HomeMy WebLinkAbout02042025 CC Agenda Packet February 4, 2025 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1 February 4, 2025 City of Port Angeles Council Meeting Agenda This meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Council members, and City sta ff have the option to attend the meeting in person, in Council chambers at City Hall located at 321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, or remotely via telephone or video link. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The Mayor will determine time of break. Hearing devices are available for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. Call to Order – Special Meeting at 5:00 p.m. – A closed session under authority of RCW 42.30.140(4), to discuss collective bargaining with an employee organization and an Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. Call to Order – Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. B. Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance Ceremonial Matters, Proclamations & Employee Recognitions D. Late Items To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the meeting. C. Public Comment The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an or derly and timely manner. Visit https://www.cityofpa.us/Live-Virtual-Meetings to learn how to participate during public comment and or watch the meeting live. Written public comments can be submitted to: council@cityofpa.us, comments will not be read aloud. Audio only: 1-844992-4726 Access code: 2559 247 8832 Webinar password: j9SUMc4JiR8 (59786245 when dialing from a phone or video system) Once connected, press *3 to raise your virtual hand if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the February 4, 2025 meeting only. Webex link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m97a5d1a50042f7ab21b2490fa7e654da To make a public comment, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Members of the public may address the City Council at the beginning and end of any Regular Meeting under "Public Comment." During the "Public Comment" portion of the meeting, individuals may speak to agenda items, except those scheduled for a Publi c Hearing. The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At any time, the presiding officer, in the presiding officer's sole discretion, may set such reaso nable limits as are necessary to prevent disruption of other necessary business. At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45 for the second Publi c Comment period. Individuals may speak for three (3) minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. If more than 20 peop le are signed up to speak each speaker may be allocated two (2) minutes. Individuals who are residents of the City or own businesses within the City will be called to speak first, with preference gi ven to those who wish to speak to an item on the meeting’s agenda. If time remains, the presiding officer will call other individua ls wishing to speak, generally in the order in which they have signed in. If time is available, the presiding officer may call for addition al unsigned speakers. February 4, 2025 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2 Persons speaking shall state their name, whether they reside within the City limits, whether they have any other pertinent co nnection to the City, and whether they are appearing as the representative of an organization. Excerpts: Council Rules of Procedure Section 12 E. Consent Agenda | Approve 1. City Council Minutes of December 17, 2024, January 7, 2025 and January 21, 2025 / Approve ................................... E-1 2. Amend Previously Adopted Minutes from December 17, 2024 / Approve ..................................................................... E-8 3. Expenditure Report: From January 11, 2025 to January 24, 2025 in the amount of $4,215,200.49 / Approve .............. E-13 4. Electric Utility Easements / Approve the easements described herein for Electric Utility facilities and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary. ...................................................................................................... E-30 5. Berg Benefits Professional Services Agreement and RedQuote HRA Adoption Agreement / Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Berg Benefits Professional Services Agreement in an amount not to exceed $57,000 and the RedQuote Adoption Agreement and to make minor modifications as necessary. ............................................................................. E-52 6. Laserfiche Software and Support Purchase / 1) Approve the purchase of Laserfiche Municipality annual license from Cities Digital (an authorized reseller under WA State Dept of Enterprise Services Contract #07814) in the amount of $29,443.84 including tax, and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all purchase documents, to administer the purchase, and to make minor modifications if necessary. .................................................................................................................................... E-74 7. Shared Storage Facility Agreement / Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a multi-year sub-lease agreement with Clallam County for the shared storage facility and to make minor modifications as necessary. .................................... E-77 8. Transfer Station Refrigerant Disposal Contract SVC-2025-07 / Approve the five-year service contract to Thornes Refrigeration, of Port Angeles, WA in the amount of $5,000 for an annual not to exceed amount of $1,000 for the removal of cannisters of reclaimed refrigerant from the Port Angeles Transfer Station for reuse and/or disposal and authorize the City Manager to sign all contract-related documents, to administer the contract and to make minor modifications as necessary. ............................................................................................................................................ E-80 9. Recreation and Conservation Office Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board Grant Acceptance: Ennis Creek Fish Barrier Removal GG0119 / Accept the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board (FBRB) grant in the amount of $255,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute all grant -related documents, to administer the grant, and to make minor modifications as necessary. ............................................................................ E-91 F. Public Hearings | 6:30 p.m. or Soon Thereafter .................................................................................................. None G. Ordinances Not Requiring Council Public Hearings 1. Municipal Code Amendment (MCA) 24-74 for Chapters 14.40 – Off Street Parking and 17.26 – Retail Stands relating to Mobile and Itinerant Vendor Operations in the City / Conduct 2nd Reading / Adopt Ordinance .................................... G-1 H. Resolutions Not Requiring Council Public Hearings 1. Resolution Amending the City’s Master Fee Schedule / Pass Resolution ....................................................................... H-1 I. Other Considerations 1. Washington State Department of Transportation Fish Barrier Removal Presentation / Information only 2. Downtown Officer Presentation / Information only 3. Fleet Modernization Presentation – Presentation by Public Works and Utilities Director Scott Curtin / Information only J. Contracts & Purchasing 1. Equipment Purchase - #2540 Stormwater Division Wheel Loader / Approve and Authorize. ........................................ J-1 K. Council Reports L. Information City Manager Reports: 1. Public Works & Utilities Grant and Loan Status Report / Information Only .................................................................. L-1 2. Local Road Safety Plan / Information Only ..................................................................................................................... L-159 3. Federal Grant Update / Information Only ........................................................................................................................ L-180 February 4, 2025 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 3 PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens. City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. M. Second Public Comment Follow the instructions from the first public comment period. Adjournment NOTICE of a SPECIAL MEETING of the PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Port Angeles will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, starting at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will be conducted as a hybrid meeting. In hybrid meetings, members of the public, Council members, and City staff have the option to attend the meeting in person, in Council Chambers at City Hall located at 321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, or remotely via telephone or video link. To attend meetings virtually, follow the instructions below or visit www.cityofpa.us for more information regarding our virtual meetings agendas and meeting information. To view meeting and agenda information, visit: https://cityofpa.us/583/Meetings-Agendas. The purpose of the special meeting is for City Council to hold a closed session under authority of RCW 42.30.140(4), to discuss collective bargaining with an employee organization and an Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. The regular City Council meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. Audio only: 1-844-992-4726 Access code: 2559 247 8832 Webinar password: j9SUMc4JiR8 (59786245 when dialing from a phone or video system) Once connected, press *3 to raise your virtual hand if you wish to make a comment or public testimony. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. This access code is good for the February 4, 2025 meeting only. Webex link: https://cityofpa.webex.com/cityofpa/j.php?MTID=m97a5d1a50042f7ab21b2490fa7e654da To make a public comment, please use the “raise your hand” feature in Webex. You will be notified when it is your turn to speak. Port Angeles City Hall is accessible for persons with disabilities. Requests for special accommodations can be made by contacting the City Clerk’s Office. Closed captioning can also be made available. Please contact City Clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey by phone at 360-417-4634, or by email at cityclerk@cityofpa.us, to request accommodations or receive instructions for closed captioning. Kari Martinez-Bailey City Clerk cityclerk@cityofpa.us (p) 360-417-4634 │TTY 360-417-4645 Distribution: City Council Peninsula Daily News KONP Front Lobby (posted) CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL January 7, 2025 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dextercalled the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:03p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members Miller, Schromen-Wawrin(attending virtually), Schwab, and Suggs. Members Absent: Council member Meyer. Staff Present: City Manager West, DeputyCity Manager Goings, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat, B.Smith, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, S. Curtin, and A. Fountain. It was moved by Suggsand seconded by Schwabto: Excuse Council Meyerfrom the meeting. Motion carried 6-0. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexterled the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1.Recognition of 30-year Sister City Relationship with Mutsu City, Japan th Mayor Dexter read a proclamation in recognition of the 30anniversary of the sister-city relationship between Port Angeles, Washington and Mutsu City, Japan and expressedour sincere gratitude for the30-year connection. Mutsu City Board of EducationSuperintendentAbeKenichiconveyedhis appreciation for the welcome. 2.Police Star Awards -Shop witha Hero Recognition Port Angeles Police Chief Brian Smith invited Port Angeles Lieutenant Jimmy Thompson and Record Specialist Katie Butler to the front of the Council Chambers to recognize each fortheir participation in the annual Shop witha Hero event. Lower Elwha Klallam TribePolice Chief Sam White joined at the front of the Chambers to share additional thanks. Police Chief Smith presented each of them with a Police Star Award and stated they earned the award for their leadershipand coordination assistance prior to and during the event. During the recognition, staff presented slides with pictures of various members of the community and volunteers. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were received. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1.Student Presentations -MutsuCity, Japan Mayor Dexter presented the matter that included speaking roles of several participants, including studentsof both Mutsu Junior High and Stevens Middle School students.Several members of the audience, which included members of the Mutsu delegation, Stevens Middle Schoolstudents and a parent,spoke to their experiences during their visit. Many families and children were in attendance, along with Mutsu City Board of Education SuperintendentAbeKenichi, Mutsu Junior High School English teacherRemi Takeuchi,Mutsu City CIE Rachel Henry,Supervisor, Mutsu City Board of EducationSupervisor Shusaku Hosogoe,Tour conductor Nozomi Kato, and 10 Junior Ambassador Students. 2.Peninsula Behavioral Health Peninsula Behavioral Health Chief Executive Officer Wendy Sisk presented slides and spoke to a project underway nd at the corner of 2and Oak Streets. CEO Sisk spoke about timeline goals,scope of servicesand project specifics February 4, 2025E - 1 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING January 7,2025 which included the hiring of a local contractor. She stated it was their hope to complete the project in one year's time. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Deputy Mayor Carr expressed her appreciation for Council support through her journey to graduate law school. Council member Schwab spoke about attendance at a culture fair held collectively by the Mutsu Junior High and students. Council member Suggs spoke about her role as Chair on the Marine Resources Committeeand students returning to schoolafter the holiday. Mayor Dexter spoke about the school crosswalk lights. No other reports were given. INFORMATION Manager Westspokeabout sSenate Bill 5290, the first Super which was created to assist residents with an expedited permitting process on specific permits. Manager West turned the meeting over to Director of Public Works and Utilities Scott Curtin whospoke about the joint resolution in Capacity Improvement Project and said staff will continue to pursue addition funding in support of the project. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT James Taylor, city resident, spoke about the importance of timely permitting. John Ralston, city resident, spoke about development in Port Angeles. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:21p.m. ____________________________________________________________________ KateDexter,MayorKari Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk Page2of 2 February 4, 2025E - 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL January 21, 2025 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER SPECIALMEETING Mayor Dextercalled the specialmeeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:30p.m. Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members Meyer, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin(attending virtually), Schwab, and Suggs. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey. EXECUTIVE SESSION Based on input from City Attorney William Bloor, Mayor Dexter announced the need for an Executive Session. City Attorney William Bloor stated the meeting would be heldunder the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. He stated the meeting would lastuntil 5:55p.m.and that no action would be taken.The Executive Session convened at 5:30p.m.Councilmoved to the Jack Pittis Conference room and heldthevirtual meeting. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexteradjourned the Special Meeting at 5:55p.m. Council returned to Council Chambers at 5:55 p.m. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dextercalled the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council Members Meyer, Miller, Schromen-Wawrin(attending virtually), Schwab, and Suggs. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager West, DeputyCity Manager Goings, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat, B.Smith, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, S. Curtinand A. Fountain. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexterled the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1.Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Recognition Mayor Dexter read a proclamation in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day which highlighted the many contributions to equality and justice made by Dr. King and called on residents to strive for the same ideals. PUBLIC COMMENT James Taylor, city resident, spoke about expenseslisted in the expenditure report in the City Council packet. Kel Britten, city resident, thanked Council for recognizing mobile food vendors. Susie Blake, city resident, spoke in opposition to the traffic circle grant acceptance on the agenda for consideration. February 4, 2025E - 3 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING January 21,2025 CONSENT AGENDA At the request of Council member Schwab, and after hearing no objection, Mayor Dexter added J-22025 Wastewater Modeling Services PSA-2025-01to the Consent Agenda. At the request of Council member Suggs, Mayor Dexter pulled E-9Washington State Department of Transportation Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant Acceptance: Traffic Circle Program TR0220, and at the request of Council member Schromen-Wawrin, Mayor Dexter pulled item E-2Expenditure Report: From December 7, 2024 to January 10, 2025from the agenda. It was moved by Carrand seconded by Schwabto approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1.City Council Minutes of December 17, 2024 / Approve 2. PULLED FROM CONSENT AGENDA Expenditure Report: From December 7, 2024to January 10, 2025 in the amount of $6,994,169.29 3.Traffic Signal Sensor Camera System for 8th/Cherry Street Intersection Purchase TR0119 / 1) Approve the purchase of the 8 th and Cherry Street Traffic Signal Sensor Camera System from Western Systems of Everett, WA for an amount not to exceed $36,832.24, including applicable taxes and; 2) authorize the City Manager to execute a purchase related documents and make minor modifications as necessary. 4.Decant Facility Construction Inspection, PSA-2024-34, Amendment No.1/ 1) Approve Amendment No. 1 to the professional services agreement PSA-2024-34 with Krazan & Associates to increase the contract value by $12,000 to bring the total professional services agreement not to exceed value to $36,000 and; 2) authorize the CityManager to execute all contractrelated documents, to administer the contract, and to make minor modifications as necessary. 5.Surveying Services Award PSA-2025-05/ 1) Award a professional services agreement for surveying services to Wengler Surveying & Mapping of Port Angeles, WA PSA-2025-05 for a not to exceed contract amount of $75,000, with an agreement expiration date of December 31, 2026, and; 2) authorize theCity Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the contract, and to make minor modifications as necessary. 6.Lease Agreement for Mailroom Equipment with Quadient Leasing USA, Inc. / 1) Approve the attached agreement for services with QuadientLeasing USA, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $35,021.76 for a 48-month lease under NASPO/ValuePoint Contract #: CTR058809 and; 2) authorize the Finance Director to sign all documents necessary to execute and implement the lease and to make minor modifications to the lease if necessary. 7.Lease Extension Agreement with Port of Port Angeles / 1) Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Lease Extension Agreement with Port of Port Angeles and extend the lease as necessary until a permanent home for Parks and Recreation operations is ready for occupancy; 2) Make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. 8.Washington State Department of Transportation NHS Asset Management Program Grant Acceptance: First/Front Paving TR0122 / 1) Accept the Washington State Department of Transportation Highway Safety Improvement Program grant in the amount of $2,175,000.00 and authorize the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the contract, and to make minor modifications as necessary. 9.PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA / Washington State Department of Transportation Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant Acceptance: Traffic Circle Program TR0220 10.Material Purchase: Signal Heads for Traffic Signal LED Conversion / 1) Award a contract with Western Systems Inc. through the WSDOES cooperative purchasing agreement #04616, for traffic signal equipment at a price of $88,337.12 including sales tax and; 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the contract, and to make minor modifications to the contract as necessary. 11.Cityworks Software License Agreement with Azteca Systems, Inc. / 1) Award a one-year software license agreement for Cityworks software to Azteca Systems, Inc. of Sandy, UT, for a not-to-exceed contract amount of $43,560, including applicable taxes and; 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all agreement-related documents, to administer the agreement and to make minor modifications as necessary. 12.ADDED TO THE CONCENT AGENDA -2025 Wastewater Modeling Services PSA-2025-01 / 1) Award a Professional Services Agreement for Wastewater Modeling Support Services to Kennedy Jenks of Federal Way, WA for a not to exceed contract amount of $167,700, with an agreement expiration date of December 31, 2030, and; 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the contract, and to make minor modifications as necessary. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 7-0. Page2of 5 February 4, 2025E - 4 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING January 21,2025 ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.Mobile and Itinerate Vendor Ordinance Deputy City Manager Goings introduced the agenda item and introduced AssociatePlanner Chloe Bronsonand Planning Supervisor BenBraudrick.AssociatePlanner Bronson presented slides that clarified the proposed ordinance and provided clarification to questions asked by Council. Council discussion followed. Mayor Dexterconducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. ____ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending portions of Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to mobile and itinerant vendors. The Mayorcontinued the matter to the February 4, 2025meeting. The Mayor recessed the meeting for a break at 6:55 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:01 p.m. