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FlIed at the Request of:
20GS AUG 30 Ai'i 9: 07
City of Port Angeles
City Clerk's Office
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
2005 1163933
Interlocal Agreement
City Clerk File No.: '5" ~g)
Agreement_between the City o[Port Angeles and ~ <>b ~ -kw~ ~
S vV\Ct.V
Purpos~ ~~ Pw'1f\PvcM ~LA- ~6~
Dated t.{2z (ot;
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Membership Agreement for NoveIll\1LA Software
This Membership Agreement is entered into by and b~tween the Department of Information Services ("DIS''),
an agency of Washington State government, and ~ '7 ,0 ~~ ("Customer"), a
Washington State agency or political subdivision.
Pursuant to the Information Services Board Policy of 1995, Acquisition and Disposal of Information Technology
Resources, DIS has entered into a Master License Agreement (""MLA "), with Novell, Inc. ("Novell") in order to
make Novell's "MLA Software Products ("Software") available to Customers of DIS Technology Brokering
Customer enters into this Membership Agreement with DIS in order to purchase such Software licenses. This
Membership Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Customer shall be licensed to use such
Software. As a result of executing this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some responsibilities directly to
Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement.
1. Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date of its execution by both of the parties,
or May 15, 1998, whichever is later.
2. Term. The initial term of this Membership Agreement will begin on the effective date and will remain in
effect through June 30, 1999. Subsequent terms will be for two (2) year periods. The term will be automatically
renewed unless at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of a term either party gives written notice to the other to
terminate the Membership Agreement. The term of this Membership Agreement will automatically terminate
upon expiration or termination of the "MLA.
3. "MLA .This Membership Agreement is a binding agreement that incorporates the terms and conditions of the
MLA, a copy of which is provided herewith. By entering into this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some
responsibilities directly to Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Membership Agreement.
4. License Terms and Conditions. This Agreement includes Exhibit A - License Terms, attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference, which describes the licenses granted to Customer through the rvtLA.
5. Prices. Customer shall pay to DIS in a timely fashion the non-refundable fees for all Software and services
ordered pursuant to this Membership Agreement at the prices set forth in the DIS Novell rvtLA Software
Products Price List.
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6. Node-based Licensing. Customer understands that node-based licensing 'is~~vfli1~9Ie,\t9_,~qs;!:omer only while
purchasing Software and maintenance through the "MLA. At expiration or termination of this Membership
Agreement, Customer must transition from the "MLA Program back to Novell's regular sales channels and
Novell's standard server-based licenses. See MLA Section 9.5.1.
7. Agencv and Location Coordinators. All copying for any Customer must be performed solely by the person
designated in writing to DIS as the Agency Coordinator or by one or more Location Coordinators designated in
writing by the Agency Coordinator. Included in the written notice to DIS shall be the name, business address,
Internet address, telephone number and fax number of the Agency Coordinator and each Location Coordinator.
8. Compliance Responsibilitv. Customer is responsible for understanding and complying with the restrictions
described herein. Customer will use reasonable efforts to make its employees, agents, contractors, representatives
or other individuals using the Software under this Agreement aware that the Software products are proprietary
products of Novell, have been licensed by Novell to Customer, may only be used subject to the terms and
conditions contained in this Agreement and may not be copied, transferred or otherwise used in violation of such
terms and conditions. Unauthorized copying will expose the individual and Customer to civil and in some cases
criminal penalties. Individuals found violating this Agreement will also be subject to Agency disciplinary action.
9. Audits. Customer shall keep accurate records relating to Customer's reproduction and distribution of the
Software. Customer shall conduct an annual self-audit in June of each year to confirm the total copies of
Software being used by Customer and the total number of workstations, computers or other devices connected to
a network which uses Novell's Software and shall certify in writing to DIS the results on the form attached
hereto as Exhibit B. Customer shall forward payment for any copies not previously accounted for to DIS along
with the self-audit report by June 30th of each year. If Customer is late submitting the self-audit report, Customer
may lose the right to place further orders or receive technical support or other MLA services from NovelL"
During the term of this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years after payment for Software copies is mad~~ ","
Customer will maintain complete records showing (i) amounts due and paid, (ii) copying and use of the
Software, and (iii) the total number of workstations, computers and other devices connected to a network which
uses Novell Software. Customer is subject to fonnal audit by NOVf;ll pursuant to l\.1LA Section 8.2.
10. Save Harmless. Customer shall indemnify and save DIS harmless from and against (i) any fmancial or other
loss to DIS caused by the Customer's actions or omissions; (ii) any assessment against the Customer as a result
of a material discrepancy in Customer's use of Software identified in an audit; (iii) any violation of copyright
law or other restrictions set forth herein. In the event DIS is required to act in defense of Customer's actions or
otherwise incurs costs as a result of Customer's actions or omissions with respect to the l\.1LA or Novell's
Software, Customer shall reimburse DIS in full therefor. "Customer" includes all its members, officers, agents,
contractors representatives or employees.
11. Expiration or Termination. When Customer is no longer purchasing Software and Maintenance from DIS
through the l\.1LA Program for whatever reason, Customer shall return or certify to Novell that it has destroyed
all Master Software within thirty (30) days.
12. Year 2000. Novell has warranted that Intranet Ware and GroupWise 5.2 Software are Year 2000
Compatible. Novell maintains a Year 2000 site at http://www.novell.com/p2000/product.html with information
about the Year 2000 compatibility of Novell products. Customer is solely responsible for making informed and
appropriate purchasing decisions. See Section 3 of the Addendum to the l\.1LA,.
The undersigned certifies that he/she has read, understands and agrees to the provisions of this Agreement and
that he/she is has the authority to bind Customer to a legal contract. \
State of Washington,
Department of Information Services
At8fst8nt DIMCtOr
Pnnt or Type Name
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Print or Type Name
~~ /?IF'- l/r/9a
TItle Date
Approved as to Form
State of Washington,
Offi~ ofilie ttom~ R
Print or Type Name
Membership Agreement for Novell MLA Software - 2
5. "18 J
~!!l Washington State Department of
~ii~ Information Services
Novell MLA Agency Coordinator
DIS Technology Brokering Services
December 24, 1998
Enclosed you will find an original signed copy of your Agency's membership agreement
for Novell MLA software.
Please retain this copy for your files.
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December 3, 1998
Ms. Karl Inman
Technology Brokering Services
Department of Information Services
P. O. Box 42445
Olympia, W A 98504-2445
Membership Agreement for Novell MLA Software
Dear Karl:
Enclosed are the MLA Agency Coordinator and MLA Location Coordinator forms signed
by Tanya O'Neill ofthe City of Port Angeles.
Please note that the Agency Coordinator form with Linda Kheriaty's name cannot be signed
by Linda at this time. She is currently on maternity leave and won't be returning until
approximately the end of February, 1999.
Please contact me if I can provide any additional assistance. I can be reached at 360-417-
Sincerely yours,
Becky J. Upton, CMC
City Clerk/Management Assistant
321 EAST FIFTH STREET · P. 0 BOX 1150 · PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-0217
PHON E. 360-417-4500. FAX: 360-417-4509. TTY: 360-417-4645
This form is to be completed only after your Agency has signed a Membership A.greement jOr Novell MLA Software with the
Department ofInformaUon Services (DIS).
The individua11isted below has read and understands the obligations set forth in the Menibership A.greement jOr Novell MLA.
Software and will be responsible for coordinating all activity between the Agency and DIS for Novell MLA Software Products
accordingly. As the Novell MLA. Agency Coordinator, heJahe will be responsible for the accurate accounting of all Novell
Software Products, ml'lintenl'ln~e and other services purchased from DIS by the Agency and the annual self-audit report.
This form, when properly completed and returned to DIS, will enable the Agency Coordinator to purchase Novell MLA
Software Products, maintenance and services by any means authorized by the Agency and duplicate from Novell Master
Software copies for Agency's internal use. By means of a properly executed Noven MLA Location Coordinator form, the
Agency Coordinator may authorize other personnel within the Agency to pmchase Novell MLA. Software Products,
maintenance and services from DIS and duplicate such Software. The purchase and duplication of Novell MLA Software
Products by personnel other than the Agency Coordinator, however, does not relieve the Agency Coordinator of hisIher
responsibility to accurately account for all Novell MLA Software products purchased from DIS.
Gf-~ 06 Pm:!: (jY)8i.o"
Signature of the person who executed the Membership
Agreement/or NoveU MLA Software on behalf of Agency:
Name: .L I V D 11 hi 1-1 c;~7'? ),q 71-1
Telephone Number: ~ <(?f'- <//7 - y& /,;z
StreetAddress: Y;J/ i! .s-~
MailAddress: r ctJ ~ / / .r;f6
cityizip: ~~ a~- cl<"~ 2<.-/4 ,9a.9'.:<
Fax Number: ,;1..& t:P' - ~ / 7 - 1/6,ef 7'
Internet Address: ..I ~ F Cl 5 f-~ J/@ O'-.y ~c,{). m
When completed, this form should be returned to:
DIS Technology Brokering Services
60S E.llthAvenue
PO Box 42445
Olympia,'W A 98504
~!!~ Washington State Department of
~jiP.lnformation Services
This form is to be completed only after your Agency has signed a Membership Agreement for Novell MLA Software and a Novell
MLA Agency Coordinator form with the Department of Information Services (DIS).
When the signature of the Novell MLA Agency Coordinator is provided in the designated space, the individua1listed below will be
authorized to purchase Novell :MLA Software products, maintenance and services from DIS by any means authorized by the Agency
and duplicate from Novell Master Software copies for Agency's intema1 use. As a Novell MLA Authorized Purchaser, it is the
responsibility of the individual identified below to report all new purchases or duplication of Novell MLA Software Products,
maintenance or services to the Novell MLA Agency Coordinator to ensure that an accurate count of all Novell purchases can be
maintained by the Agency.
C' ti 1J p~+ OY1~(JJQ~
DIS Agency or Sub-Agency Account Number:
Name of Novell MLA Age!,cy Coordinator (Print): -r-tl-ny" ~
Signature of Novell MLA Agency Coordinator: ~ ~ :
Name: O::/J ,e'-<.-/ 4~oA"' ;5
Telephone Number: rSw?7J' - t//7- </ (; S I
Street Address: j':; / ~ u.~C:!
Mail Address: ;00 ~ //ofc)'
City, Zip: ~ a j~_~.., ~ ;tV 9.P .:7 ~;;;,
Fax Number: ~ r;1 - <// 7 - r 6 ~ 9
IntemetAddress: IIJFoS(:"7f!v@ a.~ ,4FN.G;11l
When completed, this form should be returned to:
DIS Technology Brokering Services
605 E. 11 th Avenue
PO Box 42445
Olympia, W A 98504
d!!~ Washington State Department of
~iir Information Services
This fOIm is to be completed only after your Agency has signed a Membership Agreement for Novell MLA Software with the
Department ofInfonnation Services (DIS).
The individual listed below has read and understands the obligations set forth in the Membership Agreement for Novell MLA
Software and will be responsible for coordinating all activity between the Agency and DIS for Novell MLA Software Products
accordingly. As the Novell MLA Agency Coordinator, he/she will be responsible for the accurate accounting of all Novell
Software Products, maintenance and other services purchased from DIS by the Agency and the annual self-audit report.
This form, when properly completed and returned to DIS, will enable the Agency Coordinator to purchase Novell MLA
Software Products, maintenance and services by any means authorized by the Agency and duplicate from Novell Master
Software copies for Agency's internal use. By means of a properly executed Novell MLA Location Coordinator form, the
Agency Coordinator may authorize other personnel within the Agency to purchase Novell MLA Software Products,
maintenance and services from DIS and duplicate such Software. The purchase and duplication of Novell MLA Software
Products by personnel other than the Agency Coordinator, however, does not relieve the Agency Coordinator of histher
responsibility to accurately account for all Novell MLA Software products purchased from DIS.
C'...i :bl '" 6 PI) rt 0 fJ 6" j 0 ,~,
Signature of the person who executed the Membership
Agreement for Novell MIA Software on behalf of Agency:
~~ L2.e~J
Name: 7?? A:./ ~,4
C'J '" vc-/ Cc:..
Telephone Number: ~~- <;//07 _ </,,, 3..t2
Street Address: J'~ / ~ .;}-~
Mail Address: "P't7 ~ / /~
Cityizip: ~~ C!-L ~~-=- ?.u'A 9rPJ't;:;2"
Fax Number: 6l?-- fI- sf/ 7..... ~t: ~ 9
IntemetAddress: ...:r IJ FOSPI( v@ Otc;l'C-fJ. (',c
Signature: ~
When completed, this form should be returned to:
DIS Technology Brokering Services
605 E. 11th Avenue
PO Box 42445
Olympia,ow A 98504
~!!l Washington State Department of
~ii;;'lnformation Services
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- - -
November 9, 1998
Department of Information Services
P. O. Box 42445
Mail Stop 42445
Olympia, W A 98504-2445
Re: Novell Master Licensing Agreement Purchasing Program
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At its meeting of November 3, 1998, the Port Angeles City Council approved the
membership agreement for Novell MLA Software with the Washington State Department
of Information Services.
Enclosed is the agreement which has been executed by the City of Port Angeles. Once
signed by a representative of the Department of Information Services, please return a copy
of the fully executed agreement to my attention.
Thank you for your assistance and please feel free to contact me if you need any further
information. I can be reached at 360-417-4634.
Sincerely yours,
Becky J. Upton, CMC
City ClerklManagement Assistant
321 EAST FI FTH STREET · 0 POBOX 1 150 . PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-0217
PHON E 360-417-4500. FAX. 360-417-4509. TTY. 360-417-4645
The Department of Information Services
Novell Master Licensing Agreement
Purchasing Program
... .... ..................... ........
Information and
Registration Booklet
~!!~ Washington State Department of
~ii~ Information Services
Purchaser Information
DIS / Novell Master License Agreement Purchasing Program
The Department of Information Services has entered into an Agreement with the Novell Corporation that enables state and local
government organizJJtions to take advantage of the special licensing provisions and discounted pricing made available through
Novell's Master License Agreement (MIA). .
Introducing the DIS / Novell MIA Purchasing Program
The DIS/Novell Master License Agreement Purchasing Program is a software license and maintenance purchase program for Novell
server and application products. Through this program DIS Technology Brokering Services is able to offer both Server and Node-
based lIcensing for Novell products. Node-based licensing may provide sIgnificant savings over server-based licensing, especially
when operating in a multIple server environment. Node licenses may be purchased in any quantity, on an "as-needed" basis, to
precIsely address licensing requirements. Novell's Maintenance is required with every node or server based license purchased through
this program. Maintenance provides continuing enhancements to a product family licensed under the MLA m the form of product
upgrades and updates as they become available during the Pro,gram period.
What is the Term of the DIS/Novell MLA Program?
The term of the initial MLA Purchasing Program period is approximately thirteen months, commencing May 21, 1998 and ending June
30, 1999. Subsequent terms will be for two years.
What is Node-Based licensing?
Under the DIS/Novell MLA Purchasing Program, organizations may Install Novell products on a per-node lIcensing basis at a new
location, or convert from server-based licensing at existing locations. A location is defined by Novell as being an individual street
address. Co-mingling of node and server-based licensmg is not allowed at a specific location. In a per-node licensing environment,
orgarnzations pay for the license to connect a physical device to the Novell file server(s) at that location. Only one nodal license is
required for each device, regardless of the number of file servers accessed at that location. A physical device may be a PC, a printer or
other addressable connectlon in the server environment. Software Master media is purchased separately, and may be installed on all
file servers in the nodal licensing environment.
What Products are Available?
1he following products and or services are offered under the DISI Novell MLA Purchasing Program:
Server Licenses: These products are similar to standard "red-box" licenses in that they lIcense a specific number of users per
server. They may only be purchased in the specific "user number license" units as available on the Novell pnce list.
Node Licenses: These products allow organizations to connect a smgle physical device to a Novell file server environment at an
individual location. They may be purchased in any quantity, on an "as-needed" basis.
Maintenance: Maintenance provides continuing enhancements to a product family licensed under the MLA in the form of product
upgrades and updates as they become available during the Purchasing Program penod. Maintenance must be purchased With each
new server or nodal license ordered and will be priced on an annual basis and billed in advance. New purchases will be prorated
through the end of the current annual maintenance period. Server-based Novell products of the most recent revision, purchased
outside this program, may be converted to nodal-licensing products by purchasing Maintenance for the number of nodes connected
to the Novell servers in the environment.
Software Masters: Software Masters include the necessary media to install and run the software on multiple servers in a lIcensed
environment. As part of the "software masters" product set, customers will receive the master version non-serialized license
diskettes needed for serialized products, which the customer can then install as often as needed to support future license purchases.
Software Masters should be purchased either to install Novell products at a new locatlon, or, as a provision of Maintenance, to
mstall product upgrades and updates as they become available. Please note: Software Masters are not shIpped automatically.
Organizations covered by Maintenance are authorized to install product updates and upgrades at any tlIDe during the purchasing
program, but must order the current Software Masters to do so.
Technical Support: Premium Service, Novell's highest level of technical support, may be purchased on an annual basis either
through the "Contact Plan" or the "Incident Plan". Both PreIDlum SefVIce plans provide access to a team of Senior Support
Engineers, as well as Novell's most current technical informatlon and support tools. The Premium Service Contact Plan is
purchased annually on a "per contact" basis and provides a single Customer contact with an unlImited number of support incidents
during the service agreement period. The Premium Service Incident Plan provides a specIfic number of support incidents that
~!!~ Washington State Department of
7/219X ~ii~ Information Services
may be used by any number of authorized Customer contacts. The Customer assumes the responsibility of managmg the
distribution of these incidents and may purchase additional mcidents as needed.
Documentation: Other than limited hard copy documentatIon that may be provided with Software Masters, no documentation will
be available through this program. Novell's documentation is generally available on the CD-Media.
Is the DIS/Novell MLA a Statewide Master Agreement?
Although similar in some ways, THE DIS/NOVEU MLA IS NOT A STATEWIDE MASTER AGREEMENT. Because of the
special requirements of the Program, all orders for Novell MLA products must be placed through the DIS Technology Brokering
Services section. This approach also ensures the greatest possible discounts by aggregating all orders statewide into a single quantIty
discount pool.
Do Purchases Made Through the DIS / Novell MLA Program Satisfy the State's Competitive Acquisition Requirements?
The process used to negotiate this agreement does satisfy competitive acquisition requirements for Washington State agencies.
MLA Program Enrollment Steps
· Review, sign, and return the "Membership Al!reement for Novell MLA Software." This Agreement must be signed by an
officer of the organization who has the authority to bind the organization to a legal contract.
