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Reep Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
PLAN 1664 [30-PSF SNOW, 120-MPH, EXP C, & SOC 02]
Date: 01/26/07
Bv: I. E. ReeD, P.E.
Page 1 of 5
Hans & Beverly Bailey
OWNER/ADDRESS 77 Nisbet Road
Se uim Washin ton 98382
TAX PARCEL NUMBER/SITE ADDRESS: See permit application.
Reep Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
I.E. (Gene) Reep, P. E.
8205 Sunset Lane, Pasco W A 99301
Phone (509) 547-9087/Cell 366-2869
E:Mail: reepengineering@charter net
Washington License No. 14364
Idaho License No. 8908
ICC No. 465600
Note: The above stamp applies to the structural
members and assemblies described in the following
calculations only and is valid with a copied or wet
stam intended for reuse b HiLine Homes Inc.
Lateral engineering analysis of wind and
seismic forces on building.
Structural specifications for residence and
two-car garage.
2003 International Building Code (IBC).
2003 International Residential Code (IRC).
2001 National Design Specification (NOS).
American Society of Civil Engineers
(ASCE) Standard 7-02.
American Society for Testing Material
(ASTM) Standard A307.
American Plywood Association (APA)
Diaphragms And Shear Walls Design/
Construction Guide, November 2004.
Reep Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
Date: 01/26/07
Bv: I. E. Reep, P.E.
PLAN 1664 [30-PSF SNOW, 120-MPH, EXP C, & SOC 02]
Page 2 of 5
1 500- sf
Framing Material: NO.2 Hem-Fir minimum.
Wood Structural Panels: APA Rated.
10d Nails Diameter: 0.148-in
8d Nails Diameter: 0.131-in
Concrete Strength @ 28-days: 2,500-psi
Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307 Steel
Project I nformation And Criteria Page 1
Description Page 3
Specifications And Design Criteria Page 3
Engineering Calculations Page 3
Table A. elattiiiiil Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads Page A-1
Table B. Wind Design Criteria Page A-2
Table C. Seismic Design Criteria Page A-3
Table D. Wind Loads Page A-4
Table E. Minimum Wind Loads Page A-5
Table F. Seismic Loads Page A-6
Table G. Controlling Shear Loads Page A-8
Table H. Wind Shear Wall Loads Page A-9
Table I. Seismic Shear Wall Loads Page A-1 0
Table J. Roof Diaphragm Load Calculations Page A-11
Reep Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
Date: 01/26/07
By: I. E. Reep, P.E.
PLAN 1664 [30-PSF SNOW, 120-MPH, EXP C, & SOC 02]
Page 3 of 5
This reR~'~w~~~~~es engineering calculati?n~&,~;Q~;~r~ctural design specifications for Hi~ine
Homes 8Ian0;~;66~. The one-story house IS ~i6.6,~l!sf In area plus a two-car garage. Design
specifications are provided in Table A and wind and seismic design criteria, including
calculations, are included in Tables Band C, respectively. Lateral engineering calculations
are provided in Tables D through J. Calculations are performed using Microsoft Excel linked
Design criteria are based on the 2003 International Building Code (IBC), 2001 National
Design Specification, and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Standard 7-02.
Table A. Specifications of Structural Components And Fasteners
Specifications are provided for size and spacing of anchor bolts, shear wall hold-downs,
shear wall sheathing and nailing, shear transfer, and roof framing. Structural
specifications are identified with respect to Wall Lines, which are shown on plan sheet S2.
Table B. Wind Design Criteria
Wind design criteria are based on a
The simplified method per IBC Section 1609.6 is used for determining wind loads.
Overturning moments due to wind forces are less than allowable restorative dead load
moments as shown in Table F. Uplift loads for roof tributaries are calculated assuming
the maximum uplift of 24.1-psf in the roof overhang Zone E applies to the tributary area.
Table C. Seismic Design Criteria
Seismic design loads are based onp~:~~;~!~~%!~I~T Classification D per I BC Section 1615.1.1
for a maximum flat roof snow load(af):~'Q.ft3Iil!p.sl. The Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure
of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Standard 7-02 Section 9.5.5 is used
for calculating seismic forces.
Engineering calculations are documented in Tables D through J based on specifications in
Tables Band C. These tables provide the following information.
Table D. Wind Loads
Wind loads and overturning moments are calculated in Table D for two orthogonal
directions, transverse and longitudinal. Calculated values are linked to Table G,
Controlling Shear Loads to determine if wind, minimum wind, or seismic loads control
design of lateral restraint. Unit uplift on the building is also calculated for both the
transverse and longitudinal directions. Overturning loads due to design base winds are
calculated with a link to Table F, Seismic Loads where they are compared to seismic and
building restoring loads.
Date: 01/26/07
Bv: I. E. ReeD, P.E.
Reep Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
PLAN 1664 [30-PSF SNOW, 120-MPH, EXP C, & SOC 02]
Page 4 of 5
Table E. Minimum Wind
Minimum wind loads are provided in Table E based on horizontal pressures equal to 10
psf and vertical pressures equal to zero per IBC Section 1609.2.1.1. Calculations are
based on the simplified wind load method of IBC Section 1609.6. Calculations are
performed for both transverse and longitudinal directions and linked to Table G for
comparison to wind and seismic loads.
Tables F. Seismic Loads
Table F provides seismic shear loads for a maximum Flat roof
snow loads are calculated in Table J to determine the added effect of flat roof snow loads
greater than 30-psf per IBC Section 1716.5.1. Calculations are based on seismic design
criteria in Table C and the Lateral Force Procedure method of ASCE Standard 7-02,
Section 9.5.5. This procedure is limited to buildings of light frame construction not
exceeding three stories in height for SDC D and higher. Seismic loads are calculated for
transverse and longitudinal directions. Overturning moments are calculated in the table
and compared to allowable restoring dead load moments. Although not required for one-
story buildings, story drift and P-Delta effects are analyzed in this table per ASCE 7-02,
Section to verify building stability due to earthquake forces. Both story drift and
building stability are well below allowable limits. Overturning loads due to design base
seismic forces are calculated and compared to restoring loads. The building is stable with
respect to overturning.
Table G. Controlling Shear Loads
Table G provides a summary of seismic shear loads. Shear load values from Tables D,
E, and F are compared to determine controlling lateral forces. The controlling values are
linked to Tables H and I for calculating maximum shear wall loads for wind and seismic
forces, respectively.
