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218 S Laurel St - Building
.s ......r...", L CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION .12\ EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 98J62 ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO 6779 ISSUED: 10/19/1999 OWNER/APPLICANT BEN SKERBECK 218 S. LAUREL Port Angeles, WA 98362 360/452-3808 T: S: ARCHITECT N/A CONTRACTOR EVERGREEN ELECTRIC 402 JAMESTOWN RD. SEQUIM, WA 98382 360/683-4193 PROPERTY LOCATION . b7 ;;2/? 5..? ~ Lot: 19,20 Block: 53 [;gJ Long Legal Subdivision: TPA Parcel No: , 98360-0000 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Type: TEMPORARY SVC. Occupancy Type: Occupancy Group: ElIectrical Heat: o Baseboard o Furnace o Heat Pump [;gJ Fan Wall $0.00 Project Value: Construction Type: Zoning Use: CO OKW OKW OKW o KW [;gJ Riser [;gJ [;gJ Overhead Service [;gJ Temp Service Underground Service Voltage: 120,240 Phase: [;gJ 1 [;gJ 3 Service Size: 100 Feeder Size: 0 PROJECT NOTES , FEES ASSESSMENT Service: Additional Feeders: Circuit Wiring: Temp Service: Misc Fee: TOTAL FEE: AMOUi'JT PAID: BALANCE DUE COMMJ::NTS/ACTION NEEDED $42.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $42.50 $42.50 $0.00 ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS VES I NO -iN I \.-VV~K , /- "C1\. V 1 ~C 1/t17/ /(1/ /'J' 1'.INAI I I GENERAL COMMENTS: PW-J 102.1 5 14'961 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW Project Name. Peninsula Dental Clinic Address. 218 South Laurel St. Plan #99 -22 -11152 Com R -1 Date: September 30, 1999 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances with the following exceptions 1 Add 1997 Uniform Fire Code to the referenced codes under general notes. 2 Provide occupancy classification information on the plans. The Fire Department determined the occupancy classification as `B 3 Please ensure there are outside address numbers plainly visible from the road. Address numbers shall be a minimum of six inches in height and contrast with their background. 4 If utilized, a dumpster shall not be located within five feet of combustible walls or roof eve lines. 5 Provide 2A -10BC fire extinguishers as indicated on the plans. The fire extinguishers shall be mounted no higher than five feet and be plainly visible at all times. It is recommended that wall mounted extinguisher cabinets are used. NOTE Prior to the Occupancy Permit being issued, comphance to the above conditions met. Reviewed by it Date q 13019 ,a Building Department File Copy FP 22 Page 1 of 1 By l Building Department Fire Copy FP -22A PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT ADDITIONAL COMMENTS from UBC Project Name. Peninsula Dental Clinic Address 218 South Laurel Street Plan #99 -22 -11152 Com R -1 Date: September 30, 1999 We have checked this plan and find the following areas which need review by the Building Department. 1 All exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. Key locking hardware may be used on the main entrance door if there is signage adjacent to the door which states, "THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS 2. Door 13, adjacent to corridor #4, obstructs the required egress passage Doors when fully opened, shall not obstruct the required width of the egress passage by more than seven inches or shall not reduce the required width by more than one -half in any position. 