· Complete and return the "DIS/Novell MLA Al!encv Coordinator" enrollment form. This form identifies the individual
within the purchasing organization who will serve as the primary point-of-contact for the exchange of information regarding
this program, and who will be responsible to account for all MLA Program activity within the purchasing organization.
· Complete and return the "DIS/Novell MLA Location Coordinator" enrollment form Location Coordinators may be added at
any time during the Program period with the consent of the purchasing organization's MLA Agency Coordinator.
· If transferring in from another Novell node-based licensing program, complete the "MLA Self-Audit and Order Form"
declaring the quantity of node-based licenses that will be enrolled in this MLA. Also include a purchase order for any
Maintenance fees associated with the transfer of these licenses into the MLA program.
Note: The purchasing organization must be a current customer ofDIS services. Organizations that do not have a current business
relationship with DIS can complete a "Customer Service Al!reement." The Customer Service Agreement form and related
information may be obtained from Debra Dunn, at (360) 902-3551.
How to Place an Order
Orders for DIS/Novell MLA products can be placed, by Authorized Purchasers only, with the DIS/Novell MLA Order Desk either by
FAX, U.S. Mail, or E-Mail to:
Department of Information Services
P.O. Box 42445
Olympia, WA 98504-2445
Mail Stop 42445 FAX: (360) 664-0930 E-Mail: mla@dis.wa.gov
Product orders can be submitted on Purchase Order forms or other similar forms used by the purchasing organization. Orders-should
include the Novell part number, description, quantity and expected purchase price. Current part numbers, descnptions and prices can
be found on the DIS/Novell MLA price sheets, which will be distributed to program participants monthly.
How Orders are Filled
When an order for Server License, Node-License or Maintenance Products is received from an authorized Location coordinator, the
order will be entered into the DIS MLA Order Tracking Database. The database will generate a "DIS - Novell MLA Order
Confirmation" which will be sent to the Purchaser via FAX or mail. Once the Location Coordinator has received this authorization
document, the organization may begin to use the products listed in the quantities specified. The "DlS - Novell MLA Order
Confirmation" should be used by the organization to fulfill their Field/Purchase Order receiving document requirement for License and
Maintenance purchases. No additional proof of purchase will be provided.
Orders placed for Software Masters and Technical Support will be processed through the standard DlS Technology Brokering order
system. Orders for these products must contain the name and specific street address of the individual who is to receive the product.
Product will be supplied directly by Novell according to the shipping instructions provided on the Customer order.
Where to Call with Questions
Questions may be directed to DIS at (360) 902-0302, or sent via E-mail to: mla@dis.wa.gov
d!!~ Washington State Department of
712/98 ~jjP Information Services
The Department of Information Services
Novell Master Licensing Agreement Purchasing Program
........ ...............................
Novell MLA
Membership Agreement for NovelllVllA Software
This Membership Agreement is entered into by and between the Department) of Information Services ("D1S''),
an agency of Washington State government, and {~ ''1 ,o..,J- ~~ ("Customer"), a
Washington State agency or political subdivision. t.
Pursuant to the Information Services Board Policy of 1995, Acquisition and Disposal of Information Technology
Resources, DIS has entered into a Master License Agreement ("MLA "), with Novell, Inc. ("Novell") in order to
make Novell's MLA Software Products ("Software") available to Customers of DIS Technology Brokering
Customer enters into this Membership Agreement with DIS in order to purchase such Software licenses. This
Membership Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Customer shall be licensed to use such
Software. As a result of executing this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some responsibilities directly to
Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement.
1. Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date of its execution by both of the parties,
or May 15, 1998, whichever is later.
2. Term. The initial term of this Membership Agreement will begin on the effective date and will remain in
effect through June 30, 1999. Subsequent terms will be for two (2) year periods. The term will be automatically
renewed unless at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of a term either party gives written notice to the other to
terminate the Membership Agreement. The term of this Membership Agreement will automatically terminate
upon expiration or termination of the MLA.
3. MLA. This Membership Agreement is a binding agreement that incorporates the terms and conditions of the
MLA, a copy of which is provided herewith. By entering into this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some
responsibilities directly to Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Membership Agreement.
4. License Terms and Conditions. This Agreement includes Exhibit A - License Terms, attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference, which describes the licenses granted to Customer through the MLA.
5. Prices. Customer shall pay to D1S in a timely fashion the non-refimdable fees for all Software and services
ordered pursuant to this Membership Agreement at the prices set forth in the D1S Novell MLA Software
Products Price List.
6. Node-based Licensing. Customer understands that node-based licensing is available to Customer only while
purchasing Software and maintenance through the MLA. At expiration or termination of this Membership
Agreement, Customer must transition from the MLA Program back to Novell's regular sales channels and
Novell's standard server-based licenses. See MLA Section 9.5.1.
7. Agencv and Location Coordinators. All copying for any Customer must be performed solely by the person
designated in writing to D1S as the Agency Coordinator or by one or more Location Coordinators designated in
writing by the Agency Coordinator. Included in the written notice to DIS shall be the name, business address,
Internet address, telephone number and fax number of the Agency Coordinator and each Location Coordinator.
8. Compliance Responsibilitv. Customer is responsible for understanding and complying with the restrictions
described herein. Customer will use reasonable efforts to make its employees, agents, contractors, representatives
or other individuals using the Software under this Agreement aware that the Software products are proprietary
products of Novell, have been licens~d by Novell to Customer, may only be used subject to the terms and
conditions contained in this Agreement and may not be copied, transferred or otherwise used in violation of such
terms and conditions. Unauthorized copying will expose the individual and Customer to civil and in some cases
criminal penalties. Individuals found violating this Agreement will also be subject to Agency disciplinary action.
9. Audits. Customer shall keep accurate records relating to Customer's reproduction and distribution of the
Software. Customer shall conduct an annual self-audit in June of each year to confirm the total copies of
Software being used by Customer and the total number of workstations, computers or other devices connected to
a network which uses Novell's Software and shall certify in writing to D1S the results on the form attached
hereto as Exhibit B. Customer shall forward payment for any copies not previously accounted for to DIS along
with the self-audit report by June 30th of each year. If Customer is late submitting the self-audit report, Customer
. .5
may lose the right to place further orders or receiv~ technical support or other MLA services from Novell.
During the term of this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years after payment for Software copies is made; Y
Customer will maintain complete records showing (i) amounts due and paid. (ii) copying and use of the
Software, and (iii) the total number of workstations, computers and other devices connected to a network which
uses Novell Software. Customer is subject to fonnal audit by Novell pursuant to MLA Section 8.2.
10. Save Harmless. Customer shall indemnify and save DIS harmless from and against (i) any fmancial or other
loss to DIS caused by the Customer's actions or omissions; (ii) any assessment against the Customer as a result
of a material discrepancy in Customer's use of Software identified in an audit; (iii) any violation of copyright
law or other restrictions set forth herein. In the event DIS is required to act in defense of Customer's actions or
otherwise incurs costs as a result of Customer's actions or omissions with respect to the MLA or Novell's
Software, Customer shall reimburse DIS in full therefor. "Customer" includes all its members, officers, agents,
contractors representatives or employees.
11. Expiration or Termination. When Customer is no longer purchasing Software and Maintenance from DIS
through the MLA Program for whatever reason, Customer shall return or certify to Novell that it has destroyed
all Master Software within thirty (30) days.
12. Year 2000. Novell has warranted that Intranet Ware and GroupWise 5.2 Software are Year 2000
Compatible. Novell maintains a Year 2000 site at http://www.novell.comlp2000/product.html with information
about the Year 2000 compatibility of Novell products. Customer is solely responsible for making informed and
appropriate purchasing decisions. See Section 3 of the Addendum to the MLA,.
The undersigned certifies that he/she has read, understands and agrees to the provisions of this Agreement and
that he/she is has the authority to bind Customer to a legal contract.
State of Washington,
Department of Information Services
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Membership Agreement for Novell MLA Software - 2
Membership ~areemeDt for Novelll\fLA Software
This Membership Agreement is entered into by and between the Department of Information Services ("DIS"),
an agency of Washington State government, and (7, TY C',L- /?c/f' 7" H /.- C-.::-c:...-('--:J ("Customer''), a
Washington State agency or political subdivision.
Pursuant to the Information Services Board Policy of 1995, Acquisition and Disposal of Information Technology
Resources, DIS has entered into a Master License Agreement ("MLA"), with Novell, Inc. (''Novell") in order to
make Novell's MIA Software Products ("Software") available to Customers of DIS Technology Brokering
Customer enters into this Membership Agreement with DIS in order to purchase such Software licenses. This
Membership Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Customer shall be licensed to use such
Software. As a result of executing this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some responsibilities directly to
Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement
1. Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date of its execution by both of the parties,
or May 15, 1998, whichever is later.
2. Term. The initial term of this Membership Agreement will begin on the effective date and will remain in
effect through June 30, 1999. Subsequent terms will be for two (2) year periods. The term will be automatically
renewed unless at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of a term either party gives written notice to the other to
terminate the Membership Agreement. The term of this Membership Agreement will automatically terminate
upon expiration or termination of the lVITA.
3. MLA. This Membership Agreement is a binding agreement that incorporates the terms and conditions of the
MLA, a copy of which is provided herewith. By entering into this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some
responsibilities directly to Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Membership Agreement.
4. License Terms and Conditions. This Agreement includes Exhibit A - License Terms, attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference, which describes the licenses granted to Customer through the lVITA.
5. Prices. Customer shall pay to DIS in a timely fashion the non-refundable fees for all Software and services
ordered pursuant to this Membership Agreement at the prices set forth in the DIS Novell l\1LA Software
Products Price List.
6. Node-based Licensing. Customer understands that node-based licensing is available to Customer only while
purchasing Software and maintenance through the MLA. At expiration or termination of this Membership
Agreement, Customer must transition from the MLA Program back to Novell's regular sales channels and
Novell's standard server-based licenses. See MLA Section 9.5.1.
7. Agencv and Location Coordinators. All copying for any Customer must be performed solely by the person
designated in writing to DIS as the Agency Coordinator or by one or more Location Coordinators designated in
writing by the Agency Coordinator. Included in the written notice to DIS shall be the name, business address,
Internet address, telephone number and fax number of the Agency Coordinator and each Location Coordinator.
8. Compliance Responsibilitv. Customer is responsible for understanding and complying with the restrictions
described herein. Customer will use reasonable efforts to make its employees, agents, contractors, representatives
or other individuals using the Software under this Agreement aware that the Software products are proprietary
products of Novell, have been licensed by Novell to Customer, may only be used subject to the terms and
conditions contained in this Agreement and may not be copied, transferred or otherwise used in violation of such
terms and conditions. Unauthorized copying will expose the individual and Customer to civil and in some cases
criminal penalties. Individuals found violating this Agreement will also be subject to Agency disciplinary action.
9. Audits. Customer shall keep accurate records relating to Customer's reproduction and distribution of the
Software. Customer shall conduct an annual self-audit in June of each year to confirm the total copies of
Software being used by Customer and the total number of workstations, computers or other devices connected to
a network which uses Novell's Software and shall certify in writing to DIS the results on the form attached
hereto as Exhibit B. Customer shall forward payment for any copies not previously accounted for to DIS along
with the self-audit report by June 30th of each year. If Customer is late submitting the self-audit report, Customer
may lose the right to place further orders or receive technical support or other MLA services from Novell.
During the term of this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years after payment for Software copies is made; ~
Customer will maintain complete records showing (i) amounts due and paid, (ii) copying and use of the
Software, and (iii) the total number of workstations, computers and other devices connected to a network which
uses Novell Software. Customer is subject to formal audit by Novell pursuant to MLA Section 8.2.
10. Save Harmless. Customer shall indemnify and save DIS harmless from and against (i) any financial or other
loss to DIS caused by the Customer's actions or omissions; (ii) any assessment against the Customer as a result
of a material discrepancy in Customer's use of Software identified in an audit; (ill) any violation of copyright
law or other restrictions set forth herein. In the event DIS is required to act in defense of Customer's actions or
otherwise incurs costs as a result of Customer's actions or omissions with respect to the MIA or Novell's
Software, Customer shall reimburse DIS in full therefor. "Customer" includes ail its members, officers, agents,
contractors representatives or employees.
11. Exoiration or Termination. When Customer is no longer purchasing Software and Maintenance from DIS
through the MLA Program for whatever reason, Customer shall return or certify to Novell that it has destroyed
all Master Software within thirty (30) days.
12. Year 2000. Novell has warranted that Intranet Ware and GroupWise 5.2 Software are Year 2000
Compatible. Novell maintains a Year 2000 site at http://www.novell.comlp2000/product.html with information
about the Year 2000 compatibility of Novell products. Customer is solely responsible for making informed and
appropriate purchasing decisions. See Section 3 of the Addendum to the MLA,.
The undersigned certifies that he/she has read, understands and agrees to the provisions of this Agreement and
that he/she is has the authority to bind Customer to a legal contract.
State of Washington,
Department of Information Services
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Approved as to Form
State of Washington,
Offi~e of the ttorney zz
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Prmt or Type Name
Membersbip Agreement for NoveU MLA Software - 2
Membership Agreement for Novelll\'.U..A Software
This Membership Agreement is entered into by and between the D~par1ment of Information Services ('1)IS"),
an agency of Washington State government, and c: /c;; < J / ~ L? c::;:.<)'. /J. / ("Customer''), a
Washington State agency or political subdivision. (,
Pursuant to the Information Services Board Policy of 1995, Acquisition and Disposal of Information Technology
Resources, DIS has entered into a Master License Agreement ("rv.lLA "), with Novell, Inc. ("Novell") in order to
make Novell's rv.lLA Software Products ("Software") available to Customers of DIS Technology Brokering
Customer enters into this Membership Agreement with DIS in order to purchase such Software licenses. This
Membership Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Customer shall be licensed to use such
Software. As a result of executing this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some responsibilities directly to
Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement.
1. Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date of its execution by both of the parties,
or May 15, 1998, whichever is later.
2. Tenn. The initial term of this Membership Agreement will begin on the effective date and will remain in
effect through June 30, 1999. Subsequent terms will be for two (2) year periods. The term will be automatically
renewed unless at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of a term either party gives written notice to the other to
terminate the Membership Agreement. The term of this Membership Agreement will automatically terminate
upon expiration or termination of the lVILA.
3. :MIA. This Membership Agreement is a binding agreement that incorporates the terms and conditions of the
MLA, a copy of which is provided herewith. By entering into this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some
responsibilities directly to Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Membership Agreement.
4. License Terms and Conditions. This Agreement includes Exhibit A - License Terms, attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference, which describes the licenses granted to Customer through the MLA.
5. Prices. Customer shall pay to DIS in a timely fashion the non-refundable fees for all Software and services
ordered pursuant to this Membership Agreement at the prices set forth in the DIS Novell MLA Software
Products Price List.
6. Node-based Licensing. Customer understands that node-based licensing is available to Customer only while
purchasing Software and maintenance through the :MIA. At expiration or termination of this Membership
Agreement, Customer must transition from the MLA Program back to Novell's regular sales channels and
Novell's standard server-based licenses. See MLA Section 9.5.1.
7. Agencv and Location Coordinators. All copying for any Customer must be performed solely by the person
designated in writing to DIS as the Agency Coordinator or by one or more Location Coordinators designated in
writing by the Agency Coordinator. Included in the written notice to DIS shall be the name, business address,
Internet address, telephone number and fax number of the Agency Coordinator and each Location Coordinator.
8. Compliance Responsibilitv. Customer is responsible for understanding and complying with the restrictions
described herein. Customer will use reasonable efforts to make its employees, agents, contractors, representatives
or other individuals using the Software under this Agreement aware that the Software products are proprietary
products of Novell, have been licensed by Novell to Customer, may only be used subject to the terms and
conditions contained in this Agreement and may not be copied, transferred or otherwise used in violation of such
terms and conditions. Unauthorized copying will expose the individual and Customer to civil and in some cases
criminal penalties. Individuals found violating this Agreement will also be subject to Agency disciplinary action.
9. Audits. Customer shall keep accurate records relating to Customer's reproduction and distribution of the
Software. Customer shall conduct an annual self-audit in June of each year to con:fum the total copies of
Software being used by Customer and the total number of workstations, computers or other devices connected to
a network which uses Novell's Software and shall certify in writing to DIS the results on the form attached
hereto as Exhibit B. Customer shall forward payment for any copies not previously accounted for to DIS along
with the self-audit report by June 30th of each year. If Customer is late submitting the self-audit report, Customer
u .7
may lose the right to place further orders or receiv~ technical support or other MLA services from Novell.
During the term of this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years after payment for Software copies is made; "
Customer will maintain complete records showing (i) amounts due and paid, (ii) copying and use of the
Software, and (iii) the total number of workstations, computers and other devices connected to a network which
uses Novell Software. Customer is subject to formal audit by Novell pursuant to MIA Section 8.2.
10. Save Harmless. Customer shall indemnify and save DIS harmless from and against (i) any financial or other
loss to DIS caused by the Customer's actions or omissions; (ii) any assessment against the Customer as a result
of a material discrepancy in Customer's use of Software identified in an audit; (ill) any violation of copyright
law or other restrictions set forth herein. In the event DIS is required to act in defense of Customer's actions or
otherwise incurs costs as a result of Customer's actions or omissions with respect to the :MLA or Novell's
Software, Customer shall reimburse DIS in full therefor. "Customer" includes all its members, officers, agents,
contractors representatives or employees.
11. Expiration or Termination. When Customer is no longer purchasing Software and Maintenance from DIS
through the MLA Program for whatever reason, Customer shall return or certify to Novell that it has destroyed
all Master Software within thirty (30) days.
12. Year 2000. Novell has warranted that Intranet Ware and GroupWise 5.2 Software are Year 2000
Compatible. Novell maintains a Year 2000 site at http://www.novell.comlp2000/product.html with information
about the Year 2000 compatibility of Novell products. Customer is solely responsible for making informed and
appropriate purchasing decisions. See Section 3 of the Addendum to the MLA,.
The undersigned certifies that he/she has read, understands and agrees to the provisions of this Agreement and
that he/she is has the authority to bind Customer to a legal contract.
State of Washington,
Department of Information Services
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Pnnt or Type Name
Membership Agreement for Novell MLA Software - 2
Membership Agreement for NoveIl.MLA Software
This Membership Agreement is entered into by and between the Department of Infonnation Services ("OIS''),
an agency of Washington State government, and ~t'Z'J? ;"7::-- ,.J- c.::...<- J~,L "..- ("Customer''), a
Washington State agency or political subdivision. ,(.'
Pursuant to the Infonnation Services Board Policy of 1995, Acquisition and Disposal of Information Technology
Resources, DIS has entered into a Master License Agreement ("MLA "), with Novell, Inc. ("NoveU") in order to
make Novell's MLA Software Products ("Software") available to Customers of DIS Technology Brokering
Customer enters into this Membership Agreement with DIS in order to purchase such Software licenses. This
Membership Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Customer shall be licensed to use such
Software. As a result of executing this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some responsibilities directly to
Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement.
1. Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date of its execution by both of the parties,
or May 15, 1998, whichever is later.
2. Term. The initial term of this Membership Agreement will begin on the effective date and will remain in
effect through June 30, 1999. Subsequent terms will be for two (2) year periods. The term will be automatically
renewed unless at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of a term either party gives written notice to the other to
terminate the Membership Agreement. The term of this Membership Agreement will automatically terminate
upon expiration or termination of the l\IILA.
3. MLA .This Membership Agreement is a binding agreement that incorporates the terms and conditions of the
MLA, a copy of which is provided herewith. By entering into this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some
responsibilities direct1yto Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Membership Agreement.
4. License Terms and Conditions. This Agreement includes Exhibit A - License Terms, attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference, which describes the licenses granted to Customer through the MIA.
5. Prices. Customer shall pay to DIS in a timely fashion the non-refundable fees for all Software and services
ordered pursuant to this Membership Agreement at the prices set forth in the DIS Novell MLA Software
Products Price List.
6. Node-based Licensing. Customer understands that node-based licensing is available to Customer only while
purchasing Software and maintenance through the MLA. At expiration or termination of this Membership
Agreement, Customer must transition from the MIA Program back to Novell's regular sales channels and
Novell's standard server-based licenses. See MIA Section 9.5.1.
7. Agencv and Location Coordinators. All copying for any Customer must be perfonned solely by the person
designated in writing to DIS as the Agency Coordinator or by one or more Location Coordinators designated in
writing by the Agency Coordinator. Included in the written notice to DIS shall be the name, business address,
Internet address, telephone number and fax number of the Agency Coordinator and each Location Coordinator.
8. Compliance Responsibilitv. Customer is responsible for understanding and complying with the restrictions
described herein. Customer will use reasonable efforts to make its employees, agents, contractors, representatives
or other individuals using the Software under this Agreement aware that the Software products are proprietary
products of Novell, have been licensed by Novell to Customer, may only be used subject to the terms and
conditions contained in this Agreement and may not be copied, transferred or otherwise used in violation of such
terms and conditions. Unauthorized copying will expose the individual and Customer to civil and in some cases
criminal penalties. Individuals found violating this Agreement will also be subject to Agency disciplinary action.
9. Audits. Customer shall keep accurate records relating to Customer's reproduction and distribution of the
Software. Customer shall conduct an annual self-audit in June of each year to confirm the total copies of
Software being used by Customer and the total number of workstations, computers or other devices connected to
a network which uses Novell's Software and shall certify in writing to DIS the results on the fonn attached
hereto as Exhibit B. Customer shall forward payment for any copies not previously accounted for to DIS along
with the self-audit report by June 30th of each year. If Customer is late submitting the self-audit report, Customer
may lose the right to place further orders or receive technical support or other :MLA services from Novell.
During the term of this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years after payment for Software copies is made;
Customer will maintain complete records showing (i) amounts due and paid, (ii) copying and use of the
Software, and (iii) the total nmnber of workstations, computers and other devices connected to a network which
uses Novell Software. Customer is subject to formal audit by Novell pursuant to :MLA Section 8.2.
10. Save Harmless. Customer shall indemnify and save DIS harmless from and against (i) any financial or other
loss to DIS caused by the Customer's actions or omissions; (ii) any assessment against the Customer as a result
of a material discrepancy in Customer's use of Software identified in an audit; (ill) any violation of copyright
law or other restrictions set forth herein. In the event DIS is required to act in defense of Customer's actions or
otherwise incurs costs as a result of Customer's actions or omissions with respect to the MLA or Novell's
Software, Customer shall reimburse DIS in full therefor. "Customer" includes all its members, officers, agents,
contractors representatives or employees.
11. Exoiration or Termination. When Customer is no longer purchasing Software and Maintenance from DIS
through the MLA Program for whatever reason, Customer shall return or certify to Novell that it has destroyed
all Master Software within thirty (30) days. '
12. Year 2000. Novell has warranted that Intranet Ware and GroupWise 5.2 Software are Year 2000
Compatible. Novell maintains a Year 2000 site at http://www.novell.com/p2000/product.html with information
about the Year 2000 compatibility of Novell products. Customer is solely responsible for making informed and
appropriate purchasing decisions. See Section 3 of the Addendum to the MLA,.
The undersigned certifies that he/she has read, understands and agrees to the provisions of this Agreement and
that he/she is has the authority to bind Customer to a legal contract.
State of Washington,
Department of Information Services
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Approved as to Form
State of Washington,
Offi~. of the ltJJmey:J;!
r: ).if""? fkJL~C't-1:J?
Prmt or Type Name
Membenhip Agreement for Novell MLA Software - 2
Membership ~oreemeDt for Novelll\1LA Software
This Membership Agreement is entered into by and between the Department of Information Services ("DIS),
an agency of Washington State government, and r I (" </ ",/ /~ /to 7 /-/1. J6-c- ( C'- .:s ("Customer"), a
Washington State agency or political subdivision.
Pursuant to the Information Services Board Policy of 1995, Acquisition and Disposal of Information Technology
Resources, DIS has entered into a Master License Agreement ("MIA), with Novell, Inc. ("Novell) in order to
make Novell's MIA Software Products ("Software") available to Customers of DIS Technology Brokering
Customer enters into this Membership Agreement with DIS in order to purchase such Software licenses. This
Membership Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Customer shall be licensed to use such
Software. As a result of executing this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some responsibilities directly to
Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement
1. Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date of its execution by both of the parties,
or May 15, 1998, whichever is later.
2. Term. The initial term of this Membership Agreement will begin on the effective date and will remain in
effect through June 30, 1999. Subsequent terms will be for two (2) year periods. The term will be automatically
renewed unless at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of a term either party gives written notice to the other to
terminate the Membership Agreement The term of this Membership Agreement will automatically terminate
upon expiration or termination of the MIA.
3. MLA. This Membership Agreement is a binding agreement that incorporates the terms and conditions of the
MLA, a copy of which is provided herewith. By entering into this Agreement with DIS, Customer assumes some
responsibilities directly to Novell, Inc., who shall be a third party beneficiary of this Membership Agreement
4. License Terms and Conditions. This Agreement includes Exhibit A - License Terms, attached hereto and
incorporated herein by this reference, which descn"bes the licenses granted to Customer through the rvILA.
5. Prices. Customer shall pay to DIS in a timely fashion the non-refundable fees for all Software and services
ordered pursuant to this Membership Agreement at the prices set forth in the DIS Novell rvILA Software
Products Price List.
6. Node-based Licensing:. Customer understands that node-based licensing is available to Customer only while
purchasing Software and maintenance through the MLA. At expiration or termination of this Membership
Agreement, Customer must transition from the MIA Program back to Novell's regular sales channels and
Novell's standard server-based licenses. See MLA Section 9.5.1.
7. Agencv and Location Coordinators. All copying for any Customer must be performed solely by the person
designated in writing to DIS as the Agency Coordinator or by one or more Location Coordinators designated in
writing by the Agency Coordinator. Included in the written notice to DIS shall be the name, business address,
Internet address, telephone number and fax nwnber of the Agency Coordinator and each Location Coordinator.
8. Compliance Responsibility. Customer is responsible for understanding and complying with the restrictions
described herein. Customer will use reasonable efforts to make its employees, agents, contractors, representatives
or other individuals using the Software under this Agreement aware that the Software products are proprietary
products of Novell, have been licensed by Novell to Customer, may only be used subject to the terms and
conditions contained in this Agreement and may not be copied, transferred or otherwise used in violation of such
terms and conditions. Unauthorized copying will expose the individual and Customer to civil and in some cases
criminal penalties. Individuals found violating this Agreement will also be subject to Agency disciplinary action.
9. Audits. Customer shall keep accurate records relating to Customer's reproduction and distribution of the
Software. Customer shall conduct an annual self-audit in June of each year to confirm the total copies of
Software being used by Customer and the total number of workstations, computers or other devices connected to
a network which uses Novell's Software and shall certifY in writing to DIS the results on the form attached
hereto as Exhibit B. Customer shall forward payment for any copies not previously accounted for to DIS along
with the self-audit report by June 30th of each year. If Customer is late submitting the self-audit report, Customer
may lose the right to place further orders or receive technical support or other MLA services from Novell.
During the term of this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years after payment for Software copies is made;
Customer will maintain complete records showing (i) amounts due and paid, (ii) copying and use of the
Software, and (iii) the total number of workstations, computers and other devices connected to a network which
uses Novell Software. Customer is subject to formal audit by Novell pursuant to MLA Section 8.2.
10. Save Harmless. Customer shall indemnify and save DIS harmless from and against (i) any financial or other
loss to DIS caused by the Customer's actions or omissions; (ii) any assessment against the Customer as a result
of a material discrepancy in Customer's use of Software identified in an audit; (iii) any violation of copyright
law or other restrictions set forth herein. In the event DIS is required to act in defense of Customer's actions or
otherwise incurs costs as a result of Customer's actions or omissions with respect to the MLA or Novell's
Software, Customer shall reimburse DIS in full therefor. "Customer" includes all its members, officers, agents,
contractors representatives or employees.
11. Exoiration or Termination. When Customer is no longer purchasing Software and Maintenance from DIS
through the MLA Program for whatever reason, Customer shall return or certify to Novell that it has destroyed
all Master Software within thirty (30) days.
12. Year 2000. Novell has warranted that Intranet Ware and GroupWise 5.2 Software are Year 2000
Compatible. Novell maintains a Year 2000 site at http://www.novell.comlp2000/product.html with information
about the Year 2000 compatibility of Novell products. Customer is solely responsible for making informed and
appropriate purchasing decisions. See Section 3 of the Addendum to the MLA,.
The undersigned certifies that he/she has read, understands and agrees to the provisions of this Agreement and
that he/she is has the authority to bind Customer to a legal contract.
State of Washington,
Department of Information Services
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Approved as to Form
State of Washington,
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Prmt or Type Name
Membersbip Agreement for Novell MLA Software - 2
ADDENDm\'ITO 1-.... "~ -.,,,,,,,,,:::'-;:=...
~ 'J ~- I \' -i, u--=-----
lVIASTERLICENSE AGREElV.lE.1'IT j' ''- L,'_ 1 ~_'\...
(State of Washington)
This Addendum amends and supplements the Master License Agreement (''NILA'') version 5
(3/1/98) between the state of Washington, acting by and through the Department of Information
Services ("DIS"), an agency of Washington State government, ("Customer") and Novell, Inc.
("Novell''). This Master License Agreement has been entered into as a state of Washington Corporate
Agreement, DIS Contract Number T98- TSD-3 lO.
1. DEFINITIONS. Terms with the initial letter capitalized'will have the same meaning as
defined in the MLA, unless otherwise defined in this Addendum.
2. AMENDMENTS TO l\1LA. The MIA is ;:unende.d an~ supplemented as follows:
A. Section 2.1, AfliIiate, is deleted in its entirety.
B. Section 2.3 Customer is modified by deleting the text of this section in its entirety and
replacing it with the following:
Customer means individually DIS, and collectively the state agencies and political
subdivisions of the state of Washington which have executed an interlocaI/customer service
agreement and a Membership Agreement with DIS. All rights and licenses granted DIS
under this l\1LA will apply to the state agencies and political subdivisions who are qualified
to pmchase hereunder, provided that such entity agrees to comply fully with the obligations
imposed on the Customer by this MLA by submitting to DIS a signed Membership
C. Section 2.8, Internal Use. is modified by replacing subsection (a) with the following:
(a) Customer's employees for Customer's official business purposes by Customers collectively.
D. Section 2.14. Membership Form. is modified by deleting the text of this section in i~
entirety and replacing it with the following: .
Membersliip Form means the Membership Agreement for Novell MLA Software which shall
be entered into between DIS and each of the Customers under this ML~ a copy of which
is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. DIS will provide
," Novell with a copy of a Customer's Membership Agreement upon request.
E. Section 2.17, PrOgram Guide. is modified by adding the following to the end of this
State of Washington
.Novell, Inc. 1555 Technology Way, Orem, Utah 84057
PAGE 1 May 13, 1998
, ;', _;' - :.:. _:.._,1 [
It is agreed that the terms and conditions of the lv/aster License Agreement Customer Guide
dated March 4, 1998, current at the effective date of the J\lfLA will remain in effect
throughout the term of the contract
F. Section 2.19, Subsidiary is deleted in its entirety.
G. Section 53, Delivery Terms. is modified by deleting the text of this section in its entirety
and replacing it with the following:
Delivery of Master Software and Documentation from Novell to DIS will be made freight
pre-paid, FOB, DIS Olympia, Washington, Novell's camer, ground only. Any other freight
arrangements will be pre-paid by Novell and billed to DIS.
H. Section 6.2, Technical Services. is modified by deleting the last sentence of the section
and replacing it ~th the following:
Any revised J.\tJLA. Premium Services Guide will be provided to Customer's Contract
Coordinator and will become effective upon publication or upon receipt by .C~omer,
which ever occurs later; except that any revision which would substantially diminish the
level of services provided to ~ustomer will not take effect unless agreed to by Customer.
1. Section ~.1, Discounted License Fee. is modified by deleting the text of this section in
its entirety and replacing it with the following:
DIS may purchase licenses for Licensed Works by submitting to Novell a completed and
signed order form for the applicable Discounted License and lVIaintenance Fees. The total,
non-refundable Discounted License Fee for each order form will be payable in a lump sum.
DIS will submit no later than the last day of each month an order form that identifies all
Software copies previously made for which no order fOlm has been submitted and no
Discounted License 'and Maintenance Fees paid.
J. Section 72, Discounted Maintenance Fees. is modified by replacing the phrase "and paid
annually in advance" in the first sentence with "and paid quarterly in advance."
K. Section 7.4,:Minimum Orders is modified by deleting the text of this section its entirety
and rePlacing it with the following:
The minimum amount per Order FOlm is $500.00
,1. Section 7.8, Bill-to/Shi~- To Address is added as a new section as follows:
Section 7.8, Bill-To/Ship-To Address. The parties agree that the state of Washington,
DIS shall be the sole Bill-To and Ship-To address for this 1MLA.
State of Washington
-Novell, Inc. 1555 Technology Way, Orem, Utah 84057
PAGE 2 May 13, 1998
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Nt Section 8.1 Self-Audits. is modified by deleting the text of this section in its entirety and
replacing it with the following:
Customers will conduct annual self-audits to identify (a) Customers' copying and use of
the Licensed Works, and (b) the total number of workstations, computers or other devices
connected to a network which uses Novell's Software, and (c) whether Customers have
paid for all Licensed Works copied and/or used. Customers will provide the information
from this self-audit to DIS in an annual written report by the end of each Annual Period or
within thirty (30) clays of tennination of the MLA and DIS will provide the information
from Customers' self-audits to Novell within thirty (30) days of receipt from Customers.
The report will be made on the audit form provided as Exhibit B hereto, incorporated
herein by this reference. It is Customers' responsI1illity to timely provide the report without
notice from Novell. If the-audit shows Customer owes any fees, Customer will submit a
corresponding purchase order with the report If a Customer is more than thirty (30) days
late in submitting its audit report, Novell may direct DIS to delay accepting orders from
that Customer and Novell may delay delivering technical support or other MLA benefits
to that Customer until Novell has received such audit report.
N. Section 9.1 Term is modified by deleting the text of this section in its entirety and
replacing it with the following:
The initial term of this MLA will begin on the Effective Date and will remain in effect
through June 30, 1999. Any subsequent term will be fo~ a two (2) year period. The MLA
term will be automatically renewed for a new term at the end of each lY1LA term unless at
least sixty (60) clays prior to the end of a MLA term either party gives written notice to the
other to terminate the lY1LA.
o. Section 9.5.1, Transition from MLA is modified by adding a sentence at the end of the
section as follows:
In the event Customers fail to return their Master Software or certify the destruction thereof
to Novell, Novell shall deal with such Customers directly and agrees ;hat DIS shall not be
held liable for such Customers' actions. DIS shall exercise its best efforts to assist Novell in
obtaining compliance by such Customer with MLA obligations.
P. New Section 9.6, Termination of Individual Customer. is added as follows:
Termination of Individual Customer. In the event an individual Customer withdraws its
participation under the MLA or fails to fulfill its obligations under the MLA and is thus
...terminated, the MLA will remain in full force and effect for all other Customers. The
withdrawing or terminated Customer will be subject to the terms and conditions of
Section 9.5, as modified.
State of Washington
-Novell, Inc. 1555 Technology Way, Orem, Utah 84057
PAGE 3 May 13, 1998
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Q. Section 9.7, Termin:Jt:ion for Conflict of Interest. is added:
DIS may terminate this MLA by written notice to Novell if it is found, after due notice and
e~amin:Jtion, that there is a violation by any of the parties hereto of Chapter 42.52 RCW,
Ethics in Public Service, or any other laws regarding ethics in public acquisitions and
procurement and performance of contracts. In the event this NILA is ten'nin:Jted as provided
above, DIS shall be entitled to pursue the same remedies against Novell as it could pursue in
the event of a breach of this MLA by Novell. The rights and remedies provided by this clause
shall be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.
R. Section 9.8, Termination for WIthdrawal of Authority. is added:
In the event that the authority _ ofDIS to perform any of its duties is withdrawn, reduced, or
limited in any way after the Effective Date of this Contract and prior to normal completion,
the State may termin~ this MLA by fourteen (14) days written notice to Novell. In the case
of Termination for .Withdrawal of Authority, termin:ttion shall follow the terms and
conditions of Section 9.5, as modified.
S. Section 11.6, DisclaimerofWammties. is modified by adding after the end the following:
Novell represents that it is the owner of the products licensed under the MLA or an
authorized licensee with rights to license such products to Customer as provided in the NILA.
Customer's sole remedy for any violation of this representation is set forth in Section 10,
Intellectual ProPertv Indemnification.
T. Section 13.1, Laws. is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
This lVILA shall be governed in all respects by the law and statutes of the State of
- Washington. The jurisdiction and venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior
Court for Thurston County, Washington. If any legal proceedings are brought to enforce any
term, clause, or provision of this MLA, or as a result of this MLA in any way, the prevailing
party in such legal proceeding shall be awarded its reasonable attorneys' fees together with
expenses and costs incurred with such litigation, including necessary fees, costs, and
expenses for servic~ rendered at both trial and appellate levels as well as subsequent to; _
judgment in obtaining execution thereof. Each party will, at its own expense, comply with
any applicable la~, statute, ordinance, administrative order, rule and regulation.