Table H. Wind Shear Loads
Table H provides transverse and longitudinal loads on the building structure including wall
length, applied unit shear, shear wall length, resistive unit shear, unit drag load, unit dead
load on shear walls, and hold-down loads for the various shear wall lengths based on
controlling wind shear loads from Table I. Allowable dead loads are based on an
allowance of 0.66 of the calculated dead load per IBC Section 1609.3 for load
combinations using the allowable stress design method of analysis of wind loads.
Table I. Seismic Shear Loads
Table I provides transverse and longitudinal loads on the building structure including wall
length, applied unit shear, shear wall length, resistive unit shear, unit drag load, unit dead
load on shear walls, and hold-down loads for the various shear wall lengths based on
seismic shear loads from Table G. Allowable dead loads are based on an allowance of
0.60 of the calculated dead load per ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 2.4.1 for load
combinations using the allowable stress design method of analysis of seismic loads.
Date: 01/26/07
Bv: I. E. ReeD. P.E.
Reep Engineering & Consulting, Inc.
PLAN 1664 [30-PSF SNOW, 120-MPH, EXP C, & SOC 02]
Page 5 of 5
Table J. Roof Diaphragm & Snow Load Calculations
Table J provides roof diaphragm load calculations for determining diaphragm shear per
IBe 1620.4.3 for seismic loads and comparing these loads with wind and minimum wind
loads from Table H. In addition, shear wall and diaphragm deflection are calculated to
confirm that the diaphragm is flexible, that is the roof diaphragm to shear wall ratio is
greater than 2.0 per ASCE 7-02, Section Strength level seismic unit shear
values are used to calculate deflections. Calculations are based on American Plywood
Association (APA) Report T2002-17, Estimating Wood Structural Panel Diaphragm and
Shear Wall Def/ection, April 17 , 2002. Uplift due to design base wind loads are calculated
assuming the roof experiences a maximum uplift pressure from Table B for "Roof Wind
Zone F Pressure". Allowable roof dead loads plus truss connections exceed uplift by an
acceptable margin.
Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-1
Table A. Plan 1664 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (6 sheets).
This table provides summary structural specifications. Additional details for standard
specifications and calculation of allowable loads are provided in at the end of this table.
Explanation of Wall Lines
Shear walls and structural specifications are identified with Wall Lines. Lettered Wall Lines are
generally identified from front to rear of the building and numbered Wall Lines start at the left
and continue to the right (standard plan). For reversed plans, Wall Lines remain the same
except numbered Wall Lines start at plan right.
Maximum a lied shear per Tables H or I lb. 4,182
Maximum anchor bolt Load 72-in o.c. minimum 2 anchors er mudsill lb. 465
Allowable anchor bolt load for 1/2-in dia. A307 bolts with 7-in. embedment (Ib). 912
InstaIl1/2-in dia. ASTM A307 anchor bolts @ 72-in o.c. per standard specification.
Wall Line A (Standard Garage Door Location)
Maximum overturnin tension load er Tables H or I lb. 1,767
Install Simpson STHD8 Strap Tie Holdowns per standard specification.
Allowable tension load for Simpson STHD8 Strap Ties is 2,385-lb. 2,385
Wall Line 2 (Optional Garage Door Location)
Maximum overturnin tension load er Tables H or I lb. 3,689
Install Simpson STHD1 0 Strap Tie Holdowns per standard specification.
Allowable tension load for Simpson STHD10 Strap Ties is 3,730-lb. 3,730
Wall Line 3 (Optional Garage Door Location)
Maximum overturnin tension load er Tables H or I lb. 80
Fasten ass to mudsill with 8d nails @ 4-in o.c.
Allowable overturning load = (1/2)(36/4)(117) = 527-lb. 527
Wall Line B
Maximum overturnin tension load per Tables H or I lb. 283
Fasten ass panels to mudsill and wall bottom plate at with 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. (three
locations). Fasten each end of wall bottom plate to mudsill with 1/2-in dia. X 4-in long lag
screws with 2X2X3/16-in flat washers.
Allowable load for mudsill connection with 8d nails = 527 -Ib per standard
specifications. Allowable load for lag screw with 1.0-in minimum embedment = 1,010
(1.0)(302)(1.6) = 483-lb. Allowable overturning load = 527 + 483 = 1, 130-lb.
All Exterior Wall Lines (Except Garage Portals)
Maximum resistive unit shear load er Tables H or I Ibltt. 255
Apply 7/16-in. ass wood structural panels to Hem-Fir framing members with 8d nails @ 6-in
o.c. per standard specification.
Allowable shear per standard specification = (0.50)(0.93)(785) = 365-lb/ft. 365
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Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-1
Table A. Plan 1664 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (6 sheets).
Garage Portals (Wall Line 2)
Maximum resistive unit shear load er Tables H or I Ib/ft. 636
Apply 7/16-in. OSB wood structural panels to Hem-Fir framing members with 8d nails
staggered @ 3-in o.c. per standard specification.
Allowable shear per standard specification = (0.50)(0.93)(1,540) = 716-lb/ft. 716
Wall Line B (GWB Shear Wall Portion)
Maximum resistive unit shear for seismic loads per Table I Ib/ft. 100
Fasten Simpson WB106 Wall Bracing and 1/2-in. GWB drywall panels to both sides of Hem-
Fir framing members per standard specification.
Sheath pony wall below interior GWB shear wall with 7/16-in OSB. Fasten OSB to framing
members with 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. on edges and 12-in o.c. in the field.
Allowable shear for seismic loads per standard specification = 172-lb/ft.
All Wall Lines
Fasten double top plates together with 10d nails @ 12-in o.c. and 6-in o.c. at splices. Overlap
splices 4-ft. minimum. Fasten OSB wall sheathing between shear wall segments at same
fastener spacing as on shear walls.
Fasten OSB panels to mudsills with minimum 8d nails @ 6-in o.c.
Wall Lines 1,3, & A (Gables)
Maximum a lied unit shear er Tables H or I lb. 70
Fasten gable-end trusses to double top plates with 2-10d toenails @ 16-in o.c.
Allowable load for (0.83)(2)(12/16)(1.6)(84) = 203-lb/ft. 203
Wall Lines B, C, 2, & 3 (Eaves)
Maximum a lied unit shear er Tables H or I lb. 136
See Roof Framin S ecification for truss connections.
