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205 S Lincoln St - Building
PREPARED 8/27/10 8 06 54 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 8/27/10 ADDRESS 205 S LINCOLN ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR MUSEUM AT THE CARNEGIE CONTRACTOR JACKSON S SIGNS GRAPHICS PHONE (360) 457 3703 OWNER CITY OF PORT ANGELES PHONE PARCEL 06 30 00 1 0 2600 0000 APPL NUMBER 05 00000509 SIGNS PERMIT SIGN 00 SIGN REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION TYP /SQ COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS BL99 01 8/27/10 BLDG FINAL August 26 2010 4 51 25 PM 1pangrle BUILDING FINAL FREESTANDING SIGN 'MUSEUM AT THE CARNEGIE COMMENTS AND NOTES CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number 05 00000509 Date 7/20/05 Application pin number 503904 Property Address 205 S LINCOLN ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 06 30 00 1 0 2600 0000 Application type description SIGNS Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Application valuation 3465 Owner Contractor WA 983620217 JACKSON S SIGNS GRAPHICS 472 MOUNT PLEASENT RD PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 457 3703 Permit SIGN Additional desc NEW SIGN Permit pin number 52498 Permit Fee 47 00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 6/23/05 Valuation 3465 Expiration Date 12/20/05 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 00 47 0000 PER S SIGN LES THAN 25 SF 47 00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Cf`1 Permit Fee Total 47 00 47 00 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Grand Total 47 00 47 00 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline ESA, utilities private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T \Policies \1102 15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] FOUNDATION FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR SLAB ROUGH -IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE BACK FLOW WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS GIRDERS SHEAR WALL /HOLD DOWNS WALLS ROOF CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL FLOOR CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP FURNACE DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE PELLET CHIMNEY COMMERCIAL HOOD DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING SLAB BLOCKING HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s PARKING /LIGHTING LANDSCAPING RESIDENTIAL T' \Policies \1 102_15 building permit inspection record05 wpd [1/4/2005] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417 -4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE I ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES I NO SEPA. ESA. SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE I ACCEPTED I YES I NO ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT 417 -4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W PW/ CONSTRUCTION R.W ENGINEERING 417 -4807 PW ENGINEERING FIRE 417 -4653 I I I I FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 I I I I PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 417 -4815 I I I I BUILDING I 1 I I OS -Z7 -I0 '3" L4 Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BF COMPLETE to be accepted for review If you have any questions, call PERMITS (360) 417 -4815 FAX(360)417-4711 C4� ©0- Poc-T5 COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL. Occupancy Group No of Stories: Lot Size. Existing Sq Ft. Total lot coverage BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Occupant Load. Proposed Sq Ft. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Rec. 40 -06 Permit Date Approved Date Issued. Applicant or Agent: Cie, liruk Or) tti 40 Yi en 1 e r jr !2,1 Phone a 4o It s- -(a Le 'a Owner Phone Address City Zip Architect/Engineer Phone Contractor •,9. 'S S 1�'s.) S State License Exp Phone 45 10'5 Address 472. M P At l 7? City f C 'CVXS Zip '3 3.(- '7 PROJECT ADDRESS 4 v II !?.•CCJh ZONING 0), -1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot: Block: Subdivision. CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER. Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: City Credit CardType VISA MC Exp. Date: TYPE OF WORK. SIZE/VALUATION Residential New Constr Re roof Stove SF /SF Multi- family Addition Move Garage SF /SF Commercial Remodel Demolition Deck SF /SF Repair 14. Sign Other TOTAL VALUATION sec". cm BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT I2.. S A.Lfj L$ i d 1 c c D PLANNING USE ONLY 2 F "e?__ /:.2? u ESA/Wetland(s) Yes No SEPA Checklist required? Yes g" Other. Construction Type TOTAL Sq Ft. ..zZ APPROVALS. f 7 S. f5 BLDG DPWU FIRE. OTHER. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. The Building Division can provide you with information on the application and plan submittal requirements if you have questions. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and maybe revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417 -4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section 107 4 of the Umform Building Code, current edition) No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work, T•'.FORMS\APPS \Buildingpermit.wpd Applicant. Dr'td& Date (o' X0 /0 `S' a 96" 48" CITY OF PORT ANGELES Construction Plans The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi- cations and other data shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said Sign Area 48" x 66" plans, specifications and other data, or from preventing building operctions being carried on thereunder when in violation of all codes and ordinances of this jurisdiction. (SECTION 303(c) Uniform Building Code.) 22 square feet Approval Date 1, ID S By J.cr 4 "x4" pressure treated posts Sign is constructed of 1 1 /2 Sign Foam J 66" Mounting Instructions Lag 'olt and Washer Lag Dolt and Washer CITY OF PORT ANGELES j PUBLIC WORKS - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Z3t,,tll. l.~ll¥1~ I"~'l~llfll I ISSUED: 2/21/2002 PERMIT NO: 13240 OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION CITY OF PORT ANGELES 207 LINCOLN S 32'1 E. 5TH ST Lot: 12 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Block: 55 [] Long Legal 360/417-4846 Subdivision: TAYLOR T: S: Parcel No: 063000645500 CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT WlNNOP'S EXCAVATING N/A 910 GAYS RD SEQUIM, WA 98382-0000 , 98360-0000 3801000-0000 360/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $2,942.00 SFD Units: 0 Commercial: 0 Project Type: DEMOLITION SFD SQ FT: 0 Industrial: 0 Occupancy Type: Garage: 0 Occupancy Group: MFD Units: 0 Construction Type: MFD SQ FT: 0 Zoning Use: CBD PROJECT NOTES DEMO BOOK ELEVATOR ON EAST SIDE OF CARNEGIE BLDG. RECEIPT~772 FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $23.50 Misc Fee 1: $0.00 Plan Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $4.50 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $28.00 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $28.00 Mechanical: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, pdvate and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection, I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the per[ormance of construction. Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) ~ Date BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD - CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. ITIS UNLAWFUl. TO COVER, INSU£ATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYpE I DATE IYEsACCEPTED[ NO COMMENTS FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAft/AGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE pERMIT: # PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK PLOW / WATER AIR SEAL FRAMING JOISTS / GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS / ROOF / CEILING DRYWALL ToBAR INSULATION MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOODSTOVE ! PELLET/CHIMNEY / INSERT HOOD/DUCTS pW UTILITIES / SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE pERMIT #'s: WATERLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE pERMIT #'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONS'f RUCTION R.W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R~W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 F1RE DEPT. PLAN~FNG DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. / / BUILDING 417-4815 BU1LDING C:~APPL.WPD ~ Date Rec.: BUILDING PERMIT- APPLICATION Da~ Approved: ~e Building Permit - Pre-application ~ust betided out compl~ely. Please ~e or print in ink. If you have any ques~ons, please call 4174815 Applic~t or Agent: ~T~ ~ ~R~ ~~ Phone: 4[~' Owner: ~tT~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ Phone: Address: ~2 ] ~r ~ ~. City: I~ ~M~% Zip: ~chitec~ngineer: ~1~ ~ ~~% Phone: Contractor ~t M~o~ ~l~*icense ~:~xp: ~ [~ [~ ehone:~ Ad,ess: ~[~ ~ ~. City: ~0~ Zip:~ PRO~CT~D~SS: ~'7 ~ , &t~qo[q ZO~G: LEG~ DESC~PTION: Lot: Block: 8ubdivision: CL~L~ CO~ P~CEL ~ER: Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: Ci~: Credit Card g: Exp. Date: ~SA MC T~E OF WO~: SIZE~UA~ON: ~ Residential n New Com~. n Re-roof ~ Woo&tore SF. ~ $ /SF. = $. ~ Multi-fa~ly ~ Addition ~ Move ~ Garage SF. ~ $. /SF. = $. ~ Co~ercial ~ Remodel ~Demolition ~ Deck SF. ~ $. /SF. = $ ~ Repair ~ Sign ~ TOTAL VALUATION $ mEFDESC PTIONOF PRO CT: Off ~O~RCI~SIDENTI~: Occupancy Oroup: Occupant Load: ~ Co~¢6on T~e: No. of Stories: ~ Lot S~e: % Lot Coverage: % Exis~g Lot Coverage: /sq. ft. + Proposed Lot Coverage: /sq. fl. = TOTAL LOT COVE~GE: /sq.fl PL~N~G USE O~Y: APPROVES: PL~ Notes: BLDG. DPW ESA~etland(s): ~ Yes n No SEPA Checklist required? u Yes ~ No O~er: O~R B~D~G PE~T ~PLI CATION S~TT~: Your appHcaa'on and site plan must be filled out completely to be accepted for review. ~e Build~g Division c~ provide you wi~ more derailed ~fo~ation on the application md plan submiml requkemen~. Yo~ completed application, site pl~ (for additions) and bufld~g consmction plus are to be subdued to ~e Building Division. V~UATION OF CONS~UC~ON: In aH c~es, a v~uafion amount must be entered by ~e applic~t. ~s fi~re will be reviewed ~d ~y be revised by ~e Build~g Division to co~ly ~ c~ent fee sche&les. Contact ~e Prat Coor~ator at 4174815 for ~sismce. PL~ C~CK ~E: Yo~ pl~ check fee is due at ~e ~e ~e bmldmg pe~t application and cons~cfion plato ~e sub~a~d. All o~er pemt fees are due at the t~e of pe~it issuance. E~TION OF PL~ ~W: If no pe~it is issued wi~m 180 days of~e date of application, ~is application ~11 expire. ~e Building Official can extend ~e ~e for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon ~flen request by ~e a~licant (see Section 107.4 of the Unifo~ Bulldog Code, cu=ent edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby cert~ that 1 have read and examined this application and ~ow the same to be tme and correct, and I am author~ed to apply for this pe~it. I understand it is not the Ci~'s legal responsibili~ to detemine what pem~ts are required; it remains the applicant's r~po~ibili~ to detemine what permi8 are required and to obtain such. c/ l'ORT ""'" t ~<?~ ha 1!::..