U. Section 13.3.1, Confidential Information. is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the
'Novell acknowledges that the State is subject to Chapter 42.17 RCW, the Public Disclosure
Act and that this Contract shall be a public record as defined in RCW 42.17250 to .340. Any
specific information that is confidential or proprietary to Novell, must be clearly identified
as such by Novell. To the extent consistent with Chapter 42.17 RCW, the State shall
State of Washington
-Novell, Inc. 1555 Technology Way, Orem, Utah 84057
PAGE 4 May 13, 1998
maintain the confidentiality of all such infonnation mm:k:ed confidential or proprietary. If a
request is made to view Novell's proprietary information, the State will notify Novell of the
request and of the date that such records will be released to the requester unless Novell
obtains a court order enjoining that disclosure. If Novell fails to obtain the court order
enjoining disclosure, the State will release the requested information on the date specified.
v. Section 13.6, Notices, is modified by deleting the phrase "and Location Coordinator(s)"
from the end of the first sentence.
W. Section 13.7, Binding: EffectJAssi~ment. is modified by deleting the phrase "or
subsidiary" from the end of the second sentence.
Year 2000 Warranty. Novell warrants that the latest and any subsequent versions of
IntranetWare and GrOupWlSe S2 Software, and those other products which are listed as
Y2000 Ready on Novell' s Year 2000 site at http://www.noveI1.comlD2000/producthtml.as
of May 13, 1998, copy attached as Exhibit C hereto, are Year 2000 Compatible when used
in accordance with the Documentation provided (i) the Software is not modified unless by
Novell or as authorized by Novell in writing, and (ll) the Software is installed in a
compatible system environment. Year 2000 Compatible means a Software product will,
when all updates and fixes as made available by Novell have been installed, and provided
all other products used with the Software properly exchange accurate date data with it:
(1) Accurately process data involving dates beginning with January 1, 2000 through
December 31,2034, and,
(2) provide that date related fimctionalities and data fields include the indication of
century and millennium and perform calculations which involve a four-digit year field,
except that a date element may be represented without a century and millennium if the
correct century is unambiguous for all manipulations involving that element.
This term of this warranty will begin when Customer licenses the covered Software products
and ends the earlier of expiration of the :MLA or March 31,2000. Novell's only obligation
under this warranty ~ be that if Customer notifies Novell of a warranty breach during the
warranty ~ Novell will at its option either remedy the problem with a fix to the So:t:t:ware
or provide an upgrade to the Software that is Year 2000 Compatibl~ or offer Licensee a refimd
of the Software purchase price upon return of the Software. This warranty does not apply to
third party products supplied by Novell whether or not bundled with Novell products.
4. PRICING. Novell will provide MLA Software product price lists to DIS electronically in
Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheet format at least three (3) working days. prior to their
effective date. The price lists will contain English version products only and be limited to
State of Washington
oNovell. Inc. 1555 Technology Wa:y, Orem, Utah 84057
PAGE 5 May 13, 199&
Novell products that are subject to the MLA. The discount off the prices stated in the
applicable Novell Master License Agreement Product Pricing and A vaiIability Price List
shall be at least forty-eight percent (48%) for License and Maintenance.
5. CONTINUANCE. Except as expressly amended and supplemented by this Addendum., the
terms and COnditioDS of the MLA will remain in effect unchanged. If and to the extent that
any inconsistency may appear between the MLA and this Addendum, the provisions of this
Addendum sball controL
SIgnature .
Print Name
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Department of Information Services
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Approved as to Form:
Assistant Att~rney ~
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A - Membership Agreement for Novell MLA Software
B - Self-Audit and Order Form
C - Novell's Year 2000 Web Page as of May 13,1998
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State of Washington
-Novell, Inc. 1555 Technology Way, Orem, Utah 84057
PAGE 6 May 13, 1998
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Master License Agreement
Signature Page
This Master Ucense Agreement rMLA") is entered into by the undersigned, being either Novell, Inc., a Delaware corporation
with headquarters at 1555 North Technology Way, Dram, Utah 84097, or a subsidiary of Novell, Ine. (in either case "Novellj,
and the customer identified below ("Customer").
Full Legal Name: ~t-;:ri-~ n-F IN;:!~h;ng:t-nn
D&pEH..bUliialt of T'nFf~o; '1~I;nn ~ri~
[ ] Corporation [ J Partnership [xj Other
Ad~ress:~ U'''''I,t- o"f T",-Fn-nn::o+;r.n ~
Tedmolocw Broker:inq Services
605 E 11th Ave. ro Ecx 42445
OJ1'"1P;:::'. r..m Q~"nA_".L1~
Attn: Manager
TPt"-hnn logy Broke:r.ing Services
MLA Contract # (completed by Novell):
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Novell and Customer each represent that it has read and understands this MLA, that by signing below it agrees to be bound
by its terms, and that it has caused this MLA to be executed by its duly a~orized representative.
Subsidiary Name: ~w ~.
Customer -
Signature Signature / V }j{;\.... l A "-
Print Name ~t~\le ~hillinQfcm_ Print Name (. ~ \
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'~.,,;mrect M::.nager ~?Ji~or \
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Date ~ \0.\1 ~ Date
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NoveU Master Ucense Agreement, Version 5
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Master Ucanse Agreement
1 Sfatl:mdlt at Purpose. Novell has created a Master Lia!nse
Agreemc.lt program ("Prcgramj to establish a Cl:ll'lIraduai relaticnst1ip
wdtI certain key end user custcmers to prcvide !hem with Iia!nses to
NoveiI prcducts as well as a preferred fevej of tecmical and sales
support The MLA desc:1bes the terms under whictJ Custcmer may
participate in !he Program.
2 Definitions. C'~r.-i terms, as used in !he MlA. are defined
as follows. Unless c!heIwise indicated. references in the MI.A 10 a
particular Sedicn refer 10 a sedkln within these Terms.
21 AffiI"late means a CUstcmer affiliate that <fees net meet the
awrJelSlip qualificaticns at a Subsidiary bllt !hat. if approved by
the CtlsIcmer that executes the MLA and by NCM!II, may
partlCpate in the MLA upon Slbl~l to and acceptance by
Novell at a ccmpIeted Memtlerst1ip Fcnn which incfudes
agreement 10 the MlA terms. .
22 Annual Perm means the period begiJllwl\1 on the first daJ of the
manIh fclIclwing the Effective Cafe and ending one year
thereafter, and each ccnsecutive ane-year period the.o;af_
during the MLA !elm.
23 Customer means, individually, the Cuttcmer signing tis MlA
and. ccIIediYeIy, the Ctlstamer and is parent ccmpany,
Subsidiaries, and Affiliates. AD rights and licenses granted to the
Custcmer under the MLA will apply 10 !he parent ccmpany,
Subsidiaries, and Affiliates at !he Custcmer signing tis Ml.A, if
each such entity first agrees to be bound by !he MLA terms by
SlJCmitting to Novell a signed Memi:ership Form. The CUstcmer
signing this MLA will be respcnsitlIe fer !he adicrls and
~~ regarding MLA righlsand cCIigaIicns atanyCtlslcmer
entilythat does net sut:mit a signed Memtership Fcnn to NowII.
2.4 Disccunted Ucanse Fe! means the net Ucanse Fe! payable by
CUstcmer after apJ:llicaticn at the Vclume Cisccunt.
2S Discotmted Maintenance Fee means the net Maillte....lll.l: Fe!
payatIe by Custcmer after applicaticn at~ VcIume Cisccunt..
26 Documentation means user dccumentaticn and manuals
fmcluding CD-ROM YelSicns, when av;pIabIe) prcvicfed by Novell
which acccmpany a Scftware prcduct.
2.7 Effective Dale means the date en which the MLA is signed by an
atlttlcnzed NaveII representative, which silalI fcIlcw CUstcmer's
28 Internal Use. means Use by (a) C\lstcmer's emplayees fer
Customer's intemaI business, and (b} Custcmer's ccnsuIfants
and ccntractcrs cnly while perfarming wcilc fer CUstcmer on
Custcmer's premises. .
2.9 WC\!nse Fe! meansthe SGliwareIicense fee identified in the M1.A
Pnce List.
210 Wcensed. Works means, .collectively, the Documentaticn,
Software. and any Upgrades and Updates licensed by Novell to
Custcmer under the MlA
211 Maintenance means, in general, the provisicn of Upgrades,
Updates, and technical services during the term of the M1.A, as
mere fully described in Sedicn 6 below.
2.12 Maintenance Fee means the annual Maintenance fee identified
in the MLA Price List.
213 Master Sottware means mastermedia frmnwhich CtlstDmermay
duplicate and install Ucensed Works Wlderthe MlA.
2.14 MembershiP Form means the attached Membership FaIn which
each Custcmer ordering location. indIIding the Customer
signing the MLA ana any SUCSIdiaries or Affiliates, must
c:mnplele to order under the MLA..
215 MLA Price Ust means the then-aJrrent MiA Product AvailabiIily
and Pnce lJst prcvided by Ncvell The MiA Price Ust is hereDy
made a part of the MLA, bllt is subject to dlange by NowI as set
forth in Sedicn 7.5. For Iia!nses made available lhraugh an
entity otherthan Novell, Inc. (such as NaveII Japan), the price list
is the lhen-current list provided by that entity
216 Order Form means a completed and signed Schedule C and/or
a purchase crderthat cantains the following infcrmaticn: (a) the
product ordered, (b) the applicable discmJnt rate. (c) Lic81se
Fges and Oisccunted license Fees, (d) Maintenance Fe!s and
Oiscaunted Mailltelldl=: Fees and !he MaiJIt=-=: coverage
pericd, (e) ship-to infUlII..aiun, (f) invcice-lD il.A..1I14tiw, (g)
instaJIaticn Iocalicn, and (11) pw GJ.....Q Ig agent cantact, teIephcne,
and fax number, (i) any other info.ulcdion SJ*ffied by Novell on
Sdu!duIe C.
2;17 Prndam Guide means the tI1en-a.mnt Master Ucl!nse
Agreement CtlsIcmer Guide and the then-c:ulTent Master
Ucanse Agreement BlCd1tIres, inclusive. The Program Guide is
hereby made a part at the MLA, but it is su~ject to c:tIange by
NowII. A revised prcgram Guide will become etredive \II=CI1
publlcatlcn. If there is any c..Ilb~n orirlc;a ~".f between
any pravisicn in the prcgram Guide and the MLA terms, !he M1.A
terms wiD govern.
2.18 Software means (calledively or individually, as the ccntext
reqwes) the Novell software prcduct(s) licensed unclerthisMLA.
2.19 SUbsidiaIv means a ccmpany,. the majority at whcse slI:lcfc
entitled to wte fer eledicn at dIrect=s is owned, directly or
indirec:ly, by the CUstomer signing this MLA, sa lcng as such
ccntrci exists.. To order under the MLA. a Subsidiary must first
submit to Novell a signed Membership Form that indudes
agreement 10 the MLA terms.
2.20 Ucdate means a fix or ccmpllatfon of fixes released by NcveIl
dUi1ii9 the term of the MLA 10 =rect operatIcnaI defects
(prcgIam bugs) in the Saflware..
2.21 UCcmlde means any new version of a Scftwar9 prcduct which
bears the same praduct name. inclucIing version' dlanges
evidenced by a nUmber change immediaIelyto eitherthe right or
left of the decimal (fer ~le, GlcupWlse 5.1 to 5.2 or
GraupWlse 4.0 10 5.0). If a question arises as to whether a _
prcduct offering is an Upgrade era new prcduct. Novell's opiIlion
wiD prevail, provided that Novell treats the product offering the .
same fer its end user custcmers generally.
2.22 Volume Discount means !he discount identified on the witJme
disccunt table in the prcgram Guide.
3 Contract Coordinator. CUstomer shall identify on Sc:f1eduIe A
the name and address information cf its Contract Ccordinatcr
responsible for conducting CUstcmer's day-to-day MI.A ~
including the fcllcwing: .
3.1 Ensure MLA Schedules Qnc:luding Order Forms) are executed
and remain updated during the MlA;
3.2 Ccordinate addiIionaI orders;
3.3 Coordinate !he required annual seIf-audits.
Custmner may replace its ContIact Cocrdinatcr by c1eIivering written
natice to NcvelI signed by the outgoing Contract Coordinatcr .
4 Uc2nses. TIle Jicense terms fer licenses granted by Novell are
made available through and provided in the Membership FonD's
License Terms Attactunenl
NoveiI Master Ucense Agreem~ Version 5
.. ~_._.._--..-=--.
------ #..- ~- ". ".... "-::.-.. .
5 Oeivery of Master SoftWare and Ooc:umentatian.
5.1 Mastel'" So1tware.. Novell will make availal:lfe !D CUs:cmer Master
SoftWare frcm which CUstomer may capy and inslall Lics1sed
Wcri<s ac:oniing tc the Pmgram Guide. CUs!Dmer must keep a
wntten rec:mI at the Iccation crt sets crt Master Sofiware it
recaives under the MLA. Upon MLA temu.latitJn. CUS!Dmer's
rigt1t !D use Master SadWare terminates, and Customer must
return ail Master Software tc Novell (see 9.5.1 below). Master
Sofiware is notavailabfe in aD regions; in such regions NowlI wiD
fulfill MlA orders using other media.
5.2 Duclicaticn. CUstmner may make and install Soflware ccpies
frcm tt1e Master Software for Custcmer's Internal Use [U1duding
an archival ar baclaJp ccpyfor each Software license). AI cupies.
of Software must be made frcm the Master Soflware and must
reproduce the Master Software's serial numbers and aD
proprietary rights nctices. See Sedicn 7 below for tfle payment
terms for Software licenses.
.5.3 Deliverv Terms. Delivery of Master Software and Cacumentation
!rem NoveJJ to CUstmner in tfle United States will be made Ccst
& Freight, CUS!Dmer's facility, Novell's carrier, grcund oniy. AD
c1herfreight"'I'" 1!;elIl-=sG wiD be prepaid and biDed to Cuslcmer.
For delivery culside the U.S., NcveII wiD sefect a carrier to
transport Master Software to port of entry and wiD pay the ccst of
insurance and fteigj1t. CUstomer will be responsible for aD
applicable import dulies and value added tax, gccdsand serW:es
tax, or other similar taxes and fees. except tflat for Sliplua4s
!rem Ireland arThe Netherlands to NcrwayarSWitzbI.ald, Novell
wiD be so respcrlSI"bIe. For shipments frcm In!!and, NowlI will
select a carrierand pay freight to Custcmer's~lClb:dcfelivery
address if within the Eurcpean Union or to tfle naticnaI border
(pert of entry) for other destinations. In eiltlercase, CUSlcmerwilI
be responsible for aD applicaCle import duties and value added
tax, or other applicable faxes and fees.
5.4 Tille & Risk of Less. In the case of shipment to destinalions
wittIin the Urnted StItes. title tc any media and Dcc::meniatian,
e=usive of the rights retained under the MLA in trademarIcs,
patents, ccpyrights. tIaGe names, trade sec:ets and intellectual
prcperty (net "CeIiveraI:llesj, and all risk of loss will pass to
CUstomer Uj:On delivery to Customer. In the case of shipments
!rem the UniIed States to destin~1S outside the U.S., tiIIe to
and gsk of loss cOllQ;Sning SlJetI DeJiverables wiD remain with
NoveJJ until the stIipment arrives at the pert of entry in tfle
importing ccunty (or at a bonded warehouse within Canada or
Mexico if Customer requests. shipment tc those cmmtries). For
all shipments Clj~lGtii~ in Ireland, terms are Ccst & FreightWith
title passing tc CUstomer.at the Irish shipment. point.
Notwithstanding the fcregoing, no We to Master Software is
transferred to Custcmer. :
5.5 FulfiUment Aqent NowlI may designate a FuifilIment Agent
under this c:cntract to act sdeIy on Novell's behalf in the
performance of certain tasks under this MLA. At the state of
Washington's request, Novell shaD previae tfle name of Ibis
Fulfillment Agent and tfle specific duties this Fu1fiDment Agent
wiD perfoim for Novell underthis Ml.A
S Mafntenanca. A primary Ml.A purpose is to ensure
Customer has acxess to tfle most current revision of tfle Soflware and
available technical support. Acccrdingly, unless expressly indicated
otherwise, tfle Maintenance services described belcware a manclatDrl
part of aD Software licenses granted under the MLA. and Discounted
Maintenance Fees will be charged fer such services throughout the
MLA tenn. If Customer has not paid due Maintenance within 30 days
after tfle beginning of a new Annual Period. Novell may aulcmatically
invoice Customer for Maintenance Customer is obligated to pay during
that Annual Period. Custcmer is obligated to pay its Maintenance
obligations independent of any notifICation from Novell; for SUCh
Maintenance payments, if Customer has not delivered an Order Rlrm
to Novell within 30 days aflerthe beginning of tfle new Annual Period, -
tfle MLA constitutes the required autI1cri2ation or Order Form from
ClOStcmer fer' sud1 Maintenance paytnent.
Cllring the penod for which MaiJ .!blduca is paid, Novell will prcvide
QJstcmerwiih tt1e foi/owing Maintenanca:
UCQrndes and Ucda1es. Novell wiD provide any Upgrades
and Updates reJeased by NaveII witfnn a reasonable period of
time after they beame c......ull= cialIy available.
T ecl'lnical Services. Novell wiD provide tc' CUslcmer tt1e
led1nicai services desc:ibed in the then-current MiA
Premium Service Guide, lI1eterms ofwl1id1 are inI;;.., "",,'atl:d
into this MiA. Novell may reYise tt1e Premium Service Guicfe
at any lime in order to. amcng other things. ccmpJy With
applicable laws, regulaticns, and tariffs. Any revised
Premium Service Guide wiD supersede prior VI!fSicns and
beccme effective upon publication.
Infomiation Transfer. As described in tfle Premium Service
Guide, CUstcmer rt2f access eIedrcnic on-rme services to
transfer data eIedronicaIIy and/or may allfhcriza a Novell
support engineerto access CUstomer's netwcrkvia a remcte
CCluleCtiQn to worIc: directly on line With the CUstaner to
assist in resolving tedmicaI prct:Iems. In either case.
CUstcmer agrees that nctv.afl::>l.aauing the ccnfidentiaIily
prcvisicns, CUstomerwiD I1Clt submit Via such on-l"me links ar
othetwise give Novell access to any dccumenIs. files,
programs er ether data ("Customer CaIa") tflat are, or are
aiIeged to be. ccnfidentiaI orprcprietarytca third party unless
0lstDmer first obtains ail necesscuy lIalnses to do so.
CUstomer shall be IIaCIe fer any cfaims, 1Ial:liIily, ~.....
