HomeMy WebLinkAbout12032024 CC Minutes CITY OF PORT ANGELES
December 3, 2024
This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting.
Mayor Dexter called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members Meyer, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin
(participating remotely,arrived at 6:02 p.m.),Schwab,and Suggs(arrived at 6:02 p.m.).
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager West,Deputy City Manager Goings,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Martinez-Bailey,C.Delikat,
B. Smith, S. Carrizosa,D. Sharp,and S. Curtin.
Mayor Dexter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
City Manager Nathan West added a modification to an existing item located in the Council packet listed as E-11 on
the Consent Agenda, listed as accept an award for:Sniffer Robotics Service Agreement SVC-2024-35. Manager West
stated the modification addressed the Department of Ecology Grant award and the new staff recommendation would
be to:Award a two-year Service Agreement to Sniffer Robotics, SVC-2024-35,for an amount not to exceed$64,000
and accept the Air Quality Landfill Methane Emissions Reduction Grant for$47,0000 from the State Department of
Ecology authorizing the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the contracts, and
to make minor modifications as necessary.
Marc Abshire,Waterfront District Board Member and a city resident, spoke about the Waterfront District matter on
the agenda for Council consideration.
Sam Grello, Waterfront District Executive Director and city resident, spoke about the Waterfront District matter on
the agenda for Council consideration.
April Johnson, spoke about the Waterfront District matter on the agenda for Council consideration.
Kevin Russell,city resident,spoke about the Waterfront District matter on the agenda for Council consideration.
At the request of Council member Miller,Mayor Dexter pulled Michael Anderson HB 1590 Grant from the Consent
Agenda. At the request of Council member Schwab,and after hearing no objections,Mayor Dexter added 2024
Budget Amendment#3, 2025 Lodging Tax Reserve Funds, Wastewater Comprehensive Plan, and Sourcewell
Contract to the Consent Agenda. Mayor Dexter stated the 2025 Lodging Tax Reserve Funds would be considered
as a separate agenda item as Deputy Mayor Carr would be recusing herself from this matter.
It was moved by Schwab and seconded by Carr to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes of November 19,2024/Approve
2. Expenditure Report:From November 9, 2024 to November 22, 2024 in the amount of$3,952,486.97/Approve
3. Cla-Val Valves Maintenance Memo CON-2024-43/ 1)Award a contract to Prestige Worldwide Technologies
LLC, of Mount Pleasant, TX,for Cla-Val maintenance, contract CON-2024-43,for the total bid amount of
$25,952.86, including taxes, and 2)authorize the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to
administer the contract, and to make minor modifications as necessary.
4. East City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit Memo TR1215—Final Acceptance/I)Accept the East City Hall Parking
Lot LID Retrofit Project TR1215 as complete, 2)and authorize staff to proceed with project closeout and release the
retainage bond upon receipt of all required clearances.
5. Water Treatment Plant SCADA Generator Purchase(MEC-2024-41)/1)Award a contract to ECB Solutions
LLC, MS,for the Generator, ATS, and Transformer at a price of$41,926.50, including sales tax, and 2)authorize
the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the contract, and to make minor
modifications as necessary.
6. Fire Alarm Monitoring and Testing Services Agreement/ 1)Approve a services agreement through the
Washington State Department of Enterprise Services Contract#27323 with Convergint Technologies, LLC of
Schaumburg, IL,for a five-year contract term at three locations for fire alarm monitoring services for an annual
not-to-exceed amount of$3,240.00, including applicable taxes, and for testing services for an annual not-to-exceed
amount of$4,244.00, including applicable taxes, and 2)authorize the City Manager to execute all contract-related
documents, to administer the contract, and to make
minor modifications as necessary.
7. PULED FROM CONSENT added to Other Considerations I-4- Michael Anderson HB 1590 Grant
8. Large incentive Payment to McKinley Mill for Lighting Project/Authorize and approve an energy incentive
payment to McKinley mill in the amount of$46,657.00.
9. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Solution Hardware, Software, Support and Three-Year Agreement Purchase/
1)Approve the purchase of the Palo Alto Networks(NASPO Contract#05819)IDPS hardware, three-year core
security software subscription, and three-year support agreement from SHI in the amount of$62,189.00 including
tax, and 2)authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract and other documents needed to complete these
purchases and implement the three-year agreement on the terms and conditions offered through the Washington
State Department of Enterprise Services, and to make minor modifications, as necessary.
10. Pier Tower Emergency Repair,Project No. CON-2023-45 Final Acceptance/ 1)Accept the Pier Tower
Emergency Repair Project No. CON-2023-45 as complete, and 2)authorize staff to proceed with project closeout,
and release the retainage in the amount of$28,660.99, upon receipt of all required clearances.
11. Sniffer Robotics Service Agreement Memo SVC-2024-35/ With the amended recommendation to include:
Award a two-year Service Agreement to Sniffer Robotics, SVC-2024-35,for an amount not to exceed$64,000 and
accept the Air Quality Landfill Methane Emissions Reduction Grant from the State Department of Ecology
authorizing the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the contracts, and to make
minor modifications as necessary.
12. ITEM MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA—2024 Budget Amendment#3 /Conduct the second reading of the
2024 Budget amendment#3 ordinance; and Adopt Ordinance#3740.
13. ITEM MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA-Wastewater Comprehensive Plan/Approve and formally adopt the
Finalized City of Port Angeles Wastewater Comprehensive Plan as the City's updated General Sewer Plan.