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1.Ad-Hoc Appointment Committees City Manager Nathan West provided background on the ordinance that made changes to the Port Angeles Municipal Code related to permanent committees,and spoke to the need to move forward with anefficient way to consider a number of appointments that will need to be made in consideration of the approaching expiration of many termsatthe end of February. It was moved by Carrand seconded by Millerto: In accordance with the Proposed Timeline/Next Steps as detailed in the memo, approve five ad hoc appointment committees for all of 2025 with the membership as detailed in Tables 1 through 5 to review applications, interview applicants as necessary, and mak Committees. Motion carried 7-0 2.2025 State Legislative Priorities Manager West provided background on the matter that included Council discussions identifying a final list of legislative priorities. It was moved by Suggsand seconded by Millerto: A, to include authorizing the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary. Motion carried7-0. 3.Item Moved to Other Considerations Expenditure Report: From December 7, 2024 to January 10, 2025 in the amount of $6,994,169.29 Council member Schromen-Wawrin provided background on reasons to pull the report, spoke to his time on Council and gave staff the opportunity to speak to improvements. Manager West spoke to improvements to come with the ome clarification to public comments that were made earlier in the evening, and goals to provide more transparency to the report as the new system is integrated. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrinand seconded by Carrto: Approve the Expenditure Report: From December 7, 2024 to January 10, 2025 in the amount of $6,994,169.29. Motion carried 7-0. Page3of 5 February 4, 2025E - 5 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING January 21,2025 4.Item Moved to Other Considerations Washington State Department of Transportation Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant Acceptance: Traffic Circle Program TR0220 Public Works and Utilities Director Scott Curtin spoke to the agenda item, provided background on areas in consideration,noted the matter was slated for 2026,clarified the locations of the traffic circle placements were data- drivenand provided staff an understanding of why areas should be the highest priority.Council asked questions related to the project. It was moved by Carrand seconded by Suggsto: Accept the Washington State Department of Transportation Highway Safety Improvement Program grant in the amount of $2,175,000.00 and; authorize the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the contract, and to make minor modifications as necessary. Motion carried 7-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Schromen-Wawrinthanked Council member Meyer for serving as the Clallam Transit SystemChair and spoke to the need to address the sign code to address LCD signs in order to get ahead of the aesthetic designthe City is intending. Council member Meyerprovided a Winter Ice Village update that revealed improved numbers from the previous year, spoke of his time as Clallam Transit SystemChair, spoke to North Olympic Community Media formerly with Peninsula Area Public Access,and spoke to seeing the public access channel and was happy to report seeing the channel on while in a local shop. Deputy Mayor Carrspoke to attendance at the Clallam County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meetingand spoke to a proposed change to the Rules of Procedure to move Late Items to go before Public Comment. Council member SchwabRecompeteCoalition,and spoke to future updates as more committees will be meeting later in the month, futureto sign codechanges, and the process of changing the order of the agenda. Council member Suggs spoke about a recent Marine Resources Committeemeeting, funding for upcoming projects, advocacy for continued Elwha River water protection, and shared she appreciates the detailed maps included in the packet andspoke to arecent event at the high school that was handled by law enforcement. Mayor Dexterspoke to work done by the Utility Advisory Committeeand upcoming changes to the National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systemstormwater permit,participation in the World DevelopmentInstituteclass and spoke about Council outreach possibilitiesincluding coordinating with other electedsthat are easily accessible by members of the public. No other reports were given. INFORMATION Manager Weststated there would be no work session in January and spoke about reportsin the packet that included permitting, grant and housing data. Manager West turned the meeting over to Parksand Recreation Director Corey Delikat who provided an update on the Senior Center HVAC Project. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT James Taylor, city resident, spoke about firesdangers. Glen Barbieri, city resident, spoke about the need for ADAsidewalkimprovements near the hospitaland the importance of traffic safety in school zones. JustinWilliamson, city resident,spoke about affordable housing and presented suggestions to improve Port Angeles revenues. Page4of 5 February 4, 2025E - 6 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING January 21,2025 Susie Blake, city resident, spoke aboutherinterest in sign codechanges,theproposed mobile and itinerate vendor ordinance, busking, and drug use in Port Angeles. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. ____________________________________________________________________ KateDexter,MayorKari Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk Page5of 5 February 4, 2025E - 7 Date:February 4, 2025 To:City Council From:Kari Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk Subject:Amend Previously AdoptedRecord-Corrections to November 19, 2024Minutes Summary:On December 3, 2024, the City Council approved minutes from the November 19, 2024 City Council meeting, however, staff have since realized that action was inadvertently omitted prior to the final reviewand adoption of the minutes. Funding:n/a Recommendation:Approve the previously adopted minutes of November 19, 2024to include the action listed in the Council memo. Background / Analysis:On December 3, 2024, the City Council approved minutes from the November 19, 2024 meeting, however, staff has since realized that action was inadvertently deleted during final review. Staff discoveredthe missing information when searching for appointments and subcommittees that were made during the November 19, 2024 meeting. The matters that were omitted are listed below and in the attached corrected minutes, listed under Other Considerations: 3.2025 Association of Washington Cities (AWC) City Action Days Mayor Dexter presented the agenda item for discussion. Council discussion followed which included Council attendance at the 2025 AWC annual conference. It was moved by Meyer and seconded by Carr to: Appoint Mayor Dexter and Council members Meyers and Suggs to attend the AWC City Action Days conference held February 19-20, 2025. Motion carried 6-0. 4.Association Washington Cities (AWC) for Quality Communities Scholarship Manager West presented the matter and identified the proposed schedule to advertise, review applications, andfinalizethe process that would forward an applicant for reviewby AWC. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Schwab to: Appoint Council members Schwab, Meyers and Suggs to a subcommittee to review scholarship applications and nominate a student to the AWC Center for Quality Communities Scholarship. Motion carried 6-0. Funding Overview:n/a Attachments: Amended November 19, 2024 Minutes February 4, 2025E - 8 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL November 19, 2024 This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING Mayor Dextercalled the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Dexter, Deputy Mayor Carr, Council members Meyer,Schromen-Wawrin(attended virtually), Schwab, and Suggs. Members Absent: Council member Miller. Staff Present: City Manager West, DeputyCity Manager Goings, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Martinez-Bailey, C. Delikat, B.Smith, S. Carrizosa, D. Sharp, andS. Curtin. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Dexterled the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Mayor Dexter read a proclamation recognizing Veterans Day. Coast Guard Commanding Officer Kelly Higgins was in attendance,received the proclamationand spoke about her appreciation for the local mariner community.The Mayor recognized veterans in attendance. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS The Mayor added aLetter of Support for Local Baseball Tournament Grants and to Excuse Council member Miller from the November 19, 2024 meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT Kari Chance, Sean Coleman, David Melnick, Jackson Melnick, Zak Moore,MilaJohnson,Howie Ruddell,Eric Johnson, MadisynWright,Naya Linda, MarySue French, Lorrie Mittman, Jeanie McGee,Steve Raider-Ginsburg, and Victoria Jonesspoke abouttopics relating to the2025 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Budget Recommendations on the agenda for Council consideration. After checking in with members of the public in the audience, a majority of those in attendance were in attendance to hear discussions on the 2025 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Budget Recommendationsagenda item. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1.2025Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Budget Recommendations Mayor Dexter spoke to the matter on the agenda. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Dexter and seconded by Schwabto: Accept committee recommendations for funded applications and request that underfunded and unfunded applications that consideration to our December 3 meeting. Carr recused herself from the vote and left the Council Chambers. Hearing no objection, the motion carried5-0 with Carr recused from the vote. Carr returned to the Council Chambers. February 4, 2025E - 9 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING November 19,2024 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.2025 Budget City Manager Nathan West presented the agenda item, recognizedstaff for their efforts, reported the budget was balanced with a 15.2% decrease from the previous year,and turned the meeting over to Finance Director Sarina Carrizosa. Director Carrizosa presented slides that spoke to the budget process, provided a high-leveloverview of all City funds, and shared next steps of the budget approval process. Mayor Dexterconducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO.____ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 2025 budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2025. At 7:32 p.m., the Mayor opened the public hearing. John Ralston, city resident, spoke about bike lanes. After verifying there were no other members of the public wishing to provide public testimony in the room or from virtual attendance, the Mayor continued thepublichearing to December 3. 2.Ordinance Levying 2024 Property Tax for Collection in 2025 Director Carrizosa presented the agenda item that continued the matter for a second reading and provided information regarding 2025 collection,and stated theestimated value of a 1% increase in property tax collection in 2025 is approximately $51,100. Mayor Dexter conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3738 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, levying regular ad valorem property taxes for collection in the fiscal year 2025, and directing the City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners. Mayor Dexterread the resolution by title, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 16-24 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, pursuant to RCW 84.55.120, authorizing an increase in the regular property tax levy for 2025. At 7:36p.m. the Mayorcontinuedthe public hearing. After verifying there were no other members of the public wishing to provide public testimony in the room or from virtual attendance, the Mayor closed the public hearing. It was moved by Suggs and seconded by Schwabto: Adopt ordinance and pass resolutionas presented in the Council packet. Motion carried 5-1 with Meyer recused. CONSENT AGENDA Atthe request of Councilmember Schwab,and after hearing no objections,MayorDexteradded G-12024 Budget Amendment #3, G-2Authorizing Closure of Existing Debt Service Fund #216 and Combined Sewer Overflow Fund #463, Letter of Support for Local Baseball Tournament Grants,J-1New Washington State Fuel Vendor, and Petrocard, Contract No. 08721,and Late Item-Excuse Council member Miller from the November 19, 2024 meeting Page2of 4 February 4, 2025E - 10 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING November 19,2024 to the Consent Agenda.After hearing no objections, Mayor Dexter added the Late Item-aLetter of Support for Local Baseball Tournament Grantsto the Consent agenda. It was moved by Meyerand seconded by Schwabto approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1.City Council Minutes of August 27 and November 6, 2024 / Approve 2.Expenditure Report: From October 26, 2024 to November 8, 2024 in the amount of $5,282,419.61/ Approve 3.Agreement for Services; First Due / Locality Media, Inc., dba First Due to add the Responder, Inspections, Occupancy Management & Pre- Incident Planning modules to the existing contract, effective January 1, 2025, for combined annual fee of $ 16,850; and 2) authorize the city manager to approve annual extensions to the contract and annual adjustments to the annual fee, subject to budget approval by the City Council; and 3) authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement for Services and all other necessary documents to complete the Agreement for Services and to make minor modifications to the contract as necessary. 4.MOU Between the US Department of Veterans Affairs and the City of Port Angeles / Authorize the City Manager and Police Chief to sign the MOU with US Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Puget Sound Health System and make minor modifications as necessary 5.Chip Seal Project CON 2023-18 Final Acceptance / Accept the Chip Seal Project CON 2023-18 as complete, and authorize staff to proceed with project closeout, and release the retainage upon receipt of all required clearances. 6.I Street Substation Switchgear Upgrades CON-2021-47 Final Acceptance / Accept the I Street Substation Switchgear Upgrades Project No. CON-2021-47 as complete, and authorize staff to proceed with project closeout, and release the retainage funds upon receipt of all required clearances. 7.Pole Testing CON-2024-19 Final Acceptance / Accept the Pole Testing Project No. CON 2024-19 as complete, and authorize staff to proceed with project closeout, and release the retainage funds upon receipt of all required clearances. 8.ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA -2024 Budget Amendment #3 / Conduct the first reading of the 2024 Budget amendment #3 ordinance; and continue to the December 3rd Council meeting. 9.ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA -Authorizing Closure of Existing Debt Service Fund #216 and Combined Sewer Overflow Fund #463 / Conducted the first reading of the ordinance closing debt service fund #216 and the Combined Sewer Overflow fund #463; waived the second reading, and adopted ordinance. AdoptedOrdinance #3739 10.ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA -LATE ITEM -Letter of Support for Local Baseball Tournament Grants / Approve 11.ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA -New Washington State Fuel Vendor, Petrocard, Contract No. 08721 / Approve the purchase of bulk fuel from Petrocard through the WA State Fuel Contract No. 08721 and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary. 12.ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA -LATE ITEM -Excuse Council member Miller from the November 19, 2024 meeting / Approve Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6-0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONSCONTINUED 1.2025 Legislative Priorities Manager West began, spoke about identified priorities, and made the recommendation Council discusswhat each of theirsuggestions werein order to achieve consensus. Council discussion followed. 3.2025 Association of Washington Cities(AWC)City Action Days Manager West presented the matter and identified the proposed schedule to advertise, review applications, and finalizethe process that would forward an applicant for reviewby AWC. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Meyerand seconded by Carrto: Page3of 4 February 4, 2025E - 11 PORT ANGELES CITYCOUNCIL MEETING November 19,2024 Appoint Mayor Dexter and Council members Meyers and Suggs to attend the AWC City Action Days conference held February 19-20, 2025. Motion carried 6-0. 4.Washington Cities for Quality Communities Scholarship Manager West presented the matter andidentified theproposed schedule to advertise, review applications, and end the process that would forward an applicant for afinal review. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Carr and seconded by Schwab to: Appoint Council members Schwab, Meyers and Suggs to a subcommittee to review scholarship applications and nominate a student to the AWC Center for Quality Communities Scholarship. Motion carried 6-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Carr spoke about attendingaRemembranceDaycelebration in Victoria, B.C. Council member Meyer spoke about attendance at a badge pinning ceremony held at the Port Angeles Fire Department. Council member Schwab spoke about a Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commissionmeetingand provided a Clallam County Recompete update. Council member Suggs spoke about Marine Resources Committeepresentations. No other reports were given. INFORMATION Manager Westspoke about the Employee Association holiday partyandexpressed his appreciation for the City team membersactively addressing weatherrelated issues due to the storm. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT John Ralston, city resident, spoke about his appreciation for staff, spoke about an apartment project. Tara Arms, city resident, spoke about sidewalkrequirements. Donna Peterson, spoke about the results from the Hearing Examinerdecisionon a trespass issue from the Senior Center. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Dexter adjourned the meeting at 8:19p.m. ____________________________________________________________________ KateDexter,MayorKari Martinez-Bailey,City Clerk Page4of 4 February 4, 2025E - 12 Djuz!pg!Qpsu!Bohfmft Djuz!Dpvodjm!Fyqfoejuvsf!Sfqpsu Cfuxffo!Kbo!22-!3136!boe!Kbo!35-!3136 WfoepsEftdsjqujpoBddpvou!OvncfsBnpvou B0S!NJTDFMMBOFPVT!SFGVOET!!!!!!!!!!EVQ!QZNU!PG!JOW!97:19!!!!112.1111.324/21.:1326/11 XBTIJOHUPO!)EPM*-!TUBUF!PG!!!!!!!!!EFDFNCFS3135DQM!!!!!!!!!!112.1111.33:/71.11561/11 !Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%776/11 !Efqbsunfou!Upubm;%776/11 PMZNQJD!QSJOUFST!JODTVQQMJFT112.2321.624/42.1233:/89 PMZNQJD!TUBUJPOFST!JOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!TVQQMJFT112.2321.624/42.12:9/77 TVQQMJFT112.2321.624/42.123:/24 QBDJGJD!PGGJDF!FRVJQNFOU!JOD!!!!!!!GVSOJUVSF.MBDFZ!!!!!!!!!!112.2321.624/42.123-8:8/74 XBQSPNFNCFSTIJQT112.2321.624/5:.1236/11 XBTIJOHUPO!DJUZ0DOUZ!NHNU!NFNCFSTIJQT112.2321.624/5:.12486/11 BTTO!!!!! 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MFPGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.324:-792/72 NJTTJPO!TRVBSF.Q0S!XJSFT!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/63.2146-733/72 PGGJDF!PG!TVQQPSU!