-- "tt>i:1C~ '''l CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT OWNER/APPLICANT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 E. 5TH ST Port Angeles, W A 98362 360/417-4846 T: ISSUED' 8/20/2002 PERMIT NO: 13342 PROPERTY LOCATION 205 LINCOLN S Lot: 12 Block: 55 IZI Long Legal Subdivision: TAYLOR Parcel No: 063000645500 S: CONTRACTOR HOCH CONSTRUCTION 4201 TUMWATER TRUCK TRAIL Port Angeles, WA 98362 360/452-5381 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $878,000.00 Project Type: SEIMIC RETRO Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Occupancy Group: Construction Type: Zoning Use: CBD ARCHITECT N/A , 98360-0000 360/000-0000 SFD Units: 0 SFD SQ FT' 0 MFD Units: 0 MFD SQ FT: 0 Commercial: Industrial: Garage: o o o N o UI }\(J1 .:z. 0 ~ \" PROJECT NOTES SEIMIC RETROFIT AND RENOVATION Fire Sfr~^kler/"/ ~v..,,"b~"\..31 ~eGk receipt #9571 FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: Plan Check: State Surcharge: House Moving: Manufactured Home: Sign: Plumbing: Mechanical: Radon: $5,029.25 $3,017.55 $4.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 :t1A-<..1\.A.~J.. Misc Fee 1. Misc Fee 2: Misc Fee 3: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 r_ eo > S ....-- I> Date $8,051.30 $8,051.30 $0.00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This pe mit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All proviSions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. - T \PLANNING\FORMS\II02 15 [4/2002] TOTAL FEE: AMOUNT PAID: BALANCE DUE: Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date ,. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED I YES NO COMMENTS FOUNDATION' FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE /H~ ~l1e WetlJ~ 1?--11/01);- IH)B-1<htnf ~f~~) , 'J-J6? Ov ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB (LIGHT DEPT) SEPARATE PERMIT # I I '~-I'I-O"3 T6 ROUGH-IN WATER LINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW / WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS / GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS / ROOF / CEILING DRYW ALL T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL / FLOOR / CEILING MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHIMNEY HOOD / DUCTS I I /I/IM/oll-- 7 P (( . ~/-e.u 0-1-0.-- .sAe..~ r- t..Va.//:s 1/ /;u~/o"- ,PlIf-r.~~ I" 11/d,~b~i1, 'Jt;,~~~L~ hHIf-J- 9ft to - 'J-&[ -rY. J.J-, If) jC3 S... e.. 1W-& I PW UTILITIES / SITE WORK (Engmeenng DIVISIon) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s WATERLINE / METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA PARKING/LIGHTING LANDSCAPING ESA SHORELINE FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R W / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R W ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE . ':". 417-4653 FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 417-4815 iA ... fJ..!J-/l../ BUILDING / T \PLANNING\FORMS\1102 15 [412002] CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . . '. . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . . . . . . REQUEST: Date ~ - ff./- 0 ~ Time ~.' J..:) fn). Received by ~eAY2 Location of Work to be inspected .s () . Name of person requesting inspection --;e rrif Address of person requesting inspection Phone No.Jj 17-I/Y /) Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. L,~ 3.-AJ ()- Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbin~wer Excav. Other Inspected: Remarks: U ~~v~ RESTORATION REQUIRED. . . . .. YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved 0 Gravel 0 Asphalt 0 PCC o Other o Repaired by City o Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . . . . . REQUEST: Date 4-,- oc{ Time Received by QJ (phone, person l Location of Work to be inspected '2.D~ .So L i n C2J/n (Lo.rtf\..~5 ; e) Name. of person req~esting inspection c.;,.U :h,.; Key' --re r-,. ; , / W Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. . I 8, i I Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. 1:S~ 4Z Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbieewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date Remarks: Time By RESTORATION REQUIRED. . . . .. YES NO Aa~ ~DtvJ /'vt ~-e 1< JH ~ S,,-uJ - - J lLV'f- ~ h- ~ ~~/- /,{ L~ FM 56zv ~~f ~1r~ t=7 fJ /1,) _ ty, t;C'~'1' Lv ~ oJ l -: ~J Ao/;:),. J ?, J ~l JJ-G ., f SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved OGravel 0 Asphalt 0 PCC o Other o Repaired by City o Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE -----___...... .r"'lIr_..'.......r-IIl.Ir"'\,r..."T'" Ir"\nTr\ ~ A'DPr 14:-c~ ~ , 150 ~4 L::>J o l---l . 'S~+~~l o~ ~t::.-A-1L. U "Dob"L \Q 0 E c;.. 'i-.-~ t:l\- ~ U}...LC- ~ (~^--.fi =h"" ~J- t-l ~ ~ VL- ~ J-1~~J ~c ls b ().4-YLj ~~l) S BUILDING D,!VISION CITY OF PORT ANGELES * * Correction Notice Job Located at 1-o~ .s L', :k,lc.u IJ tA'f2-1....A1 L-~<::: Ll g~L 'v Inspection of your work revealed that the followfng is not in accordance with the codes governing the work in this jurisdiction: , ~ ~bQ- 1==1 0 Do"L... ~~ 11 75'1--1 ~~ 'Do(~ 1-J-n.t-- ~u~is---l : -V ~~O ~\ \" ~)-.J So, O€;:- ~ 00 d=- ~ lV\<2e-f- C-o~ . ~ Gu~ l2.4l J 1i:Yt-~~{~^- k> {V1. e e J- ~[)8 : ~ C -D U l c- JL }.l ~ +--- ~ II i r::- VlfJ.-L + +-~ ~ 10 €l'l....b '~'D~ I~ 6 VL ~l:l ~< . These corrections must be made and ~re not to be . covered until reinspection is made. When corrections have been made, please call for inspection. Date L-f ] 8) DLj DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG I ! I CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . . REQUEST: Date I D ... 2 cr- d:3 .. . Time Received by KlJ (phone, person) ~ Location of Work to be inspected 205 SC) t...., fA,<Z-6/VL Name of person requesting inspection 1-<2./'I'\./ t>a. i-k k { Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing @ Sewer Excav. Other ( CA, ()~3~e (; bra.ry) { 33 Lf Z INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date Remarks: Time By RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES NO Q.OLl \ "\ ~rr~ 49 (I 2. :3cJ fM SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved DGravel o Asphalt [Jpcc o Other D Repaired by City o Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE D INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) BUILDING DIVISION CITY OF PORT ANGELES * * Correction Notice { ,13 ,L. ,t--t l:. ~c.: LI ibil-&-fL'y Job Located at ..?OC; So L ;f.-, L('/t--l Inspection of your work revealed that the following is not in accordance with the codes governing the work in J this jurisdiction: ~ A08- ~f @ ~n- .~s /'-{i/ f- ~~<-k,,~ i ~ .~)( ~.! 5, tftuS ,~. (Y'H::::L~L^-i C ~ I 1/1- ~ L L.~.J~$ L <. Ii~J * :~~~t~";:c~l) ~ tJ..t ----.b ~ \-; - "--' , .~ St=::' V7:~ . ~tiL~"s ~( l-j /;..J 7\ f, I These corrections must be made and are not to be covered until reinspection is made. When corrections have been made, please call L{ { J - L{ k I ~/J for inspection. I (J /3/ ) o~ I Date :f: Inspector for Building Division DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG BUILDING DIVISION CITY OF PORT ANGELES * * Correction Notice Job Located at )Oe; 5> LUJ La I J-j Inspection of your work revealed that the following is not in accordance with the codes governing the work in this jurisdiction: ~ ~{~ ?r(}/. oft 4 tse ?1>,J'L'{j 1>0"'-' ,,--I! :? l h. Q e io&f p -;;J, ~ ~~Ut L~' \ ~ 1 ~uJ~ ~ ~J-~/ ~..tw~ ~ - i ~::;J'.-? ~ ~o A0~ ASS,~+ ~cAIL StELouJ AIL , t: 0 0 (L 0 fC. ;.J.I:.:/L . '~~k;: L~ St!"~ 1 t3Dld ") ~ ~J Y:H-'~( fLw-~' ~ r~~,^\~ h I 7'\ ~ \'L e.~.~ [0 ()(.; These corrections muSt 'be made and are not to be covered until reinspection is made. When corrections have been made, please call LI, 7 ' L{ f;; I/&:> for inspection. J ~ Date I'D 31/0 S ........;,,- - . Inspector for Building DIvision CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . REQUEST: Date Ij - 1 - 63 Time Received by I2V (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected CDS 5 Name of person requesting inspection :-:;('~~ it- Address of person requesting inspection Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing A./ hC-6 f t/l Phone No. Permit No. Final Sewer Excav. Other .5let?(r L4-.J( J5{c>ck~ INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date 411 \I)'!> Time 2 ::&1\'\ By TeC\"1 fur~ 11., '_ \ raNi rrc:.hQ'1\ __.1 Remarks: M\\ b\oclLl~ c.tro :H'(uc.\'ura.l tle.5 wc<"e pe.f' ('leon 0(" a&kruut'C"\ I c..~a.~ oa:l~ 1,0)1 WI t'h? fo\b...:Ii~ lZ'I.C et>ti on~ ~ · tie. ~Yao5 ~re onl~ toc.~a in · ere pie.~e "~b\oc.\Ln\,, ~r, m\')~ll\~ In ffle (11l)sevm .t,;1""O(e "'\'he c.or\l'(A'~Or ~r; norlhedof fne. c.\i'5C.repG\nc.ie~ ~~ u.>QS ~,('\\n~ 'tooAress ~ha;e ISSues RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES ")C: NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved DGravel o Asphalt OPCC o Other o Repaired by City D Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATEI ~. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . REQUEST: Date ~ - 18 ---L)5 /' Time Received by Rv (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer Foundation Framing Ghimney ~ Final Sewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: S la-b · Inspected: Date 3-115-oJ Ti.!"e 31 SO/All BY~~ Remarks:_UN::1oL~ 5tA~ !2oudV f;V fLu~kVc, I?Yt..,. (t. ~ 205 S L ,\ \A;C.O \ II\, Yo lUA. (Cavil) Q~J~ ,.z'~CP'~) .y57-'-I~ Phone No. S//;/ --0 'IS5:Ze11 Permit No. 1~3.t./2- c@ RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES NO C-~\\ ~st SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: D Unimproved D Gravel D Asphalt D PCC D Other D Repaired by City o Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE D INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT lDATEI CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . REQUEST: Date 11- / 8~c- q', 4<:) O-tY'\ Received by )(? V \~ ~LtV' <.. '- \ '6 ~ 4 V' 11\~1"e "I rt;J..V' Y AJ dce.,~ S'~ ~ Phone No. Permit No. (phone, person) Time Location of Work to be inspected 2cb Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Type pf Inspection (circle appropriate one): sew~:=~~m~~ Framing Chimney Plumbing ~.e.. ," (,,\~O ?\ev- '> Is~</2- , Final Sewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: TLP Inspected: Date t\ I \q 102. Time 1'.<\.1;; .-'-,' By 'r-I3iM;' Rlm:.h Remarks: ~eoUY' ,^-,(1':, P\4LedpN p~ UJ It" the. t>.IU.e~OI'1 or vert I'c.o...e 'P<:lC"'~ on tile fr01tSl164rlNQ\l Ve.itlccJl ~c.lU"\(.1 v..i.\!7 reduced ffDln 1'1311- lu'l, Oe\le\opmen\' \ti\'jil1~ Q.f"S G~\'" o.'f>peare.a to be () K . N :. "'e'x,,,W{~t., ri\Jl,€)( \led \oil \>e lbVU\--, n~ t\...e.. f ()(ll'\<;'. 1f'?7- RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES {!J, k' NO 'j.. 101\ SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: D Unimproved D Gravel D Asphalt D PCC D Other D Repaired by City D Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE D INCOMPLETE . 41- " , '" (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SLJPERINTFNOFNT miA1iliE.1. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . REQUEST: Date ~f '- (~ '- O~ Time Received by RLI (phone, person) . Location of Work to be inspected Eo,~ ~ Name of person requesting inspection ~c..6tt- Address of person requesting inspection Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing L4l-z c.c I V1 Hrcj-1 (7~,Lgt- Phone No. 'f6tJ- CF;t../(; Permit No. /3.3Lf G Final Sewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date :3 - (:, --- 03 Remarks: ~t-Ue( FID-C>/' Time l?ut'(+ u~ # By !2t) j::"/ ~ ,.. ~ 0 . 'So i-- ?Y BeY.. LA-1s. ()< RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES NO - 7c1~ ill ,-:::/;fi> ~ ,'1 c Ir- --=-- --., c<") ,"\--:\ -, rt r - -800 E:;;::'-:r-tT SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved o Gravel o Asphalt OPCC o Other o Repaired by City Cl Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT IDA TEl CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT . . . . . . REQUEST: Date i 2./ot.,? I c1L Time I : 30 pi'll Received by "Teen Ibrro, (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected ec..(~e Wb\o.r4 Name of person requesting inspection i?