HomeMy WebLinkAboutLTAC Agenda Packet 11132024 November 13, 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Page 1 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda November 13, 2024 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Notice is hereby given that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) will meet on Thursday, November 13, 2024, starting at 10:00 AM in the City Council Chambers in City Hall located at 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA. This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Committee members, and City staff have the option to attend the meeting in person, at City Hall or remotely via telephone or video link. Audio only: 1-844-992-4726 Access code: 2555 360 7112 Webinar password: VaVTf3b6Rp3 (82883326 when dialing from a phone or video system) Once connected, press *3 to raise your virtual hand if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the November 13, 2024 meeting only. Webex link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m231b20ce9e3cc0ee2e9216bfc17fef01 To make a public comment, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. The meeting is open to the public. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the September 26, 2024 LTAC meeting IV. PUBLIC COMMENT The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, business must proceed in an orderly and timely manner. Visit https://www.cityofpa.us/984/Live-Virtual-Meetings to learn how to participate during public comment and or watch the meeting live. Written public comments can be submitted to lodgingtaxadvisorycommittee@cityofpa.us, comments will not be read aloud. V. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS 1. Discussion/Action Item: Review and Recommend Award of Annual 2025 Lodging Tax Application Proposals. VI. STAFF UPDATES 1. 2024 Washington Festivals and Events Conference Update 2. City Council Resolution 11-24 LTAC Vision, Goals, Priorities and Procedures Document 3. October LTAX Revenue Report VII. COMMITTEE MEMBER UPDATES VIII. ADJOURNMENT LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington September 26, 2024 10:00 a.m. This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER Chair Carr called the meeting of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to order at 10:02 a.m. ROLL CALL Voting Members Present: Navarra Carr, Christine Loewe, Caitlin Sullivan, Sydney Rubin, and Victoria Jones. Member-at-Large Non-Voting Members: Katie Bedard (attending virtually) and John Hauck. Members Absent: Rosylen Mangohig. Staff Present: Ben Braudrick, Hailey Jones, Sarina Carrizosa and Aubrianna Howell. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Jones and seconded by Loewe to: Approve the August 1, 2024, minutes, with the correction of the spelling of Committee member Caitlin Sullivan’s name. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC COMMENT Brooke Taylor, city resident, spoke in favor of an automatic allocation of lodging tax funding for Field Arts & Events Hall. Mark Fisher, city resident, spoke in favor of an automatic allocation of lodging tax funding for Field Arts & Events Hall. Sean Coleman, residing outside of the city, spoke in opposition of an automatic allocation lodging tax funding for Field Arts & Events Hall. Steve Raider-Ginsburg, city resident, spoke in favor of an automatic allocation of lodging tax funding for Field Arts & Events Hall. Marlo Desser, city resident, spoke in favor of an automatic allocation of lodging tax funding for Field Arts & Events Hall. Bruce Skinner, residing outside of the city, spoke in favor of an automatic allocation of lodging tax funding for Field Arts & Events Hall. Kate Robins, city resident, spoke in favor of an automatic allocation of lodging tax funding for Field Arts & Events Hall. Steven Pelayo, residing outside of the city, spoke to tourism in Olympic National Park and spoke in favor of an automatic allocation of lodging tax funding for Field Arts & Events Hall. DISCUSSION/ ACTION ITEMS 1. Review of the Staff Recommended 2025 Lodging Tax (LTAX) Budget Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa presented the staff recommended 2025 Lodging Tax Fund Budget and stated a total of $1,060,500 funds were available to award and spoke to the dollar amount each application category is available to award, including the operation of tourism-related facilities and events, marketing services that promote tourism in Port Angeles, and the construction and maintenance of City owned tourism related facilities such as city LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE – September 26, 2024 Page 2 of 3 parks and recreation facilities. Director Carrizosa spoke to the lodging tax budget’s revenue forecast, excess reserve funds available and the changes in fixed costs for the budget. Committee discussion followed. Director Carrizosa answered Committee questions. Committee discussion continued. It was moved by Loewe and seconded Jones by to: Review categories that are detailed in the Vision, Goals, Priorities and Procedures document for lodging tax allocation during the March 2025 meeting, to ensure that they align with the committees’ priorities. Motion carried 3-2, with Rubin and Sullivan opposed. Committee discussion continued regarding the proposed 2025 budget. It was moved by Jones and seconded Loewe by to: Approve the recommended $1,060,500 for the 2025 Lodging Tax Budget in the amounts and percentages for each category. Motion carried 3-2, with Rubin and Sullivan opposed. 2. Action Item: Annual Review of the LTAC Vision, Goals and Priorities Guidance Document Planning Supervisor Ben Braudrick presented the Lodging Tax Committee’s Vision, Goals, and Priorities document that is reviewed by the Committee each year. Planning Supervisor Braudrick spoke to the collection of the Committees feedback during their meetings held in 2024 and proposed amendments made to create the new and final draft version of the document now titled Vision, Goals, Priorities and Procedures. Chair Carr opened the floor for Committee discussion. Planning Supervisor Braudrick answered Committee questions. Committee discussion continued. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Jones to: Add the two words “year-round” in the first bullet under the Funding Priorities Non-Events categories the in the Vision, Goals, Priorities and Procedure document, to read “Lend support to a diverse range of year-round sustainable tourism activities to encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often.” Motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Loewe and seconded by Jones to: Approve the Vision, Goals, Priorities and Procedure document as updated by City staff and Committee. Motion carried 5-0. 3. 2024 Funding Request: Lulish Local Marketing Classes and right of way use fee updates Planning Supervisor Ben Braudrick provided an overview of a September 15, 2022 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommendation that provided $50,000 towards destination marketing. He spoke to City staff’s recommendation to use the remaining $25,000 in reserved funding to pay $9,015.28 for a Lulish Local Marketing training that took place prior to the 2024 Tourism Summit on April 8th with the option to provide six $2,500 grants to local businesses for marketing assistance aimed at tourists to encourage overnight stays. Planning Supervisor Braudrick spoke to two event applicants who were required to obtain right-of-way use permits and traffic control who applied for lodging tax funding in October 2023 and are now requesting further funding due to the updated fee schedule that occurred on January 1, 2024. Committee discussion followed. Director Carrizosa and Planning Supervisor Braudrick answered Committee questions. It was moved by Jones and seconded by Loewe to: Fund $1,400 in the Right of Way Use permit and traffic control funding assistance for inclusion into the 2024 Lodging Tax Fund Budget. Motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Sydney seconded by Sullivan to: Approve $9,015.28 of funds to the Lulish Local Marketing training. Motion carried 4-1, with Sullivan opposed. STAFF UPDATES LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE – September 26, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Planning Supervisor Ben Braudrick spoke to the recent Lodging Tax Applicant training based on the Committee’s procedures document. This training provided past and potential applicants the opportunity to review information regarding lodging tax funding, application, contract, and reimbursement processes. COMMITTEEE MEMBER UPDATES Chair Carr spoke to the City’s Comprehensive Plan updates and advocated for Committee member participation. No other reports were given. ADJOURNMENT Chair Carr adjourned the meeting at 12:04 p.m. _____________________________________ _______________________________ Navarra Carr, Chair Aubrianna Howell, Acting Clerk 1 Date: November 13, 2024 To: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee From: Ben Braudrick, Planning Supervisor Hailey Jones, Budget Officer Subject: 2025 LTAX Fund RFP Application Review and Recommendations Background / Analysis: 2025 Preliminary Annual Lodging Tax Budget Recommendation At the September 26, 2024 LTAC Meeting the Committee recommended a preliminary budget for 2025 in the amount of $1,060,500. The Committee has required a designation of 5% of this budget be for capital facilities reserve ($53,000). The removal of the capital funds held in reserve provides a total of $1,007,500 for the 2025 LTAX Funding Program. The current categorical disbursement is as follows: Category Amount_ Capital ................................................................................................................ $ 212,100 Non-Fixed Operations ........................................................................................ $ 350,000 Non-Fixed Marketing ......................................................................................... $ 265,100 Events.................................................................................................................. $ 127,300 Master Plan Priorities (Committee Members Choice) ....................................... $ 53,000 Total Budget Available ..................................................................................... $ 1,007,500 Excess and Capital Reserves The current amount of available reserve funding is estimated to be $736,500. This amount is the excess available after the 25% fund balance requirement per City financial policies have been met. As a matter of LTAC policy, 5% of the annual budget is reserved for capital facilities. With the addition of the 2025 amount ($53,000), the capital reserve budget will be $53,000 in 2025 due to use of this reserve in 2024 for the City Pier Tower repairs. Summary: The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) reviews and recommends approval of funding proposals for the final LTAX fund budget each year. Funding can be provided in the budget for any of the following purposes: the operation of tourism-related facilities and events, marketing services that promote tourism in Port Angeles, and the construction and maintenance of City-owned tourism related facilities such as city parks and recreation facilities. The approved budget proposal and any excess fund balance that has resulted from higher-than-expected lodging tax collection in the previous year may be used to fund application proposals. Funding: Lodging Tax budget of $1,060,500 for FY2025 with the proposed category funding and $736,500 in available excess reserve funding. Recommendation: Staff recommends the LTAC review the Committee scoring sheets and available balance, award of funding to applications, and recommend the final FY2025 LTAX budget to City Council. 2 2025 Annual Lodging Tax(LTAX) Request for Proposals (RFP) Application Process City Staff issued the 2025 LTAX RFP on October 11th with updates related City Council’s approved resolution 11-24 for the LTAC Vision, Goals, Priorities, and Procedures guidance document. Applications were due at 5:00 PM on October 25th. Forty-nine applications were reviewed by the LTAC with a total request amount of $1,542,621. See the chart below for the available balance and request for funding breakdown: Request Type Request Amount Approved Balance Balance less request Capital $ 339,432 $ 212,100 $ (127,332) Operations $ 753,484 $ 350,000 $ (403,484) Marketing $ 279,000 $ 265,100 $ (13,900) Events $ 170,705 $ 127,300 $ (43,405) LTAC Priorities $ - $ 53,000 $ 53,000 Capital Reserve $ - $ 53,000 $ 53,000 Total $ 1,542,621 $ 1,060,500 $ (482,121) Available Excess Reserve $ 0 $ 0 $ 736,500 The LTAC were provided all applications with scoring sheets that reflected the scoring criteria for each category in the LTAC Vision, Goals, Priorities and Procedures guidance document. Staff has compiled the individual LTAC scoring and provided a ranking based upon the average score of each application and the number of Committee members that provided responses. Each category has been provided a bright line in the ranking. This bright line represents the number of ranked applications that can be fully funded using the available balance in the category. See Attachments 1 and 2 for Committee scoring and average ranking. Attachments: 1. 2025 LTAX Non-Event Application Committee Scoring and Ranking 2. 2025 LTAX Event Application Committee Scoring and Ranking Applicant Funding Type Request Amount Running Total Average by %Rank Peninsula Trails Coalition Capital 32,000$ 32,000$ 80%1 Lincoln Park BMX Association Capital 49,432$ 81,432$ 79%2 Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Capital 108,000$ 189,432$ 72%3 COPA Park and Rec Capital 150,000$ 339,432$ 67%4 OPTC Marketing 33,000$ 33,000$ 87%1 OPTC Cooperative Advertisments Marketing 27,000$ 60,000$ 86%2 Visit Port Angeles Destination Marketing Marketing 210,000$ 270,000$ 82%3 Olympic Culinary Loop Marketing 9,000$ 279,000$ 64%4 Port Angeles Waterfront Center Operations 250,000$ 250,000$ 88%1 Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Operations 42,000$ 292,000$ 87%2 Peninsula Trails Coalition Operations 17,500$ 309,500$ 81%3 Port Angeles Visitor Center Operations Operations 122,342$ 431,842$ 81%4 Event ROW and City Services Coverage Operations 10,000$ 441,842$ 79%5 Port Angeles Community Players Operations 23,602$ 465,444$ 74%6 Port Angeles Waterfront District Operations 32,000$ 497,444$ 74%6 Port Angeles Staff Time Dedicated to LTAX Operations 55,824$ 553,268$ 70%8 Sequim Community Broadcasting Operations 5,000$ 558,268$ 70%8 Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Operations 39,680$ 597,948$ 67%10 Port Angeles Youth Basketball Operations 90,000$ 687,948$ 62%11 Port Angeles Marathon Associations Operations 15,000$ 702,948$ 59%12 North Olympic Baseball and Softball Operations 50,536$ 753,484$ 58%13 Available Request Capital Facilities 212,100$ 339,432$ Marketing 265,100$ 279,000$ Operations 350,000$ 753,484$ Total 827,200$ 1,371,916$ 2025 LTAX Non-Event Related Application Committee Scoring Organization:Lincoln Park BMX Assoc. Request Type:Capital Request For:Balance Bike Track Installation and Turf Improvements Request Amount:$49,432 Annual Budget:$394,865 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 1 5 5 5 1 5 4 1.95 4 1 5 5 3 1 5 3 1.81 5 1 5 3 5 2 4 4 1.62 5 5 5 5 5 3 4 5 0.79 4 5 5 5 5 1 5 4 1.5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 0.82 28 16 30 28 28 8 28 24 8.36 The budget provided reflects a clear understanding of the costs associated with this project and there is evidence that this budget is based on market research,structured estimates,or estimates provided by contractors. (5 pts.) The project supports LTAC priorities to increase transportation, quality of city infrastructure, wayfinding, or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles.(5 pts) The project will support our local economy through local contracts, retail purchases, or partnerships.(5 pts.) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that this project will help increase opportunities for tourism sustainable activities. (5 pts.) There is evidence provided that the project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return. (5 pts.) The project plan is clear with a timeline for action defined and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine potential for success.(5 pts.) Organization:Peninsula Trails Coalition Request Type:Capital Request For:Improvements to Olympic Discovery Trail Request Amount:$32,000 Annual Budget:$490,000 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 3 5 5 4 1.91 5 3 0 3 2 5 4 3 1.77 4 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 0.9 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 4 3 5 5 2 2 5 4 1.38 28 26 20 21 20 25 28 24 3.61 The budget provided reflects a clear understanding of the costs associated with this project and there is evidence that this budget is based on market research,structured estimates,or estimates provided by contractors. (5 pts.) The project supports LTAC priorities to increase transportation, quality of city infrastructure, wayfinding, or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles.(5 pts) The project will support our local economy through local contracts, retail purchases, or partnerships.(5 pts.) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that this project will help increase opportunities for tourism sustainable activities. (5 pts.) There is evidence provided that the project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return. (5 pts.) The project plan is clear with a timeline for action defined and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine potential for success.(5 pts.) Organization:Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Request Type:Capital Request For:Improvements to Webster's Woods event and activity space Request Amount:$108,000 Annual Budget:$520,611 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 3 2 5 5 3 5 4 1.33 3 2 5 4 1 5 3 1.63 3 3 3 3 1 4 3 0.98 5 5 3 5 1 5 4 1.67 5 4 5 5 5 5 0.45 3 3 5 5 5 4 1.1 22 19 26 27 6 29 21.5 8.41 The budget provided reflects a clear understanding of the costs associated with this project and there is evidence that this budget is based on market research,structured estimates,or estimates provided by contractors. (5 pts.) The project supports LTAC priorities to increase transportation, quality of city infrastructure, wayfinding, or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles.(5 pts) The project will support our local economy through local contracts, retail purchases, or partnerships.(5 pts.) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that this project will help increase opportunities for tourism sustainable activities. (5 pts.) There is evidence provided that the project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return. (5 pts.) The project plan is clear with a timeline for action defined and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine potential for success.