Fasten per Roof Framing Specification for truss connections. 381
Wall Line B (GWB Shear Wall-to Roof Diaphragm)
Maximum applied shear per Tables H or I (Ib/ft). 107
Place 2X blocking on wall between truss tails and fasten to top plate with 3-10d common nails
per block.
Allowable load for (3)(12/24 )(1.6)(102) = 245-lb/ft.
Roof Sheathing
Maximum applied unit shear per Table J (Ib/ft). 107
Install 7/16-in unblocked wood structural panels per IBC Case 1. Fasten with 8-d nails @ 6-in
o.c. on supported edges and 12-in o.c. in the field.
Basic allowable unit shear for wind loads = 645-lb/ft per NOS Table 4.2B for 7/16-in
unblocked panel diaphragms. Adjustment Factor (AF) for ASO = 0.5. Adjusted 323
allowable unit shear = (0.50)(645) = 323-lb/ft.
Truss Blocking & Boundary Nailing
Fasten 2X4 vent blocking in each truss bay with 1-10d toenail into truss, each side. Fasten
roof diaphragm to blocking with 8d nails @ 6-in o.c.
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Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-1
Table A. Plan 1664 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (6 sheets).
Truss Connections
Maximum applied unit shear per Tables G = Q/LRoof (Ib/ft).
Fasten truss tails to top plates with 2-10 toenails and a Simpson H2.5A or H1 Seismic &
Hurricane Tie fastened to truss and top plates per manufactures instructions. (see sheet S3,
Roof Framing Plan).
Allowable load for 2-1 Od common toenails = (2)(0.83)(1.6)(102) = 271-lb per truss
end. Allowable load for H2.5A or H1 Seismic & HurricaneTies = 11 O-Ib per truss end
for Hem-Fir. Total allowable load per truss end = 271 + 110 = 381-lb per truss end =
381-lb/ft (H2.5A ties control).
Truss Chord Splice Nailing
Maximum a lied chord tension load er Tables J, C = T = M/b = v L /b8 lb. 1,259
Fasten exterior wall top plate splices together with 10d nails @ 4-in o.c. Minimum splice length
= 48-in.
Allowable chord splice tension load for 10d nails @ 4-in o.c. 1,469
Standard Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads
Basic allowable single shear for fastening Hem-Fir framing to concrete with 1/2-in
bolts = 570-lb per NOS Table 11 E. Adjustment for 1 O-minute wind/seismic loads =
1.6 NOS Table 2.3.2. Allowable load = 1.6 570 = 912-lb.
Basic allowable single shear for fastening Hem-Fir framing to concrete with 1/2-
inX8.5-in long Simpson Wedge-All wedge anchors in 2,500-psi concrete with 4.5-in
embedment = 1,763-lb. Adjustments for no special inspection = 0.50, for 3-in edge
distance = 0.80, and for wind/seismic loads = 1.33. Allowable load =
0.50 0.80 1.33 1,763 = 938-lb.
Basic allowable single shear for fastening Hem-Fir framing to concrete with 1/2-in
Simpson Titen HO anchors in 2,500-psi concrete with 4.25-in embedment = 2,21 O-Ib.
Adjustments for 3-in edge distance = 0.44, and for 1 O-minute wind/seismic loads =
1.33. Allowable load = 0.40 1.33 2,210 = 1, 176-lb.
Simpson STHD8/10 Strap Ties
Install Sim son STH08 Stra Tie Holdowns in 2,500- si concrete and 6-in minimum stem wall.
Allowable tension load for Simpson STH08 Strap Ties is 2,385-lb for 2,500-psi
Install Sim son STH01 0 Stra Tie Holdowns in 2,500- si concrete and 6-in minimum stem
Allowable tension load for Simpson STH010 Strap Ties is 3,730-lb for 2,500-psi
Revised 01/29/07 Lateral Specs Plan-071664 Lateral 30 Snow, 120 mph, Exp C, & SDC D2.xls 3/7/2007 3
Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc. Page A-1
Table A. Plan 1664 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (6 sheets).
Simpson L TT20B/HTT16 Strap Ties
Install Sim son L TT20B Tension Ties fastened to 3-in framin with 10-16d nails. Fasten
Allowable tension load for Simpson L TT20B Tension Ties is 1 ,750-lb (controls) for
2,500- si concrete = 1,750-lb.
Basic allowable tension load for 1/2-inX8-in long Simpson Titen HO anchors
embeded 4.125-in into 2,500-psi concrete = 2,207 -lb. Adjustments are 0.50 for no
special inspection, 0.83 for 3-in edge distance, and 1.33 wind/seismic loads.
Allowable load = 0.50 0.83 1.33 2,207 = 1,218-lb controls.
Basic allowable tension load for 1/2-inX8.5in long Simpson Wedge-All anchors
embeded 4.5-in into 2,500-psi concrete = 2,045-lb. Adjustments are 0.50 for no
special inspection, 0.80 for 3-in edge distance, and 1.33 for wind/seismic loads.
Allowable load = 0.50 0.80 1.33 2,045 = 1,088-lb controls.
Shear Wall Nailing Into Mudsill
Fasten aSB anels to mudsill with 8d nails 6-in o.c.
Basic allowable single shear load for 8d nails and Hem-Fir framing = 73-lb per NOS
Table 11 N. Adjustment for 1 O-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6 per NOS Table 2.3.2.
Allowable shear load = (1.6)(73) = 117 -Ib/nail. Allowable shear wall overturning load
for 4-ft panels fastened with two rows of 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. = 1 /2(48/6 + 1)( 117) =
527-lb (controls).
Fasten aSB panels to both mudsill and wall bottom plate with 8d nails @ 6-in o.c. Fasten
bottom plate at each end of shear wall to foundation with 1/2-in. dia.X 8.5-in long Simpson
Wedge Anchors (or equal) with 3X3X3/16-in flat washers at locations shown on Sheets S1/S2.
Embed anchor 4.125-in into minimum 2,500-psi concrete as specified above.
Allowable shear wall overturning load for 4-ft panels fastened with two rows of 8d
nails 6-in o.c. = 1/2 2 48/6 + 1 117 = 1,054-lb controls .
Nails (Per NOS Tables 11 Nand 2.3.2.)
