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731 S Alder St - Building
Linda Pangrle From Linda Pangrle Sent: Wednesday March 23 2011 3 53 PM To Bill Hale Subject: Zoning Lot Covenant for 731 S Alder St Attachments 731 S Alder St.pdf Hi Bill, Here is a recorded zoning lot covenant, map, and information that I previously e- mailed to Starla in an attempt to get a new PNUM I never received a response back from her Linda 1 (2/1/2011) Linda Pangrle Updated Fwd I need's new PNUM for a Zoning Lot Covenant recorded 09 -09 -10 Page 1 From. Linda Pangrle To sjodoin @co clallam wa us Date 2/1/2011 4:02 PM Subject Updated Fwd I need a new PNUM for a Zoning Lot Covenant recorded 09 09 10 Attachments: 731 S Alder St Elmer.pdf Hi Please see the new updated attachment It has extra information on it that will make it easier to understand the situation Thanks Linda Linda Pangrle 2/1/2011 3 52 PM Hi I d like to know the new PNUM for the combined parcel Please see the attachment Document No 2010 1256243 Dated 09 -09 -10 For Richard Patricia Elmer at 731 S Alder St Something unusual happened regarding this zoning lot covenant The PNUMS and legal descriptions for the two parcels that were supposed to be combined changed for an unknown reason In September 2010 the PNUMS were 0630 1 155 0620 The county website stated Richard T Elmer owned this 0630 0002 1710 The county website stated Richard T Elmer owned this Today February 01 1011 the PNUMS have changed and are 0630 1 155 0622 The county website states Richard T Elmer owns this 0630 0002 1 700 The county website states Gary L Napier owns this What happened? Why did the PNUMS legal descriptions change but the parcels not get tied together? As far as I know Richard Elmer still owns both parcels and wants it to be one large parcel (by recording the zoning lot covenant) Please let me know what you know about this so we can resolve this and make the lot the way Mr Elmer wants it to be (2/1/2011) Linda Pangrle Updated Fwd _I need a new PNUM for a Zoning_Lot Covenant recorded 09 -09 -10 Page 2 Thanks Linda Linda Pangrle Permit Technician City of Port Angeles 321 E 5th St Port Angeles WA 98362 360 417 -4815 360 417 -4711 FAX IQanarle @citvofoa.us When recorded return to tc_Vr� rA_ *-#0 1 L len EA._ /3 I/WE the undersigned owner(s) of the following described property- (insert legal description, address if available, and Assessor's Parcel Number) 663011`.550 E EW rT it kP descr1vi do hereby covenant that said property shall be designated as one zoning lot as defined m Section 17 08 130 "Z" of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. This covenant creates one inseparable building lot which may only be removed through compliance with Chapter 58 17 RCW (subdivision regulations) and/or the City of Port Angeles short subdivision regulations (Ordinance No 7977 as amended) This covenant shall be binding on the owner(s), heir(s), assign(s), and successor(s) in interest and shall be filed with the County Auditor's Office. This covenant is for the mutual benefit of said owner(s), heir(s), assign(s), and successor(s) m interest and is for the further 0 lo 360 6.2.-171 D purpose of comph be enforced by nai damages-resulting Print Name. .Rrc 71-pre (Owner Signature) Phone. lac 66,77 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF CLALLAM n I. 1--- 274r ter a_ IL-' pa eP certify that on this 9 day of Se-,a -1- ce with state and local land use and building regulations. This covenant may ction or other lawful procedure and covenant by the recovery of any om non compliance. D A T E D this d a y of 5 PTi��Ii 1L, .2016 l i= M„ L Print Name. Q i (Owner Signature) CL a. A. o ei known tome to be the individual(s) described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged that 7 h e J signed and sealed .th same as ?h err free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes herein mentioned. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL this Cl day of Seicfe.mbai 20 /0 ss N1 Q P o `SS�oa� Exp NOTARY ZONING LOT COVENANT Phone. PUBLIC N it 9- 212Q13 ,`O` OC %ninc, 0 2010 1256243 Page 1 of 2 Protct Covenant Richard Patricia Elmer Clallam County Washington 09/09/2010 09 16 13 AM 1111 N .1411.1011ifNl «il! .11J1161 11,111 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, do hereby 20 /D.personally appeared before me Pt h,i Lmet- ha 0.1A. v NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington residing at Port Angeles. eth st Alder St L aurids en aiva 5 0‘ 000 115 F oQ•s v‘ 5 ae, 4Y6, h cord_Q--el a Zon; cot/moil- --fineca --kuo lois -t 010 L 1)..5 62_4 6-0-s4e-N tte tZS 0.• A Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 65478 RICHARD T ELMER f Page 1 of 6 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Search Results 65478 RICHARD T ELMER for Year 2010 2011 Property lo 6• J Oq .?i t. Account Property ID 65478 l Legal Description. CRESTHAVEN, ALTERATION OF LT JL Geographic ID 0630115506200000 Agent Code Type Real Tax Area: 0010 PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L Land Use Code 11 Open Space: N DFL N Historic Property N Remodel Property N Multi Family Redevelopment: N Township Range Location Address: 731 S ALDER ST Mapsco PORT ANGELES WA Neighborhood: Cycle 5 Res Map ID 2 Neighborhood CD 10955130 Owner Name RICHARD T ELMER Owner ID 23216 Mailing Address. 731 S ALDER Ownership 100 0000000000% PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Owner Name Mailing Address: Owner Name: Mailing Address. Taxes and Assessment Due Property Tax Information as of 09/20/2010 Amount Due if Paid on. E. RICHARD T ELMER 731 S ALDER PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Section. Exemptions: RICHARD T ELMER Owner lD 23216 731 S ALDER Ownership 100 0000000000% PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Exemptions. Owner ID Ownership: Exemptions. 23216 100 0000000000% First Half Second Half Year Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction Base Due Base Due Penalty Interest Base 12010 47698 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $333 43 $333 43 $0 00 $0 00 $3: 2010 47698 CC -GEN COUNTY $177 44 $17744 $0 00 $0 00 $17 2010 47698 PORT PORT m $24 94 $24 94 $0 00 $0 00 $2 2010 47698 PORT ANG PORT ANGELES $410 83 $410 83 $0 00 $0.00 $41 2010 4769_8 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 $431 88 $431 89 $0 00 $0.00 $4.. 