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5.483 Original Contract
.SENT BY:XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER:II-30-S8 :11:40fu~ :CITY Of PORT A~GELES~ 5. </83> COREL CORPO~~TION;# 1/ S CI.P ra"D~" AGKWlm (eLl f A) n~ Agt~tll1~nt m1d.! :u of thi-.~ t_IY of ..vOIl , 199B!]. by And b~t\<;e~n Corel Corporatlo..\ (USA) ("COREl.") havir\2 i~ pdndJlal 1'1.1':l! oCbu~in(l~ at 567 l:: TimpJn"lt"''' Pl;-.o.)'. Orttll, ~' 8-1097 (Tel. 801-765-.1010 FI:,: SOI,:!n-':3ill) :a.,d 'c :~~ . Por f ^11.:e.le { ~ ("Cu.<:"r;lc:"). h..1.~ prlndp'~ pbl.:e 1)( bU~I1\<!5i at $:z.. Ie. S' 4:~. 5(.. /o"~ A~tlt'/ W:" 48J~'ftl:(~)C/ll-"'''''':lO ........... Pd.:,,: ~ "', .. "/(,0 .~ J. Starrnltlltof l'urposc:. Th~CL}>1' A des.:n1:.:s tlu:teIlll.:l QI\d ~ondltioM und~r v,'lu.:h Cu.\tur.l~r ..IlY p.u1i.:ip~te in the CLf' FreeduIU I'culU.L'Tl ("t'r,',S:'~m") a.,d WI! Software pur.:h.l~ed undet L'~ h~.&.:n On~~ the CI.PFA hu beelle:<.e~ulcd by Clat"nw aJ"i CORF.r.. a.nd Cu-ltomc:r h,l.' provided the (eltifi~a~vl\~ required und<!r Sc.:tivn 4 h.:rein, CWt,)l:W i:1 el::;:bte toJ pur.:h.u~ ll.:c:rv.e,~. rnedi:\ \lr\t\ J)"~\Ir\'en:.t~....n {.:Ie t."'~ S~ftwu~ diec~llf Co)lU QI\Y COREl. Authorized P.e~eU~r. 2. Ddil,ltj"II~. (:"'pitali7.:d te::ns.2.J \:j::!. h t.';c CLrFA. llte ddin~d in f,chc:dd.: hAlO hm~. (Ii) J. Licc:n~c:s. 'fhe 1i~ol;~"S s~t f\Jtih In 118 S~.:con:3 ~e.lh,'! ..;o.:.:h1.~h'c t~rmS go)vembg all ~~el\Ses pur~h;15ed by (iil) Cu~t\lmer from 8 CORLL Autb,,:i!:cl Res:Uer u:\der the Pr~s:ram lU\n all Aulh.:-ri.wl UW! 2.~ded afle: the Errc.:t;,.: Dolt.:. Cu.lt.:-meo si~:,i:\J t~ CLPFA shill remain fulll" liabl:! for the 8.:;!..::,,~ :l:'..:! i::'r;U~~iyn" of AIlt....Jr.:.:.:d lT~olU. 3.1 &fi.':.:~ 3.1.1 Subja.:t t,1 ':L!.;ll.llUel'~ ':\J:::?i:.r:I':~ I', i'':: (Ie ler..l~ af thi3 A~ri!em en!. Cwt~J:l~;~h~ h.r:': tl'.e !'JU"l'.1ng non- u,~lwil ~ ;3;\d r.on-fT~n.lr~r,I~:l r..:~~~ I.: ~,3 (i) u~,'! .:I:1~.:Ie rnJe~ e~pi~l o!t!:, S.,r.;:.l'~ 0>' A1\lhmi:7cd U,.crJ. J..O).1.d aJ r.lmy copie, ofL"'e S,)fl'oI..1:~ l.i a:~ tcqclred Cvr li,.;: by Auth....riz.:c1 U..ctJ Utilize tho: MIIltipl.1U"lJlm Li~::be C~, ~~:o:e or ill ofth.: Soft-.~'~e. litilil.o: the MlIlrihn~w.! U':Cl'.5': C.:Ie I,':::: N .J,!! of th~ Sofb~'~e. Urillze t.~e Home 1 h~ 1.:':~I\.s;: f,): S,)::.~ \lr an of t.,~ Sotm-a:e. Us;: t!l prc\'\\lu.:. "l."t~ion\ oft::~ Li.:tn..::: \i:"rks 0tL the 3.J fvll"v.in~ pl:1tf,"ml~: DOS. \\'U\J.:lt\.~ 3.lx, Wind,)\\'.s 9.5l~i. OS:::!, Ma~int\l';l'\ a....c L~!X. Ct~A:;: &u.:h :;u-.::hiv\ll C:,Jpii:\ n~ t.':.: S,)rr.\"'~r~ lH CU.st"Illl."1 d~~ms m.;o:s~.\Cy 2:\.:1 n.u..m~~l~ ill SUPP\lrt ~.5 (ii) (iU) (\Vj (v) (\"'1) (\;i) Rcvidvll M:I)':I. l!l~S T~ (p f 3- ?2f.{- ?/()f6 7~ pDVY'/ (viii) of tho'! RUt1\o)liz~d Use Oft::l S,)r..u:c-. A~d anlliti,)rI.l.l Auth,)riJd l:H:$ ~u.-:rlg t!le lerm Oflhc: CLFl A .....iU\out arlc.liti\J~~ 1l."}hlIUlIlj Or payment oLl1;,uu')l\\ U~~ the z.;o.tur.ll1)" Spe~~.::: f~a:ur~ or t.,c So:.!lwollc. Cust"l1Iel'S pecmusi.:-n tv lOt: the ~llU.!oIty Spe.u:i.1l8 (a.u'lI(a oC the: s~n.....a:~, e..-..i Cu~t,)m'le'a :lbility to:! re.:tive t~.::lllli.:::.r! SlIppIJrl, ir .lrl~.' (..r t!l;: Naturally Spe.uing f.::.ll\\rC ()f th.: $.::::nrc:. i. .::or.dlli.}nJ.1 upon Cu~l"m~t'~ u~e of a l~:l':-ll Sy!UC~I" lI?pt"ved J:lkr\lphor.e. (LX) 3.1.'2 K\lI.....ith~r.L'din~ L"e r.'rei~~"'i. fM Iho:: Cl'mp.mRlte and Full Anthonl)' COr::pLl::; pr.:lgu.:ns i..,duIlcd with Co~el WordPerfe.:t Slli!! i It::lr f6tl"n. C\~tomr:t r:uv. if (;(lrorl \Vordl'~:fe:: l>\1il~ 7 Lc~lI Ec.liuol\ is in:.;.ill~d 0\ II noarw.:lrl.- "1\' ir.,nm;nt. . (i) Penni: ollly one ';:"I\':t:::,~:.: l'';e b>. ~'\ Au!..i.,},ized User pat r.a",'cr. Jru:l.Ll oru)' on~ cop~: 0: (1e Con:;.'l..'eP.itc! at\d Full .Alllh..,ri:y computet pr~S:i::.i t\l f=!:<!.: .:ll\ :l. )Ietwork sC:r\e:r. Jl\~t~ the Comp;ltcRiI: t.::~ FIlll All:h~rity computer pro)!'IOU\U on the: lo)c:~l c:::e of ~ ,,'.:-rhrntion or ~ornpc.ter atu.~lu:(l t,') ar.~~\;::: scn -e: or.