(5 pts.) Organization:COPA Parks and Recreation Dept. Request Type:Capital Request For:Civic Field Scoreboard Replacement Request Amount:$150,000 Annual Budget:$3.7 million CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 2 3 5 5 5 0 5 4 1.99 1 3 0 5 5 0 4 3 2.23 5 0 5 4 2 5 4 4 1.9 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 4 2.44 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 0.79 3 0 0 5 3 0 5 2 2.29 19 10 20 29 20 15 28 20 6.72 The budget provided reflects a clear understanding of the costs associated with this project and there is evidence that this budget is based on market research,structured estimates,or estimates provided by contractors. (5 pts.) The project supports LTAC priorities to increase transportation, quality of city infrastructure, wayfinding, or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles.(5 pts) The project will support our local economy through local contracts, retail purchases, or partnerships.(5 pts.) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that this project will help increase opportunities for tourism sustainable activities. (5 pts.) There is evidence provided that the project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return. (5 pts.) The project plan is clear with a timeline for action defined and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine potential for success.(5 pts.) Organization:Olympic Culinary Loop Request Type:Marketing Request For:Targeted Marketing and Expanded Narrative Request Amount:$9,000 Annual Budget:$197,000 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 1 2 5 5 1 5 3 1.99 5 1 2 3 3 1 5 3 1.68 4 0 2 5 5 0 5 3 2.31 5 0 2 2 3 0 5 2 2.07 5 2 5 5 5 3 5 4 1.25 24 4 13 20 21 5 25 16 8.76 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission Request Type:Marketing Request For:OPTC Annual Regional Marketing Request Amount:$33,000 Annual Budget:$392,000 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 2 4 5 5 5 5 4 1.13 5 2 5 5 4 5 5 4 1.13 5 2 4 5 5 3 5 4 1.21 5 3 3 3 3 5 5 4 1.07 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 25 14 21 23 22 23 25 22 3.76 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission Request Type:Marketing Request For:OPTC Joint Co-op Marketing Request Amount:$27,000 Annual Budget:$392,200 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 3 4 4 5 5 5 4 0.79 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 1.13 5 2 4 4 4 5 5 4 1.07 5 3 3 3 3 5 5 4 1.07 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 1.13 25 12 21 21 22 25 25 22 4.61 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:City of Port Angeles Request Type:Marketing Request For:Amplification of "Visit Port Angeles" brand Request Amount:$210,000 Annual Budget:$210,000 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 2 4 5 5 5 5 4 1.13 5 4 4 3 5 5 5 4 0.79 5 3 3 5 4 5 5 4 0.95 5 0 0 2 3 5 5 3 2.27 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 1.13 25 11 16 20 22 25 25 21 5.38 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:City of Port Angeles Request Type:Operations Request For:ROW Coverage Costs Request Amount:NTE $10,000 Annual Budget:$10,000 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 3 0 5 5 5 5 4 1.91 5 3 0 1 5 5 5 3 2.15 5 0 0 5 5 5 5 4 2.44 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 0.38 5 0 5 3 5 5 5 4 1.91 25 10 10 19 25 25 25 20 7.08 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Education Foundation Request Type:Operations Request For:Operation of Winter Shuttle Service Request Amount:$39,680 Annual Budget:$220,900 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 3 3 5 5 5 1 4 1.63 4 2 2 2 4 3 3 0.98 3 3 2 5 3 2 3 1.1 5 0 0 3 5 5 3 2.45 5 3 2 5 5 5 4 1.33 20 11 11 20 22 16 17 4.8 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:North Olympic Baseball and Softball Request Type:Operations Request For:WA State Cal Ripken Tournament Operations Request Amount:$50,536 Annual Budget:$91,384 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 3 1 5 4 4 0 5 3 1.95 3 1 3 5 2 2 4 3 1.35 3 3 5 5 3 3 5 4 1.07 3 0 0 1 1 0 5 1 1.9 3 3 5 4 3 0 5 3 1.7 15 8 18 19 13 5 24 15 6.55 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Peninsula Trails Coalition Request Type:Operations Request For:Marketing and Measuring Trail User Activity on ODT Request Amount:$17,500 Annual Budget:$237,985 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 3 2 5 2 5 5 4 1.46 4 4 2 4 2 5 5 4 1.25 4 1 2 4 5 4 4 3 1.4 5 4 5 3 5 5 5 5 0.79 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 0.76 23 17 16 21 17 24 24 20 3.55 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Port Angeles Community Players Request Type:Operations Request For:Viewshed Improvements at PA Community Playhouse Request Amount:$23,602 Annual Budget:$66,730 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 4 5 0 3 4 1 5 3 1.95 3 4 4 3 3 0 4 3 1.41 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 0.69 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 0.76 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 0.38 20 21 17 18 20 11 23 19 3.87 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Request Type:Operations Request For:Webster's Woods Maintenance of Exhibits and Programs Request Amount:$42,000.00 Annual Budget:$520,611 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 0.84 4 3 5 4 2 5 4 1.17 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 0.75 5 4 4 3 5 5 4 0.82 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 0.41 21 18 24 21 22 24 22 2.25 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Port Angeles Marathon Association Request Type:Operations Request For:Operating Expenses for PA Marathon Association Request Amount:$15,000 Annual Budget:$325,400 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 0 5 5 4 2 4 2.07 5 0 3 5 2 2 3 1.94 5 0 5 5 5 3 4 2.04 3 0 3 1 2 0 2 1.38 4 0 4 5 5 1 3 2.14 22 0 20 21 18 8 15 8.86 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:City of Port Angeles Request Type:Operations Request For:Funding COPA Staff for LTAX related work Request Amount:$55,824 Annual Budget:$55,824 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 2 4 4 5 2 5 4 1.35 5 1 0 1 5 0 5 2 2.44 5 2 0 4 5 0 5 3 2.31 5 3 4 1 5 2 5 4 1.62 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 0.49 25 12 13 14 25 9 25 18 7.11 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:City of Port Angeles Request Type:Operations Request For:Operation of City's Visitor Center Request Amount:$122,342 Annual Budget:$122,342 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 5 4 5 4 3 5 4 0.79 5 5 3 3 3 1 5 4 1.51 5 4 4 4 3 N/A 5 4 0.75 5 4 5 3 3 5 5 4 0.95 5 3 5 5 5 2 5 4 1.25 25 21 21 20 18 11 25 20 4.78 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Port Angeles Waterfront Center Request Type:Operations Request For:Operating Expenses of Field Hall Request Amount:$250,000 Annual Budget:$3,528,272 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 0.76 4 5 2 3 5 5 5 4 1.21 4 5 2 5 5 5 4 4 1.11 4 5 4 2 3 5 5 4 1.15 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 0.38 22 25 16 20 23 25 23 22 3.16 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Port Angeles Waterfront District Request Type:Operations Request For:Waterfront District Improvements per Elevate PA 5-year plan Request Amount:$32,000 Annual Budget:$236,450 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 3 5 0 5 3 5 5 4 1.89 3 5 0 2 3 5 4 3 1.77 3 3 0 5 1 5 4 3 1.91 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 0.76 5 5 2 5 1 5 5 4 1.73 19 23 5 22 13 25 23 19 7.16 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Port Angeles Youth Basketball Request Type:Operations Request For:Hosting of Youth Basketball Events Request Amount:$90,000 Annual Budget:$375,000 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 5 3 5 5 4 3 5 4 0.95 5 3 5 5 3 1 5 4 1.57 5 4 3 5 3 1 5 4 1.5 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 1 1.21 0 3 5 5 0 1 5 3 2.36 15 13 20 21 10 6 23 15 6.24 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Organization:Sequim Community Broadcasting Request Type:Operations Request For:Operating Expenses for KSQM Request Amount:$5,000 Annual Budget:$220,000 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg. St.Dev. 4 1 0 4 3 4 4 3 1.68 3 1 0 1 3 3 3 2 1.29 4 1 0 4 3 4 4 3 1.68 3 1 0 1 0 5 5 2 2.19 3 1 0 3 3 0 5 2 1.86 17 5 0 13 12 16 21 12 7.26 This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure,or wayfinding or enhances the city’s natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. (5 pts.) This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business.(5 pts) Total Scoring Criteria There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities.(5 pts.) There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits.(5 pts.) The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tourists.