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RELATING TO: Multi-Utility SCADA Planning and Covering ofthe
Jones Street Reservoir.
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered Into this 20th day of October,
1998, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non-charter
code City of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY") and
CH2MHIII, a Washington Corporation (hereinafter called the
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to develop a plan for a multi-utility SCADA
system, and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to develop and Implement a plan to cover
the Jones Street reservoir, and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage the professional services and
assistance of a qualified consulting firm to perform the scope of work as
detailed in Exhibits A & C, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that It IS In full compliance With
the statutes of the State of Washington for profeSSional registration and/or
other applicable requirements, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it has the background,
expenence, and ability to perform the required work in accordance With
the standards of the profession, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it will provide qualified
personnel and appropriate faCilities necessary to accomplish the work;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and
the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth below, the
parties hereto agree as follows.
The scope of profeSSional services to be performed and the results to be
achieved by the CONSULTANT shall be as detailed in the attached
Exhibits A & C, and shall include all services and material necessary to
accomplish the work
The CITY may review the CONSULTANTS work product, and if it is not
satisfactory the CONSULTANT shall make such changes as may be
required by the CITY. Such changes shall not constitute "Extra Work" as
related in Section XI of thiS Agreement
The CONSULTANT agrees that all services performed under thiS
Agreement shall be in accordance With the standards of the profeSSion
and In compliance With applicable federal, state and local laws.
The Scope of Work may be amended upon wntten approval of both
Upon completion of the work, all documents, exhibits, photographic
negatives, or other presentations of the work shall become the property
of the CITY for use without restriction and Without representation as to
suitability for reuse by any other party unless specifically venfied or
adapted by the CONSULTANT. However, any alteration or reuse of the
documents, by the City or by others acting through or on behalf of the
City, Will be at the City's sole nsk
Each party shall deSignate its representatives in wntlng. The
CONSULTANTS representative shall be subject to the approval of the
The CONSULTANT may begin work upon execution of thiS Agreement by
both parties
The CITY shall pay the CONSULTANT as set forth in the attached
Exhibits B & D.
A The CONSULTANT shall submit inVOices to the CITY on a monthly
basis InVOices shall detail the work, hours, employee name, and
hourly rate, shall itemize With receipts and inVOices the non-salary
direct costs; shall indicate the specific task or activity in the Scope
of Work to which the costs are related, and shall indicate the
cumulative total for each task of each project.
B. The CITY shall revIew the inVOIceS and make payment for the
percentage of the project that has been completed less the
amounts previously paid
C. The CONSULTANT Invoices are due and payable within 30 days of
receipt In the event of a disputed billing, only the disputed portion
Will be withheld from payment.
D. Final payment for the balance due to the CONSULTANT will be
made upon the completion of the work and acceptance by the
E. Payment for "Extra Work" performed under Section XI of thiS
Agreement shall be as agreed to by the parties In wntlng
Unless otherwise agreed to in wntlng by both parties, the
CONSULTANTS total compensation and reimbursement under thiS
Agreement, including labor, direct non-salary reimbursable costs and
outside services, shall not exceed the maximum sum of $17,305 for the
SCADA project and $35,404 for the Jones Street project.
Employees of the CONSULTANT, while engaged in the performa~ce of
any work or services under this Agreement, shall be conSidered
employees of the CONSULTANT only and not of the CITY, and clai~s
that may anse under the Workman's Compensation Act on behalf of said
employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third
party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of the
CONSULTANTS employees while so engaged, on any of the work or
services provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligatIon and
responsibility of the CONSULTANT.
In performing this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall not employ or
contract with any CITY employee Without the City's written consent
City of Port Angeles - October 98
, I
The CONSULTANT shall conduct Its business In a manner, which
assures fair, equal and non-dlscnmlnatory treatment of all persons,
Without respect to race, creed or national ongin, and, In particular.
A. The CONSULTANT shall maintain open hlnng and employment
practices and Will welcome applications for employment In all
pOSitions, from qualified Individuals who are members of mlnontles
protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action
requirements; and,
B The CONSULTANT shall comply with all requirements of appllcabe
federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto,
relating to the establishment of non discriminatory requirements In
hiring and employment practices and assunng the service of all
persons Without discrimination as to any person's race, color,
religion, sex, Vietnam or veterans's status, disabled veteran
condition, physical or mental handicap, or national ongln
A The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any of the work
covered by this Agreement without the written consent of the CITY.
