HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 03272024MINUTES
Hybrid Meeting - In Person and Virhral
city council chambers =32rE5J Street, PortAngeles, washington98362
March 27,2L24,at 6:00 P'M'
Chair Stanley opened the meeting at 6:02 P'M'
Commissioners Present: Benjamin Stanley (Chair)
TammY Dziadek
Anna Schorr
Marolee Smith
Holden Fleming
DannY Steiger
Colin Young
CommissionersAbsent: None
City Staff Present:
Public present:
Public Commenters:
B en Braudrick (Planning Supervisor)
Ethan Walker (Housing Administrator)
wiii n"ua 6Naturat RJsources Associate Planner)
Chloe Bonsen (Associate Planner)
Jade Anderson (Community Development Technician)
Ctrti" Cowgill (Assistant City Attorney) virrual
Susie Blake, John Ralston, James Taylor' Linda Carraux' Cindy
p""V, o,ft". unidentified members of the public
Susie Blake, John Ralston, James Taylor' Linda Carraux' Cindy
Virtual: Jim McEntire, Richie Ahuja
The commissioners took an oath of office' with Commissioner Dziadek
the clarity of ordinances and bylaws'
abstaining due to
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Chair Stanley opened the meeting to general public comment.
The following individuals provided comment:
I Susie Blake, city resident, spoke to the 8th Street paving project, foreseeing many
safety issues and concerns with the project affecting the neighborhood, noting a few
neighboring companies causing many parking issues.
o James Taylor gave advice and encouragement to the new commissioners.
r Linda Carraux, city resident, expressed her concerns regarding the 8th Street paving
project and how inadequate parking impacts the neighborhood.
o Jim McEntire, county resident, spoke about the parking inadequacies on the 8th Street
paving project.
o Richie Ahuja, city resident, spoke about the high integrity ofthe Chair. He spoke about
his concerns regarding the rezone P.EZ 24-4 and the negative impact it will have on
our community.
o John Ralston expressed his concerns regarding the parking inadequacies on 8th Street.
He spoke about the short notice for contractors' liability insurance increase, the short
notice to increased building permit fees, and new energy code requirements. This
increases fees for the contractors which also increases the costs for homeowners.
. Cindy Perry, city resident representing Laurel Lanes, spoke about the parking
inadequacies on 8th Street. She stressed the need for the existing parking allotted to
them to remain, to keep the business operating.
Chair Stanley closed general public comment at 6:27 P.M
All commissioners briefly introduced themselves and what led them to serve on the Planning
Commissioncr Dziadek declined to approve the minutes from the previous meeting due to her
excused absence not being reflected in the minutes.
Commissioner Fleming requested an opportunity for staff to present to the Planning
Commission what the policies and procedures are for best practices and to reflect what is
typically present.
MOTION: Commissioner Fleming moved to approve the minutes from the February 28,
2024 tegular meeting as presented to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Young
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0, through a consent vote with
Schorr, Fleming, and Steiger abstaining.
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Plannine Commission
chair stanley introduced himself as the chair, giving a brief background' He spoke on his
thoughts on his position as chair of the elanninicommission' He expressed his concem for
the lack of information given by the Planning commission in previous meetings'
Commissioners discussed the relationship between the Chair and Secretary of the Planning
Commission and how closely they work together on the agendaand what the expectations are
of each commissioner after they take the oath'
the Planning Commission on voting options for short-term rentals during the January 24'2024'
regular meeting. she feels that the chair's role is to prevent that sort of confusion from
MOTION: Commissioner Fleming nominated commissioner Young for chair'
commissioner stanley seconded. Discussion between commissioners followed'
commissioner Young accepted the nomination' Motion carried unanimously' 7-0'
through roll call vote'
commissioner Fleming nominated himself as vice chair' commissioner Young seconded'
Commissioner Smith nominated herself as vice chair' No second'
Chair Stanley opened up candidate statements'
commissioner Flemin g gavea brief background of serving for local govemment' knowledge
of Robert,s Rules of order, and his ";;;-;perience that would benefit the Planning
Commission as Vice Chair'
commissioner smith gave abrief background of herself,. her historical knowledge' and a
different perspective inu't *""f4 benefit th! planning Commission as Vice Chair'
MOTION: Chair stanley moved to approve commissioner Fleming as vice chair'
Motion carried,4-3, through roll call vote'
Solutions Committee
Planner Braudrick briefly explained the need for a commissioner to serve as a liaison for
the Housing Solutions Co--iit.. and the expectations of the role of the liaison'
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Commissioner Steiger expressed his interest and would like to be considered.
Commissioner Dziadek also expressed her interest in this role. Commissioner Schorr
volunteered but later excused herself from being considered as it was no longer needed.
Chair Stanley proposed that both members, Commissioner Steiger and Commissioner
Dziadek, work together.
MOTION: Chair Stanley moved to have Commissioner Dziadek and Commissioner
Steiger be appointed together as liaisons to the Housing Solutions Committee. Seconded
by Commissioner Schorr. Motion carried unanimously,T-0, through a consent vote.
3. Action ltem: Nomination and Appointment of Comnrehensive Plan subcommittee
members and selection of Subcommittee Chair
Planner Braudrick briefly explained the roles and requirements of the members appointed
to be involved with the Comp Plan and gave clear expectations of those appointed.