3 The occupant load for the employee break room on the second floor is greater than ten by dividing the floor area of the employee break room by the occupant load factor assigned to the use for the area as set forth in Table 10 -A. As the employee break room on the second floor has an occupant load greater than ten, two "approved" exits would be required. Even if the break room is considered an accessory use based on the exception to Section 1003. of the Umform Building Code, the accessory area must be provided with adequate exits as though the accessory area was occupied. Date q 30 /4-9 Page 1 of 1 Date To From. Subject. Building Permit Number Property Owner Site Address. 218slaur.pcl Zoning Use po TANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U S A P L A N N I N G D E P A R T M E N T September 29, 1999 Lie da Childers, Building Permit Coordinator 7 d Sawyer, Senior Planner Planning Department Review of Building Permit Application The application referenced above is a Category 2 permit and is not subject to the City's Consolidated Development Permit Process (PAMC 18 02, aka 1724) With regard to submittal requirements for Planning Department review, the above referenced application is COMPLETE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ISSUING A BUILDING PERMIT The following Zoning Code requirements have been reviewed and approved as noted Development Standards. Setbacks (front) (rear) (side) Lot Coverage Height Parking Special Conditions. 11152 Dr K. Ben Skerbeck 218 S. Laurel Street CO ok ok ok ok ok ok ok The proposed eight spaces will limit the dental clinic to one dentist. The applicant shall submit a landscaping detail sheet with the type, size, and spacing of proposed landscaping materials prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy This application is approved with regard to Planning Department review Although this application may be approved. If you have any questions, please give me (ext. 4752) or Sue (ext. 4750) a call. C O 14 9 1 fr. GiNiti. et i60 Ea..- was rogton 96382 t Str '1 tj 2-56 6 0 c7*; a r 4-'''• S' i el.t.4 1 -4 5'4. trtT ,tkl .,:t.,;`,' A a 4 4 i -1,.., .tt4 kr: '.!=::0 -.7.. 1 q IrN(5■':- ,j;:. .”5----.s.-4—' -..--'---7-'.-_, 4.b vti 141 k t 'ts 4. 1 1,44J A 1k23. -2s11 ,3 1 _50E4 f 5 t..)(0-7-v4 NAtr? VIAi 111 cosg.. ss6a -a Yr' --•,-.4404-)-Vv-Vt.1 -17 1 k.)I clop 2- S 2h 2 74 2/ es 1 17t ti tr 1 74 g 0 q adi II SS 0'0 go` \A4424.. env -a-a/5 c zw ($5)15 z 'It sw6 4S 555 7 7 1 t. ■4••N,:.({Oft /1, "5 41; 1.1 14 t t A A A 1.1 0.0 101 000 to NW X X m, m m m. m m M -1 -1 10, 1 4 1 UI mz fa L. ss LA11 4- coo ,t C2-0(4A IC 100 27, p. c- c Lr5 37$7 44- 4411" 251 2, 4 tz C. I 11C 7 ze. 5 i 4: 1- 2 Z 1 3 1 z c) 3 zsc) (1‘) 5 ti(e)3t) 644-9 It It— 1 t901)41- 7 4,,00 Yv. y- 11— (A5(2 .'14;.- 60) RA octo- ixet 'IS 31 V i i, c 'V:1 ,,..R. ..--,Wk A teLti :-V.1% 1 4-i a'--: ---.L' A; t i, i'44.44 `4...4 4 t4 4 k i... or A •Fi, .r 1 AI; 4. i,- kk, i s 44. ,-tr ,F4,., ;,¢Z. -Ate 'i'i 4 1..... 