12010 47698 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY $51 56 $51 56 $0 00 $0.00 2010 47698 HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 $72.79 $72.79 $0 00 $0.00 $7 2010 47698 WSMET PK DIST WILLIAM SHORE MET PARK DIST $23.16 $23 16 $0 00 $0 00 $2 1 2010 47698 CITY STORMWATER CITY STORMWATER $36 00 $36 00 $0 00 $0.00 http. /vpn.clallam.net 8084 propertyaccess /Property.aspx ?ctd =0 &year= 2010 &prop_td =65 9/20/2010 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 81692 RICHARD T ELMER f Page 1 of 5 Property Search Results 81692 RICHARD T ELMER for Year 2011 2012 )(1 VI& v Q Property V ■v v Account Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property ID 81692 Legal Description: TAX#4690 OUT OF LOTS 1 2 BLK 217 AND ALT OF LOT JL CRESTHAVEN LOT COVE Geographic ID' 0630115506220000 Agent Code: Type: Real Tax Area: 0010 PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L WMP Land Use Code 11 Open Space: N DFL N Historic Property' N Remodel Property' N Multi Family Redevelopment: N Township' Section: Range: Location Address. 731 S ALDER ST Mapsco PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Neighborhood. Cycle 5 Res Map ID' 2 Neighborhood CD• 10955130 Owner Name RICHARD T ELMER Owner ID 23216 Mailing Address. 731 S ALDER Ownership 100 0000000000% PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Exemptions. Taxes and Assessment Details Property Tax Information as of 02/01/2011 Amount Due if Paid on. E. First Second Half Half Base Base Year Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction Amt. Amt. Penalty Interest Base Paid Amount Due Values Improvement Homesite Value. N/A Improvement Non Homesite Value. N/A Land Homesite Value. N/A Land Non Homesite Value. N/A Ag Timber Use Value Curr Use (HS) N/A N/A Curr Use (NHS) N/A N/A Market Value: Productivity Loss. Subtotal. N/A Senior Appraised Value: N/A Non Senior Appraised Value: N/A Total Appraised Value: Senior Exemption Loss. Exemption Loss. NOTE. If you plan to submit payment on a future date make sure you enter the date and click RECALCULATE to obtain the correct total amount due V” N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A http. /websrv8 clallam .net /propertyaccess /Property aspx ?cid =0 &year= 2011 &prop_id =81692 2/1/2011 S Application, Generallnformalion CITY :OFPORTANGELES File Edit Commands Help S NQARD'?UBLIC SECTOR Na ilene V OK xEzd Ca nee I Landinquiry Square foots. Valuation eel. View2 Work deem Application General Information Application number ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 08- 30- 11 -5 -5 -0820 -0000- 731 S ALDER ST Zone code: Application date: Application type: Application status: Application desc: Total estimated value: Tenant number /name: Total square footage: Public building flag: Master plan number Application group: iS7 RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY 109/20/2010 !RPM ±i RES REMODEL iPI PERMIT ISSUED {ENCLOSE PORCH ADD 20 SF TO FRONT ENTRY OVRHNG 8700 0 Private 10 00001050 (RICHARD T ELMER Direction: J HIE Iioks 131 S Al sex% St wig 0630 ■U55 O6Z0 0000 GIS shows c3 s as 0b3© tiss "Q- W V 1 "t aes J 3 �av''S Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 57877 GARY L NAPIER for Page 1 of 3 Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Search Results 57877 GARY L NAPIER for Year 2011 2012 Property Account Property ID 57877 Legal Description. LT 1 EX PT OF TX#4690 BL 217 Geographic ID• 0630000217000000 Agent Code: Type: Real Tax Area: 0010 PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L WMP Land Use Code 91 Open Space: N DFL N Historic Property N Remodel Property' N Multi Family Redevelopment: N Township Section: Range: Location Address: E SEVENTH ST Mapsco: PORT ANGELES, WA Neighborhood: Cycle 5 Low Value Map ID• 2 Neighborhood CD• 109551305 Owner Name: GARY L NAPIER Owner ID' 42647 Mailing Address: 1410 CARLSBAD CT Ownership' 100 0000000000% LK HAVASU CITY AZ 86406 Exemptions: Owner Name. GARY L NAPIER Owner ID' 42647 Mailing Address: 1410 CARLSBAD CT Ownership: 100 0000000000% LK HAVASU CITY AZ 86406 Exemptions: Taxes and Assessment Details Property Tax Information as of 02/01/2011 Amount Due if Paid on. 71 Values NOTE. If you plan to submit payment on a future date make sure you enter the date and click RECALCULATE to obtain the correct total amount due First Second Half Half Base Base Year Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction Amt. Amt. Penalty Interest Base Paid Amount Due 2010 40856 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $1.66 $0 00 $0.00 $0 00 $1.66 $0 00 2010 40856 CC -GEN COUNTY CLALLAM $0.88 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 88 $0 00 2010 40856 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 $2.15 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $2.15 $0 00 2010 40856 CITY PORT ANG CITY OF PORT ANGELES $2.05 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $2.05 $0 00 2010 40856 PORT PORT OF PORT ANGELES $0 12 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 12 $0 00 2010 40856 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY $0.26 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0.26 $0 00 2010 40856 HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 $0 36 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 36 $0 00 2010 40856 WSMET PK DIST WILLIAM SHORE MET PARK DIST $0 12 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 12 $0 00 2010 40856 WEED CONTROL WEED CONTROL $1 63 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $1 63 $0 00 2010 40856 TOTAL. $9.23 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 59.23 50.00 2009 578772008 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL $1.65 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $1 65 $0 00 2009 578772008 CC -GEN COUNTY CLALLAM $0 83 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 83 $0 00 2009 578772008 SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 $2.04 $0.00 $0 00 $0 00 $2.04 $0 00 2009 578772008 CITY PORT ANG CITY OF PORT ANGELES $1 82 $0 00 $0.00 $0 00 $1 82 $0 00 2009 578772008 PORT PORT OF PORT ANGELES $0 12 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 12 $0 00 2009 578772008 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY $0.24 $0.00 $0 00 $0 00 $0.24 $0 00 2009 578772008 HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 $0 34 $0 00 $0.00 $0 00 $0 34 $0 00 2009 578772008 FIRE PATROL FIRE PATROL $17 90 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $17 90 $0 00 2009 578772008 WEED CONTROL WEED CONTROL $1 63 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $1 63 $0 00 2009 578772008 TOTAL. $26.57 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $26.57 $0.00 http. /websrv8 clallam. net propertyaccess /Property.aspx ?cid =0 &year= 2011 &prop_1d =57877 2/1/2011 OLEO FOR RECORD AT REOUEST.OF WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO Name. Menne OW. Stets, Zia. OPT PAE 39987 for and in consideration of Transamerica Title Insurance Services LEST STATE OF WASHINGTON comma, o, CLAItLAfl 1- Oe tens day t ffy kppemed bdons sea te sae known to be the individual described la end who executed the within sad foregoing instrument sad acknowledged that ..h8 signed the sues m h..?JF het end voluntary act and awed for the uses sod purposes derreua.e eationed to under. my band sad o8lciel seal this APRIL. L♦ /.'