(5 pts.) Event Name Event Type Request Running Total Average Score Rank Pacific Northwest Fiber Arts Expo New 5,150$ 5,150$ 98 1 The Dungeness Crab Festival New 10,000$ 15,150$ 96 2 Olympic Peninsula Fungi Festival New 10,000$ 25,150$ 94 3 West by Northwest Mural Festival New 10,000$ 35,150$ 87 4 Salt Creek 24 New 2,000$ 37,150$ 83 5 OAT Run Legacy 1,000$ 38,150$ 83 6 NW Cup MTB Downhill Series 1 Legacy 7,500$ 45,650$ 81 7 NWISA Qualifying Regatta New 7,595$ 53,245$ 81 8 Big Hurt/Little Hurt Legacy 3,000$ 56,245$ 76 9 Elwha Bridge Run Legacy 3,000$ 59,245$ 76 10 NW Cup MTB Downhill Series 3 Legacy 7,500$ 66,745$ 75 11 Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts Legacy 10,000$ 76,745$ 74 12 NW Cup MTB Downhill Series 2 Legacy 7,500$ 84,245$ 74 12 Frosty Moss Relay Legacy 2,000$ 86,245$ 74 14 Concerts on the Pier New 10,000$ 96,245$ 74 15 Port Angeles Rowing Series New 7,000$ 103,245$ 74 15 The Future of Art and Design Tour New 9,300$ 112,545$ 73 17 GOAT Run Legacy 1,000$ 113,545$ 72 18 Spruce Railroad Run New 3,000$ 116,545$ 71 19 North Olympic Discovery Marathon Legacy 8,000$ 124,545$ 71 19 Lincoln Street Block Party New 8,920$ 133,465$ 71 21 SquatchCon Comic and Arts Convention New 10,000$ 143,465$ 71 22 Peninsula Regional Regatta New 4,260$ 147,725$ 70 23 Fall Development Regatta New 4,140$ 151,865$ 69 24 Moby Dick Extravaganza New 1,300$ 153,165$ 69 25 Spring Development Regatta New 4,140$ 157,305$ 68 26 Fall Fest New 10,000$ 167,305$ 64 27 Second Saturday Art Walk Legacy 3,400$ 170,705$ 64 28 Available Request Legacy Event -$ 58,160$ New Event -$ 112,545$ 127,300$ 170,705$ 2025 LTAX Event Application Committee Scoring 1 Attachment 2 Event Name: Organization:123 West Design Collective Event Date/s:3rd Saturday of the month from April - September ROW Request:No Request Amount:$9,300 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$19,300 Previous Room Nights:N/A Business Type:LLC Est. 2025 Room Nights:200 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 10 25 15 15 15 25 22 18 5 15 15 10 10 15 15 10 13 2.4 10 20 20 10 15 20 20 16 4.1 3 10 10 10 5 10 8 8 2.3 3 4 0 5 5 2 5 3.4 1.5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 5 5 5 5 2 5 3 4.3 1 56 89 70 65 67 87 78 73 9.9Total The Future of Art and Design Tour Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights: 20 pts. – over 200, 15 pts. – 100-200, 10 pts. – 50-100, 5 pts. – less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan. (10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 2 Attachment 2 Event Name:Concerts on the Pier Organization:Concerts on the Pier Event Date/s:Every Wednesday June 25-August 27 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$10,000 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$53,800 Previous Room Nights:80 Business Type:501C3 Est. 2025 Room Nights:100 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 25 15 10 25 25 5 25 19 7.3 15 15 10 15 15 5 10 12 3.3 20 20 20 20 20 15 20 19 1.2 10 2 10 10 5 10 10 8.1 2.7 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 1 1.4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 4.4 0.8 85 67 65 87 80 47 84 74 12Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear, and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.– less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 3 Attachment 2 Event Name: Organization:The Dungeness Crab Festival Event Date/s:Oct. 10-12 ROW Request:Yes Request Amount:$10,000 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$339,000 Previous Room Nights:1000 Business Type:501C3 Est. 2025 Room Nights:1000 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 25 15 25 25 25 25 25 23.6 2.45 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 10 10 10 10 7 10 9 9.43 0.82 10 10 10 10 10 6 10 9.43 0.98 10 10 10 5 7 10 10 8.86 1.63 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 4.43 0.98 100 86 100 95 94 96 99 95.7 3.47 The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) Total The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.–less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The Dungeness Crab Festival Scoring Criteria 4 Attachment 2 Event Name:Fall Development Regatta Organization:Community Boating Program Event Date/s:Oct 18 - 19 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$4,140 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$4,140 Previous Room Nights:NA Business Type:501C(3)Est. 2025 Room Nights:20 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 18 25 25 15 5 20 18 5.3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 20 20 0 20 20 18 16 5.4 10 10 10 10 3 8 8.5 2 10 10 10 10 3 10 8.8 1.9 10 10 10 5 0 10 7.5 3.3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 78 85 65 70 41 76 69 11Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.– less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 5 Attachment 2 Event Name:Fall Fest Organization:Events Northwest Event Date/s:September 19-21 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$10,000 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$57,250 Previous Room Nights:50 Business Type:LLC Est. 2025 Room Nights:100 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 10 10 25 25 5 0 22 14 8.7 20 10 20 15 15 10 10 14 3.7 8 20 0 15 10 10 18 12 5.2 3 5 10 10 7 5 9 7 2.3 7 10 5 10 7 5 7 7.3 1.6 4 10 10 5 7 3 10 7 2.6 3 3 5 5 2 2 4 3.4 1.1 55 68 75 85 53 35 80 64 14Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.–less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 6 Attachment 2 Event Name:Lincoln Street Block Party Organization:The Hubbub, LLC Event Date/s:April 19-20 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$8,920 Event Sponsors:No Overall Budget:$17,395 Previous Room Nights:15 Business Type:LLC Est. 2025 Room Nights:50 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 10 25 25 20 10 10 20 17 6.1 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 7.1 2.4 10 20 10 15 20 20 15 16 3.7 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 9.3 1.2 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 8.6 2.4 5 10 10 5 10 10 10 8.6 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 4.7 0.5 55 90 65 70 75 75 68 71 7.6Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.–less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 7 Attachment 2 Event Name:Moby Dick Extravaganza Organization:Studio Bob Event Date/s:10/3-10/5 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$1,300 Event Sponsors:No Overall Budget:$3,850 Previous Room Nights:15 Business Type:LLC Est. 2025 Room Nights:50 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 20 20 25 20 20 10 15 19 3.5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5.7 1.2 15 20 20 15 15 15 15 16 2 3 8 10 10 7 3 5 6.6 2.5 10 10 10 10 10 4 8 8.9 1.6 7 10 10 5 10 7 10 8.4 1.8 3 5 5 5 5 4 3 4.3 0.8 63 78 85 70 77 48 61 69 9.9 Scoring Criteria The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) Total The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.–less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) 8 Attachment 2 Event Name:NWISA Qualifying Regatta Organization:Community Boating Program Event Date/s:April 5-6 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$7,595 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$7,595 Previous Room Nights:NA Business Type:501C(3)Est. 2025 Room Nights:60+ CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 25 25 25 25 20 25 24 1.4 10 10 10 10 10 15 11 1.4 20 20 0 20 20 18 16 5.4 10 10 10 10 5 8 8.8 1.6 10 10 5 10 7 10 8.7 1.8 8 10 10 5 0 10 7.2 3.1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 88 90 65 85 67 91 81 10Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear, and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.– less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 9 Attachment 2 Event Name:Olympic Peninsula Fungi Fest Organization:Olympic Peninsula Fungi Festival Event Date/s:October 17-19 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$10,000 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$106,339 Previous Room Nights:300 Business Type:LLC Est. 2025 Room Nights:400 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 18 23 25 25 20 25 25 23 2.3 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 19 1.2 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 1.2 5 10 10 10 7 10 10 8.9 1.6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 5 10 10 8 9 1.4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.7 0.5 81 98 100 95 92 100 93 94 4.7Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.–less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 10 Attachment 2 Event Name:Pacific Northwest Fiber Arts Expo Organization:Port Angeles Arts Council Event Date/s:October 3-5 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$5,150 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$13,767 Previous Room Nights:439 Business Type:501C3 Est. 2025 Room Nights:500 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 24 1.2 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 20 20 20 15 20 20 20 19 1.2 10 10 10 10 7 10 9 9.4 0.8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 9.7 0.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4.9 0.2 100 100 100 93 97 100 93 98 2.8Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.–less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 11 Attachment 2 Event Name:Port Angeles Rowing Series Organization:Olympic Peninsual Rowing Assoc. Event Date/s:4/13, 7/27, 10/18 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$7,000 Event Sponsors:Potential Overall Budget:$33,750 Previous Room Nights:25 Business Type:501C3 Est. 2025 Room Nights:60 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 20 20 25 25 10 20 23 20 3.3 10 10 10 10 5 10 15 10 1.4 18 18 20 20 15 10 20 17 2.7 10 5 10 10 5 3 8 7.3 2.5 4 6 5 8 6 4 10 6.1 1.6 10 10 10 10 5 4 10 8.4 2.2 5 4 5 5 2 3 4 4 0.9 77 73 85 88 48 54 90 74 13Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.–less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 12 Attachment 2 Event Name:Peninsula Regional Regatta Organization:Community Boating Program Event Date/s:Oct. 4-5 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$4,260 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$4,260 Previous Room Nights:20 Business Type:501C(3)Est. 2025 Room Nights:36 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 20 25 25 25 5 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 20 20 0 20 20 18 16 5.4 10 10 10 10 3 8 8.5 2 10 10 5 10 5 10 8.3 2.2 8 10 10 5 0 10 7.2 3.1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 78 85 60 80 43 76 70 13Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.