>ob Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. i " '31/ ~ Sewer ~ndati3' Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Remarks: Datel:l./Ol.?lo2. Time \',SJ pm By Tee(l PQY"n.1, r Dt.ti(\ 5 ~or N) A S \de~\( I C"Cln\~ ~e, rev i ~& de knl footi ':} st~"~~ (A~ .,1\\1 ("~ ~\~" l s~n,j n~d del\("llhfRD lLflre ~ ~ \an) w\m tree'lC.cp.phCX'\ of the (}.O~\ ",wi S\Xln \0 A\\OW tt-e foohn5 1-0 $\-e~ RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES NO y. SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved 0 Gravel 0 Asphalt 0 PCC 0 Other o Repaired by City o Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDFNT fDATEI CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . REQUEST: Date U'l /..) ,2/C\jo2. Time Received by (phone, person) Location of Work to be inspected CGlrfle9i~ LI hrQI"~ Name of person requesting inspection Bob Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. f ? ..,r/ 1- Sewer ~undatio~ Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date 1'J./ID ( 02. Remarks: Fooh'ng 'UJCAll" lol€'re ~I plan Time ct:30 Qm By \e(ri Po. rtch All r' ~Il( .; I 71~. 'jrYu I~ {:and ( If'flIfGlncPj) U lP.re o~ . RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES NO X SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved DGravel o Asphalt OPCC o Other o Repaired by City [] Repaired by Permittee D No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT !DATEI CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . REQUEST: Date I I !;z..5- Ie t.--- . ( I Time 1/ .'3(J . Received by ~ ,J-L B.sonl Location of Work to be inspected ~ r14-.P 8~ Name of person requesting inspection /'5D b Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. '10 r -(63 S Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer foundation Fram$g Chimney P~mbinjl, f Final/, Sewer Excav. Other C' h-ec-/L WI ;..''''';} f) f?Q h1:Vl- -tor f:..--1V2-VcJ-.'/-eJr- jt bro] INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date 1\1 J.~{()2. Time 1l'\C;o.~ By Ten\ \=lurKn C\(\c.\ W\\"h I-he proper e-1e6.Yot-LeS Remarks: All reb6.Y" \.1...)0-:' I~ placefr-e:-r ~\D.\') lJ...)\~n ,\'Ie lfD\\DlA:l'~e.)(<-.e"t\OIV;;' il 1M ch~ 51-rur V\Q\e<, \'D~ ~ n::,.'\J\<ed b,-\ \~e S\ruc..h..J[u-.Q ~\\.ee(' Oe\-D.l\ ~obe ~..:'J to> the Cit'-l Ip-\ \,",e ("c.h\ \ e& .g \)0'1 f\ed 'o-} p<ti\eo- e~r-.eer \)e<'ore -\\,e ~oor . · 2 1:15 lOp \)O.\(S <"e:ql.l \.ed 10'4 ~c>.r Wo.\\ d io<ya \'Yl$ u.>ere ptac.edl I n eus~ arJ u.Jeb)- wo.l\.s onl'4. It~revov \he(c..ou\d ro\-be. \OLe..O H\"he "Ofth a.l'\d SOU~\..\..U\\S ~e -\0 the deh:5iH of '7reei 0.+ .,he lop re~\' 'p~ \'he '('0. \) cOflne.CrlOns (':2,- ~e\the>t" ~\ eOf pia e IC>I'\~_ ropg..bot/o(rr HESTORA TIO REQUiRED...... YE:s 0 )<. I SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved 0 Gravel 0 Asphalt 0 PCC o Other D Repaired by City D Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE ~ (Continue on reverse side if necessary) ~TRFFT ~IJPFRINTFNnFNT IDA TEl CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . REQUEST: Date '-/- J B ~-D3 / Time Received by RV (phone, person) L/YlccJ/n (Cc./.-t~,p:) P{lA-Mhll~ ~/-Oi..j5S- Phone No. ~57- '15a) Permit No. I~ x <'/"2 Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection .51, ~/ { Address of person requesting inspection Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney ~ Final 205 ~ Sewer Excav. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date rj....J{'-O"3 Time /: S"'(:) /~ Remarks: h?tJ - fro Ik''''',/.h-./d By -'l~/ (~) RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES NO ,ro.~y c.Ct.ll T ~ ,..~; PCtr- k ~:#= 48 1/ C.,'1y ~~ I \ {'VbL~'d I; k.rz.. ~ J-Ueer Y.t.t-c.. Cl+ fL.-€... $, +"'€- SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved DGravel 0 Asphalt 0 PCC o Other o Repaired by City o Repaired by Permittee o No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) ~TRFFT ~I JPFRINTFNnFNT InATF\ OJ 09/09/2002 16:31 3604528498 NTI PAGE 02 . . , ' ./ t;wneral Testing Laboratories. 'ne. 18970 3rt! Ave. N.E., P.O. Box 1586 O~lG\lVt" Poulsbo, Washington 98370 ^'- T/ DATE JOB ,..., 9 '3 '() 2- 7391;13 PRO IF.CT C~/~ LI8I€MY Ahn~ LOCATION Pt:Jl(T A/J{JE7-F-S CONTAACTOR ~ER aJl ~-r (360) 779-9196 TO WE;ATHER TEMP. Oat .. at AM PM 6t1)JP PRESE;NT AT SITF. THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: > RAY /Y7~.:l"'DN /<~~6J.)71~ 6 TL. AeElV~ ON THE:. S/7e 7D ~n1 ~/J'9L. ~N:5A!r~ ~ ~)(y A~C~. ?lPl:JN my M/<fVAL :z: ,.,..,e:;r W/~ ~CK /lOCH Or , lIoC/-l &~JSr~c71eN. Riel<. 1A)~n7&:'O mE' T1"P1T THE:. ~y AlJCHoI< I~TAl..Ll"jnON (.A.)ot/w & /)B:l.Ay€:t;J A FEW l:>.,qys. HE.. ,itJ~ A ~.. DIAmE::'TE:Jl< ~/(...'- fJ.! rJ__ _ Q(./.e:sn~~,-_ ~~7C:;~ ~TE:I:J ANi) 07He<, I~"ES ~r "u~ 7l? de.. Re:sOLVeQ. !<ICI< J'=lAJi:) .mY.5E2.F 7rOK TH/.S 71n?~ 70 R"syfEW THE JlJi3.51 7E. Am.JS ..z: D&1'-,-,=-YJ VIC~ /n~/~E2.. W 17'H I.L._g,eo:3S E:JV6.1NEBI2I~t? UJI7?-( ~~l/MD$ '7"'D '7'1'tE. /t1.J~0IQ i3/:;I.-T A./LL "biT ~t.I::l77~ ~/~Z;S_ \he ~~ /JJbIC~n:xJ mAr ONE: AJ-X/(o/t!. &JLT 70 BE: 7'E57l=.'YJ aN ~I-I > WALL (:n>mL ~~ 4) (.IV 177-1 co~nw~tls ~C/lqL /~&-) ~S)1I111?Et:J. ._QiCII- A.IJC~ IS .._LQ BE ~Tt:X) ro 6lJOO r?sl. VtC7be. A?So ~tHlk"'1J --.....- - _U~_E:_OF" 7'?f€. Slm~ S;JetJ.AJ6 77E.. .5Er 22 As S(.,/8I'-Irr~ A-;.Ji:) 7t> BE: I~S~LL€:O p~ THe ~ANt..I~c?kf~~ .Ra'Oh1Y>1~rt7?~. ::z:- TH€N D'1LI ~"":O .sl rnjO..so~ .;D.J~ 'TEaWltJi L ..suPPoA-r ~ONAL WfI<) /~~.IY)/;::.-O 1?1€ 71Vttr ~,.. l)n'1ifflt"'n=.lf< tJVEY2SI'2.c;(j HOL~ I /~ '1 IS 'TO AB~ VSl:::.-r:J ~ ~'-'O FILU::..-o Cn-JU o~ 13.~/CA{ WALL. A~i) ~9- .. b/AmE:'7c."'t2.. Hoi....ES tAl TH SC:i<E:E'J.JS /t1t2e -'<C:..7;)U/~'O ~ rIoLL()~ emu COPIES TO JFIT~J1JD) ~lFCQ)~ SIGNED K Ncz.7-oJ f .. 09/09/2002 15:31 3504528498 NTI PAGE 03 . I (360) 779-9196 Nrl OAT~ JOB NO. ~ 3 ~z 139~1 PROJeCT ~E6IE ~B/<AtfZY ~Em LOC^TION ~r A~Rr;S CONTRACTOR OWNER I-ItJCH co~r W~^TI'IER TF.MP oa1 ~~ o~ r , Genera,1 Testing Laboratories, 'nc. 18970 3rt! Ave. N.E., P.O. Box 1586 Poulsbo, Washington 98370 TO AM PM PFlF.$F.NT AT SITE THE FOllOWING WAS NOTED: 2.. (!)F' Z :> ~ HOLL~{.IJ MICI<. WALLS J 71:t:!H~/cA'- mA~tl4'-S WIi...4 at: /YJA1t../iX). AIJeHOIf< c~)CV //.Ji7ECna}.J /$ SCHI:..--out...&J ~ 7Hf.,/,f2;SDAY 9"'5...0'2.. ~l) ~~ ON r7t:!1{)AY 19~ 1??~i)A.'1' FoLt..O~,..J~. AU6eJ2 CA6r .4/...E /~~77OA.J /5 TO ~/,.J ON 7ZI~l:JAY 9-/()...t)2 . ;> :::OPIES TO WII~JL)]) J]3,JEJP(Q)m~ SIGNED 72 ;({~-oJ J v GENERAL TESTING LABORA TORIES, INC. 18970 THIRD AVE NE, P.O. BOX 1586, POULSBO, WA 98370 CLIENT NTI REPORT NO. 1 PROJECT Port Angeles Library Restoratton PROJECT NO. B9613 CONTRACTOR I CITY/COUNTY Port Angeles/Clallam PERMIT NUMBER Hock DA TE GROUT SAMPLED 09/11/02 I INSPECTOR Steve Blaney GROUT SUPPLIER Fred HIIII Materials LOCA TlON OF GROUT PLACEMENT Auger cast pilings - P-4, P-6, P-11, P-9, P-1S, P-13, P-17, P-1 LOCA TlON SAMPLED P-11 midway NO. YARDS . OF TRUCK SAMPLED ~ TIME SAMPLED - GROUT TEST REPORT UBC 21-18 I PLACED ,S 5 24 ,,2 1200 Da.... ~ p.m. I INVOICE NO. CEMENT TYPE MAXIMUM SIZE AGGREGA TE 14366 8SK I Sand" ADDITIVES: SAND 18,280 AGGREGA TE SLUMP Fluid in. I UNITS TO FORM NO. TYPE MOLDS ASTM e2l1 - AIR GROUT TEMPERA TURE CONTENT % 72FO Mix ID No. ACG-8 WEATHER Clear lAIR TEMPERA TURE 65Fo CURING HISTORY BEFORE TRANSPORT TO LAB MIN/MAX TEMP of AGE DAYS OTHER I REQUIRED DAY COMMENTS: 28 STRENGTH 4000 PSI MIX AND SPECIMEN DATA COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS - ASTM C1019 SAMPLE LAB OUT OF AVERAGE AREA DATE AGE MAX LOAD STRENGTH NO NO PLUMB % w/h sq in. TESTED (DAYS) Ibs psi 1 A 2x2 4 09/18/02 7 14000 3500 1 B 09/18/02 7 14200 3550 1 C 10/09/02 28 16600 4150 1 D 10/09/02 28 16800 4200 Date Samples Received in Laborator CERTIFIED BY: Other Comments DATE: eneral Testing Laboratories Date Form Revised 07/22/02 Quality Assurance for Northwest ConstructIon (360) 779-9196 Toll Free (888) 898-8378 Fax (360) 779-4320 . ... GENERAL TESTING LA BORA TORIES, INC. 18970 THIRD AVE NE, P.O. BOX 1586, POULSBO, WA 98370 GROUT TEST REPORT UBC 21-18 -- CLIENT NTI REPORT NO. 1b PROJECT Port Angeles Library Restoration PROJECT NO. B9613 CONTRACTOR I CITY/COUNTY PERMIT NUMBER Hock Port Angeles/Clallam DA TE GROUT SAMPLED 09/11/02 I INSPECTOR Steve Blaney GROUT SUPPLIER Fred HIIII Matenals LOCA TlON OF GROUT PLACEMENT Auger cast pilings - P-4, P-6, P-11, P-9, P-15, P-13, P-17, P-1 LOCA TION SAMPLED P-11 midway NO. YARDS 155 OF 24 TRUCK SAMPLED 62 TIME SAMPLED Da.m ~ p.m. PLACED 1200 MIX AND SPECIMEN DATA INVOICE NO. CEMENT TYPE MAXIMUM SIZE AGGREGA TE 14366 8SK I Sand" ADDITIVES: SAND 18,280 AGGREGA TE SLUMP Fluid in. I UNITS TO FORM NO. TYPE MOLDS ASTMC231 - AIR GROUT TEMPERA TURE CONTENT % 72FO Mix ID No. WEATHER lAIR ACG-8 Clear TEMPERA TURE 65Fo CURING HISTORY BEFORE TRANSPORT TO LAB MIN/MAX TEMP of AGE DAYS OTHER I REQUIRED DAY COMMENTS: 28 STRENGTH 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS - ASTM C1019 SAMPLE NO 1 1 LAB NO E F OUT OF PLUMB % AVERAGE w/h 2x2 AREA sq in. 4 DATE TESTED 10/09/G2 10/09/02 AGE (DAYS) 28 28 MAX LOAD Ibs 16400 17000 STRENGTH psi 4100 4250 Date Samples Received in Laborator CERTIFIED BY: Other Comments DATE: nager, General Testing Laboratories Date Form ReVIsed 07/22/02 Quality Assurance for Northwest Construction (360) 779-9196 Toll Free (888) 898-8378 Fax (360) 779-4320 .. GENERAL TESTING LABORA TORIES, INC. 18970 THIRD AVE NE, P.O. BOX 1586, POULSBO, WA 98370 GROUT TEST REPORT UBC 21-18 CLIENT NTI REPORT NO. 2 PROJECT Port Angeles library Restoration PROJECT NO. B9613 CONTRACTOR Hock I CITY/COUNTY Port Angeles/Clallam PERMIT NUMBER DA TE GROUT SAMPLED 09/12/02 I INSPECTOR Steve Blaney GROUT SUPPLIER Fred HIIII Matenals LOCA TION OF GROUT PLACEMENT Auger cast pilings - P-16, P-14, P12, P-7, P-8, P-18, P-2 LOCA TlON SAMPLED P-14 midway NO. YARDS 9 OF 18 TRUCK SAMPLED 392 TIME SAMPLED PLACED 10.00 l8Ia.m 0 p.m. MIX AND SPECIMEN DATA INVOICE NO. CEMENT TYPE MAXIMUM SIZE AGGREGA TE 14379 8SK I Sand" ADDITIVES: SAND 25,3201bs AGGREGA TE SLUMP FlUid in. WNITS TO FORM NO. TYPE MOLDS 4STM e23 J - AIR GROUT TEMPERA TURE CONTENT % 70FO Mix 10 No. ACG-8 WEATHER lAIR Clear TEMPERA TURE 65Fo CURING HISTORY BEFORE TRANSPORT TO LAB MIN/MAX TEMP of AGE DAYS OTHER I REQUIRED DAY COMMENTS: 28 STRENGTH 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS - ASTM C1019 SAMPLE LAB OUT OF AVERAGE AREA DATE AGE MAX LOAD STRENGTH NO NO PLUMB % w/h sq in. TESTED DAYS) Ibs psi 2 A 2x2 4 09/19/02 7 8000 2000 2 B 09/19/02 7 8200 2050 2 C 10/10/02 28 16400 4100 2 0 10/10/02 28 16600 4150 Date Samples Received in Laborator CERTIFIED BY: Other Comments DATE: ory Manager, General Testing Laboratories Date Form Revised. 