~~' if the entire Cor~! \\'6rc?erf,~~t 7 P":__.:o~ or (l~ S,)f;>.vate is ak" iz~ull=d on th.1.t lo.:a1 c......:~ 32 Li::~:":a;..n~. "h~ riZht.:\ .:i-:~:! 1;' t'"";~ ~~.:ti\')n ~ er~ $1;hj~.::t t.l the: t.:rm:> :I.::':: ...:::.:!:'~.:;,,_~ ('f l';c CLPfoA. c~-::uc~~. b\~t n,,")t lir:1i~i::t to:. =.,....f T~~::-:~~,'\r..; sat r"rth in Sac:ti.'r..i 3.3 tv 3.S b~l"",. r:.,t.:.::n'\lI. C~t"met iF:::: :.' t,:}.e: :Jl,)n.lbl:: SlepJto) pm:a.:t the s.,nwa:e 2..- ~ D~.:~-:;.:r..".1:;on from 1.!n.1t.:thorized c:oPyi."il C; \-U C',:'::.:-m~: shall not di~J.:aamble or dO!C":7.;:~f to':.! S;,::-;'.-a:e. 'When: Cu.;:Or,ll."( !I.u a "UI:..!:':-:": r:ill: t.... C::.ol5sl."nlble or c!~':ul;'1pile t.'te Soft?;art f:: ;:...~ pl.::;:':-!e of obbining int,)ll:latlon r.~~ded t~ a::~f'''f ir:ti:.:.per~bi1ity v.ith ():h~: V(ograrn.:l. CU$t'}[:H: .;:ff~ t.....I' s::.:h ~t m:ry Ih~ll':a axatcind unI~,u Cc.:'f.:.:' f.2.; lu rfijXlnd 1O\oithin ~!.xr;.' (60) day:!. after n:e:;: of ~ v,'n:1t;t request to pr~... :c!~ th~ n~-=~:isat)' i1!~::7..":.c:: Owm:~~irl. 1'0 titl..: (0). c: ;: \:l'::;~;: "f; the Li.::c:nst:d WO'~3 1:; lr:ln'lfelTi:c1 c.., C:r:.t:::';:t~ u::;k t:I;3 CL'PFA Or wldel U\e l'r.}sram, P,f:'1m.:ti.:>:ti. .E::x;:ept as e:..;::::.":y ~:.::;~o~.::d in thi., CLF'i'A, Cu-~tomi:r 2gTe:. :-.':::: r.::::, 1~J.l':. r::.n~ share. 'SENT BY:XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER:11-30-98 ;11:40~~ ;CITY OF PORT ANGELES~ COREL CORPORATION;# 2/ 9 2 s\,hh':"'LJl!, dUlriblll.:, lun~rc'. ';->P)" repeodu.:e, di.~p!J.Y, or nl.,)<,}ify tho: Li.:en~e<l W.:JC::~ 3.6 Lken.e PlIT~h.l'le!l. Nolhi:-.!l c.:.nt.\l:ll!d in lhi~ CLPFA sh~1I he cl.:.:med t.:J be cunsi.lcre<l :.u Q."l offer t.l .lll: j 3 ';\'lpi~ or li':"Il:lO:$ uf Li':~ll".:d \Vo:\:.:. tl) Cu.,t\lmcr. Cu~tOlller shall purchuc all (If CI~lt..lmer's li.::ell.5C3. me(li:. alld Do.:umenlali.m r~'iuimnent,~ for tho! ~"Ctw.lte aom II CORP.I. Au:honzed Reuller. This CLPFA "A!.\ e\llt the tent\! and ':oJnrbli'~l\s for use orall h':cl~e~, mcdi.\ IInel n".:urn~ntlll\.m purdused by CU31vrncr undel the Plogr.un (11\1:; and do)cs 1'101 c.;orwut\lle ~I\ llgrecccnl r~r the pllr.:h.uc and $.lle ,,( a:1, su.:h C'lrnp.:lnent3. 4. (:erllnc:1tIOll\. em.h,nl.:r a::rcc~ th3t il IlluU not b" .sA cl\otle.i 10 putidpalc hI the l~\)gr.r.r.'I1l1t\! su.:h time a,; the foUowing certificatioll~ h.w.: been rc.:eived by CORf'.l.' 4.1 Letvr c-fCcrtifi.:an')l\. tlpon e:,ecucion Oflhh CI.PFA. 6. C\LiI"ltl~r ~hall provide t,) COREL l\ 1~\ler in tha r"rm l!ltt~.:h.:d h.:ret,} M S.~h~dlll, "C', .:utlfed by art l1uth.,ri,~d reprtStntolti\'e (If CI:.:;:.:-mer ~onfumins the tJt.1l numher or Authotiv.d U'la,A wld~: l.ie PrOgTanL 4.2 A\llh,,(i:w:ll'~cr Pr.,fi'~ F':'ll:\. Upvn cxe.-:urionoCthL\ CI.PfA, Cu.:.tomcr shill c':Haplc:~ &.'1<.1 peo\id.: t.) COREL Iii.! f"cm a~L1.:h~J h~e~I.) L,; S.:h.:~utol"D". 4.3 Cu~'.:-mo!lr Renew'll h,cm PriM tJ t.~e ex;tiu~urt of e~ one (1) ye.1ttenn oflhj~ C:LPfA. C\~:omer:i1till car.lplete and p.o..ide to CORFI. the Customer P.en~Wa! Form; ~u~h form sh.\U 1,.: obt.u.'\ed by Customer from either COREL ~r a c:o;'.l:.L Auth"r,7.o:d p..uallcr. ~. SUVllon. S.I lrDll~~cl.~;.. Custvmi:T S~'J!l b.: ~..:i;lo!:! tu obti.n lipf!lad~~ by ri:~lul!sril\~ vn~ ,:.)py ,,:t.~~ r.'.~ci.l ["r .su.:h li)-;,:..,rt". ft.:'m COi'..EL C\:....':n:: s:...:!! r.l':e ~c right tv mah md di:;tribulc i:\'Fb u: a."lY $\l.:!t L'PFAdes of t.",: Soft\\..1t~ tv supple....::.t ", njlla.::. .lJ tJpgrlJc,: 7. teqU1l'~s, c,'pie~ "t' prloJr ra!~""':' <-.r (.~ S.,fr7.-are, &3 I'Itlth.,ri1tc1 u.lld~r thL~ Cl.PFA. C\l~"':;te: shall ~ 7.1 ~l\till~d I" put.:h,HC llclc!i..:.mo&:. Npi.:, urc:~ Illedia C"r su..:h Ups:c.\d.;.. frullI allr l:ORFI. A!:t.....N:J~d Resdlu. ~.:! C:IJ~~i.: Sun""'t. Cu~to:'r:lar shJ.!.! t.~ tn:;::~:!. 10 receiw tll.: &.1..me t~~hni.::1l SUPP.:l11 f.,. ~I~ S';':';':;'.l;a ;u COREL oITcld {I..,m time t" tisne I,;) end \1'O:I{ .:If L....~ sW1\1d1d, rtt.\il, 5htin1:-wr.\p vcniun.. \l fth.: s,~r.'.