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/67.312-612/36 FOGPSDFNFOU!!!!!! QFST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.212-189/64 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.2227-123/55 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.23:8-329/47 QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/62.335-931/76 QPMJDF!BTTPDJBUJPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/66.21524/11 VOJUFE!XBZ!)QBZSPMM*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/67.21266/11 XTDDDF!!BGTDNF!!BGM.DJP!!!!!!!!!!!!QBZSPMM!TVNNBSZ!!!!!!!!!!:31.1111.342/65.518-364/69 !Ejwjtjpo!Upubm;%693-8:9/8: !Efqbsunfou!Upubm;%693-8:9/8: Qbzspmm!Dmfbsjoh!Gvoe!Upubm;%693-8:9/8: Upubm!gps!Difdlt!EbufeCfuxffo!Kbo!22-!3136!boe!Kbo!35-!3136%5-326-311/5: Qbhf!28!pg!28Kbo!3:-!3136!!!!8;37;14!BN February 4, 2025E - 29 Date:February 4, 2025 To:City Council From:Scott Curtin,Directorof Public Works & Utilities Subject:Electric Utility Easements -Approve Summary: Staff is seeking City Council approval for utility easements to grantthe City access rights to real propertyfor the purpose of construction and/or maintenance of electric infrastructure. Funding: There are no City related costs necessary for these easements. Recommendation: Approve the easements described herein for Electric Utility facilitiesand authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary. Background / Analysis:Some parcels of land within the City of Port Angeles are not readily accessible from public rights-of-way for electric utility service. For reasons of cost, appearance, and accessibility, it is often preferable to cross portions of private property with either overhead or underground conductors to serve a property owner, or to locate other electrical facilities on private property. In those cases, an easement is secured from the property owner which provides the City legal access to the property being crossed or encumbered for purposes of construction and/or maintenance of electric infrastructure. Such granting of property rights must be accepted by the City Council. Easements for electric utility lines have recently been secured from property owners at the following locations. Copies of these easements are included herewith: County Recording EasementNumber Њ Platypus alley -for power2024-1459579 Ћ 127 W 3rd St -related to PBH old building move2024-1464052 Ќ 213 S Oak St -related to PBH old building move2024-1464053 Ѝ 133 W 3rd St -related to PBH old building move2024-1464098 Ў Platypus power -for new building2024-1465409 Џ Platypus transformer -for new building2024-1465410 Peninsula Behavioral Health -for new PBH building power and А transformer2025-1467218 Б 230 E 1st -4PA tiny home village transformer2025-1467420 It is requested that the City Council approve the above easements for electric utilityfacilities. Funding: There are no City related costs necessary for these easements. Attachment: CombinedPDF of easements for 2-4-2025 Council February 4, 2025E - 30 February 4, 2025E - 31 February 4, 2025E - 32 February 4, 2025E - 33 February 4, 2025E - 34 February 4, 2025E - 35 February 4, 2025E - 36 February 4, 2025E - 37 February 4, 2025E - 38 February 4, 2025E - 39 February 4, 2025E - 40 February 4, 2025E - 41 February 4, 2025E - 42 February 4, 2025E - 43 February 4, 2025E - 44 February 4, 2025E - 45 February 4, 2025E - 46 February 4, 2025E - 47 48 - E 2025 4, February 49 - E 2025 4, February 50 - E 2025 4, February 51 - E 2025 4, February Date:February 4, 2025 To:City Council From:Abbi Fountain,Human Resources Director Subject:Berg BenefitsProfessional Services Agreementand RedQuote HRAAdoption Agreement Summary:third-partyadministrator to oversee and administer the medical bridge portion of the health care plan. Funding:Professional services fee is $57,000. Recommendation:Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Berg BenefitsProfessional Services Agreement in an amount not to exceed $57,000and the RedQuote Adoption Agreementand to make minor modifications as necessary. Background / Analysis: For employees covered by the Association of Washington Cities health care, the City provides a medical bridge (also known as a Health Reimbursement Arrangement or HRA) in the amount of $2400/individual and $4800/family coverage.Berg Benefits Inc, dba RedQuote, administers reimbursements for the HRA program. Berg Benefits Inc, dba RedQuote,consultants are trained and knowledgeable in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) and they provide customer service support regarding the appropriate processing ofhealth care providers for medicalclaims that current City staff do not have the training or qualifications to perform. The City has been contracting with this company for several years due to their knowledge and expertise in the healthcarefield.Ratesper personhave remained consistent and there is no increase for 2025. The Professional Services Agreement is for one year, January1,2025,to December31, 2025. The scope of work is the same as the previous agreement. Funding Overview: The annual professional services fee is $57,000. Attachment:Berg BenefitsProfessional Services Agreement RedQuote HRAAdoption Agreement February 4, 2025E - 52 CITY OF PORT ANGELES2025PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT st 1.Parties and Date.THIS Agreement is made effective as of the 1day ofJanuary2025, by and between CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ("City") and BERG BENEFITS, INC.dba REDQUOTE("Consultant"). 2.General Purpose and Intent.Consultant will provide employee benefits design consultation to City. Consultant will provide documentation and illustrations to City's employees. Consultant will provide benefits related customer service support regarding health, dental, vision, life, and disability employee benefits plans. These services will be provided from January 1,2025, to December 31, 2025. 3.Services by Consultant. A.Consultant shall perform the services described in the Scope of Work attached hereto as Exhibit "A" (the "Scope of Work"). The services performed by the Consultant shall not exceed the Scope of Work without prior written authorization from the City. B.The City may from time to time require changes or modifications in the Scope of Work. Such changes, including any decrease or increase in the amount of compensation, shall be agreed to by the parties and incorporated in written amendments to the Agreement. 4.Schedule of Work. A.Consultant shall perform the services described in the Scope of Work in accordance with the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "B." If delays beyond Consultant's reasonable control occur, the parties will negotiate in good faith to determine whether an extension is appropriate. B.Consultant is authorized to proceed with the services described in the Scope of Work upon receipt of a written Notice to Proceed. 5.Compensation. LUMP SUM. Compensation for the services described in the Scope of Work shall be aLump Sum of $57,000.00(190employees @ $25/PEPMx 12 months) TIME AND MATERIALS NOT TO EXCEED. Compensation for the services described in the Scope of Work shall not exceed $_____________without written authorization and will be based on the list of billing rates and reimbursable expenses attached hereto as Exhibit "C." TIME AND MATERIALS. Compensation for the services described in the Scope of Work shall be on a time and material basis according to the list of billing rates and reimbursable expenses attached hereto as Exhibit "C." OTHER. 6.Coordination of Contract Documents. This Agreement consists of this professional services agreement form and Exhibits "A"and "B".If there is any inconsistency between this professional services agreement form and any of the Exhibits, the professional services agreement form shall take precedence. City of Port Angeles ________________ _______________ Professional Services Agreement CITY CONSULTANT Page1of 8 February 4, 2025E - 53 7.Payment. A.Consultant shall provide monthly invoices in the format acceptable to the City for work performed to the date of invoice. Consultant shall maintain time and expense records for reimbursable expenses and any work that is billed hourly under this Agreement and provide them to the City upon request. B.All invoices shall be paid by City warrant within thirty(30) days of receipt of a proper invoice. C.Consultant shall keep cost records and accounts pertaining to this Agreement available for inspection by City representatives for three (3) years after final payment unless a longer period is required by a third-party agreement. Copies shall be made available on request. D.If the services rendered do not meet the requirements of the Agreement, Consultant will correct or modify the work to comply with the Agreement. City may withhold payment for such work until the work meets the requirements of the Agreement. 8.Discrimination and Compliance with Laws. A.Consultant agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or any other person in the performance of this Agreement because of race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, sex, age, disability, or other circumstance prohibited by federal, state, or local law or ordinance, except for a bona fide occupational qualification. B.Consultant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be done under this Agreement. C.Violation of this Paragraph 8 shall be a material breach of this Agreement and grounds for cancellation, termination, or suspension of the Agreement by City, in whole or in part, and may result in ineligibility for further work for City. 9.Term and Termination of Agreement A.This Agreement may be terminated by the City at any time upon the default of the Consultant or upon public convenience, in which event all finished or unfinished documents, reports, or other material or work of Consultant pursuant to this Agreement shall be submitted to City, and Consultant shall be entitled to just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed prior to the date of termination, not to exceed the total compensation set forth herein. Consultant shall not be entitled to any reallocation of cost, profit or overhead. Consultant shall not in any event be entitled to anticipated profit on work not performed because of such termination. Consultant shall use its best efforts to minimize the compensation payable under this Agreement in the event of such termination. If the Agreement is terminated for default, the Consultant shall not be entitled to receive any further payments under the Agreement until all work called for has been fully performed. Any extra cost or damage to the City resulting from such default(s) shall be deducted from any money due or coming due to the Consultant. The Consultant shall bear any extra expenses incurred by the City in completing the work, including all increased costs for completing the work, and all damage sustained, or which may be sustained by the City by reason of such default. City of Port Angeles ________________ _______________ Professional Services Agreement CITY CONSULTANT Page2of 8 February 4, 2025E - 54 B.The City may suspend this Agreement, at its sole discretion, upon one week's advance notice to Consultant. Such notice shall indicate the anticipated period of suspension. Any reimbursement for expenses incurred due to the suspension shall be limited to the Consultant's reasonable expenses, and shall be subject to verification. The Consultant shall resume performance of services under this Agreement without delay when the suspension period ends. 10.Standard of Care. Consultant represents and warrants that it has the requisite training, skill and experience necessary to provide the services under this agreement and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities. Services provided by Consultant under this agreement will be performed in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession currently practicing in similar circumstances. 11.Ownership of Work Product.All data materials, reports, memoranda, and other documents developed under this Agreement whether finished or not shall become the property of City, shall be forwarded to City at its request and may be used by City as it sees fit. Upon termination of thisagreement pursuant to paragraph 9 above, all finished or unfinished documents, reports, or other material or work of Consultant pursuant to this Agreement shall be submitted to City. City agrees that if it uses products prepared by Consultant for purposes other than those intended in this Agreement, it does so at its sole risk and it agrees to indemnify and hold Consultant harmless therefore. 12.Indemnification/Hold Harmless. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the acts, errors or omissions of the Consultant in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Consultant's liability, including the duty and cost to defend, hereunder shall be onlyto the extent of the Consultant's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Consultant's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes ofthis indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. City of Port Angeles ________________ _______________ Professional Services Agreement CITY CONSULTANT Page3of 8 February 4, 2025E - 55 13.Insurance.The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, or employees. Consultant's maintenance of insurance as required by this Agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Consultant to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. A.Minimum Scope of Insurance Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1.Automobile Liabilityinsurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2.Commercial General Liabilityinsurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. The City shall be named as an insured under the Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. 3.Workers' Compensationcoverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 4.Professional Liabilityinsurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession. B.Minimum Amounts of Insurance Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1.Automobile Liabilityinsurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2.Commercial General Liabilityinsurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. 3.Professional Liabilityinsurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate limit. C.Other Insurance Provisions The Consultant's Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain that they shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. D.Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. City of Port Angeles ________________ _______________ Professional Services Agreement CITY CONSULTANT Page4of 8 February 4, 2025E - 56 E.Verification of Coverage Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Consultant before commencement of the work. F.Notice of Cancellation The Consultant shall provide the City with written notice of any policy cancellation, within two business days of their receipt of such notice. G.Failure to Maintain Insurance Failure on the part of the Consultant to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract, upon which the City may, after giving five business to the Consultant to correct the breach, immediately terminate the contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, offset against funds due the Consultant from the City. 14.Assigning or Subcontracting. Consultant shall not assign, transfer, subcontract or encumber any rights, duties, or interests accruing from this Agreement without the express prior written consent of the City, which consent may be withheld at the City's sole discretion. 15.Independent Contractor. Consultant is and shall be at all times during the term of this Agreement an independent contractor. 16.Notice A.Any notice or communication required by this Agreement must be in writing, and may be given either personally, electronically with evidence of receipt, by express delivery service, or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. If given personally, by express delivery service, or by registered or certified mail, such notice or communication shall be deemed to have been given and received upon actual receipt. If delivery is made electronically, either by e-mail or facsimile transmission, a notice shall be deemed to have been given when delivered to the person to whom it is addressed, and there is electronic confirmation that it was received. Such notices or communications shall be given to the Parties at their addresses set forth below: Joseph Berg Nathen West President, Berg Benefits, Inc. City Manager, Port Angeles th 1804 W Union Ave #201 321 E 5St Tacoma, WA 98405 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone: 253-753-9930 Phone: 360-417-0411 Email: jberg@bergbenefits.com Email: citymanager@cityofpa.us City of Port Angeles ________________ _______________ Professional Services Agreement CITY CONSULTANT Page5of 8 February 4, 2025E - 57 B.Either party may change its contact information by sending its new contact information to the other party in the same manner as is provided for sending the other party notice under the provisions of paragraph 16.A. 17.Disputes. Any action for claims arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Venue shall be in Pierce County Superior Court. 18.Fees. In any suit or action instituted to enforce any right granted in this Agreement, the substantially prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney's fees from the other party. 19.Extent of Agreement/Modification. This Agreement, together with attachments or addenda, represents the entire and integrated Agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended, modified or added to only by written instrument properly signed by both parties. CITY OF PORTANGELES,CONSULTANT __________________________________________________ Nathan West JosephBerg City ManagerPresident, Berg Benefits, Inc. Date:_____________________Date:______________________ City of Port Angeles ________________ _______________ Professional Services Agreement CITY CONSULTANT Page6of 8 February 4, 2025E - 58 Exhibit A Scope of Work Consultant will: 1)Provide advice to City regarding creation and implementation of employee health insurance plan, including medical insurance, HSA, and HRA advice. 2)Will research and / or answer questions relatingto the HRA, HSA processing and regulations. The information includes but is not limited to appropriate carrier documentation, tax, COBRA, and retiree implications and any other service support relating to employee issues and questions. 3)Provide HR and/or Payroll Department with information pertaining to HRA reimbursements throughout the year. 4)Provide quoting service and comparison services to the City at health plan renewals. 5)Assist the City in creating offers for various employee units. 6)Other employee benefits consulting services as needed. City of Port Angeles ________________ _______________ Professional Services Agreement CITY CONSULTANT Page7of 8 February 4, 2025E - 59 Exhibit B Schedule of Work Consultant will: 1)Provide advice and consulting services to the City as needed. a. Timing for completion of requests from the City will be as soon as reasonably possible. As projects and requests vary in scope, turn-around times will be discussed with each request. 2)Provide advice and customer service to city employees. a. Timing for these requests will be as soon as reasonably possible. Requests will often be dependent on insurance companies, pharmacies, and/or provider's office. City of Port Angeles ________________ _______________ Professional Services Agreement CITY CONSULTANT Page8of 8 February 4, 2025E - 60 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT The undersigned Employer adopts the RedQuote Health Reimbursement Arrangement and elects the following provisions: EMPLOYER AND PLAN INFORMATION 1. Name: City of Port Angeles th Address: 321 East 5 Street Street Port Angeles Washington 98362 ______ City State Zip Telephone: 360-417-4510 2.: 91-6001266 3.ERISA PLAN NAME: City of Port Angeles_____________________________________________ 4.EFFECTIVE DATE a.The Health Reimbursement Arrangement is a new plan effective as of _________. b.The Health Reimbursement Arrangement is an amendment and restatement of an existing plan. The effective date of the amendment and restatement is - 01/01/2025________. 5.ERISA PLAN NUMBER a.501 b.Other: 6.PLAN ADMINISTRATOR a.Employer (Use Employer name, address and telephone number). b.Use name, address and telephone number below: Name: Address: ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________ City State Zip Telephone: Page 1 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 61 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT 7. AFFILIATED EMPLOYERS adopt this Health Reimbursement Arrangement as Participating Employers: a. N/A b. Name of Affiliated Employer(s): ____________________________ 8. PLAN YEAR The Plan Year shall end on: a. December 31 b. The last day of the month of __________________. TYPE OF HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT 9. HRA CLASSIFICATION The Health Reimbursement Arrangement shall consist of separate accounts which meet the following classifications: a. Integrated HRA. HRA integrated with other major medical group health plan coverage under the terms of IRS Notice 2013-54 with the following specifications: The HRA will be integrated with (select (1) and/or (2)): 1. and/or 2. The group health plan coverage (select (3) and/or (4)): 3. Provides minimum value under IRC Section 36B, and/or 4. Does not provide minimum value. Eligible Employees for the Integrated HRA are set forth in Section 10. In addition, special rules concerning Dependents also apply to Integrated HRAs. To be a valid Integrated HRA under this subsection 9.a., select one of the following three Dependent integration options: 5. Spouses Only. Only spouses have coverage under this HRA (only subsection 13.a. is checked). Then, the spouse (if applicable) must either be enrolled for group health plan coverage under the employer group health group health plan; or 6. Dependent Children Only. Only dependent children have coverage under this HRA (only subsection 13.b. is checked). Then, the dependent children (to the extent applicable) must be enrolled for group health plan coverage under the employer group health plan or spouse or ; or 7. Spouses and Dependent Children. Both spouses and dependent children have coverage under this HRA (both subsections 13.a. and 13.b. are checked). Then, the spouse and dependent children (to the extent applicable) must Page 2 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 62 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT either be enrolled for group health plan coverage under the employer group health plan. b. Pre-2014 HRA. An HRA that was in existence prior to January 1, 2014 and that consists of the following prior Employer contributions (select (1) and (2) as applicable): 1. Employer contributions credited before January 1, 2013, and 2. Employer contributions credited during 2013 calendar year under the HRA terms in effect on January 1, 2013. c. Retiree-Only HRA. An HRA that covers only former employees of the Employer consisting of (select (1), (2) and (3) as applicable): 1. Former employees who are retirees, 2. Former employees who are disabled, and 3. Former employees who have terminated employment. d. Excepted Benefit Premium Reimbursement HRA. An HRA that reimburses only individual insurance premiums that are considered HIPAA excepted benefits (1) stand-alone individual dental insurance, (2) stand-alone individual vision insurance, (3) non-coordinated, individual insurance coverage for a specified disease or illness, and (4) non-coordinated, individual insurance coverage that is hospital indemnity or fixed indemnity. e. Excepted Benefit HRA. An HRA that reimburses certain medical expenses that satisfy the following requirements: (1) Other major medical group health plan coverage is available from the Employer to the employees covered by the HRA. (2) Contributions for a year must be used for expenses incurred in the same year or otherwise forfeited. However, for this purpose, the carryover rule of IRS Notice 2013-71 allowing a carryover of unused amounts of up to $500 to the following plan year (select only one) Shall apply, or Shall not apply. (3) Contributions for a year are equal to the following (but cannot exceed $500) f. Excepted Benefit Dental and Vision HRA. An HRA that is limited to reimbursement of dental-only and vision-only expenses as defined in Treas. Reg. Section 54.9831-1(c)(3)(iii) and that otherwise satisfy Code Section 213(d). Page 3 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 63 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT g. HRA Integrated with Dental and/or Vision Only Coverage. An HRA that is integrated with dental-only coverage and/or vision-only coverage sponsored by the Employer and the HRA is limited to reimbursement of the following expenses (select only one): 1. Dental-only expenses (as defined in Treas. Reg. Section 54.9831-1(c)(3)(iii)) that -only coverage and that otherwise satisfy Code Section 213(d), 2. Vision-only expenses (as defined in Treas. Reg. Section 54.9831-1(c)(3)(iii)) that -only coverage and that otherwise satisfy Code Section 213(d), or 3. Dental-only and vision-only expenses (as defined in Treas. Reg. Section 54.9831- 1(c)(3)(iii)) -only or vision-only coverage and that otherwise satisfy Code Section 213(d). h. After-Tax Reimbursement Account. A reimbursement account that reimburses expenses (but not major medical individual insurance premiums), but only if the reimbursements are treated as taxable compensation to the Eligible Employee pursuant to the rules and procedures of the Employer. bƚƷĻʹ The Employer is solely responsible for determining the amount of taxable compensation and the rules and procedures of how and when to treat reimbursements as taxable compensation. i. TRICARE Health Reimbursement Account. An HRA that is integrated with TRICARE coverage under the terms of IRS Notice 2015-17 with the following specifications: (1) The employer offers group major medical coverage to its TRICARE-eligible employees (other than the HRA) and such coverage provides minimum value under IRC Section 36B; (2) Employees participating in the HRA are also enrolled in TRICARE; (3) The HRA is only available to employees who are also enrolled in TRICARE; and (4) The Employer employs less than 20 employees. bƚƷĻʹ By signing this Agreement, the Employer certifies that it employs less than 20 employees and is exempt from the prohibition on financial and other incentives as set forth in 32 CFR Section 199.8. The Employer is required to inform RedQuote if this changes at any point in the future. The Employer is solely responsible for complying with any TRICARE rules and regulations. Page 4 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 64 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT j. A QSEHRA is a health reimbursement arrangement that satisfies the following specifications: (1) rules set forth in Code Section 4980H(c)(2) and guidance related thereto (generally this means that the Employer must employ less than 50 full-time or full-time equivalent employees in the prior calendar year); (2) The Employer does not offer a group health plan (as defined in Chapter 100 of the Code) to any of its employees; (3) Only the Employer makes contributions to the QSEHRA as limited by Section 14.f.; (4) Reimbursements are limited to the types of expenses set forth in Section 16.k.; (5) Reimbursements are only made to Eligible Employees who provide proof of major medical coverage; and (6) The QSEHRA is offered to all Eligible Employees as set forth in Section 10.f. bƚƷĻʹ The Employer is solely responsible for complying with the income exclusion rules under Code Section 106(g) and the notice requirements of Code Section 9831(d)(4). However, the Summary Plan Description includes a discussion of the notice provisions and related subsidy rules for a QSEHRA. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 10. ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES a. If this is an Integrated HRA under Section 9.a., only those employees (if any) enrolled in the other group health plan coverage can be eligible for the HRA. In this regard, the following employees are eligible for such an HRA: 1. 2. employer); 3. Employees enrolled in the group health plan coverage of another employer ; or 4. Employees are not eligible to participate. Only eligible spouses and dependents may participate as set forth in Item 13. . Page 5 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 65 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT b. All employees are eligible except for the following (select all that apply): 1. Union employees 2. Non-resident aliens 3. Leased employees 4. Part-time employees scheduled to work less than _________ hours per week. 5. 6. Other: c. All employees are eligible no exclusions. d. This is a retiree-only HRA under Section 9.c. of this Adoption Agreement and the following classifications are eligible: ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ e. This is a TRICARE HRA under Section 9.i. of this Adoption Agreement and HRA is only available to those employees who are enrolled in TRICARE and satisfy the requirements of Section 9.i. f. This is a QSEHRA under Section 9.k. of this Adoption Agreement and all employees of the Employer are considered Eligible Employees except for the following exclusions (ĭŷĻĭƉ ğƌƌ ƷŷğƷ ğƦƦƌǤ): 1. Employees who have not completed 90 days of service with the Employer. 2. Employees who have not attained age 25. 3. Part-time and seasonal employees (as defined in Code Section 105(h) and guidance related thereto). 4. Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement. 5. Employees who are non-resident aliens who receive no US-source income. 11. WAITING PERIOD Any Eligible Employee will be eligible to participate in the Health Reimbursement Arrangement upon satisfaction of the following waiting period: a. (NOTE: If this is an Integrated HRA under Section 9.a. of this Adoption Agreement, this subsection a is the only choice that can apply.) b. Date of hire or attainment of Eligible Employee status (no waiting period) (NOTE: If this is a QSEHRA under Section 9.k. of this Adoption Agreement, this subsection b is the only choice that can apply. To exclude new hires for the first 90 days, select Section 10.f.1. above.) c. ________months after date of hire d. ________days after date of hire e. Other: Page 6 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 66 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT 12. EFFECTIVE DATE OF PARTICIPATION An Eligible Employee who has satisfied the eligibility and waiting period requirements of Items 10 and 11 will become a Participant on: a. (NOTE: If this is an Integrated HRA under Section 9.a. of this Adoption Agreement, this subsection a is the only choice that can apply.) b. the day on which such requirements are satisfied (NOTE: If this is a QSEHRA under Section 9.k. of this Adoption Agreement, this subsection b is the only choice that can apply). c. the first day of the month coinciding with or next following the date on which such requirements are satisfied. d. the first day of the calendar quarter coinciding with or next following the date on which such requirements are satisfied. e. the first day of the pay period coinciding with or next following the date on which such requirements are satisfied. f. Other: 13. DEPENDENTS NOTE: If this is an Integrated HRA under Section 9.a., see the special rules in Section 9.a.5. thru 9.a.8. The HRA will cover the following dependents (select all that apply): a. Spouses for Federal income tax purposes b. Biological children, adopted children, stepchildren and eligible foster children who have not attained the age of 26. (NOTE: If this is an Integrated HRA under Section 9.a. or a Pre-2014 HRA under Section 9.b., this subsection b. must apply.) c. Any other individuals who are Federal tax dependents of the Employee. d. Any of the following individuals (but who are also Federal tax dependents of the Employee): _____________________________________________________________ BENEFITS 14. HRA CONTRIBUTIONS the frequency selected: a. $_________ per month b. $_________ per quarter c. $_____ ____per plan year d. This is a Pre-2014 HRA under Section 9.b. of this Adoption Agreement, and no additional contributions can be made. e. This is an Excepted Benefit HRA under Section 9.e. of this Adoption Agreement, and contributions are limited as set forth in Section 9.e. Page 7 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 67 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT f. This is a QSEHRA under Section 9.k. of this Adoption Agreement and contributions are as follows (NOTE: Annual contributions cannot be greater than the applicable limit set forth in Code Section 9831(d)(2)(B)(iii), as adjusted. Contributions begin for the calendar month beginning after the effective date of participation.): 1. $ ____________ per month for each Eligible Employee, or 2. $ ____________ per month for each Eligible Employee and his/her Covered Dependents. The amount above will be different based on the variation in the price of a major medical policy based on age or number of family members as follows: ___________ g. Other: Medical Enrollment: Employee Only (EE) $2,400.00, Employee Spouse (ES) $4,800.00, Employee Child (EC) $4,800.00, Employee Family (EF) $4,800.00 15. ANNUAL DEDUCTIBLE THRESHOLD For each Plan Year, HRA Account contributions cannot be accessed and are not available to HRA Participants prior to the date during the Plan Year that the HRA Participant satisfies the applicable Annual Deductible Threshold based on the following criteria: a. No Annual Deductible Threshold applies. bƚƷĻʹ LŅ Ʒŷźƭ Ĭƚǣ źƭ ĭŷĻĭƉĻķͲ ƭƉźƦ Ʒƚ {ĻĭƷźƚƓ ЊЏ͵ NOTE: If this is an Excepted Benefit Premium Reimbursement HRA under Section 9.d., an Excepted Benefit HRA under Section 9.e., an Excepted Benefit Dental or Vision HRA under 9.f., an After-Tax Reimbursement Account under Section 9.h., or a TRICARE HRA under Section 9.i. this subsection (a) must be selected. b. Annual Deductible Threshold does apply. The Annual Deductible Threshold is calculated based on the following expenses: 1. Eligible claims filed under the coverage or policy associated with the HRA; or 2. All Qualifying Medical Expenses. c. The Annual Deductible Threshold is as follows: 1. A $___________Annual Deductible Threshold applies for all Participants, regardless of the level of coverage selected 2. An Annual Deductible Threshold applies based on the major medical level of coverage selected by the Participant as follows: $ 1,650.00 Single_______________ $ 3,300.00 Single Plus Spouse__ _ $ 3,300.00 Single Plus Dependent _ $ 3,300.00 Family_______________ 3. A multi-tiered Annual Deductible Threshold applies as follows: Page 8 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 68 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT (i) On the first $________ of the Annual Deductible Threshold, the HRA reimburses _________ % of eligible HRA claims; (ii) From $___________ to __________ of the Annual Deductible Threshold, the HRA reimburses _________ % of eligible HRA claims; and (iii) Amounts greater than $________ of the Annual Deductible Threshold, the HRA reimburses __________ % of eligible HRA claims. 4. A multi-tiered Annual Deductible Threshold applies as follows: (i) For amounts less than $ _______ of the Annual Deductible Threshold, the HRA reimburses 0% of eligible HRA claims; (ii) For amounts greater than $ ___________ but less than $ ______________ of the Annual Deductible Threshold, the HRA reimburses ________ % of eligible HRA claims; and (iii) For amounts greater than $ ___________ of the Annual Deductible Threshold, the HRA reimburses ________ % of eligible HRA claims. 16. QUALIFYING MEDICAL EXPENSES The following expenses will be considered as Qualifying Medical Expenses under the HRA: a. Integrated HRA. This is an Integrated HRA under Section 9.a.: 1. The non-HRA group health plan coverage is providing minimum value (box 9.a.3 is checked). In that case, Qualifying Medical Expenses will be limited to any medical expenses under IRC 213(d) (excluding individual insurance premiums and employer group health plan premiums paid on a pre-tax basis). AND/OR 2. The non-HRA group health plan coverage is not providing minimum value (box 9.a.4 is checked). In that case, Qualifying Medical Expenses will be limited to co- payments, co-insurance, and deductibles under the non-HRA group health plan coverage, plus other IRC 213(d) expenses (excluding individual insurance premiums and employer group health plan premiums paid on a pre-tax basis) that are not considered essential health benefits. AND/OR 3. premiums, as long as those premiums are paid by the spouse on an after-tax basis and are properly substantiated as determined by the Claims Administrator. b. Integrated HRA. This is an Integrated HRA under Section 9.a. that is either providing minimum value or not providing minimum value. Qualifying Medical Expenses will be limited to the following (źƓķźĭğƷĻ ğƌƌ ƷŷğƷ ğƦƦƌǤ): Page 9 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 69 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT Medical deductible paid under the applicable employer group health plan; Medical co-insurance paid under the applicable employer group health plan; Medical / Pharmacy co-pays paid under the applicable employer group health plan; and/or Pharmacy deductibles, co-insurance and/or co-pays paid under the applicable employer group health plan. c. Pre-2014 HRA. This is a Pre-2014 HRA under Section 9.b. Qualifying Medical Expenses will be limited to any medical expenses under IRC 213(d) based on Internal Revenue Service guidance and rules in effect on December 31, 2013, as determined by the Claims Administrator. d. Retiree-Only HRA. This is a Retiree-Only HRA under Section 9.c. Qualifying Medical Expenses will be limited to any medical expenses under IRC 213(d) (including any individual insurance premiums but excluding employer group health plan premiums). e. Excepted Benefit Premium Reimbursement HRA. This is an Excepted Benefit Premium Reimbursement HRA under Section 9.d. Qualifying Medical Expenses are limited to individual insurance premiums described in Section 9.d. f. Excepted Benefit HRA. This is an Excepted Benefit HRA under Section 9.e. Qualifying Medical Expenses will be limited to any medical expenses under IRC 213(d) (excluding any individual insurance premiums and employer group health plan premiums). g. Excepted Benefit Dental and Vision HRA. This is an Excepted Benefit Dental and Vision HRA under Section 9.f. Qualifying Medical Expenses are limited to reimbursement of IRC 213(d) expenses that are dental and/or vision expenses only as limited by Section 9.f. h. HRA Integrated with Dental or Vision Only Coverage. This is an HRA Integrated with Dental and/or Vision Only Coverage under Section 9.g. Qualifying Medical Expenses are limited to reimbursement of IRC 213(d) expenses that are dental and/or vision expenses only as limited by Section 9.g. i. After-Tax Reimbursement Account. This is an After-Tax Reimbursement Account under Section 9.h. Qualifying Medical Expenses are limited to the following ΛƭĻƌĻĭƷ ğƌƌ ƷŷğƷ ğƦƦƌǤΜ: Page 10 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 70 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT 1. Individual insurance premiums for ACA excepted benefits only. 2. Any Code Section 213(d) expense (excluding individual insurance premiums and employer group health plan premiums). j. TRICARE HRA. This is a TRICARE HRA under Section 9.i. Qualifying Medical Expenses are limited to the following, as long as they satisfy Code Section 213(d) ΛƭĻƌĻĭƷ ğƌƌ ƷŷğƷ ğƦƦƌǤΜ: 1. Cost sharing under the TRICARE plan (deductible, copays and coinsurance). 2. Individual insurance premiums for TRICARE supplemental coverage. 3. Individual insurance premiums for ACA excepted benefit coverage. 4. Actual expenses incurred for services or supplies that are excepted benefits. k. QSEHRA. This is a QSEHRA under Section 9.j. Qualifying Medical Expenses include major medical insurance premiums of the Eligible Employee regardless of whether the insurance was purchased on the Exchange or elsewhere, plus the following ΛƭĻƌĻĭƷ ğƌƌ ƷŷğƷ ğƦƦƌǤΜ: 1. Major medical insurance premiums for Covered Dependents. 2. Other health insurance premiums (such as dental and vision premiums) of the Eligible Employee and/or Covered Dependents. 3. Any other Code Section 213(d) expense of the Eligible Employee and/or Covered Dependents. Notwithstanding the above, a QSEHRA cannot reimburse employer sponsored group health plan coverage premiums or premium equivalents to the extent the premiums or premium equivalents were paid on a pre-tax basis. An Employer may limit or expand the provisions set forth above in this Section 16 for a particular type of HRA, as long as such limitations or expansions comply with applicable law as determined by the Claims Administrator. Explain the limitations or expansions as follows: _____________________________________________________________________________ 17. HEALTH FLEXIBLE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT If the Employer maintains a health flexible spending arrangement, claims will be processed in the following order: a. Health FSA expenses will be processed first. b. HRA expenses will be processed first. c. Not applicable no health FSA. Page 11 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 71 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT 18. CLAIMS FOR REIMBURSEMENT MUST BE FILED WITHIN a. ____90_____ days following each plan year AND, For Participants who terminate employment, will a different filing deadline apply? b. Yes, ___60______ days following termination of employment c. No 19. CARRY FORWARD Amounts not used by the end of a Plan Year shall: a. Carry forward to the next Plan Year. b. Carry forward to the next Plan Year, subject to the following limitations or restrictions: ____________________________________________________________________ c. Shall forfeit as of the end of the Plan Year NOTE 1: If this is an Excepted Benefit HRA under Section 9.e., amounts must forfeit as of the end of each Plan Year, subject to the carryover rule listed in Section 9.e. NOTE 2: If this is an Integrated HRA under Section 9.a., and this Section 19.c. forfeiture is selected, the annual waiver requirement of Notice 2013-54 does not apply (except in mid-year qualifying event situations). 20. SPEND DOWN After HRA eligibility terminates (e.g., termination of employment, retirement): a. Any unused amounts in an HRA Account will forfeit. NOTE: If this is an Integrated HRA under Section 9.a., selecting a forfeiture means that the termination waiver rule of Notice 2013-54 does not apply. b. Any unused amounts in an HRA Account will continue to be eligible for reimbursement. c. Any unused amounts in an HRA Account will continue to be eligible for reimbursement for retirees. d. Any unused amounts in an HRA Account will continue to be eligible for reimbursement for those Employees or individuals who satisfy the following conditions: ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________, and for all other Employees or individuals unused amounts shall forfeit once HRA eligibility terminates. APPLICATION OF OTHER LAWS 21. FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT FMLA generally applies to Employers who have 50 or more employees in the preceding or current calendar year. (The Employer is required to inform RedQuote if this provision changes for any future calendar year.) a. FMLA applies. b. FMLA does not apply. 22. COBRA Page 12 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 72 REDQUOTE ADOPTION AGREEMENT HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT COBRA generally applies to Employers who have 20 or more employees in the preceding calendar year. (The Employer is required to inform RedQuote if this provision changes for any future calendar year.) a. COBRA applies. b. COBRA does not apply. c. COBRA does not apply because this is a QSEHRA. This Adoption Agreement may be used only in conjunction with the RedQuote Health Reimbursement Arrangement. This Adoption Agreement and the RedQuote Health Reimbursement Arrangement shall together be known as the Health Reimbursement Arrangement or HRA. CITY OF PORT ANGELES____________ Name of Employer By: Printed Name: Title: Signature Date: Page 13 of 13 ¨2021 RedQuote February 4, 2025E - 73 Date:February 4, 2025 To:City Council From:Calvin W. Goings, Deputy City Manager Eric Waterkotte, Information Technology Manager Subject:Laserfiche SoftwareandSupportPurchase Summary:For many years, the City has been using Laserfiche, which is software that performs documentimaging, records management,and business process automation. The current license for st Laserfiche will expire on March 1this year. To replace it, the City has theopportunity to purchase a new Laserfiche productcalled a Municipality License. That licenseoffers increased functions at a lower pricea double benefit for the City.In addition to saving $2,000 annually, the shift to the new Municipality Laserfiche license allows for unlimited public portal access which will improve the user experience and enhance overall functionality. Funding:Funding for the purchasein the amount of $29,443.84 is available in the approved IT Department 2025Budgetfor software services. Recommendation:1) Approve the purchaseof Laserfiche Municipality annual license from Cities Digital(an authorizedreseller under WA State Dept of Enterprise ServicesContract #07814)in the amount of $29,443.84including tax, and 2) authorizethe City Manager to execute all purchase documents, to administer the purchase,andto make minor modifications if necessary. Background / Analysis:Currently, the Cityutilizes the Laserfiche document imaging, records management and business process automation software suite for multiple, critical functions. Functions enabled by Laserfiche includecapturing documents for long term retention, automating critical business processes as well as managing historical records and public access to records. In 2024,the City was presented with an opportunity to switch to aMunicipality License which provides the City with more client licenses for staff andincreased functionalityat a reduced cost from the previous license. st current license comes up for renewal on March 1,and staff recommends the Citymove to the new Municipality Licenseoptionat that time. Theannual software license and support agreement consists of 160 full client licenses for staff and increased processing capabilities to improve system performance.Purchasing will be made through Cities Digital (CDI), the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services authorized Laserfiche reseller under contract #07814.The total cost of the Laserfiche Municipality annual software license is $29,443.84, including tax. In addition to saving $2,000 annually, the shift to the new Municipality Laserfiche license allows for unlimited public portal access which will improve the user experience and enhance overall functionality. Њ February 4, 2025E - 74 Funding Overview:Funding for this purchase is listed in the approved 2025 ITD Budget under account502-2081-518-4802. Attachment: Laserfiche CDI Software Quote Ћ February 4, 2025E - 75 CDI Software Quote Bee DishmanPrepared for: City ofPort Angeles CDIQuote #: 276013v.1 2000 O'NeilRd., Suite 100Quote Date: 1/14/2025 Hudson, WI 54016Quote Expiration: 2/13/2025 Software, Hardware& Renewal ProductQuantityUnit CostRenewalRenewalTotal QuantityUnit Cost Laserfiche Self-HostedMunicipality 1.00$ .001.0000$27,037.50$27,037.50 Site License () Software/ Hardware:$ .00 Renewal: $27,037.50 Tax: $2,406.34 Total: υЋВͲЍЍЌ͵БЍ CDI||Hudson, WI 54016 |P. 855.714.2800 |cdi.support February 4, 