HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.469 Original Contract
JUL-30-1998 11:41
604 291 074~
BaA ShE AddENduM
:5. </lPC/
, .
YEAR 2000
This Addendum is made a part of the License Agreement dated as of 5 November 1991 between $FG Technologies Inc.
("SFG") and The City of Port Angeles ("Customer).
This Seta Site Addendum cover the terms and concfltions of Beta testing for SFG's Year 2000 product (specifically US and related
sub-systems AA, CC & GL) - version 4,2.1 ("Program'). The term of the Beta test period ("Seta Period') is from executIOn of this
addendum through completion of testing or forty five (45) days whichever occurs first.
The follOWing descnbes each party's responsibilities under this Beta Site Addendum:
SFG's Resl)onsibiJities
1. Customer will receive advance access to the version of the Program and Its Inherent functionality. This Will allow Customer to
train users and have acce~ to the new functionality before the General Release of the Program.
2. Customer Will receive support for the Program during the Beta Penod. In addition to standard maintenance and support services
provided in accordance with the Agreement, Customer will have direct access to SFG's Year 2000 Product Team for resolution of
ISSUes with the Program
Customer's: R8ADonJlibilities
1. To install, test and use the Program and documentation in a timely manner. The Program will be lested by processing data
through the applications which represent at least one acwal or ~imulal~ OU$ines$ cycle and assocllued cycle-end closing
activities (Le. monlh-end or year-end) and additional testing as provided for in the attached AppendIx A to this addendum. This
will occur WIthin the Beta Period as specl1ied above.
2. To deSignate an employee of Customer who will serve as the locaJ point for aJl communications with SFG and ....ill coordinate the
participation of all other employees of Cu$tomer who participate in the Beta activities of Customer. Additionally, Customer
agrees to commit a sufficient number of knowledgeable employees for Involvement In testing activities during the Seta Period.
3. To prOVIde an appropriate location for training aM to arrange for Customer's employees to be available for training.
4. To make no changes to the Program or to the operating enVIronment dunng the 6eta Period, unleS$ agreed to by SFG ana
provide timely reporting to SFG of any problems with the Program ana documentation.
5- To assist SFG In preparing a summary of Customer's experience with tfle Program, which WIll be used to improve the quality of
the Program and SFG business processes and to describe benefits of the Program to potential users.
The Customer will use due diligencEl to prevent any unauthorized access to. use by, or dIsclosure of intormauon pertaining to the
Program. Customer will also ensure that employees given access to tfle Program Will have a need and will be required to hold
InformatIon regaroing Program features and functionality In confidence.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Addendum to be duly executed as of 30 July 199B
Name Pnnted: Mr. Bruce Elliot
The City Port Angeles
Name Printed:
Ms. Tanva O'Neil
Information Systems Manaaer
President & CEO
SfG Tedl\lOl()(ll6~(', I REv. 161
PMj! I
JJ~-3e-1998 11:41
'::FG T:::CH. ! NC .
1304 291 0742
SFG T EchNOloqies INC.
ApPENdix A
~. .
. .
SFG is committed to releasing quality products to its customers. To this end, our products must pass several te$ting cycles before
general release to our CU5tomers. Development passes the products to the QA Department for Alpha testing. On comple1ion of
numerous intemal tm:s, SFG will release the products to selected customer$ for Beta testing. The purpose of Beta Testing is to
ensure that the product performs In a "real world" environment and to verify that the products teatures and functIons meet our
customers requirements.
Beta testing necesertate$ a reasonable amount of time and effort to maxim~e the testing of a product. A Beta site will be asked to:
1. Test ue, ee. AR & GL systems in use at the customer site.
2. Use a reasonable amount of data in the test data base so that volume testing can be simulated.
3. Ensure that mUltiple users access the same proces:s simultaneously.
4. Test With u:s.ers convElr$ant with the applicabons.
5 Test year end and simulate cut-over period by switching data sets, entering data in both and verifying u:sing inquirie:s ttlat data is
accesSible from the correct C1ata set (if applicable).
6. Provide feedback to SFG in a timely manner and report all problems.
7. Implement new fix version upon release, re-test and provide feedback referencing original Beta Problem Report Number.
8. Document what is liked or disliked about the new software version In terms at benefits to the user or IT organization.
Beta testing and responsive resolution of issues requires a clear and streamlined process for communicating the necessary
information while maintaining control to ensure that all issues are addressed in an appropriate manner. The following problem
reporting and communications process will be obsented during the Beta Period:
1. We would uk that all requests for assistance or r$potU of software problems be directed to our Vancouver office.
Cootact person : Ellelyn Dawson, UB Product Leader
Telephone Number' (604) 570-4368
Fax Number : (S04) 291.0742
e-mail: ead@sfg.com
Support will be available Monday through Fnday from 9:00 R.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. There is a 24 hour voice
mailbox that will allow you to report a problem at any time.