Commissioner Smith removed herself from the subcommittee, creating an additional
vacancy on the Comprehensive Plan subcommittee.
Commissioner Dziadek has concerns that her schedule would interfere with the schedule of
the subcommittee. Chair Stanley would like the current members who are on the
subcommittee to remain active on the subcommittee through July 2024.
Chair Stanley opened up nominations
Commissioner Young nominated Chair Stanley. Smith seconded.a
a Commissioner Schorr nominated herself. Dziadek seconded.
Commissioner Fleming excused himself from the nomination due to a conflict of
interest with his current employer being Clallam County and would like to refrain
from being put in an inappropriate position that would conflict with his oath of office.
Commissioner Schorr agreed to be Chair of the subcommitteea
MOTION: Commissioner Smith moved to table the action item and discuss further in a
future meeting. Chair Stanley seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0, through a
consent vote.
MOTION: Commissioner Fleming moved to excuse Commissioner Dziadek from the
meeting so she could leave to take the paratransit. Chair Stanley seconded. Motion
carried unanimouslyrT-0, through a consent vote.
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4. Discussion Item: Comnrehensive Plannins and the Washinston State Growth
Management Act Basics and Introduction
Planner Braudrick gave a brief history of comprehensive planning and the introduction of
the Washington State Growth Management Act. He expanded with a thorough overview of:. General Planning Goals of RCW 36.70A
o Proposed outcomes of GMA
r Mandatory and Optional Comp Plan Elements
o Local Requirements such as Natural Resource and Critical Areas Protection
. Local Project Review found in RCW 36.708
r Contents of RCW 36.708 and,36.70C which consists of local projects review and judicial
review ofland use decisions.
Planner Braudrick continued with periodic updates from 1994-2023. Compared the
difference in growth between inside city limits and the UGA, providing aerial photos from
1994-2017, and introduced next steps and future plans for the Comp Plan.
Chair Stanley asked for clarification on public engagement and the Planning Commission's
involvement with those outreach events. Discussion between the Chair and staff followed,
confirming that staff will be leading the outreach events with the appreciation of any
commissioner's involvement or presence.
MOTION: Commissioner Fleming moved to extend the meeting beyond 8:00 P.M. Chair
Stanley seconded. Motion carried, 6-0, through consent vote.
Commissioner Dziadek was excused from the meeting at7:46P.M
Recess at7:54 P.M. Reconvened at7:59P.M
5. Action ltem: Utilitv Advisorv Committee Joint Meetine
Planner Braudrick explained that in a previous meeting, it was requested that a joint
meeting between the Utility Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission be held to
discuss the correlation between housing and utilities and asked Chair Stanley for details
on proposed agenda items for that future joint meeting.
Chair Stanley touched on some issues and opened the floor to comments from
commissioners. Discussion between the commission and staff regarding next steps
l. Staffintroductions
r Planner Bonsen introduced herself, giving her educational and experience
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a Planner Braudrick invited and encouraged all Commissioners to attend the short
3. Email and Communication Procedures
r Planner Braudrick encouraged all commissioners to contact staff during the day to
express their concerns. Any concerns, updates, ideas, and proposed future agenda items
are welcome and are encouraged to be discussed with staff'
4. 8th Street Pavins Proiect
e planne, nraudrick gave a brief update on the Sth Street paving project'
5. Environmental Plans
o Planner Habel gave a brief presentation regarding plans for beginning restorations and
6. Short-term Lodsing Ordinance Update
r planner walker presented current short-term lodging plans and explained that staff is
currently working on fleshing out workflows and how it will all be implemented'
7. Monthlv Buildine Renort
r planner Walker gave abrief update on permitted building projects'
8. Monthlv Housinq RePort
r Planner Walker updated the Planning Commission on permitted housing projects'
including increased duplexes in the R7, Residential Mixed Density zone and applicants
taking advantage of new Programs'
g. Builders Round Table Uodate
r Planner walker introduced the Builders Round Table to new commlssloners'
Commission members to provide ai understanding of how minutes are taken' best
practices associated with agendu it.*r, policies and procedures' practices of other
boards and commissions within ihe' bity, and to clarify what the Planning
commissioner's roles are. seconded by commissioner Dziadek' Motion carried' 7-00
through consent vote'
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o Commissioner Smith would like to discuss how churches can be allowed to have
temporary housing on the properfy. Requests that it be put on a future agenda to discuss
options. Planner Braudrick gave information on the curleut plans for including
temporary/transitional housing in the work plan.
Commissioner Fleming introduced a plannin g magazine article and encouraged outside-
of-the-box thinking and designs to create new housing solutions and affordable housing.
Chair Stanley expressed concerns about the rezoneproposal (No. 24-0a) on Hwy 101 and that
allowing the area to be rezoned could negatively impact the area. He requested it be discussed
in a future meeting before the Hearing Examiner meeting, as it goes against the Comp Plan
goals. He also requested that we continue to rely on our current zoningmap for comprehensive
planning and zoning.
Chair Stanley moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimouslyrT-0, through consent vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
ade Anders on, Secretary
MINUTES PREPARED BY: Jade Anderson, Secretary
Benjamin Stanley, Chair