07/22/02 Quality Assurance for Northwest Construction (360) 779-9196 Toll Free (888) 898-8378 Fax (360) 779-4320 .. GENERAL TESTING LA BORA TORIES, INC. 18970 THIRD AVE NE, P.O. BOX 1586, POULSBO, WA 98370 CLIENT REPORT NO. 2b NTI PROJECT Port Angeles Library Restoration PROJECT NO. B9613 CONTRACTOR I CITY/COUNTY PERMIT NUMBER Hock Port Angeles/Clallam DA TE GROUT SAMPLED 09/12/02 I INSPECTOR Steve Blaney GROUT SUPPLIER Fred HIIII Matenals LOCA TlON OF GROUT PLACEMENT Auger cast pilings - P-16, P-14, P12, P-7, P-8, P-18, P-2 LOCA TlON SAMPLED P-14 midway NO. YARDS OF 18 TRUCK SAMPLED 392 TIME SAMPLED PLACED 9 1000 [gIa.m 0 p.m. GROUT TEST REPORT UBC 21-18 MIX AND SPECIMEN DATA INVOICE NO. CEMENT TYPE MAXIMUM SIZE AGGREGA TE 14379 aSK I Sand" ADDITIVES: SAND 25,3201bs AGGREGA TE SLUMP Fluid in. I UNITS TO FORM NO. TYPE MOLDS .J.STM C231 - AIR GROUT TEMPERA TURE CONTENT % 70FO Mix 10 No. WEATHER lAIR ACG-8 Clear TEMPERA TURE 65F" CURING HISTORY BEFORE TRANSPORT TO LAB MIN/MAX TEMP OF AGE DAYS OTHER I REQUIRED DAY COMMENTS: 28 STRENGTH 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS - ASTM C1019 SAMPLE LAB I OUT OF AVERAGE AREA DATE AGE MAX LOAD STRENGTH NO NO PLUMB % w/h sq in. TESTED (DAYS) Ibs psi 2 E 2x2 4 10/10/02 28 16200 4050 2 F " " 10/10/02 28 16800 4200 Date Samples I Other Comments Received in Laboratorv CERTIFIED BY: DATE: Laboratory Manager, General Testing Laboratories Date Form ReVised 07/22/02 QualIty Assurance for Northwest ConstructIon (360) 779-9196 Toll Free (888) 898-8378 Fax (360) 779-4320 ... ;:.. GENERAL TESTING LABORA TORIES, INC. 18970 THIRD AVE NE, P.O. BOX 1586, POULSBO, WA 98370 CLIENT NTI REPORT NO. 3 PROJECT Port Angeles Library Restoration PROJECT NO. B9613 CONTRACTOR I CITY/COUNTY PERMIT NUMBER Hock Port Angeles/Clallam DA TE GROUT SAMPLED 09/13/02 I INSPECTOR Steve Blaney GROUT SUPPLIER Fred HIIII Matenals LOCA TlON OF GROUT PLACEMENT Auger cast pilings - P-3, P-5, P-10 LOCA TlON SAMPLED P-5 midway NO. YARDS 9 OF TRUCK SAMPLED 388 TIME SAMPLED PLACED 1100 ~a.m 0 p.m. GROUT TEST REPORT UBC 21-18 MIX AND SPECIMEN DATA INVOICE NO. CEMENT TYPE MAXIMUM SIZE AGGREGA TE 14405 8SK I Sand" ADDITIVES: Delvo 380 ozlload SAND 25080 AGGREGATE SLUMP FlUid in. WNITS TO FORM NO. TYPE MOLDS ASTM C231 - AIR GROUT TEMPERA TURE CONTENT % 68FO Mix ID No. WEATHER lAIR ACG-8 Clear TEMPERA TURE 65Fo CURING HISTORY BEFORE TRANSPORT TO LAB MIN/MAX TEMP of AGE DAYS I OTHER I REQUIRED DAY COMMENTS: 28 STRENGTH 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS - ASTM C1019 SAMPLE LAB OUT OF AVERAGE AREA DATE AGE MAX LOAD STRENGTH NO NO PLUMB % w/h sq in. TESTED (DAYS) Ibs psi 3 A 2x2 4 09/20/02 7 12800 3200 3 8 09/20/02 7 12400 3100 3 C 10/11/02 28 16600 4150 3 D 10/11/02 28 16200 4050 Date Samples Received In Laborator Other Comments DATE: Laboratory Manager, General Testing Laboratories Date Form Revised 07/22/02 QualIty Assurance for Northwest ConstructIon (360) 779-9196 Toll Free (888) 898-8378 Fax (360) 779-4320 '" .. GENERAL TESTING LABORA TORIES, INC. 18970 THIRD AVE NE, P.O. BOX 1586, POULSBO, WA 98370 CLIENT REPORT NO. 3b NTI PROJECT Port Angeles Library Restoration PROJECT NO. B9613 CONTRACTOR I CITY/COUNTY PERMIT NUMBER Hock Port Angeles/Clallam DA TE GROUT SAMPLED 09/13/02 I INSPECTOR Steve Blaney GROUT SUPPLIER Fred HIIII Materials LOCA TlON OF GROUT PLACEMENT Auger cast pilings - P-3, P-5, P-10 LOCA TlON SAMPLED P-5 midway NO. YARDS 9 OF TRUCK SAMPLED 388 TIME SAMPLED l8Ia.m 0 p.m. PLACED 1100 GROUT TEST REPORT UBC 21-18 MIX AND SPECIMEN DATA INVOICE NO. CEMENT 8SK TYPE MAXIMUM SIZE AGGREGA TE 14405 I Sand" ADDITIVES: Delvo 380 ozlload SAND 25080 AGGREGA TE SLUMP Fluid in. ~UNITS TO FORM NO. TYPE MOLDS 4STM elJ I - AIR GROUT TEMPERA TURE CONTENT % 68FO Mix ID No. WEATHER Clear lAIR ACG-8 TEMPERA TURE 65Fo CURING HISTORY BEFORE TRANSPORT TO LAB MIN/MAX TEMP of AGE DAYS OTHER I REQUIRED DAY COMMENTS: 28 STRENGTH 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS - ASTM C1019 SAMPLE LAB OUT OF AVERAGE AREA DATE AGE MAX LOAD STRENGTH NO NO PLUMB % w/h sq in. TESTED (DAYS) Ibs psi 3 E 2x2 4 10/11/02 28 17000 425Q 3 F " " 10/11/02 28 17200 4300 Date Samples J Other Comments ReceIved in (7/ I ~I / Laboratory / CERTIFIED BY: I.....""'t..r""'-- ~ '-'::l- DATE: / u/ / ,:>7 u'l..... '-' ! I Laboratory Manager, General Testmg Laboratones Date Form RevIsed 07/22/02 Quality Assurance for Northwest Construction (360) 779-9196 Toll Free (888) 898-8378 Fax (360) 779-4320 10/21/2002 16:37 '" " 3604528498 NT! PAGE 02 r'" NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC. 717 SOUTH pEABODY S~EET, PORT ANGELES. WA 1830Z Englnssrs . Land Surveyors. GeologIsts Construction Inspection. Meterials Testing JOB CONSTRUCTION REPORT REPORT #: DATE: (380) 452..8491 1..800-8511.5545 FAX 45Z..84ge E-M..U: In'o4!lnlldu.com PROJECT: C Ar'2..1\J c::; 0 ) E L-I ,gP-.A~y CONTRACTOR: HOc. \-.\ I AL~61t.. bI-n..o'V~ CLIENT: C , -rY " F PORi A tv l::tE L.tS S SUPERINTENDENT: INSPECTOR ORDERED BY: C-.L \ ~NT INSPECTOR: B\'-L P~'i-roN INSPECTOR ARRIVED: \ \ ; 30 DEPARTED: I ~ ~ 5 WEATHER Overu:.AS T I C-ALM JOB#: PR:lA O~ (') 5" A fa P-.\ v e=-~ 0 rv So rT~ ""\ 0 """\ EST' C. 0 "'"''-R e-r E f"C Y2... A :3 C) -+ Y A r<....D 'fo \..J (l.. ~ 0 fl- P I L c.::= GA. p..:;; =t- C::t I"t.AC,E' t?" E? A/n S ~ C 1'3.5 Ei'2. v ~ ~ r<. ~ B A I\.. c...U:~:Jq 1"2....A rvc:...~ .s ~ F<)uru~ 1\4'::=(\("\ -r~ e~ 'f'ef<. {'/....A IV.. II--\E T"\taS, -r~vc:..k ~~ -n:::.s-r""E"D v-/I-r\+ A SU",,'''''fl OF "'3 >1.f" t 3 C.YL.\/VCE'/'2.S v...-E.r<.~ CAS,.. ~N~ oF" '(2...E p~ ~ T.. REINSPECTION REQUIRED 0 YES o NO :\Gen\Kate\LabUob Construction Report.doc 10/2:1,(2002 ~ 16:37 3604528498 NT! PAGE 03 NTI M^TClllAL9 T~8TlNa LAOOAATOfW 717 S. Poauody. Port AnaoloG, WA OOJ02 (Joo) 46~..o40f Fox (300) 462..0400 COMPnCSBlva smaNQni T'GOT 9f1GCIMGN TRANSMITTAL & reST ROSULlll FOflM (lo( 11';1 ptojeo< .peo(men bclcltl. oomplele '''''.' 10' 'UIIIII lIcn.mlll&.l . , P, A. I, MQlorla1 Ty()O: )1, Concrolo 0 Mortar a a rout .QWnt c:~ o-~. 2. Numbor o( Spoclmono: 0 , 02 ~3 o 4 a 6 ProloC1' c..At<~ G:' c" rE LII3r<.ARY 3, rostlno Soquonco ROqUBatod (dQys attor costing): elWNG INFORMA nON o SUlndard A ~ SUlndan:1 B a Srancf~rd C 0 othor (spocIfy It "'0 op.ln '.1) aOClOUnl or .ou.... projoot 10, mUtl go Chro~ah 7,28,28, Hold 7.28,28 28,2B e...~nb&ll M<<niIQlIt II...\. - a t...nb Accounr iF 4. Dalo Cast: Jo -\ 6-0d 5. Cast By: f3\LL PAYTON ~ Pro/act Account 10 P(.2....TA c aOS 6. Matarlal SupplIed by; ~ te. A Project MaOl.lger ~L : 7, Contractor. A L ~E'''"l.. c.r1'~VE" o Pre-paid (roqulred H not on aooounl _ __ t"""tua) Dato Rec'd In Lab; I ~/.;) I J.)J. B. 9. Rec'd by; I'3,P MA TERIAL SPECIFICA nONS SLUMP TEMPERATURE NR CONTENT" UNIT WEIGHT 41' DESIGN MAX ACTUAL ~ I/~+,' ~O<) Required Compressive Strengtr1; 4cJco ps/@ ae Days - ~ Additional Requiremenrs: - COMPONENTS/MISCEUANEOUS Cement Type: I -- .;;( , I No. of Sacks/C. Y.: b y.;( Load Size; ) 0 I/~ C,Y. I\dmb; Amount/Brand/Type: G(( ( bs c.. e........ cvrr \dmix Amount/Brand/Type: - -- - , - -. ---.......-........- - ::oarse Aggregate: I 77c 16 ~ 3/4-/1 - Ana Aggregate: '-5 CJcrlb..s- sO;"\d) Vearher: 0 v e'(""c...D-s';" f c.o.l ~ AIr Temp: 5'".;>0 :emar1<S~tion of Concrete Placement; p \ le c:<> ps '{r g r--.d Q. ~"i ~ not""\-h ~ &- f'or-. \ lo-......cu I ~-f-t n c...k ~ q 0/ Ol :3 4, .,.-,.-...,.. c...~ #- 37 I ~rl ~ - f2...do,t:/U" ~ I.;;J. ~o., \ \.\ 0l.0 c:o-ddq,Q b~ +e6-T 51t"'.s-\- .+,......c:.....'k.. ""'-- s .{.es+e~ or; .- 304- '-1~ pov~ peelmen ContrOl # ~ TEST RESULTS (TO BE FILLED OllT BY N11 PERSONNEL ONt Y) )OCIm"n ~mon T"'.s't@ Tested Oat" BreaJc ToraI Ullt lDIla # Typo 0I1)r'3 By r..sted Ce.p T)'pe lottd At&<< PSI A. f:,.,:)< l~ 7 to7~s ~e,~7 D ( ;;<'8 /1/1 5 c ~ ?J'a II/1s .,~ - 0 - E \~nt~ ...hn", f"\,... -'r-' 10/2~/2002 15:50 35045284'3E: NTI PAGE 03 NTI "'MfcnIALS TeSTING LAOORATonv 7 (T S. PoalJody. Pon Angoloo, WA 00.:102 (Joo) -4G2..o40 t FO)( (300) 452.{)400 cop;m~~\~r<<lTH T138T GPl2c"..,1(itlJ~ \N~) . J / OT RBeULT'S r-oru~ r'Or ",;, pro/-at '~""""lal~j)r. 'rftrM for '..ula. &t.n1mlu..J I. Malorial Typo: l1, Concroto a Monar a GroUt Olont. C:h.t 0+. P,A. 2. Numbor or Spoclmono: 0 t 02 1;(3 a 4 o 6 Pro/ect: c..Ar<.N t: & r'E:. LI13r<ARY 3. Tostlng SOQuonco ROQU9Btod (days ahor Clllnlng): BIWNG INFORMATION o Standard A ~ Standard B a SEandard C 0 Other (SpocI(y) If no open lab -ClCIOUnl or .all.... prol"(l1 10. mu., CO &h/'O~Oh 7.29.28. Hold 7.28.28 28.28 Ikl.tnau Manager II,..\. 0 Uib Account iI 4. Dale Cast: 10 -\ 8-0;;) s. Cast By: f.3\LL PAY/ON ~ Project Aco:>unt ID PR:lA ~c905 6. Material SupplIed by: A ,e.. (-? ProJect Manager Y2.A L 7. Contractor: A Ll:)Er<.. ~VE" 0 Pre-paid (reQuIred H not on eCXXIUl'lt - __ rllV'llc-e) 8. Date Rec'd In Lab: I oJ~, J CJ~ 9. Rec'd by: r2.P MATERLAL SPECIFICATIONS SLUMP TEMPERATURE NR CONTENT UNIT WEIGHT DESIGN 41~AX ACTUAL S 1/41> ~Oo Required Compressive Strength. 40.00 osl@ 0<'0 Days Additional Requirements: COMPONENTS/MISCEUANEOUS Cement TyPe: I - .;;) I No. of Sacks/C.Y.: b '/.;< Load Size: J 0 '/:;;;.. CX Admix Amount/Brand(rype: GIf ( bs c...~~ Admix Amount/Brand/fype: , " - - - ... _. .. .. ... --. '-'. ........-- COarse Aggregate: . 1770 t b '5 3/4'1 - Fine Aggregate: "sCJcrlbs $OoAJ Nearher. 0 v e....c.C>-s~ I c...o.l VV'\ AJr Temp; 5" ;::;> 0 ~emaf1(s~ocarjon of ConCrete Placement: PI le 0>1'$ *'fr 9~t;?. ~'" 'i rloMi.-.. o.-d &. .for-- \ \CJ~ I ~~-t llc...k =W 90;;;:; 34 I -trvc....k ~ 37 , ~,...\~ _ &q~ -;::!:: I;;J, ~..... \ \.\ .;10 P-.Cld'~ b~ -\-Q6-t '-F I ..- ..s +- . -l,.. "" t:.- 'k.. ""-'0 S +e.s~~ o-f' ...... 30-+'-1~ {J ovr ipecimen Control #~ TEST RESULTS (TO BE FIUED OUT BY NT! PERSONNEL ONLY) ~men Speelman Tut@ T e!ned Dale BreeJc TOW Unit load , T~ DaY3 By TestOd Ce,p Type 1.Da(l Ame PSI A b~l~ 7 BP t O/~5 J3~,ooo ;:;, S' GJ.7 ~740 0 ;;).'8 /1/15 c , d'S Jr/IS" "" 0 E Imllnls lIbout bra~: .. ~ORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DATE: November 8, 2002 MEMO FROM: Ken Dubuc, Fire Marshal FIRE TO: Terri Partch, Project Manager DEPARTMENT RE: Carnegie Library Plan Review Daniel K. McKeen Fire Chief [4651] Kenneth D. Dubuc Fire Marshal [4653] Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant [4650] L. Keith Bogues Training Officer [4652] Shift Captains Jamie Mason Duke Moroz Terry Reid [4680] Terri, Thank you very much for providing the set of plans for the Carnegie Library Remodel Project. I have reviewed the plans, and ba~ed upon my review, I am submitting the following comments: 9J o or Provide a sign for the lower floor meeting room that posts the maximum occupancy for the room at 49 persons. Maximum occupant load of the upper exhibition space is 140. if) (j Although not specifically required, the door swing ofthe lower floor meeting room should be changed to swing out, in the direction of exit travel. Provide an illuminated exit sign above the exit door at the east end of the new corridor on the lower level. (- "'='" ~ ~ () -."" ~ Provide a Knox locking keybox for the facility. Contact the Fire Department for ordering information and mounting location options. Provide labels for the door leading into the lower floor equipment room. The labels should read "F ACP" and "SPRINKLER RISER." Provide two 2A-lOB:C fire extinguishers for the facility. Extinguishers are to be mounted with the tops no more than 5' offthe floor. Preferred locations would be adjacent to door 14 and door 2. The WAC also will require a fire extinguisher for the elevator machinery room. Panic hardware is required for all exit doors from assembly occupancies. The door schedule does not appear to indicate whether or not panic hardware is specified. The exception is the main entrance, which can have a lock, '\ ,A Terri Partch Page 2 November 8, 2002 provided that a sign stating "This Door To Remain Unlocked During Business Hours" is installed. The specifications call for a dry sprinkler system. A dry system is significantly more complicated and costly than a wet system and does not necessarily provide the same rapid response that a wet system does. If the primary reason for the specification of the dry system is for protection of the attic, consideration should be given to the following options: · If the attic space is heated, the entire fire sprinkler system could be a wet system, which would result in cost and maintenance savings, as well as a gain in operational efficiency. · If the attic space is not heated, the system should be designed with two risers - a dry riser for the attic space and a wet riser for the remainder of the building. The wet system would allow for the full benefit of quick response sprinkler heads. Additionally, the design calls for the use of schedule 40 pipe in the fire sprinkler system. I believe that schedule 40 is significantly more expensive than standard black iron pipe, which would certainly be acceptable in this application. The use of CVPC pipe would also be acceptable. Based upon our newly adopted fire alarm ordinance, a full fire alarm system is not required for this facility. The only fire alarm requirement would be for the monitoring of the fire sprinkler system. Deletion of the bulk of the fire alarm system could potentially result in significant cost savings. I would be more than happy to meet with you at any time to talk about these comments. I would like to suggest that we meet with Stuart Bonney. I spoke with Stuart on 11/5/02 and he said he would be willing to meet, but it would have to be during the week of the 11 th (Monday is a Holiday). He will be gone for two weeks after that. Thanks Terri. I look forward to hearing from you. KD (360) 779-9196 - 96/3 I., J3/4f~ General Testing Laboratories, Inc. 18970 3rd Ave. N.E., P.O. Box 1586 PQulsbo, Washington 98370 4iZ.