14. ITEM MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA- Sourcewell Contract/Approve and authorize the City Manager to
sign a Sourcewell contract with Nevco Sports LLC. in the amount of$695,653.00, and to make minor modifications
to the contract, as necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
Consent Agenda#2
2. 2025 Lodging Tax Reserve Funds
Deputy Mayor Carr left the Council chambers during the discussion and vote. Mayor Dexter explained the reasons
behind the recusal.
It was moved by Schwab and seconded by Suggs to:
Request the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meet to consider the utilization of$238,751 from excess reserves to
fully fund any applications that were not previously recommended for full funding or were underfunded as part of the
LTAC 2025 Budget,and 2) consider these applications outside the scope of previously determined funding category
Motion carried 6-0 with Carr recused from the vote.
Deputy Mayor Carr returned after voting had finished.
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PULLED FROM CONSENT-Michael Anderson HB 1590 Grant
Deputy City Manager Calvin Goings spoke to the matter before Council for their consideration and approval.Council
spoke to the matter briefly. Council member Miller spoke to the matter and highlighted opportunities the proposed
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Schwab to:
Approve a$34,589.30 grant to Michael Anderson from affordable sales tax funds(HB 1590)as authorized by RCW
82.14.530,and authorize the City Manager to sign a grant contract,and to make minor modifications,as necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Port Angeles Waterfront District Agreement and Work Plan for Services to the Parking and Business
Improvement Area
Council member Schwab provided information behind his recusal from discussion and the vote on the matter before
them. Council member Schwab left the Council chambers during the discussion and vote. Deputy City Manager
Goings provided background on the Parking and Business Improvement Area,spoke the funds may be spent in
accordance with the purposes authorized by RCW 35.87A.010,and a proposed agreement with the Port Angeles
Waterfront District including work plan details.
It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Carr to:
After the motion was made and amended,the final motion was considered:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement and work plan with the Port Angeles Waterfront
District,and all related documents,to implement and administer the agreement,and to make any minor modifications,
as necessary,to include a requirement the meetings are run as hybrid meetings.
Motion carried 6-0 with Schwab recused.
Council member Schwab returned after voting had finished.
2. Municipal Code Update 24-125 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code,Amending Chapters 2.18, 16.04,
16.08, 16.09, 16.10, 16.12, 16.14, 17.13, 17.19, 17.31, 17.37, 17.44, 17.45 17.96,and 18.02 relating to RCW
36.70B Local Project Review Updates and Senate Bill(SB)5290 Requirements for Project Permit Procedures.
Deputy City Manager Goings presented the matter and used slides to share background information regarding the
proposed municipal code changes.
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
At 6:45 p.m.,the Mayor opened the public hearing.
Kevin Russell,residing outside the city limits,spoke in support of the proposed ordinance.
John Ralston,city resident,spoke about concerns over the proposed ordinance.
After hearing no one in the room or online wished to provide testimony,the Mayor continued the matter to the
December 17, 2024.
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6:58 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 7:04 p.m.
1. 2025 Budget Approval
Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa provided information,stated the budget was balanced,spoke about some changes
to the final, spoke to changes since the last reading.
At 7:06 p.m.,the Mayor continued the public hearing.
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John Ralston,city resident,spoke about concerns related to spending for an emergency operations center,building
sizes,locations,and urged the Council to consider a different location for the proposed emergency operations center.
After hearing no one else in the room or online wished to provide testimony,the Mayor closed the hearing.
Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,adopting the 2025 budget for the fiscal year ending
December 31,2025.
It was moved by Carr and seconded by Schwab to:
Adopt ordinance as read.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. Utility Base Rate—Voluntary Shutoff of Service
Director Carrizosa spoke about the matter before Council.
After hearing no one in the room or online wished to speak,the Mayor continued the matter to the December 17,
Mayor Dexter conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending section 13.16.010 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating to Utility Account Fees.
3. Code Re-Envisioning: Title 2—Boards,Committees,and Commissions
Manager West provided background on the matter,which included the creation of an ad-hoc committee to review
the code and incorporate updates to this particular section of code,standardization of various processes and terms,
residency requirements,youth representation,and a quorum being a simple majority of seats filled. Council
discussion followed.
Hearing consensus, staff will include required training for ethics, Open Public Meetings Act and parliamentary
procedures in the proposal.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Carr to:
Amend the draft ordinance, to make Lodging Tax Advisory Committee terms 2 years.
Motion carried 7-0.
Hearing consensus,staff will provide clarification in the proposed ordinance for the term limits for the youth members.
One year and up to four years for the student positions.
After hearing no one in the room or online wished to speak,the Mayor continued the matter to the December 17,
1. Authorization of Solid Waste Fund Cash Balance Options
Director Carrizosa spoke to increased transport costs that have occurred due to changes in market conditions in the
Solid Waste industry across the nation that have significantly depleted the Solid Waste cash balance. She cited a
number of recommendations to be made effective in the 2024 and 2025 fiscal years to ensure good standing until the
2026-2027 COSA and rates can be approved. Council discussion followed.
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It was moved by Schwab and seconded by Carr to:
Authorize the Staff recommended sequential options for implementation in the 2024 and 2025 Solid Waste Budget to
maintain required cash balance thresholds as needed.
Motion carried 7-0.
The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 8:16 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:22 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Carr spoke about an upcoming boat parade in the Port Angeles Harbor.
No other reports were given.
Manager West spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and reminded Council of the Winter Ice Village
participation,an upcoming executive session,and a visit from delegates from Mutsu,Japan.
John Ralston,city resident,spoke to the utility base rate matter on the agenda and the City's budget,and spoke about
an upcoming project related to an apartment building.
Glen Barbiari,city resident, spoke about his science fiction group and patents.
Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Kate exter,Mayor Kari Martinez-Bailey,City erk
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