pursuit deaths is Washington, they have been low and have decreased
slightly w legislation. Traffic deaths went up 11% in Washington, but nationwide they went down. A
few other statistics: violent crime has gone up 55%, Homicides are up 18% and down 4% in the nation.
Staffing - Officer Brady started Academy and will graduate mid Aug. PD has one vacancy on sworn side,
recruiting and retention continue to be a priority. Getting close on PENCOM to being staffed, retirement
system is changing for dispatchers and they will now fall under the same retirement system and PD and
FD. Wellness is a priority, working on a screening and surveillance of all employees and doing a deep
dive screening for cardiac issues and stroke. National radio Seattle was here last week and spent time
with PD and the CPM, working on getting a photojournalist here to get a news story out about what we're
doing here in Clallam County. Council Approved 4 Echo Boost vehicles, they will go to the Detective
Division. Lastly, Clallam County currently has the highest overdose death percentage in the state.
1) Police and Fire Advocacy Committee’s role moving forward:
Brauner made a motion to stride the Police and Fire Advocacy Committee’s role moving forward from
the Agenda, Hauck provided a second and discussion ensued. Brauner withdrew her motion.
The Police and Fire Advocacy Committee is dissolved.
2) Proposed annual or quarterly calendar:
Chair Schwab made a motion that in Quarters 2 and 3 that the Board focus on the Board’s chosen
priorities as outlined in the 2023-2024 PSAB list of priorities. During Quarters 3 and 4 the Board
focuses on the Police and Fire Department’s priorities and goals. Margolis provided a second. Chair
Schwab called for a roll call vote:
Brauner- No
Brown- Yes
Hauck- Yes
Margolis- Yes
Schwab- Yes
Michael McGuire made a motion to add Cleanliness and Safety, as the Board’s chosen priority as the
Boards first action item to the Agenda, Brown provided a second. Chair Schwab called for a roll call
Brauner- Aye
Brown- Yes
Hauck- Yes
Margolis- Yes
Schwab- Yes
High School Student Term: Chair Schwab made a motion to table this item until the next meeting due
to the time, Margolis provided a second. Chair Schwab called for a roll call vote:
Brauner- No
Brown- Yes
Hauck- Yes
Margolis- Yes
Schwab- Yes
Brauner noted her disappointment that monthly agenda assignments hadn’t been made in regard to the
Police and Fire Advocacy plan. Bertha Cooper, a local award-winning author, writes a weekly column for
the Sequim Gazette. The article she wrote for the paper on April 5, 2023 (see link attached), "Do Unto
Others", is based on an interview with a local woman of Jewish heritage and the prejudice she
endures. Bertha was a speaker for PSAB's Senior Committee's "Walk Safely, PA!", providing a
stimulating presentation about Senior safety issues that are common and serious. Let's consider her for
one of our Work Plan presenters for safety in PA.
Link: https://www.sequimgazette.com/opinion/think-about-it-do-unto-others/
McGuire asked for clarification about the new actionable minutes and if the list of resources or reports
will continue to be included.
Margolis noted that the Board should vote next month on the rest of the year and if we would be meeting
in July, August and December.
Hauck made a motion to adjourn at 8:09 and a second was provided by Margolis. The motion passed
The next Scheduled PSAB Meeting May 17th, 2023