HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07242024PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Port Angeles, Washington JulY 24,2024 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAB I\AEETING Chair young called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning Commission to order at 6:05 p.m' ROLL CALL planning Commission Chair Young, Vice Chair Flemming, Commissioners: Smith, Schorr, Stanley, Steiger' Members Absent: None Staff present: Community and Economic Development Director Shannen Cartmel, Planning Supervisor Ben Braudrick, Associate Planner Chloe, Housing Administrator Ethan Walker, Senior Development Services Specialist Pat Bartholick. PI]BLIC COMMENT John Ralston, Port Angeles resident Concerned with the amount of public comment thatmay be missed regarding the 8ft Street paYlng and bike lanes and vacantand blighted properties not being on the agendu. th" ittfot.tation about the fees provided by the mobile and itinerate vendors is not complete. Request that in the future include fees in the provided packet' Steven Pelayo, Business Owner Concerned about the building permit data showing some pickup in multi-family and ADU but a collapse in single- family housing. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to Approve: Vice Chair Flemming. Motion Seconded: Commissioner Steiger. Motion Passed unanimously, 6-0, through a consent vote. ACTION ITEMS/DISCUSSION ITEMS/PUBLIC HEARING Discussion Item: Municipal Code Amendment for the regulation of mobile and itinerate vendors. The presentation of the staff report provides background on how mobile vendors are currently regulated and design standards and zoning regulations to consider. Commissioner Discussion: Commissioner Flemming: Would like the presentation publicly available along with the packet. Concerned about the timeline, could this code amendment move faster than the proposed 7-month time frame' Commissioner Smith: Inquired about business licenses in the city and listed concerns for the cottage industry, bake sales, and other sales and'business forms. euestioned the clarity of the current procedures and the presented options' Recommended looking at the rules of clallam county Health Department. over feels that this is adding a layer of red iup" f* food trucks arid is frustrated with the item at hand. Stressed the importance of speaking to vendors' PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - ruLY 24,2024 Staff Response: Briefly discussed business licenses. Explained that the purpose of this discussion is to identify the different ways the different business types of businesses, how, where, and when they can operate' Stakeholder meetings. Commissioner Stanley: Agreed with Commissioner Flemmings comments. Would like to see a deregulation process' Would like to see a fee structure that is not the same as the brick and mortar, and potentially paying more. Commissioner young: Agreed with Stanley and Flemming on the fewer regulations and faster process. Questioned if other jurisdictions diifereltiated the permitling process based on location, for example, if they operated on-site and in conjunction with another business. Staff answered yes, each jurisdiction had a different way of permitting this; Sequim, for example, the truck had to be moved each night. Commissioner Flemming: Point of order for a commissioner discussion. Made a point to keep the community vision upheld or make the vendors ecstatic. It's 100% deregulation but warns of the Wild West version. Simplify the forms ofbusinesses to three versus having five different forms. Concerns about form and uses during code creation' Commissioner Smith: Fan of food trucks, have lots specific for rotating vendors, some cities invite the food trucks in' Health clearances, and a one-night pass ifyou have a valid food handlers permit, etc. In support ofderegulation, and stated that starting with restrictionsls the wrong thing, and recommends that we should start with an invitation' Commissioner Steiger: Thinking about music on the pier with food trucks. Are there problems or concems with existing and already operating food trucks? Staff: Listed the permitted trucks, and yes, there is a problem that th€ County Health Department has concerns about waste disposal and grey water. Commissioner Steiger: Interested in keeping it as simple as possible' Commissioner Smith: Would like to invite food trucks to the city under her conditional use permit. Commissioner Stanley; Consider limiting the number of regulations, similar to brick and mortar businesses' commissioner Flemming: Limit the code to how we can say "yes" to businesses while still regulating the most important items. Discussion Item: Comprehensive plan Visioning Survey. Survey and discussion activity for Commissioners to provide feedback on the draft vision statement for the 2025 Comptehensive Plan update' Commissioner Discussion: Commissioner Stieger: The lack of housing