HomeMy WebLinkAbout529 E 1ST STI a THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES BUILDING AND PLUMBINS INSPECTION RECORDS ADDRESS of WORK 529 E. First Block 20 Lot Addn.N._h,Smith CONTRACTOR Self -- Address Phone___.__ OWNER alenn Hurl ong Address 529 E . 1s t _ Phone Valuation from Building Permit Application $3,000 Date of Applicationf 19� Date of Issue :~ DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 2 months constructing store rnnm and 14 x 15 bedroom addition to existing bldg. INSPECTION RECORD BUILDING: PERMIT NUMBER 6070 FOUNDATION Date By FRAME Date - By - CHIMNEY & FIREPLACE Date By FINAL Date — By PLUMBING: PERMIT NUMBER SEbjER CONNECTION Date By ROUGH -IN Date By FIXTURES Date By — ELECTRICAL: (By Light Department) T 4 (".11TY 01F ORI ANGELES DEPARTME T OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING DIViSION REQUIEST FOR INSPECT,'ON Date— __—Tirne R):-1--1­_- e ; v e d by Location of Work to be inspected lr17 A, Name of person requesting Address of person requesting inspection ---- Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Other----- _-U Inspected: Date__ A ------ —Time by Remark--,:—, L' 1G, r, j ',A Z (phone, person) --- (continue on reverse side if necessary) ;:: ,_,..ems �. _ u.y ,�,-. _, .:, �:.. _ -. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS —CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINVTON BUILDING DIVISION DATE - �a ffi----- - Building ` Address -✓�� J �Y..l-----. .___ NAME i Mail Address L G` /Sty mi M City Ph. No. 0 NA.P 1 -- ZAddress rn Applicant to fill in !-etween heavy tines Permit No. Date Permit Issut ------------------ ---- V�Z¢/� $ /------------------ -- Valuation CLASS OF WORK Building Permit Fee -- — $�"- - ---- - -- —------- Plan Checking Fee $ New Demolish Total _ $ Alteration I Repair -- ------ - ----- - Treasurer's Receipt No.... �.� Addition Move . ' . . Use of building/ Life of Permit ..31.�'r.1.4 ............ ..... — Size of budding Height -- - -.1 ..-3 - ------ -,.. Application taker. by..L ..................... No. of room No. of Families �` No. of floors Sine of Lot Dats..!. . d.7 .0 ............. . No. of Bldgs. Csvt„� Use cf Bldg. -_ Tot--ai CrYt�•Y! tr. c• !� Floor Area So x; I City Ph. No. Now on lot Now on Lot ----- - -- -- - - -- - - ' ------- — — - - - - --------- ----- - ------------ -----__-_ SPECIFICATIONS n FOUNDATION Area of Lot S� 0 NAME ,L - - --- ---- ---- ---- -- - - ------ Material Exterior Piers z -_-- _ -_ __--__ _--_-_-- _..__ Type Construction ], 2, 31 41 Address Width of Wall _City FootingiSns---- --- ------ ---- --- Use Zone R. M. Ph. No. ----------- -- Height ----- -- — i- - - - --- -- - -- — ]' 3, 4, - ---- - --- 4-1 -I-- Material - SF icing (,2 n Beams Address _ -- Joist 1st Fl. City Ph. No. Joist 2nd Ff. License No. Plans and Specifications submitted. ........ ... Joist Ceiling Exterior Studs interior Studs Plot Plan ( ) Property Line Roof Rafters o- w M M a� d PROPOSED �i„- OR EXISTING BUILDIIv`o C 72 1 Street ------v---C©VERING `- Exterior Wall$ P Roof - - Interior Watts ��`/ �;.�, �. �� Reroofing Heat: Wood Gas Oil Electric I hereby acl--nowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- struction. SIGNATURE O l PERMITE£ . _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION - — Subdivision ,sue _ Lot No. Block No. ' — C Occupancy Group A. B. C. D. E.ef,/ /^5 3, 4, 5 Fire Zone it OP" 3 APPROVED -----. . Director of Dept. of Inspections SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS __ �J 4__J IfAPPI.ICATIOW FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS —CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON BUILDING DIVISION DATE Applicant to fill in between heavy tines Permit No. $ ------- ............ Valuation Date Permit Issue _rX/&_ Building CLASS OF WORK Building Permit Fes !_-_- _ _ — $ �^^ - ho ---- Address , 7 Z-- - - hecki _ .- - -- ---- - -------- Plon C'ng - Fee - --- -. -. _— l� (Demolish Total ',° NAME t/y _ C.-- Alteration ( Repair--- _- -- — - -- �j'` //// _Treasurer's A ___..111�L-�Z-�1. _ Receipt No... !..................... . Mail Address S Addition I MAVe Q " Use of building tG Life of Permit . ..... ....................... . City -- - _ -- Ph. No. Size of building ' Height Application t ken 6 z 1� `w -1� •C - _ -- --- APP y . �c ....... . NAME No. of rooms fin. �_- Nci of Familie! �ryLch - - ----- - - - - -- -- - T . Dot*. 0 j----------- - No. of floors Sine of lot Address-_----�/`7-.�f.......- z No. of Bldgs. Use of Bldg. - -. p Ctty------- ---- -Ph. No. - - - - Now on lot _- Now on Lot �� ---- - _� G? - --- - - - - -- —_------------------------------- - — SPECIFICATIONS T_otal_F oor Arsa _ _ _ _ q. FOUNDATION Area of lot 9_ p NAME ------------- --- - - --- - - — Z i Exterior Piers Hype Construction 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 A Address - _ Width of Wall c" —_ _ -------_. --- -- — Use Zone M. J ; ' City Footing Sim !` r -- -- R. A Ph. No. Height ----- — - _ 1, �2, 3, 4, D -- - - - - - — - Material �_ Si:e - Spacing - Span — Occupancy Group A. B. C. D. E. (r7 G. I. = I NAME _.- `ter----- - Beam rt,_._---�� Address - Joist 13t Fl. , r r 3 4 5 City Ph. No. Joist 2nd FI.+ �L rr _ ' I license No. -- - ---- -- foist Ceiling �=++ y - -_.ri -- L�-- Fire Zone 1, ��f 3�17 Exterior Studs 1 1 Plans and Specifications submitted.:` . Interior '-7tuds 4 Plot - APPROVED ✓' e 0 a C 0 0 N t Plan ( ) Property Lane rp c 1 � L a� o _ � n � � PROPOSED OR EXISTING BUILDING � O 'a m f � Q � LL Street Roof Rafters _ --- -- ----- --- - - COVERING Director of Dept. of Inspect2/_ Exterior Walls.. -,I Roofr "�iy' Interior Wans '' Reroofing SPECIAL and UNUSUAL COT10NS Heat: Wood as Oil Electric7 - I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct. and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- struction. SIGNATURE OF PERMITEE -- -- LEGAL DESCRIPT10N ---- Subdivision A�w 7 _ Lot No. - / �� Block No. --Z o r c M 1 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON BUILDING DIVISION DATE f - ) -.__t2 � -_ .. Applicant to fill in between heavy lines audding _ Address NAME r� r�%�C� G/ ?mac �� %4 j .a Mail Address / -'e. x, N n City �� G �,Y Ph. No. 7 _ NA1.1E �A ZAddress m :o City — --- — z NAME `Gt.LGZ/F: ��' fG� . C. •_ / Address > — y City zia� [1 %. W Ga2 L4 �� --��,c-- d c 0 Ph. No. NAME Permit P o. Date Permit Is_ i $ --�--tie. .--_ _ Valuation CLASS OF WORK Building Permit Fee --------- Poll Pian Checking FeePOO ,New Alteratwn- -_----------Demolish Total - Addition Repair j Move - — Treasurer's Receipt No. Use --of building -----_ __ --------_--------__... --- Life of Permit, Size of building - --- _--.-----______ No. of rooms Height g " Application taken by........ No. of floors No. of Families Sine of Lot Date... . ........ ...... • - No. of Bldgs. Use of Bldg. . Now on lot _--_ Now on Lot Total floor Arsa __ - SS - -- SPECIFICATIONS FOUNDATION Area of Lot Sc Type Construction 1 2 3 4 5' ateria _ Exterior Piers - —_ -"-- Footing Sine Height _ - Material n -- - - -- — Beams — -- -- �i Address ---- — - - -_. -- -- Joist 1st FI. 0 City ` Ph. No. Joist 2nd FI. -- license No. Joist Ceiling- -- Roof Rafters Plans and Specifications submittod............ ......