.Ill Notary Py�I c iR end for *he &fate of Warh- in r iii M. 19BT .ANNEt My appoilap,nt expires: §/1 1 8 8 602657 No 4; i 1.Wfffr KITerI3g7 PAD APR 1 1988 Wulff 1035e Transamerica Title Insurance Compan nit PACE PROVIDED FOR' MCdRDER USE: Statutory Warranty Deed TILE GRANTOR GLEN PRIEST as his separate estate TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION 1 .Biz L .4 c.t c.EL'�trJ PATRICIA A. ELMF.R STATE OF WASHINGTON OH APR 19 PR 3 47 d 1. Lit c c .)L.; Y, lrtiti. f,; rrr On th day of 19. Wow me. the undersigned, a Notary rebid in end for the &tats of Wesb- teEloe, duly 'seed and sworn. L. uy appeared.. sad_ to me known to he the respectively, of. du w co:{o tation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged tiw said tdutruawet to be the free and vuhui cry act and dead of said corpo Ono, (of es e us and purpose, therein mentioned. and on oath stated that authorized to execute the.said instrument and that the seal afirA is .lie ott.raIs seal of said vorporatiou. Wetness abr.ifor4 and oHtcial'seal hereto affixed the day and year Brat abgtie wrtttep. .Secretary. t r i Notgq Public iq and for the State of Washington. r ng appointment expires: 8 0 s: AVF 55 inhandpafd,eonveysand Jto RICHARD T ELMER and PATRICIA A ELMERR husband and wife the following described real estate, situated hi the County of CLALLAM StateofWashington LOT JL, BLOCK J, PLAT ALTERATION* RECORDED IN VOLUME 9 OF PLATS, PAGE 37, RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON ALSO THAT PORTION OF BLOCK 217 OF THE TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES AND THAT PORTION OF VACATED 7TH STREET AND OF VACATED WOOLCOTT STREET DESCRIBED AS Follows BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2 IN BLOCK J OF CRESTHAVEN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 5 OF PLATS, PAGE 16, RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 31 34'25" EAST 72 86 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53 46'10" EAST 65 00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 44 04'36" WEST 83 25 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18 02' EAST TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LAURIDSEN BOULEVARD THENCE SOUTH 71 58' WEST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LAURIDSEN BOULEVARD A DISTANCE OF 20 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2 IN BLACK J OF CRESTHAVEN, THENCE NORTH 18 02' WEST ALONG THE LINE OF SAID LOT 2 A DISTANCE OF 98 00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING SITUATE IN CLALLAM COSY, STATE OF WASHINGTON OF CRESTHAVEN SUBJECT TO: Right of the Public as dedicated in the Plat Protective Covenants and Restr /ctions of record under Recording No 310188 and addendums thereto under Recording Nos 402176 407377 and 487475 Dated. APRIL.. "S 19.48. AID FORM READ, ACCEPTID AND APPRWED A, s OF AP$ji, ley: PREPARED 3/16/11 8 14 36 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 3/16/11 ADDRESS 731 S ALDER ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR RICHARD T ELMER CONTRACTOR TRI PHASE PHONE (360) 683 2880 OWNER RICHARD T ELMER PHONE (360) 457 0677 PARCEL 06 30 11 5 5 0620 0000 APPL NUMBER 10 00001050 RES REMODEL PERMIT BPR 00 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL3 01 9/30/10 JLL 9/30/10 AP BL99 01 3/16/11 BLDG FRAMING September 30 2010 8 45 16 AM 1pangrle ROB 461 9212 FRAMING September 30 2010 4 29 33 PM jlierly BLDG FINAL TIME 01 00 March 15 2011 10 57 23 AM 1pangrle PAT 457 0677 BUILDING FINAL AFTERNOON PLEASE CALL HER 10 MINUTES AHEAD COMMENTS AND NOTES 1 oeLx)c-c PREPARED 9/30/10 8 54 42 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ADDRESS TENANT NBR CONTRACTOR OWNER PARCEL APPL NUMBER 731 S ALDER ST RICHARD T ELMER TRI PHASE RICHARD T ELMER 06 30 11 5 5 0620 0000 10 00001050 RES REMODEL PERMIT BPR 00 BUILDING PERMIT REQUESTED INSP TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT BL3 01 9/30/10 LL RESIDENTIAL DESCRIPTION RESULTS /COMMENTS INSPECTION TICKET INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY SUBDIV BLDG FRAMING September 30 2010 8 45 16 AM 1pangrle ROB 461 9212 FRAMING COMMENTS AND NOTES PHONE (360) 683 2880 PHONE (360) 457 0677 PAGE 7 DATE 9/30/10 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation 0 Application desc 1 circuit entry recess lights Owner RICHARD T ELMER 731 S ALDER PORT ANGELES (360) 457 0677 Permit Additional desc Permit pin number 174227 Permit Fee 73 50 Issue Date 9/28/10 Expiration Date 3/(27/11 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 73 5000 ECH Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total INSPECTION TYPE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS WA 98362 ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Charged 73 50 00 73 50 Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 417 -4735 10 00001083 018147 731 S ALDER ST 06 30 11 5 5 0620 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY Contractor EXTRA MILE TECH ELECT LLC 418 N RACE ST PORT ANGELES (360) 457 0198 Plan Check Fee Valuation EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO /FEEDER Paid 73 50 00 73 50 DATE. PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Credited 00 00 00 Date 9/28/10 WA 98362 '5 RESULTS 0 0 0 Extension 73 50 Due 00 00 00 Pottn 1(- 91154 REPORT STATE SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTOR. Date: w Oti SEP -27 -201 1'0 49 PM E JANSSEN City of Port Angeles Permlt Building Division/Electrical Inspections .321 Eaet FIIth.Street- P.O. Box 1150 'Nut Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (300) 