=sls. and expalSe>> (Induding reascnaCle atfcmeys' fees)
incurred by Novell directly ar incmctIy as a result of
CUstcmer's breach at such obligation. CUSTOMER
Ol'ticnal On-Site Services..lfCustcmerrequeststhe opticnai
cn-sit8 services, Novell agrees to indemnify and hclcl
Cwtcmer harmless ftcm any liability, damages. =sts, and
expenses ("JnCluding reascnatlIe atlcmeys' fees) arising out
of claims for personal injury or property damage caused by
tfle negligence ar willful misconduct at N~ "!' its
authoriz2d employees or agents in the ccurse at praviCing
technical services en CUslcmer's premises. Novell's IIaCiIily
under Ibis section shall be reduc2d propcrticnally to the
extent tflat any act or amissicn of Custcmer, or its
emplcyees. agents, or representatives, ccntribllted to ~
UabiIily. For pwpcses of this Sectian, -property damage" ',-
dces net include damage to. or loss at. files, data. or otfler .
infarmation.. On-S1ta Support may not be available in sf
WOIIdwide locafian:l. CcntiKt Novell far r:ummt infotma6rm.
Custcmer Contacts. CtIstcmer shaD identilY on Schedule B
the c:antact infcrmalion at each of Cusicmer's tedmicaI
services contacts. See tfle lhen-current Premium Service
Guide for any additicnaI infcnnalion.
U"qrade Restrictions. CUstDmer agrees to accept and Use
Upgrades subject !D the provisions of tfle Uc2nse Terms
Attachment to the Membership Rlnn..
Placing Orders and Payment Terms. .
Discounted license M!e. CUstomer may purchase Rcenses
for Licensed Works by submitting to Novell a completed and
signed Order Form fer tfle appflCable Discounted Ucanse
and Maintelrance ~ The tctat. ncn-refundable
Discounted Ucense Fee fareach Order Form will be payable
in a lump sum.. If during a month Custcmer makes copies of
Software (a) fer which CiscmJnted Ucense Fees have not
been paid, and (bJ fcrwhich tfle tDtaI appflCable Discounted
Novell Master Ucense Agreement, Version 5
- -.. -'
---- - -.... ..
_ _._. -:. :~._.=:~~: __, -:. --=..:~~~~:~' (S
Llcense Fees amcurn to S5..CCO 01'" mere. c.smner must
immediately submit an Order F= fer all SUCh ccpies..
Custcmer must submil: no iater tflan the last day at ead'I
mcnth an Order Fam thai: identifies ail Soft.ware c:cpies
previcusly made far whid1 no Order F1lrm has been
submitted and no DiscaJnted ~ and Majlltea....~
Fees paid.
Discounted Maintenanca Fee.. The malldab y Disalunted
lIiIaJntenanca Fee WliI be '<W' rl::Ul!d an an 3I1IUIai basis and
paid annually in adYcIm:e. with each Maintenance pericd
expiring at the end of ead1 Annual Periad. The initiai
Discounted Maintenance Fee far a license will be =i...~
from the first day of the month following the earlier of (a)
CUstcmer's submissic.l of the Order Form. or (b)
CUstomer's making of a Software copy, thRlugh the end of
the then-alrrent AnnuaJ Pericd.
Opticnal Full-Term Pavment. Upon signing1he MlA, and at
the start of any renewai term. CUstmner may elect fa pay aD
Disccunted Maintenance Fees far1he full remaining term of
the MlA, rather than on an annual basis as-described in
Section 72. In such event. CusfDmer's Ciscaunted
Maintenance Fees will be calt"t~ thrcugh the end of the
MLA term. C1Jstcmer may appfy the f'uII.mnn Cisccunted
Maintenance Fees in calculating ~er's MLA cIiscaunt.
Pavrnenl AD fees will be due and payaCle in U.5. Cellars
WIthin 30 days from the elate of irMlice..
Minimum Orders. The minimum amount per Order Farm is
$5,000 before disclult.. This minimum requirement wiD net
apply fa Order Forms thai: must be sui:miIfed at the end of
every mcnth under Secticn 7.1 or fa an order fer Master
Software. Each Custmner lccatiCln p/adng M1.A orders must
submit a ccmpfeted Membership FOlJ!I with an initial order of
at least $5,CCO befcre disc::lunt.
Pries and Product Chanaes. Novell may revise the MlA
Pnca Ust at any time to (a) change the list prices for
Software, Maintenanca, and ctI'ler pl'Qduds or~ and
(b) acfd or delete Software licanses or otIw prcducl:s or
services available for pt.lld1ase. NavelI will net increase the
list plica of a License or Maintenance Fee for any Software
~ the MlA's current term anca CUstI:lmer has ordered
Such Software by vafld Order Farm and has paid the
appticable fees. Alrt decrease in list prices wiD apply fa any
Custcmer orders received after publication of a new MlA
Price List. NcveII's obligatil:ln to protect CustDmer's list
prices will net appfy fa special prcmctiwll$ and dces net
guar.mtee prcduct awiIabiIity far the full Ml.A term.
Late Pavments. Payments made-'!aterthan the due elate will
a=rue interest from the cIate due fa 1he date paid at the
lesser of the rate of 12% per~ or the highest rate allcwed
byappflC3b/e law. CUstomer agrees to payreascmabfe ccsIs
and atlDmey's fees if NavelI is required to undertake
ccIIedicn measures against Custcmer.
Installed Base. CustDmer's Ii1staJIed Base (Novell Prac1uct
Iicanses available under the MlA which CUstDmer
purchased oulside the MlA and is currently using) may be
lransiticned into the MlA (be licensed !B'derthe Ml.A at the
prcduct's most current version and receive Maintenance)
through the purchase of Maintenance far the Ilcenses..
Mail des lance is mandatory throughcut the MlA term far
prcduds so trausitiudt:d. To lraI~n licenses of System
Prcducls (produds net identified in the MlA Price lIst as
GroupWare Products) that are net at the current product
revision level, Custcmer must upgrade. at the discaunted
Upgrade pria!. the licenses fa the current revisian level
before purehasingthe required MainIenance. To traJ~1 in
licenses of GroupWare Products (as identified in the MlA-
Price Usl:) that are not at the current product revision level,
Customer' must pay the ccst at a mirnmum of 1 'fear at
~ I'egardess at the time remaining in the MlA.
Custcmerwill net recave l\AaintenanCl! after MU ~
NaveJI may mcaify the purchase ~ fur
lransIticning licenses inID the MlA
Record Keeping and Audit.
Self-Audits. CUstomer wiD ccnduct an annual seIf-auait to-
Identify (a) CUstcmer's capying and use of the I.ic!nsed
Walks. and (b) the tctai llW\'lCer of wcrkstaticns, Cl:lmpuIers
ar other derices connecled to a netwcrtcwf1ich uses Novelrs
Software. and (c)whetherCustcmerhaspaid ferall Licl!nsed
Works copied ancIIar used. ClJstmner wiD provide the
infcrrnatian from this self-audit fa NoveIJ in an annual wriIIen
repat within 30 days after 1tle end of each Annual Period or
terminalicn of the MlA. The repcrtwiD be made on the audit
form provided by Novell.. It is Custcmer's responsibility fa
IimeIy provide the report wilhcut nctica from Ncvell. If the
audit shews CUsfDmer owes any fees. CUstcmerWill submit
wiIh the ~ a c...........onding purchase order. If CUslcmer
is mere than 30 days late in submitting the audit l8pCI't,
Novell may cfeIay accepting orders or delivering tect..lic.d
support or ether MlA benefiIs until it recaives the audit. ~
Formal Audits. Curing the MLA term and for two years after
its lemliokltk.n. Custcmer WIll maintain ccmpfete records
shawing (a) amounts due and paid, (b) ccpying and use of
the Ucensed Works. and (c) the tctal lU1'lCer of
werk..iGtiwu;I. ccmputers or ather devic8s ~1I1....il:d ta a
netwcrfc which. uses Novell's Software.' Curing this lime
perfcd Novell will have the right. at its expense and upm no
less than 3 worfdng days prier written nctica, lD audit
CWb....r's use of the Licansed Works and reccrds related
lD this use and MlA payments. SUch audit may be
c:cndud2d by Novell ar its aulhcrized repn!Senlative, will net
interfere unreasonably with Custcmer's business adMties,
and WIll be ccnduded no mere often than once per caIencfar
year, Unless a previcus audit dIsdcsed a materiai
discrepancy. If such audit SmMs Custcmer ~.t.dl:d
actIlaI use of the ~ Warlcs or atheMise underpaid
amcnns owing. CUstamer will immediately pay aD amcunts
owing. If an audit shews CUslcmer undesstated use of 1he
Licensed Worlcs or ~ amcunts owing by more than
5'5, CustcmerwiD pay1he reascnah(e expenses of the audit
NoveIJ will use i.lf....II.&u.l received during an audit solely for
the purposes of this MLA and will otherwise maintain the
ccnfidentiafily of such information.
CUstcmer may request an audit under Section 8.2 be
conducted' at CUstcmer's expsnse by an incleJ:endent
" acccunting firm approved by Novell; NavelI may net
U111u.-1abIy wiIhhold appraval. Novell will have the right to
determine the audit SQlp8 and required audit testing and to
review the audit wcrf< prcducls prier to the finalization ~ 1he'
Tenn and Termination.
Tenn. The term of this MLA WID begin an the EIfedive Cate
andWin remain in effect far a period of 2 years from the first
clay of the mcnth following the Effective Date. The MLA lI!rm
will be autcmalically renewed fortwo-year periads unliI either
party gives written notice otherwise at least 60 clays prior to
the end of the MlA term.
Tennination far Convenience.. ElIherPaJty mayterminaie the
MLA solely fer convenience at 1he end of any Annual Pericd
by giving 1he other party written notice at least 60 days prier
fa the end at the Annual Period. .
Termination for Cause. Eilher party may terminate the MlA
upon written notice for the substmtiai breach by the other
party of any material teim. if such breach is net CllI'ed within
30 days following receipt of written noties of breach from the
ntlI'l-breaching party.
Novell Master License Agreement. Version 5 4
. ---. -_.:_~...: . -- .-..::.--:.....- "; ..-
-- "::--:..:_:~ .""-..: ~ ---= -~-::.~. -' .
,...I..C"'_lCile -ierrrnnanon. .c.U1.eJ to'-~"f J11ay tenTnna:te this
ML~ e~ec:we Immeaiately upon wrItten nctica to the ather
~, if the cttJer party (a) te.luia...t=. or suspends its 10..3
~USIneSS, (b) becomes subJeCt to any bantauptcy or
~enc-~ prcC2eding under federal or state law, (c)
beccmes InsolVent or unable lD pay its abligaticns as they
ac::rue, or (d) beccmes subject to direct CtlI1Irct by a trustee,
rec2iver, or similar authority.
9.S Effect of E.'CCiraticn or Termination. Upon expiraticn or
termination of the MLA fer any l1!aSOI1, Customer's right lD
duplicate the Ucensed Works and lD acquire new MlA
licenses wiD immediately b lIIinGtt=. Cusfcmer's light to use
Lic2nsed Works fer wtlic:h it has paid the applicable fees
sI'1aII be perpetuaf, subject to the surviving MLA provisicns
(Fer licenses Ir.msiIioned to sesver-based Iic2nses under
9.5.1 belew, ClJstcmer's perpetual rights will be in the
server-Cased rlC2nSeS).
9.5.1 Transition from MLA Upon expiIation orterminaticn of the
MLA, NcvelJ and CUstDmer agree to 'Mll1c tcgelher in geed
faithlc transiiicn CUstomer frcm the MLA Pmgram bade to 10.4
Novell's regular sales d1anneIs; this prtlCl!SS' will include
replacing MLA Soflwarewith the number of NaveII'sstandard
server-based Iics1ses wtUcI1 provide CUstcmer at least
equi1IaIent fundicnalily. This transiticn shall QCCtII' at no cast
to Custcmer, except fer ar'rf media:~ im:urred by Novell
in replacing the MlA Software wiltr Novell's slandard 11
Iicanses and/or media. Within 30 days afterb!l.uiudtil.ll1 or
expiration, Custcmer must certify in writing to NcveIIthat it 11.1
has destroyed or returned all Master Scftwarg to NcveIL
9.5.2 Ciscounted Maintenance Fees. If the MLA is lean.i..dh=d fer
NeveU's ccnvenience or cecause of Novell's breach, NcvelI
wiD refund any Maintenance Fees paid fer the time period
past the first dsf of the month fellcwing the MLA's
termination date.. Maintenance fees will net otherwise be
9.5.3 . Survival of Terms. Secticns 4, 8.2, 10, 11, 12. and 13 wDI .
Sl.IrVJVe MLA terminaticn and will thereafter solely gcvem
Ctlstcmer's use of the Licslsed Wcrks, l!lCCSIX that
Customer's license to use any server-based licenses to
which Customer is trallSitlcIled under Sedicn 9.5.1 aCcve
shaIJ be as described in the Iic2nse wtlich ac:cmpanies the
10 lnteIJeduaJ Property Indemnification.
10.1 ~cveII will defend or settle any claim, suit or prcceedjng
brought against CUstcmer so far as it is based en an
allegation that a Licensed Work infringes a patent or 11.2
copyright of the ccuntry in which CUstcmer takes delivery of
such Licensed Wcrk. NcveII wDI 'rsf any damages. casts
and expenses tinalIy awarded (or agreed to by setIfernent)
in any sucI1 claim, suit or prcceedirlg. NcveIJ sI'1aII be relieved
of the fcregcing obligaticn unless (a):" Custcmer prcmptly
nctifies NcveII of any such claim. (b) NcveII has scIe =ntral
of the defense and all refated settlemerllnegctiatlcns. and (c)
Customer provides Novell with the reasanabfe assisIance, 11.3
infcrmaticn and aulhcrily necessary to perfcmn the above.. If
Customer desires lc have separate legal representaIicn in
any such action, CUstomer shaD be respcnsible forb casts
and!!*!S afits separate counsel.
10.2 If a Licensed Wcrk is held lc infiinge and use of such
Licensed Work is enjoined, or if ir! Novell's opinion a 11.4
Licensed Wone is 6keIy to beccme the subject of
infringement, Custcmer will permit NcveII, at Navelrs cpticn
and expense, to: (a) prllaIl'e fer CUstomer the right to
ccntinueto use the LicerlsedWcrfc. or (b) replace or modify
the Licensed Work SO that it becollll=:. nan-1llfliugk19 and has
the same or additional fin:tianaIity and COIllpidIable or
improved performance charaderistics, or (e) upon
Custcmer's return of the infl illgil19 Licensed Work, refund to
Custcmertheccnsicleraticn paid fcrsuch lic8nsedWcrkas
amorti:zt:d en a straight-line basis ever a 3-year pericd frcrn... 11.5
the date of delivery, whereupon NaveI1's continued IlabiIityto
Novell Master Ucalse Agreement, Version 5 5
c..s:omer WJiI Cl!aSa. /
Novell shall have no oCligaticn or liabilily fer :..(. i..gl:o.....IUhat
resuds from (a) Novell"s almpiiancs WJlh ClJstDmer's
designs, ~eaticns, or il1S1l'udcns, (b) use at ather 'than
the current release cfthe Uc2nsed Wc:1cs. if the iniri..~c:aIb:a'1t
would have been avcided by use at the current ~ and
if the infringement occurs more than SO days after Ncvea has
made a public anncuncsment or nctified Custcmer that. a
previous release may infringe, (c) a mcdificaticn of the
Lic2nsed Wcrfcs that was net reqrr~ or auII10rized in
writing by Novell, (d) use of the Licensed Works other than
as specified in relevant NcwlJ pubflCaticns, (e) use of the
LicensedWorks in combinaIicnwith any third partycamputer
prcgram. equipmt!nt, orotherprcc1uct net apprcved in writing
by Novell fer use with the Licensed Works, (f) the fumishing
lc CUstcmer of ar'rf infu.II..diI.ln, service, or technical support
by a third party, or (g) ncn-licensed use of the Lia!nsed
Wades. . .
Indemnification Limitation. NOVELl. 'S LlABIUTY UNDER
Limited Warranty
Software. Novell warrants that the Software will ccnfcrm
substantially to the specifIcaIicns in the CcCumentaticn,
provided that (a) the Scflware is net mcdified by ~
clherthan Novell. unless a\lthcrized by NcveII in writing; (b)
CUstcmer nclif"1eS Novell in writing of the ncrli.llnfomrily no
later than 9Q clays after pun:tlase; (c) CustcmeJ's ~
equipment is in geed o~ order and is installed in a
compatible environment; (d) the Software is inslaIIed in a
compatible environment; and (e) the ncnconfcrmily is net
caused by a third party or by Customer. In this Sedicn,
-conform sui:stantiaIIY" means that the Software CCl'lkml;o to
the vast majcriI:y of aD specificatlons in the Ccaanentalicn.
NcveIl's only cbligaticn under this warranty is to use
reascnable elforts to cause the Software to canfcrm
substantially with the Cccumentaticn, or to refund to
CUstcmer the consideraticn paid fer such Software UJlQn
Custamer's return of aD such Software ana Cocumentaticn.
In the eventcf a refund., Cwtcmets rightto use tile Software
shall autcmalically expire.
MaQnetic Media and Cocumentation. NaveII warrants that if
edherthe magnetic media en which tile Licansed Wcrfcs are
containect orthe'Cccumenlalion is in a damaged orphysicaily
defective CCIlCiticn at the time of delivery to Custllmer and if
it is ~ to NCMlII (pQstage prepaid) within 9Q days of
delivery, Novell Will provideCWtcmerwilh replacementsatno -:
~~ '
Services.. Novell warrants that the technical services and any
ccnsulting services provided lmdertlle MLA wiD be supplied
in a professicnal manner. Custcmeradmcwledges tiles rrr;q
be aIlered or damaged in tile course of NcwlJ providing
lechnicaJ services, and agrees to take approp.iatl: meas&nS
to isolate and back up its systems.
Early Access Releas~ Early Access Release (beta) software
is provided to Customer -AS IS'" without arr{ warranty.
Custcmer aclcncwledges that the pre-reIease sollware has
net been fully tested and may ccntain errors and bugS.
Custcmer must determine for itself the suitabffily of the use
of Early Acr;eSs Release software for any purpose. Novell
does not guarantee that a ccnunerdal version of the software
crthat~ prcductswDI be released. NCM!IIshaD have
no obligaticn lc provide support for the software.
Non-NoveD Products. Novell does net warrant ncn-NoveD
.- .~.:. ~.'- :..:. " ---~-~~:--':.--...._..:
.... .-.-' - ... - --
proaucts. Any = prCClJC:s are provided on an -AS IS'"
basis. Any warranty seJVICa for ncn-NovelI prcatIds is
provided by1f1e prcdIJctmanuiac:urerinac;.:;a u...<=wiIh any
applicable l11aIUIfaCun!r's warranty.