•• Exterior Studs Plo t Plan ( 1 Propeiiy line r. ro £1 0. - ro PROPOSED;, ` OR, E9ISTIN�Ci' i BUILDING 0 ^ � T � N C ` ro >L % t Street Interior Studs - - - COVER!NG ------------- - ---- Use Zone / � 4 "Jo Spacing -Span --- Occupancy Group A B C D E F G( j 2 3 4 5 _--- Fire Zone 1 C 3 t:xterior Wails of Interior Walls ----- I RRoroofin - — - sue., ' Heat: Wood Gas — Oil E,ectri ,c I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- struction. SIGNATUREj,jOF t ` PERMITEE ....trGZl _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Subdivision? !� Lot �`- ----,` Variance or Conditional U__ __...-- ----- --------------- se Permit ^.- --- - — APPROVED2spections ------------------_ Director of Dept. of 0111 SP�;IAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS •t707A APPLICATION FOR 13UILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS —CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGT . a-UILDING DIVISION L. lines DATE Build'7e 56 9 Address (,i�`( v f NAME m A r i Mail Address m rri r:" DIV O NAME Z Address M City NAME Address .., n City License No. Plans and Spscifi '= Plot Plan e 0 D ` d tp 5-- a� m 0 o ; 1 c� 0 O J t Applicant tQ fill in between _envy, Permit No. Date P777,;FM _. Valuation Building Permit Fee _ -1-L-' - CLASS OF WORK plan Checking Fee # } s _ too-= $ -� --- Demolish Total • Alteration `--- Repair - - __SL__---- Treasurer's Recei t No. .. • • • • • • • • • • ... -- --- Addition � Move --- -- - Life ofPermit ..'. .. ••••••••••.' f- ........... So - Use of building Size of building Height - - Application taken byPh --�---- No. of rooms No. of_Families _._..-_ .--- _ f ........ Date review completed . Sq. NO. of floors Sine of Lot - -- _ _ No. of Bldgs. Use of Bldg. Total Floor Area --_- Now on lot Now on lot __ --- _. - Ph. No. ------- __ ,PECIFICATIONS Area of Lot -^--- FOUNDATION_ — 111 IV V Exterior Piers _ _ Type Construction I II Material — __-- --- - FIR 1-Hr H� N Width of Wa t Footing Sim Use Zone Height - _I Material I Size —I- Spacing I Spun _ Occupancy Group A E Beams -- -- Joist 1st Fl. Ph. No. Joist Z_--d FL ----- joist- C_ etrn _g - with -- Roof Rafters — ons submitted.... • • • • • • • . • • • • • Exterior Studs — — - --- I Property Lins_� Interior Swds COVERING, i _ Roof ^ Exterior Walls i7 Interior Walls Rerabfing M Heatt: W doo Gas Oil Electric I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application g and state that the above is corre d alating buildee to ing con - all City Urdinanc s and State ws gu struction. } SIGNATURE OF m PERMIT911 PP„S?5f I in LEGAL DESCRIPTION RO EXISTING BUILDI G SubdivW*n Lot No. c ) to Block No. 1 Fire Zone 1 2_ I H ®- R_ M ,D W 4 5 APPROVED,"'._-_--=- --------------------------•---------- Director of Dept. of Inspections - SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS Street Variance or Conditional Us_ a Permit -' all,., A . ',ku r ,.ire a:. rp •�. � .,>,•4! .r. 0 .i ♦ '.' .aM'. i• • ail v� '� { ,d ,•+ •.. . : - ;: � �- ,'_ - .:', p.. E. � 1! - fl a a+ CITY OF NUR 1 A.NIiLL 5 PUBLIC WORKS -BUILDING DIVISION • 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT Issued: 10/07/97 Permit No: 10053 Conditions: OWNER/APPLICANT ------------------------ PROPERTY LOCATION ------------------------ GLENN HURLONC- 529 1ST ST E 529 E 1ST ST Lot: 16 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 20 Long Legal: 360/000-0000 Sub: ns smith` T: S: Parc No: CONTRACTOR ----------------------------- DESIGNER --------------------------------- LARRY'S ROOFING 352 AVIS ST Port Angeles, WA 98362 , 360/452-2215 000/000-0000 PROJECTINFO------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 n W H N Prj Value: $900.00 SFD UNITS: 0 MFD UNITS' 0 Prj Type: TORCHDOWN SFD SQ FT: 0 MFD SQ FT: 0 r-+ z x Occ Type: COMMERCIAL � y tij Occ Group: Occ Load: COMMERCIAL: 0 O H Cnstr Type: INDUSTRIAL: 0 GARAGE: 