~ TO N-rT OWNER WEATHER TEMP. t::!'~ PRESENT AT SITE 70 Oat./ AM Oat If-:~D THE FOllOWING WAS NOTED: > ~TL 'R8P~<<a/"ntT7I/~ <;n:J4q",,-, ~7 ~v."" ~AJ s(~ ~ €Fb~7 ~(>L., /N~7Jtf~N 1Jt)S.P~w A-iVb 7l:) A S.SI &'r ~/L- .2PF' i?~7 tt1e7I2JKl W771 ~'T"" t=!JLL. 71!':S.n"'!C... :3 t ,I ~ At..L- (1-/ K..~b ;;?OQF "'1ZJ tAJl4 LL. TIL:;, -h,)bJ.J Rt:u.. T'!:. WL::1t...€ /,l\JS.n:lLL~~ - 1'1t!OfJ'1 A;'t='~X C!:T1L ~r (...J~ r (JAL-~ -ro -rH€:" oS c.J ('t"l~~. 4LE /'/.P?4Jt)II()'G, eP&">>a7 /N~et:!{7~"J AIf}~ ~~~L Ik}!:.r;JI:IL I ~(UUJ c.JA">. , ~ /";!S ?ezTl'::)':::., ALL Ll ,L!!Jjt!.J<ft... ~f"'9)K..J+U:")~ t..Jrr-p..{ ~g !;.rn:- ?t-A.N~ hem,L. <::J/S -4./.0 AJ(;'~ <:?~aJF"lC!A news: As lc)e2-t- A-5' 7/-IP- mANuFI4C!ttJ~5 Kf:l" ~vJI'1~~A-TZON ~ -;;je- ~1'.JT1l-",rr,~i<..- V~~ gUY/?5;.l:1,.) ;r;POYc./--rU!;- E.r2"Z.. {81;:> 'DAn; "'2./0,/1 / / > COPIES TO SIG::~~IIDr f"v 09/20/2002 11:23 3504528498 NT! PAGE 02 GENERAL TESTING LA BORA TORIES, INC 1897(} Third A venue NE P. O. Box 1.'86 Po'ulsbo, Washington 98370 (360) 779~9J96 Toll Free (888) 898-8378 Fax (36(}) 779-4320 September 9,2002 General Testing's Project No. B961 3 NTl 717 S. Peabody Port Angeles, W A 98362 ATTN: Bob Payton RE: Carnegie Library Dear Mr. Payton Ray Melton and Steve Blaney representing General Testing Laboratories, Inc. arrived on the site to perform epoxy anchor bolt pull test This testing is required by the jobsite specifications. The pull test was performed on 1-3/4" diameter anchor bolt on the west side at the center of the building for a new roof joist anchor that was epoxied on September 6, 2002, and inspected by Special Inspector Steve Blaney. The 3/4" dIameter anchor bolt was loaded to 5000 pounds force and maintained for one miTlute. The bolt was observed to remain in-place, no failure. Pull tests were performed using a 20-ton RCH 202 calibrated Engerpac ram and Heise gauge. The ram and gauge were calibrated earlier on September 6, 2002. using a National Bureau of Standard traceable proving ring serial No. ] 635. Field personnel representing the contractor and architect Stuart Bonney were informed of the test results prior to leaving the ~ite Steve Blaney remained on-site to continue epoxy bolt inspection as requested by the contractor. lfyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to give me a call at the office, our toll free number is 888-898-8378. RM/be Sincerely, General T<<.'sting Laboratories, In('. ~1A I/d~ ~ Ray~tol1 Senior Special Inspector (jufllily Assurance .(clr N",1/'wes( COlIslruclitm General Testing Laboratories, Inc. DATE JOB NO 1;'0 a"L. ;B- '76)3 18970 3rd Ave. N.E., P.O. Box 1586 Poulsbo, Washington 98370 PROJECT ?A. L:., (360) 779-9196 LOCA~ l~ CONTRACTOR OWNER TO /\Ifr t-I () c. 1-/ WEATHER TEMP Oat A ~L~Jt.t /0 0 ~:o. M at PRESENT AT SITE THE FOllOWING WAS NOTED: > t!;rz..... t<1")OIt...&S.1DtJ'l)IJ..TII/4:- '::;:'Tl:'PrI~ 15L,qAJ, "itLJLIVb"h a.J $/ nr- Fbx... ~'1 ~t.)Lr- pujP~1701J 3,{ , I 'I AL.L.. -rJ4'IJ<.Jn4.b (<Of);:=- ~ 1.J14.c.-L. -rIE-Q{JW,u aC),~ W~ /AlJ~n4~ Ar 7I-f ~ JJ 0 1''''-101) t.O e5 r A 141 b ~tJ T'J.l 54\ bc-c... ~~.r t::! l-LnlfJUJ AJ&-. eptJ~ 7 1"/ .::i1!:l:.-'17oAi AAJ 1> ;ad"" 'r Ihl~ ";'7qLL,;4- n LJ +..,/ W~ , IN5;;>~Tti"'::> AL.~ WOIC..J<... W~ p;3UA./P 'P> t"'rurJFtJ~ uJl71~ ~~ ~'/n:.- ~~ ,4-AJ t> 9e-~FU:!_J4 TloAJ 5 Ve:T14/Lt:;. ~~ -~(,) .A,.J~ 10/50 -4l) A~ WiC"U...... AS -r~ I ' MI4NVrA.CTlJK.t::::1t.-.s ;<€t!..O wtA1~DA ndhl S. --;fir: C!~,v~I4.C-rzrx.... t' ~~ StmpSZJN €::Po",'1" lie e:r::z 'Z.... (e:Jl.? tA472r" ~A,~ > COPIES TO SIGNED TO (360) 779-9196 ;<./ -r --r: DATE 9/11 '4 '2. JOB 00;8" 1:}.3/ G:. PROJECT ? A. L't3Jt.A~ ~7Z'Jl!A77()J LO?au- Alll~~ CONTRACTOR CNVNER ;-/OQl WEATHER TEMP. Oat AM ~~~ 10 Oat ~:()cJ PRESENT AT SITE General Testing Laboratories, Inc. 18970 3rd Ave. N.E., P.O. Box 1586 Poulsbo, Washington 98370 THE FOllOWING WAS NOTED > GT7- J?€pR~rll./c J;;7>PH4>o,/ -;?U"4.AJ('1 ~/u~ ~JJ .s/~ ~ 5p€~ ,q L 1./IJ~-;::>8-nOIt J I'Jr ~, LL.F t) rll.! ..,)~.,~ /Hr C"f-':IUrz:,A(I-~ ))A!ILl.J::-~ 8 - /yl'i)J;:l X ~D I }.rY"p ?/t.lv6 Nz1L~s. AlD. $ ?-I ?- Y ?- ~ ?-" ?-II JSJ-, ~ ?-I S- ?- 17 ;=OJ(:.- 71+€" ..) ./ / I / / ELPI/A-T?JK.) SEE"' b/l4Gt.<~ ~ L~t'AT't6Al_ Ap{7!:7L. ~~'-'-IJCJ6, {Hie M'-Ir .P1A-~ rl}W1P~~ rVl-L ~r ~ HI '-I.- /fJ A 'T'a;XIAL. S ff.51<.. TO()O ?.s I r::;~. J-r- ,11')C.. /Z A~ J.I ?/l..C [J-H!JcI . ./ / 71Ft! JEll /iTD A I? iF:' - /8AK.. ('fA (-7tfF' -tHE R~-SAK. l/J14 ~ 1Ji)<,.?~ J3c,r=b~ ~_~L?ncsJJr- Awl::> rbuJVlr::> 7D C!'c)}'.)F e}"c.,m Lt ) / T7~ -ri-l ~ -::r at.3 S/ -nr- rl-AN$ A~ ~P€GIr '6+T7~ .' . D",~ SeT CJF ~ - Z>t ';')li' 6!.Vt3~ w~ rrl4~r (1') X~~Z- -;"ODAyS 6Jcf '1t-'")5' ~F t4~l'l H_~~ > COPIES TO WlD~~~m~ .C:{L /5:~ ~ SIGNED .' GENERAL TESTING LABORATORIES, INC 18970 ThirtlAvenue NE P.O. Box 1586, Poulsbo, WA 98370 '.360) 779-9196 Toll Free (888) 898-8378 Fax (360) 779-4320 0Y~~'~~~:.;r.;t~;t~~:,~g~i!.; :' ~WJW~~~t!l$-1f.~ ~~ ~ Oient: /Ji r Project: f::6e:r AN&I~.:~~ LII6144I!.Y ?esn>.t::A.r70N Date of Inspection: ~//I / i) -z- Page I Project No.: '6 -9b/ -:3 Report No.: I Of I Project Address: _Permit No.: Contract No.: Job No.: Contractor: 0 C/-I- Cov!o 7- DrUlin Contractor: LJ c..- r tC..o s .,- lll'll~llll~rll"I~~lll'l:ll:Pt~llt:~'l:;'~'l::,,:t~:wl~'rW'll~lllllll:':({ ;auw.,lUO.tf,;. :'IUCVATIO!J:. ',tnIEl' ;._Ollt l'l'QUIUJ.or,: ,,:'."~:'::;:;:l~~,q :q)='~:l;l: ;~I';';';:IIFI";,r~~:",--" .....' '. '.," ..: :.... ''- . 1, k",,~ ih'..3:~q~,'l'j:>: " :.:', .:. '<:d:':"""l"l,,.lill,.l:'.,.. ','. 'ifOl" I' ...',' '., u'm1~r .~". '.. 0'" ,:>.,,(~ l<,'.", KJdt',u,J,. 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(g-- @x _ -. __-~- ~~-- GJ.. - ~~ ~r- -- - ~:- @ ----:-------- ~~-- -- '-D A ..)- (tJ 6- - @ ~ _ _ _____._____.________.__ h_ -- _~___ ~- --~~~-e-~~-~ ~I-==~= @- V) - ~ ---- n---'--- -------.---. - .- r\ -.-- ~------- ---------...------ - -- V- . -- ------ .- ------ - --- --...--- --+------- , ~ @ @ 9 (1)-- GENERAL TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 18970 Third Avenue NE P.O. Box 1586 Poulsho, Washington 98370 (36fJ) 779-9196 Toll Free (888) 898-8378 Fax (360) 779-4320 September 12,2002 General Testing's Project No. B9613 NIl 717 S Peabody Port Angeles, W A 98362 ATTN Bob Payton RE. Carnegie Library Dear Mr Payton Ray Melton and Steve Blaney representing General Testing Laboratories, Inc arrived on the site to perform epoxy anchor bolt pull test As is required by the jobsite specifications The pull test was performed on two 3/4" diameter anchor bolt on the north and south ends of the building for a new roof joist anchors that were epoxied on September 9 and 10,2002, and inspected by Special Inspector Steve Blaney Each 3/4" diameter anchor bolt was loaded to 5000 pounds force and maintained for one minute Each bolt was observed to remain in-place, no failure Pull tests were performed using a 20-ton RCH 202 calibrated Engerpac ram and Heise gauge The ram and gauge were calibrated on September 6, 2002, using a National Bureau of Standard traceable proving ring serial No 1635 Field personnel representing the contractor was informed of the test results prior to leaving the site Steve Blaney remained on-site to for possible epoxy bolt inspection and auger cast pile as requested by the contractor If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to give me a call at the office, our toll free number is 888-898-8378 Sincerely, li4:?JFies, Inc. Senior Special Inspector RM/be (jllali~\' -III1I/O/lce {or tVol1/l\l'e5f ('OJl5lI7fcfIOJl (360) 779-9196 DATE '7/rz./o~ ~CT ( . A . l, LOCATION ?Ootr JOB NO. '8-9'-13 General Testing Laboratories, Inc. 18970 3rd Ave. N.E., P.O. Box 1586 Poulsbo, Washington 98370 TO N~-r. WEATHER TEMP. Oat 70 Oat AM PM PRESENT AT SITE THE FOllOWING WAS NOTED > h n RFPL.~o..Jna;;rJ t/~ s;: '77:'70"# tJ)V ~ LA4 A.J7 ..4LK...1 I/~ t"l~ < ./ rar- M x..... ?P/.:rt:!.UJ.L /1)5?~Dd DF ~J~ ?n_IAlC- \..Al&Jb ~z7 ~o~r- /N"5.P~'T7OAJ. ~ .1 LI ~ I He ~~~r'TOJC... I>d.JLL~ 7 - I ~ bJJq "X TO ()~ ,-"_':Nt:... .f../-,)) l e-s ,JD. S ?- II,. / P-l~. ?-I'2- ?-7 ~-~ ?-'F; ?-2-) SEe- PlI46~J4"W1 , I I fnx. L DC!' J4 T1 ('l h1 , t:1-fe: Hr)'-~ W~ -p.IoJ ?cJMP~ p-dL.'-.. 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L is Ly _ CJt" '>;U.iili0~"/.'..f.ltti}~~~{~i;:f.~:~;I-~>t;,!;";~iT.:i.\':: '.:' '. ~.'t..:S~,'{>;.:{D..M"':"'~/.~,S"',,::",~ "'.;"~""., ,. ~~~~?~,:-"",:?",: :......::.$:-::--<<t~..1' ~: ~...: Oient: AI -,- r Project: ~1Z1 AAlG€LC"> L, f3,(.AtL'f ~eSTh~AT10,.J Date of Inspection: q It ~I () 'Z- Page Of 1 Project No.: 13'" 9'13 Pennit No.: Report No.: Job No.: Project Address: Contract No.: Contractor: /-( 6C/-I ST Drillin Contractor: W c.. F,eos T . f:i l ;"lm@~'~ll':::!':;,:..~lj~,:" ,.. :.:~:....:: :....::..~ ,':":;.:>.:l";'!'.: ........,."....Q..: ......v,'''....n..... ........1::':':: .:'Vn,'nulI''''!, ' vn..........nr ..,.:~ '.. ....: ,:." :::n=.".:. :~';;~;::':%:i:,:~"" d. .... .... : ... ~ "~"l"<j"~'''('''''' ...l....... (............ .. .. ..... ............ .............;. ....~~ltt4... ....... ..~ ~..,.",....... .,....... ...... 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Oat 75' Oat 3:-10 PM THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: > ~n- 'Rl!:P~Q\.J"rA-r11l E: ~I-IPN 6c.Jo't.N 7 A-K.JC./ t/~ I'lhl .5J (2r" HJI'C... ~?~/A ~ /AJ,SPt::t..,.710"J OF' Aut!;.GX-.. ~M-~r ?L./ItJ& A;v.l> e:Pb)eY l3ll~r- f?.J4t!L'" /VI GVI -;;;p bJt!./Ll-lJUI-,. I"'AJCJlitU4C!..7OIC. 'b2...!LL~~ -3 - I&~)<' '10 I D~ ?Il..""~ -:IF ' .$ ?- ~ ?,-s./ ?-IO (5~ 'blt4(-,I2rt'.Wt 1=DJL l..zJt"7Ano,v s) -;;;&"' ;::J l.J:rS W~l!T ~ II1A?S"2:> FZn, '- W/T1-1 8"$/<:; L!ODU?..I I ?'~Dr.)r- ~/)(. StJ~LJ~ 13L/ r1<J::..-;:;;' H/L.~ M.4T2:X./A ~~ EA~ nu;: 77le:rtJ ReL'JS""lJ~ . > .A 1?e:--BA1<- ~f:.,e- wl4/e/-l. WA-S; ?te.€lI/atJ.JL{ I~'!>?e-z.:n:t.:::,. A"'"'t> F2>Ll";'/::::. 70 CeAJFDIU1'\ WI T'H "T'"o~ $/ ~ ?L.A.VS A14D S~-r.JF/~l4n~1.J s(b€l"'Jqu.tt;. (%3.2. r 'Z.~32\ , / K') I' II " .0 UjlJJP ~,=--r ot= b - 2 :;>c 2" ~ 2. 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" Of I Contractor: kO(!..l-i ~1Vc:.1 Drillin2 Contractor: LJ ~ F,eos r PILE : ~J:.EVAnQt'iI JU~VATI()t'iI tvn "Ol.~()r VOl.tMJ 0' f)RILJ;. NO. LOCATION 'fOro' T1l'"OF 0" HOLE caoUT GROU't l)lPm llEMARKS CAGE PILE CAGE (Coy.