2025E - 76 Date:February4, 2025 To:City Council From:Brian Smith, Chief of Police Subject:Shared Storage Facility Agreement Summary:Attached is a sublease agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County for a shared storage facility. This shared facility is used to store evidence and property that need to be in a secure locationand managed in compliance with the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) accreditation standards. Funding:The funding for the City of Port Angeles share of the agreement is accounted for as a part of the Council approved 2025Police Department budget. Recommendation:Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a multi-year sub-lease agreement with Clallam County for the shared storage facilityand to make minor modifications as necessary. Background / Analysis:The City of Port Angeles and Clallam County have used a shared storage facility to secure evidence and property for severalyears. Reliable and timely access to professionally managed evidence facility that meets WASPC accreditation standards is critical to Police Department operations.The continued integrity of ongoing PAPD felony investigations and criminal cases is contained within this facility. Thisagreementis a renewal and update of past agreements. The Clallam County Sheriffhas leased a 7,000 square foot facility. The City and County occupyone half of the spacerespectively. The City will sublet from the County at a rate of 1/2of the total annual lease amount during the duration of this sublease agreement. The utilities will be paid by the County. The County will maintain custody and control over all property and vehicles maintained at the facility. The County provides the paid staff to manage the facility. Evidence Manager or Chief Civil Deputy. Funding Overview:The2025Police Departmentbudget accounts for the $21,000 City portion of the rent for the shared evidence storage facility. Attachment: SubleaseAgreement February 4, 2025E - 77 February 4, 2025E - 78 February 4, 2025E - 79 Date:February 4, 2025 To:City Council From:Scott Curtin,Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject:Reclaim Refrigerant Hauling and DisposalContract SVC-2025-07-Award Summary:Staff is seeking City Council approval to award a five-year service contract to Thornes Refrigeration, of Port Angeles, WA in the amount of $5,000 for an annual not to exceed amount of $1,000 for the removal ofcannisters of reclaimed refrigerant from the Port Angeles Transfer Station appliance recycling area for the purpose of reuseand/or disposal. Funding:Funding is availablethrough the approved Solid WasteProfessional Services2025Budget (404-7538-537-4150) in an annual,not to exceed amount,of $1,000for a total contract value of $5,000. Recommendation:Approve thefive-year service contract toThornes Refrigeration, of Port Angeles, WAin the amount of $5,000 for an annual not to exceed amount of $1,000for the removal of cannisters of reclaimed refrigerant from the Port Angeles Transfer Station for reuse and/or disposal and authorize the City Manager to sign all contract-related documents, to administer the contract and to make minor modifications as necessary. Background / Analysis:TheCity hada contract with Valley Reclaim, of Kingston, WA for the processing of reclaimed refrigerants from appliances and air conditioning units collected at the Port Angeles Transfer Station. Valley Reclaim is no longer operating. The new proposed contract with Thornes Refrigeration, of Port Angeles, WA will provide the same services and scope of work consisting of transporting bottles of reclaimed refrigerant for reuse or disposal. The terms of the contract stipulate that Thornes Refrigeration will remove a full bottle of refrigerant from the Transfer Station and replace it with an empty bottle. The cost of the service is $100 per bottleon a as needed basis. Funding Overview:Funding is available through the approved Solid Waste Professional Services 2025 Budget (404-7538-537-4150) in an annual not to exceed amount of $1,000 for a total contract value of $5,000 Attachment: SVC-2025-07 Agreement February 4, 2025E - 80 AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND THORNES REFRIGERATION SVC-2025-07 ATING TO: REFRIGERANT DISPOSAL REL THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non-charter code city and municipal corporation of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY") and Thornes Refrigeration, a Washington State Limited Liability Company (hereinafter called the "CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS, the CITY desires to receive services related to the hauling and replacement of reclaimed refrigerant canisters; and WHEREAS,the CITY desires to engage the professional services and assistance of a qualified firm to perform the Scope of Services as detailed in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR represents that it is in full compliance with the statutes of the State of Washington for professional registration and/or other applicable requirements; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR represents that it has the background, experience, and ability to perform the work requested by the CITY in accordance with the standards of the profession; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR represents that it will provide qualified personnel and appropriate facilities necessary to accomplish the work; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as follows: ISCOPE OF SERVICES General Scope The CONTRACTOR will accomplish the work as described in scope of services attached in Exhibit A. The CONTRACTOR agrees that all services performed under this Agreement shall be in accordance with the standards of the profession for similar services on similar projects of like size and nature and in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws existing at the time the services are performed. The CITY may review the CONTRACTOR'S services, and if they do not meet the CITY’s standardsthe CONTRACTOR shall make such changes as may be required by the CITY. Such changes shall not constitute "Extra Work" as related in Section XII of this Agreement. Any changes made necessary due to causes outside the CONTRACTOR’S reasonable control shall be provided as an extra work herein. February 4, 2025E - 81 The Scope of Services may be amended upon written approval of both parties. II OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Upon completion of the work, all written and electronic documents, exhibits, CAD files, project plans, engineering reports, or other presentations of the work directed by the CITY in Exhibit A with the exception of those standard details and specifications regularly used by the CONTRACTOR in its normal course of business shall upon payment of all amounts rightfully owed by the CITY to the CONTRACTOR herein become the property of the CITY for use without restriction and without representation as to suitability for reuse by any other party unless specifically verified or adapted by the CONTRACTOR. However, any alteration of the documents, by the CITY or by others acting through or on behalf of the CITY, will be at the CITY's sole risk. III DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVES Each party shall designate its representatives in writing. The CONTRACTOR'S representative shall be subject to the approval of the CITY. IV TIME OF PERFORMANCE The CONTRACTOR may begin work upon execution of this Agreement by both parties and written direction to proceed from CITY and the duration of the Agreement shall extend through December 31, 2029. V PAYMENT The CITY shall pay the CONTRACTOR as set forth in this section of the Agreement. Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed, services rendered, and all labor, materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. A. Payment shall be on the basis of the CONTRACTOR'S cost for actual labor, overhead and profit plus CONTRACTOR'S direct non-salary reimbursable costs as set forth in the attached Exhibit B. B. The CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices to the CITY on a monthly basis. Invoices shall detail the work, hours, employee name, and hourly rate; shall itemize with receipts and invoices the non-salary direct costs; shall indicate the specific task or activity in the Scope of Service to which the costs are related; and shall indicate the cumulative total for each task. C. The CITY shall review the invoices and make payment for the percentage of the project that has been completed less the amounts previously paid. D. The CONTRACTOR invoices are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. In the event of a disputed billing, only the disputed portion will be withheld from payment. E. Final payment for the balance due to the CONTRACTOR will be made after the completion of the work and acceptance by the CITY. February 4, 2025E - 82 F. Payment for "Extra Work" performed under Section XII of this Agreement shall be as agreed to by the parties in writing. VI MAXIMUM COMPENSATION Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties, the CONTRACTOR'S total compensation and reimbursement under this Agreement, including labor, direct non-salary reimbursable costs and outside services, shall not exceed the maximum sum of $5,000. The budget for each task is as set forth in the attached Exhibit B. Budgets for task(s) may be modified upon mutual agreement between the two parties, but in any event, the total payment to CONTRACTOR shall not exceed $5,000. VII INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS The relation created by this Agreement is that of owner-independent contractor. The CONTRACTOR is not an employee of the CITY and is not entitled to the benefits provided by the CITY to its employees. The CONTRACTOR, as an independent contractor, has the authority to control and direct the performance within the Scope of Service. The CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for payment of all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and income tax. VIII EMPLOYMENT Employees of the CONTRACTOR, while engaged in the performance of any work or services under this Agreement, shall be considered employees of the CONTRACTOR only and not of the CITY, and claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of the CONTRACTOR'S employees while so engaged, on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. In performing this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall not employ or contract with any CITY employee without the CITY's written consent. CONTRACTOR shall not accept any employment or perform any services where there is, or reasonably could arise, a conflict between the interests of the City and the interests of any of CONTRACTOR’S other clients. IX NONDISCRIMINATION The CONTRACTOR shall conduct its business in a manner, which assures fair, equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, or other legally protected classification and, in particular: A. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action February 4, 2025E - 83 requirements; and, B.The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of nondiscriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. X SUBCONTRACTS A. The CONTRACTOR shall not sublet or assign any of the work covered by this Agreement without the written consent of the CITY. B. In all solicitation either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the CONTRACTOR for work to be performed pursuant to a subcontract, including procurement of materials and equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the CONTRACTOR of CONTRACTOR's obligations under this Agreement, including the nondiscrimination requirements. XI CHANGES IN WORK Other than changes directed by the CITY as set forth in Section I above, either party may request changes in the Scope of Services. Such changes shall not become part of this Agreement unless and until mutually agreed upon and incorporated herein by written amendments to this Agreement executed by both parties. XII EXTRA WORK The CITY may desire to have the CONTRACTOR perform work or render services in connection with this Agreement, in addition to the Scope of Services set forth in Exhibit A and minor revisions to satisfactorily completed work. Such work shall be considered as "Extra Work" and shall be addressed in a written supplement to this Agreement. The CITY shall not be responsible for paying for such extra work unless and until the written supplement is executed by both parties. XIIITERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. The CITY may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause,upon not less than ten (10) days written notice to the CONTRACTOR. Written notice will be by certified mail sent to the CONTRACTOR's designated representative at the address provided by the CONTRACTOR. As a condition precedent to termination with cause the CONTRACTOR shall be given the notice period to cure such cause and shall have failed to so cure. B. In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to the completion of the work, a final payment shall be made to the CONTRACTOR, which, when added to any payments previously made, shall compensate the CONTRACTOR for the work completed. February 4, 2025E - 84 C.In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to completion of the work, documents that are the property of the CITY pursuant to Section II above, shall be delivered to and received by the CITY prior to transmittal of final payment to the CONTRACTOR. XIV FORCE MAJEURE A. Definition. For the purposes of this Agreement, “Force Majeure” means an event which is beyond the reasonable control of a Party including, but not limited to (1) strikes, lockouts, work slowdowns or stoppages, or accidents, (2) acts of God, and/or (3)delay caused by an act or omission of the other Party, and which makes a Party’s performance of its obligations under the Agreement impossible or so impractical as to be considered impossible under the circumstances. B. No Breach of Agreement. The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations under the Agreement shall not be considered to be a breach of, or default under, this Agreement insofar as such inability arises from an event of Force Majeure, provided that the Party affected by such an event has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures in order to carry out the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and has informed the other Party as soon as possible about the occurrence of such an event. C. Extension of Time. Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Agreement, complete any action or task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure. XV INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS CONTRACTOR shall defend, indemnify and hold the CITY, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the acts, errors or omissions of the CONTRACTOR in performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the CITY. However, should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the CONTRACTOR, the CITY, and the officers, officials, employees, and volunteers of either, the CONTRACTOR'S liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the CONTRACTOR'S negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the CONTRACTOR'S waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. XVI INSURANCE The CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance February 4, 2025E - 85 against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the CONTRACTOR, its agents, representatives or employees. No Limitation. CONTRACTOR’S maintenance of insurance as required by the Agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the CONTRACTOR to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the CITY’S recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. A. MINIMUM SCOPE OF INSURANCE CONTRACTOR shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 . 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be at least as broad as ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, stop-gap, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. The CITY shall be named as an additional insured under the CONTRACTOR’s Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the CITY using as additional insured endorsement at least as broad as ISO endorsement CG 20 26. 3. Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 4. Professional Liabilityinsurance appropriate to the CONTRACTOR’s profession. B. MINIMUM AMOUNTS OF INSURANCE CONTRACTOR shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liabilityinsurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $2,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 generalaggregate. 3. Professional Liabilityinsurance shall be written with limits no less than $2,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 policy aggregate limit. C.OTHER INSURANCE PROVISION The CONTRACTOR’S Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, that they shall be primary insurance as respect the CITY. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the CITY shall be excess of the CONTRACTOR’Sinsurance and shall not contribute with it. D.ACCEPTABILITY OF INSURERS Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. February 4, 2025E - 86 E. VERIFICATION OF COVERAGE CONTRACTOR shall furnish the CITY with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Agreement before commencement of the work. F. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION The CONTRACTOR shall provide the CITY with written notice of any policy cancellation, within two business days of their receipt of such notice. G. FAILURE TO MAINTAIN INSURANCE Failure on the part of the CONTRACTOR to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract, upon which the CITY may, after giving five business days notice to the CONTRACTOR to correct the breach, immediately terminate the contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the CITY on demand, or at the sole discretion of the CITY, offset against funds due the CONTRACTOR from the CITY. H. CITY FULL AVAILABILITY OF CONTRACTOR LIMITS If the CONTRACTOR maintains higher insurance limits than the minimums shown above, the CITY shall be insured for the full available limits of Commercial General and Excess or Umbrella liability maintained by the CONTRACTOR, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by the CONTRACTOR are greater than those required by this Agreement or whether any certificate of insurance furnished to the CITY evidences limits of liability lower than those maintained by the CONTRACTOR. XVII APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, and in the event of dispute the venue of any litigation brought hereunder shall be Clallam County. XVIII CONFLICTS In the event there is any conflict between the terms and conditions contained in this AGREEMENT and the terms and conditions contained in Exhibit A or in any other document that is incorporated into or made a part of the contract between the CONTRACTOR and the CITY, the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT shall control. XIX EXHIBITS AND SIGNATURES This Agreement, including its exhibits, constitutes the entire Agreement, supersedes all prior written or oral understandings, and may only be changed by a written amendment executed by both parties. The following exhibits are hereby made a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A – Scope of Services Exhibit B – Rate and Budget February 4, 2025E - 87 This Agreement is effective and binding as of the date for the last signature affixed below. THORNES REFRIGERATION CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: _______________________________________ By: ________________________________________ Printed Name:_______________________________ Printed Name:________________________________ Title: ______________________________________ Title: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM: BY: ____________________________________ CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: BY: ____________________________________ CITY CLERK February 4, 2025E - 88 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES CONTRACTORshallprovide services to process reclaimed refrigerants from appliances and th air conditioning units collected at the Port Angeles Transfer Station, 3501 W. 18Street, Port Angeles, WA 98363. Task 1 – Theservice shall consist of transporting bottles of reclaimed refrigerant for reuse or disposal. CITY staff will reclaim the refrigerant into portable bottles. The CITY will notify the CONTRACTOR when a bottleis full and ready to be picked up. Within 5 working days the CONTRACTOR must pick up the full bottleand replace it with acertified andevacuated empty bottle. Ownership of all reclaimed refrigerant shall transfer to the CONTRACTOR upon acceptance. END OF EXHIBIT February 4, 2025E - 89 EXHIBIT B RATE AND BUDGET CONTRACTOR will perform the scope of work in Exhibit A on a per bottle basis per Exhibit C - - Standard Rate Schedule. RATE: 2025 Rate Schedule – Labor Costs and Non-Salary Reimbursable Costs: The cost shall be $100 per bottle. A disposal charge may be necessary in the future at the market rate. All refrigerant is being reclaimed at this time so there is no disposal charge. BUDGET: Task #1 – Refrigerant Removal and DisposalBudget 2025$1,000 2026$1,000 2027$1,000 2028$1,000 2029$1,000 Total Contract Amount $5,000 END OF EXHIBIT February 4, 2025E - 90 Date: February 4, 2025 To: City Council From: Scott Curtin,Director of Public Works& Utilities Subject: Recreation and Conservation Office Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board GrantAcceptance:Ennis Creek Fish Barrier Removal GG0119 Summary: Staff is seeking City Council approval toaccept grant funding from the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board (FBRB) in the amount of $255,000 for the Ennis Creek Fish Barrier Removal project GG0119 and WW0217. The engineers estimate for this project is $300,000. An agreement with RCO is required to obligate the funding. Funding: The City was successful in obtaining grant funding from the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board (FBRB) in the amount of $255,000. The FBRB grant has a required 15% match. The Ennis Creek Fish Barrier Removal design project GG0119 is in the approved 2025-2030 Capital Facilities Plan and funded in the amount of $45,000 from the General Fund. Recommendation: Accept the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board (FBRB) grant in the amount of $255,000and authorize the City Manager to execute all grant-related documents, to administer the grant,andtomake minor modifications as necessary. Background / Analysis: In partnership with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe(LEKT), the City has collaborated in submitting proposals for funding to remove the last unfunded fish passage barrier on Ennis Creek to restore habitat and significantly improve salmon runs. The City was successful in obtaining a $255,000 in RCO FBRB grant funds to design the removal of a double barrel culvert (Worksite 1) and removal of a sewer force main that is no longer in service (Worksite 2). This funding will supplement the design funding LEKT was previously awarded from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. LEKT has entered into a design contact with Environmental Science Associates and has advanced the design of Worksite 2 to the 60% design level. This RCO funding will allow the City and LEKT to complete the design documents. TheEnnis Creek Fish Barrier Removal Project GG0119 and the Ennis Creek Force Main RemovalProject WW0217 are in the approved 2025-2030 Capital Facilities Plan. Funding Overview: The engineers estimate for the Ennis Creek Fish Barrier Removal design project GG0119 is $300,000. The City was successful in obtaining grant funding from the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board (FBRB) in the amount of $255,000 with a 15% match requirement. This Ennis Creek Fish Barrier Removal design project GG0119 is in the approved 2025- 2030 Capital Facilities Plan and funded in the amount of $45,000 from the General Fund. The grant will allocate design funds to Worksite 1 in the amount of $247,000.00 and Worksite 2 in the amount of $53,000. February 4, 2025E - 91 Project funding is summarized in Table 1: Table 1 – Funding Ennis Creek Fish Barriers CostPercent of Project Removal(Worksite 1 & 2) DesignEstimate$300,000 FBRBGrant$255,00085% City$45,00015% Attachment: none Photo provided for reference February 4, 2025E - 92 Date:February 4, 2025 To:City Council From:Calvin W. Goings, Deputy City Manager Shannen Cartmel, Community and Economic Development Manager Subject:Municipal Code Amendment (MCA)24-74for Chapters14.40Off Street Parkingand 17.26Retail Standsrelating to Mobile and Itinerant VendorOperations in the City. Summary:Municipal Code Update (MCA) 24-74 amends thePort Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC)to implement apermitting system for Mobile and Itinerant Vendors andtheprivatelocations that mayhost vendors. Theamendments includechanges toproject permit review criteria; the establishment ofconsistent timelines; consistency withChapter 14.40- Off-Street ParkingPAMC; andapplication requirements for City review. Funding:Feesfor Mobileand Itinerate Vendorswereapprovedby City Council on December 18, 2024, in Resolution 19-24. Recommendation:1) Conduct thesecond reading and the ordinance implementing a permitting system forMobile and Itinerant Vendors and the private locations that may host vendors. Background / Analysis: MCA 24-74 is a comprehensive and long-awaited update to the Port Angeles Municipal Code that streamlines and enhances the permitting process for Mobile and Itinerant Vendors, such as food trucks. The current municipal code contains Chapter 17.26 PAMC Retail Stands, which became effective in include mobile vendors, such as food trucks,as a use, and thosevendors that are acknowledged to not have up-to- date standards for staff evaluation. Currently, therefore, mobilevendors such as food trucks must operate through limited options like event permits, conditional use permits, or temporary right-of-way permits. MCA 24-74mobile or itinerate businesses in Port Angeles. Itexpandsthe definition and providesflexibility forthe operation of alltypes of mobile and itinerate businesses;establishesclear criteriafor proposal submission and staff review;providesconsistent timelines, and standardized proposal requirements;andensuresa fair and efficient review process. By centralizing vendor regulations and eliminating redundant language in Chapter 14.40PAMC, the proposal also reduces confusion and improves accessibility for vendors and hostsites.MCA 24-74reflects the City's commitment to fostering a business-friendly environment, celebrating economic diversity, supporting economic growth, and maintaining clarity and efficiency in its regulatory framework. Public engagement on MCA 24-74began in Juneof 2024. ThePlanning Commission provided input and guidance on the code amendment at their June,July, and August2024meetings.Following a public hearing on this proposal on December 11, 2024, the Planning Commission recommendedapprovalofthe code amendment by theCity Council. Њ February 4, 2025G - 1 Foradditional background on the public process and the development of the code amendment, please see Attachment 2. Adjustments to MCA 24-74 Based on feedback from the Councilreceived during the January21,2025,Council Meeting, staff have updatedMCA 24-74 as follows: Allowinghand-drawnhosting site plans. Allowing a public restroom facility ofahosting site to beconsidered as a permissible alternative to an on-site restroom facility. Clarifying that mobile and internet vendor permits are only required for outdoor activities. Differentiating majorand minormobileand itinerant vendor permitswith corresponding thresholds. o Minorpermit fourdays or less of the sale of goods or services withina calendar year; or providing afree service.No costfor the permit. o Majorpermitfivedays or more of the sale of goodsorserviceswithin a calendar year. $95.10 for the permit. o Corresponding adjustmentsto the Master Fee Schedule arealso being recommended. Funding Overview: Fees for Mobile and Itinerate Vendors were approved by City Council on December18,2024,in Resolution19-24. Attachments: 1.Ordinance,Attachment A:Chapter 14.40 Parking Lot Standards, Attachment B:Chapter 17.26 Mobile and Itinerant Vendors Ћ February 4, 2025G - 2 February 4, 2025G - 3 February 4, 2025G - 4 CHAPTER 14.40 -OFF-STREET PARKING February 4, 2025G - 5 CHAPTER 17.26 -RETAIL STANDS MIV Mobile and Itinerant Vendors 17.26.010 Purpose. 17.26.020 Definitions. A.Lemonade Stand.Operating thirty or fewer days per calendar year, used by a person under the age of eighteen for the sale of nonalcoholic beverages, such as lemonade, using non- time/temperature control for safety food with no direct hand contact and served directly into single service. See WAC 246-215-01115 for the full definition.Lemonade Stands are exempt from all Mobile and Itinerant permitting requirements. B.Itinerant Vendor. An itinerant vendor is a business thattravels from place to place to sell products or services, often setting up temporary stands or booths in an outdoor setting. a.Major Itinerant Vendor.A vendorselling goods and services fivedays or more in a calendar year. b.Minor Itinerant Vendor.A vendor selling goods or servicesfourdays or lessin a calendar year;orproviding a free service. C.Site Plan Review. a.Major Site Plan Review. Sites within residential zones or more than one vendor within non-residentially zoned property. February 4, 2025G - 6 b.Minor Site Plan Review. Sites are limited to one vendor on a non-residentially zoned property. D.Mobile Vendor. A mobile vendor is a business that operates from a vehicle, trailer, bicycle, or cart and moves to different locations to sell goods or servicesin an outdoor setting. a.Major Mobile Vendor. A vendor selling goods and services fivedays or more in a calendar year. b.Minor Mobile Vendor. A vendor selling goods or services fourdays or less in a calendar year; or providing a free service. E.Permanent Set-up.A permanent setup is a fixed, stable structure or designated area from which a vendor operates consistently over a long term. Characteristics include but not limited to; a.A vending unit that isnot movedor dismantled daily, b.Includes utilities such as electricity, water, or even limited plumbing. F.Semi-Permanent Set-up.A semi-permanent is designed to be relatively easy to dismantle and move. Characteristics include but not limited to; a.Vending unit that moves or is dismantled at the end of the approved business hours and/or event. b.The structure is typically portable and does not involve complex installations like heavy-duty plumbing or electricity. G.R.O.W.right-of-way. See PAMC 17.08.090. H.Vendor Hosting.A property owner hosting regulatory vendor permit holders in permanent or semi-permanent format. I.Vending Unit.A unit consisting of one mobile or itinerant vendor. 17.26.030 Applicability. February 4, 2025G - 7 17.26.040 Regulatory Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Permit. 17.26.041 Application Requirements. A.A complete application must contain: 1.The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant and the contact person; 2.Business license number, address, and contact information 3.Application narrative detailing: i.Proposed area of operation and compliance with requirements for pedestrian clearance and accessibility; ii.Dates and hours of operation; iii.Disposal of waste and grey water plan (if applicable); iv.Access to water plan (if applicable); v.Other information requested by the city may be deemed necessary to adequately consider and address impacts to the right-of-way and adjacent properties. 4.Signed approval from Clallam County Health Department (if applicable). 5.Signed approval from the Department of Labor and Industries (if applicable). 6.Signage Plan: A-frame and attached signs to the vending unit are exempt from review and additional fees. B.If the proposal uses the public right of way, the City Transportation Engineer must conduct an additional review. 17.26.042 Criteria for Approval. A.General Requirements 1.Does not unreasonably interfere with previously approved businesses or other typical uses or activities within the right-of-way; 2.Does not unreasonably disrupt the orderly or safe circulation of traffic as would present an unreasonable risk of injury or damage to the public; 3. public infrastructure within the right-of-way; 4.Complies with L&I and the Clallam County Health Requirements. February 4, 2025G - 8 5.Has obtained and has not been denied other applicable project permit requirements. 6.Holdsan active business license from the Washington State Department of Revenue. 7.Does not conflict with the underlying purpose and intent of the zoning district in which it is located. B.Signage and Advertising: 1.A-frame and attached signs to the vending unit are exempt from review and additional fees. C.Display of approval: 1.All approvals willbe prominently displayed on all carts, vehicles, or locations from which a mobile vendor operates. 17.26.043 Conditions of Approval. A.The city may condition the issuance of a project permit by imposing reasonable requirements concerning the activity's time, place, and manner as necessary to protect the safety and/or convenience of persons and property and the control of traffic. The citywill issue the required conditions in writing to the applicant. Conditions may include, but are not limited to: 1.The provision of insurance per PAMC 11.12.140.B; 2.Proper disposal of refuse or debris, waste, and/or clean-up of spills; 3.Adjusted operating hours; 4.Elimination of an onsite activity that cannot be mitigated to a point as to ensure public safety and welfare or which possesses an unacceptable level of risk to the city; 5.Accommodation of pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicular parking or traffic, including restricting the activity to only a portion of a public place; 6.Reduction of noise and odors, including but not limited to those resulting from amplified music, generators, or cooking of food; 7.Storage of materials within the public right-of-way; 8.Securing objects within the right-of-way; 9.Compliance with any relevant ordinance or law and obtaining any legally required permit(s) or license(s); 10.Compliance with allowable permitted uses in the underlying zone; or 11.Any other restriction or requirement deemed necessary to ensure public convenience, health, safety, and welfare. 12.All persons conducting a vendor business willobey any order of a police officer to temporarily move such vending stand to avoid congestion or obstruction of the surrounding area for pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic. 13.Vending units willnot be locked or chained to street furniture or trees. 14.All vending units willhave one 2A10BC fire extinguisher mounted on the cart. February 4, 2025G - 9 17.26.044 Limitations and Conditions. 17.26.045 Expiration of Approval. A.Initial Approval.The term of each project permit issued under this chapter is at the discretion of the community and economic development department and isto be a maximum of one year, subject to renewal. B.Renewal Approval Term(s).Project permits issued under this chapter may be renewed for successive terms upon application by the permit holder and payment of the applicable renewal fee, provided that all conditions of the original permit are currently being met. Renewal will be valid for one year or otherwise. 17.26.050 Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Hosting Site Plan Review Project Permit Applicability. A.Permanent or semi-permanent setup. B.Proximity to Sensitive Areas. C.New or Unusual Structures. D.Impact on Environmental Resources. E.Utility and Waste Management Needs. F.Changes in Site Use or Expansion. G.Compliance with Local Business Regulations. H.Operational Impact on Local Infrastructure. 17.26.051 Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Hosting Site Plan Application Requirements. A.Anapplication in a format as established by the City willcontain the following: 1.Applicant and Property Information a.Name, Mailing Address, and Telephone Number; b.Project Detail; i.This includes permanent or semi-permanentsetup preference. c.Zoning classification; d.Property Size; e.Fencing Plan (if applicable); f.Landscaping plan (Major Site Plan Review only); g.Noise Mitigation plan (Major Site Plan Review only); February 4, 2025G - 10 h.Other information requested by the citythatmay be deemed necessary to adequately consider and address impacts to the right-of-way and adjacent properties. 2.Project Phases.Provide a description and schedule for the project phases (if applicable). a.Proposed site plan elements (may be combined into one plan)Structural Plan (if applicable).Submit a plan with elevations and specifications for the type, color, and texture of exterior surfaces of proposed structures. b.Sign Plan (if applicable).Provide a scale drawing of the sign plan showing the location(s), size, design, material, color, and illumination method for all exterior signs, both temporary. A-frame and attached signs to the vending unit are exempt from review and additional fees. c.Lighting Plan.Include any proposed lighting plan. d.Noise and Environmental Control. i.Present a plan to manage and control noise, dust, dirt, heat, glare, vibration, odors, and toxic gases. e.Waste, garbage, and greywater disposal locations. f.Restroom facility access.Unless specifically prohibited by the Clallam CountyHealth Department,the host may utilize a public restroom facility located within 1,000 ft of the proposed location as apermissiblealternative toan onsite restroom facility. g.Water access plan. h.Natural Features. Scale map of natural features such as ravines, slopes greater than 35%, critical areas and their buffers, and shorelines with the ordinary high-water mark. i.Location of Driveways and Circulation.Layout of driveways, pedestrian walks, curbs, gutters, street paving, fire hydrants, on-site water sources, and sewage disposal systems. j.Structures.Location(s), size(s), height, and gross floor area for all existing and proposed structures or improvements. k.Stormwater Systems (if applicable). Nature and location of temporary and permanent stormwater systems. l.Traffic and Parking.Locations of entrances and exits, traffic flow, parking spaces, loading berths, vehicle maneuvering areas, and their relationship with adjacent properties. m.Site Area Details:Approximate number of square feet in paved or impervious surfaces, open spaces, wetlands, and steep-unstable slopes; total area of the site. 3.Site Plan Elements:A professionally prepared plan is not required. The plan may be hand-drawn to scale.The plan may be, but is not required to be, computer- generated; a.Boundaries and Dimensions.Show the location and approximate dimensions of land boundaries proposed for development. February 4, 2025G - 11 b.Contiguous Property.Indicate all contiguous property owned by the applicant. c.Easements and Rights-of-Way. Approximate location, width, and name of recorded easements and rights-of-way, including public service or utilities. d.Natural Features. Scale map of natural features such as ravines, slopes greater than 35%, critical areas and their buffers, and shorelines with the ordinary high-water mark. e.Location of Driveways, sidewalk, and utilities.Layout of driveways, pedestrian walks, curbs, gutters, street paving, fire hydrants, on-site water sources, electrical, and sewage disposal systems. f.Existing Structures.Location(s), size(s), height, and gross floor area for all existing and proposed structures or improvements. g.Stormwater Systems (if applicable).Nature and location of temporary and permanent stormwater systems. h.Traffic and Parking.Locations of entrances and exits, traffic flow, parking spaces, loading berths, vehicle maneuvering areas, and their relationship with adjacent properties. i.Site Area Details: Approximatenumber of square feet in paved or impervious surfaces, open spaces, wetlands, and steep-unstable slopes; thetotal area of the site. 4.Site Plan Title Block a.Name, Address, and TelephoneNumber; b. c.Date of Drawing; d.Date the drawing was created; e.Legend; f.Site address or tax assessor parcel number; g.Total approximate area of the site and each parcel or lot; h.North arrow; i. 17.26.052 Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Hosting Site Plan Criteria for Approval. A.Preliminary Review. The application will be checked to ensure it is complete and follows submission guidelines. B.Regulatory Evaluation. The application will be assessed to ensure it meets all laws, regulations, and standards. 1.The project's design and planning must be suitable for its location, zoning, and existing uses. 2.The project must meet this chapter and other relevant codes. 3.Existing streets, public facilities, and services must be able to support the new or additional land use. 4.Collaboration with other departments and jurisdictions will occur to gather input and ensure a thorough review. February 4, 2025G - 12 5.Notification Requirements: Inform the public about pending applications, especially for significant projects. 6.Major Site Plan Reviews will be processed as a Type II project permit per Chapter 18.02 PAMC. C.Minor Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Hosting Site Plan Review 1.General Requirements: a.The proposal does not unreasonably interfere with previously approved businesses or other typical uses or activities within the right-of-way; b.The proposal does not unreasonably disrupt the orderly or safe circulation of traffic as would present an unreasonable risk of injury or damage to the public; c. maintenance of public infrastructure within the right-of-way; d.The proposal complies with L&I and the Clallam County Health Requirements; e.The proposal has obtained or has been denied other applicable project permit requirements; f.The proposal holdsan active business license from the Washington State Department of Revenue and; g.The proposal does not conflict with the underlying purpose and intent of the zoning district in which it is located. 2.Design and location must adhere to the following standards (if applicable): a.The proposal does not include work within environmentally sensitive areas, shorelines, and wetlands or their buffers as designated and regulated by Title 15 Environment PAMC; b.Does not unreasonably interfere with previously approved businesses or other typical uses or activities within the right-of-way; c.Does not unreasonably disrupt the orderly or safe circulation of traffic as would present an unreasonable risk of injury or damage to the public; d. of public infrastructure within the right-of-way; e.Complies with L&I and the Clallam County Health Requirements; f.Has obtained and has not been denied other applicable project permit requirements; g.Holds an active business license from the Washington State Department of Revenue; h.Does not conflict with the underlying purpose and intent of the zoning district in which it is located; i.Lighting. The proposal ensures lighting complies with the requirements of PAMC chapter 17.22.260; j.Signage and advertising.The proposal ensures the size, location, design, color, texture, lighting, and materials of all exterior signs and outdoor February 4, 2025G - 13 advertising features are harmonious with existing and proposed buildings and surrounding properties; D.Major Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Hosting Site Plan Review 1.General Requirements: a.The proposal does not unreasonably interfere with previously approved businesses or other typical uses or activities within the right-of-way; b.The proposal does not unreasonably disrupt the orderly or safe circulation of traffic as would present an unreasonable risk of injury or damage to the public; c. maintenance of public infrastructure within the right-of-way; d.The proposal complieswith L&I and the Clallam County Health Requirements; e.The proposal has obtained or has been denied other applicable project permit requirements; f.The proposal holdsan active business license from the Washington State Department of Revenue; g.The proposal does not conflict with the underlying purpose and intent of the zoning district in which it is located; h.Applicant has provided an acceptable landscaping and fencing plan; i.Applicant has provided an acceptable noise mitigation plan; j.Application has been publicly noticed and required public comment period; 2.Design and location must adhere to the following standards (if applicable): a.The proposal does not include work within environmentally sensitive areas, shorelines, and wetlands or their buffers as designated and regulated by Title 15 Environment PAMC; b.Does not unreasonably interfere with previously approved businesses or other typical uses or activities within the right-of-way; c.Does not unreasonably disrupt the orderly or safe circulation of traffic as would present an unreasonable risk of injury or damage to the public; d. of public infrastructure within the right-of-way; e.Complies with L&I and the Clallam County Health Requirements; f.Has obtained and has not been denied other applicable project permit requirements; g.Holds an active business license from the Washington State Department of Revenue; h.Does not conflict with the underlying purpose and intent of the zoning district in which it is located; i.Lighting. The proposal ensures lighting complies with the requirements of PAMC chapter 17.22.260; j.Signage and advertising.The proposal ensures the size, location, design, color, texture, lighting, and materials of all exterior signs and outdoor February 4, 2025G - 14 advertising features are harmonious with existing and proposed buildings and surrounding properties; 17.26.053 Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Hosting Site Plan Approval. 