417.4735 Fax: (380 417.4711 Dale c J 1 2" Sin Family Dwelling Multi- Family or Commercial' Commerctcl Addition Alteration Ftt+inr .1 Unit Chargg S 119 90 S 145.50 204.60 S 262.20 3 372.00 5 2.60 5 73.50 S 2.60 5 92.70 5 110.30 .5 148.70 5167.90 95.90 3 08.20 5 95.90 S 03.90 3 63 90 5 119.90 102.30 5 110.30 35.20 5 '3.50 5110,30 .0 56.00 Qtr. r nor Plan Review May Be Required. Please. Cor'ole1? F_Iectncal Plan Review information Sheet Job Address' .1+1 i C t J.._ Building Square Footage Cesoritillon of above .g6 ,f .l t Owner Inrorrnahm Ce9ntraller Information Name 'n l c_1c._ F' I w+.t.,.,_ Name:, '#/1 A4, LF r MailinOjdress ,'7 )4-4. r *-�!:r-'r mailin Address `1t 1 h� i 404' Car It 4 State t •t .:1 3u. tiny P ;rate CI in k tte: F& EI Telal IOW Multiolied by Unit Charge SeiviceIFeeder 200 Amp ,e,vtce!Feerier 201-40D Amp Service/Feeder 401.600 Amp ServiceIFeeder 601 1000 ART Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder branch Circuit WIO Service Feeder Foch Additional Branch Circuit lento Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 20 -400 Amp. 'emo Service/Feeder 401.600 Amp 1 emp Service/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp Portal to Penn Hourly Sian/Outline Lighting Signer; Circuit/ Limited Energy Commercial Additional Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy 1 7 Family Dwelling Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy Multi-Family Dwelling Manulactured Home Connection Renewable Electrical Energy SKVA System w Les: First 1300 Square Fl. each Additional 500 Square Ft. or portion o r Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage _ach Swimming Ponl or Hot Tun Thermostat '2 7 r> Total 0 Credit Card r, 360 452 2952 .4: P 01 Owner as alined oy RCW 19.28,261 (1) Owiserwilt Occupy the Structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized. t2 f)wner is required to hire an electrical contractor 1 above sold property is for sale, rent or loose. Permit expires alter six months of last inspection After rending the aoove etatement,1 hereby certify that 1 am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. lam making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical Taws, N,E.0 RCW Chapter 19.29, WAC Chapter 296 -460, The City of Port Angeic' Municipal Code, end Utility Speck:Miens. Signature or owner, electrical contractor or NIectr,catadrninistrator L Cash Application Number 10 00001050 Application pin number 441500 Property Address 731 S ALDER ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 11 5 5 0620 0000 Tenant nbr name RICHARD T ELMER Application type description RES REMODEL Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Owner Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total 193 75 Plan Check Total 125 94 Other Fee Total 4 50 Grand Total 324 19 T.Forms /Building Division /Building Permit CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY 8700 Application desc ENCLOSE PORCH ADD 20 SF TO FRONT ENTRY OVRHNG Contractor Date 9/23/10 RICHARD T ELMER TRI PHASE 731 S ALDER 12 GREEN VALLEY LANE PORT ANGELES WA 98362 SEQUIM WA 98382 (360) 457 0677 (360) 683 2880 Structure Information 000 000 ADD 20 SF FRONT OVERHANG ENCLOSE PRCH BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL ADD 20 SF OVRHNG ENC PORCH 173740 193 75 9/23/10 3/22/11 Qty Unit Charge Per BASE FEE 7 00 14 0000 THOU BL -2001 25K (14 PER K) Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE Plan Check Fee 125 94 Valuation 8700 Paid Credited 193 75 125 94 4 50 324 19 00 00 00 00 Extension 95 75 98 00 4 50 Due 00 00 00 00 REPORT SALES TAX on your state excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) eL Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities, private and public improvements This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. 2 3yv Date Print Name ignature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs.) PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line 1 Back Flow Water 1 FINAL Date Accepted by AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION: Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts 1 FINAL Date Accepted by MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting 1 ESA. Landscaping 1 SHORELINE. T Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 -4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 9' -30-1n FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R.W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 Date Accepted By 3- 1 (0 -It )(Remodel Repair Demolition Re -roof Heat System Other Floor Areas Basement 1 Floor 2 Floor 3rd Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other Date 7 ICJ Print Name BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink Attn Building Permit Technician P For City Use Only Lt lye r'^ Date Received 9-20-10 321 E Fifth.St. Port Angeles WA 98362 o-� G N Permit 0 .6 /ate Approved CITY OF PORT ANGELES (360) 417-4815 fax (360) 41 Q--4 5 (2 IA Applicant 9:3— p,4jb- ,4zie<4..11&7?d oie. Phone N■ ''0 r v6 92/7 Property Owner ,E',cJ- e4 v Prsi-Mrci.4 67..sovtn Phone .3✓ YJ" Property Owner's Address 74/ Sens rr, e, sue ,v.4 1,141 9� ?6 7 Contractor .rte io.,,I ,gcDjc,5L rZe i Phone Contractor's Address 1? Coryme. V Lane SQ. G u l f WA License Expires v E -mail PROJECT ADDRESS i S 4i4 Parcel Number Proiect Tvpe Brief Description. )(Residential Multi -family Commercial Industrial Check all that apply New Construction a; nq c �X t o l n-` rorc11 ewer-hall q ex h in to Addition r ellGISiY1 _iv. ctrn "eV� 411V►q cVP.vo p, y Nlo4e, A Z nir Iof coVenan+ uja. s .A011 P Fr, e #t e;r +rvo POI b Re,°t(nPA-. 1>50u+mev A610 -125 6 2- 1 House garage other tear off re -roof lay over one layer Heat pump wood- burning stove gas fireplace pellet stove other NO P (ti rn b f v o r me-c h an i cc,1 Existing (sq. ft.) e. 560 44 2,c) Total footprint of structures T Forms /Building Division /Building permit application o' A'iZ "6 rI Proposed (sq. ft.) Ai :2-0 PiD erh ah3 Lot I Z TOTAL VALUATION. sq ft. Lot size t P ar cels co mbihed Sign -ture per sq ft. of bedrooms of full baths of half baths Zoning R 3-1 6� sq ft. Lot coverage /4 5% Site Coverage the amount of impervious surface on a parcel including structures paved driveways sidewalks patios and other impervious surfaces. (se PAMC 17 94 135 for exemptions) Site covera Z e Max. height of proposed structures 1/ Y ft. Occupancy group Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Occupant load Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? Construction type 3 2- I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prio r in on projects. 