\ i:~ i...wablr: for 1o,lle dUtil,S tIN term ot tl~ CI PF.-\. COREl. will ad:lre,l.\ t.:.-:1uu':lll Aup?"r! req\l~$t, .:01'. II r:.lSOll::l'b!e efi.:>rt!l bas~ only 1I1:1 m:lY not b~ al:lt Iv ruolve all \lr.,bl':lIl:l t'( r~qut:st:. COR!:::L :1::C'~:l t" ~UJ1p,'ut the 7.2 Softwar.: em1>' if it i.-. \lSed u:1I.1<:1 c-p.::A::r.:: ':"llditiQtt.~. IIndirl.:,;)njun.~ti.'n with hMdw.!!C' ~Y$:t:ni, c:.:-mponcnu Itnd .soft......;t;... opel3tins syil.:rn. tv: '\\';..,:.:h it wa.; Re~-L-iun MJi'~. I ~!lS c1c~i:,:"ed COREl. r~$~:'.~) t:,.. r./ : I~ ~hln3~ the tcmu anrl conrLti<llu ~r I'J ell II:": ~l.;,;;vr: olrcrins v."llh\:~ut ,,~tJ.~~ :;\lI1:><"t J::I1tirlcm"nl I;F.'r: e, ::.~t.)(, ~,: ,~~.;:,...'a.I OCthis CI.Pf A, Cu-'1t,',,'o!r !.hu b. t:,:tl~,ll.) r'~fjv;: !\Ilpp.:lrt ort.!:l f." b~i:'e3~ Il.,'pt:.:~:..: l'~~rue. a..:quired under t;,~ Pco2r.\m as toUu~; c.~. ~r (\; ':::..: (I) l'riority SUppOli In.:id.:nl fur C'i~::"I,:.(1 0) Lce:.;c. a.:qclted by CUJtorn~r und<!r tho! Pt'::~l::-.. or (u) ur.~ (I) Prernium St:ppvt'. ,"cld"'1l1 fuf e'''~r:. Lnwe.! (leD) li;:enses a~qui:~d by CU5l..lctle: 1::.::: Lh~ f.v=:A;o~ COREL U~~(\'C" Ih.: tijht to m,;,~-,:.' L~a ::i'I;: ;:~:. entitlement u,;,m til:\" toJ rim.: I\t CO:'.::: 's sde ~~rd.)n. ^\'.,ih"'iEI~. }:Othhll!ir.I~:,~i Pr..1 s':i:l'ecoru:rued to) ~'d...nn! Of unpl)" tlu: l'~~nJ \\~:j tc p:.:ldul:ed C;lr an)' prolu.:t or, if '" pr"~c;:.:, \\ h~:1 ~. .~~ lJpd~tes 'IViJ.I. lie I\l~:\a c"nutll};:.:iaUy a...i'J'::! Audir RIJlht~. During L'-..: 1::::1 ofth:.. CI.PFA, butno lII';'IC ofl:n than OI\':C p~: .~.'\nu.!! Period or more fr.:q\lentl~. if COREl. r.B r~u")(. Iv b;:!:ellc tha.t CU~IOl\1U V. not in (:ur::;:::J:.~t \\irh ,~< li~cJUin8 or c;er.ill':'J:iol\pro..-hi.)n, o~t:-~ CLPF A, CO?r:!.rnay,lll its (1".1\ e'p.:ru;e aIlt.! u;>.:r. r.:: 1<~. t). L': r,lI'ty.eighl (4S) hour> po"e wrin~l\ n.:ot.:~. a::.'..: C\:>:,.:.:~:'. Use of~\e' . Svr.W2;~. If tho! au~_: ~:'.~'."J t::~: Cu~t.:-r.lcr hu cncl<c.u:~d its t,)tJ! nl":'''''''-:" A'.Jt.'-..:::.::~ UGer3 in L'\r: Le~~:' of Ccrt~~a.ti"lL c, t.~t ~\~:.,,~~:: t~:~t'.,,'al Form, C:~tuuler sh.lll jmm.:6A:.:~. F'.:t'.:~,."". r-.,:n 1 COREL Aut1t.:-rizel't ReseUer, 6'':~'':',,: l::~.\H. t.) support the a.:t'.ul .number of He!: Co:::~: Li.:~n.'C5 or \"(lrbu::v!U Li.:cn..~u, 2. ::~~ ~l:~ r::~y be, whieh I>h"lll~ (,l\'e been pUI~h \.u: !: 6: t:..'7.~ .:-r ':O#r:t:1e~tion. If C~:~mer 1':.1., unde(3:l:~~ I:" C,,' 1-;: :-lore.than five )-er.:e:\: (S~j,) cr if'Cus:.:-r.:t::- n F::::: ::~~ L:st by non- A:;-.h"r.z~i es~:s, C~;,':..,. f:U!. p;' L....~ r.~vnablc C '-i-'C':\:;-!;'. (' r ar.~ llU~.. (.~...'~ r,'":: t'-.~l!. r.,l.l!nta.in a l=-,,\:.l-~ rC!~v;d.s e,'id~::::.; :.; t ...~ l:-': '.:..;c:c;:..~g orthc ~,~f;\".ct :lurbg Ihe Ic:::..I c.::....; C'L:';::.. a,..! U:lt\! two '> ~J:~ 3:t-:t t:1'':''I7\lnAli"r. ...... ~ ..:..; .1:...,).. r ~:~:f Term and Ten11ill:Jlion. ]:ut:'L T<~I TIle i.rlltiL t.::-;- ,'f UI:> C:..?? A u one (1) ~.t..l." a..,d mAY bo!' unewe: ~~t':J~'t:: f:. d~~ticn~ one ~ 1) ) eJ... t~lms upon r.::':::J. ':",~:r:::". 2,::'::r::el'.: s:gned b:.. Lv:..... po!rri.:a pr"\~~:: ':-:1: (.: CI.U:.:lmer hu '::..l!.Ij.Mtad and subtlli::~~ C., :'l:';::~::~: :.~::el'o'Jl Form t..l COP-H. pn,)r II) ~\.: e:..! ..:'<1'::-. C:.: I 1) ~C'.l:'t~e'l11 of tills CLI'F A: (ii) Cu.:Il':'Il:~: W~\\ ~ d:' 5-..f:....a:e h.:en.'1cd and in L'$e at the time ~'f :~:::.\'.L. L~:' (i:lj Ccstomc;r fCIlC\\'3 ~U H.:ad Co!!::: :':~~:1'C; .; Wc:k.!la.IiIJJl L~.:::!n!.'!;s in U~t:' ';\t thl! r-! ::r~....:...i '"i~n:lir ~:).~1I The CLI'i'A ;.~.:.:! ::~:-..!:~ L'\ the tvcnt <.,f th;: C.-I!\.lWUI3; (ij i:;~l~::l:::~' L-. L~: !':enl COREL c~terrn;':-:c:s CU3~O:1.Hr ~..1' r~~::::! \';5: by Jlon- Authof.zad USl:r3; (l.l] ,,:: t:.~ L'u;.-e::: (::J~) ~ay after . SENT BY:XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER:11-30-98 :11:40~~ ;CITY OF PORT A~GELES~ 3 Olle pJrty 8ivc~ tIll: ~ther wnll~i'\ /'hllh:e "rbr~~.:h by the uther of any J'u,J!elio.ll terll1 or .:.:>~...!1ti,)1I ortl1iJ CLl'FA \Inle:U the hrueh i.s cuwl h.r,)r: L'u: clay; (Hi) Cust~mllC dou J\.:ll submit th~ Cu~t')l\1~C Rencwd Font! pcivr to> the cxplrolti.:>n \If tlle CLPFA~ (iV) 8 '2 C\lShml..!t wi.