HomeMy WebLinkAbout04092024 UAC Minutes&PaBIANGELES\=- wAsHtNeroN, u.s. - UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Hybrid Meeting Port Angeles, WA 98362 April9,2024 3:00 p.m. l. A. Callto Order Chair Mattias Jdrvegren called the meeting to order at 3:02 pm. B. RollGall UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present: Mayor Kate Dexter, Councilmember Amy Miller, and Councilmember LaTrisha Suggs UAC Members Present: UAC Members Absent: Staff Present: Chair Mattias Jdrvegren, Robert Kaifasz and Terry Nishimoto Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin, Richard French and Laura Dodd Public Works and Utilities Director Mike Healy, Power Resources Manager Gregg King, Public Works.and Management Assistant Jessica Toth, Capital Projects Engineer Vince Mclntyre, Capital Project lnspector ll Weston Jorgenson, and Media Services Technician Many Young Public Gomment The public is invited to provide written comments via e-mail prior to the meeting, call-in and via WebEx. There was no public comment. Late ltems There were no late items. Approval of Minutes Mayor Dexter moved to approve the February 13,2024, minutes. Councilmember Miller seconded the motion. Chair Jdrvegren asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. V. Gardboard Waste Disposal Gontract with McKinley Paper Co. - Recommendation Public Works and Utilities Director Mike Healy discussed the on-going negotiations between the City of Port Angeles and McKinley Paper Company for the local mill to take the City's cardboard waste for environmentally sound use. The contract now has been approved and signed by McKinley Paper Company and staff is seeking a favorable recommendation from the Utility Advisory Committee members to City Council to approve and instruct the Director of Public Works and Utilities to execute said contract on behalf of the City. Delivering cardboard waste to the local McKinley paper mill will save the City numerous trips to the current disposal site in Seaftle, WA saving the City approximately $225,000 annually. il. til. tv. May 14,2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 3 vt. Councilmember Miller moved to provide a favorable recommendation for City Council to approve the contract with McKinely Paper Company and authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to sign the contract and make minor modifications as needed. Councilmember Suggs seconded the motion. Councilmember Suggs asked if there was discussion regarding transportation costs from the Transfer Station to the mill for cardboard disposal. Director Healy responded during the pilot, staff looked at different ways to transport the cardboard waste to the mill, but the savings overall by eliminating transport to Seattle was the overburdening benefit to this contract. The cost for transportation to the mill is negligible in this regard. Chair Jdrvegren asked if the City provided cardboard will include cargo that comes from the county and other locations. Director Healy responded that because of separation and handling costs, the cardboard being transferred to the mill will only be clean cardboard that is not commingled with other recycling. Chair Jdrvegren asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. Wastewater Capac ity I m provements - Construction U pdate/Presentation Director Healy spoke of the importance of this project and praised the hard work staff invested in these improvements to our wastewater capacity. Capital Projects lnspector ll Weston Jorgenson gave a presentation regarding the Wastewater Capacity lmprovements Project, CON-2023-06, including project progress, upcoming work and how this project is integrating with other upcoming projects on Marine Drive. This project will resume work in June 2024 to install a parallel gravity main along West 4th Street, permanently patch the force main trench on Marine Drive and will incorporation the full width paving of Marine Drive. Mayor Dexter requested that staff confirm with the school district that the senior parade is anticipated to be on Friday June 14th and the paving on Marine Drive will not interfere with the parade route starting at Ediz Hook and along Marine Drive. Councilmember Miller thanked staff for this presentation and stated it was really helpful to see photos of the progress of this project and to hear the challenges staff encountered. Jorgenson expanded on the unique challenges of working within the old infrastructure in town and how important teamwork was between staff and the contractor while working through the challenges. Councilmember Suggs inquired about the old, abandoned infrastructure and if it was removed or if the locations were documented to be included in the City's GIS system. Jorgenson responded that all found utilities are actively being added to the City's GIS system. Councilmember Suggs stated that she is a frequent traveler on Marine Drive, and it was amazing to watch the pipe being snaked through. She appreciated the hard work and thanked staff. Chair Jtirvegren asked if the paving on