4 ,,,f,- it 4,..,..s,...... V) V) In I- I- iv w ui tu'au w 0 0 4 9 1 00 0 in 0 0 CI et et et CI el CI CI CI CAI 123 23 2 )3 1 01 (Ace _Os clos At P,wts j 71 t to" t11:00 r "fa 4 ;71 7 12.6,52c2 r- 1 ViAciteizAA 14A. c.) 1 97 Ct7L-) Pcf in fl fl 1 w W W 41 14 111 X X X 1/1 1/1 000 VI 0 0 CI et et et et CI CI el •4 C4 CI r t. LcAtkir;c5 942z3r( 5 Q L LL orc L. t 611_61,, ,e de.. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 160 East Bell Street P 0 Box 2356 Sequim, Washington 98382 'EXPIRES JAN 15. 2001! W(1 `SC 1.■_. ht\ PA_ 1 t-3 1?,.Cs■ Vf ?if 1 t, )c—.7 c c 01 La r -ty LZ i.) 5� 4 AO 446 ,s-intoevi --e'vr6)41-r) r1/417° -go) ,T2-10,44J 5 7 )-0 I c 0) 1 74 tit C 54-71U- c,ScYtJY 1 Qc W W W W W W VI tAN coo •f00 N N gt a_v NNCI N N N w f� 64-? -e-34 Gz dol?Ixiz- S A 7 r S )C 47 43 CgLR, 5U ?ton-' 4? T1 S v n, 5' 3 4 L 4- 13 (6,e- z 333(.. I 14 e3) 30c.. (.1) 9. a 2 1440-1- z. r 60 3C� f l z 7 ,4420 3 55% IP -5 3 07,_ 4/1 .r 1 us uu n N 0 0 r N ;aa VNr 1\z-Nt 1 (o 4'rj3C t( CL` ti Q 4'x ,1 1 M i 1 1 i 29 2 WO -5-72 7,115 Go. 7 s k 0346- --13 '!ice 1 i g( t1401) s CZ� �lsl Acv- W 9 vw tkpivc c)? 4‘' 1 3 1-C1 l 2ZC2 Vs L7 k9( ik-Prz,$ CNN egr 1,0Prt-t-- 0 o-a..._ -Fa,(A-- 311 1 A- 3 c4e---Q 0 rt 333 swr uill 4%2 _,Ze/ t ti" r-Lf, (1. 4 sit-1-• tvolo I I 2.)c 11 3 1- ro g 61,r td1. H*9 v 003'5 14. 0 1/4- "Iv-R 00trt rd -6 PcolL a- 333 -}7' 444- A 73 L I 1 (Viz d-4- X 'f /3 x /?R 3972 ck Il /g VT '36D z t94' 1 3 l3O l- 123' 0 R. 2 Z2t pcL. Ge7 a'. *pm W 6& 4°)c /4 1 IZ z 4`)C Z- /7-32 t_r *If 6* i 1 A -----4- A Ak? J 4.574- '31 it, 10 (k t c)oz, tlipa iit,tec a. —902- U3- 1 1 1 110oF 4VC s AtL VA:st& tAAV-44 A 7,f; Guis 1 1 E 1.1 co 13 n 60 0 4j Ig 4Vp; IZi4 PL N rJ 1 vitx Is 'e 1.\ STRAYT -roge QaTi9L. A•r •c ,2. rr__.Jt_4'!. O_ r la 1 Pt I. i RA-0 61 r /4'"i /2 I7L (V .5" goxsrs EL eV Ar5 Top br -Toe 4 -r 'tj yt x 3 12 x lee TS #7 mt P r 13 cis Ft). kerii r il irrrn 2 z" watt* 60(.- 10 ikmtJ euorwo :vat pm) perrt/L 4 1L-vt z z 5* 4 ;.7r /2x 3. vz y4 4TizAer 1 KA-1 11)&4 z r2ffit wee?' itc7c...as s41 PLT& zAc. 1 psti 6 ri7,t) I II 1. 7 L 4441.44 t. I tot..1 pi 4 41 L 2 OcpR4&i t26 J. Fl l a d° 4 0 L LY k 1■1 r• e .5 ce 4-1.5 1 gg_ 1'L WALL A 8E14413 1 .?-c 172 t l N /il W i Z 1 ek, Vz— n vl -1,13S (AC) 4,394- z 47.7 is 1 /5 s c) 6 L- 0 IL i 67- 1 0 i ceo k -r 9 CL` C. C C.tto u.� co 1 1 Q 31 -3 2 z 2 T-- 177fo fsk 1 i 2- _ZS r 1 5<-) 1 r ids a,teu" i 1 a cerb Aoseelr deoll 5 si t Cn ,...,,,ftepatri 1 Wt "2..9) (1 11- 5)(.11 1 S1L�- 104 r 6zn7 N�LS 1� ,Q lam' 5frf &4,, 4533 �.J r C0.4 0 2 7--()) '4' t It-7( 14) 0 2 3Zy 11b- w( u,) yc.12 t t✓ t Zy C Z 12 ,oL5 i e 2-1C-Da t007 7c 5 k-S2-1Q u4 Nikt \1'z- 71;)(...4-(/-r 12.-74.4.) luck Z y 71 t 14-1 i t gr. 6102. la us tat sa.t p0 0 cm a vve r r r N NQ et Q s ¢s. rez,‘,3 '3 (2- —1-0 co_ 34c.