~hcA t,~ b.:erue S.)!r....J.:~ c.:h~t tlwt that li.:en.,cclllnder thi~ CLI'i' A at 11Ie 1I:u~ d Wltwal;or(v) CU310m..!r d>>eA not rcn.:W QjJ Hu;\ Count Li~etue5 or V,:.:ld:dt.\tivn Li.:~1V~CA. 7.3 F ff~,': tlfTcl1l1;II,lIi"r1 (\( t:XOtI.llj.,U. tjj:"I~ le:mination Ilr e:;:pirJtlon Qr!hi:; CLP fA. C\;.\l.,m::'s ri$-iL\ under thi.. C,LPfA r.h,'U immOlCh.1td,- ell.:>ir~ ("\~,:.:lmecsh:tll tl~.il1~tall nnc\ sh.lU celti~- I; COIH:L e:A: it he de," in~t.ill~d oil ac:ldiri,)n.l.! ~o)pi~, of Iho: s,\l!rWAre whi.:h Cw.lllrner h~ llc\d.:d anCI lh~ J:;cr.:.:ti\C D~:e and 110\.'\ Mt pAid (\>r within thirty OV) d~y~ \If the dAte of t':ll11inntj.," Or ~xpir~ti~n "h~rdiitl', C\:.~t"mer'lI U~e i)( to'lc ~,:)n\V.lre sh.\U bOl in ~~.:.)rd.\I\':~ \\;L\ the End U,;et Li.:en:;e Agr.:.:mllrlt 1l~';:\lmrul\~"i1\3 the Software f,'l all Svft\V,m~ h':c,t:;c~ put.;:rl.\.~.::! U.Jl';"S the lerm or thi~ CLI'FA 7.4 P.ern.:dl,'~. N<3thinj in thi~ Ar-c~ml'n: u brtrlded to wa.i...e or lilt\ir ll.rtY umed)" ~~~I&Ne to) CO?El,21 Lllvot 9.1 i.n equity, induuing y.~th'''1I lltllitJ:i,:,n ;\:ty remedy a';el.\bl~ \w:lcr Inlem.1ti.;\n.!.l ':"i':,.;~ht h',\~ 8. \\ l)rr:lllt), Li:ll,llit) l.illlil.,tL.)m nllJ ~upport. ILl 1iI!.I.i.r~\t "'nrr.1nI'\'!T.; Ih:h:\" 11m;f'-','" . TH!:. SOFT\VARr. IS LICE:-:SEO r, Y COREl. 0:-; A.~ "AS IS" n..\.SIS. IF CLiSl(J~!ER P:';RCHASES DF.FECnVJ:; MI!O!A Or: pOCL.:"lJ::-:rATIOl': RFLATD;O TO 'fHE SOfTW.';'~:[, CL'STO:-'IF.P. ~IA YRE1URl' 1 Hnl TO C()i'EI. WTlri~ ~l~ETY (~O) PAYS Of 'j'J-{=: PAn: 0:: PlJ?Cr_.\.S::, k'-:D THEY WILt. BE REl'LAC:FD AT :\0 C~IA..~QE_ THIS \\'.~P_~'lT XHA!.L r;: (''L''I :):>.!::RS SOLE A>:D l::XCI.USIVE U::":~DY THESE \\'J\p. RA}"l1ES AI~1: I>: Ll::t: 0: .~S\' OTHER W:\RP..'\..'-liI:::S. E)..l'RESS OJ-: l:"I?LI::Ll Wi'J1'ff.~ OR ClR..-\L. ARISI~(j Bi STA1'L'i:. (I;:~RAnON. . OF LAW OR OTHl::l'.WISC". CUKEL DiS:LAI~IS A:-;Y J:-'II>LIED WARI'..A:-',y 0:1. CO~Dmm: Of ).r E FoC H.-\~" ABILrrY.!\.-\ TiS f..V:T(\? YQUALm', DURABILl'l Y. MEP.CI-'..:\:--I_~ F.!...1:: r~vA!.m' OR l-TI"E5S FOR A PA?Tl~.liI.A;. l'~POSr. ~~1-'OARDIS(; j'HF SO fT\l,'..1.?E, MeDIA, J.)ClCli~IE;"'"TAT10~ O? A.'" OTr::::r. noouc:r ORSE Po \,1CI: PROYILll- I) l:. Y(O;'.EI. !::...!m;'DER OR no; CO~~F.C:TIO~ HEI'.r'WiiH 1:-: l'(l EVE~T WILL COREL Oli. IT~ l.lGSSClR!\ c?: LL~LETO CUSTO~IEP. rOR D,"'~:A!j=S I~CLL'DIXU ANY .9.2 LOSS 01' PROFITS, LOl;i' SA\l~':iJ" OR OTIiER Il'DIRECT. 1,CIDl:.:-,'iAl. O? (;CI:\S~QUENTIAL DA~IAQES ARI.Sl:-:O Ol T ll~ CL:S:O~~P.'S USE OF Or, l:-;MHl.ITY '1\'> L.S: Tl'E' SOITWARE, E\'I:::t-: IF CORI:L, IT:: u.:i::\SO?S OR A..'l AtrrHoRlZEL> COREL I'.E:\f.LU-:? K1,.S BEEN Re....isi.:mMa). S. JSlrlS COREL CORPORATION:# 31 9 AD\ 1.!';EO 01- TH::: p()S$:at:'11 ':. Of SUCH Ot'\MA(H:r. OR Slier. f..\ '.[t\(if); ARE FORESl::cAnu::. St'H~t~h ~C~\'1~tti1i\'fI (,\I..:",~,:";': "r In: $0 Chv are: C:U~TO~IER ACJ.:.NO',V[.m~=;, ;.sn AGREES TIL.\"J' ~?EECH Rl::COG~ITlOS' IS r\ ~TAT1snCAL l'P.OC\::SS, .1 HAT REC00S'li"!l)' F RP.O?.S ARE I:-:HFRl!l'.'T IN 'l'1-It: f?OC~',... 0;: SPF.F.CH p. ECOO~ITION, ASrl THAT SPEECH RECOO:-:ITI0N API'L1( ATlm;S MilST BE DCSIO:-:~D TO ALLOW FO;' ~!.:(Il ERRORS IN 'J HE P..1::c..:OO:-JITJO~ Pjl.C>Ci:~S CLiSTO:"IER FURTHE:R Ac.:KNOWLWG::~ ..SD AGREES 'l'HAT(:) SUCH ERRORS .~:: IS~ \HABLI: ~ (u) IT IS CliSTO:-fER'S RES?OS'S:~l:'ITY TO CORRECT RECOGNI'flO~ l::RRO?S nEFU:tE IJSr.-:c; THE RESUI.:rS OF THE P.EC<)(i:, m':I:S' , ASD (Iii) CUqO:-IEP. IS RESPO:-':St:1: r. FOP. E~SURINO Tf{..\T CUSTO~fER LiSES 0:\1 Y A DP.AOON SYSTI::-'l~ APPROVED :-Oller.('''; :Cl'\E " l'.!). C':o"trlll1ltnt Ri:hts. l!.S Cj.:wcmlllcnt P.ialn \l:1~ ,e~Ft.:t t.::I any Il.:qui,iti.m o( the Sof'r,\'J:~ C'~ S.)~r., A.:e ?r\l<!l-o:t by or f_'r .ulY unit or a:g.en.:y otL':~ t::-.i:d S:~te, G\l\'emment . (I~C ..O"....lIf1lJ\1Ol11t..). th~ $.:~.,\~~,,~ ~;.,!':-..."a:~ produ<:t 1.