Marine Drive will include improvements to the trail sidewalk section. Director Healy explained that the project is funded by a TIB grant, which is ineligible to include the pathway or walkway. The pathway has been included in the joint RAISE grant application that the City and the Port of Port Angeles have collaborated on and applied for the next round of funding. Chair Jiirvegren asked if this project will include repaving 4th Street. Jorgenson confirmed that this project includes repaving three feet outside of the trench width, but not the full width of the street. Chair Jiirvegren commented that this project will expand capacity for future growth and there is infill Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 4May 14,2024 vil. happening in the neighborhoods and the blocks around Milwaukee. He raised the question if the capacity expansion will result in construction groMh in other areas. Director Healy stated anytime capacity is created it adds to the development that City Council has taken the lead on and the capabilities of supporting that development. Staff have applied for a grant through Representative Kilmer's office for the A street basin for $3.5 Million to continue capacity expansion. Capacity projects are in support of the City Council's initiative on housing and is a big reason why staff have prioritized the wastewater utility projects. Councilmember Suggs asked if the work on 4th Street, since it is by Crown Park, will include adding a restroom to the park area. Director Healy stated that a restroom project for Crown Park is not in the CFP but would be available to further discuss. Chair Jdrvegren thanked staff for their time and effort on this project and noted that wastewater projects can be underappreciated but make our City livable. City Hall East Parking Lot LID TRl215 Project Presentation Capital Projects Engineer Vince Mclntyre gave a presentation on the upcoming construction on the City Hall East Parking Lot LID project. Mclntyre gave an overview of the financial timeline as this project has been in the works since 2015, but due to financial delays has not come to fruition until 20t4. This project will provide retrofit low impact development techniques to the City Hall parking lot to improve the water quality to Peabody Creek by managing the water runoff. The construction completion is anticipated to be mid-Augusl2024. Mclntyre explained that this project will include permeable pavement and will require specialized cleaning equipment to maintain. Staff have determined that the Triverus MCV is proven the most effective machine and is seeking grant opportunities for funding the purchase. Currently, permeable pavement in the City is being maintained by street sweepers, but it is inadequate. The Triverus MCV machine is effective and has a small footprint which can be utilized to maintain sidewalks as well as streets. Chair JEirvegren asked how the Triverus MCV machine differs from a regular street sweeper. Mclntyre explained that the new machine has a water truck, pressure washing at an angle component, vacuum and brushes. This piece of equipment can pressure wash and sweep at the same time. Member Kajfasz asked if the structural soils included with this project will require specialized maintenance. Mclntyre explained that he is working with other staff for the maintenance of the landscaping. After consulting with the landscape architects, it has been confirmed that to include trees in the parking lot long term, this structural soil is the best solution. Member Kajfasz asked if the cisterns are to be placed above ground or below ground and what their capacity is. Mclntyre confirmed the five or six cisterns to be installed will be above ground and will each have a 550-gallon capacity. Councilmember Suggs asked if the designers of this project took into consideration the removal of toxic chemicals, specifically 6PPD-Q from tires, before the water runoff is discharged to Peabody Creek as that chemical is toxic to salmon. Mclntyre confirmed that bioretention is the most effective way of removing 6PPD-Q from the stormwater stream. Councilmember Miller commented that this was the best UAC meeting ever. She thanked staff for the information and said it was great. May 14,2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 5 wil M x. x. Mclntyre also gave an overview of the Stormwater Annual Report to Ecology and the hard work and time that staff dedicated to complete this report. Upcoming Meeting Topics: Discussed planning a possible joint meeting with the Planning Commission at the Planning Commission's request. Members asked that the Planning Commission provide topics for a potentialjoint meeting during the normally scheduled Utility Advisory Committee meeting. Staff will work with the Planning Commission to provide a list of possible topics for the joint meeting for further discussion and planning a meeting date. Next Meeting Date: May 14,2024 Adjournment: 4:14 p.m. lr oth, Works Man Assistant J May 14,2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 6