UNINTERRUPTED.. Some statesljurisdidicns cfo not aIIaw
limiIa1ions an how Icng an implied warranty lasts, sa the
above Iimitaticn may not apply 10 CUstDmer. This wananty
gives specific legal rights whidt may- vary man
staterj&lrisdictign to stateIjurisdidi
Ha2anmus Enviranments.. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT
Umitatfcn of Liability.
. Novell UabiIitv. TO THE exrarr ALLOWeD BY
statesrj1llisdidicns do not alIcw the exclusicn or limiIaticn of
incidental or c:cnsequentiaI damages. sa the elCdusicns or
Iimitaticns or this S~ may not be applicable.
MLA. . "
Limitation or Remedies. THE REMEDIES DESCRIBED OR
General Tenus.
Laws. If signed by Noveu.1nc.. this MLA wiill:e govemea by
the laWs of the state of Ulah and ~lic3CIe feder.d (U.s.)
laws. unless !he laws of Ihe slate. prcvInCl!. or CCUntry at
CUslcmer's dcmicie l1!qIIire atherwrse. in wnicta case the
laws so required will govern. The ccntIids of law IllIes
fcrming of !he gcveming law OR '""r1uded. If eiIher party
initiates legaf proceedings to enfcrca a term of tile MlA. the
prevailing party will be entiIIed 10 recover rl!aSanabie
attDmeys' fees. Each party will. at its own expense. Clll!Iply
wiIh any applicaDJe law. stmIte. ardinance. admi..~idiVe
cn1er, rule and regulaticn.
Disl:lute RescIuticn. The parties Will negctiate in geed faiIh
to rescIve any MLA dispuIes. If negotiottm aces net R!SCive
a dispute, senior officers of each party shall meet in person
10 attempt to rescIve the dispuIe. This meeting must be held
befare either party may seek ancther methcd of rescIlltian.
including judlciai or gcvelnau...d'aj rescIuticns. This secliDn
stlaII net prevent either party l'rcm seeking or ctlIaiIling
lempor.uy '"'i'ritMlICf remedieS, including injundive relief.
C....~llicdilv and 1m........, Excf1anae. The receiving
party of CcnM:.ltiaI IIlfcrmaticn agrees to exercise
reasotlaDIe care 10 pralect CcnfidentiaI Infcnnaticn fidn
unaulhcrized c:isdcsure, wtlicb care stlaII in no event be less
lJlan the recl!iving party gives to prctect iIs own canfidentiaI
i.~lhiidhm. The receiving party may dIsdcse Ccnfidl=uLI
IlIf.......A.n cniy10 ilsempfoyeesoragentswhoneedto Icncw
suCh infcrmation and shall infcrm such einpfcyees cragenls
by .., at pcIicy and agreemeslt !hat lIiey are bound by
obIigaticnsat ccnfidenliality. Theseccnfldentialilycb~....
stlaII survive fer 3 years after expiraticn ortemJi.l.dbt of the
C~hlklt!/1licd fnfarmalfcn means (a) the terms of this Ml.A,
and (b) any ather inf......cdi..n the disdc&ing party cfesires 10
prctect fr1:m unrestrlded dfsdcsur8 by the receMng party
and that.(i) if d"1Sdcsed in tangible lbrm. is marked in writing
as .~dia1'" or (Ii) if disc:!;kd craIIy or Visually. js
~ ~ oraI1y at the time at dlsdcsura as "CCldL:h..&..L ..
Ccnfidentiaj Infcrmaficn dces net incfude i.lf\.. ....&r.n tlat (1)
is already in the receiving party's ~ wiIIlcat
cbIIgation of canlidlba; or (2) the receiving party
indep!nclently develops; or (3) Is or b~ pubIfdy
avaiIaCle withcut breach of the MLA; or (4) the receiving party
rlgtltruIIy receives fram a lflird party without CCIIgaticn of
ccnftdence; or (S) the dlsdcsing partyrefeases fcrdisl:fclRlre
by giving written censer( or (6) is required 10 be disdcsed. by
ccurt or reguIatcry rtlIe or cn:ler.
Residuals. Subject to palenI:s and ccpyrights. eiIher party
may use Residuals for any purpose including cleveIcping
ptllCuds orserW:es. ~esiduaIs""means icleas, ~ or
tedlncIcgy Clll'Itained in hi... I."&"'1 retained !" memcry b!ta _
party's emplcyees with access to CcnfidentiaIlnfcullid!tm,
but does net include infctmaticn deliberately memcrized 10 .
classify it as Residllals This Residuals pravisicn does not
give the receiving partt the right to disclcse business plans
or fInanciaf. statistical, or perscnnei data of the ~
party, and does net alIcw fer any purpose the IileraI ccpyIng
of a dccument. The receiving partywiD have no obI"agatian to
restrict tfle assignment of empIcyees who receive Resid11a1s
Force Maieure. Neither party WiD be liable fer any failure or
delay in performance. if such faiIllre !lI' delay is clue to war.
strike. government requirements, ads of nature, acts or
cmissicns of carriers, or clher cause beyond its reasanabIe
ccntrcI; however. if a party's performance of any material
cl:Iligaticn is reasanabIy elCpl!Cted to be delayed mare than.3
mcnIhs due to anysudt cause, the ather party may b..IiI..dt:
this MLA upon 3Q rJay.!/ pricrwritlen notice. Each party shall
give prompt written nctice of any condition 1ilcely1o cause any
delay or default..
No Emclcvment or Aqenr:{. The parties are independent
ccntractors. Neithertf1e MLA lerms ncranysemces provided
Novell Master License Agreement, VersiCI1 5
'.4: _0.'-_ __ __
_._.w__ _ _~~:::=. .. . _ ." ~.
,.... -; -__=u .c c.~ QfI empo'"ymc:m.. agencf'di- parmer
reIatiol'lShlp between CUstcmerand Ncveil. . >.;.,
Notices.. AD ncticei wiD be in writing. Notices to CtIstmner
stiaiibi! delivered to QJstcmer's QlnUact CoorainatDr and
Lccaticn eo.....JB...tbr(S). N0tic2s lD Novell shall be delivered
to Majer MarXets Contract Manager. MS Q~13; 155 N
T ed1nclcgy Way, Orem UT 84097-Z3S9 USA.. N0tic2s may
be delivered by certified or overnight mail. fax, auier, or
overnight delivery.
13.7 Bindinq Effect I Assicmment. This Ml.A is bindng upon the
parties' andtheirrespedive~ucc:esi>Ul,",andassigns. Unless
expressly permitted hen!in. neitI1er party may transfer,
assign. or delegate any right or ~I set fcrth in the
MlA WJIhcut the prier written amsent at the ether party;
pravidedthatneilherpartywill unreasonablywitf1hcldc:cnsent
fer an assignment lD the other party's pcnnt or SI.Ibsiaiary.
EiIher party may, upon prier Wliiten natice. assign the MlA
to the surviving ccmpany in the event at a merger or
acquisition. If Novell seIJs a l.icensed Work to a third party,
it may assign its MlA obligations regarding S&lCtl product to
the third party.
Severabililv. If an MLA provision is held invalid or
unenforceable, the pnMsicn WiD be sewred to the extent at
such invalidity, or W1enfClrcsabilily. .
Waiver. No waiver 01 any MLA right shall be effective unless
iiiWriih,g. signed by an authorized ......___It:itive at the
waiving party. No waiver of any past or present right arising
li'om any breach 01 failure to perfcrm shall be deemed to be
a waiver at any ftlture rights.
13.10 Modifications. E:a:ept as elqm!SSIy aI/owed. in the MlA. the
MLA may net be mcdified 8XC2pt in writing signed by
autherizsd representatives at each party. In particular. the
. terms at a purchase crderwill not mcdifythe MiA u1'Ifess the
parties agree ottlerMse in writing.
13.11 Emire Ac;reemem.. The MLA is the linal and a:lusMt
statement at and1he entire agreementCelweenthe parties as
to its subject maUer. The MLA supnedes all prier and
=ntemporanecus agreements and slatements on these
subjects. Each partywmants that in entering into this MLA.
it has net rel"1ed upon or been induced by any repre:-.t.&u.l
net expressly set fcrtf1 in thiS MLA.. '
13.12 Intellectual Procertv Ric:hts and Remedies. NClthing in this
MLA waNeS or limits ~ nghts and remedies
avaiJabIe lD NeveU tD pratect its pOPiI~f interest in the
licensed Works. inducing, ~ and rumedies available
under U.S. ccpyright law, European:!Jnicn law, the Berne
Ccnventicn or other intemationaI treaties. or appiicaCle
national Cl:lpyrigtlt and inteIIectuai prcperty laws of the
ClUUries in which ~ uses the Ucensed Worfcs.
13.13 E:cccrt. Regan:lIess of any disclosure made by Custcmer to
NOVeii of an ultimate cfestinatiCln 01 a Licensed Wcrfc.
CUstcmer wiD not cfuectly or indirectly elCpOrt or transfer any
portion atthe work, or any system c:alt.:/ilUng a portion 01 the
work, to anyone outside the U.S. CU1CILIding f1lrtfler expert if
Customer teak delivery ouIside the. U.s.) without first
Cl:lmplying fuIlywih any expert centrals ~ may be impased
en the werk by the U.s. Govemment or any ccunIry or
organization of nations within whose jurisdiction Custcmer
operates or does business. CU'stcmer assures Novell that
absent any required priclr authmizatian from the Bureau of
E:cport Admn.. 14th Ca1stib:IIiDn Ave.. Wash DC 2D23O.
CUstcmer will not expert or reexpclrt (as defiJled in Section
734.2{b) of the E:cport Admn. Regufaticns. as amended
("Regulationsj) the wcrlls or any technical data Clr' ather
confidential informatiCln. or direct pRldI.Ict at any of the.
foregoing to any country in Country Groups 0:1 or E:2 as
: ~ed In ttle Sllj:pIement No. 1 to Sedon 740 at 1he
RegWations, or SUCh ather c:cuntries as c:cme tlnder
resUidion by adicn atthe U.S. Government, ortc naticnafs
from or residing in the foregcing counlrles, wiIflcut first
obtaining pc...~. from ttze apprcpriate lLS.. Gov.
a&JtI1orities. The coumnes subject to rC!5tridicn by tile U.S.
Gcv. are subjectlD change; it is CUstDmer's ~tD
comply with the U.S. GJv. requiJe......ltl:. as amended from
lime to time. -
Novell Master License Agre.:.ne.lt. Version 5
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MLA Membership Fonn - Attachment A
Use of the Ucensed Wor1<s is sub.Ject to the following terms and restriCtions
together wrth all other MLA terms.
1 LiC2l1Se Definitions
1.1 Client Software means the software programs provided as part of the
Software that oper.rte on a singie-user dew:e, Pemutting that device to
access the shared resources provided by Host Software..
12 Competitive Up~de means a productofNovell's competitors designated
by Novell as qualifYing fer an Upgrade to Novell Software.
1.3 Doamentation means user dacumentation and manuaJs (rncluding CO-
RaM verstons, when available) provided by Novell which accompany a
Software product. .
1.4 Host Software means the software programs provided as part of the
SoftWare that are designed to operate on a single ccmputing device,
providing access to the shared resources attached to that computer. Host
SoftWare may contain technical Iimilations that limit use of the Host
Software to a specified number of computers running Client Software.
1.5 Internal Use means Use by (a) Your employees fer Your internal
busllless, and (b) Yourccnsu/tants and ccntradcrs onlywhile performing
wcrk for You on Your premises.
1.6 NLM Software means Software delivered with Host Software and capable
of running on the Host Software.
1.7 Node means a networlc connection identified by a unique networlc
address; printers, taxes, mail servers ancJ other devices attacI'Ied to the
network also constitute a Node.
1.8 Software means the Novell software produd(s) licensed to You underthe
1.9 Ucdate means a fix or compilation of fixes released by Novell during the
ieiTi10i the MLA to ccrrect operational defects (program bugs) in the
1.10 ~ means any new version of a Software prcductwhich bears the
same prcduct name, including version changes evidenced by a number
change immediately 10 either the right or left of the decimal (for example.
GrcupWrse 5.1 10 5.2 or GrcupWrse 4.0 10 5.0). If a question arises as
to whether a product offering is an Upgrade or a new product, Novell's
opinion wiD pl'eVaJl, provided that Novell treats the product offering the
same for its end user customers generally.
1.11 Use means loading the Software into the temporasy memory of a
ccmputing device, i.e.. RAM. and running or executing it fer the purposes
for Which the Software was designed. Unless the applicable license
states otherwise, Use wiD be runited 10 a single ccmputing device.
1.12 User Count means the number of users specilied for use with a prcduct.
2 Ucense Grant. Upon payment of the applicable license feesancJ NoveJI's
receipt of the order for a Licansed WatI<, Novell ~ and You accept the
licenses below. Your licenses to Use the Ucensed Wortcs (but not to make
copies of Master Software) wiD survive expiration of the MLA and be perpetuaL
NoveU, Inc. is the Dcensor of the'Ucensed Works, except that (i) if Your
address provided on the Membership Form is in Europe, the Middle East, or
Africa, and Novell Ireland Software Ud. or other Novell subsidiary is listed as
the Novell contracting party on the Membership Form, then the licenses are
granted by Novell Ireland Software Umited or made available on its behalf, and
(ii) if Novell Japan is the Novell entity that signs the Membership form, the
licenses are granted by Novell Japan.
21 Netwcrlc Node Ucense. NeveU grants a non-excJusive, non-transferable,
and worldwide license to (a) provided you do not receive any direct
payment, make and distribute an unlimited number of copies of the Host
Software for Your Internal Use, and (b) conditional upon paying the
applicable Discounted Ucense Fee for each Node with which the Host
and CUent Software is to be Used, make, distribute, and Use the Client
Software for Your Internal Use and use the NLM Software on the Host
22 Server Networlc Ucense. NeveU grants a non-exclusive, nOn-lnlnsferable,
worldWide license to (a) Use the Host Software on a sing/e computing
device (network: server) to connect to and sirrwItaneousJy Use up to the
number of copies of CDent Software specified by the User Count, and (bf
provided you do not receive any direct payment, make and distJ:ibute an
unlimited number of copies of Client Software for Your Internal Use, (c)
use the NLM Software on the Host Software.
23 Node and Server Ucenses. Certain Software Ucensed by Novell on a
Network Noae basis under the MLA, such as IntranetWare. is also
licensed by Novell on a Server Network (server-based red box licenses)
basis. You may acquire such Software thrcugh either Network Node or
Server Network licenses under the MLA, but may not mix Network Node
and Server Networlc at a single Customer Jocation (a facility with an
individual street address).
24 BorderManaqer Ucense. Your license grant tor Bon1erManager is
descnbed In the license de!ivered with the product or otherwise made
available to you thrcugh the MLA Program. A copy of the license grant is
available from Novell
2.5 NetscaDe NaviQator.lfYOUpurchasea licensefera prcductthatincludes
Netscape NavIgator Software, You may insfaJI a copy of Nelscape
Navigator on each computing device running the Client Software in
support of the Host Software fer Use: (a) primarily in support of the NLM
Software, ancJ (b) for Internet or World Wide Web access.
2.6 MuJtjPrctoccI Router. If You purchase a license fer a product that
Includes NetWare MuftiPrctDcoI Router SoftWare (an NLM Software
program), Your license is fa'1 port for each server upon which You load
the product that includes the MPR Software.
2.7 IPXIIP Gatewav.lfYou pt.II"Ctlase a license fora product lhat includes the
IPXJIP Gateway Software, Novell grants You a 2SO-user (100O-user for
Bon:IerManager) license tor ead'I server upon which You load the product
that contains the Gateway Software.
2.8 Mailbox Ucense. Upon payment of the applicable license fee for each
user Madbcx (artacccunt ferthe storage of eledJotlko mail, regardless of
whether attached 10 a netwcrlc and/or remote) with which the Software is
Used, Novell grants a ncrt4CCIusive, ncn-transferabl 'Mlrfdwide license
to copy, make, and distritlutathe Software torYour IntemaJ Use on Your
computer systems. A MaiI1:lox Ucanse is not required tor Mailboxes that
are used soJely for physicat faciIilies, such as a printer mailbox or a fax
mailbox. A Mailbox Ucense for GroupWrse 4.1 Software includes the
right to access SoftSolutions via a SoftSolutions Remcte Cocument
Server. For GloupWIse Gateway Software sold separately from
GrcupWise Software, the fcIIowing prevision applies:
2.8.1 Gateway Mailbox Ucense. Upon payment of the applicabJe Dcense fee
fer each user Mallbax that can ccnnect to the GnnIpWIS8 Gateway
Software, NoveD grants a non-excIusive, non-transferable. worldwide
license to copy, make, and distribute the Software fer Your Internal Use
on Your computer systems. You must have a Gl'oupWlse Gateway
Software license for each such connection in addillon to the GrcupWrse
Software mailbox license required to create the Mailbox.
2.9 Per Cocv Ucense. Upon payment of the applicable license fee fer each
copy of the Sottware, Novell grants a non-excIusive, non-transferable,
worldwide license to make and distribute those copies of Spflware for
Your Internal Use on Your computer systems. .
29.1 SoftScfutions. Additicnally, a Dcense is required for each copy at
SoftSolutlons, whether executing from or residing on a host computer,
memory, or a Portai:lle Mode Enabled computer; or stored on a storage
device of any kind, on muJti.user ccmputer(s), single-user ccmputer(s),
or locaUwide area networks (servers and WO~cnslclients). In
addition, a license is required for each computer that accesses the
SoJlware via a SoftSolutions Remote Document Server. You may use the
Software in only a single envircnment (Windows or DOS) at a time. A
Server Enhancement Module (SEM) Dcense is required for each File
Server license even though a SEM copy needs to be Loaded for each
Dataset and ~ single set of SoftSolutions program files may access
multiple Dalasets.
2.10 Novell Support Connection CD. For each subscription to the NoyeJl
Support ConnectIOn CO, NeveD grants You a nonexclusIVe,
nontransferable right to copy and distribute the CD fer Internal Use on aD
Your computer systems at Your Iocation(s).
2.11 Early Access Release Software. If Novell provides You Early Access
Release (beta) sottware, You are authorized to Use such software soIeJy
fer evaluation purposes. As Early Access Release software,
documentation and related information is confidential to Novell, You may
not disclose it outside of Your organization without NoveD's priorwritten
MLA Membership Form, Attachment A .Ucense Terms
MLA 5 (311198)
( g
consent. 't OUT liCl!l'lSe to Use sucn software temnnates upon the earlier
of NoveU's general ielease afthe soitware to the pul:lJic orwrillen notice
from Novell
212 Documentation. If Documentation for the Software is provided with the
Software In CD-ROM fonnat, You may for internal use print copies of
such Documentation from the on-fme screen up to the number of MlA
ficenses You have purchased. Novell will, through third parties. make
hard-copy Documentation available for Your purchase; You mayduplicate
for IntemaI use Documentation You have purchased up to the l1llI11ber of
MLA licenses You have purchased for that Software. Documentation for
Software that is not at the aJII"ent revision level will be made available for
up to two months after the last shipment date of the Software..