} (Coll'.) PRESSURE (lNll'EE.1). .. . . I~J SeF 6AMKfth1 I I%, '-2- .1.,4 1-0 J 2 A~() Vl{'" " >~'2.. 7lJ.Ce'!,.- 300 1/; 8euw I:::.lCAIIAm 1---. 2P,( .32- J p-~ /1 loP 0":;: I b ~. '? ( '" AI ,1/ ... ... '(..-7(;' ZZ ~2. ~' --.J' J p-/o ~~'i( Sf: ;:<;~ il /. 7';/t62- SOILS TECHNICIAN: REVIEWED BY~U~ ,~vr;.!-, DATE: .J- 'I y v . ~ --:-, -...----------~---- - - -- ~ - - - - ----~- -------------------------- ~- - - - --------- -~ - -- ~- -. --- - -- - - - - ~ - - -- - ~ - -- - - - - . -- - -~ - ~.- -- @ - f\;)\ _ ~ _ ______._ _____\31 ~-~--- .~--~.- ~:.. .-' -.. - - @ __ _:~_.' _~ ___-~ @}H .__~. _ ~ ~ - - ~y ---. --- ~y '-D A ..:J e 9 (rJ ~ ~ e 9 8 Q) -~ V) - ~ Q 8 TO (360) 779-9196 NIl ecS77J1t-A n~AJ G~neral Testing Laboratories, Inc. 18970 3rd Ave. N.E., P.O. Box 1586 P.oulsbo, Washington 98370 CONTRACTOR lfacH OWNER WEATHER t.!L~ TEMP Oat 70 Oat .::3:00 A M PRESENT AT SITE THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED' > c'T'- KPP~r'/ve:- ~~)I~ 2?~N7 A~v~ 0..) ..5.JrK' Fb~ ~p~)I!"'/ ~L. T~ IA)SP~A.J. I '3 I ... '74 A ,-" ~~ !?oor 71:> WJlt(..L- T'1e:s. W~ IAl~T74L.Li::::t'-,. oJ -n-I~ etsr ~A L.L. F d.,Dm ,wI b - W At 7b (Ue- ,'J/JL.r# ~;U b . C:Le~Jt/IAf(;' /!:jp- (1-1~ Ha/ ~ / E.A:J>e'f 11V:r~,fllMJ ANi::> ~r '~rnLl..A.n(),) WA';> /MJsf:>~~ _ A L,-- U')CL{<- WA~ rntlAJ-b /e) t!tZJAJrl)~1M.. wrr7--t. ""J"'DS-SJ nr- ?LAJ\JS A/o./l::::> S?EC!JF'r"'~T70~S ~/L I ~40) A 'i '~J~/ JIJ ~ (U~ r11l1lrJtJ~A::!TVJC.t::e5. I t? ~('I/)mA-u:~N""f')A--7'/D,.J S . -t:tJ;:r (!~~~ L>~~ 5,,yt?~AJ el-b)ty--r/~ €I 22. ,exr A4!z- yo'!. > SIGNED COPIES TO General Testing Laboratories, Inc. 18970 3rd Ave. N.E., P.O. Box 1586 Poulsbo, Washington 98370 DATE ~ ~ JOB NO ~ Zc... 0 2.. ;3- 9b/3 PR~T L 1t6,!'_~ ?E:."STh~ I .1-\ L07t ~ ' ~ IC.:r" ~ CONT~R OWNER cH WEATHER TEMP ~ _ Oat AM {)V~-r ~ 0 PM at PRESENT AT SITE (360) 779-9196 TO ,J -( ~ THE FOllOWING WAS NOTED > ~7Z.. .~~~ntJe- ~#~ ~7 A-K.ft/I/~ 6-"'/ ~/r;y- Ft:J^-. er:b~ aOL.-r- JIUS.7]:11 1.AT7~,.) Yq" ALL. 7Ht<JfAb ~- -ro WJCll-L, 71 e:s.. LA.l~ 11f)~'}'-'A.L.Lt:::h In) -n+~ ~T WALL. ~ Cl..t::1'='IAI/JUI''r/ of 71"Ie H-o~.. e;J:::t)~( /N-r{fr-770,.) AIlIb i!!It:J~.:r- //lJtJ.~L.A?r7()xJ WAS /AJS;::>ec-7'2!:'D. AL.L- W~ILJ"'-- '^"'~ ~vlf}D. '-TO ~OKJ~/C..~ 1.l.1/rH --:r~S -oS I r;r- ?L.4IJ~ ,AND ...5.;:::>~Ff~A 770~Sy J:Jen4/L Ir$l/-~ I A~ Wt-;;;-u.... ~ ;#b" /hANUF'I4a-T1.J~c;., ;;?/:7!lU:Jtn~t>~~NS. -r;:i€"' C!c:l1L.lTlLAe rfJL V~I:;-b ~, W1'Pt;;.~k,) P1'=b)c: '1 -71c 6-"l2 7...,~? A4~,:Iof > COPIES TO JFIr~lliJ]) illJEJP@mcrr SIGNED ::;~L 13~ ~ TO (360) 779-9196 AIrY JOB NO 'Z ,. 7"/ 3 ~~~?70~ Gen,eral Testing Laboratories, Inc. 18970 3rd Ave. N.E., P.O. Box 1586 Poulsbo, Washington 98370 OWNER WEATHER TEMP Oat o at AM PM PRESENT AT SITE THE FOllOWING WAS NOTED > ~TL -;?~~C?u~r-tVJ::: S:7O'"P/~t5hJ ~LA-AJ7 A~/v~ CJN Fi~ EFb'Y-'t - 7?o"- r 1-v5.r>,..r~_:pDw'.. ~ ,. -r-~ :i?L"""AIJUl)J~ tf ALL -rJt~ trooP 7b tJ,),-rLL 77t'C"- ~WHJs. r::r ~ "b I 1'/.1 r1-f~ ~ r- W,A.t-L , C~tUJlt.H"'1 nF" 71-I-e- rio, .r-c;.; t::]:O)l.7 /N.::Jt=c..-rU:u"; A:4}~ 6c~_:r 1/.Jc::.71"fL.LI"f-.rzCJ'I-J WA-~ InI"J>cz:...~ ALL..... /LJOJLI<'" 1~14f. -;:;;Ytflb. --,n ~..,.~ WITl-l /1-{-c Jo(3~TC- ~/~ I.U~ ~LA/LI> AN'1:;::. S,,?p.?::JF/~A HOICJ , A-!;. W~.A-S THC YYIl4JfJUF1J.C!{t)'i...1:::f2-~ 'K~n-t/'H.(;SXJ~ ---;;;;- (iCYtl~(!..~ rL (').s.. e; .,..... 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'ld [ ) f)-O.5 So. ~JnCO JYI 8r: &; 1 t>3 PIli -MUSEUM STORE SIDE- 5GllARE METAL CORNER, /TYFICAL ALL SIDES / r~"GUI6RJLL~ ~"x~" METAL STOPS '4" WIRED Gl.AZ~ ~ PROVIDE GASKET TO STOP 5CREW5 FER STOP MNFR, 2V2" MIN. L~ll4 . HEAD. 4><8 I-lEADER . JAM6; 2x4 STUD/TRIMMER . SILL D6L 2x4 SILL PLATE . MUNTIN; 2x4 STUD/ (2) TRIMMER . EXTG' PLASTER ~ LA ll4 INST ALL METAL CORNER ~OR TO METAL STOP -CORRIDOR SIDE- NOTE: DETAIL IS 6ASED ON I..HSTORIC STUD e 48" o.c. REMAIN~, TYP. ADD NEW TRIHHER ON (I) SIDE 6 JAMB, EACH SIDE. MUNTIN I'J.ET GLAZING; 5LZE 42" eaJARE L__ _ ___ _ __ _________________~_ o ~!CE;3~ II~O" RED TO I1Du.t:J .~ . J MUSEUM STORE @TI 3'-0}4" 3'-0}4" 3'-0}4 I 3'-0}4" < ~RRIDO , (,) 8-0" s%" ~ s%" ---Ti00--ii r---~ .. UP 2 R PROJECT MEMORANDU1W. Dele: 9 June 2003 cc~~y To: Stuart Bonney Olympic Design \Vorks Fr: V ictor Martinez 1.1" Gross Structural En}?;ineers ... Re.- Carnegie Library Rehab~htatio:1 " ;;0 o 3 o r -< 3 "'U ...... n t:1 m (f) ...... CJ Z S o ;;0 ^ (f) z n "'U (f) 1 J r [XPIRES 3/1"j jZ004 " :D X Z o -n-l~ f?\crr,$ ~ h ~:::;:lC:-CC iC ~'1&' "':>"..ti'10 :r;...pri-ir ';'flj{l '.'vn is r.Jt ih~ loyJer f1Qo'" No l;-rerl:Ji' 'I'IC-oo stuc V'l'of,s 'I\'[t-, or wit~IQL..-t ;::,iyv..J-:id ::Clve been used -'0 \cter~"y fiU;Jport the bL;i~Clfi~ 'i"i ory dh~ct~'1. The '. prj:;-,':;r) klter.:::! -:-':;;rce r~5I5tin:;l eieme:lt;; c:-e i'r12 EX:5":rl:d !.J'"lrei'1fo'-cec r:Jsor.-y v....~lis '(1 me IO:'"lg direcTion o"c !:---eei C..-.;g STn.:~S TO new Cor':::::-E'-= ""h:::LJ("'VOli9 ill The 5,Or-t" dir-ecion P!e::lGe c~'1 vvi-:n r lY ~rrr.er- quest.on5. Lj >= :J is) \.D I\J is) is) 0J is) I\J I-'" \.D "'U 3 "'U I\J ~OM :-OLYMPIC DESIGN WORKS, INC.4IJ en-ca. (,3 ~ Jun. 02 2003 04:27PM P2 FAX NO. ....llI':lr=lf~~ .... ;1' r ~:. A R.lCH1v~OND/ARCHOS ENGINFERING '~040 '-IQgum Bay Road NE . Olympia. WA 98616. (360) 956-0384. Fel( (360) 362-1275 MEMOR:ANDUM To: From; Date: 5 I.Jbjeet Stuart Bonney, Olympic; Oe51gn Works, 360417-2888 (2 pages total) Henry Romer June 2. 2003 Port Angeles Carnegie Library Sit~ Visit Report FiiE On tylay ~O. ~003 I visited the site to revlsw work on the proJect. Issue.. identified Include: 1. The electrician has raised an issue of connection to the fan coil duct heaters. The hea~er for FC-1 has three elements each with a terminal block. The FC.2 heater has tlNc.'I units. Per our dCClJmE!nts a sIngle breaker serJ8S eactl unit. We have reviewed the fax from Olympic Electric dated S/~1/03 which proposed a solution. Rod's response to me Is; attaohed. It contains details of the required electncal connections. Note that verification of the Installed oven;urrent protection in the heaters is important to the solution. We feei that this issue should be solved at other than the Owner's expense as the originally specified equipment j:lrovlded for single poinl connection and that is what is included in the electrical documents. The multipoint heater connections are a result of supplying Trane equipment and should be considered a mechanical/el~etrical coordination issue. 2. FC-2 needs an a\,.lwmatic shuwff damper on the outside sr duet to meet the req'Jirements of the Energy Code. Thl$ function was included In the Contract Documents by t~:ua specification of a mixing box on the unit. Air-Fie has $l.lbstituted field built darrloers aM thus must include tr,is damper and actuator The solution proposed by Air. J!'lo to add a two-position s"'utoff damper in series with the existing balancing damper On the outside air duct Is acceptable. 3 The pl~cement of FC-1 blocks access to the Detector Ch~ck ports on the FirQ Sprinkler Riser Since no fire sprinkler product submittals were provided with the flre sprinkler shop drawings, I hav~ no information Oil this device or Its service or test requirements. The shop drawing review noted that product information needs to be provided. I also do not know why a detector double check valve has been provided rather tha,., e more common dcuble check \1aIV8. Please have the :;;prinkler contractor provide thIS information. 4. There is an air admittance valve Installed on the plumbing vent piping for the Mgn's and Women's re:!itrOen1$, ThiS "alve needs ta have a grille installed in the GWB '.~Iall It Is not covered over and will not fUr'letion. The valve needs to be located and tDe grille opening Cl.It ar1d grille i'1stalled. A diVision of ~: J.. "...J. ~I ~_ www...:..mond5Y5t~"ns.com . I ',~ >' I C: i . ( C/7~ 7c~ ro~ QW=lqlq r~~~~'i~ ~;,;~C.7 l'On?'7 'un~ 'i-::> G ~ t/) o )- ~ () C S' (1T) ~~OM :-O~YMPIC DESIGN WORKS, INC'4IJ FAX NO. 4It Jun. 02 2003 04:28PM P3 Henry F. Romer From: Sent: To: S~bject: Rod Roche [rodr@rlchmOfldsystems.com] Wednesday, May 28 20034;43 PM Henry Camegie library Henry , Here 1$ my input 00 the dud heaters OH-1 and D~.2. The electl"leal panel schedules are correctly coordinated wllh the mechanical equipment. The electrIcal ~lel'1 drawings showing thet local eo anc 100 amo disconnect switches $re adeqLlatlil fCf' the load. but 100 small lo be ~rotecl6d by the upstream clI't:uit br.,aker. The upstream circuit breakers can ~nher be downsized to GO amp 100 amps (from 75 and 1 ~S) or you oan delete the local d;e<;o",neci switches, and ac!d a lockout aCCSS$Qry to the 75 and 125 amp circuit, breakers in j."Ie paneL Carrier duct heaters were speclflEld, slngl& stage. They were dEls~ned as Slnsle point connection 9QLJI!:)tnent. whlcih is available from Carrier as a standard option. ' The sUbsti'lulad aOl.lipment was not pl'O\lided with single pOint connection capabilIty In fact the duct l-teaters installed rE!Cluir~ three separate power circuits The mismaTch 01"1 -hg electtlcal iEt a dire<::t result of tne contractor's deeisio,\ to use Sl.!::lStituted equipment. Therefore any eosts 8$Soel!Md with revising ~"e ef~ctncal to connect to the mechanical equIpment needs to be worked ,'jut betv..een 1he general contraetor and the &ub-<10ntrSletors, and should MY be a c:ost to the Owner. I have reviewed the flllx date 5/21/03 (received at RAE on5/2B/O~) from Christy Brown with Olympic Electric. I believe they are proposing the folJoWIl'\<;l: At OH-1 and DH-2 there are circuit breakers wilhin tne mechanical equipment pro1gclinQ eac~ at ttJe three 208 volt slngle phase /'Ieater elen'lents. Please confirm this as It IS cntleal to the flnal solution. HtQ IOI'lCp drawi~ information on the substituted equipment is not totally forthcoming en t~e circuit brf!sker quantity. amp rating. and no. of poles. Assuming that tI-,ere are thr~ 2 pole. 208 volt circuit breakers at each duct heater. then it would be approprIate 10 Install a po~r dietrlbutlon block at each duct , ~eater, snd then ..JSEl the 10 foot tap rule to rur. smaller Wlt'inc:l to each circuit breaker. The winng shOUld be lIize 50 that it is protected by ~e cll'l"..ult breakers ;n the duct heaters. Alsd assuming that 01-1-1 is rated 1a kw. then the ....Ire s~e needs to be #1 AWG CU (- 30 aMp ratlllg) (root parallel #1 AWe:.) Also assuming DH~2 is ~ed 11 k~ lh~i the wir~ size needs to be ~ AWG CIJ (65 amp rating). So if 1. There a"f' (3) #6 gOing to the 11 KW neater DH-2. and 2. There Gr'" (3) #',1 going ,0 the 18 kw heater OH-1, and 3. There are Ind1v'-:luai ~Jrel,lit br~kers (three) at each of the duct heaters, Then it ~Clulc be ~ccePtable to install a power distribulton blocl< (Q splice) In a Junction box at the heaters, and tap witt, small.r cot'lduetcr:s out to tile Individual Glrcu,: b.eakens within the duct h2aters Red Roctle, P.r:. Richmcnd/Arof- O~ EnQlnep,r1M 3040 Hogum Ba) Rd. NE Olympia. We 98516.3151 360-856-0384 (tel) 360-352-1271; I Fa)') 1 -; /~ '~ ~~ : '1; , ') N Gll! ~CF nD~ ~~~i~~~ nNn~H^!N W,{hC'~ ~,1',- '7 .,' " r~OM :.O~YMPIC DESIGN WORKS, INC'4If FAX NO. ~ Jun. 02 2003 04:27PM Pi To ---r~, 'P;L\t2::rLt! ~ax, 4l:J - 43 09 ~ /I'YZ"/O^? . I From' ~e:, Date: ~I~ \4VAc- \I~, Re: V.,l.fi ......~-q2..~L.A;1..-- '~l.,.)~~ Pages: ? (mculd,ng cover) cc: o Urgent ~or Review 0 Please Comment o Please Reply 0 Please Recycle Note:;: , ~l,!-- ~ ~POr2-~ wi p/^ ~t\JO l kJ~f2--f2.-J-"-J~ ~OVV1~OA-nQ'\S .,- ---. "., ....... c:.~L Vo.