~1.ill b<!' <:b..;!;ifi;:d 3.1 "':\ll-_~ ~:::~! ~,';.\;>.;t.:: sol'rllue", ;I, L'11t te:r.t b dotfinecI j:\ '~t A~pL':J~':~ r:~vUio)!\S or th~ F<:de~.I1 Acqui"iti,)n ;..~';..:!.l.::.:on (lilt ";'AP.") Ilnd sl)ppltrnenls thereto, i.~,~l.;~~.l' t::e D~pAt~ment of Dcrcn,oc (DoD) FAR SI:.?r:<:::e::t(~: '.DFARS")" The S.:>m:a.re ~r sonw\Uc pr"~:':':l"'. H dt.. t~_'?cJ ~tiliely at prh.J.tc cxp"n,~e. :>nd r..:I F"':: (: (~, ~,~!tware or !-i.,)ft-.\-are 'p:\'nu~t ,...it:i fi:~:?:~t.l.:-e~ i- I~~ i'~:ronl'ance CI~ a Govel'l'..m.:nt Cuntu~~ 1;:.:": S.:o::-:-,~.; c: S.:lfto.\'11!e p:o)cuo:t u supphed eN !,:it 1::.. D.::', c:: S"f:;o.-a:;: or ~~f:wJ.:~ p:udu.:t i~ c!':!:',:t~~:: .:"_.:. ~:. ;.:0 L1~ t.::ms .of c':.~:) AEr~~[n~tlt and e:.:!: ~.' L. t,-:':I:':J~~ "."th Di",.1.P.S 22i.72C2-1(~) :2......: ::7.72" :':.,>). N (u) ",-ith r:s~ict~d ri.!-hl~ in ac.:~r6.. ..:~ ~..:.~ r :- .':"?S 2.s].227- 7JI3 (.:)(lXu)(OCT !\:$5, L ,:;,;':'.:.:::i.. It the Sofr.'\"JJ''': or Soft-.vare p:\,.....t.=~: ~ s.:;: ..::':'~ ~ fer \,:.51: by a Fed.:~.L. ll.:,:el\.-y oth!: L"-l.- ['I:'L'. L-'~ S":~J.'ue or s,"\fL.,".u:.: pr.;,dl\~t i~ T~~~::-:::~ ~l: :7'.;'l~'.a;, ~av..a.re c!~u-"~re\i subje.:t t.> the t~:7.:l ;: :1;":5 .':.~~:::l~nt &.'1c! (i) :FAR 12.212(a),(ii) FAR 5~": 7 l..."~ (i::', FA.~ 52.221- 14{Al.T III), 23 Lr;.I1~ab!e The contr~ctQrlm:lI1ur:1clunr it (ord COr)lor:ation Lilllil"d, l:urop:'l nom~. 3:1 FloXlr, ll~r'O\l1't Strrd. Dublin 2. Irc1:lnu. Re~t::kl<;,d P.i7hl~ P.e!l:~.! l~ t:.l-:.'r. So.l!l.wLre: 1! the Si'lftw.udu.::qui:ed b:i":~:; l:~::~..:' a I.::'~~ orllgtncy of th~ United StAtt:~ G~',.t:7_-::~~,t, (,e ~\lvemment ll~t~~ \'1,'t su.:h Sor..n:~ ~, .'~.:;:-.::"e:~:.'! computer ~,~fto.._~r.:" 2.m1 th.lt :Ib~!,:: :! -:0-::::-::: ~ ::!:~e;1l: to tht c:.:-r.lT:l.l')., the Sov~mme:'.(.; io,;:-t.:I \\:::-. r=..?~,:t to $uch 4 COREL CORPORAT~ B 'SENT BY:XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER: 11-30-98 ;11:41~~ ;CITY OF PORT A~GELES~ ,0. 10.1 10.2 SOnWjl{C llll: limil~d by the terms of lhi.\ Li':oln-.e Agreemenl,pWGU"nl t" FAR. 12.212(a) UI.tI.:lr DI'AJU; 127.7202.1(~), M 'P?li~abl~. " l\li.~cclJ:J"eO\I~ !\ lodifi;:ation.v.~r!\etldrnpnh. COREL expressly rcs~e& tho risht I.> nl..:ldlfy S~hedule; Illnd 0 from time t.J lillle. Except ~ $pt~itk1lly j:ru'tided filt he:ein, all other modiJi~.lti"r\:i require I mutu..U wriUcf1 l1$l'ccmcnt ai3'\td by bvt.i p.artielS. Supe(secl.ina AQreement. TIlU CLPfA b tho: end!/: :agreement between the panie~ with I~>pe':: t.., ilS subject m.\Uer, and $upc:sedes ani' pliur agrccmer.t bet'l';cc:n the pcUtiCJ. whe:.het written or orol]. })urUtg the term here.:!!; tJ~ CLl'fA shll!!. g.:lnm Cu.,tomct'll Use ur tlU ~onWlltc l1~quired and/or Uud under the Pr..:lgta.m. 10.3 (l(>\.cmin", L8W. nw CLPFA eh1l1 be g.:lvemed by the hW$ of the Sl.lte or ~l-olW:lte. BACD rA'RrW WA%T]t."\ A::tt'Y \l:lClrZ. /IJ'I'D tl'-Qu'E.d 1fOS" ,-n ,.s-z-t.v !rO IT,^va: AZf~ !)JAa-V':l"1::I "~~'J':Jt ,.nTft A.D~V% TJUItU OR O'rDlI:XWJ"lI:: >>O:DOU.""O JI'Y ... o11:ltT, )a:CE.l"'1' ,.,:rccsuc JUl:qUlwr:D BY lAW. ]0.4 S~\'trabilit\'. The u\2bility to cnrul.:e any provi,;ioll hc:co)f shill not l\f'fo:elthe right 10 er.r"r.:c: WIY othcI' pC\loki.:lMi provic\ol'l. ltO\Vt\'U, th.\: if lln)" rn:! teri.l1 el~r.l!nt oftlW CLPfA is foUl'ld to ba u.~anrl.lt.:e~bta, thiJ CLPF A m~ybe lc:n-nin.ued by !:.e p~y att!mptiItz t.:l ent"Nll t.u~h delnC:;\1. 10.5 ninclln<Z Effa.:t!_A.3~iClM'.enl Th.i3 CLPFA is bUldulg \lpOn U\e pl1:"liu' ~':Jpc:~tiv~ r~pr2,;c::'.tdve, S'J~.:e;;svr$, and Il~~i~~ hvweVet, Cu.~lom.:r ~"..Z!J roOl lli-\lzr. t1\2s CLPFA ,..;th.:lut li~ priur wlitl~n cor.s::\: orCOR.I:I.. lteVi5i')11 Maj'~. 1995 COREl. shill be entirlet! I.> a.nip I~:.\ CLPFA to ar.)' pur.:.h.uer of COREL's r,a:::.1I,' a, Ii' nr Ihe s."~a.re. 106 Sl'T\;l.'al. TIle pto~ion.\ orSe~cio)C\\:I 3.:1 .s,3 S,6, 7.3, 7.4, 8, 9,and 10 t\h.ill3~,i':e te:m:r.A::M or e:<pirati.:ln ",flh.i3 CLPFA. TJnS AGRl::l::~[E:'\" IS EFff.CTlYE A.