Sin Ie shear for 8d common 0.131-in with 1.5-in thickness Hem-Fir side members.
Basic allowable shear for 8d common nails = 84-lb. Adjustment for 10-minute
wind/seismic loads = 1.6. Allowable shear load = 1.6 84 = 134-lb.
Single shear for1 Od common (0.148-in) with 1.5-in thickness Hem-Fir side members.
Basic allowable shear for 10d common nails = 102-lb. Adjustment for 10-minute
wind/seismic loads = 1.6. Allowable shear load = 1.6 102 = 163-lb.
Single shear for1 Od common (0.148-in) with 1.5-in thickness Hem-Fir side members.
Basic allowable shear for 10d common nails = 102-lb. Adjustment for 10-minute
wind/seismic loads = 1.6. Allowable shear load = 1.6 102 = 163-lb.
Single shear for 10d common toenails (0.148-in) with 1.5-in thickness Hem-Fir side
members = 0.83 163 = 135-lb.
aSB Shear Wall Panels ( Per NOS Table 4.3A)
Basic allowable shear for wind loads = 785-lb/ft per NOS Table 4.3A for ad nails @
6-in o.c. on edges, 12-in o.c. in the field, & framing @ 16-in o.c. per Note b.
Adjustments 0.50 for ASO and 0.93 for Hem-Fir framing. Allowable shear =
(0.50)(0.93)(785) = 365-lb/ft.
Revised 01/29/07 Lateral Specs Plan-071664 Lateral 30 Snow, 120 mph, Exp e, & SDe D2.xls 3/7/2007 4
Table A. Plan 1664 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (6 sheets).
Basic allowable shear for wind loads = 1 ,205-lb/ft per NOS Table 4.3A for 8d nails
staggered @ 4-in o.c. on edges, 12-in o.c. in the field, & framing @ 16-in o.c. per 560
Note b. Framing on panel edges is 3-in nominal. Adjustments are 0.50 for ASO and
0.93 for Hem-Fir framing. Allowable shear = (0.50)(0.93)(1,205) = 560-lblft.
Basic allowable shear for seismic loads = 560-lb/ft per NOS Table 4.3A for framing
@ 16-in o.c. per Note b. Adjustments are 0.50 for ASO and 0.93 for Hem-Fir 260
framing. Allowable shear = (0.50)(0.93)(560) = 260-lb/ft.
Basic allowable shear for seismic loads = 860-lblft per NOS Table 4.3A for 8d nails
staggered @ 4-in o.c. on edges, 12-in o.c. in the field, & framing @ 16-in o.c. per 400
Note b. Framing on panel edges is 3-in nominal. Adjustments are 0.50 for ASO 0.93
for Hem-Fir framing. Allowable shear = (0.50)(0.93)(860) = 400-lblft.
GWB Shear Wall Panels ( Per NOS Table 4.3B)
Fasten Simpson WB106 Wall Bracing metal straps with 2-16d nail to top and bottom wall
plates and 1-8d nail to each stud per manufacturers instructions. Straps may be placed on
wall in an X or V fashion. Fasten 1/2-in GWB panels to both sides of wall with NO.6 X 1.25-in
long Type S or W drywall screws @ 4-in o.c. on edges and in the field with all edges
blocked. Minimum framing material is Hem-Fir with maximum spacing of studs @ 16-in o.c.
Basic allowable unit shear for wind loads = 300-lblft. Adjustment Factor (AF) for
ASO is = 0.50 and AF for Hem-Fir framing = 0.93. Allowable shear = 279
(2)(0.50)(0.93)(300) = 279-lb/ft.
Basic allowable unit shear for seismic loads without flat metal strap bracing =
300-lb/ft. Adjustments are for ASO is = 0.50, 0.93 for Hem-Fir framing, and 0.30 for 86
seismic response modification coefficient (R =2) using GWB sheathing per IBC Table
1617.7.2 (2/6.5 = 0.30). Allowable shear = (2)(0.50)(0.93)(0.30)(300) = 86-lb/ft.
Basic allowable unit shear for seismic loads with flat metal strap bracing = 300-
Iblft for framing @ 16-in o.c. per Note b. Adjustment factors for ASO is = 0.50, Hem-
Fir framing = 0.93, and seismic response modification coefficient (R) GWB sheathing 172
per IBC Table 1617.7.2 = 4/6.5 = 0.62. Allowable shear = (2)(0.50)(0.93)(0.62)(300)
= 172-lb/ft.
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Table A. Plan 1664 Structural Specifications & Allowable Loads (6 sheets).
Basic allowable load for 10d common nails fastened with 1.5-in side members = 102-
Ib per NDS Table 11 N. Adjustment for 1 O-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6.
Allowable load = 1.6 102 = 163-lb.
Basic allowable load for 8d common nails fastened to minimum 3/4-in side members
= 73-lb per NDS Table 11 N. Adjustment for 1 O-minute wind/seismic loads = 1.6.
Allowable load = 1.6 73 = 117 -lb.
Allowable load for 10d common toenails 12-in o.c. = 0.83 1.6 102 = 135-lb/ft.
Allowable load for 2-1 Od common toenails @ 16-in o.c. = (0.83)(2)(12/16)(1.6)(102) =
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Table B. Wind Design Criteria.
Description Value Description Value
Basic Wind Speed V3s (mph) 110 Vertical Pressures (pst)
Simplified Method per IBC Section 1609.6 Yes Roof Zone E Pressure -15.4
Importance Factor - Iw 1.00 Roof Zone F Pressure -20.9
Roof Slope (6/12) 0.50 Roof Zone G Pressure -11.1
Mean Building Height(ft) 11.8 Roof Zone H Pressure -16.8
Exposure & Heiqht Factor (Exposure C) 1.21 Roof Overhang Zone E Pressure -28.7
Horizontal Pressures (pst) Roof Overhang Zone G Pressure -24.4
Wall Zone A Pressure 34.6 Roof Overhang Zone F Pressure -20.9
Wall Zone C Pressure 24.9 Roof Overhang Zone H Pressure -16.8
Roof Zone B Pressure 5.6
Roof Zone D Pressure 5.7
Note: Plus and minus signs signify wind pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively per ASCE
Standard 7-02.