0� n Land Use: cad O PROJECT NOTES---------------------------------------------------------------------- zM TORCHDOWN OVER NORTHWEST CORNER` rn H m 1 HO0 0 r-3 H H � 0 N 00E-3y PROJECT FEES ASSESSMENT ------------------------------•---------------------------fin BUILDING PERMIT $32.00--------------- $0.00 -------------- $0.00'� PLAN CHECK $0.00-------------- $0.00 ---------RADON $0.00 H 0 d t STATE SURCHARGE $4.50-------------- $0.00 $0.00 tx HOUSE MOVING $0.00-------------- $0.00 $0.00 y MANUFAC HOME $0.00-------------- $0.00 $0.00 O r SIGN $0.00-------------- $0.00 =_______________________= x M PLUMBING $0.00-------------- $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $36.50 tern MECHANICAL $0.00-------------- $0.00 AMT PAID: $36.50 ---------------- $0.00-------------- $0.00 ------------------------- --------------- $0.00-------------- $0.00 BAL DUE: $0.00 ro — I C1 A N TI'r A n V III A TEA M17V :TOR M DRA OTHER iV YV Separate Permit, construction tl after the work s thaave rea this pe of wor viola or cancel are required for el( ctrical work, utilities, private and public improvements. 'this permit becomes null and void if work or !ed is noY commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a pariod of 180 days :om enced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 day!; from the last inspection. I hereby certify id a •amined this application and know the 3arrre to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing i be complied with whether pe: ified herein or not. The granting of a pennit does not presume to give authority to P,e� vision of any state or I oaf law regulating construction or the performance of construction. H FtJ �3 x r� r+ rxj In cn J54? . Igo' S. -j O m C 0 m0 -i n OC --iK =m m Z Q --i D Z r= -i — <cn (� TI -r; D m m m O cn O r- c•) m C Cf) m C� Z r' 71m D 2 D Z S Z O n m ROUTING SLIP Business Li,-ense, Building Permit Application, Certificate of Occupancy DATE�� 12 New Business ............................. (, Address of Proposed Business Transfer of Business Location ................ ( ) = �-- Change of Ownership ....................... ( } New Building .............................. ( ) Applicant s Ll C.-e l✓Ck- e= Address l _j S1L-QF-P-- 1 J\j Remodel .................................. ( ) Temporary Business ........................ ( ) Permanent Business ........................ ( ) 7 CoZ• Phgne: business 4-1 i - f-A-C-Ehome �� - :5 113 s. -) 9Z-a- � z3 Brief description of Proposed business: C- Q C,I,}�1 }RE.C. tsT i D ti.) 7 tE— Legal Description: Lot Block Subdivision �- _ Current Use of Property: _ _� Il r�,j"� Zoning Classification of Property: 0-1/-\ WILL THERE BE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? YES NO. YOU WILL NEED THE FOLLOWING: Construction changes .......................... PERMITSBUSINESS LICENSE Electrical changes ............................. _ Mechanical (heating, cooling, stoves) " """ — 1) Budding 1) Taxi Plumbing changes ............................. New or relocated signs .......................... 2) Plumbing 2) Peddlers 3) Electrical (City Light) 3) 2nd Hand Dealer New septic tanks ............................... = New sewer service ............................. _ 4) Mechanical 4) Pawn Broker 5) Sewer 5) Private Detective 6) idewalk installation 6) Merchant Patrol Admission charged to patrons ................... Is this a home occupation? i�L 7) Driveway installation 7) Amusement ...................... 8) Curb installation 8) Dance Excavation or filling of lots ...................... Work done in City right-of-way 9) ° (Iewalk obstruction 9) Hotel . Motel ............. 10) Water meter installation 10) Septic Tank Is there sufficient off-street parking? ............ ' . New driveway openings 11) Septic tank 11) Fireworks "2) ......................... _ Occupancy 12) Ambulance A grading plan for site drainage 13) Sign 13) Massage Parlor (parking lots, downspouts, etc.) .................. 14) Fire Department 14) Tattoo shop Are the existing streets paved? ................... 15) Shoreline 15) Other Are there existing sidewalks : .................... _4 1Q Home occupation Is there curb R gutter? .......................... 171 Conditional use — Other ......................................... 18) Other I hereby apply for a permit/license for the items above and acknowledge that I have read this application and _ Z _C state that the information I have supplied is correct to Date:' the {Jest of my knowledge. Signe . -, _ Approved Rejected Comments/Conditions Building Section 4/1206-' Z7!` 31f7h C' oO <A t Public Works Department L-X/ 7- Planning Department Fire Department 9,10184 OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. z 0 m : fFn -� _. 0 TI C p m �O OC ---iK = m m Z p � C Z D = < I O T =m m 0 cn Or- C) m C En m C) r m D s D Z S Cn Z O C) m i � r CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Port Angeles Building Division This certification issued pursuant to the requirements of,Section 109 oj'the Unijorni Building Code certifying that at the time oj'issuaaice this structure was it, compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating Building �♦ construction or use. For the following: �. e i t Commercial Recreation Building Permit No— Te of Const. use classificationCommercial B Use zone Group ypnution_ Vim---- Bruce Wel cker Address_ 12 i�� 0X_Uane owner of nusinesslRcsidcncc — 529 East 1st Street Port Angeles, 'ia Building Address August 24r 1998 ` gate Building Official f Poston thp-premiS0S An -a cehspcuoua place. Shall not be reoved except by Building Official. m z 0 n m � T pm C0 m OCn m Z Dz S < cn cT M �D 2 � m M 0 cn 0 r C: rn Cn ;2: Cf) m n z r- -..{ m D M z D z --I T_ z 0 n m iI !y� ':U IDjF'.r+': eiL ?fir 5NALI :,,`.!': sr y� a. k - , .r, s � 1 ��;- 2i-- -.. .i�e.-''K. ... '•�� d'�...- ^��, ..!"meµ ,. .. .. . ........ ,' L' APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS —CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ,, flUILDING DIVISION Permit No. Date Permit Issupc aATE Applicant to fill in between heavy. lines $ _..(0_ ....... -. Valuation Building Building Permit Fee Address �`r CLASS OF WORK g _ $1 --- - ---- - --_/�' (_ Plan Checking Fee $ --- - — J/ j/-- Na\M/ m� A � 3 I :Moil Address .._ rn m Ra Ci►y f O NAME t ZAddress m _ City New Demolish Total � $ - --- --- ----- Alteration Repair Addition -�-- Treasurers Rece� 0...... . -- _ I Move ............ Use of building' Life of Permit Size of building Hei ht - r —_ g ----------- Application taken by .!...................... No. of rooms — No. of Families - - -- -- -`— Date review completed .................. - No. of floors Sine of Lot ......................... No. fonldgs lot Use of Bldg.Now — ------ Total floor Area _..Sq. it Now on Lot - "----------- -- - -- — % Lot coverage SPECIFICATIONS p NAME FOUNDATION Area of Lot - Sq y --- Material ------- — M Address -_ _ __ ___.-_- Exterior Pier: Type Construction I, II, ill, IV, V D - --- Width of Wall City __ Footing Sine—_--__ — FR, 1-Hr, HT, N - — t_ A/ ) ,o Ph. No. -- -v— Height — - -- — --- Use Zone i Ph. No. Ph. No. NAME = Address M n City Ph. No. --license No. --------`---- Plans and Specifications submitted ........................ Plot Plan ( 1 Property line M e m m oa GC a m M m � ;n PROPO m V7 0 O =EXISTING--'j H E�� o ( BUILDING c o c .o 0 e - � 0 c ` L� - Street !07A kry . t — Material Spacing ---- -- Span -- — Beams -Size Joist Ist Fl. - — — - Joist and FI. Joist Ceiling — Roof Rafter Exterior Studs Studs Interior Studc -- COVERING Exterior Walls Roof Interior Walls Reroofing Heat: Wood Gas Oil_ Electric I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all City OVF s s1ruction.and Late L s r sting building con SIGNATURE PERMITEE............... _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Subdivision-- r�! -- -- - - -- — - - — -- Lot No. No. Block No. ell —_ Variance or Conditional Use Permit Occupancy Group A, E, I, H, M ---- --- ( — 4 5 - — Other Permit Numbers: _ Plumbing R/w Sewer APPROVE ----------. Di►ector of Dept. of Inspections SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS i r. �.nT OTr1. ,.-.ry ,,. ..,w •--«- .:--.:. ..�, :•.-a"cs;�.u. ..xr' azr,ti'N�7h'.>g:axan RrP"T`.air.r:r-,.�•.vp,7.9 .: F- - _ n,n'�-,n:!.J"'. ra l;-rt .. .. .. .-., ..,. -. - .. ..-. _ o,. . .. . _.. a:. _w:ny,w,.�aYw�sw.rl..r•i. _ _,..:,.._•r. - - 1 . t-.,n., .• ;d9r _ .we*,�.�• a-•-•--w--,..�.,,, of ..,,a:.- r . .. :: ,..-_ . -Y.. . _ , . ,, "-'~-•^. �•v. , - h, .� i • F PORT 4,q a PORT 4N ,� I y 0 CSC �N I ate` CITY OF PORT ANGELES ® 321 E. FIFTH • P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 PHONE (206) 457.0411 �$CIC W00:5 ! e i November 20, 1989 { Mr. Glen Hurlong c/o 529 East First Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: New Business at 529 East First Street (Sunbreak Tanning Salon) Deer Mr. Hurlong: In response to your Inquiry concerning occupancy at the above referenced location, we have the following Information. On August 24, 1989, the Public Works Department sent IiI f a letter to your tenant, Kathy Good, Sunbreak Tanning Salon, concerning the expanded business which occupies 529 East First Street, formerly the Handi-Spot Grocery Store. In that letter, we misinterpreted the parking ordinance to require off-street parking as stated in Paragraph 1. We have since reviewed that requirement with your representa- tive, Mr. Mike Lemon, and have determined that, If the occupancy does not require an increase in the parking requirements over and above the minimum requirements for the previous use, then the uff-street parking requirements per the parking ordinance do not apply, the minimum number of spaces now required is less than would be required for the existing business. This means the parking for this location can be considered pre-exist- Ing, non -conforming and the parking requirements would apply only if the proposed use required a greater number of parking places than is required at this time. I The requirement for the floor plan under Paragraph 2 would be required only for construc- tion and/or any alterations. i The routing slip for Certificate of Occupancy, under Paragraph 3, should be completed for any new occupancy to assure the City and/or the tenant alid the owner that all the requirements are met and that the new or proposed business is in conformance with all applicable codes and ordinances. If the Sunbreak Tanning Salon or another business Is to permanently occupy the building, then it would be in the best interest of the owner/tenant/City that the routing slip and checklist be completed. Should you have any additional questions or comments, please contact me at 457-0411, Ext. 122. SIncerely, i Jack N. Pittis, P.E. Director 9f Public Works Ken RIdout, Deputy Director Li I Copy: Kathy Good Sunbreak Tanning Salon '•.+ 528 East First Street CITY OF PORTANGELES PUBLIC WORKS FYI 1ACTN.IC0PY CONC. DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR CITY ENGINEER SOLID WASTE SEWER/WATER' STREET ltIILDING s a t+r„'"-'•�h' J?N�: r `- a r yt s: a'k r x,�- 1 t ra 1 t.'' •Sul a.