- Q l© w l �2N ti o C 231 �h( ag b Date To From. Subject: Building Permit Number Property Owner Site Address 829befro.pc1 Reauired 0 ORT GELES W A S H I N G T O N U S A PLANNING DEPARTMENT May 14, 1999 Linda Childers, Building Permit Coordinator vid Sawyer, Senior Planner Planning Department Review of Building Permit Application 11152 K. Ben Skerbeck s ree 2- 1 S p c,c The application referenced above is a Category 2 permit and is not to be processed in accordance with the City's Consolidated Development Permit Process (PAMC 18 02, aka 1724) With regard to submittal requirements for Planning Department review, the above referenced application 1S"1NCOMPEETE. In order for this application to be processed, the following checked items must be submitted to the Planning Department before our review can continue Item Completed Applicant Project Review Sheet If you have any questions, please give me a call at extensi Site Plan accurately dimensioned showing all property lines, environmentally sensitive areas, setbacks, existing and proposed structures, parking areas per the City's Parking Lot Design Handout and landscaping Landscaping and parking information may be submitted on separate sheets. Other. 1 Landscaping plan shall include a minimum 3' wide landscaped area along the north property line, a minimum 5' wide landscaped area and a 3' to 6' high vision obscu ence along the west property line, and 2. Building elevations inclicati colors, aterials, and height. MEMO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Jack Piths Director [4801] Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant [4800] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802] Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803] Jim Harper Electrical Engineer [4702] Lou Haehnlen Building Official [4816] Tom Sperline Sr Electrical Inspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equipment Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager [4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor [4873] Dave Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor [4825] W A S H I N G T O N U S A DATE TO FROM. RE 1 2 1404 E. 3rd Garage required Clarence of 3.5 feet between overhead electncal service and roof must be maintained. Electrical permit required. 3 4 719 S. Race New store /gas station, electric load information required for calculation of cost to upgrade the transformer Electric permit required. 4'k.) S 6 a7 M fwao -f: S t Y 5 221 Fogarty addition, electric permit and electric load information required. Will electrical service to be converted to underground? 6 7 ORTANGELES May 12, 999 Building Dept., Linda Childers Light Dept., Gail McLain Building Application Review Meeting 924 Bryson Garage electrical permit required. 1030 W 7th Garage Electrical permit required. 1104 W 8th sunroof; electric permit and electric load information required. 2603 S. Francis, Housing Authority add second story; electric permit and electric load information required, transformer will be upgraded. 8 218 S. Laurel Dental clinic, electric permit and electnc load information required, service to be u/g from alley Pi 2� q a 1 U� B hc.K.FL o W >.1atJ J.1 vA �►E T' N.aQs.� t.�.cre' 1 9 938 W 14th new residence with garage /living area, electric permit and electric load information required to determine cost of transformer upgrade. Separate metering required for each building with living space 10 1240 W 15th garage electric permit and electric load information required 11 2114 W 8th addition. Existing electrical service is u/g. Electric permit and electric load information required. 