~n nr.-;DIXG OS COREL O~l.\' 1.:PON CUSTO~[ER'S lU:CE1PT OF ^ CO!')' OF nus ACREEi\lE:-iT SIG:-iED BY A..... AlJTnORIZ[:-i(~ STGNING on IC:F.R OF COREL. 1\0 0:'001:: l~ AtiTIIORIZI::D TO CHA.w;r. ALTER OR MODU'V TllE Tl::R.\I,s OF lHIS AGRF.F.m::-OT lJlIiLJ::.SS ACREED TO 'I~ wtUTL,\'C; B\' A:-i .s..l'THORIZED SIG:\L'iG OFFICER OF CORf.L Cushmm'ic,prl:scnu CU\d W:l.--ri1r.U L~: \h~ W,)rr.\~::O)n pC.:lvided to COREL ~ mlc 1rtd a.:curate a!'.c a~~e:l to) irr.r.J~di~lc!}'p1'ovi~ COREL 111>' chang.:! in the WOrT:\a~.)n. 1:\ t.i~ event al1eh inr,mrll!i()1\ ~ dt:lcrminc:d to be i:t;.:.:u:d~. CC:l:cnl~r agrees that CORELml\)'. at any time and al COREL's sole opeon. Ul'minate the Cu~tomer ~ A CLP Freedom C\::It;)mar. c.:4.u pC PDrf A~{e.s (i ~JPurll! Name V' /7 . PER.: ~.>_ d...h..u-"_.V l':!l:nt: To..nyq O'tVc ,'11 lltle: ..zos m"l1a,~1'" D~te 1/ I~Q /"r CORETJ CORI'OR.UION (USA) p,," - ~.rs lltle. Vice President Finance and Controller SENT BY:XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER;11-30-98 ;11:41~~ ;CITY OF PORT ANGELES~ COREL CORPORATIO~;# 5/ 9 5 r;cm:Otll.l-: UA~ Donnltlons 'Ine flltlMJinB d~finiti\)ns shall apply I,) this CLPf A' A nnnall'eriod mcaIU the pcno(l bcginl\in~ on the first d.lY of' th~ m.:ll\th f'oJUo""ing the EffceL', ~ Ul:~ 1.,d enc.:ng one year thereafier, and each const~utive one-year pin.::.c thett.lftcr durolS the t~:I1\ orthe CLf'fA A Um,"Iri7pn HAer. me.InA (I) in thd caJe ora H~Jrt Count I.icr.nsc, At\Y !J.;eruied full. tUnd t:mpl~~ ~~.i, PoUt. l:mt employees, and~onlrdcl elllp1..>YC:C:>1 inolle oCeithllranentirc ulf(:1.Illzolnoll. department, divi.;ioJn, bwln,mc;.:t,t=r,l":':.u bci1:!.itl3 loJ\."2tion or whoJUy owned subsilli.l<)' orCu~tomt: c!U..'1:13 thcl tcl:m orthLr A~cemcllt. and ("Li) in the ':l>~ ~~, WoJ,i:..u.:ivlI Liceru". l\lII'C. M.1". UNIX lInnl'nm.1.'Y I'ers.:lru! CoOmpl:tarr. ll.'.en 1/\ one of either an entire org.l,"'.iu~'::l\ ce?L't::~nt, di-.i:1ion, bl.Uinl!:l;l wllt, phYAi~.11 building IO'::llti':>ll or wh.::lly oWIl~d .1lb~didtY :l1\d owned or kued 'c;: Cc.:.,;na: cl...~'1g the lerm of thilt Agr~etllC!nt. ~u. m"A~ t1~ D.3Ttctlel\t ar\d allY s:he;\ules atu.:hed hereto. Cusl"mer. Jlu:,aJ\:l. t1u: entity liillllillS 11\.i, C'.lIfA. n,"I~Ume"t.lti.'n. means the: end wu m.l!\\I.\!A in hllrd Npy and/or el<l':lrvnic e<lml,alrc:l1tin~ I,) t::~ S,"In-.'.'.t.~ ~d providd ",i!h the sundud, rlllall, &hrlru."'\~Tl.p VersivnJ of the Sofiwo1rc, Head COltnt U.:en~e. meal\:: a li:enr.O! to lise S.:>fl:warll under th<l CI,PFA evr a1Ili.:elU~d fl1!.\. t:.7.C', P4't. c..''tle crnplo)'ees.. And contrJ.:t empl,~ycc:s of CWI\)n'ttr. . H.:ome l!~e Li,:p.II~e. mean., n lio:en:.c I\JUs: a s~;ond COP)' ofth" S,)frv.'olIc (In;\ home or fl.l;"..!-:::: ~"r\\;lUlf:, 5,) 1\lr.3 a.s the ll<l.:ond COP).. is I\llver b memory or ,;rtu.t! r::c:t:O:Y at the SJrnt time the PO:I\.1..:y copy ~ in r.l:-':I)'l.lr \'.:':I:L t:le:U\l:yon t~..,O! 'primllt)' pcrSoJI1Jt .:omptlter. ~i.:en?l'd 'V"rb. means, cvUe.;ti~'",ly, the D.:l.:wnentJti.,". S.)(h...:\:c llnd allY Upgrades :md L'r.:!.l:C:l h':c:~~d by Cwtomer UI'ldllr this Cl,?FA. MultllirVlU:\l L;censc. mClllU a Iiceroe t.:o Use any,)r all equivalent sup~rt.:d Wl!lU.l.ge ven:i):'.H~t.':~ 5.;.[,.....1:C ir. &Upport of lllliI1g1~ U~<lr on one xnol~hine all1l\, \)r.~ 6-:a. i".:lthin:; jn !111> CLPFA should be construe'! I.:' "'.I:r~~: N u:-..,ly th:I.t any r.cW bnSU~2" 'Io'er~i,'m \,,;1\ b.: proou~ec for a.,:,,' pr."oll.:t or, if so produced, wh.:n su~h ve:~~~~.:.:i b~ r:l~d~ c.:-mlTl~:,daIl)' lIlvaiJ...bk 10 lultinlntf,)fr.I Li':':I't~~. 111"';\I:,.a Ilean>~ toJ L'.: ~;\:ivJl,'nr ...err.i.'n,~ nrthe S.:l~.t.'JJ'a on rnul::;l~ ;,~:::::!~ .;..:c::: pl1t:;:"unns. jo."e\\' Pr"dU~1 mC.ln:l CitllCf At\ enc:ely n~7" .$.,'If;.....,II'c pr.:ldu.;t or a rndj.,'lr r~\~:un orSuft;l:~~ :~tJ.,~~ t::.' CO?EL dunns tlLe: t,:ulI of the CLI'FA llut U COI\4:,t~:lt!r C:~Ji::no1l.:.:! by COP-F.l. L> ':l "n~',\," ptoou.::" n:.':!: ::-..1.'