The Beta $ite will designate an employee who will serve as me foeal point for all communications with SFG. Your call will be
logged and information provided on operation of the system, clarification of the documentation and guidance. If support is unavailable
when you call. your call WIll be ret\lmed as soon as possible. If the problem is classified as a software problem. you will be asked to
submit a SAN (Software Action Notice) together with backup material to facilitate documenting, tracking and resolving the problem.
The SAN will be entered into the database and aseigned to the appropriate Product Group for investigation.
Please indicate the urgency of your call. If you have to leave a message, please leave your flame, city, phone number and
indicate the :sub:$Yl$tem, the nature of the problem and the urgency.
In$trUCtions for filling out a SAN are given in the System AdminIstrator Manual. For SANs created during Year 2000 Beta teliting,
please use the follOWing constants:
Client Reference # : BEl A TEST followed by any number you assign to the SAN.
Version ' . 421
Please fax your SAN to the attentIOn ot Evelyn Oawson. US ProdlJCt Leader.
Our SAN database automatically sends an acknowledgment by Fax when the SAN has been entered.
Onte s SAN has been resolved, SFG will marl< the SAN status as DONE. The Beta customer will be expected to install the fix,
tes! ana connrm me resUlts \vnh the "{ear 20GO support team In order \0 CLOSE the SAN.
SFG TFdlr'lOl~DjM;.IRrv, 761
1'.....". :2
J~~-30-1998 11:41
EC4 291 0742
p . CI,~1/04
OF V4.2.1. '
fnstall v4.2.1 usina the uDarade document Identifv steDS/lnstructlons that are not clearlv understood
Run v421 conversions for US, AR, CC, & GL Make a note of all errors/problems encountered during conversion,
subsystems installed keeD a record Of time taken to convert lame files like GL 101 T
Test elate 110 uaing Cutrent dates. date entry, date Confirm that all date$ are represented and handled correctly. primary
editing, date display and printing using single dates, focus is on all dates used by the system.
date ranees
Test allln<:luirv grocesses usinQ current dates Confirm that data IS correct'" disolaved with focus on dates
Test all Reports uSing currem dates Continn that data is correctly represented with the main focus being on
Change cycle dates to span the century. Bill Confirm that data IS correctly represented with the maIn focus being on
tra~actions in the vear 2000 that were created in 1999. dates
Change the system date to Simulate a future date ego Confirm all processes work correctly. The foclJS of attention WIll again
December 31, 1999 and test all date 110 aoain be dates
Change the system date to SImulate the date January 2, Confirm aU pro<:8SSeS work correctly, that access to prior year's data IS
2000 and run all date I/O again using the correct data possible. The focus of attentton will again be dates. representation,
set manipulation, date arithmetic, date comparisons, calculation 01
duration ea. inVOice aaine, sortina/indexlno of dates
I Enter transactions uSing the leap..year day February 29, Date should be accepted as varid, calculation of duration as in aging
2000 oroduces corrElCf results
Run transactions straddling the century cross-OVer. Eg. Confirm thal1he century change is correctly handled by the system
Create a bill in Dee 1999 and pay/adjust in January,
Create a bill in December 1999. Enter a payment in Confirm that aged days are correctly calculated for the invoice.
January 2000. Run the aging repon as of any date in
year 2000
Per10rm file maintenance t8$k$ on filei!tiWles WIth dates Chsck that dates on log files are correctly represented
usina CI.lrrent year data
Perform file maintenance tasks on frlesltables with dates Check that dates on log tiles are correctly represented
usino vear 2000 dates
T~t alllnauirv Drocesses ulSina vear 2000 dates ConfIrm that data IS correctlv disolaved With focus on dates
Test all Reoorts USlnQ year 2000 dates Confirm that data IS correctlv reoresented with focus on dates
Import data Into the SFG system using the external All dates should be correctly represented
interlace function usinc current vear dates
Import data into the SFG system using the externaf All dates should be correctly rspTesented
interface function usina vesr 2000 dat"
eXpOrt data out of SFG systems to external files USing Check that all dates are correctly represented
current vear dates
Export data out of SFG systems to external files using Check that all dates are correctly represented
vear 2000 dates
Test all custom forms and recorts usina current date& Dates to be correcUv recresented as before ie. in 6 diOlt format
Test all custom forms and reports using post January 1, Dates to be correctly represented as before ie. in 6 digit format, that flO
2000 dates zero suooreS$ion takes clace in any comoonent of the date
SFG T(dq.,olQGIEli k IRIv. 76/
P-u;( }
TOT~L P.04