213 New Products or Upqrades. So that Novell may make available on the
MLA Pnce Ust new Software prcduds or lJpgmdes to current prcduds,
Your license grant for a praduct or Upgrade may cliffer from the above
ficense terms. If there is a ccntIict or inccnsistency between the above
ficense grants and the Ucense grants made avadable to You wiIh a
product or Upgrade, the latter license grants will prevail; as to all other
contractual pravisKlns, the MLA with this Ucalse Terms Attachment wiD
214 Commercial Public Networl< Service ("CPNS1 RestrfcIicn. You may not
use IntranetWare, NetWare 4~ or BoraerManager Software, or later
versions of this Software. in a CPNS wilhout first cbtaining a separate
license from Novell (for more information, see
http://www.novellcomlintemet). A CPNS is a service offered to the
general pubrlC or to businesses, and that P.nMdes Internet access,
virtual private networking, remote network management, access to
corporate or other networks, or access to any remote computing device,
application, service or data.
215 Upqrade Restrictions. Whether You receive Upgrade licenses through
MaIntenanc8 or through a separate purchase, You accept and Use
Upgrade Ilcenses subject to the foIIclwing terms:
215.1 Use of an Upgrade is limited solely to replace (a) a Novell PRlduct
acquired by You purswnt to a valid Novell license. or (b) a
Competitive Upgrade for which Novell is offering an Upgrade. In
either case, the procIuct from which You are upgrading is referred
to below as the "Original Prcduct .
215.2 In the case of System Prcducts (products net identified in the Ml.A
Price List as GroupWare Products), You agree (a) that 90 days
after installation of the Upgrade, the license U$('o:idb:d with the
Original Product will automatically terminate and become void, and
(b) to retum or destroy the Original Prcduct within such 90 day
215.3 In the case of GroupWare PrcducI:s (as identified in the MLA Price
List), You may Use either the Upgrade or a prior revision of the
Upgrade, but never both revisions at the same time on any given
215.4 Elcceptas expressly permitted in this Upgrade Restrictions Secticn,
You will not use. sell, ortr.msferthe Original Product upon receipt
of an Upgrade.
215.5 You accept any Upgrades under the terms of the ra:snse type
described in this MLA, in the Order Form, and in the MLA Price List
as applicable to the upgraded Software.
215.6 Nothing in this MLA will be construed to warrant or il11Jlly that
Upgrades or Updates wiD be producect for any product- or, if so
produced, when such Upgrades or Updates will be made
commercially available. .
216 S~ Ucenses. Unless otherwise authorized in the MLA,
Documentation, or III writing by Novell. no right is granted to Use CBent
or Host Software to directly access client software or host software
provided by othB!' vendors.
217 Connection Manaqement Software. You may not modify any Connection
Management Software (software designed to prevent more connections
than the number of ficensed conneclions specified by the DocumentatiDn,
packaging, or user materials of the Software) incIucled in or provided wiIh
the Software. Further, You may not use any device. process or computer
program that inaeases, either direclIy or indirectly, the number of
connections to the Host Software..
2.1 a OWnership. Ownership of and We to the Ucensed Works (including
adaptations or copies) is held by Novell or its rlCellSOl'S. Copies are
provided only to allow You to exercise 6cense rights.
219 Transfer of Ucense. Except as otherwise provided in the MLA, You may
transfer licenses to another entity only after receiving prior written
consent from NeveU. With any license transfer, You will transfer all
copies of the transferred Software with its Docwnentaticn and any
copies/adaptations made.
22D c"oies. You may copy the Software only for Internal Use ClIlduding an
arctuvaj or backup copy for each copy of Software lic:a1sed W'lder ltlls
Agreement). AU proprietary rights notices I111lSt be faithfuIJy ~
and included on all copies and aI'tf adaptations.. You may only copy
Documentation as expressJy alIowecI above.
2.21 Notice to Emptovees and Aqents. You wilt use commercially l'eaSonabJe
efforts to II1torm Your employees, agents, and other individuals using
Ucensed Works under the MLA that the Ucensed Works may not be
used, copied, or transferred in vioJation of the MlA terms.
2.22 Restrictions. Except as may be expresslyauthcrized in this MIA. Youwill
not rent, lease, sublicense, distribute.lransfer, copy, reproduce. display,
modify, adapt, disassemble, orreverse-compile UcenseclWork:s. Where
You have a statutory right to adapt, disassemble or decompile the
Software to obtain information needed to achieve ~ with
other Prog.calRi, You wiD not exercise such right unless NCNelI does not
respond within 60 days after receipt of a Written request to provide the
necessary informatiori.
2..23 OutsourcinQ. Upon priorWritten notice to NoveIJ, You may permit Use of
the lJcensed Works by a supplier of infonMion seMces ("Supp/ierj to
the same extent You are permitted to do so, provided that You first
purchase sufficient licenses to support such Use and execute a contract
with the Supplier that obrJgates the Supplier to (a) use the Software only
for Your internal business purposes and in accordance with the MLA
terms, (b) maintain a logical or physical partition within its computer
systems which use the Software so as to restrict Software use and
access to a portion solely dedicated ll:l Your beneficial use. and (c) allow
You or Your agent to audit the Supplier's premises and records relating
to use of the Licensed Wortcs for at least 1 year after the earlier of
expiration of the Ml.A or Your contract with Supplier, in order ensure
Supplier's compliance WIth the MLA in its Software use.
2..23.1 WiIhin 30 days after entering into such an agreerth!Ilt with a
Supplier and praviding Licensed Works to the Supplier, You must
notify Novell in writing of the name of the Supplier and of the start
and expiration dates of the contract belween You and the Supplier.
If You provide Licensed Works to a SUpplIer, You must keep
records detailing to which entities specific Ucensed Wanes 'M!r8
Provided. on what dates, where Master Software is stared, and You
must have an established process for retrieving Licensed Works
once the MLA or Your contract with the Supplier is terminated.
2..23.2 If NcveII so requests, You, through Novell or at NovelI's option
through an entilymutualJyagreed to by You and Novell. wiD audit the
Supplier for compliance with the MlA terms. Novell shall use the
information obtained tram any such audit solely to determine
ccmpIiance with the MLA and to remedy any nClIcon.pllance. You
irrevccabJy appcint NcvelI as Yourauthorized ~forthe
purposes of canying out any audit underthe above paragraph. You
shall be responsitlIe for use or copying of the Software by the
Supplier which violates the MLA terms. You Will notify NCNelI in
writing immediately upon learning of the reasonable possibility of a
third party's violation of the MLA's terms..
2.24 U.S. GOY Restricted RiQhts. uSe, duplication, ordisclcsurebythe United
. States Government IS subject to restrictions in FAR S 52.227-14 (Jun
1987) Alternate III (JW'le 1987), FAR S 52.227-19 (June; 1987), or
DFARS S 252.227-7013 (b)(3) (Nov 1995), or applicable successor
clauses. Manufacturer is Novell, Inc., 1555 N Technology Way, Orem.
UT 84097.
3 Limited Warranty. See the MlA Umited Warranty sections for a
description of the MLA warranties.
4 Limitations of Uabifdy. See the MLA Liability Umitaticns sections for
a description of the MLA's runitations of liability.
5 Intellectual Properly Infringement See the MLA Il'Itl>llectual Property
Indemnification sections for a description of NeveU's indemnification for
inteIJectuaI property infringement claims.
MLA Membership Form, Attadunent A - Ucense Tenns
MLA 5 (311/98)
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(State of Washington)
This second Addendum amends and supplements the Master License Agreement ("MLA") version 5
(3/1/98) between the State of Washington, acting by and through the Department of Information Services
("DIS"), an agency of Washington State government, ("Customer") and Novell, Inc. (''Novell''). This
Master License Agreement has been entered into as a State of Washington Corporate Agreement, DIS
Contract Number T98- TSD-310.
1. Definitions. Terms with the initial letter capitalized will have the same meaning as defined in
the MLA, unless otherwise defined in this Addendum.
2. Amendments to MLA. The MLA is amended and supplemented as follows:
A. Section 2J.of Addendum to Master License Agreement (State of Washington) is deleted.
Discounted Maintenance Fees will be paid in accordance with Section 72 of the MLA.
3. Continuance. Except as expressly amended and supplemented by this Addendum, the terms
and conditions of the MLA will remain in effect Wlchanged. If and to the extent that any
inconsistency may appear between the MLA and this Addendum, the provision of the Addendum
shall controL
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The Department of Information Services
Novell Master Licensing Agreement Purchasing Program
. ....... ............ ..... ..............
Customer Enrollment Documents
.t:;XIUO~t: C
Year 2000 Status of Novell Products
The following tables (last updated 11 May 1998) list Novell products that are being
validated as part of Novell's Project 2000. If patches are required, a link to the
downloadable patch is provided. If you are using other Novell products or Novell
products not listed in these tables, Novell recommends upgrading to a newer product
as indicated below or discontinue use before the turn of the cennuy. All Year 2000
Ready Novell products require a Year 2000 Ready hardware platform (ie. BIOSIRTC).
Please read the disclaimer
Select from the following links for individual product information or scroll down
to view:
IntraNetWareJNetWare platforms
IntraNetWareJNetWare Products
IntraNetWare/NetWare CDents
Collaboration Products IGroupWlse)
Network Manaqement lManaqeWlse)
Border Manaqer
WordPerfect Products
Dial-uD Connectivitv INW Connect)
MultlProtocol Router Products rMPRl
Host Connectfvftv (SM)
LAN WorkPlaceJlAN WOrkGrouD
Additional Items
Third Dartv oroducts
intraNetWarelNetWare Platform Return to top of document
Date Y2K Update or
Product Status . Upgrade Available
intraNetWare (English) Year 2000 Ready Octional uodate available
NetWare v4.11 (English) Year 2000 Ready Optional update available
intraNetWarelNetWare v4.11 Year 2000 Ready Octional uDdate available
(portuguese. French. Italian.
Gennan. Spanish. Russian)
NetWare v4.10 and prior 4.x versions Not being tested - Upgrade to
- intraNetWare. or NetWare 5 an
Mid 1998)
NetWare v3.2 Year 2000 Ready CurrenUy Available
NetWare v3.12 · Tes1ing Complete - Upgrade to Ucdate available
NetWare v3.2. intraNetWare.
NetWare 5 (in Mid 1998). or apply
NetWare v3.11 and prior versions * Not being tested - Upgrade to
NetWare v3.2 . intraNetWare.
NetWare 5 lin Mid 1998)
* See infonnation on Novell's Uoorade WIZard
NeveO Upgrade WIZard lets you quickly and easily capture the benefits of upgrading to intraNetWare. The Novell
Upgrade WIZard migrates bath the NetWare 3 bindery and me system to an existing intraNetWare network. In the
process. aO bindery objects are upgraded to NOS objects. (The Upgrade WIZard v2.1 is Year 2000 Ready)
.;::- - "-".... v
Product Status Date Y2K Update or
Upgrade Available
NetWare for Macintosh '14.11 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
NetWare for Macintosh v3.12 Year 2000 Ready No update necessaJy
NetWare for Macintosh - versions prior Not being tested - Upgrade
tov3.12 to NetWare for Macintosh
NetWare '14.11 SMP Year 2000 Ready Octional uodate available
NetWare '14.1 SMP and prior versions Not being tested - Upgrade
to NWV4.11 SMP
NetWare '14.11 SFT 1/1 Year 2000 Ready Octional uodate available
NetWare '14.10 SFT 1/1 and prior Not being tested . Upgrade
versions to I'IetW3re '14.11 SFT III
NetWare '14.11 for OS/2 Y~ 2000 Ready Octional uDdate available
NetWare '14.1 for OS/2 and prior Not being tested - Upgrade
versions to NetWareV4.11 forOS/2
intraNetWare for SmaD Business. Year 2000 Ready Octional uDdate available
intraNetWare for Small Business Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
(INSB)- Localized for French, Italian,
German, Portuguese, Spanish
Personal NetWare (PNW). all versions, Not being tested - Upgrade
all languages to intraNetWare for Small
NetWare Ute, all versions. all Not being tested . Upgrade
languages to intraNetWare for Small
intraNetWare/NetWare Clients Return to top at document
. Date Y2K Update or
Product Status Upgrade Available
intraNetWare Client v2.2O for Year 2000 Ready OctionaJ ucdate available
NetWare Client v2.12 forWin9S Not being tested - Upgrade to
and prior versions intraNetWare cnent v2.20 for WingS
intraNetWare CfI8nt v2.20 for Year 2000 Ready Octional ucdate available
NetWare CUent v2. 12 for Not being teSted - Upgrade to .
DOSJWIrI3.1 and.priorversions intraNetWare CRent v2.2 for DOSlWin
intraNetWare Client for NT Year 2000 Ready Octional ucdate available
v4.11 a (Supports NT OS
versions v3.51 and v4.0)(inc:l.
intraNetWare Client for NT Not being tested - Upgrade to
v4.10 and prior versions intraNetWare CRent for NT v4.11 a
intraNetWare Client v5.11 for Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
intraNetWare Client v2.12 for Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
intraNetWare Client for OS/2 - Not being teSted - Upgrade to .
vl.11 and prior versions intraNetWare cnent for OS/2 v2.12
Netx Cflent Not being tested - Upgrade to
intraNetWare cnent v2.2 for DOSlWin
NetWare Client VLM v1.21 Year 2000 Ready (Reconunend No update necessary
http://www.novell.comlp2000/product.h1m.l 5/13/98
.. - -.. - - ---
. -. -_.
NetWare Client VLM v1.21 No UPdate nea!SSaly
Upgrade to intraNetware Client v2.2 for
DOSMrm 3.1
NetWare Client VLJlil v1.20 and Not bemg tested - Upgrade to NetWare
prior versiOns Client VLM v1.21 (Recommend
Upgrade to intraNetWare Client v2.2 for
DOSJWin 3. 1
NetWare Client VLMIP Not being tested - Upgrade to .
intraNetware Client v2.2 for DOSJWin
NetWare Mobile Client v1.0 Not being tested - no upgrade path
NetWare Mobile Client v1.0 Not being tested - no upgrade path .
Languages: French, German
intraNetWareINetWare Products Retum to top afdocument
Date Y2K Update or
Product Status Upgrade Available
NoveU Web Server v3.1A Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Novell Web Server 2.5 and Not being tested - Upgrade to
prior versions Novell Web Server v3.1A
NetWareJlP v2.2 (for NetWare Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
NetWareJlP v2.1 Not being tested - Upgrade to
NetWareJlP v2.2 (for NetWare
NetWarelIP v1.1 (for NetWare Currently Testing Q2 1998
3.12, 3.2)
Novell Application Launcher Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
(NAL) v2.01
Novell Application Launcher Not being tested - Upgrade to NAL .
(HAL) v1.1 and prior versions v2.01 -
NDPS Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
NoveD Replication Services Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
1.2 (NRS)
NDS for NT 1.0 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
NeveU Administrator for Year 2000 Ready Octional ucdate available
Windows NT v2.0c
Novell Administrator for Not being tested - Upgrade to .
Windows NT v2.0 and prior NeveU Administrator for Wmdows
versions NT v2.0c
Novell Cross-Platfonn _Year 2000 Ready Optional source cede
Services (NCPS) ~.1 Ob available to
- authorized partners
LOAP 1.0 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
NetWare Telephony Services Currently Testing Q2 1998
(NTS) v2.21
NetWare Telephony SeMces Not being tested - Upgrade to NTS
(NTS) v2.11 and prior versions v2.21 -
OHCP v2.1 Year 2000 Ready No update necessaIY
DHCP v2.0b and prior Not being tested - Upgrade to .
versions OHCP v2. 1
001 LAN Driver (dev kit) Year 2000 Ready No update necessaIY
NetWare for OEC Access Not being tested - no upgrade path
Collaboration Products Return to top of document
Date Y2K Update or Upgrade n
http://www.novell.comlp2000/product.html 5/13/98
Product Status Available
GrcupWlSe 5.2 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
GroUpWISe 5.2 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
GrcupWlSe 5.2 Cflent for Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Mac. Unix. Win 3.1. Win
GroupWise 5.2 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
ManageWlSe Agent (NLM,
GrcupWlSe 5.2 Moniter Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
GrcUPWISe 5.2 Language Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
GrcupWIS8 WebAccess Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
5.2(NLM. Nl)
GrcupWise Internet Agent Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
(NLM, Nl)
GrcUPWIS8 5.0 & 5.1 - All Not being tested -
components Upgrade to GN 5.2
GrcupWlSe '14.1 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
GrcupWlSe '14.1 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
GroupWlSe v4.1a Client Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
for Win 3.1
GrcupWIS8 '14.1 Servers Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
for NLJ14 and OS/2
GrcupWlSe '14.1 Cflent for Not being tested -
Macintosh Upgrade to GN 5.2
GrcupWlSe '14.1 Clients for Not being tested -
DOS and Unix Upgrade to ~
GrcupWise v4.1 Servers Not being tested -
for DOS and Unix Upgrade to
GrcupWIS8 4.1
NLM or GN 5.2
GrcupWise '14.1 Not being tested -
PhoneAa:ess (0SJ2) Uppe to GN 5.2
GrcupWlSe '14.1 Language Currently testing Q2 1998
. Versions
GrcupWlSe Async Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Gateway (NLM. OS/2)
GrcupWlSe API Gateway Ye~2000 Ready No update necessary
(NLM. OS/2) -
GrcupWIS8 Async Not being tested -
Gateway (DOS) '14.1 Upgrade to ~
Gateway (NLMl or
GW 5.2
GrcupWise Fax/Print Not being tested -
Gateway (DOS) v2.0 No Upgrade Path
GroupWlSe cc:Mail Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Gateway (OS/2)
GroupWlSe MS Mail Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Gateway (OS/2)
GrcupWlSe Notes Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Gateway (NLM. OS/2)
GrcupWlSe Pager Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Gateway (NLM)
GroUPWIS8 SMTPIMIME Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Gateway (NLM. OS/2)
GrcupWlSe X.25 Gateway Year 2000 Ready - No update necessary
-. v. I.)