\ ~ 1:; t'ypde. Ifa qUf;:\tiOfl arisa4 3.1 to whether a major te'.~.:-n prcdu.:t on'ering u an UJ:P'ldc or a new foX;:::' C"-'?::L's u,,~-u,m..iIl rre.....w., ptuvided th:tl COREL tre:a~ the t:lJj.:-: U\iAil.lfl proc!u.:t offacing lr.~ S.!lne f,)r i~ e::;; \:.;~: .:c.;:O:;le:, p:\er:illy. If' ;I qllestii)n ati3es n.~ to whether a. new S,)[....oI:e produ.:t is an Upsnd~ Or a n"''IV produd, CO:":::!.', e;;:.:.,);: ',I,'i!: preo,~1. , Pnll1.1t\' Parr,o:-nJll Computer. meJr..5:1 pC;3,.,:1 .:omputer or no!cbQ\~k whi.:h is Cwtom~:'; .:..-::.~:}' \'\',):;:'~::.:ln. S"fL'....:!tl:'. tIlC;\".!: (.:"lIe.:ti....l:ly or indl\:.-!~...,'I:.., lL, thO! eonl':1Ct tequir~) t.ie COREL s.,n.....o!:: ~:~.::::t "r pr~c-.:.;u li>-tzd in S.:h.:dule B heret", lU lIpd.1tt'd bi' CO~::L rOr:\ tirn.: to> ti:lI~, tnBeth~r v.-:tit B.:l:l UpcLi:~s L-.:~: t:Pf:JjH \l.::e:-.s:d by C~t\)mer tinder ~ CLPFA S"ftware PIi.::e:-l. me.VB COREL's :;ug~:~::;: lut p:i.:e~ f'vr licenses for t:,e Software set (I'.:: io: S~~:~:.:!: E ~:et". SuulJ\Jllln.:td-!nt~. me~;\.~ the Iesolu:i~1\ "r"l:! I:.::h:<.l.::sl quc~tion. problerr: Dr issue: n:g1;.fH.; \';"...e r.\:.::lce: orteltllh"M calls required. F"t exunple. one i:~t~ pol;" r~lluire senral te!'::Jlhnnc e~1s to be rasnl...ed t,h::~ll !~'..er.L is:::;e~ may be tes.:llvcd "ithin Ono!' M<!phol\e ca!!. Update. me~ a li.'C. or compilation or f.X::3 r:b.se:l by COREL durin;r tho'l term of the CLF::.~ to) c.:o!:",-~ opaa~on.a1 ctef'::':l:l (pr\)!U:Jrn bugs) in Ute Sofrn-ue ;::.i v:n;.:h is gl:ner.illy provided b~' COREL vdtho\:t ~'::::';l:\~: c;u:::= t.) end \!SetS fl,c,id"n t..Iay 5. l??S ,S~T BY:XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER:11-30-98 :11:42AM :CITY OF PORT ANGELES.... COREL CORPORATlON:# 61 9 ,. of iu stand.ud. reLlil. shrlnk-,.,Tap VCUiM.s or the son....ilfl:. UOClr:lC!<l, me;U\ll:l revUi.'ln of sonwJ.:e u!uad by COlt/-;I. during lhe t'~tnl of the Cr.PFA L;3e is coru~tentJy deJigIuted by COREe. 8$ #n i,l1p~U', rat..\ct Ihl."\ a M7o" produo:t. In most inswl.:es an Upgrade will ~C1'Ierally b~ designated by II " verMan n\11l\ber ch.ll'.ge ill the Software ir.lr;;o:diatdy t.> either the right or rhe left of'the d~~bJl (e.g, vmion S.l to 6.0 or vc:r:li\J1l 6.0 t., G.I). Us~ N In Us~. mean., f'.>r a single U!:;n' computet or worl-.!t.ltlon notlll13.:lhed to a network at 6e tir:le OC\1$I:, the Software is considered In Use when AnY p.:lrtion oCtM S.>ltwa:e Is either t03d~d illl\\emory or ..irtu.il rr.e::1()ry. '\V{\rhlt.\tion li.:enR mearus a t:o:cn~e 10 Use S(le-....are U11der the CLPfoA 01\ all l>.dmary Pm"r..1l Computer~ (Mac, UNIX and PC) used llI1d owned by Cwt\lmu d;::i.nS the term of this CLPf A. 2tcvi.:.-;'oJlI May S, Ill!>S S~T BY:XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER:11-30-S8 ;11:42~~ :CITY OF PORT A\GELES- . COREL CORPORAT I Oi'i ; # 7/ S 7 :;dl~tlU'C ~n" !lotl~~rc MiltS SoftW..r" l>l'iCc( ~n~ fl--." L,A_oI", t....u. I L.,," 3.1 LO<MB b.~c: R..-.. /',..-->1 PtwWluet f).......~'" PorlNvmb or rNtP-t\'f'1'be,. !:I.PISU$ 5tP '\V1 h.p I:U~, ~:J' r~u, SlP (1 U I Corel Bu~incs:; A\Jplh:Mion, ..--- I - I --- ~ .-- COf~O~'I(,rr.t'CI'l'd':'lr.;I. (rnckrclll'9 OrA1on rl~III":'/5]J. Y,\q.~~D".J""T_ LF;v..r':Ntt".hT LJ"'f'IMI\;:.'.'Ltll snoo s;...1 sl!Jeo $(3.211 nd.110 ,.,..<w Cor": .,'ll)rd.3 At! ~CI~ Guill} \W~~-s~ 11r LFf"J.P!:WJ'1 I Lr>FIJ:,.P!.'''''~1 5:l200 $0';:, ::. S1tJCu 5<l.20 S711.ll0 - ~~nrc1Po1,r.:!CI,,!)SuM. ~ LF"fY.POOO5 L''t'rr'',P!~ . $"200 sr..~t~ $'79 Cu SO .20 nd.110 --. C...~W.tcll'.~~e' ~ -- ltJX LN-Y.ruwx LOf'FU.ruJ:J. S 12') CO $le."~ S :2~ C~ ~120 SlltM - t.Pf\..pc..PE\'....IJ ~,r/.,~"I'r. Cr>rol.': WCtclP..t.d~ Sull.). P'ot.~sl.MI edit..n ~Ilc!uo'" ...."Joo.r.~ S!,Nt~ l".'r.t11 N.'l'Iu' .tJy~ g t d ktnQ', Srrlil!O 1/9.2' S-...c.) Sl~.cO D.110 COf"'OI:eo Pr~rn.I.",,1 ....'r<.....~ ). h lPfV.U:V'I:WI) LPCR;.~~~;w 1'f1 00 '7gJ'} $~.~ Il"r.o C'~ on Coro(l('.I.. Pro'.Hlonal- M""'tll Etl'~,.)n Y,~~~~T. L~cXo:\'ED Lf'I'no-M-O $119 co $.~~':. 