HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.488 Original Contract
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11 J, th~dersigned, 40 hereby acknowledge that I have agreed on behalf of the
,e...t>eo.~'1urp~~1;,~l!.to purchase from the City of~ort Angeles that certain piece o~ _ ""
surplus eqwpment descpbed as ~ Eit;BJ t~B'I-i/rial No~l; ~J./~TEtJS67eCsS);J7~-
andfor VIN number ~ ~t:JO ~ 5:. for the sum of .2 ~- Dollars. I
hereby acknowledge on behalf of said corporation that the City of Port Angeles does not
guarantee the condition of this above-described equipment in any fashion and that no warranty
of my kind has been or is being made by the City of Port Angeles regarding this equipment.
The equipment is used and the City does not certify that it has not been modified or altered from
its original design. The City does not certify or warrant that this equipment is safe or fit for any
particular use and I rely wholly upon my own observations and inspection of the equipment in
determining what use I might make of the equipment in the future and as to its safe or unsafe
condition. I recognize and acknowledge that the above-described equipment is being said by the
City in an "as is condition", without warrant as to its fitness or safety and that my verbal
representations to the contrary are repudiated hereby in this document
Furthermore, in consideration of the City's agreement to sell me this equipment at the
price stated above, I, on behalf of the undersigned corporation and its successors, assigns, agents,
employees, and customers, waive and release any and all rights and causes of action for
damages or injury which they may have or which may accrue to them hereafter, whether now
known or unknown, against the City of Port Angeles, its employees, officials, officers and agent
for any and all loss, damage or injury or claim or legal action thereof on account of any injury or
death to theni or their property arising out of or in connection with the use and/or ownership of
the equipment purchased herein. The said corporation further agrees to hold harmless, defend
and indemnify the City of Port .I\ngeles, its employees, officials, officers and agents from any
and all claims of liability for injury or damage suffered by third parties or enoties arising out of
my use or ownership of the equipment being purchased herein.
As the duly authorized representative of A~Q-av~~~ have fully read
the above document, understand its contents fully and agree to its terms and conditions entirely.
D~d thisJl~ day of ~UI'l~
, 1999.
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(0) '. Printed Name and Title'
Name and City Title
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/) I, the undersigned, do hereby acknowledge that I have agreed on behalf of the
1J?:.'Peo E:.9VI D~17T"~rchase from the City of Port Angeles that certain piece of
surplus equipment described as JIp,IJ~~fI.R/1q.5" Serial No. .:r U '37805""6""3 gc..~ ~/o)")
and/or VIN number h-rc;x:oe ~ for the sum of __~. J 7S~ Dollars. I
hereby acknowledge on behalf of said corporation that the City of Port Angeles does not
guarantee the condition of this above-described equipment in any fashion and that no warranty
of my kind has been or is being made by the City of Port Angeles regarding this equipment.
The equipment is used and the City does not certify that it has not been modified or altered from
its original design. The City does not certify or warrant that this equipment is safe or fit for any
particular use and I rely wholly upon my own observations and inspection of the equipment in
determining what use I might make of the equipment in the future and as to its safe or unsafe
condition. I recognize and acknowledge that the above-described equipment is being sold by the
City in an lias is condition", without warrant as to its fitness or safety and that my verbal
representations to the contrary are repudiated hereby in this document.
Furthermore, in consideration of the City's agreement to sell me this equipment at the
price stated above. I, on behalf of the undersigned corporation and its successors, assigns, agents,
employees, and customers, waive and release any and all rights and causes of action for
damages or injury which they may have or which may accrue to them hereafter, whether now
known or unknown, against the City of Port Angeles, its employees, officials, officers and agent
for any and all loss, damage or injury or claim or legal action thereof on account of any injury or
death to them or their property arising out of or in connection with the use and/or ownership of
the equipment purchased herein. The said corporation further agrees to hold harmless, defend
and indemnify the City of Port Angeles, its employees, officials, officers and agents from any
and all claims of liability for injury or damage suffered by third parties or enttties arising out of
my use or ownership of the equipment being purchased herein.
As the duly authorized representative of ~le..1?~_~-PNi~iJ,,~ fully read
the above document, understand its contents fully and agree to its terms and conditions entirely.
Dated this 1;1i-'~ay of -F~ ~y . 1999.
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Printed Name and Title
Name and City Title
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16025 PACIFIC HWY. S. 433-0636
SEATAC. WA 98188
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SKeYBank Natn;mal Association TWO SIGNATURES REQUIRED ABOVE $50000
eattle, Washington 98104 .
-1'800'1CEY21oU" ___Q
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