HomeMy WebLinkAbout11152023 PSAB Minutes PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY BOARD Hybrid Meeting Port Angeles, Washington November 15, 2023 CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair McGuire called the regular meeting of the Public Safety Advisory Board to order at 6:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Vice Chair Michael McGuire, Gayle Brauner, Evan Brown, John Hauck, Jessica Johnson, Kelsey Lane, Mary Margolis Members Absent: Staff Present: Derrell Sharp, Fire Chief; Brian Smith, Police Chief; Catherine Dewey, Secretary Guest: PUBLIC COMMENT: Susan Blake resident of PA voiced her concerns for the public safety of Port Angeles LATE ITEMS: John Hauck made a recommendation to City Council that City Code 2. 26.030 paragraph A be revised to include: All appointments shall be deemed to have commenced on March 1st of the year of the appointment and to expire on the last day of February of the year which the appointment will expire. Except for the student member whose term will commence on September 1st of the year of appointment and expire on August 31st the following year. Margolis provided a second and conversation ensued. Vice Chair McGuire called for a roll call vote: Brauner- Yes Brown - Yes Hauck- Yes Johnson- Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- Yes McGuire - Yes The motion passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA| APPROVE: Public Safety Advisory Board Minutes for July 19, 2023, Vice Chair asked if there were any corrections, conversation ensued. Brauner made a motion that the Board accept the minutes of the July 19th meeting with the factual corrections that she just made. Lane provided a second, conversation ensued. Vice Chair McGuire called for a roll call vote: Brauner- Yes Brown - No Hauck- No Johnson- abstain Lane - No Margolis- No McGuire – No The motion failed Margolis made a motion to approve the minutes as they were presented by staff, Lane provided a second and conversation ensued. Vice Chair McGuire called for a roll call vote: Brauner- No Brown - Yes Hauck- Yes Johnson- Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- Yes McGuire – Yes The motion passed with a 6/1 vote INFORMATION: 1) Current and future Board Positions a. Chair Schwab resignation b. Officer Elections/discussion and potential action may follow Hauck made a motion to nominate McGuire as Chair, Lane provided a second Vice Chair McGuire called for a roll call vote: Brauner- No Brown - Yes Hauck- Yes Johnson- Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- Yes McGuire – Yes The motion passed with a 6/1 vote Hauck made a motion to nominate Lane as Vice Chair, McGuire provided a second Vice Chair McGuire called for a roll call vote: Brauner- No Brown - Yes Hauck- Yes Johnson- Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- Yes McGuire – Yes The motion passed with a 6/1 vote c. Discussion on current and future Board positions/ discussion and potential action may follow McGuire made a motion to request that the City of Port Angeles City Council consider removing Gayle Brauner from the Port Angeles Public Safety Advisory Board. Brauner called for a point of order, but a second was not made, the meeting carried on. Margolis provided a second to the motion on the table Vice Chair McGuire called for a roll call vote: Brauner- No Brown - Yes Hauck- Yes Johnson- Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- Yes McGuire – Yes The motion passed with a 6/1 vote d. Police Department Report Chief Smith announced that the PAPD has had over 21,000 calls for service to date. He also announced that PAPD received their national WASPC Accreditation, Sgt Clay Rife was the accreditation manager, CCSO Administrative Manager Lorraine Shore was the Department mentor. This is a big accomplishment. PenCom’s capital project is completed, the revamp of the radio inside PenCom. PAPD has one vacant officer position. Officer Mikah Brady filled a vacancy that was created in the summer of 2022, she will finish up phase 3 of her field training and be on her own at the end of November. PenCOm has 5 vacancies at this time, and they continue to recruit to fill those positions. There is one GIS Specialist candidate in the background process and one of two Systems Coordinator positions. PAPD has completed assessment center testing process to fill future vacant Sergeant, Corporal and PenCom Supervisor positions. The Shop with a Hero program has been a great success in the community. e. Fire Department Report Chief Sharp gave a staffing update, Tyler Carlson completed Paramedic Training and has passed his County Medical Program Director testing and is now Clallam County Certified as a Paramedic. Cat Butscher, Kai Branum and Victor Gonzalez have all completed the Paramedic program and are headed to Boston to complete their final exam. Adam Defilippo, Ethan Grossell and Ryan McGanney are now in their clinical and ride time rotations which is their final phase of the paramedic program. Malachi Delano, Jesse Banning and Benjamin Clark started the Paramedic didactic training in September and are reportedly all doing well. Training Update, on Nov 8th PAFD provided City Council with a presentation to the City of PA: Wildfire Risk, Preparation and Mitigation Strategies. Today we presented an EOC training to the City leadership team. In January PAFD has ICS300 class followed by ICS 400 class scheduled for February. Four Firefighters completed their FFII certification and last month 6 EMT’s successfully completed their IV Tech training. Response Update: In the last month crews have responded to a total of 467 calls for service. Community Paramedic Funding Update: PAFD Submitted a program funding proposal to Behavioral Health Advisory Board on October 2. On November 8th we had a virtual presentation before the BH Advisory Board and this morning we received news that the Board had voted to fund our proposal and forward their recommendation onto the County Commissioners. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1) Discussion on topics for the April Meeting – Discussion on topic for next meeting a. Harm Reduction Program Manager 2) Consider Breaking in December Brauner made a motion that the previous order to conduct a meeting in December be amended to state the Board Decides to not hold a December meeting. Lane provided a second and conversation ensued. Vice Chair McGuire called for a roll call vote: Brauner- Yes Brown - Yes Hauck- abstain Johnson- Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- No McGuire – Yes The motion passed with a 5/1/1 vote 3) Discussion on adding times to agenda items Hauck made a motion to trial adding times to agenda items for January and February and Lane provided a second. Vice Chair McGuire called for a roll call vote: Brauner- Yes Brown - Yes Hauck- Yes Johnson- Yes Lane - Yes Margolis- Yes McGuire – Yes The motion passed unanimously. Board Member Reports: Brauner encouraged everyone to get the Covid Booster. She also shared that in the spirit of honoring our indigenous people, the Truth and Reconciliation Tribal Committee was formed by the Office of the Washington State Attorney General, Bob Ferguson. The Committee will study how the State of Washington can address the harms caused by the government's historical role in the shameful legacy of Indian boarding schools. Brauner made a motion that the Board rescind the motion to recommend to City Council that she be expelled from the Board on the grounds stated, she hopes that they will do this on good faith, hearing no second the motion fails. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 The next Scheduled PSAB Meeting Wednesday, January 17th 2024