17.26.054 Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Hosting Site Plan Conditions of Approval. A.The city may condition the issuance of a permit by imposing reasonable requirements concerning the time, place, and manner of the activity as necessary to protect the safety and convenience of persons and property and the control of traffic. The city willissue the required conditions in writing to the applicant. Conditions may include, but are not limited to, requirements for: 1.Signage and Advertising: A-frame and attached signs to the vending unit are exempt from review and additional fees. 2.Display of approval. All approvals willbe prominently displayed on all carts, vehicles, or locations from which a mobile vendor operates. 3.The provision of insurance per PAMC 11.12.140.B; 4.Proper disposal of refuse or debris, waste, and/or clean-up of spills; 5.Adjusted operating hours; 6.Elimination of an activity that cannot be mitigated to a point as to ensure public safety and welfare or which possesses an unacceptable level of risk to the city; 7.Accommodation of pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicular parking or traffic, including restricting the activity to only a portion of a public place; 8.Reduction of noise and odors, including but not limited to those resulting from amplified music, generators, or cooking of food; 9.Storage of materials within the public right-of-way; 10.Securing objects within the right-of-way; 11.Compliance with any relevant ordinance or law and obtaining any legally required permit(s) or license(s); 12.Compliance with allowable permitted uses in the underlying zone; or 13.Any other restriction or requirement deemed necessary to ensure public convenience, health, safety, and welfare. 14.All vending units must display their approved and active vending unit permit. 15.Fencing for properties adjacent or across an alley from a residential use. 16.All persons conducting a vendor business willobey any order of a police officer to temporarily move such vending unit to avoid congestion or obstruction of the surrounding area for pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic. 17.Vending units willnot be locked or chained to street furniture or trees. 18.All vending units willhave one 2A10BC fire extinguisher mounted on the cart. February 4, 2025G - 15 17.26.055 Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Hosting Site Plan Limitations and Conditions. 17.26.056 Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Hosting Site Plan Amendments. 17.26.057 Mobile or Itinerant Vendor Hosting Site Plan Expiration of Approval. Renewal Approval Term(s).Project permits issued under this chapter may be renewed bythe permit holder and payment of the applicable renewal fee, provided that all conditions of the original permit are currently being met. Renewal will be valid for five years or otherwise, as stated by the director. 17.26.060 Revocation of Approval. A.Any fraud, misrepresentation, or false or misleading statement contained in the application for license; B.Any fraud, misrepresentation, or false or misleading statement made in connection with the selling of products; C.Any violation of this chapter; D.Violations of the conditions or approval. E.Engaging in or allowing a pattern of criminal conduct in, near, or associated with the mobile vendor or vendor site; or F.Conducting the business licensed under this chapter in an unlawful manner or in such a manner as to constitute a breach of the peace or to constitute a menace to the health, safety, or general welfare of the public. February 4, 2025G - 16 17.26.070 Penalties and Enforcement. A.Using the procedures set out in PAMC 2.90, this chapter will be enforced against platforms, owners, authorized agents, and/or operators violating this chapter may be issued a citation, notice of violation, orderto cease, and/or any notice of daily fines. B.Violations of this chapter are civil violations and penalties for violations of this chapter may be imposed as follows: Violations: 1st Violation of PAMC 17.26$0.00 2nd Violation of PAMC 17.26$100.00 3rd + Subsequent Violations of PAMC $300.00 + revocation of permit 17.26 Daily Fines -once notice of violation and revocation of permit: Daily Fee for the first 14 days$100.00 per day $1,000.00 per day Daily Fee for each day after 14 days 17.26.080 Decision-Making Authority. 17.26.090 Appeals. February 4, 2025G - 17 Date:February 4, 2025 To:City Council From:Calvin W. Goings,DeputyCity Manager Shannen Cartmel, Community and Economic Development Manager Subject:Resolution Amending the CityMaster FeeSchedule Summary: departments for the provision of City services. Municipal Code Update (MCA) 24-74willamend the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) to implement a permitting system for Mobile and Itinerant Vendorsand Hosts.City staff have reviewed the existing master fee scheduleand are recommending adjustmentsbased on Councilfeedback received during the first reading of the ordinance to implement MCA 24-74. Funding: Amendmentsto the Master Fee Schedule will allow departments to more fully recover the costsof providing servicesto City customers. Recommendation:1) Passthe resolution amenddule. Background / Analysis:The Cityvariousfees and charges collected by City departments for the provisionof City services. Cost of Service Analysis On April 25, 2023, the Council endorsed six new revenue sources for implementation, including a review of fees to offset the cost of service. With that direction from Council, the City engaged FCS Group to perform a holistic cost of services analysis. On October 3, 2023, Council received the report from FCS Group indicating a minimum rate of $95.10 for City services. On November 8, 2023, the Council approved Ordinance 3723 implementing a new citywide fee structure with the minimum rate of $95.10. This new bfees and led to the creation of a consolidated master fee schedule. FeeReview Municipal Code Update (MCA) 24-74will amend the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) to implement a permitting system for Mobile and Itinerant Vendorsand Hosts. City staff have reviewed the existing master fee schedule and are recommending adjustments based on Council feedback received during the first reading of the ordinance to implement MCA 24-74. Funding: Amendmentsto the Master Fee Schedule will allow departments to more fully recover the costs of providing services to City customers. Attachments: Resolution Exhibit A February 4, 2025H - 1 RESOLUTION NO. ____________ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending in partthe City of Port Angeles Master Fee Schedule. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles charges various fees for services, permits, licenses, and other costs; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles Municipal Code section 1.25.010 states that except when master fee schedule; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City government to periodically update and revise its fee structure to ensure the financial resources to support City services;and WHEREAS, the attached amendments to the fee schedule are appropriate to sustain an efficient and effective permitting and inspection system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that: Section 1.Master Fee Schedule.The Master Fee Schedule of the City of Port Angeles is amended in partas set forth in Exhibit A. Section 2.-Corrections.The City Clerk and the codifiers of this resolutionare authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolutionincluding, but not limited to, the rules or regulations, or numbering, section/subsectionnumbers and any references thereto. 1 February 4, 2025H - 2 Section 3.-Effective Date.This Resolution, being an exercise of a power specificallydelegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This resolutionshall take effect on February 17,2025, upon thepublication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the ____ day of _________ 2025. _______________________________ Kate Dexter, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________ William E. Bloor, City Attorney 2 February 4, 2025H - 3 Exhibit A General Master Fee Schedule Updates CommunityandEconomicDevelopmentFees DevelopmentFeesandChargesLandUse NOTE: Only the item(s) listed below are being changed, all other portions of this section remain unchanged. Description:Fee Mobile and Itinerant Vendors& Hosting Minor Regulatory Mobile and Itinerant Vendor$0 Permit MajorRegulatory Mobile and Itinerant Vendor$190.2095.10 Permit Minor Mobile and Itinerant Vendor Hosting$285.30190.20 Site Plan Review Major Mobile and Itinerant Vendor Hosting$380.40285.30 Site Plan Review February 4, 2025H - 4 Date: February 4, 2025 To: City Council From: Scott Curtin, Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Equipment Purchase – Purchase of new Stormwater Division Wheel Loader #2540 Summary: Staff is seeking City Council approval for the procurement of new equipment #2540,2025 Cat 914 Wheel Loader, for the Stormwater Division as an addition to the fleet to facilitate the new Decant Facility operation. Through the City’s membership in the Sourcewell Cooperative, participating vendor N C Machinery of Tukwila, WA was selected from the cooperative vendors list, Contract No. 011723-CAT. Funding: Funding for this equipmentpurchasein the amount of $202,125.98, including applicable taxes and accessories, is available in the Equipment Services Equipment Replacement budget (501-7630-594- 6410) andis identified in the approved 2025 Equipment Services Equipment Replacement Fund. Recommendation: 1.Approve the purchase of a new 2025 Cat 914 Wheel Loader for the Stormwater Division from N C Machinery of Tukwila, WA for a total amount not to exceed $202,125.98, including applicable tax and accessories. 2.Authorize the City Manager to approve and execute the final purchase documents, to complete the purchase, and to make minor modifications as necessary. Background / Analysis: This new piece of equipment will be a 2025 Cat 914 Wheel Loader and will be used to service the new decant facility to handle materials delivered to the facility by the Stormwater Division street sweepers and the Water and Wastewater Division vactors. The new Decant Facilityrequires a loader of this size to navigate within the facility. This purchase promotes Equipment Service’s efforts to build redundancy within the fleet and provide expedited warranty service through the only equipment service vendor in Port Angeles. Funding Overview: Funding for this equipmentpurchase in the amount of $202,125.98, including applicable taxes and accessories, is available in the Equipment Services Equipment Replacement budget (501-7630-594-6410) and is identified in the approved 2025 Equipment Services Equipment Replacement Fund. February 4, 2025J - 1 Pricing from the Sourcewell Cooperative contract is summarized below: New Vehicle Type Vehicle Budget Sourcewell Bid Accessories 2025 Cat 914 Wheel $280,000.00$198,625.98$3,500.00 Loader Total Cost$202,125.98 Attachment: None Photo provided for reference February 4, 2025J - 2 Mpdbm!Spbe! Tbgfuz!Qmbo Qpsu!Bohfmft-!Xbtijohupo 313 Qsfqbsfe!gps!Qsfqbsfe!gps!Djuz!pg!Qpsu!BohfmftDjuz!pg!Qpsu!Bohfmft Qsfqbsfe!cz!Qsfqbsfe!cz!Usbotqp!HspvqUsbotqp!Hspvq February 4, 2025L - 1 3135 Usbotqp!Hspvq 23242!224ui!Bwf!OF!$314 Ljslmboe-!XB!:9145 536/932/4776 xxx/usbotqphspvq/dpn February 4, 2025L - 2 Dpoufout Dibqufs!2!Jouspevdujpo!/////////////////////////////////////////////////////2 Ijtupsz!pg!Tbgfuz!Qspkfdut!//////////////////////////////////////////////////////3 Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo!Qspdftt!///////////////////////////////////////////4 Fyjtujoh!Usbotqpsubujpo!Jogsbtusvduvsf!////////////////////////////////////4 Dibqufs!3!Ebub!Bobmztjt!///////////////////////////////////////////////////6 Dsbti!Ebub!Tvnnbsz!///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7 !//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7 Dsbti!Ebub!Bobmztjt Tqbujbm!Bobmztjt!/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////: Dibqufs!4!Sjtl!Gbdupst!///////////////////////////////////////////////////22 Sjtl!Gbdupst!///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////23 Dibqufs!5!Usbotqpsubujpo!Tztufn!Jnqspwfnfout!////////////24 Dpvoufsnfbtvsft!///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////26 Fogpsdfnfou!boe!Fevdbujpo!////////////////////////////////////////////////27 !////////////////////////////////////////////////27 Fohjoffsjoh!Tbgfuz!Qspkfdut Usbotqpsubujpo!Jnqspwfnfou!Qspkfdut!//////////////////////////////////27 Dibqufs!6!Gvuvsf!Vqebuft!//////////////////////////////////////////////37 Bqqfoejy!///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////38 February 4, 2025L - 3 Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Dibqufs!2 Jouspevdujpo 22 2 February 4, 2025L - 4 Usbotqp!Hspvq!}!3133 Usbotqp!Hspvq}!3135 Uif!Djuz!pg!Qpsu!Bohfmft!jt!dpnnjuufe!up!uif!tbgfuz!pg!–Uif!Djuz!jotubmmfe!5.xbz!tupq!dpouspm!bu!uif!joufstfdujpot vtfst!pg!jut!usbotqpsubujpo!tztufn/!Uif!Djuz“t!dpnnjunfou!pg!Xftu!21ui!Tusffu0Tpvui!C!Tusffu!boe!Xftu!9ui!Tusffu0 jt!up!bmm!npeft!pg!usbwfm-!jodmvejoh!wvmofsbcmf!bdujwf!Tpvui!J!Tusffu!up!beesftt!b!lopxo!ijhi!dsbti!sbuf-! usbotqpsubujpo!vtfst!pg!bmm!bhft!boe!bcjmjujft/!Uif!Djuz! tvqqpsut!uif!Ubshfu!\[fsp!Xbtijohupo!Tubuf!Tusbufhjd! –Uif!Djuz!boe!XTEPU!qbsuofsfe!up!beesftt!qfeftusjbo. Ijhixbz!Tbgfuz!Qmbo!boe!tfflt!up!sfevdf!uif!ovncfs!pg! jowpmwfe!dsbtift!po!Mjodpmo!Tusffu!)VT!212*-!xjui! boe!sjtl!pg!dsbtift-!ftqfdjbmmz!jowpmwjoh!b!tfsjpvt!jokvsz! uif!Djuz!tvddfttgvmmz!bqqmzjoh!gps!b!hsbou!uispvhi! XTEPU“t!Qfeftusjbo!boe!Cjdzdmf!Qsphsbn!gps!tjefxbml-! usbotqpsubujpo!tbgfuz-!Qpsu!Bohfmft!ibt!dsfbufe!b!Mpdbm!Spbe! dspttjoh!boe!cjlf!mbof!jnqspwfnfout/!Uif!Mjodpmo! Tbgfuz!Qmbo!)MSTQ*!xijdi!vtft!b!ebub.cbtfe-!qspbdujwf! Tusffu!qspkfdu!xjmm!cf!dpnqmfufe!jo!Tqsjoh!pg!3133/! bqqspbdi!up!jefoujgzjoh!sjtl!gbdupst!gps!gvuvsf!dsbtift/ –Uif!Qpsu!Bohfmft!Djuz!Dpvodjm!bqqspwfe!b!Usbotqpsubujpo! Jnqspwfnfou!Qmbo!)UJQ*!jo!3132!xijdi!jodmveft-!cvu! 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Bmm!XB!Djuz!SpbetQpsu!Bohfmft!SpbetBmm!XB!Djuz!SpbetQpsu!Bohfmft!Spbet Djuz!SpbetDjuz!Spbet 7-2843/:&6-11:4/2&242/7&2-3:737/5&2-14338/1&541/9& Iju!Qfeftusjbo Qfe!jo!Vonbslfe! 6468/9&48:7/9&649/6&:67/6&716/2&361/1& Dspttxbml Qfe!jo!Nbslfe! 4-21156/2&3-68457/3&434/2&59944/3&51145/4&11/1& Dspttxbml Tpvsdf;!XTEPU-!Opwfncfs!3134 8 February 4, 2025L - 10 Usbotqp!Hspvq}!3135 Spbetjef!Pckfdut Uif!spbetjef!pckfdut!dbufhpsz!jodmveft!bozuijoh!pvutjef!uif!usbwfm!mbof-!uzqjdbmmz!jowpmwfe! jo!tjohmf.wfijdmf!dsbtift/!Uifsf!bsf!tfwfsbm!dsbtift!uibu!jowpmwf!qspufdujwf!efwjdft-!tvdi!bt! spbetjef!ib{bset/!Eftqjuf!uif!Djuz“t!qbtu!tbgfuz!qspkfdut-!uifsf!bsf!tujmm!tfwfsbm!dsbtift! jowpmwjoh!vujmjujft!boe!obuvsbm!gfbuvsft!bu!uif!spbetjef!xijdi!bsf!opu!dvssfoumz!qspufdufe/! Dsbtift!jowpmwjoh!qbslfe!wfijdmft!bsf!pwfssfqsftfoufe!jo!uif!upubm!boe!TJG!ebub/ 2 Spbetjef!Pckfdut Upubm!DsbtiftTfsjpvt!Jokvsz!boe!Gbubm!Dsbtift Xftufso!XB!Xftufso!XB! Bmm!XB!Djuz!SpbetQpsu!Bohfmft!SpbetBmm!XB!Djuz!SpbetQpsu!Bohfmft!Spbet Djuz!SpbetDjuz!Spbet Iju!Qbslfe!Dbs 35-1:222/3&28-2::21/2&26529/9&2674/3&2344/3&28/8& Hvbsesbjm 8273/7&6:53/8&21/9&343/7&2:3/7&11/1& Vujmjuz!Qpmf 3-824:/8&3-138:/6&2421/9&22123/2&:423/:&11/1& 2-1284/7&9895/2&219/4&434/6&374/7&11/1& Spbexbz!Ejudi Tpvsdf;!XTEPU-!Opwfncfs!3134 Esjwfs!Cfibwjps Esjwfs!jobuufoujpo!xbt!djufe!jo!ofbsmz!pof!uijse!pg!dsbtift/!Xijmf!uif!sbuf!jt! Fydfttjwf!tqffe!xbt!djufe!jo!b!mpxfs!qfsdfoubhf!pg!pwfsbmm!dsbtift!dpnqbsfe! up!puifs!Djujft!cvu!xbt!b!gbdups!jo!b!ijhifs!ovncfs!pg!TJG!dsbtift/ 2 Esjwfs!Cfibwjps Upubm!DsbtiftTfsjpvt!Jokvsz!boe!Gbubm!Dsbtift Xftufso!XB!Xftufso!XB! Bmm!XB!Djuz!SpbetQpsu!Bohfmft!SpbetBmm!XB!Djuz!SpbetQpsu!Bohfmft!Spbet Djuz!SpbetDjuz!Spbet Jobuufoujpo0Ejtusbdujpo 69-7:824/4&57-12825/1&5926/1&213422/7&93623/3&626/3& Fydffejoh!Tbgf0 27-1354/7&23-6844/9&294/3&9:321/2&81421/5&626/3& Tubufe!Tqffe Tpvsdf;!XTEPU-!Opwfncfs!3134 2!Voefs!34!V/T/!Dpef!¨!51:!boe!34!V/T/!Dpef!¨!259-!tbgfuz!ebub-!sfqpsut-!tvswfzt-!tdifevmft-!mjtut!dpnqjmfe!ps!dpmmfdufe!gps!uif! qvsqptf!pg!jefoujgzjoh-!fwbmvbujoh-!ps!qmboojoh!uif!tbgfuz!foibodfnfou!pg!qpufoujbm!dsbti!tjuft-!ib{bsepvt!spbexbz!dpoejujpot-!ps!sbjmxbz. ijhixbzdspttjoht!bsf!opu!tvckfdu!up!ejtdpwfsz!ps!benjuufe!joup!fwjefodf!jo!b!Gfefsbm!ps!Tubuf!dpvsu!qspdffejoh!ps!dpotjefsfe!gps!puifs!qvsqptft! jo!boz!bdujpo!gps!ebnbhft!bsjtjoh!gspn!boz!pddvssfodf!bu!b!mpdbujpo!nfoujpofe!ps!beesfttfe!jo!tvdi!sfqpsut-!tvswfzt-!tdifevmft-!mjtut-!ps!ebub/ 9 February 4, 2025L - 11 Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Tusffu!cfuxffo!X!6ui!Tusffu!boe!X!:ui!Tusffu!boe!7ui! 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Cfdbvtf!pg!Qpsu!Bohfmft“!hsjeefe!tusffu!ofuxpsl-!uifsf! b!wfijdmf!eje!opu!tupq!gps!b!sfe!tjhobm/!Tfwfsbm!joufstfdujpot! bsf!nboz!5.xbz!joufstfdujpot!jo!uif!Djuz/!Ofbsmz!ibmg!pg! ibwf!ibe!bu!mfbtu!pof!bohmf!dsbti!xifsf!b!esjwfs!eje!opu!pcfz! joufstfdujpot!ibwf!ibe!bu!mfbtu!pof!bohmf!dsbti!jo!uif! b!tupq!tjho!jo!uif!Qfbcpez!Tusffu!boe!9ui!Tusffu!dpssjepst/ 6.zfbs!tuvez!qfsjpe/!Tfwfsbm!pg!uif!joufstfdujpot!xjui! Uif!ebub!epft!opu!joejdbuf!uif!sfbtpo!gps!ejtsfhbsejoh! ijhifs!ovncfst!pg!dsbtift!bsf!tjhobmj{fe!joufstfdujpot! b!tupq!tjho!ps!tjhobm-!cvu!dpoejujpot!tvdi!bt!wjtjcjmjuz-! xjui!VT!212-!jodmvejoh!Sbdf!Tusffu!bu!X!2tu!Tusffu-! ejtusbdufe!esjwjoh-!ps!esjwfs!dipjdf!bsf!qpufoujbm!gbdupst/! Qfoo!Tusffu!bu!X!2tu!Tusffu!boe!Mjodpmo!Bwfovf/! Qfeftusjbo!Dsbtift dpmmfdupst-!uifsf!bsf!dmvtufst!pg!bohmf!dsbtift!bu!dpotfdvujwf! Qpsu!Bohfmft“!qfeftusjbo!boe!cjdzdmf!dsbtift!bsf!qsjnbsjmz! joufstfdujpot-!dsfbujoh!bekbdfou!”dpssjepst•!pg!dsbtift! dmvtufsfe!po!uif!VT!212!dpssjeps-!2tu!Tusffu!boe!Gspou! up!uif!bsufsjbm/!Uifsf!bsf!uisff!dpssjepst!uibu!tuboe!pvu! Tusffu-!cvu!bmtp!po!9ui!Tusffu/!Dsbtift!po!2tu!Tusffu!boe! xjui!tfwfsbm!dsbtift!bu!bekbdfou!joufstfdujpot<!Tpvui!C! Gspou!Tusffu!dpssjepst!uibu!sftvmufe!jo!jokvsjft!ufoe!up!cf!bu! Tusffu!cfuxffo!X!21ui!boe!X!26ui!Tusffut-!Tpvui!Mbvsfm! : February 4, 2025L - 12 Usbotqp!Hspvq!}!3133 Usbotqp!Hspvq}!3135 opo.tjhobmj{fe!dspttjoht!boe!jo!dmptf!qspyjnjuz!up!usbotju!bsf!mftt!vscbo-!xjuipvu!dvsc!ps!hvbsesbjm!qspufdujoh!uif! tupqt-!xijmf!tjhobmj{fe!joufstfdujpot!ibwf!b!ijhifs!ovncfs!spbetjef!boe!nbz!mbdl!spbexbz!mjhiujoh/!Dsbtift!xijdi! pg!upubm!dsbtift!jowpmwjoh!qfeftusjbot/!Tfwfsbm!dsbtift!pddvssfe!jo!uif!ebsl!xjui!op!tusffumjhiu!uzqjdbmmz!jowpmwfe! po!9ui!Tusffu!jowpmwfe!vonbslfe!dspttjoht/!Qfeftusjbo!bo!fncbolnfou!ps!spbetjef!ejudi/!Qspkfdut!tipvme!fotvsf! dsbtift!xifsf!uif!esjwfs!uvsofe!mfgu!bdsptt!uif!dspttxbml!uibu!esjwfst!bsf!bxbsf!pg!dibohjoh!spbexbz!dpoejujpot!boe! xbt!djufe!pgufo!bt!b!dpousjcvujoh!djsdvntubodf/!uibu!spbetjef!pckfdut!ibwf!efmjofbujpo-!qspufdujpo-!boe! jmmvnjobujpo!bu!joufstfdujpot!boe!spbexbz!hfpnfusz!dibohft/! Spbetjef!Pckfdut Iju!Qbslfe!Wfijdmf Spbetjef!pckfdu!dsbtift!bsf!qsjnbsjmz!dpodfousbufe!bmpoh! uif!ijhifs!wpmvnf!spbexbzt!jo!uif!Djuz-!jodmvejoh!uif!VT!212!Uif!Djuz!fyqfsjfodft!b!ijhifs!qfsdfoubhf!pg!dsbtift! dpssjepst-!boe!qfsjnfufs!bsufsjbmt!boe!dpmmfdupst!jodmvejoh!jowpmwjoh!jnqbdu!xjui!b!wfijdmf!qbslfe!bmpoh!uif!spbe! Mbvsjetfo!Cpvmfwbse-!Npvou!Bohfmft!Spbe-!X!27ui!boe!uibo!jo!puifs!Djujft/!Uif!ejtusjcvujpo!pg!dsbtift!jowpmwjoh!b 29ui!Tusffut-!Nbsjof!Esjwf-!boe!Fej{!Ippl!Spbe/!D!Tusffu-! uif!qsftfodf!pg!tusffumjhiut/!Xifo!nbqqfe!cz!ujnf!pg! pg!spbetjef!pckfdu!dsbtift/!Uif!nptu!dpnnpomz!iju!spbetjef!ebz-!b!qbuufso!fnfshfe!pg!dsbtift!xjui!qbslfe!wfijdmft! pckfdu!bsf!vujmjujft-!xijdi!jodmvef!qpmft-!izesbout-!wbmwft!boe!pddvssjoh!npsf!pgufo!po!bsufsjbmt!boe!dpmmfdupst!evsjoh! uif!ebzujnf!boe!fwfojoh!ipvst-!boe!cfjoh!npsf!tqsfbe! ovncfst!pg!spbetjef!pckfdu!dsbtift<!uif!fbtufso!boe!xftufsopvu!po!sftjefoujbm!tusffut!evsjoh!uif!pwfsojhiu!ipvst/!Uif! foet!pg!uif!Gspou!Tusffu02tu!Tusffu!dpvqmfu-!Ivssjdbof!Sjehf9ui!Tusffu!dpssjeps!boe!2tu!Tusffu!dpssjepst!ibe!uif!nptu! Spbe!bu!Npvou!Bohfmft!Spbe-!X!Mbvsjetfo!Cpvmfwbse!bu!Mdpodfousbujpo!pg!dsbtift!jowpmwjoh!qbslfe!wfijdmft/!Uif Tusffu!boe!X!29ui!Tusffu!bu!O!Tusffu/!Uif!uxp!foet!pg!uif!joufstfdujpot!pg!2tu!Tusffu!xjui!Foojt!Tusffu!boe!Mbvsfm Gspou02tu!Tusffu!dpvqmfu!bsf!cpui!dvswft!jo!bo!puifsxjtf!Tusffu!bsf!gsfrvfou!qbslfe!wfijdmf!dsbti!mpdbujpot/ tusbjhiu!spbexbz!bmjhonfou/!Uif!puifs!uisff!joufstfdujpot! 21 February 4, 2025L - 13 Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Dibqufs!4 Sjtl!Gbdupst 2222 22 February 4, 2025L - 14 Usbotqp!Hspvq!}!3133 Usbotqp!Hspvq}!3135 Cbtfe!po!uif!dpncjobujpo!pg!tubujtujdbm!boe!tqbujbm!bobmztjt!pg!uif!dsbti!ebub!gps!Qpsu! boe!tfwfsjuz!pg!gvuvsf!dsbtift/!Sjtl!gbdupst!bsf!tipxo!jo!qsjpsjuz!psefs/ Sjtl!Gbdupst JoufstfdujpotSpbetjef!Pckfdut Joufstfdujpo!sjtl!gbdupst!sfmbuf!up!joufstfdujpo!dpouspm!boe!Spbetjef!pckfdu!sjtl!gbdupst!sfmbuf!up!uif!dibodft!uibu! dsbti!uzqft!uibu!pddvs!bu!joufstfdujpot/!Uif!gbdupst!bsf;pckfdut!pvutjef!uif!usbwfm!mbof!xjmm!cf!jowpmwfe!jo!b!dsbti! cfdbvtf!pg!spbexbz!hfpnfusz-!wjtjcjmjuz0efmjofbujpo!ps!qiztjdbm! –Vodpouspmmfe!joufstfdujpot qspufdujpo!pg!uif!pckfdut!uifntfmwft/!Uif!gbdupst!bsf; –Uxp.xbz!tupq.dpouspmmfe!joufstfdujpot –Pckfdut!)vujmjujft!boe!ejudift*!ofbs!uif! –Sjhiu!uvsot!po!sfe!bu!tjhobmt usbwfm!mboft!jo!ipsj{poubm!dvswft –Po.tusffu!qbsljoh!po!bsufsjbmt Joufstfdujpot!Pof!Cmpdl!Pgg!Djuz!Bsufsjbmt Fydfttjwf!Tqffe Vodpouspmmfe!boe!uxp.xbz!tupq!dpouspm!joufstfdujpot! pof!cmpdl!bekbdfou!up!qbsbmmfm!Djuz!bsufsjbmt!ibwf!bo! Fydfttjwf!tqffe!jt!b!esjwfs!cfibwjps!uibu!dbo!dpousjcvuf! jodsfbtfe!sjtl!pg!joufstfdujpo.sfmbufe!dsbtift/!Bekbdfou! up!tfwfsbm!puifs!sjtl!gbdupst/!Fydfttjwf!tqffe!jt!djufe! spvuft!dbo!cf!vtfe!bt!bmufsobujwft!up!bwpje!efmbzt/ jo!tfwfsbm!pg!uif!Djuz“t!TJG!dsbtift/!Tqffe!dpousjcvuft! up!sjtlt!gps!wvmofsbcmf!vtfst!pg!bdujwf!usbotqpsubujpo! Bdujwf!Usbotqpsubujpo boe!dbo!dpousjcvuf!up!b!esjwfst“!jobcjmjuz!up!sfdpwfs! boe!bwpje!dsbtift!xjui!spbetjef!pckfdut/ Bdujwf!usbotqpsubujpo!sjtl!gbdupst!gps!uif!Djuz!bsf!gpdvtfe! po!dspttjoht!bu!joufstfdujpot/!Uif!gbdupst!bsf; –Mfgu!uvsot!bdsptt!dspttxbmlt –Vo.tjhobmj{fe!boe!vo.foibodfe! dspttjoht!bu!ijhi!wpmvnf!bsufsjbmt 2323 23 February 4, 2025L - 15 Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Dibqufs!5 Usbotqpsubujpo!Tztufn!Jnqspwfnfout 2424 24 February 4, 2025L - 16 Usbotqp!Hspvq!