B. The CONSULTANT will be using the firms submItted With ItS
proposal as subcontractors. Subcontractors oher than those listed
shall not be permitted without the written consent of the CITY
C In all solicitation either by competitive bidding or negotiation made
by the CONSULTANT for work to be performed pursuant to a
subcontract, including procurement of matenals and equipment,
each potential subconsultant or supplier shall be notified by the
CONSULTANT of Consultant's obligations under this Agreement,
including the nondlscnmlnation requirements.
Other than changes directed by the CITY as set forth in Section I above,
either party may request changes in the scope of work. Such changes
shall not become part of this Agreement unless and until mutually agreed
upon and Incorporated herein by wntten amendments to this Agreement
executed by both parties.
The CITY may deSire to have the CONSULTANT perform work or render
services in connection with this project, In addition to the Scope of Work
set forth in Exhibit A and minor revisions b satisfactonly completed work.
Such work shall be conSidered as "Extra Work" and shal be addressed In
a wntten supplement to this Agreement. The CITY shall not be
responsible for paYing for such extra work unless and until the wntten
supplement is executed by both parties.
A. The CITY may terminate thIS Agreement at any time upon not less
than ten (10) days wntten notice to the CONSULTANT. Wntten
notice will be by certified mail sent to the consultant's deSignated
representative at the address provided by the CONSULTANT.
B. In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to the completion of
the work, a final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT,
WhiCh, when added to any payments previously made, shall
compensate the CONSULTANT for the percentage of work
C. In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to completion of the
work, documents that are the property of the CITY pursuant to
Section II above, shall be delivered to and received by the CITY
prior to transmittal of final payment to the CONSULTANT
The CONSULTANT agrees to indemnify the CITY from any claims,
damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees
and litigation costs, anslng out of claims by third parties for property
damage and bodily injury, including death, caused solely by the
negligence or willful misconduct of the CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT
employees, affiliated corporations, officers, and subcontractors In
connection with the work performed under this Agreement
The CITY agrees to indemnify the CONSULTANT from any claims,
damages, losses, and costs, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees
and litigation costs, ansing out of claims by third parties for property
damage and bodily injUry, including death, caused solely by the
negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY, CITY's employees, or agenls
in connection with the work performed under this Agreement
If the negligence or Willful misconduct of both CONSULTANT and CITY
(or a person Identified above for whom each is liable) IS a cause of such
damage or injury, the loss, cost or expense shall be shared between the
CONSULTANT and the CITY in proportion to their relative degrees of
negligence or Willful misconduct and the right of indemnity shall apply for
such proportion
Should a court of competent junsdlction determine that thiS Agreement IS
subject to RCW 4 24.115, then, In the event of liability for damages arising
out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or
resulting from the concurrent negligence of the CONSULTANT and the
CITY, ItS officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the
CONSULTANTS liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the
CONSULTANTS negligence. It is further speCifically and expressly
understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the
CONSULTANTS waiver of immUnity under Industnallnsurance, Title 51
RCW, solely for the purposes of thiS indemnification This waiver has
been mutually negotiated by the parties. The proviSions of this section
shall survive the expiration or termination of thiS Agreement However,
the CONSULTANT expressly reserves its rights as a third person setforth
In RCW 51.24.035.
The CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain for the duration of the
Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries t:> persons or damage to
property which may anse from or in connection with the performance of
the work hereunder by the CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives,
employees or subcontractors.
The CONSULTANT shall provide a Certificate of Insurance eVidenCing.
1. Automobile Liabilitv Insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000
combined single limit per acadent for bodily injury and property damage;
2 Commercial General Liabllltv Insurance wntten on an occurrence basis
With limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence
and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property
damage. Coverage shall Include but not be limited to: blanket
contractual; products/completed operations, broad form property damage,
explOSion, collapse and underground (XCU) if applicable, and employer's
liability, and,
3 Professional Llabllltv Insurance With limits no less than $1,000,000 IImt
per occurrence.
Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole
responSibility of the CONSULTANT.
The CITY shall be named as an additional Insured on the Commercial
General liability Insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on
behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming .the
CITY as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of
Insurance. The CITY reserves the nght to review a certified copy of all
reqUired insurance policies in the CONSULTANTs office.
The CONSULTANTS insurance shall contain a clause stating that
coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim IS
made or suit is brought, except With respelO:ts to the limits of the insurer's
City of Port Angeles - October 98
, .
The CONSULTANTS insurance shall be primary Insurance as respects
the CITY, and the CITY shall be gIVen thirty (30) days prior written notice
of any cancellation, suspension or material change In coverage
This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the
laws of the State of Washington, and in the event of dispute the venue of
any litigation brought hereunder shall be Clallam County
This Agreement, including Its exhibits, constitutes the entire Agreement,
supersedes all prior wntten or oral understandings, and may only be
changed by a written amendment executed by both partIes The following
exhibits are hereby made a part of this Agreement:
Exhibit A - Scope of Work for Reservoir Project
Exhibit B - Budget for Reservoir Project
Exhibit C - Scope of Work for SCADA Project
Exhibit D - Budget for SCADA Project
In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed thiS Agreemert
as of the day and year first wntten above
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Pttt$1 M-
PW-0410_01 wpd [rev'3/3/98]
City of Port Angeles - October 98
Exhibit A
Scope of Services for Jones St. Reservoir Covering Project
The scope of services presented herein describes the engineering services to be provided to
the City of Port Angeles (City) by CH2M HILL to cover the Jones Street reservoir with a
clear span aluminum dome roof. Per the City's Bilateral Compliance Agreement with the
Washington State Department of Health, bidding documents for the construction of the
Jones Street reservoir Cover must be completed by December 31, 1998 and construction of
the cover must be completed by December 31, 1999.
The Reservoir Covering Report, prepared by CH2M HILL for the City in March 1998,
identified a standard profile aluminum dome roof with a standard gray aluminum finish as
the recommended alternative for covering the Jones Street reservoir. This type of roof will
be specified in the technical specifications and drawings. The cost estimate provided in the
Reservoir Covering Report for a standard profile aluminum dome roof includes the cost of
construction and will serve as the cost estimate to cover the reservoir.
In addition to covering the reservoir, access to the inside of the reservoir will be improved
with the addition of a new ladder inside and outside the reservoir located at a hatch in the
dome roof. The interior ladder will be equipped with a safety climb device. A landing
platform under the roof at the hatch will be provided to facilitate reservoir access.
The Reservoir Covering Report recommended an inspection of the reservoir wall to evaluate
the condition of the prestressing wire located around the perimeter of the reservoir. This
recommendation was based on the observance of visible cracking in the wall and evidence
of moisture on the outside of the wall. A precast concrete tank manufacturer will conduct
this inspection with technical assistance provided by a CH2M HILL. Cracking will be
mapped and prestressing wire will be examined to assess the condition of the wall. The
results of this evaluation, including recommendations for repair, if any, will be summarized
in a memorandum for the City. If repairs to the tank wall are deemed necessary by
CH2M HILL and the City, it is understood that such repairs could impact the construction
schedule. Therefore, this task will be completed as soon as possible after design starts.
Tasks to be Completed by the City:
The City will complete the following tasks:
· Prepare reservoir for evaluation by representative of concrete tank manufacturer and
CH2M HILL, to include but not be limited to, chipping areas of exterior wall to expose
prestressing wire and possibly excavating 3 to 4 feet at exterior wall at one or two
locations around reservoir.
. Contract directly with a prestressed tank manufacturer to evaluate Jones Street and
Black Diamond reservoirs. Coordinate activities with CH2M HILL.
. Provide electronic base mapping files to CH2M HILL of the Jones Street reservoir site
from the City's GIS files.
. Verify that the reservoir can be drained and taken out of service for up to one month
during construction of the roof.
. Identify a staging area for the Contractor to construct the roof.
. Complete site landscaping and revised fencing, if necessary, under a separate contract.
. Submit two copies of the bidding document to the DOH by December 31,1998.
. Obtain all permits required for construction.