is a linchpin of growth. Loves seeing the creative solutions' Commissioner Flemming: Keeping with the idea that the local economy is driven by local business owners appealing to local residents. Heavil-y e."o.rtug"d finding what we can do well and that will directly impact the constituents. Commissioner Smith: People feel detached from the city's updates and the comprehensive plan. The city needs to rebuild trust with the citizens and make them feel heard. Commissioner Stanley: Drill into details into housing solutions' Commissioner young: Becoming a tourist economy, how do we keep local businesses competitive in the changing market? Commissioner Smith: We need to identifu who we are and where we want to go as a city. Missing an identity. Page2 of 4 PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - JULY 24,2024 Commissioner Flemming: There is roughly 100 people growth per year' recycling people in and out' With the comprehensive plan, *n!r" ao *" "*p""1 to be, and how ian we capture and plan to support growth? We must be strategic in what we do. Commissioner Smith: The based of the comprehensive plan should be "Who are we?". We need to come together as a community. Commissioner Stanley: concerned and confused by the lack of economic investment' We need to focus on housing; the comprehensive plan does not need to be focused heavily on it. Would like more housing solutions and planning commission meetings focused on housing. Motions made: Commissioner Smith made a motion to have public comment at the beginning and the end of each meeting Commissioner Flemming Seconded. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously, 6-0, through a rollcall vote' Schorr motioned for a recess. STAFF UPDATES Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update planning supervisor Braudrick gave a brief update about the upcoming public engagement opportunities UAC Joint Meetine Planning Supervisor Braudrick's steps to planning the meeting are being made, and updates are to come' Monthly Buildine Renort Senior Development Services Speciatist Pat Bartholick gave a brief comparison of the monthly building report to last year's monthly report. Monthlv Housins RePort planner Walker gave abrief update about affordable housing programs. To date, 14 fee waiver permits have been issued. Monthly Builders Round Table Report Community and Economic Development Director Shannen Cartmel gave a brief update on permits and processing to make things better and easier' Monthlv Natural Resources RePort None given. Monthlv Land Use Permitting Report None given. Page 3 of 4 PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - JULY 24,2024 COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Flemming mentioned paul Forrest and the City Shade Program. He gave more details regarding the presentation to City Corircil. Suggested that the City considei fruit trees in landscaping and the benefits it can have on the community. Recognized tl-e McKinley mill s-hutdown, how it will affect our economic diversity, and how we need to find ways to keep the local employees here' Commissioner Stieger did not have a report due to the holiday for the housing solutions committee but made two motions. Motion made: C"*" -i""* Steiger made a motion requesting a report with an update on the 8th Street paving project' Commissioner Smith Seconded. Chair young recognizedthat this might be out of the planning staffs prevue and maybe a public works project' Motion passed unanimously, 6-0, through a consent vote' Motions made: Commissioner Steiger made a motion to have all documentation printed in black and white and use color when necessary. Commissioner Flemming Seconded. Commissioner Smith voiced concerns about still having large packets printed out' Chair Young reassured that they would still be printed' Commissioner Steiger added that color when possible' Commissioner Stanley voiced concerns about maps and other graphics' Commissioner Flemming amended the motion to include all text- and text-based documents. Commissioner Smith seconded. Motion passed unanimously, 6-0, through a consent vote' Motions made: A-""d"d -"ti"n to include all text- and text-based documents printed in black and whrte' Motion passed unanimously, 6-0, through a consent vote' SECOND PT]BLIC COMMENT John Ralston, City Resident. Would like the second comment period to be a norm. Steven Pelayo, a business owner in the city, county resident Voiced concerns about the limitations of the small-town feel. Voiced concerns about the execution of the comprehensive plan. Voiced concerns about the housing action plan and whether we are setting achievable goals' We need all types of housing and are concemed about afforlable housing. Stressed to see a large apartment complex and avariety of housing tYPes. ADJOT]RNMENT -huit Young motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p'm' Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Page 4 of 4 4