City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
November 10, 2021 6:00 p.m.
Chair Schwab opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Andrew Schwab (Chair), Benjamin Stanley (Vice-Chair), Steve
Luxton, Marolee Smith, Colin Young,
City Staff Present: Allyson Brekke (Director)
Emma Bolin (Manager)
Ben Braudrick (Associate Planner)
Chris Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney)
William Bloor (City Attorney)
Bob Bengford (Makers Architecture)
Scott Bonjukian (Makers Architecture)
Public Present: Susanna Spock, Tony Billera, Annie O’Rourke, John Ralston,
Erik Marks, Cani Schaefermeyer
Annie O’Rourke, City Property Owner
Wanted clarification on action items as they were listed in the agenda and staff report.
Recommended moving the infill exemption and short plat items to the City Council and delay the
form-based code recommendation in order to continue review and revision of the item. Feels
form-based code is most appropriate in the downtown core. Wondered if form-based code
actually increases residential building capacity.
Erik Marks, City Property Owner
Wanted to make it clear that he supported form-based code and design guidelines. He requested
more time for the Planning Commission and community to evaluate the changes to the code
related to form-based code. Urged care and consideration for the Lower Elwha hotel proposal
John Ralston, City Resident
Felt that planning staff and the Planning Commission has done a great job gathering facts and
information in regard to the code changes from the community in the public engagement process.
He is most concerned about increasing residential densities. He would like to see 25 ft front in R7
zoning across the entire city, and doesn’t think it should require alley access. Duplexes should be
allowed in all residential zones.
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 2021
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Chair Schwab closed public comments
1. Discussion/Action Item: PZ 21-55 Building Residential Capacity Municipal Code
Amendment (Titles 14,15,16, & 17)
Director Allyson Brekke gave a presentation of the PZ 21-55 Staff Report related to proposed
code changes to Titles 14 ,15 ,16, & 17. She provided direction on the motions for code sections
that the Planning Commission had requested alternatives to in previous meetings. Staff provide a
recommendation for each section and also options for alternative approaches to changes in the
Chair Schwab walked the Commission through the process he wanted to take to make a choice
about the provided motion for each section in order to capture their recommendation in a single
motion. The Commission went through each code section and provided an option for each code
section. Discussion followed on each section. The following options were agreed upon with
consensus or formal motion:
Electric vehicle parking
requirement table "14.40-2"
Option B: Change all numbers in the “Minimum Number of EV
Parking Spaces” column to zero.
14.40.045(8), Parking
reduction tools
Planning Commission motion: Change the parking reduction tool
for developments near transit: "Parking requirements may be
reduced by 50 percent if a bus stop or other mass transit facility
is located within 2,500 feet of the project site."
17.10.020 and 17.10.050,
R7 zone use and
dimensional standards
Option B: Remove the geographic limits
17.14.050 and 17.15.050,
RMD and RHD zone
dimensional standards
Option C: Eliminate the lot width requirement in these zones
Table 17.20.020. Principal
uses permitted in
commercial zones
Option C: Allow duplexes in the CN, CSD, and CA zones,
provided the development does not front on a street with a Mixed
block frontage designation.
Table 17.20.020. Principal
uses permitted in
commercial zones
Option C: Allow cottage housing in the CN, CSD, and CA zones,
provided the development does not front on a street with a Mixed
block frontage designation
Table 17.20.040,
Commercial zone
dimensional standards
Option B: Make no distinction between the east and west sides of
Lincoln Street (resulting in a consistent max. base height limit of
45 feet and a bonus height limit of 65 feet).
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 2021
Page 3
17.22.230, Residential
amenity space standards
Option B: Eliminate the “percentage of required amenity space”
reflected in Table 17.22.230(D).
17.22.240, Public space Option D: Remove the entire public space section
17.22.320, Building
massing and articulation
Option B: Simplify the standards with the following changes to
help reduce construction costs:
• Combine the list of options for residential and nonresidential
buildings and consolidate the roofline modulation option
• Delete articulation requirements for “other” residential building
elevations not facing parks, containing primary building
entrances, or being adjacent to lower intensity zones
• Remove the maximum façade width requirements
17.22.330, Building details Planning Commission Requested Modified Option B: Only
require building details in two situations: within the CBD zone.
Commissioner Young made a motion to change the parking reduction tool for developments
near transit: "Parking requirements may be reduced by 50 percent if a bus stop or other
mass transit facility is located within 2,500 feet of the project site." Commissioner Luxton
seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and the motion passed 4-1, with Chair Schwab
voting nay.
Chair Schwab made a motion to approve Municipal Code Amendment 21-55 and recommend
the draft to City Council with the staff recommended changes in Appendix D as well as the
Planning Commissions recommended changes as discussed and through motion.
Commissioner Young seconded the motion, all were in favor.
Planning Manager Emma Bolin reminded the Planning Commission that there was a special
meeting for the Climate Resiliency Public Workshop on November 17th at 6:00 pm. There is an
ordinance to repeal the surface parking moratorium that will be moving forward to the City Council
next Tuesday.
Director Brekke let the commission know that the City has been actively engaging with the Lower
Elwha Klallam Tribe in regard to the code changes and the Hotel that they have planned downtown.
Commissioner Stanley reiterated the importance of the Climate Resiliency Workshop and the
planning process related to the plan. Planner Braudrick reminded the Commission that the
Workshop was a Special Planning Commission meeting that Commissioners were expected to
attend as members of the Planning Commissioners.
Commissioner Smith thanked staff for the format of the MCA 21-55 agenda item. She wanted to
be able to be more responsive to public input in the future. Director Brekke responded that many
of the changes and options that were provided in Appendix D of the MCA staff report were directly
related to public input.
Commissioners Young and Luxton also thanked staff for the format of the agenda item.
Commission Luxton reminded the Commission that another issue in code inhibiting residential
development was the City’s Urban Service Standards and Guidelines.
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Planning Commission Minutes
November 10, 2021
Page 4
The meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
Ben Braudrick, Secretary Andrew Schwab, Chair
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick, Secretary
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