Building Measurement Values For Use in Tables E And F
Building Width - Left (ft) 32.0 Building Length Front (ft) 52.0
Building Width - Right 7ft) 32.0 Building Length Rear (ft) 52.0
Building Wall Height (ft) 7.8 Maximum Building Height (ft) 8.0
Transverse Building Zone Measurements Longitudinal Building Zone Measurements
Horizontal Windforce Loading Horizontal Windforce Loading
Transverse Wall Zone A & B Width (ft) 6.4 Longitudinal Wall Zone A Width 1ft) 6.4
Transverse Wall Zone C & D Width (ft) 45.6 Longitudinal Wall Zone C Width (ft) 25.6
Transverse Wall Zones A & C Height (ft) 7.8 Longitudinal Wall Zone A Height (ft) 9.4
Transverse Roof Zones B & D Height (ft) 8.0 Longitudinal Wall Zone C Height (ft) 13.4
Vertical Windforce Loading Vertical Windforce Loading
Transverse Roof Zones E & F Width (ft) 6.4 Longitudinal Roof Zones E & F Width (ft) 6.4
Transverse Roof Zones G & H Width (ft) 45.6 Longitudinal Roof Zones G & H Width (ft) 25.6
Transverse Roof Zones E & F Length (ft) 16.0 Longitudinal Roof Zones E & G Length (ft) 26.0
Transverse Roof Zones G & H Width (ft) 16.0 Longitudinal Roof Zones F & H Length (ft) 26.0
Note: Width is measured perpendicular the wind direction and length parallel to the wind direction.
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Table C. Seismic Design Criteria.
Description Reference/Calculation Value
Building Occupancy Category ASCE Standard 7-02, Table 1-1 II
Seismic Use Group ASCE Standard 7-02, Table 9.1.3 I
Seismic Importance Factor, IE ASCE Standard 7-02, Table 9.1.4 1.0
Default Seismic Site Classification IBCSection 1615.1.1 D
Seismic Design Category IBC Table 1616.3(1) D2
Response Modification Coefficient, R IBC Table 1617.6.2 6.5
Mean Building Height, h (ft) Per Plan 11.8
Building Period Coefficient: Ct (sec) ASCE Standard 7-02, Table 0.02
Buildina Period, T = C,hj/4 (sec) ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 0.127
Site Short Period Acceleration, Sos (g) IRC Table R301., for SDC D2 1.170
MCE Long Period Acceleration, S1 (g) IBC Figure 1615(2) for Western Areas 0.500
Site Coefficient, F v IBC Table 1615.1.2(2) for S1 = 0.50 1.5
Site Long Period Acceleration, SM1 (g) SM1 = F vS1 per I BC Equation 16-38 0.750
To = 0.2S01/Sos (sec) IBC Section 1615.1.4 0.128
Is - "01'''OS lsec) IBC Section 1615.1.4 0.641
IS t"'enoa I a < I <,= I s( IBC Section 1615.1.4 Yes
IS ueslgn ~pectral Kesponse, ~a - -SOS-( IBC Section 1615.1.4 Yes
Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure ASCE 7-02 Section 9.5.5 Yes
Seismic Design Coefficient: Cs = SOSIE/R ASCE 7-02 Eauation 0.180
Maximum Unit Shear, vmax (Ib/ft) Calculation per Table I 119
Story Base Shear, V Starv (Ib) Calculation per Table G 5,276
Story Shear Ratio, rmax = 10vmaxNstory ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 0.23
Base Story Area: As (sf) Plans 1,664
Square Root of Base Story Area, As (ft) Calculation 40.8
Reduncanv Factor, p = 2 - 20/rm<lv(AR)lu ASCE Standard 7-02, Section -0.179
Minimum Redunancv Factor, p ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 1.000
SL Seismic Shear: E = pQE + 0.2SosD Neglect Vertical Seismic Force 0.180
Seismic Load Combination Factor for ASD ASCE Standard 7-02, Section 2.4.1 0.700
ASD Base Shear: VASO = 0.7VSL Calculation 0.126
Maximum Flat Roof Snow Load (psf) Building Department 30.0
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Table D. Wind Loads.
Wind Zone Zone Zone Zone Moment M t
. omen
Zone Pressure Width Ht./Leng. Area Force Arm (ft-Ib)
(pst) (ft) (ft) (st) (Ib) (ft)
Transverse Wall Zone A 34.6 6.4 7.8 49.7 1,719 3.9 6,668
Transverse Wall Zone C 24.9 45.6 7.8 353.9 8,820 4.0 35,281
Transverse Roof Zone B 5.6 6.4 8.0 51.2 285 8.0 2,280
Transverse Roof Zone D 5.7 45.6 8.0 364.8 2,075 8.0 16,597
Transverse Base Shear/Moment 7,629 60,826
Transverse Wall Zone E -15.4 6.4 16.0 102.4 -1,574
Transverse Wall Zone F -20.9 6.4 16.0 102.4 -2,144
Transverse Wall Zone G -11.1 45.6 16.0 729.6 -8,122
Transverse Wall Zone H -16.8 45.6 16.0 729.6 -12,271
Roof Overhang Zone E -28.7 6.4 1.3 8.5 -244
Roof Overhang Zone F -24.4 6.4 1.3 8.5 -208
Roof Overhang Zone G -20.9 45.6 1.3 60.6 -1,270
Roof Overhang Zone H -16.8 45.6 1.3 60.6 -1,020
Total Uplift/Overturning Moment on Building -26,852
Unit Uplift on Building (pst) -16.1
Longitu 6.4 ~ 2,07311
Longitudinal Wall Zone q 24.9 25.6 13.4 342.0 8,525
Longitudinal Base Shear 5,299
Longitudinal Wall Zone E -15.4 6.4 25.0 160.0 -2,459
Longitudinal Wall Zone F -20.9 6.4 25.0 160.0 -3,349
Longitudinal Wall Zone ( -11.1 25.6 25.0 640.0 -7,124
Longitudinal Wall Zone I- -16.8 25.6 25.0 640.0 -10,764
Roof Overhang Zone E -28.7 6.4 1.0 6.4 -184
Roof Overhang Zone F -24.4 6.4 1.0 6.4 -156
Roof Overhang Zone G -20.9 25.6 1.0 25.6 -536
RoofOverhangZoneH -16.8 25.6 1.0 25.6 -431
Total Uplift/Overturning Moment on Building -25,003
Unit Uplift on Building (pst) -15.0
Garage Wind Loads
Transverse Wall Zone A 34.6 6.4 7.8 49.9 1,728 3.9 6,737
Transverse Wall Zone C 24.9 15.6 7.8 121.7 3,033 3.911,829
Transverse Roof Zone B 5.6 6.4 5.5 35.2 196 7.8 1,528
Transverse Roof Zone D 5.7 15.6 5.5 85.8 488 7.8 3,806
Transverse Base Shear/Moment 3,064 23,900
Note: Plus and minus signs signify wind pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively per
ASeE Standard 7-02.