1 61 1 1369 P ARKED J-15 13 -Laurids La IlritiSen 715 ti4 s Spjus flist POST ANGELES Const oilon Plans/ ssuance of pettnit Web upon t se plans, specii ions and otnet data snot 14 IOW t building oiti al tom theteattet MON te ot %toys in id plan specficatons bSti St %tom Veve building °pavilions bin eletetinder vit0 in violation of codes ot this luvis J e4 1 ag'iNe 0 Al 1.7- $=577; 8 S7* A/Ew 3 n (P vrz) -S/ 7 7 27. 4 0-5s 0004,e 577 4 1 4 k-- Neil y' 5 0 GI—SS t,. G a Z. fob s .moo E /7 F v z pvrz 7 c �#v �s r,,v9 9 c� M Pt .i J ®2 xis/ �o��� 4 9 =�i�,� 444 got4 (i'ss..) 1 e G- 2 l 114 ifese-tsz7" ExSsTsiv C ode'?& f'o2e T 471 F1a.- E w A -F At 14W z Y. o ovE,twG 401 Po4r5 E�cs S7 ,I/v[ z Z 2::aG 40 tit mot 0 .0.00 ..000a.M. tevr Soatil 0%-isildf ex4e hot On jeW II* 11111111 011111iiiirlaiS 01110 1111111101111 111113 111101104111 0 0111101 11 11111011 us _Issassirass 05.1 Vi*vd fesit teAA vo for 6 A coA4 Prat &IPcS gioatg v atX6 01 1.= i.47CNI 1/44/1 .10) zffi rir-4 4 1:. La -2 4 i 1....,....-1...., t t q C. t' ..,,NO i: gl C i 4 0 0 r,....q.” A i' u ,Avi r..../ 1: t i 1 4. -....,.....44,-.44 fi 4 4 41 tt41..-4 44' 0t -•shn,t V.= 'ore% 1,7k Irk cno 1 s't Clallam County Assessor Treasurer Property Details 65478 RICHARD T ELMER f Page 1 of 6 Clailam County Assessor Treasurer Property Search Results 65478 RICHARD T ELMER for Year 2010 2011 Property Account Property ID Geographic ID Type Tax Area: Open Space: Historic Property Multi Family Redevelopment: Township Range. Location Address. Neighborhood. Neighborhood CD Owner Name Mailing Address: Owner Name Mailing Address: Owner Name Mailing Address. 65478 0630115506200000 Real 0010 N N N PA 121 PORT ST CNTY H2 L Land Use Code DFL Remodel Property 731 S ALDER ST PORT ANGELES WA Cycle 5 Res 10955130 RICHARD T ELMER 731 S ALDER PORT ANGELES WA 98362 RICHARD T ELMER 731 S ALDER PORT ANGELES WA 98362 RICHARD T ELMER 731 S ALDER PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Taxes and Assessment Due Property Tax Information as of 09/20/2010 Amount Due if Paid on. Year Statement ID Taxing Jurisdiction 2010 47698 ST SCH STATE SCHOOL 2010 47698 CC -GEN COUNTY 2010 47698 PORT PORT 12010 7698 PORT ANG PORT ANGELES 2010 47698 1 2010 47698 2010 47698 2010 2010 47698 Legal Description. Agent Code Section. Mapsco Map ID Owner ID Ownership Exemptions: Owner ID Ownership Exemptions. Owner ID Ownership Exemptions: SD #121 SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 NTH OLY LIB NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY HOSP #2 HOSPITAL #2 WSMET PK DIST WILLIAM SHORE MET PARK DIST CITY STORMWATER CITY ST0RMWATER CRESTHAVEN ALTERATION OF LT JL 11 N N 2 23216 100 0000000000% 23216 100 0000000000% 23216 100 0000000000% First Half Second Half Base Due Base Due Penalty Interest Base $333 43 $333.43_ $0 00 $0 00 $3: $177 44 $177 44 $0 00 $0 00 $17 $24 94 $24 94 $0 00 $0 00 $2 $410 83� $410 83 $0 00 $0 00 $41 $431 88 $431 89 $0 00 $0 00 $4. 51 56 $51 56 $0 00 $0 00 $E $72 79 $72.79 $0 00 $0 00 $7 $23 16 $2 $0 00 $0 00 $2 $36 00 $36 00 $0 00 $0 00 $C http. /vpn.clallam. net. 8084 propertyaccess /Property.aspx ?cid =0 &year= 2010 &prop_id =65 9/20/2010 -~ ... fJ UIY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BunnING DMSION 321 EAST51H STREET,PORT ANGELES, WA98362 ~~ Application Number . . . . . 04-00001101 Date 12/07/04 Pin numb.er. . . . . . .512047 Property 'Address . . . . . 731 S ALDER ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-11-5-5-0620-0000- Application description . . MECHANICAL PERMIT Subdivision Name ... . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . .' . . . . . RS? RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 8675 Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ ELMER . RICHARD T DAVE I S HEA~ .....'" . & . COOLING 731 S ALDER PO BOX 413 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 452-0939 - -..- - - - - - ---- -----~'- ~ - - - ---..;. - ----- -.- - "":'- -- - - - ---~- - - - -- - --- ---- -- -- ----- - -- -...;.- Permit . . . . . MECHANICAL PERMIT Additional desc . HEAT PUMP & DUCT Permit Fee . . . . 61.70 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . 12/07/04 Valuation . . 0 Expiration Date . . 6/06/05 Qty unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 47.00 1.00 14.7000 ECH ME- INSTALL' 100- FAU 14.70 ------------------------~--~-----~---...;.----~--~--~~-------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RES.........uIAL Additional desc . . ~""'A1"OSTAT "'l Permit Fee .' . . 36.40 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . 12/07/04 Valuation . . 0 tIJ Expiration Date . . 6/06/05 """ Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 36.4000 EC EL-LOW VOLTAGE 36.40 Fee .~uriunary Charged Paid Credited Due itJ ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- . Permit Fee Total 98.10 98.10 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 ,00 <:t> Grand Total 98.10 98.10 .00 .00 , ~ ~ Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEP~ Shorelille'~SA. utilities, private and public imprQv'!rneQ~. .,PUS 1?<<I~l.M,tc:omes nun and void. If work or construction authorized Is not commen~WithIn 180 days, If construction ,orw()rkls slJspend~ oriabandoned for a period of 18C) days after the work as commenced, or Ifreq",lredlnspectlons have not been requested\YIttlln1~OdaYsfJ'()mtl1e.last Inspection, Ihereby certify that! have read and exal11lned this application and know the same to be tru~.~ndcorrect. All provisions of laws and o,rdlnances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein ornolThelJrantingof apennitdoesnot presume' to . give authority to 'violate or cancel the provisions of any' state or local, law regulating construction or the perfoimanceof construction. . CQN ~,' ---- 1:::::1l:::.'~ Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (If owner Is builder) Date T:\PLANNlNG\FORMS\l1~lS [11/1412003) ----- I ..'~' , ".,....; ~'..---, .',~:~~* "'r' BUILDING ..:~nMIT INSPE,--uON RECORD " i I , -- - , i CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24;HOUR NOTICE. IT IS lJNLA.WFUL TOCOVER, INSUUTEJJR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED A/IID ACC~l'TED. POST PERMIT INA c:ONSPIgJOYSLOCATlON. , Iumr r CARD AND APPROvnD PLANS AT JOB SiTJc INSPECTION TYPE . DATE I A.....oloO..e..J .COMltw.