+ai '� t � .ys Ft l °• i V. t q t! i n y�y�N -� t'�t+ lily t � 6 y1 �s u lip i � c_ + a.s+,r p s:•3 I s xi3 us } r.r hh � R S �I 1fell �l•s L � - -. ��d�Svl r c° y , � I •' Cf1 }t��a `�.r,�'4 '� : �r �jy p � ;.�� r, -F f 1s';ytF�s 451L � + F { 0 .. 4E•��N f Op PORT 44f _ CITY OF PORT ANGELES s I►�►�- ® CITY OF PORT ANGELES t£ A� 321 E. FIFTH • P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 p fr (/ �y PHONE (206) 457-0411 -� ! ;, 321 E. FIFTH • P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98362 i eCIC WOP QC WOPHONE (206) 457.0411 n CITY OF PORT ANGELES N PUBLIC WORKS FYI. IAVIN. COPY-� DIRECTOR r November 9, 1989 DEPUTY DIRECTOn - t August 24, 1989 CITY ENGINEER rF 3 i f. c.(;, SOLID WASTE <. SEWERIWATER Kathy Good STREETBUI�1 Sunbreak Tanning Salon Kathy Good 529 East First Street + Sunbreak Tanning Salon Port Angeles, WA 98362 528 East First Street FILE ! S �29 4_ /S>` 4 y Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: New Business at 529 East First Street Re New Business at 529 East First Street Dear Ms. Goad: 1 I Per your previous conversations with the Building Division regarding the new occupancy at the above location, it is our I understanding that this is a temporary lDcation and you are moving to the Armory Square Mall and are not pursuing upgrading the current location to meet City standards. i Since the remodeling for your new location is underway, we will continue to allow the current, temporary nonconforming use at 529 East First Street. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Jack N. Pittis, P.E. Director of Public W Mks li enneth D. Ridou eputy Di.rector KDR:LM cc: Glen Hurlong C/o 529 East First Street PW.289 (p. 3) CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUB C WORKS FYI. ACTM. COPY CONC. DIRECTOR DEPUTY DRTECMR CITY EiW11PW SOLID WASTE SEV4`EW''ATER STREET BUIURN Val FILE 5z1) F. I. Dear Ms. Gocd: On August 22, 1989, it was observed that you have expanded your business and now also occupy 529 East First Street, formerly the Handi-Spot Grocery Store. The new occupancy constitutes a change of use from the previous occupancy and therefore, you are required to comply with current City regulations, including building codes and parking requirements. Please provide the following information so we may review and prove the occupancy: Ix Off -Street Parking Lot Layout: One parking space per 200 square feet of floor area required, with a minimum of six (6) spaces. 2. Floor Plan: Show details of floor area, including construction plans for alterations made. Show light and ventilation requirements. (This floor plan will also determine the parking requirements.) 3. Routing Slip for Certificate of Occu and: The routing slip is actually a checklist to assure all requirements are met prior to opening the business. The above information must be submitted and approved prior to occupancy of the building and opening the business. ' �5.1---^m�+�,sucrrrssx�rr�aa•�re�mo9r_;a,�azr� Should you have any questions, please contact this office at 457-0411, ext. 125. S' cerely, 4 Y _ o ig �BUil ng Of icial LJR:LM Certified Mail ab Return Receipt Requested PW.270 r SENDER: C¢mpieto items 1, 2, 3 and 4. Put your address in the ••RETURN TO" space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return rucaipf fee will provide you the name of the parson delivered to antl the data of tlel:very. Fo: aooitional lees the following sorvlces are available. Consult postmaster for item and check buses) for sorvicols) requmtad. 1. ❑ Show to whom, date amd address of delivery. 2. ❑ Rostrictod Delivery. 3• Article Adqreised to: a WA 4?3(n.