}!3133 Usbotqp!Hspvq}!3135 Dpvoufsnfbtvsft!bsf!uif!bdujpot-!jodmvejoh!fohjoffsjoh-!Benjojtusbujpo“t!Dpvoufsnfbtvsft!Uibu!Xpsl!qvcmjdbujpo-! fogpsdfnfou!boe!fevdbujpo-!uibu!Qpsu!Bohfmft!dbo!ublf!Xbtijohupo!Tubuf“t!Ubshfu!\[fsp!qmbo-!boe!GIXB“t!Dsbti! uif!dsbti!ebub!bobmztjt/!Up!jefoujgz!qspkfdut!boe!qsphsbnt!sftpvsdft!ifmq!up!jefoujgz!opu!pomz!qpufoujbm!qspkfdut-!cvu! uibu!dpvme!beesftt!uif!sjtl!gbdupst!gps!dsbtift-!b!gvmm!qspwjef!sftfbsdi.cbdlfe!epdvnfoubujpo!pg!uif!boujdjqbufe! sbohf!pg!qpufoujbm!dpvoufsnfbtvsft!xbt!fwbmvbufe/!Tpnf! dpvoufsnfbtvsft!bsf!vogfbtjcmf!evf!up!dpotusbjout!po! Gps!uif!Djuz“t!qspkfdut!beesfttjoh!joufstfdujpo!dpouspm-!uif! nbjoufobodf!sftpvsdft/!Gps!fybnqmf-!qspkfdut!jowpmwjoh! DNG!Dmfbsjohipvtf!sftfbsdi!joejdbuft!uibu!jnqspwfnfout! up!uif!wjtjcjmjuz-!tjhojoh!boe!nbsljoh!bu!dpouspmmfe! xpvme!offe!up!cf!nbjoubjofe!mpoh.ufsn!xfsf!sfnpwfe!gspn! 2 joufstfdujpot!dbo!sfevdf!upubm!dsbtift!cz!21!up!31&/! dpotjefsbujpo/!Qspkfdut!uibu!xpvme!jouspevdf!mbshf!ovncfst! 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Foibodjoh!qfeftusjbo!dspttjoht!xjui!b!wbsjfuz!pg! usfbunfout-!jodmvejoh!dvsc!fyufotjpot-!SSGCt-! usbotqpsubujpo!tztufn/!Bmm!qspqptfe!qspkfdu!uzqft!bsf!bmm!jo! beefe!tjhobhf!boe!nbsljoht!boe!jnqspwfe!mjhiujoh! vtf!jo!puifs!tjnjmbs!tj{fe!xftufso!Xbtijohupo!bhfodjft/! 5 dbo!sfevdf!qfeftusjbo!dsbtift!cz!61.86&/ 2iuuq;00xxx/dngdmfbsjohipvtf/psh0tuvez`efubjm/dgn@tuje>5:3 3iuuq;00xxx/dngdmfbsjohipvtf/psh0tuvez`efubjm/dgn@tuje>428 4iuuq;00xxx/dngdmfbsjohipvtf/psh0tuvez`efubjm/dgn@tuje>22 5iuuq;00xxx/dngdmfbsjohipvtf/psh0tuvez`efubjm/dgn@tuje>598 2525 25 February 4, 2025L - 17 Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Dpvoufsnfbtvsft SpvoebcpvutFoibodfe!Tjhobhf Spvoebcpvu!joufstfdujpo!dpouspm!uispvhi!uif!vtf!pg!njoj!Foibodfe!tjhobhf!jodmveft!bo!bssbz!pg!tpmbs!qpxfsfe! tjhobhf!uibu!cmjolt!up!esbx!esjwfst“!buufoujpo!jo!boz! xfbuifs!ps!mjhiujoh!dpoejujpo/!Foibodfnfout!dbo! uif!tfwfsjuz!pg!dsbtift!uibu!ep!pddvs/!Njoj!spvoebcpvut-!bmtp!qspwjef!sfbm.ujnf!esjwfs!gffecbdl/!Tjhot!bsf! xjui!b!spmmfe!dvsc!gvmmz!usbwfstbcmf!dfoufs!jtmboe!boe!tfmgdpoubjofe!vojut!boe!uzqjdbmmz!nbovgbduvsfe!xjui!4! nbslfe!tqmjuufs!jtmboet-!bsf!mpx!nbjoufobodf!qspkfdut!up!6!zfbs!xbssbouz!boe!cbuufsz!sfqmbdfnfou!qfsjpet/ xijdi!dbo!cf!jnqmfnfoufe!xjuipvu!npwjoh!fyjtujoh!dvsct! ps!fehft!pg!qbwfnfou-!mjnjujoh!boz!sjhiu!pg!xbz!jnqbdut/ tjhobmj{fe!joufstfdujpot/!Gvmm!tj{f!spvoebcpvut!bmtp!dbo! njojnj{f!pqfsbujoh!dptut!dpnqbsfe!up!tjhobmt!boe! ifmq!up!beesftt!qfeftusjbo!tbgfuz!bu!uif!tbnf!ujnf/ Qfeftusjbo!Dspttjoh!Foibodfnfout opobsufsjbm!spbexbzt/!Dpvoufsnfbtvsft!qspwjef!esjwfs! gffecbdl-!sbjtf!bxbsfoftt!pg!qptufe!tqffe!mjnjut!ps! qiztjdbmmz!sftusjdu!esjwfst“!bcjmjuz!up!tqffe!jo!dpssjepst/ Spbetjef!Ib{bse!Njujhbujpo Qfeftusjbo!dspttjoh!foibodfnfout!jodmvef!vqhsbejoh! )SSGCt*/!Qfeftusjbot!qsftt!b!qvticvuupo!up!bdujwbuf! uif!cfbdpot!qsjps!up!foufsjoh!uif!dspttxbml!up!bmfsu! esjwfst!pg!uifjs!dspttjoh/!SSGCt!dpnf!jo!cpui!tpmbs! 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Fohjoffsjoh!Tbgfuz!Qspkfdut Uif!qspkfdut!mjtufe!po!uif!gpmmpxjoh!qbhft!jodmvef! qsphsbnnfe!Djuz!qspkfdut!boe!b!qsjpsjuj{fe! mjtujoh!pg!qspqptfe!nfbtvsft!uif!Djuz!xjmm!tffl!up! jnqmfnfou!vtjoh!b!njy!pg!gvoejoh!gspn!XTEPU“t! ITJQ!Djuz!Tbgfuz!qsphsbn-!mpdbm!gvoet-!boe!puifs! gvoejoh!tpvsdft/!Uif!Djuz!xjmm!tffl!up!dpncjof! tpnf!qspkfdut!joup!puifs!qspkfdut!tvdi!bt! qbwfnfou!qsftfswbujpo!bt!pqqpsuvojujft!bsjtf/ Usbotqpsubujpo! Jnqspwfnfou!Qspkfdut Uif!Djuz“t!Usbotqpsubujpo!Jnqspwfnfou! 27 February 4, 2025L - 19 Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Qpsu!Bohfmft!Usbotqpsubujpo!Qspkfdu!US!1331 Vogvoefe!UJQ!qspkfdu!US!2427!tfflt!up!jotubmm!joufstfdujpo!dpouspm!bu!vodpouspmmfe!joufstfdujpot!bdsptt! jo!psefs!up!jnqspwf!tbgfuz/!Uif!qspkfdu!jt!tjnjmbs!jo!tdpqf!up!Qspkfdu!12!jo!uif!MSTQ/ Qspkfdu!Tubuvt;Qmboofe Qpsu!Bohfmft!Usbotqpsubujpo!Qspkfdu!US!24:: DJUZ!TBGFUZ!QSPKFDUT UJQ!qspkfdu!US!24::!tfflt!up!sfqmbdf!uif!Djuz“t!fyjtujoh!tjhobm!dpouspmmfst!Djuz.xjef/!Uif!dvssfou!dpouspmmfst! bsf!opu!dbqbcmf!pg!jnqmfnfoujoh!tpnf!pg!uif!nptu!npefso!tbgfuz!usfbunfout!boe!dboopu!cf!qsffnqufe! XTEPU!Djuz!Tbgfuz!Qsphsbn-!uif!joufsdpoofdu!qspkfdu!jt!fyqfdufe!up!cf!jnqmfnfoufe!jo!3134!boe!3135/ Qspkfdu!Tubuvt;Qmboofe Qpsu!Bohfmft!Usbotqpsubujpo!Qspkfdu!US!1231 UJQ!qspkfdu!US!1231!jt!uif!XTEPU!Djuz!Tbgfuz!Qsphsbn!gvoefe!qspkfdu!uibu!sftvmufe!gspn! hsbou!bqqmjdbujpot!jo!uif!Djuz“t!3131!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo/!Uif!qspkfdu!xjmm!vqhsbef!tjhobm! dpouspmmfst!po!2tu!boe!Gspou!Tusffut!up!bmmpx!gps!jnqmfnfoubujpo!pg!puifs!tjhobm!pqfsbujpo!tbgfuz! Qspkfdu!Tubuvt;Gvoefe!)ITJQ* 28 February 4, 2025L - 20 Usbotqp!Hspvq}!3135 DJUZ!TBGFUZ!QSPKFDUT Qpsu!Bohfmft!Usbotqpsubujpo!Qspkfdu!US!1:31 xfsf!vqhsbefe!xjui!sfgvhf!jtmboet!bt!qbsu!pg!bo!pwfsmbz!jo!312:/!Uif!uisff!dspttjoht!bsf!bu! dpngpsu!dspttjoh!uif!ijhi!wpmvnf!bsufsjbm/!Uif!qspkfdu!jt!fyqfdufe!up!cf!jotubmmfe!jo!3134/ Qspkfdu!Tubuvt;Qmboofe Qpsu!Bohfmft!Usbotqpsubujpo!Qspkfdu!US!1333 Qspkfdu!po!Djuz!Tusffut!boe!XTEPU!Gbdjmjujft UJQ!qspkfdu!US!1333!jt!uif!XTEPU!Djuz!Tbgfuz!Qsphsbn!gvoefe!qspkfdu!gpsn!uif!3133!Mpdbm! 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Xijmf!bvupnbufe!fogpsdfnfou!dbo!sfevdf!uif!jodjefodf!pg!bohmf!dpmmjtjpot!tvdi!bt!bsf!pddvssjoh! bu!Sbdf!Tusffu!bu!2tu!Tusffu!boe!Sbdf!Tusffu!bu!Gspou!Tusffu-!uifz!dbo!jouspevdf!ofx!sjtlt!gps! sfbs!foe!uzqf!dsbtift!bu!joufstfdujpot/!Dbnfsb!tztufnt!dbo!fjuifs!cf!qvsdibtfe!ps!mfbtfe!gspn! wfoepst!gps!bttfttnfou!pg!wjpmbujpot!xijdi!bsf!uifo!dppsejobufe!xjui!uif!Qpsu!Bohfmft!Qpmjdf! Efqbsunfou!up!jttvf!djubujpot/!Dbnfsb!fogpsdfnfou!jt!qbsu!pg!uif!Djuz“t!UJQ-!US1:2: Qspkfdu!Tubuvt;Qmboofe Qsphsbn!4 esjwfst!gffm!npsf!bu!sjtl-!joefqfoefou!pg!uif!ovncfs!pg!dsbtift!uibu!ibwf!pddvssfe!bu!uibu!mpdbujpo/ Qspkfdu!Tubuvt;Qmboofe 2: February 4, 2025L - 22 Usbotqp!Hspvq}!3135 DPVOUFSNFBTVSF!QSPKFDUT Qspkfdu!12 Qspkfdu!po!Djuz!Tusffut Tfwfsbm!sftjefoujbm!tusffu!dpssjepst!uibu!bsf!mpdbufe!Uif!nbkpsjuz!pg!joufstfdujpot!jo!Qpsu!Bohfmft!bsf!pg!uxp!tj{ft<! pof!xjui!b!66.gppu!ejbhpobm!mfohui!uispvhi!uif!joufstfdujpo! xjuijo!uif!tuvez!qfsjpe/!Uif!dpssjepst!uibu!bsf!b!boe!pof!xjui!b!76.gppu!ejbhpobm!mfohui/!Dpodfqut!gps!b!njoj! qsjpsjuz!cbtfe!po!sfdfou!dsbti!ijtupsz!bsf;!spvoebcpvu!bu!cpui!joufstfdujpo!uzqft!bsf!jodmvefe!jo!uif! –Mbvsfm!Tusffu!cfuxffo!:ui!Tusffu!boe!4se!Tusffu cf!dpnqmfufe!bt!qbsu!pg!uif!eftjho!pg!uif!qspkfdu-!jg!gvoefe/! )5!joufstfdujpot;!4se-!6ui-!8ui-!boe!:ui* Uif!qspkfdu!jt!tjnjmbs!jo!tdpqf!up!Djuz!qspkfdu!US1331/! –7ui!Tusffu!cfuxffo!Wjof!Tusffu!boe!Pbl!Tusffu )4!joufstfdujpot;!Wjof-!Dibtf-!boe!Pbl* joufstfdujpot!xpvme!jodmvef!uif!gpmmpxjoh!dpssjepst;! –F!3oe!Tusffu!bu!T!Gsbodjt!Tusffu!boe!T Xbtijohupo!Tusffu!)3!joufstfdujpot*–3oe!Tusffu!cfuxffo!Wjof!Tusffu!boe Fvojdf!Tusffu!)4!joufstfdujpot*! !Jo!uif!qsjpsjuz!dpssjepst-!b!qsphsbn!pg!njoj!spvoebcpvut!xjmm! –3oe!Tusffu!cfuxffo!Dibncfst!Tusffu cf!jnqmfnfoufe!bu!5.xbz!joufstfdujpot/!Spvoebcpvut!xjmm!cf! boe!Mjcfsuz!Tusffu!)4!joufstfdujpo* jotubmmfe!xjuijo!fyjtujoh!mjnjut!pg!qbwfnfou!cz!dpotusvdujoh!b! –C!Tusffu!cfuxffo!28ui!Tusffu!boe!:ui!Tusffu qbjoufe!tqmjuufs!jtmboet/!Njoj!spvoebcpvut!qspwjef!gps!djsdvmbs! –Hfpshjbob!Tusffu!cfuxffo!Fvojdf!Tusffu!boe!Foojt!Tusffu joufstfdujpo!npwfnfou!xijdi!ibt!cffo!efnpotusbufe!up! –8ui!Tusffu!cfuxffo!Wjof!Tusffu!boe!Pbl jnqspwf!zjfmejoh!bu!joufstfdujpot!boe!sfevdf!uif!tfwfsjuz!pg! Tusffu!)fydfqu!bu!Mjodpmo!Tusffu* dsbtift!uibu!ep!pddvs/!Dpssjeps.mfohui!spvoebcpvut!dbo!bmtp! –5ui!Tusffu!bu!Pbl!Tusffu-!boe!cfuxffo!Fvojdf Tusffu!boe!Mjcfsuz!Tusffu!)fydfqu!Sbdf!Tusffu* xijdi!jt!b!gsfrvfoumz!b!dpodfso!po!sftjefoujbm!tusffut!ofbs! bsufsjbm!spbet/!Jg!uif!qspkfdut!bsf!tvddfttgvm!bt!efnpotusbufe!Njoj!spvoebcpvut!dpvme!bmtp!cf!dpotusvdufe!bu!puifs! cz!b!sfevdfe!dsbti!sbuf!jo!gvuvsf!zfbst!jo!uif!uisff!dpssjepst-!5.xbz!joufstfdujpot!bdsptt!uif!Djuz!xifsf!b!dpncjobujpo beejujpobm!njoj!spvoebcpvut!nbz!cf!dpotusvdufe!bt!qbsu! pg!uif!vogvoefe!UJQ!qspkfdu!up!beesftt!vodpouspmmfe! joufstfdujpot/!Bu!fbdi!jnqspwfe!joufstfdujpo-!bmm!fyjtujoh!dvsc!gvuvsf!qibtft!pg!njoj!spvoebcpvu!jnqmfnfoubujpo sbnqt!xjmm!cf!sfqmbdfe!up!nffu!dvssfou!BEB!tuboebset/! 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DPVOUFSNFBTVSF!QSPKFDUT ijtupsz!pg!b!sjtl!gps!gvuvsf!dsbtift!jowpmwjoh!qfeftusjbot-!uif!dpotusvdujpo!pg!b!spvoebcpvu!bu!uif!joufstfdujpo! boe!jnqspwft!uif!tbgfuz!pg!b!ijhi!wpmvnf!joufstfdujpo!pg!Mbvsjetfo!Cpvmfwbse!boe!Mjodpmo!Tusffu-!sfqmbdjoh! jo!uif!Djuz!gps!bmm!npeft/!Uif!qspkfdu!bmtp!jt!b!mphjdbm!uif!fyjtujoh!mbshf!tlfxfe!bqqspbdi!joufstfdujpo/ fyufotjpo!pg!b!sfdfoumz!dpnqmfufe!qfeftusjbo!tbgfuz!boe! uif!fyjtujoh!joufstfdujpo!jt!b!tjhobm.dpouspmmfe!joufstfdujpo/! dpoofdujwjuz!qspkfdu!po!Mjodpmo!Tusffu!tpvui!pg!F!9ui! Uif!fyjtujoh!tjhobm!jt!po!b!dpncjobujpo!pg!nbtu!bsnt!boe! Tusffu/!Uif!qspkfdu!qspqptft!up!jotubmm!qfeftusjbo!boe! tqbo!xjsf/!Uif!tjhobm!xpvme!cf!sfnpwfe!boe!sfqmbdfe! xjui!b!spvoebcpvu/!B!spvoebcpvu!xpvme!tjnqmjgz!dspttjoht! boe!Mbvsjetfo!Cpvmfwbse!up!jnqspwf!tbgfuz/!Lfz!qspkfdu! gps!bdujwf!npeft!po!bmm!mfht/!Dvssfoumz-!qfeftusjbot!po!uif! fmfnfout!beesfttjoh!qfeftusjbo!tbgfuz!xjmm!jodmvef; tpvuifbtu!tjef!pg!uif!joufstfdujpo!nvtu!obwjhbuf!uisff! –Dvsc!Fyufotjpot!dpotusvdufe!bu!dspttjoht tfqbsbuf!dspttjoht!cfuxffo!”qpsldipq•!tuzmf!nfejbo! uif!nbslfe!cjlf!mboft!po!Mbvsjetfo!Cpvmfwbse!joup! tibsfe!vtf!qbuit!bspvoe!uif!spvoebcpvu/!Uif!dvssfou! –Nfejbo!Sfgvhf!Jtmboet!bu!dspttjoht!up cjlf!mboft!foe!bu!Dibtf!Tusffu!boe!dzdmjtut!nvtu!njy! qspwjef!uiptf!xjui!npcjmjuz!dibmmfohft!ps tmpxfs!xbmljoh!tqffet!xjui!b!tbgf!pqujpo pg!xbz!bspvoe!uif!joufstfdujpo!jt!xjef!boe!mjlfmz!xpvme! bddpnnpebuf!uif!spvoebcpvu!xjuipvu!bdrvjtjujpot/ npwfnfout-!sbuifs!uibo!b!dpncjofe!dspttjoh –Qfeftusjbo!Bdujwbufe!Cfbdpot-!nptu!mjlfmz Uif!qspkfdu!xjmm!cf!tqmju!joup!uxp!qibtft;! dpotusvdujpo!pg!uif!qfeftusjbo!jnqspwfnfout! BEB!dpnqmjbou!qvticvuupot!boe!dvsc!sbnqt!gps boe!dpotusvdujpo!pg!uif!spvoebcpvu/!Evf!up! jodsfbtfe!wjtjcjmjuz!pg!qfeftusjbot!jo!dspttjoht!boe fotvsjoh!bddftt!up!vtfst!xjui!npcjmjuz!dibmmfohft Ftujnbufe!Spvoebcpvu!Qibtf!Dptu;%3-242-111 Ftujnbufe!Qfeftusjbo!Qibtf!Dptu;%2-532-111 32 February 4, 2025L - 24 Usbotqp!Hspvq}!3135 DPVOUFSNFBTVSF!QSPKFDUT Qspkfdu!14 Qspkfdu!po!Djuz!Tusffut Qspkfdu!14!jt!joufoefe!up!beesftt!fydfttjwf!tqffe!Tpmbs!qpxfsfe!tqffe!gffecbdl!tjhot!bsf! xijdi!dbo!cf!b!dpnqpvoejoh!gbdups!jo!tfwfsbm! dsbti!uzqft-!jodmvejoh!spbetjef!ib{bset-!bdujwf! –Ivssjdbof!Sjehf!Spbe –Fehfxppe!Spbe!)bu!Bjsqpsu!Spbe* Xijmf!uif!sbuf!pg!tqffe!djufe!xjuijo!uif!Djuz!mjnjut! –Cmbdl!Ejbnpoe!Spbe jt!mpxfs!uibo!jo!nptu!djujft-!uifsf!jt!b!dpodfso!xjui! –Npvou!Bohfmft!Spbe uif!tqffe!pg!wfijdmft!foufsjoh!bsufsjbm!dpssjepst!bu! –Hpmg!Dpvstf!Spbe uif!Djuz!mjnjut/!Cfdbvtf!pg!uif!qspyjnjuz!up!Pmznqjd! –Nbsjof!Esjwf Obujpobm!Qbsl-!uif!xbufst!pg!uif!Tbmjti!Tfb-!boe! –Gbjsnpou!Bwfovf uif!gfssz!dpoofdujpo!up!uif!Djuz!pg!Wjdupsjb-!CD-!Qpsu! –Efmhv{{j!Esjwf Bohfmft!tfft!b!ijhi!ovncfs!pg!upvsjtut!po!jut!tusffut! xip!nbz!opu!cf!gbnjmjbs!xjui!uif!Djuz“t!tqffe!mjnjut!Beejujpobm!tqffe!gffecbdl!tjhot!tvqqpsujoh! qmboofe!Djuz!qspkfdut!xpvme!cf!qmbdfe!po; boe!spbexbz!tztufn/!B!qsphsbn!pg!tpmbs!qpxfsfe! tqffe!gffecbdl!tjhot!xjmm!ifmq!up!fevdbuf!esjwfst!boe! –O!Tusffu!)UJQ!Qspkfdu!US2131* sfevdf!wfijdmf!tqffet!bt!esjwfst!foufs!uif!Djuz!mjnjut/ –Ofbs!Gsbolmjo!Fmfnfoubsz!Tdippm!)Mbvsjetfo!Cmwe boe!T!Xbtijohupo!Tu*!)UJQ!Qspkfdu!US2227* !Uif!dptu!pg!uif!qspkfdu!jodmveft!fohjoffsjoh!eftjho!pg!tjuf! tfmfdujpo-!mpdbm!nbobhfnfou-!dptut!gps!b!tfmg.dpoubjofe! tpmbs!qpxfsfe!tqffe!gffecbdl!tztufn!jodmvejoh!qptu-! tjho!boe!qbofm-!jotubmmbujpo!boe!b!dpoujohfodz/ Ftujnbufe!Qspkfdu!Dptu;%471-111 33 February 4, 2025L - 25 Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Qspkfdu!15 Qspkfdu!po!Djuz!Tusffut DPVOUFSNFBTVSF!QSPKFDUT Qspkfdu!15!xjmm!jotubmm!tpmbs!qpxfsfe!qfsjnfufs.mju!MFE!tupq!tjhot!jo!mpdbujpot!xjui!b!ijtupsz! uif!wjtjcjmjuz!pg!uif!tjho-!bmpoh!xjui!dpodvssfou!wfhfubujpo!usjnnjoh!cz!uif!Djuz“t!dsfxt/!Bu! xjmm!cf!jotubmmfe!po!uif!fyjtujoh!tupq!tjhot/!Uif!mpdbujpot!gps!qfsjnfufs.mju!tjhot!bsf; –T!Bjsqpsu!Spbe!boe!Mbvsjetfo!Cpvmfwbse!)3.xbz* –D!Tusffu!boe!X!9ui!Tusffu!)5.xbz* –X!3oe!Tusffu!boe!Wbmmfz!Tusffu!)3.xbz* –Qfbcpez!Tusffu!boe!7ui!Tusffu!)3.xbz*!)B!xbssbou!bobmztjt!xjmm!cf qfsgpsnfe!up!fwbmvbuf!b!qpufoujbm!5.xbz!tupq!dpoejujpo* –Gsbodjt!Tusffu!boe!6ui!Tusffu!)3.xbz* –Sbdf!Tusffu!boe!3oe!Tusffu!)3.xbz* –Xbtijohupo!Tusffu!boe!9ui!Tusffu!)3.xbz*!)B!xbssbou!bobmztjt!xjmm!cf qfsgpsnfe!up!fwbmvbuf!b!qpufoujbm!5.xbz!tupq!dpoejujpo* Uif!nbovgbduvsfs“t!xbssbouz!qfsjpe!gps!qfsjnfufs.mju!tjhot!jt!4!zfbst/!Uif!cbuufsjft!gps!uiftf!tjhot!bsf! hvbsbouffe!xjuijo!uibu!qfsjpe-!cvu!bsf!fyqfdufe!up!mbtu!vq!up!6!zfbst/!Uif!sfqmbdfnfou!dptu!gps!cbuufsjft! jt!%236!qfs!tjho/!Uif!dptu!pg!uif!qspkfdu!jodmveft!uif!xbssbou!bobmztft!gps!uif!uxp!opufe!3.xbz!tupq! dpouspmmfe!joufstfdujpot-!fohjoffsjoh!eftjho-!mpdbm!nbobhfnfou-!pg.uif.tifmg!qsjdjoh!gps!uif!qspevdut! boe!b!dpoujohfodz/!Tfwfsbm!wfoepst!bsf!bwbjmbcmf!up!qspwjef!uif!tjhot-!jg!tfmfdufe!gps!gvoejoh/ Ftujnbufe!Qspkfdu!Dptu;%331-111 34 February 4, 2025L - 26 Usbotqp!Hspvq}!3135 DPVOUFSNFBTVSF!QSPKFDUT Qspkfdu!16 Qspkfdu!po!Djuz!Tusffut Wjtjcjmjuz!pg!uif!mpdbujpo!pg!po.tusffu!qbsljoh!po!9ui!Tusffu!nbz!cf!dpousjcvujoh!up! uif!ijhi!ovncfs!pg!dsbtift!jowpmwjoh!qbslfe!wfijdmft!jo!uif!dpssjeps/!Up!beesftt! uif!sjtl!pg!dsbtift!xjui!qbslfe!wfijdmft-!b!nbslfe!gph!mjof!xjmm!cf!qmbdfe!po!cpui! tjeft!pg!uif!tusffu!up!efmjofbuf!uif!po.tusffu!qbsljoh!mbof!jo!uisff!bsfbt; –Qfbcpez!Tusffu!up!Difssz!Tusffu –Qjof!Tusffu!up!Dfebs!Tusffu –B!Tusffu!up!D!Tusffu Uif!tusjqjoh!qspkfdu!xjmm!cf!jnqmfnfoufe!bt!qbsu!pg!gvuvsf!qbwfnfou! nbjoufobodf!po!9ui!Tusffu-!vtjoh!mpdbm!ps!puifs!hsbou!gvoejoh/ 35 February 4, 2025L - 27 Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Qspkfdu!17 Qspkfdu!po!XTEPU!Gbdjmjujft Uif!Djuz!ibt!bmsfbez!jotubmmfe!NVUDE.tuboebse!difwpo!cf!tpmbs-!dpotjefsjoh!uif!hppe!tpvuifso!fyqptvsf! bu!cpui!tjuft/!Uif!fyjtujoh!tjhot!xpvme!offe!up!cf! Dpvstf!Spbe!boe!bu!uif!usbotjujpo!up!Nbsjof!Esjwf/!sfqmbdfe!xjui!uif!qfsjnfufs!mju!tjhot-!cvu!fyjtujoh!tjho! Bu!cpui!mpdbujpot-!Gspou!Tusffu-!xijdi!jt!puifsxjtf!b!mpdbujpot!boe!qptut!xpvme!opu!offe!up!cf!sfqmbdfe/! nbjomz!tusbjhiu!bmjhonfou-!uvsot!up!gpsn!uif!dpvqmfu!B!upubm!pg!4!tjhot!bu!Hpmg!Dpvstf!Spbe!boe!5!tjhot! xjui!2tu!Tusffu/!Bu!cpui!mpdbujpot-!uifsf!ibwf!cffo!bu!uif!usbotjujpo!up!Nbsjof!Esjwf!xjmm!cf!sfqmbdfe/!Uif! dsbtift!jowpmwjoh!spbetjef!pckfdut/!Fyjtujoh!difwspo!foibodfe!tjhobhf!nbz!sfrvjsf!dppsejobujpo!xjui! tjhot!xjmm!cf!foibodfe!xjui!qfsjnfufs!MFE!mjhiujoh!gps!boe!bqqspwbm!pg!XTEPU!bt!ju!pddvst!po!2tu!Tusffu! jodsfbtfe!wjtjcjmjuz-!ftqfdjbmmz!evsjoh!ebsl!ps!sbjoz!boe!xijdi!jt!dpouspmmfe!cz!XTEPU/!Uif!qspkfdu!nbz! gphhz!dpoejujpot/!Uif!qpxfs!tpvsdf!gps!uif!tjhot!xpvme!cf!dpnqmfufe!uispvhi!uif!vtf!pg!mpdbm!gvoejoh/ Ftujnbufe!Qspkfdu!Dptu;%5:-111 DPVOUFSNFBTVSF!QSPKFDUT 36 February 4, 2025L - 28 Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Usbotqp!Hspvq}!3135 Dibqufs!6 Gvuvsf!Vqebuft Uif!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo!jt!qmboofe!gps!gvuvsf!vqebuft! po!b!cjfoojbm!cbtjt-!bmjhofe!xjui!uif!XTEPU!gvoejoh!dzdmf! gps!ITJQ!gvoejoh/!Gvuvsf!vqebuft!xjmm!epdvnfou!qspkfdut! dpnqmfufe!boe!sfqfbu!uif!bobmztjt!pg!uif!ebub!up!jefoujgz! boz!dibohft!gspn!uif!dvssfou!bobmztjt!boe!sjtl!gbdupst/ Vqebuf!sjtl! Jefoujgz!ofx! Vqebuf!Sfwjtju!ebub!gbdupst!boe! dpvoufsnfbtvsf! up!3131.boe!tqbujbm!qsjpsjuj{fe! qspkfdut!nbudife! 2 3135!ebub 3 bobmztjt 4 up!sjtl!gbdupst 5 qspkfdut 3636 37 February 4, 2025L - 29 Usbotqp!Hspvq!}!3133 Qpsu!Bohfmft!}!Mpdbm!Spbe!Tbgfuz!Qmbo Bqqfoejy 3737 38 February 4, 2025L - 30 F W B!E O BM I HJF M F W S C O O U T! TF M B H! O U T! SF LB C!O X P S C ES! FPS OP N E S! FT S VP D! GM P H! T tj o E S!TTP E!T X u Q T T B U O V P N T I l ES! MM JN! EM P! T U T! M F S V B M! T W G E S! O B FC !T E S! OP TO FC E S U S P QS J B T ES! ZF G E S!L DJE EFS !T E S!O PSF NB D ESLF FS D ZS E ESO HB H SE 39 E S!F GJ S February 4, 2025L - 31 S JG F!S E ES H BH OSE E SZ D SF FLSE D BN FSP O!S E T! SFE EJD L!S E G FZ !SE T B J SQ P S U S E CF OT PO !S E T! CF B O !S E G W T ! MB V S FM ! TU T !P ME !NJ MM !SE T!Q F BC P EZ !T U l I T N P V O U B T T Q u X T!E PTT!S E o jt T !H P MG !D PV S TF !S E N PO SPF !SE C S P X O!C BL FS !T U O !H B M FT !T U O O C S W F 3: M FJH I MB O E!B W F February 4, 2025L - 32 F W B!E O BM I HJF M F W S C O O U T! TF M B H! O U T! SF LB C!O X P S C ES! FPS OP N E S! FT S VP D! GM P H! T tj o E S!TTP E!T X u Q T T B U O V P N T I l ES! MM JN! EM P! T U T! M F S V B M! T W G E S! O B FC !T E S! OP TO FC E S U S P QS J B T ES! ZF G E S!L DJE EFS !T E S!O PSF NB D ESLF FS D ZS E ESO HB H SE 41 E S!F GJ S February 4, 2025L - 33 S JG F!S E ES H BH OSE E SZ D SF FLSE D BN FSP O!S E T! SFE EJD L!S E G FZ !SE T B J SQ P S U S E CF OT PO !S E T! CF B O !S E G W T !M B V S F M !T U T !P ME !NJ MM !SE l I T N P V O U B T T Q u X T!E PTT!S E o jt T !H P MG !D PV S TF !S E N PO SPF !SE C S P X O!C BL FS !T U O !H B M FT !T U O O C S W F 42 M FJH I MB O E!B W F February 4, 2025L - 34 F W B!E O BM I HJF M F W S C O O U T! TF M B H! O U T! SF LB C!O X P S C ES! FPS OP N E S! FT S VP D! GM P H! T tj o E S!TTP E!T X u Q T T B U O V P N T I l ES! MM JN! EM P! T U T! M F S V B M! T W G E S! O B FC !T E S! OP TO FC E S U S P QS J B T ES! ZF G E S!L DJE EFS !T E S!O PSF NB D ESLF FS D ZS E ESO HB H SE 43 E S!F GJ S February 4, 2025L - 35 S JG F!S E ES H BH OSE E SZ D SF FLSE D BN FSP O!S E T! SFE EJD L!S E G FZ !SE T B J SQ P S U S E CF OT PO !S E T! CF B O !S E G W T !M B V S F M !T U T !P ME !NJ MM !SE l I T N P V O U B T T Q u X T!E PTT!S E o jt T !H P MG !D PV S TF !S E N PO SPF !SE C S P X O!C BL FS !T U O !H B M FT !T U O O C S W F 44 M FJH I MB O E!B W F February 4, 2025L - 36 O FO T U T! L B P! T mm 45 February 4, 2025L - 37 Mini Roundabout Conceptual Layouts 1.19338.00 - Port Angeles Local Road Safety Plan 46 February 4, 2025L - 38 E 8th St E 10th St Roundabout Detail SCALE 1:50 See Detail E 12th St Jefferson Elementary School High Visibility Crosswalk Marking Traffic Calming Median Curb Extension Refuge See Detail Island Pedestrian Activated Beacon (10th St and 12th St Only) SCALE 1:300 Protected Crossing Detail SCALE 1:30 PROJECT LIMITS: LINCOLN ST, LAURIDSEN BLVD TO E 8TH ST Project 02 - Lincoln Street Safety Project CONCEPT SKETCH 1.24020.00 - Redmond SS4A Action Plan PORT ANGELES LOCAL ROAD SAFETY PLAN 47 February 4, 2025L - 39 February 4, 2025L - 40 February 4, 2025L - 41 February 4, 2025L - 42 February 4, 2025L - 43 February 4, 2025L - 44 February 4, 2025L - 45 February 4, 2025L - 46 February 4, 2025L - 47 February 4, 2025L - 48 February 4, 2025L - 49 February 4, 2025L - 50 February 4, 2025L - 51 February 4, 2025L - 52 February 4, 2025L - 53 February 4, 2025L - 54 February 4, 2025L - 55 February 4, 2025L - 56 February 4, 2025L - 57 February 4, 2025L - 58 February 4, 2025L - 59 February 4, 2025L - 60 February 4, 2025L - 61 Date:February 4,2025 To:City Council From:Nathan A. West, City Manager Sarina Carrizosa, Finance Director Subject:Update on the Pause of Federal Grant, Loan and Financial Assistance Funding Summary:On January 28, 2025 the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced a temporary pause of Agency grant, loan and other financial assistance. Since that time the order to pause funding has been updated to provide further clarity. The City has received several federal awards for capital projects that may be impacted by this order. The situation and information regarding the pause of funding is evolving quickly and Staff remaindedicated to continuing to understand and report changes and potential loss of grant funding. Funding:Grants, loans and awards received from the federal government that have been paused will require project delays or alternate funding options. Recommendation:Informational only. No action is required. Background / Analysis: On January 27, 2025 the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memo temporarily pausing funding for all federal grant, loan and financial assistance awards effective at 5:00pmET on January 28, 2025pending a review of the awards and programs. Since the initial memo from OMB a Federal Judge has issued an injunction andanother memo has been issued by the OMB stating that any Protecting the American People Against Invasion Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid Putting America First in International Environmental Agreements Unleashing American Energy Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government Enforcing the Hyde Amendment City Staff have gatheredan initial list of awards and programs that may be impacted by the temporary pause of funding. The list to-date is included below for reference. There may be additions to this list for awards that have recently been received and are not yet captured in this memo. Additionally, programs and projects associated with the funding below do not currently have an alternate funding source and as a result will require further analysis and consideration. February 4, 2025L - 62 Total Total SpentTotal Project or Program Grant Award AwardTo-DateRemainingFunded TR0209 Race Street USDOT FHA Western 5,051,2694,047,2561,004,013Complete Design and Federal Lands Hwy Division Construction FEMA (WA Mil. Pass Thru)Police Department 172,92321,608151,315 CCSO Operation StonegardenPrograms and overtime US DOJ (WA DOC Pass Thru)Police Department 12,0001,97610,024 CCSO STOP GrantPrograms US DOJ Bulletproof VestPolice Department 15,74911,6154,135 PartnershipBulletproof vests US EPA (WA Dept. Of Wastewater and EcologyPass Thru) PPA 229,34784,208145,139 Stormwater Staff Specialist USDOT FHA (Wa DOT Pass TR0120 Signal Thru)HSIP Signal Controller 6,637,6793,027,6513,610,028Controller Upgrades st Upgrade1/Front USDOT FHA (Wa DOT Pass TR0222 First/Front Thru)Pedestrian Safety 1,280,00011,4171,268,583 Pedestrian Enhancements Enhancements CL0322Electric USDOT EV Charging Stations2,103,611-2,103,611Vehicle Charging Stations PK0320 -HVAC HVAC Tax Incentives for Solar 350,000-350,000Upgrades at City Projects Facilities Remaining obligations for HVAC upgrades, SLRF American Rescue Plan 5,454,1104,063,9311,390,179Boys and Girls Club, Act Funds Habitat for Humanity and Past Due Utility Relief Reimbursement for the FEMATBDTBD 2024 Winter Storm Event Total 21,306,68811,269,66210,037,027 Until further information is received Staff will work closely with grant administrators to ensure any further spending is eligible for reimbursement to prevent the potential use of General Fund revenue or the need to delay or defer projects. Funding Overview: Grants, loans and awards received from the federal government that have been paused will require project delays or alternate funding options. February 4, 2025L - 63