\.ol> .' YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS '''"'''"' WALLS ,IYUNDATIOr D~AGEID?WN~... '" ELa!... .nlCAL (LIGHT uora/SEPARATEPBRMIT:# ROUGH-IN I ! J III I PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR/ SLAB ",.,.,,, ROUGH-IN wATER LINE (lou:.aoa\.TO BLOG) <.JAS LINE BACK FLOW /WATER AIR SEAL WALLS I I I CEILn'l'G FRAMING Jv..,a;)/'GIRDERS SHEAR WALUHOLD DOWNS WALLS i R()()F / CEn.ING DRYW ALL\ll' a onlOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION S~ I I 1 WALL I FL001l/ cmuro M~reA.l. HEAT PUMP ,1?--'(}w()4 -l1L GAS LINE ,,,.,, ' WOODSTOVE/PBLLBT/ ~y HOOD I DUCTS IIIIIIU I PW UTIL...a!.ol> I SITE WORK (i!n!:. ,,;,,~Rivislon) SEPARATEPBRMITI#~s: WATERLINE/~aa>a\.' SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT.I#'s SEPA: PARKINGlLI~.:...~,.G I I BSA: LANDSCAPING : ""_. ~~.a~~~: ,*CI1~SIliQUIRED PRIoR:ro'OC<:uP~9!'PSE, Jl.o.l,~.,.. mAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL AC....... ...... ELECTRlCAL- UGHT DEPT. 4174735 BLJl.....u...AL UGHTDF.PT CONSTRUCTION R. W./ PW/ C~"'md:R.W. ENGINBBRING 417-4807 FW/ "'. JG FIRE . 417-4653 FIRE UOI"" . PLANNING DEPT. 4174750 pLAlIr.Io....iJ"'J.I.:.&'a" a~ BUILDING 4174815 12--/0;.64 RK 'Buri..D1!i{; :\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 (1111412003) - --- .u, ".." . ... FAX NO. :1361345213939 Dec. 137 213134 139:24AM Pi p FROM :Dave's Heating & Cooling Srvc stJ/"1-LJ~J I -- f'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: 6;'" BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION Date Rcc.:l 0.-3-&1 . .- Fill out COMPLETEL V and in INK. Your application aDd site plan MUST BE Pennit tI:(!)I1- II () .L Date Approval: COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you bave aay quatlons, call o.tc Islued: . (360) 417-4IJ! fa:*t.s ~ * Applicant or Agent: - Phone: .J{~-"~' ~ Owner: RiG. h a. V"' J ~ P a.. +-r \' c.. \ '^ E;' (~-e.v- Phone: ~5/-()to77 Address: ',:3 I ~ A \.k.. \'"" 5tree.,+City: Por.-4 Anvks Zip: q g3~~ Architect/Engineer: -I- .,-~ Phone: - , (, ,PAVG5HC.,''1"71 ~c- ~ Contractor..DaIl~ls ffec:t.-H~~&:> \V\~State License #: . xp: ~k.;:"L.. Phone: o~-093-=J 5~1 I~C,. . ~ A>t . Address: P.o. ox ~i.~ CIty: ovA- ps Zip: dJ~6b~ PROJECT ADDRESS: '731 S. AI kr ~e-e.---+ ZONING; LEGAL DESCRu liON: Lot: Block: Subdivision: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: CredJ.t Card Holder Name: Je...o:r-""",,-e..... P. Ol doe... f<a.,"'f J)C{.l}-(:/s H-eo...-h h t .~ r........ {.'h, ~ BIIIIIlI Address:_f..O. ~ Lfl3 City:f'or -f-.-bo r? ~_:s . (...)-!t ~~3-',.. Credit CardType VISA., :MC _. . t# l Esp. Date: _ .,. - ~EOFWORK: SIZEN ALUAT1ON: I R.csidcDtial 0 N~wConstr. ORe-roof o Stove SF.@$ ISF. = S o Multi-family 0 Addition o Move o Qarage SF.@$. ISF. = S o Commercial o Remodel o Demolition o Deck ,~: SF.@S: ISF, :::: S o Repair d 0 S~gn, ,0 Other. TOTAL VALU,^ TION S <:1, b 7 =' ~ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF 1JIE PROJECT: J n .s+z:d t ~ -+i 0 n:, 0 f. '~ e.-e::>f:n '0 -h....v- v-.,:::tt::_~ a", A . ~ Pu../Mf' V->/.d.~.d Way-/<.. I tV~;:;: (o~ voi+a.~r ~O~~ t::.....>1.~ COMMERClALlRE.>.......NTIAL: . Occupancy Group: Occupant Load; Construction Type : No. of'Stories: _ Lot Size: Existing Sq. Ft. &: Proposed Sq. Ft. = TOTAL Sq.Ft. Existing lot coverage % & Proposed 101 coverage %:; Total lot coverage % APPROVALS: PLANNING USE ONLY: PLAN: BLDG: DPWU: ESAlWetJand(s): eYes 0 No SEPA Checklist required? 0 Yes (] No Other: FIRE: OTHER: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The Building Division can provide you with inf\."....~on on the application an. plan submittal requi.~..,.~_ts uyou have questions. VALUATION 0]1' CONSTRUCTION: ID all eales, a valuation alDOunt must be entered by the applicant This figure will be reviewcc and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Pcnnit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assislancc PLAN "'n&!JCK FEE: IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building !' .....~t application and constIUCtion plans at. submitted. All other I' ~..,":! fees are due atthe time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: lfna pennit is issued within 180 days of the date ofapplication, the application will expire. Th. Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicl1I1t up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 0 the Unifonn Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby C81fIfy thai , have reed and ex.mlned this application and know the same to be true and conuct, I am authorized to apply for this PfHTTIit ant _ """Is my_~~s "'" req.- ,""'/he ClIy., and"", I must obtsin sllCh pennjls pIiorlo '""*- . 1Dlt'"'l ""', ~~ / ~ T:\FORMS\APPS\Buildjn....~.,:t.wpd \~ ~df" APphcant; , Date: l ( I cP1 Dl..f ,\e'b~6f () ,. r~,1(.: '\ I d.J''':1~/Ln,. PREPARED 12/09/04, 13:39:16 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES L LIERLY DATE 12/09/04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDRESS : 731 S ALDER ST SUBDIV: CONTRACTOR: DAVE'S HEATING & COOLING PHONE : (360) 452-0939 OWNER : ELMER RICHARD T PHONE : PARCEL . : 06-30-11-5-5-0620-0000- APPL NUMBER: 04-00001101 MECHANICAL PERMIT ';'~- , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I PERMIT: ME 00 MECHANICAL PERMIT REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP/SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS/COMMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ME1 01 ~{~ MECHANICAL ROUGH-IN b 1 A.wL jeannie 460-0911/call before inspection/jll tf 0-0;& ~7 -------------------------------------- COMMENTS AND NOTES -------------------------------------- e ' .. \;11 Y OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- Bun.DINGDMSION 321 EAST 51H STREET, PORT ANGELES, W A 98362 ~~ ,..---....... ... , ._-, Application Number . . . .- 04-00001101 Date 12/03/04 Pinnumber . . . . . . .512047 Property Address . . . . . --+ 731 S ALDER ST ASSESSOR PARCEL UUMD~~: 06-30-11-5-5-0620-0000- ,Application description . MECHANICAL PERMIT Subdivision Name . .. . . . Property Use . . . . . . ~ Property Zoning . . . . . . RS7 RE........~.... SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation 8675 ~ OWner ,Contractor \ ------------------------ ------------------------ ELMER RICHARD T DAVE'S HEATING & COOLING - 731 SALDER PO BOX 413 '~ - PORT ANGELES WA98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 @ (360) 452-0939 l ---------------------------------.