– less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 13 Attachment 2 Event Name:SquatchCon Comic & Arts Convention Organization:GOPA, LLC Event Date/s:April 10 - 13 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$10,000 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$42,375 Previous Room Nights:70 Business Type:LLC Est. 2025 Room Nights:140 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 25 25 25 25 20 25 23 24 1.4 15 10 15 15 15 10 18 14 2.3 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9.9 0.2 10 10 5 10 10 7 10 8.9 1.6 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 9.3 1.2 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4.9 0.2 77 73 85 88 48 54 71 13 Scoring Criteria The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) Total The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.– less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) 14 Attachment 2 Event Name:Salt Creek 24 Organization:Peninsula Adventure Sports Event Date/s:October 25-26 or November 1-2 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$2,000 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$15,700 Previous Room Nights:105 Business Type:LLC Est. 2025 Room Nights:115 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 25 10 25 25 20 7 24 19 6.2 15 10 20 15 15 15 15 15 1.4 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 19 2 10 7 10 10 10 7 8 8.9 1.3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 6 5 5 5 5 10 6.6 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 95 68 95 90 85 64 87 83 10Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear, and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.– less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 15 Attachment 2 Event Name:Spring Development Regatta Organization:Community Boating Program Event Date/s:May 17-18 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$4,140 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$4,140 Previous Room Nights:15 Business Type:501C(3)Est. 2025 Room Nights:20 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 20 25 25 25 5 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 20 20 0 20 20 18 16 5.4 10 10 10 10 3 8 8.5 2 10 10 0 5 3 8 6 3.3 8 10 10 5 0 10 7.2 3.1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 78 85 55 75 41 74 68 13Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear,and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.–less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 16 Attachment 2 Event Name:Spruce Railroad Run Organization:Port Angeles Marathon Association Event Date/s:45583 ROW Request:No Request Amount:$3,000 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$327,500 (budget for all events; applicant did not provide individual budgets)Previous Room Nights:35 Business Type:LLC Est. 2025 Room Nights:500 (all events) CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 25 10 25 25 25 5 19 7.8 5 5 20 5 5 5 7.5 4.2 20 15 20 20 20 5 17 4.4 10 5 10 10 10 5 8.3 2.2 10 6 5 10 10 5 7.7 2.3 10 5 10 10 7 5 7.8 2.2 5 2 5 5 5 3 4.2 1.1 85 48 95 85 82 33 71 21Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear, and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.– less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 17 Attachment 2 Event Name:West by Northwest Mural Festival Organization:Port Angeles Waterfront District Event Date/s:April 24-27 ROW Request:Yes Request Amount:$10,000 Event Sponsors:Yes Overall Budget:$31,800 Previous Room Nights:N/A Business Type:501C(6)Est. 2025 Room Nights:400 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev. 25 20 25 15 15 15 23 20 4 20 15 20 10 20 10 10 15 4.3 20 20 20 20 15 20 20 19 1.2 10 15 10 10 10 10 8 10 1.3 8 10 5 10 10 4 10 8.1 2.1 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 9.7 0.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4.9 0.2 98 95 95 80 85 74 83 87 7.6Total Scoring Criteria The project or event plan is clear, and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays.(Room nights:20 pts.–over 200, 15 pts.–100-200, 10 pts.–50-100,5 pts.– less than 50) The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan.(10 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts,culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) 18 Attachment 2 Event Name:Big Hurt/Little Hurt Organization:Peninsula Adventure Sports Event Date/s:September 27-28 Yes Request Amount:$3,000 Yes Overall Budget:$38,700 99 Business Type:LLC 105 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 25 10 25 25 25 18 20 21 4.4 20 0 15 25 20 18 20 17 5.3 18 17 10 15 15 13 15 15 1.8 20 10 10 15 15 10 20 14 3.7 10 10 10 10 10 6 10 9.4 1 93 47 70 90 85 65 85 76 14Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 19 Attachment 2 Event Name:Elwha Bridge Run Organization:Port Angeles Marathon Association Event Date/s:Feb. 1 Yes Request Amount:$3,000 Yes Overall Budget:$327,500 for all events 472 (All Events) Business Type:501C(3)500 (All Events) CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 20 10 25 25 25 3 18 7.7 25 0 25 25 20 0 16 11 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 20 10 20 15 15 5 14 4.4 8 5 10 10 10 5 8 2 93 45 100 95 90 33 76 25Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 20 Attachment 2 Event Name:Frosty Moss Relay Organization:Peninsula Adventure Sports Event Date/s:45731 No Request Amount:$2,000 Yes Overall Budget:$37,200 174 Business Type:LLC 180 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 25 0 25 25 25 0 20 17 9.8 20 0 15 25 25 0 20 15 8.6 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0 20 10 10 15 15 10 18 14 3.4 10 0 10 10 10 4 10 7.7 3.3 95 30 80 95 95 34 88 74 24Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 21 Attachment 2 Event Name:GOAT Run Organization:Peninsula Adventure Sports Event Date/s:45906 No Request Amount:$1,000 Yes Overall Budget:$33,800 169 Business Type:LLC 175 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 25 10 25 25 25 10 25 21 6.1 20 0 15 25 20 10 22 16 6.6 18 10 10 15 5 5 10 10 3.5 20 10 10 15 15 15 20 15 2.9 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 9.7 0.5 93 40 70 90 75 50 85 72 16Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 22 Attachment 2 Event Name:Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts Organization:Juan de Fuca Foundation for the Arts Event Date/s:May 23-25 Yes Request Amount:$10,900 Yes Overall Budget:$181,350 130 Business Type:501C(3)150 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 25 25 20 25 25 10 22 22 3.8 25 0 10 25 25 0 22 15 10 16 17 0 10 15 0 10 9.7 5.6 20 17 20 15 20 10 20 17 2.9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 96 69 60 85 95 30 84 74 18Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 23 Attachment 2 Event Name:North Olympic Discovery Marathon Organization:Port Angeles Marathon Association Event Date/s:June 7 - 8 Yes, No request Request Amount:$8,000 Yes, No request Overall Budget:$327,500 for all events 472(All Events) Business Type:501C(3)500 (All Events) CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 25 15 25 25 25 25 23 2.8 25 0 25 25 20 20 19 6.4 16 0 0 5 0 7 4.7 4.7 20 10 20 15 15 10 15 3.3 10 5 10 10 10 10 9.2 1.4 96 30 80 80 70 72 71 14Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 24 Attachment 2 Event Name:NW Cup MTB Downhill Series Organization:N-Dub Productions Event Date/s:April 18 - 20 No Request Amount:$7,500 Yes Overall Budget:$26,000 200+ Business Type:S-Corp 200+ CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 25 25 25 25 25 20 25 24 1.2 25 0 0 25 25 15 25 16 9.8 20 20 10 15 20 20 20 18 3.1 20 15 10 15 15 5 18 14 3.7 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 8.6 2 100 70 55 90 90 65 98 81 15Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 25 Attachment 2 Event Name:NW Cup MTB Downhill Series Organization:N-Dub Productions Event Date/s:May 16 - 18 No Request Amount:$7,500 Yes Overall Budget:26000 200+ Business Type:S-Corp 200+ CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 25 25 25 25 25 10 25 23 3.7 25 0 0 25 25 15 25 16 9.8 18 20 0 10 15 5 18 12 6.2 20 15 10 15 15 5 18 14 3.7 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 8.6 2 98 70 45 85 85 40 96 74 19Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 26 Attachment 2 Event Name:NW Cup MTB Downhill Series Organization:N-Dub Productions Event Date/s:May 16 - 18 No Request Amount:$7,500 Yes Overall Budget:26000 200+ Business Type:S-Corp 200+ CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 25 25 25 25 25 15 25 24 2.4 25 0 0 25 25 15 25 16 9.8 18 20 10 10 5 5 8 11 4.7 20 15 10 15 15 10 18 15 2.7 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 9.3 1.2 98 70 55 85 75 55 86 75 13Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 27 Attachment 2 Event Name:OAT Run Organization:Peninsula Adventure Sports Event Date/s:45759 No Request Amount:$1,000 Yes Overall Budget:$32,700 144 Business Type:LLC 150 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 25 10 25 25 25 25 25 23 3.7 20 0 15 25 25 20 20 18 5.9 20 20 10 15 20 20 20 18 3.1 20 10 10 15 15 12 18 14 3.1 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 9.7 0.5 95 50 70 90 95 85 93 83 13Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 28 Attachment 2 Event Name:Second Saturday Art Walk Organization:Port Angeles Arts Council Event Date/s:Second Saturday of the Month No Request