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Wind Loads Plan-071664 Lateral 30 Snow, 120 mph, Exp C, & SDC D2.xls 3/7/2007
Table E. Minimum Wind Loads.
Wind Zone Zone Zone Zone Moment Moment
Zone Pressure Width Ht./Leng. Area Force Arm
(psf) (ft) (ft) (sf) (Ib) (ft)
Transverse Wall Zone A 10.0 6.4 7.8 49.7 497 3.9 1,927
Transverse Wall Zone C 10.0 45.6 7.8 353.9 3,539 4.0 14,154
Transverse Roof Zone B 10.0 6.4 8.0 51.2 512 8.0 4,096
Transverse Roof Zone 0 10.0 45.6 8.0 364.8 3,648 8.0 29,184
Transverse Base Shear/Moment 6,178 49,361
Transverse Wall Zone E 0.0 6.4 16.0 102.4 0 24.0 0
Transverse Wall Zone F 0.0 6.4 16.0 102.4 0 8.0 0
Transverse Wall Zone G 0.0 45.6 16.0 729.6 0 24.0 0
Transverse Wall Zone H 0.0 45.6 16.0 729.6 0 8.0 0
Roof Overhanq Zone E 0.0 6.4 1.3 8.5 0 32.7 0
Roof Overhang Zone F 0.0 6.4 1.3 8.5 0 -0.7 0
Roof Overhanq Zone G 0.0 45.6 1.3 60.6 0 32.7 0
Roof Overhanq Zone H 0.0 45.6 1.3 60.6 0 -0.7 0
Total UpliWOverturning Moment on Building 0 49,361
Unit Uplift on Building (psf) 0.0
I ::,j:~,+0'.; iUXid%!" XllIa II YiIi\fi V~jiii:j:
Lonaitudinal Wall Zone P 10.0 6.4 9.4 59.9 599
Lonqitudinal Wall Zone ( 10.0 25.6 13.4 342.0 3,420
Longitudinal Base Shear 2,010
Lonaitudinal Wall Zone E 0.0 6.4 25.0 160.0 0
Lonqitudinal Wall Zone F 0.0 6.4 25.0 160.0 0
Lonqitudinal Wall Zone C 0.0 25.6 25.0 640.0 0
Lonaitudinal Wall Zone 1= 0.0 25.6 25.0 640.0 0
Roof Overhanq Zone E 0.0 6.4 1.0 6.4 0
Roof Overhanq Zone F 0.0 6.4 1.0 6.4 0
Roof Overhanq Zone G 0.0 25.6 1.0 25.6 0
Roof Overhana Zone H 0.0 25.6 1.0 25.6 0
Total UpliWOverturning Moment on Building 0
Unit Uplift on Building (psf) 0.0
- Garage Wind Loads
~ "Pi .;J hx;' ,,','
Transverse Wall Zone A 10.0 6.4 7.8 49.9 499 3.9 1,947
Transverse Wall Zone C 10.0 15.6 7.8 121.7 1,217 3.9 4,746
Transverse Roof Zone B 10.0 6.4 5.5 35.2 352 7.8 2,746
Transverse Roof Zone 0 10.0 15.6 5.5 85.8 858 7.8 6,692
Transverse Base Shear/Moment 2,068 16,130
Note: Plus and minus signs signify wind pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively per
ASCE Standard 7-02.
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Table F. Seismic Loads.
J~I:iI: iii
" Aiii"
Load Height! Length Area Weight Shear
Building Component (pst) Width (ft) (st) (Ib) Load
(ft) (Ib)
Roof Diaphraqm & Ceilinq 15.0 1,664 24,960 3,145
20% of Flat Roof Snow Load> 30-psf 0.0 1,664 0 0
One-Half Exterior Walls 15.0 7.8 168.0 1,304 19,555 1,232
One-Half Partitions 10.0 7.8 184.0 1 ,428 14,278 900
Roof Diaphragm Tributary Dead Load 41,877
Base Shear 5,276
" ((,
Seismic Shear Loads on Garage
Roof Diaphraqm 15.0 484 7,260 915
20% of Flat Roof Snow Load> 30-psf 0.0 484 0 0
One-Half Exterior Walls 15.0 7.8 484 3,630 457
One-Half Partitions 10.0 7.8 0 0 0
Roof Diaphragm Tributary Dead Load 10,890
Base Shear 1,372
)"ii!((ii!! ';)i/i!:" /i!i!i:iW@1; ii"""!ii")!" Xiiii "iii!!@,Xi!.::,:,ij
Moments on Building Due to Building Seismic Forces
Building Component Force Dist. Moment
(Ib) (ft) (ft-Ib)
Roof Diaphraqm & Ceilinq 3,145 7.8 24,405
Exterior Walls 1,232 3.9 4,780
Partitions 900 3.9_
Total Moment Due to Seimic Forces
Total Moment Due to Wind Forces
Building Dead Load Restorative Moments
Roof Diaphraqm 24,960 16.0 399,360
Exterior Walls 14,278 16.0 228,454
Partitions 14,278 16.0 228,454
Total Retorative Moment 856,269
6/10 of Restorative Moment j;j:~,~~;7',,61
P-Delta Effects
Item Reference Value
IPs = Total vertical design load at and above level 1 - ASCE 24,960
I hs = Story height (in) ASCE 93
Design story drift between level 1 and level 0 = From Table J 0.339
strength Level seismiC shear force, V SL (I b) ASCE 7,387
Deflection amplification factor for U~~ shear walls (CD) ASCE Table 4.0
Check stability coefficient, e - PxNVshsCd < 0.10 ASCE 0.003
P-Delta Effects are not required to be consider if e </= ASCE 0.100
Allowable story drift ~a - O.020hs (in) 2003 IBC 1617.5.4 1.86
Revised 01/09/06 Seismic Loads Plan-071664 Lateral 30 Snow, 120 mph, Exp C, & SDC D2.xls 3/7/2007
Table G. ControlinQ Shear Loads.
