HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02282024MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Hybrid Meeting- ln-Person and Virtual CityCouncilChambers:321E5tr'Street,PortAngeles,Washington93362 February 28 ,2024,at 6:00 P'M' REGULAR MEFI-ING CALL TO ORDER Chair Stanley opened the meeting at 6:02 P'M' ROLL CALL C om missioners Present : Benj amin Stanley (Chair) Richie Ahuja Marolee Smith Colin Young TammY Dziadek James TaYlor Commissioners Absent: Vacant seat' City Staff Present: Public Present:John Ralston, Steven Pelayo, Brian Heberling' Johanna Bartee' Joyce Underwood ilttuuf ' Kelly Johnson, Jim Haguewood PUBLIC COMMENT Chair Stanley opened the meeting to general public comment' The following individual provided comment: John Ralston, city resident, spoke to the handout presented to Planning Commission that had also been share;;h C;ncil, spoke to short ierm rentals and a faqade matter on the agendathat evening P lann ing Commissio n Minutes Februarl, 28, 2024 Page I Ben Braudr rck (P lanning Supervis or) - Pat Barthol ick (Seniotr ilu'"iop*"nt Services Specialist) Shannen Cartmel (ieputy Diiector of Community Services) f,,ttun Walker (Housing Administrator) wlii HuUtr (Niturat R"esources Associate Planner) Jud" Ande, ion (Community Development Technician) -Cft.it Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney) Kari Martinez-Balley (City Clerk) Pelayo, business owner in Port Angeles, spoke to short term rentals. Mentioned someone had a heart attack, that was a different city. Brian Heberling, spoke to his attendance at the last city council meeting relative to the topic of short-term rentals and a Peninsula Daily News poll. After confirming there was no one online or in the room wishing to speak, Chair Stanley closed the meeting to generalpublic comment. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Dziadek brought up four points, no second. Chair Stanley said the Commission would discuss the matter beginning with Commissioner Smith. Commissioner Smith discussed the five choices, Chair Stanley reminded Commissioner Smith the discussion was directed to the minutes...Smith continued. Commissioner Smith made a motion and was seconded by Commissioner Taylor to: Revisit the action taken on and during the January 24,2024 Planning Commission meeting to discuss the matter in more detail at a future meeting. This motion would include amending the motion passed to: o Amend the existing ordinance in such a manner that supports enforcement of the 2017 Port Angeles Municipal Code and provides a time-limited exception option for existing nonconforming short-term rentalsl and o Pursue platform-based enforcement; and . Pursue a comprehensive assessment of an ideal short-term rental process in the City of Port Angeles. Though the motion was made and seconded, the Commissioners moved on with their discussion. Commissioner Ahuja made the motion to approve the minutes as read, but withdrew his motion. It was moved by Chair Stanley to approve the minutes with the following changes: Commissioner Taylor- To have minutes include more detailed comments by Taylor regarding fee structures related to short-term rentals. Commissioner Dziadek- To include more details about the conversation between staff, and two other points. The motion was seconded by Ahuja. Motion passed 5-1, with Smith voting no. It was moved by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Taylor to: Add to the agenda, to include a discussion and presentation on a cost analysis presented by audience member, relative to the short-term matter. Amend the motion to include o'and include the document in the February 28,2024 P lann ing Co mmiss iotr Minutes Febmaryt )$, )Q24 Page 2 Planning commission meeting minutes". Did not receive a second at the time of discussion. Though the motion was made and seconded, the commissioners moved on with their discussion. N 1. Fagade and Sign ImProvement Program Grant APPlication No.24-01 Planner details. building. Bartholick sPoke to the apPlication bY sharing slides on the fagade grant request Including imProvem ents that would imProve the safetY and aesthetics of the The applicant, Johanna Bartee, provided clarification on her application' She spoke to a portion of the r.q,r.ri rp..lncitv that she may come back to at a future time' Commission discussion followed' Commissioner Smith asked about the conditions of skylights and stated she was familiar with the building being a former tenant' CommissionerTaylorhadquestionsaboutthecostspresentedintheapplicationandhad a question about signage costs' Commissioner Smith and Commissioner Dziadek moved to approve FSG Application No. 24-01 as proposed by the applicant' Hearing t o o-n;."tion, the motion passed 6-0' 2. Appointment of Planning commission Liaison to the Housing Solutions Committee Discussion befween Commissioner Taylor and Planner Braudrick about scheduled meetings. It was moved by Taylor and seconded by Young to: Table action item until the March 27th meeting' Motion carried 6-0 through roll call vote' 3. Election of Vice Chair to the Planning Commission i , ,--,-) /1^^ chair Stanley spoke to the matter and -provided some background' commtssloner discussion followed. It was moved by Taytor and secondtl by Young: Table the matter until the March 27th meeting' commission discussion followed. Noted that t-here is a link to the outdated agenda on the website. Motion to table passed,3-1 with Dziadek and Smith abstaining from the vote' 4. 