HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04242024MINUTES
Hybrid Meeting- In Person andVirtual
APnl 24, 2L24,at 6: 00 P'M'
Chair Young opened the meeting at 6:01 P'M'
Commissioners Present: Colin Young (Chair)
Holden Fleming (Vice Chair)
TammY Dziadek(virmal)
Marolee Smith
Anna Schorr
DannY Steiger
Benjamin StanleY
Commissioners Absent: None
City Staff Present:
Public Present:John Ralston, James Taylor, other unidentified members of the
James TaYlor, John Ralston
Ben Braudr ick (P tanning Sup ervis or)
Sfr""n.n Cartmel (Dir eJtor i7 C o**unity Sent i c es)
Brftun Walker (Housing Administrator)
wlri ir"U.i (N)turat R"esources Associate Planner)
Jade Ander son (Community Development Technician)
Public Commenters:
Commission er Dziadek was Presented with the requirement to take the oath of office'
Commissioner Dziadek exPlained that she is uncomfortable taking the oath of office and
would like to take her own oath' Without alegal council Pre sent, Commission er Dziadek was
presented with an alternati
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ve option, which was to take her own oath of office as she was
Chair Young opened the meeting to general public comment at 6:05 p.M.
chair Young excused himself to take an emergency phone call at 6:05 pM.
Vice Chair Fleming took over the meeting.
Chair Young returned at 6:09 PM
The following individuals provided comment:
o James Taylor, city resident, spoke to the commissioners about the importance of
representing the public and working with staff to get items on the agenda.
o John Ralston, city resident, spoke on the 8th Street development regarding adding
bike lanes and removing parking. He also spoke on blighted and vacant properties.
Chair Young closed general public comment at 6:12P.M.
MOTION: Vice Chair Fleming moved to approve the minutes from the March 27,2024
Regular Meeting as presented to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Smith
seconded the motion.
Discussion between commissioners followed. Commissioner Dziadek had issues with the
truth of what was recorded in the minutes. Commissioner Dziadek disagreed that
commissioners have been encouraged to contact city staff regarding future agenda items.
Commissioner Smith agreed with Dziadek's comment. Commissioner Stanley would like
to amend the minutes to say "the high integrity of the Chair.,'
Moved to approve the minutes with the amendment to say "the high integrity of the
Motion carried unanimouslyrT-0, through a consent vote.
l.Discrrssion Item: Best Practices in Meefi Minutes and f)ocumenfs of Commission
City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey gave a presentation on commission minute-taking best
practices. Giving a brief history of minute takers, she touched on the content to be covered.
She reviewed the different types of minutes, explaining what action minutes are, what they
cover, and that they should be used consistently. Minutes should record what is done, not what
is said. Minutes should be a clear record of what action took place during the meeting. She
went over what should be included in the minutes. She encouraged commissioners to reach out
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Planner Braudrick gave commlssl oners the history of comPre hensive Planning in Port
Ange les. He went over the timeline for the ComP Plan and briefl y explained the roles and
involved in communitY engagement re lated to the ComP Plan
responsibilities of everyone
gout.. He then Presented the long-range Plans for the ComP Plan:
e cFP - what can be included to make it more effective; how transportation interacts
with land use
r Housing Action Plan
r ClimateResiliency andHazatdMitigationPlan
o The need to integrate the wastewater comprehensive Plan into land use practtces
o The need for a Stormwater Comprehensive Plan
o Looking at other jurisdictions'plans (clallam Transit' National Park' School District)
and re_incorporating some of those goals and priorities into our plans.
Discussion between commissioners and staff followed' commissioner Smith would like to
addcharterReview a ,rr. il" of people involved in comp Plan outreach.
planner Braudrick presented the different outreach workshops planned and who will be
included in the Stakeholder Advisory group meetmgs'
seconded. The meeting reconvened at 7:02PM'
only memb., on tt, ioucommittee. cornrnission",. Dziadek and commissioner smith
nominated Commissioner Stanley.