Floor level Main Floor level Second Floor level
Type load Transverse longitudinal Transverse longitudinal
Wind Load (Ib) i/ N/A N/A
Minimum Wind Load (Ib) 6,178 2,010 N/A N/A
Seismic Load (Ib) 5,276 5,276 N/A N/A
'}}} in InS""""'.','r" i/ ilk. n@/,.//
Type load Transverse longitudinal
Wind Load (Ib) iiii}i'1i~/k
Minimum Wind Load (Ib) 2,068
Seismic Load (Ib) 1,372
Note: Balded/shaded cells indicate controling shear loads.
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Revised 01/14/07Controling Loads Plan-07 1664 Lateral 30 Snow, 120 mph, Exp C, & SDC D2.xls 3/7/2007
Floor level
Wall Identification
Wall Type
Applied Shear (Ib)
Wall LenQth (ft)
Applied Unit Shear (Ibltt)
Shear Wall LenQth (ft
Reep Engineering Consulting, Inc.
Table H. Wind Shear Wall Loads.
Transverse loads
Main Floor level
1 2 3
058 058 058
1,907 3,815 1,907
32.0 22.0 54.0
60 173 35
14.0 6.0 56.0
11II_1':': IRI .
7.8 7.8 7.8
220 1 ,145 220
147 763 147
11m:;, --.......... -56
Page A-8
Shear Wall HeiQht (ft
Unit DL on Wall (Ib/ft)
0.66[Unit DL on Wall] (Ibltt)
Max. Hold-Down 3-ft SW (Ib)
Max. Hold-Down 4-ft SW (Ib)
Max. Hold-Down 5-ft SW (I b)
Max. Hold-Down 14-ft SW (Ib) 31
Max. Hold-Down 24-ft SW (Ib) -1,496
Note: Maximum hold-down loads are identified in shaded/balded cells.
, I'. ". ""< ..
Floor level
Wall Identification A
Wall Type 058
Applied Shear (Ib) 1,532
Wall LenQth (ft) 22.0
Applied Unit Shear (lbltt) 70
Shear Wall Lengt~i~ 6.0
Shear Wall Height (ft) 7.8
Unit Wall DL (Ibltt) 225
0.66[Unit DL on Wall (lb/ft) 150
Max. Hold-Down 3-ft SW (Ib) 'i; Ai'fl,:,9Ii
Max. Hold-Down 4-ft SW (Ib) 1~,.!itJ3;11 69
Max. Hold-Down 7.0-ft SW (lb) 1 -361
Max. Hold-Down 20.5-ft SW (Ib) -2,296
Note: Maximum hold-down loads are identified in shaded/balded cells.
longitudinal loads
Main Floor level
8 C
80TH OS8
4,182 2,650
52.0 52.0
29 0
33.3 33.0
7.8 7.8
430 430
287 287
Second level
c' 0"
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Table I. Seismic Shear Wall Loads.
Transverse loads
Main Floor level
2 3
2,981 2,005
22.0 54.0
136 37
6.0 56.0
Floor level
Wall Identification 1
Wall Type OSB
Applied Shear (Ib) 1,662
Wall Lenqth (ft) 32.0
Applied Unit Shear (lb/ft) 52
Shear Wall Lenqth (ft) 14.0
R.esistive~Rll.JJ1jtfl$neijrJ.(lpZft~ I!H~ iN
Shear Wall Height (ft) 7.8 7.8
Unit DL on Wall (lb/ft) 220 1,145
0.60[Unit DL on Wall] (Ib/ft) 132 687
Max. Hold-Down 3-ft SW (Ib) Ye: 2;825
Max. Hold-Down 4-ft SW fib)
Max. Hold-Down 5-ft SW Ib)
Max. Hold-Down 14-ft SW(lb) -3
Max. Hold-Down 24-ft SW (lb) -1,306
Note: Maximum hold-down loads are identified in shaded/balded cells.
Floor level
Wall Identification A
Wall Type OSB
Applied Shear (I b) 686
Wall Length (ft) 22.0
Applied Unit Shear (lb/ft) 31
Shear Wall Lenqth (ft) 6.0
R.eslsti\leiiUOiti$neij(&' . Ji ..
Shear Wall Heiqht (ft) 7.8
Unit Wall DL (lb/ft) 225
0.60[Unit DL on Wall] (lb/ft) 135
Max. Hold-Down 3-ft SW (Ib ) "c:" '...
Max. Hold-Down 4-ft SW (Ib) , "'c~i::::ii:
Max. Hold-Down 7.0-ft SW (I b) -104 -263
Max. Hold-Down 20.5-ft SW (I b) -2,005
Note: Maximum hold-down loads are identified in shaded/balded cells.
. ,', "
C',>". 'ie' ',''',,;'','' ,,' ;.' "
longitudinal loads
Main Floor level
3,324 2,638
52.0 52.0
13 0
33.3 33.0
,11'.1" ~ NC:!),.".)/i
7.8 7.8
430 430
258 258
Second level
," '4,:\~e:' ,: .. ;"':" ,<,~,'",'"
Revised 01/1~D8;mic Shear Loads Plan-07 1664 Lateral 30 Snow, 120 mph, Exp C, & SDC D2.xls 3/7/2007
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. Table J. Roof Diaphragm Calculations.