-----------------------------------------. ....... Permit . '.. . . . . ELECTRICAL, ALTER. RESJ.u"",...:IAL Additional desc . . FURNACE & H.P. Sub Contractor . . .....:~M MILE u,,'"" & ELECT., LLC Permit Fee . . . . 48.10 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . 12/03/04 Valuation . . Expiration Date . . 6/a2/05 ~ Qty Unit Charge Per .( Extension \!\) 1.00 48.1000 ECH BL-R OR RM 1-4 ALT CIRCUITS 48.10 ......... Fee suriunary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- .....-------- ---------- ---------- ---------- J\ Permit Fee Total 48.10 48.10 .00 .00 .~ Plan Check' Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 48.~0 48.10 .00 .00 ,~ ., ~ ~ \ tAl \ 0 .~ Separate Permits are required for eleJ";"",1 work, SEPA, Sh~!'Elllne,ESA. utilities, private and public Irnpro..,erneqt.s.11lI$P4t.m~,~omes null and void If work or construct/on authorized Is not commenCed within 180 days, If construction or work Is suspended or abandoned for a periQd of 180 days after the work as commenced, or If required Inspections have not been requested within 1.80da~ fro.n the last Inspection. I here~y certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. .. All PlOvlslons of laws and ordinancesgovemlng this type of work will becomplleoWlth whether specified herein or not. The grantlngofapem:lit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any 'state or local law regulating construct/on or the pei'fonnance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Qwner(1f owner Is builder) Date T:\PLANNlNG\FORMS\1102.15 (1111412003) 11'..'" '<';'(:"1'/""",("1"'''''"'''' ":"< ----,' 't)'c:',..,., "",'"',"., '~i''';:-0.jl I J)vJ.LDING PERMITIN~J:J!.,",J.J.ON RECORD I CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR BLECrRICAL INSPECTIONS. i PLEASE PROVJDE A MINI~ 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO C()VER,/NSClLA1'B ORCQN.~ANY W'ORK,Bf..FQRE INSPECTEDANDACC.EPTED. POST PERMIT IN ACO~SPICUOUS" LocATI, O,N. ' " "'"'' '''''' 'KEEp pr,.M,CARD AND AP, PRO,VBD Pi(tNSATiOB.)u D. INSPECTION TYPE " , '. . DATE I A"............. '. COMMENTS , " . YES 1 NO FOUNDATION: ,-f" " ..uu....iGS I WALLS I FoUNDA'llON DRAINAGEfOOWNSPOf{fS... , ~== (LIGHT"'~,jSEPARATE~:';'--,"?-o<f ,k)~ I ,t ( ~~ . - UNDER FLOOR/ SLAB ROUGH-IN I ~!''JtR LINE ~II:A TO BLDG) GAS LINE, I ..... I "J;lA~FLf;lW/WA~"" I AlI\'~ :;0 I I I ~(,t, }~sn>I()IRDERS '- ~ WALUHOLDOOWNS W Au.s.1 NJV~ / CEILING DR~~L (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONL\') T-BAR: . I 111111 JNStJt;ATION ::'/FLOOll/~G r I I MECIIANICAI. HEAT PUMP 'GAS LINE WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHIMNEY rOOD I DUCTS Pw, tJTILJ'IUSl SITE WORK (l11.,;", .lIllDiYision) SBPARATE PERMlT"'J: ViA TBti.INE / t..........' SEWER CONNECTION SAN!TAllY STOIlM PLANNING.,'..!., .;. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKINGILl""",..,.JG 1,,1'. ,.,1' ,..ES". A:,,' LANDSCAPING , '.. .'. ;;,>.)~,!.:,;:,.~: l' J1iNALiI i~.: ...cnOj\lSlt.F:91J1RJID PRIOR TO ~CiiPANri~~ ' au..)uiENfIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL :,NO ...... ..JCAL" UGlIT DEPr. 4.7-<7)$ 2.C3 -'<!I'f f2;( CONSTRMCTION R. W./ PW/' BNGINI&&WJ '. 417-4807 FIRE 411-46S3F1RE....:..:.. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 417-4815 BulI..DlNCf rftl'o"r~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES em DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DNISION L~ 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, W A 98362 ~ ""<~ DUILV".,U r-CI'fIVlI I - Pl:KMII NU: 131:113 ISSUED: 10/28/2002 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION RICHARD ELMER 731 ALDER S 731 S ALDER Lot: AL T OF L T JJ Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: D Long Legal 360/457-3708 Subdivision: CRESTHAVEN T: S: Parcel No: 063011550620000 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT PELLET HEAT CO, N/A 230 "C" E, 1 ST STREET Port Angeles, WA 98362 , 98360-0000 360/457-1649 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $2,263,00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: FRPL INSERT LP SFD sa FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: RESIDENTIAL -+-' Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 \...,,' Construction Type: MFD sa FT: 0 - Zoning Use: PROJECT NOTES (Jc; INSTALL FIREPLACE INSERT/ LPG TANK! PIPING ...,....,\ ----' RECEIPT#9853 r- FEES ASSESSMENT 0 Building Permit: $0,00 Mise Fee 1: $0,00 Plan Check: $0,00 Mise Fee 2: $0,00 (1-' State Surcharge: $0,00 Mise Fee 3: $0,00 - House Moving: $0,00 I'u Manufactured Home: $0,00 Sign: $0,00 TOTAL FEE: $35,15 Plumbing: $0,00 AMOUNT PAID: $35,15 Mechanical: $35,15 BALANCE DUE: $0,00 Radon: $0,00 Separate Permits are required foreiectrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements, This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection, I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of iaws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authorit to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the pelformance of const~ .~ Signature of Co r ctor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 {4/2002] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS, PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE, IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED, POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION, KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE I DATE 1 ACCEPTED I COMMENTS 1 YES 1 NO 1 FOUNDATION: I FOOTINGS I WALLS I FOUNDA nON DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT: # I 1 ROUGH-IN 1 I 1 I PLUMBING I I UNDER FLOOR I SLAB 1 I ROUGH-IN I WATER LINE I GAS LINE 11/-;7-6-0'1.- RiJ I I BACK FLOW I WATER I I 1 AIR SEAL j I WALLS I I I 1 CEILING I FRAMING I I JOISTS I GIRDERS I I SHEAR WALL I I WALLS / ROOF I CEILING I DRYWALL i I I-BAR I I INSULA liON J SLAB I I I 1 WALL I FLOOR I CEILING I I MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP I WOOD STOVE I PELLET J CHIMNEY 1 HOOD I DUCTS I PW UTILITIES I SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'g: I WATERLINE I METER j SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM 1 PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING I I I ESA: LANDSCAPING 1 SHORELINE, I FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL I DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE I ACCEPTED YES NO I ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 I ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT I CONSTRUCTION R.W./ PW/ 417-4807 I I I I CONSTRUCTION - R. w. I ENGINEERING PW 1 ENGINEERING I FIRE 417-4653 I I I I FIRE DEPT. I I I PLANNING DEPT. 417,4750 I I I I PLANNING DEPT. I I I BUILDING 417-4815 I 1 I 1 BUI"~ING I 1 J -- T:\PLANNING\FORMS\I 102.15 [4/2002] I ! BUILDING DIVISION ; CITY OF PORT ANGELES * * Correction Notice Job Located at 7sl (- " !lIck V ,,:::x::. Inspection of your work revealed that the following is not in accordance with the codes governing the work in this jurisdiction: S€ul ,.