HomeMy WebLinkAbout07092024 UAC Minutes{\ PORTANGELESi-.r-- WASHINGTON, U.S I]TILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Hybrid Meeting Port Angeles, WA 98362 July 9,2024 3:00 p.m. t.A Call to Order B. RollGall UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present: UAC Members Present UAC Members Absent: Staff Present: Chair Mattias Jdrvegren called the meeting to order at 3:10 pm Mayor Kate Dexter, Councilmember Amy Miller, and Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin Richard French, Chair Mattias Jdrvegren' and Laura Dodd Terry Nishimoto and Robert Kajfasz Il. til. Public works and Utilities Director Mike Healy, Finance Director sarina Carrizosa, City Engineer Jonathan Boehme, Power Resources Manager Gregg King, City Rttorney Wttiam Bloor and Utility Engineer Lucio Baack' public Gomment The public is invited to provide written comments via e-mail prior to the meeting, call-in and via WebEx. There was no public comment. Late ltems A discussion on a joint UAC/Planning commission meeting was added. Approval of Minutes Member Richard French moved to approve the May 14,2024, minutes. Mayor Dexter seconded the motion. Ghair Jdrvegren asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. A Street Basin Wastewater Capacity lmprovements Lucio Baack, Utility Engineer lll, presented plans for improving the A Street Basin area which includes the Western Urban Grdwth Area (WUGA) and other City areas in the western part of the City. The purpose of the prolect is to expand capacity for future growth improve resiliency in an area that contains 2lo/o ol the City's customers.'The project is anticipated to last two years and is seeking further funding for grant construction. Discussion followed' ,v. v, September 10,2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 3 vt. vil. Chair Mattias vilt. tx. x. Electric Utility 2024 Power Resource Plan Gregg King, Power Resource Manager, went over the 2024 Resource Plan. The plan is required every-othei year and is required by the state to ensure future resources are available to meet projected toids. tne current plan assumes the City will remain a load following Bonneville Power nOministration (BPA) customer for wholesale power purchases and that loads remain relatively flat with a small amount of increase in residential loads. As a BPA load following customer, any future loads that exceed the City's Tier 1 amounts are projected to be served by BPA as a Tier 2load. Richard French moved the UAC to provide a favorable recommendation to the City Councilto provide the necessary public hearing to approve the proposed Electric Utility 2024 Power Resource Plan. Amy Miller and Mayor Dextor made simultaneous seconds. Chair Jtirvegren asked if there was unanimous consent, hearing no opposition, the motion carried 6-0. Late ltem: Joint UAC/Planning Committee Meeting Mike Healy, Director of Public Works and Utilities, discussed the request from the Planning Committee io hold a joint meeting. A proposal to hold the meeting in September was proposed. The UAC asked for an agenda from the PC and possible dates. Future UAG Topics Reviewed possible future UAC topics. Electric storage and community storage were noted. Next Meeting Date: August 13,2024 Adjournment: 4:23 P.m. Jessica Toth, Public Works Management Assistant 7 September 10,2024 Port Angeles UAC Meeting Page 4