. Prepare bidding forms and instructions, contract forms, advertisement, and all other
specifications not directly related to the technical specifications of the reservoir cover
and access improvements.
. Assemble, bind, and distribute copies of the bidding document to plan centers and
interested contractors during the bidding period.
. Complete a check of references for the low bid contractor.
. Prepare an agenda for and conduct a preconstruction meeting to be attended by the
City, CH2M HILL, and the Contractor.
. Manage the construction phase of the project, including, but not limited to: daily on-site
inspection, distribution of shop drawing submittals, coordination with the contractor,
contract closeout, etc.
. The City will provide to CH2M HILL data in the City's possession relating to
CH2M HILL's obligations described in this Scope of Work. CH2M HILL may
reasonably rely upon the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of the information
provided by the City.
Task 1. Site Visit/Pre-Design Meeting
CH2M HILL will attend a site visit to the Jones Street reservoir to verify site layout and to
establish the desired location of the new access ladder, access hatch, and other
appurtenances. A meeting with City staff will be conducted during this visit to discuss
project sequencing/staging and establish design criteria. A brief memorandum will be
prepared for the City summarizing the decisions made in the meeting.
Task 2. Technical Specifications and Drawings
CH2M HILL will prepare technical specifications of the reservoir cover and the access
ladder and platform improvements. Four drawings will be prepared: (1) a title sheet to
include a location map; (2) one drawing of the site plan identifying Contractor staging area
and showing layout of reservoir cover, showing locations of roof hatches, access ladder, and
other appurtenances; (3) two detail drawings of the access ladder and interior platform.
Five sets of the finalllx17 drawings and technical specifications will be submitted to the
City for its review. CH2M HILL will attend a meeting the City staff to go over the City's
review comments. Based on the City's review comments, CH2M HILL will revise the
drawings and specifications. Two sets of the final revised llx17 drawings and specifications
will be submitted to the City for inclusion into the bidding document. In addition, 1 set of
full size drawings will be submitted to the City.
Task 3. Evaluation of Reservoir Condition
To complete this task, a prestressed concrete tank manufacturer will conduct an
evaluation/inspection of the Jones Street and Black Diamond reservoir walls to evaluate the
condition of the prestressing wire in each and provide a recommendation regarding needed
repairs or additional investigations. The budget for this task presented in Exhibit B is based
on CH2M HILL's involvement, only. CH2M HILL will coordinate the on-site
evaluation/inspection with the tank manufacturer; however, it is understood the City will
contract directly for this service. CH2M HILL will attend this preliminary
evaluation/inspection to assist and consult with the tank manufacturer and City staff. It is
also assumed that such an investigation would last only one day. If additional
investigations are recommended by the tank manufacturer that involve CH2M HILL, the
City could decide to amend the scope of this agreement.
Task 4. Bidding Services
CH2M HILL will answer technical questions from interested contractors pertaining to the
reservoir improvements during the bidding period. A copy of all phone correspondence
with contractors will be forwarded to the City. In addition, CH2M HILL will prepare a
single text-based addendum for the City to issue to interested contractors and plan centers if
an addendum to the technical specifications or drawings is needed. The City will distribute
the addendum.
Task 5. Services During Construction
CH2M HILL will provide the following services during construction:
1. Attendance of a preconstruction meeting with the Contractor and the City.
2. Site visits during critical phases of construction. A maximum of two visits is
budgeted. Site visits do not relieve the City or Contractor of their respective
responsibilities or obligations.
3. Review of shop drawings submitted by Contractor for reservoir cover and access
ladder and platform. CH2M HILL will forward review comments of shop drawings
to the City for copying and distributing to the Contractor.
4. Provide clarification for the Contractor regarding the technical specifications and
drawings. Any clarifications will be issued through the City.