LAN WorkPlacellAN WorkGroup Return to top of document
Status Date Y2K Update or
Product Upgrade Available
LAN Worf<Place Pro 5.1 Year 2000 Ready with patch UDdate available
(LWPRO) 32bit
LAN Worf<Place 5 for Year 2000 Ready with patcI1 UDdate aVaJlable
WI03.1. 16 bit
LAN WorXGroup 5.01e Year 2000 Ready with patch UDdate 3VaJlable
~ ~ Wo~roup 4.2 and Not being tested . upgrade to LAN
lY pnorverszons WorXGrouo 5.01e (LWPRO) 32brt
MultiProtocol Router Products Returntotopofdocument
. Date Y2K Update or
Product Status Upgrade Available
NetWare Enterprise Yeaqooo Ready No update necessary
Router 16 WAN Port
NetWare Enterprise Not being tested - Upgrade to NetWare
Router v3.0 Enten:lrise Router 16 WAN Port v3.1 or
Borner Manaaer v2.1
NetWare BranchUnk Year 2000 Ready No update necessaay
Router 2 WAN Port v3.1
NetWare BranchUnk Not being tested - Upgrade to NetWare
Router v3.0 BranchUnk Router 2 WAN Port v3.1 or
Borner Manaaer v2. 1
MultiProtocol Router Not being tested . Upgrade to Borner
v2.2 and prior versions Manaaer v2.1
WAN Extensions v3.1 Year 2000 Ready No update necessaay
WAN Extensions v3.0 Not being tested - Upgrade to WAN
Extensions v3.1 or Border Manaaer v2. 1
SNA Extensions v3.1 Not being tested - No Upgrade Path
SNA Extensions v3.a Not being tested - No Upgrade Path
Host Connectivity Retumtotopofdoamtent
: Date Y2K Update or
Product - Status Upgrade Available
NetWare for SAA.v3.0 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
NetWare for SAA v2.0 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
NetWare for SAA v2.2 Qnd. Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Services Manager)
NetWare for SAA: ASJ400 Edition Year 2000 Ready No update necessaay
intraNetWare for SAA: ASJ400 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Edition 2 (mistaken as SAA 2.3
NetWare HostPrint/40a Year200a Ready No update necessaay
NetWare Hostprint 1.11 Year 2000 ready with patch UCdate avaDable
NetWare Hostprint 1.1 and prior Not being tested - Upgrade to .
veniions HostPrirrt 1.11
intraNetWare Host Publisher Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
NetWare for SAA 1.3b Not being tested . Upgrade to .
- -;;:-- ..... ......... \:J
- .. ~. _.-
GroupWlSe X-400 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Gateway (NLM. 0SJ2)
GroupWlSe v4.1 SNADS Gateway
Gateway (NLM, OS/2) Supported but not
Y2K tested..
Applications that
use gateway
should be
tested for Y2K
GroupWISe v4.1 Gateway
OfficeVlSionNM&PROFS Supported but not
Gateway(NLM. OS/2) Y2K tested..
Applications that
use gateway
should be
tested for Y2K
GrcupWISe v4.1 MHS Not being tes1ed -
Gateway (NLM, DOS) No Upgrade Path
InForms v4.2 See third Dartv Droduct list
InForms v4.1 and prior Upgrade to Informs ,
versions (AD components) 4.2 .
Soft Solutions v4.1 Not being tested .
Border Manager Return to top of document
Product Status Date Y2K Update or
Upgrade Available
Border Manager v2. 1 Year 2000 Ucdate available
Border Managerv2.1: Portuguese, French, gurrentIy Q2 1998
Italian. Gennan, Spanish Testing
FastCache 1.0 Year 2000 No update necessary
Network Management Return to top of document
Status Date Y2K Update or
Product Upgrade Available
ManageWlSe v2.5 - Year 2000 Ready Ucdate available
ManageWlSe v2. 1 and prior Not being tested - Upgrade to ,
versions ManaaeWlSe 2.5
ManageWlSe Agent for Wl/'ldows Currently testing Q31998
NT Server v2.1
NetWare Management Agent Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
(NMA) v2.1
NetWare Services Manager (all Not being tested - No upgrade
versions) path avadable
NetWare Management System Net being tested - Upgrade to
v2. 1 and prior versions ManaaeWlse 2.5
LANalyzer for Windows v2.2 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
NetWare LANalyzer Agent v1.1 Not being tested - Upgrade to
and prior versions \.ANalyzer Aaent 1.21
LANtern Network Moniter for Not being tested . no upgrade
Ethernet (aU versions) path
LANtern Services Manager (aU Not being tested . no upgrade
versions) path ~
'.' .. ..
. ........
- -- .-
InfoCentral No longer supported by
Envoy No longer supported by
Quattro Pro No longer supported by
Additional Items Return to top of document
Product Status Date Y2K Update or
Upgrade Available
Btrieve v6.1 Oc (shipped Year 2000 Ready (tested by No update necessary
with foN.J 3. 12) Novell)
Btrieve v6.1Of (shipped with Year 2000 Ready (tested by No update necessary
foN.J 4.11) NeveU) .
NetWare SDK14 C Year 2000 Ready CUnentIy Available
OSASDK Year 2000 Ready CUnentIy Available
Net8asic Upgrade to OSA SDK .
Java Class Libraries Upgrade to OSA SDK
Java Environment for Upgrade to OSA SDK .
ORB Upgrade to OSA SDK
Pert 5 Saipting Upgrade to OSA SDK .
Radius 1.0 Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Trader Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
VlsuaJ Components Upgrade to OSA SDK
MH5-aIJ versions and Not being tested - Upgrade to
components GroUDWIS8 v5.2
JPX/SPX Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
Return to toD of document
Cisclaimer.This table is a work in progress and is provided "AS lS"without any warranties. Novell expressly
disclaims any warranties or representatiorlS as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and expressly
disclaims any implied warranties Qf merchantabirlty or fitness for a particular purpose. The contents are not
suitable for use in all situations. and any use by you of the contents is at your own risk. Readers are advised this
infonnation is updated from time to time as new data is available. NoveU will not be liable for damages of any kind,
induding direct. consequential [mducfll'lg loss of profits. business. or data) or spedal damages. wtuch may arise
out of or result from reliance en or use of this infonnation.
NoveU makes no warranty or representation reganfmg any third-party producls; such products are provided "AS
IS." Users interested in the Year 2000 readineSs of these. produC!S. or corresponding warranty infonnation, should
contact the respective third-party product manufacturer.
r ~stant NaVigator
~ I Product Status I Third Party Products I Year 2000 Uodates I Testina Criteria I White Paoe
NetWare for SAA 1.3b
I SAA V2.2 or SAA: AS/400
Edition 2
Dial-inJDial-Out Connectivity Return to top of document
Product Status Date Y2K Update or
Upgrade Available
NetWare Connect Year 2000 Ready No update necessary
NetWare Connect Not being tested - Upgrade to NetWare
v1.0 Connect v2.0 or Border Manaaer v2. 1
NetWare Connect Year 2000 Ready Ucdate available
View v2.0
NFSIUNIX Products Return to top of docurnent
Product Status Date Y2K Update or
Upgrade Available
intraNetWare NFS Services v2.3 Year 2000 No update necessary
rll1traNetWareiNetWare 4 Edition) Ready
intraNetWare NFS Services v2.12 Year 2000 No update necessary
intraNetWare NFS Services v2.1 Year 2000 No update necessary
intraNetWare NFS Services v1.2c Year 2000 No update necessary
intraNetWare Print Services for UNIX (UPS) Year 2000 No update necessary
v2.12 Ready .
NetWare UNIX Print Services v2. 1 ~ 0513011998
NetWare NFS v1.2c1NFS Gateway v1.2 Year 2000 No update necessary
Bundle Ready
FleXIJP v1.2c Year 2000 - No update necessary
NFS Starter Kit v1.x Currently 0513011998
WordPerfect Products Retumtotopofdocurnent
Novell no longer supports any WordPerfect products and is not addressing any Year 2000 issues with any
WordPerfect product.
Date Y2K Update or
Product Status Upgrade Available
WofdPerfectJPerfect Office - all Upgrade to Corel
versions and platforms WordPerfecl SUIte
WordPerfect Language Modules - all No longer supported by
Presentations - aU No longer supported by
PerfectWor1<s - aU No longer supported by
PerfectWor1<s for Kids No longer supported by
CallerlD No longer supported by
I DataPerfect No longer supported by I
. ------ - - -.
-- - - - ~
Schedule B
Premium Service Contacts (Continued)
Please fill out address information for any additional subscriptions you qualify for or wish to purchase
under the MLA:
Loc:ation/Program Name:
City, StIte, Zip:
Loc:ation/Program Name:
City, Stare, Zip:
Loc:ationlProgram Name:
City, Stare, Zip:
Loc:ationlProgram Name:
City, State, Zip:
Loc:ation/Program Name:
City, Stare, Zip:
Loc:ationlProgram Name:
City, Slatl:, Zip:
Loc:ationlProgram Name:
City, Slatl:, Zip:
Loc:ationlProgram Name:
City, Stare, Zip:
Turn in completed form to DIS with order for Premium Services.
Novell/Washington.MLA 5, Schedule B. Premium Service Contacts
Schedule B
Premium Service Contacts for Washington State lVll.A
Agency Information: Primary Support Site
AgerJcy Name:
Clty, State,~
AgerJcy Conf::ri'
AmmalD.is::oulJ1edMai'llo: ~llCeFee: $
Hoffine SupportSe!edion (Required) (please choose one ofthefoUowing)
Note that the specification of comacts and/or incidcms, and of the number of subscriptions, must follow the allotment specified
Premium Service Guide. AIry variance in this ScbcduIe fi'om such allotment does not commit Novell to any additional services.
[1 Stmdard Opticn (Unlimited Incidents)
Number of comacts _ Number ofNovell Support Connection CD Subscrlptious_
OR .
[ 1 Incident Option (Unlimited Contacts)
Number of incidents _ Number ofNove11 Support Conm:etion CD Sobscrlptious_
- Service and Support Autho~on Number (Assigned by Novell):
Support Con1ads (please identify the appropriate Support Contacts and Novell Support Connection
CD Subscriptions below. Ifadditional space ~ required, attach additional copies of this schedule.
LocationlProgram Name:
LocationlProgram Name:
City, State, Zip:
City, Stale, Zip:
NovelllWashington:MLA 5, Schedule B, Premium Service Contacts
This form is to be completed only after your Agency has signed a Membership Agreement for Novell MIA Software with the
Department of Information Services (DIS).
The individual listed below has read and understands the obligations set forth in the Membership Agreement for Novell MIA
Software and will be responsible for coordinating all activity between the Agency and DIS for Novell MLA Software Products
accordingly. As the Novell MLA Agency Coordinator, he/she will be responsible for the accurate accounting of all Novell
Software Products, maintenance and other services purchased from DIS by the Agency and the annual self-audit report
This form, when properly completed and returned to DlS, will enable the Agency Coordinator to purchase Novell MLA
Software Products, maintenance and services by any means authorized. by the Agency and duplicate from Novell Master
Software copies for Agency's intema1 use. By means of a properly executed Novell MLA Location Coordinator form, the
Agency Coordinator may authorize other personnel within the Agency to purchase Novell MLA Software Products,
maintenance and services from DIS and duplicate such Software. The purchase and duplication of Novell MLA Software
Products by personnel other than the Agency Coordinator, however, does not relieve the Agency Coordinator of hisIher
responsibility to accurately account for all Novell MLA Software products purchased from DlS.
Signature of the person who executed the Membership
Agreement for Novell MLA Software on behalf of Agency:
Name: //.? A: v ,,-1
("; ",< 'r/ ( c'
Telephone Number: ::3-.:-("/_ C// 7 _ </c:. z(/"
Street Address: Y c;( / r!: ,5 ,0
Mail Address: rc /d.-'.,L / /.:57J
'-'.<-,?: ----: }'('"
CttylZlJI. /. i! . L C..;, <i' C'~ ~_ ~ /,/-/ / ,),,5 C;,.:l-
Fax Number: ~J r.;- ~ - <//7-, -/c: t7 7'
IntemetAddress: .:r ^--' ft:'s(:X v'@ oc 'If'{-fl-',~.J "
Signature: (~~,-} ,-, c:;~.-< <./
When completed, this form should be returned to:
605 E. 11th Avenue
PO Box 42445
Olympia, W A 98504
~!!~ Washington State Department of
~iiP Information Services
This form is to be completed only after your Agency has signed a Membership Agreement for Novell MLA Software and a Novell
MLA. Agency Coordinator form with the Department oflnformation Services (DIS).
When the signature of the Novell MLA Agency Coordinator is provided in the designated space, the individual listed below will be
authorized to purchase Novell :MLA Software products, maintenance and services from DIS by any means authorized by the Agency
and duplicate from Novell Master Software copies for Agency's internal use. As a Novell MLA Authorized Purchaser, it is the
responsibility of the individual identified below to report all new purchases or duplication of Novell MLA Software Products,
maintenance or services to the Novell MLA Agency Coordinator to ensure that an accurate count of all Novell purchases can be
maintained by the Agency.
DIS Agency or Sub-Agency Account Number:
Name of Novell MLA Age~cy Coordinator (print):
Signature of Novell MLA Agency Coordinator:
Name: ~/7 K</ ~;f"c~'r>x ,J
Telephone Number: vc;. C/.. V /7. Y (: J /
-->-.- ., '-..(
Street Address: 5'2 I ( u
Mail Address: r c ,~i<6-v / / ,.5'e)'
,.,. 7,. I LY /""
""lty,lol]J: -;,0< ~ Co" .. r " c;.
;?-' /..{ ~ P 2(:~
Fax Number: v~, t1" - 7'/ 7 - </ ~ ~ <;.
IntemetAddress: If... ~c jCR~'@; c.{. </ /hC-/l.' C'-'rn
When completed, this form should be returned to:
DIS Technology Brokering Services
605 E. 11 th Avenue
PO Box 42445
Olympia, W A 98504
~!!~ Washington State Department of
~iiP Information Services
This fOIm is to be completed only after your Agency has signed a Membership Agreement for Novell MIA Software with the
Department of Information Services (DIS).
The individual listed below has read and understmds the obligations set forth in the Membership Agreement for Novell MLA.
Software and will be responsible for coordinating all activity between the Agency and DIS for Novell MLA Software Products
accordingly. As the Novell MLA Agency Coordinator, he/sbc will be respODBlble for the accurate accounting of all Novell
Software Products, mllmtP.nllnr.e and other services purchased from. DIS by the Agency and the annual self-audit report.
This foxm, when properly completed and returned to DIS, will enable the Agency Coordinator to purchase Novell MLA
Software Products, mainteDance and services by any means authorized by the Agency and duplicate &om Novell Master
Software copies for Agency's U,tP.mllt use. By means of a properly executed Noven MLA Locatio" Coordinator foxm, the
Agency Coordinator may authorize other persmmel within the Agency to purchase Novell MLA Software Products,
maintenance and services from DIS and duplicate such Software. The purchase and duplication of Novell MLA Software
Products by personnel other than the Agency Coordinator, however, does DOt relieve the Agency Coordinator of hisIher
responsibility to accurately account for all Novell MLA Software products purchased from DIS.
Signature of the penon who executed the Membership
Agreement/or Novell MLA Software on behalf of Agency:
NOVELL i\ll.\
Name: L I A.../ U 1-) k fI (>;f I A /L/
Telephone Number: S v' (/7'/. $I' /7- y?./;:(
StreetAddress: 30:;/ ;: 0---:!-
MailAddress: rrC ,oL1j/ / / ,,~
cityizip: ~,< /- &:.. ",:-.c.-o '?'jd ,Pd.9~.:<.
Fax Number: :J,(,~ t.:7 - 5/> 7., r ~ P' 7'
Internet Address: ..I "-" F (' 5 (- ^.: I/@> 0 Ly'-::;,-o-,( ). Eo)/>7
When completed, this form should be returned to:
DIS Technology Brokering Services
605 E. 11th Avenue
PO Box 42445
Olympia,'W A 98504
~!!~ Washington State Department of
~iiP.lnformation Services
This form is to be completed only after your Agency has signed a Membership Agreement for Novell MLA Software and a Novell
MLA Agency Coordinator fOIm with the Department ofInfOImation Services (DIS).
When the signature of the Novell MLA Agency Coordinator is provided in the designated space, the individual listed below will be
authorized to purchase Novell MLA Software products, maintenance and services from DIS by any means authorized by the Agency
and duplicate from Novell Master Software copies for Agency's iD~ use. As a Novell MLA. Authorized Purchaser, it is the
responsibility of the individual idp.uriiied below to report all new purchases or duplication ofNove11 MLA Software Products,
maintP.nance or services to the Novell MLA Agency Coordinator to ensure that an accurate count of all Novell purchases can be
maintained by the Agency.
DIS Agency or Sub-Agency Account Number:
Name ofNovelll\fiA Age~cy Coordinator (Print):
Signature of Novell MLA Agency Coordinator:
Telephone Number:
Street .Address:
Mail Address:
City, Zip:
Fax Number:
Internet .Address:
When completed, this form should be returned to:
60S E. 11th Avenue
PO Box 42445
Olympia, W A 98504
~!!~ Washington State Department of
~ijP Information Services
MLA Self-Audit Order Form
~Iease note: This form must be filled out In its entirety and accompanied by a purchase order or it will not be accepted by 018.
Agency Name:
Customer certifies that the self-audlt as required under the MLA has been completed and
that all Information contained herein Is true and correct.
AddresslMall Stop:
Name (please print):
Purchase Order #:
Retum completed form to:
Name of person completing Audit: DIS Technology Brokering Services
605 E. 11th Avenue
Phone: Fax: Olympia, WA 98504
Mall Stop 42444
Please refer to the current DIS Novell MLA Software Products Price Ust for products that are available under the MLA. Please type or print both the Product Name and Part Number.
Product Ucense Descripbon .PrevIously New Upgrade Pnce Total Price Total Price Malnl Fee Total Pnce Tolal Maintenance Dates
and Pari Number Purchased "Audit "'Variance Nodes/ Nodes/ Per Per Per Per Per Fee
Nodes/Copies Results Copies Copies Node/Copy for Node/Copy for Nodes/Copies Node/Copy Node/Copy for Beginning End
to Date Ucense Fee Ucense Fee Ordered Malnl Fee
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
.Prevlously Purchased Nodes/Copies to Date-This Is a total Node or copy count for licenses that have been purchased IItrough or grandfalltered Into lite MLA, Including Maintenance purchased for licenses onglnally purchased outside lite MLA.
"Audit Results-ThIs Is lite total number of nodes/copies found In the seIf-audll Maintenance must be paId on aU of lItese Nodes/copies.
**'Variance-This Is lite difference between lite audit results and lite previously purchased Nodes/copies to date. BolIt Ucense and Maintenance Fees must be paid on lItese Nodes/copies.
MLA Standard Form - Self-Audit Order Form
Department of Information Services
Telecommunication Services Division
605 East 11th Avenue
Olympia, W A 98504-2445
(360) 902-0300