HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 6-26-24P I anning Commis sion Minutes June 26, 2024, 2024 CALL TO ORDER Chair Young opened the meeting at 6:01 P.M ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Colin Young (Chair) Holden Fleming (Vice Chair) Marolee Smith Danny Steiger Benjamin StanleY Commissioners Absent: Anna Schorr (excused absence) Vacant seat City Staff Present: Public present: Public Commenters: MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Hybrid Meeting - In Person and Virhral City Council Chambers: gzL ESm Sfee! PortAngeles, Washington98362 lune 26, 2U24,at 6:00 P.M. REGUIIIRMEETING Ben Braudrick (Planning Supervisor) Shannen Cartmel (Director of Community Senices) Ethan Walker (Housing Administrator) Will Habel (Natural Resources Associate Planner) Chloe Bonsen (Associate Planner) Jade Ander son (C ommunity D ev elopment Technician) Chris Cowgtll(Assistant City Auorney) - virtual John Ralston, Mike Healy, Doug Burghart, Amy Burghart, Joseph Springob, Kjell Brittain, Laurel Cripe, Penney Sanders; other unidentified members of the public Charlie McCaughan - virtual Steven Nybroten - virtual Jim Haguewood - virtual Kjell Brittain, Laurel Cripe James Taylor, John Ralston Virtual: none PUBLIC COMMENT chair Young opened the meeting to general public comment at 6:05 P.M. Commissioner Smith joined the meeting at 6:05 P'M' P I ann in g Commis s io n Minute s June 26, 2024, 2024 The following individuals provided comment: . Kjell Brittain, city resident and food truck operator, thanked Planning Commission for all the hard work theY are doing. o Laurel Cripe, city resident, spoke on vacant properties and hopes to have good presentations with robust research backing it in future meetings. . Doug and Amy Burghart, city residents and co-owners of Mighty Pine Brewing, spoke in support of the food truck regulations' o penney Sanders, city resident and property owner, spoke on blighted properties, hoping to incorporate enforcement into our discussions' o John Ralston, city resident, spoke on blighted and vacant properties, hoping to see public participation on what is to be proposed and would like to be notified. Chair Young closed general public comment at 6:13 P'M' APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Commissioner Steiger moved to approve the minutes from the April 26,2024' Regular Meeting as presented to the Planning commission. commissioner stanley seconded the motion with a request to amend the minutes with the correction of the Chair's name. Motion carried unanimouslyr7'0, through a consent vote' 1. Discussion Item: Vacant and Blishted Properties planner Braudrick gave abrief background on the process of defining the issue of vacant and blighted properties uid ttr" topic becoming a discussion item. He continued by going over the definition of vacant and blighted properties found in Title 17 andprovided an overview of the suggested goals of the Program' Discussion between Commissioners and staff followed' Commissioners would like to see outreach, research, precise definitions, and discussion focusing on enforcement before the creation of an ordinance. MOTION: Commissioner Smith would like to see a survey of vacant buildings within the city that are connected to utilities. Seconded by Commissioner Steiger' Discussion between commissioners followed' commissioner stanley would like to amend the motion to include data on all vacant and blighted properties, which includes a list of different types of information (structures on the property, utilities, type of land use and zoning, parcel ownership, vacant or noto etc') attached to the properties. Seconded by Fleming' Discussion between commissioners continued. P lanning Commiss ion Minute s June 26, 2024, 2024 Commissioner Steiger would like to first focus on a list of vacant buitdings and ownership data. Motion Amendment: Planning Commissioners recommend that staff provide a report with descriptive data on all vacant and blighted properties. Planner Braudrick clarified the types of data reports that can be produced. Motion carried 4-1 through roll call vote, to amend the main motion. smith not in favor' Motion carried 4-0 through roll call vote, to approve the motion with the amendment' Smith abstaining. 2. Discussion ltem: Municipal Code Amendment for the resulation of mobile and itinerate vendors planner Bonsen introduced the discussion item with definitions of mobile and itinerate vendors. She then gave an overview of Chapter 17 .26 PA}y'rC - Retail Stands regulations and standards and Chapter 5.58 PAMC which covers Transient Merchants regulations and standards. She continued with a comparison of Food Truck and Retail Stand regulations and standards from other jurisdictions, foiusing on the City of Sequim and the Port of Bellingham as examples. Discussion between commissioners and staff followed' 3. Discussion Item: Municipal Code Amendment for the resulation of temDorarv and transitional housins. pturro.. wutt "r itttriffili discussion item by defining transitional and interim housing, explaining the difference between the two, and giving a brief recap on the discussion of transient and interim housing. He provided an example of a local transitional housing shelter in Jefferson County, and proposed local projects that are currently utilizing a Director's determination that *u, -ud" October 5,2014 defining transitional and interim housing and the regulations and standards for each. Discussion between commissioners and staff followed' Commissioner Stanley was excused from the meeting at7:44PM. Motion by Vice Chair Fleming to extend meeting by an additional 15 minutes. Seconded by Chair Young to extend meeting to 8:16PM STAFF UPDATES 1. 8th Street Paving Project The City Engineei was not available to come to the Planning Commission meeting to provide updates. 2. Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update Planner Braudrick gave abrief update on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan' 3. Monthly Building RePort planner walker presented the monthly building report for May. 4. Monthly Housing RePort Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 2024, 2024 planner Walker gave an update on land use permitting tracking. 7 Fee Waiver permits and 2 MFTE permits were issued' 5. Monthly Builders Round Table Report The builder's round table meeting did not take place this month. 6. Monthly Natural Resources Report plannei Habel gave an update *itft tn" the Urban Forestry manual, which is available as a hard copy or digital. 7. Monthly Land Use Permitting Report The rezone proposal located on W ftigh*ay 101 withdrew their application after receiving a denial. Alterations to the Reserve and Valley Creek plat are currently being worked on' 8. Comprehensive Plan Subcommittee Position planner Braudrick explained the open position on the Comprehensive Plan Subcomittee' REPORTS FROM COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Steiger attended housing solutions committee. State has greatly decreased funding toward temp housing. Which could bring new challenges. First Fed is offering a second mortgage for ADUs. Vice Chair Fleming presented a planning book that talks about the amount of damage that can be done when you -ir.rr" a tool. 8th St paving project was included in City Council's Capital Facilities Plans and Projects and encourages staff to work with Public Works to look for creative solutions for this project' Chair young asked anyone interested in the Comprehensive Plan subcommittee to let him or staff know. Vice Chair Fleming moved to open a second public comment' Seconded by Commissioner Smith. John Ralson, city resident, would like to see the presentation material included in the packets ahead of time so the public can corlment on what will be presented. He also noted that the recording of the previous Planning Commission meeting was not yet available on the website' He would also like to see a second comment period similar to City Council meetings. ADJOURNMENT Chair young moved to adjourn the meeting. Vice Chair Fleming seconded the motion' The motion passed unanimouslyrT'D, through consent vote' The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 PM. Jade Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY: Jade Anderson, Secretary