Exhibit B
Budget for Jones Street Reservoir Cover Project*
Task and
Task Senior Project Design CAD Office Subtask
No. Task DescriDtion Engineer Manager Engineer Technician Clerical Expenses Totals
1 Site Visit/Pre-Design Meeting
Meeting Prep 2 2 $408
Site VISIVMeetlng 8 8 $80 $1,714
Summary Memo to City 1 2 !gQ $422
Task Subtotal 11 13 $100 $2,544
2 Technical Specifications and Drawings
Technical Specifications 24 12 $3,118
1 drawing of Tille Sheet, Including Location Map 8 12 $1,794
1 drawing of Site Plan, Including Layout of Cover and Staging 32 32 $5,840
2 drawings of Access Ladder and Platform Improvements 32 48 $7,176
Design Review 12 4 $2,055
Assembly of Technical Specs and Drawings 2 8 $200 $892
90% Design Review Meeting with City ~ 10 ~ $1.912
Task Subtotal 12 12 108 92 20 $280 $22,787
3 Evaluation of Reservoir Condition
Coordinate Inspection with PIS Tank Manufacturer 4 $396
Site VISit for Reservoir Inspection 8 $80 $872
Followup Consultation g 1 $668
Task Subtotal 2 16 $80 $1,936
4 Bidding Services
Answer Technical QuestIOns Dunng Bidding 4 8 $1,213
Prepare Addendum 1 1 1 !gQ $768
Task Subtotal 5 12 4 $20 $1,981
5 Services During Construction
Preconstructlon Meeting 8 8 $80 $1,714
Site VISitS (2 VISitS Total) 16 $160 $1,744
Review Submittals, Issue Clanflcatlons 1 20 1 ~ $2.698
Task Subtotal 12 44 4 $290, $6,156
Project Totals I 14 40 193 92 28 $770 $35,404
* Compensation shall be based on the hourly labor rates for CH2M HILL staff times a multiplier, plus expenses Including standard commUnication and computer expenses.
FN: plm/ Jones St Fee.xls [Sheet1]
Pnnted. 10/28/98
Exhibit C
Scope of Services for SCADA System Design Project
The scope of services presented herein describes the engineering services to be provided
to the City of Port Angeles (City) by CH2M HILL to add six power substation RTU sites to
the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system previously under design for
the City's water system. The expanded SCADA system, which will communicate using the
City's recently obtained FCC-licensed radio frequency, will provide monitoring capabilities
for the City's water system.
There will be a total of 10 facilities monitored by RTUs in the initial expanded SCADA
system, including:
1. Elwha Ranney collector
2. Black Diamond reservoir
3. Peabody Heights reservoir/Mill Creek pump station
4. Mill Creek reservoir/Scrivner Booster Pump Station
5. A Street power substation
6. F Street power substation
7. College power substation
8. Laurel Street power substation
9. Washington Street power substation
10. Valley Street power substation
In addition, the master repeater radio will be located on the existing tower at the E Street
reservoir site and a radio-only RTU site at the Elwha bluff. The central processing unit and
master radio equipment will be located in a designated room at Port Angeles City Hall. A
designated computer at the Corp. Yard will be equipped with a modem to enable
authorized Water Division staff to access the SCADA system. Authorized Electrical
Division staff will access the SCADA system from the central computer located at City Hall.
The services to be provided by CH2M HILL are divided into the following tasks:
1. Preliminary site visits to each of the city's power substations and discussions
regarding the City's expectations for an expanded SCADA system.
2. Preliminary research of the City's existing power substation control and
SCADA communication equipment to identify the appropriate integration of
the standardized RTU equipment to be installed at the water system and at
the electrical system RTU sites. A summary memorandum was prepared and
submitted to the City.
3. Scope and budget development for the design of the SCADA system based
on Tasks 1 and 2.
4. Complete a total project cost estimate for the initial expanded SCADA system
(8 facility RTU sites, the E Street repeater site, Elwha bluff site, City Hall,
Corp Yard) including construction costs, costs for engineering services during
construction, and software programming costs.
The budget corresponding to each of the tasks is presented in Exhibit D. Budgets for
individual tasks and the subtasks identified in Exhibit D were developed to identify the
focus and level of effort for each task as well as to establish the overall project budget.
These budget-per-task estimates do not limit charges for any individual task. The overall
budget provides the not-to-exceed limit of this contract.
Project invoices will be submitted to the City allocating incurred labor and expense costs
for each identified project task. Invoiced labor and expense costs will not be categorized
at the subtask level.
Task 1.