-- io--it'ioner Schorr nominated herself'
commissioner steiger agreed with both nominations' commissioner Fleming seconded
nominating Commissioner Schorr'
vice chair Fleming pointed out that three members must be part of this subcommittee'
After discussion between commissioners, chair Young appointed commissioner Stanley as
the Chair of the subcommittee'
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l. UAC Joint Meetins Tonics
Planner Braudrick explained that due to the Public Works Director being out of office and the
Ciry Engineer wanting to be included in the conversation, the joint meeting will be pushed to a
later date.
2. Denartment of Commerce Short Course on Local planning
Planner Braudrick encouraged commissioners to partake in the short course and provide the
certification to staff when completed.
3. Vacant and Blishted Pronerties
Planner Braudrick explained that Ciry Counil has directed CED to improve blighted and vacant
properties using incentives available.
4. Municipal Code Undate: Mobile/Itinerate Vendors
Planner Braudrick explained how allowing these vendors to operate inside the City encourages
them to eventually evolve into brick-and-mortar businesses.
5. Municipal Code Undate: Temnorarv and Transitional Housing
Planner Walker reviewed the director's determination, which allows for transitional housing, to
increase the gradient of housing in our community and help those needing permanent housing.
6. Municipal Code Undate: FEMA Floodntain Code Uodate
Planner Habel gave an overview of the FEMA Floodplain code update, where comments from the
Department of Ecology and FEMA are incorporated into the code. He went over the timeline for
the update to be presented to Planning commission and city council for review.
7. Olympic Peninsula Tourism Stratesic Master plan
Planner Braudrick spoke on future tourism plans, which include encouraging sustainable
economic development, supporting housing, and supporting jobs.
8. Hearins Examiner Codified Responsibilities
Planner Cartmel reviewed the Hearing Examiner's responsibilities and what is codified, including
Director determinations.
9. Monthlv Buildins and Housins Report
Planner Walker briefly updated the 2024 January-March Building Report and the housing
programs that were taken advantage of. He spoke on the Hardship Fee Waiver program, which
focuses on economic hardship and is separate from the Building Permit Fee Waiver program. He
then gave an update on the PermirReady Plans being utilized and an update on the Multi-Family
Tax Exemption program.
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10. Monthlv Builders Round Table Report
planner cartmel gave an update on the Builders Round Table and gave details on what was
I l. Monthlv Natural Resources Report
planner Habel gave an update on the past two volunteer event outcomes' He expanded on the
DNR grant and furure plans for managing and preserving the urban forests'
1. Clallam County Housing Solutions Committee
commissioner Dziadek gave her thoughts on the cify council's discussion to eliminate bylaws
for all committees unJ "oi-lrsions.
She shared information about Wave/Astound'
commissioner steiger explained that whatever we speak about needs to be worded and explained
so the public can understand. The state has passed laws requiring apprentice workers to be utilized
on state-funded Projects'
commissioner smith inquired how to get items onto the agenda and looks forward to an update
on the Sth Street Paving program' she would also like the city to discuss how to lower the fees for
churches to house tiny homes/RVs on their property'
Commissioner Stanley spoke about the 8th Street Paving program' especially focusing on the bike
lanes. He finds it unnecessary to have a bike lane on 8th street, as it is such a busy street' He gave
his recommendations on where bike lanes would be most beneficial' He would like to see a larger
bike plan that focuses on bikeways that don't impact neighborhoods negatively'
Vice Chair Fleming encouraged the City to get trees planted downtown as quickly as possible'
Commissioner Fleming attended a planning cJnf"'"n"ln Port Townsend and provided details on
his experience.
MOTION: Vice chair Fteming moved to add a discussion item to a future meeting to related
to the 8th street Paving project and an active transportation discussion' smith seconded the
presented during the meeting'
commissions follow the same bylaws'
Discussion between commissioners and staff continued'
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Discussion between commissioners followed
The motion passed unanimously,T-L'through roll call vote'
Vice Chair Fleming continued speaking on colnmunity engagement and the importance of making
sure all those who are involved have a basic understanding of what is going on so as not to limit
the depth of discussions at community engagement events'
chair Young gave areport of a few commissioners taking the short course and public records
addresses instead of private email addresses. He would like to undeistand how bylaws are changed
and adopted. planner Cartmel gave some-insigt't on why City Council is discussing that all
Chair Young moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously,T-0, through consent vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 PM.
MINUTES PREPARED BY:Jade Anderson, Secretary
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