Amount:$3,400 Yes Overall Budget:$4,400 3 Business Type:501C(3)50 CL CS JH KB NC RM SR VJ Avg.St.Dev 15 10 0 15 10 5 20 11 5.1 20 10 5 15 15 5 15 12 4.7 10 10 10 20 5 20 20 14 5.5 20 20 20 20 20 10 20 19 2.4 10 20 10 7 10 3 5 9.3 3.7 75 70 45 77 60 43 80 64 13Total Scoring Criteria Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Est. 2025 Room ROW Request: Event Sponsors: Previous Room 29 Attachment 2 RESOLUTION NO.I l- A'I A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Policies by adding Lodging Tax Funding Program goals and priorities to the Policies. WHEREAS, policy direction by Council is indispensable for the establishment of good government; and WHEREAS, on August 15, 2023, Council adopted Resolution No. 05-23 setting forth guided policies for the allocation and administration of lodging tax funds; and WHEREAS, City staff proposes changes to the existing policies to improve the processes for execution of tourism-related contracts and to achieve a better balance in the City's approach to promoting our local tourism economy; and WHEREAS, the Council finds that the revised policies as attached in Exhibit A enable the City to achieve a balanced and sustainable approach to promoting our local tourism economy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that: 1. The2023 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Guided Policies is hereby repealed and replaced with the 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Guided Policies, which is attached as Exhibit A. 2. Exhibit A is hereby approved and adopted. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on ,n" 1t ouv ot LohLtlzoz+. Kate Dexter, Mayor -) ,_J Kari Martinez-Bailey, City AP AS TO FORM2 William E. Bloor, City Attorney Gq?HA*+P I - LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE Vision, Goals, Priorities, and Procedures for Lodging Tax Funding Programs Vision: To best utilize lodging tax funds to create a welcoming and inviting community with facilities and activities that increase tourism-related revenue through a sustainable visitor experience. Goals: t. Foster and maintain a healthy and diverse tourism sector that continues to thrive. 2. Fully utilize and promote creative uses of existing facilities' 3. lmprove the quality of experience and relationships for tourist and residents while diminishing any negative impacts from tourism-related activities and traffic. 4. Promote partnerships and increase tourism by concentrating on priorities identified by both residents and the tourism industry. 5. Focus on our unique Port Angeles assets that make us a premier destination for environmentally and fiscally sustainable recreation and tourism. 6. Encourage collaboration recognizing that Olympic Peninsula-based tourism supports and benefits all communities. Annual Funding Disbursement: The expected outcome of the funded activities is to increase economic activity in Port Angeles through the overnight lodging of tourists, through tourism-related expenditures, and construction of tourism-related facilities in accordance with RCW 67.28.181-6 Funding categories and their percentage of annual expenditure should approximate: o Tourism-related capital facilities -20% plus 5% reserved. Reserves are to be taken from the initial annual projected available revenues prior to LTAC consideration of expenditure allocation and budget for the annum. Capital Facility expenditures are to be used for: o New construction o lmprovement and renovation o Tourism-related marketing - 25% o Tourism-related non-profit business operations -33% o Events and festivals designed to attract tourists - L2% o LTAC Priorities - 5% Funding Priorities - Non-events: o Lend support to a diverse range of year-round sustainable tourism activities to encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often. o Supportthe increase of tourism capacity, where capacity is defined asthe broad number activities within the community a visitor can attend, visit, or take part in when staying overnight. o Assist the maintenance establishment tourism related capital facilities including: o Wayfinding and lnterpretative Signage, o Public Restrooms o Transportation facilities, and o Passive recreational park facilities (benches, walkways, and lighting). . Support efforts to improve information on attractions and facilities. o Fund proposals that encourage and enhance tourism during the off-peak time as stated below. o Promote tourism that highlights Port Angeles assets - its natural beauty, geology, outdoor activities, anthropology, community events, lifelong learning opportunities, history, culture, and the arts. o Develop key community assets that function as destinations or venues for multipurpose events on a year-round basis. o Create partnerships and synergies with existing organizations to develop and promote attractions and events for visitors. o Develop innovative opportunities that improve the tourist/resident relationship r lmprove effectiveness of coordinated transportation and trail linkages. o Support of organizations and projects that promote coordination and cooperation in tourism activities. o Operation requests must not exceed S100,000 in a single year, or L\o/o of an organization's operating budget in a single year whichever is larger. Funding Priorities -Events:o Event funding is capped at 510,000 per year per event for all events. o Review events also based upon intangible benefits for the community, including arts and culture, local economic development, and regional/statewide/national/international exposure. o Lend support to a diverse range of tourism sustainable activities to encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return often. o Encourage events to become self-sufficient. o Encourage the creation of new events in the off-peak season that drive an increase in Lodging Tax. o Encourage the potential growth of existing events. Support of organizations and projects that promote coordination and cooperation in tourism activities. o Develop innovative opportunities that improve the tourist/resident relationship. . Support events that demonstrate regional marketing and marketing partnerships with other local/regional marketing organizations. o Support Projects that demonstrate a clear marketing strategy and business goals. Scoring Criteria for New Event Grant proposals - 100 possible points: L. The project or event plan is clear, and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine the potential to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) 2. This project statistically demonstrates a result in overnight stays. (Room nights: 20 pts. - over 200, 15 pts. - 100-200, 10 pts. - 50-100, 5 pts. - less than 50) 3. The proposal demonstrates the organization is working in partnership with fellow organizations and businesses. (20 pts.) 4. The project has clear marketing goals and a defined promotion plan. (10 pts.) 5. This project occurs in non-demand periods (10 pts) 6. The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance) (10 pts.) 7. The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.) (5 pts.) Scoring Criteria for Legacy Event Grant proposals - 100 possible points: L. Demonstrates a proven track record to result in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.) 2. Demonstrates ability for continued increase in overnight stays by tourists in lodging establishments within the City. (25 pts.l 3. This project occurs in non-demand periods. (20 pts) 4. The project lends itself to the complement of other events in the community and helps create a diversity of opportunities (arts, culture, recreation, education, or historic significance). (20 pts.) 5, The event proposal defines additional revenue benefit beyond overnight stays (likely diners, shoppers, paid parking etc.). (10 pts.) Scoring Criteria for Non-Event Proposals (Capital Facilities/Projects) - 30 possible points: L. There is evidence provided that this project will help increase opportunities for tourism sustainable activities. 2. There is evidence provided that the project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays and return. 3. The project plan is clear with a timeline for action defined and the proposal reflects enough detail to effectively determine potential for success. 4. The budget provided reflects a clear understanding of the costs associated with this project and there is evidence that this budget is based on market research, structured estimates, or estimates provided by contractors. 5. The project supports LTAC priorities to increase transportation, quality of city infrastructure, wayfinding, or enhances the city's natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. 6. The project will support our local economy through local contracts, retail purchases, or partnerships. Scoring Criteria for Non-Event Proposals (Operations & Marketingl - 25 possible points: L. There is evidence provided that organization or project will help increase or sustain opportunities for tourism related activities. 2. There is evidence provided that this organization or project will encourage visitors to enjoy longer stays or engage in return visits. 3. The proposal provides clear evidence that this organization can successfully draw tou rists. 4. This project supports LTAC priorities to improve transportation, quality of city infrastructure, or wayfinding or enhances the city's natural assets to improve the overall look and feel and welcoming design of Port Angeles. 