HomeMy WebLinkAbout11062024 CC Agenda SummaryNovember 6, 2024 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
City of Port Angeles Council Meeting Agenda Summary
This meeting was conducted as a hybrid meeting.
The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve
the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The Mayor will determine time of break. Hearing devices are available
for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following:
A. Call to Order – Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
B. Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
Ceremonial Matters, Proclamations & Employee Recognitions
1. Veteran’s Day Proclamation – the proclamation was not read and the matter was moved to the November 19, 2024 meeting.
C. Public Comment
Public comment was received.
D. Late Items
The Mayor moved 2025 Legislative Priorities to the November 19, 2024 meeting.
E. Consent Agenda | Approved 6-0
1. City Council Minutes of September 17, October 3, October 15, and October 22, 2024 / Approve ................................. E-1
2. Expenditure Report: From October 5, 2024 and October 25, 2024 in the amount of $5,847,314.42 / Approve ............. E-16
3. Material Purchase - Diamond Dust / 1) Authorize the City Manager to approve Change Order #1 with Specialty Mining &
Infield Mix in an amount not to exceed $7,313.72 including taxes, and 2) allow the City Manager to make minor
modifications, if necessary............................................................................................................................................... E-60
4. Material Purchase: Electrical Pad-Mounted Switch / 1) Award a contract with WESCO Distribution, Inc. of Portland, OR for
the purchase of a single PME-9 switch cabinet in the amount of $51,098.06, including applicable tax, and 2) authorize the
City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the contract, and to make minor modifications as
necessary. ........................................................................................................................................................................ E-63
5. Interagency Agreement Between the Washington Traffic Safety Commission and the City of Port Angeles / Authorize the
City Manager to sign the Interagency Agreement with the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission and make minor
modifications as necessary. ............................................................................................................................................. E-64
6. Memorandum of Understanding Between REAL Program and the City of Port Angeles / Authorize the City Manager to sign
the Memorandum of Understanding with Salish Behavioral Health and make minor modifications as necessary. ....... E-81
7. CON-2024-04 Marine Drive Pavement - Final Acceptance / 1) Accept the Marine Drive Pavement Project No. CON 2024-04
as complete, and 2) authorize staff to proceed with project closeout, and release the retainage bond upon receipt of all
required clearances. ........................................................................................................................................................ E-86
8. MEC-2O24-30 Wastewater Treatment Plant Screening Wash & Press Parts – Purchase / 1) Approve and award a purchase
contract with Huber Technology, Inc., of Denver, NC, for the purchase of Wastewater Treatment Plant screening wash and
press parts in the amount of $32,255.28 and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to
administer the contract and to make minor modifications as necessary. ....................................................................... E-89
9. Equipment Purchase – Equipment Services Mobile Column Lift System / 1) Approve the purchase of a new set of four
Equipment Services Division mobile column vehicle lifts from ARI-HETRA of Phoenix, AZ for an amount not to exceed
November 6, 2024 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2
$64,485.35, including tax and accessories, and 2) authorize the City Manager to approve and execute the final purchase
documents, to complete the purchase, and to make minor modifications as necessary. ...................................................... E-90
10. 2024 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Budget Amendment Recommendation / 1) Adopt the Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee’s recommendation for the 2024 Lodging Tax Fund budget amendment in the amount of $10,415.28, and 2)
request the Finance Director include this item in the next formal budget amendment to the 2024 Budget. ................... E-92
11. CON-2024-02 Electrical Conduit Boring - Final Acceptance / 1) Accept the Electrical Conduit Boring Project No. CON
2024-02 as complete, and 2) authorize staff to proceed with project closeout, and release the retainage funds upon receipt of
all required clearances. ................................................................................................................................................... E-122
12. PSA-2024-45 16th Street Low-Impact Development Retrofit, Project TR0715 / 1) Award a Professional Services Agreement
to Parametrix, Inc. for the PSA-2024-45, 16th St. Low-Impact Development Retrofit Project in the not to exceed amount of
$86,825.96, including applicable taxes, and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to
administer the contract, and to make minor modifications as necessary. ....................................................................... E-123
13. PSA-2019-38 Structural Engineering Services - Amendment No. 04 / 1) Approve Amendment No. 04 to the Structural
Engineering Professional Services Agreement with Sargent Engineering in the amount of $60,335 with a new not to exceed
amount of $297,465 and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the contract
and to make minor modifications as necessary. .............................................................................................................. E-145
14. MEC-2O24-27 Reservoir Instrumentation Chlorine Analyzer – Award / 1) Award a contract to TMG Services Inc. in the not
to exceed amount of $27,900.18, including taxes, to purchase three Depolox 400M chlorine analyzers including startup,
calibration, and training, and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all contract-related documents, to administer the
contract, and to make minor modifications as necessary. ............................................................................................... E-154
15. ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA J-1 Amendment No. 2 to Services Agreement SVC-2022-46 / 1) Approve Amendment
No. 2 to the Tenelco Inc. contract SVC-2022-46 increasing the total contract value by $210,000 to a new not to exceed
amount of $740,000, extend the contract through December 31, 2025, and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all
contract related documents, to administer the contract, and to make minor modifications as necessary. .................... J-1
16. ADDED TO CONSENT AGENDA J-2 IT Software Licensing Annual Adjustment and Three-Year Agreement / 1) Approve
the purchase of additional Microsoft server core and physical machine licenses from SHI in an amount not to exceed
$91,985.30 including taxes; 2) approve the 2025 annual licensing costs not to exceed $248,823.05 including taxes; and 3)
authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract and other documents needed to complete these purchases and implement
the three-year Microsoft Enterprise Agreement on the terms and conditions offered through the Washington state Department
of Enterprise Services, and to make minor modifications, as necessary. ........................................................................ J-7
F. Public Hearings | 6:30 p.m. or Soon Thereafter
To provide public testimony, follow the instructions for general public comment sections. Public hearing testimony should be shared
during the Public Hearing portion of the meeting, rather than the general public comment sections.
1. Ordinance Levying 2024 Property Tax for Collection in 2025 / 1) Opened the Public Hearing; 2) continued the Public
Hearing on the Property Tax Ordinance to the November 19th meeting; 3) conducted the First Reading of the Ordinance
levying property tax for collection in 2025; and 4) continued this item to the November 19th meeting. ........................ F-1
2. Implementing a General Business License by Amending Title 5 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and revising the City’s
Master Fee Schedule / 1) Opened the Public Hearing; 2) closed the Public Hearing; 3) conducted the first reading of the
ordinance; the Council waived the second reading and adopted the ordinance as amended. Ordinance # 3737 .......... F-5
G. Ordinances Not Requiring Council Public Hearings ....................................................................................... None
H. Resolutions Not Requiring Council Public Hearings ....................................................................................... None
I. Other Considerations
1. 2025 Legislative Priorities / Discuss State legislative priorities for 2025 / Moved to November 19 ............................ I-1
2. City Owned Property Plan / Direct staff to proceed with the City owned property plan as presented / Approved 6-0 ... I-7
November 6, 2024 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 3
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. City Council may set a public hearing in order to
receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens. City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the
public hearing process.
J. Contracts & Purchasing
1. MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA - Amendment No. 2 to Services Agreement SVC-2022-46 .................................. J-1
2. MOVED TO CONSENT AGENDA - IT Software Licensing Annual Adjustment and Three-Year Agreement ........... J-7
K. Council Reports
L. Information
City Manager Reports:
M. Second Public Comment
Public comment was received.
Adjournment – 8:24 p.m.