-' / q I? r-~O ~~ .. OLY MPIC bESICN WOR,KS, IN: ;~ "'_tin" P~'1o. Rc.cl "q.r' .........., WA peSe2 "I'/~OO..17.Z.7"J' F.6 .:IGO .17 ::t68a .FROM :- OLYMPIC DESIGN WORKS, INC. PS FAX NO. Oct. 23 2003 10:17AM P1 - ATTlJ: --rG.QJt.i ~ ~ RICHMOND/ARCliOS " , ENGINEERING ... >040 HOQum Boy -.Dd NE · ""'.... WA .$51~ 01360) 958-<>384 . '''1380) '02.1275 FAX MEMORANDUM (One Page Total) To: Stu.11 Bonnoy, Olympic: Design Worh. 36C 417..28aS From. Henry Romer . Oate: OctOber 22, 2003 ~ Subject: Port Angeles Carnegie Library -...:.. Site Visit Report On September 30, 2003 I Visi1ed the site to review Wor< on the project. Is~u.es id'ttn~d include: ' ~ 1. The Rooftop Heat PUIllF has bean set on top of the elevator/stair towe,. addition. Irs placement appears acceplabl<<;!, HOWever, it wa.s net obvious how the out'ide air m".h prefilters were to be removed fOr cleal"ling. Th-. Contractor should'demonstrate this maintenance proced~re to the Owner f()~ referenoe. 2. The fire sprinkler main to (he upper floor and at~ic runs in the former chimney. To provIde freeze protection to this sprinkler line, the chifr\ney cavIty i, .supposed to tie open at the ~ottom to t/'1& basement mechanrcal rOOm and ;.it the top to the insl.llaled aWc spec>>, foiowever, the chimney need. to be tIghtly w8&rher sealed and air tight II~ it c:antinu.$ tQ the rouf. There does nat appear to be adequate sealing arol.fnd the re'rtgel1!ilnt lines and OOnduits running to the Rooftop Unit. These penetrations terminate in a W'epther hoed at the roOf. but air tight sealing need~ to be added. ~. I did not see (he exhaust fan in.,c:talled yet in the elevator room. 4. This issue wee not&d in my $.tG visit on 05"2G-()3. It remains unresolved. .. The placement of FC~1 blor;k6 access to the Defector Check porfs on the FI'8 Sprinkle,. Ri$~}f'. Since rlO fire sprinkler product submittals were provided with the file sprinkle,. shop drawings, I heve no inform.tion on t"/~ dl!lVice or ft~ ~ervice Of ~t requ;,.".,.nftJ. The :ohop drawing f&view noted that produr:t information needs to be provided. 1 a/$o do not know why a detector-double cheek valve ."jJ$ beel'l pnwided mtherthen a mere oommon double check v",fv$. Please helle the sprinkler eontltlctor pro'lide thi~ , Information. t, .\ "\ ^ n ~I ,..,~." -"" "\'"\^ '\11-""ln "'~I""'IUI'''''\1 Job Number HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS Location: Carnegie Library Port Angeles, WA. Job Number: Design Area: 13 Date: 02/28/03 11:22:42 Design Data: Occupancy Classification: Ordinary Group I Density: 0.15gpm/ft2 Area of Application: 1365.00ft2 (Actual 1370.11ft2) Coverage Per Sprinkler: 81.67ft2 Number of Sprinklers Calculated: 15 Outside Hose Streams: 250.00 Total Hose Streams: 250.00 Total Water Required: 524.14 Including hose streams Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops: 0.000 Volume of Water in Pipes: 36.12gal Volume of Air in Pipes: 11.88gal Maximum Velocity Above Ground: 24.07 between nodes 2 and 66 Supply Pressure(s): Available Required Safety Margin Supply node tag: 2 102.080 84.966 17.114 Name of Contractor: Reliance Fire Protection Address: 3706 Airport Way South Seattle, WA. 98134- Designer: R. Scott State Certification/License Number: RELIAFP 102Ll Authority Having Jurisdiction: Port Angeles Fire g;. <0 1997-2003, M E P CAD, Inc 02/28/03 11 22 48 Page 1 Job Number. WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE NODE TAG STATIC PRESSURE (psi) RESIDUAL FLOW PRESSURE @ (psi) (gpm) AVAILABLE PRESSURE @ (psi) 102.080 TOTAL DEMAND (gpm) 524.14 REQUIRED PRESSURE (pSl..) 84.966 SUMMARY OF OUTFLOWING DEVICES SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR 2 105.000 3242.00 20.000 DEVICE ACTUAL FLOW (gpm) MINIMUM FLOW (gpm) 209 210 211 212 213 221* 222 223 224 225 231 232 233 234 235 16.37 17.21 17.77 18.92 20.96 14.82 15.89 16.90 18.41 20.68 17 .20 18.08 18.66 19.85 22.43 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 * Most demanding sprinkler. K-FACTOR 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 PRESSURE (psi) 8.550 9.449 10.070 11.409 14.014 7.000 8.047 9.106 10.809 13.636 9.434 10.418 11. 098 12.564 16.038 iItv @ 1997-2003, M E P CAD, Inc. 02/28/03 11.22.48 Page 2 Job Number NODE ANALYSIS NODE ELEVATION FITTINGS (Foot) PRESSURE (psi) DISCHARGE (gpm) 12 27'-0 Tee 9.538 15 26' -6 Tee 16.668 16 27'-0 Tee 14.175 17 27'-0 Tee 14.027 30 26'-6 Tee 17 .186 31 28'-6 Tee 13.883 63 27'-0 Tee 10.516 66 26'-6 Tee 18.950 67 27'-0 Tee 16.223 209 27'-0 K=5.6 8.550 16.37 210 27'-0 K=5.6 9.449 17.21 211 27'-0 K=5.6 10.070 17.77 212 27'-0 K=5.6 11.409 18.92 213 27'-0 K=5.6 14.014 20.96 221 28'-6 K=5.6 7.000 14.82 222 28'-6 K=5.6 8.047 15.89 223 28'-6 K=5.6 9.106 16.90 224 28'-6 K=5.6 10.809 18.41 225 28'-6 K=5.6 13.636 20.68 231 27'-0 K=5.6 9.434 17.20 232 27'-0 K=5.6 10.418 18.08 233 27'-0 K=5.6 11. 098 18.66 234 27'-0 K=5.6 12.564 19.85 235 27'-0' K=5.6 16.038 22.43 2 0'-0 Source 84.966 274.14 &. ~ 1997-2003, M,E,P CAD, Inc, 02/28/03 I I 22 48 Page 3 Job Number HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity awe Fric. Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Tot. Length BL 1.0490 14.82 5.50 C-100 0.10467 10' 0 Pf 1.047 221 28'-6 14.82 5.6 7.000 K-5.6 Pe 222 28'-6 8.047 10'-0 Pv BL 1.3800 30.70 6.59 C-100 0.10597 10'-0 Pf 1. 060 222 28'-6 15.89 5.6 8.047 K-5.6 Pe 223 28'-6 9.106 \ 10'-0 Pv BL 1. 3800 47.60 10.21 C-120 0.17023 10' 0 Pf 1. 702 223 28'-6 16.90 5.6 9.106 K=5.6 Pe 224 28'-6 10.809 10'-0 Pv BL 1.6100 66.01 10.40 C-100 0.20615 9'-2~ Pf 3.074 224 28'-6 18.41 5.6 10.809 K-5.6 5'-8~ Pe 31 28'-6 13.883 Tee 14' -11 Pv RN 1.6100 86.69 13.66 C=120 0.24359 2'-0 Pf 2.436 31 28'-6 13.883 8'-0 Pe 0.867 30 26'-6 17.186 Tee 10'-0 Pv FM 2.1570 177.93 15.62 C-120 0.22170 7' -11~ Pf 1. 764 30 26'-6 17.186 Pe 66 26'-6 18.950 7' -11~ Pv FM 2.1570 274.14 24.07 C-120 0.49322 42'-10~ Pf 54.527 66 26'-6 18.950 67'-8 Pe 11. 488 2 0'-0 84.96eL,6E,A=-6.07,F=-3.64 , B, S 110' -6~ Pv ..... Route 1 ..... BL 1.0490 16.37 6.08 C-120 0.08989 10'-0 Pf 0.899 209 27' 0 16.37 5.6 8.550 K-5.6 Pe 210 27'-0 9.449 10'-0 Pv BL 1.3800 33.59 7.20 C-120 0.08931 1'-0 Pf 0.089 210 27'-0 17 .21 5.6 9.449 K=5.6 Pe 12 27'-0 9.538 1'-0 Pv BL 1.6100 33.59 5.29 C-I00 0.05907 9'-0 Pf 0.532 12 27'-0 9.538 Pe 211 27'-0 10.070 9'-0 Pv BL 1.6100 51. 36 8.09 C=100 0.12958 10'-4 Pf 1. 339 211 27'-0 17.77 5.6 10.070 K=5.6 Pe 212 27'-0 11.409 10'-4 Pv BL 1.6100 70.27 11. 07 C-120 0.16519 8'-9 Pf 2.766 212 27'-0 18.92 5.6 11. 409 K=5.6 8'-0 Pe 16 27'-0 14.175 Tee 16'-9 Pv BL 1.6100 91. 24 14.38 C-120 0.26776 0'-6 Pf 2.276 16 27'-0 14.175 8'-0 Pe 0.217 15 26'-6 16.668 Tee 8'-6 Pv FM 2.1570 91. 24 8.01 C-120 0.06444 8'-~ Pf 0.518 15 26'-6 16.668 Pe 30 26'-6 17 .186 8'-~ Pv ..... Route 2 ..... BL 1. 0490 17 .20 6.39 C-120 0.09845 10' 0 Pf 0.984 231 27' 0 17.20 5.6 9.434 K-5.6 Pe 232 27'-0 10.418 10'-0 Pv BL 1.3800 35.28 7.57 C-120 0.09778 1'-0 Pf 0.098 232 27 '-0 18.08 5.6 10.418 K=5.6 Pe 63 27'-0 10.516 1'-0 Pv BL 1.6100 35.28 5.56 C-100 0.06467 9'-0 Pf 0.582 63 27' 0 10.516 Pe 233 27'-0 11. 098 9'-0 Pv ~ ~ 1997-2003, M E P CAD, Ine 02/28/03 11.22 48 Page 4 Job Number. Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Fric. Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Tot. Length BL 1.6100 53.93 8.50 C-100 0.14184 10' 4 Pf 1.466 233 27'-0 18.66 5.6 11.098 K=5.6 Pe 234 27'-0 12.564 10'-4 Pv BL 1.6100 73.78 11.63 C=100 0.25327 8'-9 Pf 3.659 234 27'-0 19.85 5.6 12.564 K-5.6 5'-8~ Pe 67 27'-0 16.223 Tee 14'-5~ Pv RN 1.6100 96.21 15.16 C-120 0.29535 0' 6 Pf 2.510 67 27'-0 16.223 8'-0 Pe 0.217 66 26'-6 18.950 Tee 8'-6 Pv ..... Route 3 ..... BL 1. 3800 20.68 4.44 C-120 0.03641 0'-9~ Pf 0.247 225 28'-6 20.68 5.6 13.636 K=5.6 6'-0 Pe 31 28'-6 13.883 Tee 6'-9~ Pv ..... Route 4 ..... BL 1.6100 20.96 3.30 C-100 0.02470 0'-6 Pf 0.012 213 27'-0 20.96 5.6 14.014 K=5.6 Pe 17 27'-0 14 . 027 0'-6 Pv BL 1.6100 20.96 3.30 C-120 0.01763 0'-5 Pf 0.148 17 27'-0 14.027 8'-0 Pe 16 27'-0 14.175 Tee 8'-5 Pv ..... Route 5 ..... BL 1.6100 22.43 3.53 C=100 0.02798 0'-11 Pf 0.185 235 27'-0 22.43 5.6 16.038 K=5.6 5'-8~ Pe 67 27'-0 16.223 Tee 6'-7~ Pv ..... Route 6 ..... Uni ts Key Diameter: Inch Elevation: Foot Flow: gpm Discharge: gpm Velocity: fps Pressure: psi Length: Foot Frlction Loss: psi/Foot HWC: Hazen-Williams Constant pt: Total pressure at a point in a pipe Pn: Normal pressure at a point in a pipe Pf: Pressure loss due to friction between points Pe: Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points Pv: Velocity pressure at a point ln a plpe ~ @ 1997-2003, M E P CAD, lne 02/28/03 11 22 48 Page 5 Job Number: RISER TAG INFORMATION Location: Carnegie Library Port Angeles, WA. Occupancy Classification: Ordinary Group I Number of Sprinklers: 60 K-Factor: 5.6 Orifice Size: 0.5" Design Density: 0.15gpm/ft2 Actual Density: 0.20gpm/ft2 Designed Area of Discharge: 1365.00ft2 (Actual 1370.11ft2) gpm Discharge: 274.14 Static Pressure: 105.000 Required Pressure: 84.966 Residual Pressure: 20.000 Supply Flow: 3242.00 ~ <<d 1997-2003, M.E P CAD, lne 02/28/03 11 22 48 Page 6 90 ;n Co ~ 75 ::J UJ UJ ~ D- 60 Job Nmnber HYDRAULIC GRAPH 150 135 120 105 45 ystem demand curve 30 15 o Q50700 1050 1400 1750 2100 Water flow, gpm Supply at Node 2 Static pressure 105.000 Residual Pressure 3242 00 @ 20.000 System Demand' 274.14@84 966 System Demand with hose streams 52414 @ 84 966 ~ @ 1997-2003, M E P CAD, Ine 02/28/03 11 22 48 2800 3150 3500 Page 7 Hydraulic Flow Diagram (l 1--------------------------------, I I I. " r t- I I "I ( ~ ( 9 ( - (up I I I I e 0 eel I e I I I I I I 9 ( e ( 9 ( 9 (up I e @ @ e I I I I I -nl ~ I @ I . l_________________ ~ ~ e e tl;, @ 1997-2003, ME P CAD, Inc 02/28/03 11 22.48 Job Number - (,) - Page 8 . . Job Number Hydraulic Flow Diagram ~ @ 1997-2003, M.E.P.CAD, Ine 02/28/03 11 22:49 Page 9 Job Number HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS Location: Carnegie Library Port Angeles, WA. Job Number: Design Area: 13 Date: 02/28/03 11:22:42 Design Data: Occupancy Classification: Ordinary Group I Density: 0.15gpm/ft2 Area of Application: 1365.00ft2 (Actual 1370.11ft2) Coverage Per Sprinkler: 81.67ft2 Number of Sprinklers Calculated: 15 Outside Hose Streams: 250.00 Total Hose Streams: 250.00 Total Water Required: 524.14 Including hose streams Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops: 0.000 Volume of Water in Pipes: 36.12gal Volume of Air in Pipes: 11.88gal Maximum Velocity Above Ground: 24.07 between nodes 2 and 66 Supply Pressure(s): Available Required Safety Margin Supply node tag: 2 102.080 84.966 17.114 Name of Contractor: Reliance Fire Protection Address: 3706 Airport Way South Seattle, WA. "98134 Designer: R. Scott State Certification/License Number: RELIAFP 102L1 Authority Having Jurisdiction: Port Angeles Fire Qo. <9 1997-2003, M E P CAD, Ine 02/28/03 11 22:48 Page I Job Number WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE NODE TAG STATIC PRESSURE (psi) RESIDUAL FLOW PRESSURE @ (psi) (gpm) AVAILABLE PRESSURE @ (psi) 102.080 TOTAL DEMAND (gpm) 524.14 REQUIRED PRESSURE (psi) 84.966 SUMMARY OF OUTFLOWING DEVICES SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR 2 20.000 3242.00 105.000 DEVICE ACTUAL FLOW (gpm) MINIMUM FLOW (gpm) 209 210 211 212 213 221* 222 223 224 225 231 232 233 234 235 16.37 17.21 17.77 18.92 20.96 14.82 15.89 16.90 18.41 20.68 17 .20 18.08 18.66 19.85 22.43 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 * Most demanding sprinkler. K-FACTOR 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 PRESSURE (psi) 8.550 9.449 10.070 11.409 14.014 7.000 8.047 9.106 10.809 13.636 9.434 10.418 11. 