5. This project clearly reflects how the funds will be used to help sustain a tourism-related business. Scoring for Non-Event Proposal Criteria Each criterion will be evaluated on the following spectrum o Strongly Agree - 5 pts . Agree-4pts. o Neutral-3pts. o Disagree-2pts. o Strongly Disagree - 1 pt. o Did not answer - 0 pts. Meeting Procedures o Regular LTAC meetings are two hours long and may only be extended upon approval by a majority of members present at the meeting. o Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month. o The LTAC regularly holds five open public meetings per year: o March: New business LTAC and LTAX fund orientation, Guidance document review. o April or Mav: Old business, Committee member and staff recommended items. o June: Recommended revisions to guidance document, Destination Marketing Presentation. o September: Annual overall budget review and recommendation to City Council. o October or November: Annual LTAX Fund RFP award recommendation to City Council. LTAX Fund RFP Application Procedures o The annual application window will open the Friday after City Council approves the annual budget recommendation. o The RFP application window is at minimum 1-4 days. . Applications must be sent to ced@citvofpa.us on or before 5:00 PM of the closing date. Late applications will not be accepted. . Applications requesting funding for events must be for events that have not yet taken place. o The City Attorney's office will review all applications and determine whether the request is eligible for funding prior to LTAC review. o Events requesting operations funding must demonstrate annual service and operational impact to the LTAX Fund. o All Committee application criteria scoring will be compiled and made available in the meeting agenda packet. Clal. Co January February March April May June July August September October November December Full Year YTD 2024 $60,741.79 $70,762.03 $112,927.33 $115,299.87 $140,885.40 $156,244.77 $205,662.20 $266,244.40 $280,495.48 $266,399.45 $1,675,662.72 $1,675,662.72 16.95%110.28% 2023 $58,949.27 $55,738.41 $99,500.62 $63,119.24 $110,307.80 $134,698.33 $180,516.76 $234,491.47 $265,256.38 $230,245.41 $203,092.91 $100,920.77 $1,736,837.37 $1,432,823.69 5.45%79.80% 2022 $61,655.81 $61,942.93 $94,697.66 $102,318.23 $121,982.73 $126,841.89 $153,765.97 $198,802.60 $224,118.46 $212,620.30 $182,578.41 $110,337.43 $1,651,662.42 $1,358,746.58 11.42%70.51% 2021 $41,234.47 $52,664.55 $73,732.76 $71,384.48 $114,540.40 $130,026.22 $151,555.38 $193,691.88 $192,217.99 $198,433.27 $169,412.80 $95,934.87 $1,484,829.07 $1,219,481.40 104.18%53.03% 2020 $32,556.07 $37,693.92 $40,679.21 $39,731.36 $6,289.26 $2,198.56 $43,110.81 $102,444.89 $160,075.87 $132,469.30 $124,311.26 $66,996.65 $788,557.16 $597,249.25 -25.05% 2019 $21,055.74 $43,046.43 $37,244.32 $28,807.02 $63,079.64 $65,055.68 $93,931.88 $135,017.28 $156,745.60 $152,906.83 $131,121.09 $63,596.63 $991,608.14 $796,890.42 13.86% 2018 $20,039.32 $58,345.54 $25,978.70 $29,671.08 $49,322.91 $45,182.11 $73,573.25 $113,039.12 $115,085.98 $169,643.01 $173,853.16 $44,337.19 $918,071.37 $699,881.02 11.46% 2017 $19,737.28 $57,889.40 $26,236.56 $21,010.60 $39,746.00 $78,751.14 $78,136.72 $98,096.40 $105,764.40 $102,560.50 $114,945.08 $45,556.24 $788,430.32 $627,929.00 P.A. January February March April May June July August September October November December Full Year YTD % Change % Change 2024 $32,226.49 $50,223.27 $39,212.16 $69,558.60 $83,193.91 $101,515.07 $107,133.96 $166,815.76 $248,211.21 $221,424.28 $1,119,514.71 $1,119,514.71 4.58%71.68% 2023 $39,646.93 $35,798.37 $46,591.47 $58,992.73 $73,588.70 $88,799.83 $123,124.35 $160,665.60 $231,241.01 $212,086.03 $179,946.56 $69,717.38 $1,320,198.96 $1,070,535.02 15.81%64.17% 2022 $37,706.01 $31,718.02 $41,282.90 $50,058.81 $67,040.22 $73,265.10 $102,061.88 $130,873.85 $202,015.13 $188,341.61 $136,124.80 $79,898.40 $1,140,386.73 $924,363.53 11.15%41.75% 2021 $29,706.66 $27,669.61 $34,779.78 $35,259.89 $55,570.09 $68,735.54 $81,724.74 $123,597.72 $194,139.64 $180,458.08 $78,632.65 $87,518.66 $997,793.06 $831,641.75 113.79%27.53% 2020 $34,334.66 $30,426.63 $28,744.11 $31,752.03 $14,023.82 $5,387.68 $21,148.05 $37,748.92 $85,301.46 $100,138.89 $71,138.54 $47,848.92 $507,993.71 $389,006.25 -40.35% 2019 $29,107.95 $31,261.66 $26,222.34 $22,065.27 $39,640.08 $48,157.01 $72,624.87 $96,293.39 $142,359.68 $144,375.36 $94,453.64 $52,463.96 $799,025.21 $652,107.61 3.18% 2018 $18,643.30 $30,612.54 $22,886.34 $24,066.14 $36,654.61 $47,586.77 $71,125.43 $94,107.25 $144,298.29 $142,047.88 $93,364.80 $43,459.70 $768,853.05 $632,028.55 8.19% 2017 $21,593.26 $26,565.78 $19,321.88 $24,119.06 $30,060.44 $41,111.18 $59,074.38 $89,816.42 $135,072.98 $137,473.32 $97,199.10 $50,434.30 $731,842.10 $584,208.70 Sequim January February March April May June July August September October November December Full Year YTD % Change % Change 2024 $21,129.62 $16,028.74 $21,146.78 $34,211.74 $38,808.18 $44,846.28 $51,035.42 $94,164.75 $68,906.03 $129,816.91 $520,094.45 $520,094.45 9.19%60.75% 2023 $24,114.78 $19,449.48 $22,585.68 $24,531.48 $28,138.20 $40,697.46 $48,902.96 $86,134.08 $99,044.34 $82,704.66 $57,735.28 $25,668.78 $559,707.18 $476,303.12 11.31%47.21% 2022 $19,944.37 $18,715.99 $20,211.44 $27,275.46 $30,515.01 $29,776.90 $55,423.76 $69,937.34 $85,749.60 $70,343.96 $77,956.25 $27,614.08 $533,464.16 $427,893.83 4.03%32.25% 2021 $16,542.54 $15,096.62 $20,862.28 $27,091.77 $28,950.88 $41,323.43 $53,995.58 $60,732.77 $50,049.48 $96,659.96 $45,675.45 $27,574.44 $484,555.20 $411,305.31 87.08%27.12% 2020 $14,435.53 $16,706.72 $17,118.28 $15,188.08 $4,791.47 $15,904.01 $16,176.22 $24,528.28 $58,171.52 $36,833.06 $38,134.39 $25,872.15 $283,859.71 $219,853.17 -32.05% 2019 $15,982.29 $14,533.37 $13,513.48 $13,753.99 $24,683.51 $25,005.68 $38,439.35 $45,097.27 $68,994.24 $63,544.40 $42,190.78 $34,093.55 $399,831.91 $323,547.58 -2.32% 2018 $14,979.30 $14,306.04 $14,275.72 $16,544.24 $19,538.77 $25,626.37 $35,058.87 $41,486.18 $66,161.67 $83,245.17 $20,197.47 $26,663.96 $378,083.76 $331,222.33 16.65% 2017 $15,121.34 $14,273.08 $11,956.78 $14,553.62 $18,402.28 $23,241.58 $30,288.04 $37,489.36 $58,883.36 $59,745.86 $42,810.06 $22,808.58 $349,573.94 $283,955.30 Forks January February March April May June July August September October November December Full Year YTD % Change % Change 2024 $17,585.39 $20,830.21 $31,577.98 $34,854.63 $50,069.60 $51,945.54 $69,397.43 $74,238.12 $83,866.12 $100,345.73 $534,710.75 $534,710.75 22.97%158.16% 2023 $19,062.47 $14,673.91 $26,494.31 $27,981.59 $35,900.21 $35,609.87 $51,502.75 $66,612.64 $87,112.29 $69,883.08 $59,562.27 $34,059.84 $528,455.23 $434,833.12 26.98%109.94% 2022 $15,177.37 $11,634.90 $20,071.35 $24,744.51 $27,189.49 $30,800.76 $40,135.51 $54,601.76 $57,910.36 $60,177.42 $50,155.28 $35,089.42 $427,688.13 $342,443.43 13.99%65.34% 2021 $11,870.47 $9,868.20 $13,837.32 $13,862.82 $27,560.75 $29,628.50 $35,278.02 $49,920.41 $51,139.37 $57,454.61 $42,069.36 $25,839.09 $368,328.92 $300,420.47 105.78%45.05% 2020 $9,609.28 $7,984.88 $8,996.30 $8,947.36 $8,756.91 $648.59 $7,845.14 $17,587.44 $33,530.16 $42,082.24 $30,870.12 $21,251.12 $198,109.54 $145,988.30 -29.52% 2019 $8,841.54 $6,178.36 $8,335.22 $11,118.42 $11,925.56 $16,154.91 $26,893.64 $33,349.29 $41,329.82 $42,993.27 $30,125.36 $16,484.04 $253,729.43 $207,120.03 20.53% 2018 $7,914.92 $7,290.66 $6,511.72 $9,384.98 $13,887.94 $11,590.67 $19,384.22 $26,460.48 $37,428.29 $31,991.26 $26,305.63 $13,359.95 $211,510.72 $171,845.14 12.46% 2017 $6,965.82 $6,271.14 $8,455.22 $7,215.28 $10,891.28 $11,614.02 $18,080.80 $23,388.14 $29,879.18 $30,043.92 $27,283.60 $12,806.26 $192,894.66 $152,804.80 Jeff. Co January February March April May June July August September October November December Full Year YTD % Change % Change 2024 $38,324.51 $38,180.22 $33,816.10 $41,251.65 $52,202.74 $62,402.88 $68,790.07 $94,291.87 $103,725.45 $92,663.28 $625,648.77 $625,648.77 -19.18%35.23% 2023 $38,585.12 $52,737.59 $71,172.47 $142,896.71 $56,232.42 $60,370.02 $68,684.39 $91,609.47 $98,727.44 $93,073.23 $79,199.32 $49,318.21 $902,606.39 $774,088.86 19.86%67.32% 2022 $39,468.68 $43,484.52 $40,797.64 $55,439.56 $60,886.96 $64,213.58 $82,763.16 $99,377.25 $113,177.85 $46,239.34 $87,442.65 $59,924.17 $793,215.36 $645,848.54 3.55%39.60% 2021 $38,925.82 $45,229.94 $46,407.13 $43,406.48 $65,961.50 $69,432.85 $70,727.44 $85,104.28 $90,607.51 $67,898.24 $102,436.87 $53,062.58 $779,200.64 $623,701.19 77.41%34.81% 2020 $31,208.52 $33,263.68 $28,921.38 $28,566.17 $11,196.91 $533.76 $22,715.37 $41,591.37 $75,131.03 $78,437.33 $75,232.02 $54,415.58 $481,213.12 $351,565.52 -24.01% 2019 $28,817.97 $40,024.49 $24,277.10 $21,724.70 $40,545.40 $42,349.77 $47,889.57 $69,624.83 $87,495.61 $59,893.26 $64,163.76 $41,780.75 $568,587.21 $462,642.70 8.51% 2018 $22,594.98 $45,060.38 $18,799.70 $23,064.24 $40,396.57 $35,892.03 $43,754.88 $64,217.70 $68,130.01 $64,462.13 $62,351.70 $45,163.84 $533,888.16 $426,372.62 7.89% 2017 $19,177.76 $52,819.70 $16,661.22 $20,633.70 $37,946.58 $31,161.52 $38,074.08 $64,460.32 $56,181.88 $58,058.42 $68,607.38 $32,423.26 $496,205.82 $395,175.18 Port T. January February March April May June July August September October November December Full Year YTD % Change % Change 2024 $33,325.46 $31,625.90 $24,463.86 $31,819.78 $34,404.50 $46,078.18 $51,531.62 $70,844.89 $96,773.54 $84,807.63 $505,675.36 $505,675.36 -2.56%10.12% 2023 $56,413.84 $31,062.76 $23,460.18 $30,351.98 $37,679.22 $44,754.59 $51,449.27 $67,147.87 $83,971.10 $92,652.96 $74,081.59 $47,710.72 $640,736.08 $518,943.77 10.53%13.01% 2022 $33,015.90 $34,042.91 $20,884.09 $29,606.77 $37,389.56 $31,409.19 $50,459.79 $49,784.62 $54,139.79 $128,765.18 $64,468.02 $68,201.07 $602,166.89 $469,497.80 10.53%2.24% 2021 $21,393.25 $20,252.85 $19,399.19 $21,639.46 $38,131.79 $35,371.78 $44,684.07 $64,751.90 $77,672.97 $81,453.56 $58,652.34 $41,675.55 $525,078.71 $424,750.82 69.51%-7.50% 2020 $32,168.38 $29,943.18 $25,007.02 $18,176.86 $12,145.41 $4,877.35 $10,074.67 $32,855.52 $40,203.86 $45,121.84 $56,031.27 $32,941.20 $339,546.56 $250,574.09 -45.43% 2019 $31,064.06 $25,832.94 $26,895.65 $21,384.31 $34,548.20 $40,498.09 $47,394.37 $60,561.56 $82,013.38 $89,017.30 $61,722.25 $43,381.46 $564,313.57 $459,209.86 7.62% 2018 $28,204.18 $27,142.20 $21,658.80 $28,774.07 $31,927.59 $35,658.03 $43,446.89 $55,747.64 $75,133.29 $79,021.22 $65,074.84 $42,396.64 $534,185.39 $426,713.91 4.87% 2017 $29,274.20 $26,849.56 $18,613.82 $23,770.60 $30,209.64 $35,699.90 $40,149.94 $54,029.42 $76,065.76 $72,230.96 $61,921.74 $39,687.46 $508,503.00 $406,893.80 YTD-over-YTD % change from 2019 Figures are acquired from the Dept. of Revenue (www.dor.wa.gov) and are two months behind. Figures are the total of both "Special Hotel/Motel" and "Transient Rental" taxes combined. Percentage is the amount changed from one year (month to date) to the next (month to date). Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor, and Mason County figures refer to all lodgings within county borders excluding the major towns already listed. % Change over prior YTD October 2024 Room Tax Report Datasource: Washington Dept of Revenue Compiled by OPVB Page 1 of 2 11/5/2024 GHC January February March April May June July August September October November December Full Year YTD % Change % Change 2024 $148,193.89 $157,499.57 $123,929.58 $160,089.57 $174,397.33 $200,904.57 $229,646.01 $316,257.70 $504,326.14 $529,104.19 $2,544,348.55 $2,544,348.55 3.88%46.90% 2023 $139,826.67 $132,216.53 $139,986.97 $137,406.53 $169,158.39 $225,295.09 $221,593.04 $322,990.57 $485,569.86 $475,226.71 $294,176.40 $177,392.53 $2,920,839.29 $2,449,270.36 -7.04%41.41% 2022 $200,051.49 $165,251.74 $173,344.13 $198,550.60 $194,435.68 $251,676.25 $222,216.35 $309,597.61 $449,459.48 $470,056.72 $284,227.52 $204,428.00 $3,123,295.57 $2,634,640.05 0.28%52.11% 2021 $163,455.33 $151,458.09 $165,857.08 $158,110.02 $227,172.49 $259,836.06 $258,628.56 $345,427.97 $437,552.54 $459,824.68 $329,354.11 $203,581.18 $3,160,258.11 $2,627,322.82 75.43%51.69% 2020 $107,691.21 $111,676.01 $98,994.00 $100,371.96 $40,635.18 $21,656.17 $152,778.09 $206,945.35 $334,312.32 $322,585.87 $291,095.32 $192,631.07 $1,981,372.55 $1,497,646.16 -13.53% 2019 $102,909.29 $114,433.41 $96,832.56 $87,023.39 $126,354.51 $156,435.02 $153,527.59 $220,231.99 $321,894.62 $352,375.57 $203,314.40 $113,788.10 $2,049,120.45 $1,732,017.95 13.99% 2018 $82,274.94 $110,148.38 $86,566.46 $79,859.81 $109,534.12 $137,838.11 $128,984.49 $197,123.24 $276,957.80 $310,206.72 $202,243.41 $82,665.22 $1,804,402.70 $1,519,494.07 7.95% 2017 $83,177.67 $112,472.81 $79,383.47 $79,146.08 $93,415.31 $137,343.53 $120,308.75 $171,347.46 $247,909.84 $283,083.61 $209,366.60 $108,503.98 $1,725,459.11 $1,407,588.53 M. Co January February March April May June July August September October November December Full Year YTD % Change % Change 2024 $57,850.29 $69,407.08 $66,164.28 $75,192.48 $94,343.10 $92,374.38 $102,389.48 $125,357.37 $154,029.19 $145,372.45 $982,480.10 $982,480.10 8.10%106.57% 2023 $49,680.94 $52,715.40 $66,073.45 $53,542.98 $79,767.71 $83,681.92 $100,482.93 $125,383.85 $154,040.34 $143,465.68 $96,301.09 $61,082.79 $1,066,219.08 $908,835.20 7.54%91.09% 2022 $52,626.05 $52,740.94 $54,848.06 $66,961.90 $82,481.51 $81,911.30 $76,419.32 $103,214.15 $140,312.32 $133,572.06 $98,607.16 $75,248.06 $1,018,942.83 $845,087.61 15.79%77.69% 2021 $34,594.19 $42,724.13 $41,657.39 $50,623.94 $75,985.97 $83,727.89 $85,175.91 $98,683.49 $105,649.79 $111,013.69 $80,629.03 $59,267.21 $869,732.63 $729,836.39 79.85%53.45% 2020 $31,314.22 $32,150.44 $30,791.06 $31,993.26 $12,187.26 $4,516.34 $30,770.14 $61,326.82 $82,275.33 $88,480.56 $65,498.51 $48,699.22 $520,003.16 $405,805.43 -14.68% 2019 $30,095.47 $46,595.52 $24,616.02 $24,443.49 $36,924.43 $38,702.51 $47,304.43 $61,277.03 $82,197.42 $83,452.47 $50,981.86 $35,411.70 $562,002.35 $475,608.79 26.11% 2018 $19,030.90 $50,294.72 $16,998.28 $18,402.06 $29,843.96 $29,951.42 $35,749.74 $50,591.09 $61,325.21 $64,961.27 $68,876.48 $29,646.15 $475,671.28 $377,148.65 16.64% 2017 $15,420.46 $47,592.24 $15,385.16 $19,868.54 $22,837.26 $24,647.22 $27,315.00 $41,386.28 $54,988.44 $53,916.36 $46,572.74 $21,414.84 $391,344.54 $323,356.96 Shelton January February March April May June July August September October November December Full Year YTD % Change % Change 2024 $5,534.66 $3,774.92 $4,678.94 $2,821.00 $4,875.88 $4,839.72 $5,226.96 $6,263.26 $7,546.18 $6,549.34 $52,110.86 $52,110.86 -1.51%25.06% 2023 $4,768.02 $4,311.46 $3,152.28 $3,675.67 $4,255.14 $4,153.86 $5,975.88 $7,200.20 $8,485.20 $6,932.92 $6,327.32 $6,318.16 $65,556.11 $52,910.63 0.80%26.98% 2022 $5,301.72 $3,981.96 $4,086.44 $3,077.98 $4,329.87 $5,342.04 $5,220.18 $6,411.76 $7,699.56 $7,041.18 $5,814.64 $6,805.74 $65,113.07 $52,492.69 11.26%25.98% 2021 $3,507.72 $2,979.00 $3,617.06 $3,167.68 $4,748.30 $4,787.16 $4,995.16 $6,067.50 $6,847.04 $6,465.02 $5,485.90 $3,782.20 $56,449.74 $47,181.64 48.19%13.23% 2020 $3,579.84 $2,937.72 $2,817.24 NA $1,877.78 $3,115.18 $3,446.58 $4,007.32 $4,361.12 $5,695.20 $4,310.88 $4,195.34 $40,344.20 $31,837.98 -23.59% 2019 $3,549.69 $3,176.13 $3,680.30 $3,468.74 $2,158.72 $5,113.21 $4,313.81 $4,940.31 $5,584.00 $5,682.24 $5,100.66 $4,091.58 $50,859.39 $41,667.15 15.83% 2018 $2,446.48 $2,526.80 $2,095.86 $2,430.56 $3,971.49 $3,401.39 $3,807.18 $4,156.45 $5,025.72 $6,109.92 $4,660.20 $3,866.84 $44,498.89 $35,971.85 -14.86% 2017 $3,597.32 $3,699.68 NA $3,560.56 $4,727.04 $4,085.90 $4,707.54 $4,934.98 $6,950.62 $5,984.72 $4,890.66 $3,007.16 $50,146.18 $42,248.36 Figures are acquired from the Dept. of Revenue (www.dor.wa.gov) and are two months behind. Figures are the total of both "Special Hotel/Motel" and "Transient Rental" taxes combined. Percentage is the amount changed from one year (month to date) to the next (month to date). Clallam, Jefferson, Grays Harbor, and Mason County figures refer to all lodgings within county borders excluding the major towns already listed. Datasource: Washington Dept of Revenue Compiled by OPVB Page 2 of 2 11/5/2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee November 13, 2024 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET Are you a City of Port Angeles Print Name Clearlyin n us eft owner. Pes or o heUl 4 Yes or CDKA61-r 1(�,. (r-(‘Sn Ye or NoLTC & Ff., Lest Yes or No Grctvxf Ce-s- No `DES Njr g`17(/' ( �VQ Yes or No rC � eAci' 1 j, mo, 1.—Vr Ye or No Crri0/ go% 411:1) No LTI\-L 14 ( 1 CI(vokv •or No L, Ok1944 S Yes r No L14-C. sAri ç (?,,C O .) or No AC_�r 1 Page 1 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS SUBMITTED 2025 Port Angeles LTAC Applicants — Cost_per Room Night Analysis MEETING BODY L '(.- INTO THE RECORD BY' Pr sot i/Q/ DATE: tt/ r05( LEGACY EVENTS 2025 Event 2024 Rm Nts _ 2025 Rm Nts % Increase Requested $ Cost/Rm Nt$ (100%) Cost/Rm Nt$ (50%) 2nd Sat Art Walk 3 50 1,566.0 3,500 70.00 140.00 Big Hurt/Little Hurt 99 105 6.0 3,000 28.57 57.14 Frosty Moss 174 180 3.4 2,000 11.11 22.22 OAT Run 144 150 4.2 1,000 6.66 13.32 GOAT Run 169 175 3.6 1,000 5.71 11.42 NW Cup 1 200 200 0 7,500 37.50 75.00 NW Cup 2 200 200 0 7,500 37.50 75.00 NW Cup 3 200 200 0 7,500 37.50 75.00 JFFA 130 150 15.4 _ 10,900 72.66 145.32 Elwah Bridge Run 12 13 5.9 3,000 230.77 461.54 NODM 450 311 5.9 8,000 25.72 51.44 NEW EVENTS 2025 Event 2024 Rm Nts 2025 Rm Nts % Increase Requested $ Cost/Rm Nt$ (100%I _ Cost/Rm Nt (50%) Future Art/Design NA 200 NA 9,300 46.50 93.00 Dungeness CF 1,000 1,000 0 10,000 10.00 20.00 OP FungiFest 300 400 33.3 10,000 25.00 50.00 Moby Dick 15 50 233.3 1,300 43.33 86.66 Fall Fest 50 100 100.0 10,000 100.00 200.00 Lincoln Street BP 15 50 233.3 8,920 178.40 356.80 _ PNW Fiber Expo 439 500 _ 13.9 5,150 10.30 20.60 PA Rowing 25 60 140 7,000 116.66 233.33 SquatchCon 70 _ 140 100 10,000 71.43 142.86 Salt Creek 24 105 115 9.5 2,000 17.39 34.78 Concerts on Pier 80 100 25.0 10,000 100.00 100.00 WBN Mural Fest NA 400 NA 10,000 25.00 50.00 Spruce RR Run 35 37 5.9 3,000 81.08 162.16 NWISA Qual Rgta NA 60 NA 7,595 126.58 253.16 Spring Dev Rgta 15 20 33.3 4,140 207.00 414.00 Peninsula Reg Rgt 20 36 80.0 4,260 118.33 236.66 Fall Dev Rgta NA 20 NA 4,140 207.00 414.00 Events Below the Line Proportional to Score 5122i OVERSPEND Block Party 6300 4,400 SquatchCon- 7000 5000 Regatta- 3000 2100 Fall Regatta- 2,800 2000 Moby Dick- 900 650 Spring Regatta- 2,800 2100 Fall Fest 6400 5000 Second Sat 2,100 1700 31300 22,950 31,300 Marketing Below the Line 265,000 Visit Port Angeles 5,000 Fully Fund Culinary Loop 5,800 10,800 TOTAL SPEND: 2I',,:- 0 10,800 Operations$350,000 Visitor Center 122,400 City Row 10,000 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS SUBMITTED LTAX Staff 55,000 �n Field Hall 150,000 MEETING BODY' Ll L PAFAC 42,000 • ^'^ , Trails Coalition 17,500 INTO THE RECORD BY' t/� er 1st-t Community Players 23,300 � ' Marathon 15,000 DATE: Waterfront 32,000 Sequim Broadcast 5,000 Ski Bus 26,800 Basketball 28,000 Last year they completed 4 tournaments.This is proportional scoring for 44,000-62% Baseball 25,000 472,200 54,800 25,000 TOTAL SPEND: 552,00k) 202,000 Capital Projects 212,000 Trails 32,000 BMX 49,000 Webster's Woods 89,000 89,000 108,000 Parks and Rec Scoreboard 100,000 100,000 120,000 270,000 270,000 58,000 Capital Full F TOTAL OVERSPEND: 302,100 342,060