�_) 4. Tyoo of Service: Article Number ❑ Registered ❑ Insured 0-"r-, nifieo El COD COD iar057 Q IN U Express Mail obtain signatl;r0 of addressee gr,agent and �Always DATE DELIVERED. 5. S, ature - Adurou �X S. Signature - Agent a' 7. Data of ivory((,', 8. A.sdresse s Addrors (ON YVrequestedand fee pa -id) IS C -1 ----- Permit No. o Date Oermit Issued PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY �`�_ � 0 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING --------- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON �✓1 BUILDING SECTION �l --- Valuation DATE — r� Building Permit Fee --- CLASS OF WORK Plan Checking Fee �—_.__--- Building- Address Demolish Total _ --------- — New —�-- 1 _ _ Repair Treasurer's Receipt <� Alteration Move A NAME - --- t-i r Addition —� Completion Date Mail Address - - Use of building ___------ - — -- - In _ %1 Ph. No. `fr- Application taken by. --- - ---"- City ~} 1-' Size of Building —_ Height No. of Families _. NAME No. of floors F � — Date review completed - �,_(__� — Size of Lot — Sq. Ft. - 0 -- `---- --- ---- Total Floor Area �"- • c No. of Bldgs. Use of Bldg. ------ Sq. Fl. zMail Address �) � /""� - f id Lot Now on Lot % Lot coverage -------- Sq. Ft. 33 //'�/ SPECIFICATIONS Area of Lot City Ph. No. l Y� FOUNDATION Piers _ IV, V Exterior Type Construction p NAME qqf(�.1 7�, �'�) j Material FR, 1-Hr. HT, N Z t Width of Walt vMail Address ---- Use Zone t-t' > City Ph. No. Footing Size- 0 Height - - Span H, B R, ilM � License No. Material Size Spacing Occupancy Group A, 2 3 4 �� v NAME Beams 33 Joist 1st Fi. — — -- n Address = Other Permit Numbers: CityPh. No. foist 2nd FI. Rlw _ `-i license No. J 0 a Property Lin Plot Plan ( r 'L7 ro r W a � I a v ` '2 '13 M «S us PROPOSED U) �---� OR EXISTING BUILDING -C C -2 O } Is Lot on a Corner?_- OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC Joist Ceiling Roof Rafters - Exterior Studs ---- Interior Studs — Roof Exterior Walls _ Interior Walls Reroofing r r� Heat: Wood Gas Oil Electric __ -- --'-- MISC: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with, all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- struction. SIGNATURE; PERMITEE , Subdivision -D Lot No. m r LEGAL Variance or Ccnditional Use Permit Block No. Plumbing �— Sewer -- l C.O. 1 APPROVED-2 Z Director of Dept. of inspections SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS _ ��� t�l�i i ! `G i > c- > (_ l (^r I l / -- ®' s r C] CITY OF PORT ANGELES i DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS k ........... INSPECTION REPORT ........... � REQUEST: a��Date —Time __ Received by (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected — Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection_ Phone No. l Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other I INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date —Time / "/ By mil/ Remarks: l,a rz��i f1c-t r -u aYllrt �2l�ri ass �rfy�e - �� 1 Arm nt-7,4 SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: ❑ Unimproved ❑Gravel ❑ Asphalt ❑ PCC ❑ Other ❑ Repaired by City Work Order # ❑ Repaired by Permittee ❑ COMPLETE ❑ No Damage Found ❑ INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) C7 To tile,, _ --j-______ ❑ UPoGENT Date—' 19, Time 3 WHILE YOU WERE OUT PM From (_ r _ Of _ C71-:ir Phone_ " 7 '7 Area Cod. Number L ed Please callE`ee you ants toseeyou your call Will call again Messagen -t S" C r-0 To ri ❑ URGEN'i A.M. Date Til,,e P.M. WHIL YOU WERE'OUT From _ ` __— Of --Y {I n C i .y Phone _ —t - ?,(��� A. Cod. N moor E.I. Telephoned Please call !/ Came to see you Wants to see you Returned your call Will call again Message — Signed Quill Corporation • Re -order Number 7.92001 i I