2025 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update Scope of Work P lannittg Co mmis s ion M inutes February 28, 2024 Page j Planner Braudrick, spoke to the matter, said the City's Comprehensive Plan is due in 2025 andprovided an update: . The immensity of the project, element of financial support and provided background. . One grant received and waiting to hear on another. Will go before Council and then an official kick off in April. o Housing goals, transportation, transportation and multimodal transportation, and (add) utilities. . Neighborhoods, and particular areas that are in the scope of work, and for future consideration in the plan and how the Planning Commission would be involved in the future work. o A Land Use Map created for zoning, created in 1970, and will dictate future use of certain zones, fufure land use programming. o A future open house relative to the comprehensive plan. Comments started at 7 :30. o Chair Stanley wants the Planning Commission to be involved. . Commissioner Taylor spoke about the short-term rental matter and spoke to some improvements that could be made relative to workflow. o Commissioner Smith asked about the Comprehensive Plan and spoke about a specific section in the current Comprehensive Plan that speaks to tourism and said that if the City doesn't follow the plan, then money shouldn't be directed to it. o Commissioner Ahuja spoke to workflow, stating that it will help see the big picture, Commissioner Dziadek left the meeting during the break Break fromT:39pm and 7:44pm. It was moved by Smith and seconded by Taylor to: Add to the agenda a late item, to include a discussion and presentation on a cost analysis document that was previously presented by an audience member, relative to the short-term matter. Motion failed 2-3 with Smith and Taylor voting in favor. It was moved by Smith and seconded by Taylor to: Ask Council to conduct a survey which identifies which City Council members live in the 2017 zoning area, that identifies the RMD and RHD zones, and may be benefiting from their action. Commission discussion followed. Motion failed 2-3 with Smith and Taylor voting in favor. Smith made a motion and seconded by Taylor to: Make a recommendation to the City Council from the Planning Commission to approve option B from the Cify Council meeting on February 20,2024. Motion carried 3-2 with Ahuja and Stanley opposed. P lann ing Co mmiss io n M inutes February 28, 2024 Page 4 STAFF UPDATES , Lt_ t_^^*i..i^n. @he following updates to the commission. 1. New Planner Introduction Planner Braudrick introduced staff sitting at the desk area' 2. Lincoln School UPdate Planner Walker shared a brief update 3. Housing Website piunn., Witt<er identified updates on the website fi",1331i1,:li'o'lf,fff[:to the bu'ding reporr in the.packet and spoke to a.change in the report format stating ihat adding unit ,o-unii to each housing type and spoke.to specific numbers on p.r.itr rnu^il;il;;? rilv rrrrough the process toimpiove the housing stock' 5.MandatoryMarchl3thBoardandCommissionerTraining Reminded planning Corn-rr.ion members of the upcoming training' 6. Consolidated Application Review Policy and Procedures planner Cartmel ,ffi * ,f,e CARPP deveiopment team and plans to expand document management and retention pfocesses, and continued improvement in accessibility to improve customer service' 7. Builders Roundtable planner cartmel, spoke to the mattet,giving the Planning commission updates on the City's efforts to improve the permit process' etc' 8. Department of Commerce Short Course on Local Planning planner Braudrick rf"rc "Uout a short course available, March 28' 6pm-9pm' REPORTS FROM COMMISSIOI{ MEMBERS . commissioner Ahuja noted that aPlun;-lt;-co"t-ission member had left and due to that matter,it may have caused a different outcome' Commissioner Taylor spoke to the STR process and spoke to his late application' Commissioner Smith spoke to the application procsss' Chair stanley spoke to the participation of Ahuja and Taylor' spoke about his experience, roles th;;;;;1r,i pr*;G commissi;nunder state law, and spoke about roles discussion that will be coming up in"the future. watching if the role will change in thefuture,saidtheroleofPlanning€ommissionneedstobeclarified. ADJOURNMENIT n the meeting. commissioner smith seconded the C"--tt.i"*r Taylor moved to adjour motion. The motion fu"td unanimously (5-0) through a consent vote' P lanning Co mmis s iott Minutes February 28, 2024 Page 5 The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM Secretary Benjamin Stanley, Chair MINUTES PREPARED BY: Jade Anderson, Secretary P lan n ing Comntiss ion Minutes February 28, 2024 Page 6