Description Reference Equation/Comment Value
Roof/Floor Diaphragms Load Calculations
Diaphragm Shear/Weight IBC Sect. 1620.4.3 Fn/Wn = 0.2IESDs = 0.234
Diaphragm Weight (Ib) Report Table G W n = wpARoof = 41,877
Strength level Diaphragm Shear (Ib) IBC Sect. 1620.4.3 Fn = 0.2IESDSWn = QE 9,799
Strength level Diaphragm Unit Shear (Ib/tt) Calculation Vr = 1/2Q/b = 153
Service level Seismic Diaphragm Shear (I b) ASCE Sect. 2.4 Q = 0.7E = 0.7QE 6,859
Service level Diaphragm Shear (I b) Report Table G Q= 7,629
Diaphragm Span (tt) Design Drawings b= 32
Service level Diaphragm Unit Shear (Ibltt) Calculation vr = 1/2Q/b = 107
Shear Wall Deflection Calculations
Area of Shear Wall Chords (in2) Design Drawings AChord = 2(1.5)(5.5) = 16.5
Shear Wall Height, h (tt) Design Drawings h= 7.8
Minimum Shear Wall length, b (tt) Design Drawings b= 3.0
Maximum Sl Seismic Unit Shear, vr (Ibltt) Table I v= 696
Shear Wall Bending Deflection, Yb (in) Calculation IVh = 8vrhJ/EAb 0.0404
Shear Wall Shear Deflection, Ys (in) Calculation Ys = vh/Gt 0.0646
Shear Wall Nail Spacing, S (in) Specifications S= 6
Unit Shear Per Nail, vnail (I b) APA Desiqn Guide 1 Vnail = viS 347.8
Nail load Factor, Vf APA Desian Guide1 Vf = vnail/616 0.5646
Nail Slip Factor, en (in) APA Desian Guide 1 en = (Vn"iI/616)3.018 0.2138
Nail Slip Deflection, Yns (in) APA Desian Guide 1 Yns = 0.75hen 0.1037
I HOld-Uown Uetlectlon, Yhd (in) APA Report T2002-17, Table 3 for nails. O. 1300
I otal ~near vvall UeTleCtlOn, Ysw (In) Calculation Ysw - Yb +Ys + Yns + Yhc 0.3388
IAllowaOle ~tory urln, Ya (In) IBe Table 1617.3.1 Ya ..:.7<u:uzon 1.86
Roof Diaphragm Deflection Calculations
Modulus of Elasticity-Diaphragm Chord, E (psi NOS NO.2 Hem-Fir 1,300,000
Area of Diaphraqm Chords (in2) Design Drawings AChord = 2(1.5)(5.5) = 16.5
Moment of Intertia of Diaohraam Chords (in4) Calculation I = 2Ar.hnrrl(b/2)2 = 1,216,512
Diaphragm length (in) Design Drawings l= 624
Blocked Bending Deflection (in) Calculation Vh = 5vrL 4/384EI 0.1911
Shear Modulus, Gt (psi) Table A_31 7/16-in aSB 83,500
Shear Deflection (in) APA Desian Guide1 Ys = vL/4Gt 0.2002
Diaphragm Nail Spacing, S (in) Specifications S= 6
Unit Shear Per Nail, Vnail (Ib) APA Desian Guide1 vnail = viS 25.5
Nail Slip Factor, en (in) APA Desiqn Guide Table A_21 0.0060
Nail Slip Deflection, Yns (in) APA Desian Guide 1 Yns = 0.188Len 0.0587
Chord Splice Deflection, Yes (in) APA Report T2002-17, April 17, 2002 0.0625
Total Blocked Deflection, Yd (in) Yd = Yb +Ys + Yns + Yes 0.5125
Factor for Unblocked Diaphragms APA Report T2002-17, April 17, 2002 2.50
Unblocked Diaphragm Deflection (in) APA Desian Guide1 Calculation 1.28
Check Diaph./Shear Wall Deflection Ratio>2.0 I Calcu lation Yd/ysw =7> 2.07 3.78
Diaphragm/Shear wall deflection ratio is > 2.0 so assumption that diaphragm is flexible is okay per ASCE 7-02 Standard
Revised 01/141Nof Diaphragm Plan-07 1664 Lateral 30 Snow, 120 mph, Exp C, & SDC D2.xls 3/7/2007 15
. . Table J. Roof Diaphragm Calculations.
Description Reference Equation/Comment Value
Diaphragm Chord Splice & Stress Calculations
End Wall Diaphragm Shear (Ib) Report Table G VEnd = Q/2 3,815
Diaphragm Span (ft) Design Drawings b= 32
Diaphragm Length (ft) Design Drawings L= 52.0
Diaphragm Unit Shear (Ib/ft) Calculation v = V /b = 119
Diaphragm Moment (ft-Ib) ~ 1M = v,L'/8 = 40,291
~iqp~ \"uuw,wru ),22 it",,,, "
\ h'.,.."'.....
Allowable Nail Load (Ib) NDS Table 11 N H-F & 1 Od Common 102
Adiustment For Wind/Seismic Loads NDS Table 2.3.2 10-minute loads 1.6
Adjusted Allowable Nail Load (Ib) Calculation F = 1.6FNail 163.2
Minimum Number of Nails Required At Splices Calculation NN-Min = C/F A 7.7
Maximum Nail Spacing at Splices (in) Design Drawings S= 6.0
Minimum Splice Length (in) Calculation LSoliee = SNN-Min 36.0
Design Splice Len th (in) - Design Drawings Design Specification 48.0
i4:lIow \i );i;\1WjW'~
Axial Chord Stess (psi) Calculation Felt = CIA = T/A 76
Allowable Parallel Compressive Stress (psi) WWPA Table 1 No.2 Hem-Fir 1,250
Allowable Parallel Tensile Stress (psi) WWPA Table 1 No.2 Hem-Fir 500
Note 1: Diaphragms And Shear Wall - Design/Construction Guide, November 2004.
)j'f;i "tYCii\,',t\, UCiiCii ;)'W\' ,j)
Roof Uplift Calculations
Description Reference Equation/Comment Value
Roof Truss Span, b (ft) Design Drawings 32.0
Tributary Area to Truss Connection (sf) Trusses @ 24-in 0.( A = 2b/2 = b 32.0
Maximum Wind Uplift Pressure (psf) Zone F For 120-mph & Wind Exposure C -20.9
Maximum Wind Uplift Load At Connection (Ib) F Up = pA -670
Roof Unit Dead Load, Wdl (psf) Design Criteria 15.0
Roof Dead Load to Truss Connection (Ib) FOL =2/3 WdlA 320
Net Load to Truss Connection (I b) FNet = Fup + FOL ~ ..350
Allowable Uplift For Simpson H2.5A Clip (Ib) SPF/Hem-Fir with 160% Increase """"","""i, 535
Maximum Wind Uplift Pressure (psf) Zone F For 11 O-mph & Wind Exposure C -17.7
Maximum Wind Uplift Load At Connection (I b) Fup = pA -565
Net Load to Truss Connection (Ib) FNet - Fup + FOL 11!i!IliU'D .) i,., '')~5
Allowable Uplift For Simpson H1 Clip (Ib) SPF/Hem-Fir with 160% Increase I"i, ",." 400
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