Preliminary Site Visits and Discussions
Site visits to each of the City's power substation facility sites were conducted to familiarize
CH2M HILL staff with the existing control and communication equipment. These site visits
were necessary for CH2M HILL to undertake sufficient research to determine whether or
not the previously proposed hardware and software is adequate to meet the City's SCADA
needs at the substation sites. The site visits revealed differing control and communication
equipment at each site and enabled CH2M HILL staff to preliminarily identify the necessary
RTU hardware and ancillary equipment needs for each substation facility.
In conjunction with the site visits, CH2M HILL met with City staff in Port Angeles and held
several telephone conference calls to discuss the following:
· The City's vision of the expanded SCADA system.
· The City's specific intent regarding equipment standardization.
· The status and condition of its previous power substation SCADA equipment.
· SCADA system access needs of Water Division and Electrical Division staff.
· The City's substation monitoring needs.
· The compatibility of the hardware and software equipment proposed for the
previously designed water SCADA system with the City's needs at its power
substation sites and other sewer facility sites that might ultimately be incorporated
into this, or a separate, SCADA system.
· The City's desired scope of the expanded SCADA system.
Task 2.
Preliminary Research and Summary Memorandum
Prior to and subsequent to the activities described in Task 1, CH2M HILL undertook
research of the City's existing control and communication equipment at each power
substation site. This initial research was necessary to preliminarily establish the viability
of the proposed SCADA hardware and software equipment for use at the power
~ ~
Manufacturers of the City's hardware were contacted to discuss the existing equipment
capabilities and compatibility with the proposed RTU hardware and SCADA system
software. Where ancillary communication and connection equipment and software were
preliminarily determined by CH2M HILL staff to be necessary to permit use of the proposed
RTU equipment, suppliers of such equipment and software were contacted. In addition,
CH2M HILL contacted the City's former Electrical Division engineer to discuss the status
of the previously installed SCADA system at each of the power substation sites, his work
on that project, the capabilities and limitations of the existing equipment, and the obstacles
that adversely affected the success of the previous SCADA system.
A summary memorandum describing the equipment and software needs at each power
substation was prepared and submitted to the City for its review. Also included in the
memorandum was a summary of the SCADA system configuration decisions made during
the meetings and conference calls with City staff.
Task 3.
Scope and Budget Development
Upon completion of Tasks 1 and 2, CH2M HILL prepared this scope and the associated
project budget. The budgeting for this task included the cost for initial development of each
of these contract attachments as well as revisions based on the City's review.
Task 4.
Update Cost Estimate
An order of magnitude cost estimate for the water SCADA system was prepared by CH2M
HILL in 1995. This previously prepared estimate is no longer up to date and reflective of
the SCADA system configuration currently proposed. Preparation of the updated cost
estimate will be developed early in the project schedule for the purpose of assisting the
City in its budgeting process for 1999.
The updated project cost estimate for the initial expanded SCADA system will include: (in
addition to the budget totals for individual tasks included in this scope of work) construction
costs, costs for engineering services during construction, and software programming costs.
~ -
, ,
Exhibit D
Budget For SCADA System Design ~
. .
Task &
Task Senior PM/SCADA Design Office Subtask
No. Task Description Engineer Engineer Engineer Clerical Expenses Totals
1 Preliminary Site Visits/Discussstions
Meetings, Conf. Calls, Internal Discussions 12 24 $3,750
Site Visits .a .a .a 1lli2 $2.580
Task Subtotal 20 32 8 0 $80 $6,330
2 Preliminary Research
Discussions With Manufacturers/Prev.
Engineer 1 20 2 $2,293
Internal Findings Review 4 4 4 $1,250
Summary memorandum Q. 1Z 1 $2.271
Task Subtotal 11 36 10 0 $0 $5,814
3 Scope, Budget, Schedule
Initial Development 4 12 2 $1,770
Revisions 1 2- 1 $374
Task Subtotal 5 14 0 3 $0 $2,144
4 Project Cost Estimate
Identification of Equipment 1 8 $907
Cost Estimate Development 12 $1,1 88
Preparation of Memorandum 1 2 1 $412
Follow-Up Conference Call 1 2- 2- ID.1
Task Subtotal 3 12 15 0 $0 $3,017
Project Totals 39 94 33 3 $80 $17,305
. Compensation shall be based on the hourly labor rates for CH2M HILL staff times a multiplier, plus expenses including standard communicallon and computer expenses.