- ~- C v},i' II\. YQ.-,,^,+ c-\ -"I i <..)v\. .......J'....""'" i'~ ~_ \\; V\d /O,q K. Tc:<vlk d ; s t c... w:::. Q. ~;QM. f.- 9~ ,€ ,.,. - vJ ~\I\.~o,^J $/ ';J . f , I I f These corrections must be made and are not to be I covered until reinspection is ma~. When corrections i have been made, please call ~~<2 r- , , , for inspection. I j) ;A'I/ i ; i' '_ ~:,' c.. --- ,~\~...., , /"(/"" ~,_ / 'l " ," / ;\ ! Date . /'.._"1.' '1.' "en.' ~){'4-' I J <.- ~-' ....',. ~_. ','?.-' . j I Inspector for Building Division i DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG CITY OF PORT ANGELES ( DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . REQUEST: ' Date i 1/g.6/6J Q- Time q,':;<j D Received by ~-'~ (phone, person) '{ I ---, - Location of Work to be inspected "7,::;; J C 4id.ey <..')'7: Name of person requesting inspection ~ Ivy} p ~ ' /J r j, ~ -' . Address of person requesting inspection _::::"-+'-L- Phone No.7 -0671} Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No.;:3 q/ '3-- Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbi~ e Sewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: G~ IIN?' (c/f;~D ~ ~ 71 ? ) Inspected: DatI' II-'Zb-OL Tim/> By ~ Remarks: () / ) '-/~ RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved OGravel o Asphalt OPCC o Other o Repaired by City Work Order # o Repaired by Permittee o COMPLETE o No Damage Found o INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) I .;;;. - ~ pOAT 4",- <, ,'- ...o~<< CITY OF PORT ANGELES ...~ <", iJ. ,., ...~ LIGHT DEPARTMENT PERMIT NO /1. 9'1 L~' ~ko/J'P .~ I t:;~~: ELECTRICAL PERMIT DATF l" LlG I sI1e Address: /J /di.< o READY FOR ~ WILL CALL FOR I 73/ INSPECTION INSPECTION Ilnttalled By: Bnh'..5 2-1cr:..f.r I t., I License Number: Phone: I I01ner/BUSiness: Phone: I I O,ner/BuSiness Address: Sq. Ft. I , If! Residential o New Construction o Overhead I Heat KW iR Remodel o Undergroun~ 4J Baseboard 0 Furnace/Boi ler o Service update/alter/repair Voltage j;).O ;:zt/D Q Heatpump 0 Other )i;\10 03.0 4J Commercial/Industrial load o Add/alter circuits Service size .;::){)/) Amps , Total Connected load o Auxiliary power o Temporary (attach breakdown) (list below) , Total Motor load o Special equipment : (attach breakdown) (list below) I Det+ils/DescriPtion: Itdd€d 414d flxi:s. hAll, t9o+J6, /8 KuJ 13.13. AUt-I-. ,.. , It-...J tI. 6 I:u.) /k~ ?;; b tf'w 1.1011 ;'ll, .;)/Jf')O ..so. X S V;9 - ;+r~ I r ~Js d i / ..3. k/.t) r;~Z. /Ivrf /O,('w )( /. ~ K'i1A - - . ~14-fiN1dl4l /.skw j], )j, j t:A--f .;sl:v R,~~~ ( I,:;; ~IAJ Lt )~/.P.-l Lk-, .;2(0) L/..r:;/(v~ 9,.(:W I SH t+14IJ(~/ /bt{ J Dt..<;~ (Altff-S"~ /. ~ .kuJ I r A4-k dl4lrJ' 10 -4cJ I D4 ,-u. S.KtU W,5, 'No Service 5i7" Dat" Hold for: 0 Easement 0 Letter Capacity: 0 O,K, 0 Not O,K, Comment~ o Ditch inspection O,K, ~ o Signed up for service/meter ....,~ Rough-in/cover O,K, ~ ~ o Meter Department notified for installation o O,~, to connect service o Fire Department notified of inspection ~' Fi~al O,K, o Plan Review approved/pending /tIIWL I Site A~dress: 4lffj( I permitliZP7~ I :73/ Install'er:./3 I, zh-C:/h.'C-- I New MelD I ~,6ok,p I I 0 'S , , ^. Notify~ the Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must riot be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O,K, for covering or service has been given by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT. 158 or EXT. 224. I --1& NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT 30 ~ '~I I ' nspec or Amount paid WHITE +- file by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN - Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall , OLYMPIC ~RINTERS. INC. 09:59 PM E.JANSSEN 360 452 2982 - ,P -f' 01 DEC-02-2004 8 'OIOIIfIC'IAL UUClNI.Y' ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION DM-'Ih .--~._.. -,--...- ..-. Due 1\ppV'*' ___. 0111 '....d _..... u,o______ Thai EI.'t~lcai Perrr.il Appi'elilticn mu.' b_ rlll.d Clut comol...!,;" Pl.... type Dr reprint In Ink. Ir you hlv, I"Y qUlltiOflS, pt..s.. c.1I (310) .1""7~' 1101 Fa. nu",ba" l~e01417.711 O""tr:'" EltC ConlrOClOr A;tOI' e-~.fft.4 WilLe T~c.1-f ?hona. t/rJ- S-j..2.1.. Pu: ~)7- 'i"~~'- Pr..."" Owna" ~\ L"-.....,~ ~ I WI-{. IT, ~r7-D,,77 P~OIl" _.!:I~/ - I '1 16 _till,. ?~I . (B..'....;>)? ZIp: , n,,'Z. s: AI.l<.1( S'MU" r.D 11<.,', C'ly' A EiOCtII." CDnllado. Llcens~ lJ EllIl; 'hone: ------ Add''': City ZIP: III/STA\.LA710N WIR.O BY: DOWNER ~ECT~JCAL CO'"T';ACTI)R e,..,it ic'nl Holder Nlm.' 8111111,Addrwll: City: Zip: e,.c", ClnI Numb.r: ElCp, Dati: \/rSA: /tIC: - - PlIo.Il!QT ADIlIlI": 7:5/ ,5 A!j)F~ .0:;1. \: . .- - -l ~ Check l!!! thai apply: ::New )l( Alteration/Addition \ I Sq, "', - Ot~.tIdenli'l Cl Mulll.t.mlly 0 COIT1mercie,1 C Mobl!e Home - o R~"l. Meier o Oel.ched gurage [] HOI Tub 0 Swim Pool D Septic F'Clmp o Low Vott.ge 0 Telecom. DSiQ( Nu..,b.r ot Clrwila add.d or 81t.....d: ,_..2., oeelcMoTlON 0' TMIl ELl!CTRlCAL PROJECT: #~-.) Ctlrt...., .;~ -r" NeW ~"',.tN(I.~&' of- I-Iv. f)'; Pit";;>. Re...."v... /.>K"/ R....I...~ ""- """,II /..I~ ..' 118tIttl1lit1 Hael Lll'" AddlUDn. and or l!lubt..c:tlnnll 8.",11:. InfcNnlatlen C:B$ _KW ~~erh"ad ServIce VoIt8aI: /...,,/...... ~F~m qe ~ I<W PheH: g-, 03 )l(HMt P.......:l.. TON LRA r:l Temp Service Service Size: -tio " _ :JF_.. ItII _KW : 1 Underground Ser\lic:e F..der SIn: . I~, certify that I have reed and examined this application iJnd know that same to be true end COInICt. IIIICt III sc4:tisd to spply for this permit, I understand It is not the City's legal responsibility to determine whllt " I "J Ii'll Ire I1I",d; It remeins the applicants responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain ~ch, Cl'ldlt C.rd Hold.,', Signature: (12--., ~ Olte: r7.../~/' ~l-r.:.-- Own., or ~18C. Cont. SIgnature: D.te: PERMIT FEE: $ 3'- .'/, c .Ie(EC"R:I~Al ~EQ.Mll APPUCA TfON