098 12.564 16.038 ill- @ 1997-2003, M B.P CAD, Inc. 02/28/03 11 22.48 Page 2 Job Number: NODE ANALYSIS NODE ELEVATION FITTINGS (Foot) 12 15 16 17 30 31 63 66 67 209 210 211 212 213 221 222 223 224 225 231 232 233 234 235 2 27'-0 Tee 26'-6 Tee 27'-0 Tee 27'-0 Tee 26'-6 Tee 28'-6 Tee 27'-0 Tee 26'-6 Tee 27'-0 Tee 27'-0 K=5.6 27'-0 K=5.6 27'-0 K=5.6 27'-0 K=5.6 27'-0 K=5.6 28'-6 K=5.6 28'-6 K=5.6 28'-6 K=5.6 28'-6 K=5.6 28'-6 K=5.6 27'-0 K=5.6 27'-0 K=5.6 27'-0 K=5.6 27'-0 K=5.6 27'-0 K=5.6 0'-0 Source PRESSURE (psi) 9.538 16.668 14.175 14.027 17 .186 13.883 10.516 18.950 16.223 8.550 . 9.449 10.070 11.409 14.014 7.000 8.047 9.106 10.809 13.636 9.434 10.418 11. 098 12.564 16.038 84.966 DISCHARGE (gpm) 16.37 17.21 17.77 18.92 20.96 14.82 15.89 16.90 18.41 20.68 17.20 18.08 18.66 19.85 22.43 274.14 ~ <<:)1997-2003, M.E P CAD, Inc. 02/28/03 11 22 48 Page 3 Job Number HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Pipe Type Diameter Flow Veloc1ty HWC Fric. Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Tot. Length BL 1.0490 14.82 5.50 C-100 0.10467 10' 0 Pi 1.047 221 28'-6 14.82 5.6 7.000 K=5.6 Pe 222 28'-6 8.047 10'-0 Pv BL 1. 3800 30.70 6.59 C-100 0.10597 10'-0 Pi 1. 060 222 28'-6 15.89 5.6 8.047 K-5.6 Pe 223 28'-6 9.106 10'-0 Pv BL 1. 3800 47.60 10.21 C-120 0.17023 10' 0 Pi 1. 702 223 28'-6 16.90 5.6 9.106 K-5.6 Pe 224 28'-6 10.809 10'-0 Pv BL 1.6100 66.01 10.40 C-100 0.20615 9'-2~ Pi 3.074 224 28'-6 18.41 5.6 10.809 K=5.6 5'-8~ Pe 31 28'-6 13.883 Tee 14' -11 Pv RN 1.6100 86.69 13.66 C-120 0.24359 2'-0 Pi 2.436 31 28'-6 13.883 8'-0 Pe 0.867 30 26'-6 17.186 Tee 10'-0 Pv FM 2.1570 177.93 15.62 C-120 0.22170 7' -11~ Pi 1. 764 30 26'-6 17.186 Pe 66 26'-6 18.950 7'-11~ Pv FM 2.1570 274.14 24.07 C=120 . 0.49322 42'-10~ Pi 54.527 66 26'-6 18.950 67'-8 Pe 11. 488 2 0'-0 84.96@L,6E,A=-6.07,F=-3.64 ,B,Sl10'-6~ Pv ..... Route 1 ..... BL 1.0490 16.37 6.08 C-120 0.08989 10'-0 Pi 0.899 209 27'-0 16.37 5.6 8.550 K-5.6 pe 210 27'-0 9.449 10'-0 Pv BL 1.3800 33.59 7.20 C-120 0.08931 l' 0 Pi 0.089 210 27'-0 17.21 5.6 9.449 K=5.6 Pe 12 27'-0 9.538 1'-0 Pv BL 1.6100 33.59 5.29 C-100 0.05907 9' 0 Pi 0.532 12 27'-0 9.538 Pe 211 27'-0 10.070 9'-0 Pv BL 1.6100 51. 36 8.09 C-100 0.12958 10'-4 Pi 1. 339 211 27'-0 17.77 5.6 10.070 K=5.6 Pe 212 27'-0 11. 409 10'-4 pv BL 1. 6100 70.27 11. 07 C-120 0.16519 8'-9 Pi 2.766 212 27'-0 18.92 5.6 11. 409 K=5.6 8'-0 Pe 16 27'-0 14.175 Tee 16'-9 Pv BL 1. 6100 91. 24 14.38 C-120 0.26776 0'-6 Pi 2.276 16 27' 0 14.175 8'-0 pe 0.217 15 26'-6 16.668 Tee 8'-6 Pv FM 2.1570 91. 24 8.01 C-120 0.06444 8'-~ Pi 0.518 15 26'-6 16.668 Pe 30 26'-6 17.186 8'-~ Pv ..... Route 2 ..... BL 1.0490 17.20 6.39 C-120 0.09845 10'-0 Pi 0.984 231 27' 0 17.20 5.6 9.434 K=5.6 Pe 232 27'-0 10.418 10'-0 Pv BL 1.3800 35.28 7.57 C-120 0.09778 1'-0 Pi 0.098 232 27'-0 18.08 5.6 10.418 K=5.6 Pe 63 . 27'-0 10.516 1'-0 Pv BL 1.6100 35.28 5.56 C-100 0.06467 9' 0 Pi 0.582 63 27' 0 10.516 Pe 233 27'-0 11.098 9'-0 Pv ~ @ 1997-2003, M E.P CAD, lne 02/28/03 11 22 48 Page 4 Job Number Pipe Type D1ameter Flow Velocity awe Fric. Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Tot. Length BL 1. 6100 53.93 8.50 C-100 0.14184 10' 4 Pf 1.466 233 27'-0 18.66 5.6 11. 098 K-5.6 Pe 234 27'-0 12.564 10'-4 Pv BL 1.6100 73.78 11.63 C-I00 0.25327 8'-9 Pf 3.659 234 27'-0 19.85 5.6 12.564 K-5.6 5'-8~ Pe 67 27'-0 16.223 Tee 14'-5~ Pv RN 1.6100 96.21 15.16 C=120 0.29535 0'-6 Pf 2.510 67 27'-0 16.223 8'-0 Pe 0.217 66 26' -6 18.950 Tee 8'-6 Pv ..... Route 3 ..... BL 1.3800 20.68 4.44 C=120 0.03641 0'-9~ Pf 0.247 225 28'-6 20.68 5.6 13.636 K=5.6 6'-0 Pe 31 28'-6 13.883 Tee 6'-9~ Pv ..... Route 4 ..... BL 1.6100 20.96 3.30 C=100 0.02470 0'-6 Pf 0.012 213 27'-0 20.96 5.6 14.014 K-5.6 Pe 17 27'-0 14.027 0'-6 Pv BL 1.6100 20.96 3.30 C-120 0.01763 0'-5 Pf 0.148 17 27'-0 14.027 8'-0 Pe 16 27'-0 14.175 Tee 8'-5 Pv ..... Route 5 ..... BL 1.6100 22.43 3.53 C-I00 0.02798 0' 11 Pf 0.185 235 27'-0 22.43 5.6 16.038 K=5.6 5'-8~ Pe 67 27'-0 16.223 Tee 6'-7~ Pv ..... Route 6 ..... Units Key Diameter: Inch Elevation: Foot Flow: gpm Discharge: gpm Velocity: fps Pressure: psi Length: Foot Friction Loss: psi/Foot HWC: Hazen-Williams Constant pt: Total pressure at a point in a pipe Pn: Normal pressure at a point in a pipe Pf: Pressure loss due to friction between points Pe: Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points Pv: Velocity pressure at a point In a plpe Q/., (Q 1997-2003, M E P CAD, Ine 02/28/03 11 22 48 Page 5 Job Number RISER TAG INFORMATION Location: Carnegie Library Port Angeles, WA. Occupancy Classification: Ordinary Group I Number of Sprinklers: 60 K-Factor: 5.6 Orifice Size: 0.5" Design Density: 0.15gpm/ft2 Actual Density: 0.20gpm/ft2 Designed Area of Discharge: 1365.00ft2 (Actual 1370.11ft2) gpm Discharge: 274.14 Static Pressure: 105.000 Required Pressure: 84.966 Residual Pressure: 20.000 Supply Flow: 3242.00 "^' @ 1997-2003, M E P CAD, Inc 02/28/03 II 22 48 Page 6 Job Number. Hydraulic Flow Diagram (l 1--------------------------------' I I : .-1 ( J ( 01 ( t ( · : I Up I I S0> eel I e- I I I I I 1 8 ( 9 ( 8 ( 9 ( Up lee e e I I I I I I I l_________________________ \j - 231 e e e -8 ~ 'B ~6 67 ___235 (j ~ <<) 1997-2003, M E P CAD, Inc 02128/03 11 22.48 Page 8 90 Cii Co ~ 75 ::> rn rn l!! 0- 60 Job Number. HYDRAULIC GRAPH 150 135 120 105 45 ystem demand curve 30 15 o CJ50700 1050 1400 1750 2100 Water flow, gpm Supply at Node 2 Static pressure' 105 000 Residual Pressure 3242 00 @ 20 000 System Demand. 274.14 @ 84 966 System Demand with hose streams. 52414 @ 84 966 Ii\. (Q 1997-2003, M E P CAD, Ine .02/28/03 II 22 48 2450 2800 3150 3500 Page 7 . . Job Number: Hydraulic Flow Diagram Q6, IQ 1997-2003, ME P CAD, lne 02/28/03 11 22 49 Page 9 04/18/03 FRI 07:09 FAX 360 683 3971 AIR FLO HEATING ~002 , ',-, -. -:': '~'-'Af.l: IT 1'"- "j:.T ""-I.:'ELE b,1JD ."'C"~~_~_ r-#-:s6s-, fOR OffiCIAL USEONLV Dullll'.a::: P<:n:nil': o.lCApprov<o:l: .. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION The Electrical Permit Application must be filled out COmolelelv. Ple3.se type or n!!print in Ink. If you have any questions, phi!!ase caH (36Q) 417- 4735 Fa. nl.lmbec: (360) 417-4711 Hoch Construction Owner or Elec. ContTactor Jl.geot Carnegie Library (Hoch Construction) Property Owner: dVS 6, Lincoln Street Address;; Air FIo Heating Electrical Contractor: REQUEST INSPECTION 0 452-5381 Phone" FaX.: C;Iy: Port Angeles Phone: 452-5381 98362 221 W. Cedar Sequim Address: City: INSTALLATION WIRED BY:' 0 OWNER )(ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Credit Card Holder Nome~l{) U.ea.....f-i fI fq , Billing Adc1ress.:JZU ' ~d.(] f' City: 1Jt::Q UJ yv\ Credit Card N~mber~! Exp. Dote: f'f) V +- 4-t/11..,.,fS7 ~ Zip: Phone.683-3901 98382 Zip: AIRFLHC009C8 License II: E)[p: Zip: qg?:,g?/ VISA~ MC,- PROJECT ADDREss~tO C; 6, lA n ~ fi I v1 S+rr: €':.-t TYPE OF WORK; Check all thaI apply: 0 New )1 Alleration/Addition o Re",dential 0 Mulli-family ~ Commercial 0 Mobile Home Sq. Ft Remote MeIer o Detached garage to o Hot Tub 0 Swim Pool o Septic Pump ~ Low Voltage 0 Telecom. OS< Number of Circuits added or altered: DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTRICAL PROJECT: ?J.J.fttJf' PU t\If>,.. 4 (-hY 11'(,Lv1ct(yXC, (3 5-/ttts') ~ anZ./l(s.nxs (d)D.i-'UJiWL,) Electrical Heot Load Additions PERMIT FEE:~"9B.rt5ervice Information I~'" 5T>ff' 1>.3S;:s 0 S7.Sl> DBasaboard _KW :lncl-3"o/$NWL/I'10)k~': $~(),9o 1.....,.S-(!16~Q'Jiiage: D Furnace - I<W 0 Overhead Service Phase: DID 3 MHeat Pump _TON LRA DTemp Service Servfce Size: o Fan-Wall _KW 0 Underground Service Feeder Size: I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know that same to be tr~e and correct, and I a authorized 10 apply for this permit. I understand it is nol the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicants responsibility to determine what permits are req~ired and to obtain such c;(qfJ? A(- of-. As ;~ ..- \2.~F ~ Z$ (NO hTtE.. 4.!.) Tt,-~ J~~...J Credit Card Holder's Signature: Date: t.( -{ ~ -1J? -Owner or Elee. Cont. Signature: C :/ELECTRtCALPERMIT APPLICAT Date: CITY OF Poin, Ammus Pulmrr APPLICA110N attilding DiviflonlEtecti-kal Inspections OCT 2 8 2011� 321 East 1111fth Street - II.O.Box 11501'art Angeles Wastilngton',98362 VICTRICAL J. (360) 41747.35 Fax; (360) 4174711 Date: 10�28-14 Mufti-FamillyorCommercial* * Plan Review May Be Required, Please asmoate Electrical Plan Revlaw InformatkDn S]meet jobAddjos,s: 308 E 41h Nsvpfon oi above niii aItp Page I of I Ownor Information Contractor Information Narw Pnn Unme: --H L.M. mo&g AddTosj.� 723 East Front 6 t MAIN Ad s: ...,.._.._ __,, -NBLE. 411 my; city -P-adAn Ir1a'5'--- State: VO�— zip: --"B U- Ph-::4�—Jax- 7 146— phonej L2--QL1A"QpU-' Fax: -�: Liam V. Licem 611 Item Ural Ch Tgal: f0ty Mu ItIDIJ4 d by Unit Chardel SaMmfFet& 200 Amp, $ 132M UYWFeedaf 201.400 Afrp- $160.00 Se dF rl�r4 1r4 s7 Afro $ 225DO Amp. $288,00 8eP441Fbodsr.6ar 1000 Amp, $41000 Mdi Chouit W( Se4(v Finder 540 .Bmtich Urcult VVIO. SWos Feed-er 74.90 Udi Add Vanal 13MOKkUlt 500 Tamp. Seri ftet Feedar2ffi AMp Temp, Ser*WFeader201.400 Arnp, .121.6111 TwpR, 164.0 $ Tgmp, 5eVWFOd.6t 601 - 1000.Amp . $ 185AO Pattal b Fod.d W" 95.90 Stnal C4mjU Lk W Esr.qy - MAIA-FaMik $ 64,g9 $ S3 l Cftflitf Limllsd Rergy 1.174st MOW - Ctmmeldal S 96-00 t4ate: $5,qo for eacjj,9dd1Wna] 1500 V Ren ewal EktMai De y - 5 INA Systm br Less $113.00 56,00 lqat6: $5.0.a for zaofi Wdiliand T-Stal Total Nw r as defined by RCY01,28261 : (1) Ova ne r will occupy the. structura fof Ub years altar Ws. 616ct6cal permit Is fireltO.:(2).0yiner is roqd rod 1e 1iir la tricai contractor if above.�ald property is for said, rent orlease. pernlit bxpilras after six morkth of last 1rispedlon After mdrig the above kitamartt, I heroby c8rrjf� that I aM [lie oi"rof the above maned properly or altensc-d 614k*kaT contractor 1,a],nmaking ttw electrical. in wat ion or alte *tb q In compliance vilth the: elactrimi law-9,NZ G., RCWCh�pt4�rl:9,28,WACCbELptbr29646B., TheCityofporl Angeles Municip I . Code, and Utill� 3*ificatbns and PAMC 14.05,050 rappling Ebcidtal Permit A�ppkabons, signature of omor, alectrIcal tonfractorar *qatritatadmintstrator 0 CA" 0 VWth X Kk8 Shirle DOW& 4 http://www.pdfescape.com/open/RadPdf.axd?rt— c&dk=03BB932CR9lN4V4UO t OLESPXY6... 1012812014 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Application Number . . , . . 14- 00001316 Date 10/29/14 Application pin number 699804 Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-0-1- 7050 0000 Application type description ELECTRICAL 6OeC) Subdivision Name , . . , . Property Use Property 'Zoning . . . , . , . PUBLIC BUILDINGS & PARKS Application valuation . . • . 0 - - -- Application desc Fire alarm communicator Owner Contractor RESULTS: CITY OF PORT ANGELES DITCH HT TECh SECURITY 1NC PO BOX 1150 723 E FRONT ST PORT ANGELES WA 983620217 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 _ -` 7 i (360) 452 -2727 --- -- _- -� - - - - -- _ _ - -- Permit , . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc , . COMMENTS: Permit Fee 96,00 Plan. Check Fee 00 Issue Date 10/29/14 Valuation , . , 0 Expiration Date 4/27/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1100 96,0000 ECK EL- LIMITED 1ST 1500 S4 FT - -- 96.00 ----------------- Fee Summary Charged - - - Paid Cxedited - - - -- -------- - Due --------- --- PEVMit Fee Total. - -- - - -- ---- 96,00 - 96.00 .00 00 Plan Check Total 00 •00 .00 .00 Grand Total 96,00 96.00 .00 .00 C 1 W fit, 13 Z(--) REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN 7 i FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEIBUILD1NG