111' :~ SHJO SI011.11O - Cet.r:.W,JIllltrl,).:tj) SUI'4 Log:at Editlon "'.Glu"'!(l~ r.t ~;. LFfY.PSL $I~~CO N:dI.tSlr.:o.~"II'o;il V.~~ '~.'NT 1..F-fR. '. P!O L C1C1 )~ S124 :0 $\<;20 SII9M . $IOU31 Ct,~I~WCtCr..thcl~ :lIlMQ.1 elJ,'II'~~lIun v,'~c..,.,~ 3.11 LPr.......$LE lPFR.\f"'..l.!: S IJ<i co It204 :C S .,20 '"9.C0 I I - .. - ,- "".--- I -- - '. -- Corel Grdchlc:s ilnd Internf!llinlr~net Ac clic..!ic CoreIOAAW'" ~\'r/."":r., U'fc.'l-",'/ 1I.J>fl'!:AA\II ~:f.),OIl S1).:'~ I S~CO sreco $.!:9no I I C/)r" h"'.....::;o<<'~ ""'''01.0'' (<.:oroIO~Wi'. . C.Ot " "'" ~; L I ~~C~'P S1~Ccl ~::l r.r...co CCl'~YJ'Tb.Md'$:,eo, tuJt1't;\ "-\.Ic",,,':,- Lrl'CI"f' .c.nc,= $" .0 . -I r..' nnn, "'h,,, tJtI"tlf\- tl)r t~p ~t11"':I' rr-I:-.lt"Vlt . .. (-,:..-x,. :!if I P~MA,,~..I ~,..........v I L~~ L~. 1 """'" c I ~ J"Jrtttul"""'lb.' S.P IlU$ ~Sl . .. I I I I I Ct"..t'JW~.'P(11co'SlJl" -le".,1 Ed.'''t'l (\"~hlt1I"9 rJl' .:lI';Ol ""'4.~~~.NT~J I r+"'w\Ojl Il~.r:1 I s IS9 co SI1" ;:1 l':a~,Y."_"d".r1' e'''~1JII'''' leOl'l1 rdi,'oll \,Vr~::l"O'""I: 3 h I Lpt.V.V:,1 r I LI"IT.....T'!:tE I c.!~.col S121':~ I ~QlnSU.S C~rnen.-'tho$c.".a Itle.st on. orth. oU'lf" Sof':";WfJ~1.dad Aba". and mlJ..tll~."'.~. aM>" ","'~"':lcensu 2S atl)Icll'l.' so~.,. pr.4"" .....0<1 _~.. l;...",..:~ OIJcaunt Leve: Df"'hot1tr..J~ftnl ~.~ :V7't Levtl A 100- Si; L_l~ -. l.tCO.B ;0 - ~ oval C 3Cc~ . Rc\'isi.:in M;l.Y S. 1 ??S 6ENf BY:XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER: 11-30-98 : 11 : 42AM :CITY OF PORT A;'IGELES-t CORa CORPORATION:# 8/ 3 o II t\cl,C'dulC' "e" Lolll!r or Ce'rdnC'lltlon " Corel Cotp.)r:lliol\ (USA) 5671:: 'l'imP:m<:lgO.9 Pkwy Orem, Ut.1h 84097 Re: Letter oCCertWcatian This lelll:1' v.;R' Ct:lti1y th:H C : ~ ~ t> +' Por + At'\:f ~ ( t::.S ("Customer') eurrenlly hlL, / Head CQunt LkenJ~.s (total nUlllb~r or All. twl.time, part.time, and cantuct employees) or Io.ti WOlkitation Lj.:e~e~ (lot:ll J\Ur.lber of P:i:nuy PersorW Computers (Mole, PC or tr.\1X/) tor the' !.:lt~'Nins: C. : -4: to+' fc," t f\~, t!!.. {~, ~ (N\1."T1t orO:pniz.stion, d~p~tment, di"iiion, b'.l$incu un!~ phys:~ bu::!dirtg t~Jtion or. wholly \lImed Au~idi.a.ry) Ii 0 the dJ.te of t.~ CLP Ftcedul'n Ag!el!ment between Cwt.:>mer and (:{.rt! COlF'ralion (USA), custo~_~ /). Per: ~ ~ Name: ,.." VA 0 'fie. ill "itle::rS M.4I& 1\(1. 9 -." Date: III ~ /9 f' p!e.ue Jlot.: th~t Cwtomer means th~ e:-:tity s::::1l'\~ thii CLPF A Md not the a.:tual indi\~c!ei c.;:Ur,g en bc:,'ulf ot 'ucl: entlty. Revision May 3. l~S ", $ENT BY:XEROX 7033 PLAIN PAPER;1l-30-98 ;1l:43AM ;CITY OF PORT Ai'~GELES'" COREL CORPORATIOt\;# 3/ 9 '.., '. ~ 9 SClU:OULE "DW Authorized User Profile Fonn ....,.#~____rrw:~ _...........,.=-...-.0."..10 ''''~~-- -_-=---.._,. ....-'!I!,....,.--......__.____--... _..,........,-~ -.- -_.~ " AunlORlZED tlSER L'iFOR.'JATrO:';: Or::IuizatiOl1 N:l12le: C;+t 0+ PO/' f A'^Je/~s Ml\lIIn:: Add..",s: $~l E. S' th. S7"'~.e f . Po.,- f AIA!J it 1~$.1 'w'11 'ir.l b ~ 1.[:1ln Phone: 3bD -1./ I' - t/ '- > 0 M:llll ~~..'( 17- f'b 01' r;. ,. PUr'ch:ulng .t:onl:ad: cl\"r~ 0 'tJc c 1/ M:llIill~ Address (If dlfferenr trolll :IbO'vc): Dlr'tct Line or-ut.: 3~"C//'" VI. 3D PO gtf)~ (IS-D F;llC: '!lot>- 'i 11-f('O, ~.h1nl1: it'\~~:S.e.rvA') p[vpefl. CeM fCrt A&1~e~~ wA 9?'3"z- M2r~etih~ eOh1:lct: (;..,.,. y ~r cu,f::s l\hilin: Address (if diffcr.eut ftorn :\bo'\'c): Dlrcrt Line or en.: Ji. (PO ~ "I 7..1/ It, 1.1 :F';lX: $.{,.o...CJI7- l.D' ~ DL f'ot,&- E-bl:lll: ..,~'" t!!. RESEU..ER J~FOlt.'1ATIO:'\: Ore:Jnll.3tton l\:all1c: Address: M:lia Pbon\': ~bln F,,:c: AccoulIt M:JlI:Jger: M:ailillg Address (if different fram abon); Direct Line or C3:I.: Fl1x: F.-nUl It: Llrensh:J;: Administnator: l\bilin!! Address (if differeut from :abo'\"e): Diren Line or ext,: FlIx: . E-nJ:liI: Cl.l>lo'A 1.lccll~e '.r,pe I1~a Co_LI"... -----/- (To'" .omb" or all ftlU time, p:lr1-tiule, 11l1d cotltr;ad employees) or '....orkstution L1u/lse / /)0 (ToClI !lumber of PrilIlllr,y :Penon:al COl11putcn C M:ac, 'PC or n:I.\l) Rc'\isionMzy~. J99S