HomeMy WebLinkAbout06212023 PSAB Minutes PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD Hybrid Meeting Port Angeles, Washington June 21, 2023 6:00 pm CALL TO ORDER: Chair Schwab called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board to order at 6:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chair Andrew Schwab, Gayle Brauner, Evan Brown, John Hauck, Jessica Johnson, Kelsey Lane, Mary Margolis Members Absent: Vice Chair Michael McGuire Staff Present: Derrell Sharp, Fire Chief; Brian Smith, Police Chief; Catherine Dewey, Secretary Guest: Sargent Kevin Miller REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Brauner made a motion to accept the April 19th minutes, Margolis provided a second to the motion and the motion passed unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC: PUBLIC HEARINGS/OTHER BUSINESS: STAFF UPDATES: 1) Police Department Report: Sargent Miller gave a presentation on the Olympic Regional K-9 Training Unit 2) Fire Department Report: Chief Sharp noted that the Fire Department graduated 6 Firefighters off of probation with a Badge Pinning Ceremony. The FD has a total of 6 students in PM School at different stages of the process and 3 more preparing for Paramedic school. Olympic Community of Health provided grant funding for the purchase of 6 Ruggedized Getac computers that have gone into service and allow for electronic work to be done with reporting while still in the field. Operations Update: on June 6th PAFD responded to a mutual aid fire with Clallam County Fire District 2 and DNR, June 4th PAFD provided mutual aid support to Clallam County Fire District 2 for a structure fire, on June 6th crews responded to a structure fire here in the City, on June 7th crews responded to a fully involved garage fire. PAFD is waiting to hear back about a grant funding opportunity for $647,000 that Chief submitted for with Association of Washington Cities for an alternative response program. Fire also applied for a grant with DNR for $4,000 for a computer for one of the response vehicles. Currently applying for and L&I FIIRE grant for $25,000. DISCUSSION AND POTENTIAL ACTION: 1) Discuss July Meeting: Chair asked that the Board vote on Meetings for the rest of the year. Brauner made a motion that the Board cancel the July, August and December Meetings, Brown provided a second. Conversation ensued. Chair Schwab called for a roll call vote: Brauner- Aye Brown- Yes Hauck- No Johnson-No Lane - No Margolis- No Schwab- No Brauner made a motion that the Board cancel the August and December meetings, there was no second and the motion died. The Board will meet as regularly scheduled at this time through the rest of 2023. 2) 2023-2024 Work Plan - Cleanliness and Safety Chair Schwab opened the floor for conversation to see what action the Board would like to take. Brauner made a point of information, clarifying the world action with a broad definition. The board discussed ideas to consider. Brauner made a point of information asking Chief Sharp if the FD would be ready to do a presentation on the Community Paramedic Funding Advocacy at the July meeting. Chief noted that a presentation would be more appropriate in the Fall. Brauner made a point of order noting that according to Robert’s Rules, there should be no side conversations while other board members or staff are speaking. Lane made a motion that the Board invite 4PA and Code Enforcement to one of their future meetings to discuss updates and ways that the Board can support and learn more about what is going on in the community, Margolis provided a second and discussion ensued. Brauner made a point of information asking Chief Smith if Code Enforcement would be available to speak at the July meeting, Chief Smith noted that they would be available. Brauner made a request to amend the motion, to have Code Enforcement attend the July meeting for a presentation, no second was provided and the motion died. Chair Schwab called for a roll call vote: Brauner- No Brown- Yes Hauck- Yes Johnson- Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- Yes Schwab- Yes Brauner called for point of information, asking for clarification if the whether the Board is asking Code Enforcement to come to the next meeting and then if 4PA is available they would also be invited? Chair answered yes. Chair Sharp asked to clarify that though they would not be ready for a presentation on the Community Paramedic Funding Advocacy in July that there was a possibility that PD and Fire would request a letter of support to include with their grant application to Health and Human Services as well as possibly a letter to Council recommending a letter of support as well. 3) Discuss the new City Manager Directions to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Chair noted that he has reached out to City Manager West on clarification regarding the directive and how it applies to the PSAB specifically. Conversation ensued. Margolis made a Point of Order regarding an inappropriate remark made by another Board member the she believed was criticizing past actions of the group, Chair agreed and Brauner appealed Chair’s agreement with the Point of order made believing that she was using free speech, conversation ensued. Chair Schwab called for a roll call vote to affirm what the Chair had ruled. Brauner called for Point of Order asking if a second was needed in an appeal, Chair decided to move forward with accepting a second on the appeal. Brauner called for a Point of Order asking Chair to further explain what the Board is being asked to vote on, Chair Schwab explained that the Board is voting to affirm the Chair’s ruling (whether or not the board agrees with Chair’s ruling): Brauner- No Brown- Yes Hauck- Yes Johnson- Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- Yes Schwab- Yes Brauner made a motion to postpone until July the rest of the Directive, Hauck provided a second. Chair Schwab called for a roll call vote: Brauner- Aye Brown- Yes Hauck- Yes Johnson- Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- Yes Schwab- Yes 4) High School Student Term: Hauck made a motion to recommend that City Council to change the City Code to allow the High School Student term for the Public Safety Advisory Board to be for the school year, Lane provided a second. Brauner - Aye Brown- Yes Hauck- Yes Johnson-Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- Yes Schwab- Yes REPORTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS: Brauner wanted to clarify a statement that she made regarding the Fire and Police Advocacy Committee earlier this year, her statement presented to the Board was not a report by the Committee but her own thoughts and reflections. She also did a ride along with PA Fire this June and appreciates this opportunity as it allows her to see the need for the addition of staffing. Brauner also shared that several WA State area name changes have been adopted in the past two years, to end the use of derogatory Native American women terms, initiated by US Secretary of Interior, Deb Haaland. This action correlates with our Work Plan item: MMIWP (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People). June 2023: https://www.nbcrightnow.com/news/tribal-proposals-to-replace- derogatory-names-in- washington-approved/article_26b7176a-ea9e-11ed-838e-eb1e84c653cb.htm ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:11 The next Scheduled PSAB Meeting July 19th, 2023