02 -25 -1999 01 34PM FROM February 24, 1999 TO 4711 P 02 BUILDING APPLICATION REVIEW MEETING 1 A site plan for a 780 sq /ft foundation prior to a house move for Rick Hock to be located at 1720 West 7th Street. A residential fire sprinkler system installed per NFPA 13D Standards will be required ($500 rebate is available through the City) or an outside alarm bell will need to be electronically connected to the residence s smoke detectors. The outside bell will need to be red in color and identified as "fire alarm." 2. A new 2,000 sq /ft sfr with a 624 sq /ft garage for Art Stennes to be located at 1325 E. Lauridsen Blvd. The Fire Department has reviewed the pre application and has no requirements. TOTAL P 02 AGENDA BUILDING APPLICATION REVIEW MEETING DATE. SEPTEMBER 29, 1998 LOCATION PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM ITEMS TO BE REVIEWED 1 REVIEW A NEW 2,504 SQ/FT DENTAL CLINIC FOR BEN SKERBECK TO LOCATED AT 218 S. LAUREL. trn■• v e. 5 f'UeL j -L 1 n QY QJ.S t4£Z.0 A tr 1 v a w s t o "grie t r z -79- -14 to mo Etc co a 17 C)e9, s t D�t.u�4r_ C_D the Y' ‘e.ec -S 4-0 b e. r .moved h se_ et; o n- t o s-['A .LJ, w 0_14./A.m. R 1 p 1)J* T 12- MW er e. t S l I en t S o- s I is 1"'t' oL YA e t? h o uc k -40 V\ A4heLt@_ da vnA_h d. C o w e-,.k- r e st✓e A- t4Fd.•.l..a..0/ lPreA-retet-Inne C 1.- e1CLvs`�v' ta.-I) Gel Vg All4A1 po tool tST u C W o h v VWS t t w 0 TRENIA LINDA GAIL DAN DENNIS DAVE GARY KEN BILL KEVIN 2,cv.7 L O T 64/ GE' 14.i•ZPV MEETING WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 10:30 C L.- N z 40/94) G'.zc. es 4 „c--x'- i 4 r a N1/. L DZPsc Applicant: Gibson Design Group Opener. Dr K Ben Skerbeck Is the proposed use listed as a "permitted use" or an `accessory use in this zone? Is this the only use (business, residence, etc.) on this site? Has there ever been a subdivision, shortplat, or PRD approved for this site, or has one been submitted and is pending approval? Does the proposed use require a new buisress license? Does the project extend into any requited setbacks or cross any lot lines (interior or exterior)? Does the pro'ed exceed the permitted height allowance or cause the property to exceed the allowed lot coverage is this zone? Does the project require any additional parking or special design/landscape improvements in this zone? Does the project eliminate any existing. parking spaces? Is the project located within 200' of the shoreline? Are there any environmentally sensitive areas on or within 200'. of the property, including: Wetlands or areas of water (Bear round or seasotiaf) streams (yes round or seasonal). areas with slope of 40% or greater, or areas that have evidence of past ground movement or erosion? Have all the required submittals been provided by the applicant/ Site Plan D Construction Drawings D 'Parking/Drainage Plan 0 Civil Drawings O Ewgy Calc 0 Supporting Engr_ Calc o landscape/Lighting Plan 0 Other "'Planning Department review is required, the processing dine may be extended. If it is determined a separate Pbnntng Depa. rrmntpermit(s) is needed, die Planning Department permits) nest be approved prior to the issuance of any otherpennit. The infannodort prodded aboi!r Istratir 'tht: gaiyhnowMge, I wdetytaedithat -1n dieeverniti alai this information i rdeterntined by the Labe incorrect, tlusiprJetrtsti 'ke Stopped until suck time the the:Clordeterminartlir ca i ed u formation is pr vided and any subsequently required revirmiandapitioWiliarir ieimpletedand granted: Ci y of Port Angeles Applicant Project Review Sheet Property address: _212 c l auxe j Proposed use: Dental Office Zoning: Co U yes: ok IN yes: ok o yes: requites PD review yes: requires CC review o yes: requires PD renew 0 yes: requires PD 0 yes: requires PD renew 0 yes: requir es.PD revrelar 0 yes: requires PD review O yes: requires PD l no: ok review- 0 yes: ok 0 no: requires PD renew 0 no: regnires PD renew X@ no: ok Xi1 no: ok X67 no: ok X10 no: ok XE3 no: ok XK1 no: ok X no: ok AP no: mark required item(s) permit Category N. 1/ (nee reverse side) Building Permit 11 /1 15 Z Master Tracking Route to: D BD D CC O FD O ID 0 PD 0 PW' D File D Other Sta Initials Date Completion of this form ..is.required for all category Ili, 2 3, pe mils. Completion is not requited for category la permits unlrst they reanit in a potential change of Use or occupancy BUILDING PERMIT PREAPPLICATION The Building Permit Preapplication must be filled out completely Please type or print in Ink. If you have any questions, please call 417 -4815 Applicant and/or Agent: Gibson Design Group/Hank Gibson Owner' Dr, K. Ben Skerbeck Address: 829 -B East Front Street City' Port Angeles, VA Architect/Engineer Gibson Design Group /Quadra Engineering Contractor Feeley Construction Inc License 601648714 Add ress. 2606 Deer. Park Road City. Port Angeles PROJECT ADDRESS: 218 SA Laurel Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: South 81 Block of Lots 19 20 TYPE OF WORK: o Residential 6XNew Constr. 0 Reroof 17 Multi- family 0 Addition 0 Move Commercial 0 Remodel 0 Demolition 0 Repair D Sign BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJE 4 PLANNING USE ONLY Notes: P W -1102_ 131rev.2/96l 53 Subdivision: ESA/Wetland(s): 0 Yes Flo SEPA Checklist required? 0 Yes aQ4o Other Phone: Exp• 31 00 WA FOR OFFICIAJ. US O Data Rec. Permit ll 1 Pre-Ap Complete? Data Approved; Phone: 457 -9523 Phone: 452 -3808 Zip (8362 457 -9523 681 -7019 Phone: 452 7559 Zip- 98362 ZONING CO Township of Port Angeles SIZE/VALUATION: o woodstove 2504 SF @s 70 84 /SF S 177, 383 00 o Garage SF /SF S O Deck SF S /SF S O TOTAL VALUATION S Dental. Of f ice (Sow Ppc itiq>lr /fie Dentist) I n u 0 11 1 COMMERCIAL/RESIDEN'I W Occupancy Groups= :•.wB... O •Load-; t a Constrnedon'Type: No. of Stories: 2 ;L:ct size; 8100. f LocCovecege: 24 ai6 Existing Lot Coverage: 0. /sq..tt. Pmpased I.ot:G 'averse 1960 /4 R TOTS LOT:CO ERAGE: 1960 7 N APPROVALS: PLAN BLDG DPW FIRE OTHER PREAPPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your appEcution acidsdeplan must befitted o complekly to be accepted for review. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal requirements. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your completed application, site plan (for additions) and building construction plans are to be submitted to the Building Division. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Div to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: Your plan check fee is due at the time the building permit application and construction plans are Submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, this application will expire by limitations The Building Official can extend the time fix action by the applicant up to 180 days, on wnttcn request by the applicant (see Section 304(d) of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby ce,Wfy'that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to apply for this permit. I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicant's responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. GIL. ail. 8 pVV. 4610 "?9i ao a 2`c av 9 i3 7.a:`'d !�et'�e'i v°..r a p•. a. ;'/f.Pv_ ,en. ;C_�? L kr.�`r Udh1 6' TAI. WOODEN FENa PER CODE Z5 ISEIaAaq 200' p i.. T \566'S6'26'E�1Q001'.c J\\ •1 'i l4dfil:'?o- \i 1 II I EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK 97,30 a WENT OF PARKING ,,..r •'b'-CWIDEDRMiNAY C PROVID SICN FUR\T•�*'F� s- ���y.�•. \.PER OFPORTANGEl1�. IEpA18(INf)ST \0 ,u.\ \STrrnMWIICa\ R UIRED\ PLAN 35' 4' 7- EDGE RUM F ZONE SET 1CK WOODEN 6 TALL PENCE NORTH "..PERYU. 556' 626'E 100.02' 36'0' THIRD STREET EXISTING FENCE ON NEIGHBORINO PROPERTY f E10S INGCRY STORM DRAM �SETBACIC UNE 25'O' (sERIL+OO "S PW.CTY' OF pp AANCB.ES STANDARD DRAWINGS b -PROPOSED NEW ELECTRICAL ANDIEL COMBINATION POLE V (BY OWNER) fa p. 1 EXISTING CATCH BASIN GRATE DIV.= 99.18 INV. E.EV. 94.14 k PER CRY OF PORT AN STANDARD DRAWINGS REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING 1REPHONE 4 POLE 217 TOWARD THE •1 NORTH (8Y OWNER) M1 Nk .�r:.a W GROUND COVER 6 SHRUBS z SHOWN J Q mp, SNOWN AstY. 1 CURB STOP q BM. ASUMB DIV. 100110 SCALE 1 V tp o r 10 w w 1Y0 SI wt esolo C.c-o u(r 4 1)4 X 7' I3o(.Ts t o 'c, 14 PC-A I (3 Wee-, z V' �t 1 d( t r S�c XSf 4L,t3 c 2 t) T 5 4 oil 3 YZ 44_2 B't'° &)L) Pc.S tek PAs, 4) 23347 O �'�FS� STERNG� c�va (EXPIRES JAN 15. 2001j lie (I V 2b p NIC tZ U- r :7 4- iz,ocrs ?LP\ A --11116-_v Z 2 3 (,ti off' PC-TS 1 (4' 1 1 L) 6i_ S tA Q AA Z ilk 1 .9‘ 2 f7L-; t ro iv. i 7 C 13 J'A Z S 1 /8 K I Z G L F7 1 r1 X 5" (3c) L TS wi-Spv (Lew pow L) I Z 7 l 1, 79 c,L6 /ey trAlge 3 /4 t 7 Q Lt s %3 V 2334_ p� STC 'EXPIRES JAN 15. 2001J e:&it. t GL /IVY G JLI rcriA 6)0 12 r LS S 3 r 6 x 6 7(Z c 1.1 1 rd'" tt^ •Zig 7/ a v Les 6 X 12 6/CAS 1Z C7C7E Yel S X Y4 "K at' F oct-RE: 7 "-93 /0 2: o,? .s-C/STE anine 'EXPIRES JAN 15, 2001 1;1 10, rziv4e i 1 4 1 I I 1 t" c 0 ,i /0 (0" iS PLATO 'Fee 141 e 14Th (off:" I 0 flogt-T6 No re riA 12N V46 67 AL- 2C-A Act C- 56-5 sTz N Fort 0-)9(e .46c-71013 1 4 If l(3 If C3 c›.- 0 I 4 34 t( 14-9<D ..1 33„ "a, 23347,p `C/ jEXPIRES. JAN 15, 2001] A. 0 r-0 ra ppcx e-. 6DopTC-70 cx-i 4.f Y.4“ R.RTa r2DuW IZ=7 1 /4 "‘e 4 4Y /s 12 4c...15 cZA oti a 34 a x. 7 it vbwk) I Z 7 .1. I 'r 3/4 1' d) D A- 1 c 1 1> 4 111 o N. 44 74111ig, ev ;19111.1 4 5/4 /1 ;2v( 1/4 x 5 3 x c' LT, H 1 P 1 12cifil. V--,fiA, --I-2 3(t 4(J5 I if? c) ozo z_ 1 23347 1 /sTE:?'`' 4. 4.;4044r scs 4. 'CAL IEXPIRES JAN 15, 2001i 4 /4 45‘2_, RECt4-. fr%3 i ill Z rico 1/4‘' 46('\ V; ?WW 0 ik Aivqt 2334 4 GI SAE, *re 200 W.XPIRES JAN 15. Z. 3- 1 /1 4 5'4; Y i3'- C4 4-15 I 0 0 4- a WM, c4 tao I 0 k 5 1 4 9 c U J. LZS (f, X a